Form approved
OMB No. 0920-XXXX
Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX
Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site End-of-Program Survey
As your time as a public health law fellow winds down, we request that you complete a brief survey similar to the survey you completed before your fellowship to help us assess how participating in the fellowship impacts your organization. The survey asks a series of questions about your time in the fellowship, your skills, and your plans. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary.
The requested information is used for assessment and continuous quality improvement of CDC fellowship activities and services. CDC will securely treat data/information and will not disclose it unless otherwise compelled by law. All data will be used to evaluate and improve the Public Health Law Fellowship and will be reported only in the aggregate.
Participation in the survey is completely voluntary. If you would like to speak with someone regarding your responses, please reach out directly to the fellowship coordinators.
To complete this survey, please select the answer that applies to each question posed below. If it is possible to choose more than one answer, the question will have an instruction to select all that apply.
Text-To-Speech functionality is enabled. It is set to off but can be turned on when clicked. This will enable the text to be read out loud. You must have computer speakers turned on.
There is no time limit to complete the survey. All questions will be displayed on one page. You will see two options at the bottom of the page, “Save & Return Later” and “Submit,” indicating the end of the survey.
Before submitting your survey, you may save your progress and return later to complete the survey by selecting the “Save & Return Later” option at the bottom of the page. If you select “Save & Return Later,” you will be given a return code when leaving a survey. The return code is required to re-enter and finish the survey. We are not able to retrieve lost codes, so if you cannot find your code, you will need to restart the survey. Selecting “Save & Return Later” does not submit your answers.
To submit your answers, you must select “Submit.” Your survey responses will be submitted, and you will see a survey completion note thanking you for your submission. You will not be able to edit your responses once your survey is submitted.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Abigail Ferrell (
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 12 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Rd. NE, MS H21-8, Atlanta, GA 30329; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).
Please enter your fellow's start date _____________________
Please enter your fellow's end date ______________________
How long was the fellow placed with your host site?
Academic year
Calendar year
Other _________
Please select the option below that best reflects your opinion as to the number of months the fellow was placed with your organization.
The duration of the fellowship was just right
The duration of the fellowship was not enough time
The duration of the fellowship was too much time
Which of the below durations would you have preferred? If "other," please enter as the number of months.
Academic year
Calendar year
Other ___________
On average, how many hours per week did your fellow work?
Less than 15 hours per week
Between 15 and 19 hours per week
Between 20 and 29 hours per week
Between 30 and 39 hours per week
40 or more hours per week
Please select all the below statements that reflect your opinion about the number of hours per week that your fellow worked.
The number of hours per week was just right
The number of hours per week was not enough time
The number of hours per week was too much time
Which of the below time commitments would you have preferred?
Less than 15 hours per week
Between 15 and 19 hours per week
Between 20 and 29 hours per week
Between 30 and 39 hours per week
40 or more hours per week
You have indicated that both the duration of the fellowship and the number of hours per week the fellow worked were too short. Please select the option below that best reflects your preference.
I would prefer having the fellow work the same hours, but for a longer duration
I would prefer having the fellow work more hours, but for their original duration
I would prefer having the fellow increase both the number of hours per week and the duration
As a percent of the fellow's total time about how much time did your fellow spend in required training/curriculum activities?
Less than 10%
More than 30%
As compared to the total amount of hours my fellow worked, the amount of time my fellow spent on training was:
Just right
Too much time spent on training
Not enough time spent on training
Please select all the following that your fellow directly worked on:
Legal epidemiology
Legal research (not legal epidemiology)
Qualitative data collection
Qualitative data analysis
Quantitative data collection
Quantitative data analysis
Drafting legal language
Drafting scientific language
Other writing
Other ___________
Which of the following best reflects the current phase of your legal epidemiology project?
Background research and exploration
5-state survey
Developing a search string/strategy to collect laws
Collecting laws
Developing a coding scheme
Coding laws
Analyzing coded legal data
Drafting an analysis/manuscript/report based on findings
Other ___________
Which of the following platforms did you and your fellow use for your legal epidemiology project?
PHLIP (Public Health Law Information Portal)
Other ______
Which public health topics did your fellow have the opportunity to work on during their fellowship?
Health equity
Emergency preparedness and response
Environmental health
Maternal and child health
Coroner/medical examiner laws
Public health data systems
General legal counsel/clerkships
Other ___________
Which public health topics did your fellow actually work on during their fellowship?
Health equity
Emergency preparedness and response
Environmental health
Maternal and child health
Coroner/medical examiner laws
Public health data systems
General legal counsel/clerkships
Other ___________
You have indicated that your fellow worked on emergency preparedness and response. During the fellowship, did your fellow participate in a public health emergency response?
What was the public health emergency? ____________________________
How many months did your fellow participate in the response? ________________________________
What was your fellow's role in the response? Select all that apply.
Legal research and analysis
Legal epidemiology or policy surveillance
Administrative tasks (tasks that still relate to law but are not legal in nature, which might include, but are not limited to, drafting non-research related manuscripts or coordinating legal research team meetings)
Non-legal tasks (tasks that did not relate to law; these might be administrative or non-administrative, and might include, but are not limited to, research non-legal public health issues or coordinating non-legal projects)
Other (please specify) ______
Did your fellow express that they would have liked to work on an emergency response?
Why did your fellow not participate in an emergency response? Select all that apply.
No public health emergencies during the fellowship
The fellow was not offered the opportunity by organization site even though my organization does allow fellows to participate in emergency responses
My organization does not allow fellows to participate in emergency responses
Other (please specify) ___________
Your responses indicate that your fellow worked on health equity. Please describe your fellow's work related to reducing health disparities or improving health equity. ______________________________
On which public health topic did your fellow work on reducing health disparities or improving health equity? __________________________________
What type of work did your fellow do around this topic? Select all that apply.
Legal research and analysis
Legal epidemiology or policy surveillance
Administrative tasks (tasks that still relate to law but are not legal in nature, which might include, but are not limited to, drafting non-research related manuscripts or coordinating legal research team meetings)
Non-legal tasks (tasks that did not relate to law; these might be administrative or non-administrative, and might include, but are not limited to, research non-legal public health issues or coordinating non-legal projects)
Other (please specify) ______
Would you have liked your fellow to work on health disparities or health equity-related projects?
Why did your fellow not work on health disparities or health equity-related projects? Select all that apply.
My organization does not engage in this kind of work.
My fellow was not offered the opportunity by my organization even though my organization does allow fellows to participate in health equity work
My organization does not allow fellows to participate in health equity work
Other (please specify) ___________
When thinking about the overall fellowship experience, I am:
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
When thinking specifically about the fellow's work on my organization's projects, I am:
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Please explain why you were or were not satisfied with the fellow's work on your projects. __________________________________
Please select all of the following that you think would be a good choice for your fellow.
Pursue a JD
Pursue a PhD
Pursue a master's degree
Seek employment in a public health law/policy-related position
Seek employment in a public health position that is not law/policy
Seek employment in a legal position that is not
Seek employment in a field other than public health
Not sure
Other (please specify) ___________
I would encourage my fellow to pursue public health law/policy as a profession.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I intend to use legal epidemiology methods in my future work.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
My fellow contributed to the diversity of my organization. (Diversity can be broad and my include race/ethnicity, social background, ideology, etc.)
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Please explain how your fellow did or did not contribute to diversity at your organization.
My organization ensured that my fellow felt included.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I was able to provide ongoing and timely feedback to my fellow in addition to my regular job responsibilities.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I had a good working relationship with my fellow.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Did your fellow request an accommodation for a disability?
Prefer not to answer
Did your fellow receive an appropriate accommodation from your host site?
Prefer not to answer
Is there anything else you would like us to know related to disabilities or accommodations? __________________________________
25. For the following questions, please rate how much your fellow's skills in areas related to public health law/policy improved. Your answers to these questions will be used only to compare the fellowship cohort's collective ratings and will only be reported in the aggregate
Very strong |
Strong |
Moderate |
Weak |
Very weak |
I do not have knowledge of my fellow's skills in this area |
Describe basic public health law principles
Describe basic legal epidemiology concepts
Describe how law contributes to population health
Identify opportunities to include legal epidemiology in existing organizational activities
Identify opportunities to assess the potential impact of laws and policies on the social determinants of health
Identify opportunities to assess the potential impact of laws and policies on health equity
Identify the laws and policies applicable to a public health issue
Use relevant databases to track legal and policy information
Develop methods for collecting valid legal data
Apply a legal epidemiology coding system to collected laws and policies
Identify variations in laws and policies between jurisdictions over time
Identify data sources and analytical tools relevant to evaluate the health outcomes of laws and policies
Identify key findings of your data collection and analysis
Create audience-appropriate oral and visual presentations
Identify actionable next steps to improve health outcomes based on legal epidemiology data
Identify law-based tools available to public health agencies during a public health emergency
Describe a health department's legal authority to address public health problems and the limits on that authority
Identify law-based tools for improving health equity
Describe health equity issues relevant to a given public health topic
How confident are you in your fellow's ability to contribute to the public health law/policy field throughout their career?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Slightly confident
Not confident
How confident are you in your ability to conduct a legal epidemiology assessment?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Slightly confident
Not confident
How effective do you think public health law/policy are as tools to protect and promote public health?
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Slightly effective
Not effective
How effective do you think legal epidemiology methods are as tools to understand public health problems?
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Slightly effective
Not effective
Legal tools, legal actions, and policy can effectively improve health outcomes.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
As a result of hosting your fellow, would you advocate for a position to be created to continue the work, assuming funding was not a problem?
Do you intend to advocate to have a position created to continue your fellow's work?
Is there any other information you'd like to share about your experience with the fellowship? __________________________________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Gaines, Victoria (CDC/DDPHSIS/CSTLTS/OD) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-11-01 |