Form 0920 Instrument and Protocol Key Informant Interview - Princi

[NCIPC] Reporting of the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action Program

Att. 4b Key Informant Interview - Principal InvestigatorImplementor (KII)

Instrument and Protocol Key Informant Interview - Principal Investigators/Implementer

OMB: 0920-1425

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Attachment 4b. Instrument and Protocol Key Informant Interview - Principal Investigators/Implementer


Reporting Period:

Contact Person:

Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action Initiative-Wide Evaluation

Key Informant Interview Guide – PI/Implementer

To be conducted with each recipient’s PI who is also answering questions on implementation

Interviewer: Notetaker:

Name of Interviewee: Recipient:

Date of Interview: Start / Stop time: /


Thank you for talking with us today. My name is _[interviewer]_ and I am joined by my colleague _[notetaker]_ at CDC. As you know, we are conducting interviews with program implementers and PIs of the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action cooperative agreement to understand how recipient organizations are implementing prevention strategies and expanding efforts to prevent ACEs. Through this interview process, we hope to understand the quality and feasibility of your statewide implementation efforts and learn how your organization is working with internal and external partners to achieve desired outcomes.

For this interview, we would like you to reflect on your work from both the PI and program implementer perspective. The interview will last approximately one hour. During this time, we will cover a range of topics from program capacity, sustainability, partnerships, and progress towards outcomes. To ensure we can cover all of focus areas today, we may not be able to go in-depth for all questions. We will do our best to keep track of time and we look forward to speaking with you.

If at any point you feel uncomfortable answering a question, we can skip the question. You can withdraw from the interview at any point and you can ask us any questions during, before, or after the interview. Your participation will not affect, in any way, the status of your funding or relationship with CDC. We want your honest and candid response.

We will not link your name, role, or title to any specific responses in any reports developed from this project. We will summarize the information we collected in case evaluation profiles for each recipient as well as conduct a cross-site analysis to share lessons learned with all recipients and other practitioners wanting to do this work.

<<Insert name>> will be taking notes during the interview so that we accurately capture your views and experiences. All the information we collect from you will be kept secured and only the CDC team involved in the project will have access to identifiable information. We would also like to audio-record today’s interview to supplement our notes. The recording will be destroyed at the completion of the project.

Do I have your permission to record this interview? (Yes/No) [Facilitator should note the participant’s response]

[IF NO Thank participant and confirm that the interview will not be recorded.]

[IF YES Thank participant and confirm their verbal consent.]

Do you have any questions or concerns before we begin with the interview? [Pause for participant response.]

Okay. We are ready to begin, so I will turn on the recorder. <<BEGIN RECORDING>>


We’d like to begin by learning a little bit more about your role and responsibilities on Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action.

  1. What is your position within the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action team and what activities do you contribute to?

Collaboration and Partnership

Next, we would now like to ask questions related to collaboration and partnership between your state’s Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action program and other state-level and local-level groups. First, I’ll be asking about partnerships.

  1. How are partners identified for Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action in your state?

  1. What has been the most effective way to engage partners for the primary prevention of ACEs?

    1. PROBE: Do you have an example of engaging a new partner in Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action activities?

  1. What new partners have become involved in ACE prevention since the initiation of the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action funding?

  1. Which partners would you like to engage but have not yet done so? Why have you not been able to engage these partners?

Now I’m going to ask about collaboration taking place to support Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action activities across the three focus areas of surveillance, prevention strategies, and data to action. First, let’s start with surveillance.

  1. How do Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action partners work together on surveillance activities?

    1. What has challenged surveillance collaboration?

    2. What has facilitated success?

  1. How do Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action partners work together on prevention activities?

    1. What has challenged collaboration?

    2. What has facilitated success?

  1. How do Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action partners work together on data to action activities?

    1. What has challenged collaboration?

    2. What has facilitated success?

  1. How are local-level activities aligned with state-level ACEs primary prevention?


We would now like to ask questions related to the implementation of Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action prevention strategies in your state. During this interview, we will use the term “strategies,” broadly to refer to both the core strategies (i.e., strengthening economic supports, changing social norms, and ensure a strong start for children) and the approaches implemented as part of these strategies (e.g., family-friendly work policies, , public engagement and education campaigns, and early childhood home visitation, etc.). Your implementation plan indicates that you are implementing A, B, C. In your response, please speak to each of these prevention strategies.

  1. How are you implementing each of your prevention strategies? (i.e., what does it take to implement strategy A?)

    1. PROBE: What are the major components of the prevention strategy?

    2. Note: follow up to ensure interview participant addresses all the prevention strategies being implemented.

What has facilitated prevention strategy implementation?

    1. PROBE: What aspects of implementing [other prevention strategy] have been most successful?

  1. What barriers have you encountered during the implementation of prevention strategies?

    1. PROBE: To what extent and how have you been able overcome them?

    2. PROBE: What modifications (if any) has your Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action program made to the implementation of prevention strategies away from the original implementation plan?


We would now like to transition to discuss the reach of the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action program in your state.

  1. What is your population of focus and how did you determine this focus?

    1. PROBE: What progress have you made reaching this population?

    2. PROBE: Are you reaching other populations not described in your implementation plan? If so, what population?

State-Level Activities

The next section covers state-level Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action planning and evaluation at the state-level.

  1. How has the State Action Plan (SAP) been enhanced to emphasize primary prevention of ACEs?

PROBES (optional):

  1. How is your agency building upon existing efforts to address ACEs?

  2. How has the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action cooperative agreement helped leverage and/or coordinate ACEs prevention across your state?

  3. What changes have been made or do you plan to make to improve use, access, and sharing of data?

  1. How have monitoring and evaluation of state-wide activities been used to inform implementation and quality improvement?


Next, we would like to ask about your capacity as a program implementing Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action in your state to carry out activities. We will ask about both your organization’s implementation capacity as well as the capacity of your implementation partners. The first question is:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being extremely high, how would you rate your organization’s capacity to implement Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action prevention strategies? Please explain your rating.

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being extremely high, how would you rate the Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action partners’ capacity to implement ACE prevention strategies? Please explain your rating.

Progress Toward Outcomes

We would like to know more about the progress your state has made towards the intended outcomes for Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action. Please provide specific examples when possible.

  1. Think about the progress your Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action program has made toward intended program outcomes for ACE surveillance, prevention strategy, and data to action activities. Can you share any success stories that reflect the efforts you have made toward achieving program outcomes?


Now we would like to ask about your program’s long-term planning for continued activities and impact.

  1. How are you working to ensure the sustainability of your Essentials for Childhood (EfC): Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action work after the end of this cooperative agreement?

Technical Assistance

We would now like to discuss the types of trainings and technical assistance you find to be most beneficial.

  1. What TA support from CDC & the agency’s partners (such as VPTAC) has been most useful to you?

  1. How can TA support from CDC & the agency’s partners (such as VPTAC) be improved?


This concludes our prepared questions. Is there anything else you would like to add about implementation or planning that hasn’t been discussed yet?

This concludes our interview. Thank you so much for this interview and for your willingness to speak with us!

We value your time and we really appreciate your input today. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCase, Haley (CDC/DDNID/NCIPC/DVP)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-11-05

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