0920-1198 Cyclosporiasis National Hypothesis Generating Questionna

[CGH] Use of the Cyclosporiasis National Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire (CNHGQ) During Investigations of Foodborne Disease Clusters and Outbreaks

Attachment E. CNHGQ 2021_fillable

OMB: 0920-1198

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v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID# (Required)______________
Cyclosporiasis National Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire
Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-1198
Exp. Date 09/30/2026

General information (Questions to be completed by interviewer before the questionnaire is administered.)
1. Classify case based on CDC case definition (Required):  Confirmed  Probable
Laboratory information:
2. Date(s) stool collected for Cyclospora testing (MM/DD/YYYY): ___________________ __________________
3. Test results:  Positive

 Negative

 Indeterminate

 Pending

4. Specify type of testing laboratories and testing method(s) (Check all that apply including confirmatory testing):

GI PCR Panel


(e.g., microscopy,
stained smears)

Clinical lab
Commercial lab
State lab
CDC lab


(e.g., BioFire

(i.e., standalone
PCR test, not part
of a panel)

Other test type




5. Was the patient co-infected with another intestinal pathogen?

 Yes  No

5a. If YES, please specify name of lab-confirmed coinfection:___________________________________
Interviewer information:
6. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Agency or organization: ______________________________________________________________________
8. Contact phone number: ______________________________________________________________________
9. Date of interview: _____ / _____ / _____



10. Before this interview, how many times has the case-patient been interviewed about his/her illness?
 None
 Once
 Twice
 Three or more times
 Unknown
11. Respondent for the current interview was:
 Self
 Parent
 Spouse
 Other, specify: _______________________________
For HD use only:  Check if case was lost to follow up
If case was lost to follow up, was information extracted from the medical record?

 Yes  No

Public reporting of this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency many not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a current valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia
30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1198)


v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

Begin Interview:
Hello, my name is [state interviewer name]. I am from [INTERVIEWER HEALTH DEPARTMENT]. We are
contacting you because of your (your child’s) recent infection with Cyclospora, which is a parasite that
causes intestinal illness. We are trying to determine how people become infected with Cyclospora so we
can prevent others from getting sick.
You may have already been contacted by someone at the health department, but I would like to ask you
questions in a standard way about your (your child’s) illness, and about any travel you may have had or
foods you may have eaten before becoming ill. The interview could take between 25-45 minutes. Your help in
the investigation is very important. Your participation is voluntary, and you may refuse to answer any
question at any time. All information you give will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.
No individual names or other identifying information will be used in any official reports about the
results of the investigation.
Are you willing to participate in this investigation?
If yes: The questions relate to the 14-day period before you (your child) became ill. Therefore, it may
help to have a calendar, recent restaurant and grocery store receipts, or credit card statements nearby.
Do you need a few moments to get this information? [Then proceed to start of interview]
If no: Thank you for your time.
Section 1: Demographic Data
I’d like to begin by asking a few demographic questions.
1. State: _________
2. County: ___________________________
3. Zip Code: ________________
4. Date of birth (MM/YYYY): _____ / __________ 5. Age: __________(years)
6. Sex:  Male  Female
7. Do you consider yourself of Hispanic or Latino origin?
 Yes
 No
 Unknown
8. How would you describe your race? (Select all that apply)
 White
 American Indian/Alaskan Native
 Black/African American
 Asian
 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
 Unknown
 Other, specify:


v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

Section 2: Clinical Information
Now I have some questions about your (your child’s) illness.
9. What date did you (your child) first feel sick? _____ / _____ / _____

 Approximate Date  Unknown

10. Have you (your child) had any of the following symptoms?











a. Diarrhea (loose, watery stools you do not normally have)?
a. Date diarrhea started: _____________________
b. Date diarrhea stopped: ____________________  Ongoing
b. Weight loss?
c. Fever?
d. Fatigue?
e. Anorexia? (i.e., loss of appetite)
f. Nausea?
g. Vomiting?
h. Abdominal cramps?
11. Have your (your child’s) symptoms stopped?
a. If yes, date symptoms stopped: ______________________
 Unknown

12. Were you (your child) hospitalized overnight?  Yes  No
12a. How many nights were you (your child) hospitalized? _____________________
12b. Admission date (MM/DD/YYYY): ________________________
12c. Hospital name (optional): __________________________________
Section 3: Travel, events, and ill contacts
Now I have some questions about any travel you (your child) might have had or events you (your child) might
have attended during the 14 days before onset of illness. The travel or events could have been part of your
work or for pleasure. I also have some questions about other persons you know who have been sick with a
similar illness.
13. Did you (your child) travel to another state or country during the 14 days before onset of illness?
 Yes, traveled (continue to Question 14)  No, did not travel, or

Unknown (skip to Question 17)

14. *(Optional – for local analysis) List counties in your home state (outside your county of residence) where
you (your child) might have purchased or eaten fresh foods during the 14 days before onset of illness.
 Did not travel to other counties within home state
Counties within home

 Unknown

Date departed Date returned Foods eaten


v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

15. List all states and U.S. cities outside of your home state where you (your child) might have purchased or
eaten fresh foods during the 14 days before onset of illness. This includes airports and bus or train stations.
 Did not travel to other U.S. states
U.S. States

U.S. Cities

 Unknown

Date departed Date returned Foods eaten

16. List all countries and cities outside the U.S. where you (your child) might have purchased or eaten fresh
foods during the 14 days before onset of illness.
 Did not travel outside the U.S.
Countries outside the

outside U.S.

 Unknown

Date departed Date returned Foods eaten

*Note to Interviewer: To help determine if the interviewee meets the case definition, did the interviewee
report international travel outside the U.S. or Canada during the 14 days before onset of illness?
If yes, thank the interviewee for his/her time and end the interview.
If no, continue with interview at Question 17.
17. During the 14 days before onset of illness, did you (your child) attend any events where fresh food was
served (e.g., parties, fairs, concerts, tournaments, conventions)?
 Yes

 Maybe

 No

 Unknown

17a. Please list the name of the event(s), date(s), and location(s).
Event (e.g., wedding, fairs, Date attended event
Location of event (City,
concerts, etc)

Foods eaten

18. Do you know of any other person(s) (e.g., a family member, friend, travel companion, co-worker, neighbor,
church/temple/mosque member, health club, or other club member) who has been sick recently with a similar
 Yes
 Maybe
 No
 Unknown
18a. If yes/maybe, please specify if you (your child) and the other ill person(s):
 Live in the same household
 Attended same event
 Traveled together
 Other, specify: ______________________________________________________________________
18b. If yes/maybe, please provide information about the other ill person(s), including number of ill persons and
relationship to you (e.g., son, mother, neighbor, friend, etc.). *Please include the STATE ID of the ill contact(s), if
available/applicable. Do not enter names or other personally identifiable information.

v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

Section 4: Sources of produce at home
Now I have some questions about where the fresh produce came from that you ate at home during the 14
days before your illness began. This isn't necessarily where you shopped during that 14-day period, but where
what you actually ate during that time came from. I'm going to list several types of stores; for each type,
please tell me the names of each store from which you would have eaten food from during the 14 days before
you became sick. Please refer to your grocery store receipts, grocery order invoices, or credit card statements
to provide a more detailed description.
19. Did you (your child) eat fresh produce from: grocery stores or supermarkets, warehouse stores, small
markets (such as gas stations), ethnic specialty markets, health food stores, co-ops, farmer's markets or food
directly from a farm, home delivery grocery services (e.g., CSA, Amazon Fresh, Instacart), meal delivery services
(e.g., Blue Apron, Meals on Wheels), or any other sources?





Date shopped
or range

Foods purchased

card #

*Many stores use a customer’s phone number as their shopper card number. If your phone number is your
shopper card number, may we use your phone number to look up purchase histories at the stores you’ve listed?
 Yes  No
*By giving your shopper card number, you are permitting retrieval of information regarding your purchases. This
information may be shared with other public health officials to help with outbreak investigations.
 Refused to give shopper card # or permission to use phone number to look up purchase history.
Additional comments about grocery store purchases:


v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

Section 5: Sources of produce outside the home
Now I have some questions about where you ate produce outside your home, such as at restaurants or fastfood chains during the 14 days before your illness began. I'm going to list several types of restaurants and
commercial food establishments; for each type, please tell me the names of each place. Please refer to your
restaurant receipts or credit card statements to provide a more detailed description.
20. Did you (your child) eat foods from: national fast-food chains, Mexican-style, Italian,
Jamaican/Cuban/Caribbean, Chinese/Indian/Japanese/Asian, Middle Eastern/Arabic/Lebanese/African,
vegetarian or vegan, barbecue or home-style, steakhouse or grill, seafood, all-you-can-eat buffet, sandwich shop
or deli, diner, salad bar, take-out, breakfast or brunch, school or institution, food truck, restaurants at airports or
other restaurants or commercial food establishments?





Meal date
or range

Foods eaten

Additional comments about restaurant meals:
Questions to be completed by interviewer:
Is the case associated with a cluster?

 Yes  No  Unknown

If yes, what is the cluster name? _____________________________________________________


v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

Section 6: Fresh herbs
Now I have some questions about fresh herbs (not canned, cooked, frozen, or dried) that you (your child) may
have eaten during the 14 days before your illness began. You could have eaten these herbs either in your
home or away from home. I am only interested in fresh herbs that were not grown at home. Please remember
that fresh herbs are often served as garnishes on drinks, entrees, desserts, or as part of a dish such as pesto,
salsa, or a sauce. As I mention each food item, please answer yes, maybe, no, or don’t know as to whether
you remember having eaten the food during the 14 days before you became ill.

Maybe No













Did you (your child) eat:
21. Fresh basil?
a. Type(s):  Sweet basil  Purple basil (i.e., purple leaves and stems)
 Thai basil (i.e., green leaves and purple stems
 Other, specify: _________________________________________
b. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
c. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
22. Fresh cilantro?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
23. Fresh parsley?
24. Fresh oregano?
25. Fresh thyme?
26. Fresh mint?
27. Fresh dill?
28. Fresh sage?
29. Fresh rosemary?
30. Other fresh herbs?
a. Type(s):______________________________________  Unknown

Additional comments about fresh herbs: __________________________________________________________


v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

Section 7: Fresh berries and fruit
Now I have some questions about fresh berries and other fruit (not canned, cooked, frozen, or dried) that you
(your child) may have eaten during the 14 days before your illness began. You could have eaten this fruit
either in your home or away from home. I am only interested in fresh fruits that were not grown at home.
Please remember that fruit and berries are often used in smoothies or as garnishes on top of or on the sides
of salads and in desserts.
Maybe No
Did you (your child) eat:
31. Fresh red raspberries?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
32. Fresh blackberries?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
33. Fresh strawberries?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
34. Fresh blueberries?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
35. Other fresh berries
a. Types:  Black raspberries  Golden raspberries  Boysenberries
Other type(s): _______________________________________
 Unknown
36. Apples?
37. Grapes?
38. Pears?
39. Peaches?
40. Nectarines?

v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________













41. Plums?
42. Oranges?
43. Tangerines or clementines? (e.g., “Cuties”)
44. Grapefruit?
45. Fresh lemon or lime? This could include a garnish on a drink.
46. Cherries?
47. Cantaloupe?
48. Honeydew melon?
49. Watermelon?
50. Precut melon or melon salad? (e.g., premade, in a container) This
could also include melon in a fruit cup or fruit salad.
51. Other melon?
52. Pineapple?
53. Mango?
54. Other fruit?
a. Types:  Bananas  Kiwi  Papaya  Guava  Pomegranate
 Coconut (whole or shredded)
Other, specify: ____________________________________________

Additional comments about fresh fruit: ___________________________________________________________
Section 8: Leafy greens (e.g., iceberg, romaine, mesclun, cabbage, spinach)
Now I have some questions about leafy greens (not canned, cooked, or frozen) that you (your child) may have
eaten during the 14 days before your illness began. You could have eaten these leafy greens either in your
home or away from home. I am only interested in leafy greens that were not grown at home. Please
remember to include greens you might have eaten on sandwiches or burgers or as a garnish.








Did you (your child) eat:
55. Bagged salad kits (e.g., bagged leafy greens with dressing or other
toppings like nuts, seeds, croutons, or cheese that need to be mixed in)?
a. What were the:
Ingredients (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, etc.): ______________________
Brand(s): __________________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): __________________________
*If multiple types of bagged salad kits are reported, please enter the additional
types in the “Additional comments about leafy greens” section below.





56. Pre-made, single serving salads (e.g., ready to eat salads with
toppings, meats, and dressing, in a hard plastic container)?
*These are “grab-and-go” type items that you might find in the deli
section of a grocery store.
a. What were the:
Ingredients (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, etc.): ______________________
Brand(s): __________________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): __________________________

*If multiple types of pre-made single serving salads are reported, please enter the
additional types in the “Additional comments about leafy greens” section below.





57. Iceberg lettuce?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Type(s):  Prepackaged, precut/shredded in a bag

v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

















 Head/Loose (not prepackaged)  Topping/Garnish
 Part of a pre-made salad or bagged salad kit  Unknown
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
58. Romaine lettuce?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Type(s):  Prepackaged, precut/shredded in a bag
 Head (prepackaged, in a bag)  Head/Loose (not prepackaged)
 Topping/Garnish  Part of a pre-made salad or bagged salad kit
 Unknown
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
59. Mesclun lettuce (e.g., spring mix, field greens, baby greens)?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Type(s):  Prepackaged in a hard plastic container
 Prepackaged in a bag  Head/Loose (not prepackaged)
 Topping/Garnish  Part of a pre-made salad or bagged salad kit
 Unknown
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
60. Butter lettuce (also called Boston or Bibb lettuce)?
a. Type(s):  Red  Green  Mixed
b. Packaging:
 Prepackaged in a bag  Prepackaged in a hard plastic container
 Head/loose (not prepackaged)  Part of a pre-made salad or bagged
salad kit
c. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
d. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
61. Fresh cabbage?
a. Type(s):  Red, head/loose (not prepackaged)  Green, head/loose
(not prepackaged)  Precut/shredded, prepackaged in a bag (e.g.,
coleslaw mix)  Part of a pre-made salad or bagged salad kit

v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

 Savoy (aka curly)  Napa  Bok choy  Brussel sprouts
 Other, specify: _______________
b. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
c. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
62. Fresh spinach?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Type(s):  Prepackaged, in a bag
 Prepackaged, in a hard plastic container
 Head/Loose (not prepackaged)  Topping/Garnish
 Part of a pre-made salad or bagged salad kit  Unknown
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
63. Other lettuce or leafy greens?
a. Type(s):  Arugula  Endive  Mustard greens  Radicchio
 Kale  Other, specify: ___________________________________
64. Other prepackaged salad mix (not previously identified)?
a. What were the:
Ingredients (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, etc.): ______________________
Brand(s): __________________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): __________________________
Additional comments about leafy greens:
Section 9: Other fresh vegetables
Now I have some questions about fresh vegetables (not canned, cooked, or frozen) that you (your child) may
have eaten during the 14 days before your illness began. You could have eaten these vegetables either in your
home or away from home. I am only interested in vegetables that were not grown at home. Please include
vegetables that were eaten alone or as part of a dish.
Maybe No
Did you (your child) eat:
65. Cucumbers?
66. Raw, uncooked zucchini?
67. Raw, uncooked squash? (e.g., yellow squash)
68. Raw, uncooked bell peppers?
a. Type(s):  Red  Green  Orange  Yellow  Unknown
69. Hot peppers or chili peppers (e.g., jalapenos or serrano peppers)?
70. Celery?
71. Raw carrots?

v. 3.4 (September 2021)

State/NNDSS ID#______________

























a. Type(s):  “Mini” or “baby” carrots
 Other, specify:________________________
72. Other raw, uncooked root vegetables?
a. Type(s):  Radishes  Beets  Turnips  Unknown
 Other, specify: ___________________________________________
73. Fresh, raw peas? (May be shelled or in the pod)
a. Type(s):  Garden peas  Snow peas (i.e. flat, shiny pods containing
peas)  Sugar snap peas (i.e. plump, crisp, edible pods)  Unknown
 Other, specify: ___________________________________________
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
74. Broccoli?
75. Cauliflower?
76. Sprouts?
77. Raw, uncooked onions?
a. Type(s):  White  Yellow  Red/Purple  Green onion/scallion
 Unknown
 Other, specify: ___________________________________________
78. Fresh tomatoes?
a. Type(s):  Red round  Roma (oval-shaped)  Grape/Cherry (bitesized)  Unknown  Other, specify: ____________________________
79. Fresh made salsa or pico de gallo (i.e., not from a vacuum-sealed jar)?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)
80. Fresh made guacamole (i.e., not from a vacuum-sealed jar)?
a. If eaten at home, what was the:
Brand(s): ______________________________________________
Place(s) purchased (names, locations): ______________________
 Not applicable (did not eat at home)
b. If eaten outside the home:
List the name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s): _______________
 Not applicable (did not eat outside the home)

Additional comments, including other types of fresh vegetables: _______________________________________
This completes the interview. Thank you very much for your time. Depending on what we find when we put
these interviews together, we may need to talk to you again about a few details. Would you like to provide any
additional thoughts about anything we’ve discussed or about this outbreak investigation?

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorStraily, Anne (CDC/DDPHSIS/CGH/DPDM)
File Modified2023-08-30
File Created2022-02-09

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