2 Awardee Survey about the Technical Assistance Center

Evaluation of Programs Supporting the Mental Health of the Health Professions Workforce

2. Awardee Survey about the TAC_6.5.23

OMB: 0915-0396

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Attachment 2

Evaluation of Programs Supporting the Mental Health of the Health Professions Workforce

Awardee Survey about the TAC

Awardee Survey about the TAC


The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the training and technical assistance (TTA) that your organization received from the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC). We would like you to answer these questions about your team’s collective experience with the WCC, to the best of your ability. You may wish to engage key staff members in answering these items as needed, to ensure that the responses represent the <grant title> program’s experience as a whole.

Please know that the responses to this survey will be kept secure. The names of individuals or awardee sites will not be included in any reports or data files, and survey responses will be shared only with HRSA. Only high-level, summary findings, aggregated across awardees, will be provided to WCC. If you have questions about the project, please call NORC at [NUMBER]. If you have questions about your rights as a participant, you may call the NORC Institutional Review Board Manager toll-free at 1-866-309-0542.

By completing any of the survey questions, you are providing consent to participate in this survey component of our evaluation and responding on behalf of your awardee team.


Public Burden Statement: The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate federal programs designed to support the mental health and resiliency of the healthcare and public safety workforce. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0915-XXXX and is valid until MM/DD/20XX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average xx hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N136B, Rockville, Maryland, 20857 or paperwork@hrsa.gov.



Introduction (Screen 2):

Your program has been identified to receive this survey as a participant in the [Health and Public Safety Workforce Resilience Training Program (HPSWRTP) OR Promoting Resilience and Mental Health Among Health Professional Workforce (PRMHW)] funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The purpose of the survey is to assess the trainings, technical assistance activities, and support resources provided by the Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Technical Assistance Center at George Washington University, referred to as the ‘Workplace Change Collaborative’ (WCC). This survey aims to collect information from awardees who participated in WCC-sponsored trainings and technical assistance activities designed to support organizations in implementing grant-funded initiatives to promote workforce resiliency, reduce burnout, and transform organizational culture.

NORC is conducting this survey as an independent contractor for HSRA. The NORC project team and HRSA will have access to the survey data which will be used for evaluation purposes only. We will only present aggregated data in survey reports and will never report awardee-level evaluation data to the Workplace Change Collaborative.

Instructions (Screen 3):

The questionnaire will focus on training and technical assistance provided by the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) to support your work as part of the <grant title> (hereto referred to as ‘program’). Items ask about your program’s experience with various support services provided by the WCC, including but not limited to training and technical assistance. In your responses, please consider the experiences of your program and staff overall and in the respective activities referred to in the survey items. If possible, please engage key staff members in answering these items as a team, so that the answers reflect your grant team’s experience. Staff members you may consider engaging include, but are not limited to, the Program Directors, Program Managers, Program Implementation staff, and administrative leadership.

SECTION 1: Overall Experience with Training and Technical Assistance Activities

[INTRO TEXT]: This next set of questions will ask you to think about your program’s overall satisfaction and experience with the training and technical assistance (TTA) you received from the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC). Please think about your program’s main goals related to promoting workforce resiliency, reducing burnout, and creating organizational change, as well as additional key outcomes identified in your grant application (i.e., [autopopulate from awardee training and services form]).

  1. Overall, how helpful was the training and technical assistance provided by the Workplace Change Collaborative in providing your team with tools, strategies, and resources to achieve these goals?

  • Very Helpful

  • Helpful

  • Somewhat Helpful

  • Not at all Helpful

  1. [TEXT BOX] We understand that your goals, outcomes, and the training and technical assistance (TTA) available involve complex topics and likely have many components, making it difficult to provide one overall rating of satisfaction. If you would like to provide any context to your answer above, please feel free to do so here.

[INTRO TEXT] As you answer questions 2 and 3, please think about the training and technical assistance (TTA) activities and resources your program received from the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC). Please provide an overall rating for each type of training and technical assistance (TTA).

  1. To what extent were the training and technical assistance activities responsive to the different cultures, languages, and abilities of the people you serve?

  • Fully responsive

  • Mostly responsive

  • Somewhat responsive

  • Little to no responsiveness

  1. Overall, did the Workplace Change Collaborative help you increase your organization’s capacity to address needs in rural areas? By rural community, we mean a county with fewer than 50,000 people.

  • Yes [à Please answer #5]

  • No [-à skip to #6]

  1. How helpful were each of the following training and technical assistance activities in increasing your organization’s capacity to address needs in rural areas?

    Very Helpful


    Somewhat Helpful

    Not at All Helpful

    Did not participate or utilize resource

    2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

    Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

    Monthly Coaching Calls (Virtual)

    Inventory of measurement tools, curricula and programs

    WCC Change Package

  2. Overall, did the Workplace Change Collaborative help you increase your organization’s capacity to address needs in medically underserved communities?

  • Yes [-à Please answer #7]

  • No [-à skip to #8]

  1. How helpful were each of the following training and technical assistance activities in increasing your organization’s capacity to address needs in medically underserved communities? Examples of medically underserved communities include individuals who face economic, cultural, or language barriers to health care. For example, people who are experiencing homelessness, people who are low-income, people who are eligible for Medicaid, Native Americans, migrant farm workers.

    Very Helpful


    Somewhat Helpful

    Not at All Helpful

    Did not participate or utilize resource

    2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

    Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

    Monthly Coaching Calls (Virtual)

    Inventory of measurement tools, curricula and programs

    WCC Change Package

  2. Overall, did the Workplace Change Collaborative help your program overcome challenges that arose related to executing grant activities?

  • Yes [à Please answer #9]

  • No [à skip to #10]

  1. How helpful were each of the following training and technical assistance activities in supporting your team in overcoming challenges that arose related to executing grant activities?

    Very Helpful


    Somewhat Helpful

    Not at All Helpful

    Did not participate or utilize resource

    2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

    Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

    Monthly Coaching Calls (Virtual)

  2. Overall, did the Workplace Change Collaborative help your program connect with ongoing and emerging national efforts to address workforce well-being?

  • Yes [à Please answer #11]

  • No [à skip to #12]

  1. How helpful were each of following training and technical assistance activities in connecting with ongoing and emerging national efforts to address workforce well-being?

    Very Helpful


    Somewhat Helpful

    Not at All Helpful

    Did not participate or utilize resource

    National Framework for Burnout and Moral Injury in the Health and Public Safety Workforce

    2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

  2. Overall, did the Workplace Change Collaborative help your program strengthen relationships and connections with other awardee organizations.

  • Yes [à Please answer #13]

  • No [à skip to #14]

  1. How helpful were each of the following training and technical assistance activities in helping your program strengthen relationships and connections with other awardee organizations?

    Very Helpful


    Somewhat Helpful

    Not at All Helpful

    Did not participate or utilize resource

    Learning sessions (Virtual and In-Person)

    Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

    WCC online community (i.e., awardee website)

  2. Overall, did the Workplace Change Collaborative increase your organization’s capacity to promote workforce mental and behavioral health, including suicide prevention?

  • Yes [à Please answer #15]

  • No [à skip to next section]

  1. How helpful were each of the following training and technical assistance activities in increasing your organization’s capacity to promote workforce mental and behavioral health, including suicide prevention?

Very Helpful


Somewhat Helpful

Not at All Helpful

Did not participate or utilize resource

2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

Monthly Coaching Calls (Virtual)

Inventory of measurement tools, curricula and programs

WCC Change Package

SECTION 2: Perceived Effectiveness of Training and Technical Assistance to Meet Specific Goals

[INTRO TEXT]: This next set of questions will ask you to think about how effective the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) training and technical assistance (TTA) activities were for your program in specific areas relevant to the grant.

First, we’ll ask about the impact of the training and technical assistance activities on your ability to promote health workforce resiliency and reduce burnout. Please think about the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) trainings and technical assistance (TTA) activities that your program has participated in.

[For items #16 - #20 we will ask HPSWRTP awardees about promoting health workforce resiliency/reducing burnout and we will ask the PRMHW programs about creating organizational change]

  1. Overall, how would you characterize the impact that training and technical assistance activities and resources have had on your ability to implement your grant activities to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [HPSWRTP] create organizational change to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [PRMHW]?

  • Meaningful impact

  • Some impact

  • Very little impact

  • No impact

  • Don’t Know

  1. How effective was each of the following training or technical assistance activities in supporting your grant program in promoting health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [HPSWRTP] creating organizational change to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [PRMHW]?

    Very effective


    Somewhat effective

    Not at all effective

    Did not participate or utilize resource

    2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

    Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

    Monthly Coaching Calls (Virtual)

    Inventory of measurement tools, curricula and programs

    WCC Change Package

  2. Please choose one training or technical assistance activity that you think has been the most effective in promoting health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [HPSWRTP] creating organizational change to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [PRMHW]. You may choose training or technical assistance received by a group of your staff or a single individual.

Select one: <autopopulate activities endorsed in #17 as very effective or effective>

  1. Please select the top 3 reasons why you found <autopopulate TTA selected above> effective in promoting health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [HPSWRTP] creating organizational change to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [PRMHW].

  • Well-executed

  • Addressed a particular challenge we had

  • Was at the right level for our staff

  • Had concrete steps we could implement

  • Was something we are committed to

  • Had a champion in the program to help us implement

  • Had the necessary resources to implement (e.g., dedicated staff time)

  • Allowed for many people to get trained

  • Modality was convenient

  • Other (please specify): _______

  • Don’t Know

  1. Please choose one training or technical assistance activity from the list below that you think has been least effective in promoting health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [HPSWRTP] creating organizational change to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [PRMHW].

Select one: <autopopulate activities endorsed in #17 as somewhat or not at all effective>

  1. Please select the top 3 reasons that <autopopulate TTA selected above> were not effective in promoting health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [HPSWRTP] creating organizational change to promote health workforce resiliency/reduce burnout [PRMHW].

  • Training and technical assistance addressed an issue we don’t have

  • Our program is not ready to implement the ideas or actions from the training and technical assistance

  • Our program had already been implementing the ideas or actions from the training and technical assistance

  • It was difficult to identify concrete next steps to implement

  • We did not have the resources to implement (e.g., dedicated staff time)

  • The topic was not a high priority for the program

  • We did not have a champion to implement

  • Staff had competing demands on their time

  • Modality was not convenient

  • Other (please specify): _______

  • Don’t Know

Next, we’ll ask about the impact of the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) training and technical assistance (TTA) activities on facilitating the exchange of information among awardee organizations.

  1. Overall, how would you characterize the impact that Workplace Change Collaborative activities and resources have had on facilitating the exchange of best practices and lessons learned across awardees to promote workforce health and reduce burnout?

  • High impact

  • Some impact

  • Very little impact

  • No impact

  • Don’t Know

  1. How effective was each of the following trainings and technical assistance activities in facilitating the exchange of best practices and lessons learned across awardees to promote workforce health and reduce burnout?

Very effective


Somewhat effective

Not at all effective

Did not participate or utilize resource

2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

WCC online community (i.e., awardee website)

[INTRO TEXT] Please think about the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) trainings and technical assistance (TTA) activities that your program has experienced.

  1. Please choose one training or technical assistance activity that you think has been the most effective in facilitating the exchange of best practices and lessons learned. You may choose training or technical assistance received by a group of your staff or a single individual.

Select one: <autopopulate activities endorsed in #23 as very effective or effective>

  1. Please select the top 3 reasons you found <autopopulate TTA selected above> effective in facilitating the exchange of best practices and lessons learned.

  • Well-executed

  • Addressed a particular challenge we had

  • Was at the right level for our staff

  • Had concrete steps we could implement

  • Was something we are committed to

  • Had a champion in the program to help us implement

  • Had the necessary resources to implement (e.g., dedicated staff time)

  • Allowed for many people to get trained

  • Modality was convenient

  • Other (please specify): _______

  • Don’t Know

  1. Please choose one training or technical assistance activity from the list below that you think has been least effective in facilitating the exchange of best practices and lessons learned.

Select one: <autopopulate activities endorsed in #23 as somewhat or not at all effective>

  1. Please select the top 3 reasons that <autopopulate TTA selected above> was not effective in facilitating the exchange of best practices and lessons learned.

  • Training and technical assistance addressed an issue we don’t have

  • Our program is not ready to implement the ideas or actions from the training and technical assistance

  • Our program had already been implementing the ideas or actions from the training and technical assistance

  • It was difficult to identify concrete next steps to implement

  • We did not have the resources to implement (e.g., dedicated staff time)

  • The topic was not a high priority for the program

  • We did not have a champion to implement

  • Modality was not convenient

  • Other (please specify): _______

  • Don’t Know

[INTRO TEXT]: Now, we’ll ask about the impact of the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) training and technical assistance (TTA) activities on improving your team’s knowledge and skills necessary to implement grant activities.

  1. Thinking about the training and technical assistance services and resources provided by the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) for your program, how much did these increase your team’s knowledge of best practices for successful program implementation?

  • Not at all

  • Not very much

  • Somewhat

  • Very much

  • Don’t Know

  1. How much did these services and resources help increase your team’s skills to implement your program?

  • Not at all

  • Not very much

  • Somewhat

  • Very much

  • Don’t Know

  1. How effective was each of the following training and technical assistance activities in preparing your leadership, administrators, and staff to address workforce burnout prevention and treatment services?

Very effective


Somewhat effective

Not at all effective

Did not participate or utilize resource

2-day Learning Sessions, including plenary speakers

Workplace Change Collaborative Learning System Monthly Calls (Virtual)

Monthly Coaching Calls (Virtual)

Inventory of measurement tools, curricula and programs

WCC online community (i.e., awardee website)

[INTRO TEXT] Please think about the Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC) trainings and technical assistance (TTA) activities that your program has experienced.

  1. Please choose one training or technical assistance activity that you think has been the most effective in preparing your leadership, administrators, and staff to address workforce burnout prevention and treatment services. You may choose training or technical assistance received by a group of your staff or a single individual.

Select one: <autopopulate activities endorsed in #30 as very effective or effective>

  1. Please select the top 3 reasons why you found <autopopulate TTA selected above> effective in preparing your leadership, administrators, and staff to address workforce burnout prevention and treatment services.

  • Well-executed

  • Addressed a particular challenge we had

  • Was at the right level for our staff

  • Had concrete steps we could implement

  • Was something we are committed to

  • Had a champion in the program to help us implement

  • Had the necessary resources to implement (e.g., dedicated staff time)

  • Allowed for many people to get trained

  • Modality was convenient

  • Other (please specify): _______

  • Don’t Know

  1. Please choose one training or technical assistance activity from the list below that you think has been least effective in preparing your leadership, administrators, and staff to address workforce burnout prevention and treatment services.

Select one: <autopopulate activities endorsed in #30 as somewhat or not at all effective>

  1. Please select the top 3 reasons why <autopopulate TTA selected above> was not effective in preparing your leadership, administrators, and staff to address workforce burnout prevention and treatment services.

  • The training and technical assistance addressed an issue we don’t have

  • Our program is not ready to implement the ideas or actions from the training and technical assistance Our program had already been implementing the ideas or actions from the training and technical assistance It was difficult to identify concrete next steps to implement

  • We did not have the resources to implement (e.g., dedicated staff time)

  • The topic was not a high priority for the program

  • We did not have a champion to implement

  • Modality was not convenient

  • Other (please specify): _______

  • Don’t Know

SECTION 3: Potential Challenges Experienced

This next set of questions will ask you to think about what if any challenges you experienced seeking, receiving, or implementing training and technical assistance support.

  1. What challenges did your program encounter in its efforts to obtain and/or apply the training and technical assistance from Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC)? Please select all that apply.

  • Making time for staff to participate in training and technical assistance activities

  • Training and technical assistance not sufficiently applicable to unique program needs

  • Having staff time/budget to implement what the training and technical assistance activities recommended

  • Lack of clarity about the role and offerings of Workplace Change Collaborative within the larger grant program

  • Challenges hiring staff to support the grant.

  • Lack of leadership or administrator buy-in to implement the evidence-based activities

  • Something else (please specify): ______

  1. [TEXT BOX] Please share additional information or context about the challenges you faced receiving or applying the training and technical assistance to accomplish your program goals.

Section 4: Input to Inform Future Training and Technical Assistance (TTA)

The next set of questions asks about the training and technical assistance activities (TTA) that would be helpful to you in the future.

  1. [PRMHW only] If a technical assistance center is funded to support future programs like yours, what areas of training and technical assistance should be offered to support organizational change? [TEXT BOX]

  2. [HPSWRTP only] If a technical assistance center is funded to support future programs like yours, what areas of training and technical assistance should be offered to support workforce mental health and resiliency and reducing burnout? [TEXT BOX]

  3. What would be most effective mode of training and technical assistance?

  • Virtual (live)

  • In person

  • On demand

  • Other (please specify): <text box>

  • Don’t Know

  1. Which of the following would you like to see offered more for training and technical assistance?

  • Learning sessions

  • Monthly calls

  • Coaching sessions

  • Expert presentations

  • Inventories and compilations of best practices, measures, evaluation metrics, and other relevant tools

  • Online resources (e.g., website, listserv)

  • Consultation services

  • Other (please specify): <text box>

  1. Thinking more broadly about future funding opportunities to support the health workforce in reducing burnout and improving resiliency and well-being, what should decision makers consider in terms of the most pressing needs? [OPEN ENDED]

SECTION 5: Organizational Context

Next, we’d like to ask a few questions about your experiences implementing change within your organization and about specific burnout factors you may be intervening upon.

[For PRM only]

First, a few questions about your organization.

  1. To what extent do you feel the following conditions for change are in place at your organization?


Completely in place

Mostly in place

Somewhat in place  

A little in place

Not at all in place 

There is an understanding that workers' mental health and wellness should be a priority here 






There is a group of people with decision making power to support mental health and wellness priorities 






We have a clear and realistic mental health and wellness goal that is supported by the workforce

There is a change vision that is communicated repeatedly in multiple forums

Leadership empowers action and removes obstacles to organizational change

Leadership generates organizational improvements that are short-term wins

There is support for developing workforce members who can implement the change vision

There are new approaches that make sense within the organization’s culture

The next few questions relate to specific drivers of burnout and your program’s experience attempting to change aspects of these.

  1. The Workplace Change Collaborative developed a national framework which includes several key drivers that contribute to burnout in the workplace, listed below. Which of the following drivers does your program, as a whole, aim to address?

  • Resolving Values Conflict - A mismatch between what workers believe should be done and what they are asked to do

  • Reducing Lack of Control - Inability to determine aspects of work that should be in the worker’s control

  • Managing Excessive Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Demands – What workers are asked to accomplish in a typical period of work exceeds their capacity

  • Reducing Administrative Burden and Inefficient/Chaotic Workflows - Work expectations include activities that are of low/no value and take significant time and energy

  • Promoting Physical and Psychological Safety - Exposure to environments that increase stress for workers or learners, negatively impacting their sense of security and possibly resulting in harm

  • Preventing Relational Breakdown - Interactions with persons, organizations, systems, or society that lead to an erosion of trust and/or respect

  • Addressing Inequity - Privileged individuals enjoy more and better services, health, opportunities, etc. while those who are underprivileged receive less and worse

  1. Overall, how helpful was the Workplace Change Collaborative in helping your program to address each of these goals? [GRID WITH CHECKBOXES IN EACH CELL] [include ‘retaining healthcare workforce staff’ for all participants and only ask about the strategies endorsed in item #43]

Extremely Helpful

Very Helpful

Moderately Helpful

Slightly Helpful

Not at all Helpful

Retaining Healthcare Workforce Staff

Resolving Values Conflict

Reducing Lack of Control

Managing Excessive Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Demands

Reducing Administrative Burden and Inefficient/Chaotic Workflows

Promoting Physical and Psychological Safety

Preventing Relational Breakdown

Addressing Inequity

Section 6: Participant Feedback

Next, we would like to provide you with an opportunity to share feedback you have received from program participants about your grant-funded activities.

  1. Could you please provide us with some examples (up to 20) of actual comments made by participants to give us a sense of the impact your programs had on them?

Section 7: Closing

Finally, we’d like to end with a big-picture question to understand how you envision your program’s success.

  1. In a few bullets or sentences, what do you consider a ‘success’ for your program? [OPEN TEXT]

  2. Is there anything else you would like to share about the training and technical assistance (TTA)? [OPEN TEXT]

  3. Please provide the roles/titles (names are not needed) of the people who contributed information or answers in this survey (e.g., Program Director, Administrative Professional). [Select all that apply. Drop down list with other staff open text field]

Thank you for completing this survey, we appreciate your time and commitment to support the health care workforce!

OMB Control Number: 0915-XXXX

Expiration Date: MM/DD/20XX

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorNida Corry
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-20

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