DRAFT 2023 Survey of Active Duty Spouses OMB Control Number: 0604-0704/Exp 09/30/2024
1. What is your marital status?
Married |
Separated |
Divorced |
Widowed |
2. Is your spouse currently serving on active duty (not a member of the National Guard or Reserve)?
Yes |
No |
3. How many years have you been married? To indicate less than 1 year, enter “0”.
Years |
4. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?
No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino |
Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino |
5. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese) |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (e.g., Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro) |
6. Do you or your spouse have any children under the age of 18 living at home either part-time or full-time?
Yes |
No |
7. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes"] How many children under the age of 18 do you or your spouse have, living at home either part-time or full-time, in each age group? Please select the number of children you have in each age group. To indicate none, select “0”. To indicate more than nine, select “9”.
Less than 1 year old
1 year to less than 2 years old
2 to 5 years old
6 to 13 years old
14 to less than 18 years old
8. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND (Q7 a > 0 OR Q7 b > 0 OR Q7 c > 0 OR Q7 d > 0 OR Q7 e >0)] Do you have child(ren) who routinely use child care arrangements so you and/or your spouse can work?
Yes |
No |
9. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND Q7 = "Yes" AND Q7 [Matching item] >0 AND Q8 = "Yes"] How many of your child(ren) in each age group routinely use child care arrangements? Mark one answer in each row. To indicate none, select “0”. To indicate more than nine, select “9”.
Less than 1 year old
1 year to less than 2 years old
2 to 5 years old
6 to 13 years old
14 to less than 18 years old
10. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND Q8 = "No"] What is the main reason you do not use child care? Mark one.
No need for child care services |
I have made other suitable child care arrangements (e.g., neighbors, grandparents) |
Child care services are too expensive |
I want to have my child(ren) closer to home |
The hours of operation do not meet my needs |
I have concerns about the quality of care |
I have problems arranging for consistent transportation |
The wait list is too long |
Other |
The following items will help us understand a bit about your child care arrangements for children in the household.
11. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND Q8 = "Yes"] During the work day, do you routinely use the following sources of child care? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Military child care center |
b. Military (or military-affiliated) family child care home |
c. Civilian child care—receiving military child care fee assistance |
d. Civilian child care—not receiving military child care fee assistance |
12. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND Q8 = "Yes" AND (Q11 a = "No" AND Q11 b = "No")] Which of the following are reasons why you do not use military child care? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Availability of child care |
b. Quality of child care |
c. Affordability of child care |
d. Inconvenient location |
e. Operating hours |
13. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes"] Did any child(ren) residing with you attend the following types of schools last year? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Public traditional school |
b. Public charter school |
c. Department of Defense-run school (DoDEA Americas, DoDEA Europe or DoDEA Pacific) |
d. Home school |
e. Private school |
f. Other |
14. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND Q13 [Matching item] = "Yes'] How satisfied are you with your child's education?
Very dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very satisfied |
a. Public traditional school |
b. Public charter school |
c. Department of Defense-run school (DoDEA Americas, DoDEA Europe or DoDEA Pacific) |
d. Home school |
e. Private school |
f. Other school |
Consider the child(ren) in your household. Think of the child (younger than 18 years of age) whose birth month is closest to your birth month. Please respond to the following questions for that one child.
15. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes"] What is the age of this child?
Years |
16. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND 15 < 18] Is this child...
Male? |
Female? |
17. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND 15 < 18] Indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about this child during the last four weeks. Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. My child has been more willing to try new things. |
b. My child has been acting more “baby-like” than he/she is capable of. |
c. My child easily becomes irritated or angry with me. |
d. My child has been more clingy than usual. |
e. My child has been afraid of doing things he/she is usually ok with. |
f. My child is demanding and impatient with me. He/she fusses and persists unless I do what he/she wants right away. |
18. [Ask if Q6 = "Yes" AND 15 < 18] In the past 12 months, has this child experienced an increase in any of the following? Mark one answer for each item.
Not applicable |
No |
Yes |
a. Academic problems |
b. Behavior problems at home |
c. Behavior problems at school |
d. Pride in having a military parent |
e. Anger about my spouse's military requirements |
f. Closeness to family members |
g. Acceptance of responsibility |
19. Have you previously served in an active duty Service (e.g., Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force) or National Guard/Reserve? Mark one.
No |
Yes, I served in an active duty Service or National Guard/Reserve, but did NOT retire |
Yes, I served in an active duty Service or National Guard/Reserve and retired |
20. Are you currently serving in the military?
Yes, on active duty (not a member of the National Guard/Reserve) |
Yes, as a member of the National Guard or Reserve in a full-time active duty program (AGR/FTS/AR) |
Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR) |
No |
21. [Ask if Q20 = "No" or Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" or Q20 = .] Last week, did you do any work for pay or profit? Mark “Yes” even if you worked only one hour, or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more.
Yes |
No |
22. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND Q21 = "No"] Last week, were you temporarily absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc. |
No |
23. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "No"] Have you been looking for work during the last four weeks?
Yes |
No |
24. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "No" AND Q23 = "Yes"] Last week, could you have started a job if one had been offered?
Yes |
No |
25. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "No" AND Q23 = "Yes"] How many weeks have you been looking for work? If you have been looking for work for less than one week, enter “0”. If you have been looking for work for more than one year, enter “52”.
Weeks |
26. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND Q21 = "No" AND Q21= "No" AND Q23 = "No"] Which of these would you consider to be the main reason you have not been looking for work? Mark the one answer you feel is the MAIN reason.
I did not want to be employed at this time |
I am retired |
I cannot find any work that matches my skills. |
I am preparing for/recovering from a PCS move. |
I stay home to homeschool my children. |
I am/was caring for children not in school or daycare |
I lack the necessary schooling, training, or skills. |
I do/did not have transportation to work |
Child care is too costly. |
I do not have child care available to me. |
I am attending school or other training. |
I am not physically prepared to work (e.g., pregnant, sick, disabled). |
I am unable to work while my spouse is deployed. |
There are no jobs in my career field where I currently live. |
I am a caregiver to a family member. |
Other |
[Ask if Q26 = "Other"] Please specify your other main reason for not working for pay or profit. Please do not include any personally identifiable information (e.g., names, addresses).
27. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."))] Are you employed by government, by a private company, a nonprofit organization, or are you self-employed or working in a family business? Mark one.
Government |
Private company |
Non-profit organization including tax exempt and charitable organizations |
Self-employed |
Working in a family business |
28. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."))] On average, how many hours a week do you spend working for pay (including hours worked for a family business or farm)?
Hours |
29. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc.")) AND (Q28 <35 and Q28 > 1)] What is your main reason for working part-time (i.e., fewer than 35 hours a week) instead of full-time? Mark one.
Could only find part-time work |
Want to spend time with children |
Child care problems |
Other family/personal obligations |
Health/medical limitations |
Do not have required license or credential in my occupational field |
I do not want to work full-time |
I am self-employed |
I am a caregiver to a family member |
I am attending school or training |
Other |
30. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."))] Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. I am paid less than those with similar credentials |
b. Given my credentials, I should have a higher position at work |
c. I need to find a job that allows me to work more hours |
d. I work in temporary positions, but I would prefer not to |
e. I had to take a job outside of my field |
f. My pay is not enough to live on |
31. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."))] Are you currently employed within the area of your education or training?
Yes |
No |
32. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."))] Does your employer offer the following... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Flexible scheduling? |
b. Remote work/Telework? |
33. [Ask if (Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc.")) and Q32 b = "Yes"] Please select the response that best describes your current work location.
Fully remote (limited or no on-site requirement) |
Hybrid (combination of remote and on-site work) |
Fully on-site |
34. What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed? Mark the one answer that describes the highest grade or degree that you have completed.
12 years or less of school (no diploma) |
High school graduate—high school diploma or equivalent (e.g., GED) |
Some college credit, no degree |
Vocational or technical diploma |
Associate's degree |
Bachelor's degree |
Advanced degree (e.g., MA/MS/PhD/MD/JD) |
35. In what career field is your current or most recent employment? Mark one.
Not applicable, I have never been employed |
Administrative services (e.g., administrative assistant, secretary) |
Child care and child development (e.g., attend to children at schools, businesses, private households, and childcare institutions) |
Communications and marketing (e.g., writer/editor, call center, film/TV, social media, web development) |
Community and social services (e.g., mental health counselor, social worker, probation officers and correctional treatment specialists, school bus monitor) |
Education (e.g., teacher, teacher's assistant) |
Financial services (e.g., claim adjuster, credit analyst, accountant, financial counselor, banker, insurance agent) |
Health care practitioners and technical occupations (e.g., nurse, dental hygienist, pharmacist, medical records specialist, dentist, doctor, paramedic, optician, veterinarian) |
Health care support (e.g., home health aide, nursing assistant, occupational or physical therapy aid) |
Information technology (e.g., network analyst, database administrator) |
Legal (e.g., lawyer, paralegal, legal assistant, mediator, magistrate) |
Protective services (e.g., correctional officer, firefighter, police officer, animal control worker, security guard) |
Recreation and hospitality (e.g., restaurant, hotel business/management, personal trainer, ticket agent) |
Retail and customer service (e.g., cashier, sales person, customer service representative, manager) |
Skilled trades (e.g., electrician, cosmetology, plumber, construction, welder) |
Software development (e.g., coding) |
Transportation and material moving occupations (e.g., aircraft service attendant; parking attendant; bus, taxi or truck driver) |
Other occupations which require a state license |
Other occupations which do NOT require a state license |
[Ask if Q35 = "Other occupations which require a state license" or "Other occupations which do NOT require a state license"] In what other career field is your current or most recent employment?
36. What barriers have you faced in entering your most recent or current career field? Mark all that apply.
Pay does not cover cost of child care |
Lack vocational training |
Lack required education/degree |
Lack required certification |
Lack transferability of certifications/licensure |
Lack experience |
Lack available/flexible child care |
Frequent moves |
Lack of jobs in my field in my current location |
Medical or health limitations |
Caregiver (non-child) requirements |
Lack of part-time options |
Lack of flexible hours/flexible schedule |
Not applicable/None |
37. Regardless of your current employment status, does your occupation or career field require... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. A certification provided by an organization that sets standards for your occupation? |
b. A state issued license? |
38. [Ask if Q37 a = "Yes" OR Q37 b = "Yes"] What kind of professional license/certification/credential does your career field require? Mark one.
Accounting |
Architecture |
Cosmetology |
Counseling (e.g., professional counselor, marriage and family therapist) |
Dentistry/Dental hygiene |
Dietition |
Law (e.g., attorney) |
Massage therapy |
Nursing |
Occupational therapy |
Pharmacy/Pharmacy technician |
Physical therapy |
Physician |
Physician Assistant |
Professional engineer |
Psychology |
Skilled trade (e.g., master electrician, plumber, heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration) |
Social work |
Teaching (elementary and secondary) |
Other |
[Ask if Q37 a = "Yes" OR Q37 b = "Yes" AND Q22 = "Other"] Please share the 'other' professional license/certification/credential your career field requires.
39. Are you working toward or did you receive a new credential(s) or certification, in the last 12 months? Mark all that apply.
High school graduate—high school diploma or equivalent (e.g., GED) |
Vocational or technical diploma |
Associate's degree |
Bachelor's degree |
Master's, doctoral, or professional school degree |
Professional license |
Professional certificate |
None/Not applicable |
40. Have you used a Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) Scholarship? Mark one.
Yes, in the past 12 months |
Yes, but not in the past 12 months |
No, and I was not aware of this resource |
No, but I am aware of this resource |
41. [Ask if Q40 = "No, but I am aware of this resource"] What is the main reason you did not use a MyCAA Scholarship? Mark one.
I am not eligible because of my husband/wife's rank. |
I will not be eligible long enough to use MyCAA (e.g., my spouse will soon be promoted or leave the military). |
I need education, training, or testing not covered by MyCAA. |
I have limited time for additional education/training because of family/personal obligations. |
I am not interested in additional education/training. |
I do not feel that additional education/training are important for my career. |
These next questions are about the food eaten in your household in the last 12 months, since %%currentmonth%% of last year, and whether you were able to afford the food you need.
42. The following are statements that people have made about their food situation. How often were each of the following statements true for you and your household in the past 12 months—that is, since the last %%currentmonth%%? Mark one answer for each item.
Don't know |
Often true |
Sometimes true |
Never true |
a. The food that I/we bought just didn't last, and I/we didn't have money to get more. |
b. I/We couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. |
43. In the past 12 months, since last %%currentmonth%%, did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
44. [Ask if Q43 = "Yes"] In the past 12 months, how often did you or other adults in your household cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?
Almost every month |
Some months but not every month |
Only 1 or 2 months |
Don't know |
45. In the past 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there was not enough money for food?
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
46. In the past 12 months, were you ever hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money for food?
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
47. Do you have any additional feedback related to access to quality food for you and your family? Please do not include any personally identifiable information (e.g., names, addresses).
48. In the past 12 months, have you and/or your family used a commissary?
Yes |
No, although a commissary was available |
No, a commissary was not available |
49. [Ask if Q48 = "Yes"] In the past 12 months, how often, on average, do you and/or your family shop at a commissary?
Daily |
More than once a week |
Weekly |
2-3 times a month |
Once a month |
Less than once a month |
50. [Ask if Q48 = "Yes"] Think about the quality of your experiences with military commissaries in the past 12 months. How would you and/or your family rate the following: Mark one answer for each item.
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Very good |
Excellent |
a. Convenience of store locations |
b. Convenience of store hours |
c. Prices for products, given the quality |
d. Variety and selection of merchandise |
e. Availability of merchandise |
f. Courtesy and helpfulness of staff |
g. Layout and cleanliness of the store |
h. Speed of the checkout process |
i. Ability to provide brand name products |
j. Frequency of sales and promotions |
51. [Ask if Q48 = "Yes"] Thinking about your family's nutritional needs, how satisfied are you with how well commissary products and offerings meet those needs?
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
52. Do you and your spouse currently reside together in the same home (except for during deployments)?
Yes |
No |
53. Which of the following best describes where you currently live?
Military housing, on base |
Military housing, off base |
Civilian housing |
54. [Ask if Q52 = "No"] Which of the following best describes where your spouse currently lives?
Military housing, on base |
Military housing, off base |
Civilian housing |
55. [Ask if Q53 = "Military housing, off base" OR Q53 = "Civilian housing"] How close do you live to a military base/installation?
Less than 30 minutes |
30 minutes to less than 1 hour |
1 to 2 hours |
More than 2 hours |
56. Overall, how satisfied are you with the military way of life?
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
57. Do you think your spouse should stay on or leave active duty?
I strongly favor staying |
I somewhat favor staying |
I have no opinion one way or the other |
I somewhat favor leaving |
I strongly favor leaving |
58. During your spouse's active duty career, have you ever experienced a PCS move?
Yes |
No |
59. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes"] In what month and year was your last PCS move?
60. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes"] For your most recent PCS move, to what extent were the following a problem for you? Mark one answer for each item.
Does not apply |
Not a problem |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. Loss or decrease of your income |
b. Finding employment |
c. Changing schools for your education |
d. Obtaining licenses/certifications necessary for employment |
e. Availability of special medical and/or educational services for yourself |
f. Coordinating move with moving company |
g. Timeliness of receiving household goods |
h. Waiting for permanent housing to become available |
i. Settling claims for damaged or missing household goods |
j. Un-reimbursable moving costs (e.g., housing deposits, costs of setting up new residency, temporary lodging costs, transportation costs) |
k. Access to relocation information, services, or support |
61. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes" AND Q6 = "Yes"] For your most recent PCS move, to what extent were the following a problem for your child(ren)? Mark one answer for each item.
Does not apply |
Not a problem |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. My child(ren) changing schools |
b. Availability of child care |
c. Availability of special medical and/or educational services for my child |
d. Missed deadlines for participating in extracurricular activities/sports |
e. Missed deadlines for placement lotteries in magnet schools/charter schools/special programs |
62. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes"] How long did it take you to find employment after your last PCS move? Mark one.
Less than 1 month |
1 month to less than 4 months |
4 months to less than 7 months |
7 months to less than 10 months |
10 months or more |
Sought but could not find employment after last PCS move |
Did not seek employment after last PCS move |
63. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes"] After your last PCS move, did you have to acquire a new professional or occupational license or credential in order to work at the new duty location?
Yes |
No |
Does not apply |
64. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes" and Q63 = "Yes"] How long did it take you to acquire a new professional or occupational license or credential in order to work at the new duty location? Mark one.
Less than 1 month |
1 month to less than 4 months |
4 months to less than 7 months |
7 months to less than 10 months |
10 months or more |
65. [Ask if Q63 = "Yes"] Have you utilized the portability provisions of an occupational licensure compact to help secure transfer of your professional credentials?
Yes, I utilized a state compact to transfer my credentials |
I am not aware of a compact for my profession |
I am aware a compact to help transfer my professional credentials but have not used it |
66. [Ask if Q58 = "Yes"] During your spouse's active duty career, how many times have you chosen to remain in place/not PCS with your spouse? To indicate “never,” enter “0”.
Times |
67. During your spouse's active duty career, has he/she been deployed for more than 30 consecutive days?
Yes, in the past 36 months |
Yes, but not in the past 36 months |
No |
68. [Ask if Q67 = "Yes, in the past 36 months" OR Q67 = "Yes, but not in the past 36 months"] During your spouse's most recent deployment, to what extent were each of the following a problem for you? Mark one answer for each item.
Very large extent |
Large extent |
Moderate extent |
Small extent |
Not at all |
a. My job and/or educational demands |
b. Managing expenses and bills |
c. Home/car repairs/maintenance or yard work |
d. Safety of my family in our community |
e. Health problems in the family, including emotional problems |
f. Technical difficulties communicating with my spouse |
g. Marital problems, difficulty maintaining emotional connection with spouse |
h. Loneliness, dealing with issues/decisions alone |
i. Parenting alone, managing child care/child schedules, school/education, etc |
j. No time for recreation, fitness, or entertainment activities |
k. A lack of and/or problems with military offered support for myself/my family |
l. Other |
69. [Ask if Q67 = "Yes, in the past 36 months" OR Q67 = "Yes, but not in the past 36 months"] Was your spouse's most recent deployment to a combat zone (e.g., an area where he/she drew imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay)? Mark one.
No |
Yes, deployed to Iraq/Afghanistan |
Yes, deployed to a combat zone other than Iraq/Afghanistan |
70. [Ask if Q67 = "Yes, in the past 36 months" OR Q67 = "Yes, but not in the past 36 months"] Has your spouse returned home from a deployment? Mark one.
Yes, but my spouse has since redeployed |
Yes, and my spouse has not redeployed |
No |
71. [Ask if (Q67 = "Yes, in the past 36 months" OR Q67 = "Yes, but not in the past 36 months") AND (Q70 = "Yes, but my spouse has since redeployed" OR Q70 = "Yes, and my spouse has not redeployed")] After your spouse most recently returned home from a deployment, to what extent did your spouse seem to... Mark one answer for each item.
Very large extent |
Large extent |
Moderate extent |
Small extent |
Not at all |
a. Be more emotionally distant (e.g., less talkative, less affectionate, less interested in social life)? |
b. Show negative personality changes (e.g., more critical, indifferent to family/life)? |
c. Show positive personality changes (e.g., more attentive, more agreeable)? |
d. Appreciate life more? |
e. Get angry faster? |
f. Appreciate family and friends more? |
g. Have mental health concerns (e.g., anxiety, being “on guard”)? |
h. Drink more alcohol? |
i. Have more confidence? |
j. Take more risks with his/her safety? |
k. Have difficulty adjusting (e.g., to family responsibilities, to civilian life)? |
l. Have trouble sleeping? |
m. Have difficulty with day-to-day activities (e.g., driving, eating, hygiene)? |
n. Be different in another way? |
72. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your personal life?
Much less than usual |
Less than usual |
About the same as usual |
More than usual |
Much more than usual |
73. Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Mark one answer for each item.
Nearly every day |
More than half the days |
Several days |
Not at all |
a. Little interest or pleasure in doing things |
b. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless |
c. Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge |
d. Not being able to stop or control worrying |
74. Taking things altogether, how satisfied are you with your marriage right now?
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
75. Have you seen a counselor... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. During your spouse's active duty career? |
b. In the past six months? |
76. [Ask if Q75 a = "Yes" OR Q75 b = "Yes"] Which of these would you consider to be the main issue you discussed with your counselor? Mark the one answer you feel is the MAIN issue.
Coping with stress |
Financial issues |
Family issues |
Marital issues |
Couple's communication issues |
Parent/child issues |
Deployment and reunion |
Crisis situations |
Grief and loss |
Mental health concerns for self/family member (e.g., PTSD, depression, anxiety) |
Medical issues for self/family member |
Jealousy/concerns around infidelity |
Dealing with the military way of life (e.g., managing separations, demands of the military) |
Other concerns |
77. [Ask if Q75 a = "Yes" OR Q75 b = "Yes"] If you accessed counseling through the following sources, how useful was it? Mark one answer for each item.
Did not access counseling from this source |
Not useful |
Somewhat useful |
Very useful |
a. Military OneSource |
b. Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC) |
d. Your spouse's installation |
e. Military chaplain/civilian religious or spiritual leader |
f. Another military source |
g. Another non-military source |
[Ask if Q75 a = "Yes" OR Q75 b = "Yes" AND Q77 f = "Marked" OR Q77 g = "Marked"] What other source(s) did you access counseling through? Do not provide any personally identifiable information.
78. In 2022, what was your total household income before taxes?
Less than $25,000 |
$25,000–$34,999 |
$35,000–$49,999 |
$50,000–$74,999 |
$75,000–$99,999 |
$100,000–$149,999 |
$150,000–$199,999 |
$200,000 and above |
79. Which of the following best describes your (and/or your spouse's) financial condition? Mark one.
Very comfortable and secure |
Able to make ends meet without much difficulty |
Occasionally have some difficulty making ends meet |
Tough to make ends meet but keeping our heads above water |
In over your head |
80. Compared to 12 months ago, is your financial situation better, worse, or has it stayed the same?
Much better |
Somewhat better |
Stayed the same |
Somewhat worse |
Much worse |
81. [Ask if ((Q20 = "No" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a traditional National Guard/Reserve member (e.g., drilling unit, IMA, IRR)" OR Q20 = .) AND (Q21 = "Yes" OR (Q21 = "No" AND Q22 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."))) OR (Q20 = "Yes, on active duty (not a member of the National Guard/Reserve)" OR Q20 = "Yes, as a member of the National Guard or Reserve in a full-time active duty program (AGR/FTS/AR)")] How much does your income contribute toward your total household income?
Less than 50% |
50% |
More than 50% |
82. Are you currently receiving support from any of the following nutrition assistance resources? Mark all that apply.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/Food Stamps) |
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program |
National School Breakfast Program (children receive free or reduced breakfast at school) |
National School Lunch Program (children receive free or reduced lunch at school) |
Some other assistance resource |
No, I am not using any nutrition assistance resource |
83. How well does each statement describe you or your situation? Mark one answer for each item.
Completely |
Very well |
Somewhat |
Very little |
Not at all |
a. Because of my money situation, I feel like I will never have the things I want in life |
b. I am just getting by financially |
c. I am concerned that the money I have or will save won't last |
84. How often does each statement apply to you? Mark one answer for each item.
Always |
Often |
Sometimes |
Rarely |
Never |
a. I have money left over at the end of the month |
b. My finances control my life |
The following questions help us make sure that the Department of Defense is providing the necessary voting assistance resources to spouses.
85. Were you registered to vote in the United States for the November 8, 2022 election?
Yes |
No |
86. Did you request an absentee ballot for the November 8, 2022 election?
Yes |
No, but I automatically received an absentee ballot from a local election official |
No, I never received an absentee ballot, but I expected to receive one |
No, I did not need an absentee ballot |
87. [Ask if Q86 = "Yes"] Did you receive an absentee ballot for the November 8, 2022 election?
Yes |
No |
88. [Ask if Q86 = "No, but I automatically received an absentee ballot from a local election official" OR Q86 = "Yes"] Did you return your absentee ballot for the November 8, 2022 election?
Yes |
No |
89. Please share what the military could do to improve support for you and your family. Do not provide any personally identifiable information.
90. Please describe the top issue(s) impacting the quality of life for you and your family. Do not provide any personally identifiable information.
91. [Ask if Q1 = "Widowed" OR Q1 = "Divorced" OR Q2 = "No"] Based on your answers to previous questions, you are ineligible to take this survey. If you feel you have encountered this message in error, click the back arrow button and check your answers.
If you have any additional comments or concerns, please enter them below.
To submit your answers click Submit.
For further help, please call our Survey Processing Center toll-free at 1-800-881-5307 or e-mail ADS-Survey@mail.mil.
Do not provide any personally identifiable information.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Tab Order |
Author | Padilla, Mary F CTR DMDC |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-09-13 |