APPENDIX C– PSTTT Training Video Transcripts

USDA Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool (PSTTT)

APPENDIX C– PSTTT Training Video Transcripts

OMB: 0584-0626

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APPENDIX C: Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool (PSTTT) Training Videos Transcripts


Chapter 1: Create a New eAuthentication Account .......................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2: Login for the First Time ................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 3: Navigation, Help, and Home Page ............................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 4: Adding, Editing, or Deleting Training Records ............................................................................................... 20
Chapter 5: Reports ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 6: Manager and Director - Employees Functionality ........................................................................................... 31
Chapter 7: Manager and Director – Additional Functionality ............................................................................................ 39
Chapter 8: School Manager and Director Functionality ................................................................................................... 49
Training Video Screenshots ......................................................................................................................................... 54

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Chapter 1: Create a New eAuthentication Account
Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is Chapter
1: Create a new eAuthentication Account.
The Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool
operates within the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (or USDA) Food and Nutrition
Services official website.

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show Title Frame
Title slide shown till the end of the “This is
Chapter….” statement.
SCREEN: Show PSTTT About page

Users must register with an USDA
eAuthentication account to access the Tool.
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool’s
front page contains information and link to
create a new eAuthentication account. After the
account is successfully created, it may be used to
log into the Training Tracker Tool. This video will
walk you through the steps needed to set up an
eAuthentication account.
Click the “Create Account” link to take you to the
eAuthentication system’s registration page.

SCREEN: Show eAuth screen, click the link.

You will be asked to select your type of user –
Customer or USDA Employee / Contractor.

SCREEN: Select Customer, press Continue

For School and State users, select the Customer
radio button and press the Continue button.

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Next, enter your email address and press the
Submit button.

SCREEN: Enter Email, press Submit

A confirmation page will be displayed with a
message stating that an email was sent to the
email address entered. You will need to click on
the link provided in the email message to
complete the registration process.

SCREEN: Display the confirmation message

Check your inbox for an email titled “eAuth Confirm Email”. Open the email and press the
“Confirm email address” button.

SCREEN: Display the email

You will be redirected to the eAuthentication
system’s Account Registration page, where you
will enter your complete name as provided on a
government issued photo ID.

SCREEN: Show Account Registration page, go
through the steps. Show which special characters
are not allowed.

Your email address will become your
eAuthentication ID. The next step is to enter a
Password must be at least 12 characters long and
cannot be a commonly used password.
Finally, press the Submit button.

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The Customer Account Registration confirmation
page will be displayed. It will have the
registration completion message. Your
registration details will also be emailed to your
email account.

SCREEN: Show Customer Account Registration

Now you can use the user ID (your email
address) and the password you have created to
log in to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool by clicking the “Login with eAuth
Account” button.

SCREEN: Show About page, press the “Login with
eAuth Account” button

It will redirect you to the eAuthentication Login

SCREEN: Show eAuth Login page

Enter your user id and password to access the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool.

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The very first time you log in, you will need to set
up your Professional Standards Training Tracker
Tool user profile. Please see our separate
training video for this process.

SCREEN: Show Create User Profile page, go
through the steps

Once your user profile is set up, you are
redirected to the tool’s Homepage.
More instructional videos are available under the
Help menu to navigate the tool.

As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu
item under the Help menu to email for any questions or
challenges you may have while using the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool.
Thank you for viewing!

Page 5 of 56

Chapter 2: Login for the First Time

Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is Chapter 2:
Login for the first time.
Start Your Profile

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen

In this section, we will be talking about the fields
needed for all accounts.

SCREEN: Show PSTTT About screen

SCREEN: Show Title Frame

The Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool
operates within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (or
USDA) Food and Nutrition Services official website.
A USDA eAuthentication account is required to login
to the Training Tracker Tool. You will need to create
your own eAuthentication account before you can
login to the Tool.
Users must register with an USDA eAuthentication
account to access the Tool.
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool’s front
screen contains information and link to create a new
eAuthentication account. After the account is
successfully created, it may be used to log into the
Training Tracker Tool. You will need to create your
own eAuthentication account before you can login to
the Tool.
Click the “Create Account” link on the About screen to
create an account.
The Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool is
open to any school nutrition professional, who would
like to track their Professional Standards required
training hours.
On the Training Tracker Tool’s front screen, you will
find information about the functionality of the tool, as
well as,
Information on Creating an USDA eAuthentication
an email contact to get help with our Tool,

ACTION: Point mouse at Create Account link

Information on the Paperwork Reduction Act
and our “Login with eAuth Account” button.
When you click the “Login with eAuth
Account” button, you will be directed to the
eAuthentication login screen.
You will need to enter your username and password
that you set for your eAuthentication account here.

ACTION: Select the Paperwork Reduction
ACTION: Point mouse at login button
ACTION: Click the Login with eAuth Account
SCREEN: Show eAuth login screen
ACTION: Enter the login information and click
the Submit button

ACTION: Select the paragraph at the top of
the screen
ACTION: Select the text in the blue box
ACTION: Select the email sentence

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When you submit your information, eAuthentication
does the validation for your user account. If everything
looks good, you will be automatically redirected back
to our Tool. When you reach the Professional Training
Tracker Tool for the first time you will be brought to
the Create User Profile screen.
It shows your First Name,
Last Name,
and email address as you have set them while creating
your eAuthentication account.
All other required fields on the screen must be filled
out before your profile can be saved. The required
fields are indicated by an asterisk. Now, we will work
on setting up a profile.
The first field to fill in is the Hiring Date. This is
intended to be the same date that your manager
would reference as your start date during your annual
review. This field defaults automatically to the current
date, so please make sure to enter your correct hiring
The Category field is critical, as it will determine what
fields are shown on this screen, and also customize
the Training Tracker Tool screens for you. Please
choose the Category which best fits your situation.
There are only three options, SCHOOL, STATE, and
1. Select SCHOOL for people working for a school
district, group of schools, or a school directly.
2. Select STATE for people working for a State Agency.
3. Select USDA for USDA staff.
Once you select one of the Categories, the Create User
Profile screen will change. This screen dynamically
responds to your input in several fields, giving you
only the fields you need to complete your profile.
The Role is also a critical field. The options available in
this field are directly linked to the Category you
selected. In general, there are supervisor and staff
options available.
The options in the Job Title field depend on the
Category and Role selected. The selected Job Title
value will define the settings for the required number
of training hours.
This concludes our review of the fields used by all
users. There are more sections in this video that look
at each combination of Category and Role. If you have
started this video from the About screen, they will
play automatically. You may also use the video
controls to jump to the section that most closely
matches your Category and Role as you see it on the

SCREEN: Show Create User Profile screen;

ACTION: Point mouse at first name field
ACTION: Point mouse at last name field
ACTION: Point mouse at email field

ACTION: Click on Hiring Date field

ACTION: Point mouse at Category field

ACTION: Show options in the category field

ACTION: Select the value for School in
ACTION: Show options in the Role field, select
ACTION: Show options in the Job Title field

SCREEN: Show Training Videos screen with
Chapter 2 expanded

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As a reminder, please use the help email cnpntab@ for any questions or challenges you have
while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

Create a School Employee User Profile
In this section, we will be showing an example of how
to fill out the profile screen for a School Employee.
To create a user profile for a school employee, you will
want to select School in the Category field.
The next field – Role - represents what role you have
when using our Tool. If you anticipate that you will
only ever log your own training records, select the
Employee role.
The Job Title field is limited to the options which
match the annual training hour requirements as listed
on the Professional Standards Final Rule. This may not
have the exact title that you might use on your
resume, but it is important to make sure that you have
the one that has the correct number of total required
annual hours. You will be able to see the number of
hours assigned to the Job Title you select here
immediately after creating your account.
Once your Job Title is selected, you need to select your
State. The State field displays options for all U.S.
States, U.S. Territories, Department of Defense areas,
and Bureau of Indian Affairs sites. Each user may only
select one state option.
Next you will need to select a School District.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show Create User Profile screen.

If the School District you need is missing, please send
an email to, so the district can be
added to the list.
School Employee users will also need to select a school
at which they are working.

ACTION: Select School in Category
ACTION: Select the Role - EMPLOYEE

ACTION: Select the School Food Authority –
Part Time Staff (less than 20 hours/week)

ACTION: Select Indiana from the list for the
State value.

ACTION: Select Adams Central Community

ACTION: Open the Schools drop-down

Now that we have selected the School District, the
Schools drop-down is populated with all schools in the
If a school is missing from a School District, you may
add a new school using the “Add New School” button
below the Schools field.
Clicking on the “Add New School” button displays a
window that allows user to enter school information
through six required fields: State or Territory, School
District, School Type, School Name, City, and Zip.
There is the ‘School Types Guidance Chart’
information link above the School Type field. It opens
a document in a new browser tab which provides
information on different school types available.
Filling in this screen will add a new school to the State
and School District entered. Note that the State and

ACTION: Click the Add New School Button

ACTION: Click the School Type link, and
return to form showing data in the screen.
ACTION: Fill out the fields:
School = A Sample School;
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School District default to the ones you selected for
your Profile and are not editable.
Now that the school has been added to the school list,
it can be selected from the Schools field.
If the Training Tracker has any Managers set for the
school you selected, they will be displayed in the
Manager field. Manager is not a required field for this
Once all fields on the Create User Profile screen have
been filled out, press the “Create” button at the
bottom of the screen to save the information. This will
now take you to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool Home screen.
This concludes our example for creation of a School
Employee user profile.

City = Adams; Zip = 45678. Click the Save
ACTION: Select the new school.
ACTION: Point to the Manager field

ACTION: Show with mouse ready to click
Create button

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

The last section of this video will demonstrate some of
the screens you will have access to after your user
profile creation.
As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Create a School Manager User Profile
In this section, we will be showing an example of how
to fill out the profile screen for a School Manager.
Set the Category to School.
The next field – Role - represents what role you have
when using our Tool. If you are expected to directly
monitor or manage training progress for a group or
are expected to log training for your employees - then
Manager is what you should select for the Role.
The Job Title field is limited to the options which
match the annual training hour requirements as listed
on the Professional Standards Final Rule. This may not
have the exact title that you might use on your
resume, but it is important to make sure that you have
the one that has the correct number of total required
annual hours. You will be able to see the number of
hours assigned to the Job Title you select here
immediately after creating your account.
Once your Job Title is selected, you need to select your
State. The State field displays options for all U.S.
States, U.S. Territories, Department of Defense areas,
and Bureau of Indian Affairs sites. Each user may only
select one state option.
Next you will need to select a School District.
If the School District you need is missing, please send
an email to, so the district can be
added to the list.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show new Create User Profile
ACTION: Select the School Category
ACTION: Select Manager role

ACTION: Select Manager Job Title

ACTION: Select Indiana

ACTION: Select Adams Central Community

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School Manager users will also need to select one or
more schools at which they are working.
Now that we have selected the School District, the
Schools field is populated with all schools in the
Clicking on the “Add New School” button displays a
window that allows user to enter school information
through six required fields: State or Territory, School
District, School Type, School Name, City, and Zip.
There is the ‘School Types Guidance Chart’
information link above the School Type field. It opens
a document in a new browser tab which provides
information on different school types available.
Filling in this screen will add a new school to the State
and School District entered. Note that the State and
School District default to the ones you selected for
your Profile and are not editable.
Now that the school has been added to the school list,
it can be selected from the Schools field.
You can select multiple schools by using the Control or
CTRL key and your mouse.

ACTION: Click the Add New School Button

ACTION: Click the School Type link, and
return to form showing data in the screen.
ACTION: Fill out the fields:
School = A Sample School;
City = Adams; Zip = 45678. Click the Save
ACTION: Select the new school.

If you just want to select a single school, you would
just use the mouse to make a single click. Notice how
now only one school ends up being selected.

ACTION: Open the Schools list and show how
to select two schools in a row, by selecting
Shady Lane School and Swiss Valley School.
ACTION: Click on the value for Winchester
Amish School to remove all the other visible

If you want to select multiple schools, you need to
hold down the Control key as you click with the
mouse. The mouse will allow you to scroll and select,
but the Control key allows you to hold onto the
schools selected.
We will go ahead and select two more schools. The
first thing I do is to hold down the Control key. This
will hold onto the first selected school. Then I will
scroll up and select two more schools.

ACTION: Hold CTRL. Add Adams Central
Elementary School and Adams Central High
School. Then scroll back down to Winchester
Amish School and back to the top.

Since the Control key was held, it keeps all selections.
If we continue to hold the Control key, we can select
as many or as few values as we need.
For example, if I clicked the middle school instead of
the high school by mistake, I would click the high
school value again while I still have that Control key
held down.
Then I select the Middle School I wanted while holding
down the Control key.
If the Training Tracker has any Managers set for the
schools you selected, they will be displayed in the
Manager field. Manager is not a required field for this
Once all fields on the Create User Profile screen has
been filled out, press the “Create” button at the

ACTION: Hold CTRL. Click the Adams Central
High School value.
ACTION: Add Adams Central Middle School
ACTION: Point to Manager field

ACTION: Show with mouse ready to click
Create button
Page 10 of 56

bottom of the screen to save the information. This will
now take you to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool Home screen.
This concludes our example for creation of a School
Manager user profile.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

The last section of this video will demonstrate some of
the screens you will have access to after your user
profile creation.
As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Create a School Director User Profile
In this section, we will be showing an example of how
to fill out the profile screen for a School Director.
Set the Category to School.
The next field – Role - represents what role you have
when using our Tool. If you are expected to monitor or
manage training progress for the entire school district
- then Director is what you should select for Role.
The Job Title field is limited to the options which
match the annual training hour requirements as listed
on the Professional Standards Final Rule. This may not
have the exact title that you might use on your
resume, but it is important to make sure that you have
the one that has the correct number of total required
annual hours. You will be able to see the number of
hours assigned to the Job Title you select here
immediately after creating your account.
Once your Job Title is selected, you need to select your
State. The State field displays options for all U.S.
States, U.S. Territories, Department of Defense areas,
and Bureau of Indian Affairs sites. Each user may only
select one state option.
Next you will need to select a School District.
If the School District you need is missing, please send
an email to, so the district can be
added to the list.
Once all fields on the Create User Profile screen has
been filled out, press the “Create” button at the
bottom of the screen to save the information. This
will now take you to the Professional Standards
Training Tracker Tool Home screen.
This concludes our example for creation of a School
Director user profile.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show new Create User Profile
ACTION: Select School in Category
ACTION: Select Director in Role

ACTION: Select Director in Job Title

ACTION: Select Indiana from the list for the
State value.

ACTION: Select Adams Central Community

ACTION: Show with mouse ready to click
Create button

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

The last section of this video will demonstrate some of
the screens you will have access to after your user
profile creation.
Page 11 of 56

As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Create a User Profile for a State User
In this section, we will be showing an example of how
to fill out the profile screen for a State user.
Set the Category to State.
The next field – Role - represents what role you have
when using our Tool. If you anticipate that you will
only ever log your own training records, select the
Staff role. If you are expected to directly monitor or
manage training progress for a group or are expected
to log training for your employees - then Manager is
what you should select for the Role. If you are
expected to monitor or manage training progress for
the entire State Agency - then Director is what you
should select for Role.
We are going to tackle the State Agency Staff role first.
The Job Title field is limited to the options which
match the annual training hour requirements as listed
on the Professional Standards Final Rule. This may not
have the exact title that you might use on your
resume, but it is important to make sure that you have
the one that has the correct number of total required
annual hours. You will be able to see the number of
hours assigned to the Job Title you select here
immediately after creating your account.
Once your Job Title is selected, you need to select your
State. The State field displays options for all U.S.
States, U.S. Territories, Department of Defense areas,
and Bureau of Indian Affairs sites. Each user may only
select one state option.
If the Training Tracker has any Managers set for the
State you selected, they will be displayed in the
Manager field. Manager is not a required field for this
Same fields are displayed for the State Agency
Manager Role.
For the State Agency Director Role, the Manager field
is hidden.
Once all fields on the Create User Profile screen has
been filled out, press the “Create” button at the
bottom of the screen to save the information. This will
now take you to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool Home screen.
This concludes our example for creation of a State
user profile.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show new Create User Profile
ACTION: Set State in Category

ACTION: Select the value for Staff in Role
ACTION: Select Job Title

ACTION: Select Indiana from list in State

ACTION: Point to the Manager field

ACTION: Select the value for Manager in Role
ACTION: Select the value for Director in Role
ACTION: Show with mouse ready to click
Create button

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

Page 12 of 56

The last section of this video will demonstrate some of
the screens you will have access to after your user
profile creation.
As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Create a User Profile for a USDA User
In this section, we will be showing an example of how
to fill out the profile screen for a USDA user.
Set the Category to USDA.
The next field – Role - represents what role you have
when using our tool. Only one Role – Manager – is
available for USDA users.
The Job Title field is limited to the options which
match the annual training hour requirements as listed
on the Professional Standards Final Rule. For USDA,
there are no required training hours. You’ll also note
only one Job Title is available- Manager.
Once your Job Title is selected, you need to select your
FNS Office.
If the Training Tracker has any Managers set for the
FNS Office you selected, they will be displayed in the
Manager field. Manager is not a required field for this
Once all field on the Create User Profile screen has
been filled out, press the “Create” button at the
bottom of the screen to save the information. This will
now take you to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool Home screen.
This concludes our example for creation of a USDA
user profile.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show new Create User Profile
ACTION: Set USDA in Category
ACTION: Select Role
ACTION: Select Job Title

ACTION: Select FNS Office
ACTION: Point to the Manager field

ACTION: Show with mouse ready to click
Create button

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

The last section of this video will demonstrate some of
the screens you will have access to after your user
profile creation.
As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Once You Are Logged In
In this section, we will show you how to find your
profile details once you are logged into the Training
Tracker Tool.
You can find your profile information under the
‘Profile’ option of the ‘Welcome...your name’ menu.
When you click on Profile, you will see the User Profile
screen populated with your information.
To edit your profile information click the “Edit”

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show the Dashboard screen of a
school employee profile
ACTION: Click on Profile under Welcome

ACTION: Click on the Edit button.

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When the Edit User Profile screen opens, it will look
and act much like the Create User Profile screen that
we just used. The set of fields displayed on this page
wil depend on Category and Role selected. This is a
Edit User Profile page for a School Employee.
You can update your Hiring Date, Role, Job Title, and
Manager selections. Changes submitted here will take
effect immediately.
Once we click the “Update” button at the bottom of
the screen, the Tool will make the updates. This popup message is letting you know that the changes were
successful, and that we are being taken back to the
your User Profile screen.
As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu item
under the Help menu to email for
any questions or challenges you may have while using
the Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool.

SCREEN: Show Edit User Profile page for a
School Employee

ACTION: Make an edit to the hiring date
ACTION: click update to show the pop screen.

SCREEN: Show Closing Frame

Thank you for viewing!

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Chapter 3: Navigation, Help, and Home Page
Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is Chapter 3:
Navigation, Help and Dashboard Page.
Navigation Overview

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show the Title Frame

This is the “Dashboard” page. We will go over this
page in more detail later in the video. Let’s look at
the menu options first. There are five main menus
available to all user categories and roles: “Home”,
“Training”, “Reports”, “Help”, and “Welcome.”

SCREEN: Show PSTTT “Dashboard”
page, logged in with EmployeeLogin a school employee profile
ACTION: Highlight the menus as they
are named

There are two basic types of menus in PSTTT: direct
menus that act like buttons, and those that have submenu options.
The “Home” menu option will return you to the
“Dashboard” page from anywhere in the Tool.
This is an example of a direct menu, and it acts like a
button. The “Reports” menu is also a direct menu
option. Activating these options is done with one click
of the mouse, or by using the Enter key.
The “Training” menu has two sub-menus: “Log
Training” and “Training Title List.” The corresponding
pages allow you to log a new training record, and
view and manage training titles. This functionality is
described in detail in a separate video titled “Chapter
4: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Training Records
and Training Titles.”
The “Reports” menu brings up the “Reports” page
which is a form that allows users to configure criteria
and run reports on training data that has been
entered into the tool. The “Reports” page
functionality is described in a separate video titled
“Chapter 5: Reports.”
The next menu option is “Help.” This menu has its
own section in this video. Briefly, this menu has four
sub-menu options: “Online Resources”, “User
Guide”, “Training Video”, and “Contact Us.” Please
see the corresponding section of this video for more
The last menu option is the “Welcome” menu. The
full name of this menu includes the name of the user
logged in, or your name.
This menu has four sub-menus: “My Training
History”, “Print My Certificates”, “User Profile”, and
“Log Out.” These sub-menus allow you to view your
training history, print your training certificates, view
and edit your user profile, and log out of PSTTT. This
functionality is described in a separate video titled
“Chapter 2: Login for the First Time.”
This concludes our review of the five standard menu

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro

ACTION: Click on the Home option

ACTION: Click on Training menu to
expand, zoom in so options are clearly
visible, highlight the sub-menus

ACTION: Click on Reports menu

ACTION: Show the Help sub-menu

ACTION: Show the Welcome menu
ACTION: Show the Welcome submenu options

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

Page 15 of 56

As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Help Menu
In this section, we will be going over the “Help” menu
This menu has four sub-menus: “Online Resources”,
“User Guide”, “Training Video”, and “Contact Us.”
“Online Resources” sub-menu opens the “Online
Resources” page that displays links to pages outside
of the Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool
that provide more information on Professional
Standards, and other tools provided by the Food and
Nutrition Service office.
The “User Guide” sub-menu opens an online user
manual in PDF format which is available for reading,
downloading and printing.
The user guide linked in this sub-menu corresponds
to the Role you have set in your User Profile.
The next sub-menu is “Training Video.” The “Training
Video” page allows user to view all available PSTTT
training videos. The first two videos are also
available via links on the Tool’s “About” page.
Each video will play within the “Training Video” page.
It might be helpful to resize the browser window to fill
your screen using the available Full Screen option at
the bottom, far right.
There are additional video controls at the bottom of
the video window such as the “Play/Pause” button,
volume control, video time display, closed captioning
toggle, and settings.
Your computer's video player software will also affect
viewing. If there are any problems that are not fixed
with the displayed controls, please request your
computer’s technical support team to help you.
Many of the videos are segmented by sub-chapters.
You will see these as links under main chapter
Clicking on the main chapter link will play all subchapters.
Clicking on a sub-chapter link will allow you to jump
to that section and skip over other sections in the
same topic.
Returning to the “Help” menu, we have one more
sub-menu to go – “Contact Us.” The “Contact Us”
page allows you to send a message to the system
administrators, so they can provide you help, or you
might make suggestions for new functions or bug
fixes. This page is customized to your account by
The “Title” field is going to become the Subject line of
the email that is sent to the system administrators. It
should be a very short summary of the message.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro
SCREEN: Show PSTTT Dashboard
page, logged in with EmployeeLogin a school employee profile
ACTION: Hover over the Help menu
ACTION: Click the Online Resources
sub-menu, show the Online Resources

ACTION: Select the User Guide
option, show the PDF
ACTION: On PDF title page highlight
Employee User Guide
ACTION: In Help menu, show the
Training Video option, then click on it
ACTION: Push Play, and then pause.
Highlight the Full Screen button
ACTION: Point mouse at each control

ACTION: Point mouse at settings

ACTION: Click on the Chapter 4
ACTION: Point mouse at “4.0:
ACTION: Move mouse over subchapter links
ACTION: Click on the Contact Us
Off-screen, edit the Email Address
field, so it is not populated with
Alla’s email
ACTION: Point mouse at Title field

Page 16 of 56

The “Name” field is pre-populated with your name,
and “Email Address” field contains your email by
default. These will be used to contact you and may
be changed if you are sending a message for a
different user.
The “Phone Number” field is optional.
The “Message” field will become the body of the
email. Please use this field to give us as much detail
as possible.
At the bottom there is a checkbox that should be
used if this problem or help request is related to
Section 508 or ease of use. Please check this box, if
Since this is a relatively simple form, we would like to
use this page to demonstrate the general idea of our
field validation messages. Most fields on this page
are required, and their field title ends with an asterisk
In the page header area, we can find the message
that lets us know that this means this field is
If we try to press the “Send Message” button without
making any changes to the page we will see two field
validation messages appear.
The first one is for the “Title” field. The message
appears in red text, under or after the field to which it
is linked. This one states, “The Title* field is
required.” The field name is included so that you can
find the exact field which has the problem. Until all
validation messages are resolved you will not be
able to save, or in this case, transmit the information
in the fields.
This concludes our review of the “Help” menu.
As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Manager and Director Menu Options
Users with the Manager and Director roles have
access to a few additional menu options.
The “Training” menu for Managers and Directors
includes three additional sub-menus.
“View Logged Trainings” allows Managers and
Directors to view and manage existing training
records for their employees.
“Upload Bulk Training Records” allows Managers
and Directors to upload bulk training records for their
“Generate Training Titles List” brings up a list of all
training titles available in PSTTT in Microsoft Excel

ACTION: Point mouse at name
ACTION: Point mouse at email
ACTION: Point mouse at phone
number field
ACTION: Point mouse at message
ACTION: Point mouse at Accessibility

ACTION: Point out the asterisks

ACTION: Highlight the message
ACTION: Click the Send Message
ACTION: Highlight the message

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro
SCREEN: Show PSTTT “Dashboard”
page, logged in with DirectorLogin - a
school director profile
ACTION: Click on Training menu to
expand, zoom in so options are clearly
visible, highlight the sub-menus

Page 17 of 56

This functionality is described in a separate video
titled “Chapter 7: Manager and Director – Trainings
and Other Functionality.”
The “Help” menu for Managers and Directors
includes the additional “Report an Issue” sub-menu
that allows the user to report an issue within the
PSTTT application.
The “Report an Issue” page is a form with the
following fields:
The “Summary” field should be used to summarize
the issue you are encountering.
Describe the issue and the steps for USDA to follow
in order to recreate the issue in the “Description”
The “Name” and “Email Address” fields contains your
name and email by default. These will be used to
contact you and can be changed if you are sending a
message for a different user.
You can attach files with more details using the
“Browse” button.
Press the “Create” button when ready to submit your
issue for review. Your issue will be logged, and you
will see the confirmation dialog.
Back to the menu bar, the “Employees” menu is
available to Manager and Director users only. It has
the following sub-menus: “View Employee List”,
“Search Employees”, “Print Certificates”, “Create
User Profile”, “Upload Bulk Employee Profiles”, and
“Deactivate Employees.”
These sub-menus allow you to view your employee
list, search for employees, print employee training
certificates, create employee user profiles, and
deactivate employees. This functionality is described
in a separate video titled “Chapter 6: Manager and
Director - Employees Functionality.”
The other two options under the “Employees” menu
– “Manage Schools” and “Generate School List” –
are available to School Manager and Director users
Additionally, for School Director users, there is a
“Manage School Districts” sub-menu.
This functionality is described in a separate video
titled “Chapter 8: School Manager and Director
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
PSTTT Dashboard
The Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool

ACTION: Click on Help menu to
expand, zoom in so options are clearly
visible, highlight the sub-menu
ACTION: Show Report an Issue page
ACTION: Type in a value, for example,
“Unable to find my training”
ACTION: Type in a value, for example,
“The Logged Trainings page for 20192020 school year does not list the
Knife Skills training I recorded for
ACTION: Point mouse at Name and
Email fields
Off-screen, edit the Email Address
field, so it is not populated with
Alla’s email
ACTION: Point mouse at the Browse
ACTION: Press Create button, show
the dialog.
ACTION: Click on the Employees
menu to expand, zoom in so options
are clearly visible, highlight the submenus

ACTION: highlight the two sub-menus

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Title
SCREEN: Show Dashboard page,

Page 18 of 56

“Dashboard” page is your personal training
dashboard and is displayed when you log into
Training Tracker Tool and also when you click the
“Home” menu.
The “Dashboard” page displays the application
Welcome greeting and a small introduction
paragraph on the purpose of PSTTT.
In the center of the screen, you will find current date
to the left and the training calendar countdown – how
many days are left in the school year, and how many
training hours you must complete to meet your
annual training requirement.
With this profile, we have two trainings logged for the
current 2021-2022 school year, that total 8 hours in
length. The calendar countdown shows that 4 more
hours are needed, because it is subtracting the
completed 8 hours from a 12-hour goal. Your goal
amount is linked directly to the Job Title in your
For an employee who has completed their training
hours, a Congratulations! Message is displayed.
There is also the “Print Certificate” button that prints
your training certificate for the current school year.
The training certificates are described in a separate
video titled “Chapter 2: Login for the First Time.”
Below the calendar countdown there are the training
reward badges earned by you in the current school
To earn a badge for a particular Key Area for a
school year, the user needs to complete two
trainings covering topics from that key area.
At the same time, a user earns a cumulative
achievement badge, which reflects the number of
Key Area badges earned: a Bronze badge for one
Key Area badge earned, Silver for two, Gold for
three, and Platinum for four.
Finally, at the bottom of the “Dashboard” page, there
is an area that displays the most recent 5 training
titles that were logged. As training records are
added, this table will change to display the five most
recent trainings logged.
This concludes our look at the Dashboard
functionality in the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool.

logged in with DirectorLogin - a
school director profile (training
hours not completed)
ACTION: Point mouse at Home menu
ACTION: Highlight the title and top
ACTION: Highlight the row

ACTION: highlight to show what is
being talked about here

SCREEN: Show Dashboard page,
logged in with EmployeeLogin - a
school employee profile (training
hours completed)
ACTION: Highlight the row
ACTION: Highlight the badges
ACTION: Zoom in and highlight the
two badges to the right
ACTION: Highlight the badge on the

ACTION: Select/highlight the table in
the Recent Trainings section

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu item
under the Help menu to email for
any questions or challenges you may have while
using the Professional Standards Training Tracker
Thank you for viewing!

SCREEN: Show Closing Frame

Page 19 of 56

Chapter 4: Adding, Editing, or Deleting Training Records
Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is
“Chapter 4: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Training
Records and Training Titles.”
Your Training Status
The Professional Standards Training Tracker
Tool’s primary purpose is to allow users to create
training records for use in annual reviews. These
records can be created by the person who took
the training, or by their manager.
In this section, we will be talking about viewing
your training status.
We are logged in as a “School Food Authority - All
Other Staff (20 or more hours/week)” employee
who has training records in both the current and
previous school year.
The “Home” page is showing up to 5 of the most
recent trainings listed by School Year and shown
in reverse chronological order by Date Completed.
In this example, there is a training record for the
2022-2023 school year, and four records for the
previous school year.

The status message tells you whether your
training hours for the current year have been
Another way you can view your training status in
more detail is from “My Training History” page.
You can access it by selecting the “My Training
History” option under the “Welcome” menu.
Your “Training History” page displays your job
the number of required training hours,
and the “School Year” drop-down that defaults to
the current school year.
You can view trainings for each school year by
selecting it in the drop-down.

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show Title Frame.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show Home page with the user
logged in

SCREEN: Highlight the Date Completed
SCREEN: Highlight the school year value
for the one training, and then for the group
of 4 trainings.

SCREEN: Highlight the “You have XX days
to complete…” message.
ACTION: Click on the Welcome / My
Training History menu.
SCREEN: Display My Training History
SCREEN: Highlight “School Food Authority
- All Other Staff (20 or more hours/week)”
SCREEN: Highlight “6 training hours are
required for”
SCREEN: Highlight the drop-down with
2022-2023 selected.
ACTION: Select 2021-2022, show page
change to display 4 trainings.
Page 20 of 56

The total number of hours for the school year is
displayed at the bottom.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Highlight the total.

Viewing Training Record Details
In this section we will explore how to view your
training record details.
You can view details for each training by clicking
on its title.
The “Training Details” page shows all information
available for the training:
the Training Title,

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show My Training History page.

the Learning Objectives covered along with their
corresponding Key Areas and Training Topics,
the Training Provider and Training Format,

SCREEN: Highlight Training Categories
SCREEN: Highlight Training Provider and
Training Format.
SCREEN: Highlight Completion Date and
School Year.
SCREEN: Highlight Training Length.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Training Details page.
SCREEN: Highlight Training Title.

and the Completion Date and the School Year this
training was logged for.
The Training Length is listed – and this is the
number of hours that is added to the tally of your
training hours for the school year selected.
Finally, Comments, if any, and all Employees who
participated in this training session are listed.
From the “Training Details” page, based on your
permission level, you can: edit the training, upload
training documents, and delete the training. We
will discuss these topics in detail later in this
You can also use the “Back to List” button to
return to the “Training History” page.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Browsing Available Training Titles
In this section we will learn to browse all available
training titles.
Each training record is logged by first selecting a
training title. To browse available Training Titles,
select the “Training Title List” option under the
“Training” menu.
In the Professional Standards Training Tracker
Tool, a training title is a particular training, or set
of training materials that can be used for a training
session. The “Training Title List” page lists all
available training titles within the PSTTT.
A training title is defined by the combination of its
title, provider, and training format.
You can narrow down the training titles displayed
by typing in one or more keywords that match the
title or provider into the “Search” field.
For example, if we are trying to locate a Civil

SCREEN: Highlight Employees.

ACTION: Click the button.
SCREEN: Show My Training History page.
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show Home page.
ACTION: Click on the menu.

SCREEN: Show Training Title List page

SCREEN: Highlight the corresponding
column headers.
SCREEN: Highlight the Search field.
ACTION: Type “civil rights” into the Search

Page 21 of 56

Rights class, we would enter “civil rights” into the
“Search” field.
As you type, the page will be refreshed to display
only the training titles that match your keywords.
You can go through the results displayed using
the pagination controls at the bottom of the page,
or you can further narrow-down your search by
typing more keywords. For example, if this class
was offered by the Institute of Child Nutrition or
ICN, you can type “icn” in the search field.
Now you can review the Training Format and
Training Length for each of the training titles listed
to find a match.
If still more information is needed, you can click on
the training title to view its full details.
The “Training Title Details” page shows all
information available for the training title:
the Training Title, Training Length, Training
Format, Training Provider, Additional Information,
and Created Date (if available).
All the Learning Objectives covered along with
their corresponding Key Areas and Training
Topics are also listed.
From the “Training Details” page, based on your
permission level, you can edit and delete the
training title – we will discuss these topics in detail
later in this video.
You can also use the “Back to List” button to
return to the “Training Title List” page populated
according to the search keywords you previously
And you can also use the “Log Training” button on
the “Training Title Details” page to log a new
training record.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Adding a Training Record
In this section we will learn to add a training

There are two ways to add a training record. The
first is to locate a training title and press the “Log
Training” button on the “Training Title Details”
The “Log Training” page is a form that allows you
to record a training session. It will be helpful to
have the corresponding training materials
available to be referred to as needed.
When a training title is already selected, some
fields in the form are pre-populated with the
training title details and are not editable. These

SCREEN: Records displayed in the table
ACTION: Click on page 3.
SCREEN: Show page 3.
ACTION: Add “icn” so the Search field now
says “civil rights icn”.
SCREEN: Records displayed in the table
SCREEN: Highlight Training Format and
Training Length columns.
ACTION: Click on a title “CIVIL RIGHTS
SCREEN: Show Training Title Details

SCREEN: Highlight Training Categories
SCREEN: Highlight these buttons.

SCREEN: Highlight the button.

SCREEN: Highlight the button.
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen.
NOTE: We are continuing from the CIVIL
Title Details page.
SCREEN: Show Training Title Details
ACTION: Click on the Log Training button.

SCREEN: Show Log Training page.

SCREEN: Highlight the fields.
Page 22 of 56

fields are: “Training Provider”, “Training Format”,
and “Training Length”.
The “Training Categories” section is populated
with all Learning Objectives available for the
training title selected, listed by Key Area and
Training Topic.
The second way to add a new training record is to
select the “Log Training” option under the
“Training” menu.
In this case, none of the fields on “Log Training”
page are populated because the training title is
not yet selected.
For this example, we will assume that the training
you took already exists in the system. You need to
locate it by typing keywords into the “Training
Title” field – similar to what we did on the “Training
Title List” page.
For example, if we’re looking for a Civil Rights
class, we would type “civil rights” into the “Training
Title” field.
The matching training titles are displayed in a
drop-down. For each match, the Training Title is
displayed followed by the Provider name and
Training Type in parenthesis.
We can further narrow down the selection by
entering more keywords, for example, “icn” for the
provider we are looking for.
You need to click on a training title to select it.

Once you select the training title, the appropriate
fields on the “Log Training” page are populated
with its information.
Now you can select the Training Categories that
were covered for that training session. You can
select all available options, or only those
The Completion Date defaults to today’s date, and
you can change the value by clicking on it and
selecting a date from the calendar.
Then you can select the School Year towards
which this training should be counted.
You can also enter Comments, if needed.
Finally, you can select the Employees who
attended this training. School Staff and State
Employee users only have one option – their own
name – in the Employees field, and they need to
select it.
All fields except the “Comments” field on this form
are required.
Information entered will be confirmed for the
employee selected to make sure no duplicate
training records are being created. Uniqueness of
a training record is determined by checking the
combination of Employee, Training Title,

SCREEN: Highlight the Training
Categories section.
ACTION: Click on the menu.
SCREEN: Show Log Training page, then
highlight the fields from Training Title to
Training Hours.

ACTION: Type “civil rights” in the training
title field.
SCREEN: Show the drop down, zoom in.

ACTION: type “icn” so the Search field now
says “civil rights icn”.
ACTION: Click on the match “CIVIL
Webinar/Video/Online Training)”
SCREEN: Show Highlight the fields from
Training Title to Training Hours.
ACTION: Click on some of the
ACTION: Change the date.
ACTION: Click on the drop down to
expand, do not change the selection.
ACTION: Highlight the Comments box.
ACTION: Click the checkbox.

Page 23 of 56

Completion Date, and School Year. If a duplicate
is found, an error message will be displayed – it
means that you are recording a training for
yourself a second time. You can cancel out or
change the information entered.
Check your information and press the “Log
Training” button.
A confirmation will be displayed. Press the “Close”
button to go to the “Training Details” page
populated with all the information for the training
you have entered.
If you go to the “Training History” page now and
make sure the correct school year is selected, you
will see the new training listed.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Managing a Training Record
In this section, we will talk about editing an
existing training record, uploading documents, and
deleting a training record.
We will start on the “Training History” page and
click on the training title to go to the “Training
Details” page.
Based on your access level, you may be able to
edit a training record. In this case, the “Edit
Training” button will be available to you.
Otherwise, an information message will be
displayed on top of the page.
Click the “Edit Training” button to access the
“Update Training” page.
Some of the fields, such as the “Training Title”,
“Training Provider”, “Training Format”, and
“Training Length” will not be editable. However,
you will be able to modify the selection of
“Training Categories”, the “Completion Date”,
“School Year”, and “Comments.”
The “Employees” selection field is also editable,
but for the School Staff and State Employee
users, it only has one option – their own name –
which must remain selected.
Let’s see this in action by changing the
Completion Date and the School Year; then press
“Save”. Click the “Close” button in the dialog box
to exit.
The changes will be reflected on the “Training
Details” page.
Let’s press the “Back to List” button to return to
the “Training History” page. The Civil Rights
training is now displayed for the school year 202122.
Let’s get back to the “Training Details” page.
Based on your access level, you may be able to

ACTION: Press the button.
SCREEN: Show Training Details page.

SCREEN: Show Training History page,
highlight the Civil Rights Training.
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show My Training History page
as before.
CN PROGRAMS training.
SCREEN: Show Training Details page
SCREEN: Highlight the button.

ACTION: Click the button.
SCREEN: Show Update Training page.

ACTION: Change the completion date,
change School Year to 21-22, press the
Save Training button. Press the Close
button on the confirmation dialog.
SCREEN: Show Training Details page.
ACTION: Press the button.
SCREEN: Show Training History page
opened at 2021-2022 school year.
CN PROGRAMS training title.
SCREEN: Show Training Details page.
ACTION: Click the button.

Page 24 of 56

upload documents for the training. Use the
“Upload Training Documents” button to access the
“Upload Training Documents” page.
On this page, you need to
enter the Document Title,
select the Document Type,
and select the Document to be uploaded.
Documents to be uploaded must be in the Adobe
PDF, MS Word or MS Excel format, and be less
than 2.5 MB in size.
Press the “Upload” button to upload the document
and link it to the training record.
All uploaded documents will be displayed in the
bottom of the page.
Let’s add another document. We first enter a
Document Title, then select a Document Type,
and browse the files to select the Document we
want. By clicking “Upload”, the document is
uploaded and associated with the logged training.
Documents can be viewed by clicking on a
document title
and deleted by pressing the “Delete” button.
We can return to the “Training Details” page by
pressing the “Return to Training” button.
The documents are listed in the “Training
Documents” section of the page
and can be viewed by clicking on the title link.
Based on your access level, you may be able to
completely delete a training record, including the
associated documents, if any. In this case, the
“Delete” button will be available to you. Otherwise,
an information message will be displayed on top
of the page.
After pressing the “Delete” button a confirmation
dialog is displayed
Once deleted, the training is completely gone and
not visible anywhere.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Adding a Training Title
In this section we will talk about adding a training
If a training title you are looking for does not exist
in the Professional Standards Training Tracker
Tool, you can add it.
You can add a training title by pressing the “Add
New Training Title” button on the “Training Title

SCREEN: Upload Training Documents
ACTION: Type “Presentation slides”.
ACTION: Select Other.
ACTION: Press the Browse button to
select a file.
SCREEN: Highlight this rule under the
page title.
ACTION: Press the Upload button.
SCREEN: Screen reloads, the document is
ACTION: Add another document.

ACTION: Click on the title link. The
document opens.
ACTION: Press the button and go through.
SCREEN: Screen reloads and only one
document is now listed.
ACTION: Press the button.
SCREEN: Highlight the Documents
SCREEN: Highlight the link.
SCREEN: Highlight the button.

ACTION: Press the button.
ACTION: Press Yes on the first dialog,
then Yes on the second one.
SCREEN: Training History page
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Show the Training Title List

SCREEN: Highlight the button.
Page 25 of 56

List” page
or by pressing the “Add New Training Title” button
on the “Log Training” page.
Both will open the “Create Training Title” page.
The “Create Training Title” page is a form that
allows you to add a training to the PSTTT. It will
be helpful to have the corresponding training
materials available to be referred to as needed.
You will need to type in a descriptive Training
enter Training Length in hours and minutes,
select Training Format,
and enter the Provider.
You can also enter Additional Information, if
You also need to select all applicable Training
Click on each of the top categories to expand it,
and then click on sub-categories to expand them
and select all applicable options.

ACTION: Type in “A Test Training”.
ACTION: Enter 2 hours 30 minutes.
ACTION: Select “Online Training”.
ACTION: Enter “ICN“.

The number of selections in each category will be
Continue as needed.
All fields except the “Additional Information” field
on this form are required. Check your information
and press the “Save Training Title” button.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed. From here,
you will be taken to the page you came from. If
you came from the “Log Training” page, it will be
displayed populated with the new training title
If you came from the “Training Title List” page, you
will be taken back to it.
Note that a training title is defined by the
combination of its Title, Training Type and
Provider. If the combination you entered already
exists in the system, an information message is
displayed. To address this problem, you will need
to make changes, for example, you could add
more words to the Training Title to distinguish it
from other trainings that may have a similar title.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Managing a Training Title
In this section, we will talk about editing and
deleting an existing training title record. We will
start on the “Training Title List” page
and click on the training title to go to the “Training
Title Details” page.

SCREEN: Show the empty Log Training
page, highlight the button, then press it.
SCREEN: Show Create Training Title
SCREEN: Show Create Training Title

SCREEN: Highlight the Training
Categories section.
ACTION: Click on Nutrition - 1000.
ACTION: Select 1120 and 1140, then click
on General Nutrition – 1300 and select
SCREEN: Highlight where it says
(Selected: 3), etc.
ACTION: Click to select the 3330
ACTION: Press the button.
ACTION: Press OK on confirmation dialog.
SCREEN: Log Training page is displayed.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Training Title List page with “test
training” in the Search field and the new
training title displayed.
ACTION: Click on the training title.
SCREEN: Show Training Title Details
Page 26 of 56

As we have discussed already, you can record a
training for this training title by pressing the “Log
Training” button.
Based on your access level, you may be able to
edit a training title. In this case, the “Edit” button
will be available to you. Otherwise, an information
message will be displayed on top of the page.
Click the “Edit” button to access the “Edit Training
Title” page.
Most of the fields on “Edit Training Title” page will
be editable. The “Training Categories”
checkboxes will be editable only if no trainings
were recorded for this training title.
Make the necessary changes and press the “Save
Training Title” button.
The confirmation dialog will be displayed, and you
will be taken back to the “Training Title Details”
Based on your access level, and if there were no
corresponding trainings recorded, you may be
able to completely delete a training title. In this
case, the “Delete” button will be available to you.
Otherwise, an information message will be
displayed on top of the page.
After pressing the “Delete” button a confirmation
dialog is displayed.
Once deleted, the training title is completely gone
and not visible anywhere.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Highlight the button.

This concludes our look at the trainings and
training titles functionality in the Professional
Standards Training Tracker Tool.
As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu
item under the Help menu to email for any questions or
challenges you may have while using the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

Thank you for viewing!

SCREEN: Highlight the button.

ACTION: Click the button.
SCREEN: Show Edit Training Title page.
ACTION: Expand Training Categories to
show the enabled selected checkboxes.
ACTION: Change Length, press the button.
ACTION: Press OK On confirmation dialog.
SCREEN: Show Training Title Details
SCREEN: Highlight the button.

ACTION: Press the button, then OK on
confirmation dialog.
SCREEN: Training Title List page search
for the title, no results.
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

SCREEN: Show Closing Frame.

Page 27 of 56

Chapter 5: Reports
Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is Chapter
5: Reports.
The button to access the report feature in the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool is
located on the main menu bar.
Clicking the Reports button opens a form that allows
users to run reports on training data that has been
entered into the tool.
You can select the report to be run from the
Report Type drop-down. The default selection is
the Detailed Report.
A description for the report selected is displayed
on the top of the screen. The description changes
as you change Report Type selection.
You can enter the search criteria into the set of
fields that is different for each report. Most of the
search criteria fields are not required, but those
that are required are marked with an asterisk.
Manager and Director users can run reports on
trainings logged by their employees. Employees
multiple select can be used to select all, one, or
several employees. At least one option needs to
be selected in the Employees control.

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show Title Frame.
SCREEN: Show Home page with the
school employee test account logged in
(Alla will set up).
ACTION: Click on reports link.

ACTION - Point to the Type of Report
ACTION: Change the report type to
Summary Report so the description

ACTION: Select yourself in the
Employees multiple select.

For School Managers and Directors, the Schools
multiple select can be used to narrow down the
list of employees.
For School Employee and State Staff users, the
reports are run only for the user logged in, so the
Employees multiple select will be hidden.
State and USDA users will be logged in to their
state or FNS Region respectively. All active users
in the state or region will be displayed in the
Employees field.
School users will be logged in to their District,
which is filled in and not editable. Their schools
will be listed in the Schools field.
School users can narrow down the employees
listed in the Employees field by selecting one or
more Schools.

ACTION: Zoom into Employees multiple

Click the Generate Report button to run the report.
The results will be shown in the separate browser
Report Type is shown on the top of the report
results page.

ACTION: Zoom out, so School District,
Schools, and Employees fields are
ACTION: Click on one school, then press
ctrl+click on another so more employees
appear. Click on All Employees option in
the Employees field.
ACTION: Press Generate Report button.
ACTION: Show the results page.

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At the top left of the report’s output are buttons
that allow you to: Close the report browser tab,

ACTION: Show Close Report button, but
do not click on it.

print the report,

ACTION: Click on Print Report button so
Print dialog opens, then close the print
ACTION: Click on Export Excel button, so
Excel opens, then close it.
ACTION: Click on Export PDF button, so
PDF opens, then close it.
ACTION: Click to sort.

export report in CSV or Excel format,
or view it as a PDF.
Report results will be displayed in a table. The
information displayed depends on the report type
selected. You can click on arrows in table
headings to sort the table onscreen by that
column’s value.
There are six different report types in the Tracker
The Detailed Report is the most extensive one, it
allows the user to specify the most search options
and returns the most detailed search results.
Besides selecting the Employees, the search
criteria fields include the Job Title, the Training
Title, Key Area, Training Topic, Learning
Objective, School Year, Date Completed, Training
Hours, and Training Minutes. Checking the Show
Document Uploaded checkbox will list the
documents uploaded with every training found.
The Detailed Report provides a list of all the
Training Titles that have been entered into the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool for
each selected employee matching other search
criteria selected.
The Summary Report is the most concise one, it
allows the user to specify the least search options
and returns less detailed search results.
Besides selecting the Employees, the search
criteria fields include only the Job Title, School
Year, Training Hours, and Training Minutes.

The Summary Report provides summary training
information for each selected employee matching
other search criteria selected.
Summary Report by Key Area, Summary Report
by Training Topic, Summary Report by Learning
Objective, and Summary Report by Training Title
are very similar to the Summary report.
Each of these reports extends the Summary
Report by one “extra” search criteria field. For
example, Summary Report by Key Area allows
you to select a Key Area value.

SCREEN: Reports page with Detailed
Report selected and no other search
criteria entered.

ACTION: Enter search criteria – Alla will
provide the details once the account and
test data is set up. Then press Generate
Report button.
Employees, School Food Authority – All
Other Staff, Nutrition-1000, Key Area =
Administration-3000, check the Show
Document Uploaded checkbox
SCREEN: results screen. Zoom in to the
left, so 3-4 rows are visible, then pan
slowly to the right to show all columns.
SCREEN: Reports page with Summary
Report selected and no other search
criteria entered.
ACTION: Enter search criteria – Alla will
provide the details once the account and
test data is set up. Then press Generate
Report button.
Employees, School Food Authority – All
Other Staff, School Year = 2018-2019
SCREEN: results screen. Zoom in to the
left, so 3-4 rows are visible, then pan
slowly to the right to show all columns.
SCREEN: Reports page with Summary
Report by Key Area selected and no other
search criteria entered.
ACTION: select a value, click on All
Employees, press Generate Report
Select All Employees, Operations-2000

Page 29 of 56

The report will list the “extra” search criteria value
and display the same set of information as the
Summary Report.
This concludes our look at the Tracking Tool’s
As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu
item under the Help menu to email for any questions or
challenges you may have while using the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool.

SCREEN: results screen. Zoom in to the
title and the value in parentheses below it.
SCREEN: Zoom in to the left, so 3-4 rows
are visible, then pan slowly to the right to
show all columns.
SCREEN: Show Closing Frame.

Thank you for viewing!

Page 30 of 56

Chapter 6: Manager and Director - Employees Functionality
Welcome to the Professional Standards
Training Tracker Tool training video series.
This is “Chapter 6: Manager and Director –
Employees Functionality”.
The PSTTT provides Managers and Directors
with an extensive set of features for
managing Employee information.
Additional PSTTT features that have been
enhanced for use by Managers and Directors
are described in detail in a separate video
titled “Chapter 7: Manager and Director –
Additional Functionality”.
Functions specific to the School Managers
and Directors are described in detail in a
separate video titled “Chapter 8: School
Manager and Director Functionality”.
In this section, we will be going over the
“Employees” menu that is available to
Managers and Directors only.

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show the Title Frame

View Employee List
The “View Employee List” option under the
“Employees” menu opens the “View
Employees” page which allows Managers
and Directors to view the list of employees for
the selected school year.
An employee is deemed Active for a
particular Manager or Director during a
particular school year if:
1. At the end of the school year selected
employee’s assigned organization
(state, school district, school) falls
under the organization of the manager
logged in; AND
2. Employee has at least one activity
period during the school year
The “View Employees” page lists the Name,
Employee Number, Job Title, Badges earned
(if any), the number of Required training
hours, and the number of Completed training
hours for each employee.
The “Generate Employee List” button opens
an Excel file listing employee information for
the School Year selected.
You can re-sort the values by clicking on the
table headers. You can also select the
number of entries displayed per page and
use the pagination controls below the table to
navigate through all results found.
Use the Search field to narrow down the
selection by typing in one or more characters

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the View Employee List
SCREEN: View Employees page, 2021-2022

SCREEN: Show PSTTT Dashboard page,
logged in with StateDirectorLogin

ACTION: Highlight the columns

ACTION: Click the button
SCREEN: Show the file
ACTION: Click on the headers, then go to the
second page of results

ACTION: Type in a “lor” into the Search field,
fewer employees are displayed
Page 31 of 56

(letters or numbers) of the employee name
and/or employee number. The entries in the
table will be updated as you type.
Use the School Year drop-down to view
employees for different school years.
Let’s discuss which employees are visible to
Manager and Director users of the PSTTT.
PSTTT tracks employee activity periods
based on their Hire Date, and any
Deactivation and Reactivation dates
available. Activity periods are those between
the Hire Date and the Deactivation Date (if
any), and between Reactivation Date and the
next Deactivation Date (if any). If only the
Hire Date is available, the employee is
deemed active from that date forward.
An employee is deemed Active for a
particular Manager or Director during a
particular school year if:
At the end of the school year the selected
employee belongs to the Manager’s or
Director’s organization.
If an employee was assigned to your
organization at some point during a given
school year, they will be visible to you for
that school year.
If an employee has started the school year
under your organization but then was moved
to another organization, they will not be
visible for that school year.

ACTION: Click on the SY drop-down, show
options, select 2020-2021 – page reloads
SCREEN: Show View Employees page with
active, Deactivated, and Relocated employees

SCREEN: show text bullets overlaying the
screenshot as you speak
1. At the end of the school year the selected
employee belongs to the manager’s or
director’s organization
2. Status of Relocated – employee was moved
to another organization later
3. Status of Deactivated – employee was
deactivated in the given school year or later

If an employee was in your organization at
the end of a school year, but was moved to
another organization later, they will be visible
with the status of “Relocated.”
If an employee was active for at least one
day during a given school year, but was later
deactivated, they will be visible with the
status of “Deactivated.”
If an employee was deactivated during the
selected school year or later, the employee
name will not be clickable, and the
corresponding status will be listed as
If an employee was moved to a different
location that doesn’t fall under the
organization of the user logged in after the
end of the selected school year, the
employee name will not be clickable, and the
corresponding status will be listed as
Clicking on the employee name will take the
Manager and Director to the employee’s
“User Profile” page which we will discuss

ACTION: Back on View Employees page,
highlight deactivated employees

ACTION: Back on View Employees page,
highlight relocated employees

ACTION: click on employee name
SCREEN: User Profile page
Page 32 of 56

later in this training.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

Search Employees
The “Search Employees” option under the
“Employees” menu opens the “Employee
Search” page which allows Managers and
Directors to search for their active
This page lists the Name, Employee Number,
and the organization the employee belongs
You can re-sort the values by clicking on the
table headers. You can also select the
number of entries displayed per page and
use the pagination controls below the table to
navigate through all results found.
Use the Search field to narrow down the
selection by typing in one or more characters
(letters or numbers) of the employee name
and/or employee number. The entries in the
table will be updated as you type.
Clicking on the employee name will take the
Manager or Director to the employee’s “User
Profile” page.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Search Employees menu
SCREEN: Employee Search page

User Profile Page for an Employee
Information displayed on employee’s User
Profile page is similar to the user’s own
profile page that was discussed in a separate
video titled “Chapter 2: Login for the First
For Managers and Directors, the “User
Profile” page has two extra buttons – “View
Training History” and “View User History”.
“View Training History” button opens the
“Training History” page for the selected
This page is similar to the “My Training
History” page that was discussed in a
separate video titled “Chapter 2: Login for the
First Time”. It lists Course Title, Completion
Date, and Training Length for all trainings the
employee logged during the school year
selected in the drop-down.
The “View User History” button on “User
Profile” page opens the “User History” page
which allows the Manager or Director to view
and change the employee’s role and job title
for any given year within their organization.
The table on “User History” page contains a

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
SCREEN: Employee’s User Profile page

ACTION: Highlight the columns
ACTION: Click on the Name header twice

ACTION: Type “br” into the Search field, fewer
employees are displayed

ACTION: click on employee name (Bristol,
SCREEN: User Profile page
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

ACTION: Highlight buttons.
ACTION: Press View Training History button
SCREEN: Employee’s Training History page
ACTION: Highlight columns and the drop-down.

SCREEN: Employee’s User Profile page
ACTION: Press the View User History button

SCREEN: User History page
Page 33 of 56

row per every school year an employee was
active and lists the role, job title, and location.
If an employee held multiple positions in
multiple organizations during a given school
year, only the last organization and position
combination is displayed, since the last
position during a school year is used to
calculate the number of required hours.
Manager and Director users can update
employee’s role and job title retroactively for
each school year by pressing the
corresponding “Update” button that opens the
“Edit Historical User Profile” page.
The “Edit Historical User Profile” page is
similar to the “Edit User Profile” page,
however, it only applies to one school year,
and allows editing of only the Role and Job
Title. Select new values and press the
“Update” button to save, or “Cancel” button to
return to the “Edit Historical User Profile”
page without saving your changes.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

ACTION: Zoom in to show different roles and
job titles

Print Certificates
The “Print Certificates” option under the
“Employees” menu opens the “Print
Certificates” page which allows Managers
and Directors to view and print certificates of
completion for any employee who has met or
exceeded their annual required training hours
for the school year selected.
This page lists the Name, Employee Number,
Job Title, Badges earned (if any), the number
of Required training hours, and the number of
Completed training hours for each employee.
You can re-sort the values by clicking on the
table headers. You can also select the
number of entries displayed per page and
use the pagination controls below the table to
navigate through all results found.
Use the Search field to narrow down the
selection by typing in one or more characters
(letters or numbers) of the employee name
and/or employee number. The entries in the
table will be updated as you type.
Use the School Year drop-down to view
employees for different school years.
The checkboxes next to the employee names
allow the Manager or Director to select one or
multiple names. Clicking the “Print Certificate”
button will generate the certificates for all
selected employees in a single PDF file.
Each employee’s certificate will be on a
separate page in the PDF output.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Print Certificates menu
SCREEN: Print Certificates page

ACTION: Press Update button for 2019-2020
SCREEN: Edit Historical User History page

ACTION: Select a different role and job title,

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

ACTION: Highlight the columns

ACTION: Click on the headers, then go to the
second page of results

ACTION: Type in “ros” into the Search field,
fewer employees are displayed

ACTION: Click on the SY drop-down, show
options, select 2017-2018 – page reloads
ACTION: select a couple of checkboxes, press
the Print Certificates button
ACTION: scroll through the PDF
Page 34 of 56

As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

Create User Profile
The “Create User Profile” option under the
“Employees” menu opens the “Create User
Profile” page which allows Managers and
Directors to create profiles for employees
who will not be logging into PSTTT, so that
the Manager and Director can track training
hours for them.
The functionality of the “Create User Profile”
page used by Managers and Directors to
create employee profiles is the same as the
“Create User Profile” page that is described
in a separate video titled “Chapter 2: Login
for the First Time”.
You need to enter employee information
including name, employee number, if
available, hiring date, and email, if available.
User Category field is already set to your
User Category and cannot be edited. This is
also true for the other fields describing the
organization you belong to - State, School
District, or FNS Office.
Select the employee’s Role and Job Title.
Press the “Create” button to save your
changes or press the “Cancel” button to
return to the “Home” page without saving
your changes.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Create User Profile menu
SCREEN: Create User Profile page

Upload Bulk Employee Profiles
The “Upload Bulk Employee Profiles” option
under the “Employees” menu is available to
Managers and Directors. It opens the “Upload
Bulk Employee Profiles” page which allows
Managers and Directors perform a bulk
upload of employee profiles.
Instructions can be accessed at the top of the
page by clicking the gray heading bar to
expand or collapse the text.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Employees menu and
highlight Upload Bulk Employee Profiles submenu

This page provides controls to select and
upload an Excel file with employee records
data. The file must mirror the template
spreadsheet linked from the page. Click on
the “template” link, shown in blue, and save
the template file to your computer.

ACTION: click on Template link, then
SCREEN: Show the template file

The template contains the following columns:
First Name, which is a required field; enter
employee’s first name.

ACTION: Enter Anna, Atest, 12345, 8/23/2019.
ACTION: Highlight disabled fields

ACTION: Select Staff, then any job title
ACTION: click Create
SCREEN: User Profile page for the new
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

ACTION: Click to expand and collapse

SCREEN: Zoom in to the template column
headings as you talk about them

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Last Name also required; enter employee’s
last name.
Hiring Date – required; enter employee’s
hiring date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Email Address – enter employee’s email
Employee Number – enter the employee
User Type ID, which is required; enter one of
the numeric values listed.
User Role ID – required; enter one of the
numeric values listed.
Job Title ID – required; enter one of the
numeric values listed.
State Code – required for School and State
Agency users only; enter a 2-letter state
School ID/IDs – required for School Manager
and School Employee users only; enter one
or more numeric school IDs separated by
Please refer to the Generate Schools List
(available under the Employee tab) to look up
the School ID.
District ID – required for School users only;
enter a numeric district ID.
Please refer to the Generate Schools List
(available under the Employee tab) to look up
the District ID.
USDA FNS Office ID – required for USDA
FNS users only; enter one of the numeric
values listed.
The file also contains a sample row. Use this
row as a sample, then delete it from the
Fill out and save the spreadsheet to your
Click “Browse” to locate the spreadsheet you
just saved, then use the “Upload File” button
on “Upload Bulk Employee Profiles” page to
upload the file.
The “Review Uploaded Employee Profiles”
page is displayed once the file is uploaded.
The page displays a block of data entry
controls for each employee profile imported
from the Microsoft Excel file.
The data entry fields are: First Name, Last
Name, Business or Work Email, Employee
Number, Hiring Date, Role, Job Title, and
State. For School Managers and Directors,
District and Schools fields will be also
present. Required fields are denoted by the
asterisk (*).

SCREEN: Zoom in to the sample row
SCREEN: Show a filled out spreadsheet UserProfileBulkUpload_template_State_DE.xlsx
ACTION: click, etc.

SCREEN: Show the “Review Uploaded Training
Titles” page, scroll to show the blocks

SCREEN: Zoom into a single block.

Page 36 of 56

Blocks for employee profiles that were
flagged by the import data validation as
having errors, will be displayed in red. Error
messages will be displayed for each field that
has invalid or missing values in it.
You can edit information in the fields on
“Review Uploaded Employee Profiles” page if
you want to change any values before being
Edit the fields to correct the errors, and as
you do so, the error messages will disappear.
Once there are no validation errors detected
for a particular employee profile, its block will
become blue.
You can also delete any employee profile
block by pressing the “Remove Employee
Profile” button. A confirmation dialog will be
displayed. Once removed, this action cannot
be undone.
Once you are done correcting and modifying
the employee profile data, use the “Import
Employee Profiles” button to save the
employee profiles.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed listing
the number of employee profiles that were
successfully imported.
Data entered will be checked to make sure
no duplicate employee records are being
created. Uniqueness of an employee record
is determined by checking the combination of
First Name, Last Name, Email Address and
Employee Number. If any of the employee
profile records caused further errors while
being saved, an error message will be
The employee profiles that did not have any
errors will be saved at this point and will be
accessible through the PSTTT screens. Any
records with errors will be listed on “Review
Uploaded Employee Profiles” page with the
appropriate error messages.
You can edit the data for employee profiles
with errors or use the “Remove Employee
Profile” button for each employee profile
block. Once you are done correcting and
modifying the data, use the “Import Employee
Profiles” button again to save.
You can also cancel the process of importing
the employee profile records at any point by
pressing the “Cancel” button on “Review
Uploaded Employee Profiles” page. If some
of the employee profile records were already
saved, they will remain in the system, but the

SCREEN: Highlight a red block with errors

ACTION: Edit a block that is not red, change
Employee Number

ACTION: Edit information in the 1st block that is
red – set Hiring Date to 07/22/2021

ACTION: Remove the 2nd red block

ACTION: Press the button

SCREEN: Show the dialog
ACTION: Press OK on the dialog
SCREEN: Show message dialog

SCREEN: Review Uploaded Employee Profiles
page, highlight the error message

ACTION: Correct the data, highlight the Import
Employee Profiles button.

ACTION: Press the Cancel button

Page 37 of 56

records still displayed on “Review Uploaded
Employee Profiles” page will not be saved.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed since
this action cannot be undone.
Press “Leave page” button to cancel, or press
“Stay on page” button to stay on page and
continue editing data in the employee profile
Once import process is complete, a success
dialog is displayed, and the user is taken to
the “View Employees” page.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show the confirmation dialog
ACTION: Press Leave Page button

SCREEN: Show the View Employees page
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen.

Deactivate Employees
The “Deactivate Employees” option under the
“Employees” menu opens the “Deactivate
Employees” page which allows the Manager
or Director to select one or more active
employees to deactivate. Controls on this
page allow the Manager or Director to select
one or more employees. Required fields are
denoted by the asterisk (*).
Select one or more employees in the
“Employees” field,

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Deactivate Employees
SCREEN: Deactivate Employees page

enter the Deactivation Date,
and press the “Deactivate Selected
Employees” button. A confirmation dialog
listing the selected employees will be
Press the “Deactivate” button to deactivate
the selected employees. Press the “Cancel”
button to cancel.
The confirmation dialog displayed after the
deactivations are performed lists all
employees who could not be deactivated with
the corresponding reasons, if any.
This concludes our review of the “Employees”

ACTION: Change Date to 11/11/2021
ACTION: press button
SCREEN: Confirmation dialog, press

ACTION: Select two employees we just
imported (names in all caps)

ACTION: Press Deactivate
SCREEN: Dialog with the failed user
ACTION: Zoom into the dialog

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

As a reminder, please use the Contact Us
menu item under the Help menu to email for any questions or
challenges you may have while using the
Professional Standards Training Tracker
Thank you for viewing!

SCREEN: Show Closing Frame

Page 38 of 56

Chapter 7: Manager and Director – Additional Functionality
Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is
“Chapter 7: Manager and Director – Additional
The PSTTT provides Managers and Directors with
an extensive set of features for managing
Employee information. This functionality is
covered in a separate video titled “Chapter 6:
Manager and Director – Employees Functionality”.
Functions specific to the School Managers and
Directors are described in detail in a separate
video titled “Chapter 8: School Manager and
Director Functionality”.
In this video, we will be going over other PSTTT
features that have been enhanced for use by
Managers and Directors.
Log Training
The “Log Training” functionality was enhanced to
allow Managers and Directors to select multiple
participants for each training session.
The Employee selection field allows the Manager
or Director user to select one or more names of
their employees (including their own name), via
checkboxes, for the training to be documented.
The list of employees in the Employee selection
field is based on the School Year selected for the
If you select some employees
and then change the School Year value,
the list of Employee selection field will be updated
and your selections will be cleared out.
Employee Name, Employee Number, and Role
are listed for each employee.
You can re-sort the values by clicking on the table
Use the Search field to narrow down the selection
by typing in one or more characters of the
employee name and/or employee number. The
entries in the table will be updated as you type.
You can view all available and selected
Employees by clearing out the Search field.
After entering all the required information,

press the “Log Training” button to save a new

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show the Title Frame

SCREEN: Show PSTTT Dashboard page,
logged in with StateDirectorLogin
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Training / Log
Training menu, Log Training page opens
SCREEN: Scroll down so that School Year
control is on top of the screen and most of
the Employees field is visible
ACTION: Change the school year to 2018
- 2019
ACTION: Select Almond, Bristol, Buck
ACTION: Change the school year to 2019
- 2020
SCREEN: contents of the Employee
control change (Bayley and Buck are
SCREEN: Highlight
ACTION: Click to re-sort
ACTION: Type “ol” fragment keyword into
the Search field, fewer employees are
Select Roswoll
ACTION: clear Search field (Bayley, Buck,
Roswoll selected).
SCREEN: Select training title, one or more
Training Categories, Completion Date =
today’s date, School Year 2019-2020,
Bayley, Buck, Roswoll).
NOTE: if you need to re-shoot this, just
select a different training title
ACTION: Press Log Training button

Page 39 of 56

training record.
Employees selected for this training have to be
active both during the School Year and on
Completion Date selected. If Completion Date
does not fall into a period when employee’s
PSTTT account was active, training is not saved
and an error message is displayed.
Press the “Close” button on the dialog, and then
correct the data and press the “Log Training”
button again.
Once the training is successfully saved, user is
notified by a confirmation dialog.
To add employees to an existing training record or
remove employees from an existing training
record, use the “Edit” button on the “Training
Detail” page to edit the training.
On the “Update Training” page, to remove
employees uncheck their checkboxes,
and to add employees, check their checkboxes
and save.
The list of employees assigned to the training will
be updated accordingly.
View Logged Trainings
The “View Logged Trainings” option under the
“Training” menu is available to Managers and
Directors only.
It opens the “View Logged Trainings” page which
allows Managers and Directors to view the list of
trainings that have been logged for their
This page lists the Course Title, Employee
Name(s), Training Length, and Completion Date
for the employees visible to the user logged in
(based on their permissions) that were active
during the School Year selected in the drop-down.
You can re-sort the values by clicking on the table
headers. You can also select the number of
entries displayed per page and use the pagination
controls below the table to navigate through all
results found.
Use the Search field to narrow down the selection
by typing in one or more characters (letters or
numbers) of the training title. The entries in the
table will be updated as you type.
Clicking on the Training Title for a training record
shown on the “View Logged Training” page will
take the Manager and Director to the “Training
Details” page for that training record.
Manager and Director users may edit, upload
documents for, or delete training records for which
they have proper authority over all the training
If you have proper authority over all training
attendees, the “Edit Training” button will be

SCREEN: Error dialog for Bayley

ACTION: Close the dialog, uncheck
Bayley, press the Log Training Button to
SCREEN: Confirmation dialog
ACTION: Press Close
SCREEN: Training Details page
ACTION: Press Edit button
SCREEN: Update Training page
ACTION: Deselect Roswoll
ACTION: Select the 2 Shee employees,
save, Close on dialog
SCREEN: Training Detail page with the
updated list of employees
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Training menu and
highlight View Logged Trainings sub-menu
SCREEN: View Logged Trainings page

ACTION: Click on the SY drop-down, show
options, select 2020-2021 – page reloads

ACTION: Click on the headers, then go to
the second page of results

ACTION: Type in “basic” keyword into the
Search field, fewer employees are
SCREEN: Training Details page

Page 40 of 56

available allowing you to edit the training record.
In addition to that, if all employees selected for the
training were active during the selected School
Year, the “Delete” button will be available allowing
you to delete the training record.
Any employees no longer valid for the training will
be listed in the Invalid Employees section.
An employee can become invalid for an existing
training if they were deactivated with a
Deactivation Date that is before the School Year
selected for the training.

SCREEN: Training Details page for a
training with Invalid Employees (20-21

Upload Bulk Training Records
Managers and Directors have the ability to
perform a bulk upload of trainings for their
employees using the “Upload Bulk Training
Records” sub-menu under the “Training” menu.
The “Upload Bulk Training Records” sub-menu
takes you to the “Upload Bulk Training Records”
Instructions can be accessed at the top of the
page by clicking the gray heading bar to expand
or collapse the text.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Highlight the menu

This page provides options to select and upload
an Excel file with training data. The file must
mirror the template spreadsheet linked from the
page. Click on the “template” link, shown in blue,
and save the template file to your computer.

ACTION: click on Template link, then
SCREEN: Show the template file

The template contains the following fields:
Training Title ID – required; enter a training title
You can use the “Generate Training Title List”
option available under “Training” menu to add the
requested training title information to the template.
This menu generates a spreadsheet containing
the following information for each training title: ID,
Title, Provider, Type, Length, Note, Created On
date, and Number of Trainings recorded for the
training title.
Other template fields are:
Learning Objectives (separated by commas) –
required; enter numeric values for training
objectives, separated by commas.
Completion Date – also required; a completion
School Year – required; enter a school year.
Comments – enter comments.
PSTTT Employee IDs (comma-separated) –
required; enter the PSTTT Employee IDs
separated by commas.
You can look up PSTTT Employee IDs from the
“View Employee List” page available under the

ACTION: Click on the menu
SCREE: Show “Upload Bulk Training
Records” page
ACTION: Click to expand and collapse

SCREEN: Zoom in to the template column
headings as you talk about them
SCREEN: Highlight the column heading
SCREEN: Show Generate Training Title
List on the Training menu
SCREEN: Show the training titles

SCREEN: Show the template
spreadsheet, highlight the column

SCREEN: View Employee List on the
Training menu
Page 41 of 56

“Employees” menu.
Select a School Year and press the “Generate
Employee List” button
to generate a spreadsheet containing the
employee information including PSTTT Employee
Back to the Upload Bulk Training Records
template, the template file also contains a sample
row. Use this row as a sample, then delete it from
the spreadsheet.
Fill out and save the spreadsheet to your
Click “Browse” to locate the spreadsheet you just
saved, then use the “Upload File” button on
“Upload Bulk Training Titles” page to upload the
The “Review Uploaded Training Records” page is
displayed once the file is uploaded. The page
displays a block of data entry controls for each
training record imported from the Microsoft Excel
The data entry fields are: Training Title, Training
Provider, Training Format, Training Length (Hours
and Minutes) – derived from the Training Title ID,
Completion Date, School Year, Comments,
Training Categories, and Selected Employees.

SCREEN: Show the button
SCREEN: Show the employees
SCREEN: Zoom in to the sample row

SCREEN: Show a filled out spreadsheet
ACTION: click, etc.

SCREEN: Show the “Review Uploaded
Training Records” page, scroll to show the

SCREEN: Zoom into a single block.

Required fields are denoted by the asterisk (*).
The “Show List” button in the “Selected
Employees” section expands the list of employees
that were active during the School Year and on
Completion Date selected.
If you change the School Year value, the list of
employees available for this training will change.
You can edit information in the fields on “Review
Uploaded Training Records” page if you want to
change any values before being saved.
Blocks for training records that were flagged by
the import data validation as having errors, will be
displayed in red. Error messages will be displayed
for each field that has invalid or missing values in
The “Selected Employees” control may have up to
three sections, as applicable.

ACTION: Click the button on a blue block
SCREEN: Section expands

ACTION: Change the school year to 20202021
SCREEN: List of employees changes
ACTION: Edit Completion Date in blue
block to 07/15/2021, then check one more
SCREEN: Highlight the first red block with

SCREEN: Highlight sections as you speak

The “Invalid Employees” section lists employee
IDs imported from your spreadsheet that are not
valid for the School Year selected.
“Selected Employees” section displays
employees, whose IDs were successfully

ACTION: Uncheck one employee (not
Page 42 of 56

imported from your spreadsheet; you can uncheck
them if necessary.
ACTION: Press Show List button, select
one more employee

“Additional Eligible Employees” section lists
additional employees who were valid for the
School Year selected; you can select them if
Use the “Remove Invalid Selection(s)” buttons in
the Training Categories and Invalid Employees
sections to remove invalid selections, if any.
Edit the fields to correct the errors, and as you do
so, the error messages will disappear. Once there
are no validation errors detected for a particular
training record, its block will become blue.
You can also delete any training record block by
pressing the “Remove Training Record” button. A
confirmation dialog will be displayed. Once
removed, this action cannot be undone.
Once you are done correcting and modifying the
training records data, use the “Import Training
Records” button to save the trainings.

A confirmation dialog will be displayed listing the
number of training records that were successfully
Data entered will be checked to make sure no
duplicate training records are being created.
Uniqueness of a training record is determined by
checking the combination of Employee, Training
Title, Completion Date, and School Year.
If any of the training records caused further errors
while being saved, an error message will be
The training records that did not have any errors
will be saved at this point and will be accessible
through the PSTTT screens. Any records with
errors will be listed on “Review Uploaded Training
Records” page with the appropriate error
You can edit the data for training records with
errors or use the “Remove Training Records”
button for each training record block. Once you
are done correcting and modifying the data, use
the “Import Training Record” button again to save.
You can also cancel the process of importing the
training records at any point by pressing the
“Cancel” button on “Review Uploaded Training
Records” page. If some of the training records
were already saved, they will remain in the

ACTION: Press the button
SCREEN: section disappears
ACTION: Check one or more Training
Categories – block is now blue
ACTION: Remove the last red block

ACTION: Press the button
NOTE: If you need to repeat the steps
beyond this point, first delete the two
trainings we just created: “A GUIDE TO
PENNSYLVANIA” for 2021-2022
SCREEN: Show the dialog
ACTION: Press OK on the dialog

SCREEN: Show error message
SCREEN: Review Uploaded Training
Records page, highlight the error message
for Bristol

ACTION: Uncheck Bristol, highlight the
Import Training Records button.

ACTION: Press the Cancel button

Page 43 of 56

system, but the records still displayed on “Review
Uploaded Training Records” page will not be
A confirmation dialog will be displayed since this
action cannot be undone.
Press “Leave page” button to cancel, or press
“Stay on page” button to stay on page and
continue editing data in the training record blocks.
Once import process is complete, a success
dialog is displayed, and the user is taken to the
“View Logged Trainings” page.
This concludes our review of the additional
trainings functionality for Managers and Directors.

SCREEN: Show the confirmation dialog
ACTION: Press Leave Page button
SCREEN: Show the View Logged
Trainings page
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Managing Training Titles
The training titles functionality was enhanced for
Manager and Director users to allow them to
generate a list of all training titles in Excel file
format by clicking on “Generate Training Title List”
sub-menu under the “Trainings” menu.
The list of training titles can also be generated by
pressing the “Generate Training Titles List” button
on “Training Title List” page.
The following information is included for each
training title: ID, Title, Provider, Type, Length,
Note, Created On date, and Number of Trainings
recorded for the training title.
The training titles functionality was also enhanced
for the Director users to allow them to manage
training titles created by their employees.
Managers can only manage training titles that
they created.
This functionality is accessible through the
“Training Title Details” page.
Directors can use the “Edit” button to edit training
title information and the “Delete” button to delete a
training title. This functionality is described in
detail in “Chapter 4”: Adding, Editing, and Deleting
Training Records and Training Titles” training

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click to expand the Trainings
menu, highlight the sub-menu

Upload Bulk Training Titles
The “Training Title List” option under the
“Training” menu opens the “Training Title List”
page which allows users to view and search the
list of training titles available in PSTTT. This
functionality is described in detail in “Chapter 4”:
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Training Records
and Training Titles” training video.
Managers and Directors have the ability to
perform a bulk upload of training titles using the
“Upload Bulk Training Titles” button on the

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen
ACTION: Click on the Training menu and
highlight the Training Title List sub-menu

SCREEN: Training Title List page
ACTION: Click the button
SCREEN: Show the spreadsheet

SCREEN: Training Title List page

ACTION: Click on a training title
SCREEN: Training Title Details page
opens, highlight the buttons

ACTION: Highlight the button

Page 44 of 56

“Training Title List” page.
The “Upload Bulk Training Titles” button opens
the “Upload Bulk Training Titles” page.
Instructions can be accessed at the top of the
page by clicking the gray heading bar to expand
or collapse the text.
This page provides controls to select and upload
an Excel file with training titles data. The file must
mirror the template spreadsheet linked from the
page. Click on the “template” link, shown in blue,
and save the template file to your computer.
The template contains the following columns:
Training Title Name – required; enter a descriptive
training title.

ACTION: Click the button
SCREE: Show “Upload Bulk Training
Titles” page
ACTION: Click to expand and collapse

ACTION: click on Template link, then
SCREEN: Show the template file

SCREEN: Zoom in to the template column
headings as you talk about them

Training Hours – required; enter a numeric value
for Hours (whole number, 0 or greater).
Training Minutes – required; enter a numeric value
for Minutes (whole number, from 0 to 55 in
increments of 5).
Training Format – required; enter one of the
following values: Face-to-Face,
Webinar/Video/Online Training, Print
Materials/Training Materials, Other.
Training Provider – required; enter the instructor
name or the provider organization or person.
Additional Information – enter additional
information and/or comments, if any.
Training Categories – required; enter Learning
Objectives separated by commas.
The file also contains a sample row. Use this row
as a sample, then delete it from the spreadsheet.
Fill out and save the spreadsheet to your
Click “Browse” to locate the spreadsheet you just
saved, then use the “Upload File” button on
“Upload Bulk Training Titles” page to upload the
The “Review Uploaded Training Titles” page is
displayed once the file is uploaded. The page
displays a block of data entry controls for each
training title imported from the Microsoft Excel file.
The data entry fields are: Training Title, Training
Provider, Training Format, Training Length (Hours
and Minutes), Additional Information, and Training
Categories. Required fields are denoted by the
asterisk (*).
The Training Categories control functions the
same as on “Create Training Title” page. Click to
expand each of the training categories to view

SCREEN: Zoom in to the sample row
SCREEN: Show a filled out spreadsheet
ACTION: click, etc.

SCREEN: Show the “Review Uploaded
Training Titles” page, scroll to show the
SCREEN: Zoom into a single block.

ACTION: Click, select one more

Page 45 of 56

sub-categories and the selected values, if any.
Blocks for training titles that were flagged by the
import data validation as having errors, will be
displayed in red. Error messages will be displayed
for each field that has invalid or missing values in
You can edit information in the fields on “Review
Uploaded Training Titles” page if you want to
change any values before being saved.
Edit the fields to correct the errors, and as you do
so, the error messages will disappear. Once there
are no validation errors detected for a particular
training title, its block will become blue.
You can also delete any training title block by
pressing the “Remove Training Title” button. A
confirmation dialog will be displayed. Once
removed, this action cannot be undone.
Once you are done correcting and modifying the
training titles data, use the “Import Training Titles”
button to save the trainings.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed listing the
number of training titles that were successfully
Data entered will be checked to make sure no
duplicate training title records are being created.
Uniqueness of a training title record is determined
by checking the combination of Training Title,
Training Provider, and Training Format. If any of
the training title records caused further errors
while being saved, an error message will be
The training titles that did not have any errors will
be saved at this point and will be accessible
through the PSTTT screens. Any records with
errors will be listed on “Review Uploaded Training
Titles” page with the appropriate error messages.
You can edit the data for training titles with errors
or use the “Remove Training Title” button for each
training title block. Once you are done correcting
and modifying the data, use the “Import Training
Titles” button again to save.
You can also cancel the process of importing the
training title records at any point by pressing the
“Cancel” button on “Review Uploaded Training
Titles” page. If some of the training title records
were already saved, they will remain in the
system, but the records still displayed on “Review
Uploaded Training Titles” page will not be saved.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed since this
action cannot be undone.
Press “Leave page” button to cancel, or “Stay on

SCREEN: Highlight a red block with errors

ACTION: Edit a block that is not red

ACTION: Edit information in the first red
block – enter Provider name KITCHEN
ACTION: Remove the second red block

ACTION: Press the button
NOTE: If you need to repeat the steps
beyond this point change the names of
trainings in the spreadsheet
SCREEN: Show the dialog
ACTION: Press OK on the dialog

SCREEN: Review Uploaded Training
Titles page, highlight the error message

ACTION: Correct the data by changing the
Training Type, highlight the Import
Training Titles button.
ACTION: Press the Cancel button

SCREEN: Show the confirmation dialog
ACTION: Press Leave Page button

Page 46 of 56

page” button to stay on page and continue editing
data in the training title blocks.
Once import process is complete, a success
dialog is displayed, and the user is taken to the
“Training Titles List” page.
This concludes our review of the additional
trainings functionality for Managers and Directors.

SCREEN: Show the Training Titles List
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Additional Reports Functionality

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen

All reports require the user to select the set of
employees the report is generated for.
Manager and Director users can run reports for
their employees’ training hours as well as their
own training hours.
The set of employees available for selection
depends on the School Year selected – all
employees active during this year are listed.
State Directors and Managers can generate
reports on State users in their state or on School
users in their state – the selection is driven by the
Category drop-down.
When STATE is selected as the Category, the
State drop-down is set to the Manager’s or
Director’s state and is not editable.
The Employees field is populated with the state
When SCHOOL is selected as the Category, the
State drop-down is set to the Manager’s or
Director’s state and is not editable, and “School
District” and “Schools” fields are displayed.
The Manager and Director can select a School
District and one or more schools to narrow down
the selection of records in the “Employees” field.

SCREEN: Reports page

For School Directors and Managers, the State and
School District fields will default to their state and
school district. The Schools field can be used to
narrow down the selection of employees.
For Managers and Directors, all reports have an
additional option – the “Include Deactivated
Employees” checkbox.
When the “Include Deactivated Employees”
checkbox is not selected, employees who are
currently inactive will not be included in the report
For Managers and Directors, the Summary report
has another additional option – the “Include
Employees Without Trainings” checkbox.

SCREEN: Highlight the Employees
ACTION: Change School Year to 20192020, the list of Employees changes
ACTION: Highlight and open the Category
ACTION: Highlight the State drop-down
ACTION: Highlight the Employees control
ACTION: Change Category to SCHOOL
SCREEN: School controls are displayed
ACTION: Select a district APPOQUINIMINK, then school - CEDAR
SCREEN: Contents of the Employees
control change.

ACTION: Highlight the checkbox
ACTION: De-select the checkbox

ACTION: Change Report Type to
Summary Report, highlight the checkbox

Page 47 of 56

Summary report is run for employees selected in
the Employees field. When the “Include
Employees Without Trainings” checkbox is not
selected, employees who do not have any
trainings logged for that School Year will not be
included in the Summary report output.
When the “Include Employees Without Trainings”
checkbox is selected, employees without any
trainings logged for that School Year will be
included in the Summary report output.
This concludes our review of the additional reports
functionality for Managers and Directors.

ACTION: Click on All Employees, check
the checkbox, press Generate Report

SCREEN: Summary Report output
ACTION: Highlight employee(s) with 0
completed hours
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

As a reminder, please use the help email at for any questions or
challenges you have while using our website.
Additional Help Menu Functionality

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro Screen

The “Help” dropdown menu for Managers and
Directors has one additional option – “Report an
Issue” which is used to submit an issue report or a
data change request.
The “Report an Issue” form page displays data
entry fields for the user to allow them to submit an
issue report or a data change request.
The asterisks mark the required fields. The User
Name and Email from the logged in user are
populated by default but may be changed by the
Press the “Create” button to submit your issue. A
confirmation dialog will be displayed with the
buttons representing two choices.
Press the “Return to Dashboard” button to return
to the “Home” page. Press the “Report New Issue”
button to return to the “Report an Issue” page and
report another issue.
This concludes our look at the additional Manager
and Director functionality in the Professional
Standards Training Tracker Tool.

SCREEN: Show PSTTT “Dashboard” page
ACTION: Click on the Help / Report an
Issue menu
SCREEN: Report an Issue page
Off-screen, edit the Email Address field,
so it is not populated with Alla’s email
SCREEN: Highlight fields

ACTION: Press Create
SCREEN: Dialog
ACTION: Press Return to Dashboard.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit Screen

As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu
item under the Help menu to email for any questions or
challenges you may have while using the
Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool.
Thank you for viewing!

SCREEN: Show Closing Frame

Page 48 of 56

Chapter 8: School Manager and Director Functionality
Welcome to the Professional Standards Training
Tracker Tool training video series. This is “Chapter
8: School Manager and Director Functionality”.
Functions specific to Managers and Directors in
general are described in detail in two separate
videos titled “Chapter 6: Manager and Director Employees Functionality” and “Chapter 7: Manager
and Director – Additional Functionality”.

On-screen Action
SCREEN: Show the Title Frame

This video details additional functionality specific to
School Managers and Directors.
Employee Selection Options

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro

To make it easier for School Managers and
Directors to select Employees on various screens,
they can filter to select one or more schools to
narrow down the selection of Employees.
For example, on “Log Training” page you can use
the “Filter Employees By Schools” option to narrow
down the list of Employees.
School Managers can select from a list of Schools
they are assigned to, while School Directors can
choose from all schools in the District.
On “Deactivate Employees” page you can select
one or more school in the “School(s)” field.

SCREEN: Show PSTTT “Dashboard”
page, logged in with ManagerLogin

On “Reports” page you can select one or more
school in the “School(s)” field as well.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.
Manage Schools
The “Manage Schools” option under the
“Employees” menu is available to School Managers
and Directors only. It opens the “Manage Schools”
page which allows School Managers and Directors
to view and manage the list of schools in their
school district.
School Name, Type, City, State, and Zip are listed
for each school.
Click the “Edit” link for a school to open the “Edit
School” page.

SCREEN: Log Training page (go to
Training / Log Training menu)
SCHOOL, fewer employees are
SCREEN: Deactivate Employees page
(go to Employees / Deactivate
Employees menu)
employees are displayed
SCREEN: Reports page
employees are displayed
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro
ACTION: Click on the Manage Schools
SCREEN: Manage Schools page

ACTION: Click Edit
SCREEN: Edit School page opens

Page 49 of 56

Some of the fields on “Edit School” page are
prepopulated with the data for your school district
and are not editable: State, County, and District.
The rest of the fields contain the school information:
School Name, School Type, Address, City, and Zip.
Required fields are denoted by an asterisk.
Click on the “School Types Guidance Chart” link to
view a PDF document listing the available school
Use “Back to List” button to return to the “Manage
Schools” page without saving the changes or use
the “Update” button to save.
School Managers and Directors can create new
schools within their district. Press the “Add New
School” button on “Manage Schools” page to open
the “Create New School” page.
The fields on the “Create New School” page are the
same as on the “Edit School” page. State, County
and District fields are populated with the values for
your school district and are not editable.
Enter the School Name, School Type, Address,
City, and Zip. Required fields are denoted by an
The combination of the School Name and Zip is
required to be unique.
Use “Back to List” button to return to the “Manage
Schools” page without saving the changes or use
the “Create” button to create a new school record.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed, and then
“Manage Schools” page will be displayed with the
new school listed.

ACTION: Highlight the fields
ACTION: Highlight the fields
ACTION: Click on the link
ACTION: Click Back to List
SCREEN: Manage Schools page
ACTION: Press the button
ACTION: Highlight the fields

ACTION: Enter – The Best School,
Regular School, 123 Main Street,
Baltimore, 11112
ACTION: Press Create

ACTION: Press Close on confirmation

Once the new school has been added to the school
list, it can be selected from the Schools field when
creating or editing user profiles.
As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

Generate School List

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro
ACTION: Click on the Employees menu
and highlight Generate School List submenu

The “Generate School List” option under the
“Employees” menu is available to School Managers
and Directors only.
It produces an Excel file containing information for
all schools in your district.
The following information is included for each
school: School ID, School Name, District ID, District
Name, State, County Name, City, Zip, Created On
date, and Number of Employees currently assigned
to the school.
As a reminder, please use the help email

ACTION: Click on the menu, spreadsheet
SCREEN: Zoom in to show the values

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

Page 50 of 56 for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.


Manage School Districts

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro
ACTION: Click on the Manage School
Districts menu, logged in with
SCREEN: Manage School Districts page

The “Manage School Districts” option under the
“Employees” menu is available to School Directors
only. It opens the “Manage School Districts” page
which allows School Directors to view and manage
the list of school districts in their state.
Your district will be selected in the “School District”
drop-down, but you can select any district in your
Select a district and press the “Edit School District”
button to open the “Edit School District” page for the
selected district.
“State/Territory” and “County” fields on “Edit School
District” page are prepopulated with the data for the
selected school district and are not editable.
The District Name and Zip fields contain the district
information. Required fields are denoted by an
Use “Back to List” button to return to the “Manage
School Districts” page without saving the changes
or use the “Update” button to save.
School Directors can create new school districts
within their state. Press the “Add New School
District” button on “Manage School Districts” page
to open the “Create New School District” page.
The fields on “Create New School District” page are
the same as on the “Edit School District” page. The
State field is populated with the value for your state
and is not editable.
Select the County and enter the District Name and
Zip. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk.
The combination of the District Name and County is
required to be unique.
Use “Back to List” button to return to the “Manage
School Districts” page without saving the changes
or use the “Create” button to create a new school
district record.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed,
and then “Manage School Districts” page will be
displayed with the new school district listed in the

ACTION: Expand the drop-down, show
all the districts
press the button
ACTION: Highlight the fields
ACTION: Highlight the fields
ACTION: Click Back to List
ACTION: Press the button

enter Large District, 20002
ACTION: Press Create

ACTION: Press Close on confirmation
SCREEN: Show the new district in the

As a reminder, please use the help email for any questions or challenges
you have while using our website.

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

Training Director (Multiple School Districts)
Training Director users function as School Directors
in multiple school districts. To receive a Training

SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Intro
Contact Alla to change the
DirectorLogin account into a Training

Page 51 of 56

Director permission, you need to create a School
Director account and contact FNS staff at with the request to grant the
Training Director (Multiple Districts) role.

Director first
SCREEN: Home page while logged in
with DirectorLogin

Training Directors are not visible to any users
except Administrators on any application pages or
in reports.
Training Directors are not included in the employee
lists, and, therefore, it is not possible to log trainings
for a Training Director.
As a Training Director, if you need to log trainings
for yourself, create a non-eAuthenticated employee
profile in one of your school districts and use it to
log trainings and print certificate of completion.
The “Welcome” menu for the Training Director role
only has two options: “User Profile” and “Log out”.
The “Print My Certificate” option is not available
since there are no logged training for this role.
Training Directors can manage multiple school
districts, but they may only work within one school
district at a time. The active school district – or
School District in Use – is visible at all times in the
banner below the main PSTTT menus.
The “Switch District” button opens the “Switch
School District” page which allows Training
Directors to select one of their school districts. This
page lists the District Name, State, County, and Zip
code for all selected school districts assigned to the
Training Director.
Change the radio button selection in the “Select”
column and press the “Select District” button to
change from one school district to another.
The school district selected will immediately display
below the main PSTTT menus as the School District
in Use.
Training Director’s districts are listed on their “User
Profile” page.
The assigned school district selection can be
changed from the “School Districts” section of the
“Edit User Profile” page, which is accessible by
pressing the “Edit” button on “User Profile” page.
The first school district is assigned to a user when
the initial School Director account is created, and
other school districts can be assigned and removed
on the “Edit User Profile” page.
Press the “Remove” button to remove the
corresponding school district from your list.
Press the “Add Additional School District” button to
add additional school districts using “Add Additional
School District” pop-up dialog.
The following fields are available on Add Additional
School District pop-up dialog. Required fields are
denoted by the asterisk.
State – required; select a state.

ACTION: Click on the menu

SCREEN: Highlight the green strip under
the menus where the district is listed

ACTION: Press the button
SCREEN: Switch School District page

ACTION: Change the radio button
selection, then the Select District button
SCREEN: Dashboard page, highlight the
district selected
ACTION: Click on Welcome / User Profile
SCREEN: User Profile page
ACTION: Press the Edit button
SCREEEN: Edit User Profile page
ACTION: Scroll down to the Districts

ACTION: Press the button
ACTION: Press the button
SCREEN: Pop-up dialog
ACTION: Select Maryland

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School District – required; select a district.
Press the Save button to add the selected school
district or Cancel button to cancel.
Repeat these steps as needed to remove and/or
select multiple school districts.
Press the “Update” button on “Edit User Profile”
page to save your selections.

ACTION: Select a district
ACTION: Press Save
SCREEN: Dialog closes, DYRS is in the
ACTION: Press the button
SCREEN: Confirmation dialog – press
Close, User Profile Page is displayed
SCREEN: Show Sub Chapter Exit

This concludes our review of the School Manager
and Director functionality.
As a reminder, please use the Contact Us menu
item under the Help menu to email for any questions or challenges
you may have while using the Professional
Standards Training Tracker Tool.
Thank you for viewing!

SCREEN: Show Closing Frame

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Training Video Screenshots

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleChapter 1_ Create a New eAuthentication Account_20191010
AuthorAlla Sharkova
File Modified2023-08-11
File Created2023-07-12

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