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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 128 / Thursday, July 6, 2023 / Notices
Next Steps
This notice is provided pursuant to
section 10(c) of the ESA. NMFS will
evaluate the application, associated
documents, and comments received
during the comment period to
determine whether the application
meets the requirements of section 10(a)
of the ESA. If NMFS determines that the
requirements are met, a permit will be
issued for incidental takes of ESA-listed
sturgeon. The final NEPA and permit
determinations will not be made until
after the end of the comment period.
NMFS will publish a record of its final
action in the Federal Register.
Dated: June 29, 2023.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2023–14236 Filed 7–5–23; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities Under OMB Review
Commodity Futures Trading
ACTION: Notice.
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), this notice announces that the
Information Collection Request (ICR)
abstracted below has been forwarded to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs (OIRA), of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), for
review and comment. The ICR describes
the nature of the information collection
and its expected costs and burden.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before August 7, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be
submitted within 30 days of this
notice’s publication to OIRA, at https://
Please find this particular information
collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under
30-day Review—Open for Public
Comments’’ or by using the website’s
search function. Comments can be
entered electronically by clicking on the
‘‘comment’’ button next to the
information collection on the ‘‘OIRA
Information Collections Under Review’’
page, or the ‘‘View ICR—Agency
Submission’’ page. A copy of the
supporting statement for the collection
of information discussed herein may be
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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obtained by visiting https://
In addition to the submission of
comments to as
indicated above, a copy of all comments
submitted to OIRA may also be
submitted to the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission (the
‘‘Commission’’ or ‘‘CFTC’’) by clicking
on the ‘‘Submit Comment’’ box next to
the descriptive entry for OMB Control
Number 3038–0072, at https://
Or by either of the following methods:
• Mail: Christopher Kirkpatrick,
Secretary of the Commission,
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, Three Lafayette Centre,
1155 21st Street NW, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as
Mail above.
All comments must be submitted in
English, or if not, accompanied by an
English translation. Comments
submitted to the Commission should
include only information that you wish
to make available publicly. If you wish
the Commission to consider information
that you believe is exempt from
disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act, a petition for
confidential treatment of the exempt
information may be submitted according
to the procedures established in § 145.9
of the Commission’s regulations.1 The
Commission reserves the right, but shall
have no obligation, to review, prescreen, filter, redact, refuse or remove
any or all of your submission from that it may deem to
be inappropriate for publication, such as
obscene language. All submissions that
have been redacted or removed that
contain comments on the merits of the
ICR will be retained in the public
comment file and will be considered as
required under the Administrative
Procedure Act and other applicable
laws, and may be accessible under the
Freedom of Information Act.
Christopher W. Cummings, Market
Participants Division, Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, (202)
418–5445 or, and
refer to OMB Control No. 3038–0072.
Title: Registration under the
Commodity Exchange Act (OMB Control
No. 3038–0072). This is a request for an
extension of a currently approved
information collection.
Abstract: The information collected
under OMB Control No. 3038–0072 is
PO 00000
17 CFR 145.9.
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gathered through the use of forms for
registration of swap dealers and major
swap participants. Swap dealers and
major swap participants are required by
section 4s(a) of the Commodity
Exchange Act (‘‘CEA’’) (7 U.S.C. 6s(a)) to
register with the Commission. The
CFTC uses various forms for registration
(and withdrawal therefrom) (the
‘‘Registration Forms’’). OMB Control No.
3038–0072 applies to the Registration
Forms for registration of swap dealers
and major swap participants,2 to the
alternative method provided under
Commission regulations to submission
of a fingerprint card for foreign natural
persons; and to the process for
requesting cross-border comparability
determinations for substituted
compliance with requirements
otherwise applicable to swap dealers
and major swap participants.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.3 On April 28, 2023, the
Commission published in the Federal
Register notice of the proposed
extension of this information collection
and provided 60 days for public
comment on the proposed extension, 88
FR 26279 (‘‘60-Day Notice’’). The
Commission did not receive any
comments on the 60-Day Notice.
Burden Statement: The Commission
continues to estimate the burden for this
collection as described below.
Respondents/Affected Entities: Users
of Commission registration forms that
are swap dealers and major swap
Estimated number of respondents:
Estimated average burden hours per
respondent: 1.14 hours.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents: 888 hours.
Frequency of responses: Periodically.
There are no capital costs or operating
and maintenance costs associated with
this collection.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
Dated: June 30, 2023.
Robert Sidman,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2023–14251 Filed 7–5–23; 8:45 am]
2 Forms for registration of futures commission
merchants, commodity pool operators, commodity
trading advisors, retail foreign exchange dealers,
introducing brokers, associated persons, floor
traders, and floor brokers are the subject of a
separate information collection (OMB Control
Number 3038–0023).
3 44 U.S.C. 3512, 5 CFR 1320.5(b)(2)(i) and 1320.8
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2023-07-06 |
File Created | 2023-07-06 |