Causal Factors Program: Knowledge of Systems and processes
Collection (IC) 3: Crash Data Collection
FMCSA Crash Causal Factors Program: Knowledge of Systems and Processes
Information Collection (IC) 3: Crash Data Collection
Survey Protocols
1. IC-3: Crash Data Collection 3
1.1 Crash Notification Processes 3
Post-Crash Inspector Notifications 5
Post-Crash Investigator or Reconstructionist Notifications 6
1.2 Crash Data Collection System(s) 7
Post-Crash Investigation and Crash Reconstruction Data 9
1.3 Post-Crash Inspection Data Elements 12
Post-Crash Inspection Training 14
Post-Crash Investigation and Crash Reconstruction Training 16
Police Crash Report Data Quality 18
Post-Crash Inspection Data Quality 21
Post-Crash Investigation Data Quality 23
Crash Reconstruction Data Quality 24
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.2.2
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is currently planning the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS), a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to (1) identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes, and (2) inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening. The LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect detailed crash data on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks. This will include standard police crash report data, detailed post-crash investigation or crash reconstruction data, and post-crash inspection data for every fatal crash involving a Class 7/8 large truck in participating jurisdictions.
The Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study will focus on fatal crashes that involve a Class 7/8 large truck. These types of crashes are referred to as “qualifying crashes” throughout this survey. FMCSA will be asking participating agencies to notify post-crash investigators or reconstructionists and post-crash inspectors of all qualifying crashes. The questions in this survey pertain to current crash notification processes for qualifying crashes (or serious injury crashes involving a Class 7/8 large truck that could result in a fatality) in your jurisdiction.
To aid in the interpretation of survey questions, please review the following definitions:
Police crash report (PCR): A police crash report (PCR) is a form for collecting data at the scene of a motor vehicle traffic crash. PCRs are typically completed by local/county/State law enforcement personnel and undergo quality control before being uploaded to a central crash report database.
Post-crash investigation: A post-crash investigation is a more thorough investigation of the crash event report with more crash details than a PCR. Typically completed by a law enforcement officer, a post-crash investigation report involves the collection of additional data elements beyond what is collected as part of a standard police crash report but is not as expansive as a crash reconstruction.
Crash reconstruction: A crash reconstruction must include all the components of a crash investigation, plus additional data collection and analysis that “utilizes principles of physics and empirical data to analyze the physical, electronic, video, audio, and testimonial evidence from a crash to determine how and why the crash occurred” (SAE International). Crash reconstructions are typically completed by specially trained law enforcement officers or contracted third parties.
Post-crash inspection: A post-crash inspection is performed by a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) inspector certified to conduct commercial vehicle inspections through the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). Post-crash inspections are recorded on driver/vehicle examination reports and document violations and defects discovered at the time of the inspection. These inspections assist in identifying where regulatory non-compliance by a driver may have contributed to crash causation and identify whether vehicle defects existed prior to or resulted from a crash.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
The questions in this survey pertain to crash notification processes and capabilities. When answering these questions, please only consider crash notification processes and capabilities. FMCSA has prepared another survey to focus on the availability of post-crash inspectors, post-crash investigators, and crash reconstructionists in your jurisdiction.
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.2.2
How does your agency currently notify post-crash inspectors of fatal crashes involving a Class 7/8 large truck? Select one response.
Dispatch a post-crash inspector employed by this agency [GO TO Q 1.1.2]
Contact another agency to request a post-crash inspector [GO TO Q 1.1.2]
Something else (please describe: ___________________) [GO TO Q 1.1.2]
We do not notify post-crash inspectors of fatal crashes involving a Class 7/8 large truck [GO TO Q 1.1.3]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.1.6]
No [GO TO Q 1.1.3]
Yes, we can change or enhance our crash notification processes [GO TO Q 1.1.5]
No [GO TO Q 1.1.4]
Policy/regulatory constraints [GO TO 1.1.6]
Insufficient number of staff [GO TO 1.1.6]
Lack staff with the appropriate skillset/training [GO TO 1.1.6]
Not enough time to handle all the qualifying crashes [GO TO 1.1.6]
Other (please specify: _________________________) [GO TO 1.1.6]
Not difficult at all
Slightly difficult
Moderately difficult
Very difficult
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.2.2
Dispatch a post-crash investigator or reconstructionist employed by this agency [GO TO 1.1.8]
Contact another agency to request a post-crash investigator or reconstructionist [GO TO 1.1.8]
Something else (please describe: ___________________) [GO TO 1.1.8]
We do not notify post-crash investigators or reconstructionists of fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks [GO TO 1.1.9]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.1.12]
No [GO TO Q1.1.9]
[IF 1.1.7 = NOT NOTIFY OR 1.1.8=NO] If your agency were to participate in the LTCCFS, could your agency change or enhance its crash notification processes to notify post-crash investigators or reconstructionists of all (or nearly all) fatal crashes involving a Class 7/8 large truck?
Yes, we can change or enhance our crash notification processes [GO TO Q 1.1.11]
No [GO TO Q 1.1.10]
Policy/regulatory constraints [GO TO Q 1.1.12]
Insufficient number of staff[GO TO Q 1.1.12]
Lack staff with the appropriate skillset/training [GO TO Q 1.1.12]
Not enough time to handle all the in-scope crashes [GO TO Q 1.1.12]
Other (please specify: _________________________) [GO TO Q 1.1.12]
Not difficult at all
Slightly difficult
Moderately difficult
Very difficult
Respondent(s): Crash Records Managers, Identified in IC-1, 1.1.1
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS; a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
FMCSA is exploring options for developing a database to store crash data for the LTCCFS.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about States’ PCR crash databases to inform this database development.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
Please indicate the PCR update year. ____________
Please indicate the data dictionary update year ____________
Yes [GO TO Q 1.2.4]
No [GO TO Q 1.2.3]
Local server (electronic storage) [GO TO 1.2.5]
Hard copy (paper storage) [GO TO 1.2.5]
Other (please specify: _____________________________) [GO TO 1.2.5]
Yes, CMV supplemental forms are uploaded into the State crash data repository [GO TO Q 1.2.6]
Yes, CMV supplemental data are embedded in the PCR [GO TO Q1.2.6]
No [GO TO Q 1.2.5]
Local server (electronic storage)
Hard copy (paper storage)
Other (please specify: ______________________)
Web service [GO TO Q 1.2.7]
Data export (examples: excel/csv file export, website download, database extract) [GO TO Q 1.2.7]
Manual process (examples: scan PDFs and send via email, flash drive, CD/DVD) [GO TO Q 1.2.7]
Other mechanism (please specify: __________________)[GO TO Q 1.2.7]
No existing mechanism for sharing PCR data with FMCSA [GO TO Q 1.2.8]
[IF Q 1.2.6=ANY MECHANISM] Can your State share crash data that contains personally identifiable information (PII) with FMCSA, using your current data sharing mechanism(s)? Select one response. NOTE: PII is personal or professional information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as the individual’s name, Social Security number (SSN), biometric records, etc., alone or when combined
Yes, our current data sharing mechanism(s) allows for sharing PII
No, but a future mechanism could allow for sharing PII
No, this is not a possibility (please explain why this is not a possibility_____)
Respondent(s): Command Staff, Identified in IC-1, 1.2.3
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
FMCSA is exploring options for developing a database to store data post-crash investigation and crash reconstruction data for the LTCCFS.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about States’ and local jurisdictions’ post-crash investigation and crash reconstruction data storage methods and access capabilities, to inform LTCCFS database development.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC at (617) 494-XXXX].
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
FMCSA is exploring options for developing a new database to store data for the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study. If possible, FMCSA may try to ingest crash data directly from existing State databases, to reduce information collection burden. The following questions are asked to inform database development.
Electronic State crash data repository
Local server (electronic storage)
Hard copy (paper storage)
[ASK ALL] Does your agency have any of the following mechanisms for sharing post-crash investigation data with FMCSA? Select all that apply.
Web service [GO TO Q 1.2.11]
Data export (examples: excel/csv file export, website download, database extract) [GO TO Q 1.2.11]
Manual process (examples: scan PDFs and send via email, flash drive, CD/DVD) [GO TO Q 1.2.11]
Other mechanism (please specify: __________________) [GO TO Q 1.2.11]
No existing mechanism for sharing post-crash investigation data with FMCSA [GO TO 1.2.12]
[IF Q 1.2.10=ANY MECHANISM] Can your agency share post-crash investigation data that contains personally identifiable information (PII) with FMCSA, using your current data sharing mechanism(s)? Select one response.
NOTE: PII is personal or professional information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as the individual’s name, Social Security number (SSN), biometric records, etc., alone or when combined with other personal or identifying information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.
Yes, our current data sharing mechanism(s) allows for sharing PII
No, but a future mechanism could allow for sharing PII
No, this is not a possibility (please explain why this is not a possibility: _________)
Electronic State crash data repository
Local server (electronic storage)
Hard copy (paper storage)
Other (please specify: _____________________________)
Web service [GO TO Q 1.2.14]
Data export (examples: excel/csv file export, website download, database extract) [GO TO Q 1.2.14]
Manual process (examples: scan PDFs and send via email, flash drive, CD/DVD) [GO TO Q 1.2.14]
Other mechanism (please specify: __________________) [GO TO Q 1.2.14]
No existing mechanism for sharing reconstruction data with FMCSA [GO TO Q 1.2.15]
[IF Q 1.2.13=ANY MECHANISM] Can your agency share crash reconstruction data that contains personally identifiable information (PII) with FMCSA, using your current data sharing mechanism(s)? Select one response.
NOTE: PII is personal or professional information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as the individual’s name, Social Security number (SSN), biometric records, etc., alone or when combined with other personal or identifying information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.
Yes, our current data sharing mechanism(s) allows for sharing PII
No, but a future mechanism could allow for sharing PII
No, this is not a possibility (please explain why this is not a possibility: ___________)
Respondent(s): State MCSAP Coordinator, Identified in IC-1, 1.3.1
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
FMCSA is exploring options for developing a database to store State post-crash inspection data for the LTCCFS.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about States’ post-crash inspection data storage methods and access capabilities to inform LTCCFS database development.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
Custom developed software (please specify: ___________________)
Other (please specify: ___________________)
If you select “Yes,” FMCSA will send you an email to request additional information.
No [GO TO Q 1.3.4]
Respondent(s): State MCSAP Coordinator for States – Identified in IC-1, 1.3.1; Command Staff for Local Jurisdictions (Identified by Division Administrators in separate spreadsheet)
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
FMCSA will develop post-crash inspection data collection training specific to the LTCCFS. This training will be provided to State and local jurisdiction resources participating in the LTCCFS.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about States’ and local jurisdictions’ existing post-crash inspection data collection training to help inform the LTCCFS training plan and approach.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
NOTE: A post-crash inspection is performed by a certified inspector, in association with a CMV crash. Post-crash inspectors should complete a driver/vehicle examination report to document all violations and defects discovered at the time of the inspection. Advanced post-crash inspection training is training beyond North American Standard (NAS) Level I inspection training.
Yes [GO TO Q 1.4.2]
No [GO TO Q 1.4.4]
At least annually
Bi-annually (i.e., once every two years)
As needed (e.g., to train new employees)
Other (please specify: ____________________)
Internal staff
External entity
[ASK ALL] If your agency participates in the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study, FMCSA will need to provide study-specific post-crash inspection training, to ensure post-crash inspectors (1) understand study data collection processes and (2) collect the required study data. FMCSA will most likely use a “train the trainer” approach for this training.
Could your agency incorporate this study-specific post-crash inspection training into your existing training regimen? Select one response.
Yes, we could incorporate this training
Not sure
No, we could not incorporate this training (Please specify the key barriers to incorporating this training) [OPEN END]
[ASK ALL] If there is anything else you’d like to share with us regarding your agency’s post-crash inspection training processes or frequency, please provide it here: _______________________________________________________________________
Respondent(s): Command Staff, Identified in IC-1, 1.3.3 or 1.3.4 (b) or (c)
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
FMCSA will develop post-crash investigation/crash reconstruction data collection training specific to the LTCCFS. This training will be provided to States and local jurisdictions participating in the LTCCFS.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about States’ and local jurisdictions’ existing post-crash investigation and crash reconstruction data collection training to help inform the LTCCFS training plan and approach.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
NOTE: A post-crash investigation is a thorough investigation of a crash scene, typically performed by a law enforcement officer. It involves the collection of additional data elements beyond what is collected as part of a standard police crash report but is not as expansive as a crash reconstruction.
Yes [GO TO Q. 1.4.7]
No [GO TO Q 1.4.8]
Internal staff
External entity
NOTE: A crash reconstruction involves all the components of a crash investigation, plus additional data collection and analysis that “utilizes principles of physics and empirical data to analyze the physical, electronic, video, audio, and testimonial evidence from a crash to determine how and why the crash occurred” (SAE International). Crash reconstructions are typically completed by specially trained law enforcement officers or contracted third parties.
Yes [GO TO Q 1.4.9]
No [GO TO Q. 1.4.10]
Internal staff
External entity
[ASK ALL] If your agency is selected to participate in the LTCCFS, FMCSA will need to provide study-specific post-crash investigation/reconstruction training, to ensure post-crash investigators/reconstructionists (1) understand study data collection processes and (2) collect the required study data. FMCSA will most likely use a “train the trainer” approach for this training.
Could your agency incorporate this study-specific post-crash investigation/crash reconstruction training into existing training processes? Select one response.
Yes, we could incorporate this training
Not sure
No, we could not incorporate this training (Please specify the key barriers to incorporating this training) [OPEN END]
[ASK ALL] If there is anything else you’d like to share with us regarding your agency’s post-crash investigation or crash reconstruction training processes or frequency, please provide it here: _______________________________________________________________________
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.1.2
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
The purpose of this survey is to understand the data quality processes your State employs to ensure PCR crash data are timely, complete, accurate, and consistent. This information will help FMCSA determine the required data quality processes for the LTCCFS.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
The purpose of this survey is to understand the data quality processes your State employs to ensure crash data are timely, complete, accurate, and consistent. This information will help FMCSA determine the required data quality processes for the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
1-7 days
8-14 days
More than 14 days
There is no such requirement
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.3]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.7]
Combination of electronic and manual
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.5]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.6]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.6]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.6]
At the point of data collection
Before data entry to the State crash repository
During data entry to the State crash repository
After data entry to the State crash repository
Some other time (please describe: ________________)
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.11]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.8]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.9]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.11]
Electronic [GO TO Q1.5.10]
Manual [GO TO Q1.5.10]
Combination of electronic and manual [GO TO Q1.5.10]
At the point of data collection
Before data entry to the State crash repository
During data entry to the State crash repository
After data entry to the State crash repository
Some other time (please describe: ________________)
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.1.3
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
The purpose of this survey is to understand the data quality processes your agency employs to ensure post-crash inspection data are timely, complete, accurate, and consistent. This information will help FMCSA determine the required data quality processes for the LTCCFS.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.13]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.14]
[IF Q 1.5.12=YES] What is your agency’s timeliness requirement for reporting post-crash inspection data? (please describe below: ______________________________)
[ASK ALL] Does your agency conduct data quality reviews on post-crash inspection data (i.e., to review for completeness, accuracy, and consistency)?
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.15]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.19]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.16]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.17]
Yes [GO TO 1.5.17]
No [GO TO 1.5.17]
Electronic [GO TO 1.5.18]
Manual [GO TO 1.5.18]
Combination of electronic and manual [GO TO 1.5.18]
[IF Q 1.5.14=YES] When does your agency conduct post-crash inspection data quality reviews? Select all that apply.
At the point of data collection
Before data entry to the State crash repository
During data entry to the State crash repository
After data entry to the State crash repository
Some other time (please describe:_________________)
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.1.4
As authorized in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is establishing a Crash Causal Factors Program. Through this program, FMCSA will execute a multi-phased study of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crash causal factors, with Phase 1 focused on fatal crashes involving Class 7/8 large trucks: the Large Truck Crash Causal Factors Study (LTCCFS).
FMCSA is currently planning the LTCCFS—a widescale, detailed crash data collection and analysis effort intended to identify the key factors that contribute to fatal large truck crashes and inform countermeasures to prevent these crashes from happening.
Where possible, the LTCCFS will leverage existing State and local jurisdiction resources, equipment, and infrastructure to collect study data.
The purpose of this survey is to understand the data quality processes your State employs to ensure post-crash investigation and crash reconstruction data are timely, complete, accurate, and consistent. This information will help FMCSA determine the required data quality processes for the LTCCFS.
If you have any questions about the study, or about the information being requested in the survey, please contact Dan Meyer, FMCSA Transportation Specialist, at or (202) 366-2616.
If you have technical difficulties with the online survey tool, please e-mail or call [INSERT Volpe POC] at (617) 494-XXXX.
Thank you in advance for your time; your participation is greatly appreciated!
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.21]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.22]
[IF Q 1.5.20=YES] What is your agency’s timeliness requirement for submitting post-crash investigations? (please describe: ______________________________)
[ASK ALL] Does your agency conduct data quality reviews on post-crash investigations (i.e., to review for completeness, accuracy, and consistency)?
Yes [GO TO Q1.5.23]
No [GO TO Q. 1.5.27]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.24]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.25]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.25]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.25]
Electronic [GO TO Q 1.5.26]
Manual [GO TO Q 1.5.26]
Combination of electronic and manual [GO TO Q 1.5.26]
At the point of data collection
Before data entry to the State crash repository
During data entry to the State crash repository
After data entry to the State crash repository
Some other time (please describe: ________________)
[GO TO Q 1.5.27]
Respondent(s): Identified in IC-1, 1.1.4
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.28]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.29]
Yes [GO TO 1.5.30]
No [GO TO 1.5.34]
[IF Q 1.5.29=YES] Does your agency have standard operating procedures or other written documentation on crash reconstruction data quality review processes (e.g., data quality plan, data quality manual or user guide)? If you select “Yes,” FMCSA will send you an email to request copies of this documentation.
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.31]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.32]
Yes [GO TO Q 1.5.32]
No [GO TO Q 1.5.32]
Electronic [GO TO Q 1.5.33]
Manual [GO TO Q 1.5.33]
Combination of electronic and manual [GO TO Q 1.5.33]
At the point of data collection
Before data entry to the State crash repository
During data entry to the State crash repository
After data entry to the State crash repository
Some other time (please describe: _________________)
[GO TO Q 1.5.34]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Crash Causal Factors Program: Knowledge of Systems and processes |
Subject | Survey Protocols |
Author | Stowe, Kelly (FMCSA) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-09-14 |