18 CFR Part 380

18 CFR Part 380.docx

FERC-729, Electric Transmission Facilities (NOPR in RM22-7)

18 CFR Part 380

OMB: 1902-0238

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18 CFR Part 380

§ 380.3 Environmental information to be supplied by an applicant.

(a) An applicant must submit information as follows:

(1) For any proposed action identified in §§ 380.5 and 380.6, an environmental report with the proposal as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section.

(2) For any proposal not identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, any environmental information that the Commission may determine is necessary for compliance with these regulations, the regulations of the Council, NEPA and other Federal laws such as the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act or the Coastal Zone Management Act.

(b) An applicant must also:

(1) Provide all necessary or relevant information to the Commission;

(2) Conduct any studies that the Commission staff considers necessary or relevant to determine the impact of the proposal on the human environment and natural resources;

(3) Consult with appropriate Federal, regional, State, and local agencies during the planning stages of the proposed action to ensure that all potential environmental impacts are identified. (The specific requirements for consultation on hydropower projects are contained in § 4.38 and § 16.8 of this chapter and in section 4(a) of the Electric Consumers Protection Act, Pub. L. No. 99-495, 100 Stat. 1243, 1246 (1986));

(4) Submit applications for all Federal and State approvals as early as possible in the planning process; and

(5) Notify the Commission staff of all other Federal actions required for completion of the proposed action so that the staff may coordinate with other interested Federal agencies.

(c) Content of an applicant's environmental report for specific proposals -

(1) Hydropower projects. The information required for specific project applications under part 4 or 16 of this chapter.

(2) Natural gas projects.

(i) For any application filed under the Natural Gas Act for any proposed action identified in §§ 380.5 or 380.6, except for prior notice filings under § 157.208, as described in § 380.5(b), the information identified in § 380.12 and Appendix A of this part.

(ii) For prior notice filings under § 157.208, the report described by § 157.208(c)(11) of this chapter.

(3) Electric transmission project. For pre-filing requests and applications filed under section 216 of the Federal Power Act identified in §§ 380.5(b)(14) and 380.6(a)(5).

[Order 486, 52 FR 47910, Dec. 17, 1987, as amended by Order 533, 56 FR 23155, May 20, 1991; Order 603, 64 FR 26611, May 14, 1999; Order 689, 71 FR 69470, Dec. 1, 2006; Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012]

§ 380.5 Actions that require an environmental assessment.

(a) An environmental assessment will normally be prepared first for the actions identified in this section. Depending on the outcome of the environmental assessment, the Commission may or may not prepare an environmental impact statement. However, depending on the location or scope of the proposed action, or the resources affected, the Commission may in specific circumstances proceed directly to prepare an environmental impact statement.

(b) The projects subject to an environmental assessment are as follows:

(1) Except as identified in §§ 380.4, 380.6 and 2.55 of this chapter, authorization for the site of new gas import/export facilities under DOE Delegation No. 0204-112 and authorization under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act for the construction, replacement, or abandonment of compression, processing, or interconnecting facilities, onshore and offshore pipelines, metering facilities, LNG peak-shaving facilities, or other facilities necessary for the sale, exchange, storage, or transportation of natural gas;

(2) Prior notice filings under § 157.208 of this chapter for the rearrangement of any facility specified in §§ 157.202 (b)(3) and (6) of this chapter or the acquisition, construction, or operation of any eligible facility as specified in §§ 157.202 (b)(2) and (3) of this chapter;

(3) Abandonment or reduction of natural gas service under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act unless excluded under § 380.4 (a)(21), (28) or (29);

(4) Except as identified in § 380.6, conversion of existing depleted oil or natural gas fields to underground storage fields under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act.

(5) New natural gas curtailment plans, or any amendment to an existing curtailment plan under section 4 of the Natural Gas Act and sections 401 through 404 of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 that has a major effect on an entire pipeline system;

(6) Licenses under Part I of the Federal Power Act and part 4 of this chapter for construction of any water power project - existing dam;

(7) Exemptions under section 405 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended, and §§ 4.30(b)(31) and 4.101-4.108 of this chapter for small hydroelectric power projects of 10 MW or less;

(8) Licenses for additional project works at licensed projects under Part I of the Federal Power Act whether or not these are styled license amendments or original licenses;

(9) Licenses under Part I of the Federal Power Act and part 4 of this chapter for transmission lines only;

(10) Applications for new licenses under section 15 of the Federal Power Act;

(11) Approval of electric interconnections and wheeling under section 202(b), 210, 211, and 212 of the Federal Power Act, unless excluded under § 380.4(a)(17);

(12) Regulations or proposals for legislation not included under § 380.4(a)(2);

(13) Surrender of water power licenses and exemptions where project works exist or ground disturbing activity has occurred and amendments to water power licenses and exemptions that require ground disturbing activity or changes to project works or operations; and

(14) Except as identified in § 380.6, authorization to site new electric transmission facilities under section 216 of the Federal Power Act and DOE Delegation Order No. 00-004.00A.

[Order 486, 52 FR 47910, Dec. 17, 1987; Order 486, 53 FR 4817, Feb. 17, 1988, as amended by 53 FR 8177, Mar. 14, 1988; Order 486-B, 53 FR 26437, July 13, 1988; Order 689, 71 FR 69470, Dec. 1, 2006; Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012; Order 800, 79 FR 59112, Oct. 1, 2014]

§ 380.6 Actions that require an environmental impact statement.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an environmental impact statement will normally be prepared first for the following projects:

(1) Authorization under sections 3 or 7 of the Natural Gas Act and DOE Delegation Order No. 0204-112 for the siting, construction, and operation of jurisdictional liquefied natural gas import/export facilities used wholly or in part to liquefy, store, or regasify liquefied natural gas transported by water;

(2) Certificate applications under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act to develop an underground natural gas storage facility except where depleted oil or natural gas producing fields are used;

(3) Major pipeline construction projects under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act using rights-of-way in which there is no existing natural gas pipeline;

(4) Licenses under Part I of the Federal Power Act and part 4 of this chapter for construction of any unconstructed water power projects; and

(5) Major electric transmission facilities under section 216 of the Federal Power Act and DOE Delegation Order No. 00-004.00A using right-of-way in which there is no existing facility.

(b) If the Commission believes that a proposed action identified in paragraph (a) of this section may not be a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, an environmental assessment, rather than an environmental impact statement, will be prepared first. Depending on the outcome of the environmental assessment, an environmental impact statement may or may not be prepared.

(c) An environmental impact statement will not be required if an environmental assessment indicates that a proposal has adverse environmental affects and the proposal is not approved.

[Order 486, 52 FR 47910, Dec. 17, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 8177, Mar. 14, 1988; Order 486-B, 53 FR 26437, July 13, 1988; Order 689, 71 FR 69470, Dec. 1, 2006; Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012]

§ 380.7 Format of an environmental impact statement.

In addition to the requirements for an environmental impact statement prescribed in 40 CFR 1502.10 of the regulations of the Council, an environmental impact statement prepared by the Commission will include a section on the literature cited in the environmental impact statement and a staff conclusion section. The staff conclusion section will include summaries of:

(a) The significant environmental impacts of the proposed action;

(b) Any alternative to the proposed action that would have a less severe environmental impact or impacts and the action preferred by the staff;

(c) Any mitigation measures proposed by the applicant, as well as additional mitigation measures that might be more effective;

(d) Any significant environmental impacts of the proposed action that cannot be mitigated; and

(e) References to any pending, completed, or recommended studies that might provide baseline data or additional data on the proposed action.

§ 380.8 Preparation of environmental documents.

The preparation of environmental documents, as defined in § 1508.10 of the regulations of the Council (40 CFR 1508.10), on hydroelectric projects, natural gas facilities, and electric transmission facilities in national interest electric transmission corridors is the responsibility of the Commission's Office of Energy Projects, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8700. Persons interested in status reports or information on environmental impact statements or other elements of the NEPA process, including the studies or other information the Commission may require on these projects, can contact this office.

[Order 689, 71 FR 69471, Dec. 1, 2006, as amended by Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012]

§ 380.9 Public availability of NEPA documents and public notice of NEPA related hearings and public meetings.


(1) The Commission will comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 1506.6 of the regulations of the Council for public involvement in NEPA.

(2) If an action has effects of primarily local concern, the Commission may give additional notice in a Commission order.

(b) The Commission will make environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, the comments received, and any underlaying documents available to the public pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 (1982)). The exclusion in the Freedom of Information Act for interagency memoranda is not applicable where such memoranda transmit comments of Federal agencies on the environmental impact of the proposed action. Such materials will be made available to the public at the Commission's Public Reference Room at 888 First Street NE., Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426 at a fee and in the manner described in Part 388 of this chapter. A copy of an environmental impact statement or environmental assessment for hydroelectric projects may also be made available for inspection at the Commission's regional office for the region where the proposed action is located.

[Order 486, 52 FR 47910, Dec. 17, 1987, as amended by Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999]

§ 380.10 Participation in Commission proceedings.

(a) Intervention proceedings involving a party or parties -

(1) Motion to intervene.

(i) In addition to submitting comments on the NEPA process and NEPA related documents, any person may file a motion to intervene in a Commission proceeding dealing with environmental issues under the terms of § 385.214 of this chapter. Any person who files a motion to intervene on the basis of a draft environmental impact statement will be deemed to have filed a timely motion, in accordance with § 385.214, as long as the motion is filed within the comment period for the draft environmental impact statement.

(ii) Any person that is granted intervention after petitioning becomes a party to the proceeding and accepts the record as developed by the parties as of the time that intervention is granted.


(i) Issues not set for trial-type hearing. An intervenor who takes a position on any environmental issue that has not yet been set for hearing must file a timely motion with the Secretary containing an analysis of its position on such issue and specifying any differences with the position of Commission staff or an applicant upon which the intervenor wishes to be heard at a hearing.

(ii) Issues set for trial-type hearing.

(A) Any intervenor that takes a position on an environmental issue set for hearing may offer evidence for the record in support of such position and otherwise participate in accordance with the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Any intervenor must specify any differences from the staff's and the applicant's positions.

(B) To be considered, any facts or opinions on an environmental issue set for hearing must be admitted into evidence and made part of the record of the proceeding.

(iii) Commission pre-filing activities commenced under §§ 157.21 and 50.5 of this chapter, respectively, are not considered proceedings under part 385 of this chapter and are not open to motions to intervene. Once an application is filed under part 157 subpart A or part 50 of this chapter, any person may file a motion to intervene in accordance with §§ 157.10 or 50.10 of this chapter or in accordance with this section.

(b) Rulemaking proceedings. Any person may file comments on any environmental issue in a rulemaking proceeding.

[Order 486, 52 FR 47910, Dec. 17, 1987, as amended by Order 689, 71 FR 69471, Dec. 1, 2006]

§ 380.11 Environmental decisionmaking.

(a) Decision points. For the actions which require an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement, environmental considerations will be addressed at appropriate major decision points.

(1) In proceedings involving a party or parties and not set for trial-type hearing, major decision points are the approval or denial of proposals by the Commission or its designees.

(2) In matters set for trial-type hearing, the major decision points are the initial decision of an administrative law judge or the decision of the Commission.

(3) In a rulemaking proceeding, the major decision points are the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and the Final Rule.

(b) Environmental documents as part of the record. The Commission will include environmental assessments, findings of no significant impact, or environmental impact statements, and any supplements in the record of the proceeding.

(c) Application denials. Notwithstanding any provision in this part, the Commission may dismiss or deny an application without performing an environmental impact statement or without undertaking environmental analysis.

§ 380.12 Environmental reports for Natural Gas Act applications.

(a) Introduction.

(1) The applicant must submit an environmental report with any application that proposes the construction, operation, or abandonment of any facility identified in § 380.3(c)(2)(i). The environmental report shall consist of the thirteen resource reports and related material described in this section.

(2) The detail of each resource report must be commensurate with the complexity of the proposal and its potential for environmental impact. Each topic in each resource report shall be addressed or its omission justified, unless the resource report description indicates that the data is not required for that type of proposal. If material required for one resource report is provided in another resource report or in another exhibit, it may be incorporated by reference. If any resource report topic is required for a particular project but is not provided at the time the application is filed, the environmental report shall explain why it is missing and when the applicant anticipates it will be filed.

(3) The appendix to this part contains a checklist of the minimum filing requirements for an environmental report. Failure to provide at least the applicable checklist items will result in rejection of the application unless the Director of the Office of Energy Projects determines that the applicant has provided an acceptable reason for the item's absence and an acceptable schedule for filing it. Failure to file within the accepted schedule will result in rejection of the application.

(b) General requirements. As appropriate, each resource report shall:

(1) Address conditions or resources that might be directly or indirectly affected by the project;

(2) Identify significant environmental effects expected to occur as a result of the project;

(3) Identify the effects of construction, operation (including maintenance and malfunctions), and termination of the project, as well as cumulative effects resulting from existing or reasonably foreseeable projects;

(4) Identify measures proposed to enhance the environment or to avoid, mitigate, or compensate for adverse effects of the project;

(5) Provide a list of publications, reports, and other literature or communications, including agency contacts, that were cited or relied upon to prepare each report. This list should include the name and title of the person contacted, their affiliations, and telephone number;

(6) Whenever this section refers to “mileposts” the applicant may substitute “survey centerline stationing” if so desired. However, whatever method is chosen should be used consistently throughout the resource reports.

(c) Resource Report 1 - General project description. This report is required for all applications. It will describe facilities associated with the project, special construction and operation procedures, construction timetables, future plans for related construction, compliance with regulations and codes, and permits that must be obtained. Resource Report 1 must:

(1) Describe and provide location maps of all jurisdictional facilities, including all aboveground facilities associated with the project (such as: meter stations, pig launchers/receivers, valves), to be constructed, modified, abandoned, replaced, or removed, including related construction and operational support activities and areas such as maintenance bases, staging areas, communications towers, power lines, and new access roads (roads to be built or modified). As relevant, the report must describe the length and diameter of the pipeline, the types of aboveground facilities that would be installed, and associated land requirements. It must also identify other companies that must construct jurisdictional facilities related to the project, where the facilities would be located, and where they are in the Commission's approval process.

(2) Identify and describe all nonjurisdictional facilities, including auxiliary facilities, that will be built in association with the project, including facilities to be built by other companies.

(i) Provide the following information:

(A) A brief description of each facility, including as appropriate: Ownership, land requirements, gas consumption, megawatt size, construction status, and an update of the latest status of Federal, state, and local permits/approvals;

(B) The length and diameter of any interconnecting pipeline;

(C) Current 1:24,000/1:25,000 scale topographic maps showing the location of the facilities;

(D) Correspondence with the appropriate State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) or duly authorized Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) for tribal lands regarding whether properties eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) would be affected;

(E) Correspondence with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (and National Marine Fisheries Service, if appropriate) regarding potential impacts of the proposed facility on federally listed threatened and endangered species; and

(F) For facilities within a designated coastal zone management area, a consistency determination or evidence that the owner has requested a consistency determination from the state's coastal zone management program.

(ii) Address each of the following factors and indicate which ones, if any, appear to indicate the need for the Commission to do an environmental review of project-related nonjurisdictional facilities.

(A) Whether or not the regulated activity comprises “merely a link” in a corridor type project (e.g., a transportation or utility transmission project).

(B) Whether there are aspects of the nonjurisdictional facility in the immediate vicinity of the regulated activity which uniquely determine the location and configuration of the regulated activity.

(C) The extent to which the entire project will be within the Commission's jurisdiction.

(D) The extent of cumulative Federal control and responsibility.

(3) Provide the following maps and photos:

(i) Current, original United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute series topographic maps or maps of equivalent detail, covering at least a 0.5-mile-wide corridor centered on the pipeline, with integer mileposts identified, showing the location of rights-of-way, new access roads, other linear construction areas, compressor stations, and pipe storage areas. Show nonlinear construction areas on maps at a scale of 1:3,600 or larger keyed graphically and by milepost to the right-of-way maps.

(ii) Original aerial images or photographs or photo-based alignment sheets based on these sources, not more than 1 year old (unless older ones accurately depict current land use and development) and with a scale of 1:6,000 or larger, showing the proposed pipeline route and location of major aboveground facilities, covering at least a 0.5 mile-wide corridor, and including mileposts. Older images/photographs/alignment sheets should be modified to show any residences not depicted in the original. Alternative formats (e.g., blue-line prints of acceptable resolution) need prior approval by the environmental staff of the Office of Energy Projects.

(iii) In addition to the copy required under § 157.6(a)(2) of this chapter, applicant should send two additional copies of topographic maps and aerial images/photographs directly to the environmental staff of the Office of Energy Projects.

(4) When new or additional compression is proposed, include large scale (1:3,600 or greater) plot plans of each compressor station. The plot plan should reference a readily identifiable point(s) on the USGS maps required in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. The maps and plot plans must identify the location of the nearest noise-sensitive areas (schools, hospitals, or residences) within 1 mile of the compressor station, existing and proposed compressor and auxiliary buildings, access roads, and the limits of areas that would be permanently disturbed.


(i) Identify facilities to be abandoned, and state how they would be abandoned, how the site would be restored, who would own the site or right-of-way after abandonment, and who would be responsible for any facilities abandoned in place.

(ii) When the right-of-way or the easement would be abandoned, identify whether landowners were given the opportunity to request that the facilities on their property, including foundations and below ground components, be removed. Identify any landowners whose preferences the company does not intend to honor, and the reasons therefore.

(6) Describe and identify by milepost, proposed construction and restoration methods to be used in areas of rugged topography, residential areas, active croplands, sites where the pipeline would be located parallel to and under roads, and sites where explosives are likely to be used.

(7) Unless provided in response to Resource Report 5, describe estimated workforce requirements, including the number of pipeline construction spreads, average workforce requirements for each construction spread and meter or compressor station, estimated duration of construction from initial clearing to final restoration, and number of personnel to be hired to operate the proposed project.

(8) Describe reasonably foreseeable plans for future expansion of facilities, including additional land requirements and the compatibility of those plans with the current proposal.

(9) Describe all authorizations required to complete the proposed action and the status of applications for such authorizations. Identify environmental mitigation requirements specified in any permit or proposed in any permit application to the extent not specified elsewhere in this section.

(10) Provide the names and mailing addresses of all affected landowners specified in § 157.6(d) and certify that all affected landowners will be notified as required in § 157.6(d).

(d) Resource Report 2 - Water use and quality. This report is required for all applications, except those which involve only facilities within the areas of an existing compressor, meter, or regulator station that were disturbed by construction of the existing facilities, no wetlands or waterbodies are on the site and there would not be a significant increase in water use. The report must describe water quality and provide data sufficient to determine the expected impact of the project and the effectiveness of mitigative, enhancement, or protective measures. Resource Report 2 must:

(1) Identify and describe by milepost perennial waterbodies and municipal water supply or watershed areas, specially designated surface water protection areas and sensitive waterbodies, and wetlands that would be crossed. For each waterbody crossing, identify the approximate width, state water quality classifications, any known potential pollutants present in the water or sediments, and any potable water intake sources within 3 miles downstream.

(2) Compare proposed mitigation measures with the staff's current “Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures,” which are available from the Commission Internet home page or the Commission staff, describe what proposed alternative mitigation would provide equivalent or greater protection to the environment, and provide a description of site- specific construction techniques that would be used at each major waterbody crossing.

(3) Describe typical staging area requirements at waterbody and wetland crossings. Also, identify and describe waterbodies and wetlands where staging areas are likely to be more extensive.

(4) Include National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps. If NWI maps are not available, provide the appropriate state wetland maps. Identify for each crossing, the milepost, the wetland classification specified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the length of the crossing. Include two copies of the NWI maps (or the substitutes, if NWI maps are not available) clearly showing the proposed route and mileposts directed to the environmental staff. Describe by milepost, wetland crossings as determined by field delineations using the current Federal methodology.

(5) Identify aquifers within excavation depth in the project area, including the depth of the aquifer, current and projected use, water quality and average yield, and known or suspected contamination problems.

(6) Describe specific locations, the quantity required, and the method and rate of withdrawal and discharge of hydrostatic test water. Describe suspended or dissolved material likely to be present in the water as a result of contact with the pipeline, particularly if an existing pipeline is being retested. Describe chemical or physical treatment of the pipeline or hydrostatic test water. Discuss waste products generated and disposal methods.

(7) If underground storage of natural gas is proposed:

(i) Identify how water produced from the storage field will be disposed of, and

(ii) For salt caverns, identify the source locations, the quantity required, and the method and rate of withdrawal of water for creating salt cavern(s), as well as the means of disposal of brine resulting from cavern leaching.

(8) Discuss proposed mitigation measures to reduce the potential for adverse impacts to surface water, wetlands, or groundwater quality to the extent they are not described in response to paragraph (d)(2) of this section. Discuss the potential for blasting to affect water wells, springs, and wetlands, and measures to be taken to detect and remedy such effects.

(9) Identify the location of known public and private groundwater supply wells or springs within 150 feet of proposed construction areas. Identify locations of EPA or state-designated sole-source aquifers and wellhead protection areas crossed by the proposed pipeline facilities.

(e) Resource Report 3 - Fish, wildlife, and vegetation. This report is required for all applications, except those involving only facilities within the improved area of an existing compressor, meter, or regulator station. It must describe aquatic life, wildlife, and vegetation in the vicinity of the proposed project; expected impacts on these resources including potential effects on biodiversity; and proposed mitigation, enhancement or protection measures. Resource Report 3 must:

(1) Describe commercial and recreational warmwater, coldwater, and saltwater fisheries in the affected area and associated significant habitats such as spawning or rearing areas and estuaries.

(2) Describe terrestrial habitats, including wetlands, typical wildlife habitats, and rare, unique, or otherwise significant habitats that might be affected by the proposed action. Describe typical species that have commercial, recreational, or aesthetic value.

(3) Describe and provide the acreage of vegetation cover types that would be affected, including unique ecosystems or communities such as remnant prairie or old-growth forest, or significant individual plants, such as old-growth specimen trees.

(4) Describe the impact of construction and operation on aquatic and terrestrial species and their habitats, including the possibility of a major alteration to ecosystems or biodiversity, and any potential impact on state-listed endangered or threatened species. Describe the impact of maintenance, clearing and treatment of the project area on fish, wildlife, and vegetation. Surveys may be required to determine specific areas of significant habitats or communities of species of special concern to state or local agencies.

(5) Identify all federally listed or proposed endangered or threatened species and critical habitat that potentially occur in the vicinity of the project. Discuss the results of the consultation requirements listed in § 380.13(b) at least through § 380.13(b)(5)(i) and include any written correspondence that resulted from the consultation. The initial application must include the results of any required surveys unless seasonal considerations make this impractical. If species surveys are impractical, there must be field surveys to determine the presence of suitable habitat unless the entire project area is suitable habitat.

(6) Identify all federally listed essential fish habitat (EFH) that potentially occurs in the vicinity of the project. Provide information on all EFH, as identified by the pertinent Federal fishery management plans, that may be adversely affected by the project and the results of abbreviated consultations with NMFS, and any resulting EFH assessments.

(7) Describe site-specific mitigation measures to minimize impacts on fisheries, wildlife, and vegetation.

(8) Include copies of correspondence not provided pursuant to paragraph (e)(5) of this section, containing recommendations from appropriate Federal and state fish and wildlife agencies to avoid or limit impact on wildlife, fisheries, and vegetation, and the applicant's response to the recommendations.

(f) Resource Report 4 - Cultural resources. This report is required for all applications. In preparing this report, the applicant must follow the principles in § 380.14 of this part. Guidance on the content and the format for the documentation listed below, as well as professional qualifications of preparers, is detailed in “ Office of Energy Projects' (OEP) Guidelines for Reporting on Cultural Resources Investigations,” which is available from the Commission Internet home page or from the Commission staff.

(1) Resource Report 4 must contain:

(i) Documentation of the applicant's initial cultural resources consultation, including consultations with Native Americans and other interested persons (if appropriate);

(ii) Overview and Survey Reports, as appropriate;

(iii) Evaluation Report, as appropriate;

(iv) Treatment Plan, as appropriate; and

(v) Written comments from State Historic Preservation Officer(s) (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO), as appropriate, and applicable land-managing agencies on the reports in paragraphs (f)(1)(i)-(iv) of this section.

(2) Initial filing requirements. The initial application must include the documentation of initial cultural resource consultation, the Overview and Survey Reports, if required, and written comments from SHPOs, THPOs and land-managing agencies, if available. The initial cultural resources consultations should establish the need for surveys. If surveys are deemed necessary by the consultation with the SHPO/THPO, the survey report must be filed with the application.

(i) If the comments of the SHPOs, THPOs, or land-management agencies are not available at the time the application is filed, they may be filed separately, but they must be filed before a final certificate is issued.

(ii) If landowners deny access to private property and certain areas are not surveyed, the unsurveyed area must be identified by mileposts, and supplemental surveys or evaluations shall be conducted after access is granted. In such circumstances, reports, and treatment plans, if necessary, for those inaccessible lands may be filed after a certificate is issued.

(3) The Evaluation Report and Treatment Plan, if required, for the entire project must be filed before a final certificate is issued.

(i) The Evaluation Report may be combined in a single synthetic report with the Overview and Survey Reports if the SHPOs, THPOs, and land-management agencies allow and if it is available at the time the application is filed.

(ii) In preparing the Treatment Plan, the applicant must consult with the Commission staff, the SHPO, and any applicable THPO and land-management agencies.

(iii) Authorization to implement the Treatment Plan will occur only after the final certificate is issued.

(4) Applicant must request privileged treatment for all material filed with the Commission containing location, character, and ownership information about cultural resources in accordance with § 388.112 of this chapter. The cover and relevant pages or portions of the report should be clearly labeled in bold lettering: “CONTAINS PRIVILEGED INFORMATION - DO NOT RELEASE.”

(5) Except as specified in a final Commission order, or by the Director of the Office of Energy Projects, construction may not begin until all cultural resource reports and plans have been approved.

(g) Resource Report 5 - Socioeconomics. This report is required only for applications involving significant aboveground facilities, including, among others, conditioning or liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants. It must identify and quantify the impacts of constructing and operating the proposed project on factors affecting towns and counties in the vicinity of the project. Resource Report 5 must:

(1) Describe the socioeconomic impact area.

(2) Evaluate the impact of any substantial immigration of people on governmental facilities and services and plans to reduce the impact on the local infrastructure.

(3) Describe on-site manpower requirements and payroll during construction and operation, including the number of construction personnel who currently reside within the impact area, would commute daily to the site from outside the impact area, or would relocate temporarily within the impact area.

(4) Determine whether existing housing within the impact area is sufficient to meet the needs of the additional population.

(5) Describe the number and types of residences and businesses that would be displaced by the project, procedures to be used to acquire these properties, and types and amounts of relocation assistance payments.

(6) Conduct a fiscal impact analysis evaluating incremental local government expenditures in relation to incremental local government revenues that would result from construction of the project. Incremental expenditures include, but are not limited to, school operating costs, road maintenance and repair, public safety, and public utility costs.

(h) Resource Report 6 - Geological resources. This report is required for applications involving LNG facilities and all other applications, except those involving only facilities within the boundaries of existing aboveground facilities, such as a compressor, meter, or regulator station. It must describe geological resources and hazards in the project area that might be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed action or that could place the proposed facilities at risk, the potential effects of those hazards on the facility, and methods proposed to reduce the effects or risks. Resource Report 6 must:

(1) Describe, by milepost, mineral resources that are currently or potentially exploitable;

(2) Describe, by milepost, existing and potential geological hazards and areas of nonroutine geotechnical concern, such as high seismicity areas, active faults, and areas susceptible to soil liquefaction; planned, active, and abandoned mines; karst terrain; and areas of potential ground failure, such as subsidence, slumping, and landsliding. Discuss the hazards posed to the facility from each one.

(3) Describe how the project would be located or designed to avoid or minimize adverse effects to the resources or risk to itself, including geotechnical investigations and monitoring that would be conducted before, during, and after construction. Discuss also the potential for blasting to affect structures, and the measures to be taken to remedy such effects.

(4) Specify methods to be used to prevent project-induced contamination from surface mines or from mine tailings along the right-of-way and whether the project would hinder mine reclamation or expansion efforts.

(5) If the application involves an LNG facility located in zones 2, 3, or 4 of the Uniform Building Code's Seismic Risk Map, or where there is potential for surface faulting or liquefaction, prepare a report on earthquake hazards and engineering in conformance with “Data Requirements for the Seismic Review of LNG Facilities,” NBSIR 84-2833. This document may be obtained from the Commission staff.

(6) If the application is for underground storage facilities:

(i) Describe how the applicant would control and monitor the drilling activity of others within the field and buffer zone;

(ii) Describe how the applicant would monitor potential effects of the operation of adjacent storage or production facilities on the proposed facility, and vice versa;

(iii) Describe measures taken to locate and determine the condition of old wells within the field and buffer zone and how the applicant would reduce risk from failure of known and undiscovered wells; and

(iv) Identify and discuss safety and environmental safeguards required by state and Federal drilling regulations.

(i) Resource Report 7 - Soils. This report is required for all applications except those not involving soil disturbance. It must describe the soils that would be affected by the proposed project, the effect on those soils, and measures proposed to minimize or avoid impact. Resource Report 7 must:

(1) List, by milepost, the soil associations that would be crossed and describe the erosion potential, fertility, and drainage characteristics of each association.

(2) If an aboveground facility site is greater than 5 acres:

(i) List the soil series within the property and the percentage of the property comprised of each series;

(ii) List the percentage of each series which would be permanently disturbed;

(iii) Describe the characteristics of each soil series; and

(iv) Indicate which are classified as prime or unique farmland by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.

(3) Identify, by milepost, potential impact from: Soil erosion due to water, wind, or loss of vegetation; soil compaction and damage to soil structure resulting from movement of construction vehicles; wet soils and soils with poor drainage that are especially prone to structural damage; damage to drainage tile systems due to movement of construction vehicles and trenching activities; and interference with the operation of agricultural equipment due to the probability of large stones or blasted rock occurring on or near the surface as a result of construction.

(4) Identify, by milepost, cropland and residential areas where loss of soil fertility due to trenching and backfilling could occur.

(5) Describe proposed mitigation measures to reduce the potential for adverse impact to soils or agricultural productivity. Compare proposed mitigation measures with the staff's current “Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation and Maintenance Plan,” which is available from the Commission Internet home page or from the Commission staff, and explain how proposed mitigation measures provide equivalent or greater protections to the environment.

(j) Resource Report 8 - Land use, recreation and aesthetics. This report is required for all applications except those involving only facilities which are of comparable use at existing compressor, meter, and regulator stations. It must describe the existing uses of land on, and (where specified) within 0.25 mile of, the proposed project and changes to those land uses that would occur if the project is approved. The report shall discuss proposed mitigation measures, including protection and enhancement of existing land use. Resource Report 8 must:

(1) Describe the width and acreage requirements of all construction and permanent rights-of-way and the acreage required for each proposed plant and operational site, including injection or withdrawal wells.

(i) List, by milepost, locations where the proposed right-of-way would be adjacent to existing rights-of-way of any kind.

(ii) Identify, preferably by diagrams, existing rights-of-way that would be used for a portion of the construction or operational right-of-way, the overlap and how much additional width would be required.

(iii) Identify the total amount of land to be purchased or leased for each aboveground facility, the amount of land that would be disturbed for construction and operation of the facility, and the use of the remaining land not required for project operation.

(iv) Identify the size of typical staging areas and expanded work areas, such as those at railroad, road, and waterbody crossings, and the size and location of all pipe storage yards and access roads.

(2) Identify, by milepost, the existing use of lands crossed by the proposed pipeline, or on or adjacent to each proposed plant and operational site.

(3) Describe planned development on land crossed or within 0.25 mile of proposed facilities, the time frame (if available) for such development, and proposed coordination to minimize impacts on land use. Planned development means development which is included in a master plan or is on file with the local planning board or the county.

(4) Identify, by milepost and length of crossing, the area of direct effect of each proposed facility and operational site on sugar maple stands, orchards and nurseries, landfills, operating mines, hazardous waste sites, state wild and scenic rivers, state or local designated trails, nature preserves, game management areas, remnant prairie, old-growth forest, national or state forests, parks, golf courses, designated natural, recreational or scenic areas, or registered natural landmarks, Native American religious sites and traditional cultural properties to the extent they are known to the public at large, and reservations, lands identified under the Special Area Management Plan of the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and lands owned or controlled by Federal or state agencies or private preservation groups. Also identify if any of those areas are located within 0.25 mile of any proposed facility.

(5) Identify, by milepost, all residences and buildings within 50 feet of the proposed pipeline construction right-of-way and the distance of the residence or building from the right-of-way. Provide survey drawings or alignment sheets to illustrate the location of the facilities in relation to the buildings.

(6) Describe any areas crossed by or within 0.25 mile of the proposed pipeline or plant and operational sites which are included in, or are designated for study for inclusion in: The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (16 U.S.C. 1271); The National Trails System (16 U.S.C. 1241); or a wilderness area designated under the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1132).

(7) For facilities within a designated coastal zone management area, provide a consistency determination or evidence that the applicant has requested a consistency determination from the state's coastal zone management program.

(8) Describe the impact the project will have on present uses of the affected area as identified above, including commercial uses, mineral resources, recreational areas, public health and safety, and the aesthetic value of the land and its features. Describe any temporary or permanent restrictions on land use resulting from the project.

(9) Describe mitigation measures intended for all special use areas identified under paragraphs (j)(2) through (6) of this section.

(10) Describe proposed typical mitigation measures for each residence that is within 50 feet of the edge of the pipeline construction right-of-way, as well as any proposed residence-specific mitigation. Describe how residential property, including for example, fences, driveways, stone walls, sidewalks, water supply, and septic systems, would be restored. Describe compensation plans for temporary and permanent rights-of-way and the eminent domain process for the affected areas.

(11) Describe measures proposed to mitigate the aesthetic impact of the facilities especially for aboveground facilities such as compressor or meter stations.

(12) Demonstrate that applications for rights-of-way or other proposed land use have been or soon will be filed with Federal land-management agencies with jurisdiction over land that would be affected by the project.

(k) Resource Report 9 - Air and noise quality. This report is required for applications involving compressor facilities at new or existing stations, and for all new LNG facilities. It must identify the effects of the project on the existing air quality and noise environment and describe proposed measures to mitigate the effects. Resource Report 9 must:

(1) Describe the existing air quality, including background levels of nitrogen dioxide and other criteria pollutants which may be emitted above EPA-identified significance levels.

(2) Quantitatively describe existing noise levels at noise-sensitive areas, such as schools, hospitals, or residences and include any areas covered by relevant state or local noise ordinances.

(i) Report existing noise levels as the Leq (day), Leq (night), and Ldn and include the basis for the data or estimates.

(ii) For existing compressor stations, include the results of a sound level survey at the site property line and nearby noise-sensitive areas while the compressors are operated at full load.

(iii) For proposed new compressor station sites, measure or estimate the existing ambient sound environment based on current land uses and activities.

(iv) Include a plot plan that identifies the locations and duration of noise measurements, the time of day, weather conditions, wind speed and direction, engine load, and other noise sources present during each measurement.

(3) Estimate the impact of the project on air quality, including how existing regulatory standards would be met.

(i) Provide the emission rate of nitrogen oxides from existing and proposed facilities, expressed in pounds per hour and tons per year for maximum operating conditions, include supporting calculations, emission factors, fuel consumption rates, and annual hours of operation.

(ii) For major sources of air emissions (as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency), provide copies of applications for permits to construct (and operate, if applicable) or for applicability determinations under regulations for the prevention of significant air quality deterioration and subsequent determinations.

(4) Provide a quantitative estimate of the impact of the project on noise levels at noise-sensitive areas, such as schools, hospitals, or residences.

(i) Include step-by-step supporting calculations or identify the computer program used to model the noise levels, the input and raw output data and all assumptions made when running the model, far-field sound level data for maximum facility operation, and the source of the data.

(ii) Include sound pressure levels for unmuffled engine inlets and exhausts, engine casings, and cooling equipment; dynamic insertion loss for all mufflers; sound transmission loss for all compressor building components, including walls, roof, doors, windows and ventilation openings; sound attenuation from the station to nearby noise-sensitive areas; the manufacturer's name, the model number, the performance rating; and a description of each noise source and noise control component to be employed at the proposed compressor station. For proposed compressors the initial filing must include at least the proposed horsepower, type of compression, and energy source for the compressor.

(iii) Far-field sound level data measured from similar units in service elsewhere, when available, may be substituted for manufacturer's far-field sound level data.

(iv) If specific noise control equipment has not been chosen, include a schedule for submitting the data prior to certification.

(v) The estimate must demonstrate that the project will comply with applicable noise regulations and show how the facility will meet the following requirements:

(A) The noise attributable to any new compressor station, compression added to an existing station, or any modification, upgrade or update of an existing station, must not exceed a day- night sound level (Ldn) of 55 dBA at any pre-existing noise-sensitive area (such as schools, hospitals, or residences).

(B) New compressor stations or modifications of existing stations shall not result in a perceptible increase in vibration at any noise-sensitive area.

(5) Describe measures and manufacturer's specifications for equipment proposed to mitigate impact to air and noise quality, including emission control systems, installation of filters, mufflers, or insulation of piping and buildings, and orientation of equipment away from noise-sensitive areas.

(l) Resource Report 10 - Alternatives. This report is required for all applications. It must describe alternatives to the project and compare the environmental impacts of such alternatives to those of the proposal. The discussion must demonstrate how environmental benefits and costs were weighed against economic benefits and costs, and technological and procedural constraints. The potential for each alternative to meet project deadlines and the environmental consequences of each alternative shall be discussed. Resource Report 10 must:

(1) Discuss the “no action” alternative and the potential for accomplishing the proposed objectives through the use of other systems and/or energy conservation. Provide an analysis of the relative environmental benefits and costs for each alternative.

(2) Describe alternative routes or locations considered for each facility during the initial screening for the project.

(i) For alternative routes considered in the initial screening for the project but eliminated, describe the environmental characteristics of each route or site, and the reasons for rejecting it. Identify the location of such alternatives on maps of sufficient scale to depict their location and relationship to the proposed action, and the relationship of the pipeline to existing rights-of-way.

(ii) For alternative routes or locations considered for more in-depth consideration, describe the environmental characteristics of each route or site and the reasons for rejecting it. Provide comparative tables showing the differences in environmental characteristics for the alternative and proposed action. The location of any alternatives in this paragraph shall be provided on maps equivalent to those required in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(m) Resource Report 11 - Reliability and safety. This report is required for applications involving new or recommissioned LNG facilities. Information previously filed with the Commission need not be refiled if the applicant verifies its continued validity. This report shall address the potential hazard to the public from failure of facility components resulting from accidents or natural catastrophes, how these events would affect reliability, and what procedures and design features have been used to reduce potential hazards. Resource Report 11 must:

(1) Describe measures proposed to protect the public from failure of the proposed facilities (including coordination with local agencies).

(2) Discuss hazards, the environmental impact, and service interruptions which could reasonably ensue from failure of the proposed facilities.

(3) Discuss design and operational measures to avoid or reduce risk.

(4) Discuss contingency plans for maintaining service or reducing downtime.

(5) Describe measures used to exclude the public from hazardous areas. Discuss measures used to minimize problems arising from malfunctions and accidents (with estimates of probability of occurrence) and identify standard procedures for protecting services and public safety during maintenance and breakdowns.

(n) Resource Report 12 - PCB contamination. This report is required for applications involving the replacement, abandonment by removal, or abandonment in place of pipeline facilities determined to have polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in excess of 50 ppm in pipeline liquids. Resource Report 12 must:

(1) Provide a statement that activities would comply with an approved EPA disposal permit, with the dates of issuance and expiration specified, or with the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act.

(2) For compressor station modifications on sites that have been determined to have soils contaminated with PCBs, describe the status of remediation efforts completed to date.

(o) Resource Report 13 - Engineering and design material. This report is required for construction of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities, or the recommissioning of existing LNG facilities. If the recommissioned facility is existing and is not being replaced, relocated, or significantly altered, resubmittal of information already on file with the Commission is unnecessary. Resource Report 13 must:

(1) Provide a detailed plot plan showing the location of all major components to be installed, including compression, pretreatment, liquefaction, storage, transfer piping, vaporization, truck loading/unloading, vent stacks, pumps, and auxiliary or appurtenant service facilities.

(2) Provide a detailed layout of the fire protection system showing the location of fire water pumps, piping, hydrants, hose reels, dry chemical systems, high expansion foam systems, and auxiliary or appurtenant service facilities.

(3) Provide a layout of the hazard detection system showing the location of combustible-gas detectors, fire detectors, heat detectors, smoke or combustion product detectors, and low temperature detectors. Identify those detectors that activate automatic shutdowns and the equipment that would shut down. Include all safety provisions incorporated in the plant design, including automatic and manually activated emergency shutdown systems.

(4) Provide a detailed layout of the spill containment system showing the location of impoundments, sumps, subdikes, channels, and water removal systems.

(5) Provide manufacturer's specifications, drawings, and literature on the fail-safe shut-off valve for each loading area at a marine terminal (if applicable).

(6) Provide a detailed layout of the fuel gas system showing all taps with process components.

(7) Provide copies of company, engineering firm, or consultant studies of a conceptual nature that show the engineering planning or design approach to the construction of new facilities or plants.

(8) Provide engineering information on major process components related to the first six items above, which include (as applicable) function, capacity, type, manufacturer, drive system (horsepower, voltage), operating pressure, and temperature.

(9) Provide manuals and construction drawings for LNG storage tank(s).

(10) Provide up-to-date piping and instrumentation diagrams. Include a description of the instrumentation and control philosophy, type of instrumentation (pneumatic, electronic), use of computer technology, and control room display and operation. Also, provide an overall schematic diagram of the entire process flow system, including maps, materials, and energy balances.

(11) Provide engineering information on the plant's electrical power generation system, distribution system, emergency power system, uninterruptible power system, and battery backup system.

(12) Identify all codes and standards under which the plant (and marine terminal, if applicable) will be designed, and any special considerations or safety provisions that were applied to the design of plant components.

(13) Provide a list of all permits or approvals from local, state, Federal, or Native American groups or Indian agencies required prior to and during construction of the plant, and the status of each, including the date filed, the date issued, and any known obstacles to approval. Include a description of data records required for submission to such agencies and transcripts of any public hearings by such agencies. Also provide copies of any correspondence relating to the actions by all, or any, of these agencies regarding all required approvals.

(14) Identify how each applicable requirement will comply with 49 CFR part 193 and the National Fire Protection Association 59A LNG Standards. For new facilities, the siting requirements of 49 CFR part 193, subpart B, must be given special attention. If applicable, vapor dispersion calculations from LNG spills over water should also be presented to ensure compliance with the U.S. Coast Guard's LNG regulations in 33 CFR part 127.

(15) Provide seismic information specified in Data Requirements for the Seismic Review of LNG facilities (NBSIR 84-2833, available from FERC staff) for facilities that would be located in zone 2, 3, or 4 of the Uniform Building Code Seismic Map of the United States.

[Order 603, 64 FR 26611, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 603-A, 64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 609, 64 FR 57392, Oct. 25, 1999; Order 699, 72 FR 45328, Aug. 14, 2007; Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012]

§ 380.13 Compliance with the Endangered Species Act.

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) Listed species and critical habitat have the same meaning as provided in 50 CFR 402.02.

(2) Project area means any area subject to construction activities (for example, material storage sites, temporary work areas, and new access roads) necessary to install or abandon the facilities.

(b) Procedures for informal consultation -

(1) Designation of non-Federal representative. The project sponsor is designated as the Commission's non-Federal representative for purposes of informal consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA).

(2) Consultation requirement.

(i) Prior to the filing of the environmental report specified in § 380.12, the project sponsor must contact the appropriate regional or field office of the FWS or the NMFS, or both if appropriate, to initiate informal consultations, unless it is proceeding pursuant to a blanket clearance issued by the FWS and/or NMFS which is less than 1 year old and the clearance does not specify more frequent consultation.

(ii) If a blanket clearance is more than 1 year old or less than 1 year old and specifies more frequent consultations, or if the project sponsor is not proceeding pursuant to a blanket clearance, the project sponsor must request a list of federally listed or proposed species and designated or proposed critical habitat that may be present in the project area, or provide the consulted agency with such a list for its concurrence.

(iii) The consulted agency will provide a species and critical habitat list or concur with the species list provided within 30 days of its receipt of the initial request. In the event that the consulted agency does not provide this information within this time period, the project sponsor may notify the Director of the Office of Energy Projects and continue with the remaining procedures of this section.

(3) End of informal consultation.

(i) At any time during the informal consultations, the consulted agency may determine or confirm:

(A) That no listed or proposed species, or designated or proposed critical habitat, occurs in the project area; or

(B) That the project is not likely to adversely affect a listed species or critical habitat;

(ii) If the consulted agency provides the determination or confirmation described in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, no further consultation is required.

(4) Potential impact to proposed species.

(i) If the consulted agency, pursuant to informal consultations, initially determines that any species proposed to be listed, or proposed critical habitat, occurs in the project area, the project sponsor must confer with the consulted agency on methods to avoid or reduce the potential impact.

(ii) The project sponsor shall include in its proposal, a discussion of any mitigating measures recommended through the consultation process.

(5) Continued informal consultations for listed species.

(i) If the consulted agency initially determines, pursuant to the informal consultations, that a listed species or designated critical habitat may occur in the project area, the project sponsor must continue informal consultations with the consulted agency to determine if the proposed project may affect the species or designated critical habitat. These consultations may include discussions with experts (including experts provided by the consulted agency), habitat identification, field surveys, biological analyses, and the formulation of mitigation measures. If the provided information indicates that the project is not likely to adversely affect a listed species or critical habitat, the consulting agency will provide a letter of concurrence which completes informal consultation.

(ii) The project sponsor must prepare a Biological Assessment unless the consulted agency indicates that the proposed project is not likely to adversely affect a specific listed species or its designated critical habitat. The Biological Assessment must contain the following information for each species contained in the consulted agency's species list:

(A) Life history and habitat requirements;

(B) Results of detailed surveys to determine if individuals, populations, or suitable, unoccupied habitat exists in the proposed project's area of effect;

(C) Potential impacts, both beneficial and negative, that could result from the construction and operation of the proposed project, or disturbance associated with the abandonment, if applicable; and

(D) Proposed mitigation that would eliminate or minimize these potential impacts.

(iii) All surveys must be conducted by qualified biologists and must use FWS and/or NMFS approved survey methodology. In addition, the Biological Assessment must include the following information:

(A) Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) conducting the survey;

(B) Survey methodology;

(C) Date of survey(s); and

(D) Detailed and site-specific identification of size and location of all areas surveyed.

(iv) The project sponsor must provide a draft Biological Assessment directly to the environmental staff of the Office of Energy Projects for review and comment and/or submission to the consulted agency. If the consulted agency fails to provide formal comments on the Biological Assessment to the project sponsor within 30 days of its receipt, as specified in 50 CFR 402.120, the project sponsor may notify the Director, OEP, and follow the procedures in paragraph (c) of this section.

(v) The consulted agency's comments on the Biological Assessment's determination must be filed with the Commission.

(c) Notification to Director. In the event that the consulted agency fails to respond to requests by the project sponsor under paragraph (b) of this section, the project sponsor must notify the Director of the Office of Energy Projects. The notification must include all information, reports, letters, and other correspondence prepared pursuant to this section. The Director will determine whether:

(1) Additional informal consultation is required;

(2) Formal consultation must be initiated under paragraph (d) of this section; or

(3) Construction may proceed.

(d) Procedures for formal consultation.

(1) In the event that formal consultation is required pursuant to paragraphs (b)(5)(v) or (c)(2) of this section, the Commission staff will initiate formal consultation with the FWS and/or NMFS, as appropriate, and will request that the consulted agency designate a lead Regional Office, lead Field/District Office, and Project Manager, as necessary, to facilitate the formal consultation process. In addition, the Commission will designate a contact for formal consultation purposes.

(2) During formal consultation, the consulted agency, the Commission, and the project sponsor will coordinate and consult to determine potential impacts and mitigation which can be implemented to minimize impacts. The Commission and the consulted agency will schedule coordination meetings and/or field visits as necessary.

(3) The formal consultation period will last no longer than 90 days, unless the consulted agency, the Commission, and project sponsor mutually agree to an extension of this time period.

(4) The consulted agency will provide the Commission with a Biological Opinion on the proposed project, as specified in 50 CFR 402.14(e), within 45 days of the completion of formal consultation.

[Order 603, 64 FR 26617, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 699, 72 FR 45328, Aug. 14, 2007]

§ 380.14 Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act.

(a) Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470(f)) (NHPA), requires the Commission to take into account the effect of a proposed project on any historic property and to afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Council) an opportunity to comment on projects if required under 36 CFR 800. The project sponsor, as a non-Federal party, assists the Commission in meeting its obligations under NHPA section 106 and the implementing regulations at 36 CFR part 800 by following the procedures at § 380.12(f). The project sponsor may contact the Commission at any time for assistance. The Commission will review the resultant filings.

(1) The Commission's NHPA section 106 responsibilities apply to public and private lands, unless subject to the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The project sponsor will assist the Commission in taking into account the views of interested parties, Native Americans, and tribal leaders.

(2) If Federal or Tribal land is affected by a proposed project, the project sponsor shall adhere to any requirements for cultural resources studies of the applicable Federal land- managing agencies on Federal lands and any tribal requirements on Tribal lands. The project sponsor must identify, in Resource Report 4 filed with the application, the status of cultural resources studies on Federal or Tribal lands, as applicable.

(3) The project sponsor must consult with the SHPO(s) and THPOs, if appropriate. If the SHPO or THPO declines to consult with the project sponsor, the project sponsor shall not continue with consultations, except as instructed by the Director of the Office of Energy Projects.

(4) If the project is covered by an agreement document among the Commission, Council, SHPO(s), THPO(s), land-managing agencies, project sponsors, and interested persons, as appropriate, then that agreement will provide for compliance with NHPA section 106, as applicable.

(b) [Reserved]

[Order 603, 64 FR 26618, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 699, 72 FR 45329, Aug. 14, 2007; Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012]

§ 380.15 Siting and maintenance requirements.

(a) Avoidance or minimization of effects. The siting, construction, and maintenance of facilities shall be undertaken in a way that avoids or minimizes effects on scenic, historic, wildlife, and recreational values.

(b) Landowner consideration. The desires of landowners should be taken into account in the planning, locating, clearing, and maintenance of rights-of-way and the construction of facilities on their property, so long as the result is consistent with applicable requirements of law, including laws relating to land-use and any requirements imposed by the Commission.

(c) Landowner notification.


(i) No activity described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section that involves ground disturbance is authorized unless a company makes a good faith effort to notify in writing each affected landowner, as noted in the most recent county/city tax records as receiving the tax notice, whose property will be used and subject to ground disturbance as a result of the proposed activity, at least five days prior to commencing any activity under this section. A landowner may waive the five-day prior notice requirement in writing, so long as the notice has been provided. No landowner notice under this section is required:

(A) If all ground disturbance will be confined entirely to areas within the fence line of an existing above-ground site of facilities operated by the company; or

(B) For activities done for safety, DOT compliance, or environmental or unplanned maintenance reasons that are not foreseen and that require immediate attention by the company.

(ii) The notification shall include at least:

(A) A brief description of the facilities to be constructed or replaced and the effect the activity may have on the landowner's property;

(B) The name and phone number of a company representative who is knowledgeable about the project; and

(C) A description of the Commission's Landowner Helpline, which an affected person may contact to seek an informal resolution of a dispute as explained in § 1b.22(a) of this chapter and the Landowner Helpline number.

(2) “Affected landowners” include owners of interests, as noted in the most recent county/city tax records as receiving tax notice, in properties (including properties subject to rights-of-way and easements for facility sites, compressor stations, well sites, and all above-ground facilities, and access roads, pipe and contractor yards, and temporary work space) that will be directly affected by (i.e., used) and subject to ground disturbance as a result of activity under this section.

(d) Safety regulations. The requirements of this paragraph do not affect a project sponsor's obligations to comply with safety regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation and recognized safe engineering practices for Natural Gas Act projects and the National Electric Safety Code for section 216 Federal Power Act projects.

(e) Pipeline and electric transmission facilities construction.

(1) The use, widening, or extension of existing rights-of-way must be considered in locating proposed facilities.

(2) In locating proposed facilities, the project sponsor shall, to the extent practicable, avoid places listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places; natural landmarks listed on the National Register of Natural Landmarks; officially designated parks; wetlands; and scenic, recreational, and wildlife lands. If rights-of-way must be routed near or through such places, attempts should be made to minimize visibility from areas of public view and to preserve the character and existing environment of the area.

(3) Rights-of-way should avoid forested areas and steep slopes where practical.

(4) Rights-of-way clearing should be kept to the minimum width necessary.

(5) In selecting a method to clear rights-of-way, soil stability and protection of natural vegetation and adjacent resources should be taken into account.

(6) Trees and vegetation cleared from rights-of-way in areas of public view should be disposed of without undue delay.

(7) Remaining trees and shrubs should not be unnecessarily damaged.

(8) Long foreground views of cleared rights-of-way through wooded areas that are visible from areas of public view should be avoided.

(9) Where practical, rights-of-way should avoid crossing hills and other high points at their crests where the crossing is in a forested area and the resulting notch is clearly visible in the foreground from areas of public view.

(10) Screen plantings should be employed where rights-of-way enter forested areas from a clearing and where the clearing is plainly visible in the foreground from areas of public view.

(11) Temporary roads should be designed for proper drainage and built to minimize soil erosion. Upon abandonment, the road area should be restored and stabilized without undue delay.

(f) Right-of-way maintenance.

(1) Vegetation covers established on a right-of-way should be properly maintained.

(2) Access and service roads should be maintained with proper cover, water bars, and the proper slope to minimize soil erosion. They should be jointly used with other utilities and land-management agencies where practical.

(3) Chemical control of vegetation should not be used unless authorized by the landowner or land-managing agency. When chemicals are used for control of vegetation, they should be approved by EPA for such use and used in conformance with all applicable regulations.

(g) Construction of aboveground facilities.

(1) Unobtrusive sites should be selected for the location of aboveground facilities.

(2) Aboveground facilities should cover the minimum area practicable.

(3) Noise potential should be considered in locating compressor stations, or other aboveground facilities.

(4) The exterior of aboveground facilities should be harmonious with the surroundings and other buildings in the area.

(5) For Natural Gas Act projects, the site of aboveground facilities which are visible from nearby residences or public areas, should be planted in trees and shrubs, or other appropriate landscaping and should be installed to enhance the appearance of the facilities, consistent with operating needs.

[Order 603, 64 FR 26619, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 689, 71 FR 69741, Dec. 1, 2006; Order 756, 77 FR 4895, Feb. 1, 2012; Order 790, 78 FR 72812, Dec. 4, 2013; Order 790-A, 79 FR 70068, Nov. 25, 2014; Order 821, 81 FR 5380, Feb. 2, 2016]

§ 380.16 Environmental reports for section 216 Federal Power Act Permits.

(a) Introduction.

(1) The applicant must submit an environmental report with any application that proposes the construction or modification of any facility identified in § 380.3(c)(3). The environmental report must include the 11 resource reports and related material described in this section.

(2) The detail of each resource report must be commensurate with the complexity of the proposal and its potential for environmental impact. Each topic in each resource report must be addressed or its omission justified, unless the data is not required for that type of proposal. If material required for one resource report is provided in another resource report or in another exhibit, it may be cross referenced. If any resource report topic is required for a particular project but is not provided at the time the application is filed, the environmental report must explain why it is missing and when the applicant anticipates it will be filed.

(b) General requirements. As appropriate, each resource report must:

(1) Address conditions or resources that are likely to be directly or indirectly affected by the project;

(2) Identify significant environmental effects expected to occur as a result of the project;

(3) Identify the effects of construction, operation (including maintenance and malfunctions), as well as cumulative effects resulting from existing or reasonably foreseeable projects;

(4) Identify measures proposed to enhance the environment or to avoid, mitigate, or compensate for adverse effects of the project; and

(5) Provide a list of publications, reports, and other literature or communications, including agency contacts, that were cited or relied upon to prepare each report. This list must include the names and titles of the persons contacted, their affiliations, and telephone numbers.

(6) Whenever this section refers to “mileposts” the applicant may substitute “survey centerline stationing” if so preferred. However, whatever method is chosen must be used consistently throughout the resource reports.

(c) Resource Report 1 - General project description. This report must describe facilities associated with the project, special construction and operation procedures, construction timetables, future plans for related construction, compliance with regulations and codes, and permits that must be obtained. Resource Report 1 must:

(1) Describe and provide location maps of all project facilities, include all facilities associated with the project (such as transmission line towers, substations, and any appurtenant facilities), to be constructed, modified, replaced, or removed, including related construction and operational support activities and areas such as maintenance bases, staging areas, communications towers, power lines, and new access roads (roads to be built or modified). As relevant, the report must describe the length and size of the proposed transmission line conductor cables, the types of appurtenant facilities that would be constructed, and associated land requirements.

(2) Provide the following maps and photos:

(i) Current, original United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute series topographic maps or maps of equivalent detail, covering at least a 0.5-mile-wide corridor centered on the electric transmission facility centerline, with integer mileposts identified, showing the location of rights-of-way, new access roads, other linear construction areas, substations, and construction materials storage areas. Nonlinear construction areas must be shown on maps at a scale of 1:3,600 or larger keyed graphically and by milepost to the right-of-way maps. In areas where the facilities described in paragraph (j)(6) of this section are located, topographic map coverage must be expanded to depict those facilities.

(ii) Original aerial images or photographs or photo-based alignment sheets based on these sources, not more than one year old (unless older ones accurately depict current land use and development) and with a scale of 1:6,000, or larger, showing the proposed transmission line route and location of transmission line towers, substations and appurtenant facilities, covering at least a 0.5 mile-wide corridor, and including mileposts. The aerial images or photographs or photo-based alignment sheets must show all existing transmission facilities located in the area of the proposed facilities and the location of habitable structures, radio transmitters and other electronic installations, and airstrips. Older images/photographs/alignment sheets must be modified to show any residences not depicted in the original. In areas where the facilities described in paragraph (j)(6) of this section are located, aerial photographic coverage must be expanded to depict those facilities. Alternative formats (e.g., blue-line prints of acceptable resolution) need prior approval by the environmental staff of the Office of Energy Projects.

(iii) In addition to the copies required under § 50.3(b) of this chapter, the applicant must send three additional copies of topographic maps and aerial images/photographs directly to the environmental staff of the Commission's Office of Energy Projects.

(3) Describe and identify by milepost, proposed construction and restoration methods to be used in areas of rugged topography, residential areas, active croplands and sites where explosives are likely to be used.

(4) Identify the number of construction spreads, average workforce requirements for each construction spread and estimated duration of construction from initial clearing to final restoration, and any identified constraints to the timing of construction.

(5) Describe reasonably foreseeable plans for future expansion of facilities, including additional land requirements and the compatibility of those plans with the current proposal.

(6) Describe all authorizations required to complete the proposed action and the status of applications for such authorizations. Identify environmental mitigation requirements specified in any permit or proposed in any permit application to the extent not specified elsewhere in this section.

(7) Provide the names and mailing addresses of all affected landowners identified in § 50.5(c)(4) of this chapter and certify that all affected landowners will be notified as required in § 50.4(c) of this chapter.

(d) Resource Report 2 - Water use and quality. This report must describe water quality and provide data sufficient to determine the expected impact of the project and the effectiveness of mitigative, enhancement, or protective measures. Resource Report 2 must:

(1) Identify and describe by milepost waterbodies and municipal water supply or watershed areas, specially designated surface water protection areas and sensitive waterbodies, and wetlands that would be crossed. For each waterbody crossing, identify the approximate width, State water quality classifications, any known potential pollutants present in the water or sediments, and any potable water intake sources within three miles downstream.

(2) Provide a description of site-specific construction techniques that will be used at each major waterbody crossing.

(3) Describe typical staging area requirements at waterbody and wetland crossings. Also, identify and describe waterbodies and wetlands where staging areas are likely to be more extensive.

(4) Include National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps. If NWI maps are not available, provide the appropriate State wetland maps. Identify for each crossing, the milepost, the wetland classification specified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the length of the crossing. Include two copies of the NWI maps (or the substitutes, if NWI maps are not available) clearly showing the proposed route and mileposts. Describe by milepost, wetland crossings as determined by field delineations using the current Federal methodology.

(5) Identify aquifers within excavation depth in the project area, including the depth of the aquifer, current and projected use, water quality, and known or suspected contamination problems.

(6) Discuss proposed mitigation measures to reduce the potential for adverse impacts to surface water, wetlands, or groundwater quality. Discuss the potential for blasting to affect water wells, springs, and wetlands, and measures to be taken to detect and remedy such effects.

(7) Identify the location of known public and private groundwater supply wells or springs within 150 feet of proposed construction areas. Identify locations of EPA or State-designated, sole-source aquifers and wellhead protection areas crossed by the proposed transmission line facilities.

(e) Resource Report 3 - Fish, wildlife, and vegetation. This report must describe aquatic life, wildlife, and vegetation in the vicinity of the proposed project; expected impacts on these resources including potential effects on biodiversity; and proposed mitigation, enhancement, or protection measures. Resource Report 3 must:

(1) Describe commercial and recreational warmwater, coldwater, and saltwater fisheries in the affected area and associated significant habitats such as spawning or rearing areas and estuaries.

(2) Describe terrestrial habitats, including wetlands, typical wildlife habitats, and rare, unique, or otherwise significant habitats that might be affected by the proposed action. Describe typical species that have commercial, recreational, or aesthetic value.

(3) Describe and provide the affected acreage of vegetation cover types that would be affected, including unique ecosystems or communities such as remnant prairie or old-growth forest, or significant individual plants, such as old-growth specimen trees.

(4) Describe the impact of construction and operation on aquatic and terrestrial species and their habitats, including the possibility of a major alteration to ecosystems or biodiversity, and any potential impact on State-listed endangered or threatened species. Describe the impact of maintenance, clearing and treatment of the project area on fish, wildlife, and vegetation. Surveys may be required to determine specific areas of significant habitats or communities of species of special concern to State, Tribal, or local agencies.

(5) Identify all Federally-listed or proposed threatened or endangered species and critical habitat that potentially occur in the vicinity of the project. Discuss the results of the consultation requirements listed in § 380.13(b) through § 380.13(b)(5)(i) and include any written correspondence that resulted from the consultation. The initial application must include the results of any required surveys unless seasonal considerations make this impractical. If species surveys are impractical, there must be field surveys to determine the presence of suitable habitat unless the entire project area is suitable habitat.

(6) Identify all Federally-listed essential fish habitat (EFH) that potentially occurs in the vicinity of the project. Provide information on all EFH, as identified by the pertinent Federal fishery management plans, that may be adversely affected by the project and the results of abbreviated consultations with NMFS, and any resulting EFH assessments.

(7) Describe site-specific mitigation measures to minimize impacts on fisheries, wildlife, and vegetation.

(8) Include copies of correspondence not provided under paragraph (e)(5) of this section, containing recommendations from appropriate Federal and State fish and wildlife agencies to avoid or limit impact on wildlife, fisheries, and vegetation, and the applicant's response to the recommendations.

(f) Resource Report 4 - Cultural resources. In order to prepare this report, the applicant must follow the principles in § 380.14.

(1) Resource Report 4 must contain:

(i) Documentation of the applicant's initial cultural resources consultations, including consultations with Native Americans and other interested persons (if appropriate);

(ii) Overview and Survey Reports, as appropriate;

(iii) Evaluation Report, as appropriate;

(iv) Treatment Plan, as appropriate; and

(v) Written comments from State Historic Preservation Officer(s) (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO), as appropriate, and applicable land-managing agencies on the reports in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(2) The initial application or pre-filing documents, as applicable, must include the documentation of initial cultural resource consultation(s), the Overview and Survey Reports, if required, and written comments from SHPOs, THPOs, and land-managing agencies, if available. The initial cultural resources consultations should establish the need for surveys. If surveys are deemed necessary by the consultation with the SHPO/THPO, the survey reports must be filed with the initial application or pre-filing documents.

(i) If the comments of the SHPOs, THPOs, or land-management agencies are not available at the time the application is filed, they may be filed separately, but they must be filed before a permit is issued.

(ii) If landowners deny access to private property and certain areas are not surveyed, the unsurveyed area must be identified by mileposts, and supplemental surveys or evaluations must be conducted after access is granted. In those circumstances, reports, and treatment plans, if necessary, for those inaccessible lands may be filed after a permit is issued.

(3) The Evaluation Report and Treatment Plan, if required, for the entire project must be filed before a permit is issued.

(i) In preparing the Treatment Plan, the applicant must consult with the Commission staff, the SHPO, and any applicable THPO and land-management agencies.

(ii) Authorization to implement the Treatment Plan will occur only after the permit is issued.

(4) Applicant must request privileged treatment for all material filed with the Commission containing location, character, and ownership information about cultural resources in accordance with § 388.112 of this chapter. The cover and relevant pages or portions of the report should be clearly labeled in bold lettering: “CONTAINS PRIVILEGED INFORMATION - DO NOT RELEASE.”

(5) Except as specified in a final Commission order, or by the Director of the Office of Energy Projects, construction may not begin until all cultural resource reports and plans have been approved.

(g) Resource Report 5 - Socioeconomics. This report must identify and quantify the impacts of constructing and operating the proposed project on factors affecting towns and counties in the vicinity of the project. Resource Report 5 must:

(1) Describe the socioeconomic impact area.

(2) Evaluate the impact of any substantial immigration of people on governmental facilities and services and plans to reduce the impact on the local infrastructure.

(3) Describe on-site manpower requirements and payroll during construction and operation, including the number of construction personnel who currently reside within the impact area, will commute daily to the site from outside the impact area, or will relocate temporarily within the impact area.

(4) Determine whether existing housing within the impact area is sufficient to meet the needs of the additional population.

(5) Describe the number and types of residences and businesses that will be displaced by the project, procedures to be used to acquire these properties, and types and amounts of relocation assistance payments.

(6) Conduct a fiscal impact analysis evaluating incremental local government expenditures in relation to incremental local government revenues that will result from construction of the project. Incremental expenditures include, but are not limited to, school operating costs, road maintenance and repair, public safety, and public utility costs.

(h) Resource Report 6 - Geological resources. This report must describe geological resources and hazards in the project area that might be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed action or that could place the proposed facilities at risk, the potential effects of those hazards on the facility, and methods proposed to reduce the effects or risks. Resource Report 6 must:

(1) Describe, by milepost, mineral resources that are currently or potentially exploitable.

(2) Describe, by milepost, existing and potential geological hazards and areas of nonroutine geotechnical concern, such as high seismicity areas, active faults, and areas susceptible to soil liquefaction; planned, active, and abandoned mines; karst terrain; and areas of potential ground failure, such as subsidence, slumping, and landsliding. Discuss the hazards posed to the facility from each one.

(3) Describe how the project will be located or designed to avoid or minimize adverse effects to the resources or risk to itself, including geotechnical investigations and monitoring that would be conducted before, during, and after construction. Discuss also the potential for blasting to affect structures, and the measures to be taken to remedy such effects.

(4) Specify methods to be used to prevent project-induced contamination from surface mines or from mine tailings along the right-of-way and whether the project would hinder mine reclamation or expansion efforts.

(i) Resource Report 7 - Soils. This report must describe the soils that will be affected by the proposed project, the effect on those soils, and measures proposed to minimize or avoid impact. Resource Report 7 must:

(1) List, by milepost, the soil associations that would be crossed and describe the erosion potential, fertility, and drainage characteristics of each association.

(2) Identify, by milepost, potential impact from: Soil erosion due to water, wind, or loss of vegetation; soil compaction and damage to soil structure resulting from movement of construction vehicles; wet soils and soils with poor drainage that are especially prone to structural damage; damage to drainage tile systems due to movement of construction vehicles and trenching activities; and interference with the operation of agricultural equipment due to the possibility of large stones or blasted rock occurring on or near the surface as a result of construction.

(3) Identify, by milepost, cropland, and residential areas where loss of soil fertility due to construction activity can occur. Indicate which are classified as prime or unique farmland by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.

(j) Resource Report 8 - Land use, recreation, and aesthetics. This report must describe the existing uses of land on, and (where specified) within 0.25 mile of, the edge of the proposed transmission line right-of-way and changes to those land uses that will occur if the project is approved. The report must discuss proposed mitigation measures, including protection and enhancement of existing land use. Resource Report 8 must:

(1) Describe the width and acreage requirements of all construction and permanent rights-of-way required for project construction, operation and maintenance.

(i) List, by milepost, locations where the proposed right-of-way would be adjacent to existing rights-of-way of any kind.

(ii) Identify, preferably by diagrams, existing rights-of-way that will be used for a portion of the construction or operational right-of-way, the overlap and how much additional width will be required.

(iii) Identify the total amount of land to be purchased or leased for each project facility, the amount of land that would be disturbed for construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility, and the use of the remaining land not required for project operation and maintenance, if any.

(iv) Identify the size of typical staging areas and expanded work areas, such as those at railroad, road, and waterbody crossings, and the size and location of all construction materials storage yards and access roads.

(2) Identify, by milepost, the existing use of lands crossed by the proposed transmission facility, or on or adjacent to each proposed project facility.

(3) Describe planned development on land crossed or within 0.25 mile of proposed facilities, the time frame (if available) for such development, and proposed coordination to minimize impacts on land use. Planned development means development which is included in a master plan or is on file with the local planning board or the county.

(4) Identify, by milepost and length of crossing, the area of direct effect of each proposed facility and operational site on sugar maple stands, orchards and nurseries, landfills, operating mines, hazardous waste sites, wild and scenic rivers, designated trails, nature preserves, game management areas, remnant prairie, old-growth forest, national or State forests, parks, golf courses, designated natural, recreational or scenic areas, or registered natural landmarks, Native American religious sites and traditional cultural properties to the extent they are known to the public at large, and reservations, lands identified under the Special Area Management Plan of the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and lands owned or controlled by Federal or State agencies or private preservation groups. Also identify if any of those areas are located within 0.25 mile of any proposed facility.

(5) Tribal resources. Describe Indian tribes, tribal lands, and interests that may be affected by the project.

(i) Identify Indian tribes that may attach religious and cultural significance to historic properties within the project right-of-way or in the project vicinity, as well as available information on Indian traditional cultural and religious properties, whether on or off of any Federally-recognized Indian reservation.

(ii) Information made available under this section must delete specific site or property locations, the disclosure of which will create a risk of harm, theft, or destruction of archaeological or Native American cultural resources or to the site at which the resources are located, or which would violate any Federal law, including the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, 16 U.S.C. 470w-3, and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470hh.

(6) Identify, by milepost, all residences and buildings within 200 feet of the edge of the proposed transmission line construction right-of-way and the distance of the residence or building from the edge of the right-of-way. Provide survey drawings or alignment sheets to illustrate the location of the transmission facilities in relation to the buildings.

(i) Buildings: List all single-family and multi-family dwellings and related structures, mobile homes, apartment buildings, commercial structures, industrial structures, business structures, churches, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, or other structures normally inhabited by humans or intended to be inhabited by humans on a daily or regular basis within a 0.5-mile-wide corridor centered on the proposed transmission line alignment. Provide a general description of each habitable structure and its distance from the centerline of the proposed project. In cities, towns, or rural subdivisions, houses can be identified in groups. Provide the number of habitable structures in each group and list the distance from the centerline to the closest habitable structure in the group.

(ii) Electronic installations: List all commercial AM radio Transmitters located within 10,000 feet of the centerline of the proposed project and all FM radio transmitters, microwave relay stations, or other similar electronic installations located within 2,000 feet of the centerline of the proposed project. Provide a general description of each installation and its distance from the centerline of the projects. Locate all installations on a routing map.

(iii) Airstrips: List all known private airstrips within 10,000 feet of the centerline of the project. List all airports registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with at least one runway more than 3,200 feet in length that are located within 20,000 feet of the centerline of the proposed project. Indicate whether any transmission structures will exceed a 100:1 horizontal slope (one foot in height for each 100 feet in distance) from the closest point of the closest runway. List all airports registered with the FAA having no runway more than 3,200 feet in length that are located within 10,000 feet of the centerline of the proposed project. Indicate whether any transmission structures will exceed a 50:1 horizontal slope from the closest point of the closest runway. List all heliports located within 5,000 feet of the centerline of the proposed project. Indicate whether any transmission structures will exceed a 25:1 horizontal slope from the closest point of the closest landing and takeoff area of the heliport. Provide a general description of each private airstrip, registered airport, and registered heliport, and state the distance of each from the centerline of the proposed transmission line. Locate all airstrips, airports, and heliports on a routing map.

(7) Describe any areas crossed by or within 0.25 mile of the proposed transmission project facilities which are included in, or are designated for study for inclusion in: The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (16 U.S.C. 1271); The National Trails System (16 U.S.C. 1241); or a wilderness area designated under the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1132).

(8) For facilities within a designated coastal zone management area, provide a consistency determination or evidence that the applicant has requested a consistency determination from the State's coastal zone management program.

(9) Describe the impact the project will have on present uses of the affected areas as identified above, including commercial uses, mineral resources, recreational areas, public health and safety, and the aesthetic value of the land and its features. Describe any temporary or permanent restrictions on land use resulting from the project.

(10) Describe mitigation measures intended for all special use areas identified under this section.

(11) Describe the visual characteristics of the lands and waters affected by the project. Components of this description include a description of how the transmission line project facilities will impact the visual character of project right-of-way and surrounding vicinity, and measures proposed to lessen these impacts. Applicants are encouraged to supplement the text description with visual aids.

(12) Demonstrate that applications for rights-of-way or other proposed land use have been or soon will be filed with Federal land-management agencies with jurisdiction over land that would be affected by the project.

(k) Resource Report 9 - Alternatives. This report must describe alternatives to the project and compare the environmental impacts of such alternatives to those of the proposal. It must discuss technological and procedural constraints, costs, and benefits of each alternative. The potential for each alternative to meet project purposes and the environmental consequences of each alternative must be discussed. Resource Report 9 must:

(1) Discuss the “no action” alternative and other alternatives given serious consideration to achieve the proposed objectives.

(2) Provide an analysis of the relative environmental benefits and impacts of each such alternative, including but not limited to:

(i) For alternatives considered in the initial screening for the project but eliminated, describe the environmental characteristics of each alternative, and the reasons for rejecting it. Where applicable, identify the location of such alternatives on maps of sufficient scale to depict their location and relationship to the proposed action, and the relationship of the transmission facilities to existing rights-of-way; and

(ii) For alternatives that were given more in-depth consideration, describe the environmental characteristics of each alternative and the reasons for rejecting it. Provide comparative tables showing the differences in environmental characteristics for the alternative and proposed action. The location, where applicable, of any alternatives in this paragraph shall be provided on maps equivalent to those required in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(l) Resource Report 10 - Reliability and Safety. This report must address the potential hazard to the public from facility components resulting from accidents or natural catastrophes, how these events will affect reliability, and what procedures and design features have been used to reduce potential hazards. Resource Report 10 must:

(1) Describe measures proposed to protect the public from failure of the proposed facilities (including coordination with local agencies).

(2) Discuss hazards, the environmental impact, and service interruptions which could reasonably ensue from failure of the proposed facilities.

(3) Discuss design and operational measures to avoid or reduce risk.

(4) Discuss contingency plans for maintaining service or reducing downtime.

(5) Describe measures used to exclude the public from hazardous areas. Discuss measures used to minimize problems arising from malfunctions and accidents (with estimates of probability of occurrence) and identify standard procedures for protecting services and public safety during maintenance and breakdowns.

(6) Provide a description of the electromagnetic fields to be generated by the proposed transmission lines, including their strength and extent. Provide a depiction of the expected field compared to distance horizontally along the right-of-way under the conductors, and perpendicular to the centerline of the right-of-way laterally.

(7) Discuss the potential for acoustic and electrical noise from electric and magnetic fields, including shadowing and reradiation, as they may affect health or communication systems along the transmission right-of-way. Indicate the noise level generated by the line in both dB and dBA scales and compare this to any known noise ordinances for the zoning districts through which the transmission line will pass.

(8) Discuss the potential for induced or conducted currents along the transmission right-of-way from electric and magnetic fields.

(m) Resource Report 11 - Design and Engineering. This report consists of general design and engineering drawings of the principal project facilities described under Resource Report 1 - General project description. If the version of this report submitted with the application is preliminary in nature, applicant must state that in the application. The drawings must conform to the specifications determined in the initial consultation meeting required by § 50.5(b) of this chapter.

(1) The drawings must show all major project structures in sufficient detail to provide a full understanding of the project including:

(i) Plans (overhead view);

(ii) Elevations (front view);

(iii) Profiles (side view); and

(iv) Sections.

(2) The applicant may submit preliminary design drawings with the pre-filing documents or application. The final design drawings may be submitted during the construction permit process or after the Commission issues a permit and must show the precise plans and specifications for proposed structures. If a permit is granted on the basis of preliminary designs, the applicant must submit final design drawings for written approval by the Director of the Office of Energy Project's prior to commencement of any construction of the project.

(3) Supporting design report. The applicant must submit, at a minimum, the following supporting information to demonstrate that existing and proposed structures are safe and adequate to fulfill their stated functions and must submit such information in a separate report at the time the application is filed:

(i) An assessment of the suitability of the transmission line towers and appurtenant structures locations based on geological and subsurface investigations, including investigations of soils and rock borings and tests for the evaluation of all foundations and construction materials sufficient to determine the location and type of transmission line tower or appurtenant structures suitable for the site;

(ii) Copies of boring logs, geology reports, and laboratory test reports;

(iii) An identification of all borrow areas and quarry sites and an estimate of required quantities of suitable construction material;

(iv) Stability and stress analyses for all major transmission structures and conductors under all probable loading conditions, including seismic, wind, and ice loading, as appropriate, in sufficient detail to permit independent staff evaluation.

(4) The applicant must submit two copies of the supporting design report described in paragraph (m)(3) of this section at the time preliminary and final design drawings are filed. If the report contains preliminary drawings, it must be designated a “Preliminary Supporting Design Report.”

[Order 689, 71 FR 69471, Dec. 1, 2006]

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AuthorChristopher Kozler
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File Created2023-08-01

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