Lab Name |
Are you able to analyze any or all the matrices listed using the method(s) cited? |
Please list what matrices you could test. |
Has your lab analyzed these matrices using these methods in the past? |
Which methods do you use? Please list all methods available. |
Are the methods validated for the matrices? |
Please list matrix, method and validation status. |
Do you have trained staff proficient for this analysis? |
Are any or all of methods on your scope of accreditation? |
Please list which methods are on your accreditation scope. |
Are you willing to pivot current approved sampling plan to this activity? |
How many samples can you do in a week? (Estimate only) |
How many samples would you be willing test in total? (Estimate only)? |
Are you able to arrange collection of these samples in your state? |
Please Provide Any Additional Information To Explain Your Labs Capabilities |