National Landowner Survey Urban First Mailing Survey & C

National Woodland Owner Survey

Private Sector_National Landowner Survey Urban First Mailing Survey & Cover Letter

OMB: 0596-0078

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Urban First Cover Letter


Dear Property Owner:

We invite you to participate in the National Property Owner Tree Survey conducted by the U.S. Forest Service. Your participation will help policy makers, land managers, and public and private service providers better understand and address the needs and concerns of America’s urban property owners.

Whether your property has many trees, a yard shaded by a neighbor’s tree, or something in between, we are interested in hearing from you. You were identified as a residential property owner from public ownership records. We are contacting only a few owners in each state. Because of the limited number of owners contacted, your answers are especially important. This survey is conducted once every 5 years to understand new topics and changes over time. If you responded during the last cycle, we ask that you respond again.

This is an official U.S. Forest Service survey, but your participation is voluntary. Your answers will be confidential and will be combined with others. The results will only be used to determine patterns and trends. Completing the questionnaire takes, on average, 25 minutes.

If you do not currently own residential property, please return the questionnaire using the postage-paid return envelope and write on the cover “No Residential Property Owned.”

If you would like to receive a copy of the results from this survey, write your name and address on the back of the return envelope.

We greatly appreciate your valuable assistance. If you have any questions please call us toll-free at 1-855-233-3372, visit our website at, or write us at USDA Forest Service, National Property Owner Tree Survey, 160 Holdsworth Way, Amherst MA 01003.

Brett J. Butler, Survey Director

Urban National Landowner Survey

OMB # 0596-0078

Expiration date: to be updated

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0596-0078. Without this approval, we could not conduct this survey. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the U.S.D.A. Forest Service email address and include the OMB Control Number in the subject line.


  • Please provide answers for the property you or your company or organization own listed on the outside of the envelope.

  • The owner who makes most of the decisions about this property should answer this survey.

  • If this survey is received by a company or other organization, please have a person knowledgeable about the organization’s property and landscape management answer this questionnaire.

  • Please only answer for the property specified on the envelope.

  • If you or your company do not own the property listed, please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided and write on the cover "Not My Property"

Ownership and Land Information

1. Is your property residential?

  • Yes

  • No

If this is a residential property, go to question 2.

If this property is industrial, commercial, a vacant lot, municipally or publicly owned, or other non-residential uses, no additional responses are needed. Please return this survey in the postage paid envelope provided.

General Questions About Your Property

2. What type of residential structure is on your property?

  • Single family home, detached

  • Duplex/townhouse/row home

  • Apartment building

  • Other (please specify):___________

  1. Which category best describes who owns your property?

Select only one.

    • Individual

    • Joint, with husband or wife

    • Joint, such as with other family members or friends

    • Family partnership or family LLC or LLP

    • Family trust or estate

    • Corporation or business (for-profit)

    • Corporation or business (non-profit)

    • Other (please specify):________________________________

  1. Do you or your company rent your property to others?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. How many total properties do you or your company own, including this one? ______properties

  1. Do you reside on your property?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. In what year did you or your company acquire your property?


Property Features

  1. How many, if any, trees are on your property?

  • 0

  • 1-5

  • 6-10

  • More than 10

  • I don’t know

  1. Which, if any, natural features does your property have?

Select yes, no or don’t know for each item

Yes No/Don’t know

£ £ Backyard

£ £ Front yard

£ £ Side yard(s)

£ £ Trees and/or shrubs that were planted

£ £ Trees and/or shrubs that grew naturally

£ £ Vegetable/fruit garden

£ £ Flower garden

£ £ Stream, pond or other natural water feature on or abutting property

  1. Which, if any, built features, does your property have?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Recreational feature, such as tennis or basketball court

£ £ Water feature, such as a pool or pond

£ £ Driveway

£ £ Patio, porch, or deck

£ £ Shed or other storage building


  1. Which, if any, of the following have occurred on your property in the past 5 years?

Select yes, no/don’t know for each item

Yes No/Don’t know

£ £ Eliminated or removed invasive plants

£ £ Installed a rain barrel or rain garden

£ £ Installed a new lawn

£ £ Planted shrubs, flowers, or ornamental grasses

£ £ Planted one or more trees

£ £ Pruned trees or did other tree care

£ £ Removed one or more trees

£ £ Worked with neighbors to minimize tree risks from their property

£ £ Contracted the city/town about trees near the street

£ £ Contacted the utility companies about trees near the wires

£ £ Treated trees for pests/diseases

  1. Which of the following, if any, have occurred on your property in the past year?

Select yes, no/don’t know for each item

Yes No/Don’t know

£ £ Composting yard and/or food waste

£ £ Gardening

£ £ Mowing the lawn

£ £ Applied fertilizers to lawn

£ £ Applied fertilizers to trees

£ £ Used chemicals to control weeds or insects

£ £ Watering lawn, trees, or other plants

  1. Which, if any, of the following social/recreational activities have occurred on your property in the past year?

Select yes, no/don’t know for each item

Yes No/Don’t know

£ £ Recreational activities, such as games, sports, or children playing

£ £ Social activities, such as cookouts or parties

£ £ Birding

£ £ Other (please specify):____________

Programs and Organizations

  1. In some communities, there are groups of residents who volunteer their time to help maintain public green spaces (even tho this might not be the main reason for having the group). The volunteer work may involve activities like tree planting, litter removal, habitat restoration, trail construction, stream restoration, or working in a community garden.

a. How familiar are you with groups like these in your property’s city/town?

  • Extremely familiar

  • Moderately familiar

  • Somewhat familiar

  • Slightly familiar

  • Not at all familiar

b. Have you or your company participated in a group like this in the past 5 years?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  1. In some areas, there are programs that help property owners cover the expense of planting new trees or caring for existing trees on their property.

    1. How familiar are you with programs like these?

  • Extremely familiar

  • Moderately familiar

  • Somewhat familiar

  • Slightly familiar

  • Not at all familiar

    1. In the past 5 years, have you or your company used a program like this to help plant new trees or maintain existing trees on your property?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Sources of Information and Assistance

  1. How familiar are you or your company with the services provided by the following professionals?

Select one box for each item.

Extremely familiar

Moderately familiar

Somewhat familiar

Slightly familiar

Not at all familiar

Government tree care professionals

Private tree care professionals

Landscape designers or contractors

Extension agents/educators


Master gardeners

  1. Who, if anyone, do you trust for providing you or your company with information about caring for or planting trees on your property?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Tenant(s)

£ £ Neighbor(s)

£ £ Family member(s) or friend(s)

£ £ Extension agent or educator

£ £ Other state employee

£ £ Local government employee

£ £ A non-profit organization

£ £ Employee at lawn and garden center

£ £ Landscaping or tree care professional(s)

£ £ Other (please specify):______________

£ £ No one

  1. a. In the past 5 years, have you or your company talked with anyone or received information/advice about how to maintain your property’s landscape?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please answer b, c, and d

If no, skip to question 19

b. What was it about?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Trees

£ £ Vegetable/fruit gardening

£ £ Lawn care

£ £ Storm water/runoff management

£ £ Ornamental flowers and shrubs

£ £ Weed, pest, or disease control

£ £ Other (please specify):_________

c. How did it happen? Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Talked to someone in person

£ £ Talked to someone on the phone

£ £ Received a brochure or other written material

£ £ Attended a workshop in person

£ £ Attended a workshop - virtually

£ £ Went to a library

£ £ Read product labels

£ £ Went to a lawn and garden center

£ £ From the Internet or social media

£ £ Other (please specify):____________

d. Who was involved? Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Tenant(s)

£ £ A neighbor

£ £ A family member or friend

£ £ Extension agent or educator

£ £ Other state government employee

£ £ Local government employee

£ £ A non-profit organization

£ £ Employee at a lawn and garden center

£ £ Landscaping or tree care professional(s)

£ £ No one. I found the information myself

£ £ Other (please specify):___________

  1. How would you or your company prefer to get information or advice about the care of the trees/shrubs/grass on your property? Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Talk to someone in person

£ £ Talk to someone on the phone

£ £ Written materials, such as brochures or other publications

£ £ Read product labels

£ £ From the Internet or social media

£ £ From a lawn and garden center

£ £ Attend a workshop – in person

£ £ Attend a workshop – virtual

£ £ Go to a library

£ £ Other (please specify):________

£ £ I don’t want/need information or advice


  1. How concerned are you or your company about each of the following on your property? Select one box for each item.

Great concern


Moderate concern

Of little concern

No concern

Not Applicable

Tree roots interfering with building foundations, pipes, or septic systems

Live trees or branches breaking and causing damage or injury

Dead trees or branches breaking and causing damage or injury

Trees or branches breaking and causing a power outage

Trees blocking solar panels installed on the property

Damage from storms

Climate change

Trees blocking scenic views

Trees attracting pests (e.g. animals, insects)

Trees creating a fire hazard

Trees irritating allergies

Trees requiring a lot of water

The expense of tree care


20. Who performs the tree work on your property, if any tree work is being done?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Me

£ £ My husband or wife

£ £ My children

£ £ My parents

£ £ Tenant(s)

£ £ Another family member

£ £ A neighbor

£ £ Landscaping professional(s)

£ £ Tree care professional(s)

£ £ Home Owner’s Association or Co-op

£ £ Other (please specify):___________

  1. Is the wood from your property used?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  1. How important, or not important, is it to you or your company that trees removed from your property are used as urban wood products at some point?

  • Very important

  • Important

  • Moderately important

  • Of little importance

  • Not important

  • Not applicable

  1. Please indicate your or your company’s level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about the trees on your property. Select one box for each item.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Not applicable

The trees on the property are healthy and attractive

Trees interfere with the enjoyment of the property

Trees create more work for me

I/we have the knowledge to properly care for the trees and shrubs on the property

Felled branches, leaves, and seeds from trees make the property look messy

I/we have the physical ability to property plant and care for the trees on the property

Trees provide privacy

Trees provide energy savings for the home

Trees improve the look of your property

Trees provide shade and cooling

Trees reduce the noise from the road

I/we know who to ask for help on how to properly plant and care for trees on the property

Trees reduce my stress level

Trees leave a legacy for future generations

  1. Please indicate your or your company’s level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about your property. Select one box for each item.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Good landscaping increases property value

Animals are a problem for the trees, lawn, and/or garden

I/we enjoy seeing wildlife

I/we care about what neighbors think of the appearance of the yard

  1. Please indicate your or your company’s level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about the trees in your community. Select one box for each item.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

The community should invest more in tree plantings and tree care

Having trees in a neighborhood makes it a better place to live

Having diverse trees in the neighborhood is important

The health and condition of trees in the neighborhood should be considered when new buildings are constructed or street improvements are made

General Questions About You

  1. What is your age?


  1. What is your gender?

  • Male

  • Female

  1. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

  • Less than 12th grade

  • High school/GED

  • Some college

  • Associate degree

  • Bachelor's degree

  • Advanced degree

  1. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. What is your race?

Select one or more.

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black or African-American

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  1. . What is your household’s annual income?

  • Less than $25,000

  • $25,000 - $49,999

  • $50,000 - $99,999

  • $100,000 - $199,999

  • $200,000 or more

**In addition to the Urban questions above, Urban Science Module questions below can be added to the survey, but not to exceed 25 minutes of burden time.

Urban National Landowner Survey Scimods

Neighborhood and Community

For the following questions, “neighborhood” includes both the block or street you live on and several blocks or street in each direction.

  1. Which, if any, of the following neighborhood or community activities do you regularly do?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Attend a neighborhood or community meeting

£ £ Attend a social event in my neighborhood, such as a cookout or block party

£ £ Talk/visit with a neighbor

£ £ Maintain a plot in a community garden

£ £ Go to a nearby park

£ £ Bike around my neighborhood

£ £ Walk or job in my neighborhood

£ £ Birding

£ £ Collect or forage wild plants or mushrooms

  1. In what, if any, types of groups do you participate in your community?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Garden club

£ £ Master gardener or master naturalist

£ £ Parent-teacher organization/Parent-teacher association

£ £ Environmental group

£ £ Religious group

£ £ Neighborhood association

£ £ Other (please specify):_________

£ £ None of the above

  1. Please rate the following characteristics of the neighborhood and community around your property.

Check one box for each item.

Very good




Very Poor

Cleanliness of streets and sidewalks in the neighborhood

Number of parks and open spaces in the neighborhood

Quality of parks and open spaces in the neighborhood

Number of trees in the neighborhood

Quality of the trees in the neighborhood

Safety and security in the neighborhood

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Check one box for each item.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Don’t know

Local government services are adequate in the neighborhood

People in the neighborhood are willing to help one another

People in the neighborhood can be trusted

There are many opportunities to meet neighbors

There is an active neighborhood group or association

Trespassing and/or vandalism are concerns for the property

Vacant properties are a concern in the neighborhood

Urban Wood Use

  1. Urban wood” is wood that comes from a city or town’s public or private trees that were removed due to death, disease, or other circumstances (NOT due to economic value).

    1. Have you or your company ever purchased or acquired urban wood products (e.g. wood chips, firewood, flooring, small item) from the city/town where the property is located?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

If yes, please answer b.

If no or don’t know, skip to question xx.

  1. Which, if any, of the following urban wood products did you or your company purchase or acquire?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Wood chips or mulch

£ £ Compost

£ £ Firewood

£ £ Whole logs

£ £ Lumber

£ £ Furniture

£ £ Flooring

£ £ Interior or exterior home products (e.g. doors, cabinets, trim)

£ £ Art or jewelry

£ £ Small items (e.g. kitchen goods)

£ £ Other (please specify):_________

  1. How interested, or not interested, are you or your company in purchasing urban wood products made from trees removed from the city/town where the property is located? Check one box for each item.

Very interested


Moderately interested

Slightly interested

Not at all interested

Wood chips or mulch



Whole logs




Interior or exterior home products (e.g., doors, cabinets, trim)

Art or jewelry

Small items (e.g. kitchen goods)

Other (please specify)

  1. How important, or not important, is it to you or your company that trees removed in your city/town where the property is located are used as urban wood products?

  • Very important

  • Important

  • Moderately important

  • Of little importance

  • Not important

  1. How important, or not important, is it to you or your company that trees removed from your property are used as urban wood products?

  • Very important

  • Important

  • Moderately important

  • Of little importance

  • Not important

Urban – Wildfire

Wildfire is an unplanned fire that starts in forestland, woodland, rangeland, shrubland, or grassland. It can be started by lightning or by people, either accidentally or intentionally.

Prescribed fire is a burn set by professionals on forestland, woodland, rangeland, shrubland, or grassland under strict guidelines. Prescribed fire is used, among other reasons, to prevent build-ups of flammable woody materials that could cause more intense wildfires.

1. Please indicate which of the following you or your company have experienced in the past 5 years.

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Wildfire burned on the land

£ £ Wildfire burned on a neighboring land

£ £ I have witnessed a wildfire

£ £ I/we have had structures on the land damaged or lost because of wildfire

£ £ I have seen a property soon after a wildfire burned through it

£ £ Smoke from a wildfire has made me physically uncomfortable or affected my health, or the health of someone in my household

£ £ Smoke from a wildfire has inconvenienced me (such as diminished scenery or caused outdoor plans to be cancelled)

2. Please indicate your level of concern about each of the following events occurring in the next 5 years on your property. Select one box for each item.

Great concern


Moderate concern

Of little concern

No concern

Not applicable

Wildfire occurring on the property

Wildfire occurring on public lands near the property

Wildfire occurring on private lands near the property

Smoke from wildfires affecting people on lands near the property

Wildfire damaging the home or other structures on the property

Loss of beauty or scenery due to wildfire on the property

  1. Please indicate which, if any, of the following activities you or your company have done in the past 5 years for the primary purpose of reducing wildfire risk on the property.

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Removed dead or dying trees/plants within 30 feet of the home

£ £ Limbed up trees

£ £ Planted fire-resistant trees

£ £ Purchased wildfire insurance for the land

£ £ Removed woody debris from ground

£ £ Used mechanized or hand equipment to control undergrowth

£ £ Thinned trees

£ £ Trimmed tree canopies to keep branches 10 feet away from structures and other trees

£ £ Removed leaf litter (dry leaves/pine needles) from yard, roof, and/or rain gutters

£ £ Other (please specify):

£ £ I have performed no activities to reduce the risk of wildfire on the property

4. Wildfires can cross property lines. To address this, some residential land owners communicate or coordinate efforts with owners of nearby properties (within a mile of the property) to reduce wildifire

risk in their area. This can involve working with fellow private property owners or public land managers.

Which of the following have you or your company done in the past 5 years?

Select yes or no for each item

Yes No

£ £ Talked to nearby private property owners (within a mile of the property) about how to reduce wildfire risk

£ £ Talked Worked with nearby private property owners (with in a mile of the property) to reduce wildfire risk (such as pooled resources to purchase equipment, hire professionals, or had neighborhood work parties)

£ £ Talked Coordinated efforts with public land managers to reduce wildfire risk on the property (such as performed recommended activities)

Urban – Trees and Health

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about trees. Select one box for each item.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Don’t know

Trees improve human health

Privately owned trees in cities and towns provide public health benefits

Urban – Trees, maintenance, and storms

1.Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about your property.

Select one box for each item.

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Don’t know

Cared for trees are more storm resistant

Trees require maintenance to make them more storm resistant

People can influence trees' resistance to storms

By caring for trees, people can reduce damage to trees

Storm-damaged trees pose a threat to people and property

Storms will likely destroy trees on the property in the next five years

2. How important to you are each of the following potential benefits

trees provide?

Select one box for each item

Very Important


Moderately Important

Of little Importance

Not important

Not applicable

Stormwater control

Flooding reduction

Improve air quality

Improve water quality

Noise control

3. Which of the following actions have you or your company taken to

reduce potential damage from storms around the property in

the past 5 years?

Select yes, no or don’t know for each item

Yes No /Don’t know

£ £ Removed living trees

£ £ Removed dead or dying trees

£ £ Pruned living trees to prevent branches from falling on structures

£ £ Removed trees near electrical lines

£ £ Pruned tree branches that extend over roof

£ £ Other (please specify):

4. Which of the following actions do you or your company plan to take

to reduce potential damage from storms to trees around the property

in the next 5 years?

Select yes, no or don’t know for each item

Yes No/Don’t know

£ £ Remove living trees

£ £ Remove dead or dying trees

£ £ Prune living trees to prevent branches from falling on structures

£ £ Remove trees near electrical lines

£ £ Prune tree branches that extend over roof

£ £ Other (please specify):

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSarah Butler
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-24

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