Pilot Interview Guide

Pilot Plan for the Interim Local Health Department Strategy for Response, Control, and Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) and Antibiotic Resistance (AR)

Att 3b LHD HAIAR Strategy Pilot Interview Guide Survey_final.8.30.22_9.29.22

LHD HAI/AR Strategy Pilot Interview Guide Survey

OMB: 0920-1394

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LHDs with Review Only Capacity

Interview Guide

TITLE OF INFORMATION COLLECTION: Interview Guide for soliciting feedback from local health departments (LHDs) on CDC’s Interim Local Health Department (LHD) Strategy for Response, Control, and Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) and Antibiotic Resistance (AR).

PURPOSE: CDC will collect feedback from LHDs on the interim strategy and supplemental materials to inform updates to the strategy based on the needs and experiences of LHDs.

INTRO: Thank you for reviewing the strategy as part of the pilot program. As a reviewer of the strategy materials, we will be asking some questions to understand how your LHD would anticipate using the strategy and any challenges, successes, or suggestions you foresee. To this end, we have a few questions today to capture feedback on how our team can refine the strategy to better support LHDs. We are hoping to:

  • Understand how your LHD anticipates using the strategy

  • Identify successes and challenges your LHD foresees with implementing the strategy

  • Capture any best practices or lessons learned from your experience as a pilot participant

  • Identify ways that the CDC can support your organization in HAI and AR efforts in the short-term and long-term

We value your privacy and would like to assure you that all responses will be aggregated with those from other participants and deidentified before they are shared. Insights from these interviews will be used to inform updates to the strategy and considerations for supplemental resources. We would appreciate your candid experiences and perspectives. This call should take no more than 60 minutes of your time. With your permission, we would like to record this interview for transcription purposes.

Do we have your permission to record?

  • Yes

  • No

Do you have any questions before we get started?

Introductory Information: This section is to be populated before the interview.


Interviewee Name(s):

LHD Name:








Audience Type:

Review Only Capacity

NACCHO Funded Site? (If yes, which program)

LHD Governance Type

Size of Population Served

Urban, Rural, or Both





  • How would you describe your LHD’s experience with HAI/AR work?

  1. Little to no experience leading HAI/AR activities

  2. Some previous experience leading HAI/AR activities

  3. Extensive experience leading HAI/AR activities

  • How often does your LHD work with your state on HAI/AR work?

  1. Rarely (a few times per year)

  2. Sometimes (every few months)

  3. Regularly (about once a month)

Follow up: If you answered rarely, can you please describe why working with the state program is limited?

  • What percentage of staff at your LHD work on HAI/AR efforts?

  1. 0—25% of team

  2. 26—50% of team

  3. 51—75% of team

  4. 76—100% of team


    • How would your LHD prioritize which goals, objectives, and activities to pursue from the strategy if you were to implement it?

    • Which goals, objectives, and activities would you anticipate choosing to prioritize?

    • Is the Framework for Implementation helpful or unhelpful for providing instructions on how to use the strategy?

    • How can the Framework be improved to make it more useful to LHDs?

  • Is the Facilitation Guide helpful or unhelpful for facilitating conversations with your state HAI/AR program?

  • How can the Facilitation Guide be improved to make it more useful to LHDs?

  • Is the LHD HAI/AR Strategy One Pager helpful or unhelpful for understanding the strategy better?

  • How can the One Pager be improved to make it more useful to LHDs?

Using the Strategy Questions | Intended Outcomes:

  • Detailed look at use of strategy content and resources that are being used for HAI and AR prevention and response

  • Anticipated helpfulness of strategy resources in understanding and implementing the strategy

  • Insight into strategy and HAI and AR integration


    • What challenges do you foresee with implementing the local strategy?

    • What do you anticipate would be the impact of implementing the strategy at your LHD? How do you think implementing the strategy would change your HAI/AR strategy and / or activities?

    • Does your organization currently face any capacity or resource constraints in the area of HAI/AR? If yes, what would help alleviate those constraints? Select all that apply.

  1. More funding

  2. Additional hands-on training

  3. More staff

  4. Stronger partnerships

  5. Other

Please explain how the above solution(s) would alleviate challenges faced by your LHD.

    • Can you identify any success factors or enablers at your LHD that might help you implement the strategy? Select all that apply.

  1. Particular HAI/AR expertise

  2. Strong partner networks

  3. Technical assistance and support from CDC, your state, or NACCHO

  4. Other

Follow up: If you answered other, can you please explain what success factors or enablers at your LHD might help you implement the strategy?

Successes and Challenges Questions | Intended Outcomes:

  • Anticipated challenges with utilizing the strategy

  • Anticipated success and impact of utilizing the strategy

  • Anecdotes on how challenges could be overcome

  • List of success factors to aid in strategy review/implementation


  • Which components of the strategy do you think are the best places for LHDs to start and why?

  • If you could pick one goal and objective that LHDs should prioritize, which would you pick and why? For example, is there a particular activity that is a “must-do” for LHD HAI/AR programs?

  • How would you like the state HAI/AR program to support your LHD with implementing the strategy, regardless of current support or collaboration? Do you have any suggestions for how states can best collaborate with LHDs on the strategy?

  • What external partners do you think would be the most critical to support strategy implementation? How would these partners help LHDs implement the strategy?

Best Practices Questions | Intended Outcomes:

  • List of considerations for LHDs using strategy for HAI and AR efforts

  • List of external partners to support strategy implementation

  • Suggestions for ways the state HAI/AR program can best support LHD implementing the strategy


  • What other support (guide, resource, tool), if any, would you like to see from CDC? How would this help LHDs better understand and / or implement the strategy?

  • What additional materials would be useful to include with the strategy?

  • What additional resources or guidance would help to promote this strategy among your key partner networks? How would you promote the strategy?

CDC Support Questions | Intended Outcomes:

  • Suggestions for ways CDC can best support LHD implementing the strategy

  • List of possible additions to strategy resources

  • Suggestions for additional resources and guidance for promoting the strategy among LHD partner networks


  • What key partners in HAI/AR does your LHD work with (facilities, State HAI/AR program, other LHDs)? Can you please describe what those relationships look like?

  • Are you familiar with the CDC’s Success Framework for HAI/AR Partner Networks and do you know its purpose? If so, how would you use the framework to coordinate collaboration among external partners?

  • What collaboration processes (between states, partners, and CDC) work best for your LHD and why? Do you have a preferred method of contact?

Follow Up Questions | Intended Outcomes:

  • List of key partners to support strategy implementation

  • Feedback on the CDC’s Success Framework for HAI/AR Partner Networks

  • List of preferred collaboration processes


  • Is there anything else you would like to share that we have not asked about?

  • Do you have any questions for us?

Thank you for your time today. We really appreciate you letting us speak with you! We may follow up with you briefly if needed.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 120 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA 0920-XXXX

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorClark, James A. (CDC/OD/OADC)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-10-13

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