Appendix A: Draft Recruitment materials

Appendix A_HS Connects recruitment materials_7.15.22.pdf

OPRE Research Study: Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services

Appendix A: Draft Recruitment materials

OMB: 0970-0538

Document [pdf]
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330 C Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 |

Study Announcement from OHS Director to HS Program Directors DRAFT
Dear Head Start Program Director,
In the coming weeks, you will be hearing about an exciting Head Start research study. I want to take a
moment and share why this study is so important to us in the Office of Head Start and encourage you to
participate if your program is selected.
Head Start Connects is a multi-year study to understand how Head Start programs provide
comprehensive support services for the parents and guardians of the children in our care. These services
are fundamental to Head Start’s mission, reflecting our focus not only on education and development of
young children, but also on the well-being of their families and caregivers. Head Start programs are doing
meaningful, innovative, and often difficult work with parents and guardians—assessing needs, setting
goals, and connecting them with services and supports. You share valuable information in your regular
reporting about the types of services Head Start programs provide to parents and guardians, but we know
very little about how programs coordinate and individualize these services. Our knowledge about the staff
who are doing this important work is also limited. To better support this workforce, we want to learn
about who they are, their experiences, and their well-being.
That’s why the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and
Families (ACF; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) funded the Head Start Connects study.
This fall, the Head Start Connects team will be collecting data to better understand the range of practices
for coordinating comprehensive family support services, highlight promising approaches, inform technical
assistance, and strengthen our work with parents and guardians. This effort includes surveys for Head
Start directors and family support staff, as well as focus groups with family support staff.
The data that the Head Start Connects team collects will reflect the experiences and perspectives of Head
Start grant recipients across the country. Many—but not all—Head Start programs will be asked to
participate in this study. If you receive an invitation for your program to be a part of the study, I strongly
encourage you to participate. This is a unique opportunity for you and your staff to share your
knowledge, your experiences, and your reflections about family support services with the Office of Head
Start, ACF, and the field.


330 C Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 |

MDRC, an independent policy research firm, is conducting the study, along with its partners at the
National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago and MEF Associates. Contact
information for the Head Start Connects team is included below. Please do not hesitate to reach out to
them if you have any questions about the study.
As always, you have my deep gratitude for the important work that you do to support our nation’s
children and families.
[Director of the Office of Head Start]

Head Start Connects Contacts:
OPRE Contact
Sarah Blankenship
Child Care Program Specialist

MDRC Contact
Michelle Maier, Project Director
Senior Research Associate


APPENDIX B-1: Advance Email Invitation
APPENDIX B-2: Worksheet
APPENDIX B-3: Reminder email
APPENDIX B-4: Reminder call script
APPENDIX B-5: Postcard
APPENDIX B-6: Follow-up Letter
APPENDIX B-7: Thank you

Email Subject Line: Invitation to participate in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services

Your Head Start program has been selected to take part in a survey
for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services.
The goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build
knowledge about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start
and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support services
for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.
Benefits of participating.
We hope the information from the study will inform training and
technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and help
improve the experiences of families participating in, and staff
members who work in, Head Start programs.

More about the study.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start. The full study aims to
understand what service coordination looks like on the ground,
learn more about the experiences of staff members providing
these important services, and identify opportunities to better
support Head Start programs and staff. The full study includes:
1) A web survey of Head Start Directors
2) A web survey of Family and Community Partnerships Managers
3) A web survey, up to 6 daily snapshot web surveys about workday
activities, and focus groups of Family Support Services Staff

What we are asking of you.
Complete a 30-minute survey about your Head Start program
and family support services staff. You may delegate survey
completion to a knowledgeable administrative staff member.

In appreciation of your time,
we are happy to offer a $25 honorarium.
Getting started.
1) Review the attached worksheet to help prepare for the
2) Type the secure URL into any browser or click the button
and enter your program’s unique PIN. Information can be
saved if you need to complete later.

URL: https:xxxxxxx

Questions about…

Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by NORC at the University of Chicago.
NORC follows strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your responses.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.


Participating in the survey. Please contact NORC’s
data collection manager, Shannon Nelson, at
The overall study or your rights as a research
volunteer. Please contact the Project Director,
Michelle Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Preparing for the Head Start Connects Director Survey
As part of the Director Survey, we gather information about family support services staff members who
have primary responsibilities for family support services AND who work directly with families, that
is, they carry a caseload.
This information is used to create a roster of staff eligible to participate in the study. Depending on the size
of your Head Start program, 2 to 6 family support services staff members will be selected and invited to
Before beginning the survey, we suggest gathering the information below for your staff members who
have responsibilities for family support services AND who work directly with families. An upload option is
also available for the following file formats: xlsx, csv, word.
Contact Information
First Name

Last Name

Staff Title

Work Email

Work Phone


Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the
expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

Email Subject Line: Reminder to participate in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services Survey

This is a friendly reminder to complete the Head Start Connects:
A Study of Family Support Services survey to help the Office of
Head Start build knowledge about how Head Start programs
coordinate family support services.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

Receive a $25 honorarium as a thank you.
Click the button and enter the PIN below to get started.

URL: https:xxxxxxx

We cannot do this without you.
Please take 30 minutes to complete a web survey and provide
contact information for your staff so they can share their
experiences. You can delegate survey completion to an
administrative staff member on your team.

An opportunity to be heard.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start. The full study aims to
understand what service coordination looks like on the ground,
learn more about the experiences of staff members providing
these important services, and identify opportunities to better
support Head Start programs and staff. The full study includes:
1) A web survey of Head Start Directors
2) A web survey of Family and Community Partnerships Managers
3) A web survey, up to 6 daily snapshot web surveys about workday
activities, and focus groups of Family Support Services Staff

Start now. Finish later.
The survey does not have to be completed all at once. You can
save your responses and return.

Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by NORC at the University of Chicago.
NORC follows strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your responses.

Questions about…

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Participating in the survey. Please contact
NORC’s data collection manager, Shannon
Nelson, at
The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the
Project Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC, at
212-340-4517 or

My name is [Name]. I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up about the
Head Start Connects survey. Have you received an email or letter from us inviting you to

[IF NO, DID NOT RECEIVE INVITATION]: As part of the larger study, we are counting on
Head Start Directors to complete a 30-minute web survey. In appreciation of your time, we are
happy to offer a $25 honorarium. Can I please have the best email address for you so I can
update our information and send you a link to the survey?
o [IF NO: Well, I can provide you the link and your access code right now. Do you have
a pen to write down the information?]
o [IF YES: record the email address and repeat it to have R confirm it is correct.]


[ALL: While I have you on the phone, I want to let you know that the goal of the study is to
help the Office of Head Start build knowledge about how Head Start programs coordinate
family support services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. The study
aims to understand what service coordination looks like on the ground, to learn more about
the experiences of staff members providing these important services, and to identify
opportunities to better support Head Start programs and staff in this work. While your
participation is voluntary, we do hope that you will decide to contribute to this important
study. We understand how busy everyone is, and we really appreciate your time. What
questions can I answer for you about the study?


[ALL: If you have any questions at any point, please email us at]

Thank you for your time.

We recently emailed you requesting your participation in Head Start Connects: A Study of
Family Support Services. The study will provide important information about how Head Start
programs coordinate family support services for parents/guardians and the practices used to
ensure that service coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters family wellbeing. Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs for families, children, and staff.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families Office of Planning,
Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the Office of Head Start. MDRC and its partner
NORC at the University of Chicago are conducting the study on behalf of the Office of Head
Start. We hope the information from the study will inform training and technical assistance
offered by the Office of Head Start and help improve the experiences of families participating in,
and staff members who work in, Head Start programs.
We would like you to complete a 30-minute web survey. In appreciation of your time, we are
happy to offer a $25 honorarium. Participation is voluntary, and your responses will be kept
private. You have the option to end the survey at any time or skip any question.
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser
and enter the unique PIN. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can
save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
You can call us toll free at 1-800-xxx-xxxx or email us at if you
have questions or need assistance.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
Very sincerely,

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described
information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

4350 East-West Hwy 8th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
United States


We recently sent you a letter asking you to complete a web survey
for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The
goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build knowledge
about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early
Head Start services) coordinate family support services for
parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being.
The survey will take about 30 minutes. In appreciation of your time,
we are happy to offer a $25 honorarium.
If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If not,
please do so as soon as possible. We hope to wrap up the survey by

Complete in 3 easy steps!


Enter your PIN


Complete in 30 minutes

Scratch off for your PIN:

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 1-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Thank you!
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

[IF EMAIL REQUESTED:] Email subject line: Thank you for your participation!
Dear [NAME],
Thank you for participating in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The
survey you completed will provide the Office of Head Start with information about how Head Start
programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support
services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service coordination is
aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. We sincerely hope the study
will inform and improve training and technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and
improve the experiences of families and staff members in Head Start programs.
In appreciation of your time and effort, we have enclosed your honorarium below:
[Giftcode Vendor Name]
[Giftcode access link]
If you have questions about redeeming your gift code, please send a message to]
If you have any additional questions about the overall study, please contact the Project Director,
Michelle Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or
Thank you again for your assistance with this important research.


Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

APPENDIX C-1: Advance Email Invitation
APPENDIX C-2: Reminder email
APPENDIX C-3: Reminder call script
APPENDIX C-4: Postcard
APPENDIX C-5: Follow-up Letter
APPENDIX C-6: Thank you

Email Subject Line: Invitation to participate in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services
You have been selected to take part in a survey for Head Start
Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The director of
your program has already participated and provided us with your
name as a manager.
The goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build
knowledge about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start
and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support services
for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.
Benefits of participating.
We hope the information from the study will inform training and
technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and help
improve the experiences of families and staff members in Head Start

We need you.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start. The full study aims to
understand what service coordination looks like on the ground,
learn more about the experiences of staff members providing
these important services, and identify opportunities to better
support Head Start programs and staff. The full study includes:
1) A web survey of Head Start Directors
2) A web survey of Family and Community Partnerships Managers
3) A web survey, up to 6 daily snapshot web surveys about workday
activities, and focus groups of Family Support Services Staff

What we are asking of you.
Complete a 45-minute web survey about your Head Start
program’s structures and services for providing supports to
parents and families and information about your background,
well-being, and experiences as a family and community
partnerships manager.

In appreciation of your time,
we are happy to offer a $25 honorarium.
Getting started.
Type the secure URL into any browser or click the button below
and enter your unique PIN. You can save your responses and
return later to complete, if needed.

URL: https:xxxxxxx
Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by NORC at the University of Chicago.
NORC follows strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your responses. Your director will not
know whether you participated.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Questions about…

How to participate. Please contact NORC’s
data collection manager, Shannon Nelson, at


The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the Project
Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC, at
212-340-4517 or

Email Subject Line: Reminder to participate in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services Survey

This is a friendly reminder to complete the Head Start Connects:
A Study of Family Support Services survey to help the Office of
Head Start build knowledge about how Head Start programs
(inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate
family support services. The study is sponsored by the
Administration for Children and Families Office of Planning,
Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the Office of Head

We cannot do this without you.
Please take 45 minutes to complete a survey about your Head
Start program’s structures and services for providing supports to
parents and families and information about your background,
well-being, and experiences as a family and community
partnerships manager.

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to
offer a $25 honorarium.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

Start Now. Finish Later.
Click the button below or type the secure URL into any browser
and enter the unique PIN. You can save your responses and
return later.

Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by NORC at the University of Chicago.
NORC follows strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your responses. Your director will not
know whether you participated.

¿Necesita completarse en Español?
Si necesita completar la encuesta en español, escriba la URL
segura, seleccione español, luego ingrese su PIN.

Questions about…

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.


Participating in the survey. Please contact
NORC’s data collection manager, Shannon
Nelson, at
The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the
Project Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC, at
212-340-4517 or

My name is [Name]. I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up about the
Head Start Connects survey. Have you received an email or letter from us inviting you to

[IF NO DID NOT RECEIVE INVITATION]: As part of the larger study, we are counting on
Head Start Directors to complete a 45-minute web survey. In appreciation of your time, we are
happy to offer a $25 gift code honorarium. Can I please have the best email address for you so
I can update our information and send you a link to the survey?
o [IF NO: Well, I can provide you the link and your access code right now. Do you have
a pen to write down the information?]
o [IF YES: record the email address and repeat it to have R confirm it is correct.]


[ALL: While I have you on the phone, I want to let you know that the goal of the study is to
help the Office of Head Start build knowledge about how Head Start programs coordinate
family support services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. The study
aims to understand what service coordination looks like on the ground, to learn more about
the experiences of staff members providing these important services, and to identify
opportunities to better support Head Start programs and staff in this work. While your
participation is voluntary, we do hope that you will decide to contribute to this important
study. We understand how busy everyone is, and we really appreciate your time. What
questions can I answer for you about the study?


[ALL: If you have any questions at any point, please email us at]

Thank you for your time.

We recently contacted you to ask for your participation in Head Start Connects: A Study of
Family Support Services. The study is designed to provide important information about how
Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate family
support services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. Your input is
vital to improving Head Start programs for families and children.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families Office of Planning,
Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the Office of Head Start. MDRC and its partner
NORC at the University of Chicago are conducting the study on behalf of the Office of Head
Start. We hope the information from the study will inform training and technical assistance
offered by the Office of Head Start and help improve the experiences of families participating in,
and staff members who work in, Head Start programs.
We would like you to complete a 45-minute web survey. To thank you for your participation, we
will send you a $25 honorarium for completing the survey. Participation is voluntary, and your
responses will be kept private. You have the option to end the survey at any time or skip any
question. A Spanish version is available if you prefer.
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser
and enter the unique PIN. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can
save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
You can call us toll free at 1-800-xxx-xxxx or email us at if you
have questions or need assistance.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
Very sincerely,

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described
information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

4350 East-West Hwy 8th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
United States


We recently sent you a letter asking you to complete a web survey
for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The
goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build knowledge
about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early
Head Start services) coordinate family support services for
parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being.
The survey will take about 45 minutes. In appreciation of your time,
we are happy to offer a $25 honorarium.
If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If not,
please do so as soon as possible. We hope to wrap up the survey by

Complete in 3 easy steps!


Enter your PIN


Complete in 45 minutes

Scratch off for your PIN:

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 1-800-xxx-xxxx.
Thank you!

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

[IF EMAIL REQUESTED:] Email subject line: Thank you for your participation!
Dear [NAME],
Thank you for participating in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The
survey you completed will provide the Office of Head Start with information about how Head Start
programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support
services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service coordination is
aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. We sincerely hope the study
will inform and improve training and technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and
improve the experiences of families participating in Head Start programs and staff members
working in Head Start programs.
In appreciation of your time and effort, we have enclosed your honorarium below:
[Giftcode Vendor Name]
[Giftcode access link]
If you have questions about redeeming your gift code, please send a message to]
If you have any additional questions about the overall study, please contact the Project Director,
Michelle Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or
Thank you again for your assistance with this important research.


Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

(All materials will be translated and sent in Spanish)
APPENDIX D-1: Advance Email Invitation
APPENDIX D-2: Reminder email
APPENDIX D-3: Reminder call script
APPENDIX D-4: Postcard
APPENDIX D-5: Follow-up Letter
APPENDIX D-6: Thank you

Email Subject Line: Invitation to participate in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services
We are pleased to invite you to take part in a survey for
Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services.
The director of your program has already participated in this study
and provided us with your name.
The goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build
knowledge about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start
and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support services
for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

Benefits of participating.
We hope the information from the study will inform training and
technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and help
improve the experiences of families and staff members in Head Start

More about the study.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start. The full study aims to
understand what service coordination looks like on the ground,
learn more about the experiences of staff members providing
these important services, and identify opportunities to better
support Head Start programs and staff. The full study includes:
1) A web survey of Head Start Directors
2) A web survey of Family and Community Partnerships Managers
3) A web survey, up to 6 daily snapshot web surveys about workday
activities, and focus groups of Family Support Services Staff

Please complete a 45-minute web survey. The survey
asks for your views about Head Start family support services
and your background, well-being, and experiences as a family
support services staff member in your program.

In appreciation of your time,
we are happy to offer a $25 honorarium.
Getting started.
Click the button below or type the secure URL into any browser
and enter the unique PIN. You can save your responses and
return later.

URL: https:xxxxxxx
¿Necesita completarse en Español?

Questions about…

Escriba la URL segura, https:xxxxxxx, seleccione español, luego
ingrese su PIN.


Protecting your information.


Survey data is collected by NORC at the University of Chicago.
NORC follows strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your responses. Your director will not
know whether you participated.

We will reach out to you at a later time regarding other ways to
participate in the study.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

How to participate. Please contact NORC’s
data collection manager, Shannon Nelson, at
The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the Project
Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC, at
212-340-4517 or

Email Subject Line: Reminder to participate in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services Survey

This is a friendly reminder to complete the Head Start Connects:
A Study of Family Support Services survey to help the Office of
Head Start build knowledge about how Head Start programs
(inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate
family support services. The study is sponsored by the
Administration for Children and Families Office of Planning,
Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the Office of Head

We cannot do this without you.
Please take 45 minutes to complete a survey about your views
about Head Start family support services and your background,
well-being, and experiences as a family support services staff

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to
offer a $25 honorarium.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

Start Now. Finish Later.
Click the button below or type the secure URL into any browser
and enter the unique PIN. You can save your responses and
return later.

Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by NORC at the University of Chicago.
NORC follows strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your responses. Your director will not
know whether you participated.

¿Necesita completarse en Español?
Si necesita completar la encuesta en español, escriba la URL
segura, seleccione español, luego ingrese su PIN.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Questions about…

Participating in the survey. Please contact


The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the

NORC’s data collection manager, Shannon
Nelson, at
Project Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC, at
212-340-4517 or

My name is [Name]. I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up about the
Head Start Connects survey. Have you received an email or letter from us inviting you to

[IF NO DID NOT RECEIVE INVITATION]: As part of the larger study, we are counting on
family support services staff members to complete a 45-minute web survey. In appreciation of
your time, we are happy to offer a $25 gift code honorarium. Can I please have the best email
address for you so I can update our information and send you a link to the survey?
o [IF NO: Well, I can provide you the link and your access code right now. Do you have
a pen to write down the information?]
o [IF YES: record the email address and repeat it to have R confirm it is correct.]


[ALL: While I have you on the phone, I want to let you know that the goal of the study is to
help the Office of Head Start build knowledge about how Head Start programs coordinate
family support services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. The study
aims to understand what service coordination looks like on the ground, to learn more about
the experiences of staff members providing these important services, and to identify
opportunities to better support Head Start programs and staff in this work. While your
participation is voluntary, we do hope that you will decide to contribute to this important
study. We understand how busy everyone is, and we really appreciate your time. What
questions can I answer for you about the study?


[ALL: If you have any questions at any point, please email us at]

Thank you for your time.

We recently contacted you to ask for your participation in Head Start Connects: A Study of
Family Support Services. The study will provide important information about how Head Start
programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support
services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service coordination is
aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. Your input is vital to improving
Head Start programs for families and children.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families Office of Planning,
Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the Office of Head Start. MDRC and its partner
NORC at the University of Chicago are conducting the study on behalf of the Office of Head
Start. We hope the information from the study will inform training and technical assistance
offered by the Office of Head Start and help improve the experiences of families participating in,
and staff members who work in, Head Start programs.
We would like you to complete a 45-minute web survey. To thank you for your participation, we
will send you a $25 honorarium for completing the survey. Participation is voluntary, and your
responses will be kept private. You have the option to end the survey at any time or skip any
question. A Spanish version is available if you prefer.
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser
and enter the unique PIN. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can
save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
You can call us toll free at 1-800-xxx-xxxx or email us at if you
have questions or need assistance.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
Very sincerely,

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described
information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

4350 East-West Hwy 8th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
United States


We recently sent you a letter asking you to complete a web survey
for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The
goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build knowledge
about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early
Head Start services) coordinate family support services for
parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being.
The survey will take about 45 minutes. In appreciation of your time,
we are happy to offer a $25 honorarium.
If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If not,
please do so as soon as possible. We hope to wrap up the survey by

Complete in 3 easy steps!


Enter your PIN


Complete in 45 minutes

Scratch off for your PIN:

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 1-800-xxx-xxxx.
Thank you!

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

[IF EMAIL REQUESTED:] Email subject line: Thank you for your participation!
Dear [NAME],
Thank you for participating in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services. The
survey you completed will provide the Office of Head Start with information about how Head Start
programs (inclusive of Head Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support
services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service coordination is
aligned with individual family needs and fosters family well-being. We sincerely hope the study
will inform and improve training and technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and
improve the experiences of families participating in Head Start programs and staff members
working in Head Start programs.
In appreciation of your time and effort, we have enclosed your honorarium below:
[Giftcode Vendor Name]
[Giftcode access link]
If you have questions about redeeming your gift code, please send a message to]
Please be on the lookout for another email from the Head Start Connects team with the
potential to participate in another exciting aspect of this study!
If you have any additional questions about the overall study, please contact the Project Director,
Michelle Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or
Thank you again for your assistance with this important research.


Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

APPENDIX E-1: Email Invitation
APPENDIX E-2: First follow-up email
APPENDIX E-3: Second follow-up email

Email Subject Line: Invitation to participate in brief surveys about your workdays in Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services
We are pleased to invite you to take part in another part of
Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services!
The goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build
knowledge about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start
and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support services
for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure that service
coordination is aligned with individual family needs and fosters
family well-being. In this part of the study, the goal is to understand
the kinds of activities you do in a typical workday, and also the
kinds of stress and opportunities you may experience. We will invite
you to share information about three of your workdays this week.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.
Benefits of participating.
We hope the information from the study will inform training and
technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and help
improve the experiences of families and staff members in Head Start

Please complete a brief, 6-minute web survey now

that asks about your work activities and your well-being today,

In appreciation of your time, you can receive a $5
honorarium for completing today’s survey.
And if you complete all 3 brief surveys about your
workdays this week, you can receive $20!
Getting started.
Click the button below or type the secure URL into any browser.
You can save your responses and return later.

More about the study.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start. The full study aims to
understand what service coordination looks like on the ground,
learn more about the experiences of staff members providing
these important services, and identify opportunities to better
support Head Start programs and staff. The full study includes:
1) A survey of Head Start Directors
2) A survey of Family and Community Partnerships Managers
3) A web survey, up to 6 daily snapshot web surveys about workday
activities, and focus groups of Family Support Services Staff

URL: https:xxxxxxx
Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by MDRC. MDRC follows strict rules to
protect your data. Only members of study team will see your
individual responses. Your director will not know whether you

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.


Please contact the Project Director, Michelle
Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or

Email Subject Line: Reminder to participate in a brief survey for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services

This is a friendly reminder to complete a brief Head Start Connects:
A Study of Family Support Services survey about your workday
on [date]. The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children
and Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

We cannot do this without you.
Please take 6 minutes now to complete a brief survey about your
work activities and well-being on [date].

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to offer a
$5 honorarium for completing today’s survey.
And if you complete all 3 brief surveys about your
workdays this week, you can receive $20!

Start Now. Finish Later.
Click the button below or type the secure URL into any browser.
You can save your responses and return later.

URL: https:xxxxxxx

Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by MDRC. MDRC follows strict rules to
protect your data. Only members of the study team will see your
individual responses. Your director will not know whether you

Questions about…

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Please contact the Project Director, Michelle
Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or

Email Subject Line: Last reminder to participate in [date] brief survey for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services

This is a final reminder to complete a brief Head Start Connects: A
Study of Family Support Services survey about your workday on
[date]. The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

We cannot do this without you.
Please take 6 minutes now to complete a brief survey about your
work activities and well-being on [date].

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to offer a
$5 honorarium for completing today’s survey.
And if you complete all 3 brief surveys about your
workdays this week, you can receive $20!

Start Now. Finish Later.
Click the button below or type the secure URL into any browser.
You can save your responses and return later.

URL: https:xxxxxxx
Protecting your information.
Survey data is collected by MDRC. MDRC follows strict rules to
protect your data. Only members of the study team will see your
responses. Your director will not know whether you participated.

Questions about…

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Please contact the Project Director, Michelle
Maier of MDRC, at 212-340-4517 or

APPENDIX F-1: Email Invitation
APPENDIX F-2: First follow-up email
APPENDIX F-3: Second follow-up email

Email Subject Line: Invitation to participate in Focus Groups for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services
We are pleased to invite you to participate in a focus group for
Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support
The goal of the study is to help the Office of Head Start build
knowledge about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head
Start and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support
services for parents/guardians and the practices used to ensure
that service coordination is aligned with individual family needs
and fosters family well-being.
In this part of the study, we will ask you and family support
staff from other Head Start programs around the country to
share innovative approaches related to family support services
and practices that could strengthen or broaden family support
services. We will conduct the focus groups virtually using a
videoconferencing platform like Zoom, so you will need a
computer or a phone. The focus group will last for
approximately 75 minutes.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.
Benefits of participating.
We hope the information from the study will inform training and
technical assistance offered by the Office of Head Start and help
improve the experiences of families and staff members in Head Start

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to offer
a $25 honorarium.
Getting started.
To confirm that you will join the focus group, please
respond to this email letting our study team
know! We will respond to you with scheduling information
and instructions for joining the virtual meeting. While your
participation is voluntary, we hope you will decide to
contribute to this important study.

Protecting your information.
We follow strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your individual responses. Your
director will not know whether you participated.

Questions about…

More about the study.
The study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and
Families Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in
collaboration with the Office of Head Start. The full study aims to
understand what service coordination looks like on the ground,
learn more about the experiences of staff members providing these
important services, and identify opportunities to better support
Head Start programs and staff. The full study includes:
1) A survey of Head Start Directors
2) A survey of Family and Community Partnerships Managers
3) A web survey, up to 6 daily snapshot web surveys about
workday activities, and focus groups of Family Support Services

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.


How to participate. Please contact Kate
Stepleton of MEF at 206-653-0222 or


The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the
Project Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC,
at 212-340-4517 or

Email Subject Line: Reminder to participate in a focus group for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services Survey
This is a friendly reminder that you have been invited to participate
in a 75-minute focus group for Head Start Connects: A Study of
Family Support Services to help the Office of Head Start build
knowledge about how Head Start programs (inclusive of Head Start
and Early Head Start services) coordinate family support
services. The focus group will take place [timeframe; e.g., “in the
next week” or “the week of January 10th”]. We are waiting to hear
from you about whether or not you would like to participate. The
study is sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families
Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the
Office of Head Start.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start programs
for families, children, and staff.

We cannot do this without you.
During the focus group, we will ask you and up to 9 family
support staff from other Head Start programs around the
country to share innovative approaches related to family
support services and practices that could strengthen or
broaden family support services. We will conduct the focus
group virtually using a videoconferencing platform like Zoom,
so you will need a computer or a phone.

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to offer a $25

What to do.
To confirm that you will join the focus group, please
respond to this email letting our study team
know! We will respond to you with scheduling information

and instructions for joining the virtual meeting. While your
participation is voluntary, we hope you will decide to
contribute to this important study.

Protecting your information.
We follow strict rules to protect your data. Only members of
the study team will see your individual responses. Your
director will not know whether you participated.

Questions about…


Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

How to participate. Please contact Kate
Stepleton of MEF at 206-653-0222 or
The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the
Project Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC,
at 212-340-4517 or

Email Subject Line: Last reminder to participate in the focus group for Head Start Connects: A Study of Family Support Services
This is a final reminder that you have been invited to
participate in a 75-minute focus group for Head Start
Connects: A Study of Family Support Services! The
focus group will take place [timeframe; e.g., “in the next
week” or “the week of January 10th”]. The study is sponsored
by the Administration for Children and Families Office of
Planning, Research, and Evaluation in collaboration with the
Office of Head Start.

Your input is vital to improving Head Start
programs for families, children, and staff.

In appreciation of your time, we are happy to offer
a $25 honorarium for your participation in our
focus group!
We cannot do this without you.
To confirm that you will join the focus group,
please respond to this email letting our study
team know! We will respond to you with
scheduling information and instructions for joining
the virtual meeting. While your participation is
voluntary, we hope you will decide to contribute to
this important study.

About the focus group.
During the focus group, we will ask you and up to 9
family support staff from other Head Start programs
around the country to share innovative approaches
related to family support services and practices that
could strengthen or broaden family support services. We
will conduct the focus groups virtually using a
videoconferencing platform like Zoom, so you will need a
or a

Protecting your information.
We follow strict rules to protect your data. Only
members of the study team will see your individual
responses. Your director will not know whether you

Questions about…

How to participate. Please contact Kate
Stepleton of MEF at 206-653-0222 or


The overall study or your rights as a
research volunteer. Please contact the
Project Director, Michelle Maier of MDRC,
at 212-340-4517 or

Head Start® is a registered trademark of HHS.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMichelle Maier
File Modified2022-07-15
File Created2022-07-15

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