Federal Supply Schedule
Solicitation Information; GSAR Sections Affected: 552.238-84,
552.238-87, 552.238-95, 552.238-96, 552.238-97, 552.238-99, and
Revision of a currently approved collection
Previously Approved
36 Months From Approved
The information being collected is
tied to the aforementioned GSAR clauses (see Supplement 1 for a
copy of each of these regulations). These GSAR clauses apply to
offerors submitting an offer in response to GSA’s FSS solicitation.
These GSAR clauses request offerors to submit information, as
applicable, as part of their offer. The following is the
information requested per clause: ● GSAR clause 552.238-84,
Discounts for Prompt Payment. This clause requests an offeror to
identify in their offer any discounts for early payment. If no
discount is being offered, an offeror may include a statement in
their offer that no discounts are being offered. ● GSAR clause
552.238-87, Delivery Prices. This clause requests an offeror to
identify in their offer whether or not prices submitted cover
delivery f.o.b. destination in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico. If the prices submitted do not cover these areas,
an offeror may include a statement in their offer indicating this.
● GSAR clause 552.238-95, Separate Charge for Performance Oriented
Packaging (POP) . This clause requests an applicable offeror to
identify any hazardous material item (i.e., SIN or Descriptive Name
of Article) being offered and the separate charge that applies. If
no hazardous material items and/or such separate charges are being
offered, an offeror may include a statement in their offer that
this clause does not apply. ● GSAR clause 552.238-96, Separate
Charge for Delivery within Consignee’s Premises . This clause
requests an applicable offeror to identify any separate charge(s)
for shipping when the delivery is within the consignee’s premises
(inclusive of items that are comparable in size and weight). If no
such separate charges are being offered, an offeror may include a
statement in their offer that this clause does not apply. ● GSAR
clause 552.238-97, Parts and Service. This clause requests an
offeror to include in their offer the names and addresses of all
supply and service points maintained in the geographic area in
which the offeror would perform under the GSA FSS contract (if
awarded one). Additionally, requests an offeror to indicate whether
or not a complete stock of repair parts for the items being offered
is carried at that point, and whether or not mechanical service is
available. If this clause does not apply (e.g., the offeror is
proposing services not products), an offeror may include a
statement in their offer that this clause does not apply. ● GSAR
clause 552.238-99, Delivery Prices Overseas. This clause requests
an offeror to identify the intended geographic
area(s)/countries/zones which are covered by their offer. ● GSAR
clause 552.238-111, Environmental Protection Agency Registration
Requirement . This clause requests offerors to identify the
manufacturer’s and/or distributor’s name and EPA Registration
Number for each item offered that requires registration with the
EPA. If no such items are being offered, an offeror may include a
statement in their offer that this clause does not apply.
For Item 12, GSAR clauses
552.238-84, 552.238-87, 552.238-95, 552.238-96, 552.238-97,
552.238-99, and 552.238-111 an updated estimated # of respondents
per year was used. The updated number was calculated by averaging
the total number of MAS offers received for the following fiscal
years: 2019, 2020, and 2021. The change in this number can be
attributed to GSA using more recent data, the GSA MAS Consolidation
effort, and the decision to adjust the basis of estimate. The basis
of estimate was adjusted to use the number of offers received
versus the number of GSA FSS contract holders. The decision to use
the number of offers received was to accurately reflect the
timeframe when the information is being collected for the purposes
intended (i.e., review and evaluation of offers). In this case, the
information is collected as part of an offer not after award of a
contract. For Item 12, an updated estimated preparation hours per
response was used for GSAR clauses 552.238-111 and 552.238-84.
Previously, the estimated preparation hours per response were 30
minutes and 1 hour respectively. In review of the information
collection requirements contained in both clauses it was determined
that the burden estimates needed to be updated. Altogether, the
estimated preparation hours per response for 552.238-111 was
increased from 30 minutes to 1 hour due to the complexity of the
request (i.e., identify the manufacturer’s and/or distributor’s
name and EPA Registration Number for each item offered that
requires registration with the EPA). The estimated preparation
hours per response for 552.238-84 was decreased from 1 hour to 30
min due to the general simplicity of the request (i.e. Are prompt
payment discounts being offered? Yes or no, If yes, what is/are the
discount(s)). For Items 12 and 14, an updated estimated cost per
hour (i.e., hourly rate) was used. This number is based on the OPM
GS-12, Step 5 salary of $43.10 per hour (see OPM Salary Table
2022-GS, Effective January 2022), plus a fringe factor of 36.25%
($15.62) (see OMB Memo M-08-13 for use in public-private
competition). The previous extension used OPM’s Salary Table from
2018, whereas this extension is using OPM’s Salary Table Effective
January 2022.
Thomas O'Linn 202 445-0390
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.