Instrument 5C- Site Visit 2 Interview Guide for Administrators- LifeSet Developer Administrators

OPRE Study: Evaluation of LifeSet [Impact and Implementation Evaluation]

Instrument 5C- Site Visit 2 Interview Guide for Administrators- LifeSet Developer Administrators

OMB: 0970-0577

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Instrument 5C: Site Visit 2 Interview Guide for Administrators: LifeSet Developer Administrators


Thank you for joining us today. We would like to invite you to participate in an interview that will last about 60 minutes. We are conducting an evaluation of LifeSet, and today we’d like to learn more about the LifeSet program model and service delivery. Specifically, we will talk about the challenges and barriers the program has experienced, key program components, the enrollment and intake process, among other topics. We will use this information to better understand how the LifeSet program operates and serves young adults in New Jersey.

Your participation in this interview is voluntary. You can choose not to answer any question or not participate in the interview at all. There will be no consequences to you if you choose not to participate. We will keep the information you provide private and will not share it with anyone except for research staff working on the study. Additionally, federal law states that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this data collection is 0970-0XXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

Background and Role

Current position and professional experience & Main responsibilities and role within LifeSet program

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.

[Note to Interviewer: Only ask if this is the first time interviewing this respondent, otherwise go to #10] I’d like to start by learning a little bit about you.

  1. What is your current position and how long have you been in it?

  2. What are your main responsibilities?

  3. [If held current position since before March 2020] Are these the same responsibilities you had pre-COVID? If not how did your responsibilities change?

  4. How long have you worked at Youth Villages?

  5. What other positions have you held at Youth Villages?

  6. What role do you play as part of the LifeSet program?

  7. Have you worked with former foster youth or other vulnerable youth populations before working for Youth Villages? If so, in what capacity?

  8. Have you held other positions – client facing or management – in social services before? If so, what were they?

  9. Is there a degree/credential or experience requirement for your position? What is it?

[Note to interviewer: Only ask if this is a follow-up interview with this respondent] First I’d like to ask if anything changed about your current position and main responsibilities since we last spoke on [date]?

  1. Please describe any changes in your position or main responsibilities. When did the changes occur and why?

Implementation Supports

Next, I’d like to ask you about the successes and challenges you have experienced implementing the LifeSet Program.

Implementation successes and challenges

  1. What challenges has Youth Villages encountered implementing LifeSet in New Jersey? How did you overcome those challenges?

  2. How are these challenges different from or similar to other locations where providers other than Youth Villages are implementing LifeSet?

  3. What has been particularly helpful in implementing LifeSet in New Jersey?

    1. Probes: readiness of providers, support from leadership of partner agencies (DCF, YV, providers), policies, technology, funding, etc.

Program Model

Now, I would like to learn more about LifeSet’s program model, including the program’s goals and key features.

Program goals and main components

  1. What are the goals of LifeSet?

  2. Are the goals of LifeSet different from the goals established for youths served by other transition services programs?

  3. What are the main components and program features of LifeSet?

    1. If someone came to you and asked which of these components they need to have to start LifeSet in their state or agency, what would they be?

  4. [Bring/ show copy of the logic model] We have been shown this logic model. Does this reflect inputs, outputs and outcomes for the operation of LifeSet in New Jersey in early 2021? If not, what would you add or take away from this model to make it more accurate?

    1. Inputs are program resources such as staff, caseload size, and tools.

    2. Outputs are program activities such as supervision and consultation, sessions with youth, setting youth goals, and holding group sessions with youth.

    3. Outcomes, or goals, are the changes the program expects will result from the inputs and outputs such as increased education and employment or housing stability.

Next, I would like to learn about any modifications made to the program for New Jersey.

New Jersey-specific modification

  1. Do you know if the model and program has been changed from the manual in New Jersey? If so, how so?

  2. We understand that other sites also use provider agencies to deliver LifeSet. Do you know if the way New Jersey is implementing LifeSet aligns with how other sites that use provider agencies implement LifeSet?

    1. What is similar about it?

    2. What is different about it?

    3. What is the reason for these similarities or differences? Probe on differences in population, child welfare agency structure, policies and regulations

  3. How does the structure and policy of the child welfare agency influence how LifeSet services are delivered, if at all?

    1. Does it matter if the child welfare agency has a dedicated office or specialized case managers for adolescents and young adults?

    2. Does it matter if the child welfare agency is part of a broader human services agency rather than a stand-alone entity?

    3. How do state or agency policies related to extended foster care influence service delivery? For example, federally approved IV-E extended foster care to age 21; eligibility criteria for extended foster care such as age at exit, type of exit, or hours spent in education or employment.

  4. To what degree does Youth Villages encourage locations to modify the LifeSet model to meet the needs of their specific populations?

    1. How does LifeSet address the needs of youth from various racial and ethnic groups, cultures, or who speak languages other than English? Of different gender identities and sexual orientations?

  5. How, if at all, has the evaluation impacted service delivery?

  6. How, if at all, has COVID impacted service delivery?

  7. What, if any, any modifications were made to service delivery due to COVID? Do you think any of these modifications will remain once the public health crisis had been resolved?


  1. How much leeway would you say LifeSet Specialists have in in delivering the program?

    1. If they need to change the program model to better serve youth, is that encouraged? What types of changes might be encouraged? What would not be encouraged?

    2. Do you think staff are aware of what adjustments they can and cannot make? If so, how has that information been communicated to staff?

  2. Do you believe LifeSet is being delivered with fidelity in New Jersey?

    1. If yes, how do you know?

    2. If no, what LifeSet components are not being delivered with fidelity?

  3. Currently, do you know of differences in how services are delivered across the four providers?

    1. If so, please tell us about some of those differences.

    2. If not, please tell us how LifeSet is able to maintain consistency in how services are delivered.


Now, I’d like to learn a bit about your relationships with DCF, LifeSet providers, and other entities.

Relationship among implementing agencies

  1. How would you describe Youth Villages’ relationship with DCF?

  1. Now that LifeSet is being implemented, how often does YV coordinate and collaborate with DCF?

  1. How would you describe Youth Villages’ relationship with LifeSet providers?

    1. How much does YV usually coordinate and collaborate with LifeSet providers?

  1. Does DCF have any reporting requirements to YV? Can you describe these requirements?

Closing Questions

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I have a couple closing questions.

  1. Is there anything that I did not ask about that you think I should know about LifeSet/ services as usual or your experience?

  2. Do you have any final questions for me about the study, or about the research team?


The Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to evaluate the programs and services provided to young adults who are currently or were previously in foster care. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number and expiration date for this collection are OMB #: 0970-XXXX, Exp: XX/XX/XXXX. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Michael Pergamit at

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorLoveless, Annelise
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-08-01

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