NIH Workplace CES Survey With Display Logic

Attachment 1 NIH Workplace CES Survey With Display Logic.pdf

National Institutes of Health Workplace Civility and Equity Survey (OD)

NIH Workplace CES Survey With Display Logic

OMB: 0925-0776

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DRAFT NIH Workplace Civility and Equity Survey
Thank you for your participation in this survey!
The purpose of this survey is to assess the workplace climate and identify prevalence of
harassment and discrimination at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This survey is being
administered to all NIH federal employees, trainees, contractors, volunteers, and other staff.
The results of this survey will help inform strategies towards an inclusive, diverse, and
harassment-free NIH workplace.
This survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Once completed, your
survey responses will be given an anonymous code that will prevent them from being linked to
your name, email address or other personal information. This means that any identifiable
information will not be accessible by NIH or its staff. To support this survey, Westat has been
contracted by NIH to distribute the survey, collect responses, and present aggregated survey
responses back to NIH.
General questions or technical issues about the survey can be directed to
You may leave at any time and return to the survey, but you must use the same device and
browser with which you started the survey.
Please click “next” below, to begin the survey.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974,
Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-xxxx*). Do not return the completed form to this address.

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.



Please select your position type [*Required question]:
• Federal Employee (including Pathways Interns, Presidential Management Fellows,
Clinical Fellows, Research Fellows)
• Non-FTE Fellow (e.g., IRTA, CRTA, VF)
• Contractor
• Volunteer (e.g., Special Volunteer, Guest Researcher, Research Collaborator)
• Other (not listed)
[LOGIC] Show if ‘Federal Employee’ or
‘Volunteer’ is selected.

If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ OR ‘Volunteer’, go to a
If 1= ‘Non-FTE Fellow’, go to c
If 1= ‘Contractor’ OR ‘Other (not listed)’, go to 2

a) Is your current role at NIH primarily for training purposes (e.g., a
• Yes
• No
[LOGIC] Show if ‘YES’ is selected for logic
question above for ‘Federal Employee’ only.

If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ AND a = ‘Yes’, go to b
If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ AND a = ‘No’, go to 2
If 1= ‘Volunteer’ AND a = ‘Yes’ OR ‘No’, go to 2

b) What is your Trainee Type?
• Research Fellow, Clinical Fellow, or Undergraduate Scholarship Program
(including Senior Research/Clinical Fellow and Visiting Program)
• Pathways Intern, Management Intern, or Presidential Management Fellow
[LOGIC] Show if ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ is selected.

If 1= ‘Non-FTE Fellow’, go to c

c) What is your Trainee type?
• Post-Doctoral Fellow (IRTA/CRTA or VF)
• Pre-Doctoral Fellow (IRTA/CRTA (e.g., Graduate Partnerships Program, Medical
Research Scholars Program) or VF)
• Post-Baccalaureate IRTA/CRTA
• Student IRTA/CRTA (e.g., Summer Internship Program, Academic Internship
• Other Fellow/Trainee Type

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.



Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.


1) My talents are used well in the
2) I am given a real opportunity to improve
my skills in my organization.
3) I believe that the people I work with
cooperate to get the job done.
4) I am involved with the decisions that
affect my work.
5) Overall, I have a manageable workload.
6) I feel management provides adequate
information regarding what is going on in
my organization.

Agree nor



*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question and will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Work Unit – This is your immediate work unit headed by your immediate supervisor/NIH Point of


Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

1) I feel my work at NIH is valued by my
2) Overall, I am satisfied with my job.
3) I recommend my work unit* as a good
place to work.


Agree nor



This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,

sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Expression – The manner in which a person communicates about gender to others through
external means such as clothing, appearance, or mannerisms. This communication may be conscious
or subconscious and may or may not reflect their gender identity or sexual orientation.
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.


In the past 12 months, while working at NIH, I feel that I have been discriminated*
against or treated unfairly.
• Yes
• No
[LOGIC] Show if “yes” option is selected.

If 4= ‘Yes’, go to a
If 4= ‘No’, go to 5

a) I feel that I have been discriminated against or treated unfairly based on my: [select all
that apply]
• Age (40 or older)
• National Origin
• Disability
• Race
• Genetic Information*
• Religion
• Gender Expression*
• Other (not listed)
• Gender Identity*
• I do not know [LOGIC] if selected, disable
other response options
• Pregnancy
• Sexual Orientation

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


b) In the past 12 months, when I experienced discrimination or unfair treatment while
working at NIH, I reported the incident(s) to: [select all that apply]
1) My NIH supervisor/NIH point of contact
[LOGIC] show dynamically based on
employment type selected

If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ OR ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ OR ‘Volunteer’
OR ‘Other (not listed)’, display ‘My NIH Supervisor’
If 1 = ‘ Contractor’, display ‘My NIH point of contact’


The NIH Civil Branch
The NIH Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE)
The NIH Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman
A contact from the NIH Office of Human Resources (OHR), outside of the NIH Civil
8) A co-worker
9) An organization or an agency outside of NIH (e.g., EEOC, private legal counsel)
10) Someone else, not listed above
11) I did not report this experience [LOGIC] if selected, disable other response options

[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects an option
between 1-10 in previous question

If b= any option EXCEPT option 11, go to c
If b= option 11, go to d

c) After you reported the incident(s) indicated in the previous question, which of the
following best represents your experience with the outcome? [select the option that best
represents your experience]
• My overall working conditions improved (i.e., I was treated better)
• My overall working conditions stayed the same (i.e., My experiences were
neither better nor worse; I was treated the same)
• My overall working conditions got worse (i.e., I was mistreated, ignored,
marginalized, denied opportunities)
• Not enough time has passed since reporting the event to assess the outcome

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects option 11, “I
did not report this experience” in previous

If b= option 11, go to d

d) In the previous question, you indicated that you did not report discrimination or unfair
treatment that occurred while working at NIH. Why did you decide not to report this
experience(s)? [select all that apply]
• I did not think the experience was serious enough to report to anyone
• I did not know how to report the experience
• I did not feel comfortable reporting the experience
• I did not think anything helpful would come from reporting the experience
• I did not think anyone would believe my report of the experience
• I would feel badly if NIH acted against the person who committed the act
• I was afraid to report the experience (e.g., my career might suffer, coworkers
would get angry)
• Other reason not included above

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Harassment is the unwelcome, deliberate, or repeated unsolicited verbal or physical conduct that is
based upon protected classes (race/ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
gender identity*, gender expression*, age, disability, and genetic information*), including, but not
limited to, comments, gestures, graphic materials, physical contact, or solicitation of favors. (Read
the full definition of harassment).
 Inappropriate conduct is any comment or conduct that disparages or demonstrates hostility or
aversion towards any person that could reasonably be perceived as disruptive, disrespectful,
offensive, or inappropriate in the workplace. (Read the full definition of inappropriate conduct).
 Microaggressions are defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional —
interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups
(e.g., an offensive remark being made regardless of the intent behind it).
 Unfair treatment is behavior(s) that is perceived to be unkind, inconsiderate, or unreasonable for
reasons that are not related to job performance or conduct but do not rise to the level of
Inappropriate Conduct or Harassment.
 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Expression – The manner in which a person communicates about gender to others through
external means such as clothing, appearance, or mannerisms. This communication may be conscious
or subconscious and may or may not reflect their gender identity or sexual orientation.
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.



In the past 12 months, while working at NIH, I have witnessed or experienced what I
perceived as… [select all that apply]
I witnessed

to me


1)…harassment* by a supervisor or leader.
2)…harassment* by another NIH staff member.
3)…inappropriate conduct* by a supervisor or leader.
4)…inappropriate conduct* by another NIH staff member.
5)…a microaggression* by a supervisor or leader.
6)…a microaggression* by another NIH staff member.
7)…unfair treatment* by a supervisor or leader.
8)…unfair treatment* by another NIH staff member.
9)…discrimination* by a supervisor or leader.
10)…discrimination* by another NIH staff member.
[LOGIC] Show if respondent selected “It happened
to me” to any sub-element (row) in 5

If 5= ‘It happened to me’ for any option, go to a
If 5= ‘I witnessed it’ for any option but ≠ ‘It happened to me’
for any option, go to b
If 5= ‘N/A’, go to 6

a) I feel the event(s) I experienced in the previous question was based on: [select all that
• Age (40 or older)
• Disability
• Genetic Information*
• Gender Expression*
• Gender Identity*
• Pregnancy
• Sexual Orientation
• National Origin
• Race
• Religion
• Other (not listed)
• I do not know [LOGIC] if selected, disable other response options
This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


[LOGIC] Show if respondent selected “I witnessed
it” or “It happened to me” to any sub- element
(row) in 5

If 5= ‘I witnessed it’ OR ‘It happened to me’ for any
option, go to b

b) When I witnessed and/or personally experienced the item(s) selected in the previous
question, I reported the incident(s) to: [select all that apply]
1) My NIH supervisor/NIH point of contact
[LOGIC] show dynamically based on
employment type selected

If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ OR ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ OR ‘Volunteer’
OR ‘Other (not listed)’, display ‘My NIH Supervisor’
If 1 = ‘ Contractor’, display ‘My NIH point of contact’


The NIH Civil Branch
The NIH Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE)
The NIH Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman
A contact from the NIH Office of Human Resources (OHR), outside of the NIH Civil
8) A co-worker
9) An organization or an agency outside of NIH (e.g., EEOC, private legal counsel)
10) Someone else, not listed above
11) I did not report this experience [LOGIC] if selected, disable other response options

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects
any response option(s) between 110 in the previous logic question
and selects “It happened to me” for
question 5.

If 5= ‘It happened to me’ for any option AND b = any option EXCEPT
option 11, go to c
If 5= ‘It happened to me’ for any option AND b=option 11, go to d
If 5= ‘I witnessed it’ for any option but ≠ ‘It happened to me’ for any
option AND b= any option EXCEPT 11, go to 6
If 5= ‘I witnessed it’ for any option but ≠ ‘It happened to me’ for any
option AND b = option 11, go to d

c) After you reported the incident(s) indicated in the previous question, which of the
following best represents your experience with the outcome? [select the option that best
represents your experience]
• My overall working conditions improved (i.e., I was treated better)
• My overall working conditions stayed the same (i.e., neither better nor worse; I
was treated the same)
• My overall working conditions got worse (i.e., I was mistreated, ignored,
marginalized, denied opportunities)
• Not enough time has passed since reporting the event to assess the outcome
[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects option 11, “I
did not report this experience” in previous

If 5= ‘It happened to me’ OR ‘I witnessed it’ for any
option AND b= option 11, go to d

d) You indicated that you did not report the incident(s) selected in the previous question.
Why did you decide not to report the experience(s)? [select all that apply]
• I did not think the experience was serious enough to report to anyone
• I did not know how to report the experience
• I did not feel comfortable reporting the experience
• I did not think anything helpful would come from reporting the experience
• I did not think anyone would believe my report of the experience
• I would feel badly if NIH acted against the person who committed the act
• I was afraid to report the experience (e.g., my career might suffer, coworkers
would get angry)
• Other reason not included above

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


NIH established the UNITE initiative to identify and address structural racism within NIH and the
greater scientific community. As part of this initiative, the following question(s) will ask about
whether you have been treated unfairly because of your race or ethnicity in the last 12 months
while working for the NIH, and with persons with whom you interacted because of your NIH
work, regardless of whether these experiences occurred while on NIH property or elsewhere
(e.g., on social media). When responding to the question(s) below, do NOT consider
experiences that occurred in your personal life, unrelated to your NIH work.

*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Harassment is the unwelcome, deliberate, or repeated unsolicited verbal or physical conduct that is
based upon protected classes (race/ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
gender identity*, gender expression*, age, disability, and genetic information*), including, but not
limited to, comments, gestures, graphic materials, physical contact, or solicitation of favors. (Read
the full definition of harassment).
 Inappropriate conduct is any comment or conduct that disparages or demonstrates hostility or
aversion towards any person that could reasonably be perceived as disruptive, disrespectful,
offensive, or inappropriate in the workplace. (Read the full definition of inappropriate conduct).
 Microaggressions are defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional —
interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups
(e.g., an offensive remark being made regardless of the intent behind it).
 Unfair treatment is behavior(s) that is perceived to be unkind, inconsiderate, or unreasonable for
reasons that are not related to job performance or conduct but do not rise to the level of
Inappropriate Conduct or Harassment.
 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Expression – The manner in which a person communicates about gender to others through
external means such as clothing, appearance, or mannerisms. This communication may be conscious
or subconscious and may or may not reflect their gender identity or sexual orientation.
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.



In the past 12 months, did any of the following occur while conducting work at NIH?
I witnessed

to me


1) Mistreatments or slights because of race/ethnicity.
2) Bullying because of race/ethnicity.
3) Demeaning or derogatory remarks about someone
because of their race/ethnicity.
4) Threats to hurt someone physically because of their
5) Comments or other behavior (e.g., distributing images)
that I perceived as insulting toward a specific racial or
ethnic group.
6) Someone being ignored or excluded from work
activities that they should have been involved in because
of their race/ethnicity.
7) Someone’s judgement being questioned on a matter
for which they have responsibility because of their

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


[LOGIC] Show if respondent witnessed or personally
experienced any sub-question in the above questions

If 6= ‘I witnessed it’ OR ‘It happened to me’ for any option, go to a
If 6= ‘N/A’, go to 7

a) When I witnessed and/or personally experienced the item(s) selected in the previous
question, I reported the incident(s) to: [select all that apply]
1) My NIH supervisor/NIH point of contact
[LOGIC] show dynamically based on
employment type selected


If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ OR ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ OR ‘Volunteer’
OR ‘Other (not listed)’, display ‘My NIH Supervisor’
If 1 = ‘Contractor’, display ‘My NIH point of contact’

The NIH Civil Branch
The NIH Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE)
The NIH Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman
A contact from the NIH Office of Human Resources (OHR), outside of the NIH Civil
8) A co-worker
9) An organization or an agency outside of NIH (e.g., EEOC, private legal counsel)
10) Someone else, not listed above
11) I did not report this experience [LOGIC] if selected, disable other response options

[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects any response
option(s) between 1-10 in the previous logic question.

If a= any option EXCEPT option 11, go to b
If a= option 11, go to c

b) After you reported the incident(s) indicated in the previous question, which of the
following best represents your experience with the outcome? [select the option that best
represents your experience]
• My overall working conditions improved (e.g., I was treated better)
• My overall working conditions stayed the same (i.e., neither better nor worse; I
was treated the same)
• My overall working conditions got worse (e.g., I was mistreated, ignored,
marginalized, denied opportunities)
• Not enough time has passed since reporting the event to assess the outcome

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects option 11, “I did not
report this experience” in previous question.

If a= option 11, go to c

c) You indicated that you did not report the incident(s) selected in the previous question.
Why did you decide not to report the experience(s)? [select all that apply]
• I did not think the experience was serious enough to report to anyone
• I did not know how to report the experience
• I did not feel comfortable reporting the experience
• I did not think anything helpful would come from reporting the experience
• I did not think anyone would believe my report of the experience
• I would feel badly if NIH acted against the person who committed the act
• I was afraid to report the experience (e.g., my career might suffer, coworkers
would get angry)
• Other reason, not listed above

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Microaggression – The everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions
or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups (e.g., an
offensive remark being made regardless of the intent behind it).
 Work Unit – This is your immediate work unit headed by your immediate supervisor/NIH Point of
 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.
[LOGIC] show dynamically based on employment
type selected


If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ OR ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ OR ‘Volunteer’
OR ‘Other (not listed)’, display ‘My immediate supervisor’
If 1 = ‘Contractor’, display ‘My NIH point of contact’

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements. In the last 12
months, I feel that my [immediate supervisor/NIH point of contact]…

1)… effectively communicates with their
2)… effectively engages with people with
diverse backgrounds.
3)… spoke up when a microaggressive*
action or remark occurred.
4)… spoke up when a discriminatory*
action or remark occurred.
5)… responded in a satisfactory way to a
report of discrimination* in my work


Agree nor



No Basis
to Judge

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,

sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.


In the past 12 months, to raise awareness about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the
workplace, my supervisor/IC leadership... [select all that apply]
• …convened a meeting to discuss racism (or other forms of discrimination*) in the
• …provided information on racism (and other discrimination*) in the workplace.
• …provided work time to complete trainings, such as implicit bias training, and
diversity and inclusion training.
• …served as an example of how to treat co-workers respectfully without racist (or
other discriminatory*) behavior.
• None of the above

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Harassment is the unwelcome, deliberate, or repeated unsolicited verbal or physical conduct that is
based upon protected classes (race/ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
gender identity*, gender expression*, age, disability, and genetic information*), including, but not
limited to, comments, gestures, graphic materials, physical contact, or solicitation of favors. (Read
the full definition of harassment).
 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Expression – The manner in which a person communicates about gender to others through
external means such as clothing, appearance, or mannerisms. This communication may be conscious
or subconscious and may or may not reflect their gender identity or sexual orientation.
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.
 Work Unit – This is your immediate work unit headed by your immediate supervisor/NIH Point of


Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

1) I feel comfortable disclosing a suspected violation of
any law, rule, or regulation to NIH entities without fear
of reprisal.
2) I feel that discrimination* and/or harassment*
experiences are adequately handled at the NIH.
3) I feel that my work environment is free from
harassment* and intimidation.
4) I feel that my work environment is free from
5) I feel that I have been fairly considered for
promotions, performance-based awards, and/or other
opportunities in my work unit*. [LOGIC] Show only for FTEs
6) I feel that NIH is free from racism or racial


Agree nor



This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


No Basis
to Judge

*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Microaggression – The everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions
or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups (e.g., an
offensive remark being made regardless of the intent behind it).
 Harassment is the unwelcome, deliberate, or repeated unsolicited verbal or physical conduct that is
based upon protected classes (race/ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
gender identity*, gender expression*, age, disability, and genetic information*), including, but not
limited to, comments, gestures, graphic materials, physical contact, or solicitation of favors. (Read
the full definition of harassment).
 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).


Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

1) NIH encourages me to speak up against
2) NIH encourages people to report
instances of discrimination*.
3) I understand how NIH staff can get help if
they experience harassment* and/or
4) I would feel comfortable reporting
harassment* and/or discrimination* to NIH
entities for help.
5) NIH provides adequate training/services
to prevent harassment* and/or
discrimination* from occurring.


Agree nor



This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Work Unit – This is your immediate work unit headed by your immediate supervisor/NIH Point of
 Harassment is the unwelcome, deliberate, or repeated unsolicited verbal or physical conduct that is
based upon protected classes (race/ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
gender identity*, gender expression*, age, disability, and genetic information*), including, but not
limited to, comments, gestures, graphic materials, physical contact, or solicitation of favors. (Read
the full definition of harassment).
 Inappropriate conduct is any comment or conduct that disparages or demonstrates hostility or
aversion towards any person that could reasonably be perceived as disruptive, disrespectful,
offensive, or inappropriate in the workplace. (Read the full definition of inappropriate conduct).
 Microaggressions are defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional —
interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups
(e.g., an offensive remark being made regardless of the intent behind it).
 Unfair treatment is behavior(s) that is perceived to be unkind, inconsiderate, or unreasonable for
reasons that are not related to job performance or conduct but do not rise to the level of
Inappropriate Conduct or Harassment.
 Discrimination is to treat a person differently, or less favorably because of their race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, gender identity*, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40
or older), or genetic information*. (Read the full definition of discrimination).
 Genetic Information – Family medical history; information about an individual's or family member's
genetic tests, such as tests to detect whether an individual has an increased risk of developing certain
cancers or other diseases; and the fact that an individual or the individual's family member has
sought or received genetic counseling or has participated in clinical research that includes genetic
 Gender Expression – The manner in which a person communicates about gender to others through
external means such as clothing, appearance, or mannerisms. This communication may be conscious
or subconscious and may or may not reflect their gender identity or sexual orientation.
 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.

11) Are you considering leaving your work unit* within the next year? [LOGIC] Do not show this
question for Contractors



[LOGIC] If Yes:

If 11= ‘Yes’, go to a
If 11= ‘No’, go to 12

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


a) After leaving your work unit, what would you intend to do? [Select all that apply]
• Take another job within NIH
• Take another job outside NIH but within the federal government
• Take another job outside of the federal government
• Retire
• Other (not listed)
b) Are you considering leaving your work unit in the next year, partly or entirely based
on [select all that apply]:
1) Unfair treatment*
2) Harassment*
3) Microaggressions*
4) Inappropriate conduct*
5) Discrimination*
6) None of the above [LOGIC] if selected, disable other response options
[LOGIC] Show if respondent selects an option
between 1-5 in previous question

If b = any option EXCEPT option 6, go to c
If b = option 6, go to 12

c) Do you feel your experience in the previous question was based on:
• Age (40 or older)
• Disability
• Genetic Information*
• Gender Expression*
• Gender Identity*
• Pregnancy
• Sexual Orientation
• National Origin
• Race
• Religion
• Other (not listed)
• I do not know [LOGIC] if selected, disable other response options

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


NIH is committed to promoting a workplace characterized by diversity and inclusion. Given that
policy, we are soliciting responses to the following items. Your responses are optional and will
be given an anonymous code that will prevent them from being linked to your name, email
address or other personal information. Any responses provided will be used to enhance NIH’s
understanding of the diversity of its workforce.
12) Approximately how many years have you worked at NIH?
• 3 years or less
• 4-9 years
• 10-20 years
• 21 years or more
13) What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?
• Less than High School
• High School Diploma/GED or equivalent
• Trade or Technical Certificate
• Some college (no degree)
• Associate’s Degree (e.g., AA, AS)
• Bachelor’s Degree (e.g., BA, BS)
• Master’s Degree (e.g., MA, MS, MBA)
• Doctoral/Professional Degree (e.g., PhD, MD, JD)

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


NIH is committed to promoting a workplace characterized by diversity and inclusion. Given that
policy, we are soliciting responses to the following items. Your responses are optional and will
be given an anonymous code that will prevent them from being linked to your name, email
address or other personal information. Any responses provided will be used to enhance NIH’s
understanding of the diversity of its workforce.
*Supervisor Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be
collapsed with an option for respondents to expand.]

[LOGIC] Show if ‘Federal Employee’ is selected.
If 1= ‘Federal Employee’, display definition for ‘Official Supervisor’

Official Supervisor: First-line supervisors typically responsible for employees' performance appraisals
and leave approval.
[LOGIC] Show if any Non-FTE category besides Contractor is selected.
If 1= ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ OR ‘Volunteer’ OR ‘Other (not listed)’, display definition for ‘Unofficial Supervisor’

Unofficial Supervisor: An individual who holds a position of authority or perceived authority over
another individual in their professional role with real or perceived authority, influence, or power over
the other’s conditions of employment or with the ability to directly impact the other’s career
[LOGIC] show dynamically for FTE (official supervisor)
and Non-FTE (unofficial supervisor). Do not give this
question to Contractors.

If 1= ‘Federal Employee’ OR ‘Non-FTE Fellow’ OR
‘Volunteer’ OR ‘Other (not listed),’ go to 14
If 1= ‘Contractor’, go to 15

14) Based on the provided definition, are you an [official supervisor*/unofficial supervisor*]?
• Yes
• No
• I am unsure
15) Please select your age range:
• 25 years and under
• 26-29
• 30-39
• 40-49
• 50-59
• 60 years or older
• I choose not to disclose

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


NIH is committed to promoting a workplace characterized by diversity and inclusion. Given that
policy, we are soliciting responses to the following items. Your responses are optional and will
be given an anonymous code that will prevent them from being linked to your name, email
address or other personal information. Any responses provided will be used to enhance NIH’s
understanding of the diversity of its workforce.
*OPM’s Definitions of Targeted and Reportable Disability [In the live survey definitions will show above the
corresponding question but will be collapsed with an option for respondents to expand.]

 Targeted Disability: Developmental Disability, for example, autism spectrum disorder; Traumatic
Brain Injury; Deaf or serious difficulty hearing, benefiting from, for example, American Sign Language,
CART, hearing aids, a cochlear implant and/or other supports; Blind or serious difficulty seeing even
when wearing glasses; Missing extremities (arm, leg, hand and/or foot); Significant mobility
impairment, benefiting from the utilization of a wheelchair, scooter, walker, leg brace(s) and/or other
supports; Partial or complete paralysis (any cause); Epilepsy or other seizure disorders; Intellectual
disability; Significant Psychiatric Disorder, for example, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, or
major depression; Dwarfism; Significant disfigurement, for example, disfigurements caused by burns,
wounds, accidents, or congenital disorders
 Reportable Disability: Speech impairment; Spinal abnormalities, for example, spina bifida or
scoliosis; Non-paralytic orthopedic impairments, for example, chronic pain, stiffness, weakness in
bones or joints, some loss of ability to use part or parts of the body; HIV Positive/AIDS; Morbid
obesity; Nervous system disorder for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, or multiple
sclerosis; Cardiovascular or heart disease; Depression, anxiety disorder, or other psychiatric disorder;
Blood diseases, for example, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia; Diabetes; Orthopedic impairments or
osteo-arthritis; Pulmonary or respiratory conditions, for example, tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema;
Kidney dysfunction; Cancer (present or past history); Learning disability or attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD); Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease,
irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, celiac disease, dysphexia; Autoimmune disorder, for example,
lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis; Liver disease, for example, hepatitis or cirrhosis; History of
alcoholism or history of drug addiction (but not currently using illegal drugs); Endocrine disorder, for
example, thyroid dysfunction

16) Do you have a disability?
• Yes
• No
• I am unsure
• I choose not to disclose
[LOGIC] If Yes:

If 16= ‘Yes’, go to a
If 16= ‘No’ OR ‘I am unsure’ OR ‘I choose not to disclose’, go to 17

a) Using OPM’s definitions, how would you describe the nature of your disability?
• I have a targeted disability*
• I have a reportable disability*
• I choose not to disclose

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


NIH is committed to promoting a workplace characterized by diversity and inclusion. Given that
policy, we are soliciting responses to the following items. Your responses are optional and will
be given an anonymous code that will prevent them from being linked to your name, email
address or other personal information. Any responses provided will be used to enhance NIH’s
understanding of the diversity of its workforce.
17) Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
• Yes
• No
• I choose not to disclose
Definition of Racial Categories
 American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having heritage in any of the original peoples of North
and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community
 Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the
Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan,
the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
 Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black ethnic groups of Africa.
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii,
Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
 White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North

18) Which of these best describes your race: [select all that apply]
• American Indian or Alaska Native
• Asian
• Black or African American
• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
• White
• I choose not to disclose

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


NIH is committed to promoting a workplace characterized by diversity and inclusion. Given that
policy, we are soliciting responses to the following items. Your responses are optional and will
be given an anonymous code that will prevent them from being linked to your name, email
address or other personal information. Any responses provided will be used to enhance NIH’s
understanding of the diversity of its workforce.
19) Which of these best describe your current sexual orientation?
• Heterosexual/Straight, that is, not Gay or Lesbian
• Gay or Lesbian
• Bisexual
• Asexual
• Questioning
• A sexual orientation not listed here
• I choose not to disclose
*Definitions [In the live survey definitions will show above the corresponding question but will be collapsed with
an option for respondents to expand.]

 Gender Identity – A person’s deeply held core sense of self in relation to gender. Gender identity
does not always correspond to biological sex.

20) Which of these best describe your current gender identity*? [select all that apply]
• Male
• Female
• Transgender / Gender Non-Conforming
• A gender not listed here
• I choose not to disclose
21) What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate?
• Male
• Female
• I choose not to disclose
• I do not know

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


You have reached the end of the survey. Please click on the “Submit Survey” button to submit
your responses. You can edit your responses using the “Back” button.

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


Thank you for your time and response to the NIH Workplace Civility and Equity Survey.
Your input will be used to help inform strategic change across NIH. If you have follow-up
questions related to the survey, please contact Please also
keep in mind these critical resources at NIH:
The NIH Civil Branch
The NIH Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
The NIH Office of Intramural & Training Education (OITE)
The NIH Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman

This survey asks questions about your personal experience with harassment and discrimination that some may find
uncomfortable or unsettling. For information on who to contact for support, or to learn more about making a formal complaint
of harassment or discrimination, please visit our Resources Page.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFact Sheet - OHR-wide Diamond
AuthorCope, Coral (NIH/OD) [E]
File Modified2022-06-06
File Created2022-03-17

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