WEBSITE PRIVACY: Neither the Department of Defense (DoD) nor Data Recognition Corporation will collect personal information about you when you visit this website unless you choose to provide it yourself. If you provide personal information, it will be treated as private.
In addition, our system does not enable "cookies," which are files placed on your computer's hard drive in order to monitor your use of the site or the web. For more information about your privacy rights, please read the Privacy Advisory at the beginning of the survey.
This website collects information from your visit to assist the DoD and our survey contractor improve the website and the performance of our web-based surveys. This non-personal information helps us make the site more useful by recognizing the types of technology being used. The data collected are listed below:
- The Internet Protocol (IP) address for the computer and the server being used on the Internet (for example,,, Depending on your Internet service provider, IP addresses may identify your computer; in other cases, they identify no more than your Internet service provider (such as Verizon or Comcast).
- The device used to access the survey (e.g., PC, tablet, or mobile phone).
- The type and version of the browser and operating system used to access our site.
- The date and time this site was accessed.
- Number of bytes sent and received.
- The pages visited.
This information is stored permanently for troubleshooting technical problems and for future capacity planning. DoD and its survey contractor use this information to improve the performance of the OPA survey website. None of this information will be revealed publicly or used to identify you or your responses.