Contact Procedures for FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey

Attachment 10 - Contact Procedures for FY22 HERD Short Form.pdf

NCSES - Higher Education R&D and FFRDC R&D Surveys - FY 2022

Contact Procedures for FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey

OMB: 3145-0100

Document [pdf]
Download: pdf | pdf

Mon., 31Oct..2022

Welcome letter
• Sent to institutions added to population
based on response to questionnaire
• Not sent to new institutions under a system
with a veteran respondent
• Hard-copy letter to president/chancellor
with electronic version to respondent in
• Copy of questionnaire

USPS 2day

Gibbons of

Tues., 1 Nov. 2022

Prelaunch 1a
• Inform respondent of upcoming launch email
• Invite to update respondent contact
• Initial contact verification request


Bennett of


Prelaunch 1b
• To new institutions
• Inform respondent of upcoming launch email
• Remind respondent why they are receiving
this e-mail
• Attach copy of Welcome letter PDF and
copy of questionnaire
• Invite to update respondent contact
• Initial contact verification request


Tues., 8 Nov. 2022

• Introduction to the survey
• URL and institution ID
• Instructions to reset or create a password
• List of changes from last year
• Survey PDF attachment


Gibbons of

Tues., 15 Nov. 2022

Verification reminder 1


Tues., 29 Nov. 2022

Verification reminder 2


Tue., 6 Dec.–Fri., 9 Dec.

Verification reminder 3
• Verify primary contact
• Seek information for new point of contact,
as needed


Bennett of
Bennett of
ICF staff




Round 2: Mon., 12 Dec.
–Fri., 16 Dec. 2022



Tues., 6 Dec. 2022

Due date reminder 1 (Test Group A)


ICF staff

Mon., 9 Jan. 2023

Due date reminder 2


Mon., 23 Jan. 2023

Due date reminder 3a
• Reminder of 31 January deadline
Due date reminder 3b
• Reminder of deadline extension


Bennett of
Bennett of

Tues., 31 January 2023
Fri.., 3 Feb. 2023

Announced HERD survey deadline
Nonresponse 1a
• Need response as soon as possible
Nonresponse 1b
• Reminder of deadline extension

Fri., 10 Feb. 2023

Tues., 14 Feb.–Thurs.,
16 Feb. 2023







Round 2: Tues., 21
Feb.–Thurs., 23 Feb.
Fri., 24 Feb. 2023


Bennett of

Nonresponse 2
• Only for institutions without an upcoming
expected date of completion
• Asks for submission by 10 March
• Explains that a letter will be sent to the
senior administrator after that date


Gibbons of

Nonresponse 3
• Only for institutions without an upcoming
expected date of completion
• Ask for submission by 10 March
• Explain that a letter will be sent to the
senior administrator after that date


ICF staff


Gibbons of

Extended due date 1
• Offered to institutions that request
extensions before 9 February
• Offer to institutions that missed a preFebruary 9 due date and did not get contact
11 or 12 and may be able to make date

Mon., 27 Feb. 2023

Nonresponse 4
• Asks for submission by 10 March
• Informs of letter to president if date missed
Nonresponse 4a
• For institutions that missed an expected
completion date
Nonresponse 4b
• For institutions with an upcoming expected
completion date or without a missed
expected completion date

Fri., 10 March 2023

Extended survey deadline 2




Tue., 14 Mar. 2023


Director of

Nonresponse 6
• Last e-mail reminder before the survey
closes on 7 April


Gibbons of

Mon., 27 Mar.–Wed., 29
Mar. 2023

Nonresponse 7
• Phone calls to high-priority institutions


ICF staff

Survey received. Data review is in progress.


Thank-you 1a
• For institutions with $150,000 or more in
R&D expenditures
Thank-you 1b
• For institutions with less than $150,000 in
R&D expenditures
Thank-you 2
• E-mail that includes an Adobe PDF
attachment of a thank-you letter from
NCSES sent to senior administrator and
acknowledged staff copied
• PDF Letter to the senior administrator
acknowledging staff who completed


Greer of ICF
Gibbons of

Data quality issues 1


Data quality issues 2


Data quality issues 3


Resubmission thank-you


Greer of ICF

Refusal conversion 1

Phone or

ICF staff

Round 2: Mon., 3 Apr.–
Wed., 5 Apr. 2023
Fri., 7 April 2023

Final survey deadline

Mon., 10 April 2023

Last day that new survey submissions are
Database closes after all surveys are
reviewed and approved

Other Contacts—Thank-You
Automatic after
Automatic after survey
is marked as final by
data approver

As data are approved


Other Contacts—Data Corrections
As needed
1 weeks after first data
correction e-mail
1 week after second data
correction e-mail
Automatic after
Other Contacts—Refusal Conversion
After refusal

Nonresponse 5
• Letter to the senior administrator
• Asks for submission by 31March
• Copy sent to the primary contact


Tues., 21 Mar. 2023




Gibbons of
PDF Letter:
Director of

Greer of ICF
Greer of ICF
ICF staff



After continued refusal
or Refusal conversion 1


Other Contacts—Password Changes
Automatic when
requested through the
Web survey
Automatic when
requested through the
Web survey
Automatic when an
alternate contact sets up
his or her password

Refusal conversion 2
• Letter to the senior administrator
• Asks for confirmation of refusal
• Requests partial data
• Copy sent to the respondent


Director of

Password reset


No signature

Alternate contact password setup


No signature

Alternate contact password setup alert


No signature

There is a typical set of contacts that an institution, usually one designated respondent, receives
during a Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey cycle. (Primary contacts
have the option of designating other institution staff who should also receive survey
communications.) These contacts, including their goals, the timing, and whether multiple versions
may be sent, are described below. Each description also includes a link to a sample of the e-mail,
letter, or call script for that contact.
Note: The contact procedures for the HERD and Federally Funded Research and Development
Center R&D surveys, are described separately. The dates and text are almost identical except when
referring to survey name and organization type.

Welcome Letter—This contact is to welcome newly added institutions to the survey
population. The letter is sent via USPS 2-day priority mail to the president, chancellor, or
equivalent school administrator. The letter specifies that the institution is being added based
on a response to a screener questionnaire, what that response was, and the questionnaire
respondent. The letter also briefly discusses the uses of the survey data and provides a URL
for the NCSES website for more information. A copy of the current year survey form is
enclosed in the envelope, but the letter states that the paper form is typically used as a reference
while completing the web survey (see Contact 1—Welcome Letter).


Prelaunch e-mail—This e-mail is sent to the primary contact currently listed in the database
for all institutions that completed the previous year’s survey (see Contact 2—Prelaunch 1a).
Typically, this person is the previous year’s respondent; however, an institution may have
changed the designated respondent between survey cycles. This e-mail is usually sent 1 week
before survey launch. The goals of the e-mail are to (1) inform the respondent of the upcoming
launch e-mail, (2) give the institution an opportunity to change the designated respondent
before the survey information is sent, and (3) give ICF data collection staff an opportunity to
identify incorrect e-mail addresses before the survey is delivered.

For the FY 2021 collection, the prelaunch 1b e-mail (see Contact 2—Prelaunch 1b) is sent to
institutions new to the HERD Survey and will (1) inform the respondent of the upcoming
launch e-mail, (2) specify that the institution was added to the population based on a response
they provided to a screener questionnaire, (3) provide the primary contact with a PDF copy of
the Welcome letter sent to the president, chancellor, or equivalent, (4) provide the primary
contact a PDF copy of the questionnaire, (5) give the institution an opportunity to change the
designated contact before the survey information is sent, and (6) give ICF data collection staff
an opportunity to identify incorrect e-mail addresses before the survey is delivered.
In most cases, the prelaunch e-mail is sent only once. If the e-mail is returned as undeliverable,
data collection staff attempt to identify the correct address and then resend the e-mail.

Launch e-mail—This e-mail is sent to all primary contacts listed in the database to receive email after the Web-based data collection system opens (see Contact 3—Launch). The goals of
the e-mail are to (1) provide information about accessing the Web survey, (2) briefly describe
the purpose of the survey, (3) describe any changes to the survey instrument or procedures, (4)
list sources of additional information and assistance, and (5) distribute the Adobe Acrobat
version of the data collection instrument as an attachment.


Verification reminder contacts—Approximately two weeks after the prelaunch e-mail
(which is also the initial contact verification request) is sent, respondents who have not
contacted data collection staff to verify that they are the correct respondent or logged in to the
survey are sent a reminder e-mail (see Contact 4—Verification Reminder 1). This e-mail asks
them to respond and either confirm or update their contact information. The goal of the e-mail
is to confirm that someone has taken responsibility for the survey by listing himself or herself
as the primary contact. If a respondent phones or e-mails data collection staff with a question
about the survey, the person is recorded as having verified that he or she is the correct
respondent for the survey. A second verification reminder is sent to all respondents who still
have not confirmed their contact information (see Contact 5—Verification Reminder 2).
If an institution does not respond to the three initial requests to verify a primary contact
(including the prelaunch e-mail), data collection staff begin making phone calls (see
Contact 6—Verification Reminder 3). The goal of the calls is to confirm that someone has
received the survey information and has taken responsibility for the survey by listing
themselves as the primary contact. The primary contact at each institution is asked to confirm
receipt of the earlier e-mails and either confirm or update their contact information or provide
contact information for another respondent.
If a primary contact has not been verified after one round of phone calls (over 1 week), ICF
data collection staff will conduct a second round of verification phone calls to attempt to
identify and verify an alternative contact.


Due date reminder contacts—Since there are over two months between the launch e-mail
and the survey due date, primary contacts are sent occasional reminders.


The first reminder is a mailer sent 8-9 weeks before the announced due date to all institutions
that have not submitted final data (see Contact 7—Due Date Reminder 1 (Test Group A) or
Due Date Reminder 1 (Test Group B)). Multi-campus respondents (primary contacts that
complete the survey for multiple schools) will receive one reminder e-mail and will not be
considered part of the experiment.
The second reminder is an e-mail sent 3–4 weeks before the survey deadline to all institutions
that have not submitted final data. (see Contact 8—Due Date Reminder 2). Primary contacts
who complete the survey for multiple campuses will receive only one e-mail.
The third reminder is an e-mail sent approximately 1 week before the survey deadline. There
are two versions of this e-mail, one for institutions that have not been granted a deadline
extension and one for institutions that have been granted an extension (see Contact 9—Due
Date Reminder 3a and Due Date Reminder 3b). Primary contacts who complete the survey for
multiple campuses will receive only one e-mail.

Nonresponse contacts—Beginning a few days after the announced survey due date, all
institutions that have not submitted final data are contacted about nonresponse. Multicampus
respondents will receive only one instance of each contact, which will specify which campuses
have and have not submitted final data. The schedule of nonresponse contacts is as follows:
• An e-mail is sent 3 business days after the survey deadline to all institutions that have not
submitted final data. There are two versions of this e-mail, one for institutions that have
not been granted a deadline extension and one for institutions that have been granted an
extension (see Contact 10—Nonresponse 1a and Nonresponse 1b). The e-mail reminds
primary contacts of the missed due date or the deadline extension date and of the
importance of receiving a response from all institutions.
• An e-mail is sent approximately a week later to all institutions that have not submitted final
data and do not have an upcoming expected completion date (see Contact 11—
Nonresponse 2). The e-mail provides a first warning of the letter that will be sent to the
senior administrator if data are not submitted.
• The following week, data collection staff phone the primary contact of institutions that
have not submitted final data and do not have an upcoming expected completion date (see
Contact 12—Nonresponse 3). Respondents are asked whether they can submit the survey
by 10 March and are reminded about the letter to senior administrators. Additional phone
calls will occur the following week.
• An e-mail is sent approximately 2 weeks after the first round of phone calls to all
institutions that have not submitted final data. There are two versions of this e-mail, one
for institutions that missed an expected completion date and one for all other institutions
(see Contact 13—Nonresponse 4a and Nonresponse 4b). The e-mail informs respondents
that their institution’s administration will be contacted if data are not submitted by 10
• After the extended deadline has passed, a letter is sent via U.S. Priority mail 2-day delivery
to the senior administrator (e.g., president, chancellor) of institutions that have not
submitted final data, and a copy of the letter is sent to the primary contact (see Contact
14—Nonresponse 5). An alternate version of this letter (version B) is sent to institutions
that were granted an extension until 24 February because their fiscal year matches the


calendar year or because they were added to the population after December 2022; version
B of the letter acknowledges this later due date.
Approximately two weeks before the website closes, an e-mail is sent announcing that the
survey will be closing and that data will not be accepted after that (see Contact 15—
Nonresponse 6).
During the final 2 weeks of data collection, ICF and NCSES staff make phone calls to
follow up with high-priority institutions, i.e., institutions with higher expenditure amounts,
institutions that have expressed a sincere desire to participate in the survey, and institutions
that have entered some data but have not submitted the survey (see Contact 16—
Nonresponse 7).


Automatic survey receipt and thank-you e-mails—An e-mail acknowledging receipt of the
survey submission is automatically sent to the primary contact to receive e-mail by the Webbased survey system after the respondent clicks on the button to submit the survey (see Contact
17—Survey Received). The primary contact typically receives this e-mail within minutes of
submitting data. The purpose of the e-mail is to confirm receipt of the survey and inform the
respondent that ICF will review the institution’s response and follow up with any questions.
Once the survey submission is finalized by ICF, a thank-you e-mail is automatically sent (see
Contact 18—Thank-You 1a and Thank-You 1b). The goals of the e-mail are to (1) thank the
respondent for participating in the survey, (2) confirm that the data have been reviewed and
finalized, (3) remind the respondent that the data can still be reviewed and downloaded at any
time, and (4) provide additional information about reports and the public release of data. For
those institutions reporting less than $150,000 in R&D expenditures, the e-mail also informs
them that they are not eligible for inclusion in the survey population. (It would be unusual for
an institution in the HERD Survey standard form population to report less than $150,000 in
R&D expenditures, but we prepare this e-mail anyway.)


Thank-you letters to institution administrators—A letter, as a PDF, is emailed to the senior
administrator at each institution (e.g., president, chancellor) (see Contact 19—Thank you 2
Email, Thank-You 2 Letter). The letter briefly discusses the history and uses of the survey
data, acknowledges personnel at the institution that completed the survey, and provides
information on finding survey data on the NSF website. The letter, signed by the Director of
NCSES, is sent to institutions that have approved final data. Batches of these letters are sent
weekly, beginning in February 2022, and letters are e-mailed within 4 weeks of data approval.
The primary contact and other staff identified by the primary contact as contributing to the
survey are copied on the e-mail to the president or chancellor.


Data quality issue (DQI) contacts—Institutions that submit data with errors, unexplained or
poorly explained trend changes, or unexplained missing data are contacted to resolve DQIs.
The first e-mail is usually sent within 4 weeks of data submission (see Contact 20—Data
Quality Issues 1). If a response is not received after 1 week, a second e-mail is sent (see Contact
21—Data Quality Issues 2). If there is no response to the second e-mail, data collection staff
phone the primary contact until a response is received (see Contact 22—Data Quality Issues
3). Once an institution resubmits its corrected survey, a thank-you e-mail is automatically sent
(see Contact 23—Resubmission Thank-You).


Institutions Receiving Special Attention
Throughout the year, institutions are selected for additional or alternative contacts. In most cases,
this simply means that the respondent or other institution staff will receive contacts from survey
staff in addition to, or in lieu of, the standard contacts described above. Frequently, institutions do
not remain on the “special attention” list throughout the data collection; once an issue is resolved,
the institution will begin receiving only the standard contacts, along with the rest of the survey
population. A list of circumstances that would qualify an institution for special attention is
provided below. In some cases, a specific contact has been prepared to address the situation.

Previous year unit nonresponder—Since nonresponse to the survey is low, we are able to
conduct tailored follow-ups with institutions that chose not to respond during the previous
year’s survey. Before the beginning of each collection, ICF staff review the history for each
nonresponding institution (e.g., how many years has it been since they last provided data; how
long have they been in the survey population; did they actively refuse to participate last year;
what refusal or nonresponse contacts have they received; what reason did they give for not
responding). Based on those reviews, ICF makes recommendations to NCSES for contact
strategies for the coming collection. For some institutions that may have only been a unit
nonresponder for 1 year due to temporary circumstances (e.g., staff turnover), ICF might
recommend sending routine contacts. For some institutions that have not responded for several
years and have been nonresponsive to previous contacts, ICF might suggest scheduling a
meeting with school administration.


Deadline extension requests—ICF may grant deadline extensions through 10 March 2023
without approval from the NSF project officer. The first suggested extension date will be 24
February, if the institution does not propose an earlier date. A 10 March deadline extension
date will be offered only if the respondent insists that an earlier deadline cannot be met. All
requests for deadline extensions beyond 10 March must be approved by NCSES. After 10
March, we will be evaluating our response rate and therefore cannot guarantee an extension
beyond that date. Respondents will be assured that they will receive at least 2 weeks’ notice
before the survey website closes.


Institutions whose fiscal year matches the calendar year or that were late additions to the
survey population—Because these institutions begin gathering their data later, they
automatically receive a longer deadline extension. If one of these institutions requests an
extension, the institution is given until 10 March to submit the survey.


Institutions that indicate that they will not be participating in the survey—If a respondent
indicates that an institution will not be participating in the survey, ICF initiates
refusal-conversion efforts via phone or e-mail, whichever seems most appropriate (see
Contact 24—Refusal Conversion 1). Although these contacts are tailored somewhat to the
specific institution, the standard approach includes offering a deadline extension, requesting
partial data, and informing the respondent that all refusals must be confirmed by the senior


If the respondent continues to refuse to participate or does not respond to Refusal conversion 1,
a letter signed by the Director of NCSES is sent to the institution’s senior administrator to
confirm the decision not to participate in the survey (see Contact 25—Refusal Conversion 2).
NCSES must be consulted before this letter is sent.

Institutions whose primary contact has left the institution and that have not provided an
alternative contact—Typically, institutions do not remain without an identified primary
contact for long, but establishing a new primary contact often involves several phone calls or
e-mails from survey staff.


One primary contact who responds for several campuses—Standard contacts are prepared
with the assumption that one person is responsible for one institution’s data submission. In
some cases, standard e-mails and letters are revised to be appropriate for respondents who
complete the survey for multiple campuses to avoid sending those respondents multiple copies
of the same e-mail or letter.

Automated Password E-mails
In most email messages, respondents are directed to the ID/Password Help link on the survey
website if they need to create or reset a password. Automated e-mails are sent by the Web-based
survey system when a respondent requests that his or her password be reset (see Contact 26—
Contact 26—Password Reset), when a primary contact designates a new alternate contact in the
system (see Contact 27—Alternate Contact Password Setup), and when a newly designated contact
sets up his or her password (see Contact 28—Alternate Contact Password Setup Alert).


Contact 1— Welcome Letter

Printed on survey letterhead and sent via U.S. Priority mail 2-day delivery

[date expected to be mailed]
[[adminfirstname]] [[adminmiddlename]] [[adminlastname]]
[[admincity]], [[adminstate]] [[adminzip]]
Dear [[adminsalutation]] [[adminlastname]]:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has identified your institution as eligible to participate in the FY
2022 Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey. [[instnameletters]] was added to the
survey population in [[month screener completed]] when [[firstname]] [[lastname]], [[title]] responded to
our screener questionnaire, indicating that the institution had at least $150,000 in separately accounted for
R&D expenditures during FY 2022.
NSF’s annual Higher Education R&D Survey is a unique source for longitudinal statistics on research
spending at our nation’s universities and colleges. Since 1972, federal, state, and academic decision
makers have depended on NSF’s academic R&D information to be complete, accurate, and timely. In
addition, many institutions use our statistics for comparisons with other universities and colleges. Close to
900 universities and colleges complete the annual survey. You can learn more about the survey and how
that data is used at
Next week, we will be sending [[firstname]] [[lastname]] an e-mail with information about accessing and
completing the web survey. For your convenience, I have enclosed a paper copy of the questionnaire, but
most institutions only use this as a reference, preferring to complete the web survey. The survey
deadline is January 31, 2023.
The survey is conducted for the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within
the NSF by ICF. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact survey support tollfree at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to
Thank you for your participation in this important effort.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
Enclosed: FY 2022 HERD Short Form

Contact 2—Prelaunch 1a

This version of the prelaunch e-mail is sent to institutions included in the previous year’s

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Please verify contact information for the NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
Next week, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National
Science Foundation (NSF) will begin the FY 2022 Higher Education R&D (HERD) Survey. The survey
due date is January 31, 2023.
I would appreciate very much if you would take a moment to reply and let our survey support know
whether or not you are still the appropriate contact person for [[instnameletters]]. The current survey
contact information appears below. If corrections are necessary, please let survey support know so they
can update your institution’s information.

[[firstname]] [[lastname]]

[[city]], [[state]] [[zip]]
This annual survey is being conducted for NSF by ICF. If you have any questions regarding this
information, please contact survey support toll-free at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to
Thank you so much for your continuing participation in the survey.
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 2—Prelaunch 1b

This version of the prelaunch e-mail is sent to new institutions with PDF attachments

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Welcome to the NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Attachments: Welcome letter PDF; FY 2022 Short Form PDF
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
Next week, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National
Science Foundation (NSF) will begin the FY 2022 Higher Education R&D (HERD) Survey. At that time,
you will get an e-mail from us with login information for the web survey.
[[instnameletters]] was added to the survey population in [[month screener completed]] when you
responded to our screener questionnaire, indicating that the institution had at least $150,000 in separately
accounted for R&D expenditures during FY 2022. A copy of the welcome letter sent to [[admintitle]]
[[adminlastname]] is attached.
The survey is conducted for NCSES by ICF. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact
me toll-free at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to For your convenience, I have
attached a PDF copy of the questionnaire, but most respondents only use this as a reference, preferring to
complete the web survey. The survey due date is January 31, 2023
I would also appreciate very much if you would take a moment to reply to this e-mail and let me know if
you are still the appropriate contact person for this survey and if the contact information below is correct.

[[firstname]] [[lastname]]

[[city]], [[state]] [[zip]]
Thank you so much for your continuing participation in the survey.
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 3—Launch

Before sending the launch e-mail, ICF data collection staff will e-mail the programming team to
open the survey to respondents.

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Attachment: HERD Short Form PDF
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
The website is now open for the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) FY 2022 Higher Education R&D
This survey is the primary source of information on research and development expenditures at higher
education institutions in the United States and outlying areas. Almost 900 universities and colleges
complete the survey every year. Your response to this survey is very important because it helps us
produce the most accurate statistics possible on U.S. higher education R&D expenditures. The survey
deadline is Monday, January 31, 2023.
Survey website:
Institution name: [[instnamelong]]
Institution ID: [[inst_id]]
You may use your password from last year’s HERD survey if you have one. If you have forgotten your
password or are new to the survey, please click on ID/Password Help on the survey login page to
create or reset your password.
If you are no longer the appropriate person to contact, please let survey support know so they can update
our information.
The survey is conducted for the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within
the NSF by ICF. If you need to revise contact information or have any questions about the survey
website, please contact survey support at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to If
you have questions about survey items, please contact me at or (703) 292-4590.
Thank you for completing this survey.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation


Contact 4—Verification Reminder 1

Sent to all institutions that have not yet verified their contact information or have not logged in to
the Web survey

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Please verify contact information for the NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We are trying to verify all respondent contacts for the FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form
Survey. Please take a moment to reply to this message and let us know if you are still the appropriate
contact for [[instnameletters]].
If you would like to correct any of the contact information below, please include that in your reply.
Name: [[firstname]] [[lastname]]
Title: [[title]]
Phone: [[phone]]
Email: [[email]]
[[city]], [[state]] [[zip]]
If you have any questions about your participation in the survey, please contact survey support at (866)
936-9376 or send an email to
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 5—Verification Reminder 2

Sent to all institutions that have not yet verified their contact information or have not logged in to
the Web survey

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Contact information for NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We are asking all institutions to confirm their contact information for the FY 2022 Higher Education
Research and Development Short Form Survey.
Please take a minute to reply to this email and let us know whether or not you are still the appropriate
contact for [[instnameletters]].
The information we currently have is listed below. If you would like to correct any of the contact
information below, please include that in your reply.
Name: [[firstname]] [[lastname]]
Title: [[title]]
Phone: [[phone]]
Email: [[email]]
[[city]], [[state]] [[zip]]
Thank you,
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Toll-free number: (866) 936-9376


Contact 6—Verification Reminder 3

Two rounds of verification phone calls to confirm primary contact or identify new respondent, as

1. Tell respondent that we are trying to verify contact information for their institution.

2. Ask respondent if they have received the previous e-mails and provide the date the most recent email was sent.

3. Ask if they should continue to be the primary contact for the survey.
a. If the respondent confirms that they should be the primary contact, review contact
information with respondent as necessary to confirm correct information for the primary
contact. Thank respondent for participating, ask if they have any questions for us.
b. If the respondent says that they should no longer be the primary contact, ask who the new
contact should be or who we should call to identify a new contact. Try to get name, title,
phone number, and e-mail for the next contact. Thank respondent for their help.
Leaving a message
1. If the respondent cannot be reached leave a message identifying yourself and the survey, the
purpose of the call, the date of the e-mail referenced, and the action the respondent must take.
Voicemail Example: “Hello my name is [[survey staff]], and I’m calling on behalf of the
National Science Foundation about the Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. I just
wanted to verify that you should be the primary contact for this year’s survey. Please call
us at 866-936-9376 or respond to the e-mail we sent on [[date email was sent]]. I would
appreciate a response by the end of this week.”
A similar message, with needed revisions, can be left with an administrative assistant or coworker.
2. During a call cycle, typically a week, only one message should be left, but continue to try and
contact respondents at different times of day throughout the cycle.


Contact 7—Due Date Reminder 1 (Test Group A)

A card, with a sticky note inside, that is 3″ x 5″ when folded; mailed in a legal envelope bearing
the survey return address
Sent to institutions that have not submitted the survey

Design/text for card:
Look and feel: color, format and text font should be the same as the FY 2021 mailer (see images on next
Cover page: Large NSF logo on in the middle top 2/3 of card (use same logo as one on existing postcard),
“Higher Education R&D Survey” as heading on the bottom third of card.
Inside left:
Tuesday, January 31, 2023, is the deadline for submitting your response to the NSF Higher Education
R&D Survey. Your institution’s response is important to update the national data on academic R&D. We
appreciate your efforts to submit your response by the deadline.
To access the online survey, go to
Thank you for your participation. For additional help, please contact us:
Toll-free number: (866) 936-9376
Inside right:
Background – calendar showing month of January 2023, with the 31 circled and pointed to.
Design/text for sticky-note:
Look and feel: color, format and text font should be the same as the FY 2021 mailer (see images on next

The deadline for the
FY 2022
NSF Higher Education
R&D Survey is:
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Login at


FY 2021 Mailer
Cover Page

Inside Page

Sticky-note Insert



Contact 8—Due Date Reminder 2

Sent to institutions that have not submitted the survey

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Reminder: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
In November we asked for your participation in the National Science Foundation’s FY 2022 Higher
Education R&D Short Form Survey. This is a friendly reminder that the survey deadline is January 31,
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, click on ID/Password Help on
the survey login page to create/reset your password.
We greatly appreciate your efforts to fit the survey response into your busy schedule and respond by the
deadline. If you have questions about using the survey website, please call survey support at (866) 9369376 or send an email to
If you have any questions about the survey items, please contact Michael Gibbons of NSF at or (703) 292-4590.
Thank you for your time and your participation.
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 9—Due Date Reminder 3a

Sent to institutions that have not submitted the survey and have not been granted an extension

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Due date for NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey: January 31, 2023 ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We are reminding all survey respondents about the upcoming deadline for the National Science
Foundation’s FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey.
Please submit your completed survey by Monday, January 31, 2023.
The information below can be used to access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
If you have any questions, please call toll-free at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to
Thank you in advance for completing the HERD Survey. Your information is vital in developing
comprehensive statistics on R&D expenditures in the United States.
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 9—Due Date Reminder 3b

Sent to institutions that have not submitted the survey and have been granted an extension

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Due date for NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We are reminding all survey respondents about the upcoming deadline for the National Science
Foundation’s FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. Your deadline has been extended to
The information below can be used to access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
If you have any questions, please call toll-free at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to
Thank you in advance for completing the HERD Survey. Your information is vital in developing
comprehensive statistics on R&D expenditures in the United States.
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 10—Nonresponse 1a

Sent to all institutions that have not submitted the survey except those that have been granted a
deadline extension (see Contact 10—Nonresponse 1b)

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Please reply regarding NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We need your response as soon as possible to the National Science Foundation's FY 2022 Higher
Education R&D Short Form Survey. It is important for us to have every institution’s current R&D
information so that our FY 2022 statistical tables will be complete.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
If you have questions or need further information, e-mail survey support at or
call toll-free at (866) 936-9376.
Thank you very much for your help with the survey.
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 10—Nonresponse 1b

Sent to all institutions that have not submitted the survey and have been granted a deadline

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
Your deadline for the National Science Foundation’s FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form
Survey is extended to [[expecteddate]]. It is important that we receive your response on or before this
date. We would very much like to have every institution’s current R&D information so that our FY 2022
statistical tables will be complete and comprehensive.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
If you have questions or need further information, you may reach us by email at
or by calling toll-free at (866) 936-9376.
We know you are busy, and we greatly appreciate your efforts to respond to the survey in a timely
Carolyn Bennett
Data Collection Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 11—Nonresponse 2

Sent to all institutions that have not submitted the survey and do not have an upcoming expected
completion date

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Subject: Please reply regarding the NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
I would greatly appreciate your institution’s response to the National Science Foundation’s FY 2022
Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. We are asking for all survey responses by Friday, March
10, 2023. After that date, NSF will begin contacting the Presidents and Chancellors of institutions that
have not yet responded.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
If you have any questions, please contact me at or (703) 292-4590.
Thank you very much for your continued participation.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation


Contact 12—Nonresponse 3

Two rounds of phone calls to the primary contact at all institutions that have not submitted final
data and do not have an upcoming expected completion date

Issues to be highlighted during a phone call to a nonrespondent from data collection staff:
1. Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Science Foundation regarding the Higher
Education Research and Development Short Form Survey.
2. Point out their latest activity on the survey. For example:
“In your last e-mail you mentioned that you would have the survey submitted by XX.”
“It looks like you logged on to the survey back in January. Do you still have the survey
3. Inform respondent that NSF will be sending letters to the Presidents and Chancellors of institutions
that have not submitted data by March 10.
4. Ask if they can submit by March 10. Tell them that after March 10 we will be closing data collection
as soon as we reach our desired response rate. We will contact them at least one week before we
close the data collection period to give them one final chance to submit their data.
5. Tell the respondent you will e-mail the survey web address and their institution ID if they do not have
it. Be sure to verify the correct e-mail address. Let them know that they will need to set up a new
password through the website if they have forgotten theirs.
6. Ask the respondent if he/she has any questions and let them know that if they have any questions in
the future, they can send an e-mail to or call you toll free at 866-936-9376.
Leaving a message
1. If the respondent cannot be reached leave a voice mail identifying yourself and the survey, the
purpose of the call, the date of the e-mail referenced, and the action the respondent must take.
Voicemail Example: “Hello my name is [[survey staff]], and I’m calling on behalf of the National
Science Foundation about the Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. I just wanted to
remind you that the extended due for the survey is March 10. After March 10 NSF will be
sending letters to the Presidents and Chancellors of institutions that have not submitted final data.
Please call us at 866-936-9376 and let us know if you will be able to submit by that date. If you
have any questions about the survey or need us to resend survey information, give us a call.”
A similar message, with needed revisions, can be left with an administrative assistant or co-worker.
2. During a call cycle, typically a week, only one message should be left, but continue to try and contact
respondents at different times of day throughout the cycle.


Contact 13—Nonresponse 4a

Sent to the primary contact at institutions that missed an expected completion date that was after
the survey due date

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
Earlier you let us know that you would submit the FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey
by [[expecteddate]]. As of today we have not received your response. We would appreciate a response no
later than Friday, March 10.
After March 10, NSF will send letters to the Presidents and Chancellors of all institutions that have not
yet responded. These letters will explain that our deadline has passed and offer a last chance to participate
before the survey closes. We also want to ensure that any decision to decline participation is made at the
highest level since institutional nonresponses will be imputed.
Institutions that do not respond are still included in the published tables. Their R&D expenditures are
estimated and labeled as imputed estimates in our reports. The procedure to estimate missing information
is done as a last resort; our goal is to receive current data from everyone so that our national statistics are
as accurate as possible.
As NSF’s project manager for the survey, I would greatly appreciate your help by submitting your survey
response as soon as possible.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
Thank you very much for your institution’s continued participation in this national survey.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
(703) 292-4590


Contact 13—Nonresponse 4b

Sent to the primary contact at institutions that have not submitted the survey and have an
upcoming expected completion date or never had an expected completion date that was after the
survey due date

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We need your survey response by Friday, March 10 for the National Science Foundation's FY 2022
Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. After that date, NSF will send letters to the Presidents and
Chancellors of all institutions that have not yet responded. These letters will explain that our deadline has
passed and offer a last chance to participate before the survey closes. We also want to ensure that any
decision to decline participation is made at the highest level since institutional nonresponses will be
Institutions that do not respond are still included in the published tables. Their R&D expenditures are
estimated and labeled as imputed estimates in our reports. The procedure to estimate missing information
is done as a last resort; our goal is to receive current data from everyone so that our national statistics are
as accurate as possible.
As NSF’s project manager for the survey, I would greatly appreciate your help by submitting your survey
response as soon as possible.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you are new to the survey or have forgotten your password, please click on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page to create/reset your password.
Thank you very much for your institution’s continued participation in this national survey.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
(703) 292-4590


Contact 14—Nonresponse 5

Printed on survey letterhead and sent via U.S. Priority mail 2-day delivery
Version A: Sent to institutions that have not submitted final data and did not have a deadline
extension because of special circumstances
Version B: Sent to institutions whose fiscal year matches the calendar year or that were late
additions to the survey population

[date expected to be mailed]
[[adminfirstname]] [[adminmiddlename]] [[adminlastname]]
[[admincity]], [[adminstate]] [[adminzip]]
Dear [[adminsalutation]] [[adminlastname]]:
I am writing to let you know we need your institution's response by Friday, March 31 to the National
Science Foundation’s Higher Education Research and Development Short Form Survey. We launched
the survey on November 8, 2022 and asked for responses by January 31, 2023. [Version B: February 24,
2023.] Our current contact within your institution is [[firstname]] [[lastname]], [[title]].
This survey is the only source of comprehensive national information on R&D spending within the higher
education sector. The survey has been revised in recent years to collect additional data which allow more
detailed peer comparisons with other institutions. Although your institution’s participation in this survey
is voluntary, your survey response is very important to the accuracy of NSF’s statistics.
Please let us know if we should contact a different person to provide your institution’s response. You may
contact the survey manager, Mr. Michael Gibbons, at (703) 292-4590 or
Thank you for your continuing participation in this annual assessment of our nation’s R&D.

Emilda Rivers
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
cc: [[firstname]] [[lastname]], [[title]]


Contact 15—Nonresponse 6

Sent to all institutions that have not submitted the survey
The survey’s closing date may need to be changed based on when the e-mail is sent. This e-mail
is not sent until ICF is sure that we are 2 weeks away from meeting our target response rate.

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Final Notice: NSF’s Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey due April 7 ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We need your response to the National Science Foundation's FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Survey
before the website closes on Friday, April 7. This is the final extension that we are providing survey
respondents. We would really appreciate your survey response so that our statistical tables are as
complete as possible since they are used by many of your peers, funding agencies, and the media.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you have any questions, please contact me at or (703) 292-4590.
Thank you very much for your institution’s continued participation in this survey.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation


Contact 16—Nonresponse 7

Phone calls made to the primary contacts of high-priority institutions that have not submitted final

Issues to be highlighted during a phone call to a non-respondent from data collection staff:
1. Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Science Foundation regarding the Higher
Education Research and Development Short Form Survey
2. Remind respondent that the survey web site will close on April 7.
3. Ask if they will be able to respond to the survey and, if yes, when
4. If they ask for more time or indicate that they can’t submit by April 7, tell them that they can have
until noon the following Monday (April 10) but for time beyond that they will have to speak to
Michael Gibbons.
5. Ask the respondent if he/she has any questions and let them know that if they have any questions in
the future, they can send an e-mail to or call you toll free at 866-936-9376.
Leaving a message
1. If the respondent cannot be reached leave a voice mail identifying yourself and the survey, the
purpose of the call, the date of the e-mail referenced, and the action the respondent must take.
Voicemail Example: “Hello my name is [[survey staff]], and I’m calling on behalf of the National
Science Foundation about the Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. I just wanted to
remind you that the survey website is closing on Friday, April 7. Please call us at 866-936-9376
and let us know when you will be able to submit your survey. If you have any questions about the
survey give us a call.”
A similar message, with needed revisions, can be left with an administrative assistant or co-worker.
2. During a call cycle, typically a week, only one message should be left, but continue to try and contact
respondents at different times of day throughout the cycle.


Contact 17—Survey Received
To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We have received your institution’s submission for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) FY 2022
Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. Our data collection team is now reviewing all survey
responses and will follow up with any questions in the next few weeks. We will send you an email to let
you know when the review is complete.
Thank you very much for your help with this effort. If you have any questions or need further
information, contact us at or call toll-free at (866) 936-9376.
Jennifer Greer
Data Quality Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 18—Thank-You 1a

Automatically sent to institutions with $150,000 or more in total R&D expenditures after the data
review is completed and the survey response is marked as approved
Includes an Adobe PDF version of the survey prefilled with the institution’s submitted data

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Thank You ([[inst_id]])
Attachment: PDF with final data
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
On behalf of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National
Science Foundation (NSF), I want to thank you for participating in the FY 2022 Higher Education
Research and Development (HERD) Short Form Survey. The information you provided for
[[instnameletters]] will increase both the accuracy and usefulness of the national R&D statistics for the
academic community.
Your survey submission has been reviewed by our Data Quality Manager and will now be added to the
final database. If you find errors that need to be corrected, please contact us at (866) 936-9376 as soon as
For your convenience we have attached a copy of the survey form with your final data. You may also
view or download this final version of the survey data at any time by logging onto the survey website
using the information below.
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you have forgotten your password, click on ID/Password Help on the survey login page.
To see our NSF publications for previous years of the survey, please visit:
If you have any other questions, please contact our survey contractor, ICF, toll-free at (866) 936-9376 or
send an email to
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
(703) 292-4590


Contact 18—Thank-You 1b

Automatically sent to institutions with less than $150,000 in total R&D expenditures after the
data review is completed and the survey response is marked as approved
Includes an Adobe PDF version of the survey prefilled with the institution’s submitted data

To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Thank you ([[inst_id]])
Dear [firstname]] [[lastname]]:
On behalf of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National
Science Foundation (NSF), I want to thank you for participating in the FY 2022 Higher Education
Research and Development Short Form Survey. According to the information you submitted, your
institution spent less than $150,000 on R&D in FY 2022. Because this does not meet the threshold for the
survey population, your institution will not be included in the FY 2022 tables showing statistical
information by institution. This also means that you will not be contacted to participate in the FY
2023 survey.
If you wish to take another look at the FY 2022 survey response for [[instnameletters]], please use the
following information:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you have forgotten your password, click on ID/Password Help on the survey login page.
If upon review you discover omissions that would increase your R&D expenditures above the $150,000
threshold, please contact our survey contractor, ICF, toll-free at (866) 936-9376 or send an email to
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
(703) 292-7765


Contact 19—Thank-You 2 Email

Sent to president, chancellor, or equivalent at institutions with an Adobe PDF copy of Thank-you
Letter attached and respondents copied
Sent in weekly batches beginning in January

To: [[adminemail]]
Cc: [[email]]
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: Thank you ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[admintitle]] [[adminlastname]]:
On behalf of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National
Science Foundation (NSF), I want to thank [[instnameletters]] for participating in the FY 2022 Higher
Education Research and Development Survey. The attached thank-you letter recognizes the personnel at
your institution who provided this year’s survey response.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (703) 292-4590 or
Michael Gibbons
Project Officer, Higher Education R&D Survey
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation


Contact 19—Thank-You 2 Letter

On survey letterhead a letter is sent as a PDF via e-mail
Addressed to the president, chancellor, or equivalent at institutions with approved final data
Sent in weekly batches beginning in January
In the second paragraph, more than one person may be acknowledged if requested by the primary

[date letter will be mailed]
[[adminfirstname]] [[adminmiddlename]] [[adminlastname]]
[[admincity]], [[adminstate]] [[adminzip]]
Dear [[adminsalutation]] [[adminlastname]]:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) thanks [[instnameletters]] for participating in the Higher
Education Research and Development Short Form Survey. The information your institution provided for
FY 2022 will become part of our longitudinal statistics on R&D expenditures in 40 fields. For almost 50
years, NSF has provided information from this survey to federal, state, and academic decision makers. In
addition, data from our surveys become part of the international statistics that compare the overall
research activity of the United States with other nations.
I would especially like to recognize [[firstname]] [[lastname]], [[title]], who provided this year’s survey
response for [[instnameletters]]. The efforts of your staff involved a significant amount of work to provide
the information requested on the survey. We appreciate these contributions to NSF’s measurement of
academic R&D within the United States.
Our website includes survey results for previous years of the Higher Education R&D Survey as well as a
variety of other science and engineering statistics. It is located at You may contact
Gary Anderson, Acting Director of NCSES's Research and Development Statistics Program for further
information at (703) 292-7781 or
Again, thank you for your continuing participation.

Emilda Rivers
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
cc: [[firstname]] [[lastname]]


Contact 20—Data Quality Issues 1
To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
I am reviewing your data for NSF’s FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey, and I need your
help to clarify or correct [a few items/one item/two items]. After your reply, I can finalize your survey
answers for FY 2022. I would like to finalize your survey data by [one week after message].
The survey has been reopened so you can address each issue and revise data if needed. When you return
to the survey, you will see a red flag next to each question that has a data quality issue. At the top of each
marked question, you will find a description of the issue(s) and instructions for correcting or explaining.
After you have addressed each issue, click the Resubmit button.
Please go to the survey website to explain or correct data quality issues.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you have forgotten your password, click on ID/Password Help on the survey login page.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or call toll free at
(866) 936-9376.
Jennifer Greer
Data Quality Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 21—Data Quality Issues 2
To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
I need your help to clarify or correct [a few items/one item/two items] from your institution's FY 2022
Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. I had previously contacted you about these issues on [date of
DQI 1]. I need your response to finalize your institution's FY 2021 survey. I would like to finalize your
survey data by [one week from email].
The survey has been reopened so you can address each issue and revise data if needed. When you return
to the survey, you will see a red flag next to each question that has a data quality issue. At the top of each
marked question you will find a description of the issue(s) and instructions for correcting or explaining.
After you have addressed each issue, click the Resubmit button.
Please go to the survey website to explain or correct data quality issues.
To access the survey for [[instnamelong]]:
Survey website:
Your institution’s ID: [[inst_id]]
If you have forgotten your password, click on ID/Password Help on the survey login page.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or call toll free at
(866) 936-9376.
Jennifer Greer
Data Quality Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 22—Data Quality Issues 3
Issues to be highlighted during a phone call to a DQI nonrespondent from data collection staff:
1. Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Center for Science and Engineering
Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF)regarding the Higher Education
Research and Development Survey
2. Thank them for participating in the survey and let them know that we just need them to clarify or
correct [a few items/one item/two items] to finalize their survey.
3. Ask if they received the data quality issues e-mail and if so, when they might be able to respond.
4. If the respondent doesn’t know if they got the e-mail or isn’t sure when they can respond, and if
the issues are easy to explain and the respondent might be able to respond immediately say, “The
issue(s) are minor and you might be able to answer them right now. Do you mind if I read them to
you?” If they say yes, read the questions and record their responses.
5. Offer to resend the last DQI e-mail if the issues are complicated or they cannot respond on the
6. Ask the respondent if he/she has any questions and let them know that if they have any questions
in the future, they can send an e-mail to or call you toll free at 866-9369376.
Leaving a message
1. If the respondent cannot be reached leave a voice mail identifying yourself and the survey, the
purpose of the call, the date of the e-mail referenced, and the action the respondent must take.
Voicemail Example: “Hello my name is [name], and I’m calling on behalf of the National
Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science
Foundation (NSF) about the Higher Education R&D Survey. I’m following up on an email we sent on [date] asking you to clarify some issues on your institution’s FY 2022
survey. We are closing the database soon and cannot finalize your institution until we
receive a response. Please respond to the e-mail or give us a call as soon as possible at
866-936-9376. Thank you again for your participation in this year’s survey.”
A similar message, with needed revisions, can be left with an administrative assistant or coworker.
2. During a call cycle, typically a week, only one message should be left, but continue to try and
contact respondents at different times of day throughout the cycle.


Contact 23—Resubmission Thank-You
To: Primary contact e-mail
Cc: Other contacts to receive e-mail
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey ([[inst_id]])
Dear [[firstname]] [[lastname]]:
We have received your institution's resubmission for the FY 2022 Higher Education Research and
Development (HERD) Short Form Survey. Thank you for taking the time to address our questions about
your submitted data. If we have any further questions, we will let you know. We will send an email to let
you know when your institution’s survey submission is finalized.
Thank you very much for your help with this effort. If you have any questions or need further
information, you may reach me by email at or call toll-free at (866) 936-9376.
Jennifer Greer
Data Quality Manager
NSF Higher Education R&D Survey


Contact 24—Refusal Conversion 1

Phone call or e-mail within 1 week of refusal to participate in the survey

1. Ask which items seem to be the most burdensome. Explain that we will need to impute the totals
for them since they were found to qualify for the survey, so any partial data would be preferable.
Main questions we need answered in order of preference:
a. Question 1: R&D expenditures by source of funds
b. Questions 2: R&D expenditures by field
2. If respondent changes mind about refusal, set up date for survey deadline
a. Use actual survey deadline if more than two weeks in future
b. Use February 24 from January 16 to February 6
c. Use March 10 after February 6
3. If still a total refusal, explain that we will need to confirm this decision with their senior
administrator’s office.
4. Thank respondent and say that we hope next year will work out better for their institution’s


Contact 25—Refusal Conversion 2

Printed on survey letterhead and sent via U.S. Priority mail 2-day delivery
Sent as needed, at the direction of NCSES

[date letter will be mailed]
[[adminfirstname]] [[adminmiddlename]] [[adminlastname]]
[[admincity]], [[adminstate]] [[adminzip]]
Dear [[adminsalutation]] [[adminlastname]]:
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science
Foundation (NSF) is now conducting the FY 2022 Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey. We were
informed by [[firstname]] [[lastname]], [[title]], that [[instnameletters]] will not be participating in this
year’s data collection. While participation in this survey is voluntary, we wanted to confirm this decision
with you before proceeding without your institution’s information.
NSF’s annual Higher Education R&D Survey is a unique source for longitudinal statistics on research
spending at our nation’s universities and colleges. The NSF website provides detailed tables, reports, and
databases using this information. The statistical tables show spending in each of 40 fields of R&D for
almost 900 institutions (see Since 1972, federal, state, and academic
decision makers have depended on NSF’s academic R&D information to be complete, accurate, and
timely. In addition, many institutions use our statistics for comparisons with other universities and
Please let us know if you can provide some or all of the FY 2022 survey responses so we can present the
most current data for your institution. Alternatively, we will display imputed data for [[instnameletters]]
in the institution level tables. We believe your data or estimates will represent [[instnameletters]] better
than our imputation. You may contact Michael Gibbons of my staff at (703) 292-4590 or
Thank you for your continuing support of NSF’s statistical information.

Emilda Rivers
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Cc: [[firstname]] [[lastname]]

Contact 26—Password Reset
To: Survey user requesting password reset
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF HERD Short Form Survey Password ([[inst_id]])
You have requested to reset your password for the Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey for:
Institution name: [[instnamelong]]
Institution ID: [[inst_id]]
Please use the link below to reset your password. This link will expire in 15 minutes.
If you need further assistance or did not make a request to reset your password, contact Survey Support at
(866) 936-9376, or by email at


Contact 27—Alternate Contact Password Setup
To: Newly designated alternate
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF HERD Short Form Survey Password ([[inst_id]])
[[designator_first_name]] [[designator_last_name]] has granted you access to the Higher Education R&D
Short Form Survey for:
Institution name: [[instnamelong]]
Institution ID: [[inst_id]]
Please use the link below to set up your password.
This link will expire in 7 days, but you can request a new link at any time by clicking on ID/Password
Help on the survey login page.
If you need further assistance, please contact Survey Support at (866) 936-9376, or by email at


Contact 28—Alternate Contact Password Setup Alert
To: Primary contact
From: NSF Higher Education R&D Survey
Re: NSF HERD Short Form Survey – new password created ([[inst_id]])
[[alternate_first_name]] [[alternate_last_name]] (respondent’s e-mail address) has created a password on
the NSF Higher Education R&D Short Form Survey for:
Institution name: [[instnamelong]]
Institution ID: [[inst_id]]
You can add or remove individuals who can create a login account on the Contact information and login
accounts page on the web survey. If you need further assistance, please contact Survey Support at (866)
936-9376, or by email at


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorBennett, Carolyn
File Modified2022-04-13
File Created2022-04-13

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