OMB No. 0970-0034 |
Office of Refugee Resettlement |
Exp. 02/29/2024 |
Name of Youth |
Alien Registration No. |
HHS Tracking No. |
Last |
First |
Middle |
State/ URD Agency |
Provider Agency |
Agency Name: |
Agency Name: |
Address: |
Address: |
City: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
State: |
Zip: |
Section I: Report Action |
1. Annual Outcomes Report |
2. Follow-up Annual Report: Former URM clients who are 17 to 21 years old and have terminated all ORR-funded services. Proceed to Section VI. Outcomes. |
Date data was collected |
(mm/dd/yyyy) |
Age |
Section II: Identifying Data |
1. Date of Birth |
2. Gender |
Female |
Male |
X |
Section III: Education and Personal Functioning of the Youth |
1. Education Information: |
a. |
Most Recent Education and Grade Level, if applicable |
Regular Mainstream School |
Alternative to High School |
Less than 6th grade |
9th grade |
6th grade |
10th grade |
7th grade |
11th grade |
8th grade |
12th grade |
9th grade |
Dual-credit program |
10th grade |
No Grade Assigned |
11th grade |
12th grade |
Trade/Vocational program |
Job Corps/Job Corps equivalent |
Post-secondary education |
Not in school |
Provide additional information. |
b. |
Youth is receiving English Language Learner (ELL) support. |
Yes |
No |
2. Caseworker/Provider Assessment: |
Assess the youth's functioning in the following areas at an age-appropriate level on a scale of 1 through 5, as indicated below. Provide an explanation if necessary. |
Poor |
Below Average |
Average |
Above Average |
Excellent |
Explain |
English Language Skill |
2 |
Education (other than English) |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Social Adjustment |
2 |
Health Condition |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Mental Health |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Preservation of Ethnic and Religious Heritage |
2 |
Readiness to Live Independently |
2 |
Section IV: Family Reunification |
1. The youth has a permanency plan. |
Yes |
No |
a. The youth's most recent primary permanency goal was: |
Adoption |
Guardianship |
Reunification |
Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA) |
Permanent Placement with Fit and Willing Relative (PPFWR) |
2. Family reunification efforts in the reporting period |
a. Parents or relatives in the U.S. have been (re-)assessed for reunification. |
Yes |
No |
b. There have been significant developments in reunification efforts. |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, describe efforts and significant developments: |
c. There has been a decision to not reunify the youth with a parent or relative. |
No |
If Yes, explain any such decisions; include relationship(s) and reason(s) for not reunifying youth. |
3. There have been family tracing efforts with parents or relatives in other countries for the purpose of reunification. |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, describe family tracing efforts. |
Section V: Transition to Adulthood Services |
1. Youth's residence: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
2. Service Type(s): |
Yes |
No |
a. Youth remains in foster care |
b. Post-adjudication juvenile probation |
c. Special education |
d. Independent living needs assessment |
e. Academic support |
f. Post-secondary educational support |
g. Career preparation |
h. Employment programs/vocational training |
i. Budget & financial management |
j. Housing education & home management training |
k. Health education & risk prevention |
l. Family support & healthy marriage education |
m. Mentoring |
n. Supervised independent living |
o. Room & board financial assistance |
p. Education financial assistance |
q. Other financial assistance |
Type: |
Section VI: Outcomes |
1. Outcomes reporting status: |
2. Date of outcome data collection: |
(mm/dd/yyyy) |
a. Youth participated |
b. Youth declined |
c. Incapacitated |
d. Incarcerated |
e. Runaway/missing |
f. Unable to locate or invite |
g. Death |
Data Elements |
Queries |
Responses |
Yes |
No |
Declined |
Don’t Know |
3. Foster care status |
Youth remains in foster care |
4. Current full-time employment |
Are you currently employed full-time? |
5. Current part-time employment |
Are you currently employed part-time? |
6. Employment-related skills |
In the past year, did you complete an apprenticeship, internship or other on the job training, either paid or unpaid? |
7. Social Security |
Are you currently receiving SSI, Disability or other dependents' payments? |
8. Educational aid |
Are you currently using a scholarship, grant, stipend, student loan, voucher or other education financial aid to cover educational expenses? |
9. Public financial assistance |
Are you currently receiving ongoing welfare [State TANF] payments to support your basic needs? |
10. Public food assistance |
Are you currently receiving public food assistance [SNAP or community program]? |
11. Public housing assistance |
Are you currently receiving any sort of public housing assistance? |
12. Other financial support |
Are you currently receiving any periodic and/or significant financial resources or support from another source not previously indicated and excluding paid employment? |
13. Highest educational certification received |
What is the highest educational degree or certification that you have received? |
a. GED |
b. high school diploma |
c. vocational certificate |
d. vocational license |
e. associate's degree |
f. bachelor's degree |
g. higher degree |
h. none of the above |
i. declined |
14. Current enrollment and attendance |
Are you currently enrolled in and attending high school, GED classes, post-high school vocational training or college? |
15. Connection to adult |
Is there currently at least one adult in your life, other than your caseworker to whom you can go for advice or emotional support? |
16. Homelessness |
Have you ever been homeless at any time? |
17. Substance abuse referral |
Have you ever referred yourself or has someone else referred you for an alcohol or drug abuse assessment or counseling? |
18. Incarceration |
Have you ever been confined in a jail or other correctional facility or juvenile detention in connection with allegedly committing a crime? |
19. Children |
Have you ever given birth or fathered any children that were born? |
20. Marriage at child's birth |
If yes, were you married to the child's other parent at the time? |
21. Medicaid |
Are you currently on Medicaid [or use the name of the State's medical assistance program under title XIX]? |
22. Other health insurance coverage |
Do you currently have health insurance other than Medicaid? |
23. Health insurance type: Medical |
Does your health insurance include coverage for medical services? |
24. Health insurance type: Mental health |
Does your health insurance include coverage for mental health services? |
25. Health insurance type: Prescription drugs |
Does your health insurance include coverage for prescription drugs? |
26. Health insurance type: Other |
Does your health insurance include coverage for other services, e.g., dental or vision |
Other type of coverage: |
Section VII: Report Submission Authority |
1. Provider Agency |
Agency Name: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
User Name: |
Title: |
Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Phone: |
Email: |
2. State/ URD Agency |
Agency Name: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
User Name: |
Title |
Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Phone: |
Email: |
3. ORR |
Name: |
Title: |
ORR Approval Date: |
(mm/dd/yyyy) |
Approval/Denial Comments History: |