ASMB SS #3 - 60-day Federal Register Notice

ASMB 2022 SS_03 86 FR 73771 2021-28052 12-28-21.pdf

American Survey of Mortgage Borrowers (ASMB)

ASMB SS #3 - 60-day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2590-0015

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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices

Commission, Attn: Co-Chief Privacy
Officers, 1050 1st St. NE, Washington,
DC 20463, or by emailing privacy@ The envelope and letter should
be clearly marked ‘‘Privacy Act Access
Request.’’ The request should include a
general description of the records
sought must be signed and must include
the requestor’s full name, current
address, reason the requester believes
the records contains their PII, and date.
For additional information, refer to the
Commission’s access regulations at 11
CFR parts 1.1–1.5, 41 FR 43064 (1976).

Individuals interested in contesting
the information contained in their
records or the denial of access to such
information should notify the Co-Chief
Privacy Officers at the Federal Election
Commission, 1050 1st St. NE,
Washington, DC 20463. For additional
information, refer to the Commission’s
regulations for contesting initial denials
for access to or amendment of records,
11 CFR parts 1.7–1.9, 41 FR 43064


[FR Doc. 2021–28222 Filed 12–27–21; 8:45 am]

[No. 2021–N–15]

Proposed Collection; Comment
Federal Housing Finance
ACTION: 60-Day notice of submission of
information collection for approval from
the Office of Management and Budget.

A. Need For and Use of the Information

In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the
Federal Housing Finance Agency
(FHFA) is seeking public comments
concerning an information collection
known as the ‘‘American Survey of
Mortgage Borrowers,’’ which has been
assigned control number 2590–0015 by
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). FHFA intends to submit the
information collection to OMB for
review and approval of a three-year
extension of the control number, which
expired on March 31, 2021.
DATES: Interested persons may submit
comments on or before February 28,

FHFA is seeking OMB clearance
under the PRA for a collection of
information known as the ‘‘American
Survey of Mortgage Borrowers’’ (ASMB).
The ASMB, conducted annually or
biennially, is a voluntary survey of
individuals who currently have a first
mortgage loan secured by single-family
residential property. The 2020 survey
questionnaire consisted of 92 questions
designed to learn directly from mortgage
borrowers about their mortgage
experience, any challenges they may
have had in maintaining their mortgage,
and their experience with mortgage
forbearance and the COVID–19
pandemic. It requested specific
information on: The mortgage; the



khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Submit comments to FHFA,
identified by ‘‘Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: ‘American Survey of
Mortgage Borrowers, (No. 2021–N–15)’ ’’
by any of the following methods:
• Agency Website:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. If
you submit your comment to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also
send it by email to FHFA at to ensure
timely receipt by the agency.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Federal
Housing Finance Agency, Eighth Floor,
400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC
20219, ATTENTION: Proposed
Collection; Comment Request:
‘‘American Survey of Mortgage
Borrowers, (No. 2021–N–15)’’.
We will post all public comments we
receive without change, including any
personal information you provide, such
as your name and address, email
address, and telephone number, on the
FHFA website at
Copies of all comments received will be
available for examination by the public
through the electronic comment docket
for this PRA Notice also located on the
FHFA website.
Patrabansh, Manager, National Mortgage
Database Program, Saty.Patrabansh@, (202) 649–3213; or Angela
Supervielle, Counsel,, (202) 649–
3973, (these are not toll-free numbers),
Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400
Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC
20219. For TTY/TRS users with hearing
and speech disabilities, dial 711 and ask
to be connected to any of the contact
numbers above.

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mortgaged property; the borrower’s
experience with the loan servicer; any
serious life events that had happened to
the borrower in 2020; and the
borrower’s financial resources and
financial knowledge. FHFA is also
seeking clearance to pretest future
iterations of the survey questionnaire
and related materials from time to time
through the use of focus groups. A copy
of the 2020 survey questionnaire
appears at the end of this notice.
The ASMB is a component of the
‘‘National Mortgage Database’’ (NMDB)
Program, which is a joint effort of FHFA
and the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau (CFPB). The NMDB Program is
designed to satisfy the Congressionallymandated requirements of section
1324(c) of the Federal Housing
Enterprises Financial Safety and
Soundness Act.1 Section 1324(c)
requires that FHFA conduct a monthly
survey to collect data on the
characteristics of individual prime and
subprime mortgages, and on the
borrowers and properties associated
with those mortgages, in order to enable
it to prepare a detailed annual report on
the mortgage market activities of the
Federal National Mortgage Association
(Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie
Mac) for review by the appropriate
Congressional oversight committees.
Section 1324(c) also authorizes and
requires FHFA to compile a database of
otherwise unavailable residential
mortgage market information to make
that information available to the public
in a timely fashion.
As a means of fulfilling these and
other statutory requirements, as well as
to support policymaking and research
regarding the residential mortgage
markets, FHFA and CFPB jointly
established the National Mortgage
Database Program in 2012. The Program
is designed to provide comprehensive
information about the U.S. mortgage
market and has three primary
components: (1) The NMDB; (2) the
quarterly National Survey of Mortgage
Originations (NSMO); and (3) the
The NMDB is a de-identified loanlevel database of closed-end first-lien
residential mortgage loans that is
representative of the market as a whole,
contains detailed loan-level information
on the terms and performance of the
mortgages and the characteristics of the
associated borrowers and properties, is
continually updated, has an historical
component dating back to 1998, and
provides a sampling frame for surveys to
collect additional information. The core
1 12


U.S.C. 4544(c).


khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices
data in the NMDB are drawn from a
random 1-in-20 sample of all closed-end
first-lien mortgage files outstanding at
any time between January 1998 and the
present in the files of Experian, one of
the three national credit repositories. A
random 1-in-20 sample of mortgages
newly reported to Experian is added
each quarter.
The NMDB also draws information on
mortgages in the NMDB datasets from
other existing sources, including the
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)
data that are maintained by the Federal
Financial Institutions Examination
Council (FFIEC), property valuation
models, and data files maintained by
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and by
federal agencies. FHFA obtains
additional data from the quarterly
NSMO, which provides critical and
timely information on newly-originated
mortgages and those borrowing that are
not available from any existing source,
including: The range of nontraditional
and subprime mortgage products being
offered, the methods by which these
mortgages are being marketed, and the
characteristics of borrowers for these
types of loans.2
While the NSMO provides
information on newly-originated
mortgages, the ASMB solicits
information on borrowers’ experience
with maintaining their existing
mortgages, including their experience
maintaining mortgages under financial
stress, their experience in soliciting
financial assistance, their success in
accessing federally-sponsored programs
designed to assist them, and, where
applicable, any challenges they may
have had in terminating a mortgage
loan. This type of information is not
available from any other source. From
2016 to 2018, the ASMB questionnaire
was sent out annually to a stratified
random sample of 10,000 borrowers in
the NMDB. The ASMB survey was not
conducted in 2019, but the ASMB
questionnaire was sent out again in
2020 to a stratified random sample of
10,000 borrowers in the NMDB. In 2020,
the ASMB had a 21.5 percent overall
response rate, which yielded 2,119
survey responses.
When fully processed, the
information collected through the
ASMB will be used, in combination
with information obtained from existing
sources in the NMDB, to assist FHFA in
understanding how the performance of
existing mortgages is influencing the
residential mortgage market, what

has cleared the NSMO under the PRA and
assigned it control no. 2590–0012, which expires on
July 30, 2023.

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different borrower groups are discussing
with their servicers when they are under
financial stress, and consumers’
opinions of federally-sponsored
programs designed to assist them,
including mortgage relief such as
forbearance. This important, but
otherwise unavailable, information will
assist FHFA in the supervision of its
regulated entities (Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks)
and in the development and
implementation of appropriate and
effective policies and programs. The
information will also be used for
research and analysis by CFPB and
other federal agencies that have
regulatory and supervisory
responsibilities/mandates related to
mortgage markets and to provide a
resource for research and analysis by
academics and other interested parties
outside of the government.
As it has done in the past, FHFA
expects to continue to sponsor focus
groups to pretest possible survey
questions and revisions to the survey
materials. Such pretesting ultimately
helps to ensure that the survey
respondents can and will answer the
survey questions and will provide
useful data on their experiences with
maintaining their existing mortgages.
FHFA uses information collected
through the focus groups to assist in
drafting and modifying the survey
questions and instructions, as well as
the related communications, to read in
the way that will be most readily
understood by the survey respondents
and that will be most likely to elicit
usable responses. Such information is
also used to help determine how best to
organize and format the survey

(5,000 hours) and with pre-testing the
survey materials (24 hours) and
estimates the total annual hour burden
imposed on the public by this
information collection to be 5,024
hours. The estimate for each phase of
the collection was calculated as follows:

B. Burden Estimate

C. Comment Request

This information collection comprises
two components: (1) The ASMB survey;
and (2) the pre-testing of the survey
questionnaire and related materials
through the use of cognitive testing.
FHFA conducted the survey annually
from 2016 through 2018 and again in
2020. Although the ASMB began as an
annual survey, it will be conducted
biennially, with plans to conduct the
next survey in 2022. For purposes of
these burden estimates, however, FHFA
assumes that it will conduct the survey
once annually over the next three years
and that it will conduct two rounds of
pre-testing on each set of survey
FHFA has analyzed the total hour
burden on members of the public
associated with conducting the survey

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I. Conducting the Survey
FHFA estimates that the ASMB
questionnaire will be sent to 10,000
recipients each time it is conducted.
Although it expects that only about
2,000 of those surveys will be returned,
FHFA has calculated the burden
estimates below as if all of the surveys
will be returned. Based on the reported
experience of respondents to earlier
ASMB questionnaires, FHFA estimates
that it will take each respondent 30
minutes to complete each survey,
including the gathering of necessary
materials to respond to the questions.
This results in a total annual burden
estimate of 5,000 hours for the survey
phase of this collection (1 survey per
year × 10,000 respondents per survey ×
30 minutes per respondent = 5,000
II. Pre-Testing the Materials
FHFA estimates that it will sponsor
two focus groups prior to conducting
each annual survey, with 12
participants in each focus group, for a
total of 24 focus group participants. It
estimates the participation time for each
focus group participant to be one hour,
resulting in a total annual burden
estimate of 24 hours for the pre-testing
phase of the collection (2 focus groups
per year × 12 participants in each group
× 1 hour per participant = 24 hours).

FHFA requests written comments on
the following: (1) Whether the collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of FHFA functions,
including whether the information has
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
FHFA’s estimates of the burdens of the
collection of information; (3) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Shawn Bucholtz,
Chief Data Officer, Federal Housing Finance




Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices

What happened with your mortgage over the last year?
The COVID-19 pandenuc and your nwrtgage
The most effective way to understand the benefits and
problems with mortgages and owning a home is to ask you
about your experiences. It is especially important today as
many people faced difficult financial situations because of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
You can complete this paper copy or complete the survey on line. The on line version may
be easier to complete because it skips questions that do not apply to you. Online
responses are also processed more quickly making it less likely that you will receive
reminders to complete this survey. The online questionnaire can be completed in either
English or Spanish as explained below.

You can find more information on our websites - and

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ABOUT THE SPONSORS: The Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau are working together to sponsor this survey. We are doing this because
the agencies are concerned with improving the mortgage process for future homeowners.
Your experience will help us understand mortgages today and the issues facing borrowers.
Thank you for helping us assist future borrowers.

Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices


Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Privacy Act Notice: In accordance with the Privacy Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. § 552a), the following notice is provided. The information
requested on this survey is collected pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 4544 for the purposes of gathering information for the National Mortgage
Database. Routine uses which may be made of the collected information can be found in the Federal Housing Finance Agency's System of
Records Notice (SORN) FH FA-21 National Mortgage Database, Providing the requested information is voluntary, Submission of the survey
authorizes FHFA to collect the information provided and to disclose it as set forth in the referenced SORN.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall
any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with,

a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork

Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid 0MB Control Number.

0MB No. 2590-0015

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Expires 3/31/2021


Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices


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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices



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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices





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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices


Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 246 / Tuesday, December 28, 2021 / Notices
Quitman, Georgia. In connection with
this application, Lowndes Bancshares,
Inc., has applied to retain Commercial
Banking Company, Valdosta, Georgia,
and thereby engage in operating a
savings association, pursuant to section
4 of the Bank Holding Company Act and
12 CFR 225.28(b)(4)(ii) of Regulation Y.

[FR Doc. 2021–28052 Filed 12–27–21; 8:45 am]


khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to the Bank Holding Company
Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)
(BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part
225), and all other applicable statutes
and regulations to become a bank
holding company and/or to acquire the
assets or the ownership of, control of, or
the power to vote shares of a bank or
bank holding company and all of the
banks and nonbanking companies
owned by the bank holding company,
including the companies listed below.
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
standards enumerated in the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the proposal also
involves the acquisition of a nonbanking
company, the review also includes
whether the acquisition of the
nonbanking company complies with the
standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1843), and interested persons
may express their views in writing on
the standards enumerated in section 4.
Unless otherwise noted, nonbanking
activities will be conducted throughout
the United States.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20551–0001, not later
than January 26, 2022.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
(Erien O. Terry, Assistant Vice
President) 1000 Peachtree Street NE,
Atlanta, Georgia 30309. Comments can
also be sent electronically to
1. Lowndes Bancshares, Inc.,
Valdosta, Georgia; to become a banking
holding company by acquiring The
Citizens National Bank of Quitman,

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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, December 22, 2021.
Michele Taylor Fennell,
Deputy Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2021–28194 Filed 12–27–21; 8:45 am]

Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to the Bank Holding Company
Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)
(BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part
225), and all other applicable statutes
and regulations to become a bank
holding company and/or to acquire the
assets or the ownership of, control of, or
the power to vote shares of a bank or
bank holding company and all of the
banks and nonbanking companies
owned by the bank holding company,
including the companies listed below.
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
standards enumerated in the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1842(c)).
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20551–0001, not later
than January 26, 2022.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
(Erien O. Terry, Assistant Vice
President) 1000 Peachtree Street NE,
Atlanta, Georgia 30309. Comments can
also be sent electronically to
1. Raymond James Financial, Inc., St.
Petersburg, Florida; to acquire Tristate
Capital Holdings, Inc., and thereby

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indirectly acquire Tristate Capital Bank,
both of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In
connection with this merger, Macaroon
Two LLC, St. Petersburg, Florida, a
subsidiary of Raymond James Financial,
Inc., to become a bank holding company
by merging with Tristate Capital
Holdings, Inc., thereby indirectly
acquiring Tristate Capital Bank.
B. Federal Reserve Bank of New York
(Ivan Hurwitz, Senior Vice President) 33
Liberty Street, New York, New York
10045–0001. Comments can also be sent
electronically to
1. Nave Holdings LLC, San Juan,
Puerto Rico; to become a bank holding
company by acquiring Nave Bank, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, December 22, 2021.
Michele Taylor Fennell,
Deputy Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2021–28195 Filed 12–27–21; 8:45 am]

Change in Bank Control Notices;
Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or
Bank Holding Company
The notificants listed below have
applied under the Change in Bank
Control Act (Act) (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
§ 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank
or bank holding company. The factors
that are considered in acting on the
applications are set forth in paragraph 7
of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
standards enumerated in paragraph 7 of
the Act.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20551–0001, not later
than January 11, 2022.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of New York
(Ivan Hurwitz, Senior Vice President) 33



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File Modified2021-12-28
File Created2021-12-28

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