0338 Att 4c Req for Addl Info from Manufacs, Pkgers & Imps of Tobacco Products

0338 Att 4c Req for Addl Info from Manufacs, Pkgers & Imps of Tobacco Products.pdf

Annual Submission of the Ingredients Added to, and the Quantity of Nicotine Contained in, Smokeless Manufactured, Imported, or Packaged in the U.S.

0338 Att 4c Req for Addl Info from Manufacs, Pkgers & Imps of Tobacco Products

OMB: 0920-0338

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Public Health Service

Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)
Atlanta, GA 30341-3724

Form Approved
OMB# 0920-0338
Expiration Date: <<04/30/2022>>

> <
> <> Dear <>: This letter is to notify you that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has begun processing the Smokeless Tobacco Ingredient and Nicotine Analysis Reports submitted by you on <>, on behalf of <> for the <> of smokeless tobacco products. As you know, 15 U.S.C. §4403 of the Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health Education Act (CSTHEA) provides in part that each person who manufactures, packages, or imports smokeless tobacco products shall annually provide the Department of Health and Human Services with a list of the ingredients added to tobacco in the manufacture of smokeless tobacco products. The CDC, Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) has been delegated the responsibility of implementing these provisions. An initial review of the submission reveals that the Ingredient Report contains errors as summarized in the attached document. Federal Register notice 50 FR 49617, December 3, 1985, specifies that the ingredient submission “shall be provided reporting each ingredient by chemical name and chemical abstract service (CAS) registry number.” Please correct the errors and provide a written update within 60 business days. Upon receipt of your corrected Ingredient Report, CDC will complete its review of your submission and provide a final determination regarding compliance. If you require additional assistance please contact Ruth L. Hayes, (770) 488-5743. Sincerely yours, Deirdre Lawrence Kittner, PhD, MPH Director Office on Smoking and Health National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion Enclosure: (1) Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 6.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not collect, or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0338). <> <> <> Listed Ingredients Supplied CAS ID Inaccuracy Possible Valid CAS ID** <> none Invalid <> **Numbers listed are suggestions only; alternative numbers may be available. Please confirm with manufacturers. **
File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - letterhead
File Modified2022-02-01
File Created2022-02-01

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