Appendix I Quick Turn Survey Frozen Strawberry Recall FINAL

Generic Clearance for Quick Turnaround Testing of Communication Effectiveness

Appendix I Quick Turn Survey Frozen Strawberry Recall FINAL

OMB: 0910-0876

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Appendix I

FDA/CFSAN/Consumer Studies Branch

Quick Turnaround Testing of Communication Effectiveness Survey

Frozen Strawberry Recall


The following will be displayed at the beginning of each survey.


OMB No: 0910-0876 Expiration Date: 10/31/2025

PUBLIC Disclosure Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:

Food and Drug Administration
CFSAN/PRA Comments/HFS-24
5001 Campus Dr.
College Park, MD 20740-3835

Your participation / nonparticipation in this survey is completely voluntary, and your responses will not have an effect on your eligibility for receipt of any FDA services. In instances where respondent identity is needed (e.g., for follow-up of non-respondents), this information collection fully complies with all aspects of the Privacy Act and data will be kept private to the fullest extent allowed by law.”

Survey Begins Here

Next are some questions about frozen strawberries.


A5a. Have you heard or read anything in the last 2-3 weeks about a recall of frozen strawberries, meaning that some frozen strawberries are being removed from the market because of a potential health hazard? The recalled frozen strawberries were sold at stores such as Costco, Aldi, and Trader Joe’s.

  • Yes

  • No Skip pattern noted below

  • Don’t know Skip pattern noted below

[Note to programmer: For those who answered “No” or “Don’t know”, we will provide a short paragraph -

Frozen strawberries sold at several stores, including Costco and Aldi, and in a frozen fruit blend at Trader Joe’s are being recalled because of the products' potential link to an outbreak of hepatitis A infections. FDA recommends consumers to not eat recalled frozen strawberries. These recalled products should be returned or thrown away.

And then have these participants answer a sub-set of questions (in the order shown here): C10, C11, C33, D11, D4, D19, D21, C27, C29, C3, C5, C7, C8, C12, C13, D5, and all demographic questions.]

C10. Do you currently have any frozen strawberries in your home?

  • Yes Go to C11

  • No Skip C11

  • Don’t know Skip C11

C11. You mentioned that you currently have frozen strawberries in your home. What would you do about the frozen strawberries in your home after hearing there is a recall? Mark all that apply.

Note for programming: Only show each of the information source to participants who answered “yes” for that source in C10.

  • Check if the frozen strawberries are recalled

  • Throw it away

  • Use it anyway

  • Other, specify: ______________________

C33. After hearing about the frozen strawberries recall, would you tell your family or friends about it?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

A10. Did you hear any advice about NOT eating frozen strawberries?

  • Yes Go to A11

  • No Skip A11

  • Don’t know Skip A11

A11. How likely are you to follow that advice?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who answered “Yes” to A10.

  • Not at all likely

  • Not very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Very likely

  • Extremely likely

  • I have already followed that advice

A18. Did you hear any advice about returning frozen strawberries to the store?

  • Yes Go to A19

  • No Skip A19

  • Don’t know Skip A19

A19. How likely are you to follow that advice?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who answered “Yes” to A18.

  • Not at all likely

  • Not very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Very likely

  • Extremely likely

  • I have already followed that advice

A20. Did you hear any advice about discarding frozen strawberries?

  • Yes Go to A21

  • No Skip A21

  • Don’t know Skip A21

A21. How likely are you to follow that advice?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who answered “Yes” to A20.

  • Not at all likely

  • Not very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Very likely

  • Extremely likely

  • I have already followed that advice

A22. Did you hear any advice about consulting your doctor or health care provider if you have eaten the recalled frozen strawberries?

  • Yes Go to A23

  • No Skip A23

  • Don’t know Skip A23

A23. How likely are you to follow that advice?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who answered “Yes” to A22.

  • Not at all likely

  • Not very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Very likely

  • Extremely likely

  • I have already followed that advice

A24. Did you hear any other advice about frozen strawberries?

  • Yes Go to A25

  • No Skip A25, A26

  • Don’t know Skip A25, A26

A25. What did you hear?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who answered “Yes” to A24.

Please describe: ______________________________________________________

A26. How likely are you to follow that advice?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who entered text for A25.

  • Not at all likely

  • Not very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Very likely

  • Extremely likely

  • I have already followed that advice

D9. In terms of protecting your and your family’s health, how important do you think it is to follow the frozen strawberries recall recommendations?

  • Not at all important

  • Not very important

  • Somewhat important

  • Very important

  • Extremely important

A9. From which of the following information sources have you heard or read in the last 2-3 weeks about the frozen strawberries recall? Please select all that apply.

Note for programming:

1. Randomize the order of showing with “Another source” always at the bottom of the list;

2. “Please specify” as a pop-up only when participants choose “Yes” for “Another source”

3. Add soft prompt.



Not applicable


News website

Social media

Print newspapers



Family or friends

Doctors or health professional

Another source

Please specify: ____

B7. Did you seek out any of the following sources for information about the frozen strawberries recall? Note for programming: (1) Randomize the order of showing; (2) Add soft prompt.



Don’t Know

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Your State Department of Health

The company producing the frozen strawberries


News website

Social media

Print newspapers



The store or place you usually purchase frozen strawberries

Your doctor or other health professional

Your family or friends

B8. How did you contact each of the following sources for information? Check all that apply.

Note for programming: Only show each of the information source to participants who answered “yes” for that source in B7. For example, if a participant answers yes to CDC and FDA in B7, only show those two lines to that participant in this question. If a participant answers no to all four items listed here, skip B8.




Social Media


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Your State Department of Health

The company producing the frozen strawberries

The store or place you usually purchase frozen strawberries

B12. How informed would you say you are about the current frozen strawberries recall?

  • Not at all informed

  • Not very informed

  • Somewhat informed

  • Very informed

  • Extremely informed

B13. How informed would you say you are about each of the following?

Note for programming: Add soft prompt.

Not at all informed

Not very informed

Somewhat informed

Very informed

Extremely informed

    1. What the government is doing to find the source of the problem

    1. What producers/retailers are doing to find the source of the problem

B14. How informed would you say you are about each of the following?

Note for programming: Add soft prompt.

Not at all informed

Not very informed

Somewhat informed

Very informed

Extremely informed

  1. The number of U.S. States involved in the frozen strawberries recall

  1. Whether the State where you live is involved in the frozen strawberries recall

  1. What the government is doing to make sure the recalled frozen strawberries are removed from the market

  1. What producers/retailers are doing to make sure the recalled frozen strawberries are removed from the market

  1. What the government is doing to make sure the frozen strawberries recall doesn’t happen again

  1. What producers/retailers are doing to make sure the frozen strawberries recall doesn’t happen again

  1. Ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick from contaminated frozen strawberries

D11. In terms of the frozen strawberries recall recommendations, which information sources do you trust? Mark all that apply.

Note for programming: Randomize the order of showing, except “None of the above” should always be kept at the bottom of the list.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

  • Your State Department of Health

  • The company producing the product

  • Television

  • News website

  • Social media

  • Print newspaper

  • Radio

  • Podcast

  • The store or place you usually purchase frozen strawberries

  • Your doctor or other health professionals

  • Your family or friends

  • None of the above

D4. In your opinion, how serious are the health consequences of eating the frozen strawberries from this recall?

  • Not at all serious

  • Not very serious

  • Somewhat serious

  • Very serious

  • Extremely serious

  • Don’t know

D19. How worried are you about getting ill from recalled frozen strawberries?

  • Not at all worried

  • Not very worried

  • Somewhat worried

  • Very worried

  • Extremely worried

D21. Which of the following emotions describe your reactions to frozen strawberries being recalled? Mark all that apply.

Note for programming:

  1. Randomize the order of showing for the first four items (angry, sad, anxious and frightened);

  2. Some other emotion” should always be kept as the 5th in order;

  3. None of the above” should always be kept at the bottom of the list.

  • Angry

  • Sad

  • Anxious

  • Frightened

  • Some other emotion, please specify: ___________

  • None of the above

C3. How safe do you think it is currently to eat frozen strawberries associated with the recall?

  • Not at all safe

  • Not very safe

  • Somewhat safe

  • Very safe

  • Extremely safe

  • Don’t know

C5. How safe do you think it is currently to eat frozen strawberries that are NOT associated with the recall?

  • Not at all safe

  • Not very safe

  • Somewhat safe

  • Very safe

  • Extremely safe

  • Don’t know

C7. How safe do you think it is to eat frozen strawberries when there isn’t a recall?

  • Not at all safe

  • Not very safe

  • Somewhat safe

  • Very safe

  • Extremely safe

  • Don’t know

Next we are going to ask about your usual consumption of frozen strawberries.

C8. Have you eaten frozen strawberries …?

Note for programming: Add soft prompt.



Don’t Know

In the past 12 months

In the past 30 days

In the past 7 days

C12. Would you say that frozen strawberries are something you eat regularly?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

C13. About how often do you eat frozen strawberries?

  • Once per day or more frequently

  • 2 to 4 times per week

  • 5 to 7 times per week

  • 1 to 3 times per month

  • Less than once per month

C19. Since hearing about the frozen strawberries recall, have you changed how much frozen strawberries you eat? Are you eating: …? Select one best answer.

  • More frozen strawberries

  • About the same amount of frozen strawberries

  • Less frozen strawberries

  • No frozen strawberries at all

  • Don’t know

D5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

Note for programming: Add soft prompt.

Strongly disagree

Somewhat disagree

Neither disagree nor agree

Somewhat agree

Strongly agree

  1. I want to protect myself from getting foodborne illnesses (or getting sick from food)

  1. I want to protect my family from getting foodborne illnesses (or getting sick from food)

  1. I have the ability to protect myself from foodborne illnesses (or getting sick from food)

  1. I have the ability to protect my family from foodborne illnesses (or getting sick from food)

  1. Foodborne illnesses (or getting sick from food) is a big concern for me

  1. Foodborne illnesses (or getting sick from food) is a big concern for my family


Next are some questions for statistical purposes.

F1. Have you ever worked in any of the following industries? (Mark one for each row)

Note for programming: Add soft prompt.



    1. Food Manufacturing

    1. Farming

    1. Restaurant or other food service

    1. Health care

    1. Public health

F2. Do you have or have you ever had a ServSafe® or other similar safe food handling certification?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

F3. Would you say your health in general is:

  • Excellent

  • Very good

  • Good

  • Fair

  • Poor

F4. In the past year, did you get sick from eating spoiled or unsafe food? DO NOT include allergies to food.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

F5. Do you have any current food allergies, or do you suspect you have a food allergy?

  • Yes Go to F6

  • No Skip F6

F6. Has a medical doctor diagnosed your condition as a food allergy?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who answered “Yes” to E5.

  • Yes

  • No

F7. Has a medical doctor or health care professional ever diagnosed you as having a compromised immune system, for example, because of hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, kidney disease, autoimmune disorder, cancer, or another condition?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

F8. How many total people, including yourself, currently live in your household?

Enter number: ________ total people

Note for programming: (1) Only allow numeric characters; (2) Set a maximum value = 20.

F9. Is there any child (under age 18) currently living in your household?

Note for programming: Skip pattern. Only show this question to participants who fill in a number larger than 1.

  • Yes Go to E10

  • No Skip E10

F10. Are you the parent or primary caregiver to any of the children in your household?

  • Yes

  • No

F11. Is there any adult who is 65 years of age or older currently living in your household? Please select all that apply.

  • Yes, I am 65 years or older

  • Yes, someone in my household is 65 years or older

  • No

  • Don’t know

F12. Are you or is anyone in your household pregnant? Please select all that apply.

  • Yes, I am pregnant

  • Yes, someone in my household is pregnant

  • No

  • Don’t know

F17. What language or languages do you usually speak at home? (Mark all that apply)

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Other language(s)

Please specify: ________________________

F18. What is the last grade or year of school that you have completed?

  • Less than high school degree

  • High school graduate or GED

  • 1-3 years college/some college

  • College graduate – bachelor’s degree

  • Postgraduate, master’s degree, doctorate, law degree, other professional degree

F19. What was your total household income before taxes during the past 12 months?

  • Less than $25,000

  • $25,000 to $34,999

  • $35,000 to $49,999

  • $50,000 to $74,999

  • $75,000 to $99,999

  • $100,000 to $149,999

  • $150,000 or more

  • Don’t know


We appreciate you taking the time to participate in our study. Is there anything you’d like to add?



Note for programming: (1) Provide a submit button; (2) Once participants have clicked the submit button, provide link(s), as needed; (3) have the link(s) pop up in a new tab/window on the browser.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorWu, Fanfan
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-07-31

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