Chief, Applications Development and Services Division
From: James B. Treat
Chief, Demographic Statistical Methods Division
Subject: Specifications for the Consumer Expenditure Diary (CED) Survey Computer Assisted Telephone Interview/Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CATI/CAPI) Quality Control (QC) Reinterview Blaise Instrument
This memorandum documents the specifications for a CED CATI/CAPI QC reinterview instrument. Questions and comments can be directed to Kenisha Staine (7H066A) by telephone (301-763-2027) or by email (
Thomas R Spaulding |
(ADSD) |
Malcolm Robert Wallace |
Charlie E Carter |
Jason D Arata |
Li Min Li |
Rebecca Michalco |
Michael K Mangiapane |
Jimmie Scott |
(DSMD) |
Candice Barnes |
Kenisha Staine |
This memorandum documents the specifications for a CED CATI/CAPI QC reinterview instrument. It includes details to support the creation of a Blaise instrument for DSMD surveys.
This specification can be retrieved from this location:
M:\SHARED\SRAB-TMO\CED 2015\Reinterview Instrument Specifications\2015 CED RI Specifications for a CATI-CAPI Instrument – Final.docx.
CAPI original interviews and Type B and C noninterviews are eligible for a QC reinterview. The goal of the QC reinterview is to detect falsification by the interviewer. The CED reinterview instrument includes paths for CATI interviews, telephone reinterviews using the CAPI instrument, and CAPI personal visit reinterviews.
These specifications have been separated into six major parts:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that provide responses to respondent frequently asked questions;
CATI_Front Specifications define the generic screens that direct the reinterviewer, at a telephone center, to make contact, introduce himself/herself, and ask for the respondent;
CAPI_Front Specifications define the generic screens that direct the reinterviewer, at a Regional Office (RO), to make contact, introduce himself/herself, and ask for the respondent;
CAPI_Middle Specifications include the roster verification screens and the survey specific questions used to determine whether falsification occurred for CATI and CAPI (both personal visit and telephone) interviews; and
CAPI_Back Specifications allow the reinterviewer, at a Regional Office (RO), to thank the respondent, set up callbacks to complete the reinterview, view the disposition of the reinterview, and wrap up the case.
For each screen described in these specifications, the following information is provided.
Section |
FAQs, CATI_Front, CAPI_Front, CAPI_Middle, CAPI_Back |
Variable Name |
The screen name that appears on the status bar. |
Field Description |
The name used in the Form Pane. The respondent’s answer appears next to this variable. |
Field Definition |
The variable definition. |
Universe |
Details what must occur to obtain the variable. |
Info Pane |
Shows how the screen should look in the instrument.
Note: Any text on the info pane in bold denotes display information that is read aloud by the reinterviewer. Display this text in bold font in black on the screen. All other text denotes display information that is NOT read aloud by the reinterviewer. Display this text in regular font in blue on the screen. |
Form Pane |
The respondent’s answers are collected next to the field descriptions here.
Note: The field for the current screen should be displayed in regular font in blue on the form pane. On the form pane, the current field’s description is always followed by ‘[fill]’. |
Question Text |
Displays the question the reinterviewer must ask or answer. |
Fill Instructions |
When applicable, detailed information about screen fills are stated here. |
Field Length |
The maximum length of the given field. |
Valid Values |
Gives the values that are valid for the variable. |
Skip Instructions |
Tells where the reinterviewer will go after collecting a specific variable. |
Special Instructions |
Contains important information about the variable. |
Help Reference Word |
Contains the key word that will be included in the Help section of the instrument. The definition of the key word will appear when the reinterviewer presses F1. |
Attachment B contains the Reinterview Sample Control Input File (SCIF) for the CED reinterview instrument. This Reinterview SCIF lists all of the variables by record type that should be included on the reinterview input file for CED. The original instrument needs to set or initialize these variables, except for the few that are set by the Demographic Statistical Methods Division (DSMD) CED reinterview system. DSMD’s reinterview system creates the reinterview input files.
Refer to the Reinterview SCIF in Attachment B for information regarding the description, length, and values of each of the variables required for reinterview. Record Type 8500 in the Reinterview SCIF shows household level variables in positions 1‑1500 and person level variables in position 1-1500.
The following is a list of reinterview input file variables utilized in the CED reinterview instrument. These variables are used to set new variables, "fill" entries on the screen, or to control pathing. The original instrument must set and output these variables.
Record Type |
Variable Name |
Variable Description |
Layout/Position |
1002 |
Record Type |
1-2 |
1002 |
Record SubType |
3-4 |
1002 |
Roster information |
5-16 |
1002 |
Case ID |
17-24 |
1002 |
Control number |
25-48 |
1002 |
Original, add or delete |
49-49 |
1002 |
Interview mode |
50-50 |
1002 |
MCS Site Code |
51-52 |
1002 |
Original interview period |
53-60 |
1002 |
Primary sampling unit |
61-65 |
1002 |
Segment type |
66-71 |
1002 |
Respondent name |
72-113 |
1002 |
Phone number expansion |
114-114 |
1002 |
Respondent’s phone # area code |
115-117 |
1002 |
Respondent’s phone number prefix |
118-120 |
1002 |
Respondent’s phone number suffix |
121-124 |
1002 |
Respondent’s phone extension |
125-129 |
1002 |
Time zone |
130-130 |
1002 |
Survey ID |
131-134 |
1002 |
Survey type |
135-135 |
1002 |
Associated file name |
136-235 |
1002 |
Link ID |
236-259 |
1002 |
Data sensitivity flag |
260-260 |
1002 |
CARI sample |
261-261 |
1002 |
Old site |
262-263 |
1002 |
New management structure |
264-264 |
1002 |
RT1002_536 |
Blank space |
265-800 |
2007 |
Record Type |
1-2 |
2007 |
Record SubType |
3-4 |
2007 |
Address - house number |
5-14 |
2007 |
Address - house number suffix |
15-17 |
2007 |
Address - street name combined |
18-66 |
2007 |
Address - unit designation |
67-86 |
2007 |
Address - GQ unit designation |
87-129 |
2007 |
Address - non-city style address |
130-156 |
2007 |
Address - physical description |
157-255 |
2007 |
PO |
Address - locality |
256-283 |
2007 |
ST |
Address - state abbreviation |
284-285 |
2007 |
ZIP5 |
Address - ZIP code |
286-290 |
2007 |
ZIP4 |
Address - ZIP4 |
291-294 |
2007 |
Address - building name |
295-394 |
2007 |
Building ID |
395-406 |
2007 |
In care of – guardian |
407-448 |
2007 |
RT2007_352 |
Blank space |
449-800 |
2552 |
Record Type |
1-2 |
2552 |
Record SubType |
3-4 |
2552 |
Interview number |
5-6 |
2552 |
Group Quarter name |
7-106 |
2552 |
Original outcome code |
107-109 |
2552 |
Original FR code of (S)FR who completed the case |
110-112 |
2552 |
Reinterview Type |
113-114 |
2552 |
Screened Out Household- only used for surveys that have screener questions. This flag indicates which households were screened out during the screener interview. Place this flag on each HH record. |
115-115 |
2552 |
Incentive Flag- indicates whether an incentive has been provided to the respondent during the original interview in order to encourage their participation. (0-9) |
116-116 |
2552 |
Incentive Amount |
117-119 |
2552 |
Confirmed Refusal Flag- Identifies a situation where a respondent refused interview and does not wish to be contacted again. |
120-120 |
2552 |
Email Address |
121-200 |
2552 |
Interviewer James Bond ID |
201-208 |
2552 |
RT2552_592 |
Blank space |
209-800 |
4200 |
Record Type |
1-2 |
4200 |
Record SubType |
3-4 |
4200 |
Line Number |
5-7 |
4200 |
R4200F1 |
Last Name |
8-27 |
4200 |
First Name |
28-47 |
4200 |
Middle Initial |
48-48 |
4200 |
Age |
49-51 |
4200 |
Birthdate ** Note ** mmddyyyy |
52-59 |
4200 |
Sex |
60-60 |
4200 |
Respondent Flag |
61-61 |
4200 |
Original Sample Person Flag |
62-62 |
4200 |
Reference Person Flag ** Note ** CATI Only |
63-63 |
4200 |
Relationship ** Note ** CATI Only |
64-83 |
4200 |
Person Phone - Person-level phone number |
84-93 |
4200 |
Person Phone Type - Indicates the type of phone number for the person- level info |
94-94 |
4200 |
Respondent Identification Policy (RIP) flag - Indicates whether or not it is okay to use a respondent's answers from a previous interview period if the FR ends up speaking to someone in the HH other than the original respondent. |
95-95 |
4200 |
Prior Type Z - Will be filled if a person was coded as a Type Z during the previous interview. |
96-97 |
4200 |
Prior Type Z Specified - Will be filled if Prior Type Z value is '06' - Other specify |
98-142 |
4200 |
Removed from Household |
143-143 |
4200 |
Eligible for interview flag |
144-144 |
4200 |
R4200F2 |
Blank 18 |
145-162 |
4200 |
R4200F3 |
Blank 200 |
163-362 |
4200 |
R4200F4 |
Blank 200 |
363-562 |
4200 |
R4200F5 |
Blank 238 |
563-800 |
5001 |
Record Type Category |
1-2 |
5001 |
Record Sub-Type |
3-4 |
5001 |
Case Start Date ** Note ** Format = YYYYMMDD |
5-12 |
5001 |
Case Stop Date ** Note ** Format = YYYYMMDD |
13-20 |
5001 |
Case Notification Date |
21-28 |
5001 |
Sunday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Sundays. |
29-29 |
5001 |
Monday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Mondays |
30-30 |
5001 |
Tuesday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Tuesdays |
31-31 |
5001 |
Wednesday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Wednesdays |
32-32 |
5001 |
Thursday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Thursdays |
33-33 |
5001 |
Friday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Fridays |
34-34 |
5001 |
Saturday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Saturdays |
35-35 |
5001 |
Special case boost |
36-36 |
5001 |
Skill Set 1 - Language skill set |
37-39 |
5001 |
Skill Set 2 - Valid values are the same for Skill sets 2-10 |
40-42 |
5001 |
Skill Set 3 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
43-45 |
5001 |
Skill Set 4 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
46-48 |
5001 |
Skill Set 5 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
49-51 |
5001 |
Skill Set 6 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
52-54 |
5001 |
Skill Set 7 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
55-57 |
5001 |
Skill Set 8 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
58-60 |
5001 |
Skill Set 9 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
61-63 |
5001 |
Skill Set 10 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
64-66 |
5001 |
Centurion ID |
67-90 |
5001 |
R5001F1 |
BLANK 76 |
91-166 |
5001 |
R5001F2 |
BLANK 200 |
167-366 |
5001 |
R5001F3 |
BLANK 200 |
367-566 |
5001 |
R5001F4 |
BLANK 234 |
567-800 |
5100 |
Record Type Category |
1-2 |
5100 |
Record Sub-Type |
3-4 |
5100 |
Phone number expansion – reserved for the future, not used at this time |
Phone Number Expansion - Reserved for the future, not used at this time. |
5-5 |
5100 |
Phone Number Area Code |
6-8 |
5100 |
Phone Number Prefix |
9-11 |
5100 |
Phone Number Suffix |
12-15 |
5100 |
Phone Extension |
16-20 |
5100 |
Source - Indicates the source from which phone number was obtained. |
21-22 |
5100 |
Phone Type - Indicates the type of phone number |
23-23 |
5100 |
Person associated with the phone number - Not necessarily respondent for the case |
24-66 |
5100 |
Research Tool - Mechanism for passing data collected from interviewing or research in a previous cycle to a subsequent interviewing cycle. |
67-68 |
5100 |
Description - Passes data collected from interviewing or research in a previous cycle to a subsequent interviewing cycle. |
69-168 |
5100 |
CATI Phone Sequence Number - Sequence number to ensure that phone numbers are loaded into the WebCATI database in the correct order. |
169-171 |
5100 |
R5100F1 |
Blank 100 |
172-271 |
5100 |
R5100F2 |
Blank 200 |
272-471 |
5100 |
R5100F3 |
Blank 200 |
472-671 |
5100 |
R5100F4 |
Blank 129 |
672-800 |
8001 |
Record Type |
1-2 |
8001 |
Record SubType |
3-4 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s name |
5-46 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s title |
47-66 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s phone expansion |
67-67 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s phone number |
68-77 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s phone extension |
78-82 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s phone type |
83-83 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s address 1 |
84-137 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s address 2 |
138-191 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s address - PO/city |
192-211 |
8001 |
Contact person 1’s address - state |
212-213 |
8001 |
CP1ZP5 |
Contact person 1’s address - ZIP code |
214-218 |
8001 |
CP1ZP4 |
Contact person 1’s address - ZIP4 |
219-222 |
8001 |
Contact person 1's type |
223-223 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s name |
224-265 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s title |
266-285 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s phone expansion |
286-286 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s phone type |
287-296 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s phone extension |
297-301 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s phone number |
302-302 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s address 1 |
303-356 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s address 2 |
357-410 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s address - PO/city |
411-430 |
8001 |
Contact person 2’s address - state |
431-432 |
8001 |
CP2ZP5 |
Contact person 2’s address - ZIP code |
433-437 |
8001 |
CP2ZP4 |
Contact person 2’s address - ZIP4 |
438-441 |
8001 |
Contact person 2's type |
442-442 |
8001 |
RT8001_358 |
Blank space |
443-800 |
8200 |
Record Type which is hard-coded and used by TMO Control Systems |
1-2 |
8200 |
Record Type which is hard-coded and used by TMO Control Systems |
3-4 |
8200 |
Best Time to call |
5-6 |
8200 |
Best tme Other |
7-36 |
8200 |
Do NOT call on Sunday |
37-37 |
8200 |
Referral flag |
38-38 |
8200 |
Type of phone for respondent or household |
39-39 |
8200 |
Second phone number expansion |
40-40 |
8200 |
Second phone number for respondent or household |
41-50 |
8200 |
Second Phone Number Extension |
51-55 |
8200 |
Type of phone for second phone number |
56-56 |
8200 |
Other respondent name |
57-98 |
8200 |
Reinterview indicator |
99-99 |
8200 |
Third phone number expansion |
100-100 |
8200 |
Third phone number |
101-110 |
8200 |
Third phone number extension |
111-115 |
8200 |
Third phone number type |
116-116 |
8200 |
Language code |
117-119 |
8200 |
Specified language |
120-149 |
8200 |
RT8200_651 |
Blank space |
150-800 |
8500 (HH level) |
Record Type which is hard-coded and used by TMO Control Systems |
1-2 |
8500 (HH level) |
Record Type which is hard-coded and used by TMO Control Systems |
3-4 |
8500 (HH level) |
Hard-coded information used by BLAISE to indicate the first record of an entity |
5-38 |
8500 (HH level) |
Original case classified as a noninterview by:
1 = Observation only 2 = Information provided by contact person 0 or empty = Question not asked for an interview or Type A case |
39-39 |
8500 (HH level) |
Reassignment |
40-40 |
8500 (HH level) |
Original interview date |
41-48 |
8500 (HH level) |
Original Interview Time |
49-54 |
8500 (HH level) |
Length of Original Interview |
55-62 |
8500 (HH level) |
Personal Visit/telephone Flag 1=personal visit 2= phone |
63-63 |
8500 (HH level) |
LANG_01 |
Language of Original Interview |
64-83 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type A noninterview - write-in |
84-128 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type B noninterview - write-in |
129-173 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type C noninterview - write-in |
174-218 |
8500 (HH Level) |
RT8500_100 |
Additional space for generic layout |
219-318 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Household Number |
319-319 |
8500 (HH Level) |
CU Number |
320-321 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Frame – Design Frame |
322-322 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Permit/Non-Permit Status - indicates wherhter or not the block was screened as being in a permit issuing area |
323-323 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Built before/after April 2000 |
324-324 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Multi Unit indicator |
325-325 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Coverage question 10A |
326-326 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Coverage question 10C |
327-327 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Urban/Rural Code - item 12a on the CE-802 |
328-328 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Group Quarters Type Code - item 9d on the CE-802 |
329-330 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Land Use - item 12b on the CE-802 |
331-331 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Classification of Living Quarters (GQ status) (item 13a on Form CE-802) |
332-332 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Classification of Living Quarters (Access) (item 13b on Form CE-802) |
333-333 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Classification of Living Quarters (HU) (item 13c&d on Form CE-802) |
334-335 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Total number of CUs in household |
336-337 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Number of persons in primary CU |
338-339 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Earliest Placement Date |
340-347 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Latest Placement Date |
348-355 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 1 - Placement Date |
356-363 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 1 - Placement Status Code |
364-366 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 1 - Pickup Date |
367-374 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 1 - Pickup Status Code |
375-377 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 2 - Placement Date |
378-385 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 2 - Placement Status Code |
386-388 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 2 - Pickup Date |
389-396 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Diary 2 - Pickup Status Code |
397-399 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type A Refusal - write-in - week 2 diary pickup |
400-444 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type A Refusal - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
445-489 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Type of Response - week 1 |
490-490 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Type of Response - week 2 |
491-491 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Entries - week 1 |
492-492 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Recall - week 1 |
493-493 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Purchases - week 1 |
494-494 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Receipts - week 1 |
495-495 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Entries - week 2 |
496-496 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Recall - week 2 |
497-497 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Purchases - week 2 |
498-498 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Any Receipts - week 2 |
499-499 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type A Noninterview - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
500-529 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type B Noninterview - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
530-574 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Other Type C Noninterview - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
575-619 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (1) on the CE-802 |
620-620 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (2) on the CE-802 |
621-621 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (3) on the CE-802 |
622-622 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (4) on the CE-802 |
623-623 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Language used to conduct interview |
624-624 |
8500 (HH Level) |
Line number of primary respondent |
625-626 |
8500 (HH Level) |
RT8500_SP |
Additional space for survey specific layout |
627-800 |
8501 (person level) |
RecType |
Record Type |
1-2 |
8501 (person level) |
RecubType |
Record Sub-Type |
3-4 |
8501 (person level) |
Block Number |
5-24 |
8501 (person level) |
Number of records for Block 01 (HH roster size) |
25-28 |
8501 (person level) |
Blank Area |
29-36 |
8501 (person level) |
HH composition - line number |
37-38 |
8501 (person level) |
A flag indicating which household members are the respondents for complete original interviews. Place this flag on each person record. In the reinterview, the original respondent (that is, the person the (S)FR actually spoke to) is reinterviewed whenever possible.
1 = person (S)FR spoke to 0 = all other household members |
39-39 |
8501 (person level) |
HH composition - first name |
40-59 |
8501 (person level) |
HH composition - last name |
60-79 |
8501 (person level) |
HH composition - age |
80 - 82 |
8501 (person level) |
Race |
83 - 88 |
8501 (person level) |
Multiple Race |
89-89 |
8501 (person level) |
HH composition - relationship |
90 - 91 |
8501 (person level) |
HH composition – sex |
92-92 |
8501 (person level) |
HHMEM in original instrument Household status flag; 1 = Yes 2 = No 3 = Proxy |
93-93 |
8501 (person level) |
Removed from Household |
94 - 96 |
8501 (person level) |
RT8501_100 |
Additional space for generic layout |
97-196 |
8501 (person level) |
Away at college |
197-197 |
8501 (person level) |
Indicate HH member status |
198-198 |
8501 (person level) |
CU number |
199-200 |
8501 (person level) |
RT8501_SP |
Additional space for survey specific layout |
201-800 |
Listed below are the variables that must be set in the reinterview instrument. For details regarding how each of the variables are to be set, refer to the table and the appendices provided in this section of the document.
Variable |
Description of Variable |
This is a flag indicating whether a proxy is allowed in the reinterview.
Set to: 1 = Proxy allowed in reinterview 0 = Proxy NOT allowed in reinterview |
1 |
This is a flag indicating whether a proxy interview is allowed in the original survey.
Set to: 1 = Proxy allowed in original interview 0 = Proxy NOT allowed in original interview |
1 |
This is a flag indicating for which household member a proxy was used in the original interview.
Set to: 1 = Flag set in original instrument, proxy in original used in reinterview 0 = Flag NOT set in original instrument since eligibility of proxy not verified |
0 |
This is a string variable (200 characters in length) indicating the name of the survey. |
Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey |
This is a string variable (three characters in length) indicating if the interviewer needs authorization before conducting a personal visit due to budget concerns.
Set to: Yes = Interviewer needs authorization No = Interviewer does NOT need authorization |
Yes |
This array contains a maximum of 16 elements. It contains a list of codes indicating the various discrepancies found during the reinterview. When the reinterview instrument indicates a discrepancy, the instrument will store the appropriate code in this array. Upon wrapping up a case, the DISCREPANCY array is copied into the Reinterview Notes.
Attachment F displays all possible discrepancies |
1 thru 16, except 8 |
This is a string variable indicating the type of original . |
See Appendix 1 |
This is a string variable (three characters in length) indicating if the original survey has original Type D noninterviews.
Set to: Yes = Original survey has original Type D noninterviews. No = Original survey does NOT have original Type D noninterviews. |
No |
This is a string variable (three characters in length) indicating if the survey has vacant interviews.
Set to: Yes = Survey has vacant interviews. No = Survey does NOT have vacant interviews. |
No |
This is a string variable (three characters in length) indicating if the survey requires all original interviews to be conducted by personal visit.
Set to: Yes = All original interviews must be done by personal visit. No = Original interviews are done by either personal visit or telephone |
Yes |
This is a numeric variable (two characters in length) indicating the minimum age for an eligible respondent. |
16 |
This is a three string variable (80 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the CONTACT_C screen. |
your household and the members who make up your household for the |
This is a three string variable (80 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the CONTACT_C screen. |
Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey? |
This is a three string variable (80 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the CONTACT_C screen. |
This is a three string variable (80 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the ROSTER_3 and ROSTER_4 screens. |
didn’t have a usual residence elsewhere or who wasn’t away at college |
This is a three string variable (80 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the ROSTER_3 and ROSTER_4 screens. |
on [Fill: INTDATE] |
This is a three string variable (80 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the ROSTER_3 and ROSTER_4 screens. |
This is a string variable (three characters in length) indicating if reinterview noninterview vacants and Usual Residence Elsewhere (UREs) need to be split between regular and seasonal.
Set to: Yes = Vacants and UREs are split between regular and seasonal No = Vacants and UREs are NOT split between regular and seasonal |
No |
This is the date stamp format that the reinterview instrument marks when a case is opened. |
mmddyyyy |
This is the time stamp format that the reinterview instrument marks when a case is opened.
hhmmss = Military Time hhmm (AM/PM) = Standard Time |
hh:mm (AM/PM) |
This is a string variable (two characters in length) representing the line number of the original respondent. |
Set to the line number (LNO) of the household member with QCRESP = 1 |
This is a string variable (one character in length) indicating if the household is Spanish speaking. |
This is a string variable (50 characters in length) indicating the label on the sixth column of the household roster screens. |
Away at college |
This is a string variable (50 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the household roster screens. |
[Fill: AWAY_COL] |
This is a string variable (50 characters in length) indicating the label on the seventh column of the household roster screens. |
HH member |
This is a string variable (50 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the household roster screens. |
[Fill: HH_MEM] |
This is a string variable (50 characters in length) indicating the label on the eighth column of the household roster screens. |
HH number |
This is a string variable (50 characters in length each) indicating some descriptive text for the survey to be filled on the household roster screens. |
[Fill: PERCUNUM] |
This is a string variable that defines the answer to Reinterview FAQ #3. |
See Appendix 2 |
The following variables are also set in the CED reinterview instrument according to the instructions provided in the description column.
Variable |
Description |
Field Used to Set Variable |
Method of reinterview T = telephone reinterview P = personal visit reinterview |
Length of the original interview in total minutes: (LENGTH_H * 60) + LENGTH_M
Tally of the number of persons incorrectly included on the household roster |
CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_2 |
Tally of the number of persons missing from the household roster |
CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_4 |
Reinterview case status - see Attachment A for values |
Reinterview disposition code - see Attachment A for values |
Fill in text for REACTOCAPI_RI_CT indicating why case should not have been sent to CATI reinterview (e.g., BYOBS = 1 for original noninterviews) |
Indicates changed area code |
Indicates changed prefix |
Indicates changed suffix |
Indicates changed extension, |
Indicates changed contact person phone number |
Indicates changed contact person extension,, |
Indicates new respondent after original respondent cannot verify where interview contact was made |
The stored date/time the respondent provided to complete/conduct the quality check. |
CAPI_Back.APPT and CAPI_Back.APPT2 |
Indicates whether a person is a household member and if he or she should be displayed or excluded from the household roster.
1 = Display houseold member in blue 2 = Display non-household member in gray 3 = Exclude person from household roster |
See section IX for specifications on displaying the household roster. |
A fill option on the ROSTER_1 screen indicating the singular (was) or plural (were) form of “be”, depending on the number of members in the household
If NROSIZE = ‘0001’, then fill HH_SIZE with “was”.
Else if NROSIZE ne ‘0001’ and NROSIZE ne empty, then fill HH_SIZE with “were”. |
CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_1 |
1. Case Management sets ACTION based on OUTCOME. See Attachment A, “QC Reinterview Disposition, Outcome and Action Codes”, for values. This variable must be included in the reinterview output.
2. The reinterview instrument obtains the name of the interviewer, variable FR_NAME, from Case Management.
3. The reinterview instrument obtains the reinterviewer’s FR code, FRCODE, from Case Management. If the RO reassigns a case, it changes FRCODE in ROSCO. Case Management then passes the updated variable to the reinterview instrument.
1. The reinterviewer can update the sample unit phone number (AREA, PRFIX, SUFFIX, and EXTN) and appointment time (CALLBACK) in both Case Management and the reinterview instrument. Case Management and the reinterview instrument pass these variables, with any updates, back and forth to each other.
2. Case Management and the reinterview instrument also pass the case ID (CASEID) and control number (CTRLNUM) back and forth to each other. These variables serve as identifiers for the case.
1. The reinterviewer can also update the contact person phone number (CPPHON and CPEXT) in the reinterview instrument. The reinterview instrument passes these variables, with any updates, to Case Management. The reinterview instrument must reset these variables back to CP1PHON and CP1EXT when it passes them to Case Management.
2. The reinterview instrument sets OUTCOME and RI_DISP, as previously described, and passes them to Case Management.
A. Use the long format (day of week, month, day, four-digit year) to display all date variables in the reinterview instrument. Use the format MMDDYY when outputting all date variables, INTDATE (original interview date) and RIDATE (reinterview date), to the reinterview output file.
B. Use the format hh:mm am/pm to display all time variables in the reinterview instrument.
When displaying the sample unit address, use ADDRESS1 Format. ADDRESS1 Format uses the address variables on Record Type 2007 of the SCIF, Demographic Address, and is defined as follows:
[Fill: BLDGNAME / blank] [Fill: GQUNITINFO / blank] [Fill: NONCITYADD / blank] [Fill: PHYSDES / blank] [Fill: PO, ST ZIP5-ZIP4]
If BLDGNAME not empty, fill BLDGNAME. Else leave blank, do not display item.
IF GQUNITINFO not empty, fill GQUNITINFO. Else leave blank, do not display item.
If NONCITYADD not empty, fill NONCITYADD. Else leave blank, do not display item.
If PHYSDES not empty, fill PHYSDES. Else leave blank, do not display item.
Left align each line of the sample unit address with the beginning of the first line of the address.
The household roster displays 6 generic fields: LNO, FNAME, LNAME, REL, AGE, and SEX.
Use the following table to set the value of HH_STATUS, which indicate whether a person is a household member and if he or she should be displayed or excluded from the household roster:
Household Members (Display Line in Blue) |
Non-Household Members (Display Line in Gray) |
Do NOT Display Line Number or Roster Information |
Set HH_STATUS = 1, if: |
Set HH_STATUS = 2, if: |
Set HH_STATUS = 3, if: |
HH_MEM = 1 |
HH_MEM = 2 |
PERSTAT = 7 or 99 |
When displaying the household roster in the CED reinterview instrument, include all persons who have not been deleted in the original interview. Exclude a person from the household roster if HH_STATUS = 3, which denotes a person:
deleted in the current interview period,
the interviewer realizes he/she mistakenly listed when entering the household roster, or
deleted in a previous interview period and not reinstated in the current interview period.
Note: Specifications for displaying the household roster are listed below:
List household members first (HH_STATUS = 1), followed by non-household members (HH_STATUS = 2).
Listings of all household members should be displayed in blue.
Gray the listing of all non-household members.
For all reinterviews, do not leave blank lines between persons included in the household roster. Rather, condense the listing to compensate for any deleted person.
Screens that display the household roster are: HHCOMP, RIRESP, ROSTER_1, ROSTER_2, ROSTER_3, and ROSTER_4. Survey specific roster items are defined by HH_INFO1, HH_INFO2, HH_INFO3, HH_FILL1, HH_FILL2 and HH_FILL3.
Within the reinterview instrument, provide access between the instrument and the original CAPI notes and the reinterview notes. Both the original CAPI notes and the reinterview notes are separate text files maintained outside the instrument.
Allow the reinterviewer read only access to the original CAPI notes.
Allow the reinterviewer access to enter, view, or edit the reinterview notes.
Descriptions of the functions keys for the reinterview Blaise instrument are listed below.
The F Keys
F1 Item Specific Help
F4 Jump Menu
F7 Item notes/remarks
F8 Return from Skip
F10 Exit - Skip to the END
F11 Calculator
F12 Copy
The Shift-F Keys
Shift-F1 Display the household roster (HHCOMP screen)
Shift-F2 Display the Interview FAQs (H_PURPOSE screen)
Shift-F3 Display the Reinterview FAQs (RIREASON screen)
Shift-F7 View Remarks/ Items Notes
Shift-F10 Display function keys
Shift-F11 Display standard abbreviations (H_ABBREVI screen)
Shift-F12 Display original CAPI notes
The Ctrl Keys
Ctrl-D Don’t know (D)
Ctrl-K Display function key descriptions (KEY_REF screen)
Ctrl-R Refusal (R)
Ctrl-F7 Access reinterview notes
Ctrl-H Show Info
Ctrl-M Show Don’t Know & Refusals
Ctrl-S Save
Ctrl-F Search
Special Purpose Keys
Esc Cancel
Home Moves to beginning of form
End Moves to first unanswered field on path
Page Up Moves backward one page/screen
Page Down Moves forward one page/screen
Up Arrow Move upward or backward one field
Down Arrow Moves downward or forward one field
Left Arrow Moves to previous field
Right Arrow Moves to next field
If the reinterview instrument is exited with OUTCOME=202, refresh the case upon reopening the instrument. Always maintain the reinterview input file variables and any updates to them (for example, phone number changes) when the instrument is reopened. Also maintain CALLBACK, the case history in Case Management, and the DISCREPANCY array.
The reinterview instrument contains two sets of frequently asked questions (FAQs); frequently asked questions about the survey interview and frequently asked questions about reinterview. Additionally reinterivew instrument contains screens that display the function key settings (KEYREF) and standard abbreviations (H_ABBREV1). The details for each of the screens are provided below. Screens are grouped according to whether they are generic or survey specific.
Field Description: Reinterview Help Menu
Field Definition:
Universe: (Shift-F3) OR (RIREF1 = 2) OR (RIREF2 = 2) OR (RIREF3 = 2) OR
(RIREF4 = 2) OR (RIREF5=2)
Info Pane:
Reinterview Help Menu
♦ Press F8 to proceed to the reinterview.
1. Why are you calling me again? 2. Are you calling everyone or am I just lucky?
3. Don't you have anything
better to do with my tax dollars? 4. Are you "checking up" on me? I told you the truth the first time you called. 5. Do I have to answer your questions? 6. Return to reinterview. |
Form Pane:
Reinterview help menu [fill] RI Reason 1 [] RI Reason 2 [] RI Reason 3 [] RI Reason 4 [] RI Reason 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to RIREF1]
<2> [go to RIREF2]
<3> [go to RIREF3]
<4> [go to RIREF4]
<5> [go to RIREF5]
<6> [return to reinterview]
Special Instructions:
This screen is a reference screen accessed by the Shift-F3 key.
Block: FAQs
Field Description: RI Reason 1
Field Definition:
Universe: (RIREASON = 1)
Info Pane:
Why are you calling me again?
Like any business, we're interested in maintaining the quality of our product, so each month we reinterview a few households who are in the survey to ensure we are efficiently and accurately collecting data.
1. Continue 2. Back to Reinterview Help Menu |
Form Pane:
Reinterview help menu [] RI Reason 1 [fill] RI Reason 2 [] RI Reason 3 [] RI Reason 4 [] RI Reason 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to RIREASON]
Special Instructions:
Block: FAQs
Field Description: RI Reason 2
Field Definition:
Universe: (RIREASON = 2)
Info Pane:
Are you calling everyone or am I just lucky?
We are able to get a reliable measure of data quality by reinterviewing only a small percentage of the total households interviewed in the survey.
1. Continue 2. Back to Reinterview Help Menu |
Form Pane:
Reinterview help menu [] RI Reason 1 [] RI Reason 2 [fill] RI Reason 3 [] RI Reason 4 [] RI Reason 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to RIREASON]
Special Instructions:
Block: FAQs
Field Description: RI Reason 3
Field Definition:
Universe: (RIREASON = 3)
Info Pane:
Don't you have anything better to do with my tax dollars? I'm too busy to answer your questions again.
1. Continue 2. Back to Reinterview Help Menu |
Form Pane:
Reinterview help menu [] RI Reason 1 [] RI Reason 2 [] RI Reason 3 [fill] RI Reason 4 [] RI Reason 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Refer to Appendix 2 for survey specific fill instructions for RIREF3_DESCR
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to RIREASON]
Special Instructions:
Block: FAQs
Field Description: RI Reason 4
Field Definition:
Universe: (RIREASON = 4)
Info Pane:
Are you “checking up” on me? I told you the truth the first time you called.
The purpose of reinterview is not to check up on respondents. In order to ensure that we are efficiently and accurately collecting data, we reinterview a few households who are in the survey. |
1. Continue 2. Back to Reinterview Help Menu |
Form Pane:
Reinterview help menu [] RI Reason 1 [] RI Reason 2 [] RI Reason 3 [] RI Reason 4 [fill] RI Reason 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to RIREASON]
Special Instructions:
Block: FAQs
Field Description: RI Reason 5
Field Definition:
Universe: (RIREASON = 5)
Info Pane:
Do I have to answer your questions?
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. However, the information you provide will help us to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of our data collection procedures. Like any business, we’re interested in maintaining the quality of our product.
1. Continue 2. Back to Reinterview Help Menu |
Form Pane:
Reinterview help menu [] RI Reason 1 [] RI Reason 2 [] RI Reason 3 [] RI Reason 4 [] RI Reason 5 [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to RIREASON]
Special Instructions:
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Original Frequently Asked Questions
Field Definition:
Universe: (Shift-F2) OR (H_PURPOSE1 = 2) OR (H_PURPOSE2 = 2) OR
(H_PURPOSE3 = 2) OR (H_PURPOSE4 = 2) OR (H_PURPOSE5 = 2)
Info Pane:
Frequently Asked Questions for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey
♦ Press F8 to proceed with the reinterview. |
1. What is this survey all about? 2. What do I have to do? 3. How long will this take? How many times will I be interviewed? 4. Who is going to see what I write? 5. Is this survey real? 6. Return to reinterview |
Form Pane:
Original Frequently Asked Questions [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to H_PURPOSE1]
<2> [go to H_PURPOSE2]
<3> [go to H_PURPOSE3]
<4> [go to H_PURPOSE4]
<5> [go to H_PURPOSE5]
<6> [return to reinterview]
Special Instructions:
This screen is a reference screen accessed by the Shift-F2 key.
This FAQ menu screen is the same as the original instrument.
The tab title for this menu is CED FAQ.
Help Reference Word
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Original FAQ 1
Field Definition:
Universe: (H_PURPOSE = 1)
Info Pane:
What is this survey all about? Who uses this information?
The Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey collects information from households and families on their buying habits. It helps us to understand what products and services are bought and how much is spent.
This survey has a number of uses. The most important is the periodic revision of the Consumer Price Index. The Consumer Price Index provides cost of living and wage adjustments, social security payment adjustments, and helps determine the cost of school lunches.
1. Continue 2. Back to original FAQ list |
Form Pane:
Original FAQ 1 [fill] Original FAQ 2 [] Original FAQ 3 [] Original FAQ 4 [] Original FAQ 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to H_PURPOSE]
Special Instructions:
Use the same FAQs, H_PURPOSE1, H_PURPOSE2, H_PURPOSE3, H_PURPOSE4, and H_PURPOSE5 as the original instrument.
Help Reference Word
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Original FAQ 2
Field Definition:
Universe: (H_PURPOSE = 2)
Info Pane:
What do I have to do?
First, I will ask a few household questions and then you will complete two diaries of what you spend your money on.
1. Continue 2. Back to original FAQ list |
Form Pane:
Original FAQ 1 [] Original FAQ 2 [fill] Original FAQ 3 [] Original FAQ 4 [] Original FAQ 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to H_PURPOSE]
Special Instructions:
Use the same FAQs, H_PURPOSE1, H_PURPOSE2, H_PURPOSE3, H_PURPOSE4, and H_PURPOSE5 as the original instrument.
Help Reference Word
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Original FAQ 3
Field Definition:
Universe: (H_PURPOSE = 3)
Info Pane:
How long will this take? How many times will I be interviewed?
I will be here a short time today to ask a few questions about your household. I will also drop off your first diary. How long it will take to write your expenses each day depends on how many things you buy. Some days you may have nothing to record, other days you may have a lot to record. It averages out to about 15 minutes a day.
After today, I will return in a week to pick up your completed diary and drop off the second diary. At the end of the second week, I will return to pick up the second completed diary and ask a few final questions.
1. Continue 2. Back to original FAQ list |
Form Pane:
Original FAQ 1 [] Original FAQ 2 [] Original FAQ 3 [fill] Original FAQ 4 [] Original FAQ 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to H_PURPOSE]
Special Instructions:
Use the same FAQs, H_PURPOSE1, H_PURPOSE2, H_PURPOSE3, H_PURPOSE4, and H_PURPOSE5 as the original instrument.
Help Reference Word
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Original FAQ 4
Field Definition:
Universe: (H_PURPOSE = 4)
Info Pane:
Who is going to see what I write down?
Your names and addresses are removed from what you report in the diaries. All Census Bureau employees take an oath of confidentiality and are subject to fines and imprisonment if they improperly disclose information provided by people like you. All information collected is used for statistical purposes only.
1. Continue 2. Back to original FAQ list |
Form Pane:
Original FAQ 1 [] Original FAQ 2 [] Original FAQ 3 [] Original FAQ 4 [fill] Original FAQ 5 [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to H_PURPOSE]
Special Instructions:
Use the same FAQs, H_PURPOSE1, H_PURPOSE2, H_PURPOSE3, H_PURPOSE4, and H_PURPOSE5 as the original instrument.
Help Reference Word
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Original FAQ 5
Field Definition:
Universe: (H_PURPOSE = 5)
Info Pane:
Is this survey real?
Yes. The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey under the authority of Title 29 of the U.S. Code. Congress authorizes the financial support for the CE survey through Public Laws 94-439 and 95-205.
The Census Bureau collects the CE data under the authority of Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 8b, which allows the Census Bureau to undertake surveys for other government agencies. Participation in the survey is voluntary. Under Title 13, the Census Bureau holds all information in strict confidence. We will not release information reported in the survey which would permit the identification of a household or any of its members to anyone outside of the Census Bureau.
1. Continue 2. Back to original FAQ list |
Form Pane:
Original FAQ 1 [] Original FAQ 2 [] Original FAQ 3 [] Original FAQ 4 [] Original FAQ 5 [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [return to reinterview]
<2> [go to H_PURPOSE]
Special Instructions:
Use the same FAQs, H_PURPOSE1, H_PURPOSE2, H_PURPOSE3, H_PURPOSE4, and H_PURPOSE5 as the original instrument.
Help Reference Word
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Function Key Settings
Field Definition:
Universe: (Ctrl-K)
Info Pane:
Function Key Settings |
F1 |
Item Specific Help |
Shift-F1 |
Household roster |
F2 |
Shift-F2 |
Original Interview FAQs |
F3 |
Shift-F3 |
Reinterview FAQs |
F4 |
Jump Menu |
Shift-F4 |
F5 |
Shift-F5 |
F6 |
Shift-F6 |
F7 |
Item notes/remarks |
Shift-F7 |
View Remarks/Items Notes |
F8 |
Return from skip |
Shift-F8 |
F9 |
Shift-F9 |
F10 |
Exit-skip to END |
Shift-F10 |
Display function keys |
F11 |
Calculator |
Shift-F11 |
Standard abbreviation list |
F12 |
Copy |
Shift-F12 |
Original CAPI notes |
Ctrl-D |
Don’t know (D) |
Ctrl-K |
Function key description |
Ctrl-R Ctrl_F3 |
Refusal (R) |
Ctrl-F7 |
Reinterview notes |
Ctrl-H |
Show Info |
Ctrl-M |
Show Don’t Know & Refusals |
Ctrl-S |
Save |
Ctrl-F |
Search |
Form Pane: N/A
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length:
Valid Value: Escape
Skip Instructions: <Escape> [return to reinterview]
Special Instructions:
This screen is an external file accessed by the Ctrl-K key. It is similar to the Function Key Settings screen in the original production instrument with additions for reinterview.
Block: FAQs
Field Description: Standard Abbreviation list
Field Definition:
Universe: (Shift-F11)
Info Pane:
Standard Abbreviation List
[Display the standard abbreviation list]
NOTE: This screen can be accessed at any time during the reinterview by pressing "Shift F11."
Form Pane: N/A
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length:
Valid Value: Escape
Skip Instructions: <Escape> [return to reinterview]
Special Instructions:
This screen is an external file accessed by the Shift-F11 key.
The CATI_Front Block contains the following generic screens.
Field Description: Cases not eligible for CATI reinterview.
Field Definition:
Universe: [(MODE = 1) and (BYOBS = 1)]
OR [(MODE = 1) and (first digit of phone number is 1 or 0)]
OR [(MODE = 1) and (the phone number has less than ten digits of phone number)]
OR [(MODE = 1) and (all ten digits of phone number are the same)]
Info Pane:
This should not have been assigned to CATI because this case [fill: BADCASE]. This case needs to be recycled to field.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Not eligible for CATI reinterview [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL]
Fill for BADCASE
If BYOBS = 1, then fill BADCASE with “was conducted by observation.”
If the first digit of the phone number is 0 or 1, the phone number has less than ten digits, or all ten digits of the phone number are the same, then fill BADCASE with “does not have a valid phone number.”
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Hello for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial
Field Definition:
Universe: MODE = 1 and RESPNAME not empty and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT
Info Pane:
Hello, This is ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
May I please speak to [Fill: RESPNAME]?
Status: [Fill: ] Cutoff Date: [Fill: ]
1. This is correct person, or correct person called to the phone. 2. Person not available now. Call back later. 3. Person cannot be reached. Speak with another household member. 4. Person unknown at this number. 5. Person no longer lives there. 6. Person deceased. 7. Person can be reached at another number. 8. Other outcome OR problem interviewing household |
Form Pane:
Hello for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [fill] Hello for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.INTRO_TC_CT].
<2,7> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
<3, 5> [go to CATI_Front.HHMEM_CT].
<4> [go to CATI_Front.VERTELE_CT].
<6> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<8> [go to CATI_Front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
Fill for STOPGATE: Read in STOPDATE from WebCATI.
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME empty)
Info Pane:
Hello. This is ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your household.
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
Status: [Fill: ] Cutoff Date: [Fill: ]
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
PV authorization [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank [fill] Introduction for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.ADDVER_CT].
<2> [go to CATI_Front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
<3> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
Special Instructions:
Fill for STOPGATE: Read in STOPDATE from WebCATI.
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Hello for CATI reinterview of original noninterview
Field Definition:
Universe: MODE = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, or C2)
and BYOBS ne 1 and (CPNAME not empty or RESPNAME not empty)
Info Pane:
Hello, This is ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
May I please speak to [Fill: NAME]?
Status: [Fill: ] Cutoff Date: [Fill: ]
1. This is correct person, or correct person called to the phone. 2. Person not available now. 3. Person unknown at this number. 4. Person no longer lives there. 5. Person deceased. 6. Person can be reached at another number. 7. Other outcome OR problem interviewing household |
Form Pane:
Hello for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [] Hello for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [fill] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.INTRO_TN_CT].
<2> [go to CATI_Front.PROX_N_CT].
<3> [go to CATI_Front.VERTELE_CT].
<4> [go to CATI_Front.PROX_N_CT].
<5> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<6> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
<7> [go to CATI_Front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
Special Instructions:
Fill for STOPGATE: Read in STOPDATE from WebCATI.
Fill for NAME:
ORIOUT = 223 (entire household armed forces), fill RESPNAME.
if ORIOUT = 224 (entire household under age limit) and RESPNAME not
empty, fill RESPNAME.
Else if ORIOUT = 224 (entire household under age limit) and RESPNAME empty, fill CPNAME.
Else if ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, B2, C1, C2, or D, fill CPNAME.
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Hello for telephone reinterview and contact person name blank
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, or C2) and CPNAME empty)
Info Pane:
Hello. I'm ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your location to verify the status of:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or someone else answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
Status: [Fill: ] Cutoff Date: [Fill: ]
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
Hello for telephone reinterview and contact person name blank [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.INTROB_RI_CT].
<2> [go to CATI_Front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
<3> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
Fill for STOPGATE: Read in STOPDATE from WebCATI.
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Introduction for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial
Field Definition:
Universe: HELLO_TC_CT = 1
Info Pane:
Thank you for helping us recently with the [Fill: SURVEY_NAME].
We’re doing a short quality control check, that may last 5 to 10 minutes, to make sure our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Is your address: [Fill: ADDRESS1]?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Refused to verify Address |
Form Pane:
Hello for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [] Hello for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [fill] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: < 1, 2, 3 > [go to CATI_Front.INTROB_RI_CT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Introduction for CATI reinterview of original noninterview
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 1 and HELLO_TN_CT = 1)
Info Pane:
Thank you for recently helping us verify the status of:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check, that may last 5 to 10 minutes, to make sure our interviewers are following correct procedures.
♦ Enter 1 to continue. |
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Hello for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [] Hello for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original complete/sufficient partial [] Introduction for CATI reinterview of original noninterview [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.INTROB_RI_CT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Permission to Record
Field Definition:
Universe: (INTRO_TC_CT = 1, 2 or 3)
OR (ADDVER_CT = 1 and PROX_C_CT = 1)
OR (PROX_N_CT = 1)
Info Pane:
This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes. Do I have permission to record this call?
♦ If the respondent does not wish to be recorded: Click on the NICE stop recording button. Read: I appreciate your concern. I am turning off the recording.
1. Yes; continue with the interview. 2. Inconvenient time; schedule an appointment to callback. 3. No; recording is turned off. Continue interview. |
Form Pane:
Permission to Record [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1, 3> If ORIOUT_RSLT = ‘INT’, then [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP].
if ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, B2, C1, or C2, then
[go to
<2> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Verify telephone number at Contact Center
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC_CT = 4)
Info Pane:
Excuse me. I need to verify your telephone number again.
Have I reached area code [Fill: (AREA) PREFIX-SUFFIX, ext. EXTN] / [CPPHON, ext. CPEXT]?
1. Yes 2. No. Exit instrument and redial. 3. Refused to verify |
Form Pane:
telephone number [fill] Refuse to verify telephone number [] Type A noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If ORIOUT_RSLT = INT, fill phone number with (AREA) PREFIX - SUFFIX, ext. EXTN.
Else fill with CPPHON, ext. CPEXT.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_TC_CT = 4 ) [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER_CT].
Else if (HELLO_TN = 3) [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER_N_CT ].
<2> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF]
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Address verification from proxy
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC_CT = 4 and VERTELE_CT = 1)
Info Pane:
I need to verify that the address there is:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
1. Same Address. 2. Not same Address. 3. Refused to verify. |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [fill] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Proxy contact verification for interview case – respondent unknown[] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If ORIOUT_RSLT = INT, fill address with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_TC_CT = 4) then [go to CATI_Front.HHMEM_CT].
Else [go to CATI_Front.INTROB_RI_CT].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_SORRY].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Household member
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC_CT = 3 or 5)
OR (HELLO_TC_CT = 4 and ADDVER_CT = 1)
Info Pane:
Perhaps you can help me.
Are you a household member [Fill: “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older” / blank]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [fill] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Proxy contact verification for interview case – respondent unknown[] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If MIN_AGE > 0, fill “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older.”
Else leave blank.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_TC_CT = 4) then [go to CATI_Front.PROX_UC_CT].
Else [go to CATI_Front.PROX_C_CT].
<2> [go to CATI_Front.HHMEM2_CT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Other Household member
Field Definition:
Universe: (HHMEM_CT = 2)
Info Pane:
Is there a household member present I may speak to [Fill: “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older” / blank]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [] Other household member [fill] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Proxy contact verification for interview case – respondent unknown[] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If MIN_AGE > 0, fill “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older.”
Else leave blank.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> If HELLO_TC_CT = 4 then [go to CATI_Front.PROX_UC_CT].
Else [go to CATI_Front.PROX_C_CT].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_NOHH].
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for interview case
Field Definition:
Universe: (HHMEM_CT = 1 and HELLO_TC_CT = (3 or 5))
OR (HHMEM2_CT = 1 and HELLO_TC_CT = (3 or 5))
Info Pane:
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your household.
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [fill] Proxy contact verification for interview case – respondent unknown[] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.ADDVER_CT].
<2, R> If (HELLO_TC_CT = 3) then [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
If (HELLO_TC_CT = 5) then [go to CATI_Front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for noninterview case
Field Definition:
Universe: MODE = 1 and HELLO_TN_CT = (2 or 4)
Info Pane:
Perhaps you can help me.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted this location to verify the status of : [Fill: ADDRESS1].
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures. Can you or someone else answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Proxy contact verification for noninterview case [fill] Proxy contact verification for noninterview case – respondent unknown [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1 ,2
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.INTROB_RI_CT].
<2> If (HELLO_TN_CT = 2) then [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
If (HELLO_TN_CT = 4) then [go to CATI_Front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for interview case - respondent unknown
Field Definition:
Universe: (HHMEM_CT = 1 and HELLO_TC_CT = 4)
OR (HHMEM2_CT = 1 and HELLO_TC_CT = 4)
Info Pane:
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your household. We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Proxy contact verification for interview case - respondent unknown [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_front.LIVEHERE_CT].
<2> [go to CATI_front.HELLO_PRB_RI_CT].
<3> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Household member
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC_CT=4 and HHMEM_CT=1 and PROX_UC_CT=1)
OR(HELLO_TC_CT =4 and HHMEM2_CT =1 and PROX_UC_CT =1)
Info Pane:
Were you living here on [Fill: INTDATE]?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. Make an appointment. |
Form Pane:
Living here [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with original interview date, INTDATE.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP].
<2, D> [go to CAPI_Middle.SOMEONE_ELSE].
<3> [go
<R> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
Special Instructions:
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Address verification from proxy for original noninterview
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TN_CT = 3 and VERTELE_CT = 1)
Info Pane:
Perhaps you can help me.
I’m trying to find out information about:
[Fill: ADDRESS1].
Can you or someone else help me?
1. Yes 2. Inconvenient time, call back later. Make an appointment. 3. No, but I have the phone number of someone who can. 4. No. |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy for original interview [fill] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Address verification from proxy for original noninterview[] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> If HELLO_TN_CT = 3, then [go to CATI_Front.PROX_UN_CT].
<2,3> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
<4> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
Special Instructions:
Align the beginning of each line of ADDRESS1 with the beginning of first line of the address.
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for noninterview case - contact person unknown
Field Definition:
Universe: ADDVER_N_CT = 1
Info Pane:
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted this location to verify the status of: [Fill: ADDRESS1].
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
1. Continue
Form Pane:
Proxy contact verification for noninterview case [] Proxy contact verification for noninterview case - contact person unknown [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CATI_Front.INTROB_RI_CT].
Block: CATI_Front
Field Description: Problem Interviewing Household
Field Definition:
Universe: HELLO_TC_CT = 8 OR HELLO_TN_CT = 7
OR (PROX_C_CT = (2 or R) and HELLO_TC_CT = 5)
OR (PROX_N_CT = 2 and HELLO_TN_CT = 4)
Info Pane:
Thank you for your cooperation. You’ve been very helpful.
♦ Problem
reinterviewing household – Household not available or
another problem
1. Hard refusal. 2. Respondent can’t remember. 3. Entire HH institutionalized or temporarily ineligible. 4. Entire HH under age [Fill: MIN_AGE]. 5. Temporarily occupied by persons with Usual Residence Elsewhere (URE). 6. Entire household deceased. 7. Entire
household moved. 9. Other problems with reinterview |
Form Pane:
Problem Interviewing Household [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1-9>.
Skip Instructions: <1-7> [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
<8, 9> [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
Special Instructions:
The CAPI Front block contains the following generic screens. Throughout the Reinterview instrument the option of [return to reinterview] becomes available within the Skip Instructions (for example, in the Help Menus and Frequently Asked Questions). This option, once selected, will take the user back to the screen they were on in the reinterview path.
Field Description: Exit Notice
Field Definition:
Universe: (F10)
Info Pane:
♦ Enter 1 to continue
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Exit Notice [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> If MODE = 1 then [go to CATI_Back.APPT_CT]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.APPT]
Special Instructions:
This screen is displayed whenever “F10” is pressed. F10 is the function key that allows the reinterviewer to exit the case anytime during the reinterview.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Start up screen
Field Definition:
(MODE = 0 and OUTCOME = 200)
OR (MODE = 0 and OUTCOME = 202)
OR (MODE = 0 and OUTCOME = 213-219) [to re-access case]
Note: This UNIVERSE is not used by the instrument, but rather controlled by Case Management.
Info Pane:
Date: [Fill: RIDATE] Time: [Fill: TIME_C]
Reinterview Case Status: [Fill: OUTCOME ] - [Fill: OUTCOME_DESCRIP]
Original Interview Date: [Fill: INTDATE]
Original FR Code: [Fill: ORIFR] Original James Bond ID: [Fill: ORIUSERID] Original Name: [Fill: FR_NAME]
Original Outcome: [Fill: ORIOUT] “-” [Fill: ORIOUT_DESCRIP] “-” [Fill; TYPEA_SP/TYPEB_SP/TYPEC_SP/Blank]
Original Respondent Name: [Fill: RESPNAME] Sample Unit Phone: ([Fill: AREA) [Fill: PREFIX] “-” [Fill: SUFFIX] , ext.[Fill: EXTN] ([Fill: PHTYP’s description]) Fill: "Second Phone:" SPHONE (SPHTYP) / blank] Sample Unit Address: [Fill: ADDRESS1]
[Fill: “Best Time to Contact:” BESTTIME’s description / “Best Time to Contact:” BESTTIM2 / blank] [Fill: “Or” BESTTIM2 / blank] [Fill: “DO NOT call on Sunday” / blank] [Fill: “Spanish speaking” / blank]
1. Continue 2. Quit – Attempt later |
Form Pane:
Start up screen [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
for RIDATE: Current date in the format “Friday, January 1,
for Time: Time instrument is accessed, in the format hh:mm [AM/PM].
for OUTCOME_DESCRIP: Reinterview outcome code description from
Attachment A, “QC Reinterview Disposition, Outcome and Action
Fill for ORIOUSERID: Value of original interviewer’s JamesBond ID, ORIUSERID.
Fill ORIOUT_DESCRIP with the original outcome code description from Attachment C, “Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for Reinterview.”
ORIOUT = 219, fill TYPEA_SP.
If ORIOUT = 233, fill TYPEB_SP.
ORIOUT = 248, fill TYPEC_SP.
Else leave blank, do not display
SPHONE not empty, fill "Second Phone:" SPHONE (SPHTYP’s
description). Else leave blank, do not display item.
Fill PHTYP’s and SPHTYP’s descriptions with the following descriptions of the values of PHTYP and SPHTYP, respectively:
Value Description
3 Cellular or Digital
4 Beeper/Pager/Answering Service
with format ADDRESS1.
BESTTIME not empty, fill "Best Time to Contact:" BESTTIME’s
If BESTTIME empty and BESTTIM2 not empty, fill
"Best Time to Contact:"
empty and BESTTIM2 empty, leave blank, do not display item.
BESTTIME not empty and BESTTIM2 not empty, fill "Or"
Else leave blank, do not display item.
Fill BESTTIME’s description with the following descriptions of the values of BESTTIME:
Value Description
00 Special restriction; supervisor sets appointment
01 Morning (9am-12 noon)
02 Noon/lunchtime (11am - 1pm)
03 Afternoon (12 noon-4pm)
04 Suppertime/early evening/dinnertime (4pm-7pm)
05 Evening (6pm-9pm)
06 Anytime (9am-9pm)
07 Late evening/night (7pm-9pm)
Daytime (9am-4pm)
After 5pm (5pm-9pm)
If NOSUNDAY = 1, fill “DO NOT call on Sunday.”
Else leave blank, do not display item.
If SPANONLY = 1, fill “Spanish speaking.”
If ORIFR is not blank and ORIUSERID is not blank and FR_NAME is not blank, then display
Original FR Code: [Fill: ORIFR]
Original James Bond ID: [Fill: ORIUSERID]
Original Name: Fill: [Fill: FR_NAME]
If ORIFR is not blank and ORIUSERID is not blank and FR_NAME is blank, then display
Original FR Code: [Fill: ORIFR]
Original James Bond ID: [Fill: ORIUSERID]
Original Name: N/A
If ORIFR is not blank and ORIUSERID is blank and FR_NAME is not blank, then display
Original FR Code: [Fill: ORIFR]
Original James Bond ID: N/A
Original Name: [Fill: FR_NAME]
If ORIFR is not blank and ORIUSERID is blank and FR_NAME is blank, then display
Original FR Code: [Fill: ORIFR]
Original James Bond ID: N/A
Original Name: N/A
If ORIFR is blank and ORIUSERID is not blank and FR_NAME is not blank, then display
Original FR Code: N/A
Original James Bond ID: [Fill: ORIUSERID]
Original Name: [Fill: FR_NAME]
If ORIFR is blank and ORIUSERID is not blank and FR_NAME is blank, then display
Original FR Code: N/A
Original James Bond ID: [Fill: ORIUSERID]
Original Name: N/A
If ORIFR is blank and ORIUSERID is blank and FR_NAME is not blank, then display
Original FR Code: N/A
Original James Bond ID: N/A
Original Name: Fill: [Fill: FR_NAME]
If ORIFR is blank and ORIUSERID is blank and FR_NAME is blank, then display
Original FR Code: N/A
Original James Bond ID: N/A
Original Name: Fill: N/A
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> If (ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 2)
then [go to CAPI_Front.START_1A]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 1)
then [go to CAPI_Front.BY_OBS]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = INT) then [go to CAPI_Front.HHCOMP]
Else [go to CAPI_Front.METHOD]
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP]
Special Instructions:
If START = 2, set OUTCOME = 202.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Contact Person Information
Field Definition:
Universe: (START = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, C1, B2, or C2 and
BYOBS = 2)
Info Pane:
Name: [Fill: CPNAME] Title: [Fill: CPTITL] Phone: [Fill: CPPHON], ext. [Fill: CPEXT] ([Fill: CPPHT]) Address: [Fill: CPADD1 CPADD2 CPPO, CPST, CPZP5-CPZP4
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Contact Person Information [fill] Household Composition [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If CPNAME, CPTITL, CPPHON, and CPEXT are all empty or filled with blanks only, fill “NO CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.METHOD].
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Household composition
Field Definition: Displays household roster
Universe: (Shift-F1)
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
♦ Press Shift-F1 to access this screen at any time during the reinterview.
♦ Enter 1 to continue.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Contact Person Information [] Household Composition [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.METHOD].
Special Instructions:
This screen displays the household roster. Fill REL, SEX, Race, Education, and HHComp with their descriptions from Attachment D.
Return to reinterview if accessed by the Shift-F1 key.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Type B/C noninterview by observation
Field Definition:
(START = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT and
BYOBS = 1)
Info Pane:
The interviewer determined the original outcome by observation. No contact person information was collected.
♦ Enter 1 to continue.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Type B/C noninterview by observation [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.METHOD].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Method of reinterview
Field Definition:
Universe: (BY_OBS = 1) OR (HHCOMP = 1)
(START_1A = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and
= 2)
Info Pane:
♦ Choose one of the following options to continue: |
1. Telephone Reinterview 2. Personal Visit Reinterview 3. Quit - Attempt later 4. Reinterview Noninterview 5. RO/HQ Discretion – Type A (Contact Supervisor) |
Form Pane:
Method of reinterview [fill] Dial phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Skip Instructions: <1> If (ORIOUT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 1)
then [go to CAPI_Front.VERBYOBS].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = A) then [go to CAPI_Front.VERTPEA]
Else [go to CAPI_Front.DIAL].
<2> If (USE_CKSUP = Yes) then [go to CAPI_Front.CKSUP].
If ORIO_RSLT = A) then [go to CAPI_Front.VERTYPEA]
then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PCX].
If (ORI_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME empty) then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PC]
If (BYOBS = 1) then [go to CAPI_Front.VERBYOBS].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = INT) then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PC].
If (CPNAME = empty) then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PNX].
Else [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PN]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP].
<4> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
<5> [go to CAPI_Back.RO_DISC].
Special Instructions:
If METHOD = 1, set INTTYP = T.
If METHOD = 2, set INTTYP = P.
If METHOD = 3, set OUTCOME = 202.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Dial phone number
Field Definition:
Universe: (METHOD = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT)
OR (_END_ = 1) [_END_ is a dummy variable used to update phone number]
OR (REFNUM = 2) [Used for coming back to DIAL]
OR (WRNUM = 1) [Used for coming back to DIAL]
(METHOD = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2, or VINT) and
= 2)
Info Pane:
Respondent Name: [Fill: RESPNAME] Respondent Address: [Fill: ADDRESS1] / Contact Name: [Fill: CPNAME] Contact Address: [Fill: CPADD1 CPADD2 CPPO, CPST, CPZP5-CPZP4]
♦ Dial this number:
([Fill: AREA]) [Fill: PREFIX]-[Fill: SUFFIX], ext. [Fill: EXTN] ([Fill: PHTYP’s description]) / [Fill: CPPHON], ext. [Fill: CPEXT] ([Fill: CPPHT’s description])
1. Someone answers 2. Enter new telephone number 3. Reinterview noninterview 4. Quit - Attempt later |
Form Pane:
Method of reinterview Dial phone number [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
1. If ORIOUT_RSLT = INT, fill Respondent Name with RESPNAME. Fill Respondent Address with format ADDRESS1. Dial this number with AREA, PREFIX, SUFFIX, EXTN, and PHTYP’s description.
2. If ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT, fill Contact Name with CPNAME, Contact Address with CPADd1, CPADD2, CPPO, CPST, CPZIP5, CPZP4, and dial this number with CPPHON, CPEXT, and CPPHT’s description.
3. Fill PHTYP’s and CPPHT’s descriptions with the following descriptions of the values of PHTYP and CPPHT, respectively:
Values Description
3 Cellular or Digital
4 Beeper/Pager/Answering Service
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> If (ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME empty)
then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_TCX].
then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_TC].
If (CPNAME empty) then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_TNX].
Else [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_TN].
<2> [go to CAPI_Front._INTRO_].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
<4> [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP].
Special Instructions:
If DIAL = 4, set OUTCOME = 202.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Update phone number
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIAL = 2)
Info Pane:
♦ Enter 1 to update the telephone number.
Enter a text of at most 1 characters |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating telephone [fill] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number [] |
New phone number - prefix portion [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion [] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> If (ORIOUT_RSLT = INT) then [go to CAPI_Front.NEWNUMBER_A].
Else [go to CAPI_Front.NEWNUMBER_CP].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: New phone number - area code portion
Field Definition:
Universe: (_INTRO_ = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT)
[_INTRO_ is a dummy variable used to update phone number]
Info Pane:
♦ Record new number.
In Area Code: [Fill: AREA] ♦ Edit area code or press Enter for same. New Number: [Fill: PREFIX]-[Fill: SUFFIX] EXT: [Fill: EXTN]
Enter a text of at most 3 characters |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [fill] |
New phone number [] |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 3
Valid Values: 100 - 999
Skip Instructions: <100 - 999> [go to CAPI_Front.NEWNUMBER_P].
Special Instructions:
First of four duplicate screens - screen for area code entry.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: New phone number - prefix portion of number
Field Definition:
Universe: (NEWNUMBER_A = <100 - 999>)
Info Pane:
♦ Record new number.
In Area Code: [Fill: NEWNUMBER_A] New Number: [Fill: PREFIX]-[Fill: SUFFIX] ♦ Edit prefix or press Enter for same. EXT: [Fill: EXTN]
Enter a text of at most 3 characters |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number [] |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [fill] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 3
Valid Values: 100 - 999
Skip Instructions: <100 - 999> [go to CAPI_Front.NEWNUMBER_S].
Special Instructions:
Second of four duplicate screens - screen for prefix entry.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: New phone number - suffix portion of number
Field Definition:
Universe: (NEWNUMBER_P = <100 - 999>)
Info Pane:
♦ Record new number.
In Area Code: [Fill: NEWNUMBER_A] New Number: [Fill: NEWNUMBER_P]-[Fill: SUFFIX] ♦ Edit suffix or press Enter for same. EXT: [Fill: EXTN]
Enter a text of at most 4 characters |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number [] |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [fill] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 4
Valid Values: 0000 - 9999
Skip Instructions: <0000 - 9999> [go to CAPI_Front.NEWNUMBER_E].
Special Instructions:
Third of four duplicate screens - screen for suffix entry.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: New phone number-extension portion
Field Definition:
Universe: (NEWNUMBER_S = <0000 - 9999>)
Info Pane:
♦ Record new number.
In Area Code: [Fill: NEWNUMBER_A] New Number: [Fill: NEWNUMBER_P]-[Fill: NEWNUMBER_S] EXT: [Fill: EXTN] ♦ Edit extension or press Enter for same.
Enter a text of at most 5 characters |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [fill] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number [] |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 5
Valid Values: 00000 - 99999, blank
Skip Instructions: <00000 - 99999, blank> [go to CAPI_Front._END_]
Special Instructions:
Fourth of four duplicate screens - screen for extension entry.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: New phone number
Field Definition:
Universe: (_INTRO_ = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT)
[_INTRO_ is a dummy variable used to update phone number]
Info Pane:
♦ Record new number.
New Number: [Fill: CPPHON] ♦ Edit phone number or press Enter for same. EXT: [Fill: CPEXT]
Enter the 10-digit phone number, using no hyphens (-). |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number [fill] |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 10
Valid Values: 1001000000 - 9999999999
Skip Instructions: <1001000000 - 9999999999> [go to CAPI_Front.NEWNUMBER_CE].
Special Instructions:
First of two duplicate screens - screen for phone number.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: New phone number - extension portion
Field Definition:
Universe: (NEWNUMBER_CP = <1001000000 - 9999999999>)
Info Pane:
♦ Record new number.
New Number: [Fill: NEWNUMBER_CP] EXT: [Fill: CPEXT] ♦ Edit extension or press Enter for same.
Enter a text of at most 5 characters |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [fill] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [] |
End update phone number [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 5
Valid Values: 00000 - 99999, blank
Skip Instructions: <00000 - 99999, blank> [go to CAPI_Front._END_].
Special Instructions:
Second of two duplicate screens - screen for extension entry.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: End update phone number
Field Definition:
Universe: (NEWNUMBER_E = <00000 - 99999> or blank)
OR (NEWNUMBER_CE = <00000 - 99999> or blank)
Info Pane:
♦ Enter 1 to go back to Dial screen.
♦ You may have to press Enter twice to update the phone number entries.
1. Redial. |
Form Pane:
Enter 1 for updating phone number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - area code portion [] |
New phone number [] |
New phone number - prefix portion of number [] |
New phone number - extension portion [] |
New phone number - suffix portion of number [] |
End update phone number [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.DIAL].
Special Instructions:
Update the following phone number variables:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: PV authorization
Field Definition:
Universe: (METHOD = 2 and USE_CKSUP = Yes)
Info Pane:
♦ Contact your supervisor for authorization before conducting a personal visit.
1. Personal visit reinterview authorized 2. Quit - Attempt later |
Form Pane:
PV authorization [fill] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank [] Introduction for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> If ORIOUT_RSLT = A) then [go to CAPI_Front.VERTYPEA]
then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PCX].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = INT) then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PC].
If (BYOBS = 1) then [go to CAPI_Front.VERBYOBS].
If (CPNAME = empty) then [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PNX].
Else [go to CAPI_Front.HELLO_PN].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP].
Special Instructions:
If CKSUP = 2, set OUTCOME = 202.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIAL = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME not empty)
Info Pane:
Hello, I'm ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
May I speak to [Fill: RESPNAME]?
1. This is correct person, or correct person called to the phone. 2. Person not available now. Call back later. 3. Person cannot be reached. Speak with another household member. 4. Person unknown at this number. 5. Person no longer lives there. 6. Person deceased. 7. Person can be reached at another number. 8. Reinterview Noninterview. |
Form Pane:
PV authorization [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [fill] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank [] Introduction for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Skip Instructions:
<1> [go to CAPI_Front.INTRO_TC].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT2].
<3> If (RPROXY_A = 1) then [go to CAPI_Front.HHMEM].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
<4> [go to CAPI_Front.VERTELE].
<5> If (RPROXY_A = 1)then [go to CAPI_Front.HHMEM].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
<6> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<7> [go to CAPI_Front._INTRO_].
<8> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIAL = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME empty)
Info Pane:
Hello. This is ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your household.
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work? |
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
PV authorization [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank [fill] Introduction for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions:
<1> [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Verify telephone number
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC = 4) OR (HELLO_TN = 3)
Info Pane:
Have I reached area code [Fill: (AREA) PREFIX-SUFFIX, ext. EXTN] / [CPPHON, ext. CPEXT]?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Refused to verify |
Form Pane:
telephone number [fill] Refuse to verify telephone number [] Type A noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If ORIOUT_RSLT = INT, fill phone number with (AREA) PREFIX - SUFFIX, ext. EXTN.
Else fill with CPPHON, ext. CPEXT.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_TC = 4 ) [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER].
Else if (HELLO_TN = 3) [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER_N].
<2> [go to CAPI_Front.WRNUM].
<3> [go to CAPI_Front.REFNUM].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Introduction for telephone reinterview and respondent name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC = 1)
Info Pane:
Thank you for helping us recently with the [Fill: SURVEY_NAME].
We’re doing a short quality control check, that may last 5 to 10 minutes, to make sure our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Is your address: [Fill: ADDRESS1]?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Refused to verify Address |
Form Pane:
PV authorization [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [] Hello for telephone reinterview and respondent name blank [] Introduction for telephone reinterview and respondent name available [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, 3> [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Wrong number
Field Definition:
Universe: (VERTELE = 2)
Info Pane:
I'm sorry. I must have dialed incorrectly. I'll try again.
♦ Enter 1 to go back to Dial screen.
♦ You may have to press Enter twice to go back to Dial screen.
1. Redial. |
Form Pane:
Verify telephone number
[] Refuse to verify number [] Type A noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.DIAL].
Special Instructions:
Empty the following variables:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Refused to verify telephone number
Field Definition:
Universe: (VERTELE = 3)
Info Pane:
I'm sorry. I'll dial again to be sure I've dialed correctly.
1. After several attempts, wrap up case. 2. Redial |
Form Pane:
Verify telephone number
[] Refuse to verify telephone number [fill] Type A noninterview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<2> [go to CAPI_Front.DIAL].
Special Instructions:
If REFNUM = 2, empty the following variables:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for telephone reinterview and contact person name available
Field Definition:
(DIAL = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT)
and CPNAME not empty)
Info Pane:
Hello, I’m... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
May I speak to [Fill: CPNAME]?
1. This is correct person, or correct person called to the phone. 2. Person not available now. 3. Person unknown at this number. 4. Person no longer lives there. 5. Person deceased. 6. Person can be reached at another number. 7. Reinterview Noninterview |
Form Pane:
Hello for telephone reinterview and contact person name available [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.INTRO_TN].
<2, 4> [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_N].
<3> [go to CAPI_Front.VERTELE].
<5> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<6> [go to CAPI_Front._INTRO_].
<7> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Type A noninterview for surveys that allow vacant interviews
Field Definition:
Universe: (CKSUP = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = A)
Info Pane:
This case was a Type A in the original interview.
♦ Please use any available resource to check that the original outcome was:
[Fill: ORIOUT’s description] [Fill: “-” TYPEA_SP / blank] on [Fill: INTDATE].
1. Original outcome was correct. 2. Original outcome was incorrect. 3. Reinterview Noninterview. 4. Quit - Attempt later. |
Form Pane:
Verify telephone number
[] Refuse to verify number [] Type A noninterview [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
1. Fill ORIOUT’s description with the original outcome code description from Attachment E, “List of Original Interview Outcome Codes in the Original Instrument”.
2. If ORIOUT = 219, fill “-” TYPEA_SP.
Else leave blank, do not display item.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.READYWRAP]
<2> If (DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10) then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.NONINT]
<4> [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP]
Special Instructions:
If VERTYPEA = 1, set RI_OUTCM = 1 and OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001.
If VERTYPEA = 2, store code 4 in element [4] of DISCREPANCY array and set RI_OUTCM = 2.
If VERTYPEA = 3, set RI_OUTCM = 3.
If VERTYPEA = 4, set OUTCOME = 202.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for telephone reinterview and contact person name blank
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIAL = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and CPNAME empty)
Info Pane:
Hello. I'm ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your location to verify the status of:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or someone else answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
Hello for telephone reinterview and contact person name blank [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Introduction for telephone reinterview and contact person name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TN = 1)
Info Pane:
Thank you for recently helping us verify the status of:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check, that may last 5 to 10 minutes, to make sure our interviewers are following correct procedures.
♦ Enter 1 to continue. |
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Introduction for telephone reinterview and contact person available [fill] Hello for personal visit reinterviewing and respondent name available [] Hello for personal visit reinterview and respondent name blank [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for personal visit reinterviewing and respondent name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (CKSUP = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME not empty)
OR (METHOD = 2 and USE_CKSUP = No and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME IS not empty)
Info Pane:
Hello. I’m ... from the U.S. Census Bureau. Here is my identification card.
♦ Show ID card.
May I speak to [FILL: RESPNAME]?
1. Correct person available. 2. Person not available now. 3. Person unknown at this address. 4. Person no longer lives there. 5. Person deceased. 6. No one lives at this address. 7. Reinterview Noninterview. |
Form Pane:
Introduction for telephone reinterview and contact person name available [] Hello for personal visit reinterviewing and respondent name available [fill] Hello for personal visit reinterview and respondent name blank [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.INTRO_PC].
<2> If (RPROXY_A = 1) then [go to CAPI_Front.HHMEM].
Else If (RPROXY_A = 0) then [go to CAPI_Front.APPT2].
<3> [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER].
<4> If (RPROXY_A = 1) then [go to CAPI_Front.HHMEM].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
<5> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<6, 7> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for personal visit reinterview and respondent name blank
Field Definition:
Universe: (CKSUP = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME empty)
OR (METHOD = 2) and USE_CKSUP = No and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and RESPNAME empty)
Info Pane:
Hello, I'm ... from the U.S. Census Bureau. Here is my identification card.
♦ Show ID card.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill : FR_NAME], recently contacted your household.
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. 4. No one lives at this address. |
Form Pane:
Introduction for telephone reinterview and contact person name available [] Hello for personal visit reinterviewing and respondent name available [] Hello for personal visit reinterview and respondent name blank [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER].
<2, 4> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Introduction for personal visit reinterview and respondent name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_PC = 1)
Info Pane:
Thank you for helping us recently with the [Fill: SURVEY_NAME].
We’re doing a short quality control check, that may last 5 to 10 minutes, to make sure our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Is your address: [Fill: ADDRESS1]?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Refused to verify address |
Form Pane:
Introduction for personal visit reinterview and respondent name available [fill] Hello for personal visit reinterview and contact person name available [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, 3> [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for personal visit reinterview and contact person name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (CKSUP = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 2 and CPNAME not empty)
OR (METHOD =2 and USE_CKSUP = NO and PRIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 2 and CPNAME not empty)
Info Pane:
Hello. I’m... from the U.S. Census Bureau. Here is my identification card.
♦ Show ID card.
May I speak to [Fill: CPNAME]?
1. Correct person available. 2. Person not available now. 3. Person unknown at this address. |
4. Person no longer lives there. 5. Person deceased. 6. Reinterview Noninterview. |
Form Pane:
Introduction for personal visit reinterview and respondent name available [] Hello for personal visit reinterview and contact person name available [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.INTRO_PN].
<2, 4> [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_N].
<3> [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER_N].
<5> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF].
<6> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Hello for personal visit reinterview and contact person name blank
Field Definition:
Universe: (CKSUP = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 2 and CPNAME empty)
OR (METHOD = 2 and USE_CKSUP = No and PRIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 2 and CPNAME empty)
Info Pane:
Hello, I’m... from the U.S. Census Bureau. Here is my identification card.
♦ Show ID card.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted this location to verify the status of: [Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or someone else answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work? |
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
Hello for personal visit reinterview and contact person name blank [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Address verification from proxy
Field Definition:
Universe: (PROX_C = 1) OR (VERTELE = 1 and HELLO_TC = 4)
Info Pane:
I need to verify that the address [Fill: “here” / “there”] is:
[Fill: ADDRESS1] |
1. Same Address. 2. Not same Address. 3. Refused to verify. |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [fill] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Address verify action from proxy [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
For “here”/”there”:
METHOD = 2, fill “here.”
If METHOD = 1, fill
If ORIOUT_RSLT = INT, fill address with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions:
If HELLO_TC = 4 or HELLO_PC = 3 then [go to CAPI_Front.HHMEM]
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP]
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_SORRY]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF]
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Introduction for personal visit reinterview and contact person name available
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_PN = 1)
Info Pane:
Thank you for recently helping us verify the status of:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check, that may last 5 to 10 minutes, to make sure our interviewers are following correct procedures.
♦ Enter 1 to continue.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Introduction for personal visit reinterview and contact person name available [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Type B/C noninterview by observation
Field Definition:
Universe: (CKSUP=1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 1)
OR (METHOD = 1 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, B2, C1, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS = 1)
OR (METHOD = 2 and ORIOUT_RLST = (B1, C1, C2 or VINT) and BYOBS=1
Info Pane:
The interviewer determined the original outcome by observation.
♦ Please use any available resource to check that:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
was [Fill: ORIOUT’s description] [Fill: “-” TYPEB_SP / “-” TYPEC_SP / blank] on [Fill: INTDATE].
1. Original outcome was correct. 2. Original outcome was incorrect. |
3. Reinterview Noninterview. 4. Quit - Attempt later. |
Form Pane:
Type B/C noninterview by observation [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
1. Fill with format ADDRESS1.
2. Fill ORIOUT’s description with the original outcome description of ORIOUT from Attachment C, “Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for Reinterview”.
3. If ORIOUT = 233, fill “-” TYPEB_SP.
If ORIOUT = 248, fill “-” TYPEC_SP.
Else leave blank, do not display item.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions:
<1> [go to CAPI_Back.READYWRAP].
<2> If (ORIOUT_RSLT = VINT) then [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_VINT]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT= B1 or B2 and VACANT _INT =NO) [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_B]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT= C1 or C2 and VACANT _INT =NO) [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_C]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.NONINT].
<4> [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP].
Special Instructions:
If VERBYOBS = 1, set RI_OUTCM = 1 and OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001.
If VERBYOBS = 2, store code 3 in element [3] of DISCREPANCY array and set RI_OUTCM = 2.
If VERBYOBS = 3, set RI_OUTCM = 3.
If VERBYOBS = 4, set OUTCOME = 202.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Household member
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TC = 3 or 5 and RPROXY_A = 1 and ADDVER empty)
OR (HELLO_PC = 2 or 4 and RPROXY_A = 1 and ADDVER empty)
OR (ADDVER = 1 and RPROXY_A = 1 and (HELLO_TC = 4 or
HELLO_PC = 3))
Info Pane:
Perhaps you can help me.
Are you a household member [Fill: “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older” / blank]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [fill] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Address verification from proxy [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
If MIN_AGE > 0, fill “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older.”
Else leave blank.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, R
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_TC = 4 or HELLO_PC = 3) then [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_UC].
Else [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_C].
<2, R> [go to CAPI_Front.HHMEM2].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Other Household member
Field Definition:
Universe: (HHMEM = 2)
Info Pane:
Is there a household member present I may speak to [Fill: “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older” / blank]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [] Other household member [fill] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Address verification from proxy [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
1. If MIN_AGE > 0, fill “who is” MIN_AGE “years or older.”
Else leave blank.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, R
Skip Instructions:
<1> If (HELLO_TC = 4 or HELLO_PC = 3) then [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_UC].
Else [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_C].
<2, R> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_NOHH].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for interview case
Field Definition:
(HHMEM = 1 and ((HELLO_TC = 3 or 5) or (HELLO_PC = 2 or 4)))
OR(HHMEM2 = 1 and ((HELLO_TC = 3 or 5) or (HELLO_PC = 2 or 4)))
Info Pane:
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your household.
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy [] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [fill] Address verification from proxy [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, R
Skip Instructions:
<1> [go to CAPI_Front.ADDVER].
<2, R> If (HELLO_PC = 2) then [go to CAPI_Back.APPT2].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for noninterview case
Field Definition:
Universe: (HELLO_TN = 2 or 4) OR (HELLO_PN = 2 or 4)
Info Pane:
Perhaps you can help me.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted this location to verify the status of : [Fill: ADDRESS1].
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures. Can you or someone else answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Proxy contact verification for noninterview case [fill] Proxy contact verification for interview case – respondent unknown [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1 ,2
Skip Instructions:
<1> [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
<2> If (HELLO_PN = 2 or HELLO_TN = 2) then [go to CAPI_Back.APPT2].
If (HELLO_PN = 4 or HELLO_TN = 4)
then [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for interview case - respondent unknown
Field Definition:
(HHMEM = 1 and (HELLO_TC = 4 or HELLO_PC = 3))
OR (HHMEM2 = 1 and (HELLO_TC = 4 or HELLO_PC = 3))
Info Pane:
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted your household. We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
Can you or another household member answer a few questions to help us evaluate the interviewer’s work?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later. |
Form Pane:
Proxy contact verification for noninterview case [] Proxy contact verification for interview case - respondent unknown [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions:
<1> [go to CAPI_Front.LIVEHERE].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.RI_OUTCM].
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Household member
Field Definition:
Universe: ((HELLO_TC=4 or HELLO_PC=4 or 3) and HHMEM=1 and PROX_UC=1)
OR (HELLO_TC =4 or HELLO_PC = 4 or 3) and HHMEM2 = 1 and PROX_UC = 1
OR ((HELLO_TC_CT=4 or HELLO_PC_CT=3) and HHMEM2=1 and PROX_UC_CT=1)
Info Pane:
Were you living here on [Fill: INTDATE]?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Inconvenient time. Try again later (make an appointment). |
Form Pane:
Live here[fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: Fill with original interview date, INTDATE.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP].
<2, D> [go to CAPI_Middle.SOMEONE_ELSE ]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT]
<R> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_REF]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Address verification from proxy for original noninterview
Field Definition:
Universe: (VERTELE = 1 and HELLO_TN = 3) OR (HELLO_PN = 3)
Info Pane:
Perhaps you can help me.
I’m trying to find out information about:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
Can you or someone else help me?
1. Yes 2. Inconvenient time, call back later. 3. No, but I have the phone number of someone who can. 4. No. |
Form Pane:
Address verification from proxy for original interview [fill] Household member [] Other household member [] Proxy contact verification for interview case [] Address verification from proxy for original noninterview[] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Front.PROX_UN].
<2> [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
<3> [go to CAPI_Front._INTRO_].
<4> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
Special Instructions:
Align the beginning of each line of ADDRESS1 with the beginning of first line of the address.
Block: CAPI_Front
Field Description: Proxy contact verification for noninterview case - contact person unknown
Field Definition:
Universe: (ADDVER_N = 1)
Info Pane:
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted someone [Fill: NUM_HERE] to verify the status of: [Fill: ADDRESS1].
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Proxy contact verification for noninterview case - contact person unknown [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
If METHOD = ‘1’, then fill NUM_HERE with “at this phone number” if METHOD = ‘1’.
If METHOD = ‘2’, then fill NUM_HERE with “here”.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
Special Instructions:
Align the beginning of each line of the sample unit address (including the physical description, if given) with the beginning of the first line of the address.
The screens for the middle of the instrument appear in this section. Output “Don’t Know” as “9” and fill with preceding “9”s if variable length > 1. Output “Refused” as “8” and fill with preceding “9”s if variable length > 1. If a screen has eight or nine response choices, and allows “Don’t Know” or “Refused”, the specifications writers must specify length = 2 for the variable to differentiate between a response choice of 8 or 9 and a “Don’t Know”(99) or “Refused” (98).
note that the CATI and CAPI instruments use many of the same paths
through middle of the instrument. The universes have been updated to
reflect differences in the CATI and CAPI paths from the front of the
instrument. Skip patterns occasionally depend on the mode.
screens in the middle are:
Field Description: Reinterview Respondent
Field Definition: Selects reinterview respondent from household roster
Universe: (LIVEHERE = 1 and PROX_UC = 1)
OR (INTRO_TC = 1, 2 or 3)
OR (INTRO_PC = 1, 2 or 3)
OR (SPEAKTO = 1 and NEWRESP = 1)
OR (ADDVER = 1 and (PROX_C = 1 or HELLO_TCX = 1 or HELLO_PCX = 1))
OR (ADDVER = 1 and (RPROXY_A = 1 and HELLO_TC = 3 or 5 or HELLO_PC = 2 or 4))
OR (INTROB_RI_CT= 1 and HELLO_TC_CT = 1 and ADDVER_CT = 1)
OR (INTROB_RI_CT= 1 and INTRO_TC_CT = (1, 2, or 3))
OR (INTROB_RI_CT= 1 and ADDVER_CT = 1 and PROX_C_CT=1)
OR [(PROX_C_CT = 1 or HELLO_TCX _CT= 1 or HELLO_PCX_CT = 1) and ADDVER_CT = 1]
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
♦ Ask if necessary
♦ With whom am I speaking?
♦ Enter line of person you are speaking to ot (0) if person is not on roster.
Form Pane:
Reinterview Respondent [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 2
Valid Value: 0 - maximum line number
Skip Instructions: <0 - maximum line number> If (MODE = 1 and NEWRESP = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT ne 3) OR
then [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESPB_RI_CT]
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_C].
Special Instructions:
This screen displays the household roster.
A roster line cannot exceed 3000 characters in length.
Display a Hard error if a number is listed that is not in the list of line numbers and is not 0. The hard error should read “You have made a selection for a number that is not listed and is not 0. Please select a new respondent.”
Display a Hard error if the number of the person selected has HHMEM = 2. The hard error should read “You have made a selection for an ineligible respondent. Please select a new respondent.”
Display a Hard error if the AGE of the person with LNO = RIRESP is not blank and less than MIN_AGE. The hard error should read “You have made a selection for a member under MIN_AGE years of age. Please select a new respondent.”
Align the beginning of each first name with the Column heading “Name”.
Capitalize only the first letter of each column heading
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Permission to Record Alternative Respondent
Field Definition:
Universe: [MODE = 1 and NEWRESP = 1 and CONTACT_C = 1] OR
[MODE = 1 and CONTACT_C = 2 and LIVEHERE_CT = 1] OR
[MODE = 1 and NEWRESP = 1 and CONTACT_N = 1] OR
[MODE = 1 and CONTACT_C = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT = empty] OR
[MODE=1 and CONTACT_N=1 and
CONTACT_C = 1 and SPEAKTO=blank and SOMEONE_ELSE=blank]
Info Pane:
This call may be recorded for quality assurance. Do I have permission to record this call?
♦ If the respondent does not wish to be recorded:
1. Continue 2. Inconvenient time; schedule an appointment to callback. 3. No; recording is turned off. Continue interview |
Form Pane:
Permission to Record [fill] |
Question Text:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1,3> If
(CONTACT_N=1 or CONTACT_C=1) then
[go to CAPI_Middle.PROX_PRESENT].
<2> [go to Show_Ctrl].
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Contact verification of original survey interview?
Field Definition:
Universe: (RIRESP = <0 - maximum line number>)
Info Pane:
Did an interviewer contact you on or about [Fill: INTDATE] and ask questions about [Fill: CONTACT_C_INFO 1]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [fill] |
Speak to person [] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [] |
Interview mode [] |
Proxy present [] |
FR Polite/Professional [] |
Someone else contacted [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D
Skip Instructions: <1> If MODE=1 and (INTROB_RI_CT = empty OR NEWRESP = 1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESPB_RI_CT]
Else if (PROX_C = 1) OR (PROX_UC =1) OR
then [go to CAPI_Middle.PROX_PRESENT].
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.ORMODE].
<2, D> If (PROX_UC_CT = 1 and LIVEHERE_CT = 1) then
[go to to CAPI_Middle.RIRESPB_RI_CT]
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.SOMEONE_ELSE].
Special Instructions:
Do not allow a refusal (i.e., Ctrl + R) for this question.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Interview mode
Field Definition:
Universe: (CONTACT_C = 1 and INTRO_PC = 1, 2, or 3)
OR {CONTACT_C = 1 and [INTRO_TC = (1, 2, or 3) or INTRO_TC_CT = (1, 2, or 3)]}
{CONTACT_N = 1 and
[PROX_N = (2 or empty) and
PROX_UN = (2 or empty) and HELLO_TNX
= (2 or empty) and HELLO_PNX = (2 or empty)]}
OR {MODE = 1 and CONTACT_N = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT = (1 or 3) and [PROX_N_CT = (2 or empty) or PROX_UN_CT = (2 or empty)]}
OR [LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and NEWRESP = 1 and CONTACT_N = 1]
OR [LIVEHERE_CT = (2 or D) and NEWRESP = 1 and CONTACT_N = 1]
Info Pane:
Did the interviewer conduct the interview in person or over the telephone? |
1. Personal visit only 2. Telephone call only 3. Both - Interviewer visited and called |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [] |
Speak to person [] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [] |
Interview mode [fill] |
Proxy present [] |
FR Polite/Professional [] |
Someone else contacted [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions/
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, D
Skip Instructions: <1, 3, D> [go to CAPI_Middle.POLITE].
<2> If (CONTACT_C = 1 and PV_ONLY = Yes)
then [go to CAPI_Middle.PHONE_REQUEST]
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.POLITE].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: FR Polite/Professional
Field Definition:
Universe: (ORMODE = (1, 2, 3,D or R)
Info Pane:
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [] |
Speak to person [] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [] |
Interview mode [] |
Proxy present [] |
FR Polite/Professional [fill] |
Someone else contacted [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1, D, R > If (CONTACT_C = 1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.LENGTH_H].
If (ORMODE = 1 or 3) then [go to CAPI_Middle.LAPTOP]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2)
[go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1 or C1)
[go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS].
Else If VACANT_INT = Yes then [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT]
<2> [go to CAPI_Middle.PO_NOTES].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Polite notes
Field Definition:
Universe: (POLITE = 2)
Info Pane:
♦ Enter comments from the reinterview respondent here.
Form Pane:
Polite notes [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 240
Valid Values: text up to 240 characters in length
Skip Instructions: If (CONTACT_C = 1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.LENGTH_H].
Else if (ORMODE = 1 or 3) then [go to CAPI_Middle.LAPTOP].
Else if (ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
IF (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1 or C1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS].
Else If VACANT_INT = Yes then [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Length of interview - hour portion
Field Definition:
Universe: (POLITE = 1 or D and CONTACT_C = 1)
OR (Any text in PO_NOTES and CONTACT_C = 1)
Info Pane:
About how long did the interview last?
____ hours ____ min.
♦ If no hours, enter 0.
Form Pane:
Length of interview - hour portion [fill] Length of interview - minute portion [] Laptop used [] Vacant Check [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 0 - 9, D
Skip Instructions: <0 - 9> [go to CAPI_Middle.LENGTH_M].
<D> If (ORMODE = 1 or 3) then [go to CAPI_Middle.LAPTOP] .
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_1].
Special Instructions:
Do not allow a refusal (i.e., Ctrl + R) for this question.
First of two duplicate screens - screen for hour entry.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Length of interview - minute portion
Field Definition:
Universe: (LENGTH_H = <0 - 9>)
Info Pane:
About how long did the interview last?
[Fill: LENGTH_H] hours ________________ minutes
Form Pane:
Length of interview - hour portion [] Length of interview - minute portion [fill] Laptop used [] Vacant Check [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 2
Valid Values: 0 – 90
Skip Instructions: <0 - 90> If (ORMODE = 1 or 3) then [go to CAPI_Middle.LAPTOP].
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_1].
Special Instructions:
Second of two duplicate screens - screen for minute entry.
Convert the number of hours entered in LENGTH_H and the number of minutes entered in LENGTH_M to total minutes, but do not display. Store this value in the variable LENGTH_T.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Laptop used
Field Definition:
Universe: (LENGTH_H = D and ORMODE = 1 or 3)
OR (LENGTH_M = <0 - 90> and ORMODE = 1 or 3)
OR (CONTACT_N = 1 and ORMODE = 1 or 3 and POLITE = 1 or D)
OR (CONTACT_N = 1 and ORMODE = 1 or 3 and Any text in PO_NOTES)
Info Pane:
Did the interviewer use a laptop computer?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Length of interview - hour portion [] Length of interview - minute portion [] Laptop used [fill] Vacant Check [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions:
<1, 2, D, R > If (CONTACT_C = 1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_1].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1 or C1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS].
Else If VACANT_INT = Yesthen [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT]
Special Instructions:
If LAPTOP = 2, store code 10 in element [10] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Roster verification
Field Definition: Verifying original roster in reinterview
= D and ORMODE = 2 or D)
OR (LENGTH_M = <0-90> and ORMODE = 2 or D)
OR (LAPTOP = (1, 2, or D) and CONTACT_C = 1)
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Our records indicate that ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ [Fill: HH_SIZE] living or staying at
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
on [Fill: INTDATE].
Is this correct?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Roster verification [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form pane
Fill Instructions: Fill with format ADDRESS1.
If NROSIZE = ‘0001’, then fill HH_SIZE with “was”.
Else if NROSIZE ne ‘0001’ and NROSIZE ne empty, then fill HH_SIZE with “were”.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1, D, R> [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_3].
<2> [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_2].
Special Instructions:
This screen displays the household roster. Fill REL, AGE, and SEX with its descriptions from Attachment D.
If ROSTER_1 = 2, store code 7 in element [7] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Roster verification - deletes
Field Definition: Allows deletion of household members from the roster
Universe: (ROSTER_1 = 2)
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
♦ Enter the line number of the household member(s) (above name(s) in blue) who wasn’t/weren’t living or staying at the household on [Fill: INTDATE].
List of line numbers from household roster. |
Form Pane:
Roster verification - deletes [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 2
Valid Values: list of line numbers, <1 - maximum line number>
Skip Instructions: <1 - maximum line number> [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_3].
Special Instructions:
This screen displays the household roster. Fill REL, AGE, and SEX with its descriptions from Attachment D.
Mark all that apply type of entry.
Calculate count of the number of incorrect persons entered, but do not display. Store this value in the variable INCT_CNT.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Roster verification – check for adds
Field Definition: Instrument checks for additional household members
Universe: (ROSTER_1 = 1, D or R)
OR (Any valid value in ROSTER_2)
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Have I missed any household member who
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Roster verification – check for adds [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form pane
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.ROSTER_4].
<2, D, R> [go to CAPI_Middle.SURVEY_1].
Special Instructions:
This screen displays the household roster. Fill REL, AGE, and SEX with its descriptions from Attachment D.
If ROSTER_3 = 1, store code 7 in element [7] of the DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Roster – verify adds
Field Definition: Allows addition of household members to the roster
Universe: (ROSTER_3 = 1)
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Form Pane:
Roster _verification_adds [fill] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] |
Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] |
Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] Roster _verification_adds [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: text ≤ 50 characters
Valid Values: Lists of up to 15 names
Skip Instructions: [go to CAPI_Middle. SURVEY_1]
Special Instructions:
Mark all that apply type of entry.
Calculate count of the number of missing persons entered, but do not display. Store this value in the variable MISS_CNT.
Any member added to the roster should get the next highest un-dropped line number.
Align the beginning of each first name with the Column heading “Name”.
Capitalize only the first letter of each column heading
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: CU Definition
Field Definition:
Universe: (VACANT = 1)
OR (ROSTER_3 = 2, D or R)
OR (Any valid value in ROSTER_4)
Info Pane:
The Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey groups household members together if they are related or, if not related, dependent on one another for payment of their major expenses. The household members that make up a group are listed together on a Diary form.
[Fill: ‘Since our records have you as the only household member, you are the only person listed on your Diary form.’ / “Since our records have [Fill: FNAME LNAME (from only person level record)] as the only household member, he/she is the only person listed on the Diary form.’ / ‘Household members who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangement are listed together on the same Diary form.
Household members who are not related can be listed together on the same Diary form if they are dependent on one another for payment of their major expenses. A household member is the only person listed on a Diary form if he is independent of all other unrelated household members for payment of his major expenses. By major expenses, I mean housing expenses, food expenses, and other living expenses, such as clothing, transportation, etc.’]
◆ Press 1 to continue.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
CU definition [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
1. If NROSIZE =1 and RIRESP > 0, fill ‘Since our records have you as the only household member, you are the only person listed on your Diary form.’
2. If NROSIZE =1 and RIRESP = 0, fill ‘Since our records have’ FNAME and LNAME from only person level record ‘as the only household member, he/she is the only person listed on the Diary form.’
3. Else fill ‘Household members who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangement are listed together on the same Diary form. Household members who are not related can be listed together on the same Diary form if they are dependent on one another for payment of their major expenses. A household member is the only person listed on a Diary form if he is independent of all other household members for payment of his major expenses. By major expenses, I mean housing expenses, food expenses, and other living expenses, such as clothing, transportation, etc.’
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> If (INCT_CNT ≥ 1 or MISS_CNT > 1 or NROSIZE = 1) and (PERCUNUM = 1 for LNO = RIRESP) OR (RIRESP=0 and PROX_PRESENT=1) [go to DIARY]
If (INCT_CNT ≥ 1 or MISS_CNT > 1 or NROSIZE = 1) and (PERCUNUM > 1 for LNO = RIRESP) [go to THANK_YOU]
Else [go to CU_LISTING]
Special Instructions:
If INCT_CNT < 1 or empty and MISS_CNT < 1 or empty and NROSIZE > 1, set ITERATION
= 1 and INCT_CU = 0.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: CU listing
Field Definition:
Universe: (SURVEY_1 = 1 and INCT_CNT < 1 or empty and MISS_CNT < 1 or empty and NROSIZE > 1)
OR (Any valid value in SINGLE_OTHER and TOTAL_CU ≥ ITERATION)
OR (Any valid value in MULTI_OTHER and TOTAL_CU ≥ ITERATION)
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Our records indicate that ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ made up a group on [Fill: INTDATE] and [Fill: HH_SIZE] listed [Fill: HH_SIZE2] on a Diary form.
♦ Press 1 to continue
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
CU listing [fill] One person CU – related [] One person CU – housing expenses [] One person CU – food expenses [] One person CU – other expenses [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions: If NROSIZE = ‘0001’, then fill HH_SIZE with “was”.
Else if NROSIZE ne ‘0001’ and NROSIZE ne empty, then fill HH_SIZE with “were”.
If NROSIZE = ‘0001’, then fill HH_SIZE2 with “alone”.
Else if NROSIZE ne ‘0001’ and NROSIZE ne empty, then fill HH_SIZE2 with “together”.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: If Count = 1 [go to SINGLE_RELATED]
Else if Count > 1 [go to MULTI_RELATED]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
Calculate count of the number of household members listed in this CU, that is, the number of persons with HH_MEM=1 and PERCUNUM=ITERATION. Do not display. Store this value in the variable COUNT.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: One person CU – related
Field Definition:
Universe: CU_LISTING = 1 and COUNT = 1
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Is ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangement to any other household member?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
One person CU – related [fill] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1> If TOTAL_CU ≥ ITERATION [go to CU_LISTING]
If PERCUNUM = 1 for LNO = RIRESP [go to DIARY]
Else [go to THANK_YOU]
<2, D, R> [go to SINGLE_HOUSING]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
If SINGLE_RELATED = 1, set INCT_CU = INCT_CU + 1 and store code 12 in element [12] of DISCREPANCY array.
4. If SINGLE_RELATED = 2, ‘Don’t know,’ or ‘Refused,’ set DEPENDENT = 0.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: One person CU – housing expenses
Field Definition:
Universe: SINGLE_RELATED = 2, D, or R
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Does any other household member pay for all or part of ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ housing expenses? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
One person CU – related [] |
One person CU – housing expenses [fill] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R > [go to SINGLE_FOOD]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: One person CU – food expenses
Field Definition:
Universe: Any valid value in SINGLE_HOUSING
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Does any other household member pay for all or part of ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ food expenses? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
One person CU – related [] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
One person CU – food expenses [fill] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R > [go to SINGLE_OTHER]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: One person CU – other expenses
Field Definition:
Universe: Any valid value in SINGLE_FOOD
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Does any other household member pay for all or part of ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ other living expenses, such as clothing or transportation? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
One person CU – related [] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
One person CU – other expenses [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R > If TOTAL_CU ≥ ITERATION [go to CU_LISTING]
If PERCUNUM = 1 for LNO = RIRESP [go to DIARY]
Else [go to THANK_YOU]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
If DEPENDENT ≥ 2, set INCT_CU = INCT_CU + 1 and store code 12 in element [12] of DISCREPANCY array.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Multi person CU – related
Field Definition:
Universe: CU_LISTING = 1 and COUNT > 1
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Are ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ all related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other legal arrangement? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Multi person CU – related [fill] |
One person CU – related [] |
Multi person CU – housing expenses [] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
Multi person CU – food expenses [] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
Multi person CU – other expenses [] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
CU listing [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, D, R > If TOTAL_CU ≥ ITERATION [go to CU_LISTING]
If PERCUNUM = 1 for LNO = RIRESP [go to DIARY]
Else [go to THANK_YOU]
<2, > [go to MULTI_HOUSING]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
If MULTI_RELATED = 1, ‘Don’t know’ or ‘Refusal’, set ITERATION = ITERATION + 1.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Multi person CU – housing expenses
Field Definition:
Universe: MULTI_RELATED = 2
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Does any this group ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦ include a person or persons who are independent of the other persons in this group for payment of housing expenses?
By independent I mean that this person or persons neither receives money from the other group members for housing expenses nor pays for any of the other group members’ housing expenses. |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Multi person CU – related [] |
One person CU – related [] |
Multi person CU – housing expenses [fill] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
Multi person CU – food expenses [] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
Multi person CU – other expenses [] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
CU listing [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R > [go to MULTI_FOOD]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Multi person CU – food expenses
Field Definition:
Universe: Any valid value in MULTI_HOUSING
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Does this group ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦, include a person or persons who are independent of the other persons in this group for payment of food expenses?
By independent I mean that this person or persons neither receives money from the other group members for food expenses nor pays for any of the other group members’ food expenses. |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Multi person CU – related [] |
One person CU – related [] |
Multi person CU – housing expenses [] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
Multi person CU – food expenses [fill] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
Multi person CU – other expenses [] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
CU listing [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R > [go to MULTI_OTHER]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Multi person CU – other expenses
Field Definition:
Universe: Any valid value in MULTI_FOOD
Info Pane:
Line No. |
Name |
Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
[Fill: LNO] |
[Fill: REL] |
[Fill: AGE] |
[Fill: SEX] |
[Fill: HH_FILL1] |
[Fill: HH_FILL2] |
[Fill: HH_FILL3] |
Does this group ♦Read above name(s) in blue ♦, include a person or persons who are independent of the other persons in this group for payment of other living expenses, such as clothing, transportation?
By independent I mean that this person or persons neither receives money from the other group members for other living expenses nor pays for any of the other group members’ other living expenses. |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Multi person CU – related [] |
One person CU – related [] |
Multi person CU – housing expenses [] |
One person CU – housing expenses [] |
Multi person CU – food expenses [] |
One person CU – food expenses [] |
Multi person CU – other expenses [fill] |
One person CU – other expenses [] |
CU listing [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R > If TOTAL_CU ≥ ITERATION [go to CU_LISTING]
If PERCUNUM = 1 for LNO = RIRESP [go to DIARY]
Else [go to THANK_YOU]
Special Instructions:
Display in the household roster only household members (HH_MEM = 1), gray all household members with PERCUNUM ≠ ITERATION, and fill REL, SEX, AWAY_COL, and HH_MEM with the descriptions from Attachment D.
If INDEPENDENT ≥ 2, set INCT_CU = INCT_CU + 1 and store code 12 in element [12] of DISCREPANCY array.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Diary placed
Field Definition:
Universe: (SURVEY_1 = 1 and (INCT_CNT > 1 or MISS_CNT > 1 or NROSIZE = 1) and PERCUMEN = 1 for LNO = RIRESP)
OR (MULTI_OTHER = 1, 2, D or R and TOTAL_CU < ITERATION and PERCUMEN = 1 for LNO = RIRESP) OR (RIRESP = 0 and PROX_PRESENT = 1 and SURVEY_1 = 1)
Info Pane:
Did the interviewer give you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] a diary on or about [Fill: INTDATE] to record your [Fill: “group’s” / blank] expenses for the week from [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 1 / PLCEDAT2 + 1] to [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 7 / PLCEDAT2 + 7]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [fill] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> If ORIOUT = 201, 203 or 205 and ANYENTR1 = 1 then [go to ENTRIES]
If ORIOUT = 201, 203 or 205 and ANYENTR1 = 2 and ANYRECAL1 = 1 then [go to RECALL]
If ORIOUT = 201, 203 or 205 and ANYENTR1 = 2 and ANYRECAL1 = 2 then [go to EXPENSES]
If ORIOUT = 206 or 207 and ANYENTR2 = 1 then [go to ENTRIES]
If ORIOUT = 206 or 207 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 1 then [go to RECALL]
If ORIOUT = 206 or 207 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 2 then [go to EXPENSES]
If ORIOUT = 208, 209, 211, 212 or 326 then [go to RECALL]
<2, D, R> If ORIOUT = 201, 205, 208 or 209 then [go to DIARY2]
If ORIOUT = 207 or 326 then [go to WK1_TYPEB]
Else [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
1. If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
2. If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “group’s.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
3. ORIOUT = 201, 203, 205, 208, 209 or 212, fill PLCEDAT1 plus one day.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus one day.
4. ORIOUT = 201, 203, 205, 208, 209 or 212, fill PLCEDAT1 plus seven days.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus seven days.
Special Instructions:
If DIARY = 2, add code 13 to element [13] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Enter expenditures
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIARY = 1 and ORIOUT = 201, 203 or 205 and ANYENTR1 = 1)
OR (DIARY = 1 and ORIOUT = 206 or 207 and ANYENTR2 = 1)
Info Pane:
Did you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] record any expenses for the week from [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 1 / PLCEDAT2 + 1] to [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 7 / PLCEDAT2 + 7] in this diary before the interviewer picked it up on [Fill: PICKDTE1 / PICKDTE2]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [fill] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to PICKUP]
<2, D, R> [go to RECALL]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
2. ORIOUT = 201, 203, or 205, fill PLCEDAT1 plus one day.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus one day.
3. ORIOUT = 201, 203, or 205, fill PLCEDAT1 plus seven days.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus seven days.
4. ORIOUT = 201, 203, or 205, fill PICKDTE1.
Else fill PICKDTE2.
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Recall expenditures
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIARY = 1 and ORIOUT = 201, 203 or 205 and ANYENTR1 = 2 and ANYRECAL1=I) OR (DIARY = 1 and ORIOUT = 206 or 207 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 1) OR (DIARY = 1 and ORIOUT = 208, 209, 211, 212 or 326)
OR (ENTRIES = 2, D or R)
Info Pane:
Did you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] inform the interviewer of any expenses when the interviewer picked up this diary on [Fill: PICKDTE1 / PICKDTE2]? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [fill] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to RECEIPTS]
<2, D, R> [go to PICKUP]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
2. ORIOUT = 201, 203, or 205, fill PICKDTE1 plus one day.
Else fill PICKDTE2.
Special Instructions:
If RECALL = 2 and ENTRIES = 2 or empty, add code 14 to element [14] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Receipts for recalled expenditures
Field Definition:
Universe: RECALL = 1
Info Pane:
Did you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] provide the interviewer with receipts for any of these expenses when the interviewer picked up this diary on [Fill: PICKDTE1 / PICKDTE2]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [fill] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1 2, D, R > [go to PICKUP]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
2. ORIOUT = 201, 203, or 205, fill PICKDTE1 plus one day.
Else fill PICKDTE2.
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Expenditures
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIARY=1 and ORIOUT = 201, 203 or 205 and ANYENTR1 = 2 and ANYRECAL1 = 2)
OR (DIARY = 1 and ORIOUT = 206 or 207 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 2)
Info Pane:
Our records show that [Fill: “you” / “your group”] did not have any expenses or purchases from [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 1 / PLCEDAT2 + 1] to [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 7 / PLCEDAT2 + 7].
Is this correct? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [fill] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1 2, D, R > [go to PICKUP]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE = 1, fill “you.”
Else fill “your group.”
2. If ORIOUT = 201, 203, 205, 208, or 212, fill PLCEDAT1 plus one day.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus one day.
3. If ORIOUT = 201, 203, 205, 208, or 212, fill PLCEDAT1 plus seven days.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus seven days.
Special Instructions:
If EXPENSES = 2, add code 14 to element [14] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Diary pickup
Field Definition:
Universe: (ENTRIES = 1)
OR (RECALL = 2, D or R)
OR (RECEIPTS = 1, 2, D or R)
OR (EXPENSES = 1, 2, D or R)
Info Pane:
Our records show that the interviewer picked up this diary on [Fill: PICKDTE1 / PICKDTE2]
Is this correct? |
1. Yes 2. No - Diary picked up before that date 3. No - Diary picked up after that date |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [fill] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, 3, D, R > If ORIOUT = 201, 205, 208 or 209 then [go to DIARY2]
If ORIOUT = 207 or 326 then [go to WK1_TYPEB]
Else [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
If ORIOUT = 201, 203, 205, 208, 209 or 212, fill PICKDTE1.
Else fill PICKDTE2.
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Second diary placed
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIARY = 2, D or R and ORIOUT = 201, 205, 208 or 209)
OR (PICKUP = 1, 2, 3, D or R and ORIOUT = 201, 205, 208 or 209)
Info Pane:
Did the interviewer give you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] a second diary on or about [Fill: PLCEDAT2] to record your [Fill: “group’s” / blank] expenses for the week from [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 8 to [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 14]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [fill] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> If ORIOUT = 201 or 208 and ANYTENTR2 = 1 then [go to ENTRIES2]
If ORIOUT = 201 or 208 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 1then [go to RECALL2]
If ORIOUT = 201 or 208 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 2 then [go to EXPENSES2]
If OUROUT = 205 or 209 then [go to RECALL2]
<2, D, R> [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
1. If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
2. If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “group’s.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
Special Instructions:
If DIARY2 = 2, add code 13 to element [13] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Enter expenditures for second diary
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIARY2 = 1 and ORIOUT = 201 or 208 and ANYENTR2 = 1)
Info Pane:
Did you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] record any expenses for the week from [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 8] to [Fill : PLCEDAT1 + 14] in this second diary before the interviewer picked it up on [Fill: PICKDTE2]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [fill] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to PICKUP2]
<2, D, R> [go to RECALL2]
Fill Instructions:
1. If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Recall expenditures for second diary
Field Definition:
Universe: (DIARY2 = 1 and ORIOUT = 201 or 208 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and ANYRECAL2 = 1)
OR (DIARY2 = 1 and ORIOUT = 205 or 209)
OR ENTRIES2 = 2, D or R
Info Pane:
Did you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] inform the interviewer of any expenses when the interviewer picked up this second diary on [Fill: PICKDTE2]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [fill] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to RECEIPT2]
<2, D, R> [go to PICKUP2]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
Special Instructions:
If RECALL2 = 2 and ENTRIES2 = 2 or empty, add code 14 to element [14] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Receipts for recalled expenditures for second diary
Field Definition:
Universe: RECALL2 = 1
Info Pane:
Did you [Fill: “or someone in your group” / blank] provide the interviewer with receipts for any of these expenses when the interviewer picked up this second diary on [Fill: PICKDTE2]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Diary placed [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Enter expenditures [] |
Second diary placed [] |
RECALL expenditures [] |
Enter expenditures for second diary [] |
Receipts for recalled expenditures [] |
Recall expenditures for second diary [] |
Expenditures [] |
Receipts for recall expenditures for second diary [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1 2, D, R > [go to PICKUP2]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE > 1, fill “or someone in your group.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Expenditures for second diary
Field Definition:
Universe: DIARY2 = 1 and ORIOUT = 201 or 208 and ANYENTR2 = 2 and
Info Pane:
Our records show that [Fill: “you” / “your group”] did not have any expenses or purchases from [Fill: PLCEDAT1 + 8] to [Fill : PLCEDAT1 + 14].
Is this correct?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [fill] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Week1 Type B status probe [] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [] |
Week1 Type B status check [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1 2, D, R > [go to PICKUP2]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE = 1, fill “you.”
Else fill “your group.”
Special Instructions:
If EXPENSES2 = 2, add code 14 to element [14] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Diary pickup (second)
Field Definition:
Universe: (ENTRIES2 = 1)
OR (RECALL2 = 2, D or R)
OR (RECEIPTS2 = 1, 2, D or R)
OR (EXPENSES2 = 1, 2, D or R)
Info Pane:
Our records show that the interviewer picked up this second diary on [Fill: PICKDTE2]
Is this correct? |
1. Yes 2. No - Diary picked up before that date 3. No - Diary picked up after that date |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Diary pickup [fill] |
Week1 Type B status probe [] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [] |
Week1 Type B status check [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, 3, D, R > [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Week 1 Type B Noninterview
Field Definition:
Universe: (Diary = 2, D, or R and ORIOUT = 207 or 326)
OR (PICKUP = 1, 2, 3, D or R and ORIOUT = 207 or 326)
Info Pane:
Our records show that on [Fill: PLCEDAT1] our interviewer attempted to contact your household and drop off a diary, but was unsuccessful.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Week1 Type B status probe [] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [fill] |
Week1 Type B status check [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1 > If PICK_UP1 = 224, 225, 226, 228,229, 231, 232, 331 or 332 then [go to
If PICK_UP1 = 217 then [go to WK1_ABSENT]
If PICK_UP1 = 233 then [go to WK1STAT_PROBE]
Fill Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Week 1 Type B status check
Field Definition:
Universe: (WK1_TYPEB = 1 and PICK_UP1 = 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 231, 232, 331 or 332)
Info Pane:
Our interviewer reported that on [Fill: PLCEDAT1],
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
[Fill: PICK_UP1's description].
Is this information correct?
1. Yes 1. No |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Week1 Type B status probe [] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [] |
Week1 Type B status check [fill] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, R
Skip Instructions: <1 > [go to THANK_YOU]
<2, R> [go to WK1STAT_PROBE]
Fill Instructions:
Fill PICK_UP1’s description with the description for the matching outcome code on Attachment G, "CED Original Week1 Pickup Code Descriptions for the WKI_STATUS Screen."
Special Instructions:
If WK1_STATUS = 2, store code 15 in element [15] of DISCREPANCY array.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Temporarily absent
Field Definition:
Universe: WKI_TYPEB = 1 and PICK_UP1 = 217
Info Pane:
Our interviewer reported that you [Fill: “and everyone in your group” / blank] were temporarily absent from [Fill: ADDRESS1] from [Fill: EPD] to [Fill: LPD].
Is this correct? |
1. Yes 1. No |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Week1 Type B status probe [] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [] |
Week1 Type B status check [] |
Temporarily absent [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, R
Skip Instructions: <1 > [go to WK1_CARE]
<2, R> [go to WK1STAT_PROBE]
Fill Instructions:
If NUMHOUSE >1, fill “and everyone on your list.”
Else leave blank. Do not display item.
Special Instructions:
If WK1_ABSENT = 2, add code 15 to element [15] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Care of Week 1 temporarily absent residence
Field Definition:
Universe: WKI_ABSENT = 1
Info Pane:
Our records show that during your absence [CPNAME] was responsible for the care of your residence from [Fill: EPD] to [Fill: LPD].
Examples of responsibilities are picking up mail, feeding pets, or watching your home during your absence.
Is this correct? |
1. Yes 1. No |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [] |
Temporarily absent [fill] |
Diary pickup [] |
Week1 Type B status probe [] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [] |
Week1 Type B status check [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R> [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
Special Instructions:
If WK1_CARE = 2, add code 16 to element [16] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Week 1 Type B status probe
Field Definition:
Universe: (WK1_TYPEB = 1 and PICK_UP1 = 233) or (WKI_STATUS = 2 or R)
OR (WK1_ABSENT = 2 or R)
Info Pane:
Original Outcome for Week 1: [Fill: PICK_UP1] - [Fill: PICK_UP1's description]
Week 1 Placement Date: [Fill: PLCEDAT1]
What was the status of [Fill: ADDRESS1]
on or about [Fill: PLCEDAT1]?
1. Yes 1. No |
Form Pane:
Expenditures for second diary [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Diary pickup [] |
Week1 Type B status probe [fill] |
Week1 Type B noninterview [] |
Week1 Type B status check [] |
Temporarily absent [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 240
Valid Values: <1, text ≤ 240 characters>
Skip Instructions: <1, text ≤ 240 characters> [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
Fill PICK_UP1’s description with the description for the matching outcome code on Attachment G.
Special Instructions:.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Care of temporarily absent residence
Field Definition:
Universe: STATUS = 1 and ORIOUT = 217
Info Pane:
Our records show that during the temporary absence of this household [Fill: CPNAME] was responsible for the care of the unit from [Fill: EPD / EPD / PLCEDAT2] to [Fill: LPD / PLCEDAT2 + 6].
Examples of responsibilities are picking up mail, feeding pets or watching the unit during the household’s absence.
Is this correct? |
1. Yes 1. No |
Form Pane:
Care of temporarily absent residence [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: <1, 2, D, R>
Skip Instructions: <1, 2, D, R> [go to THANK_YOU]
Fill Instructions:
1. If PICK_UP2 = 216, 219, 321, 322, 323, 324 or 325, fill EPD.
If PICK_UP2 = 217 and PICK_UP1 = 217, fill EPD.
Else fill PLCEDAT2.
2. If PICK_UP2 = 216, 219, 321, 322, 323, 324 or 325, fill LPD.
Else fill PLCEDAT2 plus six days.
Special Instructions:.
If CARE = 2, add code 16 to element [16] of array DISCREPANCY.
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Proxy present
Field Definition:
[{CONTACT_C = 1 and (PROX_C = 1 or PROX_UC = 1 or HELLO_TCX=1 or HELLO_PCX=1)}
OR {CONTACT_N = 1 and (PROX_N = 1 or PROX_UN = 1 or
HELLO_TNX = 1 or HELLO_PNX = 1)}]
[{CONTACT_C = 1 and (PROX_C_CT = 1 or PROX_UC_CT = 1 or HELLO_TCX_CT=1)}
OR {CONTACT_N = 1 and (PROX_N_CT = 1 or PROX_UN_CT = 1 or
Info Pane:
Were you present during the original interview? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [] |
Speak to person [] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [] |
Interview mode [] |
Proxy present [fill] |
FR Polite/Professional [] |
Someone else contacted [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.ORMODE].
<2, D, R> If (CONTACT_C = 1) then [go to APPT2]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1 or C1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS]
Else If VACANT_INT = YES then [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Someone else contacted
Field Definition:
Universe: [LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and CONTACT_N = (2, D, or empty)]
OR [LIVEHERE_CT = (2 or D) and CONTACT_N = (2, D, or empty)]
OR [CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and {INTRO_TC = (1, 2 or 3) or
INTRO_PC = (1, 2 or 3) or INTRO_TC_CT = (1, 2 or 3)}]
OR [MODE = 0 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D) and PROX_N empty and PROX_UN empty]
OR [MODE = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D) and PROX_N_CT empty and PROX_UN_CT empty]
Info Pane:
Could the interviewer have spoken to another person [Fill: AT_ABOUT]
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [] |
Speak to person [] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [] |
Interview mode [] |
Proxy present [] |
FR Polite/Professional [] |
Someone else contacted [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Fill for AT_ABOUT:
ORIOUT_RSLT = ‘INT’, then fill with ‘at’.
ORIOUT_RSLT = B1, B2, C1, or C2, then fill with ‘about’.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.SPEAKTO].
<2, D, R > If (CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and RIRESP 0)
then [go to THANK_YOU]
If [LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and
SPEAKTO = empty] OR
[LIVEHERE_CT= (2 or D) and SPEAKTO = empty]
[LIVEHERE =(2 or D) and SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D) OR [LIVEHERE_CT = (2 or D) and SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D)] then [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
If (RIRESP = 0) then [go to THANK_NOHH]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1 or C1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS].
Else if VACANT_INT = YES [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT]
Special Instructions:
If (SOMEONE_ELSE = 2 and LIVEHERE blank), add code 1 to element [1] of DISCREPANCY array.
If (SOMEONE_ELSE=2 and CONTACT_N=2), add code 1 to element [1] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Speak to person
Field Definition:
Universe: SOMEONE_ELSE = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2, D, or empty)
Info Pane:
May I speak to that person?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [] |
Speak to person [fill] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [] |
Interview mode [] |
Proxy present [] |
FR Polite/Professional [] |
Someone else contacted [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> If [(CONTACT_C = 2 or D) then [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESP].
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.CONTACT_N].
<2, R,D> If (MODE=0 and LIVEHERE=(2 or D) and SOMEONE_ELSE=1) then [go to CAPI_Back.APPT].
If (MODE=1 and LIVEHERE_CT=(2 or D) and SOMEONE_ELSE=1) then [go to APPT_CT].
If (RIRESP = 0) then [go to THANK_NOHH]
If (CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and RIRESP 0)
then [go to THANK_REF]
(ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2) then
[go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B1 or C1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS].
If VACANT_INT = YES then [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT]
Special Instructions:
If (SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_C = (2 or D)), then empty the following variables upon returning to RIRESP: RIRESP, CONTACT_C, SOMEONE_ELSE, and SPEAKTO and set NEWRESP = 1 (new flag).
If (SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D)), then empty the following variables upon returning to CONTACT_N: CONTACT_N, SOMEONE_ELSE, and SPEAKTO and set NEWRESP = 1 (new flag).
If SPEAKTO =1 and LIVEHERE = 2 or D, then empty SOMEONE_ELSE and SPEAKTO and set NEWRESP = 1 (new flag).
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Contact verification for original survey noninterview
Field Definition:
Universe: (LIVEHERE = 2 or D and NEWRESP= 1)
OR (LIVEHERE_CT = 2 or D and NEWRESP= 1)
OR (PROX_N = 1)
OR (PROX_UN = 1)
OR (SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_N = 2 or D)
OR (HELLO_TNX_CT = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT = (1 or 3))
OR (INTRO_TN_CT = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT = (1 or 3))
OR (PROX_N_CT = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT = (1 or 3))
OR (HELLO_TN_CT = 3 and PROX_UN_CT = 1 and INTROB_RI_CT = (1 or 3))
Info Pane:
Did an interviewer visit or call regarding:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Contact verification of original survey interview? [] |
Speak to person [] |
Contact verification for original survey noninterview [fill] |
Interview mode [] |
Proxy present [] |
FR Polite/Professional [] |
Someone else contacted [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D
Skip Instructions: <1> If MODE=1 and (INTROB_RI_CT=empty or NEWRESP = 1) then [go to CAPI_Middle.RIRESPB_RI_CT]
Else if (PROX_N = 1) OR
(PROX_UN = 1) OR
[go to CAPI_Middle.PROX_PRESENT].
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.ORMODE].
<2, D> If (ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROBE].
Else if (ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1)) then [go to CAPI_Middle.STATUS].
Else [go to CAPI_Middle.SOMEONE_ELSE].
Special Instructions:
If [CONTACT_N = 1 and CONTACT_C is empty and LIVEHERE = (2 or D)] OR [CONTACT_N = 1 and CONTACT_C is empty and LIVEHERE_CT = (2 or D)] then set CONTACT_C = 1.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Vacant Check
Field Definition:
Universe: If VACANT_INT = YES, AND
OR (LAPTOP = 1, 2, D, R or D and ORIOUT_RSLT = VINT)
OR (POLITE = 1 or D and ORMODE = 2 or D and ORIOUT_RSLT= VINT) OR (Any valid value in PO_NOTES and ORMODE = 2 or D and ORIOUT_RSLT=VINT)
OR (CONTACT_N = 2 or D and (PROX_N = 1 or PROX_UN = 1) and ORIOUT_RSLT = VINT)
Info Pane:
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
vacant on [Fill: INTDATE]? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Length of interview - hour portion [] Length of interview - minute portion [] Laptop used [] Vacant Check [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle. SURVEY_1]
<2> [go to STAT_PROB2]
<D, R> [go to STAT_VER]
Special Instructions:
(If VACANT = 2), store code 6 in element [6] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Verify unit status
Field Definition:
Universe: (VACANT = (D or R))
OR (VACANT2 = (D or R))
Info Pane:
Is there someone present I could speak with who could tell me the status of
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
on or about [Fill: INTDATE]?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Verify unit status [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.SPEAKTO2]
<2, D, R> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
Special Instructions:
Help Reference Word:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Speak to person
Field Definition:
Universe: If VACANT_INT = Yes and (STAT_VER = 1)
Info Pane:
May I speak to that person?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Speak to person [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Middle.VACANT2]
<2, D, R> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Vacant Check
Field Definition:
Universe: (SPEAKTO2 = 1)
Info Pane:
Hello, I’m ... from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Our records show that one of our interviewers, [Fill: FR_NAME], recently contacted this location to verify the status of: [Fill: ADDRESS1]
We’re doing a short quality control check to make sure that our interviewers are following correct procedures.
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
vacant on [Fill: INTDATE]? |
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Vacant Check [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU]
<2> [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROB2]
<D, R > [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_VER]
Special Instructions:
If (VACANT2 = D or R), empty the following variables upon returning to STAT_VER: STAT_VER, SPEAKTO2, and VACANT2.
If (VACANT2 = 2), store code 6 in element [6] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Status check
Field Definition:
Universe: (LAPTOP = (1, 2, D, R) and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1))
OR (PROX_PRESENT = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1))
OR (POLITE = (1 or D) and ORMODE = (2 or D) and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1))
OR (SPEAKTO = 2 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D) and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1))
OR (Any text in PO_NOTES and ORMODE = (2 or D) and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1))
(CONTACT_N = (2 or
D) and (PROX_N = 1 or PROX_UN = 1 or PROX_N_CT = 1 or PROX_UN_CT = 1)
and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1)) OR
or D) and CONTACT_N = (2 or D) and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or C1))
Info Pane:
Our records show that on [Fill: INTDATE],
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
was [Fill: ORIOUT’s description].
Is this information correct?
1. Yes 2. No |
Form Pane:
Status check [fill] Status probe [] Status probe - initial incorrect [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Fill ORIOUT’s description with the original outcome code description from Attachment E, “Original Outcome Code Descriptions for the STATUS Screen”.
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, D, R
Skip Instructions: <1, D> [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
<2, R> [go to CAPI_Middle.STAT_PROB2].
Special Instructions:
If (STATUS = 2), store code 6 in element [6] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Status probe
Field Definition:
Universe: (SPEAKTO = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2)
OR (LAPTOP = 1, 2, D, or R and ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2)
OR (CONTACT_N=2 or D and ORIOUT_RSLT = B2 or C2)
OR (PROX_PRESENT = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B2 or C2))
OR (SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B2 or C2))
OR (POLITE = (1 or D) and ORMODE = (2 or D) and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B2 or C2))
OR (Any text in PO_NOTES and ORMODE = (2 or D) and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B2 or C2))
Info Pane:
Original Outcome: [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description] “-” [Fill: TYPEB_SP / TYPEC_SP / blank]
Original Interview Date: [Fill: INTDATE]
What was the status of [Fill: ADDRESS1]
on or about [Fill: INTDATE]?
♦ Enter reported status.
♦ Explain any discrepancy between reported status and original outcome.
Form Pane:
Status check [] Status probe [fill] Status probe - initial incorrect [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Fill ORIOUT’s description with the original outcome code description from Attachment C, “Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for Reinterview”.
If ORIOUT = 233, fill TYPEB_SP.
If ORIOUT = 248, fill TYPEC_SP.
Else leave blank, do not display item.
Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 240
Valid Values: text ≤ 240 characters
Skip Instructions: < text ≤ 240 characters > [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Middle
Field Description: Status probe - initial incorrect
Field Definition:
Universe: (STATUS = 2)
OR (VACANT2 = 2)
Info Pane:
Original Outcome: [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description] “-” [Fill: TYPEB_SP / TYPEC_SP / blank]
Original Interview Date: [Fill: INTDATE]
What was the status of
[Fill: ADDRESS1]
on or about [Fill: INDATE]?
♦ Enter reported status.
♦ Explain any discrepancy between reported status and original outcome.
Form Pane:
Status check [] Status probe [] Status probe - initial incorrect [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
1. Fill ORIOUT’s description with the original outcome code description from Attachment C, “Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for Reinterview”.
2. Fill with format ADDRESS1.
Field Length: 240
Valid Values: text ≤ 240 characters
Skip Instructions: < text ≤ 240 characters > [go to CAPI_Back.THANK_YOU].
screens for the back of the instrument appear in this section. A
list of the reinterview disposition (RI_DISP), outcome (OUTCOME) and
action (ACTION) codes appear in Attachment A, “QC Reinterview
Disposition, Outcome and Action Codes”. The reinterview
instrument sets the reinterview disposition and outcome codes. Case
Management assigns the action code based on the reinterview outcome
The screens in the back are listed below.
Field Description: Thank you for wrong address
Field Definition:
Universe: [(MODE = 0) and (ADDVER = 2)]
OR [(MODE = 1) and (ADDVER_CT = 2)]
Info Pane:
I'm sorry. I have the wrong address or telephone number. Thank you for your help.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Thank you for wrong address [fill] Thank You [] Thank you for refusal [] Thank you for non-household member [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Thank You
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE = 0 or 1AND [(STATUS = 1 or D)
OR (Any valid value in STAT_PROBE)
OR (Any valid value in STAT_PROB2)
OR (PROX_N = 2 and (HELLO_PN = 4 or HELLO_TN = 4))
OR (PROX_C = 2 or R and (HELLO_PC = 4 or HELLO_TC = (3 or 5)))
OR (ROSTER_3 = (2, D or R) and LENGTH_H empty and LENGTH_M empty)
OR (ROSTER_3 = (2, D or R) and LENGTH_H empty and LENGTH_M empty))
OR (Any valid value in ROSTER_4 and LENGTH_H empty and LENGTH_M empty)
OR (Any valid value in ROSTER_4 and LENGTH_H empty and LENGTH_M empty and)
OR [SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and
SPEAKTO = empty]
OR [SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and
SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D)]
OR (CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and RIRESP 0)]}
OR [(MODE = 1) AND
(ADDVER_N_CT = 4)]
OR {(MODE = 1) and [SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and LIVEHERE_CT = (2 or D) and SPEAKTO = empty]}
OR (SURVEY_1 and (INCT_CNT ≥ 1 or MISS_CNT > 1 or NROSIZE = 1) and (PERCUNUM > 1 for LNO = RIRESP))
OR (SINGLE_OTHER = <1, 2, D, or R> and PERCUNUM > 1)
OR (MULTI_RELATED = <1, D, or R> and PERCUNUM > 1)
OR (MULTI_OTHER = <1, 2, D, or R> and PERCUNUM > 1)
OR (DIARY = <2, D, or R> and ORIOUT ≠ <201, 205, 207, 208, 209, or 326>) OR (PICKUP = <1, 2, 3, D, or R> and ORIOUT ≠ <201, 205, 207, 208, 209, or 326>)
OR (DIARY2 = 2, D, or R)
OR (PICKUP2 = 1, 2, 3, D, or R)
OR (WK1_STATUS = 2 or R)
OR (WK1STAT_PROBE = 1, text ≤ 240 characters)
OR (STAT_VER = 2, D, or R)
OR (SPEAKTO2 = 2, D, or R)
OR (VACANT2 = 1)
OR (STATUS = 1 and ORIOUT ≠ 217)
OR (CARE = 1, 2, D, or R)
OR (SOMEONE_ELSE = (2, D, or R) and LIVEHERE =( 2 or D) and SPEAKTO empty)
Info Pane:
Thank you for your cooperation. You've been very helpful.
♦ Enter 1 to continue.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Thank you for wrong address [] Thank You [fill] Thank you for refusal [] Thank you for non-household member [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1>
If (SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and SPEAKTO =
empty) OR
(SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and
SPEAKTO = 1 and CONTACT_N = (2 or D)) OR
(HELLO_PN = 4 and PROX_N = 2 ) OR
(HELLO_TN = 4 and PROX_N = 2) OR HELLO_TN_CT=4 and PROX_N_CT=2
then [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.RI_OUTCM].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Thank you for refusal
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE = 0) AND [(ADDVER = 3)
OR (SPEAKTO = 2 and CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and RIRESP 0)]}
OR {(MODE = 1) AND
Info Pane:
I’m sorry to have bothered you.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Thank you for wrong address [] Thank You [] Thank you for refusal [fill] Thank you for non-household member [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_PC = 5) OR (HELLO_PN = 5) OR
then [go to CAPI_Back.NONINT].
Else if (LIVEHERE = R) or (VERTELE_CT = 3) or (LIVEHERE_CT = R) or (SPEAKTO = 2 and CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and RIRESP 0) then [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.RI_OUTCM].
Special Instructions:
If (HELLO_PC = 5) OR (HELLO_PN = 5) OR (HELLO_TC = 6) OR (HELLO_TN = 5) OR (HELLO_TC_CT = 6) OR (HELLO_TN_CT = 5), set RI_OUTCM=3.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Thank you for non-household member
Field Definition:
Universe: [(MODE = 0) AND (HHMEM2 = 2)]
OR [(MODE = 1) AND (HHMEM2_CT = 2)]
OR (SPEAKTO = 2 and RIRESP = 0 and RIRESP not blank)
OR (SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and RIRESP = 0 and RIRESP not blank)
Info Pane:
Thank you for your help, but I need to speak to a household member. I'll try back later.
♦ Enter 1 to continue.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Thank you for wrong address [] Thank You [] Thank you for refusal [] Thank you for non-household member [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.STATUS_RI].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Make appointment for better time
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 0) AND
[(HELLO_TCX = 3)
OR (PROX_UC = 3)
OR (FIN (F10) = 1)
OR {LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and SOMEONE_ELSE = 1 and SPEAKTO = 2}]
Info Pane:
I'd like to schedule a date to complete the quality check. What Date and Time would be best to call or visit?
Today is: [Fill: RIDATE].
♦ Enter Date and Time
♦ Enter (1) if you don’t intend to follow up on this case. |
Form Pane:
Appointment for better time [] Appointment for contact [] Call back thanks [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 25
Valid Value: <1, text ≤ 25 characters>
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.RI_OUTCM].
<text ≤ 25 characters> [go to CAPI_Back.CBTHANK].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Appointment for contact
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 0) AND
[(HELLO_TC = 2)
OR (PROX_C = 2 and HELLO_PC = 2)
OR {PROX_N = 2 and (HELLO_PN = 2 or HELLO_TN = 2)}]
Info Pane:
What Date and Time would be best to contact [Fill: RESPNAME /CPNAME, CPTITL] in order to conduct the quality check?
Today is: [Fill: RIDATE]
♦ Enter Date and Time
♦ Enter (1) if you don't intend to follow up on this case. |
Form Pane:
Appointment for better time [] Appointment for contact [fill] Call back thanks [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
Field Length: 25
Valid Values: <1, text ≤ 25 characters>
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.RI_OUTCM].
<text ≤ 25 characters> [go to CAPI_Back.CBTHANK].
Special Instructions:
Field Description: Appointment for CATI
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 1) AND
{FIN (F10) = 1 or (LIVEHERE_CT=(2 or D) and SPEAKTO=2)}
Info Pane:
♦ Once in WebCATI, set callback appointment. If necessary, ask respondent for best callback date and time.
1. Enter 1 to Continue |
Form Pane:
Appointment for CATI [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instruction
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: <1>
Skip Instructions: [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Call back thanks
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 0) AND
[(APPT not empty and APPT 1 )
OR (APPT2 not empty and APPT2 ≠ 1)]
Info Pane:
Thank you for your help. We will call or visit again at the time suggested.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Appointment for better time [] Appointment for contact [] Call back thanks [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: <1>
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back. WRAP_UP].
Special Instructions:
Set OUTCOME = 202
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Status of case
Field Definition: Reinterview status
Universe: (MODE = 0 or 1) AND
OR {(MODE = 0) AND
[(METHOD = 4)
OR (DIAL = 3)
OR (HELLO_PC = (6 or 7))
OR (HELLO_PCX = (2 or 4))
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 and HELLO_PN = 4 and PROX_N = 2)
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 and HELLO_TN = 4 and PROX_N = 2)
OR OUTCOME = 201 and CONTACT_C empty and STATUS empty and STAT_PROBE empty and VERBYOBS empty)]
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 and SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and
LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and SPEAKTO = empty)
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 and SOMEONE_ELSE = (2 or D) and
LIVEHERE = (2 or D) and SPEAKTO = 1 and
CONTACT_N = (2 or D))
OR (SPEAKTO = 2 and CONTACT_C = (2 or D) and RIRESP 0)
Info Pane:
This case is not completed.
♦ Make several attempts to contact respondent/contact person before selecting reinterview noninterview. |
1. Quit - Complete later 2. Reinterview Noninterview |
Form Pane:
Status of case [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1> If (MODE = 0) then [go to CAPI_Back. WRAP_UP].
if (MODE = 1) then [go
[go to
Special Instructions:
If (STATUS_RI = 1), set OUTCOME = 202 and empty RI_OUTCM.
If (STATUS_RI = 2), set RI_OUTCM=3.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Verify original outcome
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE = 0 or 1) AND
[(APPT = 1)
OR (APPT2 = 1)
OR (PROX_UC = 2)
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 AND HELLO_TC = (1, 3, 4, 5 or 7))
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 AND HELLO_PN = (1, 2 or 3))
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 AND HELLO_PN = 4 and PROX_N = 1)
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 AND HELLO_PC = (1, 2 or 3))
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 AND HELLO_TN = (1, 2, 3, or 6) )
OR (THANK_YOU = 1 AND HELLO_TN = 4 and PROX_N = 1))
(ADDVER = 3 or
REFNUM = 1))]}
[(THANK_YOU = 1 and ADDVER_N_CT = 4)
OR (THANK_REF = 1 and ADDVER_CT = 1)}
Info Pane:
Original Outcome: [FILL: ORIOUT] - [FILL: ORIOUT’s description] “-” [Fill: TYPEA_SP/TYPEB_SP/TYPEC_SP/blank] Original Interview Date: [FILL: INTDATE].
1. Yes 2. No 3. Reinterview Noninterview |
Form Pane:
Verify original outcome [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Fill Instructions:
description with the original outcome code description from
Attachment C, “Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for
TYPEA_SP/TYPEB_SP/TYPEC_SP/blank as follows:
If ORIOUT = 219,
fill TYPEA_SP.
If ORIOUT = 233, fill TYPEB_SP.
If ORIOUT = 248, fill TYPEC_SP.
Else leave blank, do not display item.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> If DISCREPANCY[6] = 6, then [go to CAPI_Back.RIOUT_NOTES].
Else if [(DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) or (DISCREPANCY[5] = 5) or (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10)], then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
<2> If (ORIOUT_RSLT = VINT) then [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_VINT]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or B2) and VACANT_INT = No)
then [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_B]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or B2) and VACANT_INT = Yes)
then [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_BVINT]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = (C1 or C2) and VACANT_INT = No)
then [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_C]
If (ORIOUT_RSLT = (C1 or C2) and VACANT_INT = Yes)
then [go to CAPI_Back.MISC_CVINT]
If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.NONINT].
Special Instructions:
If (RI_OUTCM = 2 and VERBYOBS is empty), store code 2 in element [2] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Notes explaining why reinterviewer determines original outcome correct although reinterview respondent indicates original outcome incorrect
Field Definition:
Universe: (RI_OUTCM = 1) AND (DISCREPANCY[6] = 6)
♦ The reinterview respondent indicated the original outcome was not correct. ♦ Enter the reason(s) here that lead you to determine that the original outcome was correct.
Form Pane:
RIOUT notes [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 240
Valid Values: text up to 240 characters in length
Skip Instructions: If
[(DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) or (DISCREPANCY[5] = 5) or (DISCREPANCY[10] =
10)], then [go to
[go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Noninterview classification
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 0 and VERBYOBS = 3)
OR [(MODE = 0 OR 1) AND
OR [(MODE = 0 OR 1) AND
Info Pane:
♦ Which outcome describes this reinterview case?
1. Type A Noninterview. 2. Type B Noninterview. 3. Type C Noninterview. 4. Type D Noninterview - Household replaced by new household since the original interview. |
Form Pane:
Noninterview classification [fill] Type A description [] Type B description [] Type B description- regular/seasonal split [] Type C description [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.TYPEA].
<2> If [TYPEB_SPLIT = NO [go to CAPI_Back.TYPEB].
Else [ go to CAPI_Back.TYPEB_ALT]
<3> [go to CAPI_Back.TYPEC].
<4> If [(DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) or (DISCREPANCY[5] = 5) or (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10)]} then, [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Type A description
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE 0 or 1) AND (NONINT = 1)
Info Pane:
1. Unable to complete, bad telephone number. 2. Unable to locate. 3. No one home. 4. Temporarily absent. 5. Refused. 6. Language problem. 7. Respondent can’t remember. 8. Insufficient partial. 9. Other Type A - Specify in the Reinterview Notes. |
Form Pane:
Noninterview classification [] Type A description [fill] Type B description [] Type B description - regular/seasonal split [] Type C description [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Values: 1-9
Skip Instructions: <1-9> If {(MODE=0 or 1) and [(DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) or (DISCREPANCY[5] = 5) or (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10)]} [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
If (TYPEA = 1), store code 11 in element [11] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Type B description
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 0 or 1) AND [(NONINT = 2 and TYPEB_SPLIT = No)]
Info Pane:
♦ Which Type B outcome describes this reinterview case?
1. Vacant, regular or seasonal. 2. Vacant, storage of household furniture. 3. Converted to temporary business or storage. 4. Unoccupied tent or trailer site. 5. Unfit, to be demolished. 6. HH institutionalized or temporarily ineligible. 7. Entire HH under age [Fill: MIN_AGE]. 8. Temporarily occupied by persons with Usual Residence Elsewhere (URE). 9. Other Type B - Specify in the Reinterview Notes. |
Form Pane:
Noninterview classification [] Type A description [] Type B description [fill] Type B description - regular/seasonal split [] Type C description [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1 -9
Skip Instructions: <1 -9> If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Type B description - regular/seasonal split
Field Definition:
Universe: (NONINT = 2 and TYPEB_SPLIT = Yes)
Info Pane:
♦ Which Type B outcome describes this reinterview case?
1. Vacant, regular. 2. Vacant, seasonal. 3. Vacant, storage of household furniture. 4. Converted to temporary business or storage. 5. Unoccupied tent or trailer site. 6. Unfit, to be demolished. 7. HH institutionalized or temporarily ineligible. 8. Entire HH under age [Fill: MIN_AGE]. 9. Temporarily occupied by persons with Usual Residence Elsewhere (URE), regular. 10. Temporarily occupied by persons with Usual Residence Elsewhere (URE), seasonal. 11. Other Type B - Specify in the Reinterview Notes. |
Form Pane:
Noninterview classification [] Type A description [] Type B description [] Type B description - regular/seasonal split [fill] Type C description [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 2
Valid Value: 1- 11
Skip Instructions: <1-11> If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Type C description
Field Definition:
Universe: (MODE = 0 or 1) AND (NONINT = 3)
Info Pane:
♦ Which Type C outcome describes this reinterview case?
1. Demolished. 2. House or trailer moved. 3. Converted to permanent business or storage. 4. Condemned. 5. Deceased. 6. Moved. 7. Other Type C - Specify in the Reinterview Notes. |
Form Pane:
Noninterview classification [] Type A description [] Type B description [] Type B description - regular/seasonal split [] Type C description [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1-7
Skip Instructions: <1-7> If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Misclassification of original Type B case
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE
= 0 or 1) AND
2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or B2) and VACANT_INT = No)]}
{(MODE = 0) AND
(VERBYOBS = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or B2)
Info Pane:
♦ Which of the following options describes the misclassification of this original Type B case?
1. Should have been an Interview or Type A. 2. Should have been another Type B. 3. Should have been a Type C. |
Form Pane:
Misclassification of original Type B case [fill] Misclassification of original Type C case [] Misclassification of original vacant interview [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2].
<2,3> If {DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) OR (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10}
then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
If (MISC_B = 1), store code 5 in element [5] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Misclassification of original Type C case
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE
= 0 or 1) AND
2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (C1 or C2) and VACANT_INT = No)]}
OR {(MODE = 0) AND
(VERBYOBS = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (C1 or C2) and VACANT_INT = No)]}
Info Pane:
♦ Which of the following options describes the misclassification of this original Type C case?
1. Should have been an Interview or Type A (occupied at time of interview). 2. Should have been a Type B. 3. Should have been another Type C. |
Form Pane:
Misclassification of original Type B case [] Misclassification of original Type C case [fill] Misclassification of original vacant interview [] Misclassification of original Type B case [] Misclassification of original Type C case [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2].
<2,3> If [DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) OR (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10]
then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF].
Special Instructions:
If (MISC_C = 1), store code 5 in element [5] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Misclassification of original vacant interview
Field Definition:
Universe: (RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = VINT)
Info Pane:
♦ Which of the following options describes the misclassification of this original vacant interview case?
1. Should have been an Interview or Type A. 2. Should have been a Type B or C. |
Form Pane:
Misclassification of original Type B case [] Misclassification of original Type C case [] Misclassification of original vacant interview [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2
Skip Instructions: <1, 2> If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF]
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Misclassification of original Type B case
Field Definition:
Universe: (RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or B2) and
OR (VERBYOBS = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1 or B2) and
Info Pane:
♦ Which of the following options describes the misclassification of this original Type B case?
1. Should have been an Interview or Type A. 2. Should have been a vacant interview. 3. Should have been another Type B. 4. Should have been a Type C. |
Form Pane:
Misclassification of original vacant interview [] Misclassification of original Type B case [fill] Misclassification of original Type C case [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
<2,3,4> If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF]
Special Instructions:
If (MISC_BVINT = 1), store code 5 in element [5] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Misclassification of original Type C case
Field Definition:
Universe: (RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (C1 or C2) and VACANT_INT = YES)
OR (VERBYOBS = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (C1 or C2) and VACANT_INT = Yes)
Info Pane:
♦ Which of the following options describes the misclassification of this original Type C case?
1. Should have been an Interview or Type A. 2. Should have been a vacant interview. 3. Should have been a Type B. 4. Should have been another Type C. |
Form Pane:
Misclassification of original vacant interview [] Misclassification of original Type B case [] Misclassification of original Type C case [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3, 4
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
<2,3,4> If DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 or DISCREPANCY [10] = 10 then [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF2]
Else [go to CAPI_Back.FALSIF]
Special Instructions:
If (MISC_CVINT = 1), store code 5 in element [5] of DISCREPANCY array.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Falsification suspected?
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE = 0 or 1) AND
(RI_OUTCM = <1-3>) AND
[(TYPEA = <1-9>)
OR (TYPEB = <1-9>)
OR (TYPEC = <1-7>)] AND
[(DISCREPANCY[1] empty) and (DISCREPANCY[5] empty) and (DISCREPANCY[10] empty)]}
OR {(MODE = 0 or 1) AND
[ (NONINT = 4)
OR (MISC_B = <1-3>)
OR (MISC_C = <1-3>)
(RI_OUTCM = 1 and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, B2, C1, C2 OR VINT) and BYOBS = blank or 2)]
empty) and (DISCREPANCY[5] empty) and (DISCREPANCY[10] empty)]
OR (HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = <1-7>)
Info Pane:
[Fill: “Your reinterview indicates the following discrepancies:” code and description of each code listed in DISCREPANCY array / “Your reinterview did not indicate any discrepancies.”]
♦ Do you suspect falsification?
1. Yes 2. No 3. Unable to determine |
Form Pane:
Falsification suspected? [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
Use Instructions: See info and form panes.
Fill Instructions:
If DISCREPANCY array contains one or more codes, fill “Your reinterview indicates the following discrepancies:” and the code and description of each code listed in DISCREPANCY array with the code’s description from Attachment F.
Else fill “Your reinterview did not indicate any discrepancies.”
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1, 2, 3
Skip Instructions: <1> If (HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = <1-7>) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 2 or 3) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 1 and only one element in DISCREPANCY array ≥1)] then [go to CAPI_Back. READYWRAP].
Else if (RI_OUTCM = 1 and all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank) then [go to CAPI_Back.NO_DISCREP].
Else if (RI_OUTCM = 1 and two or more elements in
DISCREPANCY array ≥1) then [go to CAPI_Back.SF_RIDISP].
<2> If(HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = <1-7>) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 1 and all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 1 and one element in DISCREPANCY array AND (DISCREPANCY [6] empty) and[(DISCREPANCY[1] empty) and (DISCREPANCY[5] empty) and (DISCREPANCY[10] empty)] OR
(RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, or C2)) OR (RI_OUTCM = 3) then [go to CAPI_Back READYWRAP].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.DISCREP_NOTES]
<3> If (HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = <1-7>) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, or C2)) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT=INT and DISCREPANCY[2] = 2 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT=INT and only one element in DISCREPANCY array ≥1) OR
(RI_OUTCM = 1 and all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank) OR
If (RI_OUTCM = 1 and only one element in DISCREPANCY array ≥1) OR (NONINT = (1, 2, 3, or 4) and RI_OUTCM blank) then [go to CAPI_Back. READYWRAP].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.NSF_RIDISP].
Special Instructions:
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes..
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Discrepancy codes 1, 5, and 10 - Falsification suspected
Field Definition:
Universe: {(MODE = 0 or 1) AND
(RI_OUTCM = <1-3>) AND
[(TYPEA = <1-9>)
OR (TYPEB = <1-9>)
OR (TYPEC = <1-7>)] AND
[(DISCREPANCY[1] = 1) or (DISCREPANCY[5] = 5) or (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10)]}
OR {(MODE = 0 or 1) AND
[(NONINT = 4)
OR (MISC_B = <1-3>)
OR (MISC_C = <1-3>)
(RI_OUTCM = 1 and
ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, B2, C1, or C2) and BYOBS = blank or 2)] AND
= 1) or (DISCREPANCY[5] = 5) or (DISCREPANCY[10] = 10)]}
Info Pane:
[Fill: “Your reinterview indicates the following discrepancies:” code and description of each code listed in DISCREPANCY array]
♦ Falsification is suspected. Be sure to enter all proper notes explaining the situation.
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Falsification is suspected [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions:
Use Instructions: See info and form panes.
Fill Instructions:
If DISCREPANCY array contains one or more codes, fill “Your reinterview indicates the following discrepancies:” and the code and description of each code listed in DISCREPANCY array with the code’s description from Attachment F.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go
Special Instructions:
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes.
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Discrepancy notes
Field Definition:
Universe: (FALSIF = 2 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and one or more elements in DISCREPANCY array ≥ 1)
OR (FALSIF = 2 and RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT, B1, B2, C1, C2 or VINT)
Info Pane:
Form Pane:
Discrepancy notes [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> If (only one element in array DISCREPANCY ≥ 1)
then [go to CAPI_Back. READYWRAP].
Else [go to CAPI_Back.NSF_RIDISP].
Special Instructions:
Fill instructions for DISCREP_NTS:
If MODE = 1, fill in blue
♦ Explain why you do not suspect falsification in the WebCATI Notes after the instrument goes through READYWRAP.
If MODE = 2, fill in blue
♦ Explain why you do suspect falsification in Case Notes.
♦ Press Ctrl-F7 to access Notes.
♦ Enter 1 when done with your explanation.
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Discrepancy options - no suspected falsification
Field Definition:
Universe: [(DISCREP_NOTES = 1 and two or more elements in DISCREPANCY
array ≥ 1)
OR (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and two or more elements in DISCREPANCY array ≥ 1 and )
OR (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and two or more elements in DISCREPANCY array ≥1)] AND
[DISCREPANCY[1] blank and DISCREPANCY[5] blank and DISCREPANCY[10] blank]
Info Pane:
Your reinterview detected multiple discrepancies.
2. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] “–“ [fill: ORIOUT’s description], was incorrect. 3. The status of this case was completed by observation in the original interview. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment C] was incorrect 4. This case was a Type A in the original interview. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment C], was incorrect. 6. The reinterview respondent indicated that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment C] was incorrect. 7. The household roster was incorrect. 8. Not all survey questions were asked in the interview. 9. The interviewer conducted a telephone interview only instead of a personal visit interview, as required. 11. The interviewer entered a bad telephone number for this case. 12. CU make-up incorrect. 13. The reinterview respondent said that a diary was not dropped off, which disagrees with the interviewer. 14. Respondent said CU either a) had expenses for blank diary, b) did not record or have recalled expenses for completed diary, or c) did not have recalled expenses for Type B- 326 diary, which disagrees with the interviewer. 15. The reinterview respondent indicated that the original Type B status for Week 1, [Fill PICK_UP1] - [Fill PICK_UP1's description from Attachment G], was incorrect for a Week 2 interview 16. The reinterview respondent said the contact person for an original Type B-Temporarily Absent outcome was not responsible for the care of the residence. |
Form Pane:
Discrepancy options – no suspected falsification [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 2
Valid Value: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Skip Instructions: <2-4, 6-9, 11-16> [go to CAPI_Back.READYWRAP
Special Instructions:
List in the answer list section only the choices that correspond to elements in DISCREPANCY array ≥ 1. Leave no blank lines between the choices.
Allow only a value in NSF_RIDISP that corresponds to an element in DISCREPANCY
array ≥ 1.
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: RO discretion case
Field Definition:
Universe: (METHOD = 5)
Info Pane:
1. Hard to interview original case 2. More than 50 miles from nearest reinterviewer and no phone number 3. Observed during the original interview 4. Personal visit needed, but not authorized 5. Case management or ROSCO problems - Obtain HQ approval 6. Sample adjustment - Obtain HQ approval 7. Other RO discretion - Specify in the Reinterview Notes |
Form Pane:
RO discretion case [fill] No discrepancy case [] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1-7
Skip Instructions: <1-7> [go to CAPI_Back. READYWRAP].
Special Instructions:
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: No discrepancy case
Field Definition:
Universe: (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank)
Info Pane:
♦ Explain why you suspect falsification in the Reinterview Notes now.
♦ Press Ctrl-F7 to access Reinterview Notes.
♦ Enter 1 when done with your explanation in the Reinterview Notes |
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
RO discretion case [] No discrepancy case [fill]
Question Text Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to CAPI_Back.READYWRAP]
Special Instructions:
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Discrepancy options - suspect falsification
Field Definition:
Universe: (FALSIF = 1) AND
(two or more elements in DISCREPANCY array ≥ 1) AND
Info Pane:
Your reinterview detected multiple discrepancies.
♦ Enter the code of the discrepancy below which best describes the primary reason you suspect falsification.
2. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] “–“ [fill: ORIOUT’s description], was incorrect. 3. The status of this case was completed by observation in the original interview. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment C] was incorrect 4. This case was a Type A in the original interview. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment C], was incorrect. 6. The reinterview respondent indicated that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment C] was incorrect. 7. The household roster was incorrect. 8. Not all survey questions were asked in the interview. 9. The interviewer conducted a telephone interview only instead of a personal visit interview, as required. 11. The interviewer entered a bad telephone number for this case. 12. CU make-up incorrect. 13. The reinterview respondent said that a diary was not dropped off, which disagrees with the interviewer. 14. Respondent said CU either a) had expenses for blank diary, b) did not record or have recalled expenses for completed diary, or c) did not have recalled expenses for Type B- 326 diary, which disagrees with the interviewer. 15. The reinterview respondent indicated that the original Type B status for Week 1, [Fill PICK_UP1] - [Fill PICK_UP1's description from Attachment G], was incorrect for a Week 2 interview 16. The reinterview respondent said the contact person for an original Type B-Temporarily Absent outcome was not responsible for the care of the residence. |
Form Pane:
Discrepancy options - suspected falsification [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 2
Valid Value: 2-4, 6-9, 11-16
Skip Instructions: <2-4, 6-9, 11-16> [go to CAPI_Back.READYWRAP]
Special Instructions:
List in the answer list section only the choices that correspond to elements in DISCREPANCY array ≥ 1. Leave no blank lines between choices.
Allow only a value in SF_RIDISP that corresponds to an element in DISCREPANCY
array ≥ 1.
See Appendix 3 for procedures on setting final outcome and disposition codes
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description: Ready to wrap up
Field Definition:
Universe: (FALSIF2 = 1)
OR (NSF_RIDISP = 2-3, 6-9,11)
OR (SF_RIDISP = 2‑3, 6‑9, 11)
OR [(FALSIF2 blank) and (FALSIF = 1) AND (RI_OUTCM = 2 or 3)]
OR [(FALSIF2 blank) AND (FALSIF = 1) AND (RI_OUTCM = 1 and only one element in DISCREPANCY array ≥1)]}
OR [(FALSIF = 2) AND (RI_OUTCM = 1) AND (all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank)]
OR [(FALSIF = 2) and (RI_OUTCM = 2) and (ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, or C2))]
OR [(FALSIF = 2) AND (RI_OUTCM = 3)]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (RI_OUTCM = 2) AND (ORIOUT_RSLT = (B1, C1, B2, or C2))]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (RI_OUTCM = 3)]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (RI_OUTCM = 2) AND (ORIOUT_RSLT=INT) AND (DISCREPANCY [2] = 2 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank)]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (RI_OUTCM = 2) AND (ORIOUT_RSLT=INT) AND (only one element in DISCREPANCY array ≥1)]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (RI_OUTCM = 1) AND (all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank)]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (RI_OUTCM = 1) AND (only one element in DISCREPANCY array ≥1)]
OR [(FALSIF = 3) AND (NONINT = (1, 2, 3, or 4)) AND (RI_OUTCM blank)]
Info Pane:
This case is complete and ready to be transmitted. [fill: READY]
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Reinterview notes [] Ready to wrap up [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
Fill for READY:
If MODE = 0, fill in blue “After exiting, the case will be removed from the Case List view.”
If MODE = 1, leave blank.
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> If (MODE = 0) then [go to CAPI_Back.WRAP_UP].
Else if (MODE = 1) then [go to CATI_Back.SHOW_CTRL].
Special Instructions:
Block: CAPI_Back
Field Description:
Field Definition:
Universe: (READYWRAP = 1)
OR (DIAL = 4)
Info Pane:
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Continue [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
Fill Instructions:
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [exit instrument].
Special Instructions:
Field Description:
Field Definition:
Universe: MODE = 1 AND
OR (APPT_CT = 1)
OR (HELLO_TC_CT = 2 or 7)
OR (PROX_C_CT = 2, R and HELLO_TC_CT = 3)
OR (PROX_N_CT = 2 and HELLO_TN_CT = 2)
OR (ADDVER_N_CT = 2, 3)
OR (HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 8, 9)]
Info Pane:
Wc_case_status.Outcome = [fill: OUTCOME] Wc_case_status.Outcome_subtype = [fill: OUTCOME_SUBTYPE] Wc_case_status.Mark = Wc_case_status.Marktwo = Wc_case_status.Supplement = |
1. Continue |
Form Pane:
Continue [fill] |
Question Text/Fill Instructions
User Instructions: See info and form panes
Field Length: 1
Valid Value: 1
Skip Instructions: <1> [exit instrument].
Special Instructions:
Appendix1: Original Outcome Code Results
Appendix 2: Reinterview Reason # 3 Displayed Response
Appendix 3: Reinterview Outcome Procedures
Appendix 4: Reinterview Discrepancy Procedures
Appendices (4)
If ORIOUT = 201,203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 326 |
A |
If ORIOUT = 216, 219, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325 |
B1 |
If ORIOUT = 217, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 231, 232, 331 or 332 |
B2 |
If ORIOUT = 233 |
C1 |
If ORIOUT = 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 252, 258, or 259 |
C2 |
If ORIOUT = 248, 341 or 342 |
If SURVEY_NAME equals: |
Set RIREF3_DESCR to: |
Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey |
The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the data from this survey to measure the changes in prices in consumer goods and services. Information collected in this survey contributes to the Consumer Price Index, which assesses the change in purchasing power of consumer dollars. The Census Bureau’s method of measuring data quality for this survey is to re-contact a percentage of respondents to check that the data was collected correctly during the original interview. We believe this method helps the Census Bureau prevent the wasting of your tax dollars. |
Default Coding
Case Accessed, but not Started
Set OUTCOME = 202 and RI_DISP is empty
Suspected of Falsification
Suspected of Falsification: Type A – Original Noninterview Cases
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = A), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 103.
Suspected of Falsification: Type A – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 1), set OUTCOME = 214 and RI_DISP = 105.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 2), set OUTCOME = 214 and RI_DISP = 067.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 3), set OUTCOME = 216 and RI_DISP = 068.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 4), set OUTCOME = 217 and RI_DISP = 069.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 5), set OUTCOME = 218 and RI_DISP = 086.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 6), set OUTCOME = 213 and RI_DISP = 087.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 7), set OUTCOME = 219 and RI_DISP = 090.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 8), set OUTCOME = 215 and RI_DISP = 089.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 9), set OUTCOME = 219 and RI_DISP = 090.
Suspected of Falsification: Type B – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 1), set OUTCOME = 226 and RI_DISP = 071.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 2), set OUTCOME = 227 and RI_DISP = 073.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 3), set OUTCOME = 230 and RI_DISP = 074.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 4), set OUTCOME = 231 and RI_DISP = 075.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 5), set OUTCOME = 228 and RI_DISP = 077.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 6), set OUTCOME = 234 and RI_DISP = 076.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 7), set OUTCOME = 224 and RI_DISP = 091.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 8), set OUTCOME = 225 and RI_DISP = 092.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 9), set OUTCOME = 233 and RI_DISP = 094.
Suspected of Falsification: Type B (Alternate) – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 1), set OUTCOME = 226 and RI_DISP = 071.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 2), set OUTCOME = 326 and RI_DISP = 072.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 3), set OUTCOME = 227 and RI_DISP = 073.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 4), set OUTCOME = 230 and RI_DISP = 074.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 5), set OUTCOME = 231 and RI_DISP = 075.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 6), set OUTCOME = 228 and RI_DISP = 077.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 7), set OUTCOME = 234 and RI_DISP = 076.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 8), set OUTCOME = 224 and RI_DISP = 091.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 9), set OUTCOME = 225 and RI_DISP = 092.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 10), set OUTCOME = 225 and RI_DISP = 093.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB_ALT = 11), set OUTCOME = 233 and RI_DISP = 094.
Suspected of Falsification: Type C – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 1), set OUTCOME = 240 and RI_DISP = 078.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 2), set OUTCOME = 241 and RI_DISP = 079.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 3), set OUTCOME = 243 and RI_DISP = 080.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 4), set OUTCOME = 245 and RI_DISP = 081.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 5), set OUTCOME = 250 and RI_DISP = 083.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 6), set OUTCOME = 251 and RI_DISP = 084.
If (FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 7), set OUTCOME = 248 and RI_DISP = 095.
Suspected of Falsification: Type D – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = 1 and NONINT = 4), set OUTCOME = 360 and RI_DISP = 085.
Suspected of Falsification: Misclassified Original Type B, C, or Vacant Interview Cases
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_B = 1 or MISC_BVINT = 1)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 096.
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_B = 3 or MISC_BVINT = 4)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 099.
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_B = 4 or MISC_BVINT = 5)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 100.
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_C = 1 or MISC_CVINT = 1)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 097.
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_C = 2 or MISC_CVINT = 3)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 101.
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_C = 4 or MISC_CVINT = 5)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 102.
If (FALSIF = 1 and (MISC_B = 2 or MISC_BVINT = 3 or MISC_C = 3 or MISC_CVINT = 4)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 103.
If (FALSIF = 1 and MISC_VINT = 1), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 106.
If (FALSIF = 1 and MISC_VINT = 2), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 104.
If (FALSIF = 1 and MISC_BVINT = 2), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 109.
If (FALSIF = 1 and MISC_CVINT = 2), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 108.
Suspected of Falsification: Cases with Discrepancies
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 060. (This will set element [2] as 2 in the DISCREPANCY array.)
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[3] = 3 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 066.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[4] = 4 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 103.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[6] = 6 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 066.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[7] = 7 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 061.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[8] = 8 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 062.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[9] = 9 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 111.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[11] = 11 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 105.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[12] = 12 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 110.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[13] = 13 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 113.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[14] = 14 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 114.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[15] = 15 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 115.
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[16] = 16 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 116.
Suspected of Falsification: Cases with no Discrepancies
If (FALSIF = 1 and RI_OUTCM = 1) and all elements in DISCREPANCY array are blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 060.
Automatically Suspected of Falsification: Cases with Discrepancies 1, 5, or 10
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and DISCREPANCY [10] = 10, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =066
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =066
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 and DISCREPANCY [5] = blank and DISCREPANCY [10] = 10, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =066
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 and DISCREPANCY [5] = blank and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =066
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and (MISC_B = 1 or MISC_BVINT = 1) and DISCREPANCY [10] = 10, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =096
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and (MISC_C = 1 or MISC_CVINT = 1)and DISCREPANCY [10] = 10, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =097
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and (MISC_B = 1 or MISC_BVINT = 1) and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =096
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and (MISC_C = 1 or MISC_CVINT = 1) and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =097
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [5] = blank and DISCREPANCY [10] = 10, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =112
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 and DISCREPANCY [2] = 2 and DISCREPANCY [5] = blank and (MISC_B empty and MISC_BVINT empty and MISC_C empty and MISC_CVINT empty) and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =066
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [2] = 2 and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and (MISC_B = 1 or MISC_BVINT = 1) and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =096
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [2] = 2 and DISCREPANCY [5] = 5 and (MISC_C = 1 or MISC_CVINT = 1)and DISCREPANCY [10] = blank, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =097
If (FALSIF2 = 1 and RI_OUTCM =1) and DISCREPANCY [1] = blank and DISCREPANCY [2] = 2 and DISCREPANCY [5] = blank and (MISC_B empty and MISC_BVINT empty and MISC_C empty and MISC_CVINT empty) and DISCREPANCY [10] = 10, set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP =112
Not Suspected of Falsification
Not Suspected of Falsification: Cases Verified as Correct
If (FALSIF = 2 or 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and all elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001.
If (FALSIF = 2 or 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[6] = 6 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type A – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = 2 or 3 and RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = A), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 058.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type A – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 1), set OUTCOME = 214 and RI_DISP = 003.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 2), set OUTCOME = 214 and RI_DISP = 013.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 3), set OUTCOME = 216 and RI_DISP = 014.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 4), set OUTCOME = 217 and RI_DISP = 015.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 5), set OUTCOME = 218 and RI_DISP = 033.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 6), set OUTCOME = 213 and RI_DISP = 034.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 7), set OUTCOME = 218 and RI_DISP = 035.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 8), set OUTCOME = 215 and RI_DISP = 036.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEA = 9), set OUTCOME = 219 and RI_DISP = 037.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type B – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 1), set OUTCOME = 226 and RI_DISP = 017.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 2), set OUTCOME = 227 and RI_DISP = 019.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 3), set OUTCOME = 230 and RI_DISP = 020.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 4), set OUTCOME = 231 and RI_DISP = 021.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 5), set OUTCOME = 228 and RI_DISP = 023.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 6), set OUTCOME = 234 and RI_DISP = 022.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 7), set OUTCOME = 224 and RI_DISP = 038.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 8), set OUTCOME = 225 and RI_DISP = 039.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB = 9), set OUTCOME = 233 and RI_DISP = 041.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type B (Alternate) – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 1), set OUTCOME = 226 and RI_DISP = 017.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 2), set OUTCOME = 326 and RI_DISP = 018.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 3), set OUTCOME = 227 and RI_DISP = 019.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 4), set OUTCOME = 230 and RI_DISP = 020.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 5), set OUTCOME = 231 and RI_DISP = 021.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 6), set OUTCOME = 228 and RI_DISP = 023.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 7), set OUTCOME = 234 and RI_DISP = 022.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 8), set OUTCOME = 224 and RI_DISP = 038.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 9), set OUTCOME = 225 and RI_DISP = 039.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 10), set OUTCOME = 225 and RI_DISP = 040.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEB_ALT = 11), set OUTCOME = 233 and RI_DISP = 041.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type C – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 1), set OUTCOME = 240 and RI_DISP = 024.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 2), set OUTCOME = 241 and RI_DISP = 025.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 3), set OUTCOME = 243 and RI_DISP = 026.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 4), set OUTCOME = 245 and RI_DISP = 027.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 5), set OUTCOME = 250 and RI_DISP = 030.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 6), set OUTCOME = 251 and RI_DISP = 031.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and TYPEC = 7), set OUTCOME = 248 and RI_DISP = 042.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type D – Reinterview Noninterviews
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and NONINT = 4), set OUTCOME = 360 and RI_DISP = 032
Not Suspected of Falsification: Misclassified Original Type B, C, or Vacant Interview Cases
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_B = 1 or MISC_BVINT = 1)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 043.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_B = 3 or MISC_BVINT = 4)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 046.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_B = 4 or MISC_BVINT = 5)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 047.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_C = 1 or MISC_CVINT = 1)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 044.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_C = 2 or MISC_CVINT = 3)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 048.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_C = 4 or MISC_CVINT = 5)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 049.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and (MISC_B = 2 or MISC_BVINT = 3 or MISC_C = 3 or
MISC_CVINT = 4)), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 058.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and MISC_VINT = 1), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 059.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and MISC_VINT = 2), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 051.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and MISC_BVINT = 2), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 050.
If (FALSIF = (2 or 3) and MISC_CVINT = 2), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 045.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Cases with Discrepancies
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 2 and ORIOUT_RSLT = INT and DISCREPANCY[2] = 2 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 012.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[3] = 3 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 012.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[4] = 4 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 054.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[6] = 6 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 012
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[7] = 7 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 009.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[8] = 8 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 005.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[9] = 9 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 011.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[10] = 10 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 004.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[11] = 11 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 214 and RI_DISP = 003.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[12] = 12 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 010.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[13] = 13 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 002.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[14] = 14 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 008.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[15] = 15 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 016.
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1 and DISCREPANCY[16] = 16 and all other elements in DISCREPANCY array blank), set OUTCOME = 301 and RI_DISP = 028.
Not Suspected of Falsification: Cases with no Discrepancies
If (FALSIF = 3 and RI_OUTCM = 1) and all elements in DISCREPANCY array are blank, set OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001.
Miscellaneous Outcome and Disposition Codes (CAPI Only)
Coding Cases Verified by Observation
If VERBYOBS = 1, set OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001
If VERTYPEA = 1, set OUTCOME = 201 and RI_DISP = 001
RO Discretion Cases
If RO_DISC = 1 THEN, set OUTCOME = 311 and RI_DISP = 052
If RO_DISC = 2 THEN, set OUTCOME = 312 and RI_DISP = 053
If RO_DISC = 3 THEN, set OUTCOME = 312 and RI_DISP = 054
If RO_DISC = 4 THEN, set OUTCOME = 312 and RI_DISP = 055
If RO_DISC = 5 THEN, set OUTCOME = 312 and RI_DISP = 056
If RO_DISC = 6 THEN, set OUTCOME = 312 and RI_DISP = 029
If RO_DISC = 7 THEN, set OUTCOME = 312 and RI_DISP = 057
Unless otherwise stated, set OUTCOME SUBTYPE = RI_DISP
Default Coding
Case Accessed, but not Started:
Set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP is empty
Suspected of Falsification
Automatically Suspected of Falsification: Cases with Discrepancies 1, 5, or 10
If FALSIF2 = 1 and DISCREPANCY [1] = 1 THEN, set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP =066
If FALSIF2 = 1 and DISCREPANCY[5] = 5 and (MISC_B = 1 or MISC_BVINT = 1) THEN, set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 096
If FALSIF2 = 1 and DISCREPANCY[5] = 5 and (MISC_C = 1 or MISC_CVINT = 1) THEN, set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 097
If FALSIF2 = 1 and DISCREPANCY[10] = 10 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 112
Suspected of Falsification: Type A – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 105 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 067 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 068
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 069
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 086
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 087 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 090
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 8 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 089 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEA = 9 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 090
Suspected of Falsification: Type B – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 071
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 073
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 074
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 075
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 077
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 076
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 091
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 8 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 092
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEB = 9 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 094
Suspected of Falsification: Type C – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 078
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 079
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 080
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 081
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 083
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 084
If FALSIF = 1 and TYPEC = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 095
Suspected of Falsification: Type D – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 1 and NONINT = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 085
Suspected of Falsification: Problems in CATI Reinterview – HELLO_PRB_RI_CT
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 067and RI_DISP = 086
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 090
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 076
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 091
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 092
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 083
If FALSIF = 1 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 067 and RI_DISP = 084
Suspected of Falsification: Misclassified Origianl Noninterview Cases
If FALSIF = 1 and MISC_B = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 103
If FALSIF = 1 and MISC_B = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 099
If FALSIF = 1 and MISC_C = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 101
If FALSIF = 1 and MISC_C = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 103
Suspected of Falsification: Cases with Discrepancies
If FALSIF = 1 and DISCREPANCY[2] = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 066
If FALSIF = 1 and DISCREPANCY[3] = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 066
If FALSIF = 1 and DISCREPANCY[6] = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 066
If FALSIF = 1 and DISCREPANCY[7] = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 061
If FALSIF = 1 and DISCREPANCY[8] = 8 THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 062
If FALSIF = 1 and DISCREPANCY[11] = 11 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 105
Suspected of Falsification: Cases with no Discrepancies
If FALSIF = 1 and all elements in DISCREPANCY array is empty THEN set OUTCOME = 065 and RI_DISP = 060
Not Suspected of Falsification
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type D – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 2 and NONINT = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 032
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type A – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 003 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 013 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 014 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 021 and RI_DISP = 015 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 035 and RI_DISP = 033 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 034 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 021 and RI_DISP = 035 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 8 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 036 and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEA = 9 THEN set OUTCOME = 021 and RI_DISP = 037 and SUBTYPE = blank
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type B – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 017
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 019
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 020
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 021
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 023
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 022
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 038
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 8 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 039
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEB = 9 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 041
Not Suspected of Falsification: Type – Reinterview Noninterviews
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 024
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 025
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 026
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 027
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 030
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 031
If FALSIF = 2 and TYPEC = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 042
Suspected of Falsification: Problems in CATI Reinterview – HELLO_PRB_RI_CT
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 1 THEN set OUTCOME = 035 and RI_DISP = 033
and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 021 and RI_DISP = 035
and SUBTYPE = blank
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 022
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 4 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 038
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 5 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 039
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 030
If FALSIF = 2 and HELLO_PRB_RI_CT = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 066 and RI_DISP = 031
Suspected of Falsification: Misclassified Origianl Noninterview Cases
If FALSIF = 2 and MISC_B = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 058
If FALSIF = 2 and MISC_B = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 046
If FALSIF = 2 and MISC_C = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 048
If FALSIF = 2 and MISC_C = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 058
Suspected of Falsification: Cases with Discrepancies
If FALSIF = 2 and DISCREPANCY[2] = 2 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 012
If FALSIF = 2 and DISCREPANCY[3] = 3 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 012
If FALSIF = 2 and DISCREPANCY[6] = 6 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 012
If FALSIF = 2 and DISCREPANCY[7] = 7 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 009
If FALSIF = 2 and DISCREPANCY[8] = 8 THEN set OUTCOME = 064 and RI_DISP = 005
If FALSIF = 2 and DISCREPANCY[11] = 11 THEN set OUTCOME = 000 and RI_DISP = 003
Suspected of Falsification: Cases with no Discrepancies
If FALSIF = 2 and no discrepancies set OUTCOME = 001 and RI_DISP = 001
HH Not Contacted:
RI Interviewer Indicated Original Status Incorrect:
VERBYOBS = empty and RI_OUTCM = 2
Observed Case – Original Status Incorrect:
RI Interviewer Indicated Original Status Incorrect:
Classified Interview/Type A as Type B/C:
MISC_B = 1, OR
MISC_C = 1
RI Respondent Indicated Original Status Incorrect:
HH Roster Incorrect:
ROSTER_1 = 2, OR
ROSTER_3 = 1
Not All Questions Asked:
Telephone interview instead of personal visit, as required:
Laptop Not Used:
Interviewer Entered a Bad Telephone Number:
Consumer Unit(s) Makeup Incorrect:
Reinterview Respondent Indicated Diary Not Placed:
DIARY2 = 2
Reinterview Respondent Indicated The Consumer Unit (CU):
a) had expenses for a blank diary
b) did not record or have recalled expenses for a completed diary
c) did not have recalled expenses for a Type B-326 diary
(which disagreed with interviewer)
(RECALL = 2 AND ENTRIES = 2 or empty) OR
(RECALL2 = 2 AND ENTRIES2 = 2 or empty) OR
Set Discrepancy [15]
Reinterview Respondent Indicated Original Type B Status for Week 1 Was Incorrect For A Week 2 Interview:
Set Discrepancy [16]
Reinterview Respondent Indicated Contact Person for Original Type B-Temporarily Absent Outcome Wasn’t Responsible For The Care of the Residence:
WK1_CARE = 2
CARE = 2
Attachment A: Reinterview Disposition and Outcome Codes
Attachment B: Reinterview SCIF Layout
Attachment C: Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for Reinterview
Attachment D: Household Roster
Attachment E: Original Outcome Code Description for the STATUS Screen
Attachment F: Discrepancy Codes abd Desriptions for Elements in DISCREPANCY Array
Attachment G: Original Week 1 Pickup Code Descriptions for the WK1_STATUS Screen
Attachments (7)
Reinterview Disposition and Outcome Codes
CATI Outcome |
CAPI Outcome |
RI Disposition |
Description |
SF |
SF |
000 |
na |
200 |
na |
na |
New case, not started |
001 |
na |
201 |
001 |
na |
Original interview or noninterview verified as correct |
000 |
na |
202 |
na |
na |
Accessed instrument, no interview, or insufficient partial |
na |
065 |
301 |
na |
060 |
Suspected falsification, no discrepancies |
Type A Noninterviews |
000 |
000 |
213 |
034 |
087 |
Language problem |
000 |
000 |
214 |
003 |
105 |
Unable to complete, bad telephone number |
000 |
000 |
214 |
013 |
067 |
Unable to locate |
000 |
000 |
215 |
036 |
089 |
Insufficient partial |
000 |
067 |
216 |
014 |
068 |
No one home |
021 |
067 |
217 |
015 |
069 |
Temporarily absent |
035 |
067 |
218 |
033 |
086 |
Refused |
021 |
067 |
218 |
035 |
090 |
Respondent can’t remember |
021 |
067 |
219 |
037 |
090 |
Other Type A |
Type B Noninterviews |
066 |
067 |
224 |
038 |
091 |
Entire household under or over age limit |
066 |
067 |
225 |
039 |
092 |
Temporarily occupied by persons with URE |
066 |
067 |
226 |
017 |
071 |
Vacant, regular or seasonal |
066 |
067 |
227 |
019 |
073 |
Vacant, storage of household furniture |
066 |
067 |
228 |
023 |
077 |
Unfit, to be demolished |
066 |
067 |
230 |
020 |
074 |
Converted to temporary business or storage |
066 |
067 |
231 |
021 |
075 |
Unoccupied tent or trailer site |
066 |
067 |
234 |
022 |
076 |
Household institutionalized or temporarily ineligible |
066 |
067 |
233 |
041 |
094 |
Other Type B |
Type C Noninterviews |
066 |
067 |
240 |
024 |
078 |
Demolished |
066 |
067 |
241 |
025 |
079 |
House or trailer moved |
066 |
067 |
243 |
026 |
080 |
Converted to permanent business or storage |
066 |
067 |
245 |
027 |
081 |
Condemned |
066 |
067 |
250 |
030 |
083 |
Deceased |
066 |
067 |
251 |
031 |
084 |
Moved out of country |
066 |
067 |
248 |
042 |
095 |
Other Type C |
Type D Noninterviews |
066 |
067 |
360 |
032 |
085 |
Household replaced by a new household since the original interview |
CATI Outcome |
CAPI Outcome |
RI Disposition |
Description |
SF |
SF |
Noninterview Misclassification |
064 |
065 |
301 |
043 |
096 |
Originally classified as a Type B, should have been an interview or Type A |
064 |
065 |
301 |
044 |
097 |
Originally classified as a Type C, should have been an interview or Type A |
064 |
065 |
301 |
046 |
099 |
Originally classified as a Type B, should have been a C |
064 |
065 |
301 |
047 |
100 |
Originally classified as a B, should have been a D |
064 |
065 |
301 |
048 |
101 |
Originally classified as a Type C, should have been a B |
064 |
065 |
301 |
049 |
102 |
Originally classified as a C, should have been a D |
064 |
065 |
301 |
058 |
103 |
Other misclassification – specify in notes |
Discrepancy Cases |
na |
065 |
301 |
na |
066 |
Discrepancy – Household not contacted |
na |
065 |
301 |
na |
096 |
Discrepancy – Classified eligible unit as Type B |
na |
065 |
301 |
na |
097 |
Discrepancy – Classified eligible unit as Type C |
na |
065 |
301 |
na |
112 |
Discrepancy – No laptop Used |
064 |
065 |
301 |
002 |
113 |
Discrepancy - diary not place |
064 |
065 |
301 |
003 |
105 |
Discrepancy – bad phone number |
064 |
065 |
301 |
005 |
062 |
Discrepancy – Not all questions asked in original interview |
064 |
065 |
301 |
006 |
063 |
Discrepancy - use of proxy in original when self response is required |
064 |
065 |
301 |
007 |
064 |
Discrepancy - use of ineligible proxy in original when proxy is allowed |
064 |
065 |
301 |
008 |
114 |
Discrepancy – (a) Had expenses for blank diary, (b) Did not record or have recalled expenses for completed diary, or (c) Did not have recalled expenses for Type B-326 diary. |
064 |
065 |
301 |
009 |
061 |
Discrepancy – incorrect household roster |
064 |
065 |
301 |
010 |
110 |
Discrepancy – CU determination incorrect |
064 |
065 |
301 |
011 |
111 |
Discrepancy – telephone interview when personal visit required |
064 |
065 |
301 |
012 |
066 |
Discrepancy – Original outcome incorrect per Reinterviewer |
064 |
065 |
301 |
012 |
066 |
Discrepancy – Original outcome incorrect per RI Respondent |
064 |
065 |
301 |
016 |
115 |
Discrepancy - Week 1 status incorrect for Week 2 interview |
064 |
065 |
301 |
028 |
116 |
Discrepancy - contact person not responsible for Type B-217 |
RO/HQ Discretion |
na |
na |
311 |
052 |
na |
RO Discretion – permanent (hard to interview original case) |
na |
na |
312 |
053 |
na |
RO Discretion – temporary (more than 50 miles from nearest reinterviewer and no phone number) |
na |
na |
312 |
054 |
na |
RO Discretion – temporary (observed during original interview) |
na |
na |
312 |
055 |
na |
RO Discretion – temporary (personal visit needed, but not authorized) |
na |
na |
312 |
056 |
na |
HQ Discretion – temporary (case management, CAPI control problems) |
na |
na |
312 |
029 |
na |
HQ Discretion – Sample Adjustment |
na |
na |
312 |
057 |
na |
RO Discretion – temporary (other) |
Reinterview SCIF Layout
Record Type |
1002 |
MCS Control Data Contains fields used by the CAI control system and the instrument to help control the interview. Differs from RT 1000 in the addition of associated file name and deletion of listing id. Needed for 2000 sample redesign. |
2007 |
Demographic Address Contains address field used in instruments of demographic surveys. Includes fields for GQ sample. Needed for 2000 sample redesign. |
2552 |
CAPI Control/Reinterview Instrument Data Contains standard control fields about the sample unit used for reinterview surveys. |
4200 |
Household Roster Information Adds the fields Person Phone, phone type, RIP, Previous Type Z, and Previous Type Z Specified |
5001 |
CATI Case Specific Scheduler Data Contains case specific Start, Stop and Notification Dates. Includes day of week blocking fields. |
5100 |
CATI Phone Number Data Contains phone number data. |
8001 |
Contact Person Data Contains standard fields used for contact person information only |
8200 |
Miscellaneous Data Provided by Sponsoring Division Contains standard fields used to determine when to contact the sample unit. |
8500 |
Dependent data Contains survey-specific fields from previous interviews used for reference and bounding as well as GQ Listing SCIF information. |
8501 |
Person Level Data Contain specific information about each household member |
Record type 10 Subtype 02 (MCS control data) |
RT1002 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
1-2 |
10 |
Record Sub-Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
3-4 |
02 |
Roster Information - Hard-coded information to indicate the first record of the household entity. |
12 |
5-16 |
Case ID - Control number assigned by MCS or sponsor. |
8 |
17-24 |
Ranges : 00000001 : 00999999 |
Control Number - Sponsoring division’s control number used for tracking purposes. (Varies by survey) |
24 |
Case Type - Indicates how the TMO SCIF Load programs should process the case (add/delete to/from sample, case changed mode (recycled), or update a case already loaded) |
1 |
49-49 |
A = Add case to sample C = Changed mode. Add case to CAPI. Reinterview sample. D = Delete case from sample. O = Updated the Original case already loaded in sample. |
Interview Mode - The code for the mode of interview. |
1 |
50-50 |
0 = CAPI 1 = CATI |
Interview Site (RO) - Regional Office (RO) code for CAPI surveys and CATI surveys that are recycling. |
2 |
51-52 |
22 = New York 23 = Philadelphia 25 = Chicago 29 = Atlanta 31 = Denver 32 = Los Angeles |
Assignment Period - Used for surveys that have more than one processing period in an input file. |
8 |
53-60 |
PSU - The Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) of the case. FIPS state and county in which assignment is located. |
5 |
61-65 |
Segment Number - The segment number for the case. A number that uniquely identifies a survey’s hit within a field PSU. |
6 |
66-71 |
Respondent Name |
42 |
72-113 |
Phone Number Expansion - Reserved for the future, not used at this time. |
1 |
114-114 |
Phone Number Area Code |
3 |
115-117 |
Phone Number Prefix |
3 |
118-120 |
Phone Number Suffix |
4 |
121-124 |
Phone Extension |
5 |
125-129 |
Timezone - The time zone where the phone number is located. (Assigned by MCS) |
1 |
130-130 |
Survey Identification - An ID used by the MCS to identify the survey period. (Assigned by the MCS) |
4 |
131-134 |
Survey Type |
1 |
135-135 |
P = Production S = Systems Test (instrument and control system will treat “S” as production) T = training |
Associated Filename – (filled for LC SCIF-name of MAGE file that goes with case.) |
100 |
136-235 |
LinkID |
24 |
236-259 |
Data Sensitivity Flag - Indicates whether the data contained in the input file is considered sensitive or not. ** Note ** The area providing the SCIF must fill this field for testing and training input files. MCS will fill it for production files. Training files must have a value of 'N' or they will not be processed in MCS. All cases within a SCIF must be given the same value, i.e., either all must be 'N' or all must be 'S'. |
1 |
260-260 |
N = Non-sensitive P = Production S = Sensitive |
CARI Sample – Indicates whether a case has been selected for CARI and/or what specifically to record **Note** Values will be specified for each survey using this variable |
1 |
261-261 |
Old Interview Site (RO) – RO code where case was worked, or would have been worked, prior to FLD restructuring **Note** See separate specifications document for more details on how to set the values for this variable. |
2 |
262-263 |
21 = Boston 22 = New York 23 = Philadelphia 24 = Detroit 25 = Chicago 26 = Kansas City 27 = Seattle 28 = Charlotte 29 = Atlanta 30 = Dallas 31 = Denver 32 = Los Angeles |
New Management Structure Flag – Indicates a case is now being worked under the new FLD management structure. **Note** Post transition, a value of 9 can be used to indicate the case came into sample post-transition or the field may be left blank. |
1 |
264-264 |
1-7 = Wave in which case started being worked under the new management structure 9 = Case came into sample post-transition blank = Case is still being worked under the old management structure U = Unable to determine which wave the case started being worked under the new management structure |
<<Blanks>> |
RT1002_536 |
536 |
265-800 |
Record type 20 Subtype 07 (Demographic Address) |
RT2007 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
1-2 |
20 |
Record Sub-Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
3-4 |
07 |
House Number |
10 |
5-14 |
House Number Suffix |
3 |
15-17 |
Street Name Combined – All parts of street name fields combined into a single field |
49 |
18-66 |
Unit Designation- Used for GQ sample and non-GQ sample. Within Structure Descriptor (4) Within Structure Identifier (9) |
20 |
67-86 |
GQ Unit Description- Only used for GQ sample. Room (5) GQ Room # (5) Pad (1) Bed_(4) GQ Bed #_(5)Pad (1) GQ Unit Other Descriptor (22) |
43 |
87-129 |
Non-City Style Address- A combination of Rural Route Descriptor + Rural Route Id + Box/PO Box Descriptor + Box/PO Box ID |
27 |
130-156 |
Physical Description – Description of unit |
99 |
157-255 |
Post Office - Locality |
PO |
28 |
256-283 |
State Abbreviation |
ST |
2 |
284-285 |
ZIP Code |
ZIP5 |
5 |
286-290 |
ZIP + 4 |
ZIP4 |
4 |
291-294 |
Building Name |
100 |
295-394 |
Building Identifier - Location address building identifier |
12 |
395-406 |
In Care of - Guardian |
42 |
407-448 |
<<Blank>> |
RT2007_352 |
352 |
449-800 |
Record type 25 Subtype 52 (CAPI Control/Reinterview Instrument Data) |
RT2552 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
1-2 |
25 |
Record Sub-Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
3-4 |
52 |
Interview Number |
2 |
5-6 |
Ranges: 00:99 |
GQ Name |
100 |
7-106 |
Original Outcome Code (Numeric) |
3 |
107-109 |
Original Field Representative (FR) Code-alpha-numeric |
3 |
110-112 |
Reinterview Type |
2 |
113-114 |
01=CATI Response Error (RE) 02=CAPI RE 03=CATI Quality Control (QC) recycle 04= CAPI QC 05=CAPI QC supplemental 06=CAPI QC supplemental (inactive) |
Screened Out Household- only used for surveys that have screener questions. This flag indicates which households were screened out during the screener interview. Place this flag on each HH record. |
1 |
115-115 |
0 = not screened out 1 = screened out |
Incentive Flag- indicates whether an incentive has been provided to the respondent during the original interview in order to encourage their participation. (0-9) |
1 |
116-116 |
Incentive Amount |
3 |
117-119 |
Confirmed Refusal Flag- Identifies a situation where a respondent refused interview and does not wish to be contacted again. |
1 |
120-120 |
0 = No (not a confirmed refusal) 1 = Yes (confirmed refusal) 3 = Yes (potential Congressional) Blank = NO (not a confirmed refusal) |
Email address |
80 |
121-200 |
James Bond of Original Interviewer – James Bond of Original Interviewer |
8 |
201-208 |
<<Blank>> |
RT2552_592 |
592 |
209-800 |
Record type 42 Subtype 00 (Household Roster Information) -- ALL VARIABLES CAN BE PULLED FROM CAPI_OUT |
RT4200 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type Category
NA |
2 |
1 - 2 |
42 |
Record Sub-Type |
NA |
2 |
3 - 4 |
00 |
Line Number |
3 |
5 - 7 |
Ranges : 001 : 999 |
Last Name |
20 |
8 - 27 |
First Name |
20 |
28 - 47 |
Middle Initial |
1 |
48 - 48 |
Age |
3 |
49 - 51 |
Ranges : 000 : 999 |
Birthdate ** Note ** mmddyyyy |
8 |
52 - 59 |
Sex |
1 |
60 - 60 |
1 = Male 2 = Female |
Respondent Flag |
1 |
61 - 61 |
0 = NO 1 = YES
Original Sample Person Flag |
1 |
62 - 62 |
Reference Person Flag ** Note ** CATI Only |
1 |
63 - 63 |
0 = NO 1 = YES |
Relationship ** Note ** CATI Only |
20 |
64 - 83 |
Person Phone - Person-level phone number |
10 |
84 - 93 |
Person Phone Type - Indicates the type of phone number for the person- level info |
1 |
94 - 94 |
Respondent Identification Policy (RIP) flag - Indicates whether or not it is okay to use a respondent's answers from a previous interview period if the FR ends up speaking to someone in the HH other than the original respondent. |
1 |
95 - 95 |
1 = Share previous respondent data
2 = Do not share previous respondent data.
3 = Do not share previous respondent data (orig resp. no longer HH member)
BLANK = RIP question has not been asked of the HH Member |
Prior Type Z - Will be filled if a person was coded as a Type Z during the previous interview. |
2 |
96 - 97 |
Prior Type Z Specified - Will be filled if Prior Type Z value is '06' - Other specify |
45 |
98 - 142 |
Removed from Household |
1 |
143-143 |
Eligible for interview flag |
1 |
144-144 |
Blank 20 |
R4200F2 |
18 |
145-162 |
Blank 200 |
R4200F3 |
200 |
163-362 |
Blank 200 |
R4200F4 |
200 |
363-562 |
Blank 238 |
R4200F5 |
238 |
563-800 |
Record Type 50 Subtype 01 (CATI Case Specific Scheduler Data) |
RT5001 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type Category |
NA |
2 |
1 - 2 |
50 |
Record Sub-Type |
NA |
2 |
3 - 4 |
01 |
Case Start Date ** Note ** Format = YYYYMMDD |
8 |
5 - 12 |
Case Stop Date ** Note ** Format = YYYYMMDD |
8 |
13 - 20 |
Case Notification Date |
8 |
21 - 28 |
Sunday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Sundays. |
1 |
29 - 29 |
1 = Block is set blank = Block is not set |
Monday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Mondays |
1 |
30 - 30 |
Tuesday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Tuesdays |
1 |
31 - 31 |
Wednesday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Wednesdays |
1 |
32 - 32 |
Thursday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Thursdays |
1 |
33 - 33 |
Friday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Fridays |
1 |
34 - 34 |
Saturday Block - Restricts access to the case for interviewing on Saturdays |
1 |
35 - 35 |
Special case boost |
1 |
36 - 36 |
Skill Set 1 - Language skill set |
3 |
37 - 39 |
101 = Spanish 102 = French 103 = Russian 104 = German 105 = Vietnamese 106 = Chinese 107 = Korean 108 = Tagalog 109 = Asian 110 = Japanese 111 = Germanic 112 = Dutch 113 = Norwegian 114 = Swedish 115 = Arabic 116 = Greek 117 = Italian 118 = Polish 119 = Portuguese 120 = Urdu 198 = other language, specify 199 = unknown language |
Skill Set 2 - Valid values are the same for Skill sets 2-10 |
3 |
40 - 42 |
Skill Set 3 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
43 - 45 |
Skill Set 4 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
46 - 48 |
Skill Set 5 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
49 - 51 |
Skill Set 6 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
52 - 54 |
Skill Set 7 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
55 - 57 |
Skill Set 8 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
58 - 60 |
Skill Set 9 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
61 - 63 |
Skill Set 10 - Values are the same as skill set 2 |
3 |
64 - 66 |
Centurion ID |
24 |
67-90 |
BLANK 100 |
R5001F1 |
76 |
91-166 |
BLANK 100 |
R5001F2 |
200 |
167 - 366 |
BLANK 100 |
R5001F3 |
200 |
367 - 566 |
BLANK 100 |
R5001F4 |
234 |
567 - 800 |
Record Type 51 Subtype 00 (CATI Phone Number Data – Telephone #1) - VARIABLES CAN BE PULLED FROM CAPI_OUT |
RT5100 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type Category |
NA |
2 |
1 - 2 |
51 |
Record Sub-Type |
NA |
2 |
3 - 4 |
00 |
Phone Number Expansion - Reserved for the future, not used at this time. |
1 |
5 - 5 |
Phone Number Area Code |
3 |
6 - 8 |
Phone Number Prefix |
3 |
9 - 11 |
Phone Number Suffix |
4 |
12 - 15 |
Phone Extension |
5 |
16 - 20 |
Source - Indicates the source from which phone number was obtained. |
2 |
21 - 22 |
1 = Input |
Phone Type - Indicates the type of phone number |
1 |
23 - 23 |
Person associated with the phone number - Not necessarily respondent for the case |
43 |
24 - 66 |
Research Tool - Mechanism for passing data collected from interviewing or research in a previous cycle to a subsequent interviewing cycle. |
2 |
67 - 68 |
Description - Passes data collected from interviewing or research in a previous cycle to a subsequent interviewing cycle. |
100 |
69 - 168 |
CATI Phone Sequence Number - Sequence number to ensure that phone numbers are loaded into the WebCATI database in the correct order. |
3 |
169 - 171 |
Ranges : 001 : 999 |
Blank 100 |
R5100F1 |
100 |
172 - 271 |
Blank 200 |
R5100F2 |
200 |
272 - 471 |
Blank 200 |
R5100F3 |
200 |
472 - 671 |
Blank 129 |
R5100F4 |
129 |
672 - 800 |
Record type 80 Subtype 01 (Contact Person Data) |
RT8001 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
1-2 |
80 |
Record Sub-Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
3-4 |
01 |
Contact Person #1 Name Note: For surveys that collect information about Type B or Type C contact people: The Type B or Type C contact person information will always be stored in the Contact Person #1 fields. If the survey also collects information about contacts for the household (HH) in the event that a person/HH moves (follow-on contacts), the information about the first such contact will be stored in the Contact Person #2 fields. If more than one follow-on contact is collected, information for the additional such contacts will be included in RT 85 (dependent data) in the SCIF. For surveys that do not collect information on Type B or Type C contact persons: Both Contact Person #1 and Contact Person #2 fields may be used for household (follow-on) contacts. |
42 |
5-46 |
Contact Person #1 Title |
20 |
47-66 |
Contact Person #1 phone number expansion - Reserved for future use, not used at this time. |
1 |
67-67 |
Contact Person #1 Phone – Phone number for contact person #1 |
10 |
68-77 |
Contact Person #1 Phone Extension |
5 |
78-82 |
Contact Person #1 Phone Type – Type of phone number used for contact person #1 |
1 |
83-83 |
Contact Person #1 Address 1 – Line 1 of contact person #1’s street address |
54 |
84-137 |
Contact Person #1 Address 2 – Line 2 of contact person #1’s street address |
54 |
138-191 |
Contact Person #1 PO/City – City/post office portion of contact person #1’s address |
20 |
192-211 |
Contact Person #1 State – State portion of contact person #1’s address |
2 |
212-213 |
Contact Person #1 ZIP – Zip code portion of contact person #1’s address |
CP1ZP5 |
5 |
214-218 |
Contact Person #1 ZIP4 – Zip4 portion of contact person #1’s address |
CP1ZP4 |
4 |
219-222 |
Contact Person #1 Type –Indicates what type of contact person #1 is |
1 |
223-223 |
1 = Type B/C Contact 2 = Household Contact 3 = Proxy Respondent |
Contact Person #2 Name |
42 |
224-265 |
Contact Person #2 Title |
20 |
266-285 |
Contact Person #2 phone number expansion - Reserved for future use, not used at this time. |
1 |
286-286 |
Contact Person #2 Phone Note: Consists of Area Code (3), Prefix (3), and Suffix (4) |
10 |
287-296 |
Contact Person #2 Phone Extension |
5 |
297-301 |
Contact Person #2 Phone Type |
1 |
302-302 |
Contact Person #2 Address 1 |
54 |
303-356 |
Contact Person #2 Address 2 |
54 |
357-410 |
Contact Person #2 PO/City |
20 |
411-430 |
Contact Person #2 State |
2 |
431-432 |
Contact Person #2 ZIP |
CP2ZP5 |
5 |
433-437 |
Contact Person #2 ZIP4 |
CP2ZP4 |
4 |
438-441 |
Contact Person #2 Type |
1 |
442-442 |
<<Blank>> |
RT8001_358 |
358 |
443-800 |
Record type 82 Subtype 00 (Miscellaneous Data Provided by Sponsoring Division) |
RT8200 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
1-2 |
82 |
Record Sub-Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
NA |
2 |
3-4 |
00 |
Best Time to Call -indicates the best time to contact the respondent for the case, as indicated during a previous interview. |
2 |
5-6 |
Best Time Other – Write-in entry for best time to contact respondent |
30 |
7-36 |
No Sunday - indicates whether or not calling on Sunday is acceptable to the respondent of the case, as indicated during a previous interview. |
1 |
37-37 |
Referral Flag – Indicates whether or not the information obtained in a prior interview needed referral in order to obtain better or more complete data (such as Industry and Occupation (I & O) referral for the case last month). The field representative should look at the comments in the instrument to determine what the problem was. |
1 |
38-38 |
Phone Type |
1 |
39-39 |
2nd Phone Number Expansion - Reserved for future use, not used at this time. |
1 |
40-40 |
2nd Phone Number -this is the second phone number for the respondent or household. |
10 |
41-50 |
2nd Phone Number Extension |
5 |
51-55 |
2nd Phone Type |
1 |
56-56 |
Other Respondent Name |
42 |
57-98 |
Reinterview Indicator – Indicates whether original interview was observed. If so, the case will be ineligible for reinterview. |
1 |
99-99 |
1 = Observed blank = Not observed |
3rd Phone Number Expansion - |
1 |
100-100 |
3rd Phone Number - this is the third phone number for the respondent or household. |
10 |
101-110 |
3rd Phone Number Extension |
5 |
111-115 |
3rd Phone Type |
1 |
116-116 |
1 = Home 2 = Work 3 = Cellular or digital 4 = Beeper, pager, answering service 5 = Public pay phone 6 = Toll free 7 = Other 8 = Fax 9 = Unknown |
Language Code – Captures a language requirement (other than English) for a household. |
3 |
117-119 |
101 = Spanish 102 = French 103 = Russian 104 = German 105 = Vietnamese 106 = Chinese 107 = Korean 108 = Tagalog 109 = Asian 110 = Japanese 111 = Germanic 112 = Dutch 113 = Norwegian 114 = Swedish 115 = Arabic 116 = Greek 117 = Italian 118 = Polish 119 = Portuguese 120 = Urdu 198 = Other language, pacify 199 = Unknown language |
Language Specify – Captures a write-in entry when Language Code = 198 (Other Language, Specify) for CAPI cases. |
30 |
120-149 |
<<Blank>> |
RT8200_651 |
651 |
150-800 |
Record type 85 Subtype 00 (Dependent Data – Household Level Variable) |
RT8500 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
RecType |
2 |
1-2 |
85 |
Record Sub-Type - Hard-coded information used by TMO control systems. |
RecSubType |
2 |
3-4 |
00 |
Roster Information - Hard-coded information used by Blaise to indicate the first record of an entity. |
34 |
5-38 |
varies |
By Observation Flag |
1 |
39-39 |
1 = observation only 2 = information provided by contact person 0 or empty=question not asked for Interview or Type A |
Reassignment |
1 |
40-40 |
Original Interview Date |
8 |
41 - 48 |
date original instrument last touched Format: mmddyyyy |
Original Interview Time |
6 |
49 -54 |
time original instrument last touched Format: hhmmss in military time |
Length of Original Interview *TIMELENGTH_MS in original instrument |
8 |
55 -62 |
Personal Visit/Telephone Flag |
1 |
63-63 |
1=personal visit 2=phone |
Language of Original Interview |
20 |
64 - 83 |
Other Type A Noninterview - specified write-in *TYPASPC in original instrument |
45 |
84-128 |
Other Type B Noninterview - specified write-in *TYPBSPC in original instrument |
45 |
129-173 |
Other Type C Noninterview - specified write-in *TYPCSP in original instrument |
45 |
174-218 |
Additional space for generic layout |
RT8500_100 |
100 |
219-318 |
HH Number |
1 |
319-319 |
TMO pulls from position 19 of Control Number (CTRLNUM). |
CU Number |
2 |
320-321 |
TMO pulls from positions 20-21 of Control Number (CTRLNUM). |
Frame – Design Frame |
1 |
322-322 |
1=Area 2=Unit 3=Group Quarter (GQ) 4=Permit 5=Address |
Permit/Non-Permit Status - indicates wherhter or not the block was screened as being in a permit issuing area |
1 |
323-323 |
N=non-permit P=permit |
Built before/after April 2000 |
1 |
324-324 |
Multi Unit indicator |
1 |
325-325 |
Coverage question 10A |
1 |
326-326 |
1 = Yes 2 = No D = Don’t Know |
Coverage question 10C |
1 |
327-327 |
1 = Yes 2 = No D = Don’t Know |
Urban/Rural Code - item 12a on the CE-802 |
1 |
328-328 |
R = Rural U = Urban |
Group Quarters Type Code - item 9d on the CE-802 |
2 |
329-330 |
Land Use - item 12b on the CE-802 |
1 |
331-331 |
Classification of Living Quarters (GQ status) (item 13a on Form CE-802) |
1 |
332-332 |
1=In a GQ 2=Not in a GQ
Classification of Living Quarters (Access) (item 13b on Form CE-802) |
1 |
333-333 |
1=Direct 2=Through another unit |
Classification of Living Quarters (HU) (item 13c&d on Form CE-802) |
2 |
334-335 |
1=House 2=HU in nontransient hotel 3=HU permanent in transient hotel 4=HU in rooming house 5=Mobile home/trailer with no permanent room added 6=Mobile home/trailer with permanent room(s) added 7=HU not specified above 8=Quarters not HU in rooming/boarding house 9=Student quarters 10=Group Quarters unit not specified above |
Total number of CUs in household |
2 |
336-337 |
Number of persons in primary CU |
2 |
338-339 |
Earliest Placement Date |
8 |
340-347 |
Latest Placement Date |
8 |
348-355 |
Diary 1 - Placement Date |
8 |
356-363 |
Diary 1 - Placement Status Code |
3 |
364-366 |
Diary 1 - Pickup Date |
8 |
367-374 |
Diary 1 - Pickup Status Code |
3 |
375-377 |
Diary 2 - Placement Date |
8 |
378-385 |
Diary 2 - Placement Status Code |
3 |
386-388 |
Diary 2 - Pickup Date |
8 |
389-396 |
Diary 2 - Pickup Status Code |
3 |
397-399 |
Other Type A Refusal - write-in - week 2 diary pickup |
45 |
400-444 |
Other Type A Refusal - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
45 |
445-489 |
Type of Response - week 1 |
1 |
490-490 |
Type of Response - week 2 |
1 |
491-491 |
Any Entries - week 1 |
1 |
492-492 |
Any Recall - week 1 |
1 |
493-493 |
Any Purchases - week 1 |
1 |
494-494 |
Any Receipts - week 1 |
1 |
495-495 |
Any Entries - week 2 |
1 |
496-496 |
Any Recall - week 2 |
1 |
497-497 |
Any Purchases - week 2 |
1 |
498-498 |
Any Receipts - week 2 |
1 |
499-499 |
Other Type A Noninterview - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
30 |
500-529 |
Other Type B Noninterview - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
45 |
530-574 |
Other Type C Noninterview - write-in - week 1 diary pickup |
45 |
575-619 |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (1) on the CE-802 |
1 |
620-620 |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (2) on the CE-802 |
1 |
621-621 |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (3) on the CE-802 |
1 |
622-622 |
Financial Responsibily - item 8e (4) on the CE-802 |
1 |
623-623 |
Language used to conduct interview |
1 |
624-624 |
Line number of primary respondent |
2 |
625-626 |
1 = English 2 = Spanish 3 = Other |
Additional space for survey specific layout |
RT8500_SP |
174 |
627-800 |
Record type 85 Subtype 01 (Dependent Data – Person Level Variable) |
RT8501 |
Name/Description |
Instrument Variable Name |
Length |
Record Position |
Values |
Required |
Record Type |
RecType |
2 |
1-2 |
85 |
Record Sub-Type |
RecSubType |
2 |
3-4 |
01 |
Block Number |
NA |
20 |
5-24 |
01 - Left justify and blank fill. |
Total Number of Records for Block (i.e., total number of household members) |
4 |
25-28 |
Right justify and zero fill |
Blank area |
NA |
8 |
29-36 |
Line Number (i.e., sequential “line number’ for each record within block starting with 1) |
2 |
37-38 |
Right justify and zero fill |
Eligible Respondent Flag |
1 |
39-39 |
First Name |
20 |
40 - 59 |
Length of 16 plus pad 4 spaces |
Last Name |
20 |
60 -79 |
Length of 16 plus pad 4 spaces |
Age |
3 |
80 - 82 |
0-999 |
Race (i.e., storage of up to 6 race categories) |
6 |
83 - 88 |
1-6 |
Multiple Race |
1 |
89-89 |
Relationship |
2 |
90 - 91 |
1=Reference person 2=Spouse 3=Child 4=Grandchild 5=In-law 6=Brother/Sister 7=Parent(s) 8=Non relative 9=unrelated person 10= unmarried partner |
Sex |
1 |
92-92 |
1=Male 2-Female |
Household Status Flag *HHMEM in original instrument |
1 |
93-93 |
1=delete 2=reinstate 5=skip |
Removed from Household |
3 |
94 - 96 |
7=delete 9=reinstate 99=should not be listed 998=refusal 999=don’t know |
Additional space for generic layout |
RT8501_100 |
100 |
97-196 |
Blank space |
Away at college |
1 |
197-197 |
1=Yes 2=No 8=Refused 9=Don’t know |
Indicate HH member status |
1 |
198-198 |
1=Yes 2=No |
CU number |
2 |
199-200 |
1, 2, 3, ..., 99 |
Additional space for survey specific layout |
RT8501_SP |
600 |
201-800 |
Blank space |
Original Outcome Codes (ORIOUT) Reset for Reinterview
Interviews, Mixed Interviews or Unresolved
200 New case, not started (Note: Not a final outcome code)
201 Week 1 Interview / Week 2 Interview
202 Case started (Note: Not a final outcome code)
203 Week 1 Interview / Week 2 Type A
204 Week 1 Interview/ Week 2 Type B or C
206 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Interview
207 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Interview
TYPE As or Mixed Type As
210 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Type B or C
210 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Type A
216 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 No one home
219 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Type A - other
321 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Refusal - hostile respondent
322 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Refusal - time excuses
323 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Refusal - language problem
324 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Refused - other
325 Week 1 Type A / Week 2 Diary placed too late
TYPE Bs or Mixed Type Bs
217 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Temporarily absent
224 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 All persons under 16
225 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 All persons URE
226 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Vacant for rent
228 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Unfit, to be demolished
229 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Under construction
231 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Unoccupied tent/trailer site
232 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Permit granted
233 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Type B - other
326 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Recalled expenses only without receipts
331 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Vacant for sale
332 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Vacant – other
TYPE Cs or Mixed Type Cs
240 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Demolished
241 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 House or trailer moved
243 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Converted to permanent nonresidential use
244 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Merged units within same structure
245 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Condemned
247 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Unused serial # on listing sheet (Ineligible)
248 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Type C – other
252 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Located on military base or post
256 Week 1 / Week 2 Type C Removal during subsampling (Ineligible)
257 Week 1/ Week 2 Type C Unit already had a chance of selection (Ineligible)
258 Week 1/ Week 2 Type C Unlocateable sample address
259 Week 1/ Week 2 Type C Unit does not exist or unit out of scope
290 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 Spawned in error (Ineligible)
TYPE Cs or Mixed Type Cs
341 (BYOBS=1 or 2) Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 CU moved
341 (BYOBS blank) Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 household replaced (Ineligible)
342 Week 1 Type B or C / Week 2 CU merged with another CU
Household Roster Variables
Use the following descriptions for the values of the variables listed below when displaying the household roster in the CED CATI/CAPI QC reinterview instrument.
The possible values for RELATIONSHIP are:
1 = Reference Person |
7 = Parent(s) |
2 = Spouse |
8 = Other related person |
3 = Child |
9 = Unrelated person |
4 = Grandchild |
10 = Unmarried Partner |
5 = In-Law |
D = Don’t Know |
6 = Brother/sister |
R = Refused |
The possible values for AGE are:
Any numeric value
The possible values for SEX are:
1 = Male
2 = Female
String variables (50 characters in length each) that indicate the label on the sixth, seventh, and eighth columns of the household roster screens.
String variables (50 characters in length each) that indicate some descriptive text for the survey to be displayed on the household roster screens.
The possible values for AWAY_COL are:
1 = Yes
2 = No
D = Don’t know
R = Refused
The possible values for HH_MEM flag are:
1= Yes
2= No
Original Outcome Code Description for the STATUS Screen
Use these descriptions to fill “ORIOUT’s description” on the STATUS screen:
If original outcome code (ORIOUT) is: |
Fill with: |
217 |
{“was a residence whose members were temporarily absent.”} |
224 |
“was a {residence} where the entire household was under 16 years old.” |
225 |
“was occupied by persons who usually live at another address.” |
226, 331, 332 |
“was vacant.” |
228 |
“was unfit to live in or scheduled to be demolished.” |
229 |
“was under construction.” |
231 |
“was an unoccupied tent or trailer site.” |
232 |
“was a building site where construction had not started.” |
240 |
“was demolished.” |
241 |
“was a lot where a house or trailer had been moved off of.” |
243 |
“was converted to permanent nonresidential use.” |
244 |
“was merged with another unit.” |
245 |
“was condemned.” |
252 |
“was a {residence} where the household was living on a military base or post.” |
258 |
“was an unlocateable sample address.” |
259 |
“did not exist or was out of scope.” |
Discrepancy Codes abd Desriptions for Elements in DISCREPANCY Array
1. The reinterview respondent said no one contacted this household regarding this survey.
2. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment E], was incorrect.
3. The status of this case was completed by observation in the original interview. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment E] was incorrect.
4. This case was a Type A in the original interview. You determined that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment E], was incorrect.
5. The (S)FR classified this unit as a Type B or Type C Noninterview and you determined that it should have been an Interview or Type A.
6. The reinterview respondent indicated that the original status, [Fill: ORIOUT] - [Fill: ORIOUT’s description from Attachment E] was incorrect.
7. The household roster was incorrect.
9. The (S)FR conducted a telephone interview only instead of a personal visit interview, as required.
10. This case was done by a personal visit and the reinterview respondent said the (S)FR did not use a laptop.
11. The (S)FR entered a bad telephone number for this case.
12. The make-up of the CU(s) was incorrect.
13. The reinterview respondent said that a diary was not dropped off, which disagrees with the (S)FR.
14. The reinterview respondent said the CU either a) had expenses for a blank diary, b) did not record or have recalled expenses for a completed diary, or c) did not have recalled expenses for a Type B-326 diary, which disagrees with the (S)FR.
15. The reinterview respondent indicated that the original Type B status for Week 1, [Fill PICK_UP1] - [Fill PICK_UP1's description from Attachment G], was incorrect for a Week 2 interview.
16. The reinterview respondent said the contact person for an original Type B-Temporarily Absent outcome was not responsible for the care of the residence.
Attachment G
CED Original Week1 Pickup Code Descriptions for the WKI_STATUS Screen
Use these descriptions to fill “PICK_UP’s description” on the WK1_STATUS screen:
If original Week 1 pickup code (PICK_UP1) is: |
Fill with: |
224 |
“was a {residence} where the entire household was under 16 years old.” |
225 |
“was occupied by persons who usually live at another address.” |
226, 331, 332 |
“was vacant.” |
228 |
“was unfit to live in or scheduled to be demolished.” |
229 |
“was under construction.” |
231 |
“was an unoccupied tent or trailer site.” |
232 |
“was a building site where construction had not started.”
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | July 7, 2010 |
Author | BOC |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-08-18 |