CIT Consumer Survey

Generic Clearance for Quantitative Testing for the Development of FDA Communications (CFSAN)

CIT Consumer Survey

OMB: 0910-0865

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OMB Control Number: 0910-0865

Expiration Date: 3/31/2025

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary information collection is 0910-0865. The burden time required to complete this portion of the information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather and maintain the data needed, and complete and review the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

The survey is being conducted on behalf of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Thank you for completing this survey. Please read this entire page before proceeding.

The Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network (CORE), U.S. Food and Drug Administration launched the FDA Outbreak Investigation Table (CIT) in November 2020 on the FDA website to provide information on ongoing foodborne illness outbreak investigations. We are interested in your views about the CIT.

The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback on the appearance, clarity, and usefulness of the CIT. Your survey responses will help FDA determine if the CIT can be improved. Your feedback is important to us.

You were invited to complete this survey because you are signed up to receive weekly CIT updates. Your participation is completely voluntary, and your responses will be kept secure to the extent provided by law.

Survey Directions:

  1. Please open the link to the FDA Outbreak Investigation Table (CIT) in another tab and use it to refresh your memory as you respond to the survey. It is extremely important to view the table in a separate tab while answering the survey. [Link to the CIT]

  1. Please read each survey question carefully and then select the answer that best suits you. Please click “next” when you have completed a page. Most questions require a response to continue. When you are finished with the survey, please click on “Done”.

    1. Please tell us which category, if any, best describes any organizational affiliation you might have.

State or local government Federal Government


Consumer Interest Group Industry Interest Group Industry


None of the above


Other (please specify)

    1. Have you seen the CORE Investigation Table, the CIT, before today? Reminder: It is extremely important to view the CIT while answering the survey. [FDA CIT]

No Yes

This survey is intended for audiences familiar with the CIT. If you have not seen the CIT before today, many of the survey questions will not apply to you. You may quit the survey now, simply by closing your web browser, or you may continue with the survey, answering the questions as best you can. We will use any feedback you provide. Please click "Next" below to continue with the survey. [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, to respond to the questions.]

    1. In general, how often do you (have you) view(ed) the CIT?

More than once a week Once a week

Once or twice a month

Once or twice in the last 6 months Last viewed more than 6 months ago


    1. Do you currently receive the table’s weekly update by email?

No Yes

Unsure/Don’t know

    1. CIT updates are currently sent by email once a week. What are your preferences for how often you get a CIT update by email? (Please read all options before responding.)

Prefer to receive the CIT update by email more often than once a week Once a week is sufficient

Prefer to receive the CIT update by email less often than once a week Other (please specify)


    1. On a scale from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” please rate your level of disagreement or agreement with the words used to describe the CIT. [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]

As a whole, the CIT is….

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Neither Disagree

Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree







    1. On a scale from “Very Confusing” to “Very Understandable,” please rate how confusing or understandable is the information in each column of the CIT. [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]

Very Confusing

Somewhat Confusing

Neither Confusing Nor Understandable

Somewhat Understandable

Very Understandable


Reference #

Product(s) Linked to Illnesses (if any)


Investigation Status

Recall Initiated


On-site Inspection Initiated

    1. Shape75
      If you clicked on "Very Confusing" or "Somewhat Confusing" for any of the columns, please tell us which columns are confusing and what about them is confusing.

    1. How do you use the information in the CIT? (Please check all that apply.)

Shape82 I share the information in the table (with colleagues, friends, family)

Shape83 Shape84 Shape85 I write news articles, blog posts, or summaries of information in the table For general awareness

Other (please specify)


    1. If you share the information in the CIT, how do you share it? (Please check all that apply.)

Shape93 Shape94 Shape95 Social media Email

Shape96 Shape97 Text message Verbal

Other (please specify)


    1. In the previous question, you said that you share information in the CIT using social media. Please list what platforms you use to share the CIT information.


    1. On a scale from “Very Unimportant” to “Very Important," please rate how important you find the information in each of the columns in the CIT. [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]

Very Unimportant

Somewhat Unimportant

Neither unimportant nor important


Important Very Important


Reference #

Products(s) Linked to Illnesses (if any)


Investigation Status

Recall Initiated


On-site Inspection Initiated

    1. Shape125 What do you think about the number of columns in the table? [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]

The table has too few columns.

Shape126 Shape127 Shape128 The number of columns in the table is just right. The table has too many columns.

Don't Know

    1. Shape129
      What other columns, if any, would you like to see added to the table?

    1. Shape130
      Which columns, if any, do you suggest deleting from the table?

    1. What do you think about the level of detail in the table as a whole? (Please read all response options before responding)?

Would like more detail in the table Would like less detail in the table

I am satisfied with the level of detail in the table

    1. What do you think about the number of hyperlinks in the table as a whole? (Please read all response options before responding)?

Would like more hyperlinks in the table Would like fewer hyperlinks in the table

I am satisfied with the number of hyperlinks in the table

    1. What do you think about the amount of information in the table?

Would like more information in the table Would like less information in the table

I am satisfied with the amount of information in the table

    1. In the previous question, you said that you would like more information in the table. Please specify what more information you want to see in the CIT. [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]


    1. What form should additional information in the table take? (Select all that apply)

Shape156 Shape157 Shape158 Text Links

Shape159 Shape160 Shape161 Add to existing column Create new column Other (please specify)

    1. In question 18, you said that you would like less information in the table. Please specify what information should be removed from the CIT. [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]


    1. While viewing the CIT webpage, have you ever clicked on Food Safety Tips for Consumers & Retailers During an Outbreak of Foodborne Illness ? [Please click on the link now if you need a refresher.]

No Yes

Unsure/Don't know

    1. Have you ever used the “Table Definitions” that are located below the table? [ Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]

No Yes

Unsure/Don't know

    1. Are the “Table Definitions” easy to understand? [Reminder: Please click on the CIT, as needed, for a refresher.]

No Yes

Unsure/Don't know

    1. How do you describe yourself? (Please mark one)

Male Female

Prefer not to answer

    1. Shape199
      In what year were you born? (enter 4-digit birth year; for example, 1976)

    1. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

Yes No

    1. What is your race? (Please select one or more)


Black or African American Asian

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific slander

American Indian or Alaska Native

    1. What is the last grade or year of school that you have completed?

Less than high school degree High school graduate or GED 1-3 years college/some college

College graduate – bachelor’s degree

Postgraduate, master’s degree, doctorate, law degree, other professional degree

    1. Shape225
      Please share your general feedback on the CIT and any suggestions you may have for improvement.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleView Survey
AuthorMizrachi, Ila
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-24

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