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pdfMUC Data Template Crosswalk
CY 2021 Final Versus CY 2022 Final
Burden Impact: The changes to this form do not reflect policies in the CY 2022 Physician Fee
Scheduled (PFS) Final Rule for the Quality Payment Program. There are no impacts to burden
as a result of any changes reflected here.
Change #1
Location: Title (Page 1)
Reason for Change: Updated date of document.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Measures under Consideration 2020
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Measures under Consideration 2021
Change #2
Location: Instructions (Page 1)
Reason for Change: Changed the instructions to better fit with the current CY 2022 Final Rule
text document and to reference the measure submission tool, CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
1. Complete the measure template below by entering your candidate measure information in the
column titled “Add Your Content Here.”
2. All rows that have an asterisk symbol * in the Field Label require a response. These rows
also appear unshaded.
3. All rows shaded in gray are optional. You are encouraged to complete all rows that are
applicable to your measure.
4. For each row, the “Guidance” column provides details about how to complete the form and
what kind of data to include in your response.
5. For check boxes, note whether the field is “select one” or “select all that apply.” You can click
on the box to place or remove the “X.”
6. If you have lengthy text to insert, place the text at the bottom of the form, clearly indicating
your intended row number or field label.
7. Send completed templates and any accompanying files (e.g., MIPS Peer Review Journal
Article attachment, testing data, MAT information) by June 30, 2020 to
8. If you need to submit a measure change, please use the “Review” tab in Word and select
“Track Changes” or highlight any updates you made to the measure, then by September 4,
2020, send the revised template to
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
1. Before accessing the CMS MERIT (Measures Under Consideration Entry/Review and
Information Tool) online system, you are invited to complete the measure template below by
entering your candidate measure information in the column titled “Add Your Content Here.”
2. All rows that have an asterisk symbol * in the Field Label require a response.
3. For each row, the “Guidance” column provides details on how to complete the template and
what kinds of data to include.
4. For check boxes, note whether the field is “select one” or “select all that apply.” You can click
on the box to place or remove the “X.”
5. Row numbers are for convenience only and do not appear on the MERIT user interface.
6. Send any questions to
Change #3
Location: Whole Document
Reason for Change: To label document clearly in footer.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: 2021 CMS MUC LIST DATA TEMPLATE
Change #4
Location: Whole Document
Reason for Change: Updated date in footer
CY 2021 Final Rule text: 4/10/2020
CY 2022 Final Rule text: 3/26/2021
Change #5
Location: Whole Document
Reason for Change: Reformatted to accommodate all footer text.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: [Aligned Right]
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Centered]
Change #6
Location: Whole Document
Reason for Change: Categorized the template into sections based on broad categories of
questions about the measure, matching CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: n/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: “Properties, Steward, Characteristics, Groups, Programs, Similar
Measures, Attachments, Comments”
Change #7
Location: Page 1
Reason for Change: Added Section header “PROPERTIES” to match section categories in
CY 2021 Final Rule text: n/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: PROPERTIES
Change #8
Location: Whole Document
Reason for Change: Added column into the table to display Subsections of each of the
questions being asked to match CMS MERIT and increase navigability of the document.
Subsections include: Measure Information, Burden, State of Devel, Reliability Testing, Validity
Testing, Measure Performance, Impact, Cost factors, Background Information, Data Sources,
Steward Information, Long-Term Steward Information, Submitter Information, General
Characteristics, Evidence, Risk Adjustments, Healthcare Domain, Endorsement Characteristics
and N/A
CY 2021 Final Rule text: n/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Column]: Subsection
Change #9
Location: Page 2, Row 4
Reason for Change: Added new row for Numerator Exclusions to match CMS MERIT, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
For additional information on exclusions/exceptions,
see: If not
applicable, enter ‘N/A.’
Change #10
Location: Page 2, Row 6
Reason for Change: Added new row for Denominator Exclusions to match CMS MERIT, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
For additional information on exclusions/exceptions, see:
If not applicable, enter ‘N/A.’
Change #11
Location: Page 3, Row 7
Reason for Change: Added new row for Denominator Exceptions to match CMS MERIT, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
For additional information on exclusions/exceptions,
see: If not
applicable, enter ‘N/A.’
Change #12
Location: Page 3, Row 8
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to align with ability to add
attachments in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Add description of evidence. If you have lengthy text to insert, place
the text at the bottom of this form, clearly indicating row number 28.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Add description of evidence. If you have lengthy text, add the
evidence as an attachment, named to clearly indicate the related form field. You may attach the
completed CMS consensus-based entity “Evidence Attachment” if applicable.
Change #13
Location: Page 3, Row 9
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to align with CMS MERIT
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Provide evidence that the data source used by the measure is readily
available to CMS. Summarize how CMS would operationalize the measure. For example, if the
measure is based on registry data, the submitter must provide evidence that the majority of the
hospitals in the program in which the measure will be used participate in the registry; if the
measure is registry-based, the submitter must provide a plan for CMS to gain access to the
registry data. For eCQMs, attach feasibility scorecard or other quantitative evidence indicating
measure can be reported by the intended reporting entities. If you have lengthy text to insert,
place the text at the bottom of this form, clearly indicating row number 31.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Provide evidence that the data source used by the measure is readily
available to CMS. Summarize how CMS would operationalize the measure. For electronic
clinical quality measures (eCQMs), attach feasibility scorecard or other quantitative evidence
indicating measure can be reported by the intended reporting entities.
If you have lengthy text, add the evidence as an attachment, named to clearly indicate the
related form field.
Change #14
Location: Page 3, Row 10
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance, and ADD YOUR CONTEXT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Burden for Patient: Does the measure require survey
data from the patient?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #15
Location: Page 3, Row 11
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, what is the estimated time to
complete the survey?
Enter time in minutes. If
unknown, enter 0.
Change #16
Location: Page 3, Row 12
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, what is the frequency of
requests for survey data per year?
Enter the number of requests per
patient per year.
Change #17
Location: Page 3, Row 13
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, are the survey data to be
collected during or outside of a visit?
Select all that
☐ Prior to visit
☐ During visit
☐ After visit
Change #18
Location: Page 4, Row 14
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Burden for Provider: Was a provider workflow
analysis conducted?
Select one ☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #19
Location: Page 4, Row 15
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, how many sites were
evaluated in the provider
workflow analysis?
Enter the number of sites that were
evaluated in the provider workflow
Change #20
Location: Page 4, Row 16
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Did the provider workflow have to be modified to
accommodate the new measure?
Select one
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #21
Location: Page 4, Row 17
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, how would you
describe the degree of effort?
☐ 1 (little to no effort)
☐ 5 (substantial effort)
Select one
Change #22
Location: Page 4, Row 18
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Does the measure require manual abstraction?
Select one
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #23
Location: Page 4, Row 19
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, what is the estimated time per
record to abstract data?
Enter time in minutes. If
unknown, enter 0.
Change #24
Location: Page 4, Row 20
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*How many
data elements
will be
collected for
the measure?
Enter number of elements. If a data element has to be
abstracted more than once per record (e.g., medication
dose is abstracted once for each of the patient’s
medications), estimate the average number of times it
would be abstracted per eligible case and include that in
the total number of data elements.
Change #25
Location: Page 5, Row 21
Reason for Change: Changed information from question to statement to align with CMS
MERIT. in column: Field Label
CY 2021 Final Rule text: In what state of development is the measure?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: State of Development
Change #26
Location: Page 5, Row 21
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to reflect current response
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select all that apply.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select all that apply. Before selecting “Conceptualization” or
“Specification,” or “Field Testing,” check program requirements.
Change #27
Location: Page 5, Row 21
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: ADD YOUR CONTEXT HERE to split
Early Development into the development states Conceptualization and Specification.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: ☐ Early Development ☐ Field Testing ☐ Fully Developed
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ☐ Conceptualization ☐ Specification ☐ Field Testing ☐ Fully
Change #28
Location: Page 5, Row 22
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity and provide
reference to the Measures Management System Blueprint.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Details are helpful to CMS in understanding where the measure is in the developmental cycle
and will weigh heavily in determining whether or not the measure will be published on the MUC
If you entered early development above, meaning testing is not currently underway, please
describe when testing is planned (i.e., specific dates), what type of testing is planned (e.g.,
alpha, beta, etc.) as well as the types of facilities in which the measure will be tested.
If you entered field testing or fully developed above, please describe what testing (e.g., alpha,
beta, etc.) has taken place in addition to the results of that testing.
Related to testing, summarize results from validity testing including number of reporting entities
and patients measured, and how validity was assessed. Summarize results from reliability
testing including number of reporting entities and patients measured, and how reliability was
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
If “Conceptualization,” or “Specification,” describe when testing is planned (i.e., specific dates),
what type of testing is planned (e.g., alpha, beta) as well as the types of facilities in which the
measure will be tested.
If “Field Testing” or “Fully Developed,” describe what testing (e.g., alpha, beta) has taken place
in addition to the results of that testing.
Summarize results from validity testing and reliability testing. For additional information, see:
Change #29
Location: Page 6, Row 25
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Type of
Reliability Testing
Select all that apply
☐ Measure Score Reliability
☐ Data Element Reliability
Change #30
Location: Page 6, Row 26
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Reliability Testing:
Type of Testing
all that
☐ Signal to Noise
☐ Random Split Half Correlation
☐ IRR (Inter-rater reliability)
☐ ICC (Intraclass correlation coefficient)
☐ Test-Retest
☐ Internal Consistency
☐ Other (enter here):
Change #31
Location: Page 6, Row 27
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
sample size
For the reliability testing provided, indicate the number of
measured entities sampled.
Change #32
Location: Page 6, Row 28
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
For the reliability testing provided, indicate the statistical
result(s) of the testing analysis. If data element reliability was
conducted, provide the scores for the critical data elements
tested. If signal-to-noise was conducted for measure score
reliability, give the range of reliability scores for measured
entities in addition to the mean.
Change #33
Location: Page 7, Row 29
Change: Added new row which included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Reliability testing interpretation
of results
For the reliability testing provided,
briefly describe the interpretation of
Change #34
Location: Page 7, Row 30
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
y Testing
Reliability Testing: Was a minimum number
of denominator cases per measured entity
established to achieve sufficient measure
score reliability?
Select one
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #35
Location: Page 7, Row 31
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
If yes, specify
the number of
cases and the
percentage of
Enter the minimum number of denominator cases
required for each measured entity to report on this
Also, specify the percentage of providers in the test
sample that met the minimum denominator requirement.
Change #36
Location: Page 7, Row 32
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
* Type of Validity
Select all that apply
☐ Measure Score
☐ Data Element Validity
Change #37
Location: Page 7, Row 33
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Validity Testing:
Type of Validity
Testing Analysis
Select all that apply
☐ Correlation
☐ Face Validity
☐ Construct Validity
☐ Gold Standard Comparison
☐ Internal Consistency
☐ Predictive Validity
☐ Structural Validity
☐ Other (enter here):
Change #38
Location: Page 7, Row 34
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Validity testing
sample size
For the validity testing provided, indicate the number
of measured entities sampled.
Change #39
Location: Page 7, Row 35
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
For the validity testing provided, indicate the statistical result(s)
of the testing analysis. If data element validity was conducted,
provide the scores for the critical data elements tested. If face
validity was conducted, list the total number of voting members
in addition to the percentage that voted in favor of the
measure’s face validity.
Change #40
Location: Page 7, Row 36
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Validity testing
interpretation of results
For the validity testing provided, indicate the
interpretation of results.
Change #41
Location: Page 8, Row 37
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Measure performance type of score
☐ Proportion
☐ Ratio
☐ Mean
☐ Median
☐ Continuous Variable
☐ Other (enter here):
Change #41
Location: Page 8, Row 38
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
performance score
☐ Higher score is better
☐ Lower score is better
☐ Score falling within a defined interval
☐ Passing Score
☐ Other (enter here):
Change #42
Location: Page 8, Row 39
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Provide mean
performance rate
and standard
deviation for each
submission method
a measure has or is
anticipated to have
Provide the mean performance rate and
standard deviation for the measure’s
submission method(s). If the measure has
more than one submission method, provide all
that are available, indicating which results
correspond to which method.
Change #43
Location: Page 8, Row 40
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Benchmark, if
Provide the benchmark for the measure’s
performance rate. If not applicable, type “not
Change #44
Location: Page 8, Row 41
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
* Meaningful to Patients. Was input collected from
patient and/or caregiver?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #45
Location: Page 8, Row 42
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, choose all
methods of
Select all that
☐ Standard Technical Expert Panel
(TEP) inclusive of patient/caregiver
☐ TEP consisting of ONLY patients
or family representatives
☐ Focus groups
☐ Working groups
☐ One-on-one interviews
☐ Surveys
☐ Virtual communities
☐ Other (enter here):
Change #46
Location: Page 9, Row 43
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
How many times
and at what
phase(s) of
development was
Specify the number of times the patient/caregiver
representatives were engaged and at what phases of
measure development. For example,
patient/caregivers were engaged a total of 2 times.
Once during conceptualization and once at the
conclusion of specification.
Change #47
Location: Page 9, Row 44
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Total number of patients and/or caregivers consulted
Indicate number
Change #48
Location: Page 9, Row 45
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
Specify the ratio of patients/caregivers
to policy/clinician experts engaged in
TEP or working groups
Number of patients/caregivers:
number of policy/clinician
experts. For example, 1:2
Change #49
Location: Page 9, Row 46
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Total number of patients/caregivers who agreed that the
measure information helps inform care and make decisions
Change #50
Location: Page 9, Row 47
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Meaningful to Clinicians. Were clinicians and/or
providers consulted?
Select one
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #51
Location: Page 9, Row 48
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, choose all
methods that obtained
clinician and/or
provider input
Select all
that apply
☐ Standard TEP
☐ TEP consisting of ONLY clinicians
☐ Focus groups
☐ Working groups
☐ One-on-one interviews
☐ Surveys
☐ Virtual communities
☐ Other (enter here)
Change #52
Location: Page 9, Row 49
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Total number of clinicians/providers
Indicate number
Change #53
Location: Page 9, Row 50
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Total number of clinicians/providers who agreed that
the measure was actionable to improve quality of care
Indicate number
Change #54
Location: Page 10, Row 51
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Estimated impact of the measure: Estimate of
annual denominator size
Enter numerical value or
“unable to determine.”
Change #55
Location: Page 10, Row 52
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Estimate of
t in measure
Enter numerical value or “not applicable.” State the expected
improvement in absolute terms in the units expressed by the
measure, for example, percentage points or patients per
1000. Using the estimated annual denominator size and
median measure scores from your test data, estimate the
number of additional numerator events or outcomes that
would be achieved during each performance period if
measured entities below the median score achieved at least
the median measure score. For inverse measures, estimate
the number of additional numerator events or outcomes
avoided if measured entities above the median score
achieved the median measure score.
Change #56
Location: Page 10, Row 53
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Estimated Cost
Avoided by the
Estimate of
average cost
savings per
Numeric dollar value, “not applicable,” or “unable to
determine.” Enter the estimated average net cost avoided
per event as a numeric dollar value. If there is no
anticipated impact, state “none.” If you are unable to
estimate costs avoided, state “unable to determine.” If
costs avoided are not an appropriate metric for your
measure focus (e.g., mortality), state “not applicable.”
Change #57
Location: Page 10, Row 54
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Cost avoided
annually by
Using the estimate for improvement and the estimated
average cost savings per event, provide the costs that
would be avoided by Medicare/provider annually as a
numeric dollar value. If there is no anticipated impact,
state “none.” If you are unable to estimate costs
avoided, state “unable to determine.” If costs avoided
are not an appropriate metric for your measure focus
(e.g., mortality), state “not applicable.”
Change #58
Location: Page 11, Row 55
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Source of
Briefly describe the assumptions for your cost estimates and
cite the sources of cost information. If you did not identify
sources of cost information, state “none.” If costs avoided are
not an appropriate metric for your measure focus (e.g.,
mortality), state “not applicable.”
Change #59
Location: Page 11, Row 56
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Year of cost Provide the year of the cost estimate (e.g., 2016 dollars). If
adjusted for inflation, provide the year the estimate was
adjusted to (e.g., 2020 dollars after adjusting for inflation). If
you did not identify sources of cost information, state “none.”
If costs avoided are not an appropriate metric for your
measure focus (e.g., mortality), state “not applicable.”
Change #60
Location: Page 11, Row 57
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to make the question
applicable for future years without modification.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *What is the history or background for including this measure on the
CY 2021 Final Rule text list?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *What is the history or background for including this measure on the
current year MUC list?
Change #61
Location: Page 11, Row 57
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select only one description
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select one
Change #62
Location: Page 11, Row 57
Reason for Change: Changed information in top bullet in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT
HERE to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
☐ New measure never reviewed by MAP Workgroup or used in a CMS program
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
☐ New measure never reviewed by Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) Workgroup or
used in a CMS program
Change #63
Location: Page 11, Row 58
Reason for Change: Merged rows 5 and 6 from the CY 2021 Final Rule text into one row to
clarify skip pattern in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
If currently
Range of
year(s) this
has been
used by
For example: Hospice
Quality Reporting
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
If currently used: Range of
year(s) this measure has
been used by CMS
For example: Hospice Quality Reporting
Change #64
Location: Page 12, Row 59
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to clarify skip pattern in CMS
CY 2021 Final Rule text: What other federal programs are currently using this measure?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: If currently used: What other federal programs are currently using
this measure?
Change #65
Location: Page 12, Row 59
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to make information applicable
for future years without modification.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select all that apply. These should be current use programs only, not
programs for the 2020 submittal.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select all that apply. These should be current use programs only, not
programs for the upcoming year’s submittal.
Change #66
Location: Page 12, Row 59 (Due to large number of selections to this row, we list only the
items changed)
Reason for Change: Reworded information and added/deleted options to column: ADD YOUR
CONTENT HERE to match current set of CMS programs using CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
☐ Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) ☐ Health Homes Core Set ☐ Medicaid Adult
Core Set ☐ Medicaid and CHIP Child Core Set ☐ Medicare and Medicaid Promoting
Interoperability Program for Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals ☐ Medicare Part
C ☐ Medicare Part D
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
☐ Medicare and Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program for Eligible Hospitals and Critical
Access Hospitals (CAHs) ☐ Part C and D Star Ratings [Medicare] ☐ Other (enter here):
Change #67
Location: Page 12, Row 60
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to match updated response
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Select all that apply.
If Claims, then enter relevant parts in the field below.
If EHR, then enter relevant parts in the field below.
If Registry, then enter which registry in the field below.
Use the “Comments” field at Row 69 to specify or elaborate on the type of data source, if
needed to define your measure.
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
Select all that apply.
Use the next field to specify or elaborate on the type of data source, if needed to define your
Change #68
Location: Page 12, Row 60
Reason for Change: Reworded information and added/deleted options to column: ADD YOUR
CONTENT HERE to standardize data source categories.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
☐ Administrative clinical data ☐Facility discharge data ☐ Chronic condition data warehouse
(CCW) ☐ Claims ☐ CROWNWeb ☐ EHR ☐ Hybrid ☐ IRF-PAI ☐ LTCH CARE data set ☐
National Healthcare Safety Network ☐ OASIS-C1 ☐ Paper medical record ☐ Prescription
Drug Event Data Elements
☐ PROMIS ☐ Record review ☐ Registry ☐ Survey ☐ State
Vital Record ☐ Other (enter here):
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
☐ Administrative Data (non-claims) ☐ Claims Data ☐ Electronic Clinical Data (non-EHR) ☐
Electronic Health Record ☐ Paper Medical Records ☐ Standardized Patient Assessments ☐
Patient Reported Data and Survey ☐ Registries ☐ Hybrid ☐ Other (enter here):
Change #69
Location: Page 13, Row 61
Reason for Change: Added new row to collection about the Other response option, including:
Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
If applicable,
specify the data
Use this field to specify or elaborate on the type of
data source, if needed, to define your measure.
Change #70
Location: Page 13, Row 62
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Provide a brief, specific description of which parts of the measure are
taken from EHR, claims-based, or chart-abstracted (i.e., paper medical records) data sources.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Describe the parts or elements of the measure that are relevant to
these data sources
Change #71
Location: Page 13, Row 63
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: This differs from the data sources above. This is the anticipated data
submission method. Select all that apply. Use the “Comments” field at Row 69 to specify or
elaborate on the type of reporting data, if needed to define your measure.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: This is the anticipated data submission method. Select all that apply.
Use the 'Comments' field to specify or elaborate on the type of reporting data, if needed to
define your measure.
Change #72
Location: Page 13, Row 63
Reason for Change: Changed information for one of the selections in column: ADD YOUR
CONTENT HERE to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: CQM (Registry)
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Clinical Quality Measure (CQM) Registry
Change #73
Location: Page 13, Row 64
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
of Data
To what extent
are the
specified data
available in
defined fields?
Select all that
apply. For a
select the data
☐ ALL data elements are in defined fields in
administrative claims
☐ ALL data elements are in defined fields in
electronic health records (EHRs)
☐ ALL data elements are in defined fields in
electronic clinical data (e.g., clinical
registry, nursing home minimum data set,
or MDS, home health Outcome and
Assessment Information Set, or OASIS)
☐ ALL data elements are in defined fields in
a combination of electronic sources
☐ Some data elements are in defined fields
in electronic sources
☐ No data elements are in defined fields in
electronic sources
☐ Patient/family-reported information:
☐ Patient/family-reported information: paper
Change #74
Location: Page 13
Reason for Change: Added section header “STEWARD” to increase navigability of the
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: STEWARD
Change #75
Location: Page 13, Row 65
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to reflect
updated response options.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: See Appendix A.63-65 for list choices. Copy/paste or enter your
choices here:
CY 2022 Final Rule text: See Appendix A.065-067 for list choices. Copy/paste or enter your
choices here:
Change #76
Location: Page 14, Row 67
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to generalize consensus based
entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Entity or entities that will be the permanent measure steward(s),
responsible for maintaining the measure and conducting NQF maintenance review. Select all
that apply.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Entity or entities that will be the permanent measure steward(s),
responsible for maintaining the measure and conducting endorsement maintenance review.
Select all that apply.
Change #77
Location: Page 14, Row 67
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to
reflected updated response options.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: See Appendix A.63-65 for list choices. Copy/paste or enter your
choices here:
CY 2022 Final Rule text: See Appendix A.065-067 for list choices. Copy/paste or enter your
choices here:
Change #78
Location: Page 14, Row 69
Reason for Change: Added new row which included: Subsection, Row, Field Label,
Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to capture information about the CMS MERIT
submitter and the measure steward.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
Is primary submitter the same as
Select “Yes” or
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #79
Location: Page 14, Row 70
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to include instructions about
adding submission rights in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: If different from Steward above: Last name, First name; Affiliation;
Telephone number; Email address
CY 2022 Final Rule text: If different from Steward above: Last name, First name; Affiliation;
Telephone number; Email address. NOTE: The primary and secondary submitters entered here
do not automatically have read/write/change access to modify this measure in MERIT. To
request such access for others, when logged into the MERIT interface, navigate to “About” and
“Contact Us,” and indicate the name and e-mail address of the person(s) to be added.
Change #80
Location: Page 15
Reason for Change: Added section header “CHARACTERISTICS” to increase document
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: CHARACTERISTICS
Change #81
Location: Page 15, Row 72
Reason for Change: Adding selection choices to column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to
standardize response options.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
☐ Composite ☐ Cost/Resource Use ☐ Efficiency ☐ Intermediate Outcome ☐ Outcome ☐
Patient Reported Outcome ☐ Process ☐ Structure ☐ Other (enter here):
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
☐ Access ☐ Communication and Care Coordination ☐ Composite ☐ Cost/Resource ☐
Cost/Resource Use ☐ Efficiency ☐ Intermediate Outcome ☐ Not Specified ☐ Outcome ☐
Patient Engagement/Experience ☐ Patient Perspective ☐ Patient Reported Outcome ☐
Process ☐ Structure ☐ Other (enter here):
Change #82
Location: Page 15, Row 73
Reason for Change: Added new row which included: Subsection, Row, Field Label,
Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to create a discrete field to capture information
about whether the measure is a composite.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Is the measure a composite or component
of a composite?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #83
Location: Page 15, Row 74
Reason for Change: Added new row which included: Subsection, Row, Field Label,
Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to capture information about the measure in
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Is this measure
in the CMS
Inventory Tool
Select Yes or No. Current
measures can be found at
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #84
Location: Page 15, Row 75
Reason for Change: Added new row which included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and
Guidance to capture information about the measure in CMIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes,
enter the
If the measure is currently in CMIT, enter the 4-digit
CMIT ID. Current measures and CMIT IDs can be found
Change #85
Location: Page 15, Row 76
Reason for Change: Changed information in the column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Measure ID
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Alternate Measure ID
Change #86
Location: Page 15, Row 76
Reason for Change: Changed information in the column: Guidance to improve clarity and
remove reference to JIRA.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Alphanumeric identifier (if applicable), such as a recognized
program ID number for this measure (20 characters or less). Examples: 199 GPRO HF-5; ACO
28; CTM-3; PQI #08.
Fields for the NQF ID number and previous year(s) JIRA MUC ID number are provided in other
data fields within this form.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: DO NOT enter consensus-based entity (endorsement) ID, CMIT
ID, or previous year MUC ID in this field. This is an alphanumeric identifier (if applicable), such
as a recognized program ID number for this measure (20 characters or less). Examples: 199
GPRO HF-5; ACO 28; CTM-3; PQI #08.
Change #87
Location: Page 16, Row 77
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Which clinical guideline(s)?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Outline the clinical guideline(s) supporting this measure. Also see
note at Rows 082 and 083 below.
Change #88
Location: Page 16, Row 77
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: The measure should improve compliance with standard clinical
guidelines. Provide a detailed description of which guideline supports the measure and how the
measure will enhance compliance with the clinical guidelines. Indicate whether the guideline is
evidence-based or consensus-based.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Provide a detailed description of which guideline supports the
measure and how the measure will enhance compliance with the clinical guidelines. Indicate
whether the guideline is evidence-based or consensus-based.
Change #89
Location: Page 16, Row 79
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to accommodate a
response of multiple specialties.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *What one area of specialty is the measure aimed to, or which
specialty is most likely to report this measure?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *Select ALL areas of specialty the measure is aimed to, or which
specialties are most likely to report this measure
Change #90
Location: Page 16, Row 79
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to accommodate a response
of multiple specialties.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select the one most applicable area of specialty.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select all areas of specialty that apply.
Change #91
Location: Page 16, Row 79
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to
updated list choice reference and accommodate multiple specialties.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: See Appendix A.23 for list choices. Copy/paste or enter your
choice here:
CY 2022 Final Rule text: See Appendix A.079 for list choices. Copy/paste or enter your
choice(s) here:
Change #92
Location: Page 16, Row 80
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity and reflect
CMS MERIT capability to add attachments.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Evidence of a performance gap among the units of analysis in
which the measure will be implemented. Provide analytic evidence that the units of analysis
have room for improvement and, therefore, that the implementation of the measure would be
meaningful. The distribution of performance should be wide. Measures must not address
“topped-out” opportunities. Please provide current rate of performance and standard deviation
from that rate to demonstrate variability. If available, please provide information on the testing
data set. If available, include percent average performance rate, minimum, and maximum.
Include validity and reliability values in a standard format, and the population size used in
determining these values. If you have lengthy text to insert, place the text at the bottom of this
form, clearly indicating row number 51.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Evidence of a performance gap among the units of analysis in
which the measure will be implemented. Provide analytic evidence that the units of analysis
have room for improvement and, therefore, that the implementation of the measure would be
If you have lengthy text add the evidence as an attachment, named to clearly indicate the
related form field.
Change #93
Location: Page 16, Row 81
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to generalize consensus
based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Summary of potential unintended consequences if the measure is
implemented. Information can be taken from NQF CDP manuscripts or documents. If
referencing NQF documents, you must submit the document or a link to the document, and the
page being referenced.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Summary of potential unintended consequences if the measure is
implemented. Information can be taken from the CMS consensus-based entity Consensus
Development Process (CDP) manuscripts or documents. If referencing CDP documents, you
must submit the document or a link to the document, and the page being referenced.
Change #94
Location: Page 17, Row 82
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Type of
evidence to
support the
Select all
that apply
☐ Clinical Guidelines
☐ USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force) Guidelines
☐ Systematic Review
☐ Empirical data
☐ Other (enter here):
Change #95
Location: Page 17, Row 83
Reason for Change: Added new row which included: Subsection, Row, Field Label,
Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to clarify skip pattern in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
If you select Clinical Guidelines and/or
USPSTF Guidelines in Row 082 above,
then Row 077 (Outline the Clinical
Guidelines) becomes a required field.
This is not a data entry
Change #96
Location: Page 17, Row 84
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Were the guidelines graded?
Select one
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #97
Location: Page 17, Row 85
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, who graded
the guidelines?
Specify the agency or organization(s) that graded
the guidelines.
Change #98
Location: Page 17, Row 86
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, and Guidance
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, what was the
Specify the grade that was assigned to the
Change #99
Location: Page 17, Row 87
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Is the measure risk
adjusted, stratified, or both?
Select as many as
☐ Risk adjusted
☐ Stratified
☐ None
Change #100
Location: Page 17, Row 88
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*Are social
of health built
into the risk
Select one. If it was determined
that risk adjustment for social
determinants of health was not
appropriate for the risk model used,
select “not applicable.” If risk
adjustments for social determinants
of health were appropriate but are
not currently built in, select “no.”
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Not Applicable
Change #101
Location: Page 18, Row 89
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to reflect updates to the
Meaningful Measures Framework.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *What one primary healthcare priority applies to this measure?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *What one healthcare domain applies to this measure?
Change #102
Location: Page 18, Row 89
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to reflect updates to the
Meaningful Measures Framework.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Healthcare priorities (also known as domains). Select the best
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select the ONE most applicable healthcare domain. For more
information, see:
Change #103
Location: Page 18, Row 89
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to
reflect updates to the Meaningful Measures Framework.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: ☐ Make care safer by reducing harm caused in the delivery of
care ☐ Strengthen person and family engagement as partners in their care ☐ Promote
effective communication and coordination of care ☐ Promote effective prevention and
treatment of chronic disease ☐ Work with communities to promote best practices of healthy
living ☐ Make care affordable
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ☐ Person-Centered Care ☐ Equity ☐ Safety ☐ Affordability and
Efficiency ☐ Chronic Conditions ☐ Wellness and Prevention ☐ Seamless Care Coordination
☐ Behavioral Health
Change #104
Location: Page 18, Row 90
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to generalize the
consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *What is the NQF status of the measure?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *What is the endorsement status of the measure?
Change #105
Location: Page 18, Row 90
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to generalize the consensus
based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select only one. Refer to for
information on NQF endorsement, measure ID, and other information.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select only one. For information on consensus-based entity (CMS
contractor) endorsement, measure ID, and other information, refer to:
Change #106
Location: Page 18, Row 91
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to generalize the
consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: NQF ID
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *CBE ID (CMS consensus-based entity, or endorsement ID)
Change #107
Location: Page 18, Row 90
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to reflect CMS MERIT data
field and generalize consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Four- or five-digit identifier with leading zeros and following letter if
needed. If no NQF ID number is known, enter numerals 0000. Place zeros ahead of ID if
necessary (e.g., 0064). Add a letter after the ID if necessary (e.g., 0064e).
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Four- or five-character identifier with leading zeros and following
letter if needed. Add a letter after the ID (e.g., 0064e) and place zeros ahead of ID if necessary
(e.g., 0064). If no CBE ID number is known, enter numerals 9999.
Change #108
Location: Page 18, Row 92
Reason for Change: Merged rows 32 and 33 of MUC 2020 data template into one row. Also
changed the information in columns: Field Label and Guidance to reflect skip pattern in CMS
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Is the
exactly as
by NQF?
Select Yes or No
☐ Yes
☐ No
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
If endorsed: Is the
measure being
submitted exactly as
endorsed by the CMS
Select 'Yes' or 'No'. Note that
'Yes' should only be selected if
the submission is an EXACT
match to the CBE-endorsed
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #109
Location: Page 19, Row 95
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to generalize consensus
based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Year of most recent NQF Consensus Development Process (CDP)
CY 2022 Final Rule text: If endorsed: Year of most recent CDP endorsement
Change #110
Location: Page 19, Row 95
Reason for Change: Removed numerous selections in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT
HERE to restrict to more recent timeframe.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: ☐ None ☐ 1999 ☐ 2000 ☐ 2001 ☐ 2002 ☐ 2003 ☐ 2004 ☐ 2005
☐ 2006 ☐ 2007 ☐ 2008 ☐ 2009 ☐ 2010 ☐ 2011 ☐ 2012 ☐ 2013 ☐ 2014 ☐ 2015 ☐ 2016 ☐
2017 ☐ 2018 ☐ 2019 ☐ 2020
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ☐ None ☐ 2017 ☐ 2018 ☐ 2019 ☐ 2020 ☐ 2021
Change #111
Location: Page 19, Row 96
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Year of next anticipated NQF CDP endorsement review to
generalize consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Year of next anticipated CDP endorsement review
Change #112
Location: Page 19, Row 96
Reason for Change: Updated the selections in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE for
current year.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: ☐ None ☐ 2020 ☐ 2021 ☐ 2022 ☐ 2023 ☐ 2024
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ☐ None ☐ 2021 ☐ 2022 ☐ 2023 ☐ 2024 ☐ 2025
Change #113
Location: Page 19
Reason for Change: Added section header “GROUPS” to improve document navigability.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: GROUPS
Change #114
Location: Page 19, Row 97
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *Is this measure an eCQM?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *Is this measure an electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM)?
Change #115
Location: Page 19, Row 97
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Is this an electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM)? Select Yes
or No. If your answer is yes, the Measure Authoring Tool (MAT) ID number must be provided
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select 'Yes' or 'No'. If your answer is yes, the Measure Authoring
Tool (MAT) ID number must be provided below. For more information on eCQMs, see:
Change #116
Location: Page 19, Row 98
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *If eCQM, enter Measure Authoring Tool (MAT) number
CY 2022 Final Rule text: *If eCQM: Measure Authoring Tool (MAT) Number
Change #117
Location: Page 19, Row 98
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: You must attach Bonnie test cases for this measure, with 100%
logic coverage (test cases should be appended), attestation that value sets are published in
Value Set Authority Center, and NQF feasibility scorecard. If not an eCQM, or if MAT number is
not available, enter 0.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: You must attach Bonnie test cases for this measure, with 100%
logic coverage (test cases should be appended), attestation that value sets are published in
Value Set Authority Center (VSAC), and feasibility scorecard. If not an eCQM, or if MAT number
is not available, enter 0.
Change #118
Location: Page 19, Row 99
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: *If eCQM, does the measure have a Health Quality Measures
Format (HQMF) specification in alignment with the latest HQMF standards?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: * If eCQM, does the measure have a Health Quality Measures
Format (HQMF) specification in alignment with the latest HQMF and eCQM standards, and
does the measure align with Clinical Quality Language (CQL) and Quality Data Model (QDM)?
Change #119
Location: Page 19, Row 99
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select Yes or No. If not eCQM, enter No
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select 'Yes' or 'No'. For additional information on HQMF
standards, see:
Change #120
Location: Page 20, Row 100
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
* If this measure is an eCQM, does any electronic Select one
health record (EHR) system tested need to be
☐ Yes
☐ No
Change #121
Location: Page 20, Row 101
Reason for Change: Added new row to support collection of additional information, which
included: Subsection, Row, Field Label, Guidance and ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
*If yes, how would
you describe the
degree of effort?
Select one
☐ 1 (little to no effort)
☐ 5 (substantial effort)
Change #122
Location: Page 21
Reason for Change: Added section header “PROGRAMS” to improve document navigability.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: PROGRAMS
Change #123
Location: Page 21, Row 102
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: CMS Program(s)
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select the CMS Program(s) for which the measure is being
Change #124
Location: Page 21, Row 102
Reason for Change: Changed information in column: Guidance to reflect the capability to
add attachments to CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Select the CMS program(s) for which the measure is being submitted. Select all that apply.
If you are submitting for MIPS, there are two choices of program. Choose MIPS-Quality for
measures that pertain to quality and/or efficiency. Choose MIPS-Cost only for measures that
pertain to cost. Do not enter both MIPS-Quality and MIPS-Cost for the same measure.
If you enter MIPS (either Quality or Cost), please navigate to the Additional Resources list at
this web site:, download the “MIPS Peer Review
Template and a Completed Sample,” and send the completed form with your template by email
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
Select all that apply.
If you are submitting for MIPS, there are two choices of program. Choose MIPS-Quality for
measures that pertain to quality and/or efficiency. Choose MIPS-Cost only for measures that
pertain to cost. Do not enter both MIPS-Quality and MIPS-Cost for the same measure.
Because you selected MIPS, you are required to download the MIPS Peer Reviewed Journal
Article Template and attach the completed form to your submission using the “Attachments”
Change #125
Location: Page 21, Row 102
Reason for Change: Added programs abbreviations to the selections in column: ADD YOUR
CONTENT HERE to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: ☐ End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program ☐ LongTerm Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program ☐ Part C and D Star Ratings
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ☐ End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Quality Incentive Program ☐
Long-Term Care (LTC) Hospital Quality Reporting Program ☐ Part C and D Star Ratings
Change #126
Location: Page 1
Reason for Change: Added Section header “SIMILAR MEASURES” to improve document
CY 2021 Final Rule text: n/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: SIMILAR MEASURES
Change #127
Location: Page 22, 105
Reason for Change: Merged rows 17 and 18 of 2020 MUC Data Template into one row. Also
changed information in column: Field Label to reflect skip patterns in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
If Yes:
Which measure(s) already in a
program is your measure similar to
and/or competing with?
Identify the other measure(s) including title and
any other unique identifier
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
Similar InUse
If Yes: Which measure(s)
already in a program is your
measure similar to and/or
competing with?
Identify the other measure(s)
including title and any other unique
Change #128
Location: Page 22, Row 106
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to reflect CMS MERIT
skip pattern.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: How will this measure add value to the CMS program?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: If Yes: How will this measure add value to the CMS program?
Change #129
Location: Page 22, Row 107
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to reflect CMS MERIT
skip pattern.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: How will this measure be distinguished from other similar and/or
competing measures?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: If Yes: How will this measure be distinguished from other similar
and/or competing measures?
Change #130
Location: Page 22, Row 108
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Guidance to reflect current CMS
MERIT skip pattern.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select Yes or No. If yes, you are submitting an existing measure
for expansion into additional CMS programs or the measure has substantially changed since
originally published, then answer the following questions: 54 through 59 and 61. If no, then skip
these subset questions.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select 'Yes' or 'No'. If yes, you are submitting an existing measure
for expansion into additional CMS programs, or the measure has substantially changed since
originally published.
Change #131
Location: Page 22, Row 109
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Guidance to allow for multiple prior
annual MUC List submissions in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select all that apply.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select all that apply. NOTE: If your measure was published on
more than one prior annual MUC List, as you use the MERIT interface, click “Add Another
Measure” and complete the information section for each of those years.
Change #132
Location: Page 22, Row 109
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE to
reflect current year.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: ☐ None ☐ 2011 ☐ 2012 ☐ 2013 ☐ 2014 ☐ 2015 ☐ 2016 ☐ 2017
☐ 2018 ☐ 2019 ☐ Other (enter here):
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ☐ None ☐ 2011 ☐ 2012 ☐ 2013 ☐ 2014 ☐ 2015 ☐ 2016 ☐ 2017
☐ 2018 ☐ 2019 ☐ 2020 ☐ Other (enter here):
Change #133
Location: Page 23, Row 111
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to generalize
consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: List the NQF MAP workgroup(s) in each year
CY 2022 Final Rule text: List the CMS CBE MAP workgroup(s) in each year
Change #134
Location: Page 23, Row 112
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to generalize
consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: What were the programs that NQF MAP reviewed the measure for
in each year?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: What were the programs that MAP reviewed the measure for in
each year?
Change #135
Location: Page 23, Row 113
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to generalize
consensus based entity contractor.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: What was the NQF MAP recommendation in each year?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: What was the MAP recommendation in each year?
Change #136
Location: Page 23, Row 115
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to generalize
consensus based entity contractor
CY 2021 Final Rule text: NQF MAP report page number being referenced for each year
CY 2022 Final Rule text: MAP report page number being referenced for each year
Change #137
Location: Page 24
Reason for Change: Added section header “ATTACHMENTS” to improve document
navigability and reflect the capability to add attachments in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: N/a
CY 2022 Final Rule text: ATTACHMENTS
Change #138
Location: Page 24, Row 117
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Guidance to generalize the
consensus based entity contractor and reflect the capability to add attachments in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
You are encouraged to attach the measure information form (MIF) if available. This is a detailed
description of the measure used by NQF during endorsement proceedings. If a MIF is not
available, comprehensive measure methodology documents are encouraged.
If you enter MIPS, please navigate to the Additional Resources list at this web site:, download the “MIPS Peer Review
Template and a Completed Sample,” and send the completed form with your measure
submission by email to
If eCQM, you must attach Bonnie test cases for this measure, with 100% logic coverage (test
cases should be appended), attestation that value sets are published in Value Set Authority
Center, and NQF feasibility scorecard.
CY 2022 Final Rule text:
You are encouraged to attach the measure information form (MIF) if available. This is a detailed
description of the measure used by the CMS consensus-based entity (CBE) during
endorsement proceedings. If a MIF is not available, comprehensive measure methodology
documents are encouraged.
If you are submitting for MIPS (either Quality or Cost), you are required to download the MIPS
Peer Reviewed Journal Article Template and attach the completed form to your submission
using the “Attachments” feature. See
If eCQM, you must attach MAT Output/HQMF, Bonnie test cases for this measure, with 100%
logic coverage (test cases should be appended), attestation that value sets are published in
VSAC, and feasibility scorecard.
Change #139
Location: Page 24, Row 117
Reason for Change: Deleted information found in column: ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE
from the CY 2021 Final Rule text because filenames are recorded by default in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Please enter all attachment filename(s) here for completeness and
cross-check purposes:
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #140
Location: Page 24, Row 118
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label to improve clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: MIPS Journal Article Requirement
CY 2022 Final Rule text: MIPS Peer Reviewed Journal Article Template
Change #141
Location: Page 24, Row 118
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Guidance to reflect the capability to
add attachments in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Select Yes or No. For those submitting measures to MIPS
program, enter “Yes.” Send your completed Peer Reviewed Journal Article Requirement form
with your measure submission by email to
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Select Yes or No. For those submitting measures to MIPS
program, enter “Yes.” Attach your completed Peer Reviewed Journal Article Template.
Change #142
Location: Page 24, Row 119
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Field Label for clarity.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Comments
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Submitter Comments
Change #143
Location: Page 24, Row 119
Reason for Change: Changed the information in column: Guidance to remove unnecessary
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Any notes, qualifiers, external references, or other information not
specified above. For OTHER entries: please indicate the type of additional data you are
providing, such as Measure Type, Setting, Level of Analysis, or Measure Steward.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Any notes, qualifiers, external references, or other information not
specified above.
Change #144
Location: Page 24
Reason for Change: Updated contact information.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Send any questions or your completed form and any
accompanying files to
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Send any questions to
Change #145
Location: Page 25
Reason for Change: Updated the title of the Appendix.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Appendix: Lengthy Drop-Down List Choices
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Appendix: Lengthy Lists of Choices
Change #146
Location: Page 25
Reason for Change: Updated the list of choices for Measure Stewards and Long-Term
Measure Stewards.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: A.63-65 - Choices for Measure Steward (63) and Long-Term
Measure Steward (if different) (65)
CY 2022 Final Rule text: A.065-067- Choices for Measure Steward (065) and Long-Term
Measure Steward (if different) (067)
Change #147
Location: Page 26
Reason for Change: Updated the list if Choices for Areas of Specialty
CY 2021 Final Rule text: A.23 - Choices for What area of specialty best fits the measure?
CY 2022 Final Rule text: A.079 - Choices for Areas of specialty (079)
Change #148
Location: Page 26
Reason for Change: Updated contact information.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: Send any questions or your completed form and any
accompanying files to
CY 2022 Final Rule text: Send any questions to
The remaining items were removed from the 2020 MUC Data Template and
are not included in the 2021 MUC Data Template
Change #149
Location: Page 5, Row 13 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: Separated exclusions and exceptions into discrete data elements.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
If applicable, specify Numerator Exclusion, Denominator Exclusion, or
Denominator Exception.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #150
Location: Page 1 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: This information automatically captured in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Enter the current date of submission or revision
Select Measure Submission to nominate a
measure for the CY 2021 Final Rule text list.
Select Modify Candidate Measure to change a
measure already submitted for 2020. Select only
☐ Measure
☐ Modify Candidate
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #151
Location: Page 7, Row 25 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: To reflect updates to Meaningful Measures Framework.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
*What one
area applies
to this
Select the best
one. The
measure area
choices depend
on your selection
of primary
priority above.
If #24 is Make care safer…, then choices are:
☐ Healthcare-associated infections
☐ Preventable healthcare harm
If #24 is Strengthen person…, then choices are:
☐ Care is personalized and aligned with patient’s
☐ End of life care according to preferences
☐ Patient’s experience of care
☐ Functional outcomes
If #24 is Promote effective communication…, then
choices are:
☐ Medication management
☐ Admissions and readmissions to hospitals
☐ Transfer of health information and interoperability
If #24 is Promote effective prevention…, then choices
☐ Preventive care
☐ Management of chronic conditions
☐ Prevention, treatment, and management of
mental health
☐ Prevention and treatment of opioid and
substance use disorders
☐ Risk adjusted mortality
If #24 is Work with communities…, then choices are:
☐ Equity of care
☐ Community engagement
If #24 is Make care affordable, then choices are:
☐ Appropriate use of healthcare
☐ Patient-focused episode of care
☐ Risk adjusted total cost of care
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #152
Location: Page 7, Row 26 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: To reflect updates to Meaningful Measures Framework.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
applies to
priorities (also
known as
domains). Select
one alternate or
secondary priority
only if applicable.
☐ Make care safer by reducing harm caused in the
delivery of care
☐ Strengthen person and family engagement as
partners in their care
☐ Promote effective communication and
coordination of care
☐ Promote effective prevention and treatment of
chronic disease
☐ Work with communities to promote best practices
of healthy living
☐ Make care affordable
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #153
Location: Page 8, Row 27 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: To reflect updates to Meaningful Measures Framework.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
area applies
to this
Select one
alternate or
secondary area
only if applicable.
The meaningful
measure area
choices depend on
your selection of
healthcare priority
If #26 is Make care safer…, then choices are:
☐ Healthcare-associated infections
☐ Preventable healthcare harm
If #26 is Strengthen person…, then choices are:
☐ Care is personalized and aligned with patient’s
☐ End of life care according to preferences
☐ Patient’s experience of care
☐ Functional outcomes
If #26 is Promote effective communication…, then
choices are:
☐ Medication management
☐ Admissions and readmissions to hospitals
☐ Transfer of health information and interoperability
If #26 is Promote effective prevention…, then choices
☐ Preventive care
☐ Management of chronic conditions
☐ Prevention, treatment, and management of mental
☐ Prevention and treatment of opioid and substance
use disorders
☐ Risk adjusted mortality
If #26 is Work with communities…, then choices are:
☐ Equity of care
☐ Community engagement
If #26 is Make care affordable, then choices are:
☐ Appropriate use of healthcare
☐ Patient-focused episode of care
☐ Risk adjusted total cost of care
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #154
Location: Page 13, Row 44 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: Information no longer being captured.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Specify the
Identify the registry using the
submitted measure. Select all
that apply.
See Appendix A.44 for list choices.
Copy/paste or enter your choices
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #155
Location: Page 16, Row 60 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: References no longer needed.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
report link for
each year
See reference
link information
at right.
For your reference in completing this section,
follow the links below or copy/paste the links into
your browser to view each year's MAP prerulemaking report (2012 to 2019). This is not a
data entry field.
All major NQF reports going back to 2008
should be locatable here:
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #156
Location: Page 19-20 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: This information is no longer being collected.
CY 2021 Final Rule text: A.44 - Choices for Specify the registry(ies)
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #157
Location: Page 22 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: No longer needed due to text box limits in CMS MERIT interface.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
Space for Placing Lengthy Text (If Applicable)
If you have lengthy text to insert, place it below here, clearly indicating for each answer the
intended row number and/or field label from the template above.
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
Change #158
Location: Page 23 of 2020 MUC Data Template
Reason for Change: Information not needed in CMS MERIT.
CY 2021 Final Rule text:
PRA Disclosure Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control
number for this information collection is 0938-1314 (Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX). The time
required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response,
including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data
needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning
the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to:
CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. ****CMS Disclosure**** Please do not send applications,
claims, payments, medical records, or any documents containing sensitive information to the
PRA Reports Clearance Office. Please note that any correspondence not pertaining to the
information collection burden approved under the associated OMB control number listed on this
form will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained. If you have questions or concerns regarding
where to submit your documents, please contact QPP at
CY 2022 Final Rule text: [Deleted]
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | MUC Data Template Crosswalk: CY 2021 Final Versus CY 2022 Final |
Author | CMS |
File Modified | 2021-11-04 |
File Created | 2021-11-04 |