1625-0013 Stat/Authority


Plan Approval and Records for Load Lines -- Title 46 CFR Subchapter E

1625-0013 Stat/Authority

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Pt. 44

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)








1 The issuing authority is authorized to delete or change words inapplicable to a specific
vessel and to arrange wording so appropriate word insertions may be made, which accurately
describe the facts.
[CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10073, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGFR 68–126, 34 FR 9018, June 5, 1969]


SOURCE: CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30,
1965, unless otherwise noted.


Subpart A—Administration

Subpart A—Administration

§ 44.01–1 Establishment of load lines
for special services.

44.01–1 Establishment of load lines for special services.
44.01–5 Administration; special service.
44.01–10 Approval by Commandant, U.S.
Coast Guard, of special service.
44.01–11 Assignment and marking load lines;
special service.
44.01–12 Voyage limits; special service.
44.01–13 Heavy weather plan.
44.01–15 Special service certificate.
44.01–20 New and existing vessels; special

(a) Load lines are established for
steam colliers, tugs, barges, and selfpropelled barges engaged in special
services in conformity with regulations
in this part.
(b) Load lines for steam colliers,
barges, and self-propelled barges engaged on specially limited coastwise
voyages as described in § 44.01–12 shall
be established pursuant to the regulations in this part.
(c) Variance for tugs is not permitted.

Subpart B—Rules for Assigning Special
Service Load Lines

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52190,
Sept. 30, 1998]

44.05–1 General.
44.05–5 Definitions.
44.05–10 Load line markings.
44.05–15 Existing vessels.
44.05–20 Conditions of assignment.
44.05–25 Freeboards.
44.05–30 Load line certificate.
44.05–35 Form of load line certificate.

§ 44.01–5

Administration; special serv-

(a) The administrative provisions of
§§ 42.01–1 to 42.11–20 inclusive of this
subchapter, relating to vessels engaged
in foreign and coastwise voyages,
where applicable, shall apply to vessels
subject to this part except as modified
in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Application for the assignment of
load lines under this part for the types
of vessels described in § 44.01–1 shall be
made in writing to the American Bureau of Shipping unless another society
has been specifically approved by the
Commandant as a load line assigning

Subpart C—Rules for Assigning Working
Freeboards to Hopper Dredges
44.300 Applicability.
44.310 Definitions.
44.320 Submission of plans and calculations.
44.330 Obtaining working freeboards for
hopper dredges.
44.340 Operating restrictions.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 5101 –5116; 49 CFR 1.46.


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§ 44.01–13

authority. In the latter case application shall be made to the society so approved. Applications shall state the following information:
(1) Name of vessel and official number.
(2) Type of vessel (steam collier,
barge, or self-propelled barge).
(3) Date keel was laid.
(4) Normal sea speed of vessel.
(5) Limits of voyage for which approval is requested.
(6) Normal maximum distance offshore in course of voyage.
(7) Length of voyage in days and nautical miles.
(8) Statement of weather conditions
to be expected.
(9) Cargo to be carried.
(10) Whether vessel is to be operated
manned or unmanned.

§ 44.01–12 Voyage limits; special service.
(a) Special service load lines may be
assigned for operation not more than a
specified limited distance offshore
which shall not exceed 20 nautical
miles. The offshore distance shall be
measured from the coastline except
where a line of inland waters has been
otherwise established.
(b) For continental United States
ports, special service load lines may be
issued for operation between but not to
exceed the extreme port limits specified below, or for operation between intermediate ports within the extreme
limits specified:
(1) Central and Northern Atlantic
Coast—From Norfolk, Virginia, to
Eastport, Maine.
(2) Southeast Atlantic Coast—from
Key West, Florida, to Jacksonville,
Florida, except that the special service
load line is not valid for manned vessels during the hurricane season, i.e.,
July 1st to November 15th, both dates
inclusive, unless the vessel is operated
in accordance with a Coast Guard approved heavy weather plan.
(3) Gulf of Mexico Coast—from the
mouth of the Rio Grande River, Texas,
to Key West, Florida, except that the
special service load line is not valid for
manned vessels during the hurricane
season, i.e., July 1st to November 15th,
both dates inclusive, unless the vessel
is operated in accordance with a Coast
Guard approved heavy weather plan.
(4) Pacific Coast—From San Francisco, California, to San Diego, California.
(c) Assignment of special service load
lines for voyage limits between the islands of a group over which the United
States has jurisdiction shall be made
only upon authorization by the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, after submittal to him of the information called
for by § 44.01–5(b).

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10076, July 12,

§ 44.01–10 Approval by Commandant,
U.S. Coast Guard, of special service.
(a) Subject to the conditions contained in this part, the Commandant,
U.S. Coast Guard, has determined that
load lines at variance from the position
fixed by the International Convention
on Load Lines, 1966, but not above the
actual line of safety, may be assigned
steam colliers, barges, or self-propelled
barges (separately by class) for certain
specifically limited coastwise voyages
between ports of the continental
United States or between islands of a
group over which the United States has
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10076, July 12,

§ 44.01–11 Assignment and marking
load lines; special service.

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGD 79–142, 45 FR 57402, Aug. 28,

(a) The assignment and marking of
special service load lines and certifications thereof shall be in accordance
with this part to the satisfaction of the
American Bureau of Shipping. The load
line certificate shall define the voyage
limits and seasonal restrictions governing the validity of the load lines.

§ 44.01–13 Heavy weather plan.
(a) Each heavy weather plan under
§ 44.01–12(b) must be prepared by the
vessel owner or operator and approved
by the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. Approval of a heavy


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§ 44.01–15

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)

weather plan is limited to the current
hurricane season.
(b) The cognizant Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, is—
(1) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, within whose area the work
site is located for a vessel that will be
operating in a limited geographical
area; or
(2) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, within whose area the point
of departure is located for a transiting
(c) The required content of the heavy
weather plan is determined on a caseby-case basis by the cognizant Officer
in Charge, Marine Inspection, based on
knowledge of the local conditions. The
heavy weather plan may contain
weather radio frequencies and time
schedules for seeking a harbor of safe
refuge. A single heavy weather plan
may be accepted for more than one vessel operating at a single work site or
on a single route.
(d) The vessel owner or operator
must place a copy of the heavy weather
plan on each vessel to which it applies
and ensure that it remains there
throughout the hurricane season.

Subpart B—Rules for Assigning
Special Service Load Lines
§ 44.05–1

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10076, July 12,

§ 44.05–5


(a) A steam collier is a vessel mechanically propelled, and specially designed for the carriage of coal in bulk.
(b) A towed barge is a vessel without
sufficient means of self-propulsion and
which requires to be towed.
(c) A self-propelled barge is a vessel
mechanically propelled of the type specially designed for use in limited coastwise and Great Lakes service and capable of transiting interconnecting canals.
§ 44.05–10

Load line markings.

(a) The load line marks on the vessel’s sides must be in accordance with
§ 42.13–25(a) of this subchapter, except
seasonal markings such as ‘‘Winter
North Atlantic’’ which are not applicable to the voyage are omitted.
(b) In the case of vessels which engage in special services on coastwise
voyages and voyages on the Great
Lakes, the marks on the vessel’s sides
are to be in accordance with Figure
44.05–10(b), except that the lines
marked ‘‘SW’’ and ‘‘MS’’ shall be used
only where applicable.

[CGD 79–142, 45 FR 57402, Aug. 28, 1980]

§ 44.01–15


(a) The load line regulations in this
part are complementary to those in
part 42 or part 45 (Great Lakes load
line regulations) of this subchapter, as
reference is made thereto.

Special service certificate.

(a) The use of the special service load
line certificate issued under this part is
limited to voyages only as described in
the certificate. If the vessel engages on
any voyage not contemplated by the
certificate where a load line is required, the load line prescribed by part
42 of this subchapter shall govern.
(b) Vessels engaged on special services in the coastwise trade and the
interisland trade will be certificated on
the form shown in § 44.05–35.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10076, July 12,

§ 44.01–20 New and existing vessels;
special service.
(a) A new vessel marked with load
lines for special service on a coastwise
or inter-island voyage is a vessel whose
keel was laid on or after September 28,
1937. An existing vessel is one whose
keel was laid before that date.

FIGURE 44.05–10(B).


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§ 44.05–20

(c) The load lines aft of the combined
disk and diamond will be applicable for
voyages on the Great Lakes and those
on the forward side will be applicable
to limited coastwise voyages. The summer line on the ocean will correspond
to the summer line on the Lakes and
the winter line on the ocean will correspond to the intermediate line on the
(d) In the case of vessels which operate both on special service coastwise
voyages and no unlimited coastwise
voyages, the marks on the ship’s sides
are to be in accordance with figure
44.05–10 (d). The load lines aft of the
disk will be applicable to voyages in
special service coastwise or inter-island voyages and those on the forward
side will be applicable to unlimited
coastwise voyages. (A vessel marked
for both special service and unlimited
coastwise voyages and furnished with a
load line certificate on the international form shall, when entering the
foreign trade, arrange that the load
line markings are in accord with the
vessel’s international load line certificate by the elimination of the marks
aft of the disk.)

regard to the proven efficacy of existing arrangements for a special service
voyage, and having particular regard
to the provision of sufficient means for
the protection and safety of the crew.
(b) Where it is neither reasonable nor
practicable to comply with this part in
its entirety, the assigning authority
will, in each case, report to the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, the specific matters in which the vessel is deficient with such recommendations as
may seem desirable. Upon the receipt
of this report the Commandant, U.S.
Coast Guard, shall determine such addition to the freeboard as will, in the
judgment of the Commandant, U.S.
Coast Guard, make the vessel as safe as
if it had fully complied with this part.
§ 44.05–20 Conditions of assignment.
(a) Steam colliers. The conditions of
assignment for steam colliers shall be
in accordance with the requirements of
part 42 of this subchapter, except that
in the case of steam colliers constructed with bulwarks, the freeing
port may be of a practically continuous
slot type, located as low as possible,
the clear area of the slot to be not less
than 20 percent of the superficial area
of the unpierced bulwarks. If, due to
sheer, or other conditions, the assigning authority considers that extra
local provision should be made for freeing decks of water, the slots are to be
located so as to have maximum efficacy.
(b) Towed barges. The conditions of
assignment for towed cargo barges
where the cargo is carried under deck
shall be in accordance with §§ 45.10–5 to
45.10–100 of this subchapter. In the case
of tank barges and cargo barges carrying cargo only on deck, compliance
will also be required with the supplementary conditions of §§ 45.20–1 to
45.20–70 of this subchapter. In the case
of cargo barges of the open type, assignment will be limited to barges in
unmanned operation and the construction of the vessel must be such as to
satisfy the assigning authority that no
unusual hazards will be experienced.
(c) Self-propelled barges. The conditions of assignment for self-propelled
cargo barges carrying cargo under
decks shall be in accordance with the
provisions of §§ 45.10–5 to 45.10–100 of

FIGURE 45.05–10(D)
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGD 80–120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8,

§ 44.05–15 Existing vessels.
(a) In assigning load lines to an existing vessel the provisions of the regulations in this part shall be complied
with in principle and detail insofar as
is reasonable and practicable, having


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§ 44.05–25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)
water and seasonal markings where applicable are to be the same as determined under part 42 of this subchapter.
(e) Towed cargo barges of the open
type. The load line shall be placed
where, in the judgment of the assigning
authority, the draft will be such that
no unusual hazard will be experienced.
In general, drafts assigned will be such
that the barge will remain afloat with
a reasonable freeboard after flooding of
the net available open space.
(f) Towed tank barges. The freeboard
is to be computed in accordance with
§§ 45.20–1 to 45.20–70 of this subchapter.
The fresh water and seasonal markings
where applicable are to be determined
under part 42 of this subchapter.
(g) Self-propelled cargo barges. The
freeboard is to be computed under
§§ 45.15–1 to 45.20–15 of this subchapter.
The fresh water and seasonal markings
where applicable are to be determined
under part 42 of this subchapter.
(h) Self-propelled tank barges. The
freeboard is to be computed in accordance with §§ 45.20–1 to 45.20–70 of this
subchapter. The fresh water and seasonal markings where applicable are to
be determined under part 42 of this subchapter.

this subchapter. In the case of self-propelled tank barges and self-propelled
cargo barges carrying cargo only on
deck, compliance will also be required
with the supplementary conditions of
§§ 45.20–1 to 45.20–70 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16755, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10076, July 12,

§ 44.05–25 Freeboards.
(a) General. (1) When the assigning
authority is satisfied that the requirements of this part as applicable to the
type of vessel under consideration are
complied with the freeboards will be
computed as described in this section.
(2) The requirements in §§ 42.09–1 and
42.09–10 that relate to the assignment
of freeboards and to stability are applicable to each vessel subject to the requirements in this part.
(3) The assigning authority that assigns a vessel subject to the requirements in this part a freeboard under
part 45 of this chapter shall do so in accordance with the requirements in effect as of October 1, 1972.
(b) Steam colliers. Steam colliers that
have constructional features similar to
those of a tanker which afford extra invulnerability against the sea may be
assigned a reduction of freeboard from
that determined under part 42 of this
subchapter. The amount of such reduction shall be determined by the assigning authority, in relation to the
freeboard assigned to tankers, having
regard to the degree of compliance
with the supplementary conditions of
assignment laid down for these ships,
but without regard to the degree of
subdivision provided. The freeboard assigned to such a vessel shall in no case
be less than would be assigned the vessel as a tanker, as determined under
part 42 of this subchapter.
(c) Towed cargo barges with cargo
under deck. The freeboard is to be computed under §§ 45.15–1 to 45.15–97 of this
subchapter. The fresh water and seasonal markings where applicable are to
be determined under part 42 of this subchapter.
(d) Towed cargo barges with cargo only
on deck. The freeboard for barges of
this type is to be computed in accordance with the requirements of §§ 45.20–1
to 45.20–70 of this subchapter. The fresh

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 17655, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,
1968; CGD 73–49R, 38 FR 12290, May 10, 1973]

§ 44.05–30

Load line certificate.

(a) The load line certificates for a
special service coastwise or special
inter-island voyage shall be issued in
addition to any other applicable load
line certificates and shall be on the
form shown in § 44.05–35.
§ 44.05–35

Form of load line certificate.

(a) Where no other Load Line certificate is issued:
Issued under the authority of the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, United States of
America, under the provisions of the Coastwise Load Line Act of August 27, 1935, as
Issued by llllllllllllllllll
Certificate No. lllllllllllllll


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§ 44.05–35
(2) The load line assignment given by this
certificate necessarily assumes that the nature and stowage of cargo, balast, etc., are
such as to secure sufficient stability for the
vessel. Accordingly, it is the owner’s responsibility to furnish the Master of the vessel
with stability information and instructions
when this is necessary to maintenance of
sufficient stability.
(On the reverse side of the load line certificate, the provision for annual inspection endorsement and for renewal of the certificate
is to be the same as for vessels engaged in
the foreign trade.)

This certificate is valid only for coastwise
or inter-island voyages that are between the
limits of lllll and lllll provided
the vessel is engaged solely in the trade stated herein.
Ship lllllllllllllllllllll
Official No. lllllllllllllllll
Port of registry lllllllllllllll
Trade of vessel lllllllllllllll
Gross tonnage llllllllllllllll
Freeboard from deck line
Tropical (T) ............................
Summer (S) ...........................
Winter (W) ..............................

Load line
Above (S).
Upper edge of line through
center of disk.
Below (S).

(b) Where the Special Service Load
Line Certificate is issued in addition to
a Great Lakes Load Line Certificate,
the wording of the Special Service
Load Line Certificate is to be identical
to that given in paragraph (a) of this
section, but the markings indicated in
the form shall be replaced by the following markings:

*Allowance for fresh water for all
freeboards (except on the Great Lakes) ———
The upper edge of the deck line from
which these freeboards are measured is lll
inches above the top of thelldeck at side.

This is to certify that this ship has been
surveyed and the freeboards and load lines
shown above have been found to be correctly
marked upon the vessel in manner and location as provided by the Load Line Regulations of the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard,
applicable to vessels engaged on this special
service voyage.
**This certificate remains in force until
lllllllllon the llll day of
llllll, 19ll.

(c) Where the Special Service Load
Line Certificate is issued in addition to
an Unlimited Coastwise or International Load Line Certificate, the
wording of the Special Service Load
Line Certificate is to be identical to
that given in paragraph (a) of this section, but the markings indicated in the
form shall be replaced by the following

(Here follows the signature or seal and description of the assigning authority)
NOTES: (1) In accordance with the Load
Line Regulations, the disk or diamond and
the lines must be permanently marked by
center punch marks or cutting.
*Where seagoing steamers navigate a river
or inland water, deeper loading is permitted
corresponding to the weight of fuel, etc., required for consumption between the point of
departure and the open sea.
**Upon the expiration of the certificate renewal must be obtained as provided by the
Load Line Regulations and the certificate so
endorsed. Endorsement should also be made
in the spaces provided on the occasion of
each annual inspection required by the Load
Line Regulations.


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§ 44.300

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)
Commandant usually meet this requirement.
(b) The hopper dredge must—
(1) Meet subpart I of part 174 of this
chapter; and
(2) Have on its bridge remote draft
indicators that:
(i) Show the fore, aft, and mean draft
of the dredge at all times while the
dredge is operating; and
(ii) Have each indicator marked with
the assigned freeboard and the working

Subpart C—Rules for Assigning
Working Freeboards to Hopper Dredges
SOURCE: CGD 76–080, 54 FR 36977, Sept. 6,
1989, unless otherwise noted.

§ 44.300


This subpart applies to each self-propelled hopper dredge—
(a) For which a working freeboard assignment is desired after January 1,
1990; and
(b) That operates with a working
freeboard assigned under this subpart.
§ 44.310

§ 44.340 Operating restrictions.
(a) Each hopper dredge assigned a
working freeboard may be operated at
drafts from the normal freeboard to the
working freeboard if the—
(1) Seas are not more than 10 feet;
(2) Winds are not more than 35 knots;
(3) Area of operation is not more
than 20 nautical miles (37 kilometers)
from the mouth of a harbor of safe refuge; and
(4) Specific gravity of the spoil carried is not more than the highest specific gravity of spoil used in the stability calculations required by subchapter S of this chapter.
(b) The Assigning Authority designates on the face of the dredge’s load
line certificate—
(1) Each restriction contained in
paragraph (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this
section; and
(2) The maximum specific gravity of
the spoils allowed to be carried.


Hopper dredge means a self-propelled
dredge with an open hold or hopper in
the hull of the dredge that receives
dredged material.
Working freeboard means one-half the
distance between the mark of the load
line assigned under this subchapter and
the freeboard deck.
§ 44.320 Submission of plans and calculations.
To request a working freeboard, calculations, plans, and stability information necessary to demonstrate compliance with this subpart must be submitted to the:
(a) Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast
Guard Marine Safety Center (G–MSC),
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington,
DC 20590–0001; or
(b) American Bureau of Shipping,
ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive,
Houston, TX 77060.


[CGD 76–080, 54 FR 36977, Sept. 6, 1989, as
amended by USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52190,
Sept. 30, 1998; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58459,
Sept. 29, 2000]

Subpart A—General
45.1 Purpose.
45.3 Definitions.
45.5 Seasonal application of load lines.
45.9 Seasonal application of load lines for
vessels not marked under this part.
45.11 Issue of load line certificate.
45.13 Form of certificate.
45.15 Exemptions.

§ 44.330 Obtaining working freeboards
for hopper dredges.
A hopper dredge may be issued a
working freeboard on a limited service
domestic voyage load line certificate
or a Great Lakes load line certificate if
the following are met:
(a) The hopper dredge structure must
have adequate strength for any draft
up to the working freeboard draft.
Dredges built and maintained in conformity with the requirements of a
classification society recognized by the

Subpart B—Load Line Marks

Deck line.
Seasonal load lines.
Salt water load lines.


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