Division of State Programs-Management Reporting Tool (DSP- MRT)
Accomplishments and Barriers/Challenges 8
Advisory Council and Other Workgroup Meetings 12
Training and Technical Assistance (TA) 15
Accomplishments and Barriers/Challenges 17
Accomplishments and Barriers/Challenges 21
Behavioral Health Disparities 24
Disparities Impact Statement (DIS) 24
Population(s) Experiencing the Disparity 25
Access to Prevention Efforts 29
Use and Reach of Prevention Efforts 30
Outcomes of Prevention Efforts 31
Accomplishments and Barriers/Challenges 31
Accomplishments and Barriers/Challenges 35
Promising Approaches and Innovations 38
Note: The DSP MRT will be used for all Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Division of State Programs (DSP) discretionary grant programs. Grantees may also be required to answer program specific questions and those can be found in a separate document.
Throughout the progress report, grantee refers to the state/tribe/jurisdiction receiving the award from SAMHSA. Community refers to the grantee’s selected High-Need communities, and subrecipient indicates the grantee’s sub-awardees funded to lead the grant in the selected communities. Some grantees refer to their subrecipients as sub-grantees. Some grantees may not have a subrecipient responsible for leading the grant in each of the selected communities.
Use this section to review and update your Grantee information as necessary.
Item |
Response Options |
Do you fund subrecipients for this grant? |
Do you use a sub-state model for this grant? |
Item |
Response Options |
Contact Information |
Address |
Free Text |
City |
Free Text |
State/Territory |
Free Text |
Zip |
Free Text |
Project Director Name |
Free Text |
Project Director Email Address |
Free Text |
Project Director Phone Number |
Numerical |
Project Coordinator Name |
Free Text |
Project Coordinator Email Address |
Free Text |
Project Coordinator Phone Number |
Numerical |
Lead Evaluator Name |
Free Text |
Item |
Response Options |
Lead Evaluator Email Address |
Free Text |
Lead Evaluator Phone Number |
Numerical |
Epidemiological Lead Name |
Free Text |
Epidemiological Lead Email Address |
Free Text |
Epidemiological Lead Phone Number |
Numerical |
If you selected “yes” in the grantee information section to indicate you use a sub- state model for this grant, enter information on the sub-state(s) below. The term “Sub-State” refers to a regional, county-level, or other entity that serves as an intermediary between the Grantee and the Subrecipients.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button to add each of your sub-states. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional sub-states as needed. |
Sub-State Name |
Free text |
Sub-State Type |
Specify Other Sub-State Type |
Free text |
Total Funding for Sub-State |
Numerical |
Briefly describe how Subrecipients are being funded? |
Free text |
Enter information for the selected Subrecipient. Subrecipient indicates the grantee’s sub awardees funded to lead the grant in the selected communities. Some grantees refer to their subrecipients as sub-grantees or funded entities.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button to add each of your subrecipients and/or selected high-need communities. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional subrecipients and/or communities as needed. |
Subrecipient Items |
Subrecipient Name |
Free text |
Subrecipient Type |
Other Subrecipient Type, Specify |
Free text |
Subrecipient Street Address |
Free text |
Subrecipient City |
Free text |
Subrecipient State/Territory |
Subrecipient ZIP Code |
Numerical |
Subrecipient Status |
Has this Subrecipient been funded? |
Date Funded (If YES is selected) |
Date Field |
Funding End Date (If YES is selected) |
Date Field |
Amount awarded per year (If YES is selected) |
Numerical |
Selected High-Need Community: Through your Disparities Impact Statement (DIS) and your Needs Assessment (if applicable), every grantee is expected to identify one or more high-need/low-capacity community(ies). Use this section to add or update information about your selected high-need community(ies). For Single-Community grantees, if you identify your tribe or territory as your high-need community, please enter that here.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button to add each of your selected high- need communities. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional communities as needed. |
High-Need Community Items |
Selected High-Need Community Name |
Free text |
Selected High-Need Community Zip Code(s) (this is the community this subrecipient or you target for your program effort(s) |
“Add” button and “USPS ZIP Code Look-up” link |
ALTERNATIVE: If this subrecipient or you target an entire county (or counties), as the selected High-Need Community, indicate the county name(s) here. |
Free text |
Please select Subrecipients that are connected to this High Need Community. |
Briefly describe how you are defining this community as a high- need community. This should summarize in 2-3 sentences what you reported in detail in your Disparity Impact Statement. |
Free text |
Start Date for High-Need Community |
Date field |
Assessment involves the systematic gathering and examination of data about alcohol and drug problems, related conditions, and consequences in the area of concern in your community(ies). Assessing the issues means pinpointing where the problems are in the community and the populations impacted. It also means examining the conditions within the community that put its populations at risk for the problems and identifying conditions that—now or in the future—could protect the population against the problems.
Use this section to upload and provide a brief description of your Needs Assessment document. Once you upload your Needs Assessment document, you will only update this section if you revise your Needs Assessment.
This document may not be required by your grant program; so please ask your project officer if you need to upload.
Item |
Response Options |
Upload Needs Assessment Document |
“Browse” button |
Provide a brief description of your Needs Assessment document and, if relevant, any changes made to your Needs Assessment document between the previous version and this one. |
Free text |
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you had this reporting period while performing activities related to your Needs Assessment. Please include actions you took to address any Barriers/Challenges.
After you save the Accomplishment or Barrier/Challenge, it will appear on the list. You can click "edit" to revise the record or you can add an additional record by clicking the "Add Accomplishments" or the "Add Barriers/Challenges" button.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date field |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
Capacity refers to the various types and levels of resources available to establish and maintain a community prevention system. This prevention system can identify and leverage resources that will support an effective strategy aimed at the priority problems and identified risk factors in the community at the appropriate population level. Capacity to carry out strategies depends not only upon the resources of the community organizations and their function as a cohesive problem-solving group, but also upon the readiness and ability of the larger community to commit its resources to addressing the identified problems.
Use this section to add any organizational and/or individual members to your Advisory Council, Epidemiological Outcome Workgroup (EOW; if required), or other Workgroup. To edit or mark previously added members as inactive, use the table headings to sort Members, then click the edit button for the Member you wish to edit. These members will carry over from one reporting period to the next, so only revise as new members join or old members become inactive.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional members as needed. |
Date joined |
Date field |
Member type |
Specify Other Type |
Free text |
Member Name |
Free text |
Title |
Free text |
Organization |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
Sector: |
Status |
Date Exited (If “Inactive” is selected for Status) |
Date Field |
Use this section to report Advisory Council, Epidemiological Outcome Workgroup (EOW), or other Workgroup meetings that were conducted during this reporting period. If you had no Advisory Council, EOW, or other Workgroup meetings held during this reporting period related to your activities, please skip this section.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional meetings as needed. |
Meeting Date |
Date field |
Meeting Type |
Specify Other Meeting Type |
Free text |
Meeting Name/Topic |
Free text |
Use this section to enter funding resources information for your grant. Unless the information changes from one reporting period to another, this information only needs to be entered once per fiscal year.
Which of the following funding sources did your organization receive during this fiscal year? Which of those sources did your organization use to fund priorities in high-need communities?
Data Item |
Response Options |
Source of funding |
Did the grantee use the funding stream for priorities in high-need communities? (If you selected any of the sources of funding above, please indicate if your organization used the source to fund priorities in high-need communities.) |
Use this section to record any Training and TA provided to the grantee or subrecipients and communities to build capacity. This includes training and TA provided by grantees or by other contractors and consultants.
Training refers to the delivery of structured events focused on topics such as data collection protocols and systems, building community partnerships, or implementing media campaigns.
Technical Assistance refers to substantial services provided by professional prevention staff to give technical guidance to grantees and individuals to effectively implement their grant.
Training and TA should be counted as one unit per issue. It does not include simple clarifying assistance (e.g., sending someone to a web site).
Grantee refers to the state, tribe, or jurisdiction receiving the award from SAMHSA. Community refers to the grantee’s selected High-Need Communities, and Subrecipient indicates the grantee’s sub-awardees funded to lead the grant in the selected communities.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be “Add” buttons for both T/TTA received by the Grantee AND T/TTA provided to Subrecipients or Communities. Grantees will be able to click these buttons to add T/TA as needed. |
Status |
Subrecipients |
Date Began Receiving this Training or TA |
Date field |
Name of Training/TA |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
Training/TA Topic |
Brief Description of the Need for the Training/TA |
Free text |
Source of Assistance |
Specify Other Source of Assistance |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
Delivery Mechanism |
Was this training or TA timely? |
Was this training or TA effective? |
Explain why you believe the training or TA was not timely or effective ( If “No” is selected for either Timely or Effective fields) |
Free text |
Provide any additional description of this training/TA experience here |
Free text |
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you experienced while performing activities related to capacity building, such as building your advisory council or workgroups, leveraging resources, and training staff or subrecipients and communities. Each Accomplishment or Barrier will be listed in a table. Use the table heading links to sort Accomplishments/Barriers/Challenges by column. Click on the Name that you've assigned to each Accomplishment or Barrier to edit that record. You will also report on actions taken to resolve Barriers/Challenges related to Capacity during this reporting period.
Only update this section if you conducted Capacity-related activities or faced new Capacity-related Barriers/Challenges during this reporting period.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Item |
Response Options |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
Planning involves following logical sequential steps designed to produce specific results. The desired results (Outcomes) are based upon data obtained from a formal assessment of needs and resources. Thus, the plan outlines what will be done over time to create the desired change.
Use this section to upload and provide a brief description of your strategic plan. Note that this section is for uploading grantee-level, rather than community- or subrecipient-level documents. So do not load community- or subrecipient-level plans here. Once you upload the strategic plan, only update this section if you revised the plan.
This document may not be required by your grant program; so please ask your project officer if you need to upload.
Item |
Response Options |
Upload State-, Tribe-, or Territory-wide Strategic Plan |
Browse |
Describe the document or any changes made to your strategic plan between the previous version and this one. If a plan was not available or not uploaded, describe the plan or guidelines you are using. |
Free text |
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you experienced while performing activities related to Planning. Each Accomplishment or Barrier/Challenge will be listed in the table. Use the table heading links to sort Accomplishments/Barriers/Challenges by column.
Click on the Name that you've assigned to each Accomplishment or Barrier to edit
that record. You will also report on actions taken to resolve Barriers/Challenges related to Planning during this reporting period.
Only update this section if you conducted Planning-related activities or faced new Planning-related Barriers/Challenges during this reporting period, for example if you revised your strategic plan.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
SAMHSA defines behavioral health as mental/emotional well-being and/or actions that affect wellness. The phrase “behavioral health” is also used to describe service systems that encompass prevention and promotion of emotional health; prevention of mental and substance use disorders, substance use, and related problems; treatments and services for mental and substance use disorders; and recovery support (for more information see: https://www.samhsa.gov/data/national- behavioral-health-quality-framework).
Healthy People 2030 prioritizes eliminating health disparities, achieve health equity, and attain health literacy to improve the health and well-being of all. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group; religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion.
In this section, we would like you to describe the efforts and activities that your state, tribe, or jurisdiction has undertaken in the project to address Behavioral Health Disparities related to substance use disorders risks, prevalence, and outcomes.
Use this section to upload your Disparities Impact Statement (DIS). After you upload the DIS and it is accepted by your project officer, you will only update this section if there are newly identified disparate and population(s) or if you are revising plans to improve the quality of programming to address the needs (access, use/reach, outcomes) of the disparate population. If you do not have an approved DIS, please continue to work with your project officer to finalize it as soon as possible. You
should not enter any additional information in the Behavioral Health Disparities module until it is approved.
Item |
Response Options |
Upload Disparities Impact Statement |
“Browse” button |
Document Description |
Free text |
Although the term disparities is often interpreted to mean racial or ethnic disparities, many dimensions of disparity exist in the United States, particularly in health. If a health outcome is seen to a greater or lesser extent between populations, there is disparity.” We are asking grantees to specify the population(s) experiencing the disparity within the context of your High-Need Community(ies) and subrecipients.
Grantees may describe the population(s) experiencing the disparity using a broad demographic or cultural category - or “subpopulation”. The DIS asks you to use publicly available data to identify subpopulations within your High-Need Communities. You may quantify subpopulations more specifically as a “disparate population” using data and a designated comparison group. For example, you may identify the subpopulations by “race” and the disparate population as “Black or African American”. However, just because you can separate out a subpopulation (e.g., age separated out by age ranges), does not mean you should identify it as disparate. You should only consider a population “disparate” if you identify a specific race, ethnicity, sex, or LGBTQ identity using a data-driven justification.
Use the "Add a Population(s) Experiencing Disparity Record" button to create a new record. You will first identify your disparate and other subpopulations and then estimate how many individuals from those populations you plan to directly reach/indirectly serve per year. When this information is finalized, click the
"Complete Plan" link (note: if you are still in the planning stage, you should not click the "Complete Plan" link. You should submit what you have as a draft).
After you complete your plan, you will report the number of individuals your high- need community(ies) actually reached/served each reporting period.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add a Population(s) Experiencing Disparity Record” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional records as needed. |
Select High-Need Community(ies)
If all High-Need Communities focus on the same disparate and subpopulations, select "All High-Need Communities". If not, select "Specific High-Need Community" and choose the High-Need Community(ies) you wish to report on. You should only select more than one community under “Specific High-Need Community(ies) if the communities focus on the same disparate and subpopulations. If they don’t focus on the same disparate and subpopulations, please add an additional record. |
Note: This version of the question appears for planning stage
From the subpopulations below, please select the disparate population(s) on which this high-need community(ies) is focusing its efforts.
For each selected disparate population, provide estimates for how many individuals the High-Need Community(ies) plans to directly serve and indirectly reach with its efforts per year. |
Item |
Response Options |
Note: This version of the question appears after the plan is complete and grantees are reporting actual values
For each selected disparate population, provide estimates for the actual number of individuals the High-Need Community(ies) directly served and indirectly reached for this reporting period |
Describe why this high-need community(ies) has not yet identified (or finalized the identification of) a disparate population, when it intends to do so, and how soon implementation will begin.
You only need to respond to this item if your selection of the disparate population is in progress. If your selection is complete, enter “n/a” |
Free text |
Note: This version of the question appears for planning stage, but will only appear if the “Show Additional Populations” box is checked
From the options below, please select any additional subpopulation(s) on which this high-need community is focusing their efforts.
For each subpopulation below provide estimates for how many individuals you expect this high-need community to directly serve and indirectly reach with their efforts per year. |
Socioeconomic status
Item |
Response Options |
Note: This version of the question appears after the plan is complete and grantees are reporting actual values
For each selected subpopulation, provide estimates for the actual number of individuals the High-Need Community(ies) directly served and indirectly reached for this reporting period |
Socioeconomic status
Describe how and why the population(s) experiencing the disparity has changed. (This question appears if you indicate you need to edit your plan.) |
Free text |
The following section ensures that your high-need communities focus on the subpopulation(s) experiencing the disparities and asks about any data gaps related to the disparate and subpopulation(s) that you identified.
Item |
Response Options |
What steps did you take to ensure that your high-need communities are focusing on the identified disparate and subpopulation(s)? |
Free text |
Describe any data gaps you identified related to the disparate or subpopulation(s). Please be specific. If no data gaps currently exist, please enter “n/a” for not applicable. |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
For any data gaps described above, please explain how you are addressing the gaps. If you had none, please enter “n/a” for not applicable. |
Free text |
Increasing access to prevention efforts is an important part of reducing behavioral health disparities. Use this section to enter information about technical assistance and/or guidance you provided to your high-need communities to increase access to prevention efforts for their identified disparate and subpopulations. Be sure to consider this as it relates to implementation of policies, practices, and/or programs to address behavioral health disparities.
Item |
Response Options |
Briefly describe the specific strategies implemented to address behavioral health disparities in your high-need community(ies). Include any information on how you, as the grantee, are supporting its/their progress. |
Free text |
If you used a planning model, please briefly describe the model you are using and how you are ensuring your high-need community(ies) integrated it into its/their approach to addressing behavioral health disparities. If you did not use a planning model, enter “n/a” for not applicable.
Note: you will report general updates in the Implementation section, anything reported here should be specific to behavioral health disparities. |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
From the list, please select the strategies you developed and implemented to ensure that your high-need communities understand and are using the National CLAS Standards. |
How are communities documenting and monitoring use of National CLAS Standards? |
Free text |
Ensuring that the prevention efforts reach the populations experiencing the behavioral health disparity and that they in turn use them is another important factor. Use this section to enter information about steps you are taking to monitor implementation at the community level to address behavioral health disparities.
Item |
Response Options |
How do you monitor the efforts related to addressing behavioral health disparities at the community level? |
Free text |
What are your data collection processes related to behavioral health disparities data? |
Free text |
How are you determining the accuracy of numbers directly served and numbers indirectly reached for each high-need community? |
Free text |
How are you helping communities use their data to address the identified behavioral health disparities? |
Free text |
The goal is for prevention efforts to produce positive outcomes for those experiencing disparities. Use this section to enter additional information on how you will assess the behavioral health disparities outcomes at the community level.
Item |
Response Options |
How are you monitoring outcomes related to disparate subpopulations at the community level? |
Free text |
Describe how you use outcome data related to disparate subpopulations to evaluate processes and/or make programmatic adjustments to address your identified priorities and issues. |
Free text |
Describe other ways that you use programmatic data to demonstrate the impact of your efforts on reducing behavioral health disparities. |
Free text |
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you experienced while performing activities related to Behavioral Health Disparities. Each Accomplishment or Barrier will be listed in the table. Use the table heading links to sort Accomplishments/Barriers/Challenges by column. Click on the Name that you've assigned to each Accomplishment or Barrier to edit that record. You will also report on actions taken to resolve Barriers/Challenges related to Behavioral Health Disparities during this reporting period.
Only update this section if you conducted Behavioral Health Disparities-related activities or faced new Behavioral Health Disparities-related Barriers/Challenges during this reporting period.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Item |
Response Options |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/ Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Item |
Response Options |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
Implementation is the point at which you or your subrecipient communities conduct your intervention activities.
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you or your subrecipients experienced while performing activities related to Implementation. Each Accomplishment or Barrier will be listed in a table. Use the table heading links to sort Accomplishments/Barriers/Challenges by column. Click on the Name that you've assigned to each Accomplishment or Barrier to edit that record. You will also report on actions taken to resolve Barriers/Challenges related to Implementation during this reporting period.
Only update this section if you or your subrecipients conducted Implementation- related activities or faced new Implementation-related Barriers/Challenges during this reporting period, for example if you funded subrecipients or if your subrecipient communities began implementing interventions.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
Select Subrecipient |
Briefly describe where this Subrecipient is in the process and their accomplishments to date |
Free text |
Use this section to enter information on any promising approaches or innovations demonstrated during your implementation of the grant.
Only update this section if you implemented new promising approaches or innovations during this reporting period.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional approaches or innovations as needed. |
Select Subrecipient (This question will only be visible if you entered subrecipients in the administration section. If not, it is assumed the approach or innovation being reported is at the grantee level) |
Promising Approach or Innovation Name |
Free text |
Briefly describe the promising approach or innovation implemented |
Free text |
The Evaluation Step is comprised of conducting, analyzing, reporting on and using the results of outcome evaluation. Outcome evaluation involves collecting and analyzing information about whether the intended Goals and Objectives were achieved. Evaluation results identify areas where modifications to prevention strategies may be needed, and can be used to help plan for sustaining the prevention effort as well as future endeavors.
Upload and provide a brief description of your document. Use the Browse button to select a file from your computer, use the upload button to add your document, enter a description, then click the Save button. If your document has not changed since your previous upload, then you do not need to upload a new document.
Item |
Response Options |
Upload Evaluation Plan |
Browse button |
Description |
Free text |
Upload and provide a brief description of your document. Use the Browse button to select a file from your computer, use the upload button to add your document, enter a description, then click the Save button.
Item |
Response Options |
Upload Final Evaluation Report |
Browse button |
Description |
Free text |
Upload and provide a brief description of documents other than evaluation plans or evaluation reports, if applicable. Use the Browse button to select a file from your local computer and then click the Upload Other Document button.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional records as needed. |
Upload Other Document |
Browse button |
Other Document Description |
Free text |
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you experienced while performing activities related to Evaluation. Each Accomplishment or Barrier will be listed in a table. Use the table heading links to sort Accomplishments/Barriers/Challenges by column. Click on the Name that you've assigned to each Accomplishment or Barrier to edit that record.
You will also report on actions taken to resolve Barriers/Challenges related to Evaluation during this reporting period.
Only update this section if you or your subrecipients conducted Evaluation-related activities or faced new Evaluation-related Barriers/Challenges during this reporting period.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
Sustainability is the process of ensuring an adaptive and effective system that achieves and maintains long-term results. Sustainability efforts may include the institutionalization of policies and practices, the acquisition of stable funding for training and prevention efforts, continued workforce development, and other efforts.
Use this section to enter information on any Accomplishments and/or Barriers/Challenges that you experienced while performing activities related to Sustainability. Each Accomplishment or Barrier will be listed in a table. Use the table heading links to sort Accomplishments/Barriers/Challenges by column. Click on the Name that you've assigned to each Accomplishment or Barrier to edit that record.
You will also report on actions taken to resolve Barriers/Challenges related to Sustainability during this reporting period.
Only update this section if you conducted Sustainability-related activities or faced new Sustainability-related Barriers/Challenges during this reporting period.
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional accomplishments as needed. |
Accomplishments |
Accomplishment Name |
Describe the Accomplishment |
Free text |
Item |
Response Options |
In the SPARS data collection system, there will be an “Add” button for this section. Grantees will be able to click that button to add additional barriers/challenges as needed. |
Barriers/Challenges |
Barrier/Challenge Name |
Describe the Barrier/Challenge |
Free text |
Was technical assistance (TA) requested to help address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Date TA Requested (If YES is selected)
NOTE: If you received TA for this issue, please report it on the Capacity > Training and Technical Assistance page. |
Date |
In what other ways did you address this Barrier/Challenge? |
Free text |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Division of State Programs-Management Reporting Tool (DSP-MRT) Common Monitoring Tool |
Subject | The Division of State Programs-Management Reporting Tool (DSP-MRT), to be used for all Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CS |
Author | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Cente |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-10-17 |