CROSSWALK: 2021 CMS Web Interface and CAHPS for MIPS Registration Guide

Appendix N2 2022 CMS Web Interface and CAHPS for MIPS Registration Guide Crosswalk.pdf

Quality Payment Program/Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) (CMS-10621)

CROSSWALK: 2021 CMS Web Interface and CAHPS for MIPS Registration Guide

OMB: 0938-1314

Document [pdf]
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CAHPS for MIPS Survey and CMS Web Interface Registration Guide
2020 Final Document versus 2021 Final Document

Changes have burden impact: There are no burden impacts associated with policies finalized
in the CY 2021 PFS final rule.
Change #1:
2020 - Page 1
2021 – Page 1
Reason for Change:
Alignment with current program year
2020 Final Document text:
Title: 2020 Registration Guide for the CMS Web Interface and CAHPS for MIPS Survey
2021 Final Document text:
Title: 2021 Registration Guide for the CMS Web Interface and CAHPS for MIPS Survey

Change #2:
2020 – Page 2
2021 – Page 2
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity and alignment with current program year dates, deadlines, links,
resource titles.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction
Content: This guide provides information and instructions on the registration process for
groups, virtual groups, or Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entities (Accountable Care
Organizations (ACOs)) participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)
or Next Generation ACO Model) − which are collectively referred to as “organizations”−
that want to submit their Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) quality data
through the CMS Web Interface and/or administer the Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) for MIPS Survey for the 2020 performance
For additional information visit the following resources:
• The 2020 CMS Web Interface Quick Start Guide for more information about
quality data submissions through the CMS Web Interface.
• The 2020 CAHPS for MIPS Survey Overview Fact Sheet for more information
about administering the CAHPS for MIPS Survey.
You can find additional information about the Quality Payment Program on

2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction
Content: This guide provides information and instructions on the CMS Web Interface
and the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) for
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Survey registration process for the 2021
performance period.
For additional information, visit the following resources:
• The 2021 CMS Web Interface Quick Start Guide (PDF) for more information
about quality data submissions through the CMS Web Interface.
• The 2021 CAHPS for MIPS Survey Overview Fact Sheet (PDF) for more
information about administering the CAHPS for MIPS Survey.
Please visit the Quality Payment Program (QPP) website for additional information.

Change #3:
2020 – Page 3
2021 – Page 3
Reason for Change:
Edited for alignment with current program year dates, deadlines, links/resources.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Registration Information
Content: To register to submit quality data through the CMS Web Interface and/or
administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey, sign in to
Registration opens on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) and
closes on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. ET.
 To complete your organization’s registration, you need a HARP account and
the Security Official role for your organization. More information is provided in Section III:
Access the Registration System of this guide.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Registration Information
Content: To register to submit quality data through the CMS Web Interface and/or
administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey, sign in to the QPP.
Registration opens on Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 10 a.m. ET and closes on Wednesday,
June 30, 2021 at 8 p.m. ET
 To complete your organization’s registration, you need a HCQIS Access Roles
and Profile (HARP) account and the Security Official role for your organization. More
information is provided in Section III: Access the Registration System of this guide.

Change #4:
2020 – Page 3
2021 – Page 3
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity and alignment with current program year dates.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Definitions
• Group: A single Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with 2 or more clinicians
(including at least one MIPS eligible clinician), as identified by their individual
National Provider Identifier (NPI), who have reassigned their Medicare billing
rights to the TIN.
• Virtual group: A combination of 2 or more whole TINs (solo practitioners and/or
groups with 10 or fewer clinicians, including at least one MIPS eligible clinician)
whose clinicians elected to participate in MIPS as part of a virtual group. For the
2020 performance period, only virtual groups that we approve and identify as
official virtual groups can participate in MIPS as a virtual group.
• APM Entity group: The group of eligible clinicians participating in an APM Entity,
as identified by a combination of the APM identifier, APM Entity identifier,
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and National Provider Identifier (NPI) for
each participating eligible clinician.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Definitions
• Group: A single Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with 2 or more eligible
clinicians (including at least one MIPS eligible clinician), as identified by their
individual National Provider Identifier (NPI), who have reassigned their Medicare
billing rights to the TIN.
• Virtual group: A combination of 2 or more whole TINs (solo practitioners and/or
groups with 10 or fewer clinicians, including at least one MIPS eligible clinician)
whose clinicians elected to participate in MIPS as part of a virtual group. Only
virtual groups that CMS approves and identifies as official virtual groups can
participate in MIPS as a virtual group for the 2021 performance year.
• Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entity group: The group of eligible clinicians
participating in an APM Entity, as identified by a combination of the APM
identifier, APM Entity identifier, TIN, and NPI for each participating eligible

Change #5:
2020 – Page 4
2021 – Page 4
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity, added Shared Savings Program ACO information, alignment with
current program year dates, deadlines, links/resources.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Who can register?
1. CMS Web Interface registration is open to groups, virtual groups, and APM Entities
with 25 or more clinicians.
o EXCEPTION: CMS Web Interface registration is NOT open to APM Entities
(i.e. ACOs) participating in the MSSP or Next Generation ACO Model.
Reporting quality data via the CMS Web Interface is required for these ACOs
and as a result, they do not need to register.
• However, ACO participant TINs in these entities can still register for
the CMS Web Interface if their ACO is unable to successfully report.
2. CAHPS for MIPS Survey registration is open to groups, virtual groups, and APM
Entities with 2 or more eligible clinicians.
o Please note that APM Entities (i.e. ACOs) participating in the Medicare
Shared Savings or Program or Next Generation ACO Model are already
required to administer the CAHPS for ACO Survey.
 Before You Register: The CAHPS for MIPS Survey assesses the experience of
patients receiving primary care services and is therefore, most appropriate for groups, virtual
groups, and APM Entities that provide primary care services.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Who can register for the CMS Web Interface?
CMS Web Interface registration is open to groups, virtual groups, and APM Entities that
have 25 or more clinicians and are meeting the quality performance category reporting
requirements under traditional MIPS.
• Groups and virtual groups that submitted quality data through the CMS Web
Interface for the 2020 performance period are automatically registered for the
CMS Web Interface for the 2021 performance period.
Only Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) can use the
CMS Web Interface to meet reporting requirements for the APM Performance Pathway
• Shared Savings Program ACOs are automatically registered for the CMS
Web Interface. Shared Savings Program ACOs are required to meet reporting
requirements under the APP but aren’t required to report quality data through the
CMS Web Interface. Please review the 2021 APM Performance Pathway Quick

Start Guide (PDF) or 2021 APM Performance Pathway (APP) for MIPS APM
Participant Fact Sheet (PDF) for more details.

Change #6:
2020 – Page 4
2021 – Page 4
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity and alignment with current program year dates and requirements.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Who needs to register?
1. Groups, virtual groups, or APM Entities with 25 or more clinicians that did not use the
CMS Web Interface to submit quality data for the 2019 performance period, but plan to
for the 2020 performance period.
o Why? Groups that submitted quality data through the CMS Web Interface for the
2019 performance period have been automatically registered for the 2020
performance period. Automatic CMS Web Interface registrations can be edited
(i.e., update group information) or cancelled for the 2020 performance period.
 You were automatically registered if you submitted quality data through
the CMS Web Interface in 2019. Sign in to and review your
registration to verify the information (such as group size and contact
information) is correct.
2. Groups, virtual groups, or APM Entities with 2 or more eligible clinicians that plan to
administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey for the 2020 performance period.
o Why? There is no automatic registration for the CAHPS for MIPS Survey.
Organizations that plan to administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey must register
each performance period that they plan to administer the CAHPS for MIPS
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Who can register for the CAHPS for MIPS Survey?
Content: CAHPS for MIPS Survey registration is open to groups, virtual groups, and APM
Entities with 2 or more eligible clinicians.
• The CAHPS for MIPS Survey is a required measure for groups and APM
Entities reporting through the APP.
• The CAHPS for MIPS Survey is an optional measure for groups, virtual groups,
and APM Entities reporting through traditional MIPS. In traditional MIPS, the
CAHPS for MIPS Survey can be reported as 1 of the 6 required quality measures
and can be attested to as an improvement activity.
 Before You Register: The CAHPS for MIPS Survey assesses the experience of
patients receiving primary care services and is, therefore, most appropriate for groups,
virtual groups, and APM Entities that provide primary care services.

Advance registration is required for any group, virtual group, or APM Entity that intends to
administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey, except for Shared Savings Program ACOs.
• NOTE: Because Shared Savings Program ACOs are required to report through
the APP, they’re automatically registered for the CAHPS for MIPS Survey.

Change #7:
2020 – Page 5
2021 – N/A
Reason for Change:
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Who does not need to register?
1. Groups, virtual groups, or APM Entities that plan to submit Medicare Part B
Claims measures, electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs), MIPS
Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) and/or Quality Clinical Data Registry
(QCDR) measures for the 2020 performance period.
o Why? Registration is not required for these collection types.
2. Groups that submitted quality data through the CMS Web Interface for the
2019 performance period.
o Why? Groups have been automatically registered to submit data for
the Quality performance category through the CMS Web Interface for
the 2020 performance period. Automatic CMS Web Interface
registrations can be edited (i.e., update group information) or
cancelled for the 2020 performance period.
3. ACOs participating in a Medicare Shared Savings Program or the Next
Generation ACO Model.
o Why? An ACO is required to submit quality data through the CMS
Web Interface and no registration is needed. The quality data
submitted through the CMS Web Interface by an ACO is used to
score the MIPS Quality performance category; the score will apply to
each MIPS eligible clinician in the ACO who is scored under the APM
scoring standard.
o However, ACO Participant TINs can register to submit data at the
group level if, for example, an ACO Participant TIN is terminating its
ACO participation agreement or have concerns that the ACO will not
be able to successfully report on behalf of the ACO Participant TINs.
2021 Final Document text: N/A

Change #8:
2020 – Page 5
2021 – Page 5
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity and alignment with current program year dates and deadlines
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Do we have to submit data through the CMS Web Interface if
we’re registered?
No, registered organizations do not have to submit quality data through the CMS Web
Interface but would need to select a different submission type (i.e., Electronic Health
Record (EHR), Qualified Registry, Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR)) in order to
submit quality.
However, organizations that do not plan to submit quality data through the CMS Web
Interface are strongly encouraged to cancel their registration by 8:00pm ET on June 30,
If organizations do not cancel their registration before the deadline, they can still submit
quality data through other submission types.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Do we have to submit data through the CMS Web Interface if
we’re registered?
No, registered organizations don’t have to submit quality data through the CMS Web
Interface but would need to select a different submission type (i.e., Electronic Health
Record (EHR), Qualified Registry, Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR)) to submit
quality data.
However, organizations that don’t plan to submit quality data through the CMS Web
Interface are strongly encouraged to cancel their registration by 8 p.m. ET on June 30,

Change #9:
2020 – Page 6
2021 – Page 5
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity and alignment with current program year dates and deadlines.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Is it possible for my organization to be unable to report through
the CMS Web Interface?

For organizations that are registered for the CMS Web Interface, we conduct an
assignment and sampling methodology process. Generally, we assign patients to the
organizations that furnished the plurality of primary care services for such patients.
In rare instances, an organization may have 0 Medicare patients assigned to them
and as a result, we can’t populate a patient sample. If a patient sample can’t be
populated, the organization will not be able to submit quality data through the CMS
Web Interface.
If an organization does not have any Medicare patients assigned for any of the CMS
Web Interface measures, the following will occur:
• We will notify the organizations that they can’t submit quality data through the
CMS Web Interface. We anticipate notifications will be sent in the Fall of
The organization won’t meet the CMS Web Interface data submission criteria and will
need to submit quality measures from another collection type (i.e., eCQMs or MIPS
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > If organizations don’t cancel their registration before the
deadline, they can still submit quality data through other submission types. Is it possible
that my organization won’t be able to report quality measures through the CMS Web
For organizations that are registered for the CMS Web Interface, we conduct an
assignment and sampling methodology process. Generally, we assign patients to the
organizations that furnished the plurality of primary care services for such patients.
In rare instances, an organization may have zero Medicare patients assigned to them and
as a result, we can’t populate a patient sample. If a patient sample can’t be populated, the
organization won’t be able to submit quality data through the CMS Web Interface.
If an organization doesn’t have any Medicare patients assigned for any of the CMS Web
Interface measures, the following will occur:
• We’ll notify the organizations that they can’t submit quality data through the CMS
Web Interface. We anticipate notifications will be sent in the fall 2021.
The organization won’t meet the CMS Web Interface data submission criteria and will
need to submit quality measures from another collection type (i.e., electronic clinical
quality measures (eCQMs) (ZIP) or MIPS clinical quality measures (MIPS CQMs) (ZIP)).

Change #10:
2020 – 6
2021 – 5-6

Reason for Change:
Edited to align with current program year dates and deadlines and addition of Shared
Savings Program ACOs information.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Is it possible we won’t be able to administer the CAHPS for
MIPS Survey?
For the 2020 performance period, the CAHPS for MIPS Survey continues to be
For organizations that are registered to administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey, we
conduct an assignment and sampling methodology process. Groups and virtual groups
must meet minimum patient sampling requirements in order to administer the 2020
CAHPS for MIPS Survey.
If an organization does not meet the minimum patient sampling requirements for the
CAHPS for MIPS Survey, we will notify organizations indicating that they will not be able
to administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey. We anticipate notifications to be sent in the
Fall of 2020.
Organizations that don’t meet minimum patient sampling requirements:
• Will not be able to attest to Participation in CAHPS or Other Supplemental
Questionnaire (IA_PSPA_11) and will need to select a different activity for the
Improvement Activities performance category.
• Will not be able to supplement their quality score with points associated with the
administration of the CAHPS for MIPS Survey.
• May qualify for a denominator reduction in the Quality performance category if
not submitting quality data through the CMS Web Interface.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Is it possible we won’t be able to administer the CAHPS for
MIPS Survey?
For the 2021 performance period, the CAHPS for MIPS Survey continues to be optional
for organizations meeting reporting requirements under traditional MIPS.
For organizations that are registered to administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey, we
conduct an assignment and sampling methodology process. Groups, virtual groups, and
APM Entities must meet minimum patient sampling requirements to administer the 2021
CAHPS for MIPS Survey.
If an organization doesn’t meet the minimum patient sampling requirements for the
CAHPS for MIPS Survey, we’ll notify organizations indicating that they won’t be able to
administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey. We anticipate notifications will be sent in the fall
Organizations that don’t meet minimum patient sampling requirements:
• Won’t be able to attest to Participation in CAHPS or Other Supplemental
Questionnaire (IA_PSPA_11) and must select a different activity for the
improvement activities performance category.
• Won’t be able to supplement their quality score with points associated with the
administration of the CAHPS for MIPS Survey.


May qualify for a denominator reduction in the quality performance category if
organizations are not submitting quality data through the CMS Web Interface.
Shared Savings Program ACOs are required to report quality via the APP. ACOs
that don’t meet the minimum patient sampling requirement for the CAHPS for
MIPS Survey will receive a denominator reduction.

Change #11:
Location: Page 7
Reason for Change:
Edited to make links more concise and alignment with current program year dates and
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Get Started > Obtain Access
A representative of the group, virtual group, or APM Entity will need an account that
allows the representative to sign in to and have the Security Official role
for the organization in order to submit, modify, or cancel a registration.
• If you’re a returning user, sign in with your existing QPP account credentials.
• If you’re a new user, you’ll need to create an account before you can request
Security Official access to your organization by signing in to
Visit the QPP Access User Guide on the Resource Library for instructions to create an
account and/or request the Security Official role for your organization.

Register for a HCQIS Access Roles and Profile (HARP) Account provides
information about creating a new HARP account
Connect to an Organization provides information about requesting the Security
Official role for your organization.

To determine if your organization already has an individual who can register the group,
virtual group, or APM Entity for the CMS Web Interface and/or to administer the CAHPS
for MIPS Survey, please contact the Quality Payment Program using the contact
information at the bottom of this page and provide the group's TIN, the virtual group
identifier, or the APM Entity identifier, and the name of the organization.
 Start the account creation process now to avoid any last-minute delays in
obtaining an account and a role with your organization. The registration period closes on
June 30, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. ET.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Obtain Access
A representative of the group, virtual group, or APM Entity will need an account that
allows the representative to sign in to QPP and have the Security Official role for the
organization in order to submit, modify, or cancel a registration.
• If you’re a returning user, sign in with your existing QPP account credentials.


If you’re a new user, you must create an account before you can request Security
Official access to your organization by signing in to QPP.

Review the below sections of the QPP Access User Guide (ZIP) for instructions to create
an account and/or request the Security Official role for your organization.

Register for a HARP Account provides information about creating a new HARP
Connect to an Organization provides information about requesting the Security
Official role for your organization.

To determine if your organization already has an individual who can register the group,
virtual group, or APM Entity for the CMS Web Interface and/or to administer the CAHPS
for MIPS Survey, please contact the QPP using the contact information at the bottom of
this page and provide the group's TIN, the virtual group identifier, or the APM Entity
identifier, and the name of the organization, if applicable.
 Start the account creation process now to avoid any delays in obtaining an
account and a role with your organization. The registration period closes on June 30,
2021 at 8:00 p.m. ET.

Change #12:
2020 – Page 7
2021 – Page 7
Reason for Change:
Edited for clarity and alignment with current program year dates and deadlines
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Prepare to Register for the CMS Web Interface and/or the
CAHPS for MIPS Survey
Gather the following information before you begin to register your group, virtual group,
and APM Entity:
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Introduction > Prepare to Register for the CMS Web Interface and/or the
CAHPS for MIPS Survey
Gather the following information before you begin to register your organization:

Change #13:
2020 – Page 8
2021 – Page 8
Reason for Change:
Edited for to make links more concise and alignment with current program year dates
and deadlines. Screenshots of QPP account also changed.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Access the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey
Registration System
You will be able to access the registration system between April 1, 2020 (10:00 a.m.
ET) and June 30, 2020 (8:00 p.m. ET) by signing in to the
Signing in to will allow you to create new registrations, view or cancel
existing registrations (including an automatic CMS Web Interface registration), or modify
information for existing registrations (including an automatic CMS Web Interface
1. Sign In
Go to or click Sign In in the upper right-hand corner of
2. Enter User ID and Password
Enter your User ID and Password in the requested fields, check “Yes, I agree”
next to the Statement of Truth, and Sign In (you will be prompted to provide a
security code from your two-factor authentication).

Returning users
Sign in with your previously created HARP credentials
New users
Sign in with your newly created HARP credentials
Don’t have an Account?
Click the Register tab next to the Sign In tab and review the QPP Access User
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Access the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey
Registration System
You will be able to access the registration system between April 1, 2021 (10:00 a.m.
ET) and June 30, 2021 (8:00 p.m. ET) by signing in to the QPP.
Signing in to will allow you to create new registrations, view or cancel existing
registrations (including an automatic CMS Web Interface registration), or modify

information for existing registrations (including an automatic CMS Web Interface
1. Sign In
Go to QPP and click Sign In in the upper right-hand.

Change #14:
2020 – Page 13-20
2021 – Page 13-21
Reason for Change:
Edited for conciseness and changed screenshots.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Submit a New Registration for the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for
MIPS Survey
After selecting Edit Registration, you will be taken to the main registration page where
you will see a list of organizations for which you have you have a Security Official role.
3. Submit Registration
To submit your registration, you will need to complete any required organization
and contact information. You will see limited organization and contact
information populated.
Select Edit next to the organization to complete any missing required
4. Review Organization Information
Review the Organization Information that is pre-populated for your group or
virtual group and update it as necessary.
A green checkmark will appear after you enter each piece of required
information. Once all required information has been entered, you will be able to
select Update.
6. Review Contact Information
7. Contact information will be partially pre-populated with the first and last name
associated with your HARP account.
• To keep yourself as a contact for the organization’s registration, simply
add your e-mail address and phone number, and then select Update.
(Don’t worry – you can add additional contacts!)
• If you should not be a contact for the organization’s registration, update
the first and last name, add the appropriate contact’s e-mail address and
phone number, and then select Update.

2021 Final Document text:
Section: Submit a New Registration for the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for
MIPS Survey
After selecting Edit Registration, you’ll be taken to the main registration page where
you’ll see a list of organizations for which you have a Security Official role.
3. Submit Registration
To submit your registration, you will need to complete any required organization
and contact information. You will see limited organization and contact
information populated.
Select Edit next to the organization to complete any missing required
Click the Register button to submit your registration.
4. Review Organization Information
Review the Organization Information that is pre-populated for your group or
virtual group and update it as necessary.
A green checkmark will appear after you enter each piece of required
information. Once all required information has been entered, you will be able to
select Update button.
6. Review Contact Information
Contact information will be partially pre-populated with the first and last name
associated with your HARP account.
• To keep yourself as a contact for the organization’s registration, simply
add your e-mail address and phone number, and then select Update.
(Please note – you can add additional contacts!)
• If you should not be a contact for the organization’s registration, update
the first and last name, add the appropriate contact’s e-mail address and
phone number, and then select Update.

Change #15:
2020 – Page 21
2021 – Page 22
Reason for Change:
Edited for alignment with current program year dates and deadlines. Additionally,
screenshots were updated.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Modify Information for an Organization with an Existing Registration for the
CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey
If you need to modify information for your organization that has an existing registration for
the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey for the 2020 performance

period, you may do so at any time during the registration period between April 1, 2020 at
10:00 a.m. and June 30, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. ET.
You may need to modify your information for any of the following reasons:
• You were automatically registered for the CMS Web Interface and:
o The Organization Size from your registration is no longer accurate.
o The Organization Address from your 2019 registration is no longer
o The Contact Information (name, e-mail address, and/or phone number)
from your 2019 registration is no longer accurate.
• You registered for the CMS Web Interface this performance year and:
o You need to update the Organization Address.
o You need to update Contact Information, or change the Contacts
associated with the organization’s registration.
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Modify Information for an Organization with an Existing Registration for the
CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey
If you need to modify information for your organization that has an existing registration for
the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey for the 2021 performance
period, you may do so at any time during the registration period between April 1, 2021 at
10 a.m. ET and June 30, 2021 at 8 p.m. ET.
You may need to modify your information for any of the following reasons:
• You were automatically registered for the CMS Web Interface and:
o The Organization Size from your registration is no longer accurate.
o The Organization Address from your 2020 registration is no longer
o The Contact Information (name, email address, and/or phone number) from
your 2020 registration is no longer accurate.
• You registered for the CMS Web Interface between April 1, 2021 and June 30,
2021 and:
o You need to update the Organization Address.
o You need to update Contact Information, or change the Contacts
associated with the organization’s registration.

Change #16:
2020 – Page 24
2021 – Page 26
Reason for Change:
Screenshots were updated.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: View your CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey Registration
Content: Screenshots were updated.

2021 Final Document text:
Section: View your CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS for MIPS Survey Registration
Content: Screenshots were updated.

Change #17:
2020 – Page 25
2021 – Page 27
Reason for Change:
Edited for alignment with current program year dates and deadlines. Additionally,
screenshots were updated.
2020 Final Document text:
Section: Cancel Your 2020 Registration for the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS
for MIPS Survey
If your organization is registered to participate in MIPS utilizing the CMS Web Interface
and/or administering the CAHPS for MIPS Survey for the 2020 performance period, but
wishes to cancel one or both registrations, you can log in to the registration system and
cancel your registration any time before the registration period closes on June 30, 2020 at
8:00 p.m. ET.
If you want to re-register the organization during the 2020 registration period after
cancelling your registration, please refer to Section IV: Submit a New Registration of this
2021 Final Document text:
Section: Cancel Your 2021 Registration for the CMS Web Interface and/or the CAHPS
for MIPS Survey
If your organization is registered to participate in MIPS using the CMS Web Interface
and/or administering the CAHPS for MIPS Survey for the 2021 performance period, but
wishes to cancel one or both registrations, you can log in to the registration system and
cancel your registration any time before the registration period closes on June 30, 2021 at
8p.m. ET.
If you want to re-register the organization during the 2021 registration period after
cancelling your registration, please refer to Section IV: Submit a New Registration of this

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleCAHPS for MIPS Survey and CMS Web Interface Registration Guide: 2020 Final Document versus 2021 Final Document
File Modified2021-07-13
File Created2021-07-13

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