2 ODS Administrative Supplement survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

ODS Administrative Supplement survey 11-28-2018

Office of Dietary Supplements' Customer Feedback Assessment for ODS Scholars Awardees and Administrative Supplement Grantees (OD)

OMB: 0925-0648

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ODS Administrative Supplement Grant Feedback Survey

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Office of Dietary Supplements’ (ODS) Administrative
Supplement Grant Program feedback interview process. Your feedback is important to ODS. Your
responses will be summarized and presented in a comprehensive report to the program director for
the purpose of recommending program improvements. We will not retain any personal identifiable
information and all responses are combined for reporting purposes. No one response will be
attributed to any one person. We estimate that this survey will take approximately 20 minutes to
Contact Adam Kuszak at adam.kuszak@nih.gov or (301) 496-1795 with any questions or concerns.
1. Please provide the following information:
Primary Granting Institute
Type of Parent Award
(R01, R21, K01, etc.)
Year of ODS Funding

2. How do you generally learn about NIH funding opportunities for your research? Please mark all that apply:
Search of government funding websites (Grants.gov, the NIH Grants and Funding Webpage, specific NIH Institute/Center/Office
webpages or others)
Communicating with NIH Program Officials
Routine funding opportunity searches performed by your university
Other (please specify)


3. How familiar were you with NIH Administrative Supplement funding opportunities prior to seeking ODS
Completely unfamiliar
I had vaguely heard about it
I heard about it, but wasn’t familiar with the details
I was familiar with the program

4. How did you specifically learn about ODS Administrative Supplement funding opportunities? Please select
Search of government funding websites (Grants.gov, the NIH Grants and Funding Webpage, specific NIH Institute/Center/Office
webpages or others)
Communicating with NIH Program Officials
Routine funding opportunity searches performed by your university
Other (please specify)

5. Do you have suggestions for how ODS could better advertise its funding opportunities?
If yes, please explain.

6. On a scale from 1 (unclear) to 5 (very clear), how well did you feel the requirements of the grant were


Very Clear

Please explain your response.


7. Did you experience any limitations or challenges associated with applying for ODS funding?
Please describe any limitations or challenges that you faced.

8. Did you have any questions about the relevance of your research proposal to ODS’s interests?
No - Skip to Q. 13

9. Did you approach ODS staff with your questions about the relevance of your research proposal to ODS’s
No - Skip to Q. 11

10. Please use the following scale to indicate how easily you were able to get answers to any questions
you had about your research proposal’s relevance to ODS’s interests from ODS staff?
Not Easily

Somewhat Easily

Very Easily

Please explain what made it easy or difficult to receive answers from ODS staff.

11. Did you approach your parent award’s Program Director with your questions about the relevance of
your research proposal to ODS’s interests?
No - Skip to Q 13.


12. Please use the following scale to indicate how easily you were able to get answers to any questions
you had about your research’s relevance to ODS’s interests from the Program Director for your parent
Not Easily

Somewhat Easily

Very Easily

Please explain what made it easy or difficult to receive answers from your grant Program Director.

13. Did you have any questions about the application process?
No - Skip to Q. 18

14. Did you approach ODS staff with your questions about the application process?
No - Skip to Q. 16

15. How easily were you able to get answers to any questions you had about the application process from
ODS staff?
Not Easily

Somewhat Easily

Very Easily

Please explain what made it easy or difficult to receive answers from ODS staff.

16. Did you approach your parent award’s Program Director with your questions about the application
No - Skip to Q 18


17. How easily were you able to get answers to any questions you had about the application process from
your parent award’s Program Director ?
Not Easily

Somewhat Easily

Very Easily

Please explain what made it easy or difficult to receive answers from your parent award’s Program Director .

18. Do you have suggestions for how ODS could improve their Administrative Supplement Grant funding
application process?
If yes, please explain.

19. Do you think that ODS funding contributed to your research program in non-monetary ways (such as
moving into a new area of research)?
If yes, please explain.

20. Did you establish any new scientific collaborations as a result of ODS funding?
Please elaborate on the type of collaborations and if they are within NIH, within academia, etc.


21. Have you been able to publish and/or present the dietary supplement related research funded by ODS?
Please provide the relevant citation(s).

22. To what extent did you conduct dietary supplement related research prior to seeking ODS funding?
Never conducted dietary supplement research before this grant
Participated indirectly in dietary supplement research
Was a lead investigator in dietary supplement research grant before
Other (please specify)

23. Will you consider seeking ODS Administrative Supplement funding in the future?
Is there any additional feedback that you would like to provide?

24. Will you continue to conduct research on dietary supplements as a part of your scientific career?
Is there any additional feedback that you would like to provide?


25. On a scale from 1 (no impact ) to 5 (great impact), how much did the ODS review of product integrity
and scientific quality for your application, help to improve the rigor and quality of your research?
No Impact


Great Impact

Please explain your response.

26. What specific advantages or disadvantages are there to receiving Administrative Supplement funding
for an active NIH grant?

27. Please use this space to provide any additional feedback.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2018-11-28
File Created2018-11-26

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