1 CHEAR Client Satisfaction survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

CHEAR Client Satisfaction Survey 2019

OMB: 0925-0648

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CHEAR Client Satisfaction Survey
OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 05/2021

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch; 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD
20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do not return the completed form to this address.

You are receiving this survey because you submitted a Request for Services to the NIEHS
Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR) program.
Your completion of this survey is completely voluntary. If you would prefer to respond to the
question by phone or have a question about your feedback later, please email:
Your survey responses will be secure to the extent permitted by law, but not anonymous. NIH staff
will have information about who completed the survey to help improve specific aspects of the
program. It is likely we will compile responses to share with program staff and grantees; however no
responses will be specifically attributed to individual respondents. Therefore, please do not include
any personally identifiable information (such as address, age, military service, etc.) or personal
health information in your narrative comments. For more information, the NIH privacy policy is
available at:


CHEAR Project Number:


Primary Discipline/Research Area:

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

1. How did you hear about CHEAR? (Select one response.)
Presentations at Scientific Meetings
Emails from NIH/NIEHS
Emails from CHEAR Coordinating Center (Westat)
Recommendations from someone involved with CHEAR
Internet search
NIEHS Exposome Webinar series
Other (Please describe)
2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the CHEAR public website
(chearprogram.org). (Select one response.)
I have not visited the CHEAR website
Not So Good
Not Worth My Time
I don't want to answer this question
3. What can we do to improve the CHEAR public website (chearprogram.org)?

4. Please rate your overall satisfaction with general communication about the CHEAR
program (emails, presentations, etc.) (Select one response.)
I have not received any CHEAR communication
Not So Good
Not Worth My Time
I don't want to answer this question
5. What can we do to improve communication about the CHEAR program?

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

6. Please rate your overall satisfaction with myCHEAR (the internal CHEAR website)?
(Select one response.)
I have not used myCHEAR
Not So Good
Not Worth My Time
I don't want to answer this question
7. What can we do to improve myCHEAR?

8. Please check all the factors that led you to request CHEAR services.
(Check all that apply.)
High quality lab data
Lab Hub consultation services
Data Center consultation services
Data analysis services
Breadth of the exposure analyses
Targeted analysis offerings
Cost savings
Speed of data processing
Ability to integrate data with other CHEAR studies
Responsiveness of Coordinating Center staff
Other (Please describe)
8. What can we do to improve the process for requesting CHEAR

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

Pre-Consultation Discussion
9. Did you discuss your proposed CHEAR project with a representative from the
CHEAR Coordinating Center, a CHEAR Lab Hub or the CHEAR Data Center prior
to submitting a Request CHEAR Services form?? (If no or don't know, skip to
Question 13.)


Don't Know

10. Please rate the Pre-Consultation Discussion process?discussion with respect to
your preparation ofcompleting theyour Request CHEAR Services form. (Select one
Not So Good
Not Worth My Time
I don't want to answer this question
11. What was the most useful aspect of the discussion? (Select up to three responses.)
Clarification of eligibility criteria
Instructions/directions on sample preparation or volume
Additional information on CHEAR laboratory services (e.g. analyses, methodologies)
Recommendation for analyses based on available samples
Recommendation for prioritizing analyses to optimize the use of samples with respect to
sample type, sample volumes, study design or aims
Other (Please describe)
12. What can we improve about the discussion process?

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

Lab Hub Consultation Process
13. Did you participate in a Lab Hub Consultation and Feasibility Assessment?
(If no or don't know, skip to Question 17.)


Don't Know

14. Please rate the Lab Hub consultation process? (Select one response.)
Not So Good
Not Worth My Time
I don't want to answer this question
15. What were the most useful aspects of the Lab Hub consultation process?
(Select up to three responses.)
Clarification of eligibility criteria
Instructions/directions on sample preparation or volume
Additional information on CHEAR laboratory services (e.g. analyses, methodologies)
Recommendation for prioritizing analyses to optimize the use of samples with respect to
sample type, volumes, study design or aims
Analysis selection based on samples available
Other (Please describe)
16. What can we improve about the Lab Hub consultation process?

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

Data Center Consultation Process
17. Did you participate in a Data Center Consultation and Feasibility Assessment?
(If no or don't know, skip to Question 21.)


Don't Know

18. Please rate the Data Center consultation process? (Select one response.)
Not So Good
Not Worth My Time
I don't want to answer this question
19. What were the most useful aspects of the Data Center consultation process?
(Select up to three responses.)
Prioritize analyses to optimize study design or aims
Prioritize analyses with respect to time/effort/realistic goals
Introduced to additional/novel methods to analyze my data
Introduced to improved methods to analyze my data
Helped clarify my study aims
Clarification and confirmation of CHEAR requirements including: CHEAR data sharing
requirements, pre-collected samples, commitment of PI’s responsibility to format data
dictionary and advise on the ontology

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

20. What can we improve about the Data Center consultation process?

21. Please check the items below that were instrumental in the development of
your proposed CHEAR project. (Check all that apply.)
Not applicable. (I did not complete the CHEAR application process)
Breadth of the exposure analysis
Targeted analysis offerings
Cost savings
Ability to integrate data using other CHEAR studies
Responsiveness of Coordinating Center staff
Lab hub consultation process
Data center consultation process
Other (Please describe)
22. If you did NOT complete the CHEAR full application process or if your application was
not approved, how likely are you to apply again for CHEAR laboratory or data services?
(Select one response.)
My request for CHEAR services was approved, so I cannot submit another application.
Very Likely
I'm Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
I don't want to answer this question
23. How likely are you to recommend CHEAR to your colleagues? (Select one response.)
Very Likely
I'm Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
I don't want to answer this question

OMB#: 0925-0648
Expiration Date: 0x/201x

24. What can NIEHS do to help make it easier for you to recommend CHEAR to your

25. Is there anything else you want to tell us about?

New Follow Up Questions for 2019
26. What were you able to do differently because of your access to CHEAR services?

27. How will your experience with CHEAR impact your future research projects?

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2019-01-08
File Created2017-11-20

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