Question name | Topic covered | Question wording | Comments on inclusion | New item R29 | Comments regarding justification |
Q1-3_A | Verify respondent | For verification purposes, please tell me your date of birth? | |||
INTRO | Consent to participate | We'd like to talk to you once again about your recent work experiences, education, family life and attitudes. [This time you/You] will receive $[final base fee amount] in appreciation for completing the interview. This study is sponsored by the [U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development]. Your participation is vital to the success of this study. This study is voluntary, and you may decline to answer specific questions or end the interview at any point. Personal identifiers will be held in confidence and will not be released to the public without your consent. All personnel associated with this study are legally bound to protect the confidentiality of the information that you provide. Parts of this interview may be recorded and reviewed by the research team for scientific purposes in support of the study. This will not compromise the confidentiality of your responses. (READ ONLY IF PERSONAL INTERVIEW: In order that your answers to our questions are not biased by anyone else's presence, it is necessary that we conduct the interview in private.) | |||
INFCONS-1 | Consent to locating through contact information | We appreciate your help in answering these questions. At the end of this survey I will ask you some questions that may help us contact you in the future. By sharing this contact information, you give your permission for us to use it for the purpose of locating you for future interviews. In attempting to locate you, we will never reveal any of the answers you've provided to the survey questions. | |||
Q-2 | Verify respondent | We have the spelling of your name as ... (REPEAT NAME AND SPELL AS SHOWN BELOW.)[First Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name] Is that correct? | |||
Q-2A | Verify respondent | What is incorrect? INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, SAY: Is this how you spell your name? | |||
HH1-1A | Dwelling type | Do you live with your biological mother? INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE: Do you and your mother live in the same household? | Asked of YAs 22 and younger | Necessary for questionnaire flow: determining which questions to ask abount parents, etc. Used to study effect of dwelling type on child outcomes. | |
HH1-1B | Dwelling type | Do you live with your biological father? INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE: Do you and your father live in the same household? | Asked of YAs 22 and younger | Necessary for questionnaire flow: determining which questions to ask abount parents, etc. Used to study effect of dwelling type on child outcomes. | |
HH1-1I | Dwelling type | In what kind of residence are you currently living? (INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ CATEGORIES) (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE: In what type of place do you live?) (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROVIDE EXAMPLES SUCH AS AN APARTMENT OR HOUSE, DORMITORY, BARRACKS, ETC.) | Asked of YAs 22 and younger | Necessary for questionnaire flow: determining which questions to ask abount parents, etc. Used to study effect of dwelling type on child outcomes. | |
HH1-1IA | Dwelling type | In what type of place are you currently living? (INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ CATEGORIES) (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROVIDE EXAMPLES SUCH AS AN APARTMENT OR HOUSE, DORMITORY, BARRACKS, ETC.) | Asked of YAs 23 and older | Necessary for questionnaire flow: determining which questions to ask abount parents, etc. Used to study effect of dwelling type on child outcomes. | |
HH2-1-PRECHECK | Household members | Does anyone besides yourself usually live here? | Asked only if R lived alone at last interview | Used to study the relationship between household composition and own outcomes such as employment, physical and mental health, obesity and weight, the effects of teenage child bearing, and wealth. In addition, the household composition is used to study child outcomes for the children of the YA respondents including the quality of parent-child interactions, the quality of the home environment, and children living out of home. | |
HH2-3 | Household members | When we last spoke to you in [date of last interview], the following people were living in the same household as you were. (INTERVIEWER: THERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY LATER TO MAKE CORRECTIONS TO INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS STILL IN THE HOUSEHOLD.) | Read if other hh members at last interview | ||
HH2-3A | Household members | Are you still living with [person/people]? | |||
HH2-3-POSTCHECK2 | Household members | Is there anyone else who is now living here? | |||
HH2-10A | Confirm household roster | [To verify, besides yourself,/To verify,] I have (READ NAMES BELOW) listed as living [here/there]. | |||
HH2-11 | Confirm household roster | Do any of these persons have a usual residence somewhere else? (INTERVIEWER: IF NO ONE LISTED, SELECT "NO" AND CLICK "NEXT" TO CONTINUE.) | |||
HH2-13 | Confirm household roster | Is there anyone missing from this list? (INTERVIEWER: IF NO ONE IS MISSING, SELECT "NO" AND CLICK "NEXT" TO CONTINUE.) | |||
HH2-15A | Household members_relationship to sample member | We have [HHI_FNAME([loop number])]'s relationship to you as [relationship of HH member([loop number])]. Is this correct? (INTERVIEWER: IF OTHER NONRELATIVE, AND PARTNER LISTED IN HOUSEHOLD, PROBE FOR BLOOD OR MARRIAGE RELATIVE OF PARTNER.) | **Begin loop through household members | ||
HH2-15B | Household members_relationship to sample member | What is [HHI_FNAME([loop number])]'s relationship to you? | Asked for new household members or if respondent reports relationship is incorrect in HH4-7 | ||
HH2-16A | Household members_sex | INTERVIEWER: IF NOT OBVIOUS, ASK: What sex is [hhi_fname([loop number])]? | |||
HH2-17 | Household members_age | How old is [HHI_FNAME([loop number])]? (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE: "How old was [HHI_FNAME([loop number])] on their last birthday"? IF A CHILD IS LESS THAN ONE YEAR OLD, ENTER ZERO.) | |||
HH5-5 | Determine if there is a parnter of sample member | Are you currently living with someone in a marriage-like relationship? | Asked if no spouse or partner listed on household roster and living with a least one unrelated adult | ||
Question name | Topic covered | Question wording | Comments on inclusion | New item R29 | Comments regarding justification |
Q2-0 | Questionnaire flow | We would like to ask you a few questions about your family background. | |||
MIGR-1 | Migration | I have some questions about where you've been living since [date of last interview]. At that time you were living at [street address at date of last interview]. Since then, have you ever lived at a different address? | YAs 14 and older | Data about a person's living arrangements can be used to study job choice, economic conditions, housing costs, wealth, and educational outcomes. | |
MIGR-2 | Migration | Not including where you were living at the time of last interview, how many different addresses have you lived at for more than a month? | YAs 14 and older | ||
MIGR-3 | Migration | Since [date of last interview], have you moved from one state, city, county, or country to another? | YAs 14 and older | ||
MIGR-5_000005 | Migration | [Thinking about where you lived the (first/next) time you moved to a different state or city - please tell me to what state or city you moved to.] (INTERVIEWER: IF NO CITY NAME IS AVAILABLE, ENTER COUNTY IN CITY FIELD. IF THIS IS A FOREIGN ADDRESS, ENTER NAME OF COUNTRY IN STATE FIELD.) | YAs 14 and older | ||
MIGR-6 | Migration | What month and year did you move to that location? | YAs 14 and older | ||
Q2-4E_VERBATIM | Migration | What is the main reason you moved here? | YAs 14 and older | ||
MIGR-7 | Migration | Since that time, have you moved to another state, city or county? INTERVIEWER: CODE 'YES' IF R MOVED BACK TO A PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED PLACE. | YAs 14 and older | ||
Q2-5G | Homelessness | Since [date of last interview], have you ever been homeless -- that is, without regular housing that was yours or you could count on as a regular place to stay? | YAs 14 and older | Used to study the relationship between homelessness and outcomes such as educational attainment, employment, wealth, physical and mental health, and social connectedness. | |
Q2-17 | Transition from Mother's HH | In what month and year did you most recently stop living in your mother's household? | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | Used to study the transition from family living to independent living and how such transitions might affect adult outcomes such as relationships, child bearing, educational attainment, and employment. | |
Q2-18 | Transition from Mother's HH | What was the reason you stopped living with her? (You may choose more than one) (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES. CODE ALL THAT APPLY) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-19 | Transition from Mother's HH | Is this the first time you stopped living with your mother? | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-20 | Transition from Mother's HH | How many times have you lived away from your mother? | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-21 | Transition from Mother's HH | Now please tell me about the first time. In what month and year did you stop living with your mother? | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-22 | Transition from Mother's HH | What (was/were) your reason(s) for leaving your mother's household at that time? (INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES, CODE ALL THAT APPLY) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-23 | Transition from Mother's HH | For how long did you live away from her that first time? (INTERVIEWER: THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-23A | Transition from Mother's HH | (SELECT TIME UNIT.) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their mother | ||
Q2-23B | Contact with Mother | About how many miles from you does your biological mother live? Is it... | Yas not living with their mother | Used to study ongoing family connectedness and its impact on outcomes such as physical and mental health, social capital, social connectedness, educational attainment, and employment. | |
Q2-24 | Contact with Mother | About how often do you see your mother? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | Yas not living with their mother | ||
Q2-24A | Contact with Mother | How long ago did you last see your mother? | Yas not living with their mother | ||
Q2-24B | Contact with Mother | (ENTER TIME UNIT:) | Yas not living with their mother | ||
Q2-24C | Contact with Mother | How often in the past year have you had contact with your mother, by means such as card, letter, e-mail, text or facebook message, skype or phone call? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | Yas not living with their mother | ||
Q2-26 | Status of Father | Is your father living at this time? | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-27A | Status of Father | When did he pass away? | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-27B | Father Presence/Absence | How long ago did you last live with your father? (INTERVIEWER : THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT. IF R VOLUNTEERS "WHEN I LEFT MOTHER'S HOUSE" OR "FATHER DIED BEFORE I WAS BORN" OR "NEVER LIVED WITH US" CODE '0') | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-27CC | Father Presence/Absence | (ENTER TIME UNIT:) | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-28 | Father Presence/Absence | Do your mother and father live together? | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-29 | Father Presence/Absence | When did you last live with your father? (INTERVIEWER : IF R VOLUNTEERS "WHEN I LEFT MOTHER'S HOUSE" OR "FATHER LEFT BEFORE I WAS BORN" OR "NEVER LIVED WITH US" CODE '0') | YAs 22 or younger not living with their father | ||
Q2-29A | Father Presence/Absence | (ENTER TIME UNIT:) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their father | ||
Q2-31 | Father Presence/Absence | How long ago did your father leave this household? (INTERVIEWER : IF R SAYS FATHER HAS NEVER LIVED IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, ENTER ZERO.) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their father | ||
Q2-31AB | Father Presence/Absence | (ENTER TIME UNIT:) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their father | ||
Q2-31A | Father Presence/Absence | How long ago did your father leave your mother's household? (INTERVIEWER: IF R SAYS FATHER HAS NEVER LIVED WITH MOTHER, ENTER ZERO.) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their father | ||
Q2-31B | Father Presence/Absence | (ENTER TIME UNIT:) | YAs 22 or younger not living with their father | ||
Q2-33 | Characteristics of Father | Last year, that is during [(calendar year before year of interview)], did your father work for pay all of the year, part of the year, or not at all? | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | Used to study the effects of non-coresidential fathers on outcomes such as employment, physical and mental health, obesity and weight, the effects of teenage child bearing, and wealth. | |
Q2-33A | Characteristics of Father | What kind of work was he doing? (IF MORE THAN ONE KIND OF WORK, PROBE:) During [(calendar year before year of interview)], what kind of work did he do the longest? (RECORD VERBATIM:) | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | ||
Q2-33AA | Characteristics of Father | What kind of work was he most recently doing? (IF MORE THAN ONE KIND OF WORK, PROBE:) The last time he was working, what kind of work did he do the longest? (RECORD VERBATIM:) | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | ||
Q2-33B | Characteristics of Father | What were some of his main activities or duties? (PROBE FOR TWO MAIN DUTIES AND RECORD VERBATIM) | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | ||
Q2-33C | Characteristics of Father | In the weeks that your father worked, did he work 35 hours or more or less than 35 hours? | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | ||
Q2-33CC | Characteristics of Father | When your father last worked, did he work 35 hours or more or less than 35 hours? | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | ||
Q2-34 | Characteristics of Father | What is the highest level of schooling that your father ever completed? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs 14 to 22 not living with their father | ||
Q2-34A | Contact with Father | About how many miles from you does your biological father live? Is it... | YAs not living with their father | Used to study ongoing family connectedness and its impact on outcomes such as physical and mental health, social capital, social connectedness, educational attainment, and employment. | |
Q2-35 | Contact with Father | About how often do you see your father? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-35A | Contact with Father | How often in the past year have you had contact with your father, by means such as card, letter, e-mail, text or facebook message, skype or phone call? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs not living with their father | ||
Q2-35F | Questionnaire flow | We are interested in your relationship to your mother's other biological [child/children]. | Used to help researchers study differences among siblings that might be attributed to environment versus genetics. Data about siblings have been used to study educational attainment and differences in education between women and men. Family composition is used to study various issues by allowing for family fixed effects that allow controls for all shared family factors. | ||
Q2-35H | Sibling Relatedness | Do you share a biological father with [name of sibling([loop number])]? (IF NECESSARY, SAY:) In other words, do you and [name of sibling([loop number])] have the same birth father? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY.) | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | ||
Q2-37 | Race of Father | Is your father Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | Asked of first-time young adults to make sure we have father’s race for all YA respondents. | |
Q2-37A | Race of Father | What race or races does your father consider himself to be? (INTERVIEWER: PLEASE SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. CODE ALL RESPONSES INTO THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES:) | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | ||
Q2-38 | Race of YA respondent | Are you Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?... | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | Asked of first-time young adults to make sure we have self-identified race and ethnicity for all YA respondents. | |
Q2-38A | Race of YA respondent | What race or races do you consider yourself to be? (INTERVIEWER: PLEASE SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. CODE ALL RESPONSES INTO THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES:) | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | ||
Q2-39 | Ethnicityof YA respondent | What is your origin or descent? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) (CODE ALL THAT APPLY) | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | ||
Q2-39B | Ethnicityof YA respondent | You said that your origin or descent included... (INTERVIEWER ORIGINS ARE LISTED ON ROSTER BELOW) Which ONE do you feel closest to? | YAs 14 or older who have not previously answered these | ||
Q2-42C | Religion | What is your present religion, if any? (INTERVIEWER: IF R ANSWERS CHRISTIAN PROBE FOR DENOMINATION/KIND OF CHURCH. READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | All YAs | Religion can be a factor in studying the quality of parent-child interactions, child health, child delinquency, and child socio-emotional outcomes. Religion can affect fertility decisions, family formation, job choice, and educational outcomes. | |
Q2-42D | Religion | Do you consider yourself to be either a born-again or an evangelical Christian? | YAs who indicated Christianity as their religion | ||
Q2-43 | Religion | In the past year about how often have you attended religious services? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | All YAs | ||
Q2-44 | Religion | How important would you say religion is to you? | All YAs | ||
Q2-45 | Religion | Do you usually go to religious services with your parent(s)? | YAs 18 and younger | ||
Q2-46 | Religion | Would you go to religious services even if your parent(s) did not? | YAs 18 and younger | ||
Q2-47 | Religion | Do many of your friends go to religious services? | All YAs | ||
Q2-48 | Religion | Do some of your friends go to the same church, synagogue or other place of worship as you do? | All YAs |
Question name | Topic covered | Question wording | Comments on inclusion | New item R29 | Comments regarding justification |
Q3-0 | Questionnaire flow | The next few questions are about dating and relationships. | |||
Q3-1 | Dating | At what age, if any, did you first start going out with someone as a couple, either alone or in a group? | YAs who have not previously reported dating | The onset of dating can be a predictor of the onset of sexual activity and possibly early parenthood, which can impact education, employment, and wealth. | |
Q3-1A | Dating | ENTER AGE IN YEARS: | YAs who have not previously reported dating | ||
Q3-1D | Friendships | How many close friends do you have who are boys? | YAs under age 19 not previously interviewed as a YA | Social connectedness versus isolation in youth can impact mental and physical health, which can impact outcomes social capital, social connectedness as an adult, educational attainment, and employment. | |
Q3-1E | Friendships | How many close friends do you have who are girls? | YAs under age 19 not previously interviewed as a YA | ||
Q3-1F | Friendships | Are most of your close friends younger than you are, about the same age as you are or older than you are? | YAs under age 19 not previously interviewed as a YA | ||
Q3-1I | Marriage/Cohabitation History | When we last spoke to you in [date of last interview], you were [married to/living with] [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]. Are you still [married to/living with] [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]? INTERVIEWER: IF R INDICATES A SEPARATION, EVEN IF STILL LEGALLY MARRIED, ANSWER NO TO THIS QUESTION AND INDICATE SEPARATION ON THE FOLLOWING QUESTION. PROBE FOR SEPARATION IF NECESSARY. | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | Marriage and cohabitation over the lifecourse can impact job choice, economic conditions, housing costs, wealth, and educational outcomes. Transitions into and out of relationships can impact social relationships, mental and physical health, and parenting. | |
Q3-1IC | Marriage/Cohabitation History | I notice that [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview] is not listed in the household roster. Do you and [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview] still live together; are you temporarily separated due to something like work, school, or military service; or are you separated more permanently, even if legally married? (INTERVIEWER: IF R INDICATES THAT SPOUSE WAS LISTED ON HHR, CODE AS STILL LIVING TOGETHER.) | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1K | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Have there been any periods of one month or more between [date of last interview] and today when you did not live with [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1M | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Did you ever marry [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1N | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year did you marry [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1NA | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What is the highest grade or year of school that [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview] has ever completed? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | Collecting information on the characteristics of spouses/partners allows researchers to consider how those can affect socioeconomic outcomes such as housing and wealth, as well as to study with-in family dynamics. | |
Q3-1NB | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What is [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]'s religion? (INTERVIEWER: IF R ANSWERS "CHRISTIAN" PROBE FOR DENOMINATION/KIND OF CHURCH. READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1NB-1 | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Does [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview] consider [himself/herself] to be either a born-again or an evangelical Christian? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1NB-2 | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | In the past year about how often has [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview] attended religious services? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1NB-4 | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Do you usually go to religious services with [name of R's spouse/partner as of date of last interview]?... | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1O | Marriage/Cohabitation History | How did this relationship end? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | Marriage and cohabitation over the lifecourse can impact job choice, economic conditions, housing costs, wealth, and educational outcomes. Transitions into and out of relationships can impact social relationships, mental and physical health, and parenting. | |
Q3-1P | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year did this relationship end? | YAs who were married/living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1PB | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Our records indicate that you were separated from [name of spouse R was separated from]. Did you ever get a legal divorce? | YAs living with a partner and also separated from a spouse at last interview | ||
Q3-1PC | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year were you divorced? | YAs living with a partner and also separated from a spouse at last interview | ||
Q3-1Q | Marriage/Cohabitation History | When we last spoke to you in [date of last interview], you were separated. Did you ever get a legal divorce? | YAs who were seperated but not living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1R | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year did this relationship end? | YAs who were seperated but not living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1S | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Are you still separated, or did you reunite? | YAs who were seperated but not living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-1T | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year did you reunite? | YAs who were seperated but not living with a partner at last interview | ||
Q3-2 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | What is your current marital status? Are you... | YAs 16 and older who are not currently living with either a partner or the same spouse as at last interview | ||
Q3-3 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Have you ever been officially married? | YAs 16+ not living with a spouse/partner at last interview and now living with a partner and have not previously reported a marriage | ||
Q3-3A | Marriage/Cohabitation History | What (then) is your official marital status? | YAs 16+ not living with a spouse/partner at last interview and now living with a partner and have not previously reported a marriage | ||
Q3-4 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Nowadays, many unmarried couples live together; sometimes they eventually marry and sometimes they don't. [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] lived with a partner, to whom you were not married, for more than one month? | YAs age 16+ not currently married or living with a partner and who have never reported either a marriage or a cohabitation | ||
Q3-4BB | Marriage/Cohabitation History | I notice that your spouse is not listed in the household roster. Do you and your spouse still live together; are you temporarily separated due to something like work, school, or military service; or are you separated more permanently, even if legally married? (INTERVIEWER: IF R INDICATES THAT SPOUSE WAS LISTED ON HHR, CODE AS STILL LIVING TOGETHER.) | YAs who report being in a new marriage but whose spouse is not listed on the household roster | ||
Q3-4BC | Marriage/Cohabitation History | May I please have the name (or initials) of your spouse? | YAs who report being in a new marriage but whose spouse is not listed on the household roster | ||
Q3-4BF | Marriage/Cohabitation History | What then is your current marital status? Are you... | YAs who indicated in Q3-4BB that their marital staus (married) was incorrect | ||
Q3-4DB | Marriage/Cohabitation History | I notice that your partner is not listed in the household roster. Do you and your partner still live together; are you temporarily separated due to something like work, school, or military service; or are you not currently living with a partner? (INTERVIEWER: IF R INDICATES THAT PARTNER WAS LISTED ON HHR, CODE AS STILL LIVING TOGETHER.) | YAs who report living with a new partner but whose partner is not listed on the household roster | ||
Q3-4DC | Marriage/Cohabitation History | May I please have the name (or initials) of your partner? | YAs who report living with a new partner but whose partner is not listed on the household roster | ||
Q3-4DF | Marriage/Cohabitation History | What then is your current marital status? | YAs who report in Q3-4DB that their current marital status (living with a partner)is incorrect | ||
Q3-4F | Marriage/Cohabitation History | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] been married to someone else or lived with someone else for more than one month in a marriage-like relationship other than [name of partner(1)]? | YAs with a new spouse/partner | ||
Q3-4H | Marriage/Cohabitation History | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] been married to someone or lived with someone for more than one month in a marriage-like relationship [other than name of partner(if old partner exists)/blank (if no partner exists)]? | YAs with no current spouse/partner but who have reported marriage and/or cohabitation in past rounds | ||
Q3-5-A | Marriage/Cohabitation History | May I please have the name (or initials) of anyone with whom you were in a marriage or marriage-like relationship since [date of last interview]? (INTERVIEWER: ADD NAME(S) ON NEXT AVAILABLE LINE AS THEY ARE NAMED BY RESPONDENT. CLICK "ADD NEW ENTRY" TO MOVE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE LINE. IF R REPORTED A SPOUSE OR PARTNER IN THE HOUSEHOLD INTERVIEW, THAT NAME SHOULD APPEAR ON THE FIRST LINE OF THE ROSTER. IF R IS CURRENTLY MARRIED OR LIVING WITH A PARTNER, ADD THAT NAME FIRST. WHEN ALL NAMES HAVE BEEN ADDED, CLICK "NEXT" TO CONTINUE.) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-6 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Now I would like to ask you some questions about your relationship with [name of partner([loop number])]. When did you begin living with [name of partner([loop number])]? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-6AB | Marriage/Cohabitation History | How long were you romantically involved with [name of partner([loop number])] before you began living together? (INTERVIEWER: THE NEXT QUESTION WILL ASK FOR THE TIME UNIT) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-6AC | Marriage/Cohabitation History | (SELECT TIME UNIT.) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-7 | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | How old was [name of partner([loop number])] when you began to live together? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | Collecting information on the characteristics of spouses/partners allows researchers to consider how those can affect socioeconomic outcomes such as housing and wealth, as well as to study with-in family dynamics. | |
Q3-7A | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What is [name of partner([loop number])]'s birthdate? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-8 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Were you married to [name of partner([loop number])] when you started living together? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | Marriage and cohabitation over the lifecourse can impact job choice, economic conditions, housing costs, wealth, and educational outcomes. Transitions into and out of relationships can impact social relationships, mental and physical health, and parenting. | |
Q3-8A | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Were you married to [name of partner([loop number])] when you started living together? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-9 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Did you ever marry [name of partner([loop number])]? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-10 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year did you marry [name of partner([loop number])]? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-10A | Marriage/Cohabitation History | How long before you and [name of partner([loop number])] started living together did you and [name of partner([loop number])] make definite plans to move in together? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-10B | Marriage/Cohabitation History | (ENTER NUMBER OF [selected time unit].) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-11A | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | [Is/Was] [name of partner([loop number])] Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?... | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | Collecting information on the characteristics of spouses/partners allows researchers to consider how those can affect socioeconomic outcomes such as housing and wealth, as well as to study with-in family dynamics. | |
Q3-11B | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Which of these groups best describes [name of partner([loop number])]? [Is/Was] [name of partner([loop number])]... | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-11C | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What race or races [does/did] [name of partner([loop number])] consider [himself/herself] to be? (INTERVIEWER: PLEASE SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. CODE ALL RESPONSES INTO THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES:) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-12 | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What [is/was] the highest grade or year of school that [name of partner([loop number])] [has ever completed/had ever completed by the end of your relationship]? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-13 | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What [is/was] [name of partner([loop number])]'s religion? (INTERVIEWER: IF R ANSWERS “CHRISTIAN†PROBE FOR DENOMINATION/KIND OF CHURCH. READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-13D | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Does [name of partner([loop number])] consider [himself/herself] to be either a born-again or an evangelical Christian? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-13E | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | In the past year about how often has [name of partner([loop number])] attended religious services? (INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-13G | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Do you usually go to religious services with [name of partner([loop number])]?... | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-14 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | How did this relationship end? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | Marriage and cohabitation over the lifecourse can impact job choice, economic conditions, housing costs, wealth, and educational outcomes. Transitions into and out of relationships can impact social relationships, mental and physical health, and parenting. | |
Q3-15 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | In what month and year did it end? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-16 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | Has [name of partner([loop number])] ever been married before? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-17 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | [Not including this marriage, how many other/How many] times has [name of partner([loop number])] been married? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-18 | Marriage/Cohabitation History | When did [name of partner([loop number])]'s most recent marriage end? | Yas who are reporting any new spouse/partners since the last interview | ||
Q3-49D | Dating | About how many different persons have you gone out with or dated in the past twelve months, including anyone whom you are currently dating? By dating, we mean going out as a couple, either alone or in a group. ENTER NUMBER OF PERSONS: | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and have started dating | Dating behavior can be an important indicator of social connectedness, which can impact mental and physical health. | |
Q3-50A | Dating | Are you currently going out with one particular person, or are you dating more than one person? | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and are dating | ||
Q3-49E | Dating | About how often do you usually go out on a date or as a couple? | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and are dating | ||
Q3-51A-A | Dating | How long have you been dating this person? (INTERVIEWER: ANSWERS CAN INCLUDE ONE DECIMAL; I.E. 1.5 YEARS, 6.5 MONTHS, ETC. ENTER NUMBER AND SELECT TIME UNIT BELOW.) | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and are dating | ||
Q3-51A-B | Dating | TIME UNIT: | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and are dating | ||
Q3-52 | Dating | How frequently do you and this person have arguments about the following? Would you say often, sometimes, hardley ever, or never? (INTERVIEWER: REPEAT ANSWER CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and are dating | ||
Q3-56A | Dating | How happy are you with this person? Would you say... | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner and are dating | ||
Q3-56BA | Relationship Expectations | Do you think you will [ever/ever again] live with a partner to whom you are not married? | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner, except those under age 18 who have never been married | Marital and cohabiting expectations have implications relationship formation, which can impact other areas such as educational attainment and career trajectories. Such expectations can both predict and be affected by changes in economic circumstances. | |
Q3-56BB | Relationship Expectations | On a scale of zero to 100, where zero means you are sure this will not happen and 100 means you are sure it will, how likely are you to live with a partner to whom you are not married in the next two years? ENTER NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 100: | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner, except those under age 18 who have never been married | ||
Q3-56CA | Relationship Expectations | Do you think you will ever [marry/remarry]? | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner, except those under age 18 who have never been married | ||
Q3-56CB | Relationship Expectations | On a scale of zero to 100, where zero means you are sure this will not happen and 100 means you are sure it will, how likely is it that you will [marry/remarry] in the next two years? ENTER NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 100: | YAs who do not currently have a spouse/partner, except those under age 18 who have never been married | ||
Q3-60 | Relationship Expectations | What do you think is the best age, if any, for you to get married? (INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT SAYS NEVER, ENTER "0") | YAs age 17 or younger whose marital staus is never married | ||
Q3-61 | Relationship Expectations | What is the youngest age you can imagine yourself getting married? (INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT SAYS NEVER, ENTER "0") | YAs age 17 or younger whose marital staus is never married | ||
OCCSP-55H | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Now I have some questions about your [spouse or partner]'s employment. What kind of work did [Name of spouse/partner] do at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? That is, what was [Name of spouse/partner]'s occupation? (For example: plumber, typist, farmer...) (IF NECESSARY: 12 months is the past 52 weeks.) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | Collecting information on the characteristics of spouses/partners allows researchers to consider how those can affect socioeconomic outcomes such as housing and wealth, as well as to study with-in family dynamics. | |
OCCSP-55I | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | (What kind of work did [Name of spouse/partner] do at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? That is, what was [Name of spouse/partner]'s occupation? )(For example: plumber, typist, farmer..) (IF NECESSARY: 12 months is the past 52 weeks.) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
OCCSP-55J | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | What were [Name of spouse/partner]'s usual duties or activities at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? (For example: types, keeps account books, files, sells cars, teaches, lays bricks, etc..) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
OCCSP-55K | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | How many hours did [he/she] USUALLY work per week at [his/her] main job in the past 12 months? | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
SHIFTSP-86A | Spouse/Partner Characteristics | Which of the following categories best describes the hours [Name of spouse/partner] (works/worked) at [his/her] main job? | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-63 | Relaionship Quality | Now, I have some additional questions about your CURRENT relationship. Would you say your [current relationship/marriage] is... | YAs with a current spouse/partner | Relationship quality can be used to study life course transitions such as parenthood or migration as well as relationship length. With a full marriage and cohabitation history, aspects of relationship quality can be compared across time and with potentially multiple spouse/partners. | |
Q3-64 | Relaionship Quality | How often do you and your [husband/wife/partner] do the following -- almost every day, once or twice a week, once or twice a month, or less than once a month? (INTERVIEWER: REPEAT ANSWER CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY.) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-65 | Relaionship Quality | How frequently do you and your [husband/wife/partner] have arguments about the following? Would you say often, sometimes, hardley ever, or never? (INTERVIEWER: REPEAT ANSWER CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY.) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-65NA | Relationship Expectations | Do you and your partner have definite plans to stay together? | YAs with a current partner | The desire for marriage timing is a salient predictor of marital timing. Marital timing has implications for marital functioning and divorce. | |
Q3-66 | Relationship Expectations | Do you and your partner have definite plans to get married? | YAs with a current partner | ||
Q3-67 | Relationship Expectations | Do you think you will eventually marry [him/her]? | YAs with a current partner | ||
Q3-68 | Relationship Expectations | Do you think you will ever marry? | YAs with a current partner | ||
Q3-69 | Relationship Expectations | At what age would you like to get married? | YAs with a current partner | ||
Q3-69A | Relationship Expectations | At what age do you plan to get married? | YAs with a current partner | ||
Q3-75 | Household Division of Labor | Now we would like you to think about how much responsibility you and your [husband/wife/partner] have for various household chores. First, for each chore, think about whether you do this chore almost all of the time, most of the time, about half the time, some of the time, or almost never. How often do you.... - ....prepare meals? - ....wash dishes and clean up after meals? - laundry? - ....clean the house? - for groceries and other household goods? - outdoor chores? - bills and keep financial records? - errands? - ....fix things around the house? - automobile maintenance and repair? - other household members to work, school or other activities? - ....take care of the children (if any) in your household? |
YAs with a current spouse/partner | How couples share housework, childcare responsibilities, finances, and decision-making have implications for relationship success, as well as having impacts on educational attainment, employment, wealth, and mental and physical health. | |
Q3-76 | Household Division of Labor | Now, for each chore, think about whether your [husband/wife/partner] does this chore almost all of the time, most of the time, about half the time, some of the time, or almost never. How often does your [husband/wife/partner].... - ....prepare meals? - ....wash dishes and clean up after meals? - laundry? - ....clean the house? - for groceries and other household goods? - outdoor chores? - bills and keep financial records? - errands? - ....fix things around the house? - automobile maintenance and repair? - other household members to work, school or other activities? - ....take care of the children (if any) in your household? |
YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-76A | Household Division of Labor | Which of the following best applies to the sharing of household work between you and your [husband/wife/partner]? | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-76B | Household Finances | How do you and your [husband/wife/partner] organize the income that one or both of you receive? Please choose the option that comes closest. | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-77 | Household Finances | Are you and your [husband/wife/partner] buying a house together? (INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, CLARIFY: Do you and your [husband/wife/partner] have a joint mortgage on a house?) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-78 | Household Finances | Do you and your [husband/wife/partner].... ....have separate bank accounts? ....have joint bank accounts? ....have separate credit cards? ....have joint credit cards? |
YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-79 | Household Finances | Do you and your [husband/wife/partner] share all, most, some or none of the household expenses? | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-80A | Household Decision Making | When you and your [husband/wife/partner] make decisions about the following, who has the final say: mostly you, mostly your [husband/wife/partner], sometimes you and sometimes your [husband/wife/partner], you decide together, or does something else happen? ...Choosing shared weekend activities | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-80B | Household Decision Making | (When you and your [husband/wife/partner] make decisions about the following, who has the final say, mostly you, mostly your [husband/wife/partner], sometimes you and sometimes your [husband/wife/partner], you decide together, or does something else happen?) ...Choosing where and when to go on vacation (INTERVIEWER: REPEAT QUESTION STEM AND ANSWER CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-80C | Household Decision Making | (When you and your [husband/wife/partner] make decisions about the following, who has the final say, mostly you, mostly your [husband/wife/partner], sometimes you and sometimes your [husband/wife/partner], you decide together, or does something else happen?) ...Buying major things for the home (INTERVIEWER: REPEAT QUESTION STEM AND ANSWER CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs with a current spouse/partner | ||
Q3-80D | Household Decision Making | (When you and your [husband/wife/partner] make decisions about the following, who has the final say, mostly you, mostly your [husband/wife/partner], sometimes you and sometimes your [husband/wife/partner], you decide together, or does something else happen?) ...Making decisions that impact where you live (INTERVIEWER: REPEAT QUESTION STEM AND ANSWER CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY) | YAs with a current spouse/partner |
Question name | Topic covered | Question wording | Comments on inclusion | New item R29 | Comments regarding justification |
Q4-1 | Enrollment Status | Now I would like to ask you some questions about school. Are you CURRENTLY attending or enrolled in REGULAR school, that is in [, or CURRENTLY being home schooled?/?] (INTERVIEWER: DURING SUMMER, R IS ENROLLED IF R WAS IN SCHOOL IN THE SPRING AND WILL BE IN SCHOOL IN THE FALL) | All Yas | Educational attainment is an important predictor of social capital, employment, and career trajectories. | |
Q4-1A | Enrollment Status | Although you are currently being home schooled, if you were to enroll in a regular school, in what grade or year of school would you be in? | YAs who are home schooled | ||
Q4-2 | Enrollment Status | What grade or level of school is that? | YAs currently enrolled in school | ||
Q4-4A | Beliefs about School | There are many things that people might say to describe their schools. I am going to read some statements that other people have made about their schools, and I would like to know how well you think these statements describe your school. Please tell me whether you think each statement is very true, somewhat true, not too true, or not at all true for your school. .....It's easy to make friends at this school. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | Educational attainment is an important predictor of social capital, employment, and career trajectories. | |
Q4-4B | Beliefs about School | .......Most of the teachers are willing to help with personal problems. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4C | Beliefs about School | .......Most of my classes are boring. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4D | Beliefs about School | .......I don't feel safe at this school. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4E | Beliefs about School | .......Most of my teachers really know their subjects well. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4F | Beliefs about School | ......You can get away with almost anything at this school. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4G | Beliefs about School | .......My schoolwork requires me to think to the best of my ability. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4H | Beliefs about School | .......At this school, a person has the freedom to learn what interests him or her. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-4I | Beliefs about School | .......This school offers good job counseling. | New YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-5 | School Satisfaction | How satisfied are you with your school -- very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? | YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-5AA | School Safety | Have you ever seen a student carry a weapon such as a gun or knife on school property? | YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-5AB | School Safety | In the last school year, how often have you seen any student carry a weapon such as a gun or knife on school property? | YAs currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | ||
Q4-5C | Enrollment Status | Since [date of last interview], have you ever been enrolled in REGULAR school, that is in an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a college or university, or graduate school? | Previously interviewed YAs not currently enrolled in school | Educational attainment is an important predictor of social capital, employment, and career trajectories. | |
Q4-6 | Enrollment Status | When were you last enrolled in regular school -- What was the month and year? | New YAs not currently enrolled in school and previously interviewed YAs not currently enrolled in school but who have been enrolled since the last interview | Transitions in school and interruptions in or dropping out from secondary school can impact future educational attainment. | |
Q4-6A | Enrollment Status | (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) | |||
Q4-7 | Schooling Experiences | What is the main reason you left at that time? (IF MORE THAN ONE REASON GIVEN, PROBE: What is the main reason?) | New YAs not currently enrolled in school and previously interviewed YAs not currently enrolled in school but who have been enrolled since the last interview | ||
Q4-8 | Schooling Experiences | [Since the date of last interview how/How] many high schools have you attended? | YAs between ages 14 and 20 who do not have a high school diploma and have been enrolled in school since the last interview | ||
Q4-9 | Schooling Experiences | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned? | |||
Q4-10 | Schooling Experiences | How many times did you drop out of regular school and then return? (ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:) | |||
Q4-11D | Schooling Experiences | What grade in school were you in when you [last/blank] dropped out? | |||
Q4-13 | Schooling Experiences | What is the main reason for this (last) interruption? IF MORE THAN ONE REASON GIVEN, PROBE: What is the MAIN reason?) | |||
Q4-14 | Schooling Experiences | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] repeated a grade in school? | |||
Q4-15 | Schooling Experiences | What grade(s) did you repeat? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY.) | |||
Q4-16 | Schooling Experiences | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] skipped ahead a grade? | |||
Q4-17 | Schooling Experiences | What grade(s) did you skip? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY.) | |||
Q4-18A | Educational Attainment | What is the highest grade or level of school that you have ever attended? (INTERVIEWER: YOUNG ADULT IS NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED) | YAs not currently enrolled in school who have either been enrolled since last interview or who were not interviewed in R26 or R27 | Educational attainment is an important predictor of social capital, employment, and career trajectories. | |
Q4-19AAA | Educational Attainment | What is the highest level of education that you have achieved to date? | YAs who are either currently enrolled or have been enrolled since the last interview or who were not interviewed in R26 or R27 | ||
SCHLFIND-B | Schooling Experiences | Our records indicate that you were attending [name of school R attended at date of last interview] when we interviewed you in [date of last interview]. Is this the school [you are currently attending/you last attended]? | YAs 14 or older who currently are or since last interview were enrolled in 12th grade or lower | The secondary school environment can impact educational success and future educational attainment. | |
SCHLFIND-C | Schooling Experiences | What is the name of the (regular/high) school [you are currently attending/you last attended]? | |||
SCHLFIND-D | Schooling Experiences | Where is it located? | |||
Q4-25A | Schooling Experiences | [Is/Was] that school a public or private school? | |||
Q4-25B | Schooling Experiences | [Does/Did] that school have a religious affiliation or [does/did] it have no religious affiliation? | |||
Q4-26 | Schooling Experiences | When did you first start going to [this/that] school -- In what month and year? | Educational attainment is an important predictor of social capital, employment, and career trajectories. | ||
Q4-27B | Schooling Experiences | When did you stop going to school there or graduate? | |||
Q4-28 | Educational Attainment | Do you have a high school diploma or have you ever passed a high school equivalency or G.E.D test? | YAs 14 or older enrolled in 12th grade or lower since last interview, as well as older YAs not previously reporting a high school diploma or GED | ||
Q4-29 | Educational Attainment | Which do you have - a high school diploma or G.E.D? | |||
Q4-30A | Educational Attainment | When did you receive your high school diploma? | |||
Q4-30B | Educational Attainment | When did you receive your G.E.D? | |||
Q4-31CC | Schooling Experiences | In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never? ....Going to college? | YAs 12 and older who are currently enrolled in 12th grade or lower | The secondary school environment can impact educational success and future educational attainment. | |
Q4-31DD | Schooling Experiences | (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ....Community, national or world events? | |||
Q4-31EE | Schooling Experiences | (In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?) ....Things that are troubling you? | |||
Q4-31IIA | Schooling Experiences | Do you belong to any clubs, teams, or activities in school, such as band, choir, sports, or something else? | |||
Q4-31IIB | Schooling Experiences | Do you belong to any clubs, teams, or activities outside of school? | |||
Q4-34 | Schooling Experiences | What was the average grade you got in your classes in your last year of high school? | YAs 14 or older currently or since last interview enrolled in 9th to 12th grade | ||
Q4-43A | Schooling Experiences | Do you feel that your high school program [Is/Was] largely vocational, commercial, college preparatory, a general program, or some kind of specialized program? | |||
Q4-55C | Applying to College | Now I have a few questions about applying to college. Please tell me the name of each college, university, or other institutes of higher education that you applied to, if any. | YAs currently enrolled in either 12th grade or their first year of college | The number of colleges applied to and one’s admission success can be important predictors of college attendance and completion. | |
Q4-COLLAPPFIND-A | Applying to College | Please tell me the nameof the [first/next] college, university, or other institute of higher education that you applied to. | |||
Q4-COLLAPPFIND-B | Applying to College | Where is it located? | |||
Q4-55F | Applying to College | Were you accepted to [name of school([loop number])]? | |||
Q4-55G | Applying to College | Did you apply to any other college, university, or other institute of higher education? | |||
Q4-COLLFIND-AC | College Attendance | Our records indicate that you were attending [Name of college R was attending at the date of last interview] when we interviewed you in [date of last interview]. Is this the school [you are currently attending/ you most recently attended]? | YAs currently or since last interview enrolled in post-secondary education | Information about the types of colleges attended, how higher education is financed, field of study, and degree receipt all impact employment, wealth, and career trajectories. | |
Q4-COLLFIND-A | College Attendance | What is the name of the [degree-granting college or university or institute/training institute, technical college or school] you [blank/last] [are attending/attended]? | |||
Q4-COLLFIND-B | College Attendance | Where is it located? | |||
Q4-57 | College Attendance | [When/After you completed high school, when], in what month and year did you [first/most recently begin to] attend [your (current/most recent) college/your (current/most recent) vocational or technical program]? | |||
Q4-61 | Educational Attainment | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] obtained any kind of academic degree, for example, an Associate's degree or any kind of college degree? | |||
Q4-62 | College Attendance | When did you stop attending [your (current/most recent) college/your (current/most recent) vocational or technical program] -- In what month and year? (ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:) | |||
Q4-63 | Educational Attainment | What is the name of the most recent college degree you received? | |||
Q4-63-A | Educational Attainment | When did you receive that degree -- In what month and year? | |||
Q4-63A | College Attendance | What [Is/Was] your field of study? PROBE IF NECESSARY: What [are/were] you majoring in? | |||
Q4-64B | Educational Attainment | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] obtained any other academic degree? | |||
Q4-64C | Educational Attainment | What other college degree(s) have you received? | |||
Q4-72A | Financial Aid | [Are/Were] you receiving any form of financial aid for the academic year, such as loans, scholarships, grants, a fellowship, an assistantship, tuition waiver, or veteran's educational benefits under the G.I. Bill or V.E.A.P.? | |||
Q4-73-A | Financial Aid | We would like to know which forms of financial aid you [have/had] received. [Do/Did] you have... - ...Work study? - ...Any loans? - ...Any scholarships? - ...Any grants? - ...Any fellowships? - ...Any assistantships? - ...Any tuition waivers? |
Q4-73-C | Financial Aid | [Do/Did] you receive... - ...Any veteran's educational benefits or V.E.A.P.? - ...Any aid from the military educational assistance program? |
Q4-71 | Financial Aid | About how much of the year's expenses did your loan(s) cover? | |||
Q4-74B | Financial Aid | During this school year, have any relatives or friends [other than your souse/partner/BLANK] helped pay for your schooling or your living expenses? | |||
Q4-74C | Financial Aid | In the last school year you attended college, did any relatives or friends [other than your souse/partner/BLANK] help pay for your schooling or your living expenses? | |||
Q4-74CA | Financial Aid | Who all [has helped/helped] you pay for your schooling or your living expenses? | |||
Q4-75 | Educational Expectations | What is the highest grade or year of REGULAR school, that is elementary school, high school, college, or graduate school that you would LIKE to complete? | New YAs | Educational expectations can impact educational attainment, employment, wealth, and career trajectories. | |
Q4-76 | Educational Expectations | As things now stand, what is the highest grade or year you think you will ACTUALLY complete? | New YAs |
Question name | Topic covered | Question wording | Comments on inclusion | New item R29 | Comments regarding justification |
Q5-1-B | Military Service | When we last spoke to you in [date of last interview], you were enlisted in the [branch of military R was serving in at DLI]. Are you still enlisted in the [branch of military R was serving in at DLI]? | YAs who were active in the military at their last interview | Military service is one route to social mobility, employment, and education and can play an important role in human capital accumulation/investment. Branch of Service, length of time in the military, and levels of service/deployment can all affect career trajectories. | |
Q5-2 | Military Service | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] enlisted or been sworn into any branch of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserves? | YAs age 17 and older who were not active in the military at their last interview | ||
Q5-3 | Military Service | What is the [most recent/next([loop number])] branch that you have been sworn into? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment | ||
Q5-3AC | Military Service | Was that the regular [branch of military service([loop number])], the [branch of military service([loop number])] Reserves, or the [branch of military service([loop number])] National Guard? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment | ||
Q5-3AD | Military Service | Was that the regular [branch of military service([loop number])] or the [branch of military service([loop number])] Reserves? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment | ||
Q5-3B | Questionnaire Flow | We would like to ask you about your service in the [branch of military service([loop number])]. | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment | ||
Q5-3D | Military Service | What month and year did you first enter the [branch of military service([loop number])].? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment in a reserve branch | ||
Q5-3E | Military Service | What month and year did you first enter into active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])].? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment in an active branch | ||
Q5-3EE | Military Service | What month and year did you first enter into active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment in an active branch and are already in service | ||
Q5-3EF | Military Service | What month and year will you first enter into active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are reporting a new enlistment in an active branch but are reporting a delayed entry date | ||
Q5-3F | Military Service | Are you currently serving in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the reserve forces | ||
Q5-3G | Military Service | Are you currently serving on active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the active forces | ||
Q5-3GA | Military Service | Have you ever been on inactive reserve in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the active forces but who are not currently on active duty | ||
Q5-3GB | Military Service | Have you ever been recalled from inactive reserve to active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the active forces but who are not currently on active duty but say they have been on inactive duty | ||
Q5-3GC | Military Service | What month and year were you most recently recalled to active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the active forces but who are not currently on active duty but say they have been on inactive duty and recalled to active duty | ||
Q5-3H | Military Service | Are you still actively participating in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? (IF NECESSARY, PROBE: Do you still attend weekend drills and/or summer camp?) | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the reserve forces and say they are not currently serving | ||
Q5-3HA | Military Service | Have you ever been called up to active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the reserve forces, whether or not they are currently serving | ||
Q5-3HB | Military Service | What month and year were you most recently called up to active duty in the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview in the reserve forces, whether or not they are currently serving, and say they have been called up to active service at some point | ||
Q5-4 | Military Service | In what month and year will your current enlistment end? | YAs who are currently active in the military branch being asked about | ||
Q5-5BC | Military Service | In what month and year did you separate from the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are not active in the military branch being asked about | ||
Q5-9-B | Military Jobs and Training | Now I would like to ask you about your military jobs and training [in the time you left the/in the([loop number])] [branch of military service([loop number])]. What [Is/Was([loop number])] your [current/blank([loop number])] Primary [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? (IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) What [Is/Was([loop number])] the name of the job you were trained for? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | Collecting information on the types and length of military training and educational attainment during military service allows researchers to study the effects of military jobs on subsequent career trajectories. | |
Q5-9A | Military Jobs and Training | What [are/were([loop number])] your main activities or duties? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-9B | Military Jobs and Training | What is the code associated with your primary [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-9BB | Military Jobs and Training | Did you receive any formal school training for [this/that([loop number])] [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10 | Military Jobs and Training | In all, how many weeks of formal school or training did you complete? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10B | Military Jobs and Training | Did you receive any on the job training for [this/that([loop number])] [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10BA | Military Jobs and Training | In all, how many weeks of on the job training for [this/that([loop number])] [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])] did you receive? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10C | Military Jobs and Training | Excluding on the job training and formal school, [since/after([loop number])] you completed training, how long [have/did([loop number])] you actually [work/worked([loop number])] in [your/that([loop number])] [current/blank([loop number])] [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? (ENTER NUMBER AND INDICATE TIME UNIT BELOW) | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10CA | Military Jobs and Training | TIME UNIT | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10E | Military Jobs and Training | [At the time you left the [branch of military], were you/Are you currently([loop number])] an enlisted person, a warrant officer, or a commissioned officer? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10F | Military Jobs and Training | What [Is/Was([loop number])] your grade? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10G | Military Jobs and Training | What [Is/Was([loop number])] your rank? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-10H | Military Jobs and Training | What [Is/Was([loop number])] your rank? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-11A | Military Jobs and Training | Since you left the [branch of military service([loop number])] have you used any skills from that [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])] in a civilian job? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-11B | Military Jobs and Training | Does your CURRENT civilian job use any skills from your [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-11C | Military Jobs and Training | In addition to [your/the([loop number])] [current/blank([loop number])] Primary [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])] [have/did([loop number])] you [receive(d)([loop number])] training in any other [job in the Armed Forces([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-11D | Military Jobs and Training | At the time you entered the [branch of military service([loop number])] how many years of regular school had you completed and got credit for? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-11E | Military Jobs and Training | During your service in the [branch of military service([loop number])], [did/have([loop number])] you [take(n)([loop number])] any courses for which you received high school or college credit? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | ||
Q5-11AA | Satisfaction with Military Service | Now taking all these things together, how satisfied [are/were([loop number])] you with the [branch of military service([loop number])]? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | How respondents react to their military experiences can inform other aspects of the respondent’s life, such as mental and physical health. | |
Q5-11BB | Military Service | Have you been sworn into any other branches? | YAs who are currently or have been in the military since the date of last interview | We need to determine if we need to ask about another spell of military service. | |
Q5-12-0A-C | Service-Related Disabilities | Has the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or the Department of Defense determined that you have a service-connected disability; that is, a health condition or impairment caused or made worse by any of your military service? | YAs who have ever served in the military | Knowing about service-related disabilities can inform our understanding of the respondent’s mental and physical health and subsequent career trajectories. | |
Q5-12-0A-D | Service-Related Disabilities | At the time of classification, what was your service-related disability rating? | YAs who have ever served in the military | ||
Q5-12-0A-E | Service-Related Disabilities | Do you believe that you have a service-connected disability? | YAs who have ever served in the military | ||
Q5-12 | Experience in Combat Zones | [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] [worked for pay/worked for pay or been deployed] in a combat or war zone? [READ IF NECESSARY: Persons serving in a combat or war zone usually receive combat zone tax exclusion, Imminent Danger Pay, or Hostile Fire Pay [this text appears only for respondents with current or previous military enlistment(s)]] | YAs ages 17 and over | Working or serving in a combat zone can have a significant impact on relationships, mental and physical health, educational attainment, and career trajectories. | |
Q5-12A | Experience in Combat Zones | In which of the following countries were you? (INTERVIEWER: PLEASE SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.) | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone | ||
Q5-12B | Experience in Combat Zones | In which country was that? | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone | ||
Q5-12D | Experience in Combat Zones | In what year did you go to [Name of Country([loop number])]? | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone | ||
Q5-12E | Experience in Combat Zones | How long were you in [Name of Country([loop number])]? | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone | ||
Q5-12F | Experience in Combat Zones | ENTER NUMBER OF WEEKS: | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone | ||
Q5-12G | Experience in Combat Zones | ENTER NUMBER OF MONTHS: | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone | ||
Q5-12H | Experience in Combat Zones | ENTER NUMBER OF YEARS: | YAs ages 17 and over who have either worked or been deployed in a combat zone |
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
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