10/31/2020 Version:
of Healthcare Personnel
Exposed to or Infected with SARS-CoV-2
EIP HCP ID: ________________ COVID-NET ID: ________________ CDC/STATE CASE ID: ________________
If a NON-CASE, enter the EIP HCP ID of the matching HCP COVID case here: ________________
Date of interview and form completion: MM / DD / YYYY
Interviewer name Last: ________________________ First: _________________________ Affiliation: _________________________
Last: ________________________ First: _________________________ Affiliation: _________________________
HCP Name: Last: ________________________ First: _________________________ 4. Phone no.:(________)____________________
HCP address: _______________________________________City: ________________________State: ____________ ZIP: ____________
Facility Name: 1_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
READ ME FIRST! Answer all questions on this form to the best of your knowledge. For dates, use a calendar (one is included) and any additional documentation or information you have available to help you remember and records dates as accurately as possible.
Healthcare Personnel (HCP) refers to all paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including:
For example, this includes any employee or contractor of a healthcare facility such as physicians, nurses, students, respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, laboratory staff, as well as transport, food service, housekeeping, volunteers, and maintenance personnel. |
Are you a healthcare personnel? (Refer to definition of healthcare personnel in the box)
No; STOP the interview
Not sure; STOP the interview
Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Not sure
Have you been tested for coronavirus (also known as SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19?
No; STOP the interview
Not sure
Did someone (for example a doctor, nurse, or lab technician) collect swab(s) from your nose and/or throat for coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) testing?
Yes; answer Q10a
No; go to Q11
Not sure; go to Q11
10a. What was the coronavirus test result of the swab(s)? (if they collected swabs from you more than once, check “Positive” if at least one of the swabs tested positive for coronavirus; check “Negative” only if all swabs tested negative for coronavirus)
I was not told of my results
Positive; answer Q10b
Negative; answer Q10c
My results were unclear
10b. When did they collect the first swab that tested positive? MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
10c. When did they collect the most recent swab that tested negative? MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
Did someone (for example a doctor, nurse, or lab technician) collect blood from you for coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) testing?
Yes; answer Q11a
No; go to Q12
Not sure; go to Q12
11a. What was the test result of your blood? (if they collected blood from you more than once, check “Positive” if at least one blood test was positive; check “Negative” only if all blood tests were negative)
I was not told of my results
Positive; answer Q11b and Q11c
Negative; go to Q11d
My results were unclear
11b. Was your result positive for IgM or IgG antibodies? IgM IgG Not sure
11c. When did they collect the first positive blood sample? MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
11d. When did they collect the most recent negative blood sample? MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
A person with suspected COVID-19 is someone who has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or shortness of breath but has not had a laboratory test for SARS-CoV-2
A person with confirmed COVID-19 is someone who has a positive laboratory test for SARS-CoV-2
For this interview, a “person with COVID-19” or a “COVID-19 patient” means a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
For this interview, close contact means: a) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes (such as caring for or visiting the patient; or sitting within 6 feet of the patient in a healthcare waiting area or room); or b) having unprotected direct contact with infectious secretions or excretions of the patient (e.g., being coughed on, touching used tissues with a bare hand).
Did you have any close contact with a person(s)
with COVID-19? (Refer to definitions in the box)
Yes; answer Q12a
No; go to Q13
Not sure; go to Q13
12a. Did the close contact occur in the healthcare
facility where you work?
Yes; answer Q12b, Q12c, and Q12d
No; go to Q13
Not sure; go to Q13
12b. When was your first close contact with a
person(s) with COVID-19 in the healthcare
facility where you work?
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
12c. When was your last close contact with a person(s) with COVID-19 in the healthcare facility where you work? (record interview date or today’s date if close contact is still occurring) MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
12d. Did your facility inform you of the exposure risk level of your close contact with a person(s) with COVID-19?
Yes; answer Q12d1
Not sure
12d1. What was your exposure risk level? High / Medium / Low / Not sure
Have you had any of the symptoms in the table below?
No; go to Q15
Yes; check all symptoms in the table below that apply; provide onset and resolution date for any symptom you had; write interview or form completion date as resolution date if you still have the symptoms.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, check the symptoms you had during the 14 days before and on the specimen collection date of your first positive coronavirus test. For example, if you had a nasal swab for coronavirus testing done on April 15, check any symptoms you had from April 1 through April 15. (MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY)
If you have NOT been diagnosed with COVID-19, check the symptoms you had during the 14 days before and on the specimen collection date of your most recent NEGATIVE coronavirus test result. (MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY)
Symptom |
When did the symptom begin? |
When did the symptom end? |
Felt feverish |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Documented fever ≥100.0°F |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Chills |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Dry cough |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Productive cough |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Fatigue or malaise |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Sore throat |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Runny nose |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Shortness of breath |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Muscle aches |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Headache |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Chest pain/tightness |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Nausea or vomiting |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Diarrhea |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Abdominal pain |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Altered sense of smell or taste |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Congestion |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Loss of appetite |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Other, ___________________________ |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Other, ___________________________ |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Other, ___________________________ |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Other, ___________________________ |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Based on the information on symptom dates in the table above, when was the first date you started to have COVID-19 symptom(s)? MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
READ ME FIRST (EIP interviewer instructions)
If the HCP was diagnosed with COVID-19 and had symptoms, complete Questions #15–40 with information for the 14 days before and the day of symptom onset (MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY)
If the HCP was diagnosed with COVID-19 and did NOT have symptoms, complete Questions #15–40 with information for the 14 days before and on the specimen collection date of the first positive coronavirus test
(MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY)
If the HCP was NOT diagnosed with COVID-19 and had symptoms, complete Questions #15–40 with information for the14 days before and the day of symptom onset (MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY)
If the HCP was NOT diagnosed with COVID-19 and did NOT have symptoms, complete Questions #15–40 with information for the 14 days before and on the specimen collection date of the most recent NEGATIVE coronavirus test result (MM / DD / YYYY to MM / DD / YYYY)
REMINDER: For this interview, close contact means: a) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes; or b) having unprotected direct contact with infectious secretions or excretions of the patient (e.g., being coughed on, touching used tissues with a bare hand).
Did you have close contact with a person(s) with COVID-19 outside of the healthcare facility(ies) where you work?
Yes; answer Q15a, Q15b, and Q15c
No; go to Q16
Not sure; go to Q16
15a. When did you first and last have close contact with a person(s) with COVID-19 outside of the facility(ies)?
Date of first close contact MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
Date of last close contact MM / DD / YYYY Not sure
15b. What is your relationship to the person(s) with COVID-19? (Check all that apply)
Other family
only – no relationship
can you specify? _________________
15c. Where did the close contact with a person(s) with COVID-19 occur? (Check all that apply)
Household Daycare School/University Transit Rideshare Hotel
Cruise ship Healthcare facility (non-work reasons) Other; can you specify? ________________________
Did you travel away from home? (Check “Yes” if your return date is between MM / DD / YYYY and MM / DD / YYYY as defined in guidance at top of page 5)
Yes—domestic travel; can you specify destination(s)? ______________________________________________________
Yes—international travel; can you specify destination(s)? __________________________________________________
Not sure
Did any of the following situations apply to you? If “Yes,” provide start and end dates for each situation.
Did you: |
Answer |
Date Range |
Have any household members, friends, acquaintances, or co-workers who had fever or respiratory symptoms (for example, cough, sore throat, etc.)? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Have close contact (such as caring for, speaking with, or touching) with any ill persons outside a healthcare facility? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Attend a gathering that included people other than your household members (such as a religious event, wedding, party, sports event, or other event)? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Use public transportation (for example, a bus, train, airplane) |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Use shared transportation (such as a car or van pool, ride share service) |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Attend or work at a school or daycare? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Have a household member who attended school or daycare? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Have close contact with a sick person who had contact with a person with COVID-19? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Have close contact with a person who travelled internationally in the past 2 weeks? |
Yes No Not sure |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
Have close contact with a person who had a fever and/or other flu-like symptoms such as cough, runny nose, or sore throat and international travel in the preceding 2 weeks? |
Yes No Not sure If “Yes,” where did the person travel? __________________ |
From: MM / DD / YYYY To: MM / DD / YYYY Not sure |
(Remember to refer to the timeframe defined in the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTIONS IV–VI above)
20a. Did you telework or work remotely from a location that is not a healthcare facility (such as from home)? All the time Some of the time Not at all Not sure
20b. Did you have close contact with someone with COVID-19 who was not a patient during work in your facility? (Check all that apply) Coworker with COVID-19 Visitor with COVID-19 Someone else (NOT a patient) with COVID-19; can you specify? ________________________________________ No Not sure
![]() Yes No; go to Q39 Not sure; go to Q39
Yes; answer Q25a No; go to Q26 Not sure; go to Q26
25a. If yes, what alternative or improvised equipment did you wear? (Check all that apply) Face covering that was not a medical mask or respirator, such as a cloth face covering, bandana, balaclava A covering for clothing other than a medical gown, such as a lab coat, trash bag, or raincoat Improvised eye protection, such as a homemade face shield Other; can you specify? _____________________________________________________________________________________
Reminder! For this interview, a “COVID-19 patient” is a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
(Remember to refer to the timeframe defined in the INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTIONS IV–VI above)
READ ME FIRST (EIP interviewer instructions)
For this section, refer to these examples of aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs):
Airway suctioning
Breaking ventilation circuit (intentionally or unintentionally)
Chest physiotherapy
High-flow oxygen delivery
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)
Mini-bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
Manual (bag) ventilation
Nebulizer treatments
Non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV, e.g., BiPAP, CPAP)
Sputum induction
Certain dental procedures
Other aerosol generating procedures
Did you participate in any aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) for COVID-19 patient(s)? (Refer to examples of AGPs in the table)
Yes; answer Q26a
No; go to Q27
Not sure; go to Q27
26a. Which of the following aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) did you perform, assist with, or were you present in the room for, with a COVID-19 patient(s)? (Check all that apply; for each procedure selected, indicate if you performed/assisted or were present in room, number of procedures, average length of procedure, personal protective equipment [PPE] used, and frequency of PPE use)
Procedure |
PPE Frequency of use |
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) Performed or assisted Present in room Time spent in room during HFOV: ______________minutes
Chest physiotherapy Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Average length of procedure: ________________minutes |
Mini-bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Average length of procedure: ________________minutes |
Breaking ventilation circuit (intentionally or unintentionally) Performed or assisted Present in room Number of disconnections: __________________ Average duration of each disconnection: __________minutes |
Sputum induction Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Average length of procedure: ________________minutes |
Procedure |
PPE Frequency of use |
Bronchoscopy Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Average length of procedure: ________________minutes |
High-flow oxygen delivery Performed or assisted Present in room Time in room during delivery: __________________minutes
Other AGP; can you specify? __________________________ Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Time in room during AGP: __________________minutes |
Other AGP; can you specify? _________________________ Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Time in room during AGP: __________________minutes |
Other AGP; can you specify? _________________________ Performed or assisted Present in room Number of procedures: _____________________ Time in room during AGP: __________________minutes |
Two minutes or less Between 2 and 15 minutes Between 15 and 30 minutes Between 30 and 60 minutes More than 60 minutes Not sure
Estimated: ____________________minutes Not sure
Within 6 feet or less More than 6 feet away at all times Not sure
All the time Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or never Not sure
30a. Which of the following was in place on COVID-19 patient(s) during your contacts? (Check all that apply) Surgical or procedure mask Cloth face covering N95 respirator Endotracheal or nasotracheal tube (for invasive mechanical ventilation) Other; can you specify? _____________________________________________________________________________________ None Not sure
All the time Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or never Not sure
Yes; can you describe your concern(s)?___________________________________________________________________ No Not sure
I wore one N95 respirator for repeated close contact encounters with several patients, without removing the respirator between patient encounters. I wore one N95 respirator for repeated close contact encounters with several patients, but I usually removed it (‘doffed’) after each encounter. I wore the same N95 respirator on multiple workdays. I wore a respirator, but I did not use any of these practices. I did not use a respirator. Other; can you specify? _____________________________________________________________________________________
Yes – during the past year; answer Q34a Yes – more than one year ago; answer Q34a No; go to Q35 Not sure; go to Q35
34a. During the timeframe of interest, were you able to wear the respirator that you were fit tested for while caring for COVID-19 patients? Yes No Not sure Did not use a respirator
Yes; can you specify the fluid to which you were exposed? _________________________________________ No Not sure
No Not sure
Yes No Not sure
All the time Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or never
All the time Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or never
All the time Most of the time Sometimes Rarely or never |
Male Female Refused I don’t know
41a. Do you currently describe yourself as male, female, or transgender? Male Female Transgender None of these
![]() READ ME FIRST: Questions 45 and 46 ask about your race and ethnicity based on federal government reporting standards.
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Prefer not to answer (Not to be read by INTERVIEWER)
Yes; can you specify? ______________________________________________________________________________________ No Prefer not to answer
Yes; can you specify?______________________________________________________________________________________ No Prefer not to answer
Yes; answer Q50a No; go to Q51 Prefer not to answer; go to Q51
50a. How long have you been smoking? ______________ years
Yes; answer Q51a and Q51b No; go to Q52 Prefer not to answer; go to Q52
51a. How long did you smoke? ______________ years
51b. How long since you quit smoking? ______________ years or months
Never received flu vaccine
reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to
average 32 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Request Office, 1600
Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30329; ATTN: PRA
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | S E C T I O N B: I L L N E S S READ: I'd like you to take a moment and tell me about your illness |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |