eCFR for 1014-0010, 30 CFR 250, Subpart Q

eCFR for 1014-0010 dated 10-16-2020(1).pdf

30 CFR 250, Subpart Q - Decommissioning Activities

eCFR for 1014-0010, 30 CFR 250, Subpart Q

OMB: 1014-0010

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Title 30 → Chapter II → Subchapter B → Part 250 → Subpart Q

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Title 30: Mineral Resources


Subpart Q—Decommissioning Activities

§250.1700   What do the terms “decommissioning”, “obstructions”, and “facility” mean?
§250.1701   Who must meet the decommissioning obligations in this subpart?
§250.1702   When do I accrue decommissioning obligations?
§250.1703   What are the general requirements for decommissioning?
§250.1704   What decommissioning applications and reports must I submit and when must I
submit them?
§§250.1705-250.1709   [Reserved]
PErmanEntlY PluGGinG WElls[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

§250.1710   When must I permanently plug all wells on a lease?
§250.1711   When will BSEE order me to permanently plug a well?
§250.1712   What information must I submit before I permanently plug a well or zone?
§250.1713   [Reserved]
§250.1714   What must I accomplish with well plugs?
§250.1715   How must I permanently plug a well?
§250.1716   To what depth must I remove wellheads and casings?
§250.1717   [Reserved]
TEmporarY AbanDonED WElls

§250.1721   If I temporarily abandon a well that I plan to re-enter, what must I do?
§250.1722   If I install a subsea protective device, what requirements must I meet?
§250.1723   What must I do when it is no longer necessary to maintain a well in temporary
abandoned status?
REmovinG Platforms anD OthEr FacilitiEs

§250.1725   When do I have to remove platforms and other facilities?
§250.1726   When must I submit an initial platform removal application and what must it
§250.1727   What information must I include in my final application to remove a platform or
other facility?
§250.1728   To what depth must I remove a platform or other facility?
§250.1729   After I remove a platform or other facility, what information must I submit?
§250.1730   When might BSEE approve partial structure removal or toppling in place?
§250.1731   Who is responsible for decommissioning an OCS facility subject to an Alternate
Use RUE?
SitE ClEarancE for WElls, Platforms, anD OthEr FacilitiEs

§250.1740   How must I verify that the site of a permanently plugged well, removed platform, or
other removed facility is clear of obstructions?[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

§250.1741   If I drag a trawl across a site, what requirements must I meet?
§250.1742   What other methods can I use to verify that a site is clear?
§250.1743   How do I certify that a site is clear of obstructions?
PipElinE DEcommissioninG

§250.1750   When may I decommission a pipeline in place?
§250.1751   How do I decommission a pipeline in place?
§250.1752   How do I remove a pipeline?
§250.1753   After I decommission a pipeline, what information must I submit?
§250.1754   When must I remove a pipeline decommissioned in place?
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§250.1700   What do the terms “decommissioning”, “obstructions”, and “facility” mean?
(a) Decommissioning means:
(1) Ending oil, gas, or sulphur operations; and
(2) Returning the lease or pipeline right-of-way to a condition that meets the requirements of regulations of
BSEE and other agencies that have jurisdiction over decommissioning activities.
(b) Obstructions mean structures, equipment, or objects that were used in oil, gas, or sulphur operations or
marine growth that, if left in place, would hinder other users of the OCS. Obstructions may include, but are not
limited to, shell mounds, wellheads, casing stubs, mud line suspensions, well protection devices, subsea trees,
jumper assemblies, umbilicals, manifolds, termination skids, production and pipeline risers, platforms, templates,
pilings, pipelines, pipeline valves, and power cables.
(c) Facility means any installation other than a pipeline used for oil, gas, or sulphur activities that is
permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed on the OCS. Facilities include production and pipeline risers,
templates, pilings, and any other facility or equipment that constitutes an obstruction such as jumper assemblies,
termination skids, umbilicals, anchors, and mooring lines.
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§250.1701   Who must meet the decommissioning obligations in this subpart?
(a) Lessees and owners of operating rights are jointly and severally responsible for meeting decommissioning[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

obligations for facilities on leases, including the obligations related to lease-term pipelines, as the obligations
accrue and until each obligation is met.
(b) All holders of a right-of-way are jointly and severally liable for meeting decommissioning obligations for
facilities on their right-of-way, including right-of-way pipelines, as the obligations accrue and until each obligation is
(c) In this subpart, the terms “you” or “I” refer to lessees and owners of operating rights, as to facilities installed
under the authority of a lease, and to right-of-way holders as to facilities installed under the authority of a right-ofway.
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§250.1702   When do I accrue decommissioning obligations?
You accrue decommissioning obligations when you do any of the following:
(a) Drill a well;
(b) Install a platform, pipeline, or other facility;
(c) Create an obstruction to other users of the OCS;
(d) Are or become a lessee or the owner of operating rights of a lease on which there is a well that has not
been permanently plugged according to this subpart, a platform, a lease term pipeline, or other facility, or an
(e) Are or become the holder of a pipeline right-of-way on which there is a pipeline, platform, or other facility, or
an obstruction; or
(f) Re-enter a well that was previously plugged according to this subpart.
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§250.1703   What are the general requirements for decommissioning?
When your facilities are no longer useful for operations, you must:
(a) Get approval from the appropriate District Manager before decommissioning wells and from the Regional
Supervisor before decommissioning platforms and pipelines or other facilities;
(b) Permanently plug all wells. Packers and bridge plugs used as qualified mechanical barriers must comply
with ANSI/API Spec. 11D1 (as incorporated by reference in §250.198). You must have two independent barriers,
one being an ANSI/API Spec. 11D1 qualified mechanical barrier, in the exposed center wellbore prior to removing
the tree and/or well control equipment;
(c) Remove all platforms and other facilities, except as provided in §§250.1725(a) and 250.1730.
(d) Decommission all pipelines;
(e) Clear the seafloor of all obstructions created by your lease and pipeline right-of-way operations;
(f) Follow all applicable requirements of subpart G of this part; and
(g) Conduct all decommissioning activities in a manner that is safe, does not unreasonably interfere with other
uses of the OCS, and does not cause undue or serious harm or damage to the human, marine, or coastal[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

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[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 81 FR 26037, Apr. 29 2016; 84 FR 21984, May 15, 2019]

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§250.1704   What decommissioning applications and reports must I submit and when must I submit them?
You must submit decommissioning applications, receive approval of those applications, and submit
subsequent reports according to the requirements and deadlines in the following table.
DEcoMMissioNiNg APPLicaTioNs aNd REPorTs TabLE
applications and reports When to submit
(a) Initial platform removal In the Pacific OCS
application [not required Region or Alaska OCS
in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, submit the
application to the
Regional Supervisor at
least 2 years before
production is projected
to cease
Before removing a
(b) Final removal
application for a platform platform or other facility
in the Gulf of Mexico
or other facility
OCS Region, or not
more than 2 years after
the submittal of an
initial platform removal
application to the
Pacific OCS Region
and the Alaska OCS
Within 30 days after
(c) Post-removal report
you remove a platform
for a platform or other
or other facility
Before you
(d) Pipeline
decommission a
(e) Post-pipeline
Within 30 days after
decommissioning report you decommission a
(f) Site clearance report Within 30 days after
you complete site
for a platform or other
clearance verification
(1) Before you
(g) Form BSEE-0124,
Application for Permit to temporarily abandon or
permanently plug a well
Modify (APM). The
submission of your APM or zone,
must be accompanied by
payment of the service
fee listed in §250.125;

Include information required under §250.1726.

Include information required under §250.1727.

Include information required under §250.1729.

Include information required under §250.1751(a) or
§250.1752(a), as applicable.
Include information required under §250.1753.

Include information required under §250.1743(b).

(i) Include information required under §§250.1712 and
(ii) When using a BOP for abandonment operations, include
information required under §250.731.[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)


(2) Before you install a Refer to §250.1722(a).
subsea protective
(3) Before you remove Refer to §250.1723.
any casing stub or mud
line suspension
equipment and any
subsea protective
(4) Within 30 days after Include information required under §250.1743(a).
you complete site
clearance verification
(1) Within 30 days after Include information required under §250.1722(d).
(h) Form BSEE-0125,
End of Operations Report you complete a
protective device trawl
(2) Within 30 days after Include information required under §§250.1712 and 250.1721.
completion of
Submit to the Regional Supervisor a complete summary of
(i) A certified summary of Within 120 days after
expenditures actually incurred for each decommissioning
completion of each
expenditures for
activity (including, but not limited to, the use of rigs, vessels,
permanently plugging any decommissioning
activity specified in this equipment, supplies and materials; transportation of any kind;
well, removal of any
personnel; and services). Include in, or attach to, the summary
platform or other facility, paragraph
a certified statement by an authorized representative of your
clearance of any site after
company attesting to the truth, accuracy and completeness of
wells have been plugged
the summary. The Regional Supervisor may provide specific
or platforms or facilities
instructions or guidance regarding how to submit the certified
removed, and
decommissioning of
The Regional Supervisor will review the summary and may
Within a reasonable
(j) If requested by the
time as determined by provide specific instructions or guidance regarding the
Regional Supervisor,
additional information in the Regional Supervisor submission of additional information (including, but not limited
to, copies of contracts and invoices), if requested, to complete
support of any
or otherwise support the summary.
decommissioning activity
expenditures included in a
summary submitted under
paragraph (i) of this
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50896, Aug. 22, 2012; 80 FR 75810, Dec. 4, 2015; 81 FR 26037, Apr. 29, 2016;
81 FR 80591, Nov. 16, 2016; 84 FR 21984, May 15, 2019]

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§§250.1705-250.1709   [Reserved]
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PErMaNENTLY PLUggiNg WELLs[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

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§250.1710   When must I permanently plug all wells on a lease?
You must permanently plug all wells on a lease within 1 year after the lease terminates.
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§250.1711   When will BSEE order me to permanently plug a well?
BSEE will order you to permanently plug a well if that well:
(a) Poses a hazard to safety or the environment; or
(b) Is not useful for lease operations and is not capable of oil, gas, or sulphur production in paying quantities.
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§250.1712   What information must I submit before I permanently plug a well or zone?
Before you permanently plug a well or zone, you must submit form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to
Modify, to the appropriate District Manager and receive approval. A request for approval must contain the following
(a) The reason you are plugging the well (or zone), for completions with production amounts specified by the
Regional Supervisor, along with substantiating information demonstrating its lack of capacity for further profitable
production of oil, gas, or sulfur;
(b) Recent well test data and pressure data, if available;
(c) Maximum possible surface pressure, and how it was determined;
(d) Type and weight of well-control fluid you will use;
(e) A description of the work;
(f) A current and proposed well schematic and description that includes:
(1) Well depth;
(2) All perforated intervals that have not been plugged;
(3) Casing and tubing depths and details;
(4) Subsurface equipment;
(5) Estimated tops of cement (and the basis of the estimate) in each casing annulus;
(6) Plug locations;
(7) Plug types;
(8) Plug lengths;
(9) Properties of mud and cement to be used;[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(10) Perforating and casing cutting plans;
(11) Plug testing plans;
(12) Casing removal (including information on explosives, if used);
(13) Proposed casing removal depth; and
(14) Your plans to protect archaeological and sensitive biological features, including anchor damage during
plugging operations, a brief assessment of the environmental impacts of the plugging operations, and the
procedures and mitigation measures you will take to minimize such impacts; and
(g) Certification by a Registered Professional Engineer of the well abandonment design and procedures and
that all plugs meet the requirements in the table in §250.1715. In addition to the requirements of §250.1715, the
Registered Professional Engineer must also certify the design will include two independent barriers, one of which
must be a mechanical barrier, in the center wellbore as described in §250.420(b)(3). The Registered Professional
Engineer must be registered in a State of the United States and have sufficient expertise and experience to perform
the certification. You must submit this certification with your APM (Form BSEE-0124).
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50900, Aug. 22, 2012]

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§250.1713   [Reserved]
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§250.1714   What must I accomplish with well plugs?
You must ensure that all well plugs:
(a) Provide downhole isolation of hydrocarbon and sulphur zones;
(b) Protect freshwater aquifers; and
(c) Prevent migration of formation fluids within the wellbore or to the seafloor.
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§250.1715   How must I permanently plug a well?
(a) You must permanently plug wells according to the table in this section. The District Manager may require
additional well plugs as necessary.
If you have .  .  .
(1) Zones in open hole,
(2) Open hole below

Then you must use .  .  .
Cement plug(s) set from at least 100 feet below the bottom to 100 feet above the top of
oil, gas, and fresh-water zones to isolate fluids in the strata
(i) A cement plug, set by the displacement method, at least 100 feet above and below
deepest casing shoe;
(ii) A cement retainer with effective back-pressure control set 50 to 100 feet above the[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

casing shoe, and a cement plug that extends at least 100 feet below the casing shoe
and at least 50 feet above the retainer; or
(iii) A bridge plug set 50 feet to 100 feet above the shoe with 50 feet of cement on top
of the bridge plug, for expected or known lost circulation conditions
(3) A perforated zone that (i) A method to squeeze cement to all perforations;
is currently open and not (ii) A cement plug set by the displacement method, at least 100 feet above to 100 feet
below the perforated interval, or down to a casing plug, whichever is less; or
previously squeezed or
(iii) If the perforated zones are isolated from the hole below, you may use any of the
plugs specified in paragraphs (a)(3)(iii)(A) through (E) of this section instead of those
specified in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (a)(3)(ii) of this section.
(A) A cement retainer with effective back-pressure control set 50 to 100 feet above the
top of the perforated interval, and a cement plug that extends at least 100 feet below
the bottom of the perforated interval with at least 50 feet of cement above the retainer;
(B) A casing bridge plug set 50 to 100 feet above the top of the perforated interval and
at least 50 feet of cement on top of the bridge plug;
(C) A cement plug at least 200 feet in length, set by the displacement method, with the
bottom of the plug no more than 100 feet above the perforated interval;
(D) A through-tubing basket plug set no more than 100 feet above the perforated
interval with at least 50 feet of cement on top of the basket plug; or
(E) A tubing plug set no more than 100 feet above the perforated interval topped with a
sufficient volume of cement so as to extend at least 100 feet above the uppermost
packer in the wellbore and at least 300 feet of cement in the casing annulus
immediately above the packer.
(4) A casing stub where (i) A cement plug set at least 100 feet above and below the stub end;
the stub end is within the
(ii) A cement retainer or bridge plug set at least 50 to 100 feet above the stub end with
at least 50 feet of cement on top of the retainer or bridge plug; or
(iii) A cement plug at least 200 feet long with the bottom of the plug set no more than
100 feet above the stub end.
(5) A casing stub where A plug as specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section, as applicable.
the stub end is below the
(6) An annular space that A cement plug at least 200 feet long set in the annular space. For a well completed
communicates with open above the ocean surface, you must pressure test each casing annulus to verify
hole and extends to the isolation.
mud line,
(7) A subsea well with
A cutter to sever the casing, and you must set a stub plug as specified in paragraphs
unsealed annulus,
(a)(4) and (a)(5) of this section.
(8) A well with casing,
A cement surface plug at least 150 feet long set in the smallest casing that extends to
the mud line with the top of the plug no more than 150 feet below the mud line.
(9) Fluid left in the hole, A fluid in the intervals between the plugs that is dense enough to exert a hydrostatic
pressure that is greater than the formation pressures in the intervals.
(10) Permafrost areas,
(i) A fluid to be left in the hole that has a freezing point below the temperature of the
permafrost, and a treatment to inhibit corrosion; and
(ii) Cement plugs designed to set before freezing and have a low heat of hydration.
Two independent barriers, one of which must be a mechanical barrier, in the center
(11) Removed the
wellbore as described in §250.420(b)(3) once the well is to be placed in a permanent
barriers required in
or temporary abandonment.
§250.420(b)(3) for the
well to be completed
(b) You must test the first plug below the surface plug and all plugs in lost circulation areas that are in open
hole. The plug must pass one of the following tests to verify plug integrity:[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(1) A pipe weight of at least 15,000 pounds on the plug; or
(2) A pump pressure of at least 1,000 pounds per square inch. Ensure that the pressure does not drop more
than 10 percent in 15 minutes. The District Manager may require you to tests other plug(s).
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50900, Aug. 22, 2012; 81 FR 26038, Apr. 29, 2016]

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§250.1716   To what depth must I remove wellheads and casings?
(a) Unless the District Manager approves an alternate depth under paragraph (b) of this section, you must
remove all wellheads and casings to at least 15 feet below the mud line.
(b) The District Manager may approve an alternate removal depth if:
(1) The wellhead or casing would not become an obstruction to other users of the seafloor or area, and
geotechnical and other information you provide demonstrate that erosional processes capable of exposing the
obstructions are not expected; or
(2) You determine, and BSEE concurs, that you must use divers, and the seafloor sediment stability poses
safety concerns; or
(3) The water depth is greater than 1,000 feet.
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 84 FR 21985, May 15, 2019]

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§250.1717   [Reserved]
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§250.1721   If I temporarily abandon a well that I plan to re-enter, what must I do?
You may temporarily abandon a well when it is necessary for proper development and production of a lease.
To temporarily abandon a well, you must do all of the following:
(a) Submit form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, and the applicable information required by
§250.1712 to the appropriate District Manager and receive approval;
(b) Adhere to the plugging and testing requirements for permanently plugged wells listed in the table in
§250.1715, except for §250.1715(a)(8). You do not need to sever the casings, remove the wellhead, or clear the
(c) Set a bridge plug or a cement plug at least 100-feet long at the base of the deepest casing string, unless
the casing string has been cemented and has not been drilled out. If a cement plug is set, it is not necessary for the
cement plug to extend below the casing shoe into the open hole;[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(d) Set a retrievable or a permanent-type bridge plug or a cement plug at least 100 feet long in the inner-most
casing. The top of the bridge plug or cement plug must be no more than 1,000 feet below the mud line. BSEE may
consider approving alternate requirements for subsea wells case-by-case;
(e) Identify and report subsea wellheads, casing stubs, or other obstructions that extend above the mud line
according to U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) requirements;
(f) Except in water depths greater than 300 feet, protect subsea wellheads, casing stubs, mud line
suspensions, or other obstructions remaining above the seafloor by using one of the following methods, as
approved by the District Manager or Regional Supervisor:
(1) A caisson designed according to 30 CFR 250, subpart I, and equipped with aids to navigation;
(2) A jacket designed according to 30 CFR 250, subpart I, and equipped with aids to navigation; or
(3) A subsea protective device that meets the requirements in §250.1722.
(g) Submit certification by a Registered Professional Engineer of the well abandonment design and procedures
and that all plugs meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. In addition to the requirements of
paragraph (b) of this section, the Registered Professional Engineer must also certify the design will include two
independent barriers, one of which must be a mechanical barrier, in the center wellbore as described in
§250.420(b)(3). The Registered Professional Engineer must be registered in a State of the United States and have
sufficient expertise and experience to perform the certification. You must submit this certification with your APM
(Form BSEE-0124) required by §250.1712 of this part.
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 50900, Aug. 22, 2012; 81 FR 26038, Apr. 29, 2016]

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§250.1722   If I install a subsea protective device, what requirements must I meet?
If you install a subsea protective device under §250.1721(f)(3), you must install it in a manner that allows
fishing gear to pass over the obstruction without damage to the obstruction, the protective device, or the fishing
(a) Use form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify to request approval from the appropriate District
Manager to install a subsea protective device.
(b) The protective device may not extend more than 10 feet above the seafloor (unless BSEE approves
(c) You must trawl over the protective device when you install it (adhere to the requirements at §250.1741(d)
through (h)). If the trawl does not pass over the protective device or causes damage to it, you must notify the
appropriate District Manager within 5 days and perform remedial action within 30 days of the trawl;
(d) Within 30 days after you complete the trawling test described in paragraph (c) of this section, submit a
report to the appropriate District Manager using form BSEE-0125, End of Operations Report (EOR) that includes
the following:
(1) The date(s) the trawling test was performed and the vessel that was used;
(2) A plat at an appropriate scale showing the trawl lines;
(3) A description of the trawling operation and the net(s) that were used;
(4) An estimate by the trawling contractor of the seafloor penetration depth achieved by the trawl;
(5) A summary of the results of the trawling test including a discussion of any snags and interruptions, a[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

description of any damage to the protective covering, the casing stub or mud line suspension equipment, or the
trawl, and a discussion of any snag removals requiring diver assistance; and
(6) A letter signed by your authorized representative stating that he/she witnessed the trawling test.
(e) If a temporarily abandoned well is protected by a subsea device installed in a water depth less than 100
feet, mark the site with a buoy installed according to the USCG requirements.
(f) Provide annual reports to the Regional Supervisor describing your plans to either re-enter and complete the
well or to permanently plug the well.
(g) Ensure that all subsea wellheads, casing stubs, mud line suspensions, or other obstructions in water
depths less than 300 feet remain protected.
(1) To confirm that the subsea protective covering remains properly installed, either conduct a visual inspection
or perform a trawl test at least annually.
(2) If the inspection reveals that a casing stub or mud line suspension is no longer properly protected, or if the
trawl does not pass over the subsea protective covering without causing damage to the covering, the casing stub or
mud line suspension equipment, or the trawl, notify the appropriate District Manager within 5 days, and perform the
necessary remedial work within 30 days of discovery of the problem.
(3) In your annual report required by paragraph (f) of this section, include the inspection date, results, and
method used and a description of any remedial work you will perform or have performed.
(h) You may request approval to waive the trawling test required by paragraph (c) of this section if you plan to
use either:
(1) A buoy with automatic tracking capabilities installed and maintained according to USCG requirements at 33
CFR part 67 (or its successor); or
(2) A design and installation method that has been proven successful by trawl testing of previous protective
devices of the same design and installed in areas with similar bottom conditions.
[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 84 FR 21985, May 15, 2019]

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§250.1723   What must I do when it is no longer necessary to maintain a well in temporary abandoned
If you or BSEE determines that continued maintenance of a well in a temporary abandoned status is not
necessary for the proper development or production of a lease, you must:
(a) Promptly and permanently plug the well according to §250.1715;
(b) Remove any casing stub or mud line suspension equipment and any subsea protective covering. You must
submit a request for approval to perform such work to the appropriate District Manager using form BSEE-0124,
Application for Permit to Modify; and
(c) Clear the well site according to §§250.1740 through 250.1742.
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REMoViNg PLaTforMs aNd OThEr FaciLiTiEs[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

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§250.1725   When do I have to remove platforms and other facilities?
(a) You must remove all platforms and other facilities within 1 year after the lease or pipeline right-of-way
terminates, unless you receive approval to maintain the structure to conduct other activities. Platforms include
production platforms, well jackets, single-well caissons, and pipeline accessory platforms. Other activities include
those supporting OCS oil and gas production and transportation, as well as other energy-related or marine-related
uses (including LNG) for which adequate financial assurance for decommissioning has been provided to a Federal
agency which has given BSEE a commitment that it has and will exercise authority to compel the performance of
decommissioning within a time following cessation of the new use acceptable to BSEE. The approval will specify:
(1) Whether you must continue to maintain any financial assurance for decommissioning; and
(2) Whether, and under what circumstances, you must perform any decommissioning not performed by the
new facility owner/user.
(b) Before you may remove a platform or other facility, you must submit a final removal application to the
Regional Supervisor for approval and include the information listed in §250.1727.
(c) You must remove a platform or other facility according to the approved application.
(d) You must flush all production risers with seawater before you remove them.
(e) You must notify the Regional Supervisor at least 48 hours before you begin the removal operations.
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§250.1726   When must I submit an initial platform removal application and what must it include?
An initial platform removal application is required only for leases and pipeline rights-of-way in the Pacific OCS
Region or the Alaska OCS Region. It must include the following information:
(a) Platform or other facility removal procedures, including the types of vessels and equipment you will use;
(b) Facilities (including pipelines) you plan to remove or leave in place;
(c) Platform or other facility transportation and disposal plans;
(d) Plans to protect marine life and the environment during decommissioning operations, including a brief
assessment of the environmental impacts of the operations, and procedures and mitigation measures that you will
take to minimize the impacts; and
(e) A projected decommissioning schedule.
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§250.1727   What information must I include in my final application to remove a platform or other facility?
You must submit to the Regional Supervisor, a final application for approval to remove a platform or other
facility. Your application must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125. If you are
proposing to use explosives, provide three copies of the application. If you are not proposing to use explosives,
provide two copies of the application. Include the following information in the final removal application, as
applicable:[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(a) Identification of the applicant including:
(1) Lease operator/pipeline right-of-way holder;
(2) Address;
(3) Contact person and telephone number; and
(4) Shore base.
(b) Identification of the structure you are removing including:
(1) Platform Name/BSEE Complex ID Number;
(2) Location (lease/right-of-way, area, block, and block coordinates);
(3) Date installed (year);
(4) Proposed date of removal (Month/Year); and
(5) Water depth.
(c) Description of the structure you are removing including:
(1) Configuration (attach a photograph or a diagram);
(2) Size;
(3) Number of legs/casings/pilings;
(4) Diameter and wall thickness of legs/casings/pilings;
(5) Whether piles are grouted inside or outside;
(6) Brief description of soil composition and condition;
(7) The sizes and weights of the jacket, topsides (by module), conductors, and pilings; and
(8) The maximum removal lift weight and estimated number of main lifts to remove the structure.
(d) A description, including anchor pattern, of the vessel(s) you will use to remove the structure.
(e) Identification of the purpose, including:
(1) Lease expiration/right-of-way relinquishment date; and
(2) Reason for removing the structure.
(f) A description of the removal method, including:
(1) A brief description of the method you will use;
(2) If you are using explosives, the following:
(i) Type of explosives;
(ii) Number and sizes of charges;
(iii) Whether you are using single shot or multiple shots;
(iv) If multiple shots, the sequence and timing of detonations;[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(v) Whether you are using a bulk or shaped charge;
(vi) Depth of detonation below the mud line; and
(vii) Whether you are placing the explosives inside or outside of the pilings;
(3) If you will use divers or acoustic devices to conduct a pre-removal survey to detect the presence of turtles
and marine mammals, a description of the proposed detection method; and
(4) A statement whether or not you will use transducers to measure the pressure and impulse of the
(g) Your plans for transportation and disposal (including as an artificial reef) or salvage of the removed
(h) If available, the results of any recent biological surveys conducted in the vicinity of the structure and recent
observations of turtles or marine mammals at the structure site.
(i) Your plans to protect archaeological and sensitive biological features during removal operations, including a
brief assessment of the environmental impacts of the removal operations and procedures and mitigation measures
you will take to minimize such impacts.
(j) A statement whether or not you will use divers to survey the area after removal to determine any effects on
marine life.
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§250.1728   To what depth must I remove a platform or other facility?
(a) Unless the Regional Supervisor approves an alternate depth under paragraph (b) of this section, you must
remove all platforms and other facilities (including templates and pilings) to at least 15 feet below the mud line.
(b) The Regional Supervisor may approve an alternate removal depth if:
(1) The remaining structure would not become an obstruction to other users of the seafloor or area, and
geotechnical and other information you provide demonstrate that erosional processes capable of exposing the
obstructions are not expected; or
(2) You determine, and BSEE concurs, that you must use divers and the seafloor sediment stability poses
safety concerns; or
(3) The water depth is greater than 800 meters (2,624 feet).
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§250.1729   After I remove a platform or other facility, what information must I submit?
Within 30 days after you remove a platform or other facility, you must submit a written report to the Regional
Supervisor that includes the following:
(a) A summary of the removal operation including the date it was completed;
(b) A description of any mitigation measures you took; and
(c) A statement signed by your authorized representative that certifies that the types and amount of explosives
you used in removing the platform or other facility were consistent with those set forth in the approved removal[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

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§250.1730   When might BSEE approve partial structure removal or toppling in place?
The Regional Supervisor may grant a departure from the requirement to remove a platform or other facility by
approving partial structure removal or toppling in place for conversion to an artificial reef if you meet the following
(a) The structure becomes part of a State artificial reef program, and the responsible State agency acquires a
permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and accepts title and liability for the structure; and
(b) You satisfy any U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) navigational requirements for the structure.
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§250.1731   Who is responsible for decommissioning an OCS facility subject to an Alternate Use RUE?
(a) The holder of an Alternate Use RUE issued under 30 CFR part 585 is responsible for all decommissioning
obligations that accrue following the issuance of the Alternate Use RUE and which pertain to the Alternate Use
RUE. See 30 CFR part 585, subpart J, for additional information concerning the decommissioning responsibilities
of an Alternate Use RUE grant holder.
(b) The lessee under the lease originally issued under 30 CFR part 556 will remain responsible for
decommissioning obligations that accrued before issuance of the Alternate Use RUE, as well as for
decommissioning obligations that accrue following issuance of the Alternate Use RUE to the extent associated with
continued activities authorized under this part.
(c) If a lease issued under 30 CFR part 556 is cancelled or otherwise terminated under any provision of this
subchapter, the lessee, upon our approval, may defer removal of any OCS facility within the lease area that is
subject to an Alternate Use RUE. If we elect to grant such a deferral, the lessee remains responsible for removing
the facility upon termination of the Alternate Use RUE and will be required to retain sufficient bonding or other
financial assurances to ensure that the structure is removed or otherwise decommissioned in accordance with the
provisions of this subpart.
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SiTE CLEaraNcE for WELLs, PLaTforMs, aNd OThEr FaciLiTiEs
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§250.1740   How must I verify that the site of a permanently plugged well, removed platform, or other
removed facility is clear of obstructions?
Within 60 days after you permanently plug a well or remove a platform or other facility, you must verify that the
site is clear of obstructions by using one of the following methods:
(a) For a well site, you must either:
(1) Drag a trawl over the site;[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(2) Scan across the location using sonar equipment;
(3) Inspect the site using a diver;
(4) Videotape the site using a camera on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV); or
(5) Use another method approved by the District Manager if the particular site conditions warrant.
(b) For a platform or other facility site in water depths less than 300 feet, you must drag a trawl over the site.
(c) For a platform or other facility site in water depths 300 feet or more, you must either:
(1) Drag a trawl over the site;
(2) Scan across the site using sonar equipment; or
(3) Use another method approved by the Regional Supervisor if the particular site conditions warrant.
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§250.1741   If I drag a trawl across a site, what requirements must I meet?
If you drag a trawl across the site in accordance with §250.1740, you must meet all of the requirements of this
(a) You must drag the trawl in a grid-like pattern as shown in the following table:
For a .  .  .
(1) Well site,
(2) Subsea well site,
(3) Platform site,

You must drag the trawl across a .  .  .
300-foot-radius circle centered on the well location.
600-foot-radius circle centered on the well location.
1,320-foot-radius circle centered on the location of the
(4) Single-well caisson, well protector jacket, template, or 600-foot-radius circle centered on the structure
(b) You must trawl 100 percent of the limits described in paragraph (a) of this section in two directions.

(c) You must mark the area to be cleared as a hazard to navigation according to USCG requirements until you
complete the site clearance procedures.
(d) You must use a trawling vessel equipped with a calibrated navigational positioning system capable of
providing position accuracy of ±30 feet.
(e) You must use a trawling net that is representative of those used in the commercial fishing industry (one that
has a net strength equal or greater than that provided by No. 18 twine).
(f) You must ensure that you trawl no closer than 300 feet from a shipwreck, and 500 feet from a sensitive
biological feature.
(g) If you trawl near an active pipeline, you must meet the requirements in the following table:

For .  .  .
(1) Buried active pipelines,

You must trawl
.  .  .

And you must .  .  .
First contact the pipeline owner or operator to
determine the condition of the pipeline before
trawling over the buried pipeline.[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(2) Unburied active pipelines that are 8
inches in diameter or larger,

no closer than 100
feet to the either
side of the pipeline,
no closer than 100
(3) Unburied smaller diameter active
feet to either side of
pipelines in the trawl area that have
obstructions (e.g., pipeline valves) present, the pipeline,
(4) Unburied active pipelines in the trawl area parallel to the
that are smaller than 8 inches in diameter
and have no obstructions present,

Trawl parallel to the pipeline Do not trawl
across the pipeline.
Trawl parallel to the pipeline. Do not trawl
across the pipeline.

(h) You must ensure that any trawling contractor you may use:
(1) Has no corporate or other financial ties to you; and
(2) Has a valid commercial trawling license for both the vessel and its captain.
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§250.1742   What other methods can I use to verify that a site is clear?
If you do not trawl a site, you can verify that the site is clear of obstructions by using any of the methods shown
in the following table:
If you use .  .  . You must .  .  .
(a) Sonar,
cover 100 percent of the appropriate grid area
listed in §250.1741(a),
(b) A diver,
ensure that the diver visually inspects 100
percent of the appropriate grid area listed in
ensure that the ROV camera records videotape
(c) An ROV
over 100 percent of the appropriate grid area
listed in §250.1741(a),

And you must .  .  .
Use a sonar signal with a frequency of at least
500 kHz.
Ensure that the diver uses a search pattern of
concentric circles or parallel lines spaced no
more than 10 feet apart.
Ensure that the ROV uses a pattern of
concentric circles or parallel lines spaced no
more than 10 feet apart.

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§250.1743   How do I certify that a site is clear of obstructions?
(a) For a well site, you must submit to the appropriate District Manager within 30 days after you complete the
verification activities a form BSEE-0124, Application for Permit to Modify, to include the following information:
(1) A signed certification that the well site area is cleared of all obstructions;
(2) The date the verification work was performed and the vessel used;
(3) The extent of the area surveyed;
(4) The survey method used;
(5) The results of the survey, including a list of any debris removed or a statement from the trawling contractor
that no objects were recovered; and
(6) A post-trawling job plot or map showing the trawled area.[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(b) For a platform or other facility site, you must submit the following information to the appropriate Regional
Supervisor within 30 days after you complete the verification activities:
(1) A letter signed by an authorized company official certifying that the platform or other facility site area is
cleared of all obstructions and that a company representative witnessed the verification activities;
(2) A letter signed by an authorized official of the company that performed the verification work for you
certifying that it cleared the platform or other facility site area of all obstructions;
(3) The date the verification work was performed and the vessel used;
(4) The extent of the area surveyed;
(5) The survey method used;
(6) The results of the survey, including a list of any debris removed or a statement from the trawling contractor
that no objects were recovered; and
(7) A post-trawling job plot or map showing the trawled area.
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PiPELiNE DEcoMMissioNiNg
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§250.1750   When may I decommission a pipeline in place?
You may decommission a pipeline in place when the Regional Supervisor determines that the pipeline does
not constitute a hazard (obstruction) to navigation and commercial fishing operations, unduly interfere with other
uses of the OCS, or have adverse environmental effects.
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§250.1751   How do I decommission a pipeline in place?
You must do the following to decommission a pipeline in place:
(a) Submit a pipeline decommissioning application in triplicate to the Regional Supervisor for approval. Your
application must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125. Your application must include
the following information:
(1) Reason for the operation;
(2) Proposed decommissioning procedures;
(3) Length (feet) of segment to be decommissioned; and
(4) Length (feet) of segment remaining.
(b) Pig the pipeline, unless the Regional Supervisor determines that pigging is not practical;
(c) Flush the pipeline;[10/16/2020 11:55:06 AM]

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

(d) Fill the pipeline with seawater;
(e) Cut and plug each end of the pipeline;
(f) Bury each end of the pipeline at least 3 feet below the seafloor or cover each end with protective concrete
mats, if required by the Regional Supervisor; and
(g) Remove all pipeline valves and other fittings that could unduly interfere with other uses of the OCS.
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§250.1752   How do I remove a pipeline?
Before removing a pipeline, you must:
(a) Submit a pipeline removal application in triplicate to the Regional Supervisor for approval. Your application
must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in §250.125. Your application must include the following
(1) Proposed removal procedures;
(2) If the Regional Supervisor requires it, a description, including anchor pattern(s), of the vessel(s) you will
use to remove the pipeline;
(3) Length (feet) to be removed;
(4) Length (feet) of the segment that will remain in place;
(5) Plans for transportation of the removed pipe for disposal or salvage;
(6) Plans to protect archaeological and sensitive biological features during removal operations, including a brief
assessment of the environmental impacts of the removal operations and procedures and mitigation measures that
you will take to minimize such impacts; and
(7) Projected removal schedule and duration.
(b) Pig the pipeline, unless the Regional Supervisor determines that pigging is not practical; and
(c) Flush the pipeline.
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§250.1753   After I decommission a pipeline, what information must I submit?
Within 30 days after you decommission a pipeline, you must submit a written report to the Regional Supervisor
that includes the following:
(a) A summary of the decommissioning operation including the date it was completed;
(b) A description of any mitigation measures you took; and
(c) A statement signed by your authorized representative that certifies that the pipeline was decommissioned
according to the approved application.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

§250.1754   When must I remove a pipeline decommissioned in place?
You must remove a pipeline decommissioned in place if the Regional Supervisor determines that the pipeline
is an obstruction.
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleElectronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)
File Modified2020-10-16
File Created2020-10-16

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