FDA 3637 Laser OEM Component Report

Reporting and Recordkeeping for Electronic Products - General Requirements

3637 Laser OEM Component Report

Reporting for Electronic Products

OMB: 0910-0025

Document [pdf]
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Submission Report

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Submission Report
eRadHealth Menu

Electronic Product Radiation Safety Reporting
This software application is intended to automate the hard copy product reporting forms in the effort
of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) to become capable of accepting
electronic submissions from industry and to improve our review process. This FDA Electronic
Submission (eSub) software is the next version of the application developed to allow us to accept all
Radiological Health reports and other submissions electronically and improve the ability of CDRH
to accomplish its mandated product and industry evaluations in a timely and efficient manner.
All electronic reports and correspondence can either be transferred to CD and mailed to the address
below, or can be sent via the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway to CDRH. If you follow
instructions to set up an account with the FDA Gateway, it currently may take several weeks,, but
when you submit through it you will receive your acknowledgement email message with Accession
Number within minutes! Or, in the interest of faster turn-around for a one-time urgent report of if
you submit few reports, you may simply fill out this template creating the submission and then at
'Packaging' follow the instructions to transfer the files to a CD to mail in. This method of submitting
your report will be acknowledged by an email with the Accession Number within several days.
Information about the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway can be found at
www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/ElectronicSubmissionsGateway/default.htm. Please contact the
Gateway Helpdesk with your questions about that system.
Electronic submissions on CD should be mailed directly to the Document Control Center at:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Attn: eSubmitter Team
Document Mail Center - WO66-0609
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Submissions received in the mail on CD will be processed within a few days of receipt.
Note about eSubmitter software:
Instructions provided in this software briefly summarize the requirements of the regulations under
the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), Chapter V, Subchapter C - Electronic Product



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Radiation Control, that applies to manufacturers of electronic products that emit radiation. The
software provides questions relevant to requirements in the performance standards and may include
explanations or clarification about the performance, labeling, and informational requirements of the
standard. It does not replace the regulations, however, and if there is any conflict between the
software and the regulations, the regulations must prevail. Throughout this application, pertinent
sections of Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Subchapter J, are cited in parentheses.
Please consult them before making design or procedural decisions.
Regulatory requirements for radiological products can be found at http://www.fda.gov/RadiationEmittingProducts/default.htm and for medical devices are located at
www.fda.gov/M/devaDvices/default.htm. If you have specific questions about the regulations,
please contact us at: DSMICA@fda.hhs.gov.
If you have specific questions regarding this software, please contact the eSub team by email at:
Thank you for using our electronic product reporting software. Please communicate your comments
and suggestions to the eSub team as often as you like.
Thank you for your continued support of the FDA Electronic Submission Program (eSub).
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for
this information collection is 0910-0025 (expires January 31, 2017).
What is your role?

!* Manufacturer

The following screen provides several options for you to accurately define what type of
eSubmission you intend to create for FDA. Below are explanations of your options. Please
feel free to review this screen, advance to the next screen and view the picklists, but if you're
confused, come back to read this screen again to be certain you are selecting the correct
report or correspondence type you want to create.

Submission Information
Step 1

Use the radio buttons to identify the type of submission you are preparing.
(Supplements should be prepared using the same document type as the original

What Type of Submission is this? (Supplements should be submitted
selecting the same document type as the original report.)


!* ( ) Radiation Safety

Report (Product) Report
(21 CFR 1002.10)
( ) Annual Report (21
CFR 1002.13)
( ) Laser Light Show
Documents (all relevant
documents) (21 CFR
( ) Correspondence


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( ) Variance Request
(General, not Laser Light
Show) (21 CFR 1010.4)
(•) Laser Original
Manufacturer Registration
(21 CFR 1040.10(a)(3)(ii))
( ) Abbreviated Report
(21 CFR 1002.12)
Step 2

After answering the Submission Type question above, one of the questions below
may become active and required (see the blue dot to the right of the question). If there
is an active question, select the appropriate product area or document type from the
question's pick list.

What Type of Product is this Radiation Safety Report about?
What Type of Product is this Annual Report about?
What Laser Light Show Document are you filing?
What Type of Correspondence is this?
What Type of Product is this Variance Request about?

OEM Laser Applicability

You have selected the Laser OEM form that is only applicable for the following situations
where your firm manufactures:

21 CFR 1040.10(a)(1) Such a laser product is either sold to a manufacturer of an electronic product
for use as a component (or replacement) in such electronic product, or
(2) Sold by or for a manufacturer of an electronic product for use as a component (or replacement) in
such electronic product, provided that such laser product:
(i) Is accompanied by a general warning notice that adequate instructions for the safe installation of
the laser product are provided in servicing information available from the complete laser product
manufacturer under paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section, and should be followed,
(ii) Is labeled with a statement that it is designated for use solely as a component of such electronic
product and therefore does not comply with the appropriate requirements of this section and 1040.11
for complete laser products, and
(iii) Is not a removable laser system as described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section; ...

Generally speaking, only advance forward if your firm is an Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) and your product is not a finished laser product.



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If the product you are reporting is a complete, finished product, this is the incorrect report to
file with CDRH. Instead, click the Back Arrow button and instead, select Radiation Safety
(Product) Report and Supplements. The next question will have you selecting Laser
Products as your product area. These responses will bring up the correct reporting form for
your laser products.



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Manufacturer Data
Manufacturer Responsible for Product Compliance

This is the firm that takes responsibility for certification that the product meets the
performance standard. This firm develops and maintains the quality control and testing
program that is the basis for the certification of this product. Additionally, this firm usually is
the owner of the product design and manufacturing process design.
Be sure to enter address information for each tab below:

Select the Manufacturer's address from the Establishment Address book:


Establishment Information:
Establishment Name
Division Name
Home Page
Physical Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Mailing Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number

Responsible Individual

The responsible individual is the highest level and most responsible individual affiliated with
this establishment.

Select the Responsible Individual from the Contact Address book:


Contact Information:
Contact Name
Occupation Title
Email Address
Establishment Information:
Establishment Name
Division Name
Physical Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number



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Mailing Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number

Manufacturer's Reporting Official

This is the person at the manufacturing facility that is knowledgeable and responsible for
addressing all aspects of the testing and quality control procedures for certification as
reported to FDA in the product report. Documentation of changes intesting and quality
control procedures submitted to FDA must be signed by this individual.

Select the Reporting Official from Contact Address book:


Contact Information:
Contact Name
Occupation Title
Email Address
Establishment Information:
Establishment Name
Division Name
Physical Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Mailing Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number

Report Submitter

The submitter may be a consulting individual or firm providing assistance in report
preparation and maintenance. Documents or submissions such as this one that are prepared
by the submitter must have an accompanying authorization letter from the manufacturer's
reporting official for authenticity.

Select the Submitter from the Contact Address book:


Contact Information:
Contact Name
Occupation Title
Email Address
Establishment Information:
Establishment Name
Division Name



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Physical Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Mailing Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Internal Reference Number:

Parent Establishment
Is there a parent establishment?


Select the Parent Establishment and Contact from the Contact Address book:
Contact Information:
Contact Name
Occupation Title
Email Address
Establishment Information:
Establishment Name
Division Name
Physical Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Mailing Location:
Telephone Number
Fax Number

Manufacturer Designated United States Agent

Manufacturers exporting to the U.S. must designate a U.S. agent, see 21 CFR 1005.25.

Is there a United States agent that has been designated by the manufacturer?





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Additional Manufacturing Locations



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Product Data
Product and Model Identification

Attention - Information about this section
In this section you'll be asked to identify several required or optional things which will help
FDA/CDRH staff to prioritize their reviews. You'll be asked to consider the following aspects:
(1) Identify your product's radiation type and the CDRH Product Code.
(2) Enter an Accession number if this will be a report supplment. If you are preparing a supplement,
you'll see that after entering a valid 7-digit Accession number many questions will no longer be
required (they will either be disabled or will be optional, meaning they will no longer have the blue
(3) You will also have several questions that are of high significance for FDA/CDRH - why you
might be submitting this report or correspondence. Please read these questions carefully, referring to
the 21 CFR regulations on the website www.FDA.gov if you are unsure if the question is relevant to
your firm's situation.
(4) If you find that you have more information that you want the FDA/CDRH to read but it doesn't
seem to fit under other questions, we have a final "Additional Information" question in this section
which invites you to add comments and/or attach a file that provides further information from your
firm about this submission. This is the place to add that extra information.

Product Type Reported
What is the product code?


To select the three letter product code,
- Click the plus sign. You will see a product code filter dialog box.
- Select the appropriate category name from the pick list. You will be provided a list of product codes
from which to choose.
- Select the best match to your product.
- The remaining fields will be filled in for you when you select your product code.
Product Code
If Other, provide a category name for this specific product.



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Report Information
Is this the first time you've submitted a report on the particular type of product selected
in the Product Type Reported section?


Since this is not the first time you've reported on this type of product, then is this a report
supplement to a previously reported model family?
Provide the Accession Number of the original report for which this is a supplement:
(Note: Do not enter any Device Premarket Application or Notification document number here,
such as PMAs, 510(k)s, IDEs, etc. See Accession number description below.)
Are you requesting a new variance, a renewal, extension or amendment to a
previous variance?


If you are requesting a new variance, renewal, extension, or amendment, you must file a
Variance Request separate from this report. To do this, open a new report (File > New) and
select either "Laser Light Show Variance Request" or "Variance Request (General, not Laser
Light Show)" as your Type of Submission in the Submission Information Screen. If you select
"Variance Request (General, not Laser Light Show)r" you must select the product for which
you are requesting a variance with the pick list in the bottom section of the screen.

Special Considerations

Noncompliances or Defects
Does this document or any of its attachments contain:
A notification of noncompliance or defect?


You may provide an explanation and/or attach a document here:

Responses to Noncompliances or Defects
Does this document or any of its attachments contain any of these responses concerning
noncompliances or defects?
A refutation of noncompliances or defects identified to your firm?


A request for an exemption from notification to purchasers (see 21 CFR 1003.21 and 1003.30)?


Corrective action plans you intend to implement to correct noncompliances or defects discovered in
past or current production?



If you are submitting a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) following 21 CFR 1004 and information
on design changes for future production, the design change information must be submitted in
a Radiation Safety (Product) Report or supplemental report. Both the proposed CAP and the
design changes may be submitted in one document if you prepare a product report and
choose to include the CAP in it as a file attachment. Alternatively, you may create a separate



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eSubmission for the CAP using the "Correspondence" type template and selecting "Followup correspondence to FDA."
A description of any design changes that correct noncompliances for future production?


If you are submitting information on product design changes for future production due to a
discovery of noncompliances or defects in current production, you must use the Radiation
Safety (Product) Report template to create the report . Correspondence templates may be
used to submit other information such as a proposed corrective action plan pertaining to a
noncompliance or defect.

You may add an explanation and/or attach a document here:

Exemption Requests
Does this document or any of its attachments contain:
Exemption of a product for government use from a standard (21 CFR 1010.5)?


Exemption for products for government use from reporting and recordkeeping (21 CFR 1002.51)?


Special exemption of products from reporting and/or recordkeeping (21 CFR 1002.50)?


Request for approval of alternate labeling?


Application for alternate test procedures (21 CFR 1010.13)?


You may provide an explanation and/or attach any relevant documents here:

Variance Requests

Please note: in addition to responding to these questions below, a separate General
Variance Request or Laser Light Show Variance Request form must be completed and
submitted to CDRH, with a hard copy sent to FDA's Division of Dockets Management as
instructed below for any variance request. The information requested on this screen does not
constitute the full structured content of the variance request. The 2 types of Variance forms
can be created in eSubmitter by selecting the appropriate Variance submission type under
the eRad Health Menu section of this application.


Click the plus sign to list the requirements from which you are requesting a variance.

This submission includes an application for a variance from certain requirements.

No Information Provided.

Provide an explanation and attach supporting files, if necessary. Click on the plus sign below to attach files.

For all Variance requests, two submissions must be made to the FDA.
The electronic version should be submitted following the Packaging Files for Submission
instructions located under Output in the Menu bar, and explained in subsection 4.3 of the
User Manual. If sending a CD & submittal letter, please mail to:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Attn: eSubmitter Team



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Document Mail Center - WO66-0609
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Additionally, a paper version (hard-copy) of the signed Variance request document should be
submitted to:
Food and Drug Administration
Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305)
5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061
Rockville, MD 20857

Responses to Communications from FDA
Does this document or any of its attachments contain:
A response to an FDA inspection?


What was the date of the inspection?
A response to a Warning letter or a Notification of Noncompliance or Defect from the


What was the date of the Warning Letter or other notification letter?
A response to a report review inquiry from the CDRH (the inquiry may have been in the
form of a letter, email, or phone call)?


What was the date of the inquiry?
A response to any other communication from FDA?


What was the date of the communication?
Provide an explanation:

Additional Information
Here's your opportunity to add anything else to this submission that you want to tell the FDA!
Is there any other relevant information or additional comments that would help expedite the review of this
submission? Click the plus sign below to attach any supporting files.

Private Labeling
Is the product sold by other companies under different brand names?


Medical Devices
Provide the premarket 510(k), IDE, HDE, PDP, or PMA filing numbers related to this medical product, if one
of these numbers has been assigned by FDA yet.



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If it has not been submitted yet, or if your device is exempt from premarket clearance or approval, please
provide an explanation. The device regulations can be found in 21 CFR 807 - device manufacturer
registration and device listing.



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OEM Report
Model Designation

Report the model name and/or number, model family, brand name, or other designation of
the product. If reporting a model family, provide the model designation of each model. If you
do not have a model family or brand name, leave the field blank.

Model Designation (Names and/or Numbers):

Model Name


Family Name

Brand Name

Primary lasing medium or laser type:


Primary wavelength (nm):



You have reached the end of this report. Please verify that all PDFs that are to be included in
this submission are correctly attached to a specific file attachment question. Otherwise, they
will not be packaged with your report. Check to make sure you have no missing data (select
Missing Data Report from the Output menu). Once you have confirmed that there is no
missing data and all your files are attached, click on the Package Submission icon on the
tool bar.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titlefile:///C:/eSubApps/eSub_Test/output/report.html
File Modified2017-01-09
File Created2017-01-09

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