Variable crosswalk, uses and power calculations

Att M - RANDS during COVID-19 Variable Crosswalk, Uses, and Power Calculation_UPDATED 05 08 2020.xlsx

RANDS during COVID19

Variable crosswalk, uses and power calculations

OMB: 0920-1298

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Variables and Purposes
Primary Est Var Assumed Prev

Sheet 1: Variables and Purposes

Attachment M - RANDS during COVID-19 Variable Crosswalk, Uses, and Power Calculation

Note: This sheet includes the variables, crosswalk, purposes, and covariate indicator.

The second sheet presents NCHS' estimates of prevalence used in the power calculation.

The third sheet presents the power calculation

Variable Question Wording Crosswalk to other Surveys Primary Use Category Covariate for Estimates
COVID_NOWK Were you unable to work because you or a family member was sick with the Coronavirus? New Question for this RANDS Estimation
COVID_CARE At any time in the last 4 weeks, did you need medical care for something other than Coronavirus, but not get it because of the Coronavirus pandemic? CPS, Census Pulse Survey Estimation
TELMED In the last two months, has this provider offered you a telephone or video appointment New Question for this RANDS, Planned for NHIS Estimation
TELEMEDUSE In the last two months, have you had an appointment with a doctor, nurse, or other health professional by video or by phone? New Question for this RANDS, Planned for NHIS Estimation
TELMEDNEW Did this provider offer telephone or video appointments before the Coronavirus pandemic? New Question for this RANDS, Planned for NHIS Estimation
COVIDSEEK Did you seek medical care for Coronavirus or Covid-19? New Question for this RANDS Estimation
DISR_MED Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, have you been able, unable, or have not needed… To get medications? New Question for this RANDS Estimation
DISR_DOC Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, have you been able, unable, or have not needed… To get a doctor’s appointment or some other kind of healthcare? New Question for this RANDS Estimation
NOCARTYP In the last two months, were you unable to get any of the following types of care for any reason? New Question for this RANDS Estimation
COVIDNOCAR [FILL: “Regarding your NOCARTYP”] Were you unable able to get this because of the Coronavirus pandemic? New Question for this RANDS Estimation
COVID_INS Did you lose health insurance coverage at any point in the last two months? New Question for this RANDS Secondary Coronavirus-related variables Yes
PREVFREQ  In the last month, have you done the following more, about the same, or less than before? New Question for this RANDS Secondary Coronavirus-related variables
PHSTAT  Would you say your health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? NHIS Annual Core; Census' Pulse Alignment Yes
ANXFREQ How often do you feel worried, nervous or anxious? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never? NHIS Annual Core; Washington Group Alignment Yes
ANXMED Do you take prescription medication for these feelings? NHIS Annual Core; Washington Group Alignment Yes
ANXLEVEL Thinking about the last time you felt worried, nervous or anxious, how would you describe the level of these feelings? [IF MODE=PHONE, READ: Would you say a little, a lot, or somewhere in between?] NHIS Annual Core; Washington Group Alignment Yes
DEPFREQ How often do you feel depressed? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never? NHIS Annual Core; Washington Group Alignment Yes
DEPMED Do you take prescription medication for depression? NHIS Annual Core; Washington Group Alignment Yes
DEPLEVEL Thinking about the last time you felt depressed, how depressed did you feel? [IF MODE=PHONE, READ: Would you say a little, a lot, or somewhere in between?] NHIS Annual Core; Washington Group Alignment Yes
SMKEV Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life? NHIS Annual Core Alignment
SMNOW Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days or not at all? NHIS Annual Core Alignment
ECIGNOW Do you now vape or use e-cigarettes every day, some days or not at all? NHIS Annual Core Alignment
EMPLASTWK Last week, did you work for pay at a job or business? NHIS Annual Core Alignment
HICOV Are you covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan? NHIS Annual Core Alignment Yes
USUALPL Is there a place that you usually go to if you are sick and need health care? NHIS Annual Core Alignment Yes
USPLKIND What kind of place [FILL: USUALPL==1 “is it?”; USUALP== 3, R, DK “do you go most often?”] [If Mode=Phone, READ: “A doctor's office or health center; an urgent care center, a clinic in a drug store or grocery store; a hospital emergency room; a VA Medical Center or VA outpatient clinic; or some other place?”  NHIS Annual Core Alignment Yes
HYPEV [If Mode=Phone, read: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Hypertension, also called high blood pressure? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
CHLEV [If Mode=Phone, read: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] High cholesterol? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
CHDEV [If Mode=Phone, read: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Coronary heart disease? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
ASEV [If Mode=Phone, read if necessary: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Asthma? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
ASTILL Do you still have asthma? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
COPDEV [If Mode=Phone, read if necessary: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, C.O.P.D., emphysema, or chronic bronchitis? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
PREDIB [If Mode=Phone, read if necessary: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Prediabetes or borderline diabetes? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
DIBEV [IF PREDIB=1 or GESDIB=1, fill: Not including prediabetes or gestational diabetes] [If Mode=Phone, read: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Diabetes? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
CANEV [If Mode=Phone, read: Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had] Cancer or a malignancy of any kind? NHIS Annual Core Calibration Yes
SRHPSYCH Would you say your mental health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
PROBE_SRH When you said your health in general was [FILL: PHSTAT], which of the following, if any, were you thinking about? Used in RANDS 2 through RANDS 4 Measurment Research
AUTOIM Do you currently have a health condition that a doctor or other health professional told you weakens the immune system, making it easier for you to get sick? New Question for this RANDS; Proposed for NHIS Measurment Research
PROBE_AUTOEV What is this condition? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
NOCARDIR [FILL: “Regarding your NOCARTYP”] Did your medical provider make this decision or did you ? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
NOCARWHYMD What reasons were you given for this decision? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
NOCARWHYR What reasons did you have for your decision? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
COVIDEV Has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you have or likely have Coronavirus or COVID-19? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
NHIS_TEST Have you ever been tested for Coronavirus or COVID-19? New Question for this RANDS; Planned for NHIS Measurment Research
PROBE_TESTTYP What kind of Coronavirus test did you receive? Please select all that apply New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
ALT_NHISTEST1 Have you ever had a test to determine if you were infected with Coronavirus or COVID-19 at the time of the test ? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
ALT_NHISTEST2 Have you ever had an antibody test to determine if you had Coronavirus or COVID-19 in the past? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
NHIS_RSLT Did the test find that you had Coronavirus or COVID-19? New Question for this RANDS; Planned for NHIS Measurment Research
PROBE_RSLT Were you not told the results, are you still waiting on the results, or do you not remember the results of the test? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
WANTTEST Did you ever ask a doctor or medical professional for a Coronavirus test? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
SUSPECT Do you suspect that you have ever had the Coronavirus or Covid-19? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
PROBE_SUSPECT Why do believe this? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
COVIDCARNO Why did you not seek this medical care? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
QUARANTINE Have you isolated or quarantined yourself because of the Coronavirus? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
PROBE_QUAR1/2 When answering the previous question about isolating or quarantining because of the Coronavirus, which of the following if any were you thinking about? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
FEEL_ANX Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, have you felt more stressed or anxious, less stressed or anxious, or about the same? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
FEEL_DEP Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, have you felt more lonely or sad, less lonely or sad, or about the same? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
FEEL_SOC Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, have you felt more socially connected to family and friends, less socially connected to family and friends, or about the same? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
PROBE_WAYS List the ways that the Coronavirus pandemic has affected your life. New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
GAD71 [If Mode=Phone, read: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?] Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge. [If Mode=Phone, read if necessary: Would you say not at all, several days, more than half the days, or nearly every day?] NHIS Rotating Core Measurment Research
GAD72 [If Mode=Phone, read: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?] Not being able to stop or control worrying. [If Mode=Phone, read if necessary: Would you say not at all, several days, more than half the days, or nearly every day?] NHIS Rotating Core Measurment Research
PHQ81  [If Mode=Phone, read: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?] Little interest or pleasure in doing things [If Mode=Phone, read: Would you say not at all, several days, more than half the days, or nearly every day?] NHIS Rotating Core Measurment Research
PHQ82 [If Mode=Phone, read: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?] Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless. [If Mode=Phone, read if necessary: Would you say not at all, several days, more than half the days, or nearly every day?] NHIS Rotating Core Measurment Research
PROBE_ANX  Which of the following statements, if any, describe any of your feelings of being nervous or anxious? Used in RANDS 3 through RANDS 4 Measurment Research
PROBE_ DEP Which of the following statements, if any, describe any of your feelings of being sad or depressed? Used in RANDS 2 through RANDS 4 Measurment Research
PROBE_RPEPI When do you think the Coronavirus pandemic began? Your best guess is fine. New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
PROBE_RPAFFECT When did the Coronavirus pandemic first affect your daily life? Your best guess is fine. New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research
PROBE_PANDEMIC Why do you say that? New Question for this RANDS Measurment Research

Sheet 2: Primary Est Var Assumed Prev

Question Wording Assumed Prevelence
COVID_NOWK Were you unable to work because you or a family member was sick with the Coronavirus? Low (prop w/ as of today is about 0.35%, but multiplied by the average US HH size of 2.52 is .882%, multiplied by average rands3 hhsize of 3.2 is 1.12% )
COVID_CARE At any time in the last 4 weeks, did you need medical care for something other than coronavirus, but not get it because of the coronavirus pandemic? Med (~35% via KFF Poll in March)
TELMED In the last two months, has this provider offered you a telephone or video appointment Low/Med (~18 %--about 90 % of ppl have access a usual place of care, and I saw pre-covid estimates that about 20% of medical offices offered telemed)
TELEMEDUSE In the last two months, did you schedule and participate in a telephone or video appointment? Low(<18 %--about 90 % of ppl have access a usual place of care, and I saw pre-covid estimates that about 20% of medical offices offered telemed)
TELMEDNEW Did this provider offer telephone or video appointments before the Coronavirus outbreak? Low/Med (~18 %--about 90 % of ppl have access a usual place of care, and I saw pre-covid estimates that about 20% of medical offices offered telemed)
COVIDSEEK Did you seek medical care for Coronavirus or Covid-19? Low, but higher than the prop of ppl who have covid (which is about 0.35%)
NOCARTYP Were you unable to get any of the following types of care in the last two months? Unknown, but less than than the overall of covid_Care for each individual area
COVIDNOCAR [FILL: “Regarding your NOCARTYP”] Were you unable able to get this because of the Coronavirus epidemic? Unknown, but less than than the overall of covid_Care for each individual area
DISR_MED At any point since the coronavirus outbreak began, have you been able, unable, or have not needed… To get medications? Med (~65% via KFF Poll in March of ABLE)
DISR_DOC Since the coronavirus outbreak began, have you been able, unable, or have not needed… To get a doctor’s appointment or some other kind of healthcare? Med (~65% via KFF Poll in March of ABLE)

Sheet 3: Precision

Experimental estimates for the primary estimation variables below will be released. Because adults with chronic condiditons may be affected more than the general population, estimates for selected subgroups defined by chronic conditions and and factors related to chronic conditions (e.g. insurance, age) will be presented, when available. The table below shows the expected coefficients of variation (CV) for the primary experimental estimates for all adults and for smaller samples for subgroups. CV of 30% has been used as a threshold by NCHS for presentation criteria. Current NCHS presentation standards** moved away from CV and are based on exact confidence intervals but were established to be consistent with prior criteria. The current standards generally allow for more low prevalence estimates to be released. Beyond the subgroups shown in this table, other covariates indicated in the "Variables and Purposes" tab will be investigated as part of NCHS' evaluation of the data.
CV were calculated for the sample of all adults (n=6000) and for sample sizes 2500, 2000, 1500, 1000, 750, and 500. Chronic disease subgroups that correspond to these sample sizes are identified in row 17. These expected sample sizes were based on RANDS 3 or NHIS.

CV were calculated assuming a design effect of 2. The average design effect for RANDS 3 was 1.83. CV in RED are estimates that would not have met the CV critieria for presention.

Table. Coefficients of Variation for primary estimation variables with varying expected prevalence by expected sample sizes according to covariates

Covariate subgroups (expected sample size based on RANDS 3) Any health insurance (5700*) Between 70% and 75% report one or more chronic condition
Hypertension (2224) Age > 65 (1329) Ever asthma (984), Fair/poor health (992), Current smoking (928), Hispanic (946) non-Hispanic black (619) Diabetes (636), COPD (485), Cancer (561*)

All adults, n=6000 n=4000 n=2500 n=2000 n=1500 n=1000 n=750 n=500
Primary estimation variable Assumed prevalence CV (DEFF=2)

COVIDSEEK 0.50% 25.76 31.54 39.90 44.61 51.51 63.09 72.85 89.22
COVID_NOWK 1% 18.17 22.25 28.14 31.46 36.33 44.50 51.38 62.93
NOCARTYP 5% 7.96 9.75 12.33 13.78 15.92 19.49 22.51 27.57
COVIDNOCAR 5% 7.96 9.75 12.33 13.78 15.92 19.49 22.51 27.57
Variables with prevalence 10% 10% 5.48 6.71 8.49 9.49 10.95 13.42 15.49 18.97
TELEMEDUSE 15% 4.35 5.32 6.73 7.53 8.69 10.65 12.29 15.06
TELMED 20% 3.65 4.47 5.66 6.32 7.30 8.94 10.33 12.65
TELMEDNEW 20% 3.65 4.47 5.66 6.32 7.30 8.94 10.33 12.65
Variables with prevalence 25% 25% 3.16 3.87 4.90 5.48 6.32 7.75 8.94 10.95
Variables with prevalence 30% 30% 2.79 3.42 4.32 4.83 5.58 6.83 7.89 9.66
COVID_CARE 35% 2.49 3.05 3.85 4.31 4.98 6.09 7.04 8.62
DISR_MED 65% 1.34 1.64 2.08 2.32 2.68 3.28 3.79 4.64
DISR_DOC 65% 1.34 1.64 2.08 2.32 2.68 3.28 3.79 4.64

*based on NHIS, not fielded on RANDS 3


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