Export Certificates for FDA Regulated Products under U.S.C. Sections 801(e) and 802

Mock up to 3613a_02_06_20 _2

CVM Export Certificate (FDA 3613, 3613b)

OMB: 0910-0498

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Form Approved: 0MB No. 0910-0498; Expiration Date: 8/31/2021


Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration

Send the Exp01t Certificate Requests and supporting documents to the appropriate Center within FDA that would have
control over your product:
CBER: CBER regulates biological products, including blood and blood products, vaccines, allergenics, tissues, and
cellular and gene therapies. CBER also regulates the medical devices involved in the co)lection, processing, testing,
manufacture and administration of licensed blood, blood components and cellular products and all HIV test kits used
both to screen donor blood, blood components, and cellular products and to diagnose, treat, and monitor persons with
HIV and AIDS. Please see pages 7 for CBER instructions on how to apply for this certificate.
CDRH: CDRH regulates devices ranging from thermometers to kidney dialysis machines and electronic products that
emit radiation such as microwaves. Please submit your application on line using https://www.access.fda.gov/oaa.
Please see page 8 for CDRH instructions on the 801 Certificate. Please see page 9 for CDRH instructions for the 802
CVM: Feed/food, drugs and devices used in pets, farm animals, and other animals are regulated by the Food and Drug
Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Division of Compliance (HFV-234), 12225 Willdns Avenue,
MPN4 #133, Rockville; MD 20852. If you have any questions, please email CVMExportCertification@fda.hhs.gov.
Please see page 10 for CVM instructions on how to fill out this form and apply for this certificate.
1A. Requestor Information

i· ,-'

Owner operator number (if applicable)

Telephone number

FAX number

Firm Tax ID code

Email address

1 C. Shipping Account Number and/or Label (Mailing supplies

18. Billing Address (if not the same as requestor)

may be sent along with tl1is form.)

Alternate Billing Email Address (if not the same as requestor)

Certificates will be sent electronically

2. Manufacturer Information (The following entries are to be entered separately for each firm; multiple entry sets arn provided)
Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Firm or Firm Establishment Identifier (FEI)
Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (FEI)

of last FDA inspection

(Item 4 entry sets continued, next page)

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
instructions are on page 7.

Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
instructions for 802 are on page 9.

Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
instructions for 801(e)(1) begin on page 8. ·

Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
instructions are on page 10.

FORM FDA 3613a (2119)

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PSC Publishing Scr'\'i«s(lOl) ·Hl-6740


2. Manufacturer Infor mation (Continued)

Same Changes from Page 1


Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (FEI)

Date of last FDA inspection


Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (FEI)

Date of last FDA inspection


Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (FEI)

Date of last FDA inspection


Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (FEI)

Date of last FDA inspection


Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (F�I)

Date of last FDA inspection


Address (P.O. Box not acceptable)

Registration number/Firm
Establishment Identifier (FEI)

Date of last FDA inspection

Product name
CVMeCATs will ask for Product name and National Drug Code
Product class

D Class 1
D Class2
D Class3

the product have an
approved IDE?
yes, provide IDE number: ------ - - - �
These are not applicable to animal products

4. List country(ies) for which the Certificates are requested. Please list at least list one country.

FORM FDA 3613a (2119)

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No Changes to Section 4 or 5

5.Other information to appear on the certificate.

6. Should
the country destination be listed on the certificate? (Note: CDRH does not list specific country on the certificate
-----------------CVMeCATS Will Not Ask This Question

0 Yes

0 No

Indicate the total number of certificates requested:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Are
you exporting pursuant to section 801 (e) or section 802 of the Act?

O To section 801(e)

To section 802

Section 7 will now read as follows: Please check this box to verify you are exporting

pursuant to section 801(e) of the Act.

To meet the requirements for exporting products pursuant to section 802 of the Act, an exporter must maintain records of the

product(s) exported and the countries to which they were exported. Notification of exporting unapproved drugs or devices, including
pursuant to section 802(g) of the Act is separate from requesting or receiving a Certificate of Exportability. Notification to FDA
is required when the exporter first begins to export and should be sent to the same address for requesting export certificates.

FORM FDA 3613a (2/19)

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Department of Health and Human SeNices
Food and Drug Administration

for CBER and CVM


As the responsible official or designee of the company named above, I hereby certify to the United States Food and Drug
Administration that:
l. The product(s) accords to the specifications of the foreign purchaser;

2. The product(s) is not in conflict with the laws of the country to which it is intended for export;
3. The product(s) is labeled on the outside of the shipping package that it is intended for export;
4. The product(s) is not sold or offered for sale in the United States;
5. Each product(s) identified on the request and certificate is being exported from the United States;
6. All contract manufacturers, contract sterilizers, etc. involved in the manufacturing process have been identified
on the Application,; and
7. The manufacturer is currently registered and has listed each of its products identified for export as required by
section 510 of the Act and CFR Part 207, 607, 807.
below, if exporting under Section 802 of the Act.)

This does not apply to animal products

In addition, I hereby certify to the FDA that pursuant to Section 802(£)(1) of the Act, the product(s) being

has been manufactured, processed, packaged, and held in substantial conformity with current good
practice requirements.








I hereby make this Certification of Compliance Statement for FDA with full knowledge that the making or submission
of false statements represent violations of the United States Code Title 18, Chapter 47, Section 1001.
Penalties include up to $250,000 in fines and up to 5 years imprisonment.
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Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration

I. The "Certificate of Exportability" is for the export of products
not approved for marketing in the United States (unapproved
products) that meet the requirements of Sections 80l(e) qr 802 of
the Act. Certificate requests should include the information listed
in Supplementary Information - Certificate of Exportability
Requests (PDF, Text). Please ensure that the Exporter's
Certification Statement is signed by a responsible official of the
exp01ting firm and is enclosed with the ce1tificate request.

4. Requests for certificates should be sent to:

2. If the requested information on the application form is not
provided by the cxpo1ting firm or if clarification is needed on
the supplied information, the exporting firm will be contacted
via telephone or email. If the exp01ting firm does riot provide the
necessary information within 48 hours, the request for certificates
will be returned and will need to be resubmitted. You may
enclose a completed air billing number and mailing supplies to
expedite return of the Certificates. A certificate will be issued for
each product.

5. The fee for preparing and issuing a single certificate for animal
drugs is $175; the first duplicate of that original is $155; and $70
for each subsequent duplicate per request. The fee for preparing
and issuing each certificate for animal feed/food will not exceed
$175. Please do not include-the fee payment with your requests;
the exporting firm will be billed quarterly.

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Veterinary Medicine
Division of Compliance (HFV-234)
12225 Wilkins Avenue, MPN4 #133
Rockville, MD 20852
CVMExportCertification@fda.hhs.gov - for inquiries)

3. Enors made by FDA during the preparation of export certificates
will be corrected, at no cost to the applicant, within 45 days after
• Errors made in the application, by the submitter, cannot be
corrected. A new application must be submitted.

This section applies only to requirements of the Pape1work Reduction Act of 1995.

The burden time for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time to review
instructions, seai'ch existing data sources, gather and maintain the data needed and complete and review the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to:
Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Office of Operations
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Staff


"An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless if displays a currently valid 0MB number. "

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-02-18
File Created2020-02-06

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