Form Approved: 0920-XXXX |
Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx |
National Tobacco Control Programs |
Work Plan Template |
Year [X] |
[Choose your state name…] |
The following navigation bar is available on all worksheets |
Click a tab to jump to the corresponding sheet: |
Instructions: |
You may use this template to prepare a work plan for NTCP. Please refer to the supplemental guidance document for more information. |
Notes on Data Entry: All light yellow cells are available for user input. |
Technical Support: |
If you need technical support at any time, please send an email with a detailed description of your need to the following address: |
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 6 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA [0920-XXXX]. |
Goal 1 |
Prevent initiation among youth and young adults. |
Project Period Objective 1 |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Project Period Objective 2 (Optional) |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Strategy 1 |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Strategy 2 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 3 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 4 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Strategy 5 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 6 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 7 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
Strategy 8 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
Strategy 9 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Goal 2 |
Eliminating nonsmokers’ exposure to secondhand smoke. |
Project Period Objective 1 |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Project Period Objective 2 (Optional) |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Strategy 1 |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 2 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 3 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 4 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 5 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 6 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Goal 3 |
Promoting quitting among among youth and young adults. |
Project Period Objective 1 |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Project Period Objective 2 (Optional) |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Strategy 1 |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Strategy 2 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Strategy 3 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Strategy 4 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Strategy 5 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Mass Reach Communications |
Project Period Objective 1 |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Project Period Objective 2 (Optional) |
Select a Project Period Outcome |
Key outcome indicator (KOI) |
Strategy 1 |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy, including any key messages in your campaign, if known. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels increase reach: |
National Networks |
Race/Ethnicity |
Please choose the type of media planned for this strategy: |
Strategy 2 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy, including any key messages in your campaign, if known. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels increase reach: |
National Networks |
Please choose the type of media planned for this strategy: |
Strategy 3 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy, including any key messages in your campaign, if known. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels increase reach: |
National Networks |
Please choose the type of media planned for this strategy: |
Surveillance and Evaluation |
Project Period Objective 1 |
Project Period Objective 2 (Optional) |
Strategy 1 |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 2 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 3 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 4 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 5 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 6 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
Infrastructure, Administration and Management |
Project Period Objective 1 |
Project Period Objective 2 (Optional) |
Strategy 1 |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 2 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 3 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 4 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 5 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |
Strategy 6 (Optional) |
[Select a strategy…] |
Annual Objective |
Population Description: Specify the populations and channels being targeted for each activity (if applicable) and check the corresponding box below |
Responsible Party: |
Timeframe |
Activity Description: Describe up to five planned activities related to the above strategy. |
Specify the TCP position or partner responsible for this activity. |
Start Month |
End Month |
Population Checkboxes: Within this strategy, indicate if you are targeting the general population, population(s) of focus and/or channels in the listed activities above. |
Populations of Focus |
Indicate if you will be using any of the following channels to increase reach: |
National Networks |