50 CFR Part 32

50 CFR Part 32.pdf

Hunting and Fishing Application Forms and Activity Reports for National Wildlife Refuges,50 CFR 25.41, 25.43, 25.51, 26.32, 26.33, 27.42, 30.11, 31.15, 32.1 to 32.72

50 CFR Part 32

OMB: 1018-0140

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§ 31.11

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

program on any wildlife refuge area,
the surplus may be reduced or utilized
in accordance with Federal and State
law and regulation by:
(a) Donation or loan to public agencies and institutions.
(b) Sale to public or private agencies
and institutions.
(c) Commercial harvest of fishery resources.
(d) Official wildlife control operations.
(e) Public hunting or fishing.
(f) Trapping.

Subpart B—Terms and Conditions
of Wildlife Reduction and Disposal
§ 31.11 Donation and loan of wildlife
Wildlife specimens may be donated or
loaned to public institutions for specific purposes. Donation or loans of
resident species of wildlife will not be
made unless the recipient has secured
the approval of the State.
[38 FR 16356, June 22, 1973]

§ 31.12 Sale of wildlife specimens.
Surplus wildlife specimens may be
sold alive or butchered, dressed and
processed subject to Federal and State
laws and regulations and the provisions
of this part.
§ 31.13 Do we allow commercial harvest of fishery resources?
Refuge managers may allow commercial harvest of fishery resources by
issuance of a permit or by refuge-specific regulation in compliance with applicable State and Federal laws when
compatible and in compliance with
§ 29.1 of this subchapter C.

taken or destroyed by Federal personnel.
§ 31.15 Public hunting and fishing programs.
The privilege of hunting and fishing
may be extended to the general public
under the provisions of regulations
cited in parts 32 and 33 of this subchapter.
§ 31.16

Trapping program.

Except as hereafter noted, persons
trapping animals on wildlife refuge
areas where trapping has been authorized shall secure and comply with the
provisions of a Federal permit issued
for that purpose. This permit shall
specify the terms and conditions of
trapping activity and the rates of
charge or division of pelts, hides, and
carcasses. Lands acquired as ‘‘waterfowl production areas’’ shall be open to
public trapping without Federal permit
provided that trapping on all or part of
individual areas may be temporarily
suspended by posting upon occasions of
unusual or critical conditions affecting
land, water, vegetation, or wildlife populations. Each person trapping on any
wildlife refuge area shall possess the
required State license or permit and
shall comply with the provisions of
State laws and regulations.
[36 FR 17998, Sept. 8, 1971]

§ 31.17

Disposal of furs and pelts.

The disposition of animals and the
pelts or carcasses thereof accruing to
the United States through the trapping
programs shall be sold by public auction or on the open market unless required for official purposes.

[69 FR 54362, Sept. 8, 2004]


§ 31.14 Official animal control operations.
(a) Animal species which are surplus
or detrimental to the management program of a wildlife refuge area may be
taken in accordance with Federal and
State laws and regulations by Federal
or State personnel or by permit issued
to private individuals.
(b) Animal species which are damaging or destroying Federal property
within a wildlife refuge area may be

Subpart A—General Provisions
32.1 Opening of wildlife refuge areas to
32.2 What are the requirements for hunting
on areas of the National Wildlife Refuge
32.3 What are the procedures for publication
of refuge-specific hunting regulations?
32.4 Opening of wildlife refuge areas to fishing.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.2


sportfishing on areas of the National
Wildlife Refuge System?
32.6 What are the procedures for publication
of refuge-specific sport fishing regulations?
32.7 What refuge units are open to hunting
and/or sport fishing?
32.8 Areas closed to hunting.

Subpart B—Refuge-Specific Regulations for
Hunting and Fishing
32.20 Alabama.
32.21 Alaska.
32.22 Arizona.
32.23 Arkansas.
32.24 California.
32.25 Colorado.
32.26 Connecticut. [Reserved]
32.27 Delaware.
32.28 Florida.
32.29 Georgia.
32.30 Hawaii.
32.31 Idaho.
32.32 Illinois.
32.33 Indiana.
32.34 Iowa.
32.35 Kansas.
32.36 Kentucky.
32.37 Louisiana.
32.38 Maine.
32.39 Maryland.
32.40 Massachusetts.
32.41 Michigan.
32.42 Minnesota.
32.43 Mississippi.
32.44 Missouri.
32.45 Montana.
32.46 Nebraska.
32.47 Nevada.
32.48 New Hampshire.
32.49 New Jersey.
32.50 New Mexico.
32.51 New York.
32.52 North Carolina.
32.53 North Dakota.
32.54 Ohio.
32.55 Oklahoma.
32.56 Oregon.
32.57 Pennsylvania.
32.58 Puerto Rico. [Reserved]
32.59 Rhode Island.
32.60 South Carolina.
32.61 South Dakota.
32.62 Tennessee.
32.63 Texas.
32.64 Utah.
32.65 Vermont.
32.66 Virginia.
32.67 Washington.
32.68 West Virginia.
32.69 Wisconsin.
32.70 Wyoming.
32.71 United States Unincorporated Pacific
Insular Possessions.
32.72 Guam.

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301; 16 U.S.C. 460k, 664,
668dd–668ee, and 715i.
SOURCE: 58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, unless
otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 32.1 Opening of wildlife refuge areas
to hunting.
The opening of a wildlife refuge area
to hunting will be dependent upon the
provisions of law applicable to the area
and upon a determination by the Secretary that the opening of the area to
the hunting of migratory game birds,
upland game, or big game will be compatible with the principles of sound
wildlife management and will otherwise be in the public interest. The
opening or closing of wildlife refuge
areas to hunting shall be in accordance
with the rulemaking requirements of
the Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. 553). Lands acquired pursuant to
the Act of May 18, 1948 (62 Stat. 238, 16
U.S.C. 695) will be opened to hunting
only after it has been determined that
the major portion of the crops in the
vicinity of the area involved have been
harvested, that the period of susceptibility of such crops to wildfowl depredation has passed, or that the possibility of these crops being damaged by
waterfowl is minor. Lands acquired as
‘‘waterfowl production areas’’ shall annually be open to the hunting of migratory game birds, upland game, and big
game subject to the provisions of State
law and regulations and the pertinent
provisions of parts 25 through 31 of this
subchapter: Provided, That all forms of
hunting or entry on all or any part of
individual areas may be temporarily
suspended by posting upon occasions of
unusual or critical conditions of, or affecting land, water, vegetation, or
wildlife populations.
§ 32.2 What are the requirements for
hunting on areas of the National
Wildlife Refuge System?
The following provisions shall apply
to each person while engaged in public
hunting on areas of the National Wildlife Refuge System:
(a) Each person shall secure and possess the required State license.


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§ 32.3

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

(b) Each person 16 years of age and
older shall secure and possess a Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp while hunting migratory waterfowl.
(c) Each person shall comply with the
applicable provisions of Federal law
and regulations including this subchapter and the current Federal Migratory Bird Regulations.
(d) Each person shall comply with
the applicable provisions of the laws
and regulations of the State wherein
any area is located unless further restricted by Federal law or regulation.
(e) Each person shall comply with the
terms and conditions authorizing access or use of wildlife refuges, including the terms and conditions under
which hunting permits are issued.
(f) Each person must comply with the
provisions of any refuge-specific regulations governing hunting on the wildlife refuge area. Regulations, special
conditions, and maps of the hunting
areas for a particular wildlife refuge
are available at that area’s headquarters. In addition, refuge-specific
hunting regulations for migratory
game bird, upland game, and big game
hunting appear in §§ 32.20 through 32.72.
(g) The use of any drug on any arrow
for bow hunting on national wildlife
refuges is prohibited. Archers may not
have arrows employing such drugs in
their possession on any national wildlife refuge.
(h) The unauthorized distribution of
bait and the hunting over bait is prohibited on wildlife refuge areas. (Baiting is authorized in accordance with
State regulations on national wildlife
refuges in Alaska).
(i) The use of nails, wire, screws or
bolts to attach a stand to a tree, or
hunting from a tree into which a metal
object has been driven to support a
hunter is prohibited on wildlife refuge
(j) The use or possession of alcoholic
beverages while hunting is prohibited.
(k) You may possess only approved
nontoxic shot while in the field, which
we identify in 50 CFR 20.21(j), while on
Waterfowl Production Areas, or on certain other areas of the National Wildlife Refuge System as delineated on
maps, leaflets and/or signs, available at
each refuge headquarters or posted at
each refuge, or as stated in refuge-spe-

cific regulations. Where we allow turkey and deer hunting, you may use
slugs and shot containing lead to hunt
these species unless prohibited by refuge-specific regulations and/or State
(l) The refuge-specific regulations
(§ 32.20 through § 32.72) may include the
items discussed in § 32.3(b). Refuge permits and brochures should also include
those items and any special conditions
allowed by paragraph (f) of this section.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 63
FR 46914, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30777, May 12,
2000; 67 FR 58943, Sept. 18, 2002]

§ 32.3 What are the procedures for
publication of refuge-specific hunting regulations?
(a) Refuge-specific hunting regulations are issued only at the time of or
after the determination and publication of the opening of a wildlife refuge
area to migratory game bird, upland
game or big game hunting.
(b) Refuge-specific hunting regulations may contain the following items:
(1) Wildlife species that may be hunted;
(2) Seasons;
(3) Bag limits;
(4) Methods of hunting;
(5) Description of areas open to hunting; or
(6) Other provisions as required.
(c) Refuge-specific hunting regulations will not liberalize existing State
laws or regulations.
(d) Refuge-specific hunting regulations are subject to change and the
public is invited to submit suggestions
and comments for consideration at any
(e) We initially publish refuge-specific hunting regulations in the daily
issue of the FEDERAL REGISTER, and
subsequently they appear in §§ 32.20
through 32.72, except that the refuge
manager may adopt and issue relevant
refuge-specific season dates and times
after the State establishes its hunting
seasons by publication through one or
more of the methods identified in § 25.31
of this subchapter C.
(f) Refuge-specific hunting regulations may be amended or new conditions imposed at any time during the
hunting season when unpredictable


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.7

changes occur in wildlife populations,
habitat conditions or in other factors
affecting a refuge’s wildlife resources.
Changes in refuge-specific hunting regulations made under the conditions
noted in this paragraph (f) can be in
force only for the one season to which
the changes apply.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 67
FR 58943, Sept. 18, 2002]

§ 32.4 Opening of wildlife refuge areas
to fishing.
Wildlife refuge areas may be opened
to sport fishing only after a determination is made that this activity is compatible with the purposes for which the
refuge was established. In addition, the
sport fishing program must be consistent with principles of sound fishery
management and otherwise be in the
public interest. The opening or closing
of wildlife refuge areas to fishing is
subject to the rulemaking requirements of the Administrative Procedure
Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.). Lands acquired as ‘‘waterfowl production areas’’
are open to sport fishing subject to the
provisions of State laws and regulations and the pertinent provisions of
parts 25 through 31 of this subchapter:
Provided, that fishing or entry on all or
any part of individual areas may be
temporarily suspended by posting upon
occasions of unusual or critical conditions of, or affecting, land, water, vegetation or fish and wildlife populations.
§ 32.5 What are the requirements for
sportfishing on areas of the National Wildlife Refuge System?
The following provisions shall apply
to each person while engaged in public
sport fishing on a wildlife refuge area:
(a) Each person shall secure and possess the required State license.
(b) Each person shall comply with
the applicable provisions of Federal
law and regulation including this subchapter.
(c) Each person shall comply with the
applicable provisions of the laws and
regulations of the State wherein any
area is located unless the same are further restricted by Federal law or regulation.
(d) Each person shall comply with
the terms and conditions authorizing

access and use of the wildlife refuge
(e) Each person must comply with
the provisions of any refuge-specific
regulation governing fishing on the
wildlife refuge area. Regulations, special conditions, and maps of the fishing
areas for a particular wildlife refuge
are available at that area’s headquarters. In addition, refuge-specific
sport fishing regulations appear in
§§ 32.20 through 32.72.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 67
FR 58943, Sept. 18, 2002]

§ 32.6 What are the procedures for
publication of refuge-specific sport
fishing regulations?
(a) Refuge-specific fishing regulations are issued only at the time of or
after the opening of a wildlife refuge
area to sport fishing.
(b) Refuge-specific fishing regulations may contain the following items:
(1) Fish species that may be taken;
(2) Seasons;
(3) Creel limits;
(4) Methods of fishing;
(5) Description of areas open to fishing; or
(6) Other provisions as required.
(c) Refuge-specific fishing regulations will not liberalize existing State
laws or regulations.
(d) Refuge-specific fishing regulations are subject to change and the
public is invited to submit suggestions
and comments for consideration at any
(e) We initially publish refuge-specific sport fishing regulations in the
daily issue of the FEDERAL REGISTER,
and subsequently they appear in §§ 32.20
through 32.72.
(f) Refuge-specific fishing regulations
may be amended as needed when unpredictable changes occur in fish and wildlife populations, habitat conditions or
in other factors affecting a refuge’s fish
and wildlife resources.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 67
FR 58943, Sept. 18, 2002]

§ 32.7 What refuge units are open to
hunting and/or sport fishing?
Refuge units open to hunting and/or
sport fishing in accordance with the
provisions of subpart A of this part and
§§ 32.20–32.72, inclusive, are as follows:


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§ 32.7

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge
San Luis National Wildlife Refuge
San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge
Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife
Sutter National Wildlife Refuge
Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge
Choctaw National Wildlife Refuge
Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge
Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge
Mountain Lonleaf National Wildlife Refuge
Sauta Cave National Wildlife Refuge
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge

Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge
Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge
Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge
Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge
Rocky Mountain Arsenal

Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Becharof National Wildlife Refuge
Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
Izembek National Wildlife Refuge
Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge
Salawik National Wildlife Refuge
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
Togiak National Wildlife Refuge
Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge

Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge
Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge

Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge
Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge
Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge
Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
Imperial National Wildlife Refuge
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge
Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge
Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Cache River National Wildlife Refuge
Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge
Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge
Overflow National Wildlife Refuge
Pond Creek National Wildlife Refuge
Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge
White River National Wildlife Refuge

Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National
Wildlife Refuge
Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge
Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge
Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge
Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge
J.N. ‘‘Ding’’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge
Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge
Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
Pinellas National Wildlife Refuge
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge
Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Colusa National Wildlife Refuge
Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National
Wildlife Refuge
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Imperial National Wildlife Refuge
Kern National Wildlife Refuge
Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
Merced National Wildlife Refuge
Modoc National Wildlife Refuge
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge

Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge
Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge
Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge
Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge
Guam National Wildlife Refuge
Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge
Kakahaia National Wildlife Refuge
Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Camas National Wildlife Refuge
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.7

Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge
Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge

Sabine National Wildlife Refuge
Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge
Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge



Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge
Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge
Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge
Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge
Great River National Wildlife Refuge
Meredosia National Wildlife Refuge
Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife
Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge
Two Rivers Naional Wildlife Refuge
Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish

Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge
Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge
Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge
Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and
Management Area

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge
Patuxent Research Refuge
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge
Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge
Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

De Soto National Wildlife Refuge
Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge
Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge
Northern Tallgrass Prairie National Wildlife
Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge
Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge
Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish
Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge
Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge
Marais des Cygnes Natinal Wildlife Refuge
Quivira National Wildlife Refuge
Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge
Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge
Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge
Bayou Cocodrie National Wildlife Refuge
Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge
Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge
Breton National Wildlife Refuge
Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge
Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge
Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge
D’Arbonne National Wildlife Refuge
Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Grand Cote National Wildlife Refuge
Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge
Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge
Red River National Wildlife Refuge

Harbor Island National Wildlife Refuge
Kirtland’s Warbler Wildlife Management
Seney National Wildlife Refuge
Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge
Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge
Detroit Lakes Wetland Management District
Fergus Falls Wetland Management District
Litchfield Wetland Management District
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Morris Wetland Management District
Northern Tallgrass Prairie National Wildlife
Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Rydell National Wildlife Refuge
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge
Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish
Windom Wetland Management District
Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge
Coldwater National Wildlife Refuge
Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge
Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Hillside National Wildlife Refuge
Mathews Brake National Wildlife Refuge
Morgan Brake National Wildlife Refuge
Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge
Panther Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge
Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge
Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge
Big Muddy National Wildlife Refuge
Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge


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§ 32.7

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

Great River National Wildlife Refuge
Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife
Mingo National Wildlife Refuge
Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge
Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge
Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Black Coulee National Wildlife Refuge
Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge
Creedman Coulee National Wildlife Refuge
Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge
Halfbreed Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Hewitt Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Mason National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge
Lamesteer National Wildlife Refuge
Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge
Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge
Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge
National Bison National Wildlife Refuge
Nine-Pipe National Wildlife Refuge
Pablo National Wildlife Refuge
Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
Swan River National Wildlife Refuge
UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge
War Horse National Wildlife Refuge
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge
Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge
De Soto National Wildlife Refuge
Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge
North Platte National Wildlife Refuge
Valentine National Wildlife Refuge
Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge
Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
Stillwater Management Area
Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge

Amagansett National Wildlife Refuge
Elizabeth A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge
Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Seatuck National Wildlife Refuge
Target Rock National Wildlife Refuge
Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge
Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Currituck National Wildlife Refuge
Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge
Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge
Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge
Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge
Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge
Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge
Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge
Devils Lake Wetland Management District
J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Nettie National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Zahl National Wildlife Refuge
Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge
Rock Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Sibley Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Slade National Wildlife Refuge
Stewart Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge
Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge
Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge



Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Cape May National Wildlife Refuge
Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Supawna Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge
Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge
Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge
San Andres National Wildlife Refuge
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge

Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge
Little River National Wildlife Refuge
Optima National Wildlife Refuge
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge
Washita National Wildlife Refuge
Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge
Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.7

Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer
Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge
Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge
McNary National Wildlife Refuge
Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge
Erie National Wildlife Refuge
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuge
Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge
Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge
Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife
McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge
San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge
Texas Point National Wildlife Refuge
Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge
Bear River National Wildlife Refuge
Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge
Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge



Block Island National Wildlife Refuge
Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge
Pettaquamscutt Cove National Wildlife Refuge
Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge
Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge
ACE Basin National Wildlife Refuge
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge
Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge
Santee National Wildlife Refuge
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge

Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Chinocteague National Wildlife Refuge
Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife
Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
James River National Wildilfe Refuge
Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge
Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge
Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Plum Tree Island National Wildlife Refuge
Presquile National Wildlife Refuge
Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Wallops Island National Wildlife Refuge
Columbia National Wildlife Refuge
Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge
Hanford Reach National Monument/Saddle
Mountain National Wildlife Refuge
Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-tailed Deer
Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge
McNary National Wildlife Refuge
Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge
Toppenish National Wildlife Refuge
Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

Devils Lake Wetland Management District
Huron Wetland Management District
Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Andes Wetland Management District
Madison Wetland Management District
Pocasse National Wildlife Refuge
Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Sand Lake Wetland Management District
Waubay National Wildlife Refuge
Waubay Wetland Management District


Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge
Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge
Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge
Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge
Lower Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge
Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge
Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge

Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge

Fox River National Wildlife Refuge
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge
Leopold Wetland Management District
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
St. Croix Wetland Management District
Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge
Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife
and Fish Refuge


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§ 32.8

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge

Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29073, May 18, 1993; 58 FR 29084, May 18,
1993; 59 FR 6685, 6688, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR
55183, 55191, 55196, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 5277,
Jan. 26, 1995; 60 FR 52868, Oct. 11, 1995; 60 FR
61212, Nov. 29, 1995; 60 FR 62040, Dec. 4, 1995;
61 FR 31461, 31463, June 20, 1996; 61 FR 45366,
Aug. 29, 1996; 61 FR 46393, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47375, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46914, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30777, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56400, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46353, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58943,
Sept. 18, 2002; 68 FR 57315, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR
54362, Sept. 8, 2004]

National Elk Refuge
Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge
Johnston Island National Wildlife Refuge

§ 32.8

Areas closed to hunting.

Proclamations and orders


Land and waters within boundary and adjacent to,
or in the vicinity of—


Nov. 20, 1959
Oct. 15, 1960
Nov. 3, 1970 ..
Mar. 21, 1939
Oct. 24, 1958
Mar. 15, 1938
July 13, 1963
Oct. 22, 1953
Oct. 20, 1960
Dec. 2, 1947 ..

Alabama ........
.......do ............
.......do ............
Arkansas ........
.......do ............
.......do ............
Delaware .......
Florida ............
.......do ............
.......do ............

Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge ............................
.......do ......................................................................
Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge .............................
Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge ...........................
Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge ........................
White River National Wildlife Refuge .......................
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge ...................
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge ..........................
.......do ......................................................................
‘‘Ding’’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge ..................


Apr. 10, 1939
Nov. 3, 1970 ..
Nov. 3, 1970 ..
Oct. 1, 1947 ...

Georgia ..........
.......do ............
.......do ............
Illinois .............

Savannah National Wildlife Refuge .........................
Eufaula Wildlife Refuge ............................................
Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge ............................
Honshoe Lake, Alexander County ...........................


Sept. 9, 1953
Oct. 2, 1958 ...

.......do ............
Iowa ...............

.......do ......................................................................
Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge

Feb. 7, 1939 ..
Nov. 19, 1982
Dec. 2, 1969 ..
Aug. 13, 1960
Oct. 18, 1948

Louisiana .......
.......do ............
.......do ............
Maryland ........

Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge .........................
Delta National Wildlife Refuge .................................
Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge .........................
Martin National Wildlife Refuge ...............................
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge .....................

Oct. 2, 1958 ...

Minnesota ......

Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge

Oct. 7, 1936 ...
Aug. 30, 1976
May 9, 1939 ..
July 18, 1935
Aug. 21, 1963
Sept. 22, 1967

Montana .........
.......do ............
North Carolina
.......do ............
.......do ............
.......do ............

Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge ...............
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge ...........
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge ........................
Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge .....................
Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge ..................
Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge ...........................

Sept. 27, 1964
June 6, 1932
Apr. 10, 1939
Sept. 13, 1968
Oct. 8, 1963 ...
Aug. 23, 1956
Oct. 16, 1939
Aug. 13, 1954
Jan. 5, 1962 ..
Aug. 21, 1963
Oct. 9, 1969 ...
Nov. 7, 1940 ..
Oct. 2, 1958 ...

.......do ............
South Carolina
.......do ............
.......do ............
Tennessee .....
Texas .............
Virginia ...........
.......do ............
.......do ............
.......do ............
.......do ............
Washington ....
Wisconsin ......

.......do ......................................................................
Cape Romanain National Wildlife Refuge ...............
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge .........................
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge ...................
Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge ...................
Aransas National Wildlife Regudge .........................
Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge ..........................
Presquile National Wildlife Refuge ..........................
Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge ..........................
Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge ..................
Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge .....................
Willapa National Wildlife Refuge ..............................
Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge

24 FR 9513.
25 FR 9899.
35 FR 16935.
3 CFR Cum. Supp. 4 FR 1309.
23 FR 8429.
3 FR 591.
28 FR 6228.
18 FR 7837.
25 FR 10030.
3 CFR 1947 Supp.; 12 FR
3 CFR Cum. Supp.; 4 FR 1595.
35 FR 16935.
35 FR 16936.
3 CFR, 1947 Supp. 12 FR
18 FR 5495.
3 CFR, 1958 Supp.; 23 FR
3 CFR, Cum. Suppl. 4 FR 611.
47 FR 52183.
34 FR 19077.
25 FR 7741.
3 CFR, 1948 Supp. 13 FR
3 CFR, 1958 Supp. 23 FR
1 FR 1554.
41 FR 31539.
3 FR 912.
49 Stat. 3450.
28 FR 9209.
32 FR 13384. 33 FR 749, Jan.
20, 1968.
49 FR 38141.
47 Stat. 2513.
3 CFR, Cum. Supp.; 4 FR 1595.
33 FR 12964.
28 FR 10782.
21 FR 6513.
3 CFR, Cum. Supp. 4 FR 4285.
19 FR 5290.
27 FR 104; 27 FR 858.
28 FR 9209.
34 FR 15653.
3 CFR, Cum. Supp.; 5 FR 4443.
3 CFR, 1958 Supp.; 23 FR











[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 42880, Aug. 12, 1993]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.20

Subpart B—Refuge-Specific Regulations for Hunting and Fishing
§ 32.20


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted only from sunrise
to sunset.
2. Only nonmotorized boats and boats with
electric motors are permitted on Gator and
Little Gator Lakes.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of the fenced-in Work Center Area or the
refuge boat ramp.
2. Access to the Middle Swamp is by boat
only. We prohibit access to the refuge from
private land.
3. We prohibit marking trees and use of
flagging tape, reflective tacks, and other
similar marking devices.
4. You may take incidental species as listed in the refuge hunt permit during any fall
hunt with those weapons legal during those
5. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit when hunting.
6. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Youth hunters must have
passed a State-approved hunter education
course. One adult may supervise no more
than two youth hunters.
7. We prohibit overnight mooring or storage of boats.
8. We require hunters to check all harvested game at the conclusion of each day at
one of the refuge check-out stations.
9. You may only use approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) #4 or smaller, .22 caliber
rimfire, or legal archery equipment.
10. We allow you to use dogs during the
hunt, but the dogs must be under the immediate control of the handler at all times and
not allowed to roam free (see § 26.21(b) of this

chapter). We prohibit dogs in the Middle
Swamp area of the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1 through B8 apply.
2. We require tree stand users to use a safety belt or harness.
3. We prohibit damaging trees or hunting
from a tree that contains an inserted metal
object (see § 32.2(i)). Hunters must remove
stands from trees each day (see § 27.93 of this
4. During the spring muzzleloader hunt for
feral hog, muzzleloaders must be .40 caliber
or larger without scopes. We require hunters
to wear hunter orange in accordance with
State big game regulations except you must
also wear hunter orange while on tree
5. We prohibit participation in organized
6. We prohibit mules and horses on all refuge hunts.
7. We prohibit hunting by aid or distribution of any feed, salt, or other mineral at
any time.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing year-round, except in
the waterfowl sanctuary, which we close
from December 1 through March 1.
2. With the exception of the refuge boat
ramp, we limit access from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
3. You may use a rod and reel and pole and
line. We prohibit all other methods of fishing.
4. We prohibit the taking of frogs or turtles
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit bow fishing.
6. We prohibit the use of airboats, hovercraft, and inboard waterthrust boats such as,
but not limited to, personal watercraft,
watercycles, and waterbikes on all waters of
the refuge.
7. We allow commercial fishing with the
use of nets, seines, boxes, and baskets only
by Special Use Permit.
8. We prohibit mooring or storing of boats
from 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset to 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning and Eurasian-collared
dove, duck, and goose on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit when hunting.
2. We allow dove hunting on selected areas
and days during the State dove season. You


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§ 32.20

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

shotshells (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We allow goose and duck hunting in the
Kennedy and Bradley Units on selected days
until 12 p.m. (noon) during State waterfowl
seasons. We close all other areas within the
refuge to waterfowl hunting.
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells while in the field (see § 32.2(k)) in
quantities of 25 or less when hunting duck or
5. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Youth hunters must possess and carry verification of passing a
State-approved hunter education course. One
adult may supervise no more than two youth
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and rabbit on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A5 apply.
2. We allow squirrel and rabbit hunting on
selected areas and days during the State season.
3. We prohibit dogs (see § 26.21(b) of this
4. We allow only shotguns.
5. We prohibit mooring or storing of boats
from 2 hours after legal sunset to 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and B5 apply.
2. We allow both archery deer and feral hog
hunting during State archery and gun seasons.
3. We close the portion of the refuge between Bustahatchee and Rood Creeks to
archery hunting until November 1.
4. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. We allow youth gun deer
hunting (ages 10–16) within the Bradley Unit
on weekends during October where youth age
16 or under must be supervised by an adult.
Youth hunters must have passed a State-approved hunter education course. One adult
may supervise no more than one youth
5. We close the portion of the refuge
around the Upland Impoundment, also designated by signs reading ‘‘Closed Seasonally
November 15–February 28,’’ to hunting after
November 15.
6. We prohibit damaging trees or hunting
from a tree that contains an inserted metal
object (see § 32.2(i)). Hunters must remove
stands from the trees each day (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).

7. We allow access to the refuge for all
hunts from 11⁄2 hours before legal sunrise to
11⁄2 hours after legal sunset.
8. We prohibit hunting by aid or distribution of any feed, salt, or other mineral at
any time (see § 32.2(h)).
9. We prohibit participation in organized
10. We prohibit mules and horses on all refuge hunts.
11. We require tree stand users to use a
safety belt or harness.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing, including bowfishing,
from legal sunrise to legal sunset only in refuge waters other than Lake Eufaula.
2. We prohibit taking frog or turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter) from refuge waters not
connected with Lake Eufaula.
3. We adopt reciprocal license agreements
between Alabama and Georgia for fishing in
Lake Eufaula. Anglers fishing in refuge impounded waters must possess and carry a license for the State in which they are fishing.
4. We prohibit use of boats with motors in
all refuge impounded areas.
5. Condition B5 applies.
Refer to § 32.43 Mississippi for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning and Eurasian-collared
dove on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit when hunting.
2. We allow hunting on designated areas
from 12 p.m. (noon) to legal sunset Mondays,
Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
3. Hunters must park in designated parking areas. We prohibit parking vehicles on
refuge roads or in the fields (see § 27.31 of this
4. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Youth hunters must have
passed a State-approved hunter education
course. One adult may supervise no more
than two youth hunters.
5. We allow you to use dogs during the
hunt, but the dogs must be under the immediate control of the handler at all times and
not allowed to roam free (see § 26.21(b) of this
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated portions of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.20

1. Conditions A1 and A3 through A5 apply.
2. We allow hunting on designated areas
from legal sunrise to legal sunset Mondays,
Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, except
that you may hunt opossum and raccoon
after legal sunset.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of woodcock on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: You
must possess and carry a signed hunt permit
when hunting.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, groundhog, raccoon, opossum, beaver, and fox on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit when hunting.
2. We only allow hunting from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. We prohibit the use of dogs (see § 26.21(b)
of this chapter) to hunt or pursue raccoon,
opossum, or fox.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, bobcat, coyote, feral hog,
and turkey on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. Condition B1 applies.
2. We prohibit damaging trees or hunting
from a tree that contains an inserted metal
object (see § 32.2(i)). Hunters must remove
stands from trees each day (see § 27.93 of this
3. We prohibit using dogs (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter) to hunt or pursue big game.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following condition: Sauty
Creek Wildlife Management Area regulations
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit when hunting.

2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) #4 or smaller, .22 caliber
rimfire, or legal archery equipment.
3. You must unload and case or dismantle
firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter) before
placing them in a vehicle or boat.
4. We prohibit hunting in the Triana recreation area or within 100 yards (90 m) of any
public building, public road, walking trail, or
5. We prohibit mules and horses on all refuge hunts.
6. We allow hunting on designated areas
Monday through Saturday. We prohibit
hunting on Sunday.
7. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Youth hunters must have
passed a State-approved hunter education
course. One adult may supervise no more
than two youth hunters.
8. We prohibit mooring or storing of boats
from legal sunset to legal sunrise.
9. We prohibit marking trees and the use of
flagging tape, reflective tacks, and other
similar marking devices.
10. We allow the use of dogs to hunt upland
game, but the dogs must be under the immediate control of the handler at all times and
not allowed to run free (see § 26.21(b) of this
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1, B3, B4, B6, B8, and B9
2. We prohibit participation in organized
3. We allow bows with broadhead arrows
and flintlocks .40 caliber or larger only.
4. We prohibit damaging trees or hunting
from a tree that contains an inserted metal
object (see § 32.2(i)). Hunters must remove
stands from trees each day (see § 27.93 of this
5. We require tree stand users to use a safety belt or harness.
6. We prohibit mules and horses on all refuge hunts.
7. We prohibit hunting by aid or distribution of any feed, salt, or other mineral at
any time (see § 32.2(h)).
8. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Youth hunters must have
passed a State-approved hunter education
course. One adult may supervise no more
than one youth.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit bank fishing around the
shoreline of the refuge headquarters. Consult


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§ 32.21

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

with the refuge brochure for further information.
2. We open all other refuge waters to fishing year-round unless otherwise posted.
3. We prohibit fishing in the Waterfowl Display Pool and other waters adjacent to the
visitor center.
4. We prohibit airboats and hovercraft on
all waters within the refuge boundaries.
5. We prohibit inboard waterthrust boats
such as, but not limited to, personal
watercraft, watercycles, and waterbikes on
all waters of the refuge except that portion
of the Tennessee River and Flint Creek from
its mouth to mile marker 3.
6. We prohibit mooring and storing of boats
from legal sunset to legal sunrise.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29073, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6688, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55183, Nov. 3, 1994; 62 FR 47375,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46915, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30777, May 12, 2000; 66 FR 46353, Sept. 4, 2001;
69 FR 54362, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept.
17, 2004]

§ 32.21


Alaska refuges are opened to hunting, fishing and trapping pursuant to
the Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act (Pub. L. 96–487, 94
Stat. 2371). Information regarding specific refuge regulations can be obtained
from the Region 7 Office of the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage,
AK, or by contacting the manager of
the respective individual refuge.
§ 32.22

6. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of any building, road, or levee.
7. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail and cottontail rabbit in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A3 through A7 apply.
2. We only allow hunting of cottontail rabbit from September 1 to the close of the
State quail season.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
desert bighorn sheep in Arizona Wildlife
Management Areas 16A and 44A in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Anyone for hire assisting or guiding a
hunter(s) must obtain, possess, and carry a
valid Special Use Permit issued by the refuge manager.
2. Conditions A3 through A7 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We close the isolated grow-out cove near
the visitor center to fishing as posted.
2. We prohibit personal watercraft (PWC as
defined by State law), air boats, and hovercraft on all waters within the boundaries of
the refuge.
3. We designate all waters as wakeless
speed zones (as defined by State law).
4. Persons fishing from a boat or other
floating object must obtain, possess, and
carry a current Colorado River shared jurisdiction stamp.


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning and white-winged dove
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotguns.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We only allow hunting in accordance
with State regulations for the listed species.
4. We only allow hunting on the refuge in
those areas south of the Bill Williams Road
and east of Arizona State Rt. 95 and the
south half of Section 35, T 11N-R 17W as posted.
5. Only upon specific consent from an authorized refuge employee may you retrieve
game from an area closed to hunting or

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and mourning
and white-winged dove on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only use firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter) for the taking of legal game.
You may only carry and use handguns in
conjunction with a designated handgun season. We prohibit weapons in the No-Hunt
Zone of the refuge headquarters, on Service
property in Brown Canyon, and in the
Watchable Wildlife Areas located at Arivaca
Cienega and Arivaca Creek.
2. We allow stands, but you must remove
them at the end of the hunt (see § 27.93 of this
3. The No-Hunt Zones include: Clark Ranch
Tract, Don Honnas Tract, all Service property in Brown Canyon, Arivaca Creek from
milepost 7 to Arivaca and within 1⁄4 mile (.4
km) of the creek bed, within 1⁄4 mile (.4 km)
of all refuge residences and structures, and
within a 2-mile (3.2 km) radius of both the
refuge headquarters and the 10 mile (16 km)
Antelope Wildlife Drive.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.22

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of cottontail rabbit, coyote, and skunk on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only require a refuge permit to hunt
coyote during April and May. Permits are
available at refuge headquarters.
2. Conditions A1 through A3 apply.
3. Hunting groups using more than four
horses must possess and carry a refuge permit.
4. Each hunter using horses must provide
water and feed and clear all horse manure
from all campsites.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule and white-tailed deer, javelina, and
feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You may only hunt feral hog during big
game seasons. Each hunter must possess and
carry a valid hunting license and big game
permit for the season in progress. There is no
bag limit.
2. Conditions A1 through A3 and B3 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of desert bighorn sheep is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following condition: Entry permits are required.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, moorhens,
common snipe, and mourning and whitewinged doves on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow only shotguns.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. You must obtain a permit to enter the
Island Unit.
4. You must pay a hunt fee in portions of
the refuge. Consult refuge hunting leaflet for
5. We do not allow pit or permanent blinds.
6. You may hunt only during seasons,
dates, times, and areas posted by signs and/
or indicated on refuge leaflets, special regulations, and maps available at the refuge office.
7. You must remove all temporary blinds,
boats, and decoys from the refuge following
each day’s hunt.
8. We do not allow hunting within 50 yards
(45 m) of any public roads or levees.
9. We close Farm Unit 2 to all hunting except goose hunting during the Arizona waterfowl season.

10. Consult the refuge hunt leaflet for the
shot limit.
11. The area known as Pretty Water is open
to waterfowl hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
sunrise to 3:00 p.m. MST during the Arizona
and California waterfowl seasons.
12. The Hart Mine Marsh area is open to
hunting from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily during
goose season.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail and cottontail rabbit on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. We allow only shotguns and bows and arrows.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. You may hunt cottontail rabbit from
September 1 through the last day of the respective State’s quail season.
4. During the Arizona waterfowl season,
you may not hunt quail and rabbit in Farm
Unit 2.
5. You may not hunt within 50 yards (45 m)
of any public road.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule deer on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. During the Arizona waterfowl season,
you may not hunt mule deer in Farm Unit 2.
2. You may not hunt within 50 yards (45 m)
of any public road.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing and
frogging subject to the following condition:
Cibola Lake is open to fishing and frogging
from March 15 through Labor Day.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
mourning and white-winged doves, ducks,
coots, moorhens, geese and common snipe is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Neither hunters nor dogs may enter
closed areas to retrieve game.
2. Pits and permanent blinds are not permitted.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
4. The following apply only to Pintail
Slough (all refuge lands north of the north
i. We require a fee for waterfowl hunting,
and you must have in your possession proof
of payment (refuge permit) while hunting.
ii. Dove hunting is permitted only during
the September season.
iii. Waterfowl hunters must hunt only at
the assigned location.
iv. We limit the number of shells waterfowl
hunters may possess as indicated in refuge
5. You must remove temporary blinds,
boats, hunting equipment, and decoys from
the refuge following each day’s hunt.
6. You may not hunt within 50 yards (45m)
of any building, road, or levee.


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of quail
and cottontail rabbit is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting of quail is not permitted on Pintail Slough.
2. Hunting of cottontail rabbits is permitted from September 1 to the close of the
State quail season, except in Pintail Slough
where rabbit hunting is permitted only during September.
3. Only shotguns and bows and arrows are
4. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
5. You may not hunt within 50 yards (45 m)
of any building, road, or levee.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of desert bighorn sheep is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge with a valid State permit.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We close designated portions of the
Topock Marsh to all entry from October 1
through January 31.
2. We prohibit personal watercraft (PWC,
as defined by State law), air boats, or hovercraft on all waters within Topock Marsh or
other waters indicated by signs or buoys.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
mourning and white-winged doves, ducks,
coot, moorhens, geese and common snipe is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Pits and permanent blinds are not allowed.
2. Temporary blinds, boats and decoys
must be removed from the refuge following
each day’s hunt.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of quail,
cottontail rabbit, coyote, and fox is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Allowed methods of take for quail and
cottontail rabbit are shotgun and bow and
2. We require approved nontoxic shot for
hunting quail and cottontail rabbit.
3. Cottontail rabbit hunting is permitted
September 1 to the close of the State quail
4. Permits are required for hunting coyote,
bobcat and fox.
5. Coyote and fox hunting is permitted
only during the State quail season, except
that it is not permitted during the State
general deer season.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of mule deer
and desert bighorn sheep is permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing and frogging for
bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) are permitted

on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following condition: Designated portions
of the Martinez Lake and Ferguson Lake are
closed to entry from October 1 to March 1.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of quail,
cottontail rabbit, coyote, and fox is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting of coyote, fox, and cottontail
rabbit is permitted during the State quail
season only, except as provided below.
2. Hunting of coyote and fox is not permitted during the deer season except that
deer hunters with valid Unit 45A, 45B, and
45C deer permits may take these predators
until a deer is taken.
3. Allowed method of take of cottontail
rabbits is shotgun only.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of mule deer
and desert bighorn sheep is permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of quail
and cottontail rabbits is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Only shotguns are permitted.
2. Cottontail rabbit season shall open on
September 1 and close on the last day of the
State quail season.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29073, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6688, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55183, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62040,
Dec. 4, 1995; 62 FR 47376, Sept. 9, 1997; 65 FR
30777, May 12, 2000; 66 FR 46353, Sept. 4, 2001;
67 FR 58943, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54365,
Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.23 Arkansas.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, snipe,
woodcock, and dove on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge hunting permits. The
permits are nontransferable, and anyone on
refuge land in possession of hunting equipment must sign, possess, and carry the permits at all times.
2. We allow hunting of duck, goose, and
coot daily until 12 p.m. (noon) throughout


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.23

the State seasons, except for season closures
on the Farm Unit during Gun Deer Hunt and
for the exception provided in A3.
3. We allow hunting for goose from 1⁄2 hour
before sunrise until legal sunset after the
closing of the duck season in January for the
remainder of the State goose season(s) and
Snow, Blue, and Ross’ Goose Conservation
4. We allow hunting for dove, snipe, and
woodcock when their seasons correspond
with duck and/or goose seasons.
5. We prohibit commercial hunting/guiding.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot shells while in the field (see § 32.2(k)) in
quantities of 25 or less. The possession limit
includes shells located in/on vehicles and
other personal equipment.
7. We prohibit hunting closer than 100
yards (90 m) to another hunter or hunting
8. You must remove decoys, blinds, boats,
and all other equipment (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) daily by 2:00 p.m.
9. Waterfowl hunters may enter the refuge
parking areas at 4:45 a.m. and access the refuge at 5 a.m.
10. Hunters may leave boats with the owner’s name and address permanently displayed
or valid registration on the refuge from
March 1 through October 31.
11. We prohibit possession of or marking
trails with materials other than biodegradable paper flagging or reflective tape/tacks.
12. We prohibit building or hunting from
permanent blinds.
13. We prohibit cutting of holes or manipulation of vegetation (i.e., cutting bushes,
mowing, weed-eating, herbicide use, etc.) and
hunting from manipulated areas (see § 27.51
of this chapter).
14. We allow retriever dogs.
15. You must unload firearms (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter) when carried in/on land vehicles or boats under power.
16. We allow waterfowl hunting from roads
and levees.
17. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. For migratory bird hunting, one adult may supervise no more than
two youth hunters.
18. We prohibit target practice or nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
19. We only allow vehicle use on established roads and trails (see § 27.31 of this
chapter). We limit vehicle access on the
Mingo Creek Unit to ATV use, only on
marked ATV trails. You may use conventional vehicles on the Farm Unit from March
1 to November 14. You may only use ATVs
from November 15 to February 28 for access
beyond Parking Areas.

20. We prohibit entry into or hunting in
waterfowl sanctuaries from November 15
through February 28.
21. You must adhere to all public use special conditions and regulations on the annual hunt brochure/permit.
22. We prohibit airboats, hovercraft, and
personal watercraft (Jet Ski, etc.).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, opossum,
beaver, muskrat, nutria, armadillo, coyote,
and feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following special conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A5, A11, A15, A17 (for upland game hunting, one adult may supervise
no more than two youth hunters), A18, A19,
A21, and A22 apply.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We allow fall squirrel hunting in accordance with the State season on the Mingo
Creek Unit and on the Farm Unit, except for
season closure on the Farm Unit during the
Gun Deer Hunt. We prohibit dogs, except for
the period of January 15 through February
28. We do not open for the spring squirrel
4. We allow rabbit hunting in accordance
with the State season on the Mingo Creek
Unit and on the Farm Unit, except for season
closure on the Farm Unit during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We prohibit dogs, except for the
period of January 15 through February 28.
5. We allow quail hunting in accordance
with the State season except for season closure on the Farm Unit only during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We allow dogs.
6. We allow hunting of raccoon and opossum with dogs beginning in November and
continuing for up to a 3-week period. We list
annual season dates in the refuge hunting
brochure/permit. We prohibit pleasure running or training of dogs.
7. We prohibit the use of horses.
8. You may take beaver, muskrat, nutria,
armadillo, feral hog, and coyote during any
refuge hunt with the weapon allowed for that
9. We prohibit entry into or hunting in refuge waterfowl sanctuaries from November 15
to February 28.
10. We prohibit hunting from roads except
by waterfowl hunters.
11. You may leave boats with the owner’s
name and address or valid registration permanently displayed on the refuge from
March 1 through October 31.
12. We prohibit hunting from a vehicle.
13. We only allow rifles chambered for rimfire cartridges.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and turkey on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A5, A11, A15, A18, A19,
A21, A22, and B8, B11, and B12 apply.


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

2. We divide the refuge into two hunting
units: Farm Unit and Mingo Creek Unit.
3. The archery/crossbow hunting season for
deer begins on the opening day of the State
season and continues throughout the State
season in the Mingo Creek Unit and Farm
Unit except for the season closure on the
Farm Unit during the Gun Deer Hunt. We
provide annual season dates and bag limits
on the hunt brochure/permit.
4. Muzzleloader hunting season for deer
will begin in October and will continue for a
period of up to 9 days in all hunting units
with annual season dates and bag limits provided on the hunt brochure/permit.
5. The Gun Deer Hunt will begin in November and continue for a period of up to 9 days
on the Farm Unit with annual season dates
and bag limits provided on the hunt brochure/permit. We close the Mingo Creek
6. The fall archery/crossbow hunting season for turkey will begin on the opening day
of the State season and continue throughout
the State season on the Mingo Creek Unit
7. We prohibit spring and fall gun hunting
for turkey.
8. Immediately record the zone 002 on your
hunting license and later at an official check
station for all deer and turkey harvested on
the refuge.
9. You may only possess shotguns with rifled slugs, muzzleloaders, and legal pistols
during the modern Gun Deer Hunt.
10. You may only use single-person portable deer stands.
11. We prohibit hunting from a vehicle or
use of a vehicle as a deer stand.
12. You must permanently affix the owner’s name and address to all deer stands on
the refuge.
13. You must remove all deer stands from
the Waterfowl Sanctuaries by November 14,
except for stands used by Gun Deer Hunt permit holders who must remove their stands
by the last day of the gun hunt. You must remove all stands from the rest of the refuge
by the last day of the archery season (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter).
14. We prohibit the use of dogs.
15. We prohibit the possession of buckshot
on all refuge lands.
16. We prohibit hunting from a mowed and/
or graveled road right-of-way.
17. Refuge lands are located in State flood
zone B, and we will close them to all deer
hunting when the White River gauge at Augusta reaches 31 feet (9.3 m), as reported by
the National Weather Service in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, and reopen them when
the same gauge reading in this newspaper
falls to or below 19 feet (5.7 m).
18. We only allow Gun Deer Hunt permit
holders on the Farm Unit during the Gun
Deer Hunt.

19. We close Waterfowl Sanctuaries to all
entry and hunting from November 15 to February 28, except for Gun Deer Hunt permit
holders, who may hunt the sanctuary when
the season overlaps with these dates.
20. An adult not less than age 21 must supervise and remain within sight and normal
voice contact of hunters age 15 and under.
For big game hunting, one adult may only
supervise one youth.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
frogging in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A5, A19, A21, and A22 apply.
2. We close waterfowl sanctuaries to all
entry and fishing/frogging from November 15
to February 28. We also close the Farm Unit
to all entry and fishing during the Gun Deer
3. You may leave boats with the owner’s
name and address permanently displayed or
valid registration on the refuge from March
1 to October 31. We prohibit use of boats
from 12 p.m. (midnight) to 5 a.m. during
duck season.
4. We prohibit commercial fishing.
5. We limit nighttime use to anglers fishing/frogging with fishing and/or frogging
tackle only.
6. We prohibit mooring houseboats to the
refuge bank on the Red River.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, nutria, coyote,
beaver, and opossum on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge hunt permits. The permits are nontransferable and anyone on refuge land in possession of hunting equipment
must sign and carry the permit at all times.
2. We prohibit firearms (see § 27.42 of this
chapter) on the refuge, except during refuge
squirrel, rabbit, and raccoon seasons. We
provide annual season dates in the refuge
hunting brochure/permit.
3. You may take nutria, beaver, and coyote
during any refuge hunt with the firearm allowed for that hunt, subject to State seasons.
4. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. For small game hunts, one
adult may supervise no more than two youth
5. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
6. You may take opossum during a raccoon
7. We prohibit dogs except for raccoon
hunting. We prohibit pleasure running or
training of dogs (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.23

8. You may only possess shotguns with approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and rifles
firing .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
9. You must unload and case firearms (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) while in a vehicle,
on any refuge road, parking area, or boat
10. We prohibit firearms south of Highway
18 and at the Brights Landing boat access.
11. We prohibit boats from November 1
through February 28, except on that portion
of the refuge open for public fishing with
electric motors and Ditch 28.
12. We prohibit hunting from mowed or
gravel roads.
13. We prohibit ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this
14. You must adhere to all public use special conditions and regulations on the annual hunt brochure/permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1, and B11 through B14
2. We allow archery/crossbow hunting for
white-tailed deer. We provide annual season
dates in the hunt brochure/permit.
3. Hunters may only possess long, recurve,
compound, or crossbows. We prohibit possession of firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter)
by archery/crossbow hunters.
4. We prohibit dogs.
5. We prohibit possession of or marking
trails with materials other than biodegradable paper/flagging or reflective tape/tacks.
6. Upon harvest of deer, hunters must immediately record the deer zone 030 on their
license and later on official check station
7. Hunters must check out (check harvested deer) at the Hunter Information Station.
8. We only allow portable tree stands, and
you must remove them daily (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
9. We prohibit driving metal or other objects into trees or hunting from trees in
which objects have been driven (see § 32.2(i)).
10. We prohibit cutting, pruning, or trimming vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
11. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
12. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 1 hour before legal shooting time and
depart no later than 1 hour after legal shooting time.
13. An adult age 21 or older must supervise
and remain within sight and normal voice
contact of hunters age 15 and under. For big
game hunts, one adult may supervise no
more than 1 youth.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing and frogging are
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:

1. We prohibit the use of limb lines and jug
2. The use of limb lines and toxic chemical
containers for jug fishing is not permitted.
3. The ends of trotlines must consist of a
length of cotton line that extends from the
points of attachment into the water.
4. Boats may be launched only in designated areas.
5. We prohibit ATVs, airboats, personal
watercraft, Jet Skis, and hovercraft (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
6. Frogging is permitted from the beginning of the State frogging season through
October 31. The use of archery equipment for
taking frogs is not permitted.
7. The taking of largemouth bass is permitted in accordance with the posted length
and/or slot limits.
8. We prohibit possessing turtles (see § 27.21
of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, snipe,
woodcock, and dove on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge hunting permits.
These permits are nontransferable, and anyone on the refuge in possession of hunting
equipment must sign and carry the permit at
all times.
2. We allow hunting of duck, goose, and
coot daily until 12 p.m. (noon) throughout
the State seasons, except for refugewide season closures during Gun Deer Hunt and the
exception provided in A3.
3. We allow hunting for goose from 1⁄2 hour
before legal sunrise to legal sunset after the
close of duck season in January for the remainder of the State goose season(s) and
Snow, Blue and Ross’ Goose Conservation
4. We allow hunting for dove, snipe, and
woodcock when their seasons correspond
with duck and/or goose seasons.
5. No person, including but not limited to,
a guide, guide service, outfitter, club, or
other organization, will provide assistance,
services, or equipment on the refuge to any
other person for compensation unless such
guide, guide service, outfitter, club, or organization has obtained a Special Use Permit
from the refuge. For the purposes of this regulation, we will consider any fees or services
rendered to a person for lodging, meals, club
membership or similar services as compensation.
6. We prohibit hunting, taking, possessing,
or attempting to take wildlife with a guide,
guide service, outfitter, club, or organization
providing assistance, service, or equipment
who does not possess and carry the required
refuge Special Use Permit.
7. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

8. You must remove decoys, blinds, boats,
and all other equipment (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) daily by 2 p.m.
9. Waterfowl hunters may enter the refuge
parking areas at 4:45 a.m. and access the refuge at 5 a.m.
10. We prohibit boats on the refuge from 12
p.m. (midnight) to 5 a.m. during duck season.
11. We prohibit possession of or marking
trails with materials other than biodegradable paper, flagging, or reflective tape/tacks.
12. We prohibit building, or hunting from,
permanent blinds.
13. We prohibit cutting of holes or other
manipulation of vegetation (e.g., cutting
bushes, mowing, weed-eating, herbicide use,
and other actions) or hunting from manipulated areas (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
14. We allow retriever dogs.
15. You must unload firearms when carried
in/on land vehicles or boats under power (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter).
16. We allow waterfowl hunting on flooded
17. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. For migratory bird hunting, one adult may supervise no more than
two youth hunters.
18. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
19. We prohibit ATVs except on established
roads used by conventional vehicles on refuge lands south of Highway 38. We prohibit
driving around a locked gate, barrier, or beyond a sign closing a road to vehicular traffic. We only allow vehicle use on established
roads (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
20. We prohibit entry into or hunting in
Waterfowl Sanctuaries from November 15
through February 28.
21. You must adhere to all public use special conditions and regulations on the annual hunt brochure/permit.
22. We close all other hunts during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We only allow Gun Deer Hunt
permit holders on the refuge during this
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, opossum,
beaver, muskrat, nutria, armadillo, coyote,
and feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A5, A6, A7, A11, A15, A17
(for upland game hunts, the adult may supervise no more than two youth hunters), and
A18 through A21 apply.
2. Fall squirrel season corresponds with the
State season on all refuge hunt units except
for refugewide season closure during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We prohibit dogs except during
the period January 15 through February 28.
We do not open for the spring squirrel season.

3. Rabbit season corresponds with the
State season on all refuge hunt units except
for refugewide season closure during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We prohibit dogs except during
the period January 15 through February 28.
4. Quail season corresponds with the State
season on all refuge hunt units except for
refugewide season closure during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We allow dogs.
5. We allow hunting of raccoon and opossum with dogs on all refuge hunt units. We
provide annual season dates in the refuge
hunting brochure/permit. We prohibit pleasure running or training of dogs.
6. We allow the use of horses for raccoon
and opossum hunters in refuge Hunt Unit I.
We prohibit horse use in other refuge hunt
units or by other refuge hunters or visitors.
7. You may take beaver, muskrat, nutria,
armadillo, feral hog, and coyote during any
refuge hunt with the firearm allowed for
that hunt.
8. We prohibit hunting from mowed and/or
graveled roads except by waterfowl hunters
during flooded conditions.
9. You may leave boats with the owner’s
name and address or valid registration permanently displayed on the refuge from
March 1 through October 31. We prohibit
boats on the refuge from 12 p.m. (midnight)
until 5 a.m. during the duck season.
10. We prohibit hunting from a vehicle.
11. We only allow rifles chambered for rimfire cartridges.
12. We close all other hunts during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We only allow Gun Deer Hunt
permit holders on the refuge during this
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and turkey on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A5, A6, A11, A15, A18
through A21, B9, and B10 apply.
2. We divide the refuge into the following
three hunting units: Unit I—refuge lands between Highway 79 and Interstate 40; Unit II—
all refuge lands east of Highway 33 between
Interstate 40 and Highway 18 at Grubbs, Arkansas; Unit III—all refuge lands west of
Highway 33, from Interstate 40 to Highway
3. Archery/crossbow hunting season for
deer begins on the opening day of the State
season and continues throughout the State
season in all refuge hunting units except for
refugewide season closure during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We provide annual season dates
and bag limits on the hunt brochure/permit.
4. Muzzleloader hunting season for deer
will begin in October and will continue for a
period of up to 9 days in all hunting units
with annual season dates and bag limits provided on the hunt brochure/permit.
5. The Gun Deer Hunt will begin in November and continue for a period of up to 9 days
in all hunting units with annual season dates


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.23

and bag limits provided on the hunt brochure/permit.
6. The fall archery/crossbow hunting season for turkey will begin on the opening day
of the State season and continue throughout
the State season in Hunt Units I, III, and
Unit II lands within the fall State archery/
crossbow turkey zone except for refugewide
season closure during the Gun Deer Hunt. We
close Unit II lands outside the fall archery/
crossbow turkey zone. We do not open for
fall gun hunting for turkeys.
7. The spring gun hunt for turkey will
begin on the opening day of the State season
and continue throughout the State season in
Hunt Units I and III. We close Unit II lands
with the exception of those refuge lands included in the combined Black Swamp Wildlife Management Area/Cache River National
Wildlife Refuge quota permit hunts administered by the State.
8. Immediately record the zone 095 on your
hunting license and later at an official check
station for all deer and turkey harvested on
the refuge.
9. You may only possess shotguns with rifled slugs, muzzleloaders, and legal pistols
during the modern Gun Deer Hunt on the
Dixie Farm Unit Waterfowl Sanctuary, adjacent waterfowl hunt area, and the Plunkett
Farm Unit Waterfowl Sanctuary.
10. We only allow portable deer stands capable of being carried by a single individual.
11. We prohibit hunting from a vehicle or
use of a vehicle as a deer stand.
12. You must permanently affix the owner’s name and address to all deer stands on
the refuge.
13. You must remove all deer stands from
the waterfowl sanctuaries by November 14
and from the rest of the refuge by the last
day of archery season (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
14. We prohibit the use of dogs.
15. We prohibit the possession of buckshot
on all refuge lands.
16. We prohibit hunting from a mowed and/
or graveled road right-of-way.
17. We will close refuge lands located in
State-designated Flood Prone Region B and
reopen them to all deer hunting in accordance with State-established gauge readings,
when the Arkansas Democrat Gazette posts
these gauge readings.
18. We will close refuge lands located in
State-designated Flood Prone Region C to
all deer hunting when the Cache River gauge
at Patterson reaches 10 feet (3 m), as reported by the National Weather Service in
the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, and reopen
them when the same gauge reading in this
newspaper falls to or below 8.5 feet (2.6 m).
19. We will close refuge lands located in
Flood Prone Region D to all deer hunting
when the White River gauge at Clarendon
reaches 28 feet (8.4 m), as reported by the National Weather Service in the Arkansas Dem-

ocrat Gazette, and reopen them when the
same gauge reading in this newspaper falls
to or below 27 feet (8.1 m).
20. We close all other hunts during the Gun
Deer Hunt. We only allow Gun Deer Hunt
permit holders on the refuge during this
21. An adult not less than age 21 must supervise and remain within sight and normal
voice contact of hunters age 15 and under.
For big game hunting, one adult may only
supervise one youth.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
frogging in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close waterfowl sanctuaries to all entrance and fishing/frogging from November
15 to February 28. We prohibit refugewide
entry and fishing during the Gun Deer Hunt.
2. Conditions A19, A21, B9, and B10 apply.
3. We require a Special Use Permit for all
commercial fishing activities on the refuge.
4. We prohibit hovercraft, personal
watercraft (Jet Skis, etc.), and airboats.
A. Hunting of Migratory Game Birds. We
allow hunting of duck, goose, coot, and
woodcock on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of duck, goose, and
coot during the State duck season except
during scheduled quota refuge Gun Deer
Hunts. We allow hunting of woodcock during
the State season. Dates for quota deer hunts
are typically in November, and we publish
them annually in the refuge hunt brochure.
2. Hunting of duck, goose, and coot ends at
12 p.m. (noon) each day.
3. We only allow portable blinds. You must
remove all duck hunting equipment (portable blinds, boats, guns, and decoys) (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) from the hunt area by
1:30 p.m. each day.
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or less
each day during waterfowl season; hunters
may not discharge more than 25 shells per
5. We close areas of the refuge posted with
‘‘Area Closed’’ signs and identify them on the
refuge hunt brochure map as a Waterfowl
Sanctuary and closed to all public entry and
public use during waterfowl hunting season.
Exception: we open the Waterfowl Sanctuary
to all authorized activities during the September teal season.
6. No person will utilize the services of a
guide, guide service, outfitter, club, organization, or other person who provides equipment, services, or assistance on Refuge System lands for compensation unless the guide,
guide services, outfitter, club, organization,
or person has obtained a Special Use Permit
from the refuge. It is the responsibility of
the hunter to verify that the guide has the


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

required Special Use Permit; failure to comply with this provision subjects each hunter
in the party to a fine if convicted of this violation.
7. You must possess and carry a refuge
hunt brochure permit. These hunt brochure
permits are available in unlimited qualitites
at the refuge office, brochure dispensers at
multiple locations throughout the refuge,
and at area businesses.
8. We prohibit possession and/or use of herbicides.
9. We prohibit marking trails with tape,
ribbon, paint, or any other substance other
than biodegradable materials.
10. We prohibit possession or use of alcoholic beverages while hunting (see § 32.2(j)).
We prohibit consumption of alcohol in parking lots, on roadways, and in plain view in
11. All persons born after 1968 must posses
a valid hunter education card in order to
12. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. One adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters.
13. We only allow ATVs for wildlife-dependent activities such as hunting and fishing.
We restrict ATVs to designated times and
designated trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter)
marked with signs and paint. We identify
these trails and the dates they are open for
use in the refuge hunt brochure. You may
use horses on roads and ATV trails (when
open to motor vehicle use) as a mode of
transportation on the refuge for wildlife-dependent activities.
14. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of roads and trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) open to motor vehicle use (including
ATV trails).
15. We prohibit target practice with any
weapon or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
16. We only allow camping at designated
primitive campground sites identified in the
refuge hunt brochure, and we restrict camping to individuals involved in wildlife-dependent refuge activities. Campers may stay
no more than 14 days during any 30 consecutive-day period in any campground and must
occupy camps daily. We prohibit all disturbances, including use of generators, after 10
p.m. You must unload all weapons (see
§ 26.42(b) of this chapter) within 100 yards (90
m) of a campground.
17. You may take beaver, nutria, feral hog,
and coyote during any daytime refuge hunt
with weapons and ammunition allowed for
that hunt. There is no bag limit. You may
not transport live hogs.
18. We prohibit blocking of gates and roadways (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
19. We allow the use of retriever dogs.

20. We require you to unload and case any
firearms (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in any land vehicle, boat under power,
or on horses. We define ‘‘loaded’’ as any shells
in the gun or cap on a muzzleloader.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum,
beaver, nutria, and coyote on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A4 through A18 and A20
2. We allow hunting on the refuge during
State seasons for this zone through January
31. We list specific hunting season dates annually in the refuge hunt brochure. We close
hunting during refuge quota deer hunts. We
annually publish dates for these quota deer
hunts in the refuge hunt brochure.
3. We do not open for spring squirrel hunting season and summer/early fall raccoon
hunting season on the refuge.
4. We prohibit possession of lead ammunition except that you may use rimfire rifle
lead ammunition no larger than .22 caliber
for upland game hunting. We prohibit possession of shot larger than that legal for waterfowl hunting.
5. You may use dogs for squirrel and rabbit
hunting from December 1 through January
31. You may also use dogs for quail hunting
and for raccoon/opossum hunting during
open season on the refuge for these species.
At other times, you must keep dogs and
other pets on a leash or confine them (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A6, A8 through A11, and A13
through A18 and A20 apply.
2. We allow archery deer hunting on the
refuge from the opening of the State season
for this deer management zone through January 31.
3. You must possess and carry a refuge
hunt brochure permit to archery deer hunt,
and multiple copies of these brochures are
available at the refuge office, in brochure
dispensers located at entrances throughout
the refuge, and at many area businesses.
4. We close archery deer hunting during
the quota deer hunts.
5. The refuge will conduct only one 2-day
quota permit for the muzzleloader deer hunt
(typically in October) and only two 2-day
quota permits for the Gun Deer Hunts (typically in November).
6. We restrict hunt participants for quota
hunts to those drawn for a quota permit. The
permits are nontransferable. Hunt dates and
application procedures will be available at
the refuge office in July.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.23

7. The quota muzzleloader and Gun Deer
Hunt bag limit is one deer, either sex, on
each hunt.
8. You must check all harvested deer during quota hunts at refuge deer check stations on the same day of the kill. We identify
the check station locations in the refuge
hunt brochure. Carcasses of deer taken must
remain intact (except you may field dress)
until checked.
9. You may only use portable deer stands.
You may erect stands 2 days before each
hunt, but you must remove them within 2
days after each hunt (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
10. We prohibit horses and mules during
refuge quota deer hunts.
11. We open spring archery turkey hunting
during the State spring turkey season for
this zone. We do not open for fall archery
turkey season.
12. We close spring archery turkey hunting
during scheduled turkey quota gun hunts.
13. The refuge will conduct one 2-day,
youth-only (age 15 and under at the beginning of the spring turkey season) quota
spring turkey hunt and two 3-day quota
spring turkey hunts (typically in April). Specific hunt dates and application procedures
will be available at the refuge office in January. We restrict hunt participants to those
selected for a quota permit, except that one
nonhunting adult age 21 or older must accompany the youth hunter during the youth
14. An adult age 21 or older must accompany and be within sight or normal voice
contact of hunters age 15 and under. One
adult may supervise no more than one youth
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing, frogging,
and the taking of crawfish for personal use
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Conditions A6, A8, A9, A13, A16, and A18
2. We prohibit fishing in the waterfowl
sanctuary area during the waterfowl hunting
season, with the exception of the main channel of the Ouachita River and the borrow
pits along Highway 82. We post the Waterfowl Sanctuary area with ‘‘Area Closed’’ signs
and identify those areas in refuge hunt brochures.
3. You must reset trotlines when receding
water levels expose them.
4. We prohibit consumption of alcoholic
beverages in parking lots, on roadways, and
in plain view in campgrounds.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, beaver,
armadillo, coyote, and bobcat on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State

regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge hunting permits. The
permits are nontransferable, and anyone on
refuge land in possession of hunting equipment must sign, possess, and carry the permits at all times.
2. You may only take all upland game
mentioned above during the refuge archery
3. We allow gun hunting of raccoon and
opossum with dogs every Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday until legal sunrise during the
month of February. We prohibit pleasure
running or training of dogs (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
4. You must unload and case firearms (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) when traveling in
vehicles on refuge roads.
5. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42(a)
of this chapter).
6. We prohibit possession or use of alcoholic beverages.
7. We only allow ATVs for disabled hunters
with a refuge ATV permit.
8. We prohibit the use of horses.
9. We prohibit hunting from a vehicle.
10. We only allow vehicle use on established roads and trails (see § 27.31 of this
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and turkey on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1 and B4 through B11 apply.
2. Archery/crossbow season for deer and
turkey begins October 1 and continues
through November 30.
3. Spring archery/crossbow season for turkey has the same dates as the State season.
4. The firearms spring youth hunt for turkey is the same as the State. We restrict
hunting to youths under age 16. One adult
age 18 or older must accompany one youth
hunter. We must receive applications for
hunts by the last day of February.
5. We only allow portable deer stands. You
may erect stands 2 days before the start of
the season and must remove the stands from
the refuge within 2 days after the season
ends (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
6. You must permanently affix the owner’s
name and address to all deer stands on the
7. We prohibit the use of dogs.
8. We prohibit marking trees or trails with
plastic or paint.
9. We prohibit hunting from paved, graveled, and mowed roads and mowed trails (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
10. We prohibit hunting with the aid of
bait, salt, or ingestible attractant (see
§ 32.2(h)).
11. We prohibit all forms of organized


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

12. You must check all game at the refuge
check station.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions B6, B7, B8, B10, and B11
2. Waters of the refuge are only open for
fishing March 1 through October 31 during
daylight hours.
3. We do not require a permit to fish but do
require an entrance pass to the refuge.
4. We limit free-floating fishing devices,
trotlines, and tree limb devices to 20 per person. Each device must have the angler’s
name and address.
5. You must reset trotlines and limb lines
when receding water levels expose them.
6. We prohibit leaving trotlines and other
self-fishing devices overnight or unattended.
7. We only allow bow fishing during daylight hours during August.
8. We prohibit commercial fishing.
9. We prohibit possessing turtles (see § 27.21
of this chapter).
10. We prohibit hovercraft, personal
watercraft (Jet Skis, etc.), and airboats.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and woodcock
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of duck, goose, and
coot during the State duck season. We do not
open during the September teal season. We
allow hunting of woodcock during the State
2. Hunting of duck, goose, and coot ends at
12 p.m. (noon) each day.
3. We only allow portable blinds. You must
remove portable blinds, boats, and decoys
from the hunt area each day (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day during waterfowl hunting season; hunters may not discharge more than 25
shells per day.
5. We close areas of the refuge by posting
‘‘Area Closed’’ signs and/or marking with purple paint and identifing on the refuge hunt
brochure map as Sanctuary to all public
entry and public use. Exception: we open the
area identified as North Sanctuary on refuge
hunt brochure map to all authorized public
use activities from 2 days prior to opening of
deer archery season through October 31.
6. No person will utilize the services of a
guide, guide service, outfitter, club, organization, or other person who provides equipment, services, or assistance on Refuge System lands for compensation. Failure to comply with this provision subjects each hunter
in the party to a fine if convicted of this violation.

7. We require a refuge hunt brochure permit that is available in unlimited quantities
at the refuge office, brochure dispensers at
multiple locations throughout the refuge,
and at area businesses. You must possess and
carry a signed permit when hunting on the
8. We prohibit possession and/or use of herbicides (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
9. We prohibit marking of trails with tape,
ribbon, paint, or any other substance other
than biodegradable materials.
10. We prohibit possession or use of alcoholic beverages while hunting (see § 32.2(j)).
We prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages in parking areas and on roadways.
11. All persons born after 1968 must possess
and carry a valid hunter education card in
order to hunt.
12. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. One adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters.
13. We only allow ATVs for wildlife-dependent activities such as hunting, and we restrict them to designated times and designated trails marked with signs and paint.
We identify these trails and the dates they
are open for use in the refuge hunt brochure.
You may use horses on roads and designated
ATV trails (when open to motor vehicle use)
(see § 27.31 of this chapter) as a mode of
transportation on the refuge and for wildlifedependent activities. You may use ATVs on
unmarked roads and levees in the North
Sanctuary beginning 2 days prior to the
opening of deer archery season through October 31.
14. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of roads and trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) open to motor vehicle use (including
ATV trails).
15. We prohibit target practice with any
weapon or any nonhunting discharge of
weapons (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
16. We prohibit blocking of gates and roadways (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
17. You may take beaver, nutria, feral hog,
and coyote during any daytime refuge hunt
with weapons and ammunition legal for that
hunt. There is no bag limit. We prohibit
transportation of live hogs.
18. We allow retriever dogs.
19. We require you to unload and case firearms (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in any land vehicle, boat under power,
or on horses. We define ‘‘loaded’’ as shells in
the gun or cap on a muzzleloader.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum,
beaver, nutria, and coyote on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A4 through A17 and A19


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.23

2. We allow hunting during State seasons
(see State regulations for the appropriate
zone) for the species listed above through
January 31. We list specific hunting season
dates annually in the refuge hunt brochure.
3. We do not open for the spring squirrel
season and summer/fall racoon hunting season.
4. We prohibit possession of lead ammunition except that you may use rimfire rifle
lead ammunition no larger than .22 caliber
for upland game hunting. We prohibit possession of shot larger than that legal for waterfowl hunting.
5. You may use dogs for squirrel and rabbit
hunting January 1 through 31. You may also
use dogs for quail hunting and for raccoon/
opossum hunting during open season. At
other times, you must keep dogs and other
pets on a leash or confined (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow archery deer hunting on the
refuge during the State season (see State
regulations for appropriate zone) through
January 31.
2. Conditions A5 through A11, A13 through
A17, and A19 apply.
3. We allow muzzleloader deer hunting during the October State muzzleloader season
for this zone (see State regulations for appropriate zone).
4. Bag limit for the October muzzleloader
deer hunt is one buck and one doe.
5. We only allow portable deer stands. You
may erect stands 2 days before each hunt,
but you must remove them within 2 days
after each hunt (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
6. We prohibit horses and mules during the
muzzleloader deer hunt.
7. We allow spring archery turkey hunting
during the State spring turkey season. See
State regulations for appropriate zones.
8. We do not open for the fall turkey archery season and spring turkey gun season.
9. We do not open for the gun deer season
and December muzzleloader deer season.
10. An adult age 21 or older must accompany and be within sight and normal voice
contact of hunters age 15 and under. One
adult may supervise no more than one youth
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, coot, and goose on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of migratory game
birds during the State duck seasons, except
we close during scheduled quota refuge Gun

Deer Hunts. Dates for quota deer hunts are
typically in November, and we publish them
annually in the refuge hunt brochure. We do
not open for the September teal season.
2. Hunting ends at 12 p.m. (noon) each day.
3. We only allow portable blinds. You must
remove portable blinds, boats, and decoys
from the hunt area each day (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
4. No person will utilize the services of a
guide, guide service, outfitter, club, organization, or other person who provides equipment, services, or assistance on Refuge System lands for compensation. Failure to comply with this provision subjects each hunter
in the party to a fine if convicted of this violation.
5. We require a refuge hunt brochure permit; multiple copies of this permit are available at the refuge office, brochure dispensers
at multiple locations throughout the refuge,
and at area businesses. You must possess and
carry a signed permit when hunting on the
6. We prohibit possession and/or use of herbicides (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
7. We prohibit marking trails with tape,
ribbon, paint, or any other substance other
than biodegradable materials.
8. We prohibit possession or use of alcoholic beverages while hunting (see § 32.2(j)).
We prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages in parking lots, on roadways, and in
plain view in campgrounds.
9. All persons born after 1968 must possess
a valid hunter education card in order to
10. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. One adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters.
11. We only allow ATVs for wildlife-dependent activities such as hunting and fishing
and restrict them to designated times and
designated trails marked with signs and
paint (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We identify
these trails and the dates they are open for
use in the refuge hunt brochure. You may
use horses on roads and designated ATV
trails (when open to motor vehicle use) (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter) as a mode of transportation on the refuge for wildlife-dependent
12. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of roads and trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) open to motor vehicle use (including
ATV trails).
13. We prohibit target practice with any
weapon or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
14. We only allow camping at designated
primitive campground sites identified in the
refuge hunt brochure. We restrict camping to
the individuals involved in refuge wildlifedependent activities. Campers may stay no
more than 14 days during any consecutive 30-


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

day period in a campground and must occupy
the camps daily. We prohibit all disturbances, including use of generators, after 10
p.m. You must unload all weapons (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) within 100 yards (90
m) of a campground.
15. You may take beaver, nutria, feral hog,
and coyote during any daytime refuge hunt
with weapons and ammunition allowed for
that hunt. We prohibit the use of dogs. There
is no bag limit. You may not transport live
16. We prohibit blocking of gates and roadways (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
17. We allow the use of retriever dogs.
18. You must unload and case firearms (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in any
land vehicle, boat under power, or on horses.
We define ‘‘loaded’’ as shells in the gun or cap
on a muzzleloader.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, and
beaver on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting during State seasons
(see State regulations for appropriate zone)
for the species listed above through January
31. We annually list specific hunting season
dates and quota Gun Deer Hunt dates in the
refuge hunt brochure. We close upland game
hunting during refuge quota Gun Deer
2. We do not open to spring squirrel season
and summer/early fall racoon season.
3. Conditions A4 through A16 and A18
4. We prohibit possession of lead ammunition, except that you may use rimfire rifle
lead ammunition no larger than .22 caliber
for upland game hunting. We prohibit possession of shot larger than that legal for waterfowl hunting.
5. You may use dogs for squirrel and rabbit
hunting December 1 through January 31. You
may also use dogs for raccoon/opossum hunting during open season on the refuge for
these species. At other times you must keep
dogs and other pets on a leash or confined
(see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow archery deer hunting on the
refuge from the opening of the State season
through January 31 (see State regulations
for appropriate zone).
2. Conditions A4, A5 (for archery deer and
muzzle-loader deer hunts and spring archery
turkey hunts), A6 through A9, A11 through
A16, and A18 apply.
3. We close archery deer hunting during
the quota Gun Deer Hunts.
4. We allow muzzleloader deer hunting during the October State muzzleloader season

for this deer management zone. The bag
limit for the October refuge muzzleloader
hunt is one buck and one doe.
5. The refuge will conduct one 2-day quota
Gun Deer Hunt (typically in November).
6. We restrict hunt participants for this
quota Gun Deer Hunt to those drawn for a
quota permit. Hunt dates and application
procedures will be available at the refuge office in July. The permits are nontransferable.
7. The quota Gun Deer Hunt bag limit is
one buck and one doe.
8. You must check all deer taken during
the quota hunt at the refuge deer check station on the same day of kill. You must keep
carcasses of deer taken intact (you may remove entrails) until checked.
9. We prohibit horses and mules during refuge muzzleloader and quota deer hunts.
10. We open spring archery turkey hunting
during the State spring turkey season for
this zone. The State bag limit for this turkey hunt applies. We do not open for fall
archery turkey season.
11. We close spring archery turkey hunting
during scheduled turkey quota permit gun
12. The refuge will conduct one 2-day,
youth-only (age 15 and younger at the beginning of the spring turkey season) quota
spring turkey hunt and one 3-day spring
quota turkey hunt (typically in April). Specific hunt dates and application procedures
will be available in January. We restrict
hunt participants on these hunts to those
drawn for a quota permit, except that during
the youth hunt, a nonhunting adult age 21 or
older must accompany the youth hunter.
13. We prohibit the use of buckshot for gun
deer hunting.
14. You may only use portable deer stands
erected 2 days before each hunt, but you
must remove them within 2 days after each
hunt (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
15. An adult age 21 or older must accompany and be within sight and normal voice
contact of hunters age 15 and under. One
adult may supervise no more than one youth
hunter during big game hunts.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing, frogging,
and the taking of crawfish for personal use
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must reset trotlines when exposed
by receding water levels.
2. Conditions A4, A6, A7, A11, A14, and A16
3. We prohibit consumption of alcoholic
beverages in parking lots, on roadways, and
in plain view in campgrounds.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of snow geese on designated areas of


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.23

the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge hunting permits. The
permits are nontransferable and anyone on
refuge land in possession of hunting equipment must sign and carry them at all times.
2. We provide annual season dates on the
hunt brochure/permit.
3. You must sign in prior to the hunt and
sign out after the hunt at the Hunter Information Station.
4. You must adhere to all public use special
conditions and regulations on the annual
hunt brochure/permit.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, nutria, beaver,
coyote, feral hog, and opossum in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A3, and A4 apply.
2. We allow shotguns using approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and .22 long-rifle
caliber rifles. We prohibit possession of lead
shot and .22 magnum caliber rifles.
3. We provide annual season dates for
squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum hunting on the hunt brochure/permit.
4. You may take nutria, beaver, feral hog,
and coyote during any refuge hunt with the
firearm allowed for that hunt, subject to
State seasons on these species.
5. We prohibit dogs except for raccoon
hunting where we require them. We prohibit
pleasure running or training of dogs.
6. We allow raccoon hunters to use horses/
mules but prohibit their use by other refuge
hunters and visitors.
7. We prohibit hunting from or within 50
yards (45 m) of graveled roads and within 150
yards (135 m) of refuge buildings.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A4 and B4 apply.
2. We prohibit hunting from or within 50
yards (45 m) of graveled roads and within 150
yards (135 m) of refuge buildings.
3. We specify annual season dates, bag limits, and hunting methods on the annual
hunting brochure/permit.
4. Immediately record the deer zone 640 on
the hunter’s license and later on official
check station records upon harvest of a deer.
5. You must sign in prior to the hunt and
sign out after the hunt at the Hunter Information Station. You must check harvested
deer at this location.
6. We prohibit dogs.
7. We allow only single-person portable
tree stands. You may place tree stands on
the refuge 2 days before the hunt but must
remove them within 2 days after the hunt.
You must permanently affix the owner’s
name and address on stands left on the refuge.

8. We prohibit possession of or marking
trails with materials other than biodegradable paper/flagging or reflective tape/tacks.
9. We prohibit ATVs.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from March 15 through
October 31 from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise
to 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
2. We prohibit fishing in Big Creek and
other ditches that flow through the refuge.
3. We prohibit the possession or use of live
carp, shad, buffalo, or goldfish for bait.
4. We prohibit the possession or use of yoyos, jugs, or other floating containers, drops
or limb lines, trotlines, or commercial fishing tackle.
5. We prohibit fishing within 100 yards (90
m) of any refuge building.
6. We allow bank fishing but you must
park vehicles in designated parking areas.
7. We prohibit the taking of frogs, mollusks, and turtles (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
8. You must use the public boat ramp off
Highway 77 to launch boats into Wapanocca
9. You must remove all boats daily from
the refuge (see § 27.93 of this chapter). We
prohibit airboats, personal watercraft, and
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must sign, possess, and carry a refuge permit.
2. We allow duck hunting from legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon).
3. We allow retriever dogs.
4. You must remove blinds, blind material,
and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from
the refuge by 1 p.m. each day.
5. North Unit waterfowl season and youth
waterfowl hunts are concurrent with State
season dates.
6. You may take coot, goose, and woodcock
during the State season.
7. We restrict the South Unit waterfowl
season to the Jack’s Bay hunt area as indicated in the general user permit. It is open
every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and
Sunday of the concurrent State season dates.
8. Waterfowl hunters may and access the
refuge no earlier than 4:30 a.m.
9. The following refuge users (age 16 or
older) must sign and possess and carry a refuge general user permit and a refuge fee permit ($12.00): hunters, anglers, campers, and
ATV users.
10. We prohibit boating December 1
through January 31 in the South Unit Waterfowl Hunt Area, except during designated


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§ 32.23

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

waterfowl hunt days between 5 a.m. and 1
11. We prohibit marking trails with materials other than biodegradable paper flagging
or reflective tape/tacks.
12. We prohibit use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages while hunting (see
§ 32.2(j)).
13. We prohibit cutting of holes in or other
manipulation of vegetation or hunting in
such areas (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
14. We prohibit waterfowl hunting on Kansas Lake Area.
15. We prohibit loaded weapons in a vehicle
or boat while under power (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter). We define ‘‘loaded’’ as a muzzleloader containing a cap or any type of ignition device, cartridges, or shells in a magazine, or cartridges or shells in a chamber of
a weapon.
16. We allow duck hunting on specific scattered tracts of land, in accordance with the
North Unit regulations. Consult the refuge
office for further information.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, beaver, coyote, raccoon,
and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A8, A10, A11, A12, and A14
2. You may hunt rabbit and squirrel on the
North Unit during the concurrent State season dates until January 31.
3. We allow dogs for hunting of rabbit and
squirrel December 1 through January 31 on
the North Unit.
4. You may hunt rabbit and squirrel on the
South Unit from the beginning of the concurrent State season through November 30.
5. We prohibit dogs on the South Unit for
the purpose of squirrel or rabbit hunting.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot when hunting upland game, except turkey (see § 32.2(k)). We allow the possession of
lead shot for hunting turkey.
7. We close all upland game hunts during
quota modern gun and quota muzzleloader
deer hunts.
8. We allow spring squirrel hunting with
the concurrent State spring season dates.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of white-tailed deer and turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A8, A10, A11, A12, and A14
2. Archery deer and turkey seasons on the
North Unit will begin with the concurrent
State archery season and end January 31.
3. Archery deer and turkey seasons on the
South Unit will begin with the concurrent
State archery season and end November 30.
4. Modern gun quota deer season is the
first 3 days of the State season for the North

and South Units. We require a quota permit.
You may take one deer of either sex.
5. The muzzleloader quota deer season is
the first 3 days of the State season for the
North and South units. We require a quota
permit. You may take one deer of either sex.
6. We allow modern guns on the North Unit
as per dates indicated in the general user
brochure. We only allow take of one legal
7. You may only hunt the North and South
Unit by muzzleloader with a quota hunt permit. You may only take one deer of either
sex. We list the season in the refuge hunt
8. We allow muzzleloader guns on the
North Unit for 6 consecutive days following
the 3-day muzzleloader quota hunt.
9. State deer limits apply to archery hunting season except during the refuge muzzleloader and modern gun season.
10. We close all nonquota hunting during
the quota deer hunts.
11. We do not open to the bear season on all
refuge-owned lands, including those lands in
Trusten Holder Wildlife Management Area.
12. If you harvest deer and turkey on the
refuge, you must immediately record the
zone 660 on your hunting license and later at
an official check station.
13. We prohibit muzzleloader and modern
gun deer hunting in the Kansas Lake Area
after October 30 of each year.
14. We close refuge lands on the North Unit
to all deer hunting and fall turkey hunting
when the White River gauge reading at St.
Charles reaches 23 feet (8.4 m), as reported by
the National Weather Service in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, and will reopen these
lands when the same gauge reading in this
newspaper falls to or below 21 feet (6.3 m).
15. We close refuge lands on the South Unit
to all deer hunting and fall turkey hunting
when the White River gauge reading at St.
Charles reaches 23 feet (8.4 m) and the gauge
at Lock and Dam # 1 reaches 145 feet (43.5 m)
simultaneously as reported by news release
and will reopen these lands when the same
gauge reading reaches 21 feet (6.3 m) and 143
feet (42.9 m), respectively, as reported by
news release.
16. We restrict access and refuge use during
quota hunts to quota permit holders. We require a quota permit for all use during quota
deer hunts.
17. We prohibit hunting with the aid of
bait, salt, or ingestible attractant (see
§ 32.2(h)).
18. We prohibit the use of dogs and/or
horses other than specified in the general
user permit.
19. We prohibit all forms of organized
20. We prohibit firearm hunting from or
across roadways, levees, and maintained
utility rights-of-way for deer only.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.24

21. We prohibit hunting from a tree in
which a metal object has been driven to support a hunter.
22. We prohibit leaving a hunt stand after
a hunt season.
23. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
24. We prohibit modern gun and muzzleloader deer hunting on Kansas Lake Area
after October 30.
25. You may take beaver, nutria, and feral
hog incidental to any daytime refuge hunt
with weapons allowed for that hunt.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
frogging on desigated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A8 and A10 apply.
2. We allow fishing year-round in LaGrue,
Essex, Prairie, Scrubgrass and Brooks Bayous, Big Island Chute, Moon and Belknap
Lakes next to Arkansas Highway 1, Indian
Bay, the Arkansas Post Canal and adjacent
drainage ditches; those borrow ditches located adjacent to the west bank of that portion of the White River Levee north of the
Arkansas Power and Light Company
powerline right-of-way; and all refuge-owned
waters located north of Arkansas Highway 1.
We open all other refuge waters to sport fishing from March 1 through November 30 unless posted otherwise.
3. We require a refuge Special Use Permit
to fish with any type tackle other than hook
and line.
4. We allow frogging on all refuge-owned
waters open for sport fishing as follows: We
allow frogging on the South Unit from the
beginning of the State season through November 30; we allow frogging on the North
Unit for the entire State season.
5. We allow the use of bow and arrow for
taking bullfrogs or fish by a refuge Special
Use Permit.
6. We allow crawfishing.
7. We require a Special Use Permit for all
commercial fishing on the refuge in addition
to compliance with State regulations governing commercial fishing.
8. We allow commercial fishing on the
North Unit year-round. We prohibit commercial turtling on both the North and South
Units year-round.
9. We allow commercial fishing on the
South Unit October 1 through November 30
and annually when the White River exceeds
23.5 feet (7 m) at the St. Charles, Arkansas
10. We prohibit take or possession of any
freshwater mussels, and we do not open to
mussel shelling.
11. You must reset trotlines when receding
water levels expose them, and you cannot
leave them unattended. The ends of trotlines
must consist of a length of cotton line that

extends from the points of attachment into
the water.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29073, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6689, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55184, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62040,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 45366, Aug. 29, 1996; 61 FR
46393, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47376, Sept. 9, 1997;
65 FR 30778, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56400, Sept.
18, 2000; 68 FR 57316, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362,
54365, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept. 17, 2004]

§ 32.24


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Refer to § 32.22 Arizona for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, moorhens, and snipe is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Air-thrust and inboard waterthrust
boats are not permitted.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of pronghorn
antelope is permitted on the controlled ‘‘U’’
Unit of the refuge subject to the following
1. Hunters may hunt only in the unit for
nine (9) consecutive days beginning on the
first Saturday following the third Wednesday
in August.
2. Access to the unit is permitted only
through the gate located on Clear Lake
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
2. Each hunter may not possess more than
25 shells while in the field.
3. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We prohibit bicycles and other conveyances.
4. We prohibit building or maintaining
fires (see § 27.95 of this chapter), except in
portable gas stoves.
5. You may only enter or exit at designated
locations (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
6. Vehicles may only stop at designated
parking areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We


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§ 32.24

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

prohibit the dropping of passengers or equipment or stopping between designated parking areas.
7. We only allow overnight stays in vehicles, motor homes, and trailers at the check
station parking area.
8. You must restrain dogs on a leash within
all designated parking areas (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant only in the free-roam areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A8 apply.
2. Mobility-impaired hunters should consult with the refuge manager for allowed
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must unload firearms while transporting them between parking areas and
spaced blind areas.
2. We do not allow snipe hunting in the
spaced blind areas.
3. We restrict hunters assigned to the
spaced blind area to within 100 feet (30 m) of
their assigned hunt site except for retrieving
downed birds, placing decoys, or traveling to
and from the area.
4. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We do not allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should
consult with the Refuge Manager for allowed
5. You may possess no more than 25 shells
while in the field.
6. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
7. No person may build or maintain fires,
except in portable gas stoves.
8. You may enter or exit only at designated
9. Vehicles may stop only at designated
parking areas. We prohibit the dropping of
passengers or equipment, or stopping between designated parking areas.
10. We only allow overnight stays in vehicles, motor homes, and trailers at the check
station parking area.
11. You must restrain dogs on a leash within all designated parking areas (see § 26.21(b)
of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant only in the free-roam areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We do not allow pheasant hunting in the
spaced blind area except during a special 1day-only pheasant hunt on the first Monday

after the opening of the State pheasant
hunting season.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We do not allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should
consult with the Refuge Manager for allowed
4. You may possess no more than 25 shells
while in the field.
5. No person may build or maintain fires,
except in portable gas stoves.
6. You may enter or exit only at designated
7. Vehicles may stop only at designated
parking areas. We prohibit the dropping of
passengers or equipment, or stopping between designated parking areas.
8. Conditions A10 and A11 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting in tidal areas, including salt marshes, sloughs, mudflats, and
open waters of the San Francisco Bay. Unless posted in the field and/or noted below,
we allow hunting by boat in all refuge tidal
areas up to the mean high-water line. We
close the following tidal areas to hunting
and/or shooting:
i. Newark Slough to hunting and shooting
from its source to Hetch-Hetchy Aqueduct, a
distance of 31⁄2 miles (5.6 km);
ii. Dumbarton Point Marsh to the HetchHetchy Aqueduct (west side of Newark
Slough); and
iii. The headwaters of Mallard Slough (Artesian Slough) in the vicinity of the Environmental Education Center to hunting, as designated by posted signs.
2. We allow hunting in the nine salt evaporation ponds listed below. These ponds are
surrounded by levees and were formerly part
of the San Francisco Bay. We have not
opened any other ponds. You may access the
salt ponds by pulling your boat across the
levee from the Bay.
i. Ponds R–1 and R–2 in the Ravenswood
Unit. These ponds are located on the west
side of the Dumbarton Bridge between
Ravenswood Slough and Highway 84. You
may access these ponds by foot or bicycle
from either of the two trailheads off Highway 84. We prohibit hunting within 300 feet
(90 m) of Highway 84.
ii. Ponds M–1, M–2, M–3, M–4, M–5, M–6, and
A–19 in the Mowry Slough Unit. These ponds
are located on the east side of the Bay between Mowry Slough and Coyote Creek. You


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.24

may only access the ponds by boat. You may
land your boat at specific points on the Bay
side of the levee as designated by refuge
signs. We prohibit hunting within 300 feet (90
m) of the Union Pacific Railroad track.
3. We only allow walk-in hunting at the
Dumbarton Bridge. You must only access all
other areas by boat.
4. At the Ravenswood Unit only, we only
allow portable blinds or construction of temporary blinds of natural materials that readily decompose. We prohibit collection of
these natural materials from the refuge. You
must remove portable blinds (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) at the end of each day. Temporary blinds become available for general
use on a first-come, first-served basis on subsequent days. We prohibit permanent blinds,
pit blinds, or digging into the levees. We prohibit entry into closed areas of the refuge
prior to hunting season in order to scout for
hunting sites or to build blinds.
5. You must remove all decoys, boats, and
other personal property from the refuge at
the end of each day. You must remove all
trash, including shotshell hulls, when leaving hunting areas (see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this
6. Hunters may enter closed areas of the
refuge to retrieve downed birds, provided
they leave all weapons in a legal hunting
area. We encourage the use of retriever dogs.
You must keep your dog(s) under the immediate control of the handler at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
7. We prohibit target practice on the refuge
or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter).
8. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
9. You must keep firearms unloaded (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) until you are within
the designated hunt area.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from land at the Coyote
Creek Lagoon in Fremont, the FaberLaumeister Unit in East Palo Alto, the
Dumbarton Fishing Pier, and along the San
Francisco Bay shoreline within 1⁄2 mile (0.8
km) of the Dumbarton Fishing Pier. We also
allow fishing from boats in the Bay and
major slough channels. We close Mallard
Slough to boats from March 1 through August 31, and we close Mowry Slough from
March 15 to June 15. We prohibit fishing in
salt evaporation ponds or marshes.
2. We open fishing areas daily (except we
close the Dumbarton Fishing Pier and adjacent shoreline on Thanksgiving, Christmas,
and New Year’s Day). We open the
Dumbarton Fishing Pier from 7 a.m. to 6

p.m. November 1 through March 31 and 7 a.m.
to 8 p.m. April 1 through October 31. We open
Coyote Creek Lagoon and Faber-Laumeister
Unit from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
3. We prohibit the collection of bait of any
type from the refuge except from the
Dumbarton Fishing Pier, where it is legal to
collect bait for noncommercial purposes.
4. We prohibit the use of balloons to float
hooks and bait farther than hand casting.
5. We prohibit personal watercraft (e.g., Jet
Skis, waterbikes) on the refuge.
Refer to § 32.22 Arizona for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, common
moorhen, and snipe on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require adults age 18 or older to accompany youth hunters age 16 and under. No
more than three youth hunters may accompany one adult hunter.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We prohibit public access into or
through closed areas and designate closed
areas as nonretrieval zones.
4. You may only use portable blinds in the
free-roam hunting areas (i.e., all hunt areas
except Salmon Creek Unit).
5. You must remove all blinds, decoys,
shell casings, and other personal equipment
and refuse from the refuge at the end of each
day (see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) .
6. We require hunters to restrain dogs inside vehicles except when using them for authorized hunting purposes (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
7. On the Salmon Creek Unit, we allow
hunting on Tuesdays and Saturdays (except
Federal holidays), and hunters must possess
and carry a valid daily refuge permit. We
issue refuge permits prior to each hunt by
random drawing conducted at the check station 11⁄2 hours before legal shooting time.
8. On the Salmon Creek Unit, you may
only possess approved nontoxic shotshells
(see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or less per
9. On the Salmon Creek Unit, we restrict
hunters to within 100 feet (30 meters) of the
assigned hunt site except for placing and retrieving decoys, retrieving downed birds, or
traveling to and from the parking area. You
must unload firearms (see § 27.42(b) of this
chapter) while transporting them between
the parking lot and designated blind sites.
10. We open the waters of Hookton Slough
(including Teal Island) and White Slough (including Egret Island) to hunting on Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, Federal holidays, and the opening and closing day of the


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§ 32.24

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

State waterfowl hunting season. We have not
opened the portion of the Hookton Slough
unit between the dike and Hookton Road to
hunting and firearms. We have not opened
the boat dock on the Hookton Slough Unit to
hunting and firearms and restrict use to nonmotorized boats only.
11. We open the Table Bluff Unit (southwest corner of South Bay) to hunting.
12. We open portions of the Eureka Slough
and Jacoby Creek Units to hunting. We designate the Eureka Slough and Jacoby Creek
Units as boat access only. On the Eureka
Slough and Jacoby Creek Units, we prohibit
hunting within 100 yards (90 meters) of Highway 101.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following condition: We allow
fishing from the designated shoreline trail
and dock (for nonmotorized boats only) at
the Hookton Slough Unit from legal sunrise
to legal sunset, only using pole and line or
rod and reel.
Refer to § 32.22 Arizona for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots and moorhens is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters assigned to the spaced blind
unit must travel to and from parking areas
and blind sites with firearms unloaded.
2. Hunters assigned to the spaced blind
unit must remain within 100 feet of the numbered steel post (blind site) except when pursuing cripples, placing decoys or traveling to
and from the parking area.
3. Hunters may not possess more than 25
shells while in the field.
4. Hunters must park in assigned lots.
5. Only nonmotorized boats are permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Pheasant hunting is only permitted in
the free roam unit.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, moorhens,
and snipe on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. In the controlled waterfowl hunting
area, we require entry permits for the first 2
days of the waterfowl season for all hunters
16 years of age or older. An adult with a per-

mit must accompany hunters under the age
of 16 hunting in the controlled area. We require advance reservations for the first 2
days of the hunt.
2. Shooting hours end at 1:00 p.m. on all
California portions of the refuge with the following exceptions:
a. The refuge manager may designate up to
6 afternoon special youth or disabled hunter
waterfowl hunts per season; and
b. The refuge manager may designate up to
3 days per week of afternoon waterfowl hunting for the general public after December 1.
3. You may carry only unloaded firearms
on hunter access routes open to motor vehicles or when taking them through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from
the hunting areas.
4. You may not set decoys in retrieving
5. We do not allow air-thrust and inboard
waterthrust boats.
6. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
7. You may use only nonmotorized boats
and boats with electric motors on units 4b
and 4c from the start of the hunting season
through November 30. You may use motorized boats on units 4b and 4c from December
1 through the end of hunting season.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. You may carry only unloaded firearms
on hunter access routes open to motor vehicles or when taking them through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from
the hunting areas.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and moorhen
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must unload firearms (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter) before transporting them between parking areas and blind sites. Unloaded means that no ammunition is in the
chamber or magazine of the firearm.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day after leaving the parking lot.
3. Each hunter must remain inside his or
her assigned blind, except for placing decoys,
retrieving downed birds, and traveling to and
from the parking area. We prohibit shooting
from outside the blind.
4. Dogs must remain under the immediate
control of their owners at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.24

D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. On the opening weekend of the hunting
season, hunters must possess and carry a refuge permit issued through random drawing
to hunters with advance reservations only.
2. After the opening weekend of the hunting season, we only allow hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Hunters
must check-in and out of the refuge by using
self-service permits. Hunters must completely fill out the ‘‘Refuge Hunt Permit’’
portion of the permit and deposit it in the
drop box prior to hunting. The hunter must
possess and carry the ‘‘Record of Kill’’ portion
of the permit while on the refuge and turned
in prior to exiting the hunting area.
3. In the designated spaced blind area, you
must remain within 50 feet (15 m) of the established blind stake for the blind assigned
to you.
4. We require adults age 18 or older to accompany youth hunters age 15 and under.
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less after leaving the parking area.
6. In the free-roam hunting areas, you may
only use portable blinds or blinds constructed of vegetation.
7. You must remove all blinds, decoys,
shell casings, other personal equipment, and
refuse from the refuge at the end of each day
(see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
8. Hunters must enter and exit the hunting
area from the two designated hunt parking
lots, which we open 11⁄2 hours before legal
sunrise and close 1 hour after legal sunset
each hunt day.
9. We only allow access to the hunt area by
foot, bicycle, and nonmotorized cart. We prohibit bicycles in the hunt area during the
opening weekend of the hunting season.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We limit hunting to junior hunters only,
age 15 or under, possessing a valid State Junior Hunting License and refuge Junior
Pheasant Hunt Permit.
2. We require adults age 18 or older to accompany junior hunters.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
4. Hunters must enter and exit the hunting
area from the two designated hunt parking
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing only on
Dorris Reservoir in accordance with State

regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit fishing from October 1
through January 31.
2. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. We only allow walk-in access to Dorris
Reservoir from February 1 through March 31.
4. We only allow use of boats on Dorris
Reservoir from April 1 through September
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must unload firearms while transporting them between parking areas and
spaced blind areas.
2. We do not allow snipe hunting in the
spaced blind area.
3. We restrict hunters assigned to the
spaced blind unit to within 100 feet (30 m) of
their assigned hunt site except for retrieving
downed birds, placing decoys, or traveling to
and from the parking area.
4. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
5. You may possess no more than 25 shells
while in the field.
6. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We do not allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should
consult with the Refuge Manager for allowed
7. No person may build or maintain fires,
except in portable gas stoves.
8. You may enter or exit only at designated
9. Vehicles may stop only at designated
parking areas. We prohibit the dropping of
passengers or equipment or stopping between
designated parking areas.
10. We only allow overnight stays in vehicles, motor homes, and trailers at the check
station parking area.
11. You must restrain dogs on a leash within all designated parking areas (see § 26.21(b)
of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant only in the free-roam areas on
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We do not allow pheasant hunting in the
spaced blind area except during a special 1day-only pheasant hunt on the first Monday
after the opening of the State pheasant
hunting season.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We do not allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should
consult with the Refuge Manager for allowed


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§ 32.24

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

4. You may not possess more than 25 shells
while in the field.
5. No person may build or maintain fires,
except in portable gas stoves.
6. You may enter or exit only at designated
7. Vehicles may stop only at designated
parking areas. We prohibit the dropping of
passengers or equipment or stopping between
designated parking areas.
8. Conditions A10 and A11 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on Packer Lake subject to the following conditions:
1. Due to primitive access, you may fish
only from boats up to 14 feet (4.2 m) long and
2. You may fish from the western shoreline
from sunrise to sunset.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and moorhen
on a hunt area along the Salinas River on
the southeast portion of the refuge, as designated by posted signs, in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells while on the refuge (see § 32.2(k))
in quantities of 25 or less.
2. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We do not allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should
consult with the refuge manager for allowed
3. You must keep firearms unloaded until
you are within the designated hunt area.
4. We only allow dogs engaged in hunting
activities on the refuge during the waterfowl
season. Hunters must keep their dog(s) under
their immediate control at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter). We prohibit training of dogs on the refuge. We prohibit other
domesticated animals or pets.
5. We prohibit target practice on the refuge
or any nonhunting discharge of weapons (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:

1. You may only use portable blinds, temporary blinds constructed of natural materials, or existing concrete blinds. We prohibit cutting or breaking woody vegetation
(see § 27.51 of this chapter).
2. You must remove all portable blinds, decoys, and other personal equipment from the
refuge following each day’s hunt.
3. You must dismantle any temporary
blinds constructed of natural materials at
the end of each day.
4. You may only hunt snipe within the
free-roaming portion of the San Luis Unit
waterfowl hunting area.
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less after leaving your assigned parking lot
or boat launch.
6. We prohibit dropping of passengers or
equipment or stopping between designated
parking areas. You must return your permits
to the check stations immediately upon
completion of your hunt and prior to using
any tour routes or leaving the refuge vicinity.
7. You may not transport loaded firearms
while walking or bicycling between parking
areas in spaced blind units, or while traveling in a boat under power.
8. We restrict hunters in the spaced blind
area to their assigned blind except when
they are placing decoys, traveling to and
from the parking area, retrieving downed
birds, or when shooting to retrieve cripples.
9. Access to the Frietas Unit free-roam
hunting area is by boat only with a maximum of 5 mph. Prohibited boats include airthrust and/or inboard water-thrust types.
10. We prohibit the use of motorized boats
in the free-roam units with the exception of
the Frietas Unit.
11. We do not allow vehicle trailers of any
type or size to be in the refuge hunt areas at
any time or to be left unattended at any location on the refuge.
12. Dogs must remain under the immediate
control of their owners at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasants on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less while in the field.
2. Dogs must remain under the immediate
control of their owners at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset, except on that portion of the
San Joaquin River’s south (left descending)


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.24

bank within the West Bear Creek Unit designated as open for fishing 24 hours per day.
2. We only allow the use of pole and line or
rod and reel to take gamefish, and anglers
must attend their equipment at all times.
3. We prohibit the use of any boat, float
tube, or other floating aid/device.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Unless posted in the field and/or noted
below, we only allow hunting in the open waters of San Pablo Bay and its navigable
sloughs. We have not opened the following
areas to hunting:
i. Lower Tubbs Island; ii. Lower Tubbs Setback;
iii. Cullinan Ranch Unit; and
iv. Within 300 feet (90 m) of Highway 37.
2. You may only hunt from a boat or a
floating blind. We prohibit walk-in hunting
on the refuge.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less while in the field.
4. You must remove all decoys, boats, and
other personal property from the refuge at
the end of each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter). Hunters must remove all trash, including shotshell hulls, when leaving hunting
areas (see § 27.94 of this chapter).
5. We allow temporary floating blinds on
the refuge subject to refuge manager approval. We allow blind installation beginning
on October 1, but hunters must remove
blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) by February 1. Temporary floating blinds become
available for general use on a first-come,
first-served basis on subsequent days. We
prohibit entry to closed areas of the refuge
prior to the hunting season in order to scout
for hunting sites.
6. We only allow dogs engaged in hunting
activities on the refuge during waterfowl
season. We prohibit other domesticated animals or pets. Hunters must keep their dog(s)
under their immediate control at all times
(see § 26.21(b) of this chapter). We prohibit
training of dogs on the refuge.
7. We prohibit digging into levees or slough
8. We prohibit target practice on the refuge
or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter).
9. We allow foot access through the refuge
to the State’s Tolay Creek Unit for waterfowl hunting. You must unload and either
break down or case all shotguns (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter) while in transit through the

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant only in areas of the Tolay Creek
Unit designated by posted signs in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You may only hunt on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less while in the field.
3. You may only access the Tolay Creek
Unit by foot or bicycle.
4. We only allow dogs engaged in hunting
activities on the refuge during pheasant season. We prohibit other domesticated animals
or pets.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, and moorhens is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters using the Union Tract must use
goose decoys.
2. You must hunt from assigned blinds on
the Union Tract and within 100 feet (30 m) of
blind sites on the Hazard Tract, except when
shooting to retrieve crippled birds.
3. Firearms must be unloaded while being
transported between parking areas and blind
4. Hunters may not possess more than 25
shells while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted only
on designated areas of the refuge inundated
by the Salton Sea subject to the following
1. Fishing is permitted from April 1
through September 30.
2. Only boat fishing is permitted.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. You may possess no more than 25 shells
while in the field.
3. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic
only. We do not allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should
consult with the Refuge Manager for allowed
4. No person may build or maintain fires,
except in portable gas stoves.
5. You may enter or exit only at designated


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§ 32.25

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

6. Vehicles may stop only at designated
parking areas. We prohibit the dropping of
passengers or equipment or stopping between
designated parking areas.
7. We only allow overnight stays in vehicles, motor homes, and trailers at the check
station parking area.
8. You must restrain dogs on a leash within
all designated parking areas (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We only allow
hunting of pheasant in the free-roam areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. Access is by foot traffic only. We do not
allow bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should consult with the
Refuge Manager for allowed conveyances.
3. You may possess no more than 25 shells
while in the field.
4. No person may build or maintain fires,
except in portable gas stoves.
5. You may enter or exit only at designated
6. Vehicles may stop only at designated
parking areas. We prohibit the dropping of
passengers or equipment or stopping between
designated parking areas.
7. Conditions A7 and A8 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, moorhens,
and snipe on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require entry permits in the controlled waterfowl hunting area for the first 2
days of the waterfowl season for all hunters
16 years of age or older. An adult with a permit must accompany hunters under the age
of 16 hunting in the controlled area. We require advance reservation for the first 2 days
of the hunt.
2. Shooting hours end at 1:00 p.m. on all
California portions of the refuge with the following exceptions:
a. The refuge manager may designate up to
six afternoon special youth or disabled
hunter waterfowl hunts per season; and
b. The refuge manager may designate up to
3 days per week of afternoon waterfowl hunting for the general public after December 1.
3. We do not allow possession of any loaded
firearms more than 200 feet (60 m) from the
established blind stakes. You select blind
sites by lottery at the beginning of each
hunt day. You may shoot only from within
your assigned blind site.
4. You may carry only unloaded firearms
on hunter access routes open to motor vehicles or when taking them through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from
the hunting areas.

5. We do not allow you to set decoys in retrieving zones.
6. We do not allow air-thrust and inboard
waterthrust boats.
7. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. You may carry only unloaded firearms
on hunter access routes open to motor vehicles or when taking them through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from
the hunting areas.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29073, May 18, 1993; 58 FR 29084, May 18,
1993; 59 FR 6689, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55184,
Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 5067, Jan. 25, 1995; 60 FR
62041, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46393, Sept. 3, 1996;
62 FR 47376, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46915, Sept. 3,
1998; 65 FR 30778, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56401,
Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46354, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR
58943, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54374, Sept.
8, 2004]

§ 32.25 Colorado.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, snipe and mourning
doves is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:
Snipe and dove hunting are permitted only
during the waterfowl hunting season.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant, cottontail rabbit, black-tailed and
white-tailed jackrabbit is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions: Hunting is permitted only
when the respective State season coincides
with the refuge waterfowl hunting season.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is allowed on designated areas of the refuge pursuant to State
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting on designated areas of the refuge pursuant to State law and subject to the
following condition: You may possess only
approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of pronghorn
antelope is permitted on designated areas of
the refuge.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.27

D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Anglers may not fish between June 1 and
July 31 each year.
2. Anglers may fish only during daylight
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters
may hunt geese, ducks, coots, and mourning
doves only in designated areas of the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
cottontail rabbits only in designated areas of
the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
mule deer and elk only in designated areas of
the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish only in
designated areas of the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, snipe and mourning
doves is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:
Snipe and dove hunting are permitted only
during the waterfowl hunting season.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant, cottontail rabbit, black-tailed and
white-tailed jackrabbit is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Hunting is permitted only
when the respective State season coincides
with the refuge waterfowl hunting season.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish only in
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Refuge fishing permit required.
2. Fishing permitted only from sunrise to
sunset from April 15 through October 15 annually.
3. Catch and release only fishing.
4. Additional refuge regulations listed in
refuge fishing regulations leaflet and fishing
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6685, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62041, Dec. 4,
1995; 62 FR 47376, Sept. 9, 1997; 65 FR 30780,
May 12, 2000; 69 FR 54362, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.26

Connecticut. [Reserved]

§ 32.27 Delaware.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required for waterfowl hunting except on the South Upland Hunting
2. Hunting of waterfowl and coots is permitted on the South Waterfowl Area, the
West Waterfowl Area, and the Young
Waterfowlers Area.
3. Only snow geese may be taken on the
Snow Goose Area.
4. Hunting is permitted only from designated sites, except on the South Upland
Hunting Area and the Snow Goose Area.
5. The maximum number of hunters permitted per blind is as follows:
West Waterfowl Area—4; South Waterfowl
Area—3; Young Waterfowlers Area—2.
6. The possession of a loaded shotgun while
outside a blind or designated site is not permitted unless actively pursuing crippled
7. Waterfowl hunters may not possess more
than 15 shotgun shells per day on the West
and Young Waterfowlers Hunt Areas.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting only on the South Upland Hunting Area.
2. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after sunset.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
turkey and deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a refuge permit except on the
South Upland Hunting Area.
2. Hunting on the Headquarters Deer Hunt
Area must be from designated stands only,
unless actively tracking or retrieving
wounded deer.
3. We require a valid State permit for turkey hunting.
4. During firearms deer season, hunters
must wear in a conspicuous manner as an
outer layer on the head, chest, and back a
minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid-colored orange clothing or material.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Consult the refuge hunting brochure for
specific information regarding species, areas,
and days open to hunting, rules, and regulations.
2. We require a refuge permit and fee for
waterfowl hunting.


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§ 32.28

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. Refuge hunt dates will correspond with
State-established migratory game bird seasons.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland species on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Consult the refuge hunting brochure for
specific information regarding species, areas,
and days open to hunting, rules, and regulations.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. We do not allow upland game hunting
beginning March 1 through August 31.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Consult the refuge hunting brochure for
specific information regarding areas and
days open to hunting, rules, and specific regulations.
2. You may use only portable tree stands
and must remove them from the refuge following each day’s hunt.
3. During the firearm deer season, hunters
must wear in a conspicuous manner on head,
chest, and back a minimum of 400 square
inches (10.16 m2) of solid-colored hunter orange clothing or material.
4. We require a refuge permit and fee for
deer hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Consult refuge regulations regarding access areas, launch points, and motor restrictions.
2. We allow fishing only from sunrise to
sunset in all areas except those areas
marked by signs as closed to public entry.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29074, May 18, 1993; 60 FR 62041, Dec. 4,
1995; 65 FR 30781, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56401,
Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46355, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR
54362, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.28 Florida.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge waterfowl hunt permit while hunting.
2. We allow hunting in the interior of the
refuge south of latitude line 26.27.130. We
have not opened to hunting from the perimeter canal or levee and those areas posted as

3. The refuge open waterfowl season is concurrent with the State season. The refuge
does not participate in any early experimental seasons. Hunters may only take duck
and coot.
4. We do not open to hunting on Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Christmas Day.
5. Refuge hunting hours are from 1⁄2 hour
before legal sunset to 1 p.m. Hunters may
enter the refuge no earlier than 5 a.m. and
must be off the refuge by 3 p.m.
6. Hunters must only enter and leave the
refuge at the Headquarters Area (Boynton
Beach) and the Hillsboro Area (Boca Raton)
(see § 27.31 of this chapter).
7. Hunters must unload and case or dismantle firearms (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) when outside of hunting area and when
en route to or from the hunting area. Hunters may only use no greater than .10 gauge
shotguns. We prohibit all other firearms or
weapons (see §§ 27.42 and 27.43 of this chapter).
8. We only allow temporary blinds of native vegetation. We prohibit the taking, removing, or destroying of refuge vegetation
(see § 27.51 of this chapter).
9. Hunters must remove decoys and other
personal property (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the hunting area each day.
10. We encourage the use of dogs to retrieve dead or wounded waterfowl. Dogs
must remain under the immediate control of
the owner at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this
chapter). We prohibit pets at all other times.
11. A hunter must complete a daily bag report card and place it in an entrance fee canister each day.
12. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Youth hunters must have
completed a hunter education course.
13. We only allow boats equipped with outboards or electric motors and nonmotorized
boats. We prohibit airboats, Hovercraft, and
personal watercraft (Go Devils, Jet Skis, jet
boats, and Wave Runners). We recommend
all boats operating within the hunt area fly
a 12 inch by 12 inch (30 cm x 30 cm) orange
flag, 10 feet (3 m) above the vessel’s waterline.
14. We prohibit motorized vehicles of any
type on the levees and undesignated routes
(see § 27.31 of this chapter).
15. For emergencies or to report violations,
contact law enforcement personnel at 561–
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.28

2. Special black bass regulations are in effect within the boundaries of the refuge. The
daily creel limit is five black bass per person, per day, where only one bass may be
over 14 inches (35 cm) in length.
3. We allow fishing south of a line of latitude of 26.27.130 and in the rim canal in the
rest of the refuge. We prohibit fishing in
Management Compartments A, B, and C, and
those areas posted as closed to fishing or the
4. We only allow the use of rods and reels
and poles and lines, and anglers must attend
them at all times.
5. We prohibit commercial fishing and the
taking of frogs, turtles, and other wildlife
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
6. We prohibit the possession or use of cast
nets, seines, trot lines, jugs, gigs, and other
fishing devices.
7. Anglers may only launch boats at the
Headquarters Area (Boynton Beach), the
Hillsboro Area (Boca Raton), and 20 Mile
Bend (West Palm Beach).
8. We only allow boats equipped with outboards or electric motors and nonmotorized
boats. We prohibit airboats, Hovercraft, personal watercraft (Go Devils, Jet Skis, jet
boats, and Wave Runners). We recommend
that all boats operating within the hunt area
fly a 12 inch by 12 inch (30 cm x 30 cm) orange
flag, 10 feet (3 m) above the vessel’s waterline.
9. We prohibit motorized vehicles of any
type on the levees and undesignated routes
(see § 27.31 of this chapter).
10. For emergencies or to report violations,
contact law enforcement personnel at 561–
936–4100. Law enforcement officers monitor
VHF Channel 16.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. You may fish in salt water
year-round in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: We
will close a 300 foot (90 m) buffer zone beginning at mean high tide line and extending
into the waters around Seahorse Key to all
public entry from March 1 through June 30.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of ducks and coots on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: We require permits.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, and armadillo on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following condition: We require permits.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hogs on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: We require permits.

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge year round subject to the following
condition: You must fish in accordance with
State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted only from sunrise
to sunset.
2. Fishing is permitted year-round, from
refuge beaches only.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
2. We allow salt water fishing along the Atlantic Ocean and Indian River Lagoon yearround in accordance with State regulations.
3. We prohibit commercial fishing and the
taking of frogs, turtles, and other wildlife
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
4. We prohibit motorized vehicles of any
type on the fire roads, undesignated routes,
and areas posted as closed (see § 27.31 of this
5. For emergencies or to report violations,
contact law enforcement personnel at 561–
936–4100. Law enforcement officers monitor
VHF Channel 16.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish and crab
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following conditions:
1. Fishing permitted in refuge waters except in areas designated as ‘‘closed to public
entry,’’ and the Mangrove Head Pond, Tower
Pond, and Tarpon Bay Slough at the Bailey
2. Crabbing permitted in refuge waters except in areas designated as ‘‘closed to public
3. Anglers may not take horseshoe crabs,
stone crabs, or spider crabs.
4. Anglers may not take blue crabs for
commercial purposes.
5. Anglers may take blue crabs along the
Wildlife Drive only with the use of dip nets.
Anglers may not use lines, traps, or bait on
or within 150 feet of the Wildlife Drive.


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§ 32.28

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

6. Anglers may use baited lines and traps
within refuge waters if such devises are continuously attended/monitored and removed
at the end of each day. Attended/monitored
means that all devices used in the capture of
blue crabs must be within the immediate
view of the sport crabber.
7. Daily limit of blue crabs is 20 per person
of which no more that 10 shall be females.
8. With the exception of those nonregulated species generally used as bait, all fish
caught for commercial purposes in the waters of the refuge or transported into the refuge must remain in an intact and whole condition until removed from the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hogs on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: We require permits.
D. Sport Fishing. Sport fishing will be in accordance with State regulations and is subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing only from sunrise to
2. We do not allow use of airboats in the
3. We do not allow commercial fishing or
the taking of frogs or turtles.
4. We do not allow the use of snatch hooks
in the refuge impoundments.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a refuge permit.
2. Parents or adult guardians over the age
of 21 are responsible for supervising hunters
under the age of 16 and must remain within
sight and normal voice contact of the juvenile hunter. Parents or adult guardians are
responsible for ensuring that hunters under
the age of 16 do not engage in conduct that
would constitute a violation of the refuge
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of gray squirrel, armadillo, opossum, rabbit,
raccoon, coyote, and beaver on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to possess and carry
signed refuge hunt permits for all hunts.
2. We designate open and closed refuge
hunting areas on the map in the refuge hunt
permit that the hunter must possess and
3. You must park vehicles in a manner that
does not block roads or gates (see § 27.31(h) of
this chapter).

4. We prohibit the use of ATVs (see § 27.31(f)
of this chapter).
5. We prohibit horses.
6. We prohibit possession of a loaded firearm or bow and arrow (see § 27.42(b) of this
chapter) while on a refuge road right-of-way
designated for motorized vehicle travel or in
any vehicle or boat. We define ‘‘loaded’’ as
shells in the chamber or magazine or percussion cap on a muzzleloader, or arrow notched
in a bow.
7. We prohibit hunting from refuge roads
open to public vehicle travel.
8. We prohibit construction of permanent
blinds or stands.
9. In addition to State hunter education requirements, an adult (parent or guardian)
age 21 or older must supervise and must remain within sight of and in normal voice
contact of the youth hunter age 15 and
under. Parents or adult guardians are responsible for ensuring that youth hunters do
not engage in conduct that would constitute
a violation of the refuge regulations. An
adult can supervise no more than two youth
10. We prohibit all commercial activities,
including guiding or participating in a guided hunt.
11. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
12. We prohibit marking any tree or other
refuge feature with flagging, litter, paint, or
13. We allow marking trails with reflective
markers, but you must remove the markers
(see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) at the
end of the refuge deer-hunting season.
14. Hunters utilizing the refuge are subject
to inspection of licenses, permits, hunting
equipment, bag limits, vehicles, and their
contents, during compliance checks by refuge or State law enforcement officers.
15. Hunters must be at their vehicles by 1
hour after legal shooting time.
16. The refuge upland game hunting season
opens on the Monday after the Florida State
Central Management Zone general gun (antlered deer and wild hog) season closes, and it
ends on February 28.
17. You may only possess .22 caliber rimfire
(but not .22 magnum caliber) firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) or shotguns with shot
no larger than #4 common.
18. We allow night hunting in accordance
with State regulations for raccoon and opossum on Friday and Saturday nights from
legal sunset until legal sunrise during the
month of February.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions.
1. Conditions B1 through B15 apply.
2. We prohibit use of hunting and tracking


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.28

3. We require quota hunt permits (issued
through a random draw) for the limited deer
gun hunt and limited youth Gun Deer Hunt.
They cost the participants selected $12.50.
4. Quota hunt permits are nontransferable.
5. Hunters may only use archery equipment, in accordance with State archery regulations, during the refuge archery season.
6. Hunters may only use muzzleloading
firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter), in accordance with State muzzleloader regulations, during the refuge muzzleloader season.
7. We prohibit hunting from a tree in which
a metal object has been driven.
8. You may leave temporary tree stands on
the refuge starting on the last weekend of
August, but you must remove them by the
last day of the general gun-hunting season
(see § 27.93 of this chapter).
9. All hunters (including all persons accompanying hunters) must wear a minimum of
500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of fluorescent
orange visible above the waistline while
hunting during all refuge deer gun hunts.
10. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.
11. The refuge general gun season begins on
the opening Saturday of the Florida State
Central Management Zone General Gun season and ends on the following Friday. It reopens on the Monday after the refuge limited
deer season and ends on the following Sunday. The refuge general gun season lasts 14
12. The refuge limited either-sex deer hunt
is on the second Saturday and Sunday of the
State Central Management Zone General
Gun season. This coincides with the opening
of the State’s either-sex hunt, deer-hunting
13. The youth limited Gun Deer Hunt is the
Saturday and Sunday following the close of
the refuge general gun season.
14. During the limited youth hunt, an adult
age 21 or older must accompany the youth
hunter but only the youth hunter may hunt
and handle the firearm.
15. We confine the limited youth hunt to
the Levy County portion of the refuge, and
hunters must access the refuge from Levy
County Road 347.
16. We allow hunting of deer (except spotted fawns), feral hog (no size or bag limit),
gray squirrel, rabbit, armadillo, opossum,
raccoon, beaver, and coyote during the archery season.
17. Hunters may take deer with one or
more antlers at least 5 inches (12.5 cm) in
length visible above the hairline and feral
hog (no bag or size limit) during the muzzleloader and general-gun season.
18. Hunters may take one legal deer of either sex and hog (no size or bag limit) during
the limited deer gun hunt and limited youth
Gun Deer Hunt.
19. We prohibit all other public entry or
use of the hunting area during the limited

gun and youth deer hunts. During the limited gun hunt, the Dixie Mainline road will
remain open to all public vehicles, but we
prohibit firearms except for permit holders.
20. Hunters must check all game harvested
during the limited deer gun hunt and limited
youth Gun Deer Hunt at a refuge check station.
21. You may only take turkey during the
State spring turkey hunting season.
22. You may only take bearded turkeys
during the spring turkey hunt.
23. Shooting hours for spring turkey begin
1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise and end at 1 p.m.
24. We only allow shotguns with shot no
larger than size 2 common shot or bows for
spring turkey hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Anglers may only take game and
nongame fish with pole and line or rod and
2. We prohibit take of frogs and turtles (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
3. We prohibit leaving boats on the refuge
overnight (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
4. We prohibit consumption of alcoholic
beverages or possession of open alcohol containers in the public use areas of Shired Island boat launch/fishing and parking lot area
and the Shell Mound fishing/recreational
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. You must possess and carry a current
signed refuge permit at all times while hunting on the refuge.
2. You must purchase and possess and
carry a quota permit if you are hunting in
areas 1 or 4 from the beginning of the regular
season through December 31.
3. You may hunt Wednesdays, Saturdays,
Sundays and the following holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day within the State waterfowl season.
4. You may hunt in four designated areas
of the refuge as delineated in the refuge
hunting regulations map. Hunters may not
enter the restricted areas of the Kennedy
Space Center.
5. You may hunt from 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise until 1 p.m.
6. You may enter no earlier than 4 a.m. for
the purpose of hunting.
7. We require all hunters to successfully
complete a State-approved hunter education
8. We require an adult, age 18 or older, to
supervise hunters under the age 18.
9. We prohibit accessing a hunt area from
Black Point Wildlife Drive, Playalinda


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§ 32.28

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

Beach Road, or Scrub Ridge Trail (see § 27.31
of this chapter).
10. We prohibit construction of permanent
blinds (see § 27.92 of this chapter) or digging
into dikes.
11. We prohibit hunting or shooting from
any portion of a dike, road, or railroad
12. We prohibit hunting within 150 yards
(135 m) of SR 402 or SR 406.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow you to fish, crab,
clam, oyster, or shrimp in designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a current,
signed refuge permit at all times while on
the refuge.
2. We allow fishing at night in the waters
of Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River Lagoon,
Banana River, and Haulover Canal.
3. We allow launching boats at night from
the following refuge boat ramps: Bairs Cove,
Beacon 42, and Bio Lab.
4. We prohibit crabbing or fishing from
Black Point Wildlife Drive or any side road
connected to Black Point Wildlife Drive except L Pond Road.
5. We prohibit launching boats, canoes, or
kayaks from Black Point Wildlife Drive or
any side road connected to Black Point Wildlife Drive except L Pond Road.
6. Anglers and crabbers must attend their
7. We prohibit harvesting or possession of
horseshoe crabs.
8. We prohibit use of personal watercraft,
air thrust boats, and hovercraft.
9. Vessels must not exceed idle speed in
Bairs Cove and KARS Marina or slow speed/
minimum wake in Haulover Canal.
10. We prohibit motorized vessels in the
Banana River within the posted ‘‘No-Motor
Zone,’’ including any vessel having an attached motor or a nonattached motor capable of use (including electric trolling motor).
11. We prohibit anglers entering the restricted areas of the Kennedy Space Center.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted year-round.
2. Bank fishing from spoil islands is permitted, during daylight hours only.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the

following condition: Fishing is only permitted from boats, into the waters surrounding Tarpon Key.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge permits for hunting
the Piney Island unit. Permits are available
at no cost from the refuge office. Each
hunter must possess and carry a signed hunt
permit when using the hunt area.
2. You must remove blinds daily (see § 27.93
of this chapter).
3. Hunters may access the hunt area by
4. We allow retriever dogs to recover game.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of grey squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and feral
hog in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge permits for hunting
upland game. Permits are available at no
cost from the refuge office. Each hunter
must possess and carry a signed permit while
participating in a hunt.
2. Hunters must wear 500 square inches
(3,250 cm2) of fluorescent orange above the
3. You may use .22 caliber rim-fired rifles,
shotguns with nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)), or
muzzleloaders. You may use shotgun slugs,
buckshot, or archery equipment to take feral
hogs. We prohibit the use or possession of
other weapons. You must unload all firearms
muzzleloaders) (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
4. We prohibit dogs in the hunt area.
5. There is no limit on the size or number
of feral hogs that hunters may take.
6. We allow hunting on designated areas of
the refuge. Contact the refuge office for specific dates.
7. We prohibit hunting from any named or
numbered road.
8. We prohibit cleaning of game within
1,000 feet (300 m) of any developed public
recreation area, game check station, or gate.
9. The refuge is only open to daylight use.
10. You must check out all game taken at
a game check station.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, feral hog, and bearded turkey in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge permits, issued by lottery. Lottery applications are available at
the refuge office each year beginning in July.
There is a fee for permits. Permits are nontransferable. There is an additional fee for
duplicate permits. Each hunter must possess
and carry a signed permit when participating
in a hunt.
2. Conditions B4, B5, B8, and B10 apply.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.28

3. We prohibit hunting from any named or
numbered road (with the exception of persons hunting in the mobility impaired hunt).
4. You may access the refuge hunt areas by
vehicle for prehunt scouting 2 days prior to
the hunt for which you are drawn. We prohibit weapons in the hunt area during the
prehunt scouting (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
5. There is a two-deer limit per hunter as
specified in C8 and C9 below. The limit for
bearded turkey is one per day and two per
hunt. There is no limit on feral hogs.
6. We prohibit the use of deer decoys.
7. We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, or
8. There are two fall archery hunts: hunters may harvest either sex deer, bearded turkey, or feral hogs during the fall archery
hunts. There will be a fall archery hunt on
the Panacea and Wakulla Units. We prohibit
other weapons in the hunt area (see § 27.43 of
this chapter). Contact the refuge office for
specific dates.
9. There is a winter archery/muzzleloader
hunt. Hunters may harvest doe deer,
antlerless deer, bearded turkey, or feral
hogs. We define ‘‘antlerless deer’’ as deer with
antlers less than 1 inch above the hairline.
We will give each hunter that harvests a doe
deer a permit to harvest an antlered deer.
Archery equipment and muzzleloaders must
meet the requirements set by the State. We
prohibit other weapons in the hunt area (see
§ 27.43 of this chapter). Contact the refuge office for specific dates.
10. There are two modern gun hunts. Modern guns must meet State requirements. We
will hold one hunt on the Panacea Unit and
one on the Wakulla Unit. Hunters may harvest doe deer or antlerless deer. See definition for ‘‘antlerless deer’’ in C9 above. We will
give each hunter that harvests a doe deer a
permit to harvest an antlered deer. You may
also harvest one bearded turkey or feral hogs
(no limit). Contact the refuge office for specific dates.
11. There is one mobility-impaired hunt on
the Panacea Unit in the area west of Country
Road 372. Hunters may harvest doe deer,
antlerless deer, bearded turkey, or feral
hogs. See definition for ‘‘antlerless deer’’ in
C9 above. We will issue permits to those
hunters that harvest a doe deer to harvest an
antlered deer. Hunters may have an ablebodied hunter accompany them. You can
transfer permits issued to able-bodied assistants. We limit those hunt teams to two deer
per hunt. Contact the refuge office for specific dates.
12. There is one spring gobbler hunt. You
may harvest one bearded turkey per day
(with a limit of two turkey per hunt). You
may only use shotguns to harvest turkey.
Contact the refuge office for specific dates.
You must unload and dismantle or case
weapons (see § 27.42 of this chapter) after 1:00

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit taking blue crabs from impoundments or canals on the St. Marks Unit.
2. We only allow fishing in refuge lakes,
ponds, and impoundments from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. We allow fishing in tidal and coastal waters 24 hours per day year-round.
4. We prohibit use of boats with motors
over 10 hp on any refuge lake, pond, or impoundment.
5. We allow use of boats on impoundments
on the St. Marks Unit from March 15
through October 15 each year.
6. We prohibit taking of frogs or turtles
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
7. We prohibit use of cast nets, traps, or dip
nets to take fish from any lake, pond, or impoundment on the refuge.
8. You must attend all fishing equipment.
9. We prohibit bow fishing on refuge lakes,
ponds, and impoundments.
10. The interior ponds and lakes on the
Panacea Unit are open year-round for bank
fishing. We open vehicle access to these
areas from March 15 through May 15 each
year. Ponds and lakes that you can access
from County Road 372 are open year-round
for fishing and boating.
11. We prohibit commercial boats, airthrust boats, and personal watercraft to
launch at the saltwater boat ramp on the St.
Marks Unit.
12. We prohibit air-thrust boats or personal
watercraft to launch from Wakulla Beach.
13. All fish must remain in a whole condition when being transported from the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, sambar deer, and feral hog
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following condition: We require refuge
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, sambar deer, raccoon, and
feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require refuge permits. The permits
are nontransferable and must be possessed
and carried while hunting. Only signed permits are valid. We only allow people with a
signed refuge hunt permit on the island during the hunt periods.
2. We restrict hunting to three hunt periods: sambar deer, raccoon, and feral hog—
November 18–20; and white-tailed deer, raccoon, and feral hog—December 16–18 and January 6–8. Hunters may check-in and set up
camp sites and stands on November 17, December 15, and January 5. Hunters must


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§ 32.28

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

leave the island and remove all equipment
by 11 a.m. on November 21, December 19, and
January 9 (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
3. Hunters must check-in at the check stations on the island. We restrict entry onto
St. Vincent Island to the Indian Pass and
West Pass campsites. We restrict entry during the sambar deer hunt to the West Pass
Campsite. All access to hunt areas will be on
foot or by bicycle from these areas.
4. We close to public entry all areas
marked with eagle nesting area, shorebird
closed area, or area closed signs.
5. Hunt hours are 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until 3 p.m. for the sambar deer hunt.
All other hunt times will be in accordance
with Florida Wildlife Commission regulations.
6. We restrict camping and fires (see § 27.95
of this chapter) to the two designated camping areas. We may restrict or ban fires during dry periods.
7. Hunters may set up camp after receiving
their hunting permit. We allow camping beginning on the first day of the hunt period,
and campers must remove all personal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from St.
Vincent Island by 11 a.m. on Sunday of the
hunt period.
8. You may only set up tree stands after
you check-in, and you must remove them
from the island at the end of the hunt (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter).
9. You may only retrieve game from the
closed areas if accompanied by a refuge officer.
10. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. Each adult may only supervise one youth hunter.
11. We will issue permits for the whitetailed deer December and January hunts beginning at legal sunrise on the first day of
the hunt period. You must obtain permits at
the check station prior to accessing the hunt
12. We issue permits for the sambar deer
hunt by computer drawing. You may obtain
applications after May 15 from the refuge office (P.O. Box 447, Apalachicola, FL 32329).
13. Primitive weapons hunters (sambar
deer and January white-tailed deer hunt),
when outside the campsite area, must wear a
minimum of 500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of
a solid, unbroken pattern of fluorescent orange-colored material visible above the
14. We limit weapons to muzzleloaders or
bow and arrow on the sambar deer hunt and
the January white-tailed deer hunt. We limit
the December hunt to bow and arrow. Weapons must meet all State regulations.
15. We allow only stand, still, and stalk
hunting. We prohibit man drives.

16. We prohibit the use of flagging material
and/or bright eyes. We prohibit defacing of
plants or trees (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
17. We prohibit target practice on the refuge (see § 27.42 of this chapter). You may discharge muzzleloaders at the designated discharge area between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m.
18. Nonmovement stand hours for all hunts
will be from legal morning shooting time
until 9 a.m.
19. We prohibit discharging of weapons (including cap firing) in campgrounds (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter).
20. Weapons must have the caps removed
from muzzleloaders and arrows quivered before and after legal shooting hours.
21. Hunters must check out at the check
station prior to leaving the refuge at the end
of their hunt. A refuge staff member or volunteer must check the campsites before the
hunters leave the refuge.
22. We prohibit motorized equipment, generators, or land vehicles (except bicycles).
23. Refuge personnel must check and tag
game harvested before the hunter leaves the
24. We prohibit littering (see § 27.94 of this
chapter) and cutting of live trees (see § 27.51
of this chapter). Only dead and downed wood
may be cut.
25. Bag limits:
i. Sambar deer hunt—two sambar deer, no
limit on feral hog or raccoon.
ii. Archery hunt—one white-tailed deer of
either sex (no spotted fawns or spike bucks),
no limits on feral hogs or raccoons.
iii. Primitive weapons hunt—one whitetailed deer buck having one or more forked
antlers at least 5 inches (12.5 cm) in length
visible above the hairline with points greater
than 1 inch (12.5 cm) in length; we issue a
limited number of either-sex permits. If you
have an either sex permit, the bag limit is
one deer that may be antlerless or a buck
legal antler configuration. There is no limit
on feral hog or raccoon.
26. We prohibit bringing live game into the
check station.
27. Hunters must observe quiet time in the
campground between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. We
prohibit loud or boisterous behavior or activity.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may fish from legal sunrise to legal
2. We allow boats with electric motors.
You must remove all other motors from the
boats and secure them to a designated motor
rack with a lock and chain.
3. We prohibit the use of live minnow as
4. We allow fishing on Lakes 1 and 2 and
Oyster Pond from April 1 through September


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.29

5. We allow fishing in Lakes 3, 4, and 5
from May 15 through September 30.
6. We prohibit leaving boats and fishing
gear on the refuge overnight (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
7. We prohibit commercial fishing or the
taking of frog or turtle (see § 27.21 of this
8. We only allow the use of rods and reels
or poles and lines. You must attend your
fishing equipment at all times.
9. You may only take fish species and fish
limits authorized by State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We allow hunting daily during the early
wood duck/teal season.
2. We allow only hunting on Wednesdays,
Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day within the regular
State season.
3. You must possess and carry a valid,
signed refuge hunt permit (free) at all times
while hunting on the refuge.
4. We allow only hunting in the areas posted and shown on the refuge hunt brochure.
5. We post entry points with signs numbered 1, 2, and 3 along the south side of U.S.
41. Hunters may enter the refuge at 4 a.m.
and shooting hours start 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise. You must remove all decoys, guns,
blinds, and other related equipment (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by 1 p.m. daily.
6. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of the south edge of U.S. 41 and the area
signed around the small access road extending south from U.S. 41.
7. We prohibit pit blinds and permanent
blinds (see § 27.92 of this chapter).
8. We allow and recommend prehunt scouting from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
9. You may only take duck and coot with
a shotgun (no larger than a 10 gauge). We
prohibit possession of handguns and long
guns. We prohibit target practice on the refuge (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
10. We prohibit air-thrust boats, hovercraft, personal watercraft, and off-road vehicles at all times. We limit vessels to a maximum of a 25 hp outboard motor. We allow
go-devil type motors.
11. We require all guides to purchase, possess, and carry a refuge Special Use Permit.
12. We allow and recommend use of dogs for
waterfowl retrieval. Dogs must remain under
the immediate control of their handlers at
all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter). We
allow dogs during prehunt scouting.
13. We allow youth hunt days in accordance with State regulations. Hunters under
age 16 may hunt only with a nonhunting
adult age 18 or older. Youth hunters must re-

main within sight and sound of the nonhunting adult.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit air-thrust boats, hovercraft,
personal watercraft, and off-road vehicles in
the freshwater and brackish marsh area
south of U.S. 41. We limit vessels to a maximum of a 25 hp outboard motor. We allow
go-devil-type motors.
2. We allow fishing in the freshwater and
brackish marsh area of the refuge year-round
from legal sunrise to legal sunset. You may
fish the tidal and barrier island area of the
refuge year-round 24 hours a day.
3. We only allow crabbing and crab pots for
recreational use in the freshwater and brackish marsh area of the refuge. You may only
use crab pots in accordance with State regulations. Abandoned or unchecked crab pots
after 72 hours are subject to impoundment.
4. We prohibit commercial fishing and the
taking of snake and frog in the freshwater
and brackish marsh area of the refuge.
5. We prohibit the use of trotlines, gigs,
spears, bush hooks, snatch hooks, crossbows,
or bows and arrows of any type in the freshwater and brackish marsh area of the refuge.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6690, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55185, Nov. 3,
1994; 61 FR 46394, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47376,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46915, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30781, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56401, Sept. 18, 2000;
66 FR 46355, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58944, Sept.
18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54378, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.29 Georgia.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: We only allow the use of
pole and line or rod and reel. For more information, contact the Okefenokee National
Wildlife Refuge at 912–496–7836.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State


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§ 32.29

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry signed
refuge permits on their persons at all times.
You may obtain information on permits and
the hunt at the refuge headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.
2. Hunters must check-in no more than 1
day in advance of the opening day of each
hunt. We prohibit check-in after legal sunset
of the second hunt day.
3. Each hunter may place one stand on the
refuge no earlier than 1 month prior to the
opening day of each hunt but must remove
the stand (see § 27.93 of this chapter) by the
end of each hunt.
4. Hunters must check-in at the refuge
dock prior to setting up camp. We require
personal identification at check-in.
5. We confine hunters to the camping area
until 12 p.m. (noon) of the first day of checkin; we will allow scouting from 12 p.m. (noon)
until 5 p.m.
6. Within the refuge, you may only travel
by foot or bicycle, except in the wilderness
area where we allow only foot travel. We
limit entry and exit points to the designated
check stations or other specified areas. We
prohibit hunters to leave by boat to reach
other parts of the island.
7. You may only camp at the designated
camping area.
8. You must confine fires (see § 27.95 of this
chapter) to the camping area.
9. We prohibit flagging, blazing, or trailmarking devices to locate stands or for any
other purpose.
10. We only allow bows. We prohibit crossbows or firearms (see §§ 27.42 and 27.43 of this
11. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take deer.
12. You may take five deer of either sex
and State bonus tags will be issued for two of
these. There is no bag limit on feral hog.
13. Refuge personnel must check deer harvested during the scheduled hunt before
hunters may remove them from the refuge.
14. Hunters must be on their stands from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise until 9 a.m. and
from 2 hours before legal sunset until legal
15. We prohibit target practice except in
designated areas (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
16. Hunters must be off the island by 12
p.m. (noon) on Sunday.
17. We close the refuge to the nonhunting
public 1 day prior to and 1 day after the hunt
period, as well as on hunt days.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting for
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State

regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We coordinate hunting seasons and limits with the State and annually list them in
the refuge hunting brochure.
2. We require you to possess and carry a
signed refuge hunt permit while archery
hunting. You may obtain this permit from
the refuge office.
3. We require a refuge hunt permit and
payment of a fee for the quota firearms
hunts. You may obtain applications and information about the hunt drawing from the
refuge office.
4. We require you to sign in once prior to
each hunt at the refuge check station.
5. We allow access to the hunt area from 1
hour before legal sunrise to 1 hour after legal
sunset. We prohibit overnight camping and/
or parking.
6. We prohibit buckshot.
7. We prohibit flagging, blazing, painting,
or any other trail-marking devices.
8. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of a road open to vehicle travel or within
200 yards (180 m) of a building.
9. We prohibit entry into the designated
hunt area by nonhunters during the hunts.
10. We prohibit hunting or possession of
weapons in public use or other areas posted
‘‘No Hunting Zone’’ or ‘‘Area Closed’’ or designated as no hunting areas on the hunt brochure map (see §§ 27.42 and 27.43 of this chapter).
11. We require you to bring any deer or hog
you harvest to the refuge check station the
day you kill it and before you leave the refuge.
12. We prohibit possession of field-dressed
deer or hogs unless you have checked them
at the refuge check station.
13. We prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages while on the refuge.
14. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
15. We require each firearms hunter to
wear at least 500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of
hunter orange as an outer garment above the
16. We prohibit walking or trespassing on
the railroad tracks to access the refuge.
17. We prohibit removal of live hog from
the refuge.
18. We prohibit the use of dogs.
19. We allow the use of ATVs on refuge
roads to retrieve game (see § 27.31 of this
chapter), but you must obtain permission
from refuge staff before using the ATV.
20. We allow limited nonmotorized portable
boat access at the Stone Creek parking area.
21. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.29

1. We allow fishing from March 15 to October 15, except on the Ocmulgee River, which
is open to fishing year-round.
2. We only allow access to the refuge and
fishing from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
3. We only allow fishing with pole and line
or rod and reel.
4. We prohibit boats on all refuge waters,
except the Ocmulgee River, where we allow
5. We prohibit leaving boats or other personal equipment on the refuge overnight (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter).
6. The minimum size limit for largemouth
bass is 14 inches (490 cm).
Refer to § 32.20 Alabama for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge permit on their person at all times.
We require payment of a fee for the quota
gun hunt only. You may obtain information
on permits, quota hunt applications, and
quota hunt drawings at the refuge headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.
2. Each hunter may place one stand on the
refuge during the week (Monday through
Friday only) preceding each hunt, but you
must remove stands by the end of each hunt
(see § 27.93 of this chapter).
3. Hunters must be on their stands from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise until 9 a.m. and
from 2 hours before legal sunset until legal
4. We prohibit use of flagging, blazing, or
trail-marking devices to locate stands or for
any other purpose.
5. We prohibit hunting closer than 100
yards (90 m) to State Highway 131, the refuge
entrance drive, refuge headquarters, Barbour
River Landing, Barbour River Road, or
Gould’s Cemetery.
6. We require personal identification at
7. To hunt during the morning stand hours,
bow hunters must enter the refuge through
the refuge entrance gate only, between 5
a.m. and 6 a.m. We will allow hunters to exit
and re-enter through the entrance gate only,
from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. After 4 p.m. we prohibit entry to the refuge.
8. During the archery hunt, we will restrict
vehicles to the auto tour route (see § 27.31 of
this chapter) and allow two-way traffic.
9. During the archery hunt, we only allow

10. We require gun hunters to check-in at
the refuge headquarters between 4 a.m. and 5
a.m. and park in designated areas prior to
hunting. We prohibit entry by boat.
11. You may take three deer of either sex
(State bonus deer tags will be issued for two
of these). There is no bag limit on feral hog.
12. During the gun hunt, you must only use
shotguns with slugs 20 gauge or larger.
13. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
14. Gun hunters must wear an outer garment with a minimum of 500 square inches
(3,250 cm2) of hunter-orange material above
the waistline.
15. Refuge personnel must check deer harvested during refuge hunts before leaving the
16. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.
17. We will close the refuge to the nonhunting public on all hunt days.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Anglers may fish in estuarine waters
year round from sunrise to sunset daily.
2. Bank fishing into estuarine waters is
permitted only from sunrise to sunset.
3. Anglers may use the Barbour River public boat ramp as public access year-round
from 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (midnight), daily.
However, anglers may not use the Barbour
River public boat ramp as access from 12:01
a.m. to 3:59 a.m. daily.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow the
hunting of rabbit, squirrel, bobwhite quail,
and turkey on the Cowhouse Unit of the refuge. The season will be consistent with the
adjacent Dixon Memorial Wildlife Management Area and in accordance with State
hunting regulations subject to the following
1. We only allow foot and bicycle traffic on
the refuge portion of Cowhouse Island.
2. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve during quail hunts.
3. For more information, contact the refuge at 912–496–7836.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
turkey only on the Cowhouse Island Unit of
the refuge. We allow hunting of white-tailed
deer and feral hog at the Suwannee Canal
Recreation Area, the Pocket Unit, and
Cowhouse Island Unit in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. In the Pocket Unit:
i. We only allow archery hunting and foot
ii. You must sign-in and out.
iii. You must remove tree stands daily (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter).


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§ 32.29

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

iv. We prohibit dogs.
2. In the Suwannee Canal Unit:
i. We only allow two 1⁄2–day hunts (dates
will be announced) and shotguns with slugs
or muzzleloaders.
ii. We require a refuge permit through refuge lottery, which interested parties should
enter before August 31 (fee will be announced).
iii. Hunters must remain on stands from 30
minutes before legal sunrise until 9 a.m.
iv. You must sign-in and sign out.
v. You must tag your deer with special refuge tags. There is a limit of two deer of either sex.
vi. We only zone Chesser Island Hunt area
to accommodate wheelchair hunters.
vii. Conditions B3, C1iii, and C1iv apply.
viii. We prohibit dogs.
3. In the Cowhouse Island Unit:
i. Dixon Memorial Wildlife Management
Area rules, regulations, dates, and times
ii. Conditions B1, B3, C1iii, and C1iv apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow motorized boats with motors 10
hp or less.
2. We prohibit possession of live bait fish.
3. We only allow the use of pole and line or
rod and reel.
4. In the Suwannee Canal unit:
i. We prohibit fishing in the boat basin.
ii. We prohibit fishing in ponds and canals
along the Swamp Island Drive.
iii. We reserve the porch and canal area behind the visitor center for youth age 15 and
under and physically disabled.
5. Condition B3 applies.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We prohibit upland game hunting during
refuge deer or turkey hunts.
2. We coordinate hunting seasons for raccoon and opossum with the State and annually list them in the refuge hunt brochure.
3. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit while hunting. You may obtain the permit from the refuge office.
4. We require a refuge hunt permit to hunt
on the Hitchiti Experimental Forest in accordance with refuge hunting seasons and
5. We prohibit hunting or possessing weapons in areas posted ‘‘No Hunting Zone’’ or
‘‘Area Closed’’ or designated as no hunting
areas on the hunt brochure map (see §§ 27.42
and 27.43 of this chapter).

6. The refuge is a day-use-only area, with
the exception of legal hunting activities.
7. We allow access to the hunt area for
quail, squirrel, and rabbit hunting from 1
hour before legal sunrise to 1 hour after legal
sunset. We prohibit overnight camping and/
or parking.
8. We allow hunting for raccoon and opossum from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the days listed
as open in the refuge hunt brochure.
9. We only allow .22 caliber rimfire firearms for raccoon and opossum.
10. You may use dogs on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations.
11. You must keep your dogs confined or on
a leash except when hunting, and you must
remove your dogs upon your departure from
the refuge (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting for
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B4, B5, and B6 apply.
2. We coordinate hunting seasons and limits with the State and annually list them in
the refuge hunting brochure.
3. We require you to possess and carry a
signed refuge permit while archery hunting.
You may obtain this permit from the refuge
4. We require a refuge hunt permit and
payment of a fee for the quota firearms
hunts. You may obtain applications and information about the hunt drawing from the
refuge office.
5. We have a special deer hunt for disabled
hunters confined to wheelchairs. You may
obtain information about this hunt from the
refuge office.
6. We prohibit entry into designated hunt
area by nonhunters during the hunts.
7. We allow access to the hunting area
from 1 hour before legal sunrise to 1 hour
after legal sunset. We prohibit overnight
camping and/or parking except in the designated campground at Pippins Lake. You
must have a refuge hunting permit to enter
and use the campground.
8. We prohibit buckshot.
9. We only allow alcoholic beverages in the
designated campground.
10. We prohibit flagging, blazing, painting,
or any other trail-marking devices.
11. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of a road open to vehicle travel or within
200 yards (180 m) of a building.
12. You must bring any deer, turkey, or
hog you harvest to the refuge check station
intact, except entrails, the day you kill them
and before you leave the refuge. We prohibit
possession of dressed deer, turkey, or hog unless you have checked them at the refuge
check station.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.29

13. We prohibit ATVs on the refuge except
by disabled hunters with a refuge Special
Use Permit.
14. We prohibit target practice on the refuge, including the shooting of firearms or
bows in the designated campground, or any
nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42
of this chapter).
15. We prohibit audio equipment such as
radios or other noise-making devices such as
generators after 10 p.m. or before 6 a.m. in
the campground (see § 27.72 of this chapter).
16. We prohibit dogs for hunting big game.
17. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from May 1 to September 30.
2. We only allow access to the refuge and
fishing from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
3. You may keep the following numbers of
fish each day: bass—5; channel catfish—5;
sunfish or bream—15; all other species—
State limit.
4. We only allow nonmotorized boats and
boats with electric motors in Pond 2A and
Allison Lake.
5. We limit fishing in Pond 21A to youths
age 15 and under.
6. We only allow fishing with pole and line
or rod and reel.
7. We prohibit leaving boats or other personal equipment on the refuge overnight (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter).
8. We prohibit the use of fish for bait.
9. We prohibit placing or throwing in the
water feeds, grains, or other materials to
chum or attract fish.
10. You must immediately release any
grass carp you catch. We are using these fish
to help combat an exotic weed invasion in
some ponds.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot on designated areas
north of Georgia Highway 25 of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit at all times while hunting on the
refuge. We only require a fee for the quota
youth waterfowl hunt on the Solomon Tract.
Permits and quota hunt drawing information
are available at the refuge headquarters in
Savannah, Georgia.
2. We only allow temporary blinds. You
must remove decoys and other personal property from the refuge daily (see § 27.93 of this
3. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of Georgia Highway 25; or in or on Middle
and Steamboat Rivers and Houstown Cut, or

closer than 50 yards (45 m) of the shoreline of
these waterways.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel November 1 through November 30
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit at all times while hunting on the
refuge. Permits and hunt information are
available at the refuge headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.
2. We only allow .22 caliber rimfire rifles or
shotguns with #2 shot or smaller for squirrel
3. We prohibit handguns.
4. We prohibit the use of dogs.
5. You may take feral hog with weapons
legal for this hunt (no bag limit).
6. We require a refuge big game license.
7. We require hunters to wear an outer garment that contains a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of hunter-orange material
above the waistline (except during the archery-only deer hunt, the turkey hunt, and the
waterfowl hunt).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit at all times while hunting on the
refuge. We require a fee for the wheelchairdependent hunters’ quota gun hunt for deer.
Permits, quota hunt applications, and information about the quota hunt drawing are
available at the refuge headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.
2. We allow archery hunting for deer and
hog from October 1 through 31 on designated
areas (consult the refuge brochure for the
3. We only allow bows for deer and hog
hunting during the archery hunt.
4. We allow gun hunting for deer and hog
from November 1 through 30 on designated
areas of the refuge. We also allow hog (only)
hunting during a special 9-day hunt in
5. We only allow shotguns with slugs,
muzzleloaders, and bows for deer and hog
hunting throuhgout the designated hunt
area. However, we only centerfire rifles of .22
caliber or larger north of Interstate Highway
95. We prohibit handguns.
6. You may take five deer, no more than
three anterless and two antlered. There is no
bag limit on feral hog.
7. Doe days for refuge lands in Georgia will
only coincide with doe days set by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for
Effingham County.
8. Condition B7 applies.
9. We allow turkey hunting during a special 16-day turkey hunt in April. Turkey
hunters may only harvest three gobblers.


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§ 32.30

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

10. We only allow shotguns with #2 shot or
smaller and bows for turkey hunting in accordance with State regulations. We prohibit
possession of slugs or buckshot during turkey hunts.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must carry a signed refuge permit on their person at all times. We only require payment of a fee for the quota gun
hunt for deer. You may obtain information
on permits, quota hunt applications, and
quota hunt drawings at the refuge headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.
2. We prohibit flagging, blazing, or trailmarking devices to locate stands or for any
other purpose.
3. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.
4. Refuge personnel must check deer harvested during scheduled hunts before hunters
leave the refuge.
5. You may take five deer of either sex
(State bonus tags issued for two of these).
There is no bag limit on feral hog.
6. Hunters must be on their stands from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise until 9 a.m. and
from 2 hours before legal sunset until legal
7. We prohibit target practice or any nonhunting discharge of firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter).
8. We allow bows and muzzleloading rifles
during the primitive weapons hunt.
9. We allow shotguns, 20 gauge or larger
(slugs only), centerfire rifles of .22 caliber or
larger, bows, and primitive weapons during
the gun hunt.
10. We prohibit mooring boats to the government dock except for loading or unloading purposes.
11. Hunters must check-in at the refuge
dock prior to setting up camp. We require
personal identification at check-in.
12. We only allow camping at the designated camping area. You must confine
fires (see § 27.95 of this chapter) to the camping area.
13. Each hunter may place one stand on the
refuge no earlier than 1 month prior to the
opening day of each hunt, but you must remove all stands by the end of each hunt (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter).
14. We require hunters to wear an outer
garment that contains a minimum of 500
square inches (3,250 cm2) of hunter-orange
material above the waistline.
15. Hunters may check-in at the refuge
dock no more than 1 day in advance of the
opening day of the hunt. We will confine

hunters to the camping area until 12 p.m.
(noon) of the first day of check-in; we will
allow scouting from 12 p.m. (noon) until 5
16. Hunters must be off the island the day
following the last day of the hunt.
17. Within the refuge, you may only walk
or use a bicycle. We prohibit hunters to leave
by boat to reach other parts of the island.
18. We will close the refuge to the nonhunting public 1 day prior to, and 1 day
after, the hunt period as well as on the hunt
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted year-round except
during refuge hunts.
2. Bank fishing into estuarine waters is
permitted only from sunrise to sunset.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition:
1. Anglers may fish year round.
2. Fishing from boats is only permitted on
Beacon and Wolf Creeks.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6691, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55185, Nov. 3,
1994; 62 FR 47377, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46915,
Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30781, May 12, 2000; 66 FR
46355, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58944, Sept. 18, 2002;
69 FR 54362, 54382, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.30 Hawaii.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
feral pigs and feral cattle on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. You must have reservations or permits
to access the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.31

B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may salt water
fish in designated areas of the refuge.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6691, Feb. 11, 1994; 62 FR 47377, Sept. 9,
1997; 65 FR 30782, May 12, 2000; 69 FR 54362,
Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.31


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and snipe on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit air-thrust boats.
2. We allow nonmotorized and motorized
boats after September 20 within the designated hunting area. We prohibit air-thrust
3. You may only use portable blinds or construct temporary blinds of natural vegetation. Blinds will be available for general use
on a first-come, first-served basis. You must
remove portable blinds from the refuge at
the end of each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
4. You must remove all personal property,
including decoys and boats, (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) from the refuge at the end of each
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, grouse, partridge, and cottontail rabbit on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following condition: You may only
possess approved nontoxic shotshells while
in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit boats in the fishing area.
2. We prohibit use and possession of lead
weights or sinkers.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and snipe on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance

with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit public entry onto the refuge
prior to 1 hour before legal hunting hours.
2. You may only use portable blinds or construct temporary blinds of natural vegetation. Blinds will be available for general use
on a first-come, first-served basis. You must
remove portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) at the end of each day.
3. You may only transport firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) on the hunter access
4. You must remove all personal property
(see § 27.93 of this chapter), including decoys,
from the refuge at the end of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, grouse, and partridge on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
2. You may only transport firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) on the hunter access
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, common snipe and doves
is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may hunt only ducks, coots, and
doves on the Lake Lowell sector.
2. Only portable and temporary blinds constructed of natural materials are permitted.
3. Snipe and dove hunters may possess only
approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
4. We restrict nonmotorized boats and
boats with electric motors only to the area
bounded by the water’s edge and extending
to a point 200 yards (180 m) lakeward in hunting area 1 on the Lake Lowel sector.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of upland
game is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting of pheasant, quail and partridge
is permitted on the Lake Lowell Sector.
2. Shooting hours on the Lake Lowell sector are the same as those for waterfowl hunting.
3. Hunting is not permitted on the Snake
River sector from February 1 through May
4. Pheasant, quail, and partridge hunters
may possess only approved nontoxic shot
while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following condition: Hunting
is permitted only on the Snake River Sector.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:


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§ 32.32

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

1. During the waterfowl season, we allow
fishing only within the area bounded by the
water’s edge extending to a point 200 yards
(180 m) lakeward in front of the Lower Dam,
fishing area A and in front of the Upper Dam,
and fishing area B on the Lake Lowell sector.
2. Nonmotorized boats are permitted from
1⁄2 hour before sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after sunset
from October 1 through April 14, within the
area bounded by the water’s edge extending
to a point 200 yards lakeward in front of the
lower dam fishing area A, and in front of the
upper dam, fishing area B.
3. Motorized and nonmotorized boats are
permitted from 1⁄2 hour before sunrise to 1⁄2
hour after sunset from April 15 through September 30.
4. Shoreline fishing is not permitted on the
islands of the Snake River Sector from February 1 through May 31.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and snipe on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow nonmotorized boats.
2. You may only use portable blinds or construct temporary blinds of natural vegetation. Blinds will be available for general use
on a first-come, first-served basis. You must
remove portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) at the end of each day.
3. We only allow hunters and dogs to retrieve game in designated hunting areas.
4. You must remove all personal property,
including decoys and boats, (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) from the refuge at the end of each
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, and coots is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting is permitted only on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
2. Hunters are limited to the use and/or
possession of no more than 25 shells per day.
3. All firearms must be unloaded when in
the posted retrieving zone for purposes of retrieving downed birds or traveling to or from
the hunting area.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of forest grouse on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:
You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer, elk,
black bear, moose and mountain lion is permitted on designated areas of the refuge sub-

ject to the following condition: Hunting is
permitted only on that portion of the refuge
that lies west of the West Side Road.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted only
on Myrtle Creek subject to the following
condition: Only bank fishing is permitted.
Fishing from boats, float tubes, or other personal flotation devices is prohibited.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and snipe on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunters and dogs to retrieve game in designated hunting areas.
2. You may only use portable blinds or construct temporary blinds of dead natural
vegetation. Blinds will be available for general use on a first-come, first-served basis.
You must remove portable blinds (see § 27.93
of this chapter) at the end of each day. We
prohibit use of rock piles above the highwater mark for blind construction. We prohibit pit blinds (see § 27.92 of this chapter).
3. We only allow vehicle parking in designated parking lots.
4. On West Hunting Area (Lake Walcott),
we allow hunting on the uplands and over
water within 100 yards (90 m) of the shoreline. We only allow use of boats for retrieval
of game.
5. On East Hunting Area (Tule Island), we
allow boats during the waterfowl hunting
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, grouse, partridge, and cottontail rabbit on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following condition: You may only
possess approved nontoxic shotshells while
in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from boats on the main
reservoir from Minidoka Dam to the west tip
of Bird Island, April 1 through September 30.
2. We allow fishing from boats within boating lanes at Smith and Gifford Springs year
3. We allow bank fishing all year.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6691, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62041, Dec. 4,
1995; 65 FR 30782, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56402,
Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46355, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR
54362, 54386, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.32 Illinois.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.32

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting is permitted only in the area
outside the main dike in the Liverpool Lake
section and north of the entrance to the
north ditch known as Goofy Ridge Ditch.
2. The retrieval zone is limited to the river
side of the main dike.
3. Only temporary structures or blinds constructed of native materials are permitted.
4. Hunters must remove boats, decoys, and
portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at
the end of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on Lake Chautauqua
from January 15 through October 15. You
may not fish in the Waterfowl Hunting Area
during waterfowl hunting season.
2. You may not leave private boats in refuge waters overnight.
3. We restrict motorboats to ‘‘slow speed/
minimum wake.’’
4. The public may not enter Weis Lake on
the Cameron-Billsbach Unit of Chautauqua
National Wildlife Refuge from October 16
through January 14, to provide sanctuary for
migratory birds.
A. Hunting of Migratory Birds. Hunters may
hunt waterfowl on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with posted regulations
and subject to the following conditions.
1. Hunters may hunt waterfowl, by daily
permit drawing, on the controlled areas of
Grassy Point, Carterville, and Greenbriar
land areas, plus Orchard, Sawmill, Turkey,
and Grassy islands, from one-half hour before sunrise to posted closing times each day
during the goose season. Hunters may hunt
waterfowl in these areas, including the lake
shoreline, only from existing refuge blinds
during the goose season.
2. We only allow the use of portable or
temporary blinds. Blinds must be a minimum of 200 yards (180 m) apart. You must
remove portable or temporary blinds, any
material brought onto the refuge for blind
construction, boats, decoys, and all other
personal property from the refuge at the end
of each day’s hunt.
3. Goose hunters outside the controlled
goose hunting area on Crab Orchard Lake
must hunt from a blind that is on shore or
anchored a minimum of 200 yards (180 m)
away from any shoreline. Waterfowl hunters
may also hunt on the east shoreline in
Grassy Bay.

4. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while hunting migratory game bird species.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
upland game on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with posted regulations
and subject to the following conditions:
1. Upland game hunting prohibited in the
controlled goose hunting areas during the
goose hunting season, except furbearer hunting permitted from sunset to sunrise.
2. Hunters may not use rifles or handguns
with ammunition larger than .22 caliber rim
fire, except they may use black powder firearms up to and including .40 caliber.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while hunting all permitted species except wild turkey. You may possess and use
lead shot for hunting wild turkey.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with posted regulations
and subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess a special permit
issued by the Illinois Department of Natural
2. We require hunters using the closed area
to check in at the refuge visitor contact station prior to hunting and to comply with the
special rules provided to them.
3. We prohibit deer hunting with a firearm
in the controlled goose hunting areas or on
all refuge lands north of Illinois State Route
13. We allow deer hunting in the controlled
goose hunting areas and on all refuge lands
north of Illinois State Route 13 only with
archery equipment and in accordance with
State regulations.
4. You must remove hunting stands at the
end of each day’s hunt.
5. Permitted hunters may use center fire
ammunition for handgun deer hunting during the handgun deer season.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with posted regulations and subject to the
following conditions:
1. Crab Orchard Lake—west of Wolf Creek
Road—Anglers may fish from boats all year.
Anglers must remove trotlines/jugs from
sunrise until sunset from Memorial Day
through Labor Day; east of Wolf Creek Road,
anglers may fish from boats March 15
through September 30. Anglers may fish all
year at the Wolf Creek and Route 148 causeway areas. Anglers must check and remove
fish from all jugs and trotlines daily. It is illegal to use stakes to anchor any trotlines;
anglers must tag them with their name and
address. Anglers may use all noncommercial
fishing methods except they may not use any
underwater breathing apparatus. Anglers
may not use jugs or trotlines with any flotation device that has previously contained


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§ 32.32

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

any petroleum-based materials or toxic substances. Anglers must attach a buoyed device that is visible on the water’s surface to
all trotlines.
2. A–41, Bluegill, Blue Heron, Managers,
Honkers, and Visitors Ponds: Anglers may
fish only from sunrise to sunset March 15
through September 30. Anglers may not use
boats or flotation devices.
3. Anglers may not submerge any pole or
similar object to take or locate any fish.
4. Organizers of all fishing events must
possess a refuge-issued permit.
5. Anglers may not fish within 250 yards of
an occupied waterfowl hunting blind.
6. Fishermen may anchor trotlines only
with portable weights that are removed from
the water, along with the trotlines and jugs.
7. We restrict motorboats to slow speeds
leaving no wakes in Cambria Neck, and within 150 feet (45 m) of any shoreline, swimming
area, marina entrance, boat ramp, or causeway tunnel on Crab Orchard, Little Grassy,
or Devils Kitchen Lakes.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, woodcock,
dove, and snipe on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to possess and carry
a free refuge hunting permit while hunting
on the refuge.
2. We prohibit leaving boats on the refuge
overnight (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
3. We prohibit outboard motors larger than
10 hp.
4. We prohibit the use of paint, flagging,
reflectors, tacks, or other manmade materials to mark trails or hunting locations.
5. Dove hunting:
i. We allow dove hunting beginning on September 1 and continuing on the following
throughout the State season.
ii. We only allow all dove hunting from
field borders.
iii. We prohibit dove hunting within 100
yards (90 m) of roadways.
iv. We prohibit hunters from possessing
guns while retrieving downed doves from
field interiors.
6. We only allow the use of portable or
temporary blinds. Hunters must remove all
blinds and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
7. On the Bellrose Waterfowl Reserve:
i. We prohibit duck hunting.
ii. You may only hunt goose following the
closure of the State duck hunting season.
iii. We only allow goose hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
iv. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 1 p.m.
v. Hunters must exit the Reserve by 2 p.m.

vi. We prohibit entry to the Reserve prior
to 4:30 a.m.
vii. We prohibit hunting during the special
snow goose seasons after closure of the regular goose seasons.
viii. We prohibit construction or use of pit
blinds (see § 27.92 of this chapter).
ix. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of any private property boundary.
x. All hunting parties must be at least 200
yards (180 m) apart.
xi. All hunters must sign in and out and report daily harvest at the hunter registration
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, bobwhite quail, raccoon,
opossum, red fox, grey fox, and coyote on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, and A3 apply.
2. We prohibit hunting after legal sunset,
except we only allow raccoon and opossum
hunting after legal sunset on refuge lands
north of Perks Road.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A3, and A5 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A2 applies.
2. We prohibit the use of trotlines, jogs, yoyos, nets, or any commercial fishing equipment except in areas where State regulation
authorizes commercial tackle.
3. We prohibit the use of more than two
poles per angler and more than two hooks or
lures per pole.
4. We prohibit possession of bass less than
15 inches (37.5 cm) in length from refuge
5. We prohibit possession of more than six
channel catfish from refuge ponds.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters
may hunt migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge subject to posted
1. Only temporary structures or blinds constructed of native materials are permitted.
2. Hunters must remove boats, decoys, and
portable blinds at the end of each day’s hunt.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
upland game on designated areas of the refuge subject to posted conditions.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt big
game on designated areas of the refuge subject to posted conditions.
1. Hunters must remove hunting stands at
the end of each day’s hunt.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.32

D. Sport Fishing. Fishermen may sport fish
in designated waters of the refuge subject to
the following conditions:
1. Fishermen may sport fish in all refuge
waters during daylight hours from January
15, through October 15.
2. Private boats may not be left in refuge
waters overnight.
3. Fishermen must restrict motorboats to
slow speed/minimum wake.
4. Anglers may not sportfish in areas open
to hunting during hunting seasons.

v. Hunters must park all vehicles only in
designated parking areas.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
Long Island and Fox Island Divisions of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle and frog
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
2. On the Fox Island Division, we only
allow bank fishing along any portion of the
Fox River from January 1 through October



A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl and coot on the Long
Island Division of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: We only allow hunting
from blinds constructed on sites posted by
the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of small game, furbearers, turkey, and game
birds on Long Island Division and Fox Island
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting for upland game except
turkey (see § 32.2(k)). We allow possession of
lead shot for hunting turkey.
2. We only open Long Island Division and
Fox Island Division for upland game hunting
from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until 1⁄2
hour after legal sunset.
3. We only allow turkey hunting on the
Fox Island Division during the State spring
seasons, including youth season. We do not
open to fall turkey hunting.
4. We close Fox Island Division to all hunting and nonhunting entry from October 16
through December 31, except the Division is
open to deer hunting as described below in
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated portions of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow the use of portable stands,
and hunters must remove them from the refuge at the end of each day (see § 27.93 of this
2. On the Fox Island Division, we only
allow hunting during the ‘‘Antlerless-Only’’
portion of the State firearms deer season.
3. On the Delair Division, we only allow
muzzleloader hunting subject to the following conditions:
i. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
ii. We require hunters to check-in and out
of the refuge each day.
iii. We require hunters to record all harvested deer with refuge staff before removing
them from the refuge.
iv. Shooting hours end at 3 p.m. each day.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the Meredosia National
Wildlife Refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Fishermen may sport fish on all refuge
waters during daylight hours from January
15 through October 15.
2. From October 16 through January 14,
fishermen may fish south of Carver Lake by
foot access only.
3. Private boats may not be left in refuge
waters overnight.
4. Motorboats must not exceed ‘‘slow speed/
minimum wake.’’
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on the
Meissner and Wilkinson Island Division in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow portable blinds.
2. Hunters must remove blinds, decoys, and
other equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of small game, furbearers, turkey, and nonmigratory game birds on the Meissner, Harlow, and Wilkinson Island Divisions in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting of furbearers
from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting upland game, except turkey (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on the Harlow, Meissner,
and Wilkinson Island Divisions in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We only allow archery hunting on the
Harlow and Meissner Divisions.
2. We only allow the use of portable stands,
and hunters must remove them from the refuge at the end of each day (see § 27.93 of this


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§ 32.32

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
Harlow and Wilkinson Island Divisions in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle and frog
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
2. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. Anglers must remove all fishing devices
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each
day’s fishing.

September 14 until December 1; Keithsburg
Division—September 15 until January 1.
4. Anglers must remove boats and all other
fishing devices (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at
the end of each day’s fishing.
5. We only allow motor boats on Horseshoe
Bend Division for fishing during the periods
when flood water enables access from the
river over the levee.


A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds only on the
Apple Creek Division in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We only allow portable blinds.
2. Hunters must remove boats, decoys, and
portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at
the end of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting only on the Apple Creek Division and the portion of the Calhoun Division
east of the Illinois River Road in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting, except turkey (see
§ 32.2(k)). We allow possession of lead shot for
turkey hunting.
2. We allow hunting from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on the Apple Creek Division and the portion of the Calhoun Division
east of the Illinois River Road in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: We only allow the use of
portable stands, and hunters must remove
them at the end of each day (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle or frog
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
2. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. From October 15 through December 31,
we close the Batchtown, Calhoun, Gilbert
Lake, and Portage Island Divisions, and the
portion of the Calhoun Division north and
west of the Illinois River Road to all public
4. Anglers must remove boats and all other
fishing devices (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at
the end of each day.
5. We only allow boats on the Gilbert Lake
Division for fishing during those periods
when flood water enables access from the
river over the levee.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on the Big
Timber Division in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must remove boats, decoys, and
portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at
the end of each day.
2. We allow portable blinds on a daily basis
at any location on first-come, first-served
3. We prohibit hunting on the Louisa,
Horseshoe Bend, and Keithsburg Divisions.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game only on Big Timber,
Keithsburg, and Horseshoe Bend Divisions in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting upland
game. You may use lead shot to hunt turkey.
We allow shotgun slug or muzzleloading rifle
for hunting coyotes.
2. We only allow squirrel hunting on the
Keithsburg Division from the beginning of
the State season to September 15.
3. We allow hunting on the Horseshoe Bend
Division from September 1 until September
14 and from December 1 until February 28.
We allow spring turkey hunting.
4. We allow hunting on the Big Timber Division from September 1 until February 28.
We allow spring turkey hunting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer only on Big Timber and
Horseshoe Bend Divisions in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We only allow the use of portable stands,
and hunters must remove them at the end of
each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
2. We close Horseshoe Bend Division to all
public access from September 15 until December 1.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle or frog
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
2. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. We close the following Divisions to all
public access: Louisa Division—September 14
until February 1; Horseshoe Bend Division—



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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.32

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed’’ or ‘‘No
Hunting Zone,’’ we prohibit hunting of migratory game birds at all times. In addition
to areas posted ‘‘No Hunting Zone,’’ we prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45 m) of the
Great River Trail at Thomson Prairie, within 150 yards (135 m) of the Great River Trail
at Mesquaki Lake, and within 400 yards (360
m) of the Potter’s Marsh area in Pool 13.
2. We require permits for Potters Marsh in
Pool 13 except during the early teal season.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
4. On Pools 4 through 11, you may not place
or leave decoys on the refuge during the time
from 1⁄2 hour after the close of legal shooting
hours, until 1 hour before the start of legal
shooting hours.
5. This condition applies to Pools 4 through
11 only. We prohibit construction of permanent hunting blinds using manmade materials. At the end of each day’s hunt, you
must remove all manmade blind materials
you brought onto the refuge. Any blinds containing manmade materials left on the refuge are subject to immediate removal and
disposal. Manmade materials include, but
are not limited to: wooden pallets, lumber,
railroad ties, fence posts (wooden or metal),
wire, nails, staples, netting, or tarps. We
allow you to leave only seasonal blinds,
made entirely of natural vegetation and biodegradable twines, on the refuge. We consider all such blinds public property and
open to use by any person on a first-come
basis. We allow you to gather only willow,
grasses, marsh vegetation, and dead wood on
the ground from the refuge for blind-building
materials. We prohibit cutting or removing
any other refuge trees or vegetation.
6. For Pools 12, 13, and 14, we allow the following: hunting from boat blinds or scull
boats; construction of permanent blinds from
dimensional lumber (however, we prohibit
use of nonbiodegradable materials such as
metal, plastic, or fiberglass); and use of willow, cattail, bulrush, lotus, arrowhead vegetation, and dead wood on the ground for
blind building and camouflage. We prohibit
cutting or removing any other trees or vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter). Hunters
must place an identification card with name,
address, and telephone number inside the
permanent blind. Blinds not occupied by 1
hour before legal sunrise are available on a
first-come, first-served basis.
i. Iowa: Hunters may hunt from the shoreline or wade. You may build permanent
blinds anytime during the year anywhere
within the pools on the Iowa side.

ii. Illinois (excluding Potter’s Marsh Management Zone): Hunters may select permanent blind sites with a blind site marker beginning at 8 a.m. on the first Saturday in
August. We prohibit occupying, improving,
building a blind, or placing building materials on the site or in the adjacent area prior
to this time. The blind site marker must include the name, address, date, time and telephone number of person(s) selecting the site.
Hunters must completely build and camouflage the blind by September 1 or must remove the site selection marker (see § 27.93 of
this chapter). All blinds must be a minimum
of 4 by 8 feet (120 by 240 cm) in size and at
least 200 yards (180 m) from each other. Scull
boat and boat blinds must be at least 200
yards (180 m) from permanent blinds. Only
during the early teal or goose season do we
allow hunters to hunt by standing or wading
in the water.
7. We allow the use of hunting dogs, provided the dogs remain under the immediate
control of the hunter at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. In areas posted ‘‘No Hunting Zone,’’ we
prohibit possession of firearms at all times
(see § 27.42 of this chapter). In addition to
areas posted ‘‘No Hunting Zone,’’ we prohibit
hunting within 50 yards (45 m) of the Great
River Trail at Thomson Prairie, within 150
yards (135 m) of the Great River Trail at
Mesquaki Lake.
2. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed,’’ we only
allow hunting beginning the day after the
close of the applicable State duck hunting
season until upland game season closure or
March 15, whichever occurs first, except we
allow spring turkey hunting during State
3. On areas open to hunting, we prohibit
hunting or possession of firearms from
March 16 until the opening of State fall
hunting seasons, except we allow spring turkey hunting during State seasons.
4. Shotgun hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot when hunting for any
permitted birds or other small game, except
wild turkey. We still allow possession of lead
shot for hunting wild turkey.
5. You may use lights and dogs to hunt raccoons, and other specifically authorized
small mammals, in accordance with State
regulations. We allow such use of lights on
the refuge at the point of kill only. We prohibit all other uses of lights for hunting on
the refuge.
6. We allow the use of hunting dogs provided the dogs remain under the immediate
control of the hunter at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:


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§ 32.33

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

1. Condition B1 applies.
2. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed,’’ we only
allow hunting beginning the day after the
close of the applicable State duck hunting
season until big game season closure or
March 15, whichever occurs first.
3. On areas open to hunting, we only allow
hunting or possession of firearms until season closure or March 15, whichever occurs
4. We do not allow construction or use of
permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders.
5. You must remove all stands from the
refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. On Spring Lake Closed Areas, Carroll
County, Illinois, we prohibit fishing from October 1 until the day after the close of the
State duck hunting season.
2. On Mertes Slough, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, we allow only hand-powered boats or
boats with electric motors.

3. For the purpose of determining
length limits, slot limits, and daily
creel limits, the impounded areas of
Spring Lake, Duckfoot Marsh, and
Pleasant Creek in Pool 13 are part of
the Mississippi River site-specific
State regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29074, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6685, 6692, Feb.
11, 1994; 59 FR 55185, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62041,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 45366, Aug. 29, 1996; 61 FR
46394, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47378, Sept. 9, 1997;
63 FR 46916, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30782, May 12,
2000; 65 FR 56402, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46356,
Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58944, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR
54362, 54387, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept.
17, 2004]

§ 32.33


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: We
require a refuge permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: We require a refuge access permit.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: We require a refuge access

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, rabbit and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) within 100 yards (90 m)
of an occupied dwelling.
2. We only allow hunting from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
3. We prohibit hunting from the beginning
of the second State muzzleloader deer season
through the end of the year.
4. You must possess and carry a refuge permit for turkey hunting.
5. We only allow turkey hunting on weekdays from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until
12 p.m. (noon).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit during the second State muzzleloader
season. We allow archery hunting following
the second muzzleloader season.
2. We only allow bow and arrow and
muzzleloaders, except that hunters with a
State handicapped hunting license may use
3. The construction and use of permanent
blinds, platforms or ladders is not permitted.
4. No discharge of firearms is permitted
within 100 yards of an occupied dwelling
5. Refuge hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. during
the deer hunts.
6. Hunters may only take one deer per day
from the refuge.
7. Refuge personnel must check deer harvested during scheduled hunts before hunters
leave the refuge.
8. We prohibit entry into the designated
hunt area by nonhunters during the second
State muzzleloader season.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow bank fishing by wading in the
water and from nonmotorized boats on Stanfield Lake from May 15 through October 15.
We prohibit the use of boats at other times
and in other refuge waters.
2. We only allow fishing with rod and reel
or pole and line.
3. We allow fishing on Richart Lake during
periods as posted in the spring and fall.
4. The minimum size limit for large-mouth
black bass taken from refuge waters is 14
inches (35 cm).
5. We allow ice fishing on Stanfield Lake
and other fishing areas designated by signs
and when ice conditions permit.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.34

6. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
7. You may take frog and turtle by hook
and line from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
8. We allow ‘‘Belly boat’’-type inflatables as
long as the occupant’s feet remain in contact
with the bottom.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge and the White
River Wildlife Management Areas in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We only allow the use of portable blinds
or temporary blinds constructed of native
vegetation. Hunters must remove all portable blinds and dismantle temporary blinds
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each
2. We only allow motorboats on Snakey
Point Marsh east of the South Fork River
and the Patoka River. You must operate motorboats at no-wake speed. We open other
waters to hand-powered or battery-driven
motors. We prohibit airboats.
3. You must remove boats and decoys (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
4. We do not open Cane Ridge Wildlife Management Area to all hunting.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of bobwhite quail, cottontail rabbit, squirrel
(grey and fox), pheasant, turkey (spring
only), red and grey fox, coyote, opossum, and
raccoon in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting, except while hunting for
turkey (see § 32.2(k)).
2. You must possess and carry a refuge permit for furbearer hunting.
3. We allow dogs for hunting provided the
dog is under the immediate control of the
hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit construction or use permanent tree stands or blinds (see § 27.92 of this
chapter). We only allow portable stands.
2. Condition A4 applies.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset, except on the Patoka River.
2. We only allow fishing with rod and reel
or pole and line.
3. The minimum size limit for large-mouth
bass on Snakey Point Marsh is 14 inches (35

4. You must possess and carry a refuge permit to take bait fish, crayfish, snapping turtle, and bull frog.
5. Condition A2 applies.
6. Anglers must remove boats (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) at the end of each day.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29074, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 55186, Nov. 3,
1994; 61 FR 45366, Aug. 29, 1996; 65 FR 56402,
Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46356, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR
54362, 54389, Sept. 8. 2004]

§ 32.34


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ring-necked pheasant and turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with the States of Iowa and Nebraska regulations subject to the following condition: We
require a refuge permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery and
muzzleloader hunting of white-tailed deer on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State of Iowa and Nebraska regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry refuge permits for archery hunting at all times while
2. Hunters must not construct or use permanent blinds, platforms or ladders at any
3. Hunters must remove all hunting stands
from the refuge by the close of the season.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted in
DeSoto Lake subject to the following conditions:
1. Ice fishing is permitted from January 1
through the end of February when conditions
are safe.
2. Motor- or wind-driven conveyances are
not permitted on the lake from January 1
through the end of February.
3. The use of portable ice fishing shelters is
permitted on a daily basis from January 1
through the end of February.
4. Only the use of pole and line, or rod and
reel, is permitted from April 15 through October 14 with the exception that archery and
spear fishing are permitted only for nongame
fish from April 15 to October 14.
5. Fishing with more than two lines or with
more than two hooks on each line is not permitted.
6. The use of trotlines and float lines is not
7. Minimum length and creel limits are required as posted.


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§ 32.34

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

8. We prohibit taking or possession of turtle or frog at any time (see § 27.21 of this
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed,’’ we prohibit entry, including hunting.
2. In areas open to hunting, we allow hunting beginning November 1 until the close of
State hunting seasons or January 15, whichever occurs first.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while hunting for any allowed birds or
other small game.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed,’’ we prohibit all public entry, including hunting.
2. In areas open to hunting, we allow hunting beginning November 1 until the close of
State hunting seasons or January 15, whichever occurs first.
3. We allow archery and muzzleloader
hunting only.
4. We allow deer drives only during lawful
party hunting conducted within the refuge,
in accordance with State regulations. We
prohibit driving deer from or through the
refuge to any persons hunting outside the
refuge boundary.
5. We do not allow construction or use of
permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders.
6. You must remove all stands from the
refuge following each day’s hunt.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ring-necked pheasant, bobwhite quail, cottontail rabbit, and squirrel on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting for any permitted bird or other small game.
3. We allow hunting of upland game from 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the dates posted at
the refuge.
4. All hunters must cover their head and
chest with one or more of the following articles of visible, external, solid-blaze-orange
sweatshirt, sweater, shirt, or coveralls.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the

refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We only allow portable stands, and hunters must remove them at the end of each day
(see § 27.93 of this chapter).
3. We only allow hunter access from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise until 1⁄2 hour after
legal sunset.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ringnecked pheasant, bobwhite quail, cottontail rabbit, and squirrel on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while hunting for any permitted birds
or other small game.
2. We allow hunting only during the dates
posted at the refuge.
3. All hunters must wear one or more of
the following articles of visible, external,
solid-blaze-orange clothing: a hat, vest, coat,
jacket, sweatshirt, sweater, shirt, or coveralls.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following condition: All hunting stands must be removed
from the refuge at the end of each day’s
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Refer to § 32.42 Minnesota for regulations.
Refer to § 32.32 Illinois for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, rail (Virginia
and sora only), woodcock, and snipe on the
Buffalo Creek Bottoms and Schwob Marsh
units of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunters on the refuge from 1
hour before legal sunrise until 1⁄2 hour after
legal sunset.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We allow boats or other floating devices.
We allow gasoline and electric motors. We
prohibit the use of air-thrust boats. You may
not leave boats unattended.
4. You may construct blinds using manmade materials or natural vegetation found
on the refuge. We prohibit bringing plants or
their parts onto the refuge (see § 26.52 of this
5. You must remove boats, decoys, and
blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the
refuge at the end of each day.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.35

6. We allow the use of hunting dogs provided that the dogs remain under the immediate control of the hunter at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
7. We prohibit entry into any closed area
to retrieve downed game, unless the hunter
has received written permission from the refuge manager.
8. We prohibit hunting on road rights-ofway on any portion of the refuge not open to
hunting. The road right-of-way extends to
the center of the road.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, gray partridge, rabbit (cottontail and jack), squirrel (fox and gray),
groundhog, raccoon, opossum, fox, coyote,
and crow on Buffalo Creek Bottoms, Schwob
Marsh, and the Core Area in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We only allow hunting in the Core Area
during the dates posted at the Refuge Headquarters.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)). We prohibit possession of shotgun slugs.
3. Hunters may only enter the refuge from
8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
4. Conditions A6, A7, and A8 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and turkey on Buffalo Creek Bottoms,
Schwob Marsh, and the Core Area in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Condition B1 and A8 apply.
2. Deer hunters in the Core Area must possess a valid State deer hunting license and
an unfilled deer transportation tag.
3. We only allow deer hunters to enter the
refuge from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until
1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
4. Deer hunters may only possess shot
shells that shoot a single projectile (i.e.,
5. We prohibit turkey hunting in the Core
Area at all times.
6. We only allow turkey hunters to enter
the refuge from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise
until 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
7. Turkey hunters may only possess approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
8. We allow the use of temporary stands,
blinds, platforms, or ladders. You may construct blinds using manmade materials or
natural vegetation found on the refuge. We
prohibit bringing plants or their parts onto
the refuge (see § 27.52 of this chapter).
9. You must remove decoys, stands, blinds,
platforms, and ladders from the refuge at the
end of each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
10. We prohibit entry into any closed area
to retrieve downed game, unless the hunter
has received written permission from the refuge manager.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
from the County Road A–40 right-of-way and
in Buffalo Creek south of County Road 320th

Street in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from April 15 through
September 30.
2. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
3. We prohibit the use of boats, canoes, or
other floating devices.
4. We prohibit the use or possession of lead
terminal tackle.
Refer to § 32.32 Illinois for regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29084, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6685, 6692, Feb.
11, 1994; 59 FR 55186, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62042,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46395, Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR
46916, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30783, May 12, 2000;
65 FR 56402, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46356, Sept.
4, 2001; 68 FR 57316, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362,
54390, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.35 Kansas.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, mourning dove,
rail, woodcock, and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow waterfowl hunting on portions of the refuge on the south side of the
Neosho River.
2. We prohibit hunting or possession of
weapons on the Neosho River.
3. We prohibit shooting from or over roads
and parking areas.
4. We only allow portable blinds and blinds
made from natural vegetation. We prohibit
the construction or use of permanent blinds
and/or pits (see § 27.92 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit leaving decoys unattended
at any time.
6. Dogs must be under the owner’s immediate control at all times (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
7. We prohibit hunters or dogs retrieving
game in areas closed to hunting.
8. We allow crow hunting on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
i. We prohibit the use of centerfire rifles
and pistols on the refuge;
ii. We close hunting areas on the north side
of the Neosho River to all hunting from November 1 through March 1; and
iii. Conditions A2, A3, and A7 apply.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, quail, prairie chicken, rabbit,


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§ 32.35

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

and squirrel on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A2, A3, A6, A7, A8i, and A8ii
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotguns, muzzleloading
firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter), and
archery equipment for deer hunting.
2. We prohibit the use of deer game tags on
the refuge.
3. We do not open for deer hunting during
the extended white-tailed deer antlerless
season in January.
4. We require the use of approved nontoxic
shot for turkey hunting (see § 32.2(k)).
5. Dogs used during the fall turkey season
must be under the owner’s immediate control at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
6. Conditions A2, A3, A7, and A8ii apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We do not open areas on the north side
of the Neosho River to all fishing from November 1 through March 1, except for the
Dove Roost pond and the Upper Burgess
2. We only allow fish bait collecting for
personal use. We prohibit digging or habitat
disturbance (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, merganser, coot,
mourning dove, and snipe on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess six shells per day
in the area from the Quillback Cove parking
lot to the No Hunting Zone boundary east of
2. You may use natural vegetation to construct a temporary blind.
3. You may use portable hunting blinds.
4. We prohibit construction or use of any
permanent blind.
5. We prohibit digging or using holes or
pits for blinds.
6. We prohibit retrieval of waterfowl from
an area closed to waterfowl hunting.
7. We only allow waterfowl hunting by boat
in Bow Creek. You may not create a wake
while in Bow Creek.
8. We only allow motorized vehicles on designated roads, parking lots, campgrounds,
and boat ramps (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
9. We prohibit the use of ATVs or snowmobiles on the refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).

10. We prohibit commercial guiding on the
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, quail, prairie chicken, squirrel,
and rabbit on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess bow and arrow or
shotguns no larger than 10 gauge on the refuge.
2. We only allow hunting of rabbit and
squirrel during that portion of the State
small game season that occurs during the
State upland game season.
3. You may only possess six shells per day
in the area from the Quillback Cove parking
lot to the ‘‘Closed to Hunting’’ boundary east
of Dogtown.
4. We prohibit retrieval of upland game
from an area closed to upland game hunting.
5. Conditions A8, A9, and A10 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and turkey on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow archery hunting of deer.
2. Deer hunters must obtain a free refuge
permit and possess and carry a signed permit
in the field while hunting.
3. You may use portable tree stands and
hunting blinds provided that you install
them no more than 7 days prior to the season
and remove them no later than 2 days after
the season (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
4. We prohibit construction or use of any
permanent stand or blind (see § 27.92 of this
5. We prohibit digging or using holes or
pits for blinds.
6. You may use natural vegetation to construct a temporary blind.
7. Archery hunters with a valid refuge permit may retrieve deer from an area closed to
deer hunting. You must receive consent from
a refuge employee prior to entering the
closed area.
8. We prohibit retrieving turkey from an
area closed to turkey hunting.
9. Conditions A8, A9, and A10 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow access to Kirwin Reservoir by
foot to bank or ice fish.
2. We only allow motorized vehicles on designated roads, parking lots, campgrounds,
and boat ramps (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
We prohibit motorized vehicles on the ice.
3. We allow motorized boating in the main
body of Kirwin Reservoir and in Bow Creek.
You must not create a wake in Bow Creek or
within 100 yards (90 m) of any shoreline or island in the main body of Kirwin Reservoir.
We prohibit motorized boats in the Solomon
Arm of Kirwin Reservoir.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.36

4. We allow motorless boats in the Solomon Arm of Kirwin Reservoir from August
1 through October 31.
5. We prohibit access within 100 yards (90
m) of a nesting endangered or threatened
6. We allow noncommercial collection of
bait fish in accordance with State regulations.
7. You must obtain a free Special Use Permit prior to conducting a fishing tournament on the refuge.
8. We prohibit disposal of fish cleanings on
the refuge (see § 27.94 of this chapter).
9. Conditions A9 and A10 apply.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, rail, snipe,
woodcock, and mourning dove on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must remove decoys (see § 27.93
of this chapter) daily.
2. We restrict outboard motor use to the
westernmost 51⁄2 miles (8.8 km) of the Marais
des Cygnes River. You may only use nonmotorized boats and electric trolling motors
on remaining waters in designated areas of
the refuge.
3. We prohibit discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) within 150 yards (135
m) of any residence or other occupied building.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of cottontail rabbit, squirrel, and bobwhite
quail on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Condition A3 applies.
2. We prohibit rimfire rifles and pistols.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Deer and spring turkey hunters must
possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We prohibit centerfire rifles and pistols.
3. Condition A3 applies.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: Condition A2 applies.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, Virginia and
Sora rail, mourning dove, and common snipe
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We open refuge hunting areas September
1 through February 28.

2. We may close refuge hunting areas to
hunting without notice when whooping crane
are present or emergencies arise.
3. We post refuge hunting areas as ‘‘Public
Hunting Areas’’ and delineate them on the
refuge hunting brochure map.
4. We allow hunters to enter the refuge 1
hour before legal shooting hours, and they
must exit the refuge up to 1 hour past legal
shooting hours.
5. We prohibit hunting from or across any
road, trail, or parking area.
6. Hunters must park in designated parking areas.
7. We only allow portable devices or temporary blinds of natural vegetation. We prohibit construction of permanent blinds or
pits (see § 27.92 of this chapter).
8. We prohibit the retrieval of game from
areas closed to hunting.
9. We prohibit the use of boats, canoes, or
other watercraft.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, quail, squirrel, and rabbit on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A6, and A8 apply.
2. We only allow shotguns for hunting on
the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on all
waters on the refuge in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. You may take fish species listed in the
State fishing regulations. We prohibit taking
of frog, snake, or any other wildlife (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
2. We prohibit the use of trotlines and
3. We prohibit the use of seines for taking
4. We prohibit fishing from water control
structures and bridges.
5. We restrict fishing in the designated
‘‘Kid’s Pond,’’ approximately 1⁄4 mile (.4 km)
WSW of headquarters, to youth age 14 and
under, and to a parent and/or guardian age 18
or older accompanying a youth.
6. The bag limit for the Kid’s Pond is one
fish per day.
7. We prohibit the use of boats, canoes, or
other watercraft.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 60
FR 62042, Dec. 4, 1995; 62 FR 47378, Sept. 9,
1997; 63 FR 46916, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30783,
May 12, 2000; 67 FR 58945, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR
54362, 54391, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.36 Kentucky.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.


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§ 32.36

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning dove, woodcock, common snipe, Canada and snow goose, coot, and
waterfowl listed in 50 CFR 10.13 under
DUCKS on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
3. We prohibit target practice on refuge
property (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
4. We prohibit the use of mules and horses
on all refuge hunts.
5. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
6. To retrieve or track game from a posted
closed area of the refuge, the hunter must
first request permission from the refuge
manager at 270–527–5770 or refuge officer at 1–
7. We prohibit the use of flagging tape, reflective tacks, or other devices used to identify paths to and mark tree stands, blinds, or
other areas.
8. We close those portions of abandoned
railroad tracks within the refuge boundary
to vehicle access (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
9. No person will discharge a firearm within 100 feet (90 m) of any public roadways running through or adjoining refuge property.
10. Waterfowl hunters must pick up decoys
and equipment, unload firearms (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter), and be out of the field by 2
p.m. daily during the State waterfowl season.
11. You may only use portable or temporary blinds that must be removed (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge each
12. We close, as posted, the Sharpe-Elva
Water Management Unit from November 1
through March 15 to all entry with the exception of drawn permit holders and their
13. We only allow waterfowl hunting on the
Sharpe-Elva Water Management Unit on
Saturdays and Sundays during the State waterfowl season. We only allow hunting by individuals in possession of a refuge draw permit and their guests. State regulations and
the following conditions apply:
i. Application procedures and eligibility requirements are available from the refuge office.
ii. We allow permit holders and up to three
guests to hunt their assigned provided blind
on the designated date. We prohibit guests in
the blind without the attendance of the permit holder.

iii. We prohibit selling, trading, or bartering of permits. The permit is nontransferable.
iv. You may place decoys out Saturday
morning at the beginning of the hunt, and
you must remove them by Sunday at the
close of the hunt (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
v. We prohibit watercraft in Sharpe-Elva
Water Management Unit.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, opossum,
crow, red and gray fox, bobcat, and coyote on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A12 apply.
2. You may not kill or cripple a game animal without making a reasonable effort to
retrieve the animal and include it in your
daily bag limit.
3. You may only use rimfire rifles, shotguns, and legal archery equipment for taking
upland game.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A9, A12, and B2
2. We only allow the use of portable and
climbing stands. You may place stands in
the field (not attached to trees—see § 32.2(i))
no earlier than 2 weeks prior to the opening
of deer season, and you must remove them
from the field within 1 week after the season
closes (see § 27.93 of this chapter). The hunter’s name and address must appear on all
stands left in the field.
3. You must remove stands from the tree
when not in use, or they will be subject to
confiscation (see § 27.93 of this chapter). We
prohibit the use of any tree stand left attached and unattended.
4. You must use safety belts at all times
when occupying the tree stands.
5. We prohibit organized deer drives of two
or more hunters. We define ‘‘drive’’ as: the act
of chasing, pursuing, disturbing, or otherwise directing deer so as to make animals
more susceptible to harvest.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A9 and A12 apply.
Refer to § 32.68 West Virginia for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and raccoon on the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
3. We set season dates and bag limits annually and publish them in the refuge public
use regulations available at the refuge office.
4. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit and report game taken as specified within the permit.
5. We allow hunters to access the refuge no
more than 2 hours before legal sunrise and
no more than 2 hours after legal sunset with
the exception of raccoon hunters, who we
will allow access from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. (midnight).
6. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. One adult hunter may supervise no more than two youth hunters.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting for
white-tailed deer and turkey on the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1 through B5, and B7 apply.
2. You may only participate in the refuge
firearms deer and turkey hunts with a special quota permit issued through random
drawing. You may obtain information on
permit applications at the refuge headquarters.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while turkey hunting on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)).
4. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and tree stands on the refuge. You must remove blinds, tree stands, and all other personal equipment from the refuge at the end
of each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
5. All youth hunters age 15 and younger
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a license. One adult hunter may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow access to the Long Point Unit
(north of Upper Blue Basin) for fishing from
March 16 through November 14, and the
Grassy Island Unit (south of Upper Blue
Basin) for fishing from February 1 through
November 14.
2. We allow fishing on the refuge from legal
sunrise to legal sunset.
3. We prohibit taking of frog or turtle on
the refuge (see § 27.21 of this chapter).

4. We prohibit airboats, hovercraft, or personal watercraft (Jet Skis) on any waters
within the refuge boundary.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 60
FR 62042, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 31461, June 20,
1996; 61 FR 46395, Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR 46916,
Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30783, May 12, 2000; 66 FR
46357, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR 54362, 54393, Sept. 8,
2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept. 17, 2004]

§ 32.37 Louisiana.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, snipe, and
woodcock on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following condition: Hunting
must be in accordance with Sherburne Wildlife Management Area regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, nutria,
muskrat, mink, fox, bobcat, beaver, and
otter on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Hunting
must be in accordance with Sherburne Wildlife Management Area regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: Hunting must be in accordance
with Sherburne Wildlife Management Area
D. Sport Fishing. We allow finfishing and
shellfishing year-round in accordance with
Sherburne Wildlife Management Area regulations subject to the following condition:
We prohibit all commercial finfishing and
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and woodcock
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge permit.
2. We allow migratory game bird hunting
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and
Sundays until 12 p.m. (noon) during the
State season. We do not open for the special
teal season and State youth waterfowl hunt.
3. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of the maintained rights-of-way of roads,
refuge road or designated trail, building, residence, or designated public facility.
4. You must remove temporary blinds (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) used for duck hunting
by 12 p.m. (noon) on the last day of the State
waterfowl season. You must clearly mark
any stand or blind left on the refuge with the


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

name and address of the person using the
stand or blind. You must remove decoys
5. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
6. Youth hunters under age 16 must have
completed a hunter education course and
possess and carry evidence of completion. An
adult age 21 or older must closely supervise
youth hunters (within sight and normal
voice contact). One adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters while hunting
migratory game birds.
7. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
8. We prohibit use or possession of any type
of trail-marking material.
9. Coyote, beaver, feral hog, and raccoon
are incidental take species and, as such, you
may take them during any open hunting season only with the weapon allowed for that
season, if you are a hunter having the required licenses and permits. There is no bag
limit on coyote and beaver. The feral hog
bag limit is 10 per year, and the raccoon bag
limit is 1 per day.
10. We prohibit entering the refuge from
private property and/or hunt leases; you may
use only designated entry sites.
11. You must check all game taken on the
refuge before leaving the refuge at one of the
self-clearing check stations indicated on the
map in the refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations Brochure.
12. You must use boats to access the refuge
from Bayou Cocodrie or Cross Bayou. We
prohibit entering the refuge from U.S. Highway 84. You must dock all boats used to access the refuge on the banks of the refuge.
Boats used to cross ‘‘low water crossings’’ at
Cross Bayou may be left for a maximum of 3
days, and you must clearly mark them with
the name and address of the person responsible for the boat while it is on the refuge.
We only allow outboard motors in Cocodrie
Bayou and tributaries accessible therefrom.
13. We only allow ATVs on designated
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) from September 1 through the hunting season. An allterrain vehicle (ATV) is an off-road vehicle
with factory specifications not to exceed the
following: weight 750 pounds (337.5 kg),
length 85 inches (212.5 cm), and width 48
inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to
those no larger than 25 x 12 with a maximum
1 inch (2.5 cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi as indicated on
the tire by the manufacturer.

14. We require all refuge users to sign in at
a designated check station upon entering the
refuge and sign out upon their departure.
15. Hunters with mobility impairments
must possess and carry a valid special access
permit from the refuge to use special access
ATV trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter). State
requirements for ‘‘Mobility-Impaired’’ classification apply. Mobility-impaired hunters
must present their State ‘‘Disabled Hunter’’
card at the refuge headquarters to apply for
the refuge special access permit.
16. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while hunting on the refuge
(see § 32.2(k)). This requirement only applies
to the use of shotgun ammunition.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and rabbit on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow squirrel and rabbit hunting
during the State season except during the
open youth hunt for deer, the youth lottery
hunt, the muzzleloader hunt, and the lottery
deer hunt.
2. Conditions A1, A3, and A7 through A16
3. We allow the use of dogs to hunt squirrel
and rabbit during that portion of the season
designated as ‘‘With/Without Dogs.’’ We list
specific season dates in the refuge brochure.
4. While engaged in upland game hunting,
we prohibit possession of firearms (see § 27.42
of this chapter) larger than .22 caliber rimfire, shotgun slugs, or buckshot.
5. Hunters must enter the refuge no earlier
than 2 hours before legal sunrise and must
exit the refuge within 2 hours after legal
6. Youth hunters under age 16 must have
completed a hunter education course and
possess and carry evidence of completion. An
adult age 21 or older must closely supervise
youth hunters (within sight and normal
voice contact). One adult may supervise no
more than one youth hunter while hunting
upland game.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A3, A7 through A16, and
B5 apply.
2. The bag limit is one deer (of either sex)
per day. The State season limit applies.
3. You must check all deer on the same day
taken during lottery deer hunts at a staffed
refuge check station.
4. Archery hunters must possess and carry
proof of completion of the International
Bowhunters Education Program.
5. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of unbroken hunter orange
as the outermost layer of clothing on the
chest and back, and in addition, we require a
hat or cap of unbroken hunter orange. You


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

must wear the solid hunter-orange items
while in the field.
6. You may place temporary stands no
more than 2 days prior to the opening of the
respective season, and you must remove
them by the last day of archery season (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter). You must clearly
mark any stand left on the refuge with the
name and address of the person using the
7. We only allow deer hunting with modern
firearms during the lottery deer hunt. We require special limited permits for the lottery
deer hunt. We only allow hunters with a
valid lottery deer hunt permit (must possess
and carry the permit) to use the refuge during the lottery deer hunt.
8. We open archery season on the Saturday
closest to October 31, and keep it open until
the end of the State season, except we close
the refuge to archery hunting during the refuge youth hunt, youth lottery hunt, and lottery deer hunt.
muzzleloaders subject to State regulations.
Specific open dates will appear in the annual
Refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations
10. We prohibit possession or use of buckshot.
11. We prohibit possession or use of climbing spikes.
12. We prohibit possession or distribution
of bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals, or other
feed or any nonnaturally occurring attractant on the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
13. Youth hunters under age 16 must have
completed a hunter education course and
possess and carry evidence of completion. An
adult age 21 or older must closely supervise
youth hunters (within sight and normal
voice contact). One adult may supervise no
more than one youth hunter while hunting
big game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A11 through A15 apply.
2. You must tend trotlines daily. You must
attach ends of trotlines by a length of cotton
line that extends into the water.
3. We prohibit commercial fishing. Recreational fishing using commercial gear (slat
traps, etc.) requires a special refuge permit
(that you must possess and carry) available
at the refuge office.
4. We prohibit the taking of alligator snapping turtle (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
5. We only allow fishing during daylight
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]

D. Sport Fishing. We allow finfishing and
shellfishing on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is daylight use only.
2. Sport fishing and shellfishing are permitted year round on all refuge lands south
of the Intracoastal Waterway; from the
banks of U.S. Highway 11; and within the
banks of the borrow canal and borrow pits
between U.S. Highway 11 and Interstate 10.
3. We only allow sport fishing with handheld rod and reel or hand-held rod and line.
You may take bait shrimp with cast nets 8
feet (2.4 m) in diameter or less. You may
take crawfish (up to 100 pounds (45 kg) per
person) with wire nets up to 20 inches (50 cm)
in diameter. We allow recreational crabbing
with a limit of 12 dozen per person. You must
attend all fishing, crabbing, and crawfishing
equipment at all times.
4. The use of trotlines, limblines, slat
traps, gar sets, nets or alligator lines is prohibited on the refuge.
5. Only outboard motors 25 horsepower or
less are permitted in waterways inside the
hurricane protection levee.
6. We prohibit air-thrust boats, motorized
pirogues, mud boats, and air-cooled propulsion engines on the refuge.
7. We prohibit feeding of any wildlife within the refuge.
8. We prohibit all commercial finfishing
and shellfishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed
Public Use Permit while on the refuge. This
permit is free and available on the front
cover of the refuge’s brochure.
2. We prohibit hunting in and/or shooting
into or across any open field, roadway, or
3. Youth hunters under age 16 must have
completed a hunter education course and
possess and carry evidence of completion. An
adult age 21 or older must closely supervise
youth hunters (within sight and normal
voice contact). One adult can supervise no
more than two youth hunters while hunting
migratory game birds. All hunters and adult
supervisors must possess and carry proof of
completion of a State Hunter Education
4. All hunters must have a refuge lottery
hunting permit prior to hunting. You will
find applications for refuge permits (that
you must possess and carry) inside the refuge hunting, fishing, and public use brochures.
5. All hunters must check-in prior to hunting and check out after hunting at a refuge


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

self-clearing check station. You must report
all game taken on the refuge when checking
out by using the check card.
6. We prohibit airboats and marsh buggies
(tracked vehicles) on the refuge. We restrict
motorized boat use to existing canals,
ditches, trenasses, ponds, and from areas
marked as nonmotorized areas only.
7. We prohibit parking, walking, or hunting within 150 feet (45 m) of any active oil
well site, production facility, or equipment.
We also prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail,
building, residence, or designated public facility.
8. We prohibit feeding of any wildlife within the refuge.
9. We allow hunting until 12 p.m. (noon).
We allow hunters to enter the refuge up to 2
hours before legal sunrise.
10. We open the refuge to hunting of migratory game bird on Wednesdays, Thursdays,
Saturdays, and Sundays of the State waterfowl season.
11. We allow hunting in the Centerville,
Garden City, Bayou Sale, North Bend—East,
and North Bend—West Units through November 30. After November 30, we allow hunting
in the Centerville, Garden City, and Bayou
Sale Units only. We open no other units to
hunting of migratory game birds.
12. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
13. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while hunting on the refuge
(see § 32.2(k)). This requirement only applies
to the use of shotgun ammunition.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and rabbit on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting from the start of
the State squirrel and rabbit seasons until
the last day of State waterfowl season in the
West Zone.
2. We prohibit upland game hunting on
days corresponding with refuge deer gun
3. We allow hunters to enter the refuge up
to 2 hours before legal sunrise, but they must
leave the refuge 1 hour after legal sunset.
4. We allow hunting 7 days a week beginning with the opening of State seasons in the
Centerville, Garden City, Bayou Sale, North
Bend—East, and North Bend—West Units
through November 30. After November 30, we
only allow hunting on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays in the
Centerville, Garden City, and Bayou Sale
Units until 12 p.m. (noon). We open no other
units to hunting of upland game.
5. We prohibit dogs.
6. Conditions A1 through A8 and A13 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of white-tailed deer on designated areas of

the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting of deer with firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter) during 7 specific days in November. A youth gun hunt
will occur during the first weekend in November. The first of two general gun hunts
will occur on the third weekend, and the
final general gun hunt will occur during the
final full weekend of November. These gun
hunts include both Saturday and Sunday
only, except the final general gun hunt will
additionally include the Friday immediately
before the weekend.
2. We allow hunting of deer with archery
equipment from the start of the State archery season until the last day of November,
except for those days that deer gun hunts
3. All archery hunters must possess and
carry proof of completion of the International Bowhunters Education Program.
4. We allow hunting in the Centerville,
Garden City, Bayou Sale, North Bend—East,
and North Bend—West Units only. We do not
open the Bayou Sale Unit for all big game
firearm hunts.
5. We only allow each hunter to possess 1
deer of either sex per day. State season limits apply.
6. You may take no other native or feral
wildlife other than white-tailed deer while
engaged in big game hunting (see § 27.21 of
this chapter).
7. We prohibit possession of buckshot.
8. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of unbroken hunter orange
as the outermost layer of clothing on the
chest and back, and, in addition, we require
a hat or cap of unbroken hunter orange. You
must wear the solid hunter-orange items
while in the field.
9. Conditions A1 through A8 and B3 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in all refuge waters in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow recreational fishing. We
prohibit all commercial fishing activity.
2. We prohibit the use of unattended nets,
traps, or lines (trot, jug, bush, etc.).
3. The refuge is daylight use only.
4. We prohibit the take of turtle (see § 27.21
of this chapter).
5. Conditions A1 and A5 through A8 apply.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. You may
hunt duck, coot, and goose on designated
areas of the refuge during the State waterfowl season in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow waterfowl hunting on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays,
until 12 p.m. (noon), including the special
teal season and youth waterfowl hunt.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

2. We do not open the refuge to goose hunting for that part of the season that extends
beyond the regular duck season.
3. You must remove blinds and decoys (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by noon.
4. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
5. You must possess and carry a valid refuge hunt permit.
6. We prohibit air-thrust boats, motorized
pirogues, mud boats, and air-cooled propulsion engines on the refuge.
7. Youth hunters under age 16 must have
completed a hunter education course and
possess and carry evidence of completion. An
adult age 21 or older must closely supervise
youth hunters (within sight and normal
voice contact). One adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters while hunting
migratory game.
8. We only open the refuge during daylight
9. We prohibit possession of buckshot,
slugs, rifles, or rifle ammunition.
10. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of the maintained rights-of-way of roads,
refuge road, trail, building, residence, designated public facility, above-ground oil and
gas or electrical facilities, or from across
ATV trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
11. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while hunting on the refuge
(see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, snipe, woodcock, quail,
gallinule, and rail in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow upland game hunting during
the open State season using only approved
nontoxic (see § 32.2(k)) shot size #4 or smaller.
2. You may only use dogs for squirrel and
rabbit after the close of the State gun deer
3. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for snipe, woodcock
and quail.
4. Conditions A5 through A11 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We are open during the State season for
archery hunting of deer.
2. We only allow portable stands.
3. We prohibit dogs and driving deer.
4. You may take deer of either sex for the
entire archery deer season. The State season
limits apply.
5. You must remove all deer stands within
14 days of the end of the refuge deer season
(see § 27.93 of this chapter).
6. You may only take hogs during the refuge archery hunt with bow and arrow.

7. We prohibit possession or distribution of
bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals or other feed or
any nonnaturally occurring attractant on
the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
8. Conditions A5 through A11 apply.
9. Youth hunters under age 16 must have
completed a hunter education course and
possess and carry evidence of completion. An
adult age 21 or older must closely supervise
youth hunters (within sight and normal
voice contact). One adult may supervise no
more than one youth hunter while hunting
big game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated waters of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only fish during from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
2. You must only use rods and reel or pole
and lines while fishing.
3. We prohibit trotlines, slat traps, jug
lines, or nets.
4. We allow recreational crabbing.
5. We prohibit all commercial finfishing
and shellfishing.
6. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
7. Condition A6 applies.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and woodcock
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit.
2. We allow hunting north of ‘‘cemetery
pipeline’’ and east of the main body (permanent water) of Black Bayou Lake.
3. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m.
(noon) during the State season except we do
not open during the special teal season and
State youth waterfowl hunt.
4. We prohibit accessing the hunting area
by boat from Black Bayou Lake.
5. You may enter the refuge no earlier than
4 a.m.
6. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of the maintained rights-of-way of roads,
from or across ATV trails (see § 27.31 of this
chapter), and from above-ground oil or gas or
electrical transmission facilities.
7. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and
decoys unattended.
8. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
9. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

of an adult age 21 or older. One adult may supervise two youth hunters.
10. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
11. We only allow ATVs on trails (see § 27.31
of this chapter) designated for their use and
marked by signs. We do not open ATV trails
March 1 through August 31. An all-terrain
vehicle (ATV) is an off-road vehicle with factory specifications not to exceed the following: weight 750 lbs. (337.5 kg), length 85
inches (212.5 cm), and width 48 inches (120
cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no larger
than 25 x 12 with a maximum of 1 inch (2.5
cm) lug height and a maximum allowable
tire pressure of 7 psi as indicated on the tire
by the manufacturer.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A4, A6, A9, and A10
2. We prohibit possession of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) larger than .22 caliber
rimfire, shotgun slugs, and buckshot.
3. You may hunt raccoon and opossum
from 1⁄2 hour before sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after
sunset of rabbit and squirrel season and at
night during December and January. You
may use dogs for night hunting. We prohibit
selling raccoon and opossum taken on the
refuge for human consumption.
4. We allow use of dogs to hunt squirrel and
rabbit after the refuge archery deer hunt.
5. We allow use of horses and mules to hunt
raccoon and opossum at night only after obtaining a Special Use Permit at the refuge
6. We prohibit opossum and raccoon night
hunters from using ATVs.
7. You may enter the refuge no earlier than
4 a.m. and must exit no later than 1 hour
after legal shooting hours.
8. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting on the refuge. This requirement only applies to the use
of shotgun ammunition.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4, A6, A10, A11, and B7
2. We allow archery deer hunting during
October, November, and December north of
‘‘cemetery pipeline’’ and east of the main
body (permanent water) of Black Bayou
3. We prohibit gun deer hunting.

4. The daily bag limit is one deer of either
sex. The State season limit applies.
5. Hunters must possess and carry proof of
completion of the International Bowhunters
Education Program.
6. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds,
and other equipment unattended.
7. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may enter the refuge 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise, and you must exit no later
than 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
2. You may only launch boats at the concrete ramp adjacent to the visitor center. We
prohibit launching boats with motors greater than 50 hp. We prohibit personal
watercraft (Jet Skis).
3. We prohibit trotlines, limb lines, yo-yos,
traps, or nets.
4. We prohibit commercial fishing.
5. We prohibit leaving boats or other equipment on the refuge overnight (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
6. We require a boat launch fee. You must
pay launch fees and fill out and properly display your launch permit before launching
7. We prohibit take of frog, turtle, and mollusk (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
8. We prohibit crossing the water hyacinth
blooms in a boat.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and woodcock
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon).
2. We only allow woodcock hunting using
approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) size #4
or smaller.
3. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a certificate of completion. Each youth hunter must remain
within sight and normal voice contact of an
adult age 21 or older. For waterfowl hunts,
one adult may supervise two youth hunters.
4. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
5. We require a signed refuge hunt permit.
6. We allow public hunting refuge-wide during the open State season for listed species,


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

except for the east levee of the Pearl River
Navigation Canal as indicated on refuge permit map.
7. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail,
building, residence, designated public facility or from or across above-ground oil or gas
or electrical facilities.
8. We prohibit possession of slugs, buckshot, or rifle or pistol ammunition larger
than .22 caliber rimfire.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to
the use of shotgun ammunition.
2. You may use dogs for squirrel during a
portion of the squirrel season, typically in
November and from after the close of the refuge gun deer season until the end of the
State squirrel season.
3. You may use dogs for rabbit during a
portion of the squirrel season, typically in
November and after the close of the State
gun deer season.
4. You may use dogs for raccoon; the season is typically during the months of January and February.
5. We will close the refuge to hunting (except waterfowl) and camping when the Pearl
River reaches 15.5 feet (4.65 m) on the Pearl
River Gauge at Pearl River, Louisiana.
6. We prohibit the take of feral hog during
any upland game hunts.
7. Condition A3 (upland game hunts), and
A5 through A8 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A3 (one adult can only supervise one youth hunter during refuge Gun
Deer Hunts), A5 through A7, and B5 apply.
2. You must remove all deer stands within
14 days following the end of the refuge deer
season (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
3. We typically open archery deer season
(either sex) from October 1 through 31 and
also for 1 to 2 weeks in January.
4. General Gun Deer Hunts are typically in
November and December.
5. Primitive weapons season is typically
open in December.
6. We prohibit the use of dogs.
7. We prohibit using shot larger than No. 2
during turkey season.
8. You may only take gobblers.
9. You may take hogs during refuge archery and general Gun Deer Hunts only. Additionally, you may take hogs typically during
varying dates in January and February, and
you must only take them with the aid of

trained hog-hunting dogs from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
10. You must kill all hogs prior to removal
from the refuge.
11. We prohibit possession or distribution
of bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals, or other
feed or nonnaturally occurring attractant on
the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing yearround in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow cotton limb lines.
2. Condition B5 applies.
3. We close the fishing ponds at the Pearl
River Turnaround to fishing during the
months of April, May, and June.
4. We prohibit boats in the fishing ponds at
the Pearl River Turnaround.
5. We prohibit the take of turtle (see § 27.21
of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish and crab
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following conditions:
1. Anglers may fish year-round.
2. Crabbers must tend crabbing equipment
at all times.
3. Anglers may not use trotlines, slat
traps, or nets.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose (except Canada goose),
duck, coots, snipe, and dove on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The waterfowl hunt is a youth hunt
only. We set hunt dates in September, and
you may obtain information from the refuge.
We will accept permit applications September 1 through October 15 and limit applications to a choice of 2 dates. We will notify
successful applicants.
2. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. For waterfowl
hunts, one adult may supervise two youth
3. We require every hunter to possess and
carry signed refuge hunting regulations and
4. You must complete a Hunter Information Card at a self-clearing check station
after each hunt before leaving the refuge.


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

5. We allow dove hunting in designated
areas on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays,
and Sundays from 12 p.m. (noon) to legal
sunset during the first split of State dove
season only.
6. We allow snipe hunting in designated
areas on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays,
and Sundays from 12 p.m. (noon) to legal
sunset for the remainder of the State season
after closure of the waterfowl season.
7. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail,
building, residence, or designated public facility.
8. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery as
the only form of hunting for white-tailed
deer in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry proof of
completion of the International Bowhunters
Education Program to bowhunt on the refuge.
2. Conditions A2 (for big game hunt, one
adult may supervise no more than one youth
hunter), A3, A4, A7, and A8 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing, boating,
crabbing, and cast netting on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must fish with a rod and reel or a
pole and line. We prohibit the possession of
any other type of fishing gear, including
limb lines, gill nets, jug lines, yo-yos or
2. You may fish, crab, or cast net in the
East Cove unit year-round from legal sunrise
to legal sunset, except during the State waterfowl season and when we close the Grand
Bayou Boat Bay.
3. We prohibit fishing, crabbing, or cast
netting from or trespassing on refuge water
control structures at any time.
4. We prohibit walking, wading, or climbing in or on the marsh, levees, or structures.
5. We allow sport fishing, crabbing, and
cast netting in the Gibbstown Unit Bank
Fishing Road waterways and adjacent borrow pits and the Outfall Canal from March 15
through October 15 only.
6. We only allow nonpowered boats in the
Bank Fishing Road waterways.
7. We only allow recreational crabbing
with cotton hand lines or dropnets up to 24
inches (60 cm) outside diameter.

8. You must attend all lines, nets, and bait
and remove them from the refuge (see § 27.93
of this chapter) when you leave.
9. We allow a daily limit of five dozen crabs
per boat or vehicle.
10. We allow recreational cast netting for
shrimp during the Louisiana Inland Shrimp
Season when we open the East Cove Unit for
11. You may only use a cast net that does
not exceed a 5 foot (12.5 cm) hanging radius.
12. We allow a daily limit of 5 gallons (19 L)
of heads-on shrimp per boat.
13. We only allow recreational cast netting
for bait year-round when we open the East
Cove Unit for boats.
14. We prohibit the use of ATVs, air-thrust
boats, personal motorized watercraft (Jet
Skis), and air-cooled propulsion engines (go
devil-style motors) in any refuge area (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
15. You may operate outboard motors in
refuge canals, bayous, and lakes. We only
allow trolling motors in the marsh.
16. Condition A8 applies.
17. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and woodcock
on designated areas of the refuge as shown
on the refuge hunt brochure map in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We require hunters/anglers age 16 and
older to possess and carry a signed refuge
hunting/fishing/ATV permit.
2. Each hunter must sign in at the refuge
check station when entering and leaving the
3. The refuge opens at 4 a.m. and closes 1
hour after legal sunset.
4. We prohibit possession of firearms in
areas posted as ‘‘No Hunting Zones.’’
5. You may only enter and exit the refuge
from designated parking areas.
6. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than two youth hunters
during waterfowl/upland game hunting.
7. We allow take of beaver, feral hog, nutria, raccoon, and coyote incidental to any
refuge hunt with weapons legal for that hunt
until you take the daily bag limit of game.
8. You must report all harvested game at
the refuge check station upon leaving the
refuge. If you harvest game at a time when
the refuge is closed to vehicular traffic, you
must report it to the refuge office.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

9. We allow use of all-terrain vehicles on
designated refuge trails (see § 27.31 of this
chapter) for wildlife-dependent activities
from the first Saturday in September to the
last day of the State-designated rabbit season. An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is an offroad vehicle with factory specifications not
to exceed the following: weight 750 lbs. (337.5
kg), length 85 inches (212.5 cm), and width 48
inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to
those no larger than 25 x 12 with a maximum
1 inch (2.5 cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi as indicated on
the tire by the manufacturer.
10. We prohibit transport of loaded weapons on an ATV (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter).
11. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail or
ATV trail, building, residence, or designated
public facility.
12. We prohibit the possession or use of
nonbiodegradable flagging tape.
13. We prohibit horses or mules.
14. We only allow parking in designated
parking areas.
15. We prohibit camping or overnight parking on the refuge.
16. We prohibit air-thrust boats on the refuge.
17. We prohibit all other hunting during
the special youth and Gun Deer Hunts.
18. We allow waterfowl hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays
until 12 p.m. (noon) during the designated
State duck season, except during the refuge
quota deer hunts.
19. You must remove boats, blinds, and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily.
20. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and rabbit on designated areas of
the refuge as shown on the refuge hunt brochure map in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A17, and A19
2. We allow the use of .22 caliber or less
rimfire rifles and 12 gauge or higher shotguns to hunt upland game.
3. We allow the use of squirrel and rabbit
dogs from the day after the close of the
State-designated deer rifle season to the end
of the State-designated season. We allow up
to two dogs per hunting party.
4. We require the owner’s name and phone
number on the collars of all dogs.
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to
the use of shotgun ammunition.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge as shown on the refuge hunt brochure
map in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:

1. Conditions A1 through A17, and A19
2. You must only hunt deer using bow and
arrow during the State-designated deer season, except during the refuge quota deer
hunts and the youth deer hunt.
3. You must possess and carry proof of
completion of the International Bowhunter
Education Course to archery hunt on the refuge.
4. You must only use portable deer stands.
Deer stands must have the owner’s name, address, and phone number clearly printed on
the stand.
5. We prohibit the use of dogs to trail
wounded deer.
6. You may only take one deer of either sex
per day during the deer season. State season
limits apply. During the deer quota hunts,
you may only take one deer of either sex
during the quota hunt weekend.
7. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of unbroken hunter orange
as the outermost layer of clothing on the
chest and back, and in addition we require a
hat or cap of unbroken hunter orange.
8. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than one youth hunter.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge as shown on the
refuge hunting and fishing brochure map in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We prohibit commercial fishing or commercial crawfishing.
2. Conditions A1, A3, A4, A9 (on the open
portions of Wood Duck ATV Trail for wildlife-dependent activities throughout the
year), A13 through A16, and A19 apply.
3. We only allow hook and line to catch
bait fish.
4. We prohibit slat traps or hoop nets on
the refuge.
5. You may use trotlines and yo-yos on the
refuge. The ends of trotlines must consist of
a length of cotton line that extends from the
points of attachment into the water. You
must attend yo-yos (within sight) at all
6. We prohibit possession of cleaned or
processed fish on the refuge.
7. We allow recreational crawfishing on the
refuge with either traps or nets April 1
through July 31, according to State regulations regarding trap requirements and licensing. The harvest limit is 100 pounds (45
kg) per vehicle or boat per day.
8. You must attend all crawfish traps and
nets at all times and may not leave them on


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

the refuge overnight. We allow up to and not
exceeding 20 traps per angler on the refuge.
9. We prohibit harvest of frog or turtle on
the refuge (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds only on
designated areas of the Bushley Bayou Unit
in accordance with State hunting regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge hunting permit. Prior to entering and
leaving the hunt area, we require hunters to
sign in and out at designated locations as indicated on the refuge hunt/fish permit.
2. We allow goose, duck, and coot hunting
on the Bushley Bayou Unit on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays only,
from 1⁄2 hour before official sunrise until 12
p.m. (noon).
3. We open the refuge to hunters 2 hours
before official sunrise for migratory game
bird hunting.
4. We allow ATVs on ATV trails (see § 27.31
of this chapter) designated on the refuge
hunt/fish permit from September 1 through
the end of rabbit season. We open Bushley
Creek, Black Lake, Boggy Bayou, Round
Lake, Dempsey Lake Roads, and that portion of Minnow Ponds Road at Highway 8 to
Green’s Creek Road and then south to
Green’s Creek Bridge to ATVs year-round.
We only allow ATVs for wildlife-dependent
activities. We define an ATV as an off-road
vehicle (not legal for highway use) with factory specifications not to exceed the following: weight 750 lbs. (337.5 kg), length 85
inches (212.5 cm), and width 48 inches (120
cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no larger
than 25 x 12 with a maximum 1 inch (2.5 cm)
lug height and a maximum allowable tire
pressure of 7 psi as indicated on the tire by
the manufacturer.
5. We require hunters to remove all portable blinds, boats, decoys, and other personal
equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from
the refuge by 1 p.m. daily.
6. We prohibit all migratory game bird
hunting during deer-gun and muzzleloader
7. We prohibit hunting or shooting within
150 feet (45 m) of any public road, refuge
road, ATV trail, building, residence, or designated public facility. We prohibit parking,
walking, or hunting with 150 feet (45 m) of
any active oil well site, production facility,
or equipment.
8. We prohibit the use of air-thrust boats,
inboard water-thrust boats, or personal
watercraft. We only allow nonmotorized
boats, boats with electric motors, or boats
with a motor of 10 hp or less on Black Lake,
Dempsey Lake, Long Lake, Rhinehart Lake,
and Round Lake.
9. We prohibit the use of mules or horses.

10. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
11. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
This requirement only applies to the use of
shotgun ammunition.
12. We prohibit the possession of buckshot,
slugs, or rifle ammunition larger than .17
caliber rimfire while engaged in migratory
game bird hunts.
13. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
14. We prohibit marking areas or trails
with tape, paint, paper, flagging, or any
other material.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4 (at the Bushley Bayou
Unit), and A7 through A13 apply.
2. At the Headquarters Unit, we only allow
squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and feral hog hunting from the first day of the State squirrel
season through October 31.
3. At the Bushley Bayou Unit, we allow
squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and feral hog hunting in accordance with the State season.
4. We open the refuge to hunters from 2
hours before legal sunrise until 2 hours after
legal sunset.
5. At the Headquarters Unit, we only allow
ATV use year-round on the Muddy Bayou
6. We prohibit squirrel, rabbit, and raccoon
hunting during deer-gun and muzzleloader
7. We prohibit the use of airboats, inboard
water-thrust boats, or personal watercraft.
We only allow nonmotorized boats, boats
with electric motors, or boats with a motor
of 10 hp or less on Black Lake, Dempsey
Lake, Long Lake, Rhinehart Lake, and
Round Lake of the Bushley Bayou Unit and
Duck Lake, Cowpen Bayou, Willow Lake,
and the Highway 28 and 84 borrow pits of the
Headquarters Unit.
8. At the Headquarters Unit, we close upland game hunting during high water conditions with an elevation of 42 feet (12.6 m) or
above as measured at the Corps of Engineers
river gauge at Archie or the center of the
lake gauge on Catahoula Lake. At the


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

Bushley Bayou Unit, we close upland game
hunting during high water conditions with
an elevation of 44 feet (13.2 m) or above as
measured at the Corps of Engineers river
gauge at Archie or center of the lake gauge
on Catahoula Lake.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4 (at the Bushley Bayou
Unit), A7 through A9, A12, A13, and B4
through B8 (big game hunting) apply.
2. At the Bushley Bayou Unit, we allow
deer-archery hunting during the State archery season, except when closed during deergun and deer-muzzleloader hunts. We allow
either-sex muzzleloader hunting during the
first segment of the State season for Area 1,
weekdays only (Monday through Friday) and
the third weekend in December. We allow either-sex, deer-gun hunting for the Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday immediately following Thanksgiving Day and for the second
weekend following Thanksgiving Day.
3. At the Headquarters Unit, we allow deerarchery hunting during the State archery
season, except when closed during the deergun hunt south of the French Fork of the
Little River. We only allow either-sex, deergun hunting on the Friday and Saturday immediately following Thanksgiving Day on
the area south of the French Fork of the Little River.
4. We allow portable stands and climbing
stands, but hunters must remove them from
the refuge daily (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit possession of buckshot.
6. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of unbroken hunter orange
as the outermost layer of clothing on the
chest and back, and in addition we require a
hat or cap of unbroken hunter orange. You
must wear the solid hunter-orange items
while in the field.
7. You may only take one deer per day during any refuge deer hunt. The State season
limits apply.
8. We prohibit organized drives for deer
and/or hog.
9. Archery hunters must possess and carry
proof of completion of the International
Bowhunters Education Program.
10. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than one youth hunter.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. Conditions A4 (at the Bushley Bayou
Unit), A12 (as a fishing guide), B5, and B7
2. We require anglers to possess and carry
at all times a signed copy of a current refuge
hunting/fishing permit.
3. At the Bushley Bayou Unit, we allow
fishing and crawfishing year-round. We allow
trotlines, but you must tend them at least
once every 24 hours and reset them when receding water levels expose them. You must
attach them with a length of cotton line
that extends into the water. We allow yoyos, but you must attend and only use them
from 1 hour before legal sunrise until 1⁄2 hour
after legal sunset. We only allow recreational gear (slat traps, wire nets, and
hoop nets) by refuge Special Use Permit and
only in Bushley Creek, Big Bushley Creek,
and Little Bushley Creek.
4. At the Headquarters Unit, we allow yearround fishing on Cowpen Bayou and the
Highway 28 borrow pits. We open fishing on
the remainder of the Headquarters Unit including Duck Lake, Muddy Bayou, Willow
Lake, and the Highway 84 borrow pits from
March 1 through October 31. We only allow
pole and line or rod and reel fishing. We prohibit snagging.
5. We allow fishing from 1 hour before legal
sunrise until 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
6. At the Headquarters Unit, we only allow
launching of trailered boats at designated
boat ramps. You may launch small, handcarried boats at nonboat ramp sites. We prohibit dragging boats or driving vehicles (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter) onto road shoulders to
launch boats.
7. We prohibit the taking or possession of
all snakes, frogs, turtles, salamanders, and
mollusks by any means (see § 27.21 of this
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and woodcock
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge permit.
2. We prohibit waterfowl hunting in the
‘‘Beanfield’’ area west of Bayou D’Arbonne
and between Holland’s Bluff Road and the
‘‘Big Powerline’’ east of Bayou D’Arbonne. We
mark prohibited areas with blue paint and
3. We prohibit woodcock hunting in the
‘‘Beanfield’’ area west of Bayou D’Arbonne.
4. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m.
(noon) during the State season except when
closed during the special teal season and
State youth waterfowl hunt.
5. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 4 a.m.
6. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road.


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

7. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and
decoys unattended.
8. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
9. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
10. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A6, A9, and A10 apply.
2. We prohibit hunting in the ‘‘Beanfield’’
area west of Bayou D’Arbonne after October
3. We prohibit possession of firearms larger
than .22 caliber rimfire, shotgun slugs, and
buckshot while engaged in upland game
4. You may hunt raccoon and opossum during the daylight hours of rabbit and squirrel
season and at night during December and
January. You may use dogs for night hunting. You may take raccoon and opossum on
the refuge, but we prohibit their sale for
human consumption.
5. You may use dogs to hunt squirrel and
rabbit after the last refuge Gun Deer Hunt.
6. You may only use horses and mules to
hunt raccoon and opossum at night after obtaining a special permit at the refuge office.
7. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 4 a.m. and must exit no later than 2
hours after legal shooting hours.
8. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to the use of shotgun
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A3 (for gun deer hunting),
A6, A10, and B7 apply.
2. We allow general gun deer hunting on
the following days: the first consecutive Saturday and Sunday of November, the Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday following Thanksgiving Day, and the second Saturday and
Sunday after Thanksgiving Day. We allow

archery deer hunting during the entire State
3. We allow a restricted Gun Deer Hunt for
hunters with Class I Wheelchair Bound Permit issued by the Louisiana Department of
Wildlife and Fisheries on the second consecutive Saturday and Sunday of November. Only
permitted hunters may carry firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter).
4. The daily bag limit is one antlered and
one antlerless deer. The State season limit
5. You must check all deer taken during
general Gun Deer Hunts at a refuge check
station between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the
same day taken unless stated otherwise in
the annual refuge hunting brochure and permit.
6. Archery hunters must possess and carry
proof of completion of the International
Bowhunters Education Program.
7. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds,
and other equipment unattended.
8. Deer hunters must wear hunter orange
as per State deer hunting regulations on
Wildlife Management Areas.
9. We prohibit hunters placing, or hunting
from, stands on pine trees with white painted bands/rings.
10. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than one youth hunter.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit leaving boats and other personal property on the refuge unattended.
2. You must tend trotlines daily. You must
attach ends of trotlines by a length of cotton
line that extends into the water.
3. We prohibit commercial fishing. Recreational fishing using commercial gear (slat
traps, etc.) requires a special refuge permit
(that you must possess and carry) available
at the refuge office.
4. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions.
1. We allow waterfowl hunting on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays
until 12 p.m. (noon), including special teal
season, youth waterfowl season, and ‘‘light
goose’’ special conservation season.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

2. We only allow temporary blinds. You
must remove both blinds and decoys (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by 12 p.m. (noon).
3. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
4. Hunters must possess and carry a valid
refuge hunt permit.
5. We only allow hunting on those portions
of the refuge that lie northwest of Main Pass
and south of Raphael Pass.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)). We prohibit possession of buckshot,
slugs, rifles, or rifle ammunition.
7. We prohibit air-thrust boats, motorized
pirogues, mud boats, and air-cooled propulsion engines on the refuge.
8. We close all refuge lands between Raphael Pass and Main Pass to all entry during
the State waterfowl hunting season.
9. We prohibit discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) within 250 yards (225
m) of buildings or worksites, such as oil or
gas production facilities.
10. We allow primitive camping year-round
in designated areas (see refuge map). No person or party will remain camped, nor will
any campsite remain established, in excess
of 14 consecutive days.
11. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than two youth hunters
during waterfowl hunts.
12. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity than any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of rabbit on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The refuge rabbit season opens the day
after the State duck season closes and continues through the remainder of the State
rabbit season.
2. We restrict hunting to shotgun only.
3. We allow dogs for rabbit hunting.
4. Conditions A4 through A12 (each adult
may supervise no more than two youth hunters during upland game hunting), and A13
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. For archery hunting of deer and hogs,
conditions A4 through A11, A12 (each adult
may supervise no more than one youth
hunter during big game hunting), and A13
2. We allow archery deer hunting October 1
through 31 (either sex) and from the day
after the close of the State duck season
through the end of the State deer archery
3. Hunters must only use portable stands
for archery deer hunting.
4. We prohibit dogs and driving of deer for
archery deer hunting.
5. You may only take hog with archery
6. We prohibit possession or distribution of
bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals or other feed or
any nonnaturally occurring attractant on
the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow recreational
fishing and crabbing on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow recreational fishing and
crabbing from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
2. We prohibit all commercial finfishing
and shellfishing.
3. We prohibit the use of trotlines,
limblines, slat traps, jug lines, nets, or alligator lines.
4. Condition A8, A11, and A13 (fishing
guide) applies.
5. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, mourning dove,
and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge on designated areas (shown on the refuge
hunting brochure map) in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We require hunters/anglers age 16 and
older to purchase and carry a signed refuge
hunting/fishing/ATV permit.
2. Hunters must fill out a free daily ‘‘checkin’’ and ‘‘check out’’ refuge hunting permit
obtained at designated check stations and
must properly display the associated windshield permit while in parking lots.
3. The refuge opens at 4 a.m. and closes 1
hour after legal sunset.
4. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
supervise no more than two youth hunters
during waterfowl hunts.
5. You may only enter and exit the refuge
from designated parking lots.


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

6. We prohibit camping or parking overnight on the refuge.
7. We prohibit discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) except when hunting.
8. We prohibit marking of trails with nonbiodegradable flagging tape.
9. We allow use of ATVs on designated
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) from the
first Saturday in September to the last day
of the State rabbit season. An ATV is an offroad vehicle with factory specifications not
to exceed the following: weight 750 pounds
(337.5 kg), length 85 inches (212.5 cm), and
width 48 inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV
tires to those no larger than 25 x 12 with a
maximum 1 inch (2.5 cm) lug height and a
maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi as
indicated on the tire by the manufacturer.
10. We prohibit horses and mules.
11. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail or
ATV trail, building, residence, above-ground
oil or gas or electrical transmission facilities, or designated public facility.
12. We prohibit transport of loaded weapons on an ATV (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter).
13. We prohibit blocking of gates or trails
(see § 27.31(h) of this chapter) with vehicles or
14. We prohibit ATVs on trails/roads (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter) not specifically designated by signs for ATV use.
15. We only allow nonmotorized boats.
16. We allow incidental take of raccoon,
feral hog, beaver, nutria, and coyote while
you are hunting migratory birds, upland
game, or big game, with weapons legal for
that hunt only.
17. We only allow waterfowl (duck, goose,
coot) hunting on Wednesdays and Saturdays
until 12 p.m. (noon) during the Statewide
duck season.
18. We only allow the use of shotguns while
waterfowl hunting.
19. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds.
20. You must remove all decoys, portable
blinds, and boats (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
21. We only allow incidental take of
mourning dove while migratory bird hunting
on days open to waterfowl hunting.
22. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of rabbit on designated areas of the refuge as
shown on the refuge hunting brochure map
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A16 and A20
2. We allow rabbit hunting from December
1 until the end of the Statewide season.
3. We only allow use of shotguns during
designated hunts.

4. We only allow rabbit dogs after the close
of the State deer rifle season.
5. We require the owner’s name and phone
number on the collars of all dogs.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) for upland game hunting.
This requirement only applies to the use of
shotgun ammunition.
7. We allow the use of .22 caliber or less
rimfire rifles and 12 gauge or higher shotguns to hunt upland game.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge as shown on the refuge hunting brochure map in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A16 and A20
2. We allow archery-only deer hunting on
the refuge from October 1 through October 31
in the Gremillion Unit, Island of the Owls
Unit, and Concrete Bridge Unit (see refuge
3. The hunter must permanently attach
their name, address, and phone number to all
deer stands.
4. We prohibit hunters to drive deer or to
use pursuit dogs. We prohibit the use of dogs
to trail wounded deer.
5. We only allow archery equipment during
designated seasons.
6. We require hunters to complete and possess and carry proof of completion of the
International Bowhunters’ Safety Course.
7. You may kill one deer of either sex per
day during the deer season.
8. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and seasonal take of crawfish in designated waters
of the refuge as shown on the crawfish permit map in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A5, A6, A8, A10, A13
through A15, and A20 (remove boats [see
§ 27.93 of this chapter] daily) apply.
2. We only allow fishing in Coulee Des
Grues along Little California Road.
3. We only allow fishing with pole and line.
4. We prohibit leaving parking areas to fish
until legal sunrise.
5. We allow fishing and crawfishing from
legal sunrise to legal sunset.
6. We allow crawfishing from April 1
through July 31, subject to available water
in designated areas as depicted on the crawfish permit map available at refuge headquarters.
7. We require anglers to take crawfish
using pyramid nets with webbing made of
cotton or nylon. We prohibit wire traps.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

8. You may harvest 100 lbs. (45 kg.) of crawfish per vehicle per day.
9. We prohibit sale of crawfish taken from
the refuge.
10. We prohibit glass containers on the refuge.
11. You must remove all crawfishing gear
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) from refuge property after each day’s visit.
12. We prohibit possession of cleaned or
processed fish on the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, gallinule, and coot
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a refuge
hunting permit.
2. We only allow hunting on designated
areas of the refuge. These areas include the
marshes south of the Intracoastal Waterway
and the area east of the Lacassine Bayou excluding Unit B (lottery hunt area west of
Streeter Road), Unit F, and the headquarters
area along Streeter Road (see refuge map).
3. We allow hunting Wednesdays through
Sundays of the State teal and duck seasons
(Western Zone). We close the refuge to hunting during the ‘‘goose only’’ waterfowl season.
State daily and season harvest limits apply.
4. We prohibit entering the hunting area
earlier than 4 a.m., and shooting hours end
at 12 p.m. (noon) each day.
5. We only allow firearms (see § 27.42 of this
chapter) legal for waterfowl hunting in the
refuge hunting area.
6. We prohibit all boat motors, including
trolling motors, in refuge marshes. We prohibit air-thrust boats and ATVs on the refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
7. We prohibit hunting closer than 150 feet
(45 m) to a canal or waterway, and hunting
parties must maintain a distance of no less
than 150 yards (135 m) apart.
8. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult must
possess and carry a refuge permit and may
supervise no more than two youth hunters
during waterfowl hunts.
9. You must remove all hunting-related
equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter) immediately following each day’s hunt.
10. Only selected lottery hunt applicants
may hunt on the designated lottery hunt
area (Unit B) of the refuge. We designate
hunt days on the lottery hunt for seniors and
youth of the second split of the State duck
season (Western Zone). You must contact the
refuge office concerning the application

11. We prohibit overnight camping on the
12. We prohibit possession of alcohol in the
hunt areas during the hunting season.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A6, A8 (each adult may
supervise no more than one youth hunter
during big game hunts), A9, A11, and A12
2. We only allow archery hunting for
white-tailed deer from October 1 through October 31.
3. We prohibit entrance to the hunting area
earlier than 4 a.m. Hunters must leave no
later than 1 hour after legal sunset.
4. Each bowhunter must possess and carry
a Bowhunter Education Certificate indicating completion of the State bowhunter
safety class.
5. The daily bag limit is one deer per day
(either sex). The State season limits apply.
6. We prohibit hunting in the headquarters
area along Nature Road and along the
Lacassine Pool Wildlife Drive (see refuge
7. We only allow boats with motors of 25 hp
or less in Lacassine Pool.
8. We prohibit boats in Lacassine Pool and
Unit D from October 16 through March 14. We
prohibit boats in Units A and C.
9. We allow only foot access to the Unit F
10. We prohibit firearms while deer hunting
or scouting.
11. We allow the use of crossbows for hunters age 60 or older, or hunters with a State
handicapped crossbow permit.
12. We prohibit possession or distribution
of bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals, or other
feed on any nonnaturally occurring attractant on the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A11, C7, and C8 apply.
2. We allow fishing March 15 through October 15.
3. You may enter the refuge 1 hour before
legal sunrise, and you must leave 1 hour
after legal sunset.
4. We prohibit fishing in the headquarters
display pond.
5. We prohibit bank fishing on the
Lacassine Pool Wildlife Drive.
6. We prohibit air-thrust boats, ATVs, and
Jet Skis on the refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this
7. We prohibit dragging or driving of boats
over levees.


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

8. You must only launch trailered boats at
the cement ramps at the public boat
launches in Lacassine Pool.
9. We only allow boats powered by paddling
or trolling motors in the Unit D impoundment within Lacassine Pool.
10. We prohibit motors in the refuge
marshes outside of Lacassine Pool.
11. We only allow fishing with rod and reel
or pole and line on refuge waters.
12. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Hunting of Migratory Birds. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, woodcock, and
snipe on designated areas of the refuge as
shown on the refuge hunting brochure map
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters/anglers age 16 and
older to purchase and carry a signed refuge
hunting/fishing/ATV permit.
2. Hunters must fill out a free daily ‘‘checkin’’ and ‘‘check out’’ refuge hunting permit
obtained at designated check stations and
must properly display associated windshield
permit while in the parking lots.
3. The refuge opens at 4 a.m. and closes 1
hour after legal sunset.
4. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
supervise no more than two youth hunters
during waterfowl hunts.
5. You may only enter and exit the refuge
from designated parking lots.
6. We prohibit camping or parking overnight on the refuge.
7. We prohibit marking of trails with nonbiodegradable flagging tape.
8. We allow use of ATVs on designated
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) from the
first Saturday in September until the last
day of refuge turkey season. We define ATV
as an off-road vehicle with factory specifications not to exceed the following: weight 750
lbs. (337.5 kg), length 85 inches (212.5 cm), and
width-48 inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV
tires to those no larger than 25 x 12 with a
maximum 1 inch (2.5 cm) lug height and a
maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi
(3.15 kg) as indicated on the tire by the manufacturer.
9. We prohibit horses or mules.
10. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any designated road, ATV or hiking
trail, or refuge facility.
11. We prohibit transport of loaded weapons on an ATV (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter).
12. We prohibit blocking of gates or trails
(see § 27.31(h) of this chapter) with vehicles or

13. We prohibit all other hunting during
special youth and muzzleloader-quota deer
14. We allow incidental take of raccoon,
feral hog, beaver, nutria, and coyote while
migratory bird hunting, upland game hunting, and big game hunting with weapons
legal for that hunt.
15. We allow motors up to 25 hp from the
first Saturday in September through January 31 in Possum Bayou (North of Boat
Ramp), Palmetto Bayou, and Nicholas Lake.
16. We only allow electric-powered or nonmotorized boats in Westcut Lake, Duck
Lake, Dooms Lake, Point Basse Lakes, Lake
Long, and Possum Bayou (South of Boat
17. We only allow waterfowl (duck, goose,
coot) hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays until 12 p.m. (noon) during the Statewide duck season.
18. We only allow the use of shotguns while
waterfowl hunting.
19. You must remove all decoys, portable
blinds, and boats (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
20. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and rabbit on designated areas of
the refuge as shown on the refuge hunting
brochure map in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A16 and A19
2. We allow squirrel and rabbit hunting in
Hunt Unit 2B from November 1 through November 30.
3. We only allow squirrel and rabbit dogs
after the close of the State deer rifle season.
We allow no more than two dogs per hunting
4. Dog owners must place their name and
phone number on the collars of all their
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) for upland game hunting.
This requirement only applies to the use of
shotgun ammunition.
6. We allow the use of .22 caliber or less
rimfire rifles and 12 gauge or higher shotguns to hunt upland game.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge as shown on the refuge
hunting brochure map in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Conditions A1 through A3, A5 through 16,
and A19 apply.
2. We require hunters to permanently attach their name, address, and phone number
to the deer stand.
3. We allow archery hunting from November 1 to the end of the State archery season,
except during the youth and muzzleloader


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

deer hunts, when we prohibit archery hunting.
4. We allow archery deer hunting in Hunt
Units 1B and 2B from October 1 through November 30.
5. We allow youth deer hunting in all units
during the State youth deer season.
6. We only allow portable deer stands.
7. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game or
using pursuit dogs.
8. We only allow archery equipment during
designated seasons.
9. Hunters must complete, possess, and
carry proof of completion of the International Bowhunters’ Safety Course.
10. We prohibit the use of dogs to trail
wounded deer.
11. We allow nonmotorized boats in Lake
Ophelia from November 1 through 30.
12. You may kill one deer of either sex per
day during the deer season, except during
the deer quota hunts, when you may only
kill one deer of either sex during the entire
quota hunt period.
13. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of unbroken hunter orange
as the outermost layer of clothing on the
chest and back, and in addition we require a
hat or cap of unbroken hunter orange during
all deer gun hunts and the quota
muzzleloaders deer hunts.
14. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
only supervise one youth hunter during big
game hunts.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas as described in the refuge
hunting brochure in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A3, A5 through A9, A16,
and A19 (remove boats [see § 27.93 of this
chapter]) apply.
2. We allow sport fishing in Duck Lake,
Westcut Lake, Possum Bayou, Lake Long,
and the immediate vicinity of the Lake St.
Agnes drainage culverts on the Red River.
3. We prohibit the use of gear or equipment
other than hook and line to catch bait fish.
4. We allow fishing from March 1 through
October 15 from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
5. You must attend yo-yos (within sight) at
all times.
6. We prohibit possession of largemouth
bass less than 14 inches long (35 cm) and
black and white crappie less than 10 inches
long (25 cm).
7. We prohibit cleaned or processed fish on
the refuge.
8. We allow use of ATVs on the Duck Lake
ATV trail from March 15 through October 15.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of migratory game
birds on Wednesdays and Saturdays until 12
p.m. (noon). Hunters may only enter the refuge after 4 a.m.
2. Prior to hunting, we must assign a refuge blind and issue a refuge lottery waterfowl permit to any person entering, using, or
occupying the refuge for hunting migratory
game birds. You may only hunt from your
assigned blind.
3. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult can
supervise no more than two refuge-permitted
youth hunters. We require all adult supervisors and hunters of migratory game birds
to possess and carry a State Hunter Safety
Course certificate.
4. All hunters must check-in and check out
at a refuge self-clearing check station. Each
hunter must list their name and certificate
number on the self-clearing check station
form and deposit the form at a refuge selfclearing check station prior to hunting.
Hunters must report all game taken on the
refuge when checking out by using the selfclearing check station form.
5. We allow no more than three hunters to
hunt from a blind at one time.
6. We prohibit firearms (see § 27.42 of this
chapter) other than those used to take migratory game birds in boats or in the possession of migratory game bird hunters.
7. We prohibit air-thrust boats or marsh
buggies on the refuge. We restrict motorized
boat use to existing canals, ditches,
trenasses, and ponds.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge to hunting of deer
and hog during the State deer season, except
prior to 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesdays and
Saturdays during State waterfowl seasons,
when we close areas north of the IntraCoastal Waterway to hunting of big game.
2. Hunters may only enter the refuge after
4 a.m. and must exit by 1 hour after legal
3. You may take big game with archery
equipment and in accordance with State law.
You may only take one deer of either sex per
day, and hunters may only possess one deer.


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

The State season limits on deer apply. There
is no daily or possession limit on the number
of feral hogs.
4. All hunters must possess and carry proof
of completion of the International Bowhunters’ Education Program when hunting.
5. We prohibit possession or distribution of
bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals or other feed, or
any nonnaturally occurring attractant on
the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
6. Condition A7 applies.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in all refuge waters in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow recreational fishing. We
prohibit commercial fishing on the refuge.
2. We prohibit the use of unattended nets,
traps, or lines (trot, jog, bush, etc.).
3. We only allow fishing in refuge canals
during the period of October 1 to January 31.
4. We close the refuge to any nighttime activities unless specifically stated.
5. Condition A7 applies.
6. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, woodcock, and
dove on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge permit.
2. We allow waterfowl and woodcock hunting on all refuge lands except the areas within the Headquarters Focus Area in Bossier
Parish and north of Interstate 49 within the
Spanish Lake Focus Area in Natchitoches
3. We only allow dove hunting during the
first 3 days of the State season on all refuge
lands except the areas within the Headquarters Focus Area in Bossier Parish and
north of Interstate 49 within the Spanish
Lake Focus Area in Natchitoches Parish.
4. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m.
(noon) during the State season.
5. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 3 a.m.
6. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail or
ATV trail, residence, building, aboveground
oil or gas or electrical transmission facilities, or designated public facility.
7. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and
decoys unattended.
8. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
9. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
successfully complete a State-approved
hunter education course. While hunting,
each youth must possess and carry a card or
certificate of completion. Each youth hunter
must remain within sight and normal voice

contact of an adult age 21 or older. Each
adult can supervise no more than two youth
10. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A7, and A8 apply.
2. We allow hunting on all refuge lands except the areas within the Headquarters
Focus Area in Bossier Parish and north of
Interstate 49 within the Spanish Lakes
Focus Area in Natchitoches Parish.
3. We prohibit the possession of firearms
(see § 27.42 of this chapter) larger than .22
caliber rimfire, shotgun slugs, and buckshot.
4. We allow hunting of raccoon and opossum during the daylight hours of rabbit and
squirrel season. We allow night hunting during December and January, and you may use
dogs for night hunting. We prohibit selling of
raccoon and opossum taken on the refuge for
human consumption.
5. We allow use of dogs to hunt squirrel and
rabbit after the last refuge Gun Deer Hunt.
6. If you want to use horses and mules to
hunt raccoon and opossum at night, you
must first obtain a special permit at the refuge office.
7. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 3 a.m. and no later than 2 hours after
legal shooting hours.
8. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
successfully complete a State-approved
hunter education course. While hunting,
each youth must possess and carry a card or
certificate of completion. Each youth hunter
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older. Each
adult can supervise no more than one youth
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A7, A8, and B7 apply.
2. We only allow archery hunting.
3. We allow deer hunting on all refuge
lands except the areas within the Headquarters Focus Area in Bossier Parish and
north of Interstate 49 within the Spanish
Lake Focus Area in Natchitoches Parish.
4. The daily bag limit is one deer of either
sex. The State season limit applies.
5. Archery hunters must possess and carry
proof of completion of the International
Bowhunters’ Education Program.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

6. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds,
and other equipment unattended.
7. We prohibit hunters placing stands or
hunting from stands on pine trees with white
painted bands/rings.
8. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
successfully complete a State-approved
hunter education course. While hunting,
each youth must possess and carry a card or
certificate of completion. Each youth hunter
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older. Each
adult can supervise no more than one youth
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit leaving boats and other personal property on the refuge unattended.
2. We prohibit boat launching with motors
greater than 50 hp on all refuge waters.
3. You must tend trotlines daily. You must
attach ends of trotlines by a length of cotton
line that extends into the water.
4. We prohibit commercial fishing. Recreational fishing using commercial gear (slat
traps, etc.) requires a special refuge permit
(that you must possess and carry) available
at the refuge office.
5. We prohibit the taking of alligator snapping turtle (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose (except Canada
goose), and coot on areas designated by signs
stating ‘‘Waterfowl Hunting Only’’ and delineated on the refuge regulations and permit
brochure map in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require all hunters to possess and
carry a signed refuge permit.
2. We only allow waterfowl hunting on
Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays during
the special teal season and during the regular waterfowl season.
3. We only allow hunters to enter the refuge and launch boats after 3 a.m. All participants must be out of the refuge hunt areas
and back at West Cove Public Use Area by 12
p.m. (noon).
4. We prohibit hunting on Christmas Day
or New Year’s Day should these days fall on
a designated hunt day.
5. Youth hunters age 17 and under must
successfully complete a State-approved
hunter education course. While hunting,
each youth must possess and carry a card or
certificate of completion. Each youth hunter
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older. Each
adult may supervise no more than two refuge-permitted youth hunters.
6. We prohibit nonhunters entering the refuge hunt areas, with the exception of youth

age 15 or under experiencing the hunt with
their parent or guardian.
7. You may access the hunt areas via the
boat launches at the West Cove Public Use
Area, by vehicle on Vastar Road, and at designated turnouts within the refuge public
hunt area along State Highway 27 (see § 27.31
of this chapter). We prohibit refuge entrance
through adjacent private property or using
the refuge to access private property or
8. We only allow launching of boats on
trailers at West Cove Public Use Area. We
allow hand launching of small boats along
Vastar Road (no trailers permitted).
9. We prohibit dragging boats across the
10. We only allow operation of outboard
motors in designated refuge canals and Old
North Bayou. We allow trolling motors within the refuge marshes.
11. We prohibit air-thrust boats, personal
motorized watercraft (e.g., Jet Skis), or
boats with air-cooled propulsion engines (GoDevil-type motors).
12. We prohibit hunting within 300 feet (90
m) of another hunter or within 150 feet (45 m)
of refuge canals, public roads, buildings,
above-ground oil or gas or electrical transmission facilities, or designated public facility.
13. You must only use portable blinds and
those made of native vegetation. You must
remove portable blinds, decoys, spent shells,
and all other personal equipment (see §§ 27.93
and 27.94 of this chapter) each day.
14. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
15. We require you to complete and return
a waterfowl harvest data form to the check
station or designated drop box after each
16. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
17. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
(see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing, crabbing, and cast netting in designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Bank and wharf access for fishing are
available year-round at the Public Use Areas
along State Highway 27. You may only access the refuge by boat during the March 15
to October 15 open period.
2. We allow use of rod and reel, pole and
line, or jug and line. We prohibit the use or
possession of any other type of fishing gear,


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

including limb lines, gill nets, or trot lines.
We limit jug and line to 10 per boat, and you
must attend them at all times. You must
mark all jugs with the attendant’s fishing license number and remove them (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) from the refuge daily.
3. You must only launch boats with motors
at the designated boat ramps at the Hog Island Gully and West Cove Public Use Areas.
4. You must launch nonmotorized boats at
the 1A–1B Public Use Area.
5. We only allow operation of outboard motors in designated refuge canals, Old North
Bayou, and Management Unit 3 (40 hp maximum in Unit 3). We allow trolling motors
within the refuge marshes.
6. Conditions A9, A11, A16 (fishing guide),
and A17 apply.
7. Crabbing: We allow crabbing in designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
i. You must only take crabs with cotton
hand lines or drop nets with up to 24″ (60 cm)
outside diameter.
ii. You must remove all hand lines, drop
nets, and bait (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge upon leaving.
iii. We allow a daily limit on crabs of 5
dozen (60) per vehicle or boat.
8. Cast Netting: We only allow cast netting
in designated areas of the refuge during the
Louisiana Inland Shrimp Season subject to
the following conditions:
i. We require each individual, regardless of
age, to possess and carry a signed refuge
cast-netting permit.
ii. An adult age 21 or older must directly
supervise all youth hunters age 17 and under.
iii. We only allow cast netting from 12 p.m.
(noon) to legal sunset.
iv. If you use a cast net, it must not exceed
a 5 foot (1.5 m) hanging radius.
v. We only allow recreational cast netting
for shrimp. You must immediately return all
fish, crabs, or other incidental take (by
catch) to the water before continuing to cast
vi. We allow a daily shrimp limit of 5 gallons (19 L) of heads-on shrimp per day, per
vehicle, or per boat.
vii. Shrimp must remain in your actual
custody while on the refuge.
viii. You must cast net from the bank and
wharves at Northline, Hog Island Gully, and
1A–1B Public Use Areas or at sites along
Hwy. 27 that provide safe access and that we
do not post and sign as closed areas.
ix. We prohibit cast netting at or around
the West Cove Public Use Area or on or
around any boat launch.
x. You may cast net from a boat throughout the refuge except where posted and
signed as closed.
xi. We prohibit reserving a place or saving
a space for yourself or others by any means
to include placing unattended equipment in
designated cast-netting areas.

xii. We prohibit swimming in the refuge
canals or wading into canals to cast net.
9. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, coot, woodcock, and snipe
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of duck and coot on
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays until 12 p.m. (noon) during the State
season. We prohibit migratory bird hunting
during refuge gun hunts for deer.
2. We allow hunting of woodcock on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations.
3. We allow hunters to enter the refuge no
earlier than 4 a.m.
4. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed’’ or ‘‘No
Hunting Zone,’’ we prohibit hunting of migratory birds at any time. We also close open
fields, marked on the Public Use Regulations
brochure map, to migratory bird hunting.
You may obtain the Public Use Regulations
brochure at the refuge headquarters in July.
5. We prohibit shooting to unload guns or
muzzleloaders (see § 27.42(a) of this chapter)
on the refuge at any time.
6. Hunters must remove all blind materials
and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) each
7. We allow nonmotorized boats, electric
motors, and boats with motors 10 hp or less
in refuge lakes, streams, and bayous. We prohibit storage of boats on the refuge, and you
must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily.
8. We require all waterfowl hunters to report their game immediately after each hunt
at the check station nearest to the point of
9. We prohibit possession or distribution of
bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals or other feed, or
any nonnaturally occurring attractant on
the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
10. We allow all-terrain vehicle travel on
designated trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter)
for access typically from September 15 to the
last day of the State squirrel season. We
open designated trails from 4 a.m. until no
later than 2 hours after legal sunset unless
otherwise specified. We define an ATV as an
off-road vehicle (not legal for highway use)
with factory specifications not to exceed the
following: weight 750 pounds (337.5 kg),
length 85 inches (212.5 cm), and width 48
inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to
those no larger than 25 x 12 with a maximum
1 inch (2.5 cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi as indicated on
the tire by the manufacturer. We require an


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.37

affixed refuge all-terrain vehicle permit obtained from the refuge headquarters (typically in July). Disabled hunters using the
refuge handicapped all-terrain trails must
possess and carry the State’s Disabled
Hunter Permit. Additional handicapped or
disabled access information will be available
at the refuge headquarters.
11. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, trail or
ATV trail, building, residence, above-ground
oil or gas or electrical transmission facilities, or designated public facility.
12. We prohibit use and possession of any
type of trail-marking material.
13. We prohibit use of organized drives for
taking or attempting to take game.
14. We require a refuge access permit for
all migratory bird hunts. You may find permits on the front of the Public Use Regulations brochure.
15. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult can
supervise no more than two youth hunters
during waterfowl hunts.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of raccoon, squirrel, and rabbit on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow raccoon hunting beginning
January 1 and typically ending the first
week in February. We allow raccoon hunters
to hunt from legal sunset to legal sunrise
with the aid of dogs, horses, mules, and use
of lights. We only allow such use of lights on
the refuge at the point of kill. We prohibit
all other use of lights for hunting on the refuge. Hunt dates will be available at refuge
headquarters in July. We prohibit ATVs during the raccoon hunt.
2. We allow squirrel and rabbit hunting
with and without dogs. We will allow hunting without dogs from the beginning of the
State season and typically ending the day
before the refuge deer muzzleloader hunt. We
do not require wearing of hunter orange during the squirrel and rabbit hunt without
dogs. Squirrel and rabbit hunting, with or
without dogs, will begin the day after the
refuge deer muzzleloader hunt and will conclude the last day of the State squirrel season.
3. We close squirrel and rabbit hunting during the following gun hunts for deer:
refugewide youth hunt, muzzleloader hunt,
and modern firearms hunts.
4. We allow hunters to enter the refuge
after 4 a.m., and they must depart no later
than 2 hours after legal sunset unless they
are participating in the refuge raccoon hunt.

5. Conditions A5, A7, A8 (all upland game
hunters), A9, A10, A11, A12, A14 (upland game
hunts), and A15 (upland game hunts) apply.
6. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed’’ or ‘‘No
Hunting Zone,’’ we prohibit upland game
hunting at any time.
7. We allow .22 caliber rimfire weapons for
upland game. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to
the use of shotgun ammunition.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Deer archery season will begin the first
Saturday in November and will conclude on
the last day of the State archery season
(typically January 31). We require that archery hunters, including crossbow hunters,
possess and carry proof of completion of the
International Bowhunters Safety course. We
prohibit archery hunting during the following: refuge and youth gun hunt, muzzleloader hunt, and modern firearms hunt.
2. Deer muzzleloader season lasts 3 days,
on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday between
the two refuge modern firearms hunts. We
allow in-line muzzleloaders and magnified
3. We will conduct two 2-day quota modern
firearms hunts for deer, typically in the
months of November and December. Hunt
dates and permit application procedures will
be available at refuge headquarters in July.
Hunters may use a muzzleloader during this
4. We will conduct a 2-day population control quota youth deer hunt in the Greenlea
Bend area typically in December. Hunt dates
and permit application procedures will be
available at the refuge headquarters in July.
5. We will conduct a refugewide youth deer
hunt the weekend before Thanksgiving Day.
Each participating youth hunter must be age
8 to15 and supervised by an adult who is at
least age 21.
6. You may only take one deer per day during refuge deer hunts. The State season limit
7. We allow turkey hunting the first 16
days of the State turkey season. We will conduct a youth turkey hunt the Saturday and
Sunday before the regular State turkey season. You may harvest two bearded turkeys
per season. We allow the possession of lead
shot while turkey hunting on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)). You may use nonmotorized bicycles
on designated all-terrain vehicle trails (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
8. Conditions A5, A7, A8 (deer and turkey
hunters), A9 through A14 (deer and turkey
hunters), A15 (each adult can supervise no
more than one youth hunter during big game
hunts), and B4 apply.


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§ 32.37

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

9. In areas posted ‘‘Area Closed’’ or ‘‘No
Hunting Zone,’’ we prohibit big game hunting
at all times. We close open fields, which we
mark on the Public Use Regulations brochure map, during the deer muzzleloader and
deer modern firearms hunts; but we open
those fields for deer archery hunting. We
prohibit shooting into or across any open
field with a gun.
10. We allow shotguns equipped with a single piece magazine plug that allows the gun
to hold no more than two shells in the magazine and one in the chamber.
11. We only allow shotgun hunters to use
rifled slugs when hunting deer.
12. We prohibit possession of buckshot
while on the refuge.
13. You must remove all stands, blind materials, and decoys from the refuge following
each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
14. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of unbroken hunter orange
as the outermost layer of clothing on the
chest and back, and in addition we require a
hat or cap of unbroken hunter orange. You
must wear the solid hunter-orange items
while in the field.
15. We prohibit possession or distribution
of bait or hunting with the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals or other
feed, or any nonnaturally occurring attractant on the refuge (see § 32.2(h)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow trotlines attached with a
length of cotton line that extends into the
water. You must tend the trotlines at least
once every 24 hours and reset them when receded waters expose them.
2. Conditions A7, A10 (the only exceptions
are the Rainey Lake and Mower Woods allterrain trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter),
which are open year-round with the same
time restrictions as the seasonal all-terrain
trails), A12, and B4 (anglers) apply.
3. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, woodcock, and
dove on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge permit.
2. We allow waterfowl hunting on the west
side of the Ouachita River north of RCW
Road. We allow waterfowl hunting on the
east side of the Ouachita River outside the
Mollicy levee, west of Kelby Road, and south
of School Board South Road within the
3. We allow woodcock hunting west of the
Ouachita River. We allow woodcock hunting

on the east side of the Ouachita River outside the Mollicy levee, west of Kelby Road,
and south of School Board South Road within the levee.
4. We only allow dove hunting during the
first 3 days of the State season east of the
Ouachita River outside the Mollicy levee,
west of Kelby Road, and south of School
Board South Road within the levee.
5. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m.
(noon) during the State season.
6. We will hold a limited lottery hunt during the State Youth Waterfowl Hunt. Application instructions are available at the refuge office.
7. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 3 a.m.
8. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45
m) of any public road, refuge road, building,
residence, above-ground oil, gas, or public facility and within 50 feet (15 m) of ATV trails
(see § 27.31 of this chapter).
9. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and
decoys unattended.
10. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
11. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
12. We prohibit any person or group to act
as a hunting guide, outfitter, or in any other
capacity that any other individual(s) pays or
promises to pay directly or indirectly for
services rendered to any other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of
whether such payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A8, A9, and A12 (to hunt
upland game) apply.
2. We allow hunting west of the Ouachita
River. We allow hunting on the east side of
the Ouachita River outside the Mollicy
levee, west of Kelby Road, and south of
School Board South Road within the levee.
3. We prohibit possession of firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) larger than .22 caliber
rimfire, shotgun slugs, and buckshot.
4. We allow hunting of raccoon and opossum during the daylight hours of rabbit and
squirrel season. We allow night hunting during December and January, and you may use
dogs for night hunting. We prohibit selling of
raccoon and opossum taken on the refuge for
human consumption.
5. We allow use of dogs to hunt squirrel and
rabbit after the last refuge Gun Deer Hunt.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.38

6. If you want to use horses and mules to
hunt raccoon and opossum at night, you
must first obtain a special permit at the refuge office.
7. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 3 a.m. and must exit no later than 2
hours after legal shooting hours.
8. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
supervise no more than one youth hunter.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A8, A9, A12 (to hunt big
game), and B7 apply.
2. We allow general gun deer hunting on
the following days: the first consecutive Saturday and Sunday of November; the Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday following Thanksgiving Day; and the second Saturday and
Sunday after Thanksgiving Day. We allow
archery deer hunting during the entire State
3. We allow deer hunting west of the
Ouachita River. We allow deer hunting on
the east side of the Ouachita River outside
the Mollicy levee, west of Kelby Road, and
south of School Board South Road within
the levee.
4. The daily bag limit is one deer of either
sex. The State season limit applies.
5. During general Gun Deer Hunts, you
must check all deer on the day taken during
general Gun Deer Hunts at a refuge check
station between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. unless stated otherwise in the annual refuge hunting
brochure and permit.
6. Archery hunters must possess and carry
proof of completion of the International
Bowhunters’ Education Program.
7. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds,
and other equipment unattended.
8. Deer hunters must wear hunter orange
as per State deer hunting regulations on
Wildlife Management Areas.
9. We prohibit hunters placing stands or
hunting from stands on pine trees with
white-painted bands/rings.
10. Youth hunters under age 16 must successfully complete a State-approved hunter
education course. While hunting, each youth
must possess and carry a card or certificate
of completion. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Each adult may
supervise no more than one youth hunter.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. We allow sport fishing year-round except
within the Mollicy levee. We allow fishing in
the Wigeon Ponds and Reservoir March 1
through October 15, from 30 minutes before
legal sunrise until 30 minutes after legal sunset.
2. We prohibit outboard motors in the
Wigeon Ponds. We prohibit boat launching
with motors greater than 50 hp in the Reservoir.
3. We prohibit leaving boats and other personal property on the refuge unattended.
4. You must tend trotlines daily. You must
attach ends of trotlines by a length of cotton
line that extends into the water.
5. We prohibit commercial fishing. Recreational fishing using commercial gear (slat
traps, etc.) requires a special refuge permit
(that you must possess and carry) available
at the refuge office.
6. We prohibit the taking of turtle (see
§ 27.21 of this chapter).
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29074, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6692, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55186, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 5277, Jan.
26, 1995; 60 FR 62042, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 45367,
Aug. 29, 1996; 61 FR 46395, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47378, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46916, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30783, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56402, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46357, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58945,
Sept. 18, 2002; 68 FR 57316, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR
54362, 54394, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept.
17, 2004]

§ 32.38


The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, American crow, and
woodcock in accordance with State regulations, seasons, and bag limits subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must wear two articles of hunter-orange clothing or material. One article must
be a solid-colored hunter-orange hat; the
other must cover a major portion of the
torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat, or poncho
and must be a minimum of 50 percent hunter
orange in color (such as orange camouflage)
except when hunting waterfowl.
2. We will provide permanent refuge blinds
at various locations that you may reserve.
You may make reservations for blinds up to
1 year in advance, for a maximum of 1 week,
running Monday through Sunday during the
hunting season. You may make reservations
for additional weeks up to 1 week in advance,
on a space-available basis. We prohibit other
permanent blinds. You must remove temporary blinds, boats, and decoys (see § 27.93 of


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§ 32.38

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

this chapter) from the refuge following each
3. You may use dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
birds (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
4. We open the refuge to hunting during
the hours stipulated under each State’s
hunting regulations but no longer than from
1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after
legal sunset. We close the refuge to night
hunting. You must unload all firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) outside of legal hunting hours.
5. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs or OHRVs) (see § 27.31(f) of this
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of coyote, fox, raccoon, woodchuck, red and
eastern gray squirrel, porcupine, skunk,
snowshoe hare, ring-necked pheasant, ruffed
grouse, and northern bobwhite in accordance
with State regulations, seasons, and bag limits subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while on the refuge.
2. We open the refuge to hunting during
the hours stipulated under State hunting
regulations, but no longer than from 1⁄2 hour
before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after legal
sunset. We close the refuge to night hunting.
You must unload all firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter), and nock no arrows outside of
legal hunting hours.
3. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs or OHRVs) (see § 27.31(f) of this
4. You must wear two articles of hunter-orange clothing or material. One article must
be a solid-colored hunter-orange hat; the
other must cover a major portion of the
torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat, or poncho
and must be a minimum of 50 percent hunter
orange in color (such as orange camouflage)
except when hunting turkey.
5. We allow hunting of coyote and snowshoe hare with dogs during State hunting
seasons. Hunting with trailing dogs on the
refuge will be subject to the following regulations:
i. You must equip all dogs used to hunt
coyote with working radio-telemetry collars,
and you must be in possession of a working
radio-telemetry receiver that can detect and
track the frequencies of all collars used. We
do not require radio-telemetry collars for
dogs used to hunt snowshoe hare.
ii. We prohibit training during or outside
of dog season for coyote or hare.
iii. We allow a maximum of four dogs per
iv. You must pick up all dogs the same day
you release them.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
bear, white-tailed deer, and moose in accordance with State regulations, seasons, and
bag limits subject to the following conditions:

1. We open the refuge to hunting during
the hours stipulated under State hunting
regulations but no longer than from 1⁄2 hour
before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after legal
sunset. We close the refuge to night hunting.
You must unload all firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter) and nock no arrows outside of
legal hunting hours.
2. We allow bear hunting with dogs during
State hunting seasons. Hunting with trailing
dogs on the refuge will be subject to the following regulations:
i. You must equip all dogs used to hunt
bear with working radio-telemetry collars
and hunters must be in possession of a working radio-telemetry receiver that can detect
and track the frequencies of all collars used.
ii. We prohibit training during or outside
of dog season for bear.
iii. We allow a maximum of four dogs per
iv. You must pick up all dogs the same day
you release them.
3. We allow prehunt scouting of the refuge;
however, we prohibit dogs and firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) during prehunt scouting.
4. Each hunter must wear two articles of
hunter-orange clothing or material. One article must be a solid-colored hunter-orange
hat; the other must cover a major portion of
the torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat, or
poncho and must be a minimum of 50 percent
hunter orange in color (i.e., orange camouflage).
5. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs or OHRVs) (see § 27.31(f) of this
6. We allow temporary tree stands and
blinds, but hunters must remove them by the
end of the season (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
We prohibit nails, screws, or screw-in climbing pegs to build or access a stand or blind
(see § 32.2(i)).
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may enter the refuge 1⁄2 hour before
legal shooting hours, and you must leave the
refuge by 1⁄2 hour past legal shooting hours.
2. During firearms big game season, we require hunters to wear a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored,
hunter-orange clothing or material as the
outermost layer of clothing on the head,
chest, and back.
3. You must only use portable tree stands,
blinds, and ladders. We prohibit the use of
nails, screws, or bolts to attach them to
trees (see § 32.2(i)). You must clearly label
any tree stand, blind, or ladder left on the


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.38

refuge overnight with your name, address,
phone number, and hunting license number.
You must remove all tree stands, blinds, and
ladders from the refuge on the last day of the
muzzleloader deer season (see § 27.93 of this
4. You may only use a long, recurved or
compound bow to hunt during the archery
5. We prohibit hunting in the following
i. The South Magurrewock Area: The
boundary of this area begins at the intersection of the Charlotte Road and U.S. Route 1;
it follows the Charlotte Road in a southerly
direction to the fishing pier and observation
blind, where it turns in an easterly direction,
crosses the East Branch of the Magurrewock
Stream, and proceeds in a northerly direction along the upland edge of the Upper and
Middle Magurrewock Marshes to U.S. Route
1 where it follows Route 1 in a southerly direction to the point of origin.
ii. The North Magurrewock Area: The
boundary of this area begins where the
northern exterior boundary of the refuge and
Route 1 intersect; it follows the boundary
line in a westerly direction to the railroad
grade where it follows the boundary in a
southwest direction to the upland edge of the
Lower Barn Meadow Marsh; it then follows
the upland edge of the marsh in a southerly
direction to U.S. Route 1, where it follows
Route 1 to the point of origin.
iii. The posted safety zone around the Refuge Headquarters Complex: The boundary of
this area starts where the southerly edge of
the Horse Pasture Field intersects with the
Charlotte Road. The boundary follows the
southern edge of the Horse Pasture Field,
across the abandoned Maine Central Railroad grade, where it intersects with the
North Fireline Road. It follows the North
Fireline Road to a point near the northwest
corner of the Lane Construction Tract. The
line then proceeds along a cleared and
marked trail in a northwesterly direction to
the northern upland edge of Dudley Swamp.
The line follows the shore of Dudley Swamp
to the Barn Meadow Road. It proceeds south
along the Barn Meadow Road to the intersection with the South Fireline Road, where it
follows the South Fire line Road across the
Headquarters Road to the intersection with
the Mile Bridge Road. It then follows the
Mile Bridge Road in a southerly direction to
the intersection with the Lunn Road, then
along the Lunn Road leaving the road in an
easterly direction at the site of the old crossing, across the abandoned Maine Central
Railroad grade to the Charlotte Road. The
line follows the Charlotte Road in a northerly direction to the point of origin.
iv. The Southern Gravel Pit: The boundary
of this area starts at a point where Cranberry Brook crosses the Charlotte Road and
proceeds south along the Charlotte Road to

the Baring/Charlotte Town Line, along the
Town Line to a point where it intersects the
railroad grade where it turns in a northerly
direction, and follows the railroad grade to
Cranberry Brook and the point of origin.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit motorized boats on Bearce
and Conic Lakes.
2. We only allow fishing from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
3. We allow fishing in the following areas
on the Baring Division of the refuge:
i. Bearce Lake, Conic Lake, James Pond,
Ledge Pond, and Vose Pond;
ii. Clark Brook and the West Branch of the
Magurrewock Stream from the outlet of the
Howard Mill Flowage water control structure to the handicapped-accessible fishing
pier located off the Charlotte Road; and
iii. Barn Meadow Brook, Cranberry Brook,
Mahar Brook, and Moosehorn Stream.
4. We allow fishing in the following areas
on the Edmunds Division of the refuge: Hobart Lake, Hobart Stream, Cranberry Brook,
Crane Meadow Brook, Crane Mill Stream,
and Crane Mill Flowage.
5. We prohibit fishing on the stretch of
Moosehorn Stream on the Baring Division
that lies west of the Charlotte Road and east
of the Mile Bridge Road between March 31
and July 14.
6. We prohibit trapping of bait fish on the
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, woodcock, rail, gallinule, and snipe on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit erection of permanent waterfowl blinds.
2. You must remove all temporary blinds,
concealment materials, boats, and decoys
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
2. We allow only pointing and flushing
3. We prohibit the hunting of crows.
4. You may hunt coyotes from November 1
to March 31.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and bear on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit dogs.


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§ 32.38

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

2. We only allow black bear hunting during
the firearm season for white-tailed deer.
3. You must remove all tree stands by the
last day of the white-tailed deer hunting season (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
4. We normally close the refuge to all visitors from legal sunset to legal sunrise. However, during hunting season, we allow hunters to enter the refuge 1⁄2 hour prior to legal
sunrise and remain on the refuge 1⁄2 hour
after legal sunset.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, coot, woodcock, and snipe
on designated areas of the Brave Boat Harbor, Lower Wells, Upper Wells, Mousam
River, Goose Rocks, and Spurwink River Divisions of the refuge in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Prior to entering designated refuge
hunting areas, you must obtain a refuge
hunting permit, pay a recreation fee, and
sign and carry the permit at all times.
2. You may only take sea duck when the
State sea duck season coincides with the regular duck season.
3. You may take waterfowl by falconry
during State seasons.
4. We open Designated Youth Hunting
Areas to hunters age 17 and under who possess and carry a refuge hunting permit. Each
youth hunter must remain within sight and
normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or
older. The accompanying adult must possess
and carry a refuge hunting permit and may
also hunt.
5. We allow seasonal blinds and require a
Special Use Permit. A permitted seasonal
blind is available to all permitted hunters on
a first-come, first-served basis. The permit
holder for the blind is responsible for the removal of the blind at the end of the season
and compliance with all conditions of the
Special Use Permit.
6. We close the Moody, Little River, Biddeford Pool, and Goosefare Brook divisions of
the refuge to all migratory bird hunting.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant and grouse on designated areas
of the Brave Boat Harbor, Lower Wells,
Upper Wells, Mousam River, Goose Rocks,
Goosefare Brook, and Spurwink River Divisions of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A1 applies.
2. You may take pheasant and grouse by
falconry during State seasons.
3. We close the Moody, Little River, and
Biddeford Pool Divisions of the refuge to all
upland game hunting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
Brave Boat Harbor, Lower Wells, Upper

Wells, Mousam River, Goose Rocks, Little
River, Goosefare Brook, and Spurwink River
Divisions of the refuge in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Conditions A1 and A4 apply.
2. We only allow hunting of deer with shotgun and archery. We prohibit rifles and muzzleloading firearms.
3. We allow portable, climbing, or ladder
4. We close the Moody and Biddeford Pool
Division of the refuge to white-tailed deer
5. We only allow archery on those areas of
the Little River division open to hunting.
6. We only allow hunting of fox and coyote
during daylight hours of the State firearm
deer season.
7. Bow hunters with refuge permits (you
must possess and carry) may apply for the
special ‘‘Wells Hunt.’’ We must receive letters
of interest by November 1 for consideration
in a random drawing. Selected hunters must
comply with regulations as set by the State.
8. You must report any harvested deer to
the refuge office within 48 hours.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow recreational
fishing along the shoreline on the following
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations and seasons subject
to the following conditions:
1. At the Brave Boat Harbor Division on
the north side (York) of the stream crossing
under Route 103, you may fish beginning at
Route 103 then downstream to the first railroad trestle.
2. At the Moody Division on the north side
of the Ogunquit River and downstream of
Route 1, you may fish beginning at the refuge boundary then downstream a distance of
500 feet (150 m).
3. At the Moody Division on the east side
of Stevens Brook and downstream of Bourne
Avenue, you may fish beginning at Bourne
Avenue then downstream to where the refuge
ends near Ocean Avenue.
4. At the Lower Wells Division on the west
side of the Webhannet River downstream of
Mile Road, you may fish from Mile Road
north to the first creek.
5. At the Upper Wells Division on the south
side of the Merriland River downstream of
Skinner Mil Road, you may fish beginning at
the refuge boundary and then east along the
oxbow to the woods.
6. At the Mousam River Division on the
north side of the Mousam River downstream
of Route 9, you may fish beginning at the
refuge boundary and then east to a point opposite Great Hill Road. Access is from the
Bridle Path along the first tidal creek.
7. At the Goosefare Brook Division on the
south side of Goosefare Brook, you may fish
where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
8. At the Spurwink River Division on the
west side (Scarborough) of the Spurwink


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.39

River upstream of Route 77, you may fish beginning at Route 77 and then upstream approximately 1,000 feet (300 m) to a point near
the fork in the river.
9. You may launch car-top boats during
daylight hours at Brave Boat Harbor Division on Chauncey Creek at the intersection
of Cutts Island Road and Sea Point Road.
10. You may launch car-top boats during
daylight hours at the Spurwink River Division on the upstream side of Route 77 at the
old road crossing.
11. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
12. We prohibit lead jigs and sinkers.
13. Anglers must attend their lines at all
14. We prohibit the collection of bait fish
on the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge pursuant to State
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:
Shotgun hunters may possess only approved
nontoxic shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer,
moose, or bear is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. Hunters during firearms big game season
must wear in a conspicuous manner on head,
chest and back a minimum of 400 square
inches of solid-colored hunter orange clothing or material.
D. Sport Fishing. You may fish on the waters of and from the banks of Baker Brook,
Birch Stream, Buzzy Brook, Johnson Brook,
Little Birch Stream, Little Buzzy Brook,
Sandy Stream, and Sunkhaze Stream.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29075, May 18, 1993; 60 FR 62043, Dec. 4,
1995; 61 FR 46396, Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR 46917,
Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30784, May 12, 2000; 65 FR
56403, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46358, Sept. 4, 2001;
67 FR 58946, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54410,
Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.39


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in ac-

cordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require refuge permits for all hunters
regardless of age. We require that permits
must be in the hunter’s possession along
with a valid Maryland State hunting license,
any required stamps, and a photo identification. Permits are nontransferable.
2. We require that hunters obtain deer hunt
permits only through the mail, by mailing
an application and administration fee to the
refuge after applications are available in
July. To obtain an application and regulations leaflet (including designated areas and
map, dates of hunts, bag limits, and permit
fees) for archery, youth, muzzleloader, and
shotgun hunts, we require hunters to contact
the refuge hunt coordinator or refuge Visitor
Center, which is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
3. We allow archery hunters to obtain a
permit; permits are available at the Visitor
Center, after the first week of September
until the end of the archery season.
4. We allow walk-in youth hunters to obtain a permit at the check station on the day
of the hunt.
5. A licensed or exempt-from-licensed unarmed adult, age 21 or older, must accompany youth hunters (at least age 12 but less
than age 16) at all times in the field.
6. We require a physician to certify
‘‘wheelchair-bound’’ permanently disabled
hunters; and an assistant, who must not use
a firearm, must accompany these hunters.
We require the permanently disabled certification to accompany the hunters’ permit application.
7. We only allow participants possessing
authorized permits to enter the hunt areas.
8. Beginning at 5 a.m., we require check-in
for the youth hunts, muzzleloader hunts, and
shotgun hunts.
9. At the refuge check station on the day of
the kill for all firearm hunts, we require
hunters to properly tag and present for examination all deer killed.
10. We require hunters to seek refuge employee assistance to retrieve deer from
closed areas.
11. We do not require check-in or check out
at the refuge for the archery hunt, but we require hunters to register harvested deer at
one of the State check stations designated
by the refuge.
12. We only allow weapons that meet State
regulations (bows and arrows for archery,
shotguns with slugs and/or No. 1 buckshot or
larger for youth hunts and shotgun hunts,
and muzzleloading rifles and muzzleloading
shotguns only for muzzleloader hunts). We
prohibit handguns and breech-loading rifles.
13. We only allow access to hunt areas on
designated roads and parking areas indicated
on hunt maps in the regulations leaflet (obtained with application by mail or at the
Visitor Center) (see § 27.31 of this chapter).


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§ 32.39

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

The only other access we allow is walk-in or
bicycles. We prohibit access by boats or
14. We only allow scouting on designated
days listed in the regulations for permitted
15. We do not require check-in or check out
for scouting.
16. We prohibit firearms or other weapons
on the refuge when scouting.
17. We require adult hunters, age 21 or
older, to accompany permitted youth hunters while scouting.
18. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm 2) of solid-colored daylight
fluorescent-orange clothing to be worn on
the head, chest, and back of all hunters during the youth, muzzleloader, and shotgun
19. We require the use of a tree stand that
elevates the hunter a minimum of 8 feet (240
cm) above the ground for hunting Area B2
(except disabled hunters). We allow temporary, removable, ladder, fixed, and climbing-type tree stands that do not damage
trees in all other areas (see §§ 32.2(i)).
20. We prohibit screw-in steps, spikes, or
other objects that may damage trees.
21. We prohibit hunting from a permanently constructed tree stand.
22. We allow hunters to preinstall tree
stands during the scouting days for use during selected hunts and to leave the tree
stands in the hunting area at the hunter’s
discretion. We require hunters to remove all
stands the last day of the refuge hunting season (we are not responsible for damage,
theft, or other hunter occupancy) (see § 27.93
of this chapter).
23. We prohibit dogs in hunt areas.
24. We prohibit hunting from or shooting
across a roadway where we allow vehicle
25. We prohibit driving deer during youth
26. We prohibit commercialized guiding.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing and crabbing from
April 1 through September 30 during daylight hours.
2. We restrict fishing and crabbing to boats
and the Key Wallace roadway across the Little Blackwater River.
3. We require a valid State sport fishing license. We do not require a refuge permit.
4. We require anglers to attend all fish and
crab lines.
5. We prohibit boat launching from refuge
lands except for canoes/kayaks at the canoe/
kayak ramp located near the Blackwater
River Bridge on Route 335. A public launching ramp is available at Shorter’s Wharf.
6. We prohibit the use of air boats on refuge waters.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
hunting regulations subject to the following
1. We require hunters to carry a signed refuge hunt permit when scouting on the designated scouting days and when hunting.
Hunters must turn in their hunt permit at
the end of the hunt day or when leaving the
refuge during the hunt day at the check-in
2. We only allow use of bow and arrows,
shotguns, and muzzleloaders for deer hunting
and shotguns for turkey hunting.
3. We prohibit possession of a loaded weapon (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) on or within
50 feet (15 m) of any graveled, dirt, or paved
refuge road or any designated parking area.
4. We require a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm 2) of solid hunter-orange
clothing or material as the outermost layer
of clothing on the head, chest, and back
when deer hunting.
5. You must wear a hunter-orange cap or
hat when moving to or from your blind or
stand when turkey hunting.
6. Each youth hunter (age 15 or under)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 18 or older. Children
must be at least age 10 to hunt on the refuge.
7. We only allow parking in designated
parking areas.
8. We prohibit hunting in the No Hunting
Zones; however, you may walk through these
areas with an unloaded weapon (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter) (no shells in the chamber or
magazine cap off of the muzzleloader).
9. For deer hunting, the legal shooting
hours are from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
10. For turkey hunting, the legal shooting
hours are from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to
12 p.m. (noon).
11. We prohibit entry to the refuge by boats
during refuge hunts.
12. We only allow persons possessing a refuge hunt permit to be on the refuge during
hunting days.
13. We prohibit the use of ATVs during refuge hunts (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
14. We allow the use of marking tape, reflective pins, or other removable materials
to mark trails to and from stands. You must
remove the marking material (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) at the end of your hunt day. We
prohibit paint or any other permanent marker to mark trails.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing and crabbing from Eastern Neck Island bridge.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.39

2. We only allow fishing and crabbing from
April 1—September 30 during daylight hours
at the Ingleside Recreation Area.
3. We only allow fishing from the Boxes
Point and Duck Inn Trails during daylight
4. We allow fishing and crabbing from
boardwalk located adjacent to the Eastern
Neck Island bridge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and dove on the
North Tract in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a hunting permit.
2. We require hunters age 17 years of age or
younger to have a parent or guardian countersign to receive a hunting permit. An
adult, age 21 or older possessing a hunting
permit, must accompany hunters age 15 and
younger in the field.
3. You must check-in and out at the
Hunter Control Station (HCS) and exchange
your hunting permit for a daily hunting pass
and a vehicle pass every time you enter or
exit the refuge.
4. We will restrict you to the selected area
and activity until you check out at the HCS.
5. You may only carry one shotgun in the
field. We prohibit additional firearms.
6. You must wear at least a fluorescent-orange hat or cap when walking from your vehicle to your hunting site. ‘‘Jump Shooters’’
must wear at least a fluorescent-orange hat
or cap while hunting. If you stop and stand,
you may replace the orange hat or cap with
a camouflage one.
7. We only allow the taking of Canada
goose during the special September season
for resident Canada goose.
8. We prohibit hunting of duck or goose
during the deer firearm seasons and the
early deer muzzleloader seasons that occur
in October.
9. We prohibit hunting quail or dove during
any deer muzzleloader or firearms seasons.
10. We require waterfowl hunters to use retrievers on any impounded waters. Retrievers must be of the traditional breeds, such as
Chesapeake Bay, Golden, Labrador, etc.
11. We require dogs to be under the immediate control of their owner at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter). Law enforcement
officers may seize dogs running loose or unattended.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of turkey, bobwhite quail, grey squirrel,
eastern cottontail rabbit, and woodchuck on
the North Tract and turkey on the Central
Tract in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a fee hunting permit.
2. Conditions A2 and A4 apply.
3. We require hunters to check-in and out
at the Hunter Control Station every time
they enter or exit the refuge and exchange

their hunting permit for a daily hunting pass
and vehicle pass.
4. You must wear a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of fluorescent orange on
your head, chest, and back while hunting upland game except for turkey hunting. We encourage turkey hunters to wear fluorescent
5. We prohibit hunting of upland game during the firearms and muzzleloader seasons.
6. We select turkey hunting permits by
computerized lottery. We will generate a
computerized lottery list for the youth, disabled, mobility impaired, and general public.
We require documentation for disabled and
mobility-impaired hunters.
7. We require each turkey hunter to attend
the a turkey clinic. See the refuge office for
further information.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require you to pass a proficiency test
with each weapon that you desire to use
prior to issuing you a hunting permit.
2. Conditions A1 through A4 apply.
3. You must wear a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of fluorescent orange on
your head, chest, and back while hunting.
Bow hunters must follow this requirement
when moving to and from the deer stand
while tracking. We do not require bow hunters to wear the fluorescent orange when positioning to hunt except during the deer muzzleloader season.
4. You must use established roads, park
within the selected boundary, and not block
5. We prohibit hunting on or across any
road, within 50 yards (45 m) of a road, within
150 yards (135 m) of any occupied structure,
or within 25 yards (22.5 m) from any designated ‘‘No Hunting’’ area. Only those with a
State ‘‘Hunt from a Vehicle Permit’’ may
hunt from the roadside.
6. We prohibit using dogs to hunt or track
wounded deer.
7. We publish the daily and yearly bag limits and hunting dates for the North, Central,
and South Tracts in July and will include
them with each hunting permit.
8. North Tract: We allow shotgun, muzzleloader, and bow hunting.
i. You must use a portable tree stand
equipped with a safety belt. The stand must
be at least 10 feet (3 m) off the ground. You
must wear the safety belt while in the tree
stand. You must remove tree stands daily
from the refuge (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
9. Central Tract: We allow shotgun and
bow hunting in accordance with the following regulations:
i. We allow bow hunters to hunt on the
Schaefer Farm.


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§ 32.40

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

ii. We will select hunters interested in the
Central Tract hunt by a computerized lottery and assign them to a specific hunting
iii. Shotgun hunters must use both portable tree stands and safety belts. The stand
must be at least 10 feet (3 m) off the ground.
iv. You must carry a flashlight, whistle,
and a compass while hunting.
10. South Tract: We allow shotgun, muzzleloader, and bow hunting in accordance with
the following regulations:
i. We prohibit entry onto fire roads.
ii. Conditions 8i and 9iv apply.
11. You must check out at the Hunter Control Station no later than 11⁄2 hours after
legal sunset.
12. All deer harvested will have a jaw extracted before leaving the refuge.
13. If you wish to track wounded deer beyond 11⁄2 hours after legal sunset, you must
report in person to the HCS or if you are
hunting on the refuge’s South Tract, call the
HCS. The HCS will call a refuge law enforcement officer to gain consent to track. We
prohibit tracking later than 21⁄2 hours after
legal sunset. We may revoke your hunting
privilege if you wound a deer and do not
make a reasonable effort to retrieve it. This
may include next-day tracking.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing in
accordance with State hook and line fishing
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow the use of earthworms as the
only source of live bait.
2. We prohibit harvesting bait on the refuge.
3. You must attend all fishing lines.
4. We prohibit fishing from any bridge.
5. North Tract: We allow sport fishing at
Lake Allen, Rieve’s Pond, New Marsh, Cattail Pond, Bailey Bridge Marsh, and Little
Patuxent River (downstream only from Bailey’s Bridge) in accordance with the following regulations:
i. We require a free refuge permit (you
must possess and carry) to access North
Tract. If you are age 17 or younger, you must
have a parent or guardian countersign to receive an access permit. A parent or legal
guardian must accompany those age 15 and
ii. You may take the following species: catfish, chain pickerel, black crappie, eels, sunfish,
smallmouth bass. Bass limit is one per day.
iii. You may fish year-round at Lake Allen,
New Marsh, Cattail Pond, Bailey Bridge
Marsh, and Little Patuxent River (downstream only from Bailey Bridge) except during the white-tailed deer firearm hunting
season and the waterfowl hunting season. We
also reserve the right to close Lake Allen at
any time.

iv. You may fish at Rieve’s Pond from February 1 to August 31 and on Sundays from
September 1 to January 31.
v. We allow wading, for fishing purposes
only, downstream from Bailey Bridge on the
Little Patuxent River. We prohibit wading in
other bodies of water.
vi. We prohibit use of any type of
6. South Tract: We allow sport fishing at
Cash Lake in accordance with the following
i. We require a free refuge fishing permit.
You must carry a copy of the permit with
you at all times while fishing. Organized
groups may request a group permit. The
group leader must carry a copy of the permit
and stay with the group at all times while
ii. You must park your vehicle in the parking lot located behind Refuge Gate 8 off
Maryland Highway 197 (see § 27.31 of this
chapter). You must prominently display
your fishing permit on your vehicle’s dashboard.
iii. You may fish on Cash Lake except
areas designated as closed on the fishing permit map and by posted signs stating ‘‘No
fishing beyond this point’’.
iv. You may take the following fish species: catfish, black crappie, eels, sunfish,
golden shiner, and chain pickerel. Chain
pickerel limit is one per day.
v. You must catch and release all bass.
vi. You may fish from mid-June until midOctober.
vii. You may fish between the hours of 6
a.m. until legal sunset. We open the refuge
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) from 8 a.m.
until 5:30 p.m. daily.
viii. The permit holder may take one additional licensed adult or two youths age 15 or
younger to fish on Cash Lake. The permit
holder must be present for guests to fish.
ix. We prohibit boat trailers.
x. You may use watercraft for fishing in
accordance with the State boating laws subject to the following conditions: You may
use car-top boats 14 feet (4.2 m) or less and
canoes. You may only use electric motors, 4
HP or less. We prohibit sailboats, kayaks, or
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29075, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6685, 6693, Feb.
11, 1994; 60 FR 62043, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46396,
Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR 46917, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30784, May 12, 2000; 69 FR 54362, 54412, Sept. 8,

§ 32.40


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.40

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on the portions of the
Monomoy Islands that we do not post as
closed to public use from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
2. We allow surf fishing from the Morris Island shore 24 hours a day.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We close the western refuge shoreline
and beach area to surf fishing during the period of April 15 through July 31 annually,
and you may not operate a vehicle on the
west-facing beach and shoreline (see § 27.31 of
this chapter). We only allow surf fishing on
the northeast-facing shoreline during this
period of time.
2. We may close the northeast-facing
shoreline and beach if piping plover nesting
is occurring in this portion of the refuge.
3. We require a permit for the use of overthe-sand, surf-fishing vehicles.
4. If we do not otherwise close an area because of these conditions, we allow fishing 24
hours a day.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
shotgun hunting of woodcock and snipe on
the portion of the refuge located south of
Massachusetts Route 2 and west of the Boston and Maine Railroad tracks in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We restrict vehicles to the designated
parking area accessible from the Still River
Depot Road (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We
prohibit entry by routes other than Still
River Depot Road.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds, turkey, and small
game on the portion of the refuge located
south of Massachusetts Route 2 and west of
the Boston and Maine Railroad tracks in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotguns.
2. We restrict vehicles to the designated
parking area that is accessible from the Still
River Depot Road (see § 27.31 of this chapter).

We prohibit entry by routes other than Still
River Depot Road.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field, except while hunting
turkey (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing along the
banks of the Nashua River in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
waterfowl and coots is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters may not use or possess more
than 25 shells per day.
2. Hunters using Area B must set out a
minimum of six waterfowl decoys and hunt
within 50 yards of these decoys.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
Plum Island portion of the refuge in accordance with State hunting regulations. You
may hunt deer on designated day(s) during
the regular State shotgun season subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require that all hunters have a valid
State hunting license, applicable deer tags,
and firearms identification card (FID) or license to carry (LTC). The FID and LTC only
apply to Massachusetts residents. All hunters regardless of age must possess and carry
a refuge permit. This is a quota hunt, and we
will randomly select a limited number of
hunters from those that apply. You may
apply by mail from September 1 until October 1.
2. If selected from the random drawing,
you must attend a refuge-specific hunter orientation session prior to the hunt.
3. We only allow shotguns (slugs only) and
shoulder-fired muzzleloaders (single projectile only) for our deer hunt.
4. You must check-in and out at the refuge
entrance gatehouse.
5. We prohibit alcoholic beverages (See
§ 32.2(j)).
6. We prohibit hunting from the North Pool
or Stage Island Observation towers.
7. We prohibit loaded firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter) on or within 150 feet (45 m) of
the refuge road.
8. You must bring all deer to the refuge
deer check station located at our subheadquarters 2.5 miles (4 km) south of the refuge
entrance gate. This site is an official State
check station.
9. We will only allow permitted refuge
hunters or those individuals hunting at
Sandy Point State Reservation at the southern end of Plum Island access to the refuge
or Sandy Point on the day(s) of the deer
10. We prohibit vehicular travel (emergency excepted) on refuge roads from 1⁄2 hour


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§ 32.41

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

before legal sunrise until 8:30 a.m. We prohibit accessing the refuge after 2:30 p.m. during the deer hunt.
11. Parking regulations are subject to
change and will be determined based on the
number of permitted hunters and available
hunt areas. We will provide this information
in detail to all permitted hunters attending
the required hunter-orientation session.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29075, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6693, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55186, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62043,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46396, Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR
46917, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30785, May 12, 2000;
65 FR 56404, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46358, Sept.
4, 2001; 69 FR 54362, 54415, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.41


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer and black bear is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting is
pursuant to State regulation.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting is pursuant to State regulation.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting is pursuant
to State regulation.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We only
allow hunting of woodcock and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ruffed grouse and snowshoe hare on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of snowshoe hare on
Unit B during the entire State season.
2. We only allow hunting of snowshoe hare
on Unit A from December 1 through March
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and bear on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: We do
not allow the use of dogs while deer or bear
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:

1. We do not allow the use of fishing
weights or lures containing lead.
2. We allow ice fishing from January 1
through the end of February from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
3. We do not allow ice shanties, houses, or
shelters on F Pool.
4. When ice fishing, we do not allow snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles. We prohibit
all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles on the
5. We allow fishing on designated refuge
pools, and the Creighton, Driggs, and
Manistique Rivers from May 15 through September 30 from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
6. We prohibit boats and flotation devices
on the refuge pools.
7. We prohibit motorized boats on the
Creighton and Driggs Rivers.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose on designated areas in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We allow goose hunting on designated
cropland fields until 12 p.m. (noon) with a required checkout time of 1 p.m.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotgun shells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of
10 or less.
4. We require hunters to stay within 50 feet
(15 m) of posted site.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. Hunters must wear in a visible manner
on head, chest, and back a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored
hunter orange clothing or material.
3. We require that you must display a minimum of 100 square inches (650 cm2) solid-colored, hunter-orange material on the external
surface of portable blinds.
4. During muzzleloader hunts we require
only guns capable of firing one round before
5. We allow hunters with a State medical
permit to use crossbows.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing by boat in navigable
waterways but not within any managed refuge units.
2. We allow bank fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset only at designated sites along


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.42

the Spaulding Drain and the Tittabawassee
and Cass Rivers.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6693, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55186, Nov. 3,
1994; 67 FR 58946, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362,
54415, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.42


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and moose on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The construction or use of permanent
blinds, platforms or ladders is not permitted.
2. All stands must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
3. We allow the use of wheeled, nonmotorized conveyance devices (i.e., bikes, retrieval carts) except in the Wilderness Area.
4. We prohibit entry into the ‘‘Closed Area’’.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. You may
not hunt any migratory game birds on the
refuge. You may retrieve waterfowl taken
outside the refuge boundary up to 100 yards
(90 m) inside the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. You may hunt
partridge, pheasant, wild turkey, gray and
fox squirrel, cottontail and jack rabbit, red
and gray fox, raccoon, and striped skunk on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while hunting for partridge or ringnecked pheasant.
2. You may hunt fox, raccoon, and striped
skunk only during open seasons for other
small game species. You may not use dogs
while raccoon hunting.
3. You may hunt only turkey if you have a
valid State turkey hunting permit in your
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. The construction or use of permanent
blinds, platforms or ladders is not permitted.
2. All stands must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
3. You may hunt only deer if you have a
valid State permit in your possession.

D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Nonmotorized boats or boats with electric motors are permitted in the Minnesota
River channel only.
2. Bank fishing only is permitted on refuge
pools and open marshes.
3. Ice fishing shelters must be removed
from the refuge following each day’s fishing
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district in accordance with State regulations, except that we prohibit hunting on the
Headquarters Waterfowl Production Area
(WPA) in Becker County, the Hitterdal WPA
in Clay County, and the McIntosh WPA in
Polk County. The following conditions
1. We prohibit the use of motorized boats.
2. You must remove boats, decoys, blinds,
and blind materials brought onto WPAs following each day’s hunt.
3. We allow the use of hunting dogs, provided the dog is under the immediate control
of the hunter at all times.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting in accordance with State regulations throughout the district, except that
we allow no hunting on the Headquarters
Waterfowl Production Area (WPA) in Becker
county, the Hitterdal WPA in Clay county,
and the McIntosh WPA in Polk county. The
following condition applies: We allow the use
of hunting dogs, provided the dog is under
the immediate control of the hunter at all
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow big game
hunting in accordance with State regulations throughout the district, except that we
allow no hunting on the Headquarters Waterfowl Production Area (WPA) in Becker county, the Hitterdal WPA in Clay county, and
the McIntosh WPA in Polk county. The following conditions apply:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders.
2. You must remove all portable hunting
stands from the area at the end of each day’s
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations throughout
the district subject to the following condition: We prohibit the use of motorized boats.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district (except that we allow no hunting
on the Townsend, Headquarters, Mavis, and
Gilmore Waterfowl Production Areas (WPA)


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§ 32.42

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

in Otter Tail County, and Larson WPA in
Douglas County) in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the use of motorized boats.
2. You must remove boats, decoys, blinds,
and blind materials (see § 27.93 of this chapter) brought onto the WPAs at the end of
each day.
3. We allow the use of hunting dogs provided the dog is under the immediate control
of the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting throughout the district (except that we allow no hunting on the Townsend, Headquarters, Mavis, and Gilmore
WPAs in Otter Tail County, and Larson WPA
in Douglas County) in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: Condition A3 applies.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow big game
hunting throughout the district (except that
we allow no hunting on the Townsend, Headquarters, Mavis, and Gilmore WPAs in Otter
Tail County, and Larson WPA in Douglas
County) in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders.
2. You must remove all portable hunting
stands and blinds from the area at the end of
each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
throughout the district (except that we
allow no fishing on the Townsend, Headquarters, Mavis, and Gilmore WPAs in Otter
Tail County and Larson WPA in Douglas
County) in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition A1 applies.
2. You must remove all ice fishing structures, devices, and personal property (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) brought onto the area
following each day of fishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district except we prohibit hunting on
the Phare Lake Waterfowl Production Area
in Renville County. All hunting is in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must remove boats, decoys, and
other personal property following each day’s
2. You must remove portable or temporary
blinds and any material brought onto the
area for blind construction following each
day’s hunt.
3. We prohibit the use of motorized boats.
4. We allow the use of hunting dogs, provided the dog is under the immediate control
of the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting throughout the district, except we prohibit hunting on the Phare Lake
Waterfowl Production Area in Renville
County. Hunting is in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: Condition A4 applies.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow big game
hunting throughout the district, except we
prohibit hunting on the Phare Lake Waterfowl Production Area in Renville County.
Hunting is in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We do not allow construction or use of
permanent blinds, stands, or platforms.
2. You must remove all temporary blinds,
stands, or platforms following each day’s
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
throughout the district in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We prohibit the use of motorized boats.
2. You must remove all ice fishing structures, devices, and personal property (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) brought onto the area
at the end of the day.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters
may hunt geese, ducks, and coots on designated areas of the refuge. Permits are required for special hunts.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
upland game, except for furbearers and
crows, on designated areas of the refuge consistent with State regulations, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Hunters may only use shotguns and bows
and arrows in designated areas.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. We allow the use of .22 caliber rimfire rifles on designated areas of the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits may be required.
2. The construction or use of permanent
blinds or platforms is not permitted.
3. All portable stands must be removed
from the refuge at the end of each day’s
4. Hunters may not use or possess single
shot projectiles (shotgun slugs, or bullets) on
the Soberg Waterfowl Production Area.
5. We prohibit the possession of centerfire
rifles or handguns on the refuge.
6. We allow the use of shotguns and
muzzleloaders on designated areas.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Only bank fishing is permitted.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.42

2. Ice fishing is permitted when ice conditions are safe.
3. Ice fishing shelters must be removed
from the refuge following each day’s fishing
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district except that we prohibit hunting
on the designated portions of the EdwardLong Lake Waterfowl Production Area
(WPA) in Stevens County in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We prohibit the use of motorized boats.
2. You must remove boats, decoys, blinds,
and blind materials (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
3. We allow the use of hunting dogs, provided the dog is under the immediate control
of the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game except that we prohibit hunting on the designated portions of the Edward-Long Lake Waterfowl Production Area
in Stevens County in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: Condition A3 applies.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer throughout the district except that we
prohibit hunting on the designated portions
of the Edward-Long Lake Waterfowl Production Area in Stevens County in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders.
2. You must remove all portable hunting
stands and blinds from the area at the end of
each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing throughout the district except that we prohibit fishing on the designated portions of the Edward-Long Lake Waterfowl Production Area
(WPA) in Stevens County in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Condition A1 applies.
2. You must remove all ice fishing structures, devices, and personal property (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) brought onto the WPA
at the end of each day’s fishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must remove boats, decoys, portable
or temporary blinds, materials brought onto
the refuge, and other personal property at
the end of each day’s hunt.

2. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds, stands, or scaffolds.
3. We prohibit the use of motorized
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunters may possess only approved
nontoxic shot while in the field.
2. We prohibit the use of dogs for hunting
3. Hunters may take weasel, coyote, gopher, crow, and all other species for which
there is no closed season only during a
State-designated open season for other upland game species.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds, stands, or scaffolds.
2. You must remove all temporary blinds,
stands, and scaffolds at the end of each day’s
3. We prohibit the use of motorized
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of woodcock and common snipe on
designated areas in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Shotgun hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ruffed grouse, spruce grouse, gray and fox
squirrels, cottontail rabbit, and snowshoe
hare on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Shotgun hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting upland
game species.
2. We require that the visible portion of at
least one article of clothing worn above the
waist be blaze orange.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. The construction or use of permanent
blinds, platforms or ladders is not permitted.
2. All stands must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
3. Permits are required for firearms hunting.
4. Hunting of deer on the Rice Lake Unit is
by firearm and archery; hunting on the
Sandstone Unit is by archery only.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:


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§ 32.42

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

1. Fishing from non-motorized boats or
boats powered by electric motors is permitted only in designated areas.
2. Ice fishing is permitted on Mandy Lake
when ice conditions are safe.
3. Ice fishing shelters must be removed
from the refuge following each day’s fishing
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required to hunt whitetailed deer in the Special Permit Area of the
2. Hunting in the Special Permit Area is
permitted with firearms only.
3. Hunters may not construct or use permanent blinds, permanent platforms, or permanent ladders. Hunters may use portable
stands, but must remove them from the refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
4. Hunters who harvest deer in the Special
Permit Area must take their deer to the refuge check station.
D. Sport Fishing. We only allow fishing
from the fishing pier on Tamarac Lake beginning May 1 through July 15 during refuge
open hours.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, rails, woodcock, and
snipe is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Field possession of migratory game birds
is not permitted on refuge areas closed to
migratory game bird hunting.
2. Only nonmotorized boats are permitted,
and they must be launched at designated access sites.
3. Boats, decoys and blinds must be removed from the refuge following each day’s
hunt except for blinds made entirely of
marsh vegetation.
4. Entry to hunting areas is not allowed
earlier than one and one-half hours before
legal shooting hours.
5. We prohibit hunting during the State
Special Goose Hunt (the early September
and late December Canada goose hunting
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of ruffed
grouse, ring-necked pheasant, gray and fox
squirrel, snowshoe hare, cottontail rabbit
and jackrabbit is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge.
1. Shotgun hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting for all
upland game species.

2. We prohibit field possession of upland
game species on areas closed to upland game
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. The construction or use of permanent
blinds, platforms or ladders is not permitted.
2. All stands must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
3. You must dismantle hunting blinds,
platforms, and ladders made from natural
vegetation at the end of each day.
4. We prohibit the possession of firearms or
archery equipment on areas closed to whitetailed deer hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted on the St. Francis
River only.
2. Nonmotorized boats are permitted only
on designated areas of St. Francis River and
must be launched from designated access
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots, woodcock and snipe is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting by tribal members is in accordance with White Earth Reservation regulations on those portions of the Reservation
that are a part of the refuge.
2. Blinds must be removed from the refuge
following each day’s hunt except for blinds
made entirely of marsh vegetation.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
ruffed grouse, red, gray and fox squirrel, cottontail rabbit, jackrabbit, snowshoe hare,
red fox, raccoon, and striped skunk on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting by tribal members is in accordance with White Earth Reservation regulations on those parts of the Reservation that
are part of the refuge.
2. You may only hunt red fox, raccoon, and
striped skunk from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until legal sunset from September 1
through the last day of February.
3. Shotgun hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting for all
upland game species.
4. We require hunters to wear at least one
article of blaze orange clothing visible above
the waist.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting by tribal members is in accordance with White Earth Reservation regulations on those parts of the Reservation that
are part of the refuge.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.43

2. The construction or use of permanent
blinds, platforms or ladders is not permitted.
3. All stands must be removed from the refuge at the end of each day’s hunt.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge between the
hours of 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing in North Tamarac
Lake, Wauboose Lake, and Two Island Lake
all year in accordance with State and/or
White Earth Reservation regulations.
2. We allow fishing in Blackbird Lake and
Lost Lake from the first day of the State
walleye season through Labor Day under
State and/or White Earth Reservation regulations.
3. We only allow bank fishing in an area 50
yards (45 m) on either side of the Ottertail
River Bridges on County Roads #26 and #126
during State seasons.
4. We allow fishing in Pine Lake from December 1 until March 31.
Refer to § 32.32 Illinois for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district except that you may not hunt on
the Worthington Waterfowl Production Area
(WPA) in Nobles County, Headquarters WPA
in Jackson County, or designated portions of
the Wolf Lake WPA in Cottonwood County.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game throughout the district except that you may not hunt on the Worthington WPA in Nobles County, Headquarters WPA in Jackson County, or designated portions of the Wolf Lake WPA in
Cottonwood County.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game throughout the district except that
you may not hunt on the Worthington WPA
in Nobles County, Headquarters WPA in
Jackson County, or designated portions of
the Wolf Lake WPA in Cottonwood County.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishermen may fish
throughout the district.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29075, May 18, 1993; 58 FR 29085, May 18,
1993; 59 FR 6693, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55186,
55196, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62043, Dec. 4, 1995; 61
FR 46396, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47379, Sept. 9,
1997; 63 FR 46917, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30785,
May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56404, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR
46358, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58946, Sept. 18, 2002;
68 FR 57317, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362, 54416,
Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.43 Mississippi.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
Refer to § 32.37 Louisiana for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory waterfowl, coot, snipe,
and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. All hunters must
possess and carry a valid, signed refuge hunting permit certifying that you understand
and will comply with all regulations, and
hunters must carry a State license and a
signed Federal and State duck stamp on
their person while hunting on the refuge.
Hunters born after January 1, 1972, also must
carry a Hunter Education Safety Course card
or certificate. You may obtain permits at
North Mississippi Refuges Complex Headquarters, 2776 Sunset Drive, Grenada, Mississippi 38901, or at the Dahomey National
Wildlife Refuge Office, Box 831, Highway 446,
Boyle, Mississippi 38730, or by mail from the
above addresses.
2. All users may enter the refuge 2 hours
before legal sunrise and must exit the refuge
no later than 2 hours after legal sunset. We
prohibit entering or remaining on the refuge
before or after hours.
3. We only allow hunting of migratory
game birds on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and
Sundays, from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to
12 p.m. (noon). Hunters must remove all decoys, blind material (see §27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area
no later than 1 p.m. each day. After duck,
merganser, and coot season closes, you may
hunt goose daily from 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise until legal sunset.
4. Each hunter must obtain a daily User Information Card (pink) available at each refuge information station and follow the printed instructions on the card. Hunters must
place the card in plain view on the dashboard
of their vehicle so the personal information
is readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you
must complete the reverse side of the card
and deposit it at one of the hunter information stations. Include all game harvested,
and if there is none, report ‘‘0.’’
5. We may close certain areas of the refuge
for sanctuary or administrative purposes. We
will mark such areas with ‘‘No Hunting’’ or
‘‘Area Closed’’ signs.


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§ 32.43

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

6. We prohibit handguns of all kinds.
7. Waterfowl hunters may leave boats
meeting all State registration requirements
on refuge water bodies throughout the waterfowl season. You must remove boats (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) within 72 hours after
the season closes.
8. We restrict motor vehicle use to roads
designated as vehicle access roads on the refuge map (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We prohibit blocking access to any road or trail entering the refuge (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
9. All hunters or persons on the refuge for
any reason during any open refuge hunting
season must wear a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of visible, unbroken, fluorescent orange-colored material above the
waistline. Waterfowl hunters must comply
while walking/boating to and from actual
hunting area. Waterfowl hunters may remove the fluorescent orange while actually
10. We only allow dogs on the refuge when
specifically authorized for hunting. We encourage the use of dogs to retrieve dead or
wounded waterfowl. Dogs must remain in the
immediate control of their handlers at all
times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
11. You must remove decoys, blinds, other
personal property, and litter (see §§ 27.93 and
27.94 of this chapter) from the hunting area
following each morning’s hunt. We prohibit
cutting or removing trees and other vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter). We prohibit
the use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or
other types of markers.
12. We prohibit ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this
chapter), horses, and mules on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, beaver, nutria, raccoon, coyotes, and opossum on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4, A5, A8, and A12 apply.
2. We restrict all public use to the period
beginning 2 hours before legal sunrise and
ending 2 hours after legal sunset. We prohibit entering or remaining on the refuge before or after hours. We establish special provisions for raccoon hunting; contact the refuge office for details.
3. You may only possess shotguns with approved nontoxic shotgun shot (see § 32.2(k))
and .22 caliber rifles. We prohibit all handguns.
4. All hunters or persons on the refuge for
any reason during any open refuge hunting
season must wear a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of visible, unbroken, fluorescent orange-colored material above the
5. We only allow dogs on the refuge after
the general Gun Deer Hunt. Dogs must remain in the immediate control of their han-

dlers at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
6. We prohibit cutting or removing trees
and other vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter). We prohibit the use of flagging, paint,
blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4, A5, A6, A8, and A12
2. We restrict all public use to 2 hours before legal sunrise until 2 hours after legal
sunset. We prohibit entering or remaining on
the refuge before or after hours.
3. All hunters or persons on the refuge for
any reason during any open refuge hunting
season must wear a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of visible, unbroken, fluorescent orange-colored material above the
waistline. We do not require this for turkey
4. We prohibit dogs for any big game hunt.
5. We prohibit use or possession of any drug
or device for employing such drug for hunting (see § 32.2(g)).
6. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
7. We prohibit hunting or shooting across
any open, fallow, or planted field from
ground level or on or across any public road,
public highway, railroad, or their right-ofway during all general gun and primitive
weapon hunts.
8. You may erect portable deer stands (see
§ 32.2i)) 2 weeks prior to the opening of archery season on the refuge, and you must remove them by January 31 (see § 27.93 of this
chapter). We prohibit cutting or removing
trees and other vegetation (see § 27.51 of this
chapter). We prohibit the use of flagging,
paint, blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. All anglers must possess and carry a
valid, signed refuge fishing permit certifying
that you understand and will comply with
all regulations.
2. We close the refuge to fishing from October 1 through February 28.
3. We prohibit possession of any weapon
(see § 27.42 of this chapter) while fishing on
the refuge.
4. We prohibit possession or use of jugs,
seines, nets, hand-grab baskets, slat traps/
baskets, or any other similar devices and
commercial fishing of any kind.
5. We allow trotlines, yo-yos, limb lines,
crawfish traps, or any other similar devices
for recreational use only. You must tag or
mark these devices with your full name, full
residence address including zip code, written


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.43

with waterproof ink, legibly inscribed or legibly stamped on the tag. You must attend
these devices a minimum of once a day. If
you do not attend these devices (see § 27.93 of
this chapter), you must remove them from
the refuge.
6. We prohibit snagging or attempting to
snag fish.
7. We allow crawfishing.
8. We only allow the taking of frog by Special Use Permit.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. All persons fishing who are 16 years of
age and older must carry a State license on
the refuge. You must have a signed refuge
fishing permit in your possession when fishing on the refuge. You may obtain permits at
North Mississippi Refuges Complex Headquarters, 2776 Sunset Drive, Grenada, Mississippi 38901, or at the Dahomey National
Wildlife Refuge Office, Box 381, Highway 446,
Boyle, Mississippi 38730, or by mail from the
above addresses.
2. We close the refuge to fishing from October 1 through February 28.
3. We allow fishing in bar pits along the
Corps of Engineers levee only.
4. We prohibit possession of any weapon
while fishing on the refuge. This does not include fishing knives unless they are longer
than 3 inches (7.5 cm).
5. We prohibit possession or use of jugs,
seines, nets, hand-grab baskets, slat traps/
baskets, or any other similar devices and
commercial fishing of any kind.
6. We allow trotlines, yo-yos, limb lines,
crawfish traps, or any other similar devices
for recreational use only, and you must tag
or mark them with waterproof ink, legibly
inscribed or legibly stamped on the tag with
your full name and full residence address, including zip code. You must attend these devices a minimum of once daily. If you are
not going to attend these devices, you must
remove them from the refuge.
7. We prohibit snagging or attempting to
snag fish.
8. We allow crawfishing.
9. We allow taking of frogs by Special Use
Permit only.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and mourning
dove on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:

1. We allow hunting from 30 minutes before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon) on Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Hunters may enter the refuge 2 hours before
legal sunrise. Hunters must remove all decoys, blind material (see § 27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area
no later than 1 p.m. each day.
2. You must only use portable or temporary blinds.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting waterfowl in
the field.
4. The refuge is a day-use area only with
the exception of legal hunting activities.
5. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles on all refuge hunts.
6. We prohibit target practice on refuge
7. We prohibit mules and horses on refuge
8. We allow retrievers for waterfowl hunting. We require all dogs to wear a collar displaying the owner’s name, address, and telephone number.
9. You must unload and case or dismantle
firearms (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) before
transporting them in a vehicle or boat within the boundaries of the refuge or along
rights-of-way for public or private land within the refuge.
10. Each hunter must possess and carry a
current, signed copy of the refuge hunting
permit while participating in refuge hunts.
11. Youth hunters under age 16 must possess and carry a State-approved hunter safety course card or certificate. Each youth
hunter must remain within sight and normal
voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. An
adult may supervise no more than two
youths during small game hunts and one
youth during big game hunts.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A4 through A7 and A9
through A11 apply.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting on the refuge (see
§ 32.2(k)). All shotgun ammunition must
meet legal shot-size requirements. We only
allow .22 caliber rimfire.
3. We prohibit the possession of dogs for
squirrel hunting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A4 through A7, A9 through
A11, and B3 apply.
2. We only allow hunting with bow and
arrow. We prohibit the use of poisonous arrows (see § 32.2(g)). We prohibit firearms.
3. We prohibit the use or construction of
any permanent tree stand. We allow portable


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§ 32.43

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

and climbing stands, but you must remove
them from the tree when not in use or they
will be subject to confiscation (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
4. We prohibit hunting by organized deer
drives of two or more hunters. We define
‘‘drive’’ as the act of chasing, pursuing, disturbing, or otherwise directing deer so as to
make the animals more susceptible to harvest.
5. We prohibit hunting with the aid of bait
(see § 32.2(h)).
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, merganser, coot, and
dove in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We are open for hunting during the State
season except during the muzzleloader deer
2. There is no early teal season.
3. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon).
4. Hunters must remove all decoys, blind
material (see § 27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area no later than
1 p.m. each day.
5. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Hunters age 16
and older must possess and carry a valid
signed refuge Public Use Permit certifying
that he or she understands and will comply
with all regulations. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
6. Each day before hunting, all hunters
must obtain a daily User Information Card
(pink) available at the hunter information
stations (see refuge brochure map) and follow the printed instructions on the card. You
must display this card in plain view on the
dashboard of your vehicle while hunting or
fishing so that the personal information is
readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you
must complete the reverse side of the card
and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations.
7. Failure to display the User Information
Card will result in the loss of the hunter’s
refuge annual Public Use Permit.
8. We prohibit hunting or entry into areas
designated as ‘‘CLOSED’’ (see refuge brochure
9. We prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages.
10. We prohibit possession of plastic flagging tape.
11. We prohibit handguns.
12. You must unload and case guns (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in/on
vehicles, ATVs, and boats under power.

13. You must park vehicles in such a manner as to not obstruct roads, gates, turnrows,
or firelanes (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
14. Valid permit holders may take the following furbearers in season incidental to
other refuge hunts with legal firearms used
for that hunt: raccoon, opossum, coyote, beaver, bobcat, and nutria.
15. We only allow ATVs on designated
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) (see refuge
brochure map).
16. We open for dove hunting the first and
second State season. Contact the refuge
headquarters for specific dates and open
17. You may only take dove with shotguns
shooting approved nontoxic shot.
18. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, and raccoon on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A5 through A15 apply.
2. We only allow shotguns with approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and .22 caliber
rimfire rifles for taking small game (we prohibit .22 caliber magnums).
3. We only allow dogs for rabbit and quail
hunting typically during the last 2 weeks in
February. Hunt dates are available at the
refuge headquarters and printed in the refuge brochure. We restrict hunting to the waterfowl hunting area (see refuge brochure
4. During the rabbit-with-dog and quail
hunts, any person hunting or accompanying
another person hunting must wear at least
500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above
the waistline as an outer garment.
5. Beginning the first day after the deer
muzzleloader hunt, we restrict hunting to
the designated waterfowl hunting area (see
refuge brochure map).
6. We prohibit horses and mules.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tail deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunts and hunt dates are available at
the refuge headquarters in July, and we post
them in the refuge brochure.
2. We only allow ATVs on designated trails
(see § 27.31 of this chapter) beginning the second Saturday in September through February 28 (see refuge brochure map).
3. Beginning the first day after the muzzleloader hunt, we restrict hunting to the designated waterfowl hunting area (see refuge
brochure map).
4. Conditions A5 through A7 and B6 apply.
5. During all gun and muzzleloader deer
hunts: all participants must wear at least 500
square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.43

the waistline as an outer garment while
hunting and enroute to and from hunting
areas; we prohibit hunting from tripods and
other free-standing platforms in fields and
tree plantations (during muzzleloader deer
hunt); and we prohibit all other public use on
the refuge.
6. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
7. We prohibit hunting from or shooting
across open fields from ground level.
8. We only allow crossbows in accordance
with State law.
9. You must unload guns (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter) while standing beside, in, or
walking across any portion of a field, tree
plantation, road, pipeline, or powerline
right-of-way. We define ‘‘a loaded gun’’ as
shells in the gun or percussion caps on
10. Stands adjacent to fields and tree plantations must be a minimum of 10 feet (300
cm) above ground.
11. We prohibit attaching stands to any
power or utility pole.
12. You may place stands on the refuge 7
days prior to and must remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by day 7 after the
close of the refuge deer season.
13. You must remove stands in the January/February closed area by the last day of
the muzzleloader hunt.
14. You must field-dress deer.
15. We designate check station dates and
requirements in the refuge brochure.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close all refuge waters during the
muzzleloader deer hunt.
2. We allow fishing in the borrow ponds
along the north levee (see refuge brochure
map) throughout the year except during the
muzzleloader Gun Deer Hunt.
3. We open all other refuge waters March 1
through November 15.
4. We prohibit trot lines, limb lines, jugs,
seines, and traps.
5. We prohibit fishing from bridges.
6. We allow frogging during the State bullfrog season.
7. We only allow ATVs on designated trails
(see § 27.31 of this chapter) (see refuge brochure map) September 15 through February
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, merganser, and coot
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting during the open State
2. There is no early teal season.
3. Beginning the opening day of duck season, we restrict hunting to the designated

waterfowl hunt area only (see refuge brochure map).
4. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older.
5. During the refuge youth hunts, scheduled the first 2 weekends in January, both
youth and accompanying adult may hunt.
Only one adult may accompany each youth
6. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon).
7. Hunters must remove all decoys, blind
material (see § 27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area no later than
1 p.m. each day.
8. If you are a hunter age 16 or older, you
must possess and carry a valid, signed refuge
Public Use Permit certifying that you understand and will comply with all regulations.
9. Each day before hunting, each hunter
must obtain a daily User Information Card
(pink) available at the hunter information
stations (see refuge brochure map) and follow the printed instructions on the card. You
must display this card on the dashboard of
your vehicle while hunting or fishing so that
the personal information is readable. Prior
to leaving the refuge, you must complete the
reverse side of the card and deposit it at one
of the refuge information stations.
10. Failure to display the User Information
Card will result in the loss of the hunter’s
refuge annual Public Use Permit.
11. We prohibit hunting or entry into areas
designated as ‘‘CLOSED’’ (see refuge brochure
12. We prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages.
13. We prohibit possession of plastic flagging tape.
14. We prohibit handguns.
15. You must unload and case guns (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in/on
vehicles and boats under power.
16. We prohibit parking vehicles in such a
manner as to obstruct roads, gates,
turnrows, or firelanes (see § 27.31(h) of this
17. Valid permit holders may take the following furbearers in season incidental to
other refuge hunts with legal firearms used
for that hunt: raccoon, opossum, coyote, beaver, bobcat, and nutria.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, and raccoon on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A4 applies.
2. We only allow shotguns with approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) or .22 caliber rimfire rifles for taking small game (we prohibit
.22 caliber magnums).


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§ 32.43

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. We only allow dogs for rabbit hunting
typically the last 2 weeks in February. Hunt
dates are available at the refuge headquarters and printed in the refuge brochure.
We restrict hunting to the waterfowl hunting area (see refuge brochure map).
4. During the rabbit-with-dog hunt, any
person hunting or accompanying another
person hunting must wear at least 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken flourescent-orange material visible above the waistline as
an outer garment.
5. We prohibit horses and mules.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery
hunting of white-tailed deer on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow archery hunting October 1
through January 31.
2. State bag limits apply.
3. Beginning the first day of duck season,
we restrict hunting to the designated waterfowl hunt area only (see refuge brochure
4. Conditions A7 through A9 and B5 apply.
5. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
6. We only allow crossbows in accordance
with State law.
7. We prohibit attaching stands to any
power or utility pole.
8. You may place stands on the refuge 7
days prior to and must remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by day 7 after the
close of the refuge deer season.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing in all refuge waters
throughout the year, except in the waterfowl
sanctuary, which we close from the first day
of duck season through March 15 (see refuge
brochure map).
2. We prohibit trot lines, limb lines, jugs,
seines, and traps.
3. We allow frogging during the State bullfrog season.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, merganser, and coot
on the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open for hunting during the State
season, except we close during the muzzleloader deer hunt.
2. There is no early teal season.
3. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon).
4. Hunters must remove all decoys, blind
material (see § 27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area no later than
1 p.m. each day.
5. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must re-

main within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. If you are a
hunter age 16 or older you must possess and
carry a valid, signed refuge Public Use Permit certifying that you understand and will
comply with all regulations.
6. Each day before hunting, all hunters
must obtain a daily User Information Card
(pink) available at each refuge information
station (see refuge brochure map) and follow
the printed instructions on the card. You
must display this card in plain view on the
dashboard of your vehicle while hunting or
fishing so the personal information is readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you must
complete the reverse side of the card and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations.
7. Failure to display the User Information
Card will result in the loss of the hunter’s
refuge annual Public Use Permit.
8. We prohibit hunting or entry into areas
designated as ‘‘CLOSED’’ (see refuge brochure
9. We prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages.
10. We prohibit plastic flagging tape.
11. We prohibit handguns at all times.
12. You must unload and case guns (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in/on
vehicles, ATVs, and boats under power.
13. We prohibit parking of vehicles in such
a manner as to obstruct roads, gates,
turnrows, or firelanes (see § 27.31(h) of this
14. We allow take by valid permit holders
of the following in-season furbearers, incidental to other refuge hunts with legal firearms used for that hunt: raccoon, opossum,
coyote, beaver, bobcat, and nutria.
15. We only allow ATVs on designated
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) (see refuge
brochure map).
16. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while hunting on the refuge
(see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, and raccoon on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A5 (we only allow one
adult per youth hunter), and A6 through A14
2. We only allow shotguns shooting approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and .22
caliber rimfire rifles for taking small game
(we prohibit .22 caliber magnums).
3. We only allow dogs for rabbit and quail
hunting typically during the last 2 weeks in
February. Hunt dates are available at the
refuge headquarters and printed in the refuge brochure. We restrict hunting to the waterfowl hunting area (see refuge brochure
4. During the rabbit and quail-with-dog
hunt, any person hunting or accompanying


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.43

another person hunting must wear at least
500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above
the waistline as an outer garment.
5. Beginning the first day after the deer
muzzleloader hunt, we restrict hunting to
the designated waterfowl hunting area (see
refuge brochure map).
6. We prohibit horses.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tail deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunt information and dates are available both at the refuge headquarters in July
and posted in the refuge brochure.
2. We only allow ATVs on designated trails
(see § 27.31 of this chapter) beginning the second Saturday in September through February 28 (see refuge brochure map).
3. Beginning the first day after the muzzleloader hunt, we restrict hunting to north of
Providence Road and the area west and
south of Spring Branch (see refuge brochure
4. During all gun and muzzleloader deer
hunts, all participants must wear at least 500
square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above
the waistline as an outer garment while
hunting and enroute to and from hunting
5. During muzzleloader deer hunts, we prohibit all other public use.
6. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
7. We prohibit hunting from or shooting
across open fields from ground level.
8. We only allow crossbows in accordance
with State law.
9. We define a loaded gun as shells in the
gun or percussion caps on muzzleloaders.
10. You must unload guns (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter) while standing beside, in, or
walking across any portion of a field, tree
plantation, road, pipeline, or powerline
11. During the muzzleloader deer hunt, we
prohibit hunting from tripods and other freestanding platforms in fields and tree plantations.
12. Stands adjacent to fields and tree plantations must be a minimum of 10 feet (3 m)
above ground.
13. We prohibit attaching stands to any
power or utility pole.
14. You may place stands on the refuge 7
days prior to and must remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by day 7 after the
close of the refuge deer season.
15. You must remove stands in the January/February closed area by the last day of
the muzzleloader hunt.
16. Hunters must field-dress their deer.
17. We designate check station dates and
requirements in the refuge hunt brochure.
18. Conditions A5 through A7 and B6 apply.

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close all refuge waters during the
muzzleloader deer hunt.
2. We only allow fishing in refuge waters
north of Providence Road throughout the
year except during the muzzleloader deer
3. We open all other refuge waters March 1
through November 15.
4. We prohibit trot lines, limb lines, jugs,
seines, and traps.
5. We prohibit fishing from bridges.
6. We allow frogging during the State bullfrog season.
7. We only allow ATVs on designated trails
(see § 27.31 of this chapter) (see refuge brochure map) September 15 through February
8. We will post separate fishing regulations
for Providence Ponds on Morgan Brake at
the Morgan Brake office.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters
may hunt waterfowl, coots, and woodcock on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following condition: Permits required.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
quail, squirrel, rabbit, beaver, raccoon and
opossum on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following condition: Permits
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: Permits required.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Permits required.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, merganser, and coot
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following regulations:
1. We allow hunting during the open State
season except we close during all Limited
Permit Hunts.
2. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. Both youth and
accompanying adult may hunt. Only one
adult may accompany each youth hunter.
3. There is no early teal season.
4. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon).
5. Hunters must remove all decoys, blind
material (see § 27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area no later than
1 p.m. each day.


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§ 32.43

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

6. Each hunter age 16 and older must possess and carry a valid, signed refuge Public
Use Permit certifying that they understand
and will comply with all regulations.
7. Each day before hunting, all hunters
must obtain a daily User Information Card
(pink) available at the hunter information
stations (see refuge brochure map) and follow the printed instructions on the card. You
must display this card in plain view on the
dashboard of your vehicle while hunting or
fishing so that the personal information is
readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you
must complete the reverse side of the card
and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations.
8. Failure to display the User Information
Card will result in the loss of the hunter’s
refuge annual Public Use Permit.
9. You may obtain hunt dates both at the
refuge headquarters in July and posted in
the refuge brochure.
10. We prohibit hunting or entry into areas
designated as ‘‘CLOSED’’ (see refuge brochure
11. We prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages.
12. We prohibit plastic flagging tape.
13. We prohibit handguns at all times.
14. You must unload and case guns (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in/on
vehicles, ATVs, and boats under power.
15. We prohibit parking of vehicles in such
a manner as to obstruct roads, gates,
turnrows, or firelanes (see § 27.31(h) of this
16. We allow take by valid permit holders
of the following furbearers in season, incidental to other refuge hunts with legal firearms used for that hunt: Raccoon, opossum,
coyote, beaver, bobcat, and nutria.
17. We only allow ATVs, beginning the second Saturday in September through February 28, on designated trails (see § 27.31 of
this chapter) (see refuge brochure map).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, and raccoon on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting during the open State
season except we close during limited refuge
deer hunts. You may obtain information on
the hunts and hunt dates both at the refuge
headquarters in July and posted in the refuge brochure.
2. Conditions A2 (squirrel hunting), A6
through A8, and A10 through A17 apply.
3. We only allow shotguns with approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and .22 caliber
rimfire rifles for taking small game (we prohibit .22 caliber magnums). We prohibit possession of toxic shot, buckshot, and slugs.
4. We only allow dogs for rabbit hunting
typically the last 2 weeks in February. You
may obtain hunt dates both at the refuge
headquarters and printed in the refuge bro-

chure (see refuge brochure map for open
5. During the rabbit-with-dog and quail
hunts, any person hunting or accompanying
another person hunting must wear at least
500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above
the waistline as an outer garment.
6. Beginning the first day after the last
Limited Deer Gun Hunt, we restrict hunting
to the designated waterfowl hunting area
(see refuge brochure map).
7. We prohibit horses.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tail deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A7, A8, A9, A17, B6, and B7
2. We may require a Limited Hunt Permit
for spring turkey hunting, regular gun deer,
and muzzleloader deer hunting. We issue the
Limited Hunt Permit by random computer
drawing. If we draw your name, there is a fee
for each permit. Limited Hunt Permits are
not transferable and are nonrefundable. Contact the refuge headquarters for specific requirements. The regular gun deer and muzzleloader deer hunts require a Limited Hunt
Permit that we assign by random computer
drawing. If we draw your name, there is a fee
for each permit. Limited Hunt Permits are
not transferable and nonrefundable. Contact
the refuge headquarters for specific requirements, hunt, and application dates.
3. We may designate dates for youth (ages
12 to 15) turkey hunting. Contact the refuge
headquarters or see the refuge brochure for
youth hunt dates. Youth hunters age 15 and
under must possess and carry a hunter safety
course card or certificate. Each youth hunter
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older (one
youth per adult).
4. During spring turkey season we only
allow ATVs on Southern Natural Gas pipeline, from Cotton’s access to Tupelo Brake
Duck Club boundary (see refuge brochure
5. You must immediately tag all harvested
turkeys prior to moving them.
6. We only allow shotguns shooting approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and archery while turkey hunting.
7. You must immediately tag all game harvested prior to moving it during limited
hunts; we provide the tags.
8. We designate check station dates and requirements in the refuge hunt brochure.
9. If you are a hunter age 16 or older, you
must possess and carry a valid, signed refuge
Public Use Permit or Limited Hunt Permit
certifying that you understand and will comply with all regulations.
10. During all gun or muzzleloader deer
hunts, all participants must wear at least 500


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.43

square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above
the waistline as an outer garment while
hunting and enroute to and from hunting
11. We prohibit all other public use on the
refuge during all gun and muzzleloader deer
12. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
13. We prohibit hunting from or shooting
across open fields from ground level.
14. During all Limited Permit Hunts, each
hunter must possess and carry only their
own current permit and/or tags.
15. We only allow crossbows in accordance
with State law.
16. We define a loaded gun as shells in the
gun or percussion caps on muzzleloaders.
17. You must unload guns (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter) while standing beside, in, or
walking across any portion of a field, tree
plantation, road, pipeline, or powerline
18. During muzzleloader, rifle, and youth
Gun Deer Hunts, we prohibit hunting from
tripods and other free-standing platforms in
fields and tree plantations.
19. Stands adjacent to fields and tree plantations must be a minimum of 10 feet (3 m)
above ground.
20. We prohibit attaching stands to any
power or utility pole.
21. You may place stands on the refuge 7
days prior to and must remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) by day 7 after the
close of the refuge deer season.
22. You must remove stands in the January/February closed area by the last day of
the muzzleloader hunt.
23. You must field-dress deer.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close all refuge waters during limited
deer gun hunts.
2. We open waters between the East and
West levee, the Landside Ditch, and the portion of Panther Creek adjacent to the West
Levee year-round except during limited Gun
Deer Hunts.
3. We open all other refuge waters March 1
through November 15.
4. We prohibit trot lines, limb lines, jugs,
seines, and traps.
5. We allow frogging during the State bullfrog season.
6. We only allow ATVs for fishing access on
designated gravel roads when we close such
roads to vehicular traffic.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, and coot during the
State season in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. We allow hunting in Butler Lake, Salt
Lake, and Gilliard Lake from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
2. If you are a hunter age 16 or older you
must possess and carry a valid, signed refuge
Public Use Permit certifying that you understand and will comply with all regulations.
3. We will close waterfowl hunting in Butler Lake and Salt Lake after the Natchez
River gauge reaches 28 feet (8.4 m) or higher.
4. We will close waterfowl hunting in
Gilliard Lake when the Natchez River gauge
reaches 32 feet (9.6 m) or higher.
5. We restrict access to Butler Lake waterfowl hunting only to Butler Lake Road.
6. Hunters must remove decoys, blind material (see § 27.93 of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl from the area no later than
1 p.m. each day.
7. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
8. You must use portable blinds.
9. All users must obtain a daily use reporting card and place it in plain view on the
dashboard of their vehicle so that the personal information is readable. Users must return cards to a refuge kiosk upon departure
from the refuge.
10. Hunters may enter the refuge 2 hours
before legal sunrise and must exit the refuge
no later than 2 hours after legal sunset. We
prohibit entering or remaining on the refuge
before or after hours.
11. All persons in all underway boats must
wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices.
12. You must hand-launch boats except at
designated boat ramps, where you may trailer-launch them.
13. We only open ATV trails (see § 27.31 of
this chapter) to ATV traffic during scheduled
hunts and scouting periods.
14. Hunters must be age 16 or older to operate an ATV on the refuge.
15. We allow use of retrievers.
16. State bag limits apply.
17. We prohibit hunting on Thanksgiving
Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and
New Year’s Day.
18. We prohibit the following acts: possession of alcohol; entering the refuge from private property; hunters entering from public
waterways; overnight parking; parking or
hunting within 150 feet (45 m) of any petroleum facility or equipment, or refuge residences and buildings; parking by hunters in
refuge headquarters parking lot; and possession of hand guns on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, and
woodcock in designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotguns, .22 caliber long
rifles, and muzzleloading rifles under .38 caliber shooting patched round balls, except for


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§ 32.43

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

raccoon hunting (see 4iv below). We prohibit
the possession of .22 caliber magnum rifles,
slugs, buckshot, or rifle ammunition larger
than .22 rimfire.
2. You must wear a hunter-orange hat and
upper garment when hunting in open fields
or reforested areas.
3. We prohibit use of motorized boats after
the Natchez River gauge reaches 28 feet (8.4
m) or higher.
4. We only allow raccoon hunting during
the month of February from legal sunset to
legal sunrise with the following conditions:
i. We require dogs.
Carthage-Linwood Road.
iii. We prohibit the use of boats and ATVs.
iv. You may only use .22 caliber rimfire rifles (no magnums).
5. You may take beaver, nutria, coyote,
and bobcat incidental to the hunt.
6. Conditions A2, A7 through A14, and A16
through A18 apply.
7. We prohibit the following acts: target
practice; marking trails with tape, paper,
paint, or any other artificial means; and
riding horses or mules.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer, hog,
and lottery youth turkey hunting in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We only allow still hunting.
2. You may only take one deer per day: We
allow residents to take one deer of either sex
per day; however, we prohibit nonresidents
from harvesting antlerless deer.
3. We require hunters to wear a hunter-orange hat and upper garment at all times during all muzzleloader hunts and during the
youth gun hunt.
4. During late muzzleloader (after December 25) hunts, the following specific conditions apply: You may only take bucks with a
minimum of 14-inch (35 cm) inside antler
5. During traditional primitive weapon season, the following specific conditions apply:
i. You must only use flintlock and sidelock
percussion muzzleloaders with iron sights
and patched-round balls.
ii. We prohibit in-line muzzleloaders, electronic sights, scopes, fiber optic sights, and
conical bullets.
iii. You must use recurve and long bows
without sights.
6. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older.
7. We must receive all applications for the
limited youth lottery draw turkey hunt by
February 28 of each year.
8. Youth (ages 10 to15) gun deer and waterfowl hunts will coincide with designated
State youth hunts each year. Youth deer
hunters may use any weapon deemed legal

by the State except for buckshot, which we
9. We prohibit insertion of metal objects
into trees or hunting from trees that contain
inserted metal objects (see § 32.2(i)).
10. We prohibit the use or possession of
climbing spurs.
11. You must dismantle blinds and tripods,
and you must remove stands from the tree
each day. You must remove all stands,
blinds, and tripods (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge before February 7 of each
12. You may only take feral hog with bow
and arrow and muzzleloading rifles during
and incidental to archery and primitive
weapon deer seasons.
13. You must check all deer harvested on
the refuge at one of the three self-clearing,
mandatory deer check stations.
14. You must immediately field-dress all
deer upon harvest.
15. State season bag limits apply.
16. Conditions A2, A7 through A14, A17,
A18, B3, B5, and B7 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing during
daylight hours only from March 1 through
the last day of archery season each year in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require a public use permit for all anglers between the ages of 16 and 65.
2. We prohibit the use of ATVs (see § 27.31(f)
of this chapter).
3. On the Sibley Unit, we prohibit boats
north of the Ring Levee, except you may
hand-launch boats in Swamp Lake during
nonflood conditions.
4. An adult age 21 or older must supervise
youth age 15 and under who may fish in the
Kids Pond. We prohibit adults from fishing
in this pond.
5. We allow bow fishing. Bow anglers must
abide by State law.
6. We allow nighttime bow fishing on the
refuge but only through a Special Use Permit issued by the refuge manager.
7. We prohibit the following acts: Possession of alcohol; entering the refuge from private property; overnight parking; target
practice; riding horses or mules; possession
or use of commercial fishing or trotline
equipment, including limb lines, nets, traps,
yo-yos, or jugs; and possession of any firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter).
8. Conditions A9, A11, and A12 apply.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory waterfowl, coots,
snipe, and woodcock on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.43

of an adult age 21 or older. Hunters born
after January 1, 1972, also must carry a
Hunter Education Safety Course card or certificate. All hunters must possess and carry
a valid, signed refuge Hunting Permit certifying that he or she understands and will
comply with all regulations. You may obtain
permits at North Mississippi Refuges Complex Headquarters, 2776 Sunset Drive, Grenada, Mississippi 38901, or at the Dahomey
National Wildlife Refuge Office, Box 831,
Highway 446, Boyle, Mississippi 38730, or by
mail from the above addresses.
2. We restrict all public use to the period
beginning 2 hours before legal sunrise and
ending 2 hours after legal sunset except during the raccoon hunt. We prohibit entering
or remaining on the refuge before or after
3. We only allow hunting of migratory
game birds on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and
Sundays from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise
and ending at 12 p.m. (noon). Hunters must
remove all decoys, blind material (see § 27.93
of this chapter), and harvested waterfowl
from the area no later than 1 p.m. each day.
After duck, merganser, and coot season
closes, we allow hunting of goose daily, during the period beginning 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise and ending at legal sunset.
4. We prohibit public hunting north of Mississippi Highway 8.
5. Each hunter must obtain a daily User Information Card (pink) available at each refuge information station and follow the printed instructions on the card. You must display the card in plain view on the dashboard
of your vehicle so that the personal information is readable. Prior to leaving the refuge,
you must complete the reverse side of the
card and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations. Include all game harvested,
and if you harvest no game, report ‘‘0.’’
6. We may close certain areas of the refuge
for sanctuary or administrative purposes. We
will mark such areas with ‘‘No Hunting’’ or
‘‘Area Closed’’ signs.
7. We prohibit all handguns.
8. Waterfowl hunters may leave boats
meeting all State registration requirements
on refuge water bodies throughout the waterfowl season. You must remove boats (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) within 72 hours after
the season closes.
9. We restrict motor vehicle use to roads
designated as vehicle access roads on the refuge map (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We prohibit blocking access to any road or trail entering the refuge (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
10. All hunters or persons on the refuge for
any reason during any open refuge hunting
season must wear a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of visible, unbroken, fluorescent orange-colored material above the
waistline. Waterfowl hunters must comply
while walking/boating to and from actual

hunting area. Waterfowl hunters may remove the fluorescent orange while actually
11. We only allow dogs on the refuge when
specifically authorized for hunting. We encourage the use of dogs to retrieve dead or
wounded waterfowl. Dogs must remain in the
immediate control of their handlers at all
times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
12. You must remove decoys, blinds, other
personal property, and litter (see §§ 27.93 and
27.94 of this chapter) from the hunting area
following each morning’s hunt. We prohibit
cutting or removing trees and other vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter). We prohibit
the use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or
other types of markers.
13. We prohibit ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this
chapter), horses, and mules on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, squirrel, rabbit, beaver, nutria, raccoon, coyote, and opossum on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4, A5, A6, A9, and A13
2. We restrict all public use to the period
beginning 2 hours before legal sunrise and
ending 2 hours after legal sunset. We prohibit entering or remaining on the refuge before or after hours. We establish special provisions for raccoon hunting; contact the refuge office for details.
3. We only allow shotguns with approved
nontoxic shotgun shot (see § 32.2(k)) and .22
caliber rifles. We prohibit all handguns.
4. All hunters or persons on the refuge for
any reason during any open refuge hunting
season must wear a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of visible, unbroken, fluorescent orange-colored material above the
5. We only allow dogs on the refuge after
the general Gun Deer Hunt. Dogs must remain in the immediate control of their handlers at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
6. We prohibit the cutting or removal of
trees and other vegetation (see § 27.51 of this
chapter). We prohibit the use of flagging,
paint, blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, and
A13 apply.
2. We restrict all public use to 2 hours before legal sunrise and to 2 hours after legal
sunset. We prohibit entering or remaining on
the refuge before or after hours.
3. All hunters or persons on the refuge for
any reason during any open refuge hunting
season must wear a minimum of 500 square


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§ 32.43

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

inches (3,250 cm2) of visible, unbroken, fluorescent orange-colored material above the
waistline. We do not require this for turkey
4. We prohibit dogs for any big game hunt.
5. We prohibit use or possession of any drug
or device for employing such drug for hunting (see § 32.2(g)).
6. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
7. We prohibit hunting or shooting across
any open, fallow, or planted field from
ground level or on or across any public road,
public highway, railroad, or their rights-ofway during all general gun and primitive
weapon hunts.
8. You may erect portable deer stands 2
weeks prior to the opening of archery season
on the refuge, and you must remove them
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) by January 31. We
prohibit the cutting or removal of trees and
other vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter).
We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, blazes,
tacks, or other types of markers.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. All anglers must possess and carry a
valid, signed refuge fishing permit certifying
that you understand and will comply with
all regulations. You may obtain permits at
North Mississippi Refuges Complex Headquarters, 2776 Sunset Drive, Grenada, Mississippi 38901, or at the Dahomey National
Wildlife Refuge Office, Box 381, Highway 446,
Boyle, Mississippi 38730, or by mail to the
above addresses.
2. We close the refuge to fishing from October 1 through February 28.
3. We only allow bank or boat sport fishing
south of Mississippi Highway 8.
4. We prohibit possession of any weapon
(see § 27.42 of this chapter) while fishing on
the refuge.
5. We prohibit possession or use of jugs,
seines, nets, hand-grab baskets, slat traps/
baskets, or any other similar devices and
commercial fishing of any kind.
6. We only allow trotlines, yo-yos, limb
lines, crawfish traps, or any other similar devices for recreational use. You must tag or
mark them with the angler’s full name and
full residence address, including zip code
written with waterproof ink, legibly inscribed or legibly stamped on the tag; and
attend the devices a minimum of once daily.
When not attended, you must remove these
devices (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the
7. We prohibit snagging or attempting to
snag fish.
8. We allow crawfishing.
9. We only allow take of frog by Special
Use Permit.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of dove and snow goose on the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. If you are a hunter age 16 or older, you
must possess and carry a valid, signed refuge
Public Use Permit that certifies that you understand and will comply with all regulations.
2. Each day before hunting, all hunters
must obtain a daily User Information Card
(pink) available at each refuge information
station (see refuge brochure map) and follow
the printed instructions on the card. You
must display this card in plain view on the
dashboard of your vehicle while hunting or
fishing so that the personal information is
readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you
must complete the reverse side of the card
and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations. Failure to display the User Information Card may result in the loss of the
hunter’s refuge annual Public Use Permit.
3. We only allow hunting of snow goose by
Special Use Permit. Contact the refuge office
for details.
4. Hunt dates are available at the refuge
headquarters in July and posted in the refuge brochure.
5. Youth hunters age 15 and under must
possess and carry a hunter safety course card
or certificate. Each youth hunter must remain within sight and normal voice contact
of an adult age 21 or older. We only allow one
adult per youth hunter.
6. We prohibit hunting or entry into areas
designated as ‘‘CLOSED’’ (see refuge brochure
7. We prohibit possession of alcoholic beverages.
8. We prohibit possession of plastic flagging tape.
9. We prohibit handguns at all times.
10. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot while hunting on the refuge
(see § 32.2(k)).
11. You must unload and case guns (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) transported in/on
vehicles, ATVs, and boats under power.
12. We prohibit parking of vehicles in such
a manner as to obstruct roads, gates,
turnrows, or firelanes (see § 27.31(h) of this
13. We allow valid permit holders to take
the following furbearers in season, incidental
to other refuge hunts with legal firearms
used for that hunt: raccoon, opossum, coyote, beaver, bobcat, and nutria.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, and raccoon on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A3, A5 through10, and
A12 through A14 apply.


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§ 32.44

2. We only allow shotguns with approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) and .22 caliber
rimfire rifles (we prohibit .22 caliber
3. During the rabbit-with-dog hunt, any
person hunting or accompanying another
person hunting must wear at least 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken flourescent-orange material visible above the waistline as
an outer garment.
4. We prohibit horses.
5. We allow hunting for rabbit on the
Herron Tract, Brown Tract (east of the Sunflower
Tracts, and Carter Tract. Contact refuge
headquarters for hunt dates, maps, and additional information.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A2, A3, A5, B4, and B5 (we
allow archery except on the Carter Tract)
2. If you are a hunter age 16 or older, you
must possess and carry a valid refuge annual
Public Use Permit or Limited Hunt Permit
that certifies that you understand and will
comply with all regulations. Permits are not
transferable and are nonrefundable.
3. The youth regular gun deer, muzzleloader deer, and senior citizen Gun Deer
Hunts require a Limited Hunt Permit assigned by random computer drawing. If we
draw your name, there is a fee for each permit. Contact the refuge headquarters for specific requirements, hunt, and application
4. During all gun or muzzleloader deer
hunts, all participants must wear at least 500
square inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken
flourescent-orange material visible above
the waistline as an outer garment while
hunting and enroute to and from hunting
5. We prohibit all other public use during
all gun and muzzleloader deer hunts.
6. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
7. We prohibit hunting from or shooting
across open fields from ground level.
8. During all Limited Permit Hunts, each
hunter shall possess and carry only their
own current permit and/or tags.
9. We only allow crossbows in accordance
with State law.
10. We define a loaded gun as shells in the
gun or percussion caps on muzzleloaders.
11. You must unload guns (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter) while standing beside, in, or
walking across any portion of a field, tree
plantation, road, pipeline, or powerline
12. We prohibit hunting from tripods and
other free-standing platforms during muzzleloader, rifle, and youth Gun Deer Hunts in
fields and tree plantations.

13. Stands adjacent to fields and tree plantations must be a minimum of 10 feet (3 m)
above ground. We prohibit attaching stands
to any power or utility pole. You may place
stands on the refuge 7 days prior to and must
remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) by
day 7 after the close of the refuge deer season. You must remove stands in the January/
February closed area by day 7 after the last
deer hunt.
14. You must field dress and check all deer
at refuge headquarters.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29085, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6694, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55187, Nov. 3, 1994; 61 FR 45367,
Aug. 29, 1996; 61 FR 46396, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47379, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46917, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30785, May 12, 2000; 66 FR 46358, Sept.
4, 2001; 68 FR 57317, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362,
54418, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept. 17, 2004]

§ 32.44 Missouri.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must remove all your blinds, boats,
and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from
the refuge each day except for blinds made
entirely of marsh vegetation.
2. We prohibit cutting of woody vegetation
(see § 27.51 of this chapter) on the refuge for
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following condition: You may
only possess approved nontoxic shot (see
§ 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer and
turkey hunting in on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit use of tree spikes to assist
in climbing trees for the purpose of hunting
on the refuge (see § 32.2(i)).
2. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders at
any time.
3. We prohibit hunting over or placing on
the refuge any salt or other mineral blocks
(see § 32.2(h)).
4. We only allow portable tree stands from
September 15 through January 31. You must
place your full name and address on your


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§ 32.44

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

5. We only allow archery hunting in the
portion of Boone’s Crossing unit within the
City of Chesterfield.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: You must operate all motorized boats at no-wake speed.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting during the Statedesignated Managed Deer Hunt.
2. We require hunters to check-in and out
of the refuge each day.
3. We prohibit shooting at deer that are on
any portion of the main perimeter levee.
4. We only allow the use of portable stands,
and hunters must remove them (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) at the end of each day.
5. We close the area south of Bryants Creek
to deer hunting.
6. We require hunters to have all harvested
deer checked by refuge personnel before removing them from the refuge.
7. You must park all vehicles in designated
parking areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of turtle or frog
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
2. We only allow fishing from a boat. We
prohibit bank fishing.
Refer to § 32.32 Illinois for regulations.
Refer to § 32.32 Illinois for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
waterfowl hunting on Pool 8 in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow the use of hunting dogs, but
the hunter must leash the dog or have it
under strict voice command at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
2. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 1 p.m.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel only in the Public Hunting Area
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is open from 11⁄2 hours before
legal sunrise until 11⁄2 hours after legal sunset.

2. We require that all hunters register at
the Hunter Sign-In/Sign Out Stations and
record the number of hours hunted and
squirrels harvested.
3. We prohibit hunting of all other species.
4. We prohibit the use of dogs for squirrel
5. We allow squirrel hunting from the
State opening day through September 30.
6. We only allow shotguns and .22 caliber
rimfire rifles.
7. Shotgun hunters may only possess approved nontoxic shot while in the field (see
§ 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow big game
hunting in the Public Hunting Area in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Condition B1 applies.
2. We require that all hunters register at
the Hunter Sign-In/Sign Out Stations and
record the number of hours hunted and deer
3. We allow archery hunting for deer and
turkey during the fall season. We prohibit
the use or possession of firearms during
these seasons.
4. You must possess and carry a refuge permit for the special muzzleloader deer season.
5. We allow spring turkey hunting. We only
allow shotguns with approved nontoxic shot
(see § 32.2(k)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State ‘‘impounded waters’’ regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit fishing in all areas between
Ditch 2 and Ditch 6 (including Ditches 3, 4,
and 5) plus the moist soil units, and Monopoly Marsh from October 1 through March 1.
2. We only allow fishing in May Pond and
Fox Pond with rod and reel or pole and line.
Anglers may only take bass greater than 12
inches (30 cm) in length from May Pond.
3. We prohibit the use or possession of gasoline-powered boat motors. We allow the use
of electric trolling motors, except that we
prohibit all motors within the Wilderness
4. Anglers must remove watercraft (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge at the
end of each day’s fishing.
5. Anglers may take nongame fish by nets
and seines for personal use only from March
1 through September 30.
6. Anglers must attend trammel and gill
nets at all times and plainly label them with
the owners’s name, address, and phone number.
7. We only allow the use of trotlines,
throwlines, limb lines, bank lines, and jug
lines from 1 hour before legal sunrise until 1
hour after legal sunset. Anglers must remove
all fishing lines (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day’s fishing. Anglers must mark each line with their
name, address, and phone number.


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§ 32.45

8. We only allow personal use take of common snapping turtle and soft-shelled turtle
using pole and line from 1 hour before legal
sunrise until 1 hour after legal sunset. We require that all anglers release all alligator
snapping turtle (see § 27.21 of this chapter).

§ 32.45


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.



A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required.
2. Only historic weapon hunting is permitted.
3. Hunters are required to check in and out
of the refuge.
4. Stands must be removed from the refuge
each day.
5. Hunting is permitted only during the
special hunt season established by the State
for the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following condition: Fish, amphibians, reptiles and crustaceans may only be taken
with hand-held pole and line or rod and reel.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, swan, and coot in
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions (consult refuge manager
prior to hunting to learn of changes or updates):
1. We prohibit access to refuge hunting
areas from other than authorized refuge
parking areas. We prohibit hunting on or
within 25 yards (22.5 m) of dikes or roads except the marked portion of the dike between
Marsh Units 5 and 6. Hunters must have a
means of bird retrieval, using a boat, boots,
or a trained dog, while hunting on this dike
(see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
2. We allow hunting with the opening of
waterfowl season and close November 30.
3. Hunters with a documented mobility disability may reserve an accessible blind in advance by contacting a refuge officer or calling the refuge office.
4. We only allow nonmotorized boats on
refuge waters.
5. We allow hunting from temporary portable blinds or blinds made from natural
6. We prohibit the retrieval of downed
game from areas closed to hunting.
7. You must unload and case all firearms
(see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) when outside of
the refuge hunt area on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, and gray
partridge in designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions (consult refuge
manager prior to hunting to learn of changes
or updates):
1. Conditions A2, A6, and A7 apply.
2. We prohibit access to refuge hunting
areas from other than authorized refuge
parking areas.
3. We prohibit hunting on or within 25
yards (22.5 m) of dikes or roads except the
marked portion of the dike between Marsh
Units 5 and 6.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may sport fish on
designated areas of the refuge as posted by

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required.
2. Only historic weapon hunting is permitted.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted from March 1
through October 15 during daylight hours
2. Only nonmotorized boats are permitted
on refuge waters with the exception that the
use of motors of 10 horsepower or less is permitted on Silver Lake.
Refer to § 32.32 Illinois for regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6694, Feb. 11, 1994; 61 FR 45367, Aug. 29,
1996; 61 FR 46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 65 FR 30785,
May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56404, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR
46359, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR 54362, 54426 Sept. 8,

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Air-thrust boats and boats


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§ 32.45

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

with motors greater than 10 horsepower are
not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:
You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
waterfowl, coots, sandhill cranes, and
mourning doves is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. Hunters are required to check in and out
of the refuge.
2. Air-thrust boats and boats with motors
greater than 10 horsepower are not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, sage grouse, gray
partridge, fox and coyote is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Hunting of fox and coyote is permitted
from December 1 to March 1.
2. Hunters are required to check in and out
of the refuge.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Refuge
open to hunting of migratory game birds in
accordance with State law.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of upland
game birds, turkey and coyote is permitted
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following condition:
1. Coyote hunting allowed from the first
day of antelope rifle season through March 1
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt big
game subject to refuge specific regulations
as designated in refuge publications.
D. Sport fishing. Refuge open to sport fishing in accordance with State law, and as specifically designated in refuge publications.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. The refuge
unit is open to the hunting of migratory
game birds, but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in
State law.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
upland game birds on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Air-thrust boats and boats
with greater than 10 horsepower motors are
not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: The use of motorized boats
is not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:
You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Refuge open to big
game hunting in accordance with State law.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]


A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Air-thrust boats and boats
with greater than 10 horsepower motors are
not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
migratory game birds is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Air-thrust boats and boats
with motors greater than 10 horsepower motors are not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. The refuge
unit is open to the hunting of migratory
game birds but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in State
B. Upland Game Hunting. The refuge unit is
open to the hunting of upland game but has



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§ 32.45

no refuge-specific regulations as it follows
guidelines set out in State law.
C. Big Game Hunting. The refuge unit is
open to big game hunting but has no refugespecific regulations as it follows guidelines
set out in State law.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may sport fish in
accordance with state law.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, and coot from established blinds in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions (consult
refuge manager prior to hunting to learn of
changes or updates):
1. Hunting Access: We have numbered the
blinds and assigned them to a single access
point designated in the refuge hunting leaflet. Hunters must park at this access point
and at the numbered parking space corresponding to a blind. Hunters must walk to
the blind along mowed trails designated in
the hunting leaflet. We open the access point
to hunters who intend to immediately hunt
on the refuge. We prohibit wildlife observation, scouting, and loitering at the access
2. Hunting Hours: We open the hunting
area, defined by the refuge boundary fence, 2
hours before and require departure 2 hours
after legal waterfowl hunting hours, as defined by the State.
3. Registration: Each hunter must record
the date, his or her name, Automated License System number, date of birth, and the
time checking into the hunt area at the appropriate register before hunting; must set
the appropriate blind selector before and
after hunting; and must record hunting data
(hours hunted, the number of shots fired, and
birds harvested) at the appropriate register
before departing the hunting area.
4. Blind selection is on a first-come, firstserved basis with the exception of the opening weekend of waterfowl season. We will
distribute blind permits for the opening
weekend by a public drawing. We will announce the drawing time and place in local
5. We prohibit attempting to ‘‘reserve’’ a
blind for use later in the day by depositing a
vehicle or other equipment on the refuge. A
hunter must be physically present in the
hunting area in order to use a blind.
6. We prohibit blocking access to refuge
gates (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
7. Hunters with a documented mobility disability may reserve an accessible blind in advance by contacting a refuge officer.
8. No more than four hunters or individuals
may use a blind at one time.
9. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or

10. You must conduct all hunting from
within 10 feet (3 m) of a blind.
11. All hunters must have a visible means
of retrieving waterfowl such as a float tube,
waders, or a dog capable of retrieving.
12. We prohibit falconry hunting.
13. We prohibit boats, fishing gear, and
fires (see § 27.95 of this chapter).
14. We require dogs be on a leash at the
hunter access point and when walking to and
from the hunt area/blind (see § 26.21(b) of this
15. We require hunters to unload shotguns
(see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) at the hunter
access point and when walking to and from
the hunt area/blind.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery
hunting of white-tailed deer on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions (consult refuge manager prior to hunting to learn of changes or updates):
1. Hunting Access: Hunters must enter and
exit the hunt areas through designated archery hunting access points. We open access
points to hunters intending to immediately
hunt on the refuge. We prohibit wildlife observation, scouting, and loitering at access
points and parking areas.
2. Condition A2 applies.
3. Registration: Each hunter must record
the date, his or her name, Automated License System number, and date of birth at
the appropriate register before hunting and
must record hunting data (hours hunted, the
number of arrows released, and deer harvested) at the appropriate register before departing the hunting area.
4. Tree Stands and Blinds: We only allow
portable tree stands and blinds that must be
removed each day (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit preseason entry or scouting.
6. Hunters may not enter or retrieve deer
from closed areas of the refuge without the
consent of a refuge officer.
7. We prohibit boats, fishing gear, fires (see
§ 27.95 of this chapter), and firearms.
8. Hunters with a documented mobility disability may access designated locations in
the hunting area to hunt from ground blinds.
To access these areas, hunters must contact
the refuge manager in advance to obtain a
Special Use Permit.
9. We prohibit the use of any mechanized
vehicle to enter or exit the hunt area; this
includes bicycles.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas (Wildlife Viewing Area) of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
in effect on the Bitterroot River from Tucker Crossing to Florence Bridge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of turkey and mountain grouse in designated


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§ 32.45

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We do not allow hunting in areas posted
as ‘‘Closed to Hunting’’ around the refuge
headquarters, maintenance buildings, and
2. We prohibit guiding and outfitting.
3. We allow use of riding or pack stock on
access routes designated through the refuge
to access off-refuge lands as designated in
the public use leaflet.
4. You may not use dogs for hunting of any
5. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while on the refuge.
6. We prohibit overnight camping.
7. We prohibit retrieval of game through
areas closed to hunting without prior consent by the refuge manager.
8. We allow only portable or temporary
blinds and tree stands.
9. We allow parking in designated areas
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
elk, white-tailed deer, and mule deer within
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We do not allow hunting in areas posted
as ‘‘Closed to Hunting’’ around the refuge
headquarters, maintenance buildings, and
2. We prohibit guiding and outfitting.
3. We allow use of riding or pack stock on
access routes designated through the refuge
to access off-refuge lands as designated in
the public use leaflet.
4. You may not use dogs for hunting of any
5. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while on the refuge.
6. We prohibit overnight camping.
7. We prohibit open fires.
8. We prohibit retrieval of game through
areas closed to hunting without prior consent by the refuge manager.
9. We allow only portable or temporary
blinds and tree stands.
10. We allow parking in designated areas
11. The first week of the archery and the
first week of general elk and deer hunting
season are open to youth-only (ages 12 and 13
only) hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, snipe, and dove on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, partridge, and sharp-tailed
grouse on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations.

C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and antelope on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to posted refuge restrictions.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. The refuge unit is open to
sport fishing but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in
State law.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. The refuge unit is open to
sport fishing but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in
State law.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. The refuge unit is open to
sport fishing but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in
State law.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State hunting regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on Lower Red
Rock Lake and that portion of the River
Marsh located directly north of Lower Red
Rock Lake. We close all other areas of the
refuge to hunting of goose, duck, and coot.
2. Hunters must remove all blinds, decoys,
shell casings, and other personal equipment
(see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) from
the refuge each day.
3. We only allow nonmotorized boats in the
hunt area east of the Lower Red Rock Lake
dam. We allow boats with motors 10 hp or
less west of Lower Red Rock Lake dam.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer, elk, moose, and pronghorn antelope on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State hunting regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Moose hunting on the refuge portion of
Montana moose hunt zone 334 opens October
15 and runs through the end of the State
moose season.
2. We restrict moose hunting to the willow
bog area south of Elk Springs Creek and


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§ 32.46

nearby foothills at the southeast corner of
the refuge. We prohibit moose hunting in all
other areas of the refuge.
3. You may hire outfitters or ranchers for
the retrieval of big game.
4. We only allow retrieval of game in closed
areas of the refuge with the consent of a refuge employee.
5. We prohibit use of wheeled game carts or
other mechanical transportation devices for
game retrieval on portions of the refuge designated as Wilderness Area.
6. We prohibit horses north of Red Rock
Pass Road except for the retrieval of big
game. We only allow horses for back-country
access to the Centennial Mountains south of
Red Rock Pass Road. We require the use of
certified weed-free hay or pellets.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State fishing regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from the third Saturday in May through November 30 on Odell
Creek, Red Rock Creek, and Elk Springs
Creek west of Elk Lake Road.
2. We allow fishing from July 15 through
September 30 on Widgeon Pond, Culver Pond,
MacDonald Pond, Picnic Creek, and Elk
Springs Creek east of Elk Lake Road.
3. We allow fishing in open areas from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after
legal sunset.
4. We prohibit fishing on all other refuge
5. You must only use pole and line or rod
and reel to fish on the refuge.
6. You must use artificial lures or flies
when fishing refuge waters; we prohibit bait
7. We prohibit the use or possession of lead
sinkers or any lead fishing product while
8. We prohibit tubes and other flotation devices used for fishing unless posted at refuge
parking areas as open.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, and coots on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Waterfowl and coot hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot
while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Refuge open to sport fishing in accordance with State law, and as specifically designated in refuge publications.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. The refuge
unit is open to the hunting of migratory
game birds but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in State

B. Upland Game Hunting. Refuge is open to
upland game hunting in accordance with
State laws, regulations and subject to the
following condition:
1. Coyote hunting allowed from the first
day of antelope rifle season through March 1
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt big
game subject to refuge-specific regulations
as designated in refuge publications.
D. Sport Fishing. The refuge unit is open to
sport fishing but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in
State law.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. The refuge
unit is open to the hunting of migratory
game birds but has no refuge-specific regulations as it follows guidelines set out in State
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge subject to the following condition:
You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. The refuge unit is
open to big game hunting but has no refugespecific regulations as it follows guidelines
set out in State law.
D. Sport Fishing. Refuge open to sport fishing in accordance with State law, and as specifically designated in refuge publications.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29075, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6694, Feb. 11,
1994; 60 FR 62044, Dec. 4, 1995; 62 FR 47379,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46918, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30786, May 12, 2000; 67 FR 58946, Sept. 18, 2002;
69 FR 54362, 54427, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.46


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of ducks, geese, and coots on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may access the refuge from 11⁄2
hours before legal sunrise to 1 hour after
legal sunset along the immediate shoreline
and including the high bank of the Missouri
River. You may access the hunting area by
water or, if by land, only within the public
use area of the Island Unit and only with
shotgun cased and unloaded.
2. You must remove all blinds and decoys
at the conclusion of each day’s hunt.
3. You must adhere to all applicable State
hunting regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]


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§ 32.46

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: We require a refuge hunt permit.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow personally attended hook and
line fishing and archery fishing (rough fish
only) from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2
hour after legal sunset.
2. We only allow fishing from the shoreline.
We prohibit all watercraft in the Boyer
Chute waterway.
3. We prohibit floating lines, limblines,
trotlines, crossbows, snagging devices, nets,
and spears.
4. We prohibit ice fishing.
5. We prohibit digging or netting bait,
frogging, or collecting mussels.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl and coot in designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close the refuge to the general public
from legal sunset to legal sunrise. However,
hunters may enter the designated hunting
area 2 hours before legal sunrise and must be
back to their vehicle in the process of leaving the refuge 2 hours after legal sunset. Official shooting hours are from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset
for deer, coyote, and furbearer hunters; and
from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until legal
sunset for all other hunters.
2. We only allow you to unleash dogs used
to locate, point, and retrieve upland and
small game and migratory birds on the refuge while hunting (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
3. We open the refuge to hunting from September 1 through January 31 in accordance
with State regulations.
4. We allow decoys, but hunters must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the
end of each day.
5. We restrict vehicles to roads that are
open to the public (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
We prohibit hunters taking vehicles off of
approved roads to set up blinds, decoys, or to
retrieve game or for any other purposes
other than emergencies. We allow parking
within one vehicle length of the road.
6. We prohibit publicly organized hunts unless authorized under a Special Use Permit.
7. We only allow temporary blinds and
stands, and hunters must remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
8. We only allow floating blinds on Island
Lake. We prohibit all boats (including a
floating device of any kind) on all other refuge lakes.

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of cottontail rabbit, jack rabbit, furbearer,
coyote, ring-necked pheasant, and sharptailed grouse on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A6 apply.
2. We prohibit baiting. We allow electronic
calls for coyote and furbearer hunting.
3. Coyotes and all furbearers or their parts,
if left in the field, must be left out of view of
the public. Otherwise hunters must remove
them from the refuge and properly dispose of
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and mule deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4, A5, A6, and A7 apply.
2. We prohibit tree stands that cause damage to the tree by penetrating into the bark
and tree climbing spikes or screw-in steps
that penetrate beyond the outer bark of a
tree (see § 32.2(i)).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close the refuge to the general public
from legal sunset to legal sunrise. However,
anglers may enter the refuge 1 hour before
legal sunrise and remain until 1 hour after
legal sunset.
2. We open Island Lake to fishing yearround and open Smith and Crane Lakes to
fishing seasonally from November 1 through
February 15. We close all other refuge lakes.
3. We prohibit the possession or use of live
or dead minnows and the possession of any
fish not taken lawfully from one of the refuge lakes open to fishing.
4. We only allow boating and float tubes on
Island Lake. We prohibit use of internal
combustion motors for boats on Island Lake;
we close all other refuge lakes to boating or
float tubing.
5. We prohibit leaving temporary shelters
used for fishing overnight on the refuge.
Refer to § 32.34 Iowa for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing on the portions of
the Minnechaduza Creek and downstream
from Cornell Dam along the Niobrara River
that flows through the refuge.
2. We prohibit the use of limb or set lines.


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§ 32.47


§ 32.47

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, pheasant, State-defined
furbearers, and coyote on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close the Lake Alice Unit to all public entry from October 15 through January
2. Hunters must be 15 years of age or
younger. A licensed hunter 19 years of age or
older must accompany youth hunters. We
prohibit adults accompanying youth hunters
to hunt or carry firearms. The accompanying
adult is responsible for ensuring that the
hunter does not engage in conduct that
would constitute a violation of refuge or
State regulations.
3. We close the refuge to public use from
legal sunset to legal sunrise. However, youth
hunters and their adult guides may enter the
designated hunting area 1 hour prior to legal
4. We only allow dogs for pheasant-hunting
on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery
hunting of mule deer and white-tailed deer
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We close the Lake Alice Unit to all public entry from October 15 through January
2. We close the refuge to public use from
legal sunset to legal sunrise. However, archery deer hunters may enter the designated
hunting area 1 hour prior to legal sunrise
and remain until 1 hour after legal sunset.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Sport fishing is allowed on
designated areas of the refuge pursuant to
State law.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters
may hunt migratory birds on designated
areas of the refuge subject to refuge specific
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
upland game on designated areas of the refuge subject to refuge specific regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt big
game on designated areas of the refuge subject to refuge specific regulations.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in designated portions of the refuge subject to refuge specific regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 55187, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62044, Dec. 4,
1995; 61 FR 45367, Aug. 29, 1996; 62 FR 47380,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46918, Sept. 3, 1998; 68 FR
57317, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362, 54428, Sept.8,


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, snipe,
and dove on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting only on designated
2. We only allow motorless boats or boats
with electric motors on the refuge hunting
area during the migratory waterfowl hunting
3. We open the refuge to the public from 1
hour before legal sunrise until 1 hour after
legal sunset.
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail and rabbit on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A3 and A4 apply.
2. We only allow hunting on designated
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Desert National Wildlife Refuge
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of bighorn
sheep is permitted on designated areas of the
range subject to the following conditions:
1. Bighorn sheep guides are required to obtain a Special Use Permit prior to taking clients onto the range.
2. Natural bighorn sheep mortality (pickup heads) found on the range are government
property and possession or removal of them
from the range is not permitted.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, moorhen, snipe,
and dove on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting only on designated
2. We only allow motorless boats or boats
with electric motors on the refuge hunting
area during the migratory waterfowl hunting
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail and rabbit on designated areas of the


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§ 32.47

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on designated
2. Conditions A3 applies.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing year-round with the exception of the North Marsh that we close October 1 to February 1.
2. We only allow motorless boats or boats
with electric motors on the Upper Lake,
Middle Pond, and Lower Lake.
3. We prohibit the use of boats, rubber
rafts, or other flotation devices on the North
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of dark geese, ducks, coots,
moorhens, and common snipe on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is open to the public from 1
hour before sunrise until 2 hours after sunset.
2. We do not allow permanent or pit blinds
on the refuge. You must remove all blind
materials and decoys following each day’s
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State laws and subject to the following
1. The refuge is open to the public from 1
hour before sunrise until 2 hours after sunset.
2. We allow fishing by wading and from
personal flotation devices (float tubes) and
bank fishing in designated areas.
3. You may use only artificial lures in the
Collection Ditch and adjoining spring ponds.
4. We do not allow boats on refuge waters
from January 1 through June 14.
5. During the boating season, we allow
boats only on the South Marsh. June 15
through July 31, we allow only motorless
boats or boats with battery-powered electric
motors. Anglers must remove all gasolinepowered motors. August 1 through December
31, we allow only motorless boats and boats
propelled with motors with a total of 10
horsepower or less.
6. We allow launching of boats only from
designated landings.
7. We prohibit the possession of live or
dead bait fish, any amphibians (including
frogs), and crayfish on the refuge.
8. We do not allow storage of boats of any
kind on the refuge beginning January 1
through May 31.

9. We do not allow off-road vehicles on the
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting on the following waters: Big Spring Reservoir, Catnip Reservoir,
Dunfurrena Ponds, and the ‘‘Little Sheldon’’
portion of the refuge.
2. Hunters may only use boats with electric motors.
3. We only allow portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of synthetic material.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, grouse, and chukar on the refuge except in the following areas: The ‘‘Little Sheldon’’ portion of the refuge and around the
Dunfurrena Ponds in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: We allow sage grouse hunting and require a State permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer, antelope, and bighorn sheep on the refuge except in the following areas: The ‘‘Little
Sheldon’’ portion of the refuge and around
Dunfurrena Ponds in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow ground blinds, and you must
not construct them earlier than 1 week prior
to the opening day of the legal season for
which you have a valid permit.
2. You must remove blinds (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) within 24 hours of harvesting
an animal or at the end of the permittee’s
legal season.
3. You must tag blinds with the owner’s
name and permit number.
4. We prohibit destruction of natural vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter) or belowground excavation.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in Big
Spring Reservoir, Catnip Reservoir, and in
the Dunfurrena Ponds in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We only allow boats with electric motors.
2. We only allow individuals who are age 12
or under, age 65 or older, or disabled to fish
in McGee Pond.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting is
allowed as per State law.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting is allowed as per State law.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting is allowed as
per State law.
D. Sport Fishing. Sport fishing is allowed as
per State law with certain restrictions as


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.48

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions.
1. We prohibit hunting inside the posted no
hunting zone around the residence of the
former Alves property.
2. We prohibit hunting inside the posted no
hunting zone located south of Division Road
as shown in the refuge brochure.
3. We prohibit loaded weapons (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter) inside the posted retrieval
zone. The zone begins on the north edge of
Division Road and extends 200 yards (180 m)
4. We allow persons to transport rifles and
pistols through the refuge only when unloaded and cased (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter).
5. We prohibit boating outside of the waterfowl and youth waterfowl hunting season
except on Swan Check Lake where we allow
nonmotorized boating all year.
6. We prohibit boats on Swan Lake, the
northeast corner of North Nutgrass Lake,
and the north end of Pintail Bay. We allow
the use of nonmotorized carts, sleds, floating
blinds, and other floating devices in these
areas to transport hunting equipment and to
conceal hunters, but not to transport hunters.
7. We only allow outboard motor boats on
Lead Lake, Tule Lake, Goose Lake, South
Nutgrass Lake, the southeast corner of
North Nutgrass Lake, and south end of Pintail Bay.
8. We only allow air-thrust boats on Goose
Lake, South Nutgrass Lake, the southeast
corner of North Nutgrass Lake, and the
south end of Pintail Bay.
9. You may not operate air-thrust boats
until 1 hour after the legal shooting time on
opening day of waterfowl season.
10. We require air-thrust boat owners to
get a Special Use Permit from the refuge
manager and to display a number on their
11. We allow nonmotorized boats on all
lakes and bays except Swan Lake, the northeast corner of North Nutgrass Lake, and the
north end of Pintail Bay.
12. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles on the
refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
13. We only allow parking on boat landings
and designated parking areas.
14. We only allow camping in designated
15. We prohibit campfires (see § 27.95 of this
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game species on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. Conditions A1, A2, A4, A12, A13, A14, and
A15 apply.
2. Hunters must only use shotguns with approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule deer on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A12, A13, A14, and A15
2. Hunters must only use shotguns, muzzleloading weapons, or bow and arrow.
3. We allow persons to transport centerfire
rifles and pistols through the refuge only
when unloaded and cased (see § 27.42(b) of this
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6694, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62044, Dec. 4,
1995; 61 FR 46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47380,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46919, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30786, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56405, Sept. 18, 2000;
66 FR 46360, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58948, Sept.
18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54429, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.48 New Hampshire.
We have opened the following refuge
unit to hunting and/or fishing with applicable refuge-specific regulations:
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We do not require a separate Federal
permit for waterfowl hunting.
2. We only allow hunting from Great Bay
up to the refuge boundary signs and hunters
may not retrieve birds beyond refuge signs
from the shoreline.
3. We only allow portable blinds. You must
remove all decoys, blinds, and boats (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) each day.
4. Waterfowl hunters may only access
shorelines by boat from launching areas outside the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. The deer hunt will be the first weekend
of the State’s either-sex season for Wildlife
Management Unit M, usually held in November.
2. We close the refuge to all other public
use during the hunt weekend.
3. We require refuge permits (you must
possess and carry) for the deer hunt for a fee
of $20.00. By lottery we draw 20 hunters for
each day, for a total of 40. We also draw 20
alternate hunters.
4. A licensed and permit-holding adult who
is at least age18 must accompany youth


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§ 32.48

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

hunters up to age 16 when hunting. We
charge no refuge permit fee to youth hunters.
5. Youth hunters must have successfully
completed a State hunter education course.
6. We require deer hunters to wear in a
visible manner on the head, chest, and back,
a minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid-colored, blaze-orange clothing or material.
7. We only allow shotgun hunting with
slugs. We prohibit other firearms, including
handguns, at any time while on the refuge.
8. You must unload shotguns (see § 27.42(b)
of this chapter) outside of legal State hunting hours and while traveling through any
designated safety zone.
9. We only allow portable tree stands that
hunters must remove (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of the day.
10. Two weeks prior to the hunt, we will
allow selected hunters a refuge permit (you
must possess and carry) to scout for 4 days.
Scout days are Wednesdays through Saturdays during daylight hours only.
11. You must possess and carry the refuge
permit with you at all times while scouting
and hunting the refuge.
12. You must check-in at the refuge electronic gate between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. on
your assigned hunt day.
13. We open the entire refuge to deer hunting, with the exception of designated safety
zones and the former Weapons Storage Area.
14. In order to protect bald eagles from disturbance, we may, on a daily basis, close
Woodman Point to deer hunting if significant numbers of roosting bald eagles are
using the area.
15. You must park in designated parking
areas and along roads up to barricades; from
there, hunters must only travel by foot.
16. You must take harvested deer to the
refuge office before leaving.
17. The refuge is located in Newington,
New Hampshire, along the eastern shoreline
of Great Bay. McIntyre Road borders the refuge to the east. The southern boundary begins approximately 1⁄4 mile (.4 km) north of
the intersection of Fabyan Point Road and
McIntyre Road and continues west to the
shoreline of Great Bay. The northern boundary begins approximately 150 feet (45 m)
south of the intersection of McIntyre Road
and Little Bay Road and continues west to
the shoreline of Great Bay. The western
boundary is the shoreline of Great Bay.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, American crow, and
woodcock in accordance with State regulations, seasons, and bag limits subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must wear two articles of hunter-orange clothing or material. One article must

be a solid-colored hunter-orange hat; the
other must cover a major portion of the
torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat, or poncho
and must be a minimum of 50 percent hunter
orange in color (such as orange camouflage)
except when hunting waterfowl.
2. We will provide permanent refuge blinds
that are available by reservation. You may
make reservations for particular blinds up to
1 year in advance, for a maximum of 1 week,
running Monday through Sunday during the
hunting season. You may make reservations
for additional weeks up to 1 week in advance,
on a space-available basis. We prohibit other
permanent blinds. You must remove temporary blinds, boats, and decoys (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) from the refuge each day.
3. You may use dogs (see § 26.21(b) of this
chapter) to retrieve, point, and flush when
hunting for migratory birds.
4. We open the refuge to hunting during
the hours stipulated under each State’s
hunting regulations but no longer than from
1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after
legal sunset. We close the refuge to night
hunting. Hunters must unload all firearms
(see § 27.42 of this chapter) outside of legal
hunting hours.
5. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs or OHRVs) on refuge land (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of coyote, fox, raccoon, woodchuck, red and
eastern gray squirrel, porcupine, skunk,
snowshoe hare, ring-necked pheasant, ruffed
grouse, and northern bobwhite in accordance
with State regulations, seasons, and bag limits subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit night hunting.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We open the refuge to hunting during
the hours stipulated under State hunting
regulations but no longer than from 1⁄2 hour
before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after legal
sunset. We close the refuge to night hunting.
Hunters must unload all firearms (see § 27.42
of this chapter), and nock no arrows outside
of legal hunting hours.
4. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs or OHRVs) on refuge land (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
5. You must wear two articles of hunter-orange clothing or material. One article must
be a solid-colored hunter-orange hat; the
other must cover a major portion of the
torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat, or poncho
and must be a minimum of 50 percent hunter
orange in color (such as orange camouflage)
except when hunting turkey.
6. We allow hunting of coyotes and snowshoe hare with dogs during State hunting
seasons. Hunting with trailing dogs on the
refuge will be subject to the following regulations:
i. You must equip all dogs used to hunt
coyote with working radio-telemetry collars,


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.49

and you must be in possession of a working
radio-telemetry receiver that can detect and
track the frequencies of all collars used. We
require no radio-telemetry collars for dogs
used to hunt snowshoe hare.
ii. We prohibit training during or outside
of dog season for coyote or hare.
iii. We allow a maximum of four dogs per
iv. You must pick up all dogs the same day
you release them (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
bear, white-tailed deer, and moose in accordance with State regulations, seasons, and
bag limits subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B3 and B4 apply.
2. We allow bear hunting with dogs during
State hunting seasons. Hunting with trailing
dogs on the refuge will be subject to the following conditions:
i. You must equip all dogs used to hunt
bear with working radio-telemetry collars,
and you must be in possession of a working
radio-telemetry receiver that can detect and
track the frequencies of all collars used.
ii. We prohibit training during or outside
of dog season for bear.
iii. We allow a maximum of four dogs per
iv. You must pick up all dogs the same day
you release them (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
3. We allow prehunt scouting of the refuge;
however, we prohibit dogs and firearms during prehunt scouting.
4. Each hunter must wear two articles of
hunter-orange clothing or material. One article must be a solid-colored hunter orange
hat; the other must cover a major portion of
the torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat, or
poncho and must be a minimum of 50 percent
hunter orange in color (such as orange camouflage).
5. We allow temporary tree stands and
blinds, but you must remove them (see § 27.93
of this chapter) by the end of the season. We
prohibit nails, screws, or screw-in climbing
pegs to build or access a stand or blind (See
§ 32.2(i)).
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[65 FR 30786, May 12, 2000, as amended at 65
FR 56405, Sept. 18, 2000; 69 FR 54362, 54430,
Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.49 New Jersey.
The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl, coot, moorhen, rail,

common snipe, and woodcock in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on those refuge
tracts located west of Route 47 in the Delaware Bay Division and on those tracts north
of Route 550 in the Great Cedar Swamp Division. We prohibit hunting on the Two Mile
Beach Unit.
2. While hunting migratory game birds, except waterfowl, you must wear in a visible
manner on your head, chest, and back a minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material.
3. You must remove all hunting blind materials, boats, and decoys (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) at the end of each hunting day. We
prohibit permanent or pit blinds.
4. The common snipe season on the refuge
begins with the start of the State early
woodcock south zone season and continues
through the end of the State common snipe
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting on the following
i. The posted ‘‘Closed Area’’ of Tract 200 in
the Delaware Bay Division;
ii. The posted ‘‘Closed Area’’ in Tract 334 in
the Delaware Bay Division; and
iii. The Two Mile Beach Unit.
2. During the firearms big game seasons,
you must wear, in a visible manner on head,
chest, and back, a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl, coot, moorhen, and
rail on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must remove all hunting blind materials, boats, and decoys (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) at the end of each hunting day. We
prohibit permanent or pit blinds.
2. You may use trained dogs for the retrieval of authorized game birds (see § 26.21(b)
of this chapter).
3. You may possess a maximum of 25 approved nontoxic shotshells per day in all
hunting units of the Barnegat Division and a
maximum of 50 approved nontoxic shotshells
per day in Unit 1 of the Brigantine Division
(see § 32.2(k)).
4. In Hunting Unit B of the Barnegat Division, we restrict hunting to designated sites,


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§ 32.49

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

with each site limited to one party of hunters.
5. In Hunting Units B, D, E, and F of the
Barnegat Division, we require a minimum of
six decoys, and we prohibit jump shooting.
6. Access is by boat only in all Units of the
Barnegat Division except Unit A South and
Unit F. You may access these units by foot
or boat. Access is by boat only in all Units of
the Brigantine Division.
7. You may not enter hunt Units before 4
8. No person including, but not limited to,
a guide, guide service, outfitter, club, or
other organization, will provide assistance,
services, or equipment on the refuge to any
other person for compensation unless such
guide, guide service, outfitter, club, or organization has obtained a Special Use Permit
from the refuge for a fee.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in New Jersey Deer Management Zones 56, 57, and 58 in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require persons hunting on the refuge
for the first time to attend one of the four
refuge-specific hunter-orientation sessions
conducted during the fall.
2. We require a State permit for the appropriate State Deer Management Zone. You
must have this permit stamped and validated
in person at the Brigantine or Barnegat office. Hunters will receive maps of the refugespecific zones upon validation.
3. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 2 hours before shooting time and must
leave no later than 1 hour after the end of
shooting time. Refuge hunting hours are
consistent with State hunting hours.
4. During firearm big game season, hunters
must wear in a visible manner on head,
chest, and back a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material.
5. You may scout on the 2 Sundays prior to
the opening day of your respective zone permit.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing at the
Holgate Unit, Little Beach Island, Graveling
Point, Lily Lake, and the posted fishing
areas along the south side of Parkertown
Dock Road, North side of Cedar Run Dock
Road, end of Stafford Avenue, and the middle
branch of the Forked River in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close the Holgate unit and Little
Beach Island during the migratory bird nesting season. We may extend the closure of the
bay side portion of the Holgate Unit through
2. We require a Special Use Permit to fish
from Little Beach Island. You may obtain
permits from the refuge headquarters.

3. We only allow car-top-type launches at
Lily Lake. There is no boat ramp.
4. We prohibit use of internal combustion
engines on Lily Lake.
5. We will close the Forked River fishing
area during zone 58 big game hunting season.
6. We will open Forked River and Lily
Lake from legal sunrise until legal sunset.
7. We prohibit fishing, clamming, and crabbing from any waters within tract 122X, locally known as the AT&T properties. We
close this tract to all public use.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require a State permit for the appropriate New Jersey Deer Management Zone.
2. In addition to the State permit, we require a Deer Hunting Permit (along with a
fee) issued by the refuge. This permit must
be stamped for validation.
3. We require refuge hunters to pass a written examination before allowing them to
hunt on the refuge.
4. Hunters must wear in a visible manner
on head, chest, and back a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored
hunter-orange clothing or material.
5. Hunters must be in possession of refuge
and State hunting permits at all times while
hunting on the refuge.
6. Refuge hunting regulations, as listed in
the ‘‘Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Public Deer Hunt Map,’’ and found in the examination, will be in effect.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese and ducks on designated
areas of the refuge during designated refuge
seasons subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow loaded and uncased firearms in
an unanchored boat only when retrieving
crippled birds.
2. You must remove all hunting blind materials, boats, and decoys following each
day’s hunt. We do not allow permanent
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. A State permit for the appropriate New
Jersey Deer Management Zone is required.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.49

2. In addition to the State permit, a Special Use Deer Hunting Permit issued by the
refuge is required.
3. All hunters must attend a refuge hunter
orientation session.
4. Hunters during firearms big game season
must wear in a conspicuous manner on head,
chest and back a minimum of 400 square
inches of solid-colored hunter orange clothing or material.
5. You may only use single-projectile ammunition when hunting from a stand elevated at least 6 feet (1.8 m) above ground
level and only in firearms equipped with adjustable sights or a scope. Hunters may use
buckshot when hunting from the ground or
from stands less than 6 feet above ground
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on the refuge in designated areas subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the taking of frogs, salamanders, and turtles from all nontidal waters and refuge lands.
2. We prohibit fishing in designated
nontidal waters from sunset to sunrise.
3. We prohibit bow fishing in nontidal waters.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of all migratory bird species on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit at all times while scouting
and hunting on the refuge. We charge a fee
for all hunters except youth age 16 and
2. We issue one companion permit at no
charge to each hunter. We allow companions
to observe and call, but they cannot shoot a
firearm or bow. Companion and hunters
must set up in the same location.
3. We have seven hunting areas on the refuge. We allow migratory bird hunting in
Areas A, D, E, and G. We close Areas C and
F to migratory bird hunting. We close Area
B to migratory bird hunting except we open
119 Owens Station Road to State-licensed
disabled hunters. We provide maps with the
refuge permit (you must possess and carry)
that show these areas in detail.
4. We provide you with hunt parking areas
and issue parking permits that you must
clearly display in your vehicle. Hunters who
park on the refuge must park in identified
hunt parking areas.
5. You must wear, in a visible manner, a
minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid-color, hunter-orange clothing or material on the head, chest, and back, except
when hunting duck and goose.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotgun shells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of
25 or less daily.

7. We prohibit use or erection of permanent
or pit blinds. You must remove all hunting
blind material, boats, and decoys (see § 27.93
of this chapter) from the refuge at the end of
each hunting day.
8. We prohibit the use of all terrain vehicles (ATVs) on the refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this
chapter), except if you have a State of New
Jersey—disabled hunting license, have received a disabled hunting permit from the
refuge, have a certificate of ATV safety class
completion, and are hunting in the disabled
hunter area located at 119 Owens Station
9. We allow prehunt scouting, and we allow
the use of dogs while hunting. However, we
prohibit dogs during prehunt scouting.
10. We limit the number of dogs per hunting party to no more than two dogs.
11. We allow hunters to enter the refuge 2
hours before shooting time, and they must
leave no later than 2 hours after the end of
shooting time.
12. We prohibit the hunting of crows on the
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A4, A8, A9, and A11
2. We have seven hunting areas on the refuge. We allow white-tailed deer and turkey
hunting in Areas A, D, E, F, and G. Area B
is open for big game hunting east of the
abandoned railroad bed. Also in Area B, we
only allow State-licensed, disabled hunters
to hunt at 119 Owens Station Road. We close
Area C to big game hunting. We provide
maps with the refuge permit (you must possess and carry) that show these areas in detail.
3. We require firearms hunters to wear, in
a visible manner, a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-color, hunter-orange clothing or material on the head, chest,
and back. Bow hunters must meet the same
requirements when we open the firearm season. We do not require turkey hunters to
wear orange at any time.
4. You must remove all stands and other
hunting material (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated sections of the refuge in both New
York and New Jersey in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We allow fishing in and along the banks
of the Wallkill River and in the pond at refuge headquarters.
2. We require that anglers park in designated parking areas to access the Wallkill
River through the refuge.


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§ 32.50

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. You may launch canoes, kayaks, or
small boats at designated river access locations.
4. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
5. We prohibit commercial fishing on the
6. We prohibit the taking of frog and turtle
(see § 27.21 of this chapter).
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29075, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6686, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55187, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 52868,
Oct. 11, 1995; 60 FR 62044, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR
46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47380, Sept. 9, 1997;
63 FR 46919, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30787, May 12,
2000; 65 FR 56406, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46360,
Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR 54362, 54432, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.50 New Mexico.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, mourning dove,
and sandhill crane on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. On the North Tract (including Salt
Creek Wilderness Area and the portion of the
refuge located north of U.S. Highway 70) all
hunting must be in accordance with State
seasons and regulations. On the Middle Tract
(the portion of the refuge located between
U.S. Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 380), we
restrict hunting to goose, duck, sandhill
crane, and American coot (no dove) in the
designated public hunting area in the southern portion of the Tract that never approaches closer than 100 yards (90 m) to the
public auto tour route only; we limit hunting to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
during the period when the State seasons for
that area are open simultaneously for ALL
these species; and all hunting must cease at
1 p.m. (local time) on each hunt day. On the
South Tract (the portion of the refuge located south of U.S. Highway 380), we only
allow hunting during Special Hunts (Youth
hunters [17 years of age and younger] and/or
Physically Impaired) as per State seasons
and regulations.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We prohibit pit or permanent blinds and
require daily removal of all waterfowl decoys
and all temporary blinds/stands (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
4. We only allow unleashed hunting/retrieving dogs on the refuge when hunters are legally present in areas where we allow hunters, only if the dogs are under the immediate
control of hunters at all times (see § 26.21(b)

of this chapter), and only to pursue species
legally in season at that time.
5. We do not require refuge or other special
hunt permits other than those required by
the State (e.g., sandhill crane permits).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, quail, cottontail, and jack rabbit on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. On the North Tract (including Salt
Creek Wilderness Area and the portion of the
refuge located north of U.S. Highway 70), all
hunting must be in accordance with State
seasons and regulations. On the Middle Tract
(the portion of the refuge located between
U.S. Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 380), we
only allow pheasant hunting and restrict
hunting to the designated public hunting
area in the southern portion of the Tract
that never approaches closer than 100 yards
(90 m) from the public auto tour route; we
limit hunting to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
Saturdays during the State season for the
Middle Tract; and all hunting must cease at
1 p.m. (local time) on each hunt day. On the
South Tract (the portion of the refuge located south of U.S. Highway 380) we only
allow public hunting during Special Hunts
(Youth hunters [17 years of age and younger]
and/or Physically Impaired) as per State seasons and regulations.
2. Conditions A2 and A4 apply.
3. We do not require refuge or other special
hunt permits other than those required by
the State.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule deer, white-tailed deer, and feral hog
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. We restrict all hunting to the North
Tract (including Salt Creek Wilderness Area
and the portion of the refuge located north
of U.S. Highway 70) in accordance with State
seasons and regulations, with the specification that we only allow hunt and take of
feral hog (no bag limit) during deer hunts for
that area and only with the weapon legal for
deer on that day in that area.
2. Condition B3 applies.
3. We only allow use of portable blinds or
stands, and require daily removal of all
blinds and stands (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning and white-winged dove
and light goose on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit for hunting of light goose. The permit is
available through a lottery drawing, and we
must receive applications for the permit by


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.50

November 30 of each year along with a $6.00
nonrefundable application fee.
2. We allow hunting of light goose on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the second full week of January. Hunters must report to the refuge headquarters by 4:45 a.m.
each hunt day. Legal hunting hours will run
from 6:45 a.m. to 10 a.m. local time.
3. We allow the use of hunting dogs for bird
retrieval. You must keep dogs on a leash
when not hunting (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
4. We prohibit hunters and dogs from retrieving dead or wounded birds in closed
5. All State and Federal hunting and fishing regulations regarding methods of take,
dates, bag limits, etc., apply to all hunting
and fishing on the refuge, in addition to
these refuge-specific regulations.
6. We prohibit canoeing, boating, or floating through the refuge on the Rio Grande.
7. We prohibit hunting any species on the
Rio Grande within the refuge.
8. We prohibit falconry on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail and cottontail rabbit on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotguns and bows and arrows.
2. Conditions A5 through A8 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule deer and oryx on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Refer to the refuge map for designated
2. Hunting on the eastside of the Rio
Grande is by foot or horseback only.
3. We allow oryx hunting from the east
bank of the Rio Grande and east to the refuge boundary. We will allow hunters possessing a valid State special off-range permit
to hunt oryx on the refuge during the concurrent State deer season. We also may establish special hunt dates each year for oryx.
Contact the refuge manager for special
4. Conditions A5 through A8 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on all canals within the
refuge boundaries (Interior Drain, Riverside
Canal, and Low Flow Conveyance Channel),
and unit 25AS either from the boardwalk or
from shore.
2. We allow fishing from April 1 through
September 30.
3. We allow fishing from 1 hour before legal
sunrise until 1 hour after legal sunset.
4. We prohibit trotlines, bows and arrows,
boats or other floatation devices, seining, dip
netting, traps, using bait taken from the ref-

uge, taking of turtle (see § 27.21 of this chapter), littering, and all other activities not expressly allowed.
5. Access to the canals is via the tour loop.
We prohibit fishing in closed areas of the refuge, with the exception of the Low Flow
Conveyance Channel.
6. We allow frogging for bullfrog on the refuge from June 1 through August 15 in areas
that are open to fishing. We only allow
frogging from 1 hour before legal sunrise to
1 hour after legal sunset. Interested persons
must obtain a free Special Use Permit at the
refuge visitor center.
7. All State and Federal fishing regulations
regarding methods of take, dates, creel limits, etc., apply to all fishing on the refuge, in
addition to these refuge-specific regulations.
8. We prohibit fishing for any species on
the Rio Grande within the refuge.
9. Condition A6 applies.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning dove and Canada goose
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit and pay a fee.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. Youth hunters age 17 and under must
hunt under the supervision of an adult age 21
or older.
4. We prohibit hunters and dogs from entering closed areas to retrieve birds.
5. We only allow Canada goose hunting on
designated day(s) of the week as identified
on the permit.
6. Shooting hours for Canada goose are
from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1 p.m.
local time.
7. The bag limit for Canada goose is two.
8. For Canada goose hunting, you may only
possess approved nontoxic shells (see
§ 32.2(k)) while in the field in quantities of
six or less.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted from noon March 1
through October 31.
2. Fishing is permitted only in Lakes 13
and 14.
3. Boats are permitted on Lakes 13 and 14
only during the fishing season.
4. Fishing is not permitted within 150 feet
of headgates.


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§ 32.51

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)



A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
oryx or gemsbok (Oryx gazella) on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. We require hunters to check in and out
of the hunt area.
2. We require hunters to attend unexploded
ordnance (UXO) training prior to entering
the hunt area.
3. We require State permits and payment
of a hunt fee.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, rail, coot, gallinule,
snipe, and woodcock on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. For hunting of goose, duck, and coot
(only allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
i. We require refuge waterfowl hunting permits. We allocate permits by random drawing at the Waterfowl Hunter Check Station
on Route 77 on hunt days, except that we
conduct a mail-in lottery for permits issued
for opening day and the first two Saturdays
of the regular waterfowl season. Permits
allow up to three hunters to hunt. We charge
a daily fee. A hunt stand is available for
physically challenged hunters possessing a
Golden Access Passport. We will allocate the
hunt stand in a separate random draw for
opening day and by first-come, first-served
basis for other hunt days. The permit will
allow one helper who may also hunt.
ii. You must possess and carry a valid New
York State Waterfowl Education Certificate
of Qualification.
iii. You must provide and use a minimum
of six decoys.
iv. We only allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 12 p.m. (noon). All hunters must check out no later than 1 p.m. by
returning the Harvest Report portion of your
permit to the Waterfowl Hunter Check Station.
v. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in the field in quantities of 20 or less.
vi. You must hunt within 100 feet (30 m) of
your designated stand unless actively pursuing crippled birds.
2. For hunting of rail, gallinule, snipe, and
i. We require refuge daily small-game hunt
permits and reports. You may obtain these
self-issued permits at several kiosks located
around the refuge. The hunter must complete and sign Part ‘‘A’’ and possess and carry
Part ‘‘B’’ while hunting, then complete and
return Part ‘‘B’’ to one of the kiosks at the
end of the hunt day.
ii. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shot in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
iii. We only allow hunting east of Sour
Springs Road.
3. We allow youths ages 12 to 17 to hunt
goose and duck on the first Sunday of the
regular waterfowl season subject to the following conditions:
i. Each youth hunter must preregister at
the refuge office.
ii. Each youth hunter must participate in
the prehunt orientation and education program.
iii. Each youth must hunt with a
preapproved, nonhunting adult (for ages 12

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
mourning and white-winged doves, geese,
ducks and coots is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. Hunters or dogs may not enter closed
areas to retrieve birds.
2. Permanent blinds are not permitted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6694, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62045, Dec. 4,
1995; 61 FR 46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 65 FR 30787,
May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56406, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR
46360, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58948, Sept. 18, 2002;
69 FR 54362, 54433, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.51

New York.

The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in
the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline
in accordance with state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted only on the beach
and in areas not designated as closed.
2. Fishing is permitted only during daylight hours.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.51

and 13 the parent and/or guardian must be
age 21 or older; for ages 14 and up the parent
and/or guardian must be age 18 or older) who
must be a licensed parent or adult participating in the program.
iv. Conditions 1iv, 1v, and 1vi above apply.
B. Hunting of Upland Game. We allow hunting of ruffed grouse, gray squirrel, cottontail
rabbit, pheasant, coyote, fox, raccoon,
skunk, and opossum on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge daily small-game hunt
permits and reports. You may obtain these
self-issued permits at several kiosks located
around the refuge. You must complete and
sign Part A and possess and carry Part B
while hunting, then complete and return
Part B to one of the kiosks at the end of the
hunt day.
2. We only allow hunting from legal sunrise
to legal sunset. We prohibit night hunting.
3. We allow hunting only between October
1 and the last day of February.
4. You must only possess approved
nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) while in the field
if hunting with a shotgun.
5. You must wear in a visible manner on
head, chest, and back a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored,
hunter-orange clothing or material during
any firearms deer season.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. White-tailed deer:
i. We require refuge daily deer hunt permits and reports. These self-issued permits
are available at several kiosks located
around the refuge. You must complete and
sign Part A and possess and carry Part B
while hunting, then complete and return
Part B to one of the kiosks at the end of the
hunt day.
ii. All hunters must wear in a visible manner on head, chest, and back a minimum of
400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored,
hunter-orange clothing or material during
any firearms deer season.
iii. If you use portable tree stands, blinds,
and decoys, you must remove all equipment
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge at
the end of the day.
2. Turkey (only allowed during the spring
i. We require refuge spring turkey hunting
permits. We select permittees, except youth
permittees as designated below, from a mailin, random drawing for available permits. We
charge a nonrefundable application processing fee.
ii. Only youth hunters 12 to17 years of age,
preapproved nonhunting adult (for youths
aged 12 and 13 the parent and/or guardian

must be age 21 or older; for youths ages 14
and up, the parent and/or guardian must be
age 18 or older), may hunt on the refuge on
the first Sunday of the season. All youth
hunters must register at the refuge headquarters and attend a mandatory orientation.
iii. You may use portable blinds and decoys, but you must remove all equipment
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the conclusion
of each day.
iv. You may only scout during the 7 days
immediately preceding the season. You must
possess and carry your permit when scouting. We prohibit calling or possessing a call
of any kind while scouting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
frogging on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You may only fish or frog from legal
sunrise to legal sunset.
2. We allow fishing or frogging in Oak Orchard Creek east of Route 63 and on other
designated areas of the refuge year-round
during the State season.
3. We only allow ice fishing on Ringneck
Marsh from December 15 through the last
day of February.
4. We allow frogging in areas open for public fishing. We prohibit guns or archery
equipment to kill or capture frog.
5. We prohibit wading or the use of boats or
other flotation devices, with the exception
that you may use nonmotorized boats on
Oak Orchard Creek east of Route 63.
6. We require that anglers remove boats,
structures, or other equipment (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) from the refuge after the completion of the day’s fishing activities.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require daily refuge permits (you
must possess and carry)/reservations.
2. We only allow hunting on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays during the established refuge season set within the State
western zone season.
3. We take telephone reservations from 8
a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays for the next hunt day (except
for opening day).
4. We take opening day reservations between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. on the day immediately before the season opener.
5. The reservation telephone number is 315–
6. All telephone reservations are available
on a first-come, first-served basis.
7. Persons with a reservation may bring
one companion.
8. Hunters reserve the parking area of their
choice when making their reservations.


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§ 32.51

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

9. All hunters with reservations and their
companions must check-in at the Route 89
Hunter Check Station at least 1 hour before
legal shooting time or forfeit their reservation.
10. Forfeited reservations become available
on a first-come, first-served basis to standby
hunters at the Route 89 Hunter Check Station.
11. We require $10.00 per reservation fee.
Hunters with either Golden Age or Access
Passports receive a 50 percent discount.
12. We require motorless boats to hunt and
limit hunters to one boat per reservation.
13. We select hunting sites in a free-roam
14. You may only possess approved
nontoxic shells (see § 32.2(k)) while in the
field in quantities of 15 or less.
15. We prohibit shooting from the dike.
16. Hunting ends at 12 p.m. (noon), and all
hunters must check out by 1 p.m.
17. We require successful completion of the
New York State Waterfowl Identification
Course, the Montezuma Nonresident Waterfowl Identification Course, or a suitable nonresident State Waterfowl Identification
Course to hunt the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting of white-tailed
deer on designated portions of the refuge by
archery, firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter),
or muzzleloaders during established refuge
seasons set within the general State whitetailed deer season.
2. We prohibit Sunday hunting.
3. Each hunter must possess, carry, and return at day’s end a valid daily hunt permit
4. Daily hunt permits are available at the
Route 89 Hunter Check Station on a firstcome, first-served basis, issued by refuge personnel or available on a self-service basis.
5. We make available 150 firearms hunt permit cards each day on a first-come, firstserved basis.
6. Hunters must fill out Part A of the daily
hunt permit card at check-in and leave it
with refuge personnel or deposit it in the
Part A box at the Route 89 Hunter Check
7. The hunter must carry Part B of the
daily hunt permit card while hunting the refuge.
8. The hunter must complete Part B and
deposit it in the Part B box at the Route 89
Hunter Check Station by the end of the hunt
9. Successful opening day archery hunters
must bring their deer to the Route 89 Hunter
Check Station.

10. Successful firearms hunters must bring
their deer to the Route 89 Hunter Check Station on the days we staff it.
11. Firearms hunters must wear in a visible
manner on the head, chest, and back a minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid-blaze orange.
muzzleloaders during the firearms (see § 27.42
of this chapter) season. We prohibit handguns.
13. Hunters must have all guns unloaded
(see § 27.42 of this chapter) between legal sunset and legal sunrise.
14. Hunters must disassemble, lock, or case
all bows after legal sunset and before legal
15. We prohibit advance scouting.
16. We prohibit boats and canoes on refuge
pools. We prohibit hunting on the open water
portions of the refuge pools.
17. We prohibit ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this
18. Hunters may only use portable tree
stands and must remove them (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) from the refuge each day.
19. We prohibit screw-in tree steps (see
§ 32.2(i)).
20. We allow firearms hunters to be on the
refuge during the period that begins 1 hour
before legal sunrise and ends 1 hour after
legal sunset.
21. We allow archery hunters to be on the
refuge during the period that begins 1 hour
before legal sunrise (except for opening day)
and ends 1 hour after legal sunset.
22. On opening day, we allow archery hunters on the refuge during the period that begins 2 hours before legal sunrise and ends 1
hour after legal sunset.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may only access
the New York State Barge Canal System Waters at two sites on the refuge: The Seneca
River Fishing Access Site and the May’s
Point Fishing Area. Anglers may either bank
fish or boat fish in accordance with State
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in refuge-controlled waters of Oyster Bay. Anglers
may also fish from designated areas on the
refuge shoreline at Mill Pond during daylight hours. All fishing within the refuge is
in accordance with state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in refuge-controlled waters of Great South Bay


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.52

from boats only. All fishing is in accordance
with state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in Huntington Bay from the refuge shoreline when
the refuge is open to visitors. All fishing is
in accordance with state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Shore and boat fishing is permitted on
that portion of the Carmans River between
Sunrise and Montauk Highways.
2. Only boat fishing is permitted from
Montauk Highway south to the mouth of the
Carmans River.
3. Fishing is permitted only during daylight hours.
4. Spearfishing and taking of baitfish and
frogs is not permitted.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6695, Feb. 11,
1994; 60 FR 62045, Dec. 4, 1995; 63 FR 46919,
Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30787, May 12, 2000; 65 FR
56406, Sept. 18, 2000; 69 FR 54362, 54434, Sept.
8, 2004]

§ 32.52 North Carolina.
The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Hunting of Migratory Birds. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a valid
refuge hunting permit.
2. We prohibit construction or use of a permanent blind.
3. We close the Farming Area to waterfowl
4. Each youth hunter must remain within
sight and normal voice contact of an adult
age 21 or older. An adult may directly supervise (up to two) youth hunters (age 15 and
under), who must have successfully completed a State-approved hunter safety course
and possess and carry proof of certification.
5. We allow retrieving dogs in designated
areas. We prohibit the use of dogs in the
Gum Swamp Unit.

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A4 apply.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. We only allow dog training during the
corresponding hunting season.
4. We require a Special Use Permit to hunt
raccoon or opossum from 1⁄2 hour after legal
sunset until 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise.
5. We allow retrieving, pointing, and flushing dogs in designated areas. We prohibit the
use of dogs in the Gum Swamp Unit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A4 (an adult may only supervise one youth hunter), and B3 applies.
2. We only allow lead buckshot and slugs.
3. We close the Hyde County portion of the
refuge during State bear seasons.
4. We only allow pursuit/trailing dogs in
designated areas as shown in the Hunting
Regulations and Permit Map. We prohibit
the use of pursuit and trailing dogs in the
Gum Swamp, Parched Corn Bay/Long Shoal
River, and North Stumpy Point Units.
5. Unarmed hunters may walk to retrieve
stray dogs from closed areas and ‘‘no dog
hunting’’ areas.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
frogging in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
2. We only allow pole and line, rod and reel,
or cast net.
3. We require a Special Use Permit for fishing or frogging between legal sunset and
legal sunrise.
4. You must only take frog by use of frog
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of tundra swan, Canada and snow
goose, brant, duck, and coot on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting on 400 acres (160 ha) of
marsh located along the southern border of
West Bay and the eastern border of West
Thorofare Bay between the John Day Ditch
and the Thorofare Ditch. The hunt area extends 300 feet (90 m) from the shoreline into
the marsh.
2. We allow portable blinds, but you must
remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) each
3. Hunters/hunt parties must not hunt closer than 150 yards (135 m) apart.


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§ 32.52

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

4. You may use decoys but you must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily
upon completion of your hunting.
5. We only allow hunting during the State
waterfowl seasons occurring in November,
December, and January.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Hunting of Migratory Birds. We allow
hunting of swan, goose, duck, and coot on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a North Carolina Waterfowl
Hunt Permit or a Refuge Hunt Permit. You
must carry a permit while hunting on the
2. You must hunt from assigned blind location.
3. We allow hunting on Wednesdays and
Saturdays during the State waterfowl season.
4. We allow hunting from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise to 1 p.m.
5. We allow access 11⁄2 hours before legal
shooting time, and all parties must be off the
refuge by 2 p.m.
6. All hunters holding a North Carolina
Waterfowl Hunt Permit must check-in at the
Knotts Island Market by 5:15 a.m. on the
morning of the hunt. We require no check-in
for hunters holding Snow Goose Hunt Permits.
7. All guides must obtain and carry a refuge Special Use Permit to conduct guided
hunts on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
Refer to § 32.66 Virginia for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require a Refuge Deer Hunting Permit that hunters must sign and carry while
hunting on the refuge.
2. We allow the use of shotguns, muzzleloading rifles/shotguns, and bows. We prohibit the use of all other rifles and pistols.
3. We allow access to hunting areas from 5
a.m. until 8 p.m.
4. We prohibit carrying a loaded firearm on
or within 50 feet (15 m) of gravel roads.

5. We prohibit the marking of trees or
vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter) with
blazes, flagging, or other marking devices.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted only from sunrise
to sunset from March 15 through October 15
with the exception that bank fishing is permitted in Corey’s Ditch and the canal adjacent to the Knotts Island Causeway yearround.
2. All fishing lines must be attended.
3. Airboats are not permitted.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
the hunting of tundra swan, snow goose,
duck, and coot on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge-issued permits that
you must validate at the refuge headquarters, sign, possess, and carry while hunting.
2. Each hunt participant must pay a $12.50
daily user fee.
3. We restrict hunting to designated blinds
assigned by refuge personnel.
4. Hunters may only shoot crippled waterfowl from outside the assigned blind.
5. There is a 30-shell limit per blind hunter
per day.
6. You may use decoys, but you must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily
upon completion of your hunt.
7. All waterfowl hunters must check out at
the assigned station prior to leaving the refuge.
8. Shooting hours are from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon). Hunting
hours on the first day of the youth hunt are
from 1 p.m. until legal sunset.
9. We allow the use of retrieving dogs, but
dogs must be under voice command at all
times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
10. You must unload guns (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter) during transport through the
11. We only allow the taking of Canada
goose during the State September Canada
goose season subject to the following conditions:
i. We allow hunting Monday through Saturday during the State season, and we require refuge-issued permits that you must
obtain at the refuge office, sign, possess, and
carry while hunting.
ii. We close the following areas to hunting
of Canada goose: Impoundments MI–4, MI–5,
and MI–6; in Rose Bay Canal, Outfall Canal,
Lake Landing Canal and Waupoppin Canal;
150 feet (45 m) from the mouth of the canals
where they enter Lake Mattamuskeet; and
150 yards (135 m) from State Route 94.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.52

iii. We allow portable blinds, but you must
remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
12. Each youth hunter (age 16 and under)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older. Youth
hunters must have completed a State-certified hunter safety course and possess and
carry the form or certificate.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of white-tailed deer on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The hunter must possess and carry a
signed, refuge-issued permit while hunting.
2. We close to hunting areas along the Entrance Road, MI–4 impoundment, signed
areas along State Route 94, areas around the
refuge headquarters, and refuge residence
3. Hunters may take one antlered deer and
one antlerless deer per day, or two antlerless
deer per day.
4. Hunters may take deer with shotgun,
bow and arrow, or muzzleloading rifle/shotgun.
5. We allow hunters on the refuge from 1
hour before legal shooting time until 1 hour
after legal shooting time.
6. Hunters can use boats to access hunt
areas, but we prohibit hunting from a boat.
7. You must check all deer taken at the
check station near refuge headquarters.
8. We prohibit erecting portable blinds and
tree stands prior to the hunt, and you must
remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from
the refuge each day.
9. Hunters must wear a minimum of 500
square inches (3,250 cm 2) of hunter-orange
material above the waist that is visible from
all directions.
10. An adult may only supervise one youth
hunter. The youth hunter must be within
sight and normal voice contact of the adult.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing for game
and nongame fish and the catching of blue
crabs on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We are open to sport fishing, bow fishing, and crabbing from March 1 through November 1 from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to
1⁄2 hour after legal sunset, except we allow
bank fishing and crabbing year-round from:
i. State Route 94;
ii. The north bridge and south of the north
bridge at Lake Landing;
iii. The Outfall Canal water control structure;
iv. The Central Canal bridge on Wildlife
Drive; and
v. Along the west main and east main
canal between Entrance Road metal bridge
and Number One East Canal as posted.

2. We allow bank fishing and crabbing from
the North Carolina Highway 94 causeway 24
hours per day, year-round.
3. We allow fishing boats and motors
March 1 through November 1. We prohibit
4. We prohibit bank fishing along the Entrance Road from State Route 94 to the Entrance Road metal bridge.
5. We prohibit herring dipping.
6. We allow crabbing subject to the following conditions:
i. We only allow five handlines and handactivated traps per person. Owners must be
in attendance.
ii. We prohibit crab pots.
iii. You may only possess 12 crabs per person per day.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a nighttime fishing permit
for surf fishing between 1⁄2 hour after legal
sunset and 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise.
2. We prohibit fishing and crabbing North
Pond, South Pond, and New Field Pond Impoundments.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning dove on designated
dates and areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require all hunters to possess and
carry a signed Refuge General Hunt Permit
and government-issued picture ID while in
the field.
2. Legal shooting hours are 12 p.m. (noon)
until legal sunset.
3. Validly licensed adults, age 21 or older,
holding applicable permits must accompany
and supervise, remaining in sight and voice
contact at all times, any youth hunters
(under age 16). Each adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters. Youth hunters
must possess and carry evidence of successful completion of a State-approved hunter
education course.
4. We prohibit possession of a loaded firearm within 100 feet (30 m) of any vehicle or
road open to vehicle traffic. We define a
loaded firearm as a firearm with ammunition in the magazine or chamber, or a percussion cap in place on a muzzleloader.
5. We prohibit the discharge of a weapon
(see § 27.42 of this chapter) on or across a
road open to vehicle traffic.
6. We prohibit entering or crossing a ‘‘No
Hunting Zone’’ or ‘‘Closed Area’’. We prohibit


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§ 32.52

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

the discharge of a weapon (see § 27.42 of this
chapter) within, into, or across a ‘‘No Hunting Zone’’ or ‘‘Closed Area’’. We require consent from refuge personnel to enter a ‘‘No
Hunting Zone’’ or ‘‘Closed Area’’ for the purpose of tracking and/or retrieving legally
taken game animals.
7. We prohibit the discharge of a weapon
(see § 27.42(a) of this chapter) for a purpose
other than to take or attempt to take legal
game animals during established hunting
8. We prohibit waterfowl hunting. By virtue of and pursuant to the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act of July 3, 1918, we close the following area to the pursuing, hunting, taking,
capturing, or killing of migratory birds or
attempting to take, capture, or kill migratory birds: All the area consisting of the bed
of the Pee Dee River, bank to bank, submerged or exposed including the water thereof, from the confluence of Pressley Creek
and the Pee Dee River to approximately 5
miles (8 km) downstream to the confluence
of Brown Creek and the Pee Dee River. Included also are the waters surrounding Buzzard Island and that part of the Pee Dee
River on the northeast side of Leak Island
beginning approximately 1/4 mile (.4 km)
downstream from the head of Leak Island (at
the head of a small unnamed island), and
continuing downstream to the main channel
of the Pee Dee River and containing, in all,
a total of 220 acres (88 ha).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, rabbit, squirrel, raccoon, and opossum on designated dates and areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A3 through A7 apply.
2. We prohibit raccoon hunters from entering or remaining on the refuge from 1 hour
before legal sunrise until 1 hour after legal
sunset on established hunt dates.
3. We prohibit raccoon hunters from hunting on the night prior to the opening of a
firearms deer hunt and on the nights during
the deer hunt except the last night.
4. We require dogs on raccoon/opossum
hunts. All dogs must wear a collar displaying
the owner’s name, address, and phone number.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated dates and
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A3 through A7 apply
(for A3, adults may supervise no more than
one youth hunter).
2. We require each person participating in
a quota deer hunt to possess and carry a refuge Quota Deer Hunt Permit for the hunt in
which he or she will be participating. Quota
Deer Hunt Permits are nontransferable.
3. During deer hunts we prohibit hunters
from entering the refuge earlier than 4 a.m.,

and they must leave the refuge no later than
2 hours after legal sunset.
4. We prohibit adults from possessing or
discharging a firearm during the youth deer
5. During refuge firearms deer hunts, all
participants must wear at least 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken, fluorescentorange material above the waist as an outer
garment while hunting and while en route to
and from hunting areas.
6. During State firearms deer seasons, all
archery hunters must wear at a minimum a
fluorescent-orange hat while hunting and
while en route to and from hunting areas.
7. We prohibit man driving for deer. We define a ‘‘man drive’’ as an organized hunting
technique involving two or more individuals
where hunters attempt to drive game animals from cover or habitat for the purpose of
shooting, killing, or moving such animals toward other hunters.
8. We prohibit placing a tree stand on the
refuge more than 3 days prior to the opening
day of the deer hunt in which you will be
participating. You must remove the tree
stands (see § 27.93 of this chapter) by the last
day of that hunt.
9. You must wear a safety belt or harness
at all times when using any tree stand or
climbing equipment.
10. You must check all deer killed on refuge quota deer hunts at the refuge check station on the date of kill prior to removing the
animal from the refuge.
11. We prohibit the use of dogs for deer
12. We prohibit the use of plastic flagging.
13. We prohibit the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) or off-highway vehicles (OHVs)
(see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
14. During refuge firearms deer hunts, we
prohibit all other public use on the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated dates and areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We prohibit boats utilizing gasoline-powered motors.
2. You must unload and load boats by hand
on all waters except those having designated
launch ramps.
3. We prohibit possession or use of
trotlines, set hooks, gigs, jug lines,
limblines, snagging devices, nets, seines, fish
traps, or other special devices.
4. We prohibit taking or attempting to
take frog and turtle (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit swimming.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, swan, dove,
woodcock, rail, and snipe in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.52

1. We prohibit hunting on the Davenport
and Deaver tracts (which include the area
surrounding the Headquarters/Visitor Center
and the Scuppernong River Interpretative
Boardwalk), the Pungo Shop area, New Lake,
refuge lands between Lake Phelps and Shore
Drive, and that portion of the Pinner Tract
east of SR 1105.
2. We allow you to retrieve game from
closed areas listed above with consent from a
refuge employee, but we prohibit possession
of any type of weapon (see § 27.42 of this
chapter) in a closed area.
3. We require all hunters to possess and
carry a signed, self-service refuge general
hunting permit while hunting on the refuge.
4. We open the refuge for daylight-use only,
except that we allow hunters to enter and remain in open hunting areas from 11⁄2 hours
before legal shooting time until 11⁄2 half
hours after legal shooting time.
5. We only allow the use of all terrain vehicles (ATVs) on designated ATV trails (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter) and only to transport
hunters and their equipment to hunt and
scout. We only allow ATV use on the ATV
trails at the following times:
i. When we open the ATV trail and surrounding area to hunting;
ii. One week prior to the ATV trail and
surrounding area opening to hunting; and
iii. On Sundays, when we open the ATV
trail and surrounding area for hunting the
following Monday.
6. You must unload and case or dismantle
all weapons (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter)
transported via a motorized vehicle or boat
under power.
7. We only allow the use of biodegradabletype flagging. We prohibit affixing plastic
flagging, dots, glow tacks, reflectors, or
other materials to refuge vegetation (see
§ 27.51 of this chapter).
8. We prohibit migratory game bird hunting on the Pungo Unit.
9. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while migratory game bird
hunting west of Evans Road.
10. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and temporary blinds constructed of natural
materials, but we prohibit the cutting any
live vegetation on the refuge (see § 27.51 of
this chapter). You must remove portable
blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end
of each day.
11. We allow the use of dogs to point and
retrieve migratory game birds, but they
must be under your immediate control at all
times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
12. While hunting, we require youth hunters age 16 or younger to possess and carry
proof that they successfully passed a Stateapproved hunter education course. Youth
hunters may only hunt under the direct supervision of a licensed hunter over age 21.
One licensed hunter over age 21 may super-

vise up to two migratory game bird youth
hunters at a time.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow the
hunting of quail, squirrel, raccoon, opossum,
rabbit, beaver, nutria, and fox in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A7 apply.
2. We prohibit upland game hunting on the
Pungo Unit.
3. We only allow the taking of beaver and
nutria with firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter) and only during those times when we
open the area hunted to hunting of other
game animals with firearms.
4. We prohibit the hunting of raccoon and
opossum during, 5 days before, and 5 days
after the State bear seasons. Outside of these
periods, we allow the hunting of raccoon and
opossum at night but only while possessing a
special Refuge Nighttime Raccoon and Opossum Hunting Permit.
5. We only allow the use of shotguns and .22
caliber rim-fire rifles for hunting. We also
allow disabled hunters to use crossbows
while possessing the required State permit.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting upland
game west of Evans Road.
7. We allow the use of dogs for pointing and
retrieving upland game and for chasing rabbit (but not fox). The dogs must be under
your immediate control at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter), and we prohibit
possession of buckshot or slugs while hunting with dogs.
8. You must wear 500 square inches (3,250
cm 2) of fluorescent-orange material above
the waist that is visible from all sides when
hunting upland game.
9. While hunting, we require that youth
hunters under age 16 must possess and carry
proof that they successfully passed a Stateapproved hunter education course. Youth
hunters may only hunt under the direct supervision of a licensed hunter age 21 or older.
A licensed hunter age 21 or older may directly supervise up to two upland game
youth hunters at a time.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of deer, turkey, and boar in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Conditions A1 through A7 apply.
2. You may only hunt spring turkey if you
possess and carry a valid refuge turkey hunting permit. The permits are valid only for
the dates and areas shown on the permit. We
require an application and a fee for these
permits and hold a drawing, when necessary,
to select the permittees.
3. We only allow the use of shotguns,
muzzleloaders, and bow and arrow for deer
and wild boar hunting. We allow disabled
hunters to use crossbows but only while possessing the required State permit.


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§ 32.52

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting turkeys
west of Evans Road and on the Pungo Unit.
You may use slugs, buckshot, and muzzleloader ammunition containing lead for deer
and wild boar hunting in these areas.
5. We only allow deer hunting with shotguns and muzzleloaders on the Pungo Unit
while possessing a special Pungo Deer GunHunt Permit issued by the refuge. These permits are valid only for the designated 2-day
period shown on the permit. We set the dates
of these special 2-day hunts following the
publication of the State deer seasons. We require an application and a fee for these permits and hold a drawing, when necessary, to
select the permittees.
6. During the special Pungo Deer GunHunts, we only allow permitted hunters on
the Pungo Unit. We only allow permitted
hunters on the Pungo Unit from 1 hour before legal shooting time until 1 hour after
legal shooting time. You must take any deer
harvested during a Pungo Deer Gun-Hunt to
the deer check station located at the Pungo
Shop for harvest reporting and data collection.
7. We allow deer hunting with bow and
arrow on the Pungo Unit during all State
deer seasons prior to December 1; however,
we prohibit hunting on the Pungo Unit on
the designated Pungo Deer Gun-Hunts referred to above without a valid Pungo Deer
Gun-Hunt Permit.
8. You must wear 500 square inches (3,250
cm 2) of fluorescent-orange material above
the waist that is visible from all sides while
hunting deer and wild boar in any area open
to hunting these species with firearms.
9. We only allow the use of portable tree
stands and require that you remove them
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each
day, except that hunters with a valid Pungo
Deer Gun-Hunt Permit may install a stand
on the Pungo Unit the day before the start of
their hunt and leave it until the end of the
2nd day of their 2-day hunt. You must tag
stands left overnight on the refuge with the
hunter’s name, address, and telephone number.
10. While hunting, we require youth hunters (under age 16) to possess and carry proof
that they successfully passed a State-approved hunter education course. Youth hunters may only hunt under the direct supervision of a licensed hunter age 21 and older.
A licensed hunter age 21 and older may only
supervise one big game youth hunter at a
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions.
1. We only allow fishing in Pungo Lake and
New Lake from March 1 through October 31,
except that we close Pungo Lake and the entire Pungo Unit to fishing during the special

2-day Pungo Deer Gun Hunts in late September and October.
2. We only allow fishing from the bank in
the Pungo Unit; we prohibit use of boats in
this area. We prohibit leaving a boat anywhere on the refuge overnight.
3. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of ducks and coots on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: We require a State-issued refuge
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a State-issued refuge permit.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: We require a State-issued refuge
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
the hunting of tundra swan, snow goose,
brant, duck, and coot on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting on refuge marshlands
that include Great Island, Marsh Island, and
all of the refuge marshlands adjacent to Juniper Bay eastward to West Bluff Bay.
2. We prohibit hunting within the 27,000
acre (10,800 ha) Presidential Proclamation
Area as posted.
3. We allow portable blinds. You must remove blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) each
4. We prohibit hunters/hunt parties from
hunting closer than 150 yards (135 m) apart.
5. You may use decoys, but you must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily
upon completion of your hunt.
6. We allow hunting during the State waterfowl season occurring in November, December, and January.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 58 FR 29085, May 18,
1993; 59 FR 6695, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55187,
Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62045, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR
46397, Sept. 3, 1996; 63 FR 46919, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30787, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56406, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46360, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58948,
Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54436, Sept. 8, 2004]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.53

§ 32.53 North Dakota.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, partridge,
cottontail rabbit, and fox on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting beginning the day
after the State general firearms deer season
through the end of the regular upland bird
season. Cottontail rabbit and fox seasons
close March 31.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
3. All State regulations/limits apply. We
require a State-issued hunting license and
4. Access is by foot only.
5. We allow dogs, but they must be under
the immediate control of the hunter at all
times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
6. The entire refuge is open to upland hunting except the area surrounding the refuge
headquarters area and wildlife observation
7. We prohibit open fires (see § 27.95 of this
chapter) and camping on the refuge.
8. We close the area surrounding the refuge
headquarters and wildlife observation area
to all hunting and entry. The boundary of
the closed area includes Section 25 and the
west 1⁄4 of section 30, T144N, R64W. Maps are
available at refuge headquarters or from refuge employees.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We require a State license and Stateissued unit permit, and we restrict hunters
to the species and type on permit.
2. We prohibit entering the refuge before
legal shooting hours on the opening day of
the firearms deer season. Thereafter, hunters
may enter, but not shoot, 11⁄2 hours prior to
legal hours and must be off the refuge 1 hour
after legal shooting hours end.
3. All firearms deer hunters must wear
blaze-orange clothing. Legal orange clothing
is a head covering and outer garment above
the waistline of solid daylight, fluorescentorange color, totaling at least 400 square
inches (2,600 cm 2). Hunters may not enter
the refuge after harvesting a deer unless unarmed and wearing blaze orange.
4. We only allow vehicles on refuge roads
and established access trails (see § 27.31 of
this chapter) to retrieve deer during the fol-

lowing times: 9:30 to 10 a.m., 1:30 to 2 p.m.,
and 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset for 1 hour.
5. Hunters participating in the State Youth
Deer Season should check with refuge employees for open area information and special regulations.
6. Bow hunters must wear blaze orange
during the regular deer gun season.
7. We allow temporary tree stands, but
hunters must remove them (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) from the refuge daily. We prohibit
use of nails, screws, or devices inserted into
the tree to hang stands or provide steps to
the stands (see § 32.2(i)).
8. We prohibit open fires (see § 27.95 of this
chapter) and camping on the refuge.
9. We close the area surrounding the refuge
headquarters and wildlife observation area
to all hunting and entry. The boundary of
the closed area includes Section 25 and the
west 1⁄4 of section 30, T144N, R64W. Maps are
available at refuge headquarters or from refuge employees.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We restrict boats (maximum of 25 hp) to
Arrowwood and Jim Lakes only from May 1
through September 30 of each fishing year.
2. We allow bank fishing along the major
road rights-of-way during the entire North
Dakota State fishing season.
3. We allow bank fishing on interior portions of the refuge from May 1 through September 30 of each fishing year. We only allow
walk-in access, except for designated areas.
4. Access to water control structures is
walk-in only along established trails.
5. We allow fishing in refuge impoundment
bypass channels during the regular State
fishing season. We allow walk-in access
along maintenance trails from June 1
through September 30 of each fishing year.
6. We only allow bow fishing for rough fish
along road rights-of-way in accordance with
State regulations from May 1 through September 30 of each fishing year. We prohibit
7. We open Arrowwood Lake, Jim Lake,
and the South 1/3 of Mud Lake to winter fishing in accordance with State regulations.
8. We allow fish houses and vehicles on the
ice as conditions allow. Anglers must remove
fish houses (see § 27.93 of this chapter) by
March 15. Anglers may use portable houses
after March 15, but you must remove them
9. We prohibit snowmobiles and ATVs on
the refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
10. We prohibit water activities not related
to fishing (sailing, skiing, tubing, etc.).
11. We prohibit open fires (see § 27.95 of this
chapter) and camping on the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]


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§ 32.53

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ring-necked pheasant, gray partridge, and
sharp-tailed grouse on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We annually open to upland bird hunting
on the day following the close of the regular
deer gun season. The hunting seasons continue until the State season closes. The refuge has designated open and closed areas for
2. We prohibit driving vehicles on refuge
roads while hunting or to access hunting
areas. Hunters must park at the refuge
boundary and walk in.
3. Hunters may retrieve game up to 100
yards (90 m) inside the refuge boundary fence
and closed areas of the refuge. Retrieval
time must not exceed 10 minutes, and hunters may use dogs. We prohibit firearms while
retrieving game.
4. We prohibit hunting on all refuge islands.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed and mule deer on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The refuge gun, muzzleloader, and bow
deer hunting seasons open and close according to State regulations. The refuge has designated opened and closed areas for deer
2. We close the refuge to the State special
youth deer hunting season.
3. We prohibit driving vehicles on refuge
roads while hunting or to access hunting
areas. All hunters must park at the refuge
boundary and walk in. Hunters may use designated refuge roads to retrieve downed deer.
4. Hunters must only use portable tree
stands that they install and remove (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) each day. We prohibit
permanent tree stands.
5. We prohibit hunting on all refuge islands.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow ice fishing on
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The refuge ice fishing season opens when
ice is present and closes on March 31.
2. We restrict vehicle use to refuge roads
and designated ice access points (see § 27.31 of
this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting of deer beginning with
the start of the State deer gun season.
2. Hunters may only enter the refuge on
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
ringnecked pheasants, sharp-tailed grouse,
gray partridge, turkey, cottontail rabbit,
jackrabbits, snowshoe hares and fox on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. You may use falconry for upland game
3. Upland game bird and rabbit season
opens annually on the day following the
close of the regular firearm deer season
through the end of the State season.
4. The upland game bird and rabbit falconry season opens annually on the day following the close of the regular firearm deer
season through March 31.
5. Fox hunting opens annually on the day
following the close of the regular firearm
deer season through March 31.
6. Turkey hunting is subject to all State
regulations, license requirements, units, and
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
deer on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition:
1. Archers may hunt throughout the entire
State archery season.
2. Deer hunting with rifle and muzzleloader
is subject to all State regulations and license
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district in accordance with State regulations except in the following waterfowl production areas (WPAs): Little Goose and
Lambs Lake WPAs in Nelson County; Pleasant Lake WPA in Benson County; and Hart,
Nelson, and Vold WPAs in Grand Forks
County. We prohibit hunting on portions of
the Kellys Slough WPA in Grand Forks
County as posted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game throughout the district except as listed in A. above. We prohibit hunting on portions of the Kellys Slough WPA in
Grand Forks County as posted. All hunting
is in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: You may
only possess approved nontoxic shot (see
§ 32.2(k)) while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game throughout the district except as
noted in A. above. We prohibit hunting on
portions of the Kellys Slough WPA in Grand
Forks County as posted. All hunting is in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.53

1. You must possess and carry a ‘‘Lake
Alice Refuge Permit’’ in order to hunt whitetailed deer with a firearm on the Tarvasted
WPA in Ramsey County.
2. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent stands or platforms (see § 27.93 of
this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
throughout the district in accordance with
State regulations except for Kellys Slough,
Hart, Nelson, and Vold WPAs in Grand Forks
A. Hunting Migratory Game Birds. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on nine designated Public Hunting Areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge daily from 5 a.m. to
10 p.m.
2. We allow waterfowl retrieval without a
firearm within 100 yards (90 m) of the interior boundary of Public Hunting Areas and
within 100 yards (90 m) of the exterior refuge
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of grouse, partridge, turkey, pheasant, and
fox on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge daily from 5 a.m. to
10 p.m.
2. We allow hunting for sharp-tailed
grouse, partridge, and pheasant on nine designated Public Hunting Areas.
3. We allow hunting for sharp-tailed
grouse, partridge, ruffed grouse, and turkey
south of the Upham-Willow City Road.
4. We open to hunting annually for sharptailed grouse, partridge, and pheasant on the
remainder of the refuge, except the closed
area around the refuge headquarters, on the
day following the close of the firearm deer
season and close as per the State seasons.
5. Fox hunting opens annually on the day
following the close of the firearm deer season and closes March 31. We allow hunting
from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until 1⁄2
hour after legal sunset.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge daily from 5 a.m. to
10 p.m.
2. We open the entire refuge, except the
closed area around the refuge headquarters,
for hunting during the State’s youth, muzzleloader, and archery seasons.
3. We open nine Public Hunting Areas on
the refuge for deer hunting during the regular firearms season without a refuge permit.
4. You must possess and carry a refuge permit to hunt on the refuge outside the nine

Public Hunting Areas during the regular
firearms season.
5. Hunters must remove blinds and stands
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on 14 designated areas (listed below) of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge daily from 5 a.m. to
10 p.m.
2. We open all refuge waters to ice fishing
between December 15 and the end of the
State fishing season.
3. We only allow boat fishing in designated
4. We close to boat fishing the last Friday
of September.
5. We only allow nonmotorized boats or
boats with electric motors.
6. We allow fishing at the following locations:
i. Nelson Bridge, from both banks downstream (northwest) 1⁄4 mile (.4 km) and upstream (south) to the refuge boundary;
ii. Souris River—Scenic Canoe Route, from
both banks and boats, 100 feet upstream (30
m) (east) from Johnson Bridge and downstream (northwest) 13 miles (20.8 km) to the
end of the Canoe Route at Dam 1, including
Sandhills Slough;
iii. Dam 1, on the north bank downstream
(west) 100 yards (90 m). We prohibit entry to
or fishing from the dam;
iv. Dam 2, from both banks 50 feet (15 m)
downstream from the water control structure;
v. Dam 320, from the bank starting 300 feet
(90 m) east of the dam for 1⁄4 mile (.4 km) upstream (east);
vi. Old Freeman Bridge, from both banks
or boat, downstream (west) 1 1⁄2 mile (2.4 km)
from Dam 320;
vii. Cutbank Culvert on Highway 14, from
the highway right-of-way 50 feet (15 m) either side of the culvert;
viii. Highway 14 Bridge, from both banks 1⁄4
mile (.4 km) downstream (north) and 1⁄4 mile
(.4 km) upstream (south) from the bridge;
ix. Russell-Kramer Road, from both banks
or boat, upstream (south) 200 feet (60 km)
from the bridge and downstream (north)
from the bridge to the Soo Line railroad
x. Newburg Road, from the road right-ofway 100 feet (30 km) on either side of the
xi. Scheflo Bridge, from the road right-of
way on either side of the bridge and upstream (south) on the east bank to the downstream (north) side of the water control
xii. Highway 5, from the highway right-of
way 100 feet (30 km) on either side of the
xiii. Westhope-Landa Road, from the road
right-of-way 150 feet (45 km) on either side of


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§ 32.53

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

the bridge, or from a boat downstream
(north) 2 miles (3.2 km) from the road; and
xiv. Below Dam 357, from both banks or
boat on all waters downstream (north) of the
dam to the Canadian border.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, tundra swans, ducks, coots,
and mourning doves on designated areas of
the refuge; consult refuge publication.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland
game and furbearer hunting on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Consult the refuge brochure for season
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow special refuge permit holders to hunt deer and fox with
rifles during the State firearm deer season
on designated portions of the refuge subject
to the following conditions:
1. We allow fox hunting on certain areas of
the refuge outside of the State firearm deer
season without a special refuge permit; consult refuge publication.
2. We allow archery hunting on designated
portions of the refuge; consult refuge publication.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge all year for fishing
from legal sunrise to legal sunset. The refuge
has designated open and closed areas for fishing.
2. We open the refuge to boating from May
1 through September 30.
3. We open the refuge to ice fishing from
October 1 through March 31.
4. We restrict vehicle use to refuge roads,
designated boat ramps, and ice access points
(see § 27.31 of this chapter).
5. We prohibit fishing and public use on refuge islands and concrete dam spillways.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed and mule deer on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open portions of the refuge to gun,
muzzleloader, bow, and the special youth

deer hunting seasons according to State regulations. The refuge has designated open and
closed areas for deer hunting.
2. We close all refuge roads to vehicle use
for hunting and retrieval of deer. Hunters
must park vehicles at the refuge boundary
and walk in.
3. Hunters may walk in to retrieve deer in
areas marked with no hunting zone signs. We
prohibit firearms while retrieving deer from
these areas.
4. Hunters must only use portable tree
stands that they install and remove (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) each day. We prohibit
permanent tree stands.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
grouse, and gray partridge on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. The upland game bird season opens annually on the day following the close of the
regular firearm deer season through the end
of the State season.
3. Hunters may enter the refuge on foot
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow archery hunting through the
day before the opening of the State waterfowl season and allow it following the deer
gun season.
2. We allow deer gun hunting concurrent
with the State deer gun season.
3. Hunters may enter the refuge on foot
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ring-necked pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse,
and grey partridge on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
2. The upland game bird season opens annually on the day following the close of the
firearm deer season and runs through the
close of the State season.
3. We close to upland game hunting those
areas marked with yellow closed to hunting
4. We prohibit hunters and dogs from entering closed areas to retrieve game.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.53

C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunters must only enter the refuge on
2. We allow archery hunting. We restrict
open archery areas to those areas of the refuge open to firearms during the firearm season.
3. We close to deer hunting during the firearm deer season those areas marked with
yellow closed to hunting signs. We also close
this area to muzzleloader hunters during
muzzleloader season.
4. We prohibit hunters entering closed
areas to retrieve game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We restrict bank fishing to public use
areas on Unit 1 and Long Lake Creek.
2. We restrict boat fishing to Long Lake
3. We restrict boats to 25 hp maximum.
4. We restrict boats to the period from May
1 through September 30.
5. We restrict ice fishing to Unit 1 and
Long Lake Creek.
6. We prohibit motorized vehicles on ice
(see § 27.31 of this chapter).
7. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
8. Anglers must park vehicles in designated
parking areas.
A. Hunting f Migratory Game Birds. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of partridge and sharp-tailed grouse is permitted
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunting is not permitted on the portion
of the refuge south of Highway 50 during the
State deer gun season.
2. Hunting is permitted on the portion of
the refuge north of Highway 50 only after the
close of the State deer gun season.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer only
is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Refuge and State permits are required
for the first one and one half days of the
State gun season.
2. Only persons with valid permits are permitted on the refuge during the first one and
one half days of the season.
3. Archery hunting is permitted through
the day before the opening of the State waterfowl season, and it is permitted following
the deer gun season.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. The refuge is open to
the hunting of deer only during the State
firearms deer season. Archery hunting is
open from the opening of the firearms season
until the close of the State archery season.
All State regulations pertaining to archery
and firearms deer hunting apply.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following condition: Permits are required.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following condition: Hunters
must only enter the refuge on foot.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow ice or shore fishing in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following condition: We restrict vehicle use to the refuge road (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow ringnecked pheasant hunting on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The season opens on the first Monday
following the close of the State deer gun season and continues through the close of the
State pheasant season.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer bow
hunting on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The season closes September 30 and reopens the Friday following the close of the
State gun deer season and continues through
the end of the State archery deer season.
2. We allow deer gun hunting by refuge permit holders on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations.


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§ 32.53

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. We allow youth deer hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated waters (Tewaukon and Sprague
Lakes only) in accordance with State regulations.
A. Hunting of Migratory Birds. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of sharp-tailed grouse, Hungarian partridge,
and pheasant on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may use dogs to hunt.
2. We require hunters and nonhunters accompanying legal hunters to wear the Staterequired, legal-orange clothing when hunting
game birds during the deer gun season.
3. We open for hunting on Unit I during the
North Dakota State hunting seasons. Unit I
includes all refuge land north of the township road that runs east of Tolley, across
Dam 41 (Carter Dam), and east to State
Route 28.
4. We open for hunting on Unit II during
the State hunting seasons, except we close
from the first day of the regular State waterfowl season through the last day of State
deer rifle season. Unit II includes refuge land
between Lake Darling Dam and the township
road that runs east of Tolley.
5. We close land south of Lake Darling
Dam to all upland game bird hunting.
6. We prohibit hunting on the area surrounding the refuge headquarters buildings
and residences. We post these areas with
‘‘Closed to Hunting’’ signs.
7. We prohibit remaining on the refuge between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.
8. We prohibit weapons (see § 27.42(b) of this
chapter) in boats, canoes, float tubes, or any
other floatable object.
9. We prohibit the use of snowmobiles, allterrain vehicles (ATVs) or similar vehicles
on the refuge (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
10. We prohibit the use of horses during all
hunting seasons.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery,
gun, and muzzleloader hunting of deer on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B7 through B10 apply.
2. You must possess and carry a State deer
bow permit to hunt deer on the refuge during
the State deer bow season.
3. You must possess and carry a special
State-issued refuge permit for State deer
gun hunting in Unit IIIA2 to hunt deer on
the refuge during the State deer gun season.
4. You must possess and carry a State muzzleloader deer permit to hunt deer on the refuge during the State muzzleloader season.

5. We only allow preseason scouting in
open public use areas and areas marked ‘‘foot
traffic only.’’
6. We require hunters to walk in to hunt.
7. You must remove your harvested deer
only by carrying, dragging, or using a handpulled cart or sled.
8. You may use portable tree stands but
must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily from the refuge.
9. We prohibit the use of flagging, paint,
blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
10. You may only use strap-on steps or removable climbing ladders if needed to access
portable tree stands (see § 32.2(i)).
11. You may hunt all of the refuge with the
exception of the following areas: the area
surrounding the refuge headquarters buildings, Office/Visitor Center, residences, fenced
equipment yard, and gun range. We post
these areas with ‘‘No Trespassing’’ or ‘‘Closed
to Hunting’’ signs.
12. We prohibit entry to the refuge before
12 p.m. (noon) on the first day of the bow,
gun, or muzzleloader deer hunting seasons.
However, bow hunters may hunt on the refuge any time the State bow season is open.
13. Youth deer hunters (14 years of age)
may hunt on the refuge if they register at
the refuge office prior to hunting during the
State Youth Deer Season. An adult or guardian age 18 or older must accompany youth
14. You may not return to the refuge with
a weapon after you have filled your deer tag;
however, you may carry a shotgun while
hunting upland game birds in open hunting
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B7 and B9 apply.
2. We allow use of fishing boats, canoes,
and float tubes in designated boat fishing
areas (see below) on Lake Darling for fishing
from May 1 through September 30.
3. You may bank fish in designated areas
(see below) whenever there is open water.
4. We prohibit the use of bow, spear, or underwater spearing equipment to take fish.
5. We prohibit fishing or access to fishing
areas along the Prairie-Marsh Scenic Drive.
6. We prohibit swimming, sailing, water
skiing, pleasure boating, and overnight
7. You may ice fish on all ice-covered waters of the Souris River and Lake Darling;
however, we designate access sites where you
can walk or drive onto the ice (see below).
8. We allow you to drive licensed cars and
pickups on the ice from Lake Darling Dam
north to Carter Dam (Dam 41) for ice fishing.
9. We allow walk-in access at designated
sites (see below) on the Souris River north of
Carter Dam (Dam 41) and south of Lake Darling Dam for ice fishing. We prohibit vehicles


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.54

to drive onto the ice in these areas (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
10. We allow you to place fish houses on
the ice of Lake Darling.
11. We prohibit use of campers or other
structures not made of floatable materials as
fish houses. We require that all fish houses
must be able to float above the water surface
until they are removed from the water. We
require that anglers remove fish houses or
parts thereof from the refuge ice, water, and
land by no later than 10 p.m. March 15. We
prohibit ice houses or parts thereof to be cut
off and left or burned on the refuge.
12. We allow anglers to place portable fish
houses on the Souris River north of Carter
Dam (Dam 41) and south of Lake Darling
Dam for ice fishing, and you must remove
them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily from
the refuge.
13. We designate the following fishing sites
and lake and river access sites:
i. BAKER BRIDGE—We allow bank fishing
on a loop of the Souris River located on the
north side of County Road 8. The open area
begins at the bridge and goes west to a point
where the river meets the refuge boundary
fence. You may walk onto the ice from this
area for ice fishing.
ii. SILVER BRIDGE—We allow bank fishing from the road right-of-way around the
bridge. You may walk onto the ice from this
area for ice fishing.
iii. OUTLET FISHING AREA —Bank fishing begins 1⁄4 mile (.4 km) below Lake Darling Dam and extends south approximately
600 yards (540 m). We prohibit open water
fishing on the Beaver Lodge Canoe Trail or
on the Oxbow Nature Trail (southeast of the
parking lot). You may walk onto the ice for
ice fishing from the Outlet Fishing Area and
from the Beaver Lodge Canoe Trail launch
site for ice fishing.
iv. LANDINGS 1, 2, and 3 on LAKE DARLING—We open the lake to boat fishing from
Lake Darling Dam north 3 miles (4.8 km) to
the buoy line. We allow you to launch boats
at Landings 1, 2, and 3 boat ramps. We only
allow driving access onto the ice at Landings
1, 2, and 3 boat ramps for ice fishing. You
may bank fish along the west shore from
Lake Darling Dam north approximately 1 1⁄4
miles (2 km) to Landing 3. The Pullout Area
on the west end of Lake Darling Dam is the
only bank fishing area open on Lake Darling
Dam. You may walk onto the ice from the
bank fishing area and from Lake Darling
Dam for ice fishing.
DARLING—We prohibit entry to this area if
signs ‘‘Area Beyond This Sign Closed’’ are
present. If the area is open, you may walk
onto the ice for ice fishing. We prohibit driving vehicles onto the ice from this area (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
‘‘ You may bank fish from the road right-of-

way on both sides of the crossing and within
the boundaries of the Grano Boat Ramp. You
may fish from boats on the lake north from
Grano Crossing to Greene Crossing. We allow
launching of boats at the Grano Boat Ramp.
We prohibit operating a boat above idle
speed in the boat ramp bay area. You may
walk onto the ice from Grano Crossing and
the Grano Boat Ramp for ice fishing. We
allow driving access onto the ice at two vehicle road approaches located on the west end
of the Grano Crossing (see § 27.31 of this
vii. GREENE CROSSING on LAKE DARLING—You may bank fish from the road
right-of-way on both sides of the crossing
and the Greene Boat Ramp area. You may
fish from boats on the lake south from
Greene Crossing to Grano Crossing. We allow
launching of boats at the Greene Boat Ramp.
You may walk onto the ice from these areas
for ice fishing. We allow driving access onto
the ice at two vehicle road approaches located on the west end of the Greene Crossing
and at the Greene Boat Ramp (see § 27.31 of
this chapter).
viii. CARTER DAM (DAM 41)—You may
bank fish on both sides of the road near the
water control structure (east end of the dam)
and culvert (west end of the spillway). You
may walk onto the ice for ice fishing.
ix. HIGHWAY 5—You may bank fish on the
north side of the road from the bridge west
to a point where the road meets the river.
You may walk onto the ice for ice fishing on
the north and south sides of the highway
where the ice meets the highway right-ofway.
REFUGE—We allow boat fishing and canoeing. There is a boat launching ramp at the
Park. You may walk onto the ice from
Mouse River Park for ice fishing.
xi. SWENSON BRIDGE—You may bank
fish from the road right-of-way. You may
walk onto the ice from this area for ice fishing.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29085, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6686, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55187, 55191, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR
62045, Dec. 4, 1995; 63 FR 46919, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30788, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56407, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46360, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58949,
Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54440, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.54 Ohio.
The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]


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§ 32.55

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. You may fish only during daylight hours
during designated dates.
2. We do not allow boats or flotation devices.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose and duck on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit. All hunters must check-in and out at
the hunter check station.
2. We require that hunting stop at 12 p.m.
(noon) each day.
3. We require that hunters hunt within 75
yards (67.5 m) of the assigned blind.
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) while in the field in
quantities of 25 or less.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We require that hunters check out at the
refuge check station no later than 6 p.m.
3. Hunters must check all deer harvested
at the refuge check station.
4. We require that hunters wear a hat and
outer jacket/vest that is blaze orange.
5. We require that hunters remain within
their assigned unit.
6. We prohibit possession of more than one
hunting weapon while in the field.
7. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds or tree stands.
8. We require that hunters obtain permission from refuge officials before tracking a
wounded deer out of their assigned hunting
9. We prohibit shooting from any road.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset during designated dates.
2. We prohibit boats or flotation devices.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 60
FR 61492, Nov. 30, 1995; 65 FR 30789, May 12,
2000; 65 FR 56407, Sept. 18, 2000; 69 FR 54362,
54444, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.55


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and

are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck in designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit. We require no fee.
2. We prohibit taking of goose during the
duck hunt.
3. Species and bag limits are in accordance
with State regulations.
4. We allow duck hunting on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, from 1⁄2 hour
before legal sunrise until 1 p.m. Refer to the
refuge hunting brochure for opening and
closing dates.
5. You may only use portable blinds. You
must remove blinds, decoys, and all personal
equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily.
6. We prohibit off-road vehicle use (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, turkey, and raccoon in
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit. We require no fee.
2. We only allow shotguns and .22 caliber
rimfire rifles for rabbit and squirrel. We only
allow special archery hunts by refuge Special Use Permit.
3. Raccoon hunting only: Hunt hours are
legal sunset to legal sunrise only. State firearm restrictions apply.
4. We publish opening and closing dates in
the Refuge Hunt Brochure.
5. We allow dogs for hunting squirrel, rabbit, and raccoon, but you must remove the
dogs from the refuge at the end of the hunt
(see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
6. We offer refuge-controlled turkey hunts.
You may call the refuge office or the State
for information concerning these hunts.
7. Turkey hunters must check-in and out
at a refuge check station. Refuge staff provide a hunter briefing as part of the checkin.
8. We prohibit the construction or use of
permanent blinds during turkey hunts.
9. We prohibit off-road vehicle use (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We offer refuge-controlled deer hunts
(archery, primitive, youth primitive). For information concerning these hunts, contact
the refuge office or the State.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.55

3. We will offer a limited archery season
deer hunt following the controlled deer hunt.
Contact the refuge office for more information.
4. We prohibit scouting when we are conducting controlled deer hunts.
5. You may use tree stands, but you must
remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) immediately following the end of the hunt.
6. We prohibit off-road vehicle use (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. A fishing brochure with a map is available from the refuge office. We identify parking areas and open and closed areas on the
2. We prohibit the possession of firearms.
3. We allow year-round fishing on the Deep
Fork River. We allow fishing from March 1
through October 31 on sloughs, farm ponds,
and impoundments not connected to the
4. Game fish species and creel/possession
limits are in accordance with State regulations.
5. We allow bowfishing on the refuge from
legal sunrise to legal sunset from May 15
through September 30.
6. We prohibit snagging and netting.
7. We only allow trotlines, juglines,
limblines, and yo-yos in the Deep Fork River
and prohibit them in any other areas on the
refuge. Anglers must mark lines and attend
and remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
in accordance with State regulations.
8. We allow noodling in accordance with
State fishing regulations.
9. We prohibit the taking of turtle and
mussel (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit off-road vehicle use (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
2. We prohibit building and use of permanent blinds.
3. You may hunt from 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon) each day.
4. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit while hunting.
5. You may only hunt duck during designated refuge seasons.
6. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, turkey, beaver, and raccoon on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Turkey hunters using firearms (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) must pay fees and ob-

tain a controlled hunt permit through the
2. Conditions A1 and A4 apply.
3. You may only hunt upland game during
designated refuge seasons.
4. Shotgun hunters may only possess approved nontoxic shot while in the field (see
§ 32.2(k)).
5. You may hunt beaver during any established refuge hunting season. Refuge permits
and legal weapons apply for the current
hunting season.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and feral hog on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Deer hunters using firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter) must pay fees and obtain a controlled hunt permit through the State.
2. Condition A1 applies.
3. You may hunt feral hog during any established refuge hunting season. Refuge permits and legal weapons apply for the current
hunting season.
4. Deer archery hunters must possess and
carry a signed refuge permit while hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
2. Condition A1 applies.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
mourning doves is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
pheasants, bobwhite and scaled quail, cottontail rabbit and jackrabbit on the refuge
in accordance with State hunting regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Only shotguns are permitted.
2. Closed during the State gun deer season.
3. Hunting ends at 4:30 p.m. daily.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
white-tailed deer, mule deer and turkey on
the refuge in accordance with State hunting
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Archery and shotguns are permitted during spring turkey season.
2. Only archery hunting is permitted during fall seasons.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, sandhill crane, and
mourning dove on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
2. We require hunters to check-in and out
of the refuge.


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§ 32.55

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. Hunting begins 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise and ends at 12 p.m. (noon).
4. We prohibit hunting during the regular
State rifle deer season on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail and pheasant on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A4 apply.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer is permitted on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following condition: Permits and payment of a fee are required.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close designated areas of the Great
Salt Plains Reservoir.
2. We allow fishing from April 1 through
October 15.
3. We prohibit trotlines within 500 feet (150
m) of the shoreline of the Jet Recreation
4. Posts used to secure or anchor trotlines
must reach a minimum of 2 feet (30 cm)
above the water surface, and you must mark
them to make them clearly visible to boaters.
5. We prohibit the taking of any type of
bait from refuge lands or waters.
6. We only allow fishing on Bonham Pond:
By youths age 14 and under or by any person
with a disability, only from legal sunrise to
legal sunset, and with a limit of one pole per
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, dove, coot, snipe, and
woodcock on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We require a free annual refuge permit
for all hunting. The hunter must possess and
carry the signed permit while hunting.
2. We only open the refuge to hunting on
Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays.
Hunters may only enter the open portion of
Sally Jones Lake by boat after 5 a.m. and
must leave by 1 hour after legal sunset. We
generally designate open hunting areas as:
Area A—Sandtown Bottom, Area B—Webber
Bottom, and Area C—Girty Bottom. We prohibit hunting or shooting within 50 feet (15
meters) of designated roads or parking areas.
All hunters must park in designated parking
3. Season lengths and bag limits will be in
accordance with State regulations with the
exception that all hunting, except for the
conservation light goose season, will close on
January 31 of each year. If a conservation
light goose season is in effect, it will follow

State regulations with the exception of special refuge regulations and hunting days.
4. We only allow legal shotguns. You must
unload and case shotguns (see § 27.42(b) of
this chapter) while transporting them in a
vehicle or boat.
5. We prohibit construction of pit blinds or
permanent blinds. You must reduce blinds to
a natural appearance or remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of the day.
You must remove all empty shells, litter, decoys, boats, or other personal property (see
§§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) at the end of
the day. We prohibit camping in boats or
otherwise spending the night on any area of
the refuge.
6. We allow boats, and you must operate
them under applicable State laws and comply with all licensing and marking regulations from their State of origin.
7. We allow the use of dogs for hunting, but
the dogs must remain under the immediate
control of the hunter at all times (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter). We prohibit entry
by hunters or dogs to closed areas to retrieve
or rally game.
8. We prohibit guiding or outfitting for
commercial purposes.
9. We restrict the use of airboats within
the refuge boundary to the navigation channel and the designated hunting areas from
September 1 to March 1.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, quail, and rabbit on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A7, A8, and A9 apply.
2. We only open the refuge to hunting on
Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays.
We generally designate open areas as: Area
A—Sandtown Bottom, Area B—Webber Bottom, and Area C—Girty Bottom. We prohibit
hunting or shooting within 50 feet (15 meters) of designated roads or parking areas.
All hunters must park in designated parking
3. Season lengths and bag limits will be in
accordance with State regulations with the
exception that all upland game hunting will
close on January 31 of each year.
4. We only allow legal shotguns and approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)). You must
plug shotguns so they are incapable of holding more than three shells. You must unload
and case shotguns (see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) while transporting them by vehicle or
5. We require upland game hunters to follow State blaze-orange regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a refugecontrolled hunt permit, and comply with the


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.55

designated refuge season, hunting methods,
and location guidelines for that year.
2. Hunters must apply to the State-controlled deer hunt drawing administered by
the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation for selection. We require those
hunters to attend a prehunt briefing, and
they must follow all applicable State regulations.
3. We require payment of State and Federal
special deer hunting fees.
4. Condition A9 applies.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
frogging on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Fishing and frogging will follow State
seasons, limits, and regulations with the exception that from September 1 to March 31
we prohibit fishing or frogging in the closed
zone south of refuge headquarters, as designated by buoys and signs. We close the
Horton Slough area south of the refuge headquarters to fishing and entry east to the confluence of Little Vian Creek.
2. We prohibit boating on the closed portion of Sally Jones Lake from September 1
to March 31.
3. You must remove trotlines (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) from the closed zone before
September 1.
4. Conditions A6 (boats used for fishing),
A8, and A9 apply.
5. We prohibit the possession of any firearms or bows with arrows while frogging.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
mourning doves and waterfowl is permitted
on the Tishomingo Wildlife Management
Unit of the refuge subject to the following
1. The Tishomingo Wildlife Management
Unit is open during seasons, dates and times
as posted by signs and/or indicated on refuge
leaflets, special regulations, permits and
2. Hunters are required to check in and out
of the unit at designated areas.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
4. Dove hunting is permitted from September 1 through September 30th only.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
quail, squirrel, turkey and rabbits on the
Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit of
the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Upland game hunting is not permitted
during deer archery and dark goose seasons.
2. We allow only bows and arrows and shotguns using approved nontoxic shot.
3. Hunters are required to check in and out
of the unit at designated areas.
4. Turkey hunters may only hunt during
the statewide spring shotgun season and during the fall archery season.

C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of whitetailed deer and turkey is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Deer hunting on the Wildlife Management Unit is permitted only during the
statewide deer archery season.
2. Refuge bonus deer gun hunts are by special permit only.
3. Hunters are required to check in and out
of the unit at designated areas.
4. We prohibit baiting on the refuge and
the Wildlife Management Unit.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing with hook and
line is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions
and exceptions:
1. Anglers may bank and wade fish with
pole and line or rod and reel year-round in
areas open for public fishing access.
2. Anglers may use boats from March 1
through September 30 in designated refuge
waters and Wildlife Management Unit.
3. Anglers may use trotlines and other set
tackle only in the Cumberland Pool and between the natural banks of the Washita
River. Anglers must attach set tackle, used
in Cumberland Pool, only to anchored floats.
4. Anglers may not use limblines,
throwlines, juglines, and yo-yo’s.
5. Anglers may not use any containers
(jugs, bottles) as floats.
6. Anglers must remove fishing tackle at
the end of the boating season.
7. Anglers may no-wake boat fish during
the boating season with line and pole or rod
and reel in: (a) open areas south and west of
the Cumberland Pool shallow water buoy
line; (b) lakes south and west of the Washita
River; and (c) the Wildlife Management Unit.
8. Anglers may night fish from boat (during boating season) in the Cumberland Pool,
except not in the no-wake area south and
west of the buoy line. Anglers may night fish
at the headquarters area, including Sandy
Creek Bridge, Murray 23, Nida Point, and the
Wildlife Management Unit.
9. You may only take bait for personal use
while fishing in the refuge in accordance
with Oklahoma State law. We do not allow
removal of bait from the refuge for commercial sales. You cannot release bait back into
the water.
10. Anglers may bow fish only in the Wildlife Management Unit.
11. Anglers may not take fish by the use of
hands (noodling) in any refuge waters.
12. Anglers may not take frogs, turtles, or
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, and sandhill crane on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:


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§ 32.56

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

1. We require permits and payment of a fee
to hunt goose and sandhill crane.
2. Goose and sandhill crane hunters must
hunt from designated pit blinds.
3. We allow youth hunters, ages 12 to 16, to
hunt duck in a controlled youth hunt in conjunction with a waterfowl seminar.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
quail and rabbit on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State hunting regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotguns.
2. Closed during the State gun deer season.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. We allow hunting during the special refuge season in accordance with the refuge
hunt information sheet.
2. You must obtain a refuge hunt permit
and pay a fee (fee waived for Youth Hunt
3. You must check in and out of hunt areas
daily at the refuge office or check station.
4. You must take bagged deer and/or hog to
the refuge check station.
5. We will determine bag limits on deer annually.
6. We prohibit the use of bait.
7. A nonhunting mentor of 21 years of age
or older must accompany, and be in the immediate presence of, participants in the
Youth Hunt, who must be between the ages
of 12 and 18. Hunters and mentors must
BOTH wear hunter orange clothing meeting
or exceeding the minimum State requirements.
8. We prohibit handguns.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State fishing regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Anglers may fish from March 15 through
October 14 in the Washita River and Foss
Reservoir. Anglers may bank fish year round
in the Washita River and Foss Reservoir
from open areas.
2. Anglers may access fishing areas only
from designated parking areas and by boat
from Foss Reservoir.
3. We do not allow boats and other flotation devices on refuge waters from October
15 through March 14.

D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fish may be taken only with pole and
line or rod and reel.
2. Taking any type of bait from refuge
lands or waters is not permitted.
3. Taking of frogs and turtles is not permitted.
4. Hand-powered boats are permitted only
on Jed Johnson, Rush, Quanah Parker, and
French Lakes.
5. Anglers may use electric trolling motors
on boats 14′ or less in length only on Jed
Johnson, Rush, Quanah Parker and French
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6695, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55187, Nov. 3,
1994; 60 FR 61213, Nov. 29, 1995; 60 FR 62046,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46398, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47380, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46920, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30789, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56407, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58949,
Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54445, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.56 Oregon.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and snipe on
that portion of the refuge west of U.S. Highway 101 and outside the Bandon city limits,
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions;
1. You may only use portable blinds or
blinds constructed of on-site dead vegetation
(see § 27.51 of this chapter) or driftwood.
2. You must remove all blinds, decoys,
shotshell hulls, and other personal equipment and refuse (see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this
chapter) from the refuge at the end of each
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing in
accordance with State regulations, on that
portion of the refuge west of U.S. Highway

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of elk and
white-tailed deer is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: Permits and payment of a fee are

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer only
is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting opens concurrent with the State
season and closes October 31.
2. No hunting or public entry of any kind
is permitted from November 1 to March 31.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.56

D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, dove, and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s
2. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. until 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) per day on the refuge
in quantities of 25 or less.
4. We only allow vehicles on designated
routes of travel and require hunters to park
in designated parking areas (see § 27.31 of this
chapter). We reserve parking lot F solely for
Memorial Marsh Unit waterfowl hunters.
5. We require waterfowl hunting parties to
space themselves a minimum of 200 yards
(180 m) apart in the free-roam area along the
reservoir shoreline.
6. We only allow portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of natural materials.
7. We only allow nonmotorized boats and
boats with electric motors within that portion of reservoir open to hunting.
8. On the Memorial Marsh Unit, we only
allow hunting from numbered field blind
sites, and hunters must only park their vehicles at the numbered post corresponding to
the numbered field blind site they are using
(see § 27.31 of this chapter). Selection of parking sites/numbered posts is on a first-come,
first-served basis at parking lot F. We prohibit free-roam hunting or jump shooting,
and you must remain within 100 feet (30 m)
of the numbered field blind post unless retrieving birds or setting decoys. We allow a
maximum of four persons per blind site.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, chukar, Hungarian partridge,
and quail on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
2. We prohibit hunting of upland game
birds until 12 p.m. (noon) of each hunt day.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
4. Hunters may not possess more than 25
shells while in the field.
5. We do not allow hunting of upland game
birds until noon of each hunt day.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. In the Cold Springs Reservoir, we only
allow fishing from March 1 through September 30.
2. On the south side of the reservoir, we
only allow bank fishing.
3. We only allow use of nonmotorized boats
and boats with electric motors.
4. From October 1 through the last day of
February, we only allow bank fishing, and
only in the area beginning at the west inlet
canal, north across the face of the dam to
the closed area sign.
5. We only allow fishing with hook and
6. The refuge is open from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
doves, geese, ducks, coots and common snipe
is permitted on the Snake River sector subject to the following conditions:
1. Only portable blinds and temporary
blinds constructed of natural materials are
2. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in
the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of upland
game is permitted on the Snake River Sector
subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunting is not permitted from February
1 through May 31.
2. Pheasant, quail, and partridge hunters
may possess only approved nontoxic shot
while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following condition: Hunting
is permitted only on the Snake River Sector.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following condition: Shoreline fishing is not
permitted on the islands of the Snake River
Sector from February 1 through May 31.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of chukar only on the western slopes of Hart
Mountain and Poker Jim Ridge in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer, antelope, and bighorn sheep on the refuge in areas designated by permit issued
from the State in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow ground blinds, but we prohibit
construction of them earlier than 1 week
prior to the opening day of the legal season
for which you have a valid permit.
2. You must remove blinds (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) within 24 hours of harvesting
an animal or at the end of the permittee’s
legal season.


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§ 32.56

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. We limit hunters to one blind each, and
you must tag blinds with the owner’s name
and permit number.
4. We prohibit destruction of natural vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter) or belowground excavation.
5. We require hunters to check-in at the
refuge headquarters prior to hunting on the
refuge and check out at the refuge headquarters upon completion of the hunt.
6. We prohibit hunting within 3 miles (4.8
km) of the refuge headquarters.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge only in Rock Creek, Guano Creek, and
Warner Pond in accordance with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, and common
snipe on the Wallace Island Unit subject to
the following condition: You may possess
only approved nontoxic shot while in the
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
along the shoreline of the Wallace Island
Unit in accordance with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots and common snipe is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. The use of air-thrust and inboard waterthrust boats is not permitted.
2. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in
the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Bank fishing is permitted in the borrow
ditches adjacent to the Silver Lake Highway
and along the shoreline of Wocus Bay.
2. The use of boats is not permitted.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, and common
snipe on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. We do not allow hunting on all exposed
lands on Miller Sands Island and its partially
enclosed lagoon, as posted. We do not allow
hunting inside the diked portion of Karlson
Island, as posted.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]

D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
along the shoreline of the refuge islands in
accordance with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots and common snipe is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Only unloaded firearms may be carried
on hunter access routes open to motor vehicles or when taken through posted retrieving
zones when traveling to and from the hunting areas.
2. Decoys may not be set in retrieving
3. The use of air-thrust and inboard waterthrust boats is not permitted.
4. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in
the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Only unloaded firearms may be taken
through posted retrieving zones when traveling to and from hunting areas.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
doves, geese, ducks, coots, common snipe and
pigeons is permitted on designated areas of
the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow only nonmotorized boats or
boats with electric motors.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant, quail, partridge, coyote and rabbit is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters may hunt pheasant, quail, partridge, and rabbit from the third Saturday in
November to the end of the pheasant season
in designated areas of the Blitzen Valley east
of Highway 205, and on designated areas open
to waterfowl hunting.
2. Hunters may hunt all upland game species during authorized State seasons on the
refuge area west of Highway 205 and south of
Foster Flat Road.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field on designated areas
east of Highway 205.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and pronghorn during authorized State
seasons only on the refuge area west of Highway 205 and south of Foster Flat Road.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.56

1. Anglers may fish year-round in the
Blitzen River, East Canal, and Mud Creek
upstream from and including Bridge Creek.
Anglers may fish in Krumbo Reservoir during the State season from the fourth Saturday in April to the end of October.
2. Boats are not permitted, except nonmotorized boats and boats with electric motors are permitted on Krumbo Reservoir.

C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations and special conditions listed for McNary National Wildlife
Refuge in the State of Washington.


A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of quail,
grouse, and partridge is permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer and
antelope is permitted on designated areas of
the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and common
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s
2. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) on the refuge in
quantities of 25 or less per day.
4. We only allow vehicles on designated
routes of travel and require hunters to park
in designated parking areas (see § 27.31 of this
5. We require waterfowl hunting parties to
space themselves a minimum of 200 yards
(180 m) apart.
6. We only allow portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of natural materials.
7. We prohibit the use of boats.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A2 apply.
2. On the opening weekend of the hunting
season, we require all hunters to possess and
carry a signed refuge permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: We allow fishing from
March 1 through September 30.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory birds on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations and special conditions listed for
McNary National Wildlife Refuge in the
State of Washington.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and special conditions listed for
McNary National Wildlife Refuge in the
State of Washington.


A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and common
snipe on designated areas of the Boardman
and McCormack Units in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
2. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) on the refuge in
quantities of 25 or less.
3. We prohibit off-road vehicle travel and
all use of ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
We only allow vehicles on designated routes
of travel and require hunters to park in designated parking areas (see § 27.31 of this
4. The McCormack Unit is a fee-hunt area
only open to hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, and New
Year’s Day during State waterfowl seasons.
5. Prior to entering the McCormack Fee
Hunt Unit, we require you to stop at the
check station to obtain a refuge permit (you
must possess and carry), pay a recreation
user fee, and obtain a blind assignment before hunting.
6. On the McCormack Unit, we only allow
hunting from assigned blind sites and require
hunters to remain within 100 feet (90 m) of
marked blind sites unless retrieving birds.
7. On the Boardman Unit, we require waterfowl hunting parties to space themselves
a minimum of 200 yards (180 m) apart. We
only allow portable blinds and temporary
blinds constructed of natural materials.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting of upland game
birds until 12 p.m. (noon) of each hunt day.
2. On the McCormack Fee Hunt Unit, we
only allow hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Thanksgiving Day.


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§ 32.57

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. On the McCormack Unit, we require all
hunters to possess and carry a signed refuge
permit on the opening weekend of the hunting season.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: Hunting is by special refuge permit (you must possess and
carry) only.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
2. We allow fishing on refuge impoundments and ponds from February 1 through
September 30. We open other refuge waters
(Columbia River and its backwaters) in accordance with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks, coots and common snipe is permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. The use of air-thrust and inboard waterthrust boats is not permitted.
2. Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in
the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted in Pelican Bay,
Recreation Creek, Crystal Creek, Odessa
Creek, Pelican Cut and that portion of Upper
Klamath Lake located on the east side of the
2. Motorized boats shall not exceed 10 miles
per hour in any stream, creek or canal and
on that portion of Pelican Bay west of a line
beginning at designated points on the north
shore of Pelican Bay one-fourth mile east of
Crystal Creek and extending due south to
the opposite shore of the lake.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Only shotgun and archery hunting are
2. Hunters must check in and out of the
refuge by use of self-service permits.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:

1. Fishing is permitted on Muddy Creek
from the beginning of the State trout season
in April through October 31.
2. The use of boats is not permitted.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6696, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55187, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62046,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46398, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47381, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46921, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30790, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56407, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58949,
Sept. 18, 2002; 68 FR 57318, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR
54362, 54447, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.57 Pennsylvania.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning dove, rail, common
snipe, goose, duck, coot, and crow on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting on the refuge from
September 1 through the end of February.
2. We only allow nonmotorized boats for
waterfowl hunting. Hunters must remove
boats (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the
refuge at the end of each day.
3. Hunters must remove decoys from the
refuge at the end of each day.
4. We allow dogs for hunting; however,
they must be under the immediate control of
the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this
5. We prohibit field possession of migratory
game birds in areas of the refuge closed to
migratory game bird hunting.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of grouse, squirrel, rabbit, woodchuck,
pheasant, quail, raccoon, fox, coyote, skunk,
and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting on the refuge from
September 1 through the end of February.
2. All fox, coyote, and raccoon hunters
must possess and carry a refuge Special Use
Permit while hunting on the refuge.
3. We prohibit pheasant hunting on the
Sugar Lake Division of the refuge.
4. We allow dogs for hunting; however,
they must be under the immediate control of
the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of this
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer, bear, and turkey on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting on the refuge from
September 1 through the end of February.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.59

We also allow spring turkey hunting in accordance with State regulations.
2. Hunters must remove blinds, platforms,
scaffolds, tree stands, and decoys (see § 27.93
of this chapter) from the refuge at the end of
each day.
3. We prohibit organized deer drives in
hunt area B of the Sugar Lake Division. We
define a ‘‘drive’’ as three or more persons involved in the act of chasing, pursuing, disturbing, or otherwise directing deer so as to
make the animal more susceptible to harvest.
4. All bear hunters must have a refuge Special Use Permit in their possession while
hunting on the refuge.
5. We require all hunters to notify the refuge within 48 hours of the harvest of a deer,
bear, or turkey.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow bank/pier fishing on all fishing
2. We allow fishing from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
3. We only allow boats without motors in
Area 5 from the second Saturday in June
through September 15. They must remain in
an area from the dike to 3,000 feet (900 m) upstream.
4. Anglers must remove boats (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) from the refuge at the end of
each day.
5. We only allow ice fishing in Areas 5 and
6. All persons must possess and carry a refuge Special Use Permit while taking minnow
or turtle.
7. We prohibit the taking of frog.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on all refuge waters, except:
i. The East side of the Main Impoundment
from the Dike Road south to the Trolley Bed
trail; and
ii. The small pond located on the south
side of Bartram Ave at the I–95 South on
2. We allow fishing on the refuge from legal
sunrise to legal sunset.
3. Anglers may only operate boats, canoes,
and floats in tidal waters. We prohibit them
on the refuge impoundments and ponds.
4. We only allow fishing from the shoreline
in refuge impoundments and ponds. We prohibit wading.

5. We prohibit bowfishing or spearfishing
on the refuge.
6. We prohibit the take, collection, or capture of reptile or amphibian on the refuge.
Refer to § 32.68 West Virginia for regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6698, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55188, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62047,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 31461, June 20, 1996; 61 FR
46398, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47381, Sept. 9, 1997;
63 FR 46921, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30791, May 12,
2000; 66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58949,
Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54448, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.58

Puerto Rico. [Reserved]

§ 32.59

Rhode Island.

The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in
the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline
in accordance with state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in
the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline
in accordance with state regulations. Anglers may saltwater fish and shellfish in
Ninigret Pond from the refuge shoreline only
from sunrise to sunset in accordance with
state and refuge regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may saltwater
fish from the refuge shoreline in accordance
with state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in
the Atlantic Ocean and Sakonnet River from
the refuge shoreline in accordance with state
regulations. Additionally, anglers may


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§ 32.60

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

night-fish after sunset in accordance with
state regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunters
may hunt Canada geese and mourning doves
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following conditions: State permits required.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may surf fish in
the Atlantic Ocean from the refuge shoreline
from September 16 to March 31 in accordance
with state and refuge regulations.
[63 FR 46921, Sept. 3, 1998, as amended at 69
FR 54362, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.60 South Carolina.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.


A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require each hunter to carry at all
times while hunting a signed, current refuge
hunting regulations brochure containing a
refuge hunt permit. The hunt permit is invalid until signed by the hunter.
2. Each youth hunter (age 15 and under)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 21 or older. Youth
hunters must have successfully completed a
State-approved hunter education course.
3. We only allow hunting until 12 p.m.
(noon) each day during the State waterfowl
4. We prohibit hunting on Corps of Engineer dredge spoil sites located on refuge
property on Jehossee Island.
5. We prohibit permanent blinds. You must
remove portable blinds and decoys (see § 27.93
of this chapter) at the end of each day.
6. We only allow use of retrieving dogs
while hunting.
7. We allow scouting all year from legal
sunrise to legal sunset.
8. Access to the hunt areas is by boat only.
We prohibit boat launching on the refuge.
9. We do not require hunter check-in and
check out. There is no quota on the number
of hunters.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 and A2 apply.

2. We only allow hunting on days designated annually by the refuge within the
State season. We only allow hunting on designated refuge areas within the Edisto Unit
and the Combahee Unit.
3. We only allow archery or muzzleloader
hunting, and there is no quota on the number of hunters allowed to participate. During
a special quota permit hunt for the mobility
impaired, we allow use of centerfire rifles or
4. Access into all refuge hunt areas for
hunting and scouting is by foot or bicycle.
We may open some refuge roads on hunt
5. We allow scouting all year from legal
sunrise to legal sunset.
6. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 5 a.m. on hunt days and must leave the
refuge no later than 1 hour after legal sunset.
7. We do not require hunter check-in and
check out. However, you must check all deer
taken during any hunt at the designated refuge check station before removal from the
refuge. In addition, you must tag all
antlerless deer with an antlerless tag provided by the refuge.
8. The refuge daily bag limit is two
antlerless deer and one antlered buck that
must have at least three antler points on one
side. We define a ‘‘point’’ as an antler projection of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more in
9. You may take feral hog during refuge
deer hunts. There is no size or bag limit on
10. We only allow one portable tree stand
per hunter and only during the actual days
of each hunt.
11. We prohibit hunting on or within 100
feet (30 m) of all routes marked as roads or
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) on the hunt
brochure map.
12. All permanently fixed ground blinds are
for the mobility-impaired hunt only.
13. We prohibit crossbows on the archery
hunts. We only allow muzzleloading rifles
using a single projectile on the muzzleloader
hunts. We prohibit buckshot.
14. You may use flagging to mark the site
of hunter entry from roads or trails and
again at the stand site. You may use clothes
pins with reflective tape between these sites
to mark the route to the stand. Hunters
must label all such markers with their full
name and remove them (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) at the end of the hunt.
15. We require hunters to wear an outer
garment visible above the waist that contains a minimum of 500 square inches (3,250
cm2) of solid, florescent-orange material at
all times during the muzzleloader and mobility-impaired hunts.
16. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.60

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing in impounded waters
contained within dikes and levees in the
Beaufort County portion of the refuge annually from April 1 through August 31 during
daylight hours. We close fishing during all
remaining times within all refuge-impounded waters.
2. We prohibit boat use within refuge-impounded waters. We only allow bank fishing.
3. We only allow hook and line sport fishing utilizing rod and reel or pole.
4. We only open access into refuge areas to
fishing by foot or bicycle.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of marsh hens/rails only on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a refuge hunt permit.
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of raccoon on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following condition: We require a refuge hunt permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition: We
require a refuge hunt permit.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing, crabbing, and shell fishing on designated areas of
the refuge subject to State regulations and
the following condition: Marsh Island, White
Banks, and Bird Island are open from September 15 through February 15. We close
them the rest of the year to protect nesting
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning dove and woodcock on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. All hunters must possess and carry a
signed refuge General Hunt Permit and a
government-issued picture ID.
2. All hunters must complete a Small
Game Check Sheet attached to the refuge
General Hunt Permit. You must turn each
check sheet in daily at one of the small game
check sheet drop boxes.
3. We prohibit discharge of weapons (see
§ 27.42 of this chapter) within, into, or across
a ‘‘No Hunting Zone’’ or ‘‘Closed Area’’. We
prohibit entering or crossing a ‘‘No Hunting
Zone’’ or ‘‘Closed Area’’ to access areas open
to hunting. We require consent from refuge
personnel to enter a ‘‘No Hunting Zone’’ or
‘‘Closed Area’’ for the purpose of tracking

and/or retrieving legally taken game animals.
4. Each youth hunter (age 16 or younger)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact and under supervision of an adult
age 21 or older with a valid license and applicable permit. Each adult may supervise no
more than two youth hunters. Each youth
hunter must possess and carry evidence of
successful completion of a State-approved
hunter education course.
5. We prohibit loaded firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter) within 100 feet (30 m) of maintained refuge roads or within 500 feet (150 m)
of the paved visitor’s drive. We prohibit discharge of any weapon on or across any part
of the refuge road system. We define a ‘‘loaded firearm’’ as a firearm with shells in the
magazine or chamber, or, for muzzleloaders,
a gun with the percussion caps put in place.
6. Hunters must possess shotguns with shot
no larger than No. 5.
7. Legal shooting hours for September dove
hunts are 12 p.m. (noon) to 6:30 p.m.
8. We prohibit discharge of weapons for any
purpose other than to take or attempt to
take legal game animals during established
hunting seasons.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A5 and A8 apply.
2. We require dogs for hunting raccoon and
opossum. All dogs must wear a collar displaying the owner’s name, address, and
phone number.
3. Upland game hunters may possess shotguns with shot no larger than No. 4 or .22
caliber rimfire rifles or primitive muzzleloading rifles of .40 caliber or smaller. We
prohibit possession of buckshot or slugs.
4. Upland game hunters using archery
equipment must use small game tips on the
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. All hunters must possess and carry a
signed refuge General Hunt Permit and a
government-issued picture ID; however, in
addition, turkey hunters must have a Refuge
Quota Turkey Hunt Permit. Refuge Quota
Turkey Hunt Permits are nontransferable.
2. You must promptly check all deer and
hog killed on the refuge during modern gun
hunts at the Refuge Check Station on the
day of the kill prior to removal from the refuge. You must promptly check all antlerless
deer killed on the refuge during the primitive weapons and archery hunts at the refuge
office on the day of the kill prior to removal
from the refuge. You must self-check all antlered bucks and hogs at the Refuge Check


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§ 32.60

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

Station during the primitive weapons and
archery hunts. In addition, you must have
all antlerless deer tagged by refuge staff
prior to removal from the refuge. You must
promptly check and tag all turkey killed on
the refuge during the Refuge Quota Turkey
Hunt at the refuge office on the day of the
kill prior to removal from the refuge.
3. Conditions A3 through A5 apply.
4. During big game deer hunts, we prohibit
hunters from entering the refuge before 4
a.m., and they must leave the refuge no later
than 2 hours after legal sunset. We will lock
gates 2 hours after legal sunset on the last
day of each hunt.
5. During refuge firearms deer hunts all
participants must wear at least 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of unbroken, flourescentorange material above the waistline as an
outer garment visible while hunting and
while en route to and from hunting areas.
6. During the primitive weapons hunt, you
may use bow and arrow, muzzleloading shotguns (20 gauge or larger), or muzzleloading
rifles (.40 caliber or larger). We prohibit revolving rifles or black-powder handguns.
7. During the modern gun hunts, you may
use shotguns, rifles (centerfire and larger
than .22 caliber), handguns (.357 caliber or
larger and barrel length no less than 6 inches
[15 cm]), or any weapon allowed during the
primitive weapons hunt. We prohibit military, hard-jacketed bullets, and .22 caliber
rimfire rifles during the modern gun hunts.
8. We prohibit driving deer. We define a
‘‘drive’’ as an organized hunting technique involving two or more individuals attempting
to drive game animals from cover or habitat
for the purpose of shooting, killing, or moving such animals toward other hunters.
9. You must identify deer stands used on
the refuge with the hunter’s name, address,
and phone number.
10. We prohibit the use of dogs for any big
game hunting.
11. We prohibit the use of flagging or reflective tape, paint, tacks, or other trail
markers. You may use painted clothes pins
or clothes pins with reflective tape or tacks
attached, but you must remove them (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each
12. Youth hunts are for hunters ages 10
through 15 only. We prohibit adults from discharging firearms during youth deer and turkey hunts.
13. The bag limit during each deer hunt is
the State limit plus two antlerless deer and
unlimited hogs.
14. We require you to field-dress or remove
the deer whole prior to transportation in a
vehicle or removing them from the refuge.
15. We prohibit the use of ATVs, except by
mobility-impaired hunters with a Special
Use Permit during big game hunts. Mobilityimpaired hunters must have a State Disabled
Hunting license, be confined to a wheelchair,

need mechanical aids to walk, or have complete single-or double-leg amputation.
16. We prohibit turkey hunters from calling a turkey for another hunter unless both
hunters have Refuge Quota Turkey Hunt
17. We prohibit turkey hunting in the area
defined as east of Hwy. 145, south of Rt. 9,
and north of Hwy. 1.
18. Turkey hunts end each day at 1 p.m.,
and you must unload, case, or dismantle all
weapons (see § 27.42 of this chapter) after 1
19. During turkey hunts we only allow one
weapon per hunter.
20. The bag limit for the entire hunt is two
bearded turkey.
21. We prohibit discharge of weapons (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter) for any purpose
other than to take or attempt to take legal
game animals during established hunting
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on all
areas of the refuge, except Martins Lake and
those areas closed for management purposes,
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from 1 hour before legal
sunrise to 1 hour after legal sunset.
2. We allow nonmotorized boats and boats
with electric motors. We allow boats with
permanently mounted gas motors as long as
you lock the propeller out of the water. You
must hand load and unload boats except at
designated boat ramps. We prohibit skidding
boats up or down dams or on water control
structures. We provide boat ramps at Pool D,
Pool L, Honkers Lake, and Mays Lake.
3. We allow bank fishing on all designated
4. We prohibit bow fishing, fish baskets,
nets, set hooks, trotlines, or snagging devices.
5. We prohibit snagging of fish by pulling
or jerking any device equipped with one or
more hooks through the water for the purpose of impaling fish.
6. We prohibit swimming or wading in any
areas of the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must have a signed refuge permit on
your person at all times. We require payment of a fee for the quota gun hunt. You
may obtain information about the quota
hunt drawing at the refuge headquarters in
Savannah, Georgia.
2. Hunters must check-in at the designated
check station between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. and
park in the designated area prior to hunting.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.60

We require personal identification at checkin.
3. Any movement within the refuge must
be by foot or bicycle. We limit entry and exit
points for authorized motor vehicles to designated check stations or other specified
areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We prohibit
entry by boat, and we prohibit hunters to
leave by boat to reach other parts of the island.
4. We require hunters to wear an outer garment that contains a minimum of 500 square
inches (3,250 cm2) of hunter-orange material
above the waistline.
5. We prohibit participating in organized
drives for deer.
6. Each hunter may place one stand on the
refuge during the week (Monday through
Friday only) preceding the hunt. You must
remove all stands (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
at the end of the hunt.
7. We prohibit camping on the refuge.
8. We only allow shotguns, 20 gauge or larger, with slugs.
9. If you are a hunter on the refuge, you
must be in your stand from 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise until 9 a.m. and from 2 hours
before legal sunset until legal sunset.
10. We prohibit hunting closer than 100
yards (90 m) to U.S. Highway 278 or the
check station area, or closer than 200 yards
(180 m) to the residence area.
11. We prohibit flagging, blazing, or using
other trail-marking devices to locate stands
or for any other purpose.
12. Refuge personnel must check deer harvested during a scheduled hunt before hunters leave the refuge.
13. You may take five deer (no more than
four antlerless).
14. We close the refuge to the public on
hunt days.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishing is permitted year-round.
2. Fishing is only permitted from boats,
into the estuarine waters adjacent to the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning doves on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
condition: We require a refuge permit.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
on designated areas of the refuge subject to
the following condition: We require a refuge
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition: We
require a refuge permit.
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:

1. Fishing is permitted on inland ponds
only from sunrise to sunset or as posted.
2. Fishing is permitted in Cantey Bay,
Black Bottom, Savannah Branch and refuge
ponds and impoundments from March 1
through October 31.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck and coot on designated areas
north of South Carolina Highway 170 of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit at all times while hunting on the
refuge. Permits and general hunting information are available at the refuge headquarters in Savanna, Georgia.
2. We only allow temporary blinds. You
must remove decoys and other personal property (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge daily.
3. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of South Carolina Highway 170.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel November 1 through November 30
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit at all times while hunting on the
refuge. Permits and hunt information are
available at the refuge headquarters in Savannah, Georgia.
2. We only allow .22 caliber rimfire rifles or
shotguns with #2 shot or smaller for squirrel
3. We prohibit handguns.
4. We prohibit dogs.
5. You may take feral hog with weapons
legal for this hunt (no bag limit).
6. We require a big game license.
7. We require hunters to wear a visible
outer garment that contains a minimum of
500 square inches (3,250 cm2) of hunter-orange
material above the waistline (except during
the archery-only deer hunt, the turkey hunt,
and the waterfowl hunt.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, turkey, and feral hog on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge permit at all times. We require payment of a fee for the wheelchair-dependent
hunters’ quota gun hunt for deer. Permits,
quota hunt applications, and information
about the quota hunt drawing are available
at the refuge headquarters in Savannah,
2. We allow archery hunting for deer and
hog from October 1 through October 31 on
designated areas.
3. We only authorize bows for deer/hog
hunting during the archery hunt.


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§ 32.60

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

4. We allow gun hunting for deer and hog
during the archery hunt.
5. We only allow shotguns with slugs,
muzzleloaders, and bows for deer and hog
hunting throughout the designated hunt
area. However, we only allow centerfire rifles
of .22 caliber or larger north of Interstate
Highway 95. We prohibit handguns.
6. You may take five deer, no more than
three antlerless and two antlered. There is
no bag limit on feral hogs.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing in refuge impoundments and canals from March 1 through November 30 annually.
2. We allow fishing in Kingfisher Pond
3. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
4. We allow fishing year-round in the canals adjacent to the wildlife drive.
5. Anglers may only use nonmotorized
boats and boats with electric motors within
impounded water.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, and snipe on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry at all
times while hunting a signed, current refuge
hunting regulations brochure containing a
refuge hunt permit. The hunt permit is invalid until signed by the hunter.
2. Each youth hunter (age 15 and under)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact and under supervision of an adult
age 21 or older. Youth hunters must have
successfully completed a State-approved
hunter education course.
3. We only allow waterfowl hunting until 12
p.m. (noon) each Saturday during the State
waterfowl season. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier that 5 a.m. on hunt days and
must be off the refuge by 2 p.m.
4. We allow scouting Monday through Friday during the waterfowl season. We prohibit
possession of a firearm by anyone scouting.
You must be off the refuge by 2 p.m.
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting all species
of migratory birds on the refuge.
6. We require permanent blinds. You must
remove portable blinds and decoys (see § 27.93
of this chapter) at the end of each day.
7. We only allow use of retrieving dogs
while hunting.
8. We do not require hunter check-in and
check out. There is no quota on the number
of hunters.
9. We prohibit discharge of weapons (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter) for any purpose

other than to take or attempt to take legal
game animals during established hunting
10. We prohibit hunting on any unit for
wildlife other than that which is officially
opened and posted or entering any areas
posted as ‘‘Closed’’ or ‘‘No Hunting Zones’’.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of gray squirrel, raccoon, and opossum on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A9, and A10 apply.
2. We only allow hunting on days designated annually by the refuge within the
State season. We only allow upland game
hunting on designated Refuge areas within
Refuge Unit 1.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) in shotguns. We allow .22
caliber rimfire rifles.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, feral hog, and turkey on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A9, and A10 apply.
2. We only allow hunting on days designated annually by the refuge within the
State season.
3. We close refuge hunting areas to the
general public during big game hunts.
4. We allow archery, muzzleloading (black
powder) and centerfire rifles, and shotguns.
5. We prohibit crossbows, blow guns, and
drugged arrows (see § 32.2(g)). We only allow
muzzleloading rifles using a single projectile
on the muzzleloader hunts. We prohibit
buckshot, .22 caliber rimfire, and full-metal
jacketed military ammunition.
6. Access into all refuge hunt areas for
hunting and scouting is by foot or boat. We
may open some refuge roads on hunt days.
We prohibit ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter) and air boats on the refuge.
7. We allow scouting all year during daylight hours except during the State waterfowl season. During the waterfowl season,
the same regulations that apply to scouting
for waterfowl (A4), apply to scouting for big
game species.
8. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
than 5 a.m. on hunt days and must leave the
refuge no later than 1 hour after legal sunset.
9. We do not require hunter check-in and
check out.
10. The refuge limit on deer is one antlered
buck per refuge hunt. Hunters can harvest an
additional two antlerless deer per hunt during coinciding State doe days.
11. You may take feral hogs during refuge
deer hunts. There is no size or bag limit on
hog. We may offer special hog hunts during
and after deer season to further control this
invasive species. You must dispatch all feral
hogs before removing them from the refuge.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.61

12. We prohibit hunting on or within 100
feet (30 m) of all routes marked as roads or
trails (see § 27.31 of this chapter) on the hunt
brochure map.
13. You must hunt deer and feral hog from
an elevated deer stand. We prohibit shooting
a hog from a boat.
14. We only allow one portable tree stand
per hunter and only during the actual days
of each hunt. You must remove deer stands
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge no
later than 3 days after each refuge big game
15. We allow use of flagging to make the
site of hunter entry from roads or trails and
again at the stand site. We allow use of
clothes pins with reflective tape between
these sites to make the route to the stand.
Hunters must label all such markers with
their full name and remove them (see § 27.93
of this chapter) at the end of the hunt.
16. We require hunters to wear an outer
garment visible above the waist that contains a minimum of 500 square inches (3,250
cm2) of solid, flourescent-orange material at
all times during big game hunts except for
17. We prohibit the use of organized drives,
including the use of boats, as an aid in the
taking or attempting to take big game species.
18. We prohibit distribution of bait or
hunting over a baited area (see § 32.2(h)).
19. We limit turkey hunts to annual quota
hunts. We will select hunters by a random
drawing. Selected hunters must sign, possess, and carry a Refuge Turkey Hunt Permit
at all times during the hunt.
20. We prohibit turkey hunters from calling a turkey for another hunter unless both
hunters have Refuge Turkey Hunt Permits.
21. We prohibit turkey hunting in Refuge
Units 2 and 3.
22. Turkey hunts begin each day at legal
sunrise and end each day at 1 p.m., and you
must unload and case or dismantle all weapons (see § 27.42 of this chapter) after 1 p.m.
23. During turkey hunts we only allow one
weapon per hunter.
24. The bag limit for the entire hunt is one
bearded turkey.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 58 FR 29085, May 18,
1993; 59 FR 6698, Feb. 11, 1994; 59 FR 55188,
Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62047, Dec. 4, 1995; 63 FR
46921, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30791, May 12, 2000;
65 FR 56408, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46361, Sept.
4, 2001; 67 FR 58949, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362,
54449, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.61

South Dakota.

The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and

are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the wetland management
district (WMD) in accordance with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the WMD in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the WMD in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: The name and address of the owner or user, or the year and
big game tag number of the owner or user of
portable tree stands must be on the stand
and legible from the ground.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the WMD in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, common snipe,
sandhill crane, American crow, and mourning dove on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: We only allow hunting of migratory game birds on the Little
White River Recreation Area.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of cock ring-necked pheasant and sharptail
grouse on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit on all areas, except the Little White
River Recreation Area.
2. We prohibit hunting with the aid of a
motor vehicle. No person may discharge a
firearm within 1⁄2 mile (.8 km) of any motor
vehicle available for his/her transportation
unless that motor vehicle is parked in a designated parking area.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed and mule deer on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require a State permit for muzzleloader deer hunting.
2. You must possess and carry a refuge permit for archery deer hunting.
3. Condition B2 applies.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing on Pools 3, 4, 7, 10,
the Little White River Recreation Area, and
Cedar Creek Trout Ponds 2 and 3.


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§ 32.61

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

2. We allow boats with motors on all areas
open to fishing, except the Trout Ponds.
3. No person may violate the ‘‘no-wake
zone’’ that includes all waters within 500 feet
(150 m) of the shoreline or emergent marsh
vegetation on any refuge pool, except the
Little White River Recreation Area.
4. We prohibit the use or possession of live
minnows or bait fish on all waters of the refuge except the Little White River Recreation
5. We restrict fishing to 1⁄2 hour before
legal sunrise and to 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset
on all refuge waters open to fishing, except
the Little White River Recreation Area.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the wetland management
district (WMD) in accordance with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the WMD in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the WMD in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: The name and address of the owner or user, or the year and
big game tag number of the owner or user of
portable tree stands must be on the stand
and be legible from the ground.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the WMD in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the wetland management
district (WMD) in accordance with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the WMD in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the WMD in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: The name and address of the owner or user, or the year and
big game tag number of the owner or user of
portable tree stands must be on the stand
and be legible from the ground.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the WMD in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, and Hungarian partridge on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition:

You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl on designated portions
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunters to use the spaced perimeter blinds on a first-come, first-served
basis located along those posted sections of
road right-of-way closed to hunting.
2. We restrict vehicle parking to designated parking lots in the vicinity of the
waterfowl blind areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
3. Unarmed waterfowl hunters on the perimeter of the refuge may retrieve downed
waterfowl up to 100 yards (90 m) inside the
refuge boundary.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, and partridge on designated portions of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The game bird season begins the Monday
following closure of the refuge firearms deer
season and continues through December 31.
2. Refuge access is ‘‘walk-in’’ only. We prohibit motor vehicles, bicycles, snowmobiles,
and all-terrain vehicles (see § 27.31(f) of this
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Only firearms deer hunters with a Sand
Lake refuge permit (you must possess and
carry) may hunt deer on the refuge.
2. Hunters with a valid State archery license may hunt on the refuge during the established refuge archery deer season. Consult
the refuge manager for current season dates.
3. All individuals afield during the refuge
firearms deer season must wear a minimum
of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid fluorescent orange material on the head, chest,
and back that must be visible at all times.
4. We allow portable, elevated hunting
platforms not attached to trees and portable
ground blinds, but they must bear the name
and address of the owner or user or the year
and big game tag number of the owner or
user. The labeling must be readily visible
and legible.
5. Beginning the Saturday after August 25
licensed archery deer hunters and firearms
deer hunters holding refuge permits (you
must possess and carry) may place tree
stands, elevated platforms, and portable
ground blinds on the refuge. Hunters must
remove all such devices (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) by February 15.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.62

6. Deer hunters may enter the refuge 1
hour before legal shooting time and remain
no longer than 1 hour after shooting time
7. Refuge access is ‘‘walk-in’’ only. We allow
vehicles on designated refuge roads ONLY
for retrieving harvested deer and ONLY during the following times: 9:30–10 a.m., 1:30–2
p.m., and from the end of legal shooting time
to 1 hour after the end of shooting time (see
§ 27.31 of this chapter).
8. We restrict vehicle parking to designated parking lots in the vicinity of the
waterfowl blind areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
9. We prohibit bicycles, snowmobiles, and
all-terrain vehicles at all times (see § 27.31(f)
of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Fishing hours are 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.
2. We prohibit motorized vehicles on the
ice during winter (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
3. We allow ice fishing shanties, but anglers must remove them (see § 27.93 of this
chapter) daily.
4. We prohibit open fires (see § 27.95 of this

(see § 27.93 of this chapter) by the end of the
3. Hunters may launch nonmotorized
watercraft from designated access points to
travel to islands.
4. We close archery seasons during refuge
firearm seasons.
5. We prohibit deer drives during archery
seasons. We define a drive as the act of chasing, pursuing, disturbing, or otherwise directing deer so as make the animals more
susceptible to harvest by another hunter.
6. Refuge firearm hunters must wear a
minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid flourescent-orange material visible on
the head, chest, and back.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow ice fishing after refuge firearm
deer seasons close. We prohibit open water
fishing at any time.
2. Anglers must not be on the ice until 1
hour prior to legal sunrise and must be off
the ice by 1 hour after legal sunset.
3. Anglers must remove ice shacks (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) daily prior to closed
fishing hours.
4. We restrict angler foot travel to posted
access points, public roads, and lake ice.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the wetland management
district (WMD) in accordance with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the WMD in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the WMD in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: The name and address of the owner or user, or the year and
big game tag number of the owner or user of
portable tree stands must be on the stand
and be legible from the ground.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the WMD in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer hunting on designated areas in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We prohibit deer hunting on Headquarters Island.
2. We prohibit erecting tree stands prior to
hunt start dates. Hunters must remove them

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the wetland management
district (WMD) in accordance with State regulations.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the WMD in accordance with State regulations.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the WMD in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: The name and address of the owner or user, or the year and
big game tag number of the owner or user of
portable tree stands must be on the stand
and be legible from the ground.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the WMD in accordance
with State regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 60
FR 62047, Dec. 4, 1995; 62 FR 47381, Sept. 9,
1997; 65 FR 30791, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56408,
Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 69 FR
54362, 54452, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR 55995, Sept.
17, 2004]

§ 32.62 Tennessee.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.


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§ 32.62

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, merganser,
mourning dove, woodcock, and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
3. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
4. Legal hunting hours for duck, goose,
coot, and merganser are 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise to 12 p.m. (noon)
5. Mourning dove, woodcock, and snipe seasons close during youth, gun, and muzzleloader deer seasons.
6. You may only use portable blinds, and
you must remove all boats, blinds, and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge by 1 p.m. daily.
7. We allow hunters to access the refuge no
more than 2 hours before legal sunrise and
no more than 2 hours after legal sunset.
8. Each youth hunter (under age 16) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact and under supervision of an adult age 21
or older. One adult hunter may supervise no
more than two youth hunters.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3, and A7
through A8 apply.
2. We do not open for spring squirrel hunting on the refuge.
3. We do not open for squirrel, rabbit, and
quail hunting during all firearms and muzzleloader deer seasons.
4. We allow hunting for raccoon and opossum from legal sunset to legal sunrise.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3 and A7
through A9 (adult may supervise no more
than one youth hunter) apply.
2. You may only participate in the refuge
turkey hunts with a special quota permit
issued through a random drawing. You may
obtain information for permit applications
at the refuge headquarters.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting turkey.
4. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and tree stands on the refuge. You must remove blinds, tree stands, and all other per-

sonal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of the day.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing with pole and line
or rod and reel.
2. We prohibit possession of unauthorized
fishing gear, including trotlines, limblines,
juglines, yo-yos, nets, spears, and snag
hooks, while fishing on the refuge.
3. You may use a bow and arrow or a gig to
take nongame fish on refuge waters.
4. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
5. We prohibit taking of frog or turtle on
the refuge (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of Canada geese (September season
only) on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
3. We set and publish season dates and bag
limits annually in the refuge Public Use Regulations available at the refuge office.
4. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of any building, public use road, or boat
launching ramp.
5. We allow hunters access to the refuge
from 11⁄2 hours before legal sunrise to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
6. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge.
7. We prohibit the use of horses or other
animal conveyances on refuge hunts.
8. Youth hunters under age 16 must remain
in sight and normal voice contact with an
adult hunter age 21 or older. One adult
hunter may supervise no more than two
youth hunters.
9. We allow the use of dogs to retrieve
10. You may use only portable blinds, and
you must remove all boats, blinds, and decoys from the refuge at the end of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
3. We set and publish season dates and bag
limits annually in the refuge public use regulations available at the refuge office.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.62

4. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of any building, public use road, or boat
launching ramp.
5. We allow hunters access to the refuge
from 11⁄2 hours before legal sunrise to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
6. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
7. We prohibit the use of horses or other
animal conveyances on refuge hunts.
8. Each youth hunter (under age 16) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult
hunter may supervise no more than two
youth hunters.
9. We do not open for spring squirrel hunting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of white-tailed deer and turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1 through B8 (one adult
hunter may supervise no more than one
youth hunter) apply.
2. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and tree stands on the refuge. You must remove blinds, tree stands, and all other personal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing on refuge pools and reservoirs from March 16 through November 14
from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
2. We prohibit bows and arrows, trotlines,
limblines, jugs, and slat baskets in refuge
pools and reservoirs.
3. We prohibit taking of frog and turtle on
the refuge (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
4. We prohibit leaving boats unattended on
the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a valid
refuge permit and report game taken as specified within the permit. The free refuge hunting and fishing regulation leaflet serves as
the refuge permit when properly signed.
2. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of refuge buildings.
3. We allow hunters to access the refuge no
more than 1 hour before legal sunrise and no
more than 1 hour after legal sunset.
4. We only allow waterfowl hunting on
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon)
throughout the State early wood duck and
the regular duck season.

5. We only allow portable blinds and blinds
made of natural herbaceous vegetation,
which must be removed from the refuge each
6. Each youth hunter (under age 16) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult
hunter may supervise no more than two
youth hunters.
7. You may take beaver, coyote, and armadillo incidental to any legal hunting activity.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow the
hunting of quail, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon,
and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3 and A6 and A7
2. You may hunt for raccoon and opossum
from legal sunset to legal sunrise.
3. We prohibit upland game hunting the
night before and during the refuge deer archery and gun-deer hunting seasons.
4. We do not open for spring squirrel hunting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3, A6 (each adult
may supervise one youth hunter) and A7
2. We set season dates and bag limits annually and publish them in the refuge public
use regulations available at the refuge office.
3. You may only participate in the refuge
firearms deer hunts with a special quota permit issued through random drawing. Information for permit applications is available
at the refuge headquarters.
4. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and tree stands on the refuge. You must remove blinds, tree stands, and all other personal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated portions of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Anglers must possess and carry a valid
refuge permit. The free refuge hunting and
fishing permit serves as the refuge permit
when properly signed.
2. You must only use boats propelled by
electric motors or hand power.
3. You must only use pole and line or rod
and reel.
4. You must use refuge boat ramps for
launching boats.
5. We do not open Oneal Lake to fishing except for authorized events.
6. You must immediately release all
largemouth bass under 14 inches (30 cm) in
length on Goose and Quail Hollow Lakes.


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§ 32.62

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

7. We only open Goose Lake for bank fishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and raccoon on the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
3. We set and publish season dates and bag
limits annually in the refuge Public Use Regulations available at the refuge office.
4. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit and report game taken as specified within the permit.
5. We allow hunters to access the refuge no
more than 2 hours before legal sunrise and
no more than 2 hours after legal sunset.
6. Hunting hours for raccoon are 7 p.m. to
12 p.m. (midnight).
7. Each youth hunter (under age 16) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult
hunter may supervise no more than two
youth hunters.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery
only hunting for white-tailed deer on the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1 through B5, B7 (each adult
may only supervise one youth hunter) apply.
2. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and tree stands on the refuge. You must remove blinds, tree stands, and all other personal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We open all waters of Lake Isom to fishing only from March 16 through November 14
from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
2. We only allow boats with electric or outboard motors of 10 hp or less.
3. We prohibit taking frog or turtle from
refuge waters (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, coot, merganser,
mourning dove, woodcock, and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).

3. You must possess and carry a valid refuge permit and report game taken as specified within the permit.
4. Legal hunting hours for duck, goose,
coot, and merganser are 1⁄2 hour before legal
sunrise to 12 p.m. (noon).
5. We do not open for mourning dove,
woodcock, and snipe seasons during all firearms and muzzleloader deer seasons.
6. You may only use portable blinds, and
you must remove all boats, blinds, and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge by 1 p.m. daily.
7. We allow hunters to access the refuge no
more than 2 hours before legal sunrise and
no more than 2 hours after legal sunset.
8. We do not open Sunk Lake Public Use
Natural Area to migratory game bird hunting.
9. Each youth hunter (under age 16) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult
hunter may supervise no more than two
youth hunters.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, and opossum on designated areas of the refuge and
the northern unit of Sunk Lake Public Use
Natural Area in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3, A7, and A9
2. We do not open for spring squirrel hunting on the refuge.
3. We do not open for squirrel, rabbit, and
quail hunting during all firearms and muzzleloader deer seasons.
4. Hunting hours for raccoon and opossum
are legal sunset to legal sunrise.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3, A7, A8, and
A10 (each adult may only supervise one
youth hunter) apply.
2. You may only participate in the refuge
turkey hunts with a special quota permit
issued through random drawing. Information
for permit applications is available at the
refuge headquarters.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while hunting turkey (see § 32.2(k)).
4. We only allow the use of portable blinds
and tree stands on the refuge. You must remove blinds, tree stands, and all other personal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge at the end of each day.
5. We only allow archery deer hunting on
the northern unit of Sunk Lake Public Use
Natural Area.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the refuge and the Sunk
Lake Public Use Natural Area in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.62

1. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
2. We only allow fishing with pole and line
or rod and reel.
3. We prohibit possession of unauthorized
fishing gear, including trotlines, limblines,
juglines, yo-yos, nets, spears, and snag
hooks, while fishing on the refuge.
4. You may use a bow and arrow or a gig to
take nongame fish except paddlefish on refuge waters.
5. We prohibit taking frog or turtle on the
refuge (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
6. We seasonally close the sanctuary area
of the refuge and the southern unit of Sunk
Lake Public Use Natural Area to the public
November 15 through March 15.
7. We only allow the use of nonmotorized
boats and boats with electric motors on
Sunk Lake Public Use Natural Area.
Refer to § 32.36 Kentucky for regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of Canada geese (September season
only) on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject
to the following conditions:
1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We require a refuge hunt permit for all
hunters age 16 and older. We charge a fee for
all hunt permits. You must possess and carry
a valid refuge permit while hunting on the
3. We set and publish season dates and bag
limits annually in the refuge Public Use Regulations available at the refuge office.
4. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of any building, public use road, or boat
launching ramp.
5. We allow access for goose hunting on the
refuge 11⁄2 hours before legal sunrise until 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
6. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge.
7. We prohibit the use of horses or other
animal conveyances on refuge hunts.
8. Youth hunters under age 16 must remain
in sight and normal voice contact with adult
hunters age 21 or older. One adult hunter
may supervise no more than two youth hunters.
9. We allow the use of dogs to retrieve
10. You may use only portable blinds, and
you must remove all boats, blinds, and decoys from the refuge at the end of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of squirrel and raccoon on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. The refuge is a day-use area only, with
the exception of legal hunting/fishing activities.
2. We require a refuge hunt permit for all
hunters age 16 and older. We charge a fee for
all hunt permits. You must possess and carry
a valid refuge hunt permit while hunting on
the refuge.
3. We set and publish season dates and bag
limits annually in the refuge Public Use Regulations available at the refuge office.
4. We prohibit hunting within 50 yards (45
m) of any building, public use road, or boat
launching ramp.
5. We allow hunters access to the refuge
from 11⁄2 hours before legal sunrise to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
6. We allow hunting for raccoon from legal
sunset to legal sunrise.
7. We prohibit the use of motorized off-road
vehicles (e.g., ATVs) on the refuge (see
§ 27.31(f) of this chapter).
8. We prohibit the use of horses and other
animal conveyances on refuge hunts.
9. Each youth hunter (under age 16) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact and under supervision of an adult age 21
or older. One adult may supervise no more
than two youth hunters.
10. We do not open for spring squirrel hunting on the refuge
11. You may take coyote and beaver incidental to legal hunting activities.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and turkey on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1 through B5, B7 through B9
(each adult may only supervise one youth
hunter), and B11 apply.
2. You may only participate in the refuge
quota deer hunts with a special quota permit
issued through random drawing. Information
for permit applications is available at the
refuge headquarters.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated portions of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing in Swamp Creek, Sulphur Well Bay, Bennetts Creek, and all interior impoundments from March 16 through
November 14. The remainder of the refuge
portion of Kentucky Lake will remain open
year-round. We allow bank fishing yearround along Refuge Lane, from the New
Johnsonville Pump Station, and from
Busseltown Pump Station areas.
2. We limit boats to no wake speed on all
refuge impoundments.
3. We prohibit leaving boats unattended on
the refuge.
4. We allow fishing on interior refuge impoundments from legal sunrise to legal sunset.


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§ 32.63

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

5. We close the Grassy Lake heron rookery
to all public entry as posted November 15
through August 31.
6. We prohibit taking frog or turtle on the
refuge (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29085, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6698, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55188, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62047,
Dec. 4, 1995; 62 FR 47382, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR
46921, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30791, May 12, 2000;
66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58950, Sept.
18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54454, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.63


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunting permit while hunting on all
hunt units of the refuge.
2. Hunters may enter the refuge hunt units
no earlier than 4 a.m. Hunting starts at the
designated legal shooting time and ends at 12
p.m. (noon). Hunters must leave refuge hunt
units by 12:30 p.m. We close refuge hunt units
on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s
3. We allow hunting in portions of the East
Unit on Saturdays, Sundays, and Tuesdays
during the regular waterfowl season. We require payment of a $10.00 daily or $40.00 annual fee to hunt on the East Unit. All hunters must check-in and out through the check
station when hunting the East Unit from a
vehicle. We will allow a maximum of 100
hunters to access the East Unit by vehicle.
We allow hunting in designated areas from
East Bay Bayou, Jackson Ditch, and Onion
Bayou via boat. We require hunters accessing the East Unit by boat from Jackson
Ditch, East Bay Bayou, or Onion Bayou to
pay the $40.00 annual fee. We prohibit access
to the East Unit Reservoirs from Onion
Bayou via boat. We prohibit use of motorized
boats on the East Unit except on ponds
accessed from Jackson Ditch.
4. We allow hunting on the East Unit Special Goose Hunt Areas by permit on a firstcome, first-served basis the morning of the
hunt. Hunters must have goose decoys to
hunt the Special Goose Hunt Areas. We allow
a minimum of two and a maximum of six
persons per permit. All Special Goose Hunt
Area hunters must accompany a valid permit
holder. Individuals in each group must set up
and stay in their permitted area and stay

within 50 feet (15 m) of each other unless retrieving goose.
5. We randomly draw permits the morning
of the hunt for the East Unit Special Duck
Hunt Areas. Hunters must set up within 50
yards (45 m) of the post marker and must
stay within 50 feet (15 m) of each other unless retrieving waterfowl. We allow a minimum of two and a maximum of six persons
per permit.
6. We allow hunting in the Pace Tract
daily during the September teal season and
regular waterfowl season.
7. All hunters using the Oyster Bayou Boat
Ramp must register at the main refuge entrance.
8. We allow hunting in portions of the Middleton Tract daily during the September teal
season and on Saturdays, Sundays, and
Wednesdays of the regular waterfowl season.
We restrict motorized boats in inland waters
of the Middleton Tract to motors of 25 hp or
less or electric trolling motors.
9. Youth hunters, age 17 and younger, must
be under the supervision of an adult age 18 or
10. We only allow shotguns for waterfowl
11. We prohibit the use of airboats, marsh
buggies, ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter),
and Jet Skis.
12. On inland waters of refuge hunt areas
open to motorized boats, we restrict the operation of motorized boats to lakes, ponds,
ditches, and other waterways. We prohibit
the operation of motorized boats on or
through emergency wetland vegetation.
13. On inland waters of the refuge hunt
areas open to motorized boats, we restrict
the use of boats powered by air-cooled engines to those powered by a single engine of
25 horsepower or less and utilizing a propeller 9 inches (22.5 cm) in diameter or less.
14. We only allow vehicular travel on designated roads and in parking areas. We prohibit hunting from roads and blocking access
to any road or trail entering or on the refuge
(see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
15. We prohibit pits and permanent blinds.
We allow portable blinds or temporary natural vegetation blinds. You must remove
portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge daily.
16. The minimum permitted distance between hunt parties is 200 yards (180 m).
17. Dogs accompanying hunters must be
under the immediate control of handlers at
all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
18. You must remove all decoys, boats,
spent shells, marsh chairs, and other equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge daily. We prohibit the use of plastic flagging, reflectors, or reflective tape.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.63

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing and crabbing on shoreline areas on East Galveston Bay, along East
Bay Bayou on the East Bay Bayou Tract,
along West Line Road to the southern end of
Shoveler Pond, and along the canal from the
Oyster Bayou Boat Ramp to the southwest
corner of Shoveler Pond.
2. We only allow fishing and crabbing with
pole and line, rod and reel, or hand-held line.
3. We allow cast-netting for bait for personal use along waterways in areas open to
the public and along public roads.
4. We prohibit the use of trotlines, setlines,
bows and arrows, gigs, or spears.
5. We prohibit boats and other flotation devices on inland waters. You may launch motorized boats into East Bay at the East Bay
Boat Ramp on Westline Road and at the Oyster Bayou Boat Ramp (boat canal). You may
launch nonmotorized boats along East Bay
Bayou and along the shoreline on East Galveston Bay.
A. Hunting of Migratory Birds. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. We may immediately close the entire
refuge or any portion thereof to hunting in
the event of the appearance of whooping
cranes in the hunt area.
2. You must obtain a refuge permit and pay
a fee.
3. You may not use dogs to trail game.
4. You may not possess alcoholic beverages
while on the refuge.
5. We will annually designate bag limits in
the refuge hunt brochure.
6. We allow archery hunting in October
within the deer season for the county on
specified days listed in the refuge hunt brochure.
7. We allow firearm hunting in November
within the deer season for the county on
specified days listed in the refuge hunt brochure.
8. Firearm hunters must wear a total of 400
square inches (10.16 m2) hunter orange including 144 square inches (936 cm2) visible in
front and 144 square inches visible in rear.
Some hunter orange must appear on head
9. You must unload and encase all firearms
while in a vehicle.
10. You may not hunt on or across any part
of the refuge road system, or hunt from a vehicle on any refuge road or road right-ofway.
11. You may hunt white-tailed deer and
feral hog on designated areas of Matagorda

Island in accordance with the State permit
system as administered by Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department.
12. We prohibit hunters possessing handguns during archery and rifle hunts. We
allow the use of archery equipment and
centerfire rifles in accordance with State
13. We only allow you to use biodegradable
flagging to mark trails and your hunt stand
location during the archery and rifle hunts
on the refuge. We color code the flagging
used each weekend during the rifle hunts.
You must use the designated flagging color
specified for particular hunt dates. We provide this information on the refuge hunt permit and in refuge regulations sent to permittees. You must remove flagging (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) at the end of the hunt.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may not use crab traps in any refuge marshes, including Matagorda Island.
2. Beginning April 15 through October 15,
you may fish on the refuge only in areas designated in the refuge fishing brochure.
3. You may fish all year in marshes on
Matagorda Island and in areas designated in
the refuge fishing brochure.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning, white-wing, rock, and
Eurasian-collared doves on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. The length of the hunting season will be
concurrent with the State season in September and October.
2. We allow hunting in designated areas,
from noon to sunset, Saturdays and Sundays.
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
4. We require refuge permits and payment
of a hunt fee by all hunters.
5. We allow dogs to retrieve game birds
during the hunt, but the dogs must be under
control of the handler at all times and not
allowed to roam free.
6. All hunters must be 10 years old or older.
An adult 21 years of age or older must supervise hunters ages 10–17 (inclusive).
7. We prohibit use or possession of alcohol.
8. We may immediately close the entire
refuge or any portion thereof to hunting for
the protection of resources, as determined by
the refuge manager.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of turkey on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting in November, December, and/or January.
2. We require hunters to check in and out
of a hunt area.


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§ 32.63

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

3. We allow bows and arrows, shotguns, and
4. We may immediately close the entire
refuge or any portion thereof to hunting for
the protection of resources, as determined by
the refuge manager.
5. Hunters must be at least 12 years of age.
An adult 21 years of age or older must supervise hunters between the ages of 12 and 17
6. The refuge will set bag limits.
7. We require hunters to visibly wear 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of hunter orange on
the outermost layer of the head, chest and
back, which must include a hunter orange
hat or cap.
8. We require refuge permits and the payment of a hunt fee.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hogs on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow hunting in November, December, and/or January.
2. We require hunters to check in and out
daily at designated check stations.
3. We allow bows and arrows, shotguns, and
4. We may immediately close to hunting
the entire refuge or any portion thereof for
the protection of resources as determined by
the refuge manager.
5. Hunters must be at least 12 years of age.
An adult 21 years of age or older must supervise hunters between the ages of 12 and 17
6. The refuge will set bag limits.
7. We require hunters to wear 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of hunter orange on the
outermost layer of the head, chest, and back,
which must include a hunter orange hat or
8. We require refuge permits and the payment of a hunt fee.
9. You may not use dogs for hunting.
10. You may not camp.
11. You may only use vehicles on designated roads and parking areas.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the building or use of pits
and permanent blinds.
2. We only allow the use of airboats in tidal
navigable waters unless otherwise posted.
3. We prohibit target practice on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit the building of pits and permanent blinds.
2. You must possess and carry a refuge permit to hunt on certain portions of the hunting area.
3. We only allow the use of airboats in tidal
navigable waters unless otherwise posted.
4. We prohibit target practice on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We allow access for saltwater fishing by
boat on Nick’s, Salt, and Lost Lakes.
2. We allow access for shore fishing at
Bastrop Bayou, Clay Banks and Salt Lake
Public Fishing Areas, and Salt Lake Weir
3. We open Bastrop Bayou to fishing 24
hours a day; we prohibit camping.
4. We open all other fishing areas from
legal sunrise to legal sunset.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunting of pheasant is permitted on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits and payment of a fee are required.
2. Hunters may hunt only one day each
3. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
4. Hunting is limited to five days, opening
on Saturday in accordance with the opening
of the State of Texas hunting season, and the
subsequent Monday, Wednesday, Friday and
5. Hunting hours will be from 9 a.m. to the
close of legal shooting time as listed in the
State of Texas pheasant hunting regulations.
6. All hunters must check in and out at refuge headquarters.
7. Only shotguns are permitted.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning doves in the month of
September on designated areas of the refuge,
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require you to check in and out of
the hunt area.
2. We allow only shotguns.
3. You may possess no shot larger than #4
on the hunting area.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.63

B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of quail in the month of February and squirrel and rabbit in the months of February and
September on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require you to check in and out of
the hunt area.
2. We allow only shotguns.
3. You may possess no shot larger than #4
on the hunting area.
4. You must plug shotguns to hold no more
than three shells during the September dove
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hogs on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may archery hunt as listed in the
refuge hunt information sheet. You must obtain a refuge permit and pay a hunt fee.
2. We allow hunting with firearms including shotguns, 20 gauge or larger, loaded with
rifled slug during a special youth hunt as
listed in the refuge hunt information sheet.
We require permits.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. Lake Texoma and connected streams are
open to fishing year round.
2. We allow fishing in ponds and stock
tanks from April 1 through September 30.
3. Fishermen may string trotlines between
anchored floats only. We do not allow lines
attached to rubber bands, sticks, poles,
trees, or other fixed objects in refuge ponds
or impoundments.
4. We do not allow fishing from bridges or
5. We do not allow boats and other flotation devices on the waters of Lake Texoma
from October 1 through March 31, or at any
time on refuge ponds and impoundments.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer, feral pig, and nilgai antelope on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to pay a fee and obtain a refuge hunt permit. We issue replacement permits for an additional nominal fee.
All hunt fees are nonrefundable. We require
the hunter to possess and carry a signed and
dated refuge hunt permit.
2. We allow archery and firearm hunting on
designated units of the refuge. We open Units
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 to archery hunting during
dates designated in the refuge hunt pamphlet. We open Units 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 to firearm hunting during dates designated in the
refuge hunt pamphlet. We assign hunters to
specific hunt units during firearm hunting.

We prohibit hunting on the following areas:
Adolph Thomae Jr. County Park in Unit 3,
posted ‘‘No Hunting Zones’’ within all hunt
units, La Selva Verde Tract (Armstrong),
Waller Tract, COHYCO, Inc. Tract, Bahia
Grande Unit, and South Padre Island Unit.
3. We offer hunting during specific portions
of the State hunting season. We determine
specific deer hunt dates annually, usually in
November and December. We publish this information in the refuge hunt brochure. We
may provide special feral pig and nilgai antelope hunts to reduce populations at any time
during the year.
4. We annually establish a specific bag
limit for deer hunted on the refuge in the
refuge hunt brochure. We have an unlimited
bag limit on feral pig and nilgai antelope.
5. We require hunters to visibly wear 400
square inches (2,600 c2) of hunter orange,
which includes wearing a minimum of 144
square inches (936 cm2) visible on the chest,
a minimum of 144 square inches (936 cm2)
visible on the back, and a hunter-orange hat
or cap visible on the head. We allow hunterorange camouflage patterns.
6. Each youth hunter (ages 12 through 17)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 18 or older. Hunters
must be at least age 12.
7. We only allow the use of shoulder-fired
muzzleloaders and rifled firearms. We prohibit possession of a pistol or shotgun while
hunting. Muzzleloader firearms must be .40
caliber or larger, and modern-rifled firearms
must be center fired and .22 caliber or larger.
We prohibit loaded firearms (see § 27.42 of
this chapter) in the passenger compartment
of a motor vehicle (we define ‘‘loaded’’ as having rounds in the chamber or magazine or a
firing cap on a muzzleloading firearm). We
prohibit target practice or ‘‘sighting-in’’ on
the refuge.
8. We allow a 9-day scouting period, ending
1 week prior to the commencement of the
refuge deer hunting season. A permitted
hunter and a limit of two nonpermitted individuals may enter the hunt units during the
scouting period. We allow access to the units
during the scouting period from legal sunrise
to legal sunset. You must clearly display refuge-issued Hunter Vehicle Validation Tags/
Scouting Permits (available from the refuge
office) face up on the vehicle dashboard.
9. We only allow hunters to enter the refuge 1 hour before legal shooting hours during
the permitted hunt season. All hunters must
check out daily at the refuge check station
at the end of their hunt or no later than 1
hour after legal shooting hours.
10. We allow vehicle parking at Unit 1 and
Unit 6 designated parking areas and along
the roadsides of General Brandt Road (FM
106), Buena Vista Road, Lakeside Road, and
County Road (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
11. We restrict vehicle access to service
roads not closed by gates or signs (see § 27.31


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§ 32.63

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

of this chapter). You must only access hunt
units by foot or bicycle.
12. We allow hunting from portable stands
or by stalking and still hunting. There is a
limit of one blind or stand per permitted
hunter. You must attach hunter identification (name, address, permit number, and
phone number), to the blind or stand. We
prohibit attaching blinds and stands to trees
or making blinds and stands from natural
vegetation (see §§ 32.2(i) and § 27.51 of this
chapter)). You must remove all blinds and
stands (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end
of the permitted hunt season.
13. We prohibit hunting with dogs.
14. Hunters must field-dress all harvested
big game in the field and check the game at
the refuge check station before removal from
the refuge. You may quarter deer, feral pig,
and nilgai antelope in the field as defined by
State regulations. You may use a nonmotorized cart to assist with the transportation of harvested game animals.
15. We prohibit use of or hunting from any
type of watercraft or floating device.
16. You must receive authorization from a
refuge employee to enter closed refuge areas
to retrieve harvested game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing and crabbing from
Adoph Thomae Jr. County Park on San Martin Lake of the Bahia Grande Unit, and on
the South Padre Island Unit year-round.
2. We require payment of an entry fee and
boat launch at Adolph Thomae Jr. County
Park. We allow access to the park between 6
a.m. and 10 p.m. from June through October,
and between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. from November through May.
3. We only allow pole and line, rod and reel,
hand line, dip net, or cast net for fishing. We
prohibit the use of crab traps or pots for
crabbing. Anglers must attend all fishing
lines, crabbing equipment, or other fishing
devices at all times.
4. We prohibit the taking and use of frog,
salamander, and other amphibian as bait.
5. We allow the use of boats for sport fishing. You may launch boats at Adolph
Thomae Jr. County Park. We only allow
bank and wade fishing on the shoreline of
San Martin Lake within the refuge boundary. We only allow access by foot behind
posted refuge boundary signs.
6. We only allow camping at Adolph
Thomae Jr. County Park.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of mourning, white-winged, and
white-tipped dove on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:

1. We require hunters to pay a fee and obtain a refuge hunt permit. All hunt fees are
nonrefundable. We require hunters to possess
and carry a signed (by permittee and an authorized refuge staff member) refuge hunt
2. We allow hunting on areas of the refuge
during limited periods of the State-designated hunting season. We publish these
dates in the refuge hunting sheet.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
4. We require hunters to be at least age 12.
Youth hunters, age 17 and younger must be
under the supervision of an adult age 18 or
5. We determine the location and method
of hunting each year and publish this information in the refuge hunting sheet.
6. We only allow parking in designated locations.
7. We allow the use of properly trained retrievers during these hunts.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunters to
take white-tailed deer, feral hog, and nilgai
antelope on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1 through A3 and A5
through A7 apply.
2. We annually establish bag limits for
white-tailed deer based on survey data provided by the State. We establish no bag limits for feral hog or nilgai antelope.
3. We require hunters to visibly wear 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of hunter orange,
which includes wearing a minimum of 144
square inches (936 cm2) visible on the chest,
a minimum of 144 square inches visible on
the back, and a hunter-orange hat or cap
visible on the head.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunting permit while hunting on all
hunt units of the refuge.
2. Hunters must enter the refuge hunt
units between 4 a.m. and 1⁄2 hour before the
designated legal shooting time. Hunting
starts at legal shooting time and ends at 12
p.m. (noon). Hunters must leave refuge hunt
units by 12:30 p.m. We close refuge hunt units
on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s
3. You may access hunt areas by foot, nonmotorized watercraft, outboard motor boat,
or airboat. Airboats may not exceed 10 hp
with direct drive with a propeller length of
48 inches (120 cm) or less. Engines may not
exceed 2 cylinders and 484 cc. We prohibit all


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.63

other motorized vehicles. We prohibit marsh
buggies, ATVs, and Jet Skis (see § 27.31(f) of
this chapter).
4. On inland waters of the refuge open to
motorized boats, we restrict the use of boats
powered by air-cooled engines to those powered by a single engine of 25 horsepower or
less and utilizing a propeller 9 inches (22.5
cm) in diameter or less.
5. On inland waters of the refuge open to
motorized boats, we restrict the operation of
motorized boats to lakes, ponds, ditches, and
other waterways. We prohibit the operation
of motorized boats on or through emergent
wetland vegetation.
6. We allow hunting in the Central Hunt
Units daily during the September teal season
and on Saturdays, Sundays, and Tuesdays of
the regular waterfowl season.
7. We only allow hunting in the Spaced
Hunt Units on Saturdays, Sundays, and
Tuesdays of the regular waterfowl season.
We require payment of a $10.00 daily fee to
hunt the Spaced Hunt Units. We allow a
maximum of four hunters per area. Hunters
must possess and carry Special Fee Area
Permits while hunting.
8. We allow daily hunting in the Mud
Bayou Hunt Unit during the September teal
season and on Sundays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays of the regular waterfowl season. We
allow access by foot from the beach on Middleton Levee, or by boat from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway via Mud Bayou.
9. Each youth hunter (age 17 and younger)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 18 or older.
10. We only allow shotguns for waterfowl
11. We only allow vehicular travel on designated roads and in parking areas. We prohibit blocking access to any road or trail entering or on the refuge (see § 27.31(h) of this
12. We prohibit pits and permanent blinds.
We allow portable blinds or temporary natural vegetation blinds. You must remove
portable blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
from the refuge daily.
13. The minimum permitted distance between hunt parties and between hunters and
driveable roads and buildings is 200 yards (180
m). We prohibit hunting from roads or levees.
14. Dogs accompanying hunters must be
under the immediate control of handlers at
all times (see § 26.21(b) of this chapter).
15. You must remove all decoys, boats,
spent shells, marsh chairs, and other equipment (see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter)
from the refuge daily. We prohibit use of
plastic flagging, reflectors, or reflective tape
on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas of the refuge in ac-

cordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing and crabbing with
pole and line, rod and reel, or handheld line.
2. We allow cast netting for bait for personal use along waterways in areas open to
the public and along public roads.
3. We prohibit the use of trotlines, setlines,
bows and arrows, gigs, or spears in inland
4. We allow fishing and crabbing in 10–Mile
Cut and Mud Bayou and in the following inland waters: Star Lake and Clam Lake. We
also allow fishing and crabbing from the
shoreline of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
and along roadside ditches.
5. On inland waters of the refuge open to
motorized boats, we restrict the operation of
motorized boats to lakes, ponds, ditches, and
other waterways. We prohibit the operation
of motorized boats on or through emergent
wetland vegetation.
6. Condition A4 applies.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit pits and permanent blinds.
2. We require permits and payment of fees
for the Sargent Permit Waterfowl Hunt, Big
Pond Hunt Area, and Light Goose Conservation Order Season Permit Hunt Area. Hunters must abide by all terms and conditions
set by the permits.
3. We only allow the use of airboats in tidal
navigable waters unless otherwise posted.
4. We prohibit target practice on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishing is permitted on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following condition: Fishing is permitted
only on the refuge portions of Cow Trap
Lakes and Cedar Lakes and along Cedar
Lake Creek.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Hunters must possess and carry a signed
refuge hunting permit while hunting on the
2. Hunters must enter the refuge hunt unit
between 4 a.m. and 1⁄2 hour before the designated legal shooting time. Hunting starts
at legal shooting time and ends at 12 p.m.
(noon). Hunters must be off refuge hunt
units by 12:30 p.m. We close refuge hunt units


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§ 32.63

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s
3. We allow hunting in portions of the refuge daily during the September teal season
and on Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednesdays
during the regular waterfowl season.
4. We allow access into hunt areas by foot,
nonmotorized watercraft, outboard motor
boat, or airboat. Airboats may not exceed 10
hp with direct drive with a propeller length
of 48 inches (120 cm) or less, and engines may
not exceed 2 cylinders and 484 cc. We prohibit
other motorized vehicles. We prohibit marsh
buggies, ATVs, and Jet Skis (see § 27.31(f) of
this chapter).
5. On inland waters of the refuge open to
motorized boats, we restrict the use of boats
powered by air-cooled engines to those powered by a single engine of 25 horsepower or
less and utilizing a propeller 9 inches (22.5
cm) in diameter or less.
6. On inland waters of the refuge open to
motorized boats, we restrict the operation of
motorized boats to lakes, ponds, ditches, and
other waterways. We prohibit the operation
or motorized boats on or through emergent
wetland vegetation.
7. Each youth hunter (age 17 and younger)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact of an adult age 18 or older.
8. We only allow shotguns for waterfowl
9. We only allow vehicle travel on designated roads and in designated parking
areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter). We prohibit
blocking access to any road or trail entering
or on the refuge (see § 27.31(h) of this chapter).
10. We prohibit pits and permanent blinds.
We allow portable blinds or temporary natural vegetation blinds, but you must remove
them (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge daily.
11. The minimum distance between hunt
parties is 200 yards (180 m). We prohibit
hunting from roads or levees.
12. Dogs must be under the immediate control of the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b)
of this chapter).
13. You must remove all decoys, boats,
spent shells, marsh chairs, and other equipment (see §§ 27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter)
from the refuge daily. We prohibit use of
plastic flagging, reflectors, or reflective tape
on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing and crabbing in inland waters with pole and line, rod and reel,
or handheld line.
2. We only allow cast netting for bait by
individuals along waterways in areas open to
the public and along public roads.

3. We prohibit the use of trotlines, setlines,
bows and arrows, gigs, or spears in inland
4. Conditions A5 and A6 apply.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on Champion
Lake by drawing.
2. We require an application fee for participants to enter the drawing. After the State
announces hunting dates, we will issue a refuge permit to those drawn. The hunter must
possess and carry the permit at all times
when hunting.
3. We only allow hunting on Champion
Lake Saturdays and Sundays during the
State duck season. Hunters may not enter
the refuge until 5 a.m. and must be off the
hunt area by 12 p.m. (noon).
4. We only allow portable blinds. Hunters
must remove all blinds, decoys, shell casings,
and other personal equipment (see §§ 27.93
and 27.94 of this chapter) from the refuge
each day.
5. We limit motors to 10 hp or less.
6. We allow retrievers, but they must be
under the immediate control of the hunter at
all times.
7. Each youth hunter (age 17 and under)
must remain within sight and normal voice
contact and under supervision of an adult
age 18 or older.
8. Hunt parties must keep a minimum distance of 150 yards (135 m) between them.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
for squirrel and rabbit on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require participants to pay an application fee to enter the hunt permit drawing.
We issue a refuge permit to the individuals
whose names are drawn. Successful participants must possess and carry these permits
at all times. Permits are nontransferable.
2. We allow hunting during a designated 9day season. Hunters may enter the refuge
and park in an assigned parking area no earlier than 4:30 a.m. We allow hunting from 1⁄2
hour before legal sunrise to legal sunset. We
will require hunters to return a data log
3. We prohibit hunting along refuge roads.
4. We prohibit the use of dogs, feeders,
baiting, campsites, fires (see § 27.95 of this
chapter), and all-terrain vehicles (see
§ 32.2(h)).
5. We restrict weapons to shotguns and
6. Youth hunters age 17 and younger must
be under the direct supervision of an adult
age 18 or older.
7. The minimum distance we allow between
hunt parties is 200 yards (180 m). We require


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.64

hunters to visibly wear 400 square inches
(2,600 cm 2) of hunter-orange, which includes
wearing a minimum of 144 square inches (936
cm 2) visible on the chest, a minimum of 144
square inches visible on the back, and a
hunter orange hat or cap visible on the head.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hog on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions B1, B2, B4, B6, and B7 apply.
2. We only allow temporary blinds. We prohibit hunting or blind erection along refuge
3. We restrict weapon type used depending
on unit hunted. We publish this information
on the refuge permit (you must possess and
carry) and in the refuge hunt brochure.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on Champion Lake in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing with pole and line,
rod and reel, or hand-held line.
2. We prohibit the use of trotlines, setlines,
bows and arrows, gigs, spears, fish traps,
crab/crawfish traps or nets.
3. We prohibit the harvesting of frog or
turtle (see § 27.21 of this chapter).
4. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to
legal sunset.
5. We limit motors to a maximum of 10 hp.
We prohibit fishing or enter within 200 yards
(180 m) of an established bird rookery from
March through the end of June. Check at refuge headquarters for rookery locations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29076, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6698, Feb. 11,
1994; 59 FR 55188, Nov. 3, 1994; 62 FR 47382,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46921, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30792, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56408, Sept. 18, 2000;
66 FR 46361, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58950, Sept.
18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54457, Sept. 8, 2004; 69 FR
55995, Sept. 17, 2004]

§ 32.64


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and tundra
swan on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunters may not shoot or hunt within
100 yards (30.48 meters) of principal refuge
roads (the tour route).
2. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
3. Hunters may not use pits or permanent

4. Airboats are permitted only in Unit 9
and in Block C of the Refuge.
5. You may enter the refuge 2 hours before
legal sunrise and must exit the refuge by 2
hours after legal sunset. We prohibit leaving
decoys, boats, vehicles, and other personal
property on the refuge overnight (see § 27.93
of this chapter).
6. Hunters may only park in designated
parking sites.
7. Any person entering, using or occupying
the refuge for waterfowl hunting must abide
by all the terms and conditions in the Refuge
Hunting Brochure.
8. When hunters are in their vehicles, at
parking lots, or traveling on Refuge roads,
all firearms must be completely unloaded
(including the magazine) and cased or dismantled.
9. You may only possess 10 shells while
hunting on or within 50 feet (15 m) from the
center of Unit 1A or 2C dike.
B. Upland Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt
pheasants on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while in the field.
2. Pheasants may not be taken with a shotgun of any description capable of holding
more than three shells, unless it is plugged
with a one-piece filler, incapable of removal
without disassembling the gun, so its total
capacity does not exceed three shells.
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Fishermen may fish on
designated areas of the refuge subject to the
following conditions:
1. Fishermen may fish year-round in designated areas of the Refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of ducks and coots on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations and the following conditions:
1. All hunters must register individually at
the visitor information station before entering the open hunting area and prior to
exiting the refuge.
2. We do not allow hunters or dogs to enter
closed areas to retrieve birds.
3. You may only possess firearms legally
used to hunt waterfowl unless you case or
break them down.
4. You may construct nonpermanent
blinds. You must remove all blinds constructed out of materials other than vegetation at the end of a hunt day.
5. We allow use of small boats (15′ or less).
We do not allow gasoline motors and air
6. You may enter the refuge 2 hours prior
to sunrise and must exit the refuge by 11⁄2
hours after sunset. You may not leave decoys, boats, vehicles, and other personal
property on the refuge overnight.


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§ 32.65

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

7. We have a Special Blind Area for use by
the disabled. We prohibit trespass for any
reason by any individual not registered to
utilize that area.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, coot, and goose within
Leota Bottom in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting within 100 yards (90
m) of the Green River in Leota Bottom.
2. We close the Green River within the refuge boundaries to hunting.
3. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
4. We prohibit pits and permanent blinds.
5. You may use portable blinds or blinds
constructed of natural dead vegetation (see
§ 27.51 of this chapter).
6. You must remove all decoys, shell casings, portable and temporary blinds, and
other personal equipment (see §§ 27.93 and
27.94 of this chapter) from the refuge at the
end of each day.
7. We prohibit operation of a gas-powered
boat or vehicle within Leota Bottom.
8. We prohibit possession or consumption
of any alcoholic beverage while hunting (see
§ 32.2(j)).
9. During hunting season the refuge is open
from 11⁄2 hours before legal sunrise to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset. We gate and lock
the main entrance on the west side of the
Green River during closed hours.
10. We prohibit possession of a loaded firearm in your vehicle. You must unload, case,
or dismantle all firearms (see § 27.42 of this
chapter) when traveling through the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasants within Leota, Johnson, Brennan, and portions of Wyasket Bottoms (the
southern portion of Wyasket Bottom and all
of Woods Bottom are leased Ute Tribal lands
that require special permitting by the Ute
Tribe) in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
2. We prohibit hunting the islands and
sandbars within the Green River.
3. We prohibit hunting pheasants with a
shotgun capable of holding more than three
4. We prohibit hunting of turkey and quail.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule deer within Leota, Johnson, Brennan,
and the northern portion of Wyasket Bottom
(the southern portion of Wyaket Bottom and
all of Woods Bottom are leased Ute Tribal
lands that require special permitting by the
Ute Tribe) in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. You may hunt with the aid of a temporary tree stand that does not require drilling or nailing into the tree.
2. You must remove your tree stand (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) no later than the last
day of the hunting season for which you have
a tag.
3. We prohibit hunting on the islands and
sandbars within the Green River.
4. We prohibit hunting of pronghorn and
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
within and on the banks of the Green River
(the southernmost portion of the Green
River within the Refuge Boundary requires a
Ute Tribe fishing permit) in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. We prohibit fishing on or from the diked
interior impoundments or canals.
2. You may only fish with the aid of a pole,
hook, and line. We prohibit trot lines, bow
and arrows, spears, spear guns, cross bows,
and firearms.
3. You must release unharmed any of the
four endangered fish if caught (razorback
sucker, Colorado pike minnow, humpbacked
chub, or bonytailed chub).
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 6699, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62047, Dec. 4,
1995; 61 FR 46398, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47383,
Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46922, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR
30792, May 12, 2000; 67 FR 58950, Sept. 18, 2002;
69 FR 54362, 54462, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.65


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, brant, merganser,
coot, woodcock, and snipe in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Waterfowl—For the hunting of goose,
brant, duck, merganser, and coot we divide
the refuge into six discrete waterfowl hunting units: the Delta Lakeshore Area, the
Saxes Pothole/Creek and Shad Island Area,
the Junior Waterfowl Hunting Area (including Long Marsh Bay, Patrick Marsh, and
Charcoal Creek), the Long Marsh Channel
and Metcalfe Island Area, and the Maquam
Swamp Area. Conditions for each area are as
i. Delta Lakeshore Area includes lakeshore
areas from Shad Island to the south side of
Martindale Point but does not include Saxes
Pothole/Creek and Shad Island Pothole.
a. We prohibit blind staking, permanent
blinds, or unattended decoys.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.65

b. We prohibit jump shooting within 200
yards (180 m) of a party hunting from a boat
or blind.
c. We do not require a refuge permit to
hunt in this area.
d. This area is available to youth waterfowl hunters on Youth Waterfowl Hunting
e. We prohibit entering closed areas of the
refuge for any reason, except for the recovery of legally harvested animals, and in that
case you may not carry a weapon (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter).
f. Unarmed hunters may scout open hunting areas before a particular season opens
but in no case before September 1. We do not
require a hunting permit for scouting.
ii. Maquam Shore Area encompasses a 30acre area along the lakeshore of Maquam
Bay and is bounded by private land on the
west and a Vermont wildlife management
area on the east. a. Conditions A1i(a–f)
iii. Saaxes Pothole/Creek and Shad Island
Pothole encompasses Saxes Creek, Saxes
Pothole, and Shad Island Pothole. This is a
controlled hunting area. We stake and make
available five zones (numbered 1–5) to five
hunting parties in Saxe’s Pothole, zone 6 is
staked and available to one hunting party in
Shad Island Pothole.
a. A hunting party consists of the hunter
named on the permit and one guest hunter
per zone per day. Nonhunters may accompany a hunting party.
b. Each hunting party must possess and
carry a permit for the specific zone on the
specific day they are hunting in this area.
Permits are not transferable.
c. You may obtain permits for the period
from the opening day of duck hunting season
through the first Sunday of the duck hunting
season, and for the second weekend of the
duck hunting season through application to
a preseason lottery. During the years when
the State elects to have a split season, you
may also obtain your permits for the second
opening day through the following Sunday
through application to the preseason lottery.
On all other hunt days, you must acquire
permits through self-registration at the
Mac’s Bend Landing no earlier than 2 hours
before legal shooting time on the day of the
d. Hunters selected during the preseason
lottery must pay a $10 fee. The refuge must
receive the fee no earlier than 2 days before
the opening of the season or forfeit the permit, which we will then make available to
other hunters on a first-come, first-served
basis. The fee is paid for any permit assigned
before the day of the hunt. There is no fee
for any permit obtained on the day of the
e. On those days that we draw permits by
preseason lottery, hunters must sign in at
the Mac’s Bend Landing by 7 a.m. before

going to the assigned zone. After 7 a.m. other
hunters may sign in, self-register, and use
unoccupied zones.
f. At the end of each daily hunt, you must
sign out and deposit a report of hunt success
at the Mac’s Bend Landing. When you sign
out, another party may sign in and use the
vacated zone. You must sign out of a zone at
Mac’s Bend Landing prior to occupying a different hunting site in any of the controlled
hunting areas.
g. You must hunt within 100 feet (30 m) of
a numbered stake corresponding to your assigned zone. We prohibit jump shooting.
h. You must use a retrieving dog.
i. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot shells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day.
j. This area is open on a first-come, firstserved basis to youth waterfowl hunters during the annual 2-day special Youth Waterfowl Hunting Weekend conducted in late
September. We will hold no preseason drawing and assess no fee, however, youth hunters must self-register and submit a report of
their hunt.
k. We prohibit entering closed areas of the
refuge for any reason, except for the recovery of legally harvested animals, and in that
case we prohibit carrying a weapon (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter).
l. Unarmed hunters may scout open hunting areas before a particular season opens
but in no case before September 1. We do not
require a hunting permit for scouting.
iv. Junior Waterfowl Hunting Area encompasses Long Marsh Bay, Patrick Marsh and
that portion of Charcoal Creek south of
Vermont Route 78. This is a controlled hunting area. We establish 11 blind sites for use
by junior waterfowl hunters, blind sites 4–8
in Long Marsh Bay, blind sites C-F in Charcoal Creek, and blind sites A-B in Patrick
a. Junior waterfowl hunters (ages 12–15, inclusive, at the time of the hunt) following
successful completion of the annual training
program (usually held the third or fourth
Saturday in August) vie for blind site assignments during a lottery drawing at the conclusion of the training. The 11 blind sites are
available exclusively to these junior waterfowl hunters and their mentors the first 4
Saturdays and Sundays of the duck season.
b. As an incentive to the adult volunteers
who serve as mentors to junior waterfowl
hunters, they will vie for blind site assignments during a lottery drawing at the conclusion of the annual junior waterfowl
hunter training for the use of blind sites in
the junior hunt area on the first Wednesday
following the second weekend of the season.
This day is known as Mentor Day. We will
collect no fee from mentors for this hunt
day. We will make available blinds not assigned because of this lottery to other adult
hunters via a preseason lottery.


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§ 32.65

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

c. Following the use of the blind sites in
this area by junior hunters and junior hunter
mentors, all blind sites are then available to
all adult hunters by permit awarded via a
preseason lottery for the second Wednesday
following the second weekend of the duck
season; and on weekends following the junior
hunt by a first-come, first-served, self-registration, and permitting basis at the refuge
d. Hunters, including junior hunters, with
preregistered permits must sign in at refuge
headquarters no later than 7 a.m. on the date
of their scheduled hunt. After 7 a.m. other
hunters may sign in, self-register, and use
unoccupied blind sites. Only junior hunters
may hunt on the first 4 Saturdays and Sundays of the season.
e. Each junior hunter must possess and
carry a free permit for the assigned blind
site and day. On Mentor Day, mentors must
also possess and carry this free permit for
the assigned blind site. Each adult hunting
party must possess and carry a permit for
the blind site and day they are hunting. Permits are not transferable.
f. The mentor must accompany the junior
hunter who completed the training program
with him or her. We include the mentor on
the permit assigned to the junior hunter. A
mentor may simultaneously oversee up to
two junior hunters at one blind site.
g. Each adult hunter, except mentors on
Mentor Day, must pay $10 for each permit
issued because of the preseason lottery. Permits acquired by self-registration are free.
h. Only junior hunters may discharge a
firearm in this area during the junior hunt
i. We allow and recommend hunting from
portable blinds and boat blinds constructed
and place by the refuge for the junior waterfowl hunting program at some of the blind
sites. Junior hunters, with the approval of
the refuge manager, may construct stationary blinds and leave them in place for
the duration of the season. Otherwise, we
prohibit permanent blinds.
j. All hunting must take place within 100
feet (30 m) of the stake marking the blind
area. We prohibit jump shooting.
k. This area is available to refuge-trained
junior waterfowl hunters during the Youth
Waterfowl Hunting Weekend in late September.
l. Shooting hours are from legal opening
time until 11 a.m.
m. Hunters must deposit the Hunt Success
Report portion of their permit at refuge
headquarters at the end of the hunt.
n. A small flat-bottom boat, car-top boat,
or canoe is necessary for access to Charcoal
Creek and Patrick Marsh blind sites. Access
is available at the Charcoal Creek crossing
on Vermont Route 78 or from a pulloff on
Route 78 about 3/4 of a mile (1.2 km) east of
the Charcoal Creek access.

o. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot shells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day.
p. A hunting party consists of the hunter
named on the permit and one guest hunter
per blind site per day. Junior hunters may
not invite a guest hunter unless it another
refuge-trained junior hunter. Nonhunters
may accompany a hunting party.
q. You must use at least six decoys.
r. We prohibit entry to closed areas of the
refuge for any reason, except for the recovery of legally harvested animals, and in that
case you may not carry a weapon (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter).
s. Unarmed hunters may scout open hunting areas before a particular season opens
but in no case before September 1. We do not
require a hunting permit for scouting.
v. Long Marsh Channel and Metcalfe Island
encompasses the Metcalfe Island Pothole and
Long Marsh Channel. This is a controlled
hunting area. We established three blind
sites, designated 1–3, in Long Marsh Channel.
We established three blind sites, designated
8–10, on Metcalfe Island.
a. We will limit hunting to Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays throughout the
waterfowl hunting season for duck.
b. You may obtain permits for the first 5
days of the duck season through application
to a preseason lottery. The procedure described in the Saxes Pothole/Creek and Shad
Island controlled hunt area apply. Following
the first 5 days, hunters may acquire permits
on a first-come, first-served basis with selfservice permitting and sign in at the Mac’s
Bend Landing, no more than 2 hours before
legal shooting time.
c. Hunters selected during the preseason
lottery must pay a $10 fee. The refuge must
receive the fee no less than 2 days before the
opening of the season or the permit will be
forfeited and made available first to standby
hunters identified at the time of the drawing, and second to other hunters on a firstcome, first-served basis. The fee is paid for
any permit assigned before the day of the
hunt. There is no fee for any permit obtained
on the day of the hunt.
d. On those days that we draw permits by
preseason lottery, hunters must sign in at
the Mac’s Bend Landing by 7 a.m. before
going to the assigned zone. After 7 a.m.,
other hunters may sign in, self-register, and
use unoccupied zones.
e. Shooting hours will be from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise until 11 a.m.
f. At the end of each daily hunt, you must
sign out and deposit a report of hunt success
at the Mac’s Bend Landing. When a party
signs out, another party may sign in and use
the vacated zone. Hunters must sign out of a
zone at Mac’s Bend Landing prior to occupying a different hunting site in any of the
controlled hunting areas.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.65

g. You must hunt within 100 feet (30 m) of
a numbered stake corresponding to your assigned zone.
h. You must use a retrieving dog.
i. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot shells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day.
j. We prohibit permanent blinds.
k. We prohibit jump shooting.
l. You must use at least six decoys.
m. You must use a boat to hunt at each of
these blind sites.
n. This area is open on a first-come, firstserved basis to youth waterfowl hunters during the annual 2-day special Youth Waterfowl Hunting Weekend conducted in late
September. We will hold no preseason drawing and assess no fee, however, youth hunters must self-register and submit a report of
their hunt.
o. We will close this area to waterfowl
hunting during split seasons when goose are
the only waterfowl that hunters may legally
p. We prohibit entry to closed areas of the
refuge for any reason, except for the recovery of legally harvested animals, and in that
case you may not carry a weapon (see § 27.42
of this chapter).
q. Unarmed hunters may scout open hunting areas before a particular season opens
but in no case before September 1. We do not
require a hunting permit for scouting.
vi. Marquam Swamp Area encompasses
about 200 acres (80 ha) west of the Central
Vermont Railroad and south of Coleman’s
inholding and is open to migratory bird
hunting with the following special requirements:
a. Conditions A1ia and A1ic through A1 if
b. You must use a retrieving dog.
c. We prohibit hunting within the area encompassing the headquarters nature trail.
We identify this area with ‘‘No Hunting Zone’’
2. Other migratory birds (including
woodcock and common snipe):
i. The open area consists of the Delta
Lakeshore Waterfowl Hunting Area excluding the Saxe’s Creek/Pothole and Shad Island
Pothole controlled areas.
ii. You may hunt woodcock and snipe in
the Maquam Swamp Area, but you must
have a retriever.
iii. We do not require a permit to hunt
woodcock and snipe in these areas.
iv. Conditions A1ie and A1if apply.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of cottontail rabbits, snowshoe hare, ruffed
grouse, and gray squirrels on open areas of
the refuge (designated in B2 below) in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. You must obtain a permit at refuge
headquarters prior to hunting, and you must
hold a valid State hunting license. We will

collect a $10 fee for each permit issued. The
permit applies for the calendar year of issue.
2. You may pursue upland game: east of the
Missisquoi River and north of Goose Bay
Pool (as indicated by public hunting area
signs), on Shad Island, on all refuge lands
west of Tabor Road, and on all refuge lands
between Tabor Road and the Central
Vermont Railroad bed to the east, except the
marked area encompassing the headquarters
nature trail and the land east of Charcoal
Creek and north of the marked boundary
near Coleman’s inholding. We mark the
headquarters trail area with ‘‘No Hunting
Zone’’ signs.
3. We only allow shotguns or muzzleloaders
on open areas east of the Missisquoi River
and on Shad Island.
4. You must use approved nontoxic shot
(see § 32.2(k)) for the shotgun hunting of all
upland game species except deer.
5. We prohibit hunting from the end of
snowshoe hare and rabbit season through
September 1.
6. We require you to submit an annual report of the results of your hunt by December
31. Failure to do so will result in denial of a
permit the following year.
7. We prohibit entry into closed areas of
the refuge for any reason, except for the recovery of legally harvested animals, and in
that case you may not carry a weapon (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter).
8. Unarmed hunters may scout open hunting areas before a particular season opens
but in no case before September 1. We do not
require a hunting permit for scouting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions;
1. We prohibit hunting of bear, moose, or
2. You must obtain a permit at refuge
headquarters prior to hunting, and you must
hold a valid State hunting license. We will
collect a $10 fee for each permit issued. The
permit applies for the calendar year of issue.
Permits issued to youth hunters (licensed
hunters age 16 and under) for the Youth Deer
Hunting Weekend are free.
3. You may pursue deer during State-designated archery and regular firearms seasons: east of the Missisquoi River and north
of Goose Bay Pool (as indicated by public
hunting area signs), on Shad Island, on all
refuge lands west of Tabor Road, and on all
refuge lands between Tabor Road and the
Central Vermont Railroad bed to the east,
except the marked safety zone encompassing
the headquarters nature trail and the land
east of Charcoal Creek and north of the
marked boundary near Coleman’s inholding.
4. We only allow shotguns, muzzleloaders,
or archery equipment on open areas east and
north of Vermont Route 78. We prohibit rifles in these areas at any time.


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§ 32.66

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

5. During the State-designated muzzleloader season and Youth Deer Hunting Weekend, you may hunt the entire area north of
the line of public hunting area signs west of
Mudgett Island, and all of Metcalfe Island, in
addition to the open areas described in C3
6. During the State regular firearms season, Youth Deer Hunting Weekend, and muzzleloader big game season, you must wear in
a visible manner on head, chest, and back a
minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of
solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material.
7. You may use portable tree stands in accordance with State regulations guiding
their use on State Wildlife Management
Areas. We require written approval from the
refuge manager on your big game hunting
permit prior to leaving a stand or blind unattended. We prohibit permanent stands and
blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter).
8. Conditions B6, B7, and B8 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on areas
described below in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow sport fishing by boat in the
west branch, east branch and main channel
of the Missisquoi River, Dead Creek, and
shallow water areas of the Missisquoi River
delta from Goose Bay to Charcoal Creek
(north of Vermont Route 78) with the following exceptions:
i. We close the following areas from ice out
to July 15—Goose Bay, Saxes Creek and Pothole, Metcalfe Island Pothole, Long Marsh
Channel, and Clark Marsh.
ii. We close the following areas from Labor
Day to December 31—Long Marsh Bay and
Long Marsh Channel.
2. We allow bank fishing along Charcoal
Creek where it passes under Route 78, and
along the shoreline of the Missisquoi River
from refuge headquarters to Mac’s Bend boat
launch. Bank fishing is accessible only by
foot along the Missisquoi River from Louie’s
Landing to Mac’s Bend.
3. We prohibit fishing from any dike or
from within any water management unit or
any other area not specifically designated as
being open under D1 and D2 above.
4. We allow ice fishing in open areas described in D1 above.
5. We allow bow fishing from a boat on refuge waters that are open to fishing as described in D1 above.
6. We prohibit taking fish with firearms
within refuge boundaries.
7. We allow boat launching from Louie’s
Landing year-round. We allow boat launching from Mac’s Bend boat launch area from
September through November inclusive.
8. Anglers may collect minnows in accordance with State regulations from refuge open
fishing areas for personal use. We prohibit

collection of more than 2 quarts (1.9 l) per
day from the refuge.
9. We authorize commercial bait dealers to
take and transport minnows in excess of 2
quarts (1.9 l) per day only after acquiring a
refuge Special Use Permit that will contain
the following special conditions:
i. We require a $35 fee for the Special Use
ii. The permittee must possess and carry a
Commercial Bait Dealer’s Permit from the
Vermont Commissioner of Fish.
iii. Excessive fish mortality and waste, as
determined by the refuge manager, will result in revocation of the Special Use Permit
and denial of future permit applications.
iv. The permittee must remove all traps
and holding cages (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
within 1 week of permanent freeze up.
v. The Special Use Permit must be in the
possession of the permittee or an employee
of the permitee on site while on the refuge
and is not transferable to another individual
or party.
vi. The Special Use Permit does not grant
or imply permission to obstruct any refuge
road, parking area, boat launch, or waterway
at any time.
vii. The permittee must keep all equipment used clean so as not to introduce
aquatic nuisance species. The permittee
must not clean or empty tanks and other
equipment used into refuge waters.
viii. Failure to comply with conditions of
the Special Use Permit will result in its revocation and the denial of future permit applications.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29077, May 18, 1993; 60 FR 62047, Dec. 4,
1995; 61 FR 46399, Sept. 3, 1996; 65 FR 30792,
May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56409, Sept. 18, 2000; 69 FR
54362, 54462, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.66


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and feral hogs on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close the refuge to all other public
uses beginning at legal sunrise on the first
Saturday of October through legal sunset of
the following Saturday.
2. We require a Special Use Hunting Permit. You must carry the signed permit on
your person while hunting. We issue permits


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§ 32.66

on the day of the hunt at the Refuge Check
3. We only allow shotguns 20 gauge or larger (loaded with buckshot or rifled slugs) and
bow and arrow. We prohibit possession of
loaded firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter) or
nocked arrows on refuge roads and Refuge
Proclamation Waters.
4. We prohibit the use of dogs to hunt deer
or feral hog.
5. You must be at least age 18 to hunt without an accompanying, qualified adult.
Youths between ages 12 and 18 may only
hunt when accompanied by a licensed nonhunting adult who is age 21 or older.
6. You must visibly wear a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored,
blaze-orange material on your head, chest,
and back (the equivalent of a hat and vest
for each hunter).
7. We reserve Hunting Zone 5 for use by
nonambulatory hunters. We define a ‘‘nonambulatory’’ hunter as ‘‘any person who presents a medical doctor’s written statement
that said person is permanently unable to
walk.’’ Zone 5 will be available to the general
public only when nonambulatory hunters are
not present.
8. We will decide reservations for hunt days
and zones by a computerized lottery at the
refuge headquarters in mid-September. You
may obtain a hunt application by calling the
Back Bay Refuge headquarters at (757) 721–
2412 during August.
9. We restrict scouting to the week prior to
the refuge hunt. We restrict access to hunting zones to travel by bicycle or on foot.
Scouts must wear 400 square inches (2,600
cm2) of visible blaze orange. We prohibit
weapons see § 27.42(a) of this chapter) during
scouting. Scouts must notify refuge staff
daily prior to both entering and leaving a
hunt zone.
10. You must register at the Refuge Entrance Fee Booth between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m.
on the day of the hunt. After 5 a.m., we will
allow standby hunters to fill vacant slots in
a separate lottery. All hunters must check
out at the Check Station no later than 6 p.m.
11. Transportation to Hunt Zone 7 (Long Island) is only by car-top boat (canoe, punt,
row-boat, etc.) or from the canoe/kayak
launch at refuge headquarters. Hunter-provided boats must meet Coast Guard safety
requirements. We prohibit boats on trailers.
12. A Safety Zone runs from the Check Station to north of the headquarters parking
lot. We prohibit hunting or discharging of
firearms/bow and arrows within the Safety
Zone. We prohibit retrieval of crippled game
from a No Hunting Area or Safety Zone
without the consent of the refuge employee
on duty at the Check Station.
13. You must use safety belts at all times
while you are in a tree stand.
14. We close the ‘‘Hacking Tower’’ in Hunt
Zone 3 to public access.

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing, noncommercial crabbing, and clamming on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close all areas within the hunting
zones, as well as the refuge oceanfront, to
fishing, crabbing, and clamming during the
annual refuge white-tailed deer and feral hog
hunt, beginning at legal sunrise on the first
Saturday in October through legal sunset of
the following Saturday.
2. You must attend all fishing lines and
crab pots at all times.
3. We prohibit on-site cleaning of fish.
4. We prohibit the taking of amphibian,
reptile, marine mammal, aquatic invertebrate, or any other marine organism from
refuge lands or waters.
5. We allow sportfishing, crabbing, and
clamming access to Back Bay from the refuge headquarters parking lot only by foot,
bicycle, and hand-launched, nontrailered
6. We only allow surf fishing, crabbing, and
clamming south of the refuge’s beach access
7. For sportfishing in D Pool and at Horn
i. We only allow fishing from the docks or
banks. We prohibit boats, canoes, or kayaks
on refuge pools and impoundments.
ii. We prohibit live minnows or other live
bait fish for fishing in refuge pools and impoundments.
iii. We require barbless or flattened hooks
for all fishing.
iv. Smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and
pickerel are catch-and-release only. The
daily creel limit for D Pool for other species
is a maximum combination of any 10 fish.
v. Parking for mobility-impaired visitors
is available adjacent to the dock at D Pool.
We require all other visitors to hike or bicycle.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory duck, goose, swan,
coot, and rail on Thursdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays during the State seasons on designated areas of the refuge within Wildcat
Marsh, Morris Island, Assawoman Island,
and Metompkin Island Divisions in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry while hunting on the refuge written authorization from
the refuge. You may obtain hunting brochures containing an application for permission to hunt from the refuge administration
building during normal business hours. The
refuge administration office has available
hunting brochures containing application
procedures, seasons, bag limits, methods of


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§ 32.66

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

hunting, maps depicting areas open to hunting, and the terms and conditions under
which we issue hunting permits.
2. Each youth hunter (under age 18) must
remain within sight and normal voice contact and under direct supervision of an adult
age 18 or older. The supervising adult must
also possess and carry a State hunting license and a refuge permit.
3. You may only access hunting areas by
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while hunting duck, goose,
swan, coot, and rail.
5. You may erect portable blinds and deploy decoys, but you must remove the blinds
and decoys (see § 27.93 of this chapter) daily.
6. You may use trained dogs to assist in
the retrieval of harvested birds.
7. You must complete a harvest report
card, provided by the refuge, after each hunt
period. You must return the harvest report
card to the refuge within 15 days of your permitted hunt.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer and sika in designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. General hunt information:
i. You must possess and carry a refuge permit. We issue the permits based on a computer lottery system. You may obtain permit applications from the refuge administration office during normal business hours.
Hunting brochures containing hunting application procedures, seasons, bag limits, methods of hunting, maps depicting areas open to
hunting, and the terms and conditions under
which we issue hunting permits are available
from the refuge administration office.
ii. You must be age 12 or older to hunt on
the refuge. An adult age 18 or older must accompany hunters under age 18. The supervising adult must also possess and carry a
State hunting license and refuge permit.
iii. You must attend a hunt orientation.
We conduct orientations beginning at 10 a.m.
Sundays and Wednesdays throughout the
hunt season. We allow scouting from 11 a.m.
to 6 p.m. following each orientation.
iv. You must sign in at the hunter registration station prior to entering your hunt zone
and sign out upon exiting your hunt zone.
All hunters must sign out no later than 2
hours after the end of the hunt day.
v. You must check all harvested animals at
the refuge’s official check station.
vi. You must make a reasonable effort to
recover wounded animals from the field and
must notify the check station personnel immediately if you are not able to recover a
wounded animal.
vii. We prohibit crossing water management areas unless you are retrieving a harvested animal.

viii. We prohibit use of a boat, all-terrain
vehicle, bicycle, or saddled animal to access
or travel within your hunt zone (see § 27.31(f)
of this chapter).
ix. We allow the use of a portable tree
2. Archery hunt information:
i. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer
and sika with bow and arrow in designated
areas of the refuge.
ii. You may not nock an arrow within 50
feet (15 m) of the centerline of any road.
iii. During the sika archery season, you
may take up to five sika daily, two of which
may be antlered. In addition, you may take
antlerless white-tailed deer in accordance
with State regulations.
iv. We prohibit deer drives.
v. You must print your full name in a permanent manner near the fletching on each
arrow shaft used for hunting.
3. Firearm hunt information:
i. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer
and sika with firearms in designated areas of
the refuge.
ii. You must wear a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm2) of visible blaze-orange material consisting of a vest and hat or a jacket
and hat.
iii. You may use any firearm allowed by
State law in designated areas of the refuge.
We restrict other areas of the refuge to shotgun and muzzleloading firearms only. We restrict shotgun ammunition to slugs, 00 buckshot, or 000 buckshot. You must unload and
either case or disassemble firearms (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) in vehicles.
iv. We prohibit possession of a loaded firearm within 50 feet (15 m) of the centerline of
any road.
v. During the sika firearm season, you may
take up to five sika daily, two of which may
be antlered. In addition, hunters may take
antlerless white-tailed deer in accordance
with State regulations on the first day of
designated white-tailed deer hunt periods. If
you take an antlerless white-tailed deer on
the first day of your hunt, you may take antlered white-tailed deer or any sika, not to
exceed prescribed bag limits, on the second
day of your hunt period. If you do not take
an antlerless white-tailed deer on the first
day of your hunt period, you may only take
antlerless white-tailed deer or any sika, not
to exceed prescribed bag limits, on the second day of your hunt period.
vi. You must have a 4-wheel drive vehicle
to hunt in zones 10, 10a, and Tom’s Cove
Hook. All oversand vehicles must carry a
shovel, jack, tow rope or chain, board or
similar support for the jack, and a low pressure tire gauge.
vii. We reserve zone 2 for hunters confined
to wheelchairs. Those hunters must remain
on the paved trail or overlook platform on
Woodland Trial. They may use any firearm
allowed by State law while hunting from the


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.66

overlook platform. We restrict other areas of
the zone to shotgun and muzzleloading firearms only. Hunters confined to wheelchairs
who require assistance retrieving and/or
dressing harvested animals must have a nonhunting assistant available.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing,
crabbing, and clamming from the shoreline
of the refuge in designated areas of Tom’s
Cove, Swan’s Cove, and the Atlantic Ocean
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. You may not enter any water management areas.
2. You must attend minnow traps, crab
traps, crab pots, and handlines at all times.
3. You must possess and carry a refuge permit to surf fish after hours while fishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery and
shotgun hunting of white-tailed deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. There are 12 days of archery and 7 days
of shotgun hunting that occur during the
State hunting season.
2. You must hunt white-tailed deer in designated zones. You must possess and carry a
refuge permit to hunt that serves as your
pass to enter your hunt zone. The permit fee
is $15.00 for each hunt.
3. You must be at least age 18 to hunt without an accompanying, qualified adult. Youth
hunters between ages 12 and 17 may only
hunt when accompanied by an adult age 21 or
older who must possess and carry a valid
hunting license. The minimum age for hunters is 12.
4. You must sign in before entering the
hunt zone and sign out upon leaving the
5. We allow portable tree stands, but you
must remove them (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
at the end of each day. You must use safety
straps while in tree stands. We prohibit tree
stands attached with nails, wire, screws, or
bolts (see § 32.2(i)).
6. You must bring all deer harvested to the
refuge check station before the end of hunt
day for inspection by refuge personnel.
7. We prohibit the use of organized drives
for taking or attempting to take game.
8. We prohibit nocked arrows in your vehicle or outside your hunt zone.
9. For the firearm hunt, we allow shotgun
hunting in zones 1–4. We allow archery hunting in zone 5 during the firearm season.
10. We only allow shotguns, 20 gauge or
larger, loaded with buckshot during the firearm season.
11. During the firearm hunt, you must wear
a minimum of 400 square inches (2,600 cm 2) of

a blaze-orange material consisting of a hat
and vest or jacket. Blaze-orange camouflage
is not acceptable.
12. You must unload and case or disassemble firearms see § 27.42(b) of this chapter) in vehicles.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and bear on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We allow shotguns, 20 gauge or larger,
loaded with buckshot and/or rifled slugs, and
bows and arrows.
3. We prohibit dogs.
4. We require all hunters to wear 400 square
inches (2,600 cm 2) of solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material in a visible manner during firearms big game season.
5. We require hunters to sign in and out
each hunt day.
6. We prohibit possession of loaded firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter) (ammunition
in the chamber, magazine, or clip), or loaded
bow on or within 50 feet (15 m) of a refuge
road, including roads closed to vehicles.
7. We prohibit hunters to shoot onto or
across refuge roads, including roads closed to
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow fishing in Lake Drummond and in the Feeder Ditch on the east
side of Lake Drummond during daylight
2. We prohibit bank fishing.
3. You must attend all fishing lines.
4. We require permits for vehicular access
to the boat ramp on Interior Ditch Road on
the west side of Lake Drummond.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require firearm hunters to purchase
a refuge hunt permit at the Refuge Hunter
Check Station on the morning of each hunt
on a first-come, first-served basis. The
hunter must possess and carry the permit
while on refuge property.
2. We require archery hunters to purchase
a refuge hunt permit by mail by the designated application deadline. The hunter


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§ 32.66

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

must possess and carry the permit while on
refuge property.
3. We allow the use of shotguns (20 gauge or
muzzleloaders, and bows and arrows on designated refuge hunt days.
4. You may take two deer of either sex per
5. We prohibit dogs.
6. We only allow portable tree stands that
you must remove (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
at the end of each hunt day.
7. Firearm hunters must wear in a visible
manner on head, chest, and back a minimum
of 400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material.
8. Firearm hunters must remain within 25
feet (7.5 m) of their assigned stand unless
tracking or retrieving a wounded deer.
9. Archery hunters must wear a solid-colored, hunter-orange hat or cap while moving
to and from their stand.
10. You may only retrieve wounded deer
from closed areas with prior consent from a
refuge employee.
11. You must unload all weapons (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) while on the refuge,
except when you are at your assigned stand.
12. We prohibit discharge of firearms (see
§ 27.42(a) of this chapter) or archery equipment across or from refuge roads, including
roads closed to vehicles.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. Hunters must sign and carry a Refuge
Deer Hunting Permit while hunting on the
2. We allow the use of shotguns, muzzleloading rifles/shotguns, and bows. We prohibit the use of all other rifles and pistols.
3. We allow access to hunting areas from 5
a.m. until 8 p.m.
4. We prohibit marking of trees or vegetation (see § 27.51 of this chapter) with blazes,
flagging, or other marking devices.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing only from sunrise to
sunset from March 15 through October 15.
2. You must attend all fishing lines.
3. We do not allow airboats.

1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We select hunters by lottery. Contact
the refuge office for information on application dates.
3. We send applicants an information packet detailing specific dates, details, and requirements for the hunt, including, but not
limited to: hunt dates, hunt areas, bag restrictions, weapon certification requirements and locations, orientation dates/
times, scouting date(s), check station location, and maps.
4. Hunters must certify/qualify weapons
and ammunition and attend an orientation
session prior to issuance of a permit.
5. Hunters must wear a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm 2) of visible solid
hunter-orange clothing and a hunter-orange
6. We may close areas of the refuge to
hunting. We will identify these areas on the
maps in the information packet and review
them during orientation.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State and County regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit.
2. We select hunters by lottery. Contact
the refuge office for information on application dates.
3. We send applicants an information packet detailing specific dates, details, and requirements for the hunt, including, but not
limited to: hunt dates, hunt areas, bag restrictions, weapon certification requirements and locations, orientation dates/
times, scouting date(s), check station location, and maps.
4. Hunters must certify/qualify weapons
and ammunition and attend an orientation
session prior to issuance of a permit.
5. Hunters must wear a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm 2) of visible solid
hunter-orange clothing and a hunter-orange
6. We may close areas of the refuge to
hunting. We will identify these areas on the
maps in the information packet and review
them during orientation.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State and County regulations
subject to the following conditions:

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of waterfowl, gallinule, and coot on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:


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§ 32.66

1. You must possess and carry a signed
Special Use Hunting Permit while hunting
waterfowl on the refuge. We only open the
Cow Island area of the refuge to waterfowl
hunting. We close all other areas of the refuge to all public entry.
2. We limit hunting parties to three individuals hunting at one blind site.
3. You may hunt from the location of your
choice: unimproved shore locations, camouflaged boats (float blinds) anchored to the
shore, or temporary blinds erected on the interior of the island.
4. We prohibit permanent blinds/structures
on the refuge.
5. We prohibit jump-shooting.
6. Except for peak use days, we restrict waterfowl hunting to three mornings per week:
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings
until 12 p.m. (noon) local time. We prohibit
hunting on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays.
7. You must retrieve and remove all decoys, temporary blinds, and equipment (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) and leave Cow Island
by 1 p.m.
8. We define peak use days as the waterfowl
season opening days and some Federal holidays. We will define peak use dates for the
current season after the State establishes its
waterfowl hunting season(s).
9. You must secure reservations by telephone (call 804–829–9020 weekdays between 8
a.m. and 4:30 p.m.) no more than 4 workings
days prior to your desired hunt date. We will
issue the first five callers for those days a
reservation number that they must possess
and carry while hunting on their reserved
10. No more than two other hunters may
accompany hunters with reservations, and
they must hunt as a party from the same
11. Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day: We will
open Cow Island for the youth waterfowl
hunt as per State regulations. Youth hunters
must also possess and carry a signed refuge
Special Use Hunting Permit.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to purchase a Refuge
Hunt Permit at the Refuge Hunter Check
Station on the morning of each hunt on a
first-come, first-served basis. The hunter
must possess and carry the permit while on
refuge property.

2. We allow the use of shotguns (20 gauge or
larger, loaded with buckshot and/or rifled
3. You may take two deer of either sex per
4. We prohibit dogs.
5. We only allow portable tree stands that
you must remove (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
at the end of each day.
6. You must wear in a visible manner on
head, chest, and back, a minimum of 400
square inches (2,600 cm 2) of solid-colored,
hunter-orange clothing or material.
7. You must remain within 25 feet (7.5 m) of
your designated stand unless tracking or retrieving a wounded deer.
8. You must unload all firearms (see
§ 27.42(b) of this chapter) while on the refuge,
except when at your assigned stand.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require hunters to purchase a refuge
hunt permit at the Refuge Hunter Check
Station on the morning of each hunt on a
first-come, first-served basis. The hunter
must possess and carry the permit while on
refuge property.
2. We require archery hunters to purchase
a refuge hunt permit by mail by the designated application deadline. The hunter
must possess and carry the permit must
while on refuge property.
3. We allow shotgun, muzzleloader, and
archery hunting on designated refuge hunt
4. You may take two deer of either sex per
5. We prohibit dogs.
6. We only allow portable tree stands that
you must remove (see § 27.93 of this chapter)
at the end of each hunt day.
7. Firearm hunters must wear in a visible
manner on head, chest, and back a minimum
of 400 square inches (2,600 cm 2) of solid-colored, hunter-orange clothing or material.
8. Archery hunters must wear in a visible
manner a solid-colored, hunter-orange hat or
cap while moving to and from their stand.
9. We prohibit the possession of loaded firearms (see § 27.42 of this chapter) or nocked arrows while on refuge roads.
10. We prohibit the discharge of a firearm
or archery equipment across or within refuge
roads, including roads closed to vehicles.
11. You may only retrieve wounded deer
from closed areas with prior consent from a
refuge employee.


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§ 32.67

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of Wilna Pond in Richmond
County subject to the following conditions:
1. As we implement the new fishing program at Wilna Pond, we intend to be open on
a daily basis, legal sunrise to legal sunset. If
unexpected law enforcement issues arise, we
may restrict hours of access for fishing.
2. From March 15 through June 30, we
allow fishing from the Wilna Pond pier only
(no boat or bank fishing).
3. During the period when we open the
Wilna Tract for deer hunting, we will close it
to all other uses, including fishing.
4. We prohibit fishing by any means other
than by use of one or more attended poles
with hook and line attached.
5. We prohibit the use of lead fishing tackle.
6. We require catch and release fishing only
for largemouth bass. Anglers may take other
finfish species in accordance with State regulations.
7. We prohibit the take of any reptile, amphibian, or invertebrate species for use as
bait or for any other purpose.
8. We prohibit the use of live minnows as
9. We prohibit use of boats propelled by
gasoline motors, sail, or mechanically operated paddle wheel. We only permit car-top
boats; and we prohibit trailers.
10. Prescheduled environmental education
field trips will have priority over other uses,
including sport fishing, on the Wilna Pond
pier at all times.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer in designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. You must possess and carry a refuge permit. We issue permits based on a computer
lottery system. You may obtain permit applications from the refuge administration office during normal business hours. Hunting
brochures containing application procedures,
seasons, and maps depicting areas open to
hunting are available from the refuge administration office. You must provide an unobstructed view of the refuge permit on the vehicle’s dashboard while hunting on the refuge.
2. You must be age 12 or older to hunt on
the refuge. An adult age 18 or older must accompany and directly supervise hunters
under age 18. The supervising adult must
also possess and carry a State hunting license and refuge permit.
3. You must sign in at the hunter registration station prior to entering your hunt zone
and sign out upon exiting your hunt zone.

You must sign out no later than two hours
after the end of the hunt day.
4. You must wear a minimum of 400 square
inches (2,600 cm 2) of blaze-orange material
consisting of a vest and hat or a jacket and
5. You may use of portable tree stands.
6. We prohibit dogs.
7. You must park your vehicle in designated areas (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29077, May 18, 1993; 58 FR 29085, May 18,
1993; 59 FR 6686, Feb. 11, 1994; 60 FR 62048,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46399, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47383, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46922, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30792, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56409, Sept.
18, 2000; 67 FR 58951, Sept. 18, 2002; 68 FR
57318, Oct. 2, 2003; 69 FR 54362, 54465, Sept. 8,

§ 32.67 Washington.
The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, and Wilson’s
snipe on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting on Wednesdays,
Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays on
Marsh Unit 1 and Farm Units 226–227.
2. Prior to entering the Farm Unit 226–227
hunt area, we require you to possess and
carry a refuge permit, pay a recreation user
fee, and obtain a blind assignment.
B. Hunting of Upland Game Birds. We allow
hunting of ring-necked pheasant, California
quail, gray partridge, and chukar on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting of upland game
birds during State upland game seasons that
run concurrently with the State waterfowl
2. We allow hunting from 12 p.m. (noon) to
legal sunset on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays in Marsh Unit 1.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
mule deer and white-tailed deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow shotgun and archery hunting.
2. We only allow hunting during State deer
seasons that run concurrently with the State
waterfowl season.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.67

with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. On waters open to fishing, we only allow
fishing from April 1 to September 30, with
the exception of Falcon, Heron, Goldeneye,
Corral, Blythe, Chukar, and Scaup Lakes
that are open year-round.
2. We allow nonmotorized boats and boats
with electric motors on Upper and Lower
Hampton, Hutchinson, and Shiner Lakes.
3. We allow motorized boats and nonmotorized boats on all other refuge waters
open to fishing.
4. We allow frogging during periods when
we allow fishing on designated waters.
5. We allow catch-and-release fishing using
artificial flies with a single barbless hook on
Quail Lake.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of doves, geese, ducks, coots, and
common snipe on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: Waterfowl and snipe hunters may possess only
approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of deer is
permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may salt water
fish in designated areas of the refuge.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, mourning dove,
and common snipe on the Wahluke Unit of
the Monument/Refuge in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while on the refuge (see § 32.2(k)).
2. We allow access from 2 hours before legal
sunrise to 2 hours after legal sunset. We prohibit overnight camping and/or parking.
3. We prohibit permanent and pit blinds
and the cutting of vegetation (see § 27.51 of
this chapter). You must remove all blind materials, decoys, and other equipment (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of each day.
4. We only allow nonmotorized boats and
boats with electric motors on the WB–10
Pond (Wahluke Lake) and with walk-in access only.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of pheasant, quail, and partridge on designated areas on the Wahluke Unit of the
Monument/Refuge in accordance with State

regulations and subject to the conditions
listed below:
1. You may possess only approved nontoxic
shot while on the refuge.
2. We allow only shotguns and archery
3. We allow access from 2 hours before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. We prohibit
overnight camping and/or parking.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer and elk on the Wahluke Unit of the
Monument/Refuge in accordance with State
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow only shotguns, muzzleloaders,
and archery hunting.
2. We allow access from 2 hours before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. We prohibit
overnight camping and/or parking.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
Wahluke Unit in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow access from 2 hours before legal
sunrise to 2 hours after legal sunset. We prohibit overnight camping and/or parking.
2. We allow nonmotorized boats and boats
with electric motors on the WB–10 Ponds and
with walk-in access only.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, and common
snipe on the Hunting Island Unit subject to
the following condition: You may possess
only approved nontoxic shot while in the
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow bank fishing
from the Mainland Unit shoreline adjoining
the Elochoman and Columbia Rivers as well
as Steamboat and Brooks Sloughs, in accordance with State fishing regulations. We also
allow bank fishing in the pond adjacent to
the diking district pumping station by
Brooks Slough. We close all other interior
water of the Mainland Unit to fishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following condition: We prohibit waterfowl
hunting on any creek or stream.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following condition: We prohibit use of dogs except for hunting and retrieving upland game birds.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game on designated areas of the refuge in
accordance with State regulations subject to


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§ 32.67

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

the following condition: We prohibit all use
of dogs for hunting big game.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on
designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, dove, and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We only allow vehicles on designated
routes of travel and require hunters to park
in designated parking areas (see § 27.31 of this
chapter). We prohibit off-road vehicle travel
and all use of ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this chapter).
2. We only allow portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of natural materials.
3. We allow dove hunting in accordance
with State regulations on the Wallula, Burbank Sloughs, Stateline, Juniper Canyon,
Peninsula, and Two Rivers Units only.
4. The McNary Fee Hunt Unit is only open
Thanksgiving Day, and New Year’s Day from
5 a.m. to 1 ⁄2 hours after legal sunset.
5. Prior to entering the McNary Fee Hunt
Unit, we require you to possess and carry a
refuge permit, pay a recreation user fee, and
obtain a blind assignment before hunting.
6. On the McNary Fee Hunt Unit, we only
allow hunting from assigned blind sites and
require hunters to remain within 100 feet (30
m) of marked posts unless retrieving birds or
setting decoys. We allow a maximum of four
persons per blind site.
7. On the McNary Fee Hunt Unit, you may
only possess approved nontoxic shotshells
(see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or less per
8. On the Wallula Unit, we prohibit hunting within 1⁄4 mile (.4 km) of the Walla Walla
Delta or Crescent Island from February 1
through September 30.
9. On the Peninsula Unit, we allow waterfowl hunting subject to the following conditions:
i. On the east shoreline of the Peninsula
Unit, we only allow hunting from established
numbered blinds sites, assigned on a firstcome, first-served basis. We require hunters
to remain within 100 feet (30 m) of marked
posts unless retrieving birds or setting decoys.
ii. On the west shoreline of the Peninsula
Unit, we require hunters to space themselves
a minimum of 200 yards (180 m) apart.
10. We close the furthest downstream refuge island (Columbia River mile 341–343) in
the Hanford Islands Division to hunting.
11. On the Peninsula and Two Rivers Units,
we close Casey Pond to all hunting.
12. We close Strawberry Island in the
Snake River to all hunting.

13. We close Badger and Foundation Islands
in the Columbia River to all hunting.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. On the McNary Fee Hunt Unit, we only
allow hunting of upland game birds on
Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s
Day. We prohibit hunting until 12 p.m.
(noon) of each hunt day.
2. On the Peninsula Unit, we prohibit upland game hunting before 12 p.m. (noon) on
goose hunt days.
3. We only allow turkey hunting on the
Wallula Unit.
4. We close all islands of the Hanford Islands Division to hunting.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer only on the Stateline, Juniper Canyon,
and Wallula Units in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: On the Wallula Unit, we only allow
shotgun and archery hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and
shellfishing on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We allow fishing from boats outside the
Brown Farm Dike and outside the Research
Natural Area.
2. We allow bank fishing in the designated
McAllister Creek Bank Fishing Area from
legal sunrise to legal sunset. The 3/4-mile (1.2
km) area of bank fishing is located 1⁄2 mile (.8
km) downstream from I–5 and allowed only
along the east side of the creek. Anglers may
reach this area either by foot from the refuge parking lot or by boat.
3. We prohibit bank fishing along the
Nisqually River.
4. We prohibit fishing in any waters inside
the Brown Farm Dike.
5. We allow shellfishing on the tideflats.
Access is by boat or by foot from the Luhr
Beach Boat Launch. We prohibit tideflat access from the Brown Farm Dike.
6. We prohibit boat launching on the refuge.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of duck, goose, and coot in a designated area of the River ‘‘S’’ Unit of the refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.67

1. We only allow waterfowl hunting by refuge permit (you must possess and carry).
You may apply for advanced hunting permits
between August 15 and September 15; otherwise, we issue hunting permits by lottery
from the check station for standby hunters
or on a first-come, first-served basis after 10
a.m. during each hunt day.
2. We only allow access to the hunt area 2
hours before legal shoot time and 2 hours
after shoot time on hunt days. We prohibit
entering the hunt area on nonhunt days.
3. We prohibit camping or parking overnight anywhere on the refuge.
4. You may only park in the parking lot
designated for your hunting blind.
5. We only allow hunting on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays, excluding Federal
holidays, during the regular waterfowl hunt
season designated by the State.
6. We require all hunters to check-in and
check out at the hunter check station.
7. We prohibit goose hunting in Blind #1.
8. You must hunt within your designated
hunt blind except when shooting to retrieve
crippled birds. We allow a maximum of three
people per blind.
9. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shells (see § 32.2(k)) while in the field in
quantities of 25 or less.
10. You may use decoys, but you must collect them at the end of each hunt day.
11. We prohibit temporary or portable
12. We allow retrieving dog in the hunt
area, but owners must keep them under their
immediate control at all times (see § 26.21(b)
of this chapter). Owners must leash dogs at
all times except while in the hunting blind.
We prohibit dog training or trials (see § 27.91
of this chapter).
13. On the last Saturday in October, we
only allow youth hunters ages 10 to 17 to
hunt. Each youth hunter must remain within
sight and normal voice contact of an adult
age 18 or older.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. We allow bank fishing on
the interior waters in public areas of the
Carty Unit and on Lake River on the north
side of the bridge crossing Lake River at the
River ‘‘S’’ Unit in accordance with State fishing regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We close all interior waters to fishing at
the River ‘‘S’’ Unit.
2. We prohibit motorized and nonmotorized
boats or floatation devices on any of the interior waters of the refuge.
3. We only allow fishing from legal sunrise
to legal sunset.
4. We only allow fishing with hook and
5. We prohibit frogging.

6. While fishing in Lake River, you must
park and walk from the River ‘‘S’’ Unit entrance parking lot.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, dove, and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
2. We only allow vehicles on designated
routes of travel and require hunters to park
in designated parking areas (see § 27.31 of this
chapter). We prohibit off-road vehicle travel
and all use of ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this
3. We only allow dove hunting on the Webb,
Petty, Halvorson, Chambers, and Isiri Units.
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day.
5. On the Petty, Isiri, Chamber, and Cloe
Units, we allow hunting 7 days a week subject to the following condition: We require
hunting parties to space themselves a minimum of 200 yards (180 m) apart.
6. On the Halvorson and Webb Units, we
only allow hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas
Day, and New Year’s Day. On these units, we
allow hunting only from designated field
pits, and we prohibit jump shooting.
7. On the Robbins Road Unit, we only allow
hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays,
Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,
and New Year’s Day.
8. On the Robbins Road and Pumphouse
Units, we only allow hunting from numbered
field blind sites, and hunters must only park
their vehicles at the numbered post corresponding to the numbered field blind site
they are using (see § 27.31 of this chapter).
Selection of parking sites/numbered posts is
on a first-come, first-served basis at the designated parking lot. We prohibit free-roam
hunting or jump shooting, and you must remain within 100 feet (30 m) of the numbered
field blind post unless retrieving birds or setting decoys. We allow a maximum of four
persons per blind site.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. On all refuge units, we prohibit hunting
of upland game birds until 12 p.m. (noon) of
each hunt day.
2. On the Halvorson and Webb Units, we
only allow hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas
Day, and New Year’s Day.
3. On the Robbins Road Unit, we only allow
hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays,
Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,
and New Year’s Day.


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§ 32.68

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, coot, dove, and common snipe on designated areas of the refuge
in accordance with State regulations subject
to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
2. We only allow vehicles on designated
routes of travel and require hunters to park
in designated parking areas (see § 27.31 of this
chapter). We prohibit off-road vehicle travel
and all use of ATVs (see § 27.31(f) of this
3. We only allow portable blinds and temporary blinds constructed of natural materials.
4. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shotshells (see § 32.2(k)) in quantities of 25 or
less per day.
5. On the Paterson Slough and Whitcomb
Units, we only allow hunting on Wednesdays,
Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
6. In the refuge ponds within the Paterson
Slough area, we only allow nonmotorized
boats and boats with electric motors.
7. On the Ridge Unit, we only allow shoreline hunting and prohibit all hunting from
8. We require waterfowl hunting parties to
space themselves a minimum of 200 yards
(180 m) apart.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting of upland game
birds until 12 p.m. (noon) of each hunt day.
2. In the Paterson Slough and Whitcomb
Units, we only allow hunting on Wednesdays,
Saturdays, Sundays, Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to
the following condition: You must possess
and carry a refuge permit for hunting.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We open the refuge from 5 a.m. to 11⁄2
hours after legal sunset.
2. We allow fishing on refuge impoundments and ponds from February 1 through
September 30. We open other refuge waters
(Columbia River and its backwaters) in accordance with State regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of geese, ducks, coots, and snipe on

designated areas of Riekkola, Lewis, Tarlatt
Slough, and Leadbetter Units in accordance
with State hunting regulations and subject
to the following conditions:
1. Prior to entering the hunt area at the
Riekkola and Tarlatt Slough Units, we require you to obtain a refuge permit, pay a
recreation user fee, and obtain a blind assignment.
2. At the Riekkola and Tarlatt Slough
Units, you may take ducks and coots only
coincidental to hunting geese.
3. We allow hunting on Wednesday and Saturday in the Riekkola and Tarlatt Slough
Units only from established blinds.
4. At the Lewis Unit, we prohibit hunting
from the outer dike that separates the bay
from the freshwater wetlands.
5. At the Riekkola and Tarlatt Slough
Units, you may possess no more than 25 approved nontoxic shells per day while in the
6. At the Leadbetter Unit, you may possess
only approved nontoxic shot.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of blue and ruffed grouse on Long Island,
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require you to obtain and carry a refuge permit and report game taken, as specified with the permit.
2. We allow only archery hunting.
3. We do not allow firearms on Long Island
at any time.
4. We do not allow dogs on Long Island.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
deer, elk, and bear on Long Island and on
designated areas of the Bear River Unit, in
accordance with State hunting regulations
and subject to the following conditions:
1. At Long Island you must possess a valid
refuge permit and report game taken, as
specified with the permit.
2. At Long Island we allow only archery
hunting and prohibit firearms.
3. At Bear River we do not allow bear hunting.
4. We prohibit dogs.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
along the shoreline of Willapa Bay and Bear
River on refuge-owned lands in accordance
with State regulations.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29077, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6686, 6699, Feb.
11, 1994; 59 FR 55188, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62048,
Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46399, Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR
47383, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 46922, Sept. 3, 1998;
65 FR 30792, May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56409, Sept.
18, 2000; 66 FR 46362, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58952,
Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54469, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.68 West Virginia.
The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.68

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of goose, duck, rail, coot, gallinule,
mourning dove, snipe, and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We require each hunter to possess and
carry a signed refuge hunting permit, State
hunting license, and driver’s license (or
other photo identification card) at all times
while hunting on the refuge. The refuge
hunting permit is free, and you may obtain
it at the refuge headquarters. We require
each hunter to submit a survey form at the
end of the hunting season. Hunters must submit survey forms to the refuge headquarters
if they wish to receive a hunting permit the
following year.
2. We allow hunting on most refuge lands
with the following exceptions: the area surrounding the refuge headquarters, areas
marked as safety zones, areas marked as no
hunting zones, areas marked as closed to all
public entry, or within 500 feet (150 m) of any
3. We prohibit the building or use of permanent blinds.
4. The refuge closes 1 hour after legal sunset, including parking areas. We prohibit
hunters from leaving decoys and other personal property on the refuge.
5. We allow the use of dogs for hunting migratory game birds. We require all dogs to
wear a collar displaying the owner’s name,
address, and telephone number.
6. We prohibit dog training except during
legal hunting seasons.
7. We require hunters accessing the refuge
through private property to possess and
carry written permission of the landowner
while hunting on the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow the
hunting of ruffed grouse, squirrel, cottontail
rabbit, snowshoe hare, red fox, gray fox, bobcat, woodchuck, coyote, opossum, striped
skunk, and raccoon on designated areas of
the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A1, A2, A6, and A7 apply.
2. The refuge opens 1 hour before legal sunrise and closes 1 hour after legal sunset, including parking areas.
3. You may hunt raccoon at night, but you
must obtain a Special Use Permit for raccoon hunting.
4. We only allow hunting in the No Rifle
Zones with the following equipment: archery, shotgun, or muzzleloader.
5. You may use dogs for hunting upland
game species. We prohibit more than six dogs
per hunting party for raccoon hunting. You
must account for all dogs at the conclusion
of the hunt. You must search for lost dogs
for at least 3 days, and we prohibit hunting
during the search period. All dogs must wear

a collar displaying the owner’s name, address, and telephone number.
6. We prohibit the hunting of upland game
species between March 1 and the youth squirrel season in September.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting
of white-tailed deer, black bear, and turkey
on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the
following conditions:
1. Condition A1, A2, A6, A7, and B4 apply.
2. You may only enter the refuge on foot.
You may use hand-powered, two-wheeled
carts for transporting big game.
3. You may only use handguns for hunting
deer and black bear in the rifle zone.
4. When using shotguns for big game hunting, we only allow ammunition containing a
single lead projectile. We prohibit the use of
5. We prohibit the marking of any tree or
other refuge feature with flagging, paint, or
other substance.
6. We prohibit the cutting and trimming of
coniferous trees (balsam fir, red spruce, and
hemlock). We prohibit construction of blinds
from these materials.
7. We prohibit permanent tree stands, but
we allow use of temporary tree stands. You
must clearly print your name and address in
an easily read area on the stand while the
stand is affixed to the tree. You must remove
tree stands (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the
end of the deer season.
8. We require all hunters to wear at least
400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of blaze orange
on the head, chest, and back at all times during the deer bucks only season, the
antlerless deer season, the youth deer season, and the deer muzzleloader season.
9. We prohibit hunting for turkey with a
rifle. You must use a shotgun or muzzleloader with a shot size of #4 or smaller.
10. We allow dogs for hunting black bear
during the gun season. We prohibit more
than six dogs per hunting party. You must
account for all dogs at the conclusion of the
hunt. You must search for lost dogs for at
least 3 days, and we prohibit hunting during
the search period. All dogs must wear a collar displaying the owner’s name, address,
and telephone number.
11. We prohibit black bear hunting during
the Tucker County antlerless deer season.
The gun bear season begins the Monday following the antlerless deer season.
12. The refuge closes 1 hour after legal sunset, including parking areas. We prohibit
camping or overnight parking.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds (waterfowl,
coots, rails, gallinules, snipe, woodcock, and
dove) on designated areas of the refuge


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§ 32.69

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

(Pennsylvania: Phillis Island, Georgetown Island; West Virginia: Captina Island, Captina
Mainland, Fish Creek Island, Williamson Island, Witten Towhead, Wells Island, Grandview Island, Grape/Bat Island, Broadback Island, Buckley Island, Muskingum Island,
Buffington Island, Letart Island; and Kentucky: Manchester 1 Island, Manchester 2 Island) in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. We require each hunter to possess and
carry a refuge hunting permit, State hunting
license, and valid driver’s license (or other
photo identification card) at all times while
hunting on the refuge. The refuge hunting
permit is free, and you may obtain it at the
refuge headquarters. We request each hunter
to submit a survey form at the end of the
hunting season.
2. We prohibit the building or use of permanent blinds.
3. The refuge opens 1 hour before legal sunrise and closes 1 hour after legal sunset, including parking areas. We prohibit hunters
leaving decoys and personal property, as well
as camping and overnight parking.
4. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and
retrieve when hunting for migratory game
birds. We require all dogs to wear a collar
displaying the owner’s name, address, and
telephone number.
5. You may only possess approved nontoxic
shot while in the field (see § 32.2(k)).
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of rabbit and squirrel on designated areas of
the refuge (Pennsylvania: Phillis Island,
Georgetown Island; West Virginia: Captina
Island, Captina Mainland, Fish Creek Island,
Williamson Island, Witten Towhead, Wells
Island, Grandview Island, Grape/Bat Island,
Muskingum Island, Buffington Island, Letart
Island; and Kentucky: Manchester 1 Island,
Manchester 2 Island) in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Conditions A1 and A3 apply.
2. We prohibit the use of pursuit dogs for
hunting rabbit or squirrel.
3. We prohibit the use of bows, rifles, or
pistols for hunting rabbit or squirrel.
4. We only allow the use of shotguns with
approved nontoxic shot (see § 32.2(k)) for the
hunting of rabbit or squirrel.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery
hunting of white-tailed deer on designated
areas of the refuge (Pennsylvania: Phillis Island, Georgetown Island; West Virginia:
Captina Island, Captina Mainland, Fish
Creek Island, Williamson Island, Witten
Towhead, Wells Island, Grandview Island,
Grape/Bat Island, Broadback Island, Buckley
Island, Muskingum Island, Buffington Island,
Letart Island; and Kentucky: Manchester 1
Island, Manchester 2 Island) in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. Conditions A1 and A3 apply.
2. We prohibit the use or possession of rifles, pistols, or shotguns for the hunting of
white-tailed deer.
3. We prohibit organized deer drives by two
or more individuals. We define a deer drive
as the act of chasing, pursuing, disturbing,
or otherwise directing deer so as to make the
animals more susceptible to harvest.
4. We allow trail marking with nonpermanent methods such as flagging and reflectors.
We prohibit the use of paint, and hunters
must remove all trail-marking materials
(see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the end of the
deer season.
5. We prohibit the use of permanent tree
stands or blinds. We allow the use of temporary tree stands. All tree stands must have
the name and address of the owner clearly
printed in an easily read area on the stand
while the stand is affixed to the tree. Hunters must remove tree stands and blinds (see
§ 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge at the
end of each day.
6. We prohibit baiting for deer on refuge
lands (see § 32.2(h)).
7. We require all hunters to wear at least
400 square inches (2,600 cm2) of blaze orange
visible on the head, chest, and back while
walking to and from tree stands or blinds.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing
throughout the refuge in accordance with
State regulations subject to the following
1. Condition A3 applies.
2. We require each angler to possess and
carry a State fishing license and a valid driver’s license (or other photo identification
card) at all times while fishing on the refuge.
3. We restrict bank fishing to refuge open
hours, from 1 hour before legal sunrise
through 1 hour after legal sunset.
[59 FR 55197, Nov. 3, 1994, as amended at 60
FR 62048, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 31461, June 20,
1996; 63 FR 46922, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30794,
May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56411, Sept. 18, 2000; 69 FR
54362, 54472, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.69


The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We require refuge permits during designated time periods.
2. We do not allow the construction or use
of blinds, platforms, or ladders.


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.69

3. We allow hunting only during the State
firearms season and during a designated time
period of the archery season.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of ducks and coots on designated
areas of the refuge subject to the following
1. We require permits.
2. We allow only participants in the Young
Wildfowlers and Special Programs to hunt.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of ring-necked pheasant, gray partridge,
squirrel, and cottontail rabbit on designated
areas of the refuge from the opening of the
respective State seasons through the State
deer firearms season, and subject to the following conditions:
1. Shotgun hunters may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting upland
game species.
2. Hunting in the youth/novice pheasant
hunt area (Area F) is for youth who are 12–
15 years of age, and by permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We only allow hunting during the early
archery season and the regular State firearms seasons.
2. We do not allow the construction and use
of permanent blinds, platforms, or ladders.
3. You must remove all stands from the
refuge following each day’s hunt.
4. Hunting in the area surrounding the office/visitor center (Area E) is by permit only.
5. Hunting in the auto tour/hiking trail
complex (Area D) is open only during the
State firearms deer season.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: We allow only bank fishing.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district (except that we prohibit hunting
on the Blue-wing Waterfowl Production Area
(WPA) in Ozaukee County or the Wilcox
WPA in Waushara County) in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow the use of hunting dogs, provided the dog is under the immediate control
of the hunter at all times (see § 26.21(b) of
this chapter).
2. You must remove boats, decoys, and
blinds (see § 27.93 of this chapter) at the conclusion of each day.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game birds throughout the district
(except that we prohibit hunting on the
Blue-wing Waterfowl Production Area (WPA)

in Ozaukee County or the Wilcox WPA in
Waushara County) in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following condition: Condition A1 applies.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game throughout the district (except
that you may not hunt on the Blue-wing Waterfowl Production Area (WPA) in Ozaukee
County or the Wilcox WPA in Waushara
County) in accordance with State regulations subject to the following condition: You
must remove blinds and stands (see § 27.93 of
this chapter) at the conclusion of each day.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds only on
designated areas of the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of wild turkey, ruffed grouse, gray squirrel,
fox squirrel, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe
hare, and raccoon only on designated areas
of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may possess only unloaded guns in
the retrieval zone of Refuge Area 7 during
the State waterfowl hunting season, except
while hunting deer during the gun deer season.
2. During the spring turkey season, we
allow unarmed hunters who have an unexpired spring turkey permit in their possession to scout the hunt area. We allow this
scouting beginning on the Saturday immediately prior to the opening date listed on
their State turkey hunting permit.
3. Refuge Area 3 is open to hunting after
the State deer gun season through the end of
the respective State seasons or until February 28, whichever occurs first.
4. You may only use dogs when hunting
waterfowl and small game, except raccoon.
5. You may only hunt showshoe hare during the season for cottontail rabbit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. You may not possess a loaded firearm or
a nocked arrow on a bow within 50 feet (15 m)
of the centerline of all public roads. Also,
during the gun deer season, you may not possess a loaded firearm within 50 feet (15 m) of
the center of refuge trails, nor may you discharge a gun from across, down, or alongside
these trails.
2. You may not construct or use permanent
blinds, stands, or ladders.
3. You may use portable elevated devices,
but you must lower them to the ground from
1⁄2 hour after shooting hours to 1⁄2 hour before
shooting hours each day.
4. Refuge Areas 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are open
to deer hunting.
5. Refuge Area 3 is open to deer hunting
during the State gun, muzzleloader, and late
archery seasons. Unarmed deer hunters may


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§ 32.70

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

enter Area 3 to scout beginning the Saturday
prior to the gun deer season.
6. We do not allow target or practice shooting.
7. We prohibit the use of flagging, paint,
blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in designated waters of the refuge at designated
times subject to the following conditions: We
allow use of nonmotorized boats in SpragueGoose Pools only when these pools are open
to fishing. We allow motorized boats in Suk
Cerney Pool.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds throughout
the district except that you may not hunt on
designated portions posted as closed of the
St. Croix Prairie Waterfowl Production Area
(WPA) in St. Croix County.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game throughout the district except that you may not hunt on designated
portions posted as closed of the St. Croix
Prairie WPA in St. Croix County.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
big game throughout the district except that
you may not hunt on designated portions of
the St. Croix Prairie Waterfowl Production
Area in St. Croix County.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow only the use of portable or
temporary blinds.
2. You must remove portable or temporary
blinds and any material brought on to the
refuge for blind construction at the end of
each day’s hunt.
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 58
FR 29077, May 18, 1993; 59 FR 6700, Feb. 11,
1994; 60 FR 62048, Dec. 4, 1995; 61 FR 46399,
Sept. 3, 1996; 62 FR 47383, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR
46922, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30794, May 12, 2000;
65 FR 56411, Sept. 18, 2000; 66 FR 46362, Sept.
4, 2001; 67 FR 58952, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362,
54473, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.70


The following refuge units have been
opened for hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of migratory game birds on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: We require a refuge permit.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of upland game on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition: We
require a refuge permit.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
white-tailed deer on designated areas of the
refuge subject to the following condition: We
require a refuge permit.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:
1. We allow only hand-powered boats or
boats with electric motors on the refuge.
2. You must remove ice fishing shelters
from the refuge following each day’s hunt.
3. We prohibit possessing archery or spearing equipment on refuge pools at any time.
We allow taking rough fish by bow and arrow
or spear only along the refuge boundary in
the backwaters of the Trempealeau River, in
accordance with State regulations.
Refer to 32.32 Illinois for regulations.

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunters may hunt elk
and bison on designated areas of the refuge
subject to the following conditions:
1. Permits are required.
2. Hunters may not be let out of vehicles
on refuge roads.
3. Shooting from or across refuge roads and
parking areas is not permitted.
4. The use of citizen band (CB) radios in the
hunt area is not permitted.
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may sport fish on
the refuge in accordance with state law, as
specifically designated in refuge publications.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. Hunting of
geese, ducks and coots is permitted on designated areas of the refuge.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of sage grouse and cottontail rabbit on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following condition: You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. Hunting of pronghorn
antelope and deer is permitted on designated
areas of the refuge.
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior

§ 32.72

A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow
hunting of dark goose, duck, coot, merganser, dove, snipe, and rail on designated
areas of the refuge in accordance with State
regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. We prohibit hunting of migratory birds
on the west side of the Green River between
the south end of the Dunkle Unit and Highway 28. We post the boundary for this area
with refuge signs stating ‘‘Area Closed to Migratory Bird Hunting’’.
2. We prohibit all hunting between Highway 28 and 0.8 miles (1.28 km) north of the
refuge headquarters on the west side of the
Green River. We post the boundary for this
area with refuge signs stating ‘‘No Hunting
3. We open the refuge to the general public
from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour
after legal sunset. Waterfowl hunters may
enter the refuge 1 hour before legal shooting
hours to set up decoys and blinds.
4. Hunters must confine or leash dogs except when participating in a legal hunt (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter).
5. You must only use portable blinds or
blinds constructed from dead and downed
wood. We prohibit digging pit blinds.
6. You must remove portable blinds, tree
stands, decoys, and other personal equipment (see § 27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge each day.
7. You must completely dismantle blinds
constructed of dead and downed wood at the
end of the waterfowl hunting season.
8. We only allow hunters to retrieve
downed game from closed areas with consent
from a refuge employee or State game warden.
9. You must unload and either case or dismantle all firearms (see § 27.42(b) of this
chapter) when transporting them in a vehicle
or boat under power.
B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting
of sage grouse, cottontail rabbit, jackrabbit,
raccoon, fox, and skunk on designated areas
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditions A2, A8, and A9 apply.
2. We open the refuge to the general public
from 1⁄2 hour before legal sunrise to 1⁄2 hour
after legal sunset.
3. Hunters must confine or leash dogs (see
§ 26.21(b) of this chapter) except when participating in a legal hunt for sage grouse, cottontail rabbit, or jackrabbit.
4. When using shotguns or muzzleloaders,
you may only possess approved nontoxic
shot (see § 32.2(k)) while in the field.
C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of
antelope, mule deer, and moose on designated areas of the refuge in accordance
with State regulations subject to the following conditions:

1. Conditions A2, A8, A9, and B2 apply.
D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the
refuge in accordance with State regulations
subject to the following conditions:
1. Condition B2 applies.
2. You must only launch or pick up
trailered boats at the following boat ramps:
Dodge Bottom, Hayfarm, Lombard, and SixMile.
3. We prohibit taking of mollusk, crustacean, reptile, and amphibian from the refuge.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 55188, Nov. 3, 1994; 60 FR 62049, Dec. 4,
1995; 62 FR 47383, Sept. 9, 1997; 63 FR 2182,
Jan. 14, 1998; 65 FR 30795, May 12, 2000; 67 FR
58952, Sept. 18, 2002; 69 FR 54362, 54473, Sept.
8, 2004]

§ 32.71 United States Unincorporated
Pacific Insular Possessions.
The following refuge units have been
opened to hunting and/or fishing, and
are listed in alphabetical order with
applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. [Reserved]
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish and lobster only in accordance with a refuge fishing
leaflet available at refuge headquarters.
[58 FR 5064, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 59
FR 55188, Nov. 3, 1994; 61 FR 46399, Sept. 3,
1996; 63 FR 46922, Sept. 3, 1998; 65 FR 30795,
May 12, 2000; 65 FR 56411, Sept. 18, 2000; 69 FR
54362, 54474, Sept. 8, 2004]

§ 32.72 Guam.
We have opened the following refuge
unit to hunting and/or fishing with applicable refuge-specific regulations.
A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. [Reserved]
B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved]
C. Big Game Hunting. [Reserved]
D. Sport Fishing. Anglers may fish and collect marine life on designated areas of the
refuge only in accordance with refuge and
Government of Guam laws and regulations.
The leaflet is available at the refuge headquarters and anglers are subject to the following additional conditions:
1. Anglers may be on the refuge from 8:30
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. daily, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day.


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Pt. 34

50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–04 Edition)

2. We prohibit overnight camping on the
3. You may not possess surround or gill
nets on the refuge.
4. We prohibit the collection of corals,
giant clams (Tridacna and Hippopus spp.),
and coconut crabs (Birgus latro) on the refuge.
5. We prohibit use of Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) to take
fish or invertebrates.
6. We prohibit anchoring boats on the refuge.
7. We prohibit sailboards or motorized personal watercraft on the refuge.
[65 FR 30795, May 12, 2000, as amended at 66
FR 46363, Sept. 4, 2001; 67 FR 58953, Sept. 18,
2002; 69 FR 54362, Sept. 8, 2004]


Eligibility of areas.
Distribution of revenues.
Schedule of appraisals.
Fair market value appraisals.
Appropriations authorized.

AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 715s, as amended.
SOURCE: 44 FR 33073, June 8, 1979, unless
otherwise noted.

§ 34.1 Purpose.
The purpose of the regulations contained in this part is to prescribe the
procedures for making payments in
lieu of taxes to counties for areas administered by the Secretary through
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in
accordance with the Revenue Sharing
§ 34.2 Authority.
(a) The Act of October 17, 1978, Pub.
L. 95–469, amended the Act of June 15,
1935, as amended by the Act of August
30, 1964 (78 Stat. 701; 16 U.S.C. 715s), by
revising the formula and extending the
revenue sharing provisions to all fee
and reserve areas that are administered solely or primarily by the Secretary through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Payments under this Act
may be used for any governmental purpose.
(b) Pursuant to title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252; 42

U.S.C. 2000d), and the regulations
issued pursuant thereto, which are contained in 43 CFR part 17, counties must
file an assurance with the Department,
comply with the terms of the assurances, and comply with regulations
contained in 43 CFR part 17 in order to
continue to receive this Federal financial assistance.
§ 34.3


(a) The term fee area means any area
which was acquired in fee by the
United States and is administered, either solely or primarily, by the Secretary through the Service.
(b) The term reserve area means any
area of land withdrawn from the public
domain and administered, either solely
or primarily, by the Secretary through
the Service. For the purpose of these
regulations, reserve areas also include
lands in Hawaii, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, which were initially administered by the United States through Act
of Congress, Executive Order, Public
Land Order or Proclamation of the
President and administered, either
solely or primarily, by the Secretary
through the Service.
(c) The term county means any county, parish, organized or unorganized
borough, township or municipality, or
other unit of local government that is
the primary collector for general purpose real property taxes where fee
areas and/or reserve areas are located.
For the purpose of sharing revenues,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
Guam, and the Virgin Islands shall
each be treated as a county.
(d) The term fund means the revenues received by the Service from (1)
the sale or disposition of animals,
salmonoid carcasses and eggs, products
of the soil (including, but not limited
to, timber, hay, and grass), minerals,
shells, sand, and gravel; (2) leases for
public accommodations or facilities incidental to, but not in conflict with,
the basic purpose of such areas; and (3)
other privileges, including industrial
leases at Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Illinois, as authorized by
Section 8 of Pub. L. 95–616, approved
October 27, 1978. The Service may pay
from such fund any necessary expenses


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