Ag Shipper – Web Survey

2019 Agricultural Shipper Transportation Needs Survey: Ohio River System

Ohio River Attachment 3 - Ag shipper survey web survey questions flow and logic 7-18-2017

Ag Shipper – Web Survey

OMB: 0710-0022

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Ag shipper survey web survey questions flow and logic 7-18-2017.docx

2017 Agricultural Shipper Transportation Needs Survey

Web Survey Flow of Questions and Logic

OMB Control #: 0710-0018 Expiration: 11/30/2019

Use of web based technology for this survey has required that some of the question presentations from the paper survey be asked or structured differently. For example use of tables in a paper survey is fairly intuitive for completion or skipping of certain information. Then in a computer context, they question has to be separated to replicate the same data collection. Actual data collected will be nearly identical to that collected via the paper survey form. Survey logic is in italics by the appropriate response or under the question if it applies to any response. Additional notes describe more complex logic or how information is inserted into repetitive questions.

Question #


Values/Logic Flow

Additional notes


What is the primary commodity you ship from this elevator?

____ Commodity

Text box field, open ended


At this location do you have loading capabilities for…


o Yes

o No

Rail Cars

o Yes (answer 02b)

o No (answer 02c)


o Yes

o No (answer 02d)


What is your rail car loading capacity?

____ # cars

Text box field, open ended


How close is the nearest rail loading facility to this elevator?

____ miles

Text box field, open ended


How close is the nearest barge loading facility to this elevator?

____ miles

Text box field, open ended


What commodity was shipped in your last shipment?

____ commodity

Text box field, open ended


Where was this commodity shipped to?

____ City ____ State

Text box field, open ended


What type of destination is this?

o River terminal

o Another Elevator

o Railroad Terminal

o Processing Plant

o Other (specify) ____

Other has text box field, open ended for specific type


How large was this shipment (payload weight)?

What was the unit of weight or volume for this last shipment?

____ payload weight

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


Did you use any of the following modes of transportation in this last shipment?


o Yes (answer 06b-d)

o No


o Yes (answer 06b-d)

o No


o Yes (answer 06b-d)

o No

If all responses no, skip to Q10


What was the distance traveled by [mode] for this last shipment?

____ miles traveled by [mode]

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q06aa where “yes” was selected.


What was the TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELED by ALL MODES for this last shipment?

____ TOTAL miles traveled by ALL MODES

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q06aa


What was the [mode] transportation rate per unit?

What was the unit of weight or volume for this last shipment?

____ $ transportation rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q06aa where “yes” was selected.

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What was the TOTAL TRANSPORTATION COST per unit?

What was the unit of weight or volume for this last shipment?

____ Total Cost rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q06aa

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What do you estimate was the shipment time (include scheduling time, wait for equipment and transit time)?

____ days ____ hours

Text box field, open ended


How reliable is the service?

____ percent on-time arrivals

Text box field, open ended


What price did you receive for your commodity at the destination terminal?

What was the unit of weight or volume for this last shipment?

____ dollars per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


If the mode and destination you used for your last shipment had not been available and would never be available, what would you do?

o Shut down

(answer 25)

o Continue your operations

First Shipping Alternative


Where would this commodity shipped to?

____ City ____ State

Text box field, open ended


What type of destination is this?

o River terminal

o Another Elevator

o Railroad terminal

o Processing Plant

o Other (specify) ____

Other has text box field, open ended for specific type


Would you use any of the following modes of transportation in this first alternate shipment?


o Yes (answer 12b-d)

o No


o Yes (answer 12b-d)

o No


o Yes (answer 12b-d)

o No

If all responses no, skip to Q17x1


What would be the distance traveled by [mode] for this first alternate shipment?

____ miles traveled by [mode]

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q12aa where “yes” was selected.


What would be the TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELED by ALL MODES for this first alternate shipment?

____ TOTAL miles traveled by ALL MODES

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q12aa


What would be the [mode] transportation rate per unit would be?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this first alternate shipment?

____ $ transportation rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q12aa where “yes” was selected.

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What would be the TOTAL TRANSPORTATION COST per unit?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this first alternate shipment would be?

____ Total Cost rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q12aa

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What do you estimate would be the shipment time (include scheduling time, wait for equipment and transit time)?

____ days ____ hours

Text box field, open ended


How reliable would the service be?

____ percent on-time arrivals

Text box field, open ended


How large would this shipment be (payload weight)?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this first alternate shipment?

____ payload weight

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What price would you receive for your commodity at the destination terminal?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this first alternate shipment?

____ dollars per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


Do you have any additional shipping alternatives?

o Yes

o No (answer 24)

Not on the mail instrument. This has the same function as Q10 on the web.

Second Shipping Alternative

17ac, 17as

Where would this commodity shipped to?

____ City ____ State

Text box field, open ended


What type of destination is this?

o River terminal

o Another Elevator

o Railroad terminal

o Processing Plant

o Other (specify) ____

Other has text box field, open ended for specific type


Would you use any of the following modes of transportation in this second alternate shipment?


o Yes (answer 19b-d)

o No


o Yes (answer 19b-d)

o No


o Yes (answer 19b-d)

o No

If all responses no, skip to Q17x2


What would be the distance traveled by [mode] for this second alternate shipment?

____ miles traveled by [mode]

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q19aa where “yes” was selected.


What would be the TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELED by ALL MODES for this second alternate shipment?

____ TOTAL miles traveled by ALL MODES

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q19aa


What would be the [mode] transportation rate per unit?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this second alternate shipment?

____ $ transportation rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q19aa where “yes” was selected.

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What would be the TOTAL TRANSPORTATION COST per unit?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this second alternate shipment?

____ Total Cost rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q19aa

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What do you estimate would be the shipment time (include scheduling time, wait for equipment and transit time)?

____ days ____ hours

Text box field, open ended


How reliable would the service would be?

____ percent on-time arrivals

Text box field, open ended


How large would this shipment be (payload weight)?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this second alternate shipment?

____ payload weight

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What price would be you receive for your commodity at the destination terminal?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this second alternate shipment?

____ dollars per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


Do you have any additional shipping alternatives?

o Yes

o No (answer 24)

Not on the mail instrument. This has the same function as Q10 on the web.

Third Shipping Alternative

17bc, 17bs

Where was this commodity shipped to?

____ City ____ State

Text box field, open ended


What type of destination is this?

o River terminal

o Another Elevator

o Railroad terminal

o Processing Plant

o Other (specify) ____

Other has text box field, open ended for specific type


Would you use any of the following modes of transportation in this third alternate shipment?


o Yes (answer 19e-g)

o No


o Yes (answer 19e-g)

o No


o Yes (answer 19e-g)

o No

If all responses no, skip to Q24


What would be the distance traveled by [mode] for this third alternate shipment?

____ miles traveled by [mode]

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q19aa2 where “yes” was selected.


What would be the TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELED by ALL MODES for this third alternate shipment?

____ TOTAL miles traveled by ALL MODES

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q19aa2


What would be the [mode] transportation rate per unit?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this third alternate shipment?

____ $ transportation rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Question is repeated for each mode in Q19aa2 where “yes” was selected.

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What would be the TOTAL TRANSPORTATION COST per unit?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this third alternate shipment?

____ Total Cost rate per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Asked if “yes” was selected for at least one mode in Q19aa2

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What do you estimate would be the shipment time (include scheduling time, wait for equipment and transit time)?

____ days ____ hours

Text box field, open ended


How reliable is the service?

____ percent on-time arrivals

Text box field, open ended


How large would this shipment would be (payload weight)?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this third alternate shipment?

____ payload weight

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


What price would you receive for your commodity at the destination terminal?

What would be the unit of weight or volume for this third alternate shipment?

____ dollars per unit

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


Of the alternative shipments, if any, what is your “preferred alternative”? That is, if you could not make the shipment you made what shipment would you have made?

o First Alternative

o Second Alternative

o Third Alternative

o Other Alternative (specify) ____

Other Alternative has text box field, open ended for specific description

End Alternative Shipment Section


For your last shipment, if the transportation rate increased «Percent_change1»%, would you continue with the original mode and destination or switch to your best alternative choice?

o Continue to use Original mode

o Switch to Best Alternative Choice (answer 26)

o Go out-of-business (answer 26)


If you would continue to use your Original mode, what percentage increase in the transportation rate would be necessary to cause you to switch to the Alternative transportation mode?

____ % increase

Text box field, open ended


For your last shipment, if the transit time (including scheduling and wait for equipment) for the original option increased «Percent_change2»%, would you continue with the original mode and destination or switch to the alternative at this location?

o Continue to use Original mode

o Switch to Best Alternative Choice (answer 27)

o Go out-of-business (answer 27)


If you would continue to use your Original mode, what percentage increase in the transit time would be necessary to cause you to switch to the Alternative transportation mode?

____ % increase

Text box field, open ended


For your last shipment, if the reliability (percentage of time shipments arrived on-time) of the original option decreased «Percent_change3»%, would you continue with the original mode and destination or switch to the alternative at this location?

o Continue to use Original mode

o Switch to Best Alternative Choice (answer 28)

o Go out-of-business (answer 28)


If continue to use Original mode, what percentage decrease in the reliability would be necessary to cause you to switch to the Alternative transportation mode?

____ % decrease

Text box field, open ended


If the average transportation rate you pay increased by «Percent_change4»%, would your annual volume shipped decrease (assume the rate increase applies to BOTH you and to your competitors)?

o Yes

o No (answer 29)


If yes, by how much would the volume decrease (assuming the rate increase applies to both you and to your competitors)?

____ volume decrease

Text box field, open ended


If the average transportation rate you pay increased by «Percent_change5»%, would your annual volume decrease (assume that the rate increase applies ONLY to your firm and NOT to your competitors)?

o Yes

o No (answer 30)


If yes, by how much would the volume decrease (assuming that the rate increase applies ONLY to your firm and NOT to your competitors)?

____ volume decrease

Text box field, open ended


If the average time in transit increased by [percent change]«Percent_change6»%, would your annual volume decrease?

o Yes

o No (answer 31)


If yes, by how much would the volume decrease?

____ volume decrease

Text box field, open ended


If the average time that shipments arrive on-time decreased by «Percent_change7»%, would your annual volume decrease?

o Yes

o No (answer 32)


If yes, by how much would the volume decrease?

____ volume decrease

Text box field, open ended


How long has this elevator been at its current location?

____ years

Text box field, open ended


How large is your elevator (Total Amount of Annual Units Shipped)

Type of unit for this elevator

____ Total Amount of Annual Units Shipped

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


How large is your elevator (Total Amount of Storage Capacity)?

Type of unit for this elevator

____ Total Amount of Storage Capacity

o Tons

o Hundred weight (Cwt)

o Gallons

o Bushels

o Shipment

o Other (specify) ____

Text box field, open ended

Other has text box field, open ended for specific unit


Does your firm (or parent firm) own export or import facilities?

o Yes

o No


How many facilities such as this one does your firm own and/or operate?

____ number of elevators

Text box field, open ended


Thank you for your help with this study. We would welcome any additional comments you would like to provide about shipping.

Text area field, open ended

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File Modified0000-00-00
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