Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Measures under Consideration 2019 Data Template for Candidate Measures
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Field Label |
Req'd |
Screen Guidance |
Data Form |
Possible Values |
Add Your Content Here |
1 |
Auto Date (no user input required) |
2 |
Issue Type |
Yes |
Select Measure Submission to nominate a measure for the 2019 MUC list. Select Question to ask a question on the MUC process. Select Modify Candidate Measure to change a measure already submitted for 2019. Select Feedback to leave feedback about the 2019 MUC process. |
Select one |
Measure Submission Question Modify Candidate Measure Feedback |
3 |
Component/s |
Yes |
Start typing to get a list of possible matches or press down to select. Enter CMS program(s) for which the measure is being submitted.
If you are submitting for MIPS, there are two choices of program. Choose MIPS-Quality for measures that pertain to quality and/or efficiency. Choose MIPS-Cost only for measures that pertain to cost. Do not select both MIPS-Quality and MIPS-Cost for the same measure.
If you select MIPS (either Quality or Cost), please navigate to the Additional Resources list at this web site:, download the “MIPS Peer Review Template and a Completed Sample,” and attach the completed form to your JIRA submission using the “Attachments” field at the bottom of this web page. |
Multi-select |
Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting Program End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program Home Health Quality Reporting Program Hospice Quality Reporting Program Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality Reporting Program Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program Medicare and Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program for Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) Medicare Shared Savings Program Merit-based Incentive Payment System-Cost Merit-based Incentive Payment System-Quality Prospective Payment System-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting Program Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program |
4 |
What is the history or background for including this measure on the 2019 MUC list? |
Yes |
Select only one reason |
Select one |
None New measure never reviewed by MAP Workgroup or used in a CMS program Measure previously submitted to MAP, refined and resubmitted per MAP recommendation Measure currently used in a CMS program being submitted as-is for a new or different program Measure currently used in a CMS program, but the measure is undergoing substantial change |
5 |
If currently used: |
6 |
Range of year(s) this measure has been used by CMS Program(s). |
No |
For example: Hospice Quality Reporting (2012-2018) |
Free text |
7 |
What other federal programs are currently using this measure? |
No |
Select as many as apply. These should be current use programs only, not programs for the 2019 submittal. |
Multi-select |
Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting Program End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) Health Homes Core Set Home Health Quality Reporting Program Hospice Quality Reporting Program Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality Reporting Program Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program Medicaid Adult Core Set Medicaid and CHIP Child Core Set Medicare and Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program for Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals Medicare and Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program for Eligible Professionals Medicare Part C Medicare Part D Medicare Shared Savings Program Merit-based Incentive Payment System |
What other federal programs are currently using this measure? (continued) |
Prospective Payment System-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting Program Quality Health Plan Quality Rating System Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program |
8 |
Summary |
Yes |
Provide the measure title only (255 characters or less). Put program-specific ID number in the next field, not in the title. Note: Do not enter the NQF ID, former JIRA MUC ID number, or any other ID numbers here (see below). |
Free text 255 characters max |
9 |
Measure ID |
No |
Alphanumeric identifier (if applicable), such as a recognized program ID number for this measure (20 characters or less). Examples: 199 GPRO HF-5; ACO 28; CTM-3; PQI #08. Fields for the NQF ID number and previous year(s) JIRA MUC ID number are provided in other data fields within this form. |
Free text 20 characters max |
10 |
Measure description |
Yes |
Provide a brief description of the measure (700 characters or less). When you paste text, any content over the limit will be truncated. |
Free text 700 characters or less) |
11 |
Numerator |
Yes |
The upper portion of a fraction used to calculate a rate, proportion, or ratio. A clinical action to be counted as meeting a measure's requirements. For all fields, especially Numerator and Denominator, use plain text whenever possible. If needed, convert any special symbols, math expressions, or equations to plain text (keyboard alphanumeric, such as + - * /). This will help reduce errors and speed up data conversion, team evaluation, and MUC report formatting. |
Free text |
12 |
Denominator |
Yes |
The lower part of a fraction used to calculate a rate, proportion, or ratio. The denominator is associated with a given patient population that may be counted as eligible to meet a measure’s inclusion requirements. |
Free text |
13 |
Exclusions/Exceptions |
Yes |
If applicable, specify Numerator Exclusion, Denominator Exclusion, or Denominator Exception. |
Free text |
14 |
Measure Type |
Yes |
Select only one type of measure. For definitions, visit this web site: and link to the user guide under The JIRA System. |
Select one |
None Composite Cost/Resource Use Efficiency Intermediate Outcome Outcome Patient Reported Outcome Process Structure Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this form) |
15 |
Which clinical guideline(s)? |
No |
The measure should improve compliance with standard clinical guidelines. Provide a detailed description of which guideline supports the measure and how the measure will enhance compliance with the clinical guidelines. Indicate whether the guideline is evidence-based or consensus-based. |
Free text |
16 |
Is this measure similar to and/or competing with measure(s) already in a program? |
Yes |
Consider other measures with similar purposes. |
Select one |
Yes No |
17 |
If Yes: |
18 |
Which measure(s) already in a program is your measure similar to and/or competing with? |
No |
Identify the other measure(s) including title and any other unique identifier |
Free text |
19 |
How will this measure add value to the CMS program? |
No |
Describe benefits of this measure, in comparison to measure(s) already in a program. |
Free text |
20 |
How will this measure be distinguished from other similar and/or competing measures? |
No |
Describe key differences that set this measure apart from others. |
Free text |
21 |
What is the target population of the measure? |
Yes |
What populations are included in this measure? e.g., Medicare Fee for Service, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, CHIP, All Payer, etc. |
Free text |
22 |
What one area of specialty is the measure aimed to, or which specialty is most likely to report this measure? |
Yes |
Select the most applicable area of specialty. Use the scroll bar to view all available specialties. |
Select one |
See Appendix A.22 for list choices. |
23 |
What one primary healthcare priority applies to this measure? |
Yes |
Healthcare priorities (also known as domains); select the best one. |
Select one |
Make care safer by reducing harm caused in the delivery of care
Strengthen person and family engagement as partners in their care
Promote effective communication and coordination of care
Promote effective prevention and treatment of chronic disease
Work with communities to promote best practices of healthy living
Make care affordable |
24 |
What one primary meaningful measure area applies to this measure? |
Yes |
Select the best one. The meaningful measure area choices depend on your selection of primary healthcare priority above. |
Select one |
If #23 is Make care safer…, then choices are: Healthcare-associated infections Preventable healthcare harm
If #23 is Strengthen person…, then choices are: Care is personalized and aligned with patient’s goals End of life care according to preferences Patient’s experience of care Functional outcomes
If #23 is Promote effective communication…, then choices are: Medication management Admissions and readmissions to hospitals Transfer of health information and interoperability
If #23 is Promote effective prevention…, then choices are: Preventive care Management of chronic conditions Prevention, treatment, and management of mental health Prevention and treatment of opioid and substance use disorders Risk adjusted mortality
If #23 is Work with communities…, then choices are: Equity of care Community engagement
If #23 is Make care affordable, then choices are: Appropriate use of healthcare Patient-focused episode of care Risk adjusted total cost of care |
25 |
What secondary healthcare priority applies to this measure? |
No |
Healthcare priorities (also known as domains); select one alternate or secondary priority only if applicable. |
Select one |
Make care safer by reducing harm caused in the delivery of care
Strengthen person and family engagement as partners in their care
Promote effective communication and coordination of care
Promote effective prevention and treatment of chronic disease
Work with communities to promote best practices of healthy living
Make care affordable
26 |
What secondary meaningful measure area applies to this measure? |
No |
Select an alternate or secondary area only if applicable. The meaningful measure area choices depend on your selection of secondary healthcare priority above. |
Select one |
If #24 is Make care safer…, then choices are: Healthcare-associated infections Preventable healthcare harm
If #24 is Strengthen person…, then choices are: Care is personalized and aligned with patient’s goals End of life care according to preferences Patient’s experience of care Functional outcomes
If #24 is Promote effective communication…, then choices are: Medication management Admissions and readmissions to hospitals Transfer of health information and interoperability
If #24 is Promote effective prevention…, then choices are: Preventive care Management of chronic conditions Prevention, treatment, and management of mental health Prevention and treatment of opioid and substance use disorders Risk adjusted mortality
If #24 is Work with communities…, then choices are: Equity of care Community engagement
If #24 is Make care affordable, then choices are: Appropriate use of healthcare Patient-focused episode of care Risk adjusted total cost of care |
27 |
Briefly describe the peer reviewed evidence justifying this measure |
Yes |
Add description of evidence. |
Free text |
28 |
What is the NQF status of the measure? |
Yes |
Select only one. Refer to for information on NQF endorsement, measure ID, and other information. |
Select one |
None Endorsed Endorsement Removed Submitted Failed endorsement Never submitted |
29 |
Yes |
Four- or five-digit identifier with leading zeros and following letter if needed. If no NQF ID number is known, enter numerals 0000. |
Can be four- or five-character alphanumeric ID value |
30 |
Evidence that the measure can be operationalized |
No |
Provide evidence that the data source used by the measure is readily available to CMS. Summarize how CMS would operationalize the measure. For example, if the measure is based on registry data, the submitter must provide evidence that the majority of the hospitals in the program in which the measure will be used participate in the registry; if the measure is registry-based, the submitter must provide a plan for CMS to gain access to the registry data. For eCQMs, attach feasibility scorecard or other quantitative evidence indicating measure can be reported by the intended reporting entities. |
Free text |
31 |
If endorsed: |
32 |
Is the measure being submitted exactly as endorsed by NQF? |
No |
Select only one |
Radio button |
Yes No |
33 |
If not exactly as endorsed, specify the locations of the differences |
No |
Which specification fields are different? Select as many as apply. |
Multi-select |
Measure title Description Numerator Denominator Exclusions Target Population Setting (for testing) Level of analysis Data source eCQM status Other (see next field) |
34 |
If not exactly as endorsed, describe the nature of the differences |
No |
Briefly describe the differences |
Free text |
35 |
Year of most recent NQF Consensus Development Process (CDP) endorsement |
No |
Select one |
Select one |
None 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 |
36 |
Year of next anticipated NQF CDP endorsement review |
No |
Select one |
Select one |
None 2019 2020 2021 2022 |
37 |
In what state of development is the measure? |
Yes |
Select as many as apply. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. |
Multi-select |
Early Development Field Testing Fully Developed |
38 |
State of Development Details |
No |
Details are helpful to CMS in understanding where the measure is in the developmental cycle and will weigh heavily in determining whether or not the measure will be published on the MUC List.
If you selected early development above, meaning testing is not currently underway, please describe when testing is planned (i.e., specific dates), what type of testing is planned (e.g., alpha, beta, etc.) as well as the types of facilities in which the measure will be tested.
If you selected field testing or fully developed above, please describe what testing (e.g., alpha, beta, etc.) has taken place in addition to the results of that testing.
Related to testing, summarize results from validity testing including number of reporting entities and patients measured, and how validity was assessed. Summarize results from reliability testing including number of reporting entities and patients measured, and how reliability was assessed. |
Free text |
39 |
In which setting was this measure tested? |
Yes |
Select as many as apply. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. |
Multi-select |
None Ambulatory surgery center Ambulatory/office-based care Behavioral health clinic and treatment facility Community hospitals Dialysis facility Emergency department Federally qualified health center (FQHC) Hospital outpatient department (HOD) Home health Hospital inpatient Hospital/acute care facility Inpatient psychiatric facility Inpatient rehabilitation facility IP units within acute care hospitals Long-term care hospital Nursing home Post-acute care facility(s) PPS-exempt cancer hospital Psychiatric outpatient Veterans Health Administration facilities Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this screen) |
40 |
At what level of analysis was the measure tested? |
Yes |
Select as many as apply. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. |
Multi-select |
None Clinician Group Facility Health plan Medicaid program (e.g., Health Home or 1115) State Not yet tested Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this screen) |
41 |
What data sources are used for the measure? |
Yes |
Select as many as apply. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections.
If Claims, then enter relevant parts in the field below.
If EHR, then enter relevant parts in the field below.
If Registry, then enter which registry in the field below.
Use the “Comments” field to specify or elaborate on the type of data source, if needed to define your measure. |
Multi-select |
Administrative clinical data Facility discharge data Chronic condition data warehouse (CCW) Claims CROWNWeb EHR Hybrid IRF-PAI LTCH CARE data set National Healthcare Safety Network OASIS-C1 Paper medical record Prescription Drug Event Data Elements PROMIS Record review Registry Survey State Vital Records Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this screen) None |
42 |
If Registry: |
43 |
Specify the registry(ies) |
No |
Identify the registry using the submitted measure. Select as many as apply. Use the scroll bar to view all available registries. |
Multi-select |
See Appendix A.43 for list choices. |
44 |
If EHR or Claims or Chart-Abstracted Data, description of parts related to these sources |
No |
Provide a brief, specific description of which parts of the measure are taken from EHR, claims-based, or chart-abstracted (i.e., paper medical records) data sources. |
Free text |
45 |
How is the measure expected to be reported to the program? |
Yes |
This differs from the data sources above. This is the anticipated data submission method. Select as many as apply. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. Use the “Comments” field to specify or elaborate on the type of reporting data, if needed to define your measure. |
Multi-select |
eCQM CQM (Registry) Claims Web interface Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this screen) |
46 |
Is this measure an eCQM? |
Yes |
Is this an electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM)? Select only one. If your answer is yes, the Measure Authoring Tool (MAT) ID number must be provided below. |
Select one |
Yes No |
47 |
If eCQM = Yes |
48 |
If eCQM, enter Measure Authoring Tool (MAT) number |
Yes |
In the Attachments field below, you must attach Bonnie test cases for this measure, with 100% logic coverage (test cases should be appended), attestation that value sets are published in Value Set Authority Center, and NQF feasibility scorecard. If not an eCQM, or if MAT number is not available, enter 0. |
Free text |
49 |
If eCQM, does the measure have a Health Quality Measures Format (HQMF) specification in alignment with the latest HQMF standards? |
Yes |
If not eCQM, select No |
Select one |
Yes No |
50 |
Evidence of performance gap |
Yes |
Evidence of a performance gap among the units of analysis in which the measure will be implemented. Provide analytic evidence that the units of analysis have room for improvement and, therefore, that the implementation of the measure would be meaningful. The distribution of performance should be wide. Measures must not address “topped-out” opportunities. Please provide current rate of performance and standard deviation from that rate to demonstrate variability. If available, please provide information on the testing data set. If available, include percent average performance rate, minimum, and maximum. Include validity and reliability values in a standard format, and the population size used in determining these values. |
Free text |
51 |
Unintended consequences |
No |
Summary of potential unintended consequences if the measure is implemented. Information can be taken from NQF CDP manuscripts or documents. If referencing NQF documents, you must submit the document or a link to the document, and the page being referenced. |
Free text |
52 |
Was this measure published on a previous year's Measures under Consideration list? |
Yes |
If yes, you are submitting an existing measure for expansion into additional CMS programs or the measure has substantially changed since originally published, then proceed to the following subset of data fields including: In what prior year(s) was this measure published?, What were the MUC IDs for the measure in each year?, Why was the measure not recommended by the MAP workgroups in those year(s)?, What were the programs that NQF MAP reviewed the measure for in each year?, List the NQF MAP workgroup(s) in each year, What was the NQF MAP recommendation each year?, and NQF MAP report page number being referenced for each year. If no, then skip these subset questions. |
Select one |
Yes No |
53 |
In what prior year(s) was this measure published? |
No |
Select as many as apply. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. |
Multi-select |
None 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this screen) |
54 |
What were the MUC IDs for the measure in each year? |
No |
List both the year and the associated MUC ID number in each year. If unknown, enter N/A. |
Free text |
55 |
List the NQF MAP workgroup(s) in each year |
No |
List both the year and the associated workgroup name in each year. Workgroup options: Clinician; Hospital; Post-Acute Care/Long-Term Care; Coordinating Committee. Example: "Clinician, 2014" |
Free text |
56 |
What were the programs that NQF MAP reviewed the measure for in each year? |
No |
List both the year and the associated program name in each year. |
Free text |
57 |
What was the NQF MAP recommendation in each year? |
No |
List the year(s), the program(s), and the associated recommendation(s) in each year. Options: Support; Do Not Support; Conditionally Support; Refine and Resubmit |
Free text |
58 |
Why was the measure not recommended by the MAP workgroups in those year(s)? |
No |
Briefly describe the reason(s) if known. |
Free text |
59 |
NQF MAP report link for each year |
For your reference in completing this section, click on the links below or copy/paste the links into your browser to view each year's MAP pre-rulemaking report (2012 to 2019).
2019: Link currently unavailable
All major NQF reports going back to 2008 should be locatable here:
60 |
NQF MAP report page number being referenced for each year |
No |
List both the year and the associated MAP report page number for each year. |
Free text |
61 |
If this measure is being submitted to meet a statutory requirement, please list the corresponding statute |
No |
List title and other identifying citation information. |
Free text |
62 |
Measure steward |
Yes |
Select the current Measure Steward. Select as many as apply. Use the scroll bar to view all available stewards. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. |
Multi-select |
See Appendix A.62-64 for list choices. |
63 |
Measure Steward Contact Information |
Yes |
Last name, First name; Affiliation (if different); Telephone number; Email address |
Free text |
64 |
Long-Term Measure Steward (if different) |
No |
Entity or entities that will be the permanent measure steward(s), responsible for maintaining the measure and conducting NQF maintenance review. Use the scroll bar to view all available stewards. Hold down the Ctrl button while choosing to make multiple selections. |
Multi-select |
See Appendix A.62-64 for list choices. |
65 |
Long-Term Measure Steward Contact Information |
No |
If different from Steward above: Last name, First name; Affiliation; Telephone number; Email address |
Free text |
66 |
Primary Submitter Contact Information |
Yes |
If different from Steward above: Last name, First name; Affiliation; Telephone number; Email address |
Free text |
67 |
Secondary Submitter Contact Information |
No |
If different from name(s) above: Last name, First name; Affiliation; Telephone number; Email address |
Free text |
68 |
Comments |
No |
Any notes, qualifiers, external references, or other information not specified above. For OTHER entries: please indicate the type of additional data you are providing, such as Measure Type, Setting, Level of Analysis, or Measure Steward. |
Free text |
69 |
Attachment(s) |
No |
The maximum file upload size is 10.00 MB. You are encouraged to attach measure information form (MIF) if available. This is a detailed description of the measure used by NQF during endorsement proceedings. If a MIF is not available, comprehensive measure methodology documents are encouraged.
If you select MIPS, please navigate to the Additional Resources list at this web site:, download the “MIPS Peer Review Template and a Completed Sample,” and attach the completed form to your JIRA submission using the “Attachments” field at the bottom of this web page.
If eCQM, you must attach Bonnie test cases for this measure, with 100% logic coverage (test cases should be appended), attestation that value sets are published in Value Set Authority Center, and NQF feasibility scorecard. |
Browse for files |
70 |
MIPS Journal Article Requirement |
No |
For those submitting measures to MIPS program, click “Yes” after you have attached your completed Peer Reviewed Journal Article Requirement form. |
Radio button |
Yes No |
Appendix: Lengthy Drop-Down List Choices
A.22 Choices for What area of specialty best fits the measure?
Cardiac surgery
Cardiovascular disease
Chiropractic medicine
Colorectal surgery
Critical care medicine (intensivists)
Diagnostic radiology
Emergency medicine
Family practice
General practice
General surgery
Geriatric medicine
Hand surgery
and palliative care
Infectious disease
Interventional pain management
Maxillofacial surgery
Medical oncology
health professionals
surgery (dentists only)
Orthopedic surgery
manipulative medicine
Pain management
Palliative care
Peripheral vascular disease
Physical medicine
and rehabilitation
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Preventive medicine
Pulmonary disease
Sleep medicine
Surgical oncology
Thoracic surgery
Other (enter
in Comments at far bottom of this screen)
A.43 Choices for Specify the registry(ies)
CDC, NHSN (National Healthcare Safety Network)
American Nursing Association’s National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators® (NDNQI®)
American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program ASC NSQIP)
American College of Surgeons National Cancer Data Base (ASC NCDB)
American Heart Association’s Get With the Guidelines Database
Alere Analytics Registry
American Board of Family Medicine Registry
American College of Surgeons (ACS) Surgeon Specific Registry (SSR)
American Health IT
American Osteopathic Association Clinical Assessment Program
American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI)
Anesthesia Quality Institute National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR)
Bayview Physician Services Registry
BMC Clinical Data Warehouse Registry
Care Coordination Institute Registry
CECity Registry (“PQRSwizard”)
Cedaron Medical
Central Utah Informatics
Clinical Support Services
Conifer Value-Based Care
Corrona, LLC
Covisint Corporation Registry (formerly Docsite)
Crimson Care Registry
DC2 Healthcare (NOC2 Spine Registry and C3 Total Joint Registry)
Digital Medical Solutions Registry
DrexelMed Registry
E* Inc
eClinicalWeb (eClinicalWorks) Registry
EVMS Academic Physicians and Surgeons Health Services Foundation
Falcon Registry
FOTO PQRS Registry
Fresenium Medical Care CKD Data Registry
Geriatric Practice Management LTC Registry
Greenway Health PrimeDATACLOUD PQRS Registry
HCA Physician Services PQRS Registry
HCFS Health Care Financial Services LLC (HCFS)
Health Focus Registry
Ingenious Med, Inc.
Intellicure, Inc
Intelligent Healthcare
iPatientCare Registry
IPC The Hospitalist Company Registry
IRISTM Registry
Johns Hopkins Disease Registry
Lumeris Registry
M2S Registry
Mankato Clinic Registry
Massachusetts General Physicians Organization Registry
McKesson Population Manager
MedAmerica/CEP America Registry
Meditab Software, Inc
MedXpress Registry
MEGAS, LLC Alpha II Registry
Michigan Spine Surgery Improvement Collaborative
Net Health Specialty Care Registry
Net.Orange cOS Registry
NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA)’s National Neurosurgery Quality & Outcomes Database (N2QOD)
NextGen Healthcare Solutions
NJ-HITEC Clinical Reporting Registry
PMI Registry
PQRS Solutions
Pulse PQRS Registry
Quintiles PQRS Registry
ReportingMD Registry
RexRegistry by Prometheus Research
Solutions for Quality Improvement (SQI) Registry
Specialty Benchmarks Registry
SunCoast RHIO
SupportMed Data Analytics & Registry
Surgical Care and Outcomes Assessment Program (SCOAP)
SwedishAmerican Medical Group
TeamPraxis-Allscripts CQS
The Pain Center USA PLLC
Unlimited Systems Specialty Healthcare Registry
Venous Patient Outcome Registry
Vericle, Inc.
Webconsort LLC
WebOutcomes LLC
WebPT, Inc
Wellcentive, Inc
Wisconsin Collaborative for Health Care Quality Registry
AAAAI Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Quality Clinical Data Registry in collaboration with CECity
American College of Cardiology Foundation FOCUS Registry
American College of Cardiology Foundation PINNACLE Registry
American College of Physicians Genesis RegistryTM in collaboration with CECity
American College of Radiology National Radiology Data Registry
American College of Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness
American Gastroenterological Association Colorectal Cancer Screening and Surveillance Registry in collaboration with CECity
American Gastroenterological Association Digestive Recognition Program Registry in collaboration with CECity
American Joint Replacement Registry
American Society of Breast Surgeons Mastery of Breast Surgery Program
American Society of Clinical Oncology Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI)R
Anesthesia Quality Institute National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry
Chronic Disease Registry, Inc
Faculty Practice Foundation, Inc. supported by BMC Clinical Data Warehouse Registry
Geriatric Practice Management LTC Qualified Clinical Data Registry
GI Quality Improvement Consortium’s GIQuIC Registry
Louisiana State University Health Care Quality Improvement Collaborative [Louisiana State University, Quality in Health Care Advisory Group, LLC (QHC Advisory Group), CECity]
Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative Quality Data Center QCDR
Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) QCDR
Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative QCDR
Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative QCDR
National Osteoporosis Foundation and National Bone Health Alliance Quality Improvement Registry in collaboration with CECity
Oncology Nursing Quality Improvement Registry in collaboration with CECity
Oncology Quality Improvement Collaborative (The US Oncology Network, McKesson Specialty Health, Quality in Health Care Advisory Group, LLC (QHC Advisory Group), CECity)
Physician Health Partners QCDR
Premier Healthcare Alliance Physician RegistryTM
Renal Physicians Association Quality Improvement Registry in collaboration with CECity
Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Database
The Guideline AdvantageTM (American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association) supported by Forward Health Group's PopulationManagerR
Vancouver Clinic
Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality
Wound Care Quality Improvement Collaborative (Paradigm Medical Management, Patient Safety Education Network (PSEN), Net Health Systems, Inc., CECity)
A.62-64 Choices for Measure steward (62) and Long-Term Measure Steward (if different) (64)
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
Alliance of Dedicated Cancer Centers
Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Quality Collaboration
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI)
American Academy of Dermatology
American Academy of Neurology
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (AAOHN)
American College of Cardiology
American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Emergency Physicians (previous steward Partners-Brigham & Women's)
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
American College of Radiology
American College of Rheumatology
American College of Surgeons
American Gastroenterological Association
American Health Care Association
American Medical Association
American Medical Association - Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
American Medical Association - Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement/American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
American Nurses Association
American Psychological Association
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
American Society for Radiation Oncology
American Society of Addiction Medicine
American Society of Anesthesiologists
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Urogynecologic Society
American Urological Association (AUA)
ASC Quality Collaboration
Audiology Quality Consortium/American Speech Language Hearing Association
Bridges to Excellence
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Eugene Gastroenterology Consultants, PC Oregon Endoscopy Center, LLC
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) - HIV/AIDS Bureau
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)
Indian Health Service
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
KCQA- Kidney Care Quality Alliance
MN Community Measurement
National Committee for Quality Assurance
National Minority Quality Forum
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Oregon Urology Institute
Oregon Urology Institute in collaboration with Large Urology Group Practice Association
Other (enter in Comments at far bottom of this screen)
Pharmacy Quality Alliance
Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies
RAND Corporation
Renal Physicians Association; joint copyright with American Medical Association - Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Society of Gynecologic Oncology
Society of Interventional Radiology
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Joint Commission
The Society for Vascular Surgery
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ
PRA Disclosure Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1314 (Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX). The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.5 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. ****CMS Disclosure**** Please do not send applications, claims, payments, medical records or any documents containing sensitive information to the PRA Reports Clearance Office. Please note that any correspondence not pertaining to the information collection burden approved under the associated OMB control number listed on this form will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained. If you have questions or concerns regarding where to submit your documents, please contact QPP at
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Measures under Consideration 2019 Data Template |
Subject | Measures under Consideration 2016 Data Template |
Author | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |