0005 published 60-day Federal Register Notice


Federal Oil and Gas Valuation–30 CFR Parts 1202, 1204, and 1206

0005 published 60-day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 1012-0005

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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 184 / Monday, September 23, 2019 / Notices

informing the public of the assessment
process. The NPS received no comments
on either the press release or the
subsequent notice.
Given that no lands at Big South Fork
NRRA currently eligible for wilderness
consideration, no wilderness study will
be undertaken pursuant to Management
Policies Section 2.2.2 to develop a
recommendation to Congress for
wilderness designation.
Dated: August 5, 2019.
Robert A. Vogel,
Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2019–20559 Filed 9–20–19; 8:45 am]

National Park Service

Determination of Eligibility for
Consideration as Wilderness Areas,
Obed Wild and Scenic River
National Park Service, Interior.
Notice of determination of
wilderness eligibility for lands in Obed
Wild and Scenic River.


Pursuant to the Wilderness
Act of 1964, and in accordance with
National Park Service (NPS)
Management Policies (2006), Section
6.2.1, the NPS has completed a
Wilderness Eligibility Assessment to
determine if lands within Obed Wild
and Scenic River (Obed WSR) meet
criteria indicating eligibility for
preservation as wilderness. Based on the
assessment, the NPS has concluded that
the assessed lands: (1) Are not
predominantly roadless and
undeveloped; (2) are not greater than
5,000 acres in size or of sufficient size
as to make practicable their preservation
and use in an unimpaired condition;
and (3) do not meet the wilderness
character criteria listed in the
Wilderness Act and NPS Management
Policies (2006). As a result of these
findings, the NPS has determined that
lands within the Obed WSR do not
warrant further study for possible
designation as wilderness.
ADDRESSES: A map of the lands assessed
is on file at Big South Fork National
River and Recreation Area
Headquarters, 4564 Leatherwood Road,
Oneida, Tennessee 37841.
Superintendent Niki Stephanie
Nicholas, Obed Wild and Scenic River,
by phone at 423–569–9778, via email at
OBRI_Superintendent@nps.gov, or by

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mail at Big South Fork National River
and Recreation Area, 4564 Leatherwood
Road, Oneida, Tennessee 37841.


WSR comprises approximately 5,530
acres on the Cumberland Plateau of
eastern Tennessee. The wild and scenic
designation encompasses 45 miles of the
Obed River and its tributaries, including
Clear Creek, Daddys Creek, and the
Emory River. Of the total acreage within
the boundary, only about 2,664 acres, in
noncontiguous tracts, are owned in fee
by the Federal government.
The Primary Eligibility Criteria found
in Section of NPS Management
Policies was reviewed to evaluate Obed
WSR’s wilderness eligibility. Based on
this review, the NPS has determined
that none of the acreage administered by
the NPS at Obed Wild and Scenic River
is eligible for designation as wilderness.
While parts of the wild and scenic river
are roadless, undeveloped, and appear
to have been affected primarily by the
forces of nature, no single area is over
5,000 acres in size or is of sufficient size
to make practicable its preservation and
use as wilderness in an unimpaired
condition. Areas owned in fee by the
NPS are interspersed with lands owned
by the State of Tennessee and by private
parties. The fragmentation of the NPS
fee lands and their small size precludes
their effective management as
A public notice announcing the NPS’s
intention to conduct this eligibility
assessment was placed in the Federal
Register on December 20, 2016. A
previous press release had been issued
to local media on August 22, 2016
informing the public of the assessment
process. The NPS received no comments
on either the press release or the
subsequent notice.
Given that lands at Obed WSR are not
eligible for wilderness consideration, a
wilderness study will not be prepared
pursuant to Management Policies
Section 2.2.2.

[Docket No. ONRR–2012–0006; DS63644000
DR2000000.CH7000 190D1113RT; OMB
Control Number 1012–0005]


Dated: September 5, 2019.
Robert A. Vogel,
Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2019–20560 Filed 9–20–19; 8:45 am]

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Office of Natural Resources Revenue

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Federal Oil and Gas
Office of Natural Resources
Revenue, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Office of Natural Resources Revenue
(ONRR) is proposing to renew an
information collection with revisions.
ONRR seeks renewed authority to
collect information pertaining to (1) the
Federal oil and gas valuation
regulations, which include
transportation and processing regulatory
allowance limits; and (2) the accounting
and auditing relief for marginal


You must submit your written
comments on or before November 22,


You may submit comments
on this Information Collection Request
(ICR) to ONRR by using one of the
following three methods (please
reference ‘‘ICR 1012–0005’’ in the
subject line of your comments):
1. Electronically go to http://
www.regulations.gov. In the entry titled
‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter ‘‘ONRR–
2012–0006’’ and then click ‘‘Search.’’
Follow the instructions to submit public
comments. ONRR will post all
2. Email comments to Mr. Armand
Southall, Regulatory Specialist, at
3. Hand-carry or mail comments,
using an overnight courier service, to
ONRR. Our courier address is Building
85, MS 64400B, Denver Federal Center,
West 6th Ave. and Kipling St., Denver,
Colorado 80225.
questions on technical issues, contact
Mr. Peter Christnacht, Royalty
Valuation, ONRR, telephone at (303)
233–2225, or email to
Peter.Christnacht@onrr.gov. For other
questions, contact Mr. Armand Southall,
telephone at (303) 231–3221, or email to
Armand.Southall@onrr.gov. You may
also contact Mr. Southall to obtain
copies (free of charge) of (1) the ICR, (2)
any associated forms, and (3) the
regulations requiring the subject
collection of information.



Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 184 / Monday, September 23, 2019 / Notices
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, we provide the
general public and other Federal
agencies with an opportunity to
comment on new, proposed, revised,
and continuing collections of
information. This helps us assess the
impact of our information collection
requirements and minimize the public’s
reporting burden. It also helps the
public understand our information
collection requirements and provide the
requested data in the desired format.
We are soliciting comments on the
proposed information collection request
(ICR) described below. We are
especially interested in public comment
addressing the following issues
mentioned in the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) regulations at 5 CFR
1320.8(d)(1): (1) Is the collection
necessary to perform the proper
functions of ONRR; (2) will this
information be processed and used in a
timely manner; (3) is the estimate of
burden accurate; (4) how might ONRR
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; and
(5) how might ONRR minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology.
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. ONRR will post all
comments, including names and
addresses of respondents, at http://
www.regulations.gov. We will include
or summarize each comment in our
request to OMB to approve this ICR.
Before including your Personally
Identifiable Information (PII), such as
your address, phone number, email
address, or other PII in your
comment(s), you should be aware that
your entire comment, including PII, may
be made available to the public at any
time. While you can ask us, in your
comment, to withhold your PII from
public view, we cannot guarantee that
we will be able to do so. We also will
post the ICR at https://www.onrr.gov/

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES


The Secretary of the United States
Department of the Interior is responsible
for mineral resource development on
Federal and Indian lands and the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS). Under various
laws, the Secretary is charged to (1)
manage mineral resources production
from Federal and Indian lands and the
OCS; (2) collect the royalties and other
mineral revenues due; and (3) distribute
the funds collected. We have posted the
laws pertaining to mineral leases on
Federal and Indian lands and the OCS

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at http://www.onrr.gov/Laws_R_D/
The Secretary also has a trust
responsibility to manage Indian lands
and seek advice and information from
Indian beneficiaries. ONRR performs the
minerals revenue management functions
for the Secretary and assists the
Secretary in carrying out the
Department’s trust responsibility for
Indian lands.
General Information
When a company or an individual
enters into a lease to explore, develop,
produce, and sell, or otherwise dispose
of, minerals from Federal or Indian
lands, that company or individual
agrees to pay the lessor a share of the
production’s value. The lessee, or its
designee, must report various kinds of
information to the lessor relative to the
disposition of the leased minerals. Such
information is generally available
within the records of the lessee or others
involved in developing, transporting,
processing, purchasing, or selling such
Information collections that we cover
in this ICR are found at title 30 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts:
• 1202, subparts C and D, which
pertain to Federal oil and gas royalties.
• 1204, subpart C, which pertains to
accounting and auditing relief for
marginal properties.
• 1206, subparts C and D, which
pertain to Federal oil and gas product
All data reported is subject to
subsequent audit and adjustment.
In March 2019, the U.S. District Court
for the Northern District of California
vacated ONRR’s 2017 Repeal rule of its
2016 Consolidated Federal Oil & Gas
and Federal & Indian Coal Valuation
Reform rule. By vacating ONRR’s 2017
Repeal rule, the Court reinstated
ONRR’s 2016 Consolidated Federal Oil
& Gas and Federal & Indian Coal
Valuation Reform rule, originally
published on July 1, 2016 (81 FR 43338)
(2016 Valuation Rule), with its original
effective date of January 1, 2017.
We have not revised the burden hours
because a lessee could potentially revise
reporting periods prior to January 1,
2017 (i.e., periods under the old rule).
Information Collections
ONRR, acting for the Secretary, uses
the information that we collect to ensure
that lessees accurately value and
appropriately pay all royalties based on
the oil and gas produced from Federal
onshore and offshore leases. ONRR and
other Federal government entities,
including the Bureau of Land
Management, and the State

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governmental entities, use the
information for audit purposes, and for
evaluating the reasonableness of
product valuation or allowance claims
that lessees submit. Please refer to the
Data section for the estimated total
burden hours.
A. Federal Oil and Gas Valuation
The valuation regulations at 30 CFR
part 1206, subparts C and D, mandate
that lessees collect and/or submit
information used to value their Federal
oil and gas, including (1) transportation
and processing allowances and (2)
regulatory allowance limit information.
Lessees report certain data on form
ONRR–2014, [Report of Sales and
Royalty Remittance] (OMB Control
Number 1012–0004, Royalty and
Production Reporting). The information
that we request is the minimum
necessary to carry out our mission and
places the least possible burden on
respondents. If ONRR does not collect
this information, both Federal and State
governments may incur a loss of
Transportation and Processing
Regulatory Allowance Limits: Lessees
may deduct the reasonable, actual costs
of transportation and processing from
Federal royalties. The lessees report
these allowances on form ONRR–2014.
For oil and gas, regulations establish the
allowable limit on transportation
allowance deductions at 50 percent of
the value of the oil or gas. For gas only,
regulations establish the allowable limit
on processing allowance deductions at
662⁄3 percent of the value of each gas
plant product.
B. Accounting and Auditing Relief for
Marginal Properties
In 2004, we amended our regulations
to comply with section 7 of the Federal
Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and
Fairness Act of 1996. These regulations
provide guidance for lessees and
designees seeking accounting and
auditing relief for qualifying Federal
marginal properties. Under the
regulations, both ONRR and the State
concerned must approve any accounting
and auditing relief granted for a
marginal property.
OMB Approval
We will request OMB approval to
continue to collect, from companies,
lessees, and designees, information used
(1) to value their Federal oil and gas,
including transportation and processing
allowances, and (2) to request
accounting and auditing relief approval
for qualifying Federal marginal
properties. Not collecting this




Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 184 / Monday, September 23, 2019 / Notices

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

information would limit the Secretary’s
ability to discharge fiduciary duties and
may also result in the loss of royalty
payments. We protect the proprietary
information that we receive and do not
collect items of a sensitive nature.
ONRR requires lessees to respond to
information collections relating to
valuing Federal oil and gas, including
transportation and processing
allowances. ONRR also requires that
lessees submit the allowance
information to obtain benefits for
claiming allowances on form ONRR–
2014. In addition, ONRR requires
lessees to respond to information
collections in regards to requesting
approval for accounting and auditing
Title of Collection: Federal Oil and
Gas Valuation—30 CFR parts 1202, 1204
and 1206.
OMB Control Number: 1012–0005.
Form Number: None.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents/Affected Public:
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Respondents: 120 Federal lessees/
designees and 7 States for Federal oil
and gas.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 143.
Estimated Completion Time per
Response: The average completion time
is 70.06 hours per response. The average
completion time calculated by dividing
the total estimated burden hours
(10,018) by the estimated annual
responses (143) from the table below.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 10,018 hours.
Respondent’s Obligation: Submission
of lessees’ information used for valuing
Federal oil and gas, including
transportation and processing
allowances, to ONRR is mandatory.
Lessees and designees requesting
accounting and auditing relief for
qualifying Federal marginal properties
is required to obtain or retain a benefit.
Frequency of Collection: Annually
and on occasion.
Total Estimated Annual Nonhour
Burden Cost: We have identified no
‘‘nonhour’’ cost burden associated with
the collection of information.
We have not included in our
estimates certain requirements that
companies perform in the normal course
of business and that ONRR considers
usual and customary.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.

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Authority: Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
Gregory J. Gould,
Director, Office of Natural Resources
[FR Doc. 2019–20473 Filed 9–20–19; 8:45 am]

[Investigation No. 337–TA–1174]

Certain Toner Cartridges, Components
Thereof, and Systems Containing
Same; Institution of Investigation
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.

Notice is hereby given that a
complaint was filed with the U.S.
International Trade Commission on
August 19, 2019, under section 337 of
the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on
behalf of Brother Industries, Ltd. of
Japan, Brother International Corp.
(U.S.A.) of Bridgewater, New Jersey, and
Brother Industries (U.S.A., Inc.) of
Bartlett, Tennessee. A supplement to the
complaint was filed on August 20, 2019.
The complaint alleges violations of
section 337 based upon the importation
into the United States, the sale for
importation, and the sale within the
United States after importation of
certain toner cartridges, components
thereof, and systems containing same by
reason of infringement of certain claims
of U.S. Patent No. 9,568,856 (‘‘the ’856
patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 9,575,460 (‘‘the
’460 patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 9,632,456
(‘‘the ’456 patent’’); U.S. Patent No.
9,785,093 (‘‘the ’093 patent’’); and U.S.
Patent No. 9,846,387 (‘‘the ’387 patent’’).
The complaint further alleges that an
industry in the United States exists as
required by the applicable Federal
The complainant requests that the
Commission institute an investigation
and, after the investigation, issue a
general exclusion order, or in the
alternative a limited exclusion order,
and cease and desist orders.
ADDRESSES: The complaint, except for
any confidential information contained
therein, is available for inspection
during official business hours (8:45 a.m.
to 5:15 p.m.) in the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street SW, Room
112, Washington, DC 20436, telephone
(202) 205–2000. Hearing impaired
individuals are advised that information
on this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD

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terminal on (202) 205–1810. Persons
with mobility impairments who will
need special assistance in gaining access
to the Commission should contact the
Office of the Secretary at (202) 205–
2000. General information concerning
the Commission may also be obtained
by accessing its internet server at
https://www.usitc.gov. The public
record for this investigation may be
viewed on the Commission’s electronic
docket (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov.
Pathenia M. Proctor, The Office of
Unfair Import Investigations, U.S.
International Trade Commission,
telephone (202) 205–2560.
authority for institution of this
investigation is contained in section 337
of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended,
19 U.S.C. 1337, and in section 210.10 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10 (2019).
Scope of Investigation: Having
considered the complaint, the U.S.
International Trade Commission, on
September 17, 2019, ordered that—
(1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of
section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended, an investigation be instituted
to determine whether there is a
violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of
section 337 in the importation into the
United States, the sale for importation,
or the sale within the United States after
importation of certain products
identified in paragraph (2) by reason of
infringement of one or more of claims
1–5, 10, and 12–15 of the ’093 patent;
claims 1, 7–11, 15, and 16 of the ’460
patent; claims 1–7 and 9 of the ’856
patent; claims 1, 4–5, and 9 of the ’456
patent; and claims 1, 3, 5, 7–12, and 18
of the ’387 patent; and whether an
industry in the United States exists as
required by subsection (a)(2) of section
(2) Pursuant to section 210.10(b)(1) of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10(b)(1), the
plain language description of the
accused products or category of accused
products, which defines the scope of the
investigation, is ‘‘laser toner cartridges
designed for use with Brother printers,
fax machines, and Multi-Function
Centers (‘MFCs’)’’;
(3) For the purpose of the
investigation so instituted, the following
are hereby named as parties upon which
this notice of investigation shall be
(a) The complainants are:
Brother Industries, Ltd., 15–1, Naeshirocho, Mizuho-ku Nagoya-shi, Aichiken, Japan 467–8561



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File Created2019-09-21

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