Information Collection Request
Assessment of the Cancer Survivorship Demonstration Project
Supporting Statement: Part B
Program Official/Contact
Angela Moore, MPH
Lead Public Health Advisor
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30341-3717
OFFICE: 770-488-3094
FAX: 770-488-4335
October 26, 2018
B1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
B2. Procedures for the Collection of Information
B3. Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with No response
B4. Tests of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken
B5. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or
Analyzing Data
1 Section 301 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 241)
2 Federal Register Notice
3a Web-based Grantee Survey
3b Screenshots of Web-based Grantee Survey
3c Web-based Partner Survey
3d Screenshots of Web-based Partner Survey
3e Introductory E-mail for Web-based Survey Participants
3f Reminder E-mail for Web-based Survey Participants
3g Follow-up Reminder E-mail for Web-based Survey Participants
3h Thank You E-mail for Web-based Survey Participants
3i Web-based Survey Items by Respondent Type
4 Interview Guide
4a Introductory E-mail for Interviewees
4b Follow-Up E-mail for Interviewees
4c Second Follow-Up E-mail for Interviewees
4d Thank You E-mail for Interviewees
5 Introductory Data Collection Email to DP15-1501 Grantees
6 RTI IRB Decision Memo
7 Privacy Impact Assessment
This information will be collected from National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) DP15-1501grantee program staff and their partners. We will ask NCCCP DP15-1501 program directors, program managers, and their key partners to respond at two time points to a Web-based Grantee survey (Attachment 3a) or Web-based Partner Survey (Attachment 3c) about their cancer survivorship program activities. We anticipate approximately 12 respondents (i.e., NCCCP DP15-1501 grantee program directors and program managers) to the Web-based Grantee Survey and 60 respondents (e.g., patient navigators, providers, coalition members) to the Web-based Partner survey at each time point. Because of the small number of awardees funded through DP15-1501 (n=6), we are proposing to include both the program director and program manager from every awardee in our data collection sample. Potential partner respondents represent a convenience sample identified by DP15-1501 grantee program staff. We will distribute the surveys and supporting documentation via e-mail and the Internet.
We will ask NCCCP DP15-1501 program directors and program managers to participate in 30- to 60-minute semi-structured interviews (Attachment 4) at two time points. We anticipate approximately 12 interview respondents: one program director and one program manager from each of the six grantees.
Exhibit 1 shows the distribution of respondents by type, data collection type, and wave. There will be two waves of data collection.
Exhibit 1. Respondent Universe, by Data Collection Type and Wave
Respondent Type |
Data Collection Method |
Wave 1 |
Wave 2 |
Web-Based Grantee Survey (n = 12) |
Web-based Partner Survey (n=60) |
Semi-structured Telephone Interviews (n = 12) |
Web-Based Grantee Survey (n = 12) |
Web-based Partner Survey (n=60) |
Semi-structured Telephone Interviews (n = 12) |
Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) Program Director |
● |
● |
● |
● |
CCC Program Manager |
● |
● |
● |
● |
CCC Program Survivorship Partners |
● |
● |
The proposed information collection will be conducted during two cycles of the program: (1) interim period (09/18) and (2) final period (05/20). Both waves will include a Web-based Grantee survey (Attachment 3a) to NCCCP DP15-1501 grantee program directors and program managers, a Web-based Partner survey (Attachment 3c) to grantees’ self-identified key partners (e.g., coalition members, providers and patient navigators whose contact information is available in public domains such as organizations’ websites), as well as semi-structured telephone interviews (Attachment 4) with NCCCP DP15-1501 grantee program directors and program managers.
We will contact each individual during Wave 1 and Wave 2 data collection to complete the appropriate Web-based survey. Up to four rounds of communication will be sent to the Web-based survey respondents during each wave of data collection: an initial e-mail with embedded link to the relevant survey instrument (Attachment 3e); a reminder e-mail (to non-respondents) with an embedded assessment link, sent 1 week after the initial e-mail (see Attachment 3f); a final reminder (to non-respondents), sent 1 week after the follow-up e-mail (see Attachment 3g); and a thank you e-mail, sent 1 week after survey responses are received (see Attachment 3h). On the basis of RTI’s experience administering a Web-based survey to all NCCCP program directors, a 60% response rate within 2 weeks of the initial e-mail invitation is expected.
The Web-based Grantee survey instrument contains 29 questions, and the Web-based Partner survey instrument contains 23 questions. Both surveys include a mix of open- and close-ended questions. The surveys will display the appropriate questions depending on the respondent’s answers to previous questions.
Information will be collected and stored in SurveyMonkey, a survey processing website, and downloaded and stored on secure servers. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses will be performed. Quantitative analyses will involve using descriptive statistics to determine frequency distributions and corresponding variances for responses to each assessment question. Qualitative thematic analyses will be conducted on open-ended questions. Analysis will focus on the program activities and short-term outcomes achieved to date, as well as challenges encountered and overcome, factors that facilitated program activities, and lessons learned.
Staff trained in the appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative research methods will conduct all analyses. Information will be stored on a secure shared drive with access limited to project team members.
Interview respondents will receive a maximum of four rounds of communication: an initial introductory e-mail asking for their availability to schedule a 30- to 60-minute interview (Attachment 4a); a scheduling reminder e-mail, sent 1 week after the initial e-mail (Attachment 4b); a final scheduling reminder e-mail, sent 1 week after the follow-up e-mail (Attachment 4c); and a thank you e-mail, sent 1 week after the interview (Attachment 4d).
The semi-structured telephone interview instrument contains 15 questions. Interview questions will be open-ended in nature (e.g., “how are awardees implementing cancer survivorship strategies?”) and capture challenges and lessons learned regarding implementation of cancer survivorship strategies. The same telephone interview guide will be used for the interim and final data collection periods.
Audio recordings and interview transcripts will be stored on a secured server. Qualitative analyses will be performed on the interview data, focusing on common themes across grantees. Analysis will focus on the program activities and short-term outcomes achieved to date, as well as challenges encountered and overcome, factors that facilitated program activities, and lessons learned.
Multiple strategies will be used to maximize response rates. Drafts of the Web-based survey data collection instrument and semi-structured interview protocol were shared with internal CDC stakeholders and an Assessment Stakeholder Group comprised of cancer survivorship experts for review and feedback throughout the development process.
The Web-based mode of survey was selected to minimize burden. The surveys will take the respondent approximately 20 minutes to complete, and the surveys will be accessible across multiple browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) and devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, laptops).
Telephone interviews are being employed collect qualitative data without the costs and respondent burden associated with traditional face-to-face site visits.
Procedures are also put in place, including the introductory e-mail notification and two reminder e-mails (Attachments 3e–3g and 4a–4c), to assist in maximizing response with the goal of achieving an 80% response rate. DCPC staff will send an initial e-mail to DP15-1501 grantee program directors and program managers letting them know they will be receiving an e-mail invitation to participate in a survey; based on previous experience with web-based surveys, we expect awardees to be more likely to open an e-mail from DCPC staff and also more likely to respond to the survey. We will use a tailored, recognizable email address (e.g., DP15-1501CancerSurvivorship to send the survey-related emails, so respondents are more likely to open the email. We plan to keep the survey open for three weeks, sending the first reminder e-mail one week after launching the survey and the second reminder e-mail two weeks after launching the survey. Respondents will have the opportunity to enter themselves into a raffle for an incentive; this is another mechanism which may improve response rate.
To ensure that items and responses can be understood by respondents on the Web-based surveys and semi-structured interview protocol, CDC and RTI staff who have experience with cancer survivorship expertise reviewed both data collection instruments. Edits were based on feedback provided by subject matter experts.
The Web-based surveys were tested to ensure accessibility across multiple browsers and devices and to confirm that content and skip patterns were programmed correctly.
According to the results from these tests, the average time to complete the Web-based data collection tools was approximately 18 minutes, and the estimated time range for actual respondents to complete the instrument is 15-20 minutes.
DCPC assumes oversight responsibility for the development of the overall assessment design, data collection, and analysis. Nikie Sarris Esquivel, RTI Project Director, is the person primarily responsible for collecting the information and interpreting the findings. The individuals responsible for overseeing instrument design, data collection, and analysis are the following:
Nikie Sarris Esquivel, Project Director
RTI International
East Cornwallis Road
Post Office Box 12194
Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
Tel. 919-541-1248
Laura Arena, Associate Project Director
RTI International
East Cornwallis Road
Post Office Box 12194
Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
Tel. 919-541-6449
Cindy Soloe, Senior Scientific Advisor
RTI International
East Cornwallis Road
Post Office Box 12194
Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
Tel. 919-316-3363
Angela Moore, Task Order Contracting Officer’s Representative
Program Evaluation and Partnership Team Lead
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
Comprehensive Cancer Control Branch
National Center of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4770 Buford Highway NE
Chamblee, Bldg. 107, Rm. 01404, MS F-73
Atlanta, GA 30341
Tel. 770-488-5772
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Author |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |