Office of Family Assistance
Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grant Program
OMB Control No.: 0970-0460
Expiration Date: 07/31/2018
Information from the semi-annual ACF performance progress report (PPR) will be used by the Office of Family Assistance to meet grants management requirements and by grantees themselves to self-monitor progress and challenges (continuous quality improvement). Semi-annual progress reports are due within 30 days of the end of each 6-month reporting period, which are:
Reporting Period 1: September 30 – March 31; Report Due: April 30
Reporting Period 2: September 30 – September 29; Report Due: October 30
The PPR consists of the following four parts, with both qualitative and quantitative descriptions of program performance:
Part 1: ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Cover Page found at
Part 2: Appendix B – Qualitative (narrative) description of program indicators:
B-01 Performance Narrative
B-02 Major Activities and Accomplishments
B-03 Problems (Challenges)
B-04 Significant Findings and Events
B-05 Dissemination Activities
B-06 Other Activities
B-07 Activities Planned for the Next Reporting Period
B-08 Selected Participant Outcomes
Part 3: Appendix C – Quantitative (numeric) performance measures:
C-01 Recruitment
C-02 Applicant Characteristics
C-03 Program Enrollment
C-04 Program Participation
C-05 Quality Assurance and Monitoring (Continuous Quality Improvement)
C-06 Referrals
C-07 Implementation Challenges
C-08 Marketing
C-09 Participant Outcomes
9.1 Adults
9.2 Youth
Part 4: Federal Financial Report (FFR) SF-425 found at http://
Please address each reporting area. Once you complete the PPR packet, upload it, along with the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Cover Page, as a Grant Note in GrantSolutions. Please contact your OFA Federal Program Specialist for additional guidance.
OF 1995 Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to
average 180 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct
or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The information requested in this survey will be
used to document how programs receiving HMRF grant funding operate
and describe participant outcomes. The data gathered will allow ACF
to better monitor grantee progress and performance.
accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended (5
U.S.C. 552a),
ACF/OPRE established system of records titled: 09-80-0361 OPRE
Research and Evaluation Project Records, HHS/ACF/OPRE. A Federal
Register Notice (80
FR 17893)
announced the system.
Part 1: ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Cover Page
B-01 PERFORMANCE NARRATIVE Please provide details on the following questions about your program and services. |
1. Target population Please provide a detailed description of your target population. |
Blank |
2. Program services Please provide a detailed description of the following:
Blank |
3. Job and Career Advancement Please provide a detailed description of the following:
Blank |
4. Programs with Subsidized Employment Elements If employment subsidies are provided, please provide detailed descriptions to the following:
Blank |
5. Staffing Please provide a list of program key staff with roles and responsibilities. |
Blank |
6. Organizational/Program Partners Please provide a list of program partners (specify those with MOUs) and their roles and responsibilities for program implementation. |
Blank |
7. Other Please provide any other details on performance that you think are relevant for this reporting period. |
Blank |
B-02 MAJOR ACTIVITIES & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Describe major programmatic and operational activities and accomplishments during this reporting period in the topical areas shown below. |
1. Recruitment methods and strategies Please provide a detailed description of your recruitment strategies and approaches, including any changes, during this reporting period. |
Blank |
2. Recruitment performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-01. Is there anything else you would like to share about the recruitment methods? |
Blank |
3. Program intake and applicant characteristics Please describe your program’s intake process and when an applicant is considered “enrolled” in your program. |
Blank |
4. Applicant characteristics performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-02. Please provide additional information describing/explaining the characteristics of program applicants this reporting period. |
Blank |
5. Program enrollment Please describe your program’s progress toward meeting enrollment targets. If you are not meeting your enrollment targets, please describe challenges you are experiencing and plans to address them. In the space provided below, please describe:
Blank |
6. Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Please describe whether and how applicants are screened for intimate partner violence. |
Blank |
7. Process for handling disclosures of intimate partner violence (IPV) Please indicate whether the grantee has a written plan to respond to possible disclosures of IPV. If yes, please provide a copy with the report due on April 30th. |
Blank |
8. Program enrollment performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-03. Please provide additional information describing/explaining program enrollment and IPV screening this reporting period |
Blank |
9. Program participation In the space provided below, please describe: Enrollment:
Blank |
10. Program participation performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-04. Please provide additional information describing/explaining program participation this reporting period. |
Blank |
11. Quality assurance and monitoring (continuous quality improvement) Please provide a detailed description of your plans for program quality assurance and monitoring, including training and supervision. |
Blank |
12. Quality assurance and monitoring (continuous quality improvement) performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-05. Please provide additional information describing/explaining your activities this reporting period to ensure program quality. |
Blank |
13. Staff Training In the space provided below, please describe the trainings that staff received. |
Blank |
14. Referrals In the space provided below, please provide a detailed description of your process for follow-up with participants referred for services. |
Blank |
15. Referral performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-06. Please provide additional information describing/explaining referrals this reporting period. |
Blank |
16. Local program evaluation Please describe activities and accomplishments pertaining to the design and execution of your local program evaluation. |
Blank |
17. Other Please describe other activities and accomplishments during the reporting period. |
Blank |
B-03 PROBLEMS (CHALLENGES) Describe challenges encountered implementing your program during this reporting period. Describe any current or expected deviations or departures from the original project plan, including actual/anticipated slippage in task completion dates, and special problems encountered or expected. Use this section to advise your Federal Program Specialist and Grants Management Specialist of assistance needs. |
1. Implementation challenges performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-07. For any challenge categorized as “somewhat of a problem” or “a serious problem,” please describe the nature of the problem and any proposed solutions. |
Blank |
2. Staff turnover Please describe any positions that are currently vacant and your plan to fill each vacancy. |
Blank |
3. Technical assistance needs Describe any guidance or technical assistance you would like to help address current or anticipated challenges. |
Blank |
B-04 SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS & EVENTS In the table provided below, please list and briefly describe any significant findings and events that occurred this reporting period. Topics may include innovative strategies or promising practices in areas such as:
When possible, please use data to substantiate your findings. |
Finding or Event |
Description |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
B-05 DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES In the space provided below, please describe your program’s marketing and dissemination activities. Additionally, please itemize your efforts and include copies of any newspaper, newsletter, magazine articles, or other published materials relevant to your project’s activities, or used for marketing purposes. |
Marketing performance measures Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-08. Please provide additional information describing/explaining dissemination activities this reporting period. |
Blank |
B-06 OTHER ACTIVITIES In the space provided below, please describe other activities that are a part of your program. Please indicate whether the program activity is supported by the OFA grant, another funding source, or provided in-kind through another source (if applicable, please name the source). |
Blank |
B-07 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD In the table provided below, please list please list the key activities you plan to engage in over the next six months, and a general timeline for completion. Activities may be related to:
Planned Activity |
Timeline |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
B-08 SELECTED PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES Please review the performance measures in Appendix C-09. Please provide additional information describing/explaining program participants’ outcomes this reporting period. |
Blank |
1. Recruitment methods used during the reporting period |
Blank |
Phone or mail outreach |
Blank |
Street outreach |
Blank |
Referrals from community agencies |
Blank |
On-site recruitment at community agencies |
Blank |
Other (Please specify: _________________________) |
Blank |
2. Agencies and organizations that provided referrals during the reporting period |
Blank |
Hospitals, maternity clinics, doctors’ offices |
Blank |
Schools |
Blank |
Places of worship or faith-based community center |
Blank |
Child support agencies (voluntary enrollment) |
Blank |
Child support agencies |
Blank |
Employment assistance centers or one-stops |
Blank |
TANF offices |
Blank |
WIC agencies |
Blank |
Head Start |
Blank |
Healthy Start |
Blank |
Child welfare agencies (voluntary enrollment) |
Blank |
Child welfare agencies |
Blank |
Probation and parole |
Blank |
Other community agencies or organizations |
Blank |
Self-referrals |
Blank |
Other (Please specify: _________________________) |
Blank |
3. FTE staff dedicated to recruitment during the reporting period |
Number of staff |
< 0.5 FTE |
Blank |
0.5 to 0.9 FTE |
Blank |
1 to 1.4 FTE |
Blank |
1.5 to 1.9 FTE |
Blank |
2 to 2.4 FTE |
Blank |
2.5 to 2.9 FTE |
Blank |
3 or more FTE |
Blank |
4. Program applicants (during the reporting period) who reported hearing about the program through each source |
Percent of applicantsa |
Word of mouth (friends, family, acquaintances) |
Blank |
Newspaper ad, billboards, or a flyer |
Blank |
Radio ad or a TV spot |
Blank |
Internet ad or social media such as Facebook, Twitter |
Blank |
Government agency, such as the Office of Child Support Enforcement, TANF, WIC, Child Welfare (CPS), parole/probation office, other agency |
Blank |
Community organization, such as a school, hospital, maternity clinic, doctor’s office, place of worship, Head Start, or Healthy Start center |
Blank |
Program staff or program |
Blank |
Other |
Blank |
5. Primary reason applicant chose to enroll in the program |
Percent of applicants |
To learn about being a better parent |
Blank |
To learn how to improve my personal relationships |
Blank |
To find a job or a better job |
Blank |
Friends were coming |
Blank |
Spouse/partner asked them to come |
Blank |
Parole/probation officer told them to enroll in a program like this |
Blank |
A court ordered them to enroll in a program like this |
Blank |
Child support staff suggested they enroll in a program like this |
Blank |
Child welfare staff suggested they enroll in a program like this |
Blank |
Other |
Blank |
a Applicants may provide multiple responses, so total may exceed 100 percent.
C-02 Applicant Characteristics
1. Demographic Characteristics |
Percent of applicants |
1. Sex (male) |
Blank |
2. Age |
Blank |
Under 18 years |
Blank |
18-20 years |
Blank |
21 – 24 years |
Blank |
25 – 34 years |
Blank |
35 – 44 years |
Blank |
45 – 54 years |
Blank |
55 – 64 years |
Blank |
65 years or older |
Blank |
3. Grade (for programs serving youth) |
Blank |
Less than 9th grade |
Blank |
9th grade |
Blank |
10th grade |
Blank |
11th grade |
Blank |
12th grade |
Blank |
College |
Blank |
4. Race |
Blank |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Blank |
Asian |
Blank |
Black or African-American |
Blank |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Blank |
White |
Blank |
Other |
Blank |
5. Hispanic or Latino |
Blank |
6. English is primary language |
Blank |
a Applicants may provide multiple responses, so total may exceed 100 percent.
2. Economic Stability |
Percent of applicants |
1. Educational Attainment |
Blank |
No degree or diploma |
Blank |
High school diploma |
Blank |
Blank |
Schooling beyond high school |
Blank |
2. Employment Statusa |
Blank |
Full-time employed |
Blank |
Part-time employment |
Blank |
Employed but number of hours changes |
Blank |
Temporary, occasional, or seasonal employment, or odd jobs for pay |
Blank |
Not currently employed |
Blank |
Actively looking for work |
Blank |
Retired |
Blank |
Disabled |
Blank |
In school full or part time |
Blank |
3. Receipt of assistance in the past month by anyone in the household |
Blank |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
Blank |
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) |
Blank |
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) |
Blank |
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/Food stamps |
Blank |
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) |
Blank |
Unemployment insurance |
Blank |
Housing choice voucher (sometimes called Section 8) |
Blank |
Cash assistance |
Blank |
Child support |
Blank |
Other |
Blank |
4. Income in past 30 days |
Less than $500 |
$500 - $1,000 |
$1,001 - $2,000 |
$2,001 - $3,000 |
$3,001 - $4,000 |
$4,001 - $5,000 |
More than $5,000 |
a Response options are not mutually exclusive, so total may exceed 100 percent.
3. Family Structure |
Percent of applicants |
1. Marital status |
Blank |
Married |
Blank |
Engaged |
Blank |
Separated |
Blank |
Divorced |
Blank |
Never married |
Blank |
Widowed |
Blank |
2. Non-marital partner status |
Blank |
No current partner |
Blank |
Involved with someone on a steady basis |
Blank |
Involved in an on-again and off-again relationship |
Blank |
3. Living arrangement with partner |
Blank |
All of the time |
Blank |
Most of the time |
Blank |
Some of the time |
Blank |
None of the time |
Blank |
4. Applicant or partner is pregnant |
Blank |
5. Average number of total children younger than 21 years |
Blank |
6. Average number of biological or adopted children (not including pregnancy) |
Blank |
7. Average number of biological or adopted children who live with applicant all or most of the time |
Blank |
8. Foster care status (youth under 21 only) |
Blank |
Never been in foster care |
Blank |
Left foster care over 6 months ago |
Blank |
Recently (in the past 6 months) left foster care |
Blank |
Currently in foster care |
Blank |
Not sure |
Characteristics, at Beginning of Program, of Adult Couple and Individual Clients
4. Relationships/Marriage
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Attitudes about marriage |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Believes that it is better for children if parents are married |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Believes that living together is the same as being married |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Conflict management (only those with a partner) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Negative conflict management skills (5-item scale) |
Blank |
5 – 20 |
Blank |
Satisfaction with how conflict with partner is handled |
Blank |
1 (very satisfied) to 3 (not at all satisfied) |
Blank |
5. Parenting
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Nurturing parentinga |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Tries to comfort child when she/he is upset |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Spends time with child doing what he/she likes to do |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Disciplinea |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Talks about what child did wrong |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Hits, spanks, grabs, or uses physical punishment |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Yells, shouts, or screams at child when he/she is mad at him/her |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Co-parenting |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Works well with co-parent in parenting child |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
a Responses averaged across respondent’s two youngest children, if applicable
6. Economic Stability
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Willing to work |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Would like to get a job |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Would like to get a better job |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Characteristics, at Beginning of Program, of Youth Clients
7. Marriage and relationship attitudes
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Marriage beliefs |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Believes that marriages are happy or unhappy and not much will change that |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Believes that in happy marriages, do not need to work on relationship |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Attitudes about intimate partner violence |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Believes that violence is sometimes only way to express feelings |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
Believes that it’s okay to stay in a relationship in which person is afraid of partner |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
8. Attitudes about sex
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Believes that people in love do not need to use condoms or birth control |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
Would find it hard to say “no” if boyfriend/girlfriend pressured for sex |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
9. Current relationship
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Boyfriend/girlfriend insults or criticizes respondent’s ideas |
Blank |
1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of the time) |
Blank |
During disagreements respondent throws or hits something |
Blank |
1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of the time) |
Blank |
10. Parenting
Outcome |
Average score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Discipline (if live with child) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Talks about what child did wrong |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Hits, spanks, grabs, or uses physical punishment |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Yells, shouts, or screams at child because mad at him/her |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Frequency saw child in past month (if do not live with child) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Every day or almost every day (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
One to three times a week (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
One to three times a month (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Did not see child in past month (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
C-03 Program Enrollment
1. Screening for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Blank |
Applicants Screened for IPV |
Blank |
# |
% |
Number and proportion of applicants screened for intimate partner violence |
Blank |
Blank |
2. Enrollment targets and actual enrollment
Blank |
Number of Adult Couples |
Number of Adult Individuals |
Number of Youth |
Enrollment target for current grant year |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Actual number enrolled since beginning of current grant year to end of reporting period |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
% of grant-year target met to date |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Number of Adult Couples |
Number of Adult Individuals |
Number of Youth |
Enrolled since beginning of current grant year to end of reporting period only those with at least 2 months since enrollment) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Adult Couples |
Adult Individuals |
Youth |
Blank |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
Participated in their first program service (workshop or individual service contact) during the time period shown |
Within 1 week of program enrollment |
Between 2 and 4 weeks of program enrollment |
Between 1 and 2 months of program enrollment |
More than 2 months since program enrollment |
Not yet engaged in a service |
Participated in their first workshop session series occurrence during the time period shown |
Within 1 week of program enrollment |
Between 2 and 4 weeks of program enrollment |
Between 1 and 2 months of program enrollment |
More than 2 months since program enrollment |
Not yet engaged in a workshop session series |
2. Attendance at Workshops
Users will query nFORM to generate a table that reports on participation in the specific activities offered by the grantee, for the specific target population it serves. The data for this nFORM-generated table will derive from responses to questions in the three programmatic tiers below.
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Population Served |
Workshop Activity |
Workshop Element |
select ONE 1 Youth 2 Adult Individual 3 Adult Couple |
select ONE 1 Education in High School 2 Premarital Education 3 Marriage and Relationship Skills Education 4 Marriage Enhancement 5 Divorce Reduction 6 Marriage Mentoring |
select all that apply 1 Financial management 2 Parenting 3 Conflict Resolution 4 Job and Career Advancement |
Example of nFORM-Generated Table on Participation:
Adult Couples receiving Divorce Reduction (element: Conflict Resolution ONLY)
Options selected: Adult Couples Divorce Reduction Conflict Resolution ONLY |
# |
% |
Workshop Retention |
Did not attend any Divorce Reduction workshop session series hours with conflict resolution |
Attended 1 to 24 percent of all Divorce Reduction workshop session series hours, with conflict resolution |
Attended 25 to 49 percent of all Divorce Reduction workshop session series hours, with conflict resolution |
Attended 50 to 74 percent of all Divorce Reduction workshop session series hours, with conflict resolution |
Attended 75 to 99 percent of all Divorce Reduction workshop session series hours, with conflict resolution |
Attended 100 percent of all Divorce Reduction workshop session series hours |
3. Participation in individual service contacts
Blank |
Adult Couples |
Adult Individuals |
Youth |
Number of individual service contacts participants received during reporting period |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
No individual service contacts |
One to four individual service contacts |
Five to eight individual service contacts |
More than 8 individual service contacts |
Average number of individual service contacts |
C-05 Quality Assurance and Monitoring (continuous quality improvement)
1. Staff Training
a. Training in Curricula |
Proportion of Staff that Received Training in Curriculum |
During the reporting period, approximately what proportion of the following types of staff received training in the program curricula? |
None |
Fewer than half |
Half |
More than half |
All |
Facilitators |
Case Managers |
Employment specialists |
Supervisors |
Program managers |
Other program staff |
b. Staff Development Training |
Proportion of Staff that Received On-the-job Training |
During the reporting period, approximately what proportion of staff received on-the job training? |
None |
Fewer than half |
Half |
More than half |
All |
Facilitators |
Case Managers |
Employment specialists |
Supervisors |
Program managers |
Other program staff |
2. Frequency of direct observation
Blank |
Proportion of Workshops Observed |
For the two types of facilitators shown below, what proportion of their workshops was observed by a supervisor or another experienced facilitator during the reporting period? |
None |
Fewer than half |
Half |
More than half |
All |
Facilitators hired during the reporting period |
Experienced facilitators |
3. Staff Supervision
Blank |
Frequency of Meetings with Supervisors |
During the reporting period, on average, how often did the following types of staff meet with their supervisors one-on-one? |
At least weekly |
Biweekly |
Monthly |
Once |
Not during reporting period |
Facilitators |
Case workers |
Employment specialists |
Supervisors |
Program managers |
Other program staff |
4. Caseloads
Blank |
Average |
Average number of participants assigned to each case worker |
Blank |
Adult Couples |
Adult Individuals |
Youth |
Blank |
# |
% |
# |
% |
# |
% |
Number of referrals participants received during reporting period |
No referrals |
One to four referrals |
Five to eight referrals |
More than 8 referrals |
Average number of referrals |
Number of participants who followed-up on referrals (of those who received at least one referral) |
Did not follow up on any referrals |
Followed up on at least 50 percent referrals received |
Unknown |
C-07 Implementation Challenges
1. Common implementation challenges
Challenge |
Not a Problem |
Somewhat a problem |
A serious problem |
Obtaining referrals from community organizations |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Participant recruitment |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Enrolling the intended target population |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Getting enrollees to start participating in services |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Getting enrollees to attend regularly |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Keeping participants engaged during sessions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Getting enrollees to complete the program |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Recruiting qualified staff |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Staff performance |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Ensuring facilitators understand content |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Covering all program content in the time allotted |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Implementing curriculum with fidelity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Program facilities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Cooperation of recruitment and referral sources |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Service delivery partners |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Extreme weather or natural disasters |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Getting participants to complete pretest or posttest |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Other: __________________________________ |
1 |
2 |
3 |
2. Staff turnover challenges
Staff who left or were removed from their position during the reporting period |
Proportion of Staff Who Turned Over |
None |
Fewer than Half |
Half |
More than half |
Facilitators |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Case workers |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Employment specialists |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Supervisors |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Program managers |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Other |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
C-08 Marketing
Advertising purchased, donated, or conducted during the reporting period |
Blank |
Newspaper ads |
Blank |
TV spots |
Blank |
Billboards, including those on public transportation or bus stop (that is, bench ads) |
Blank |
Radio ad or announcement |
Blank |
Internet ads |
Blank |
Social marketing (such as Facebook, Twitter ) |
Blank |
Theater ads |
Blank |
Flyers |
Blank |
Presentations to program partners or community organization leaders or staff |
Blank |
Word of mouth |
Blank |
Other (Please specify: _________________________) |
Blank |
C-09 Participant Outcomes
1. Characteristics, at Program Exit, of Adult Couple and Individual Clients
A. Relationships/Marriage
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Attitudes about marriage |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Believes that it is better for children if parents are married |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Believes that living together is the same as being married |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Relationship status (%) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Married |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Engaged |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Separated |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Divorced |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Widowed |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Never married |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Conflict management (only those with a partner) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Negative conflict management skills (5-item scale) |
Blank |
5 – 20 |
Blank |
Positive conflict management skills (7-item scale) |
Blank |
7 – 28 |
Blank |
Satisfaction with how conflict with partner is handled |
Blank |
1 (very satisfied) to 3 (not at all satisfied) |
Blank |
Commitment to marriage (only those who are married) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
View marriage as lifelong |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
B. Parenting
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Nurturing parentinga |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Happy being with child |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Feels very close to child |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Tries to comfort child when she/he is upset |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Spends time with child doing what he/she likes to do |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Disciplinea |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Talks about what child did wrong |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Hits, spanks, grabs, or uses physical punishment |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Yells, shouts, or screams at child when he/she is mad at him/her |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Co-parenting |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Works well with co-parent in parenting child |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Perceived improvements in parenting and co-parenting |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Feels more confident in parenting skills since attending program |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
a Responses averaged across respondent’s two youngest children, if applicable
C. Economic Stability
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Willing to work |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Would like to get a job |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Would like to get a better job |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Current employment status (%) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Full-time employment (usually work 35 hours or more a week) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Part-time employment (usually work 1 – 34 hours a week) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Employed, but hours vary |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Temporary, occasional, or seasonal employment, or odd jobs for pay |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Not currently employed |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Actively looking for work |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Retired |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Disabled |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
In school full or part time |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Employment stability |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Length of time in current job |
Blank |
To be determined |
Blank |
Perceived improvements in money management |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Knows how to handle money and bills better since attending program |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
D. Program Perceptions
Outcome |
Percent reporting |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Program helped a lot (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Program help some (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Program helped not at all (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
2. Characteristics, at Program Exit, of Youth Clients
A. Marriage and relationship attitudes
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Marriage beliefs |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Believes that marriages are happy or unhappy and not much will change that |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Believes that in happy marriages, do not need to work on relationship |
Blank |
1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) |
Blank |
Expectations |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Expect to be married to one person for life |
Blank |
1 (almost no chance) to 5 (almost certain chance) |
Blank |
Expect to live with boyfriend/girlfriend without being married |
Blank |
1 (almost no chance) to 5 (almost certain chance) |
Blank |
Expect to have a child without being married |
Blank |
1 (almost no chance) to 5 (almost certain chance) |
Blank |
Attitudes about intimate partner violence |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Believes that violence is sometimes only way to express feelings |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
Believes that it’s okay to stay in a relationship in which person is afraid of partner |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
Ended unhealthy relationship |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Ended emotionally unhealthy or abusive relationship since attending program (%) |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
Ended physically unhealthy or abusive relationship since attending program (%) |
Blank |
0 – 100 |
Blank |
B. Attitudes about sex
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Believes that people in love do not need to use condoms or birth control |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
Would find it hard to say “no” if boyfriend/girlfriend pressured for sex |
Blank |
1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) |
Blank |
C. Current relationship
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Boyfriend/girlfriend insults or criticizes respondent’s ideas |
Blank |
1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of the time) |
Blank |
During disagreements respondent throws or hits something |
Blank |
1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of the time) |
Blank |
D. Parenting
Outcome |
Average posttest score |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Nurturing parenting (if live with child) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Happy being with child |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Feels very close to child |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Tries to comfort child when she/he is upset |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Spends time with child doing what he/she likes to do |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (often) |
Blank |
Discipline (if live with child) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Talks about what child did wrong |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Hits, spanks, grabs, or uses physical punishment |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Yells, shouts, or screams at child because mad at him/her |
Blank |
1 (never) to 4 (every day or almost every day) |
Blank |
Frequency saw child in past month (if do not live with child) |
Blank |
Blank |
Blank |
Every day or almost every day (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
One to three times a week (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
One to three times a month (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Did not see child in past month (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
E. Program perceptions
Outcome |
Percent reporting |
Range |
Number of respondents |
Program helped a lot (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Program help some (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Program helped not at all (%) |
Blank |
0–100 |
Blank |
Part 4: Federal Financial Report
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Semi-Annual Performance Progress Report for Healthy Marriage Grantees |
Subject | Family support, healthy marriage, responsible fatherhood |
Author | Mathematica Policy Research, HHS/ACF |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |