Application for a Department of Army Permit

Application for a Department of Army Permit

ENG Form 6082 Instructions

Application for a Department of Army Permit

OMB: 0710-0003

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Instructions for ENG Form 6082

Department of the Army Nationwide Permit (NWP) Pre-Construction Notification (PCN)

Blocks 1 through 4. To be completed by the Corps of Engineers.

Block 5. Applicant’s Name. Enter the name and the e-mail address of the responsible party or parties. If the responsible party is an agency, company, corporation, or other organization, indicate the name of the organization and responsible officer and title. If more than one party is associated with the pre-construction notification, please attach a sheet of paper with the necessary information marked Block 5.

Block 6. Address of Applicant. Please provide the full address of the party or parties responsible for the PCN. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 6.

Block 7. Applicant Telephone Number(s). Please provide the telephone number where you can usually be reached during normal business hours.

Blocks 8 through 11. To be completed, if you choose to have an agent.

Block 8. Authorized Agent’s Name and Title. Indicate name of individual or agency, designated by you, to represent you in this process. An agent can be an attorney, builder, contractor, engineer, consultant, or any other person or organization. Note: An agent is not required.

Blocks 9 and 10. Agent’s Address and Telephone Number. Please provide the complete mailing address of the agent, along with the telephone number where he / she can be reached during normal business hours.

Block 11. Statement of Authorization. To be completed by the applicant, if an agent is to be employed.

Block 12. Proposed Nationwide Permit Activity Name or Title. Please provide a name identifying the proposed NWP activity, e.g., Windward Marina, Rolling Hills Subdivision, or Smith Commercial Center.

Block 13. Name of Waterbody. Please provide the name (if it has a name) of any stream, lake, marsh, or other waterway to be directly impacted by the NWP activity. If it is a minor (no name) stream, identify the waterbody the minor stream enters.

Block 14. Proposed Activity Street Address. If the proposed NWP activity is located at a site having a street address (not a box number), please enter it in Block 14.

Block 15. Location of Proposed Activity. Enter the latitude and longitude of where the proposed NWP activity is located. Indicate whether the project location provided is the center of the project or whether the project location is provided as the latitude and longitude for each of the “corners” of the project area requiring evaluation. If there are multiple sites, please list the latitude and longitude of each site (center or corners) on a separate sheet of paper and mark as Block 15.

Block 16. Other Location Descriptions. If available, provide the Tax Parcel Identification number of the site, Section, Township, and Range of the site (if known), and / or local Municipality where the site is located.

Block 17. Directions to the Site. Provide directions to the site from a known location or landmark. Include highway and street numbers as well as names. Also provide distances from known locations and any other information that would assist in locating the site. You may also provide a description of the location of the proposed NWP activity, such as lot numbers, tract numbers, or you may choose to locate the proposed NWP activity site from a known point (such as the right descending bank of Smith Creek, one mile downstream from the Highway 14 bridge). If a large river or stream, include the river mile of the proposed NWP activity site if known. If there are multiple locations, please indicate directions to each location on a separate sheet of paper and mark as Block 17.

Block 18. Identify the Specific Nationwide Permit(s) You Propose to Use. List the number(s) of the Nationwide Permit(s) you want to use to authorize the proposed activity (e.g., NWP 29).

Block 19. Description of the Proposed Nationwide Permit Activity. Describe the proposed NWP activity, including the direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the activity would cause. The description of the proposed activity should be sufficiently detailed to allow the district engineer to determine that the adverse environmental effects of the activity will be no more than minimal. Identify the materials to be used in construction, as well as the methods by which the work is to be done.

Provide sketches when necessary to show that the proposed NWP activity complies with the terms of the applicable NWP(s). Sketches usually clarify the activity and result in a quicker decision. Sketches should contain sufficient detail to provide an illustrative description of the proposed NWP activity (e.g., a conceptual plan), but do not need to be detailed engineering plans.

The written descriptions and illustrations are an important part of the application. Please describe, in detail, what you wish to do. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 19.

Block 20. Description of Proposed Mitigation Measures. Describe any proposed mitigation measures intended to reduce the adverse environmental effects caused by the proposed NWP activity. The description of any proposed mitigation measures should be sufficiently detailed to allow the district engineer to determine that the adverse environmental effects of the activity will be no more than minimal and to determine the need for compensatory mitigation or additional mitigation measures.

Block 21. Purpose of Nationwide Permit Activity. Describe the purpose and need for the proposed NWP activity. What will it be used for and why? Also include a brief description of any related activities associated with the proposed project. Provide the approximate dates you plan to begin and complete all work.

Block 22. Quantity of Wetlands, Streams, or Other Types of Waters Directly Affected by the Proposed Nationwide Permit Activity. For discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, provide the amount of wetlands, streams, or other types of waters filled, flooded, excavated, or drained by the proposed NWP activity. For structures or work in navigable waters of the United States subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, provide the amount of navigable waters filled, dredged, occupied by one or more structures (e.g., aids to navigation, mooring buoys) by the proposed NWP activity.

For multiple NWPs, or for separate and distant crossings of waters of the United States authorized by NWPs 12 or 14, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 21 to provide the quantities of wetlands, streams, or other types of waters filled, flooded, excavated, or drained (or dredged or occupied by structures, if in waters subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899) for each NWP. For NWPs 12 and 14, include the amount of wetlands, streams, or other types of waters filled, flooded, excavated, or drained for each separate and distance crossing of waters or wetlands. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 21.

Block 23. Identify Any Other Nationwide Permit(s), Regional General Permit(s), or Individual Permit(s) Used to Authorize Any Part of Proposed Activity or Any Related Activity. List any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity. For linear projects, list other separate and distant crossings of waters and wetlands authorized by NWPs 12 or 14 that do not require PCNs. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 22.

Block 24. Compensatory Mitigation Statement for Losses of Greater Than 1/10-Acre of Wetlands When Pre-Construction Notification is Required. Paragraph (c) of NWP general condition 23 requires compensatory mitigation at a minimum one-for-one replacement ratio will be required for all wetland losses that exceed 1/10-acre and require pre-construction notification, unless the district engineer determines in writing that either some other form of mitigation is more environmentally appropriate or the adverse environmental effects of the proposed NWP activity are no more than minimal without compensatory mitigation, and provides an activity-specific waiver of this requirement. Describe the proposed compensatory mitigation for wetland losses greater than 1/10 acre, or provide an explanation of why the district engineer should not require wetland compensatory mitigation for the proposed NWP activity. If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 23.

Block 25. Is Any Portion of the Nationwide Permit Activity Already Complete? Describe any work that has already been completed for the NWP activity.

Block 26. List the Name(s) of Any Species Listed As Endangered or Threatened under the Endangered Species Act that Might be Affected by the Nationwide Permit Activity. If you are not a federal agency, and if any listed species or designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the proposed NWP activity, or if the proposed NWP activity is located in designated critical habitat, list the name(s) of those endangered or threatened species that might be affected by the proposed NWP activity or utilize the designated critical habitat that might be affected by the proposed NWP activity. If you are a Federal agency, and the proposed NWP activity requires a PCN, you must provide documentation demonstrating compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.

Block 27. List Any Historic Properties that Have the Potential to be Affected by the Nationwide Permit Activity. If you are not a federal agency, and if any historic properties have the potential to be affected by the proposed NWP activity, list the name(s) of those historic properties that have the potential to be affected by the proposed NWP activity. If you are a Federal agency, and the proposed NWP activity requires a PCN, you must provide documentation demonstrating compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Block 28. List the Wild and Scenic River or Congressionally Designated Study River if the Nationwide Permit Activity Would Occur in such a River. If the proposed NWP activity will occur in a river in the National Wild and Scenic River System or in a river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, provide the name of the river. For a list of Wild and Scenic Rivers and study rivers, please visit

Block 29. Nationwide Permit Activities that also Require Permission from the Corps Under 33 U.S.C. 408. If the proposed NWP activity also requires permission from the Corps under 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will temporarily or permanently alter, occupy, or use a Corps federal authorized civil works project, indicate whether you have submitted a written request for section 408 permission from the Corps district having jurisdiction over that project.

Block 30. Other Information Required For Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notifications. The terms of some of the Nationwide Permits include additional information requirements for pre-construction notifications:

  • NWP 3, Maintenance – information regarding the original design capacities and configurations of the outfalls, intakes, small impoundments, and canals.

  • NWP 31, Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities – a description of the maintenance baseline and the dredged material disposal site.

  • NWP 33, Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering – a restoration plan showing how all temporary fills and structures will be removed and the area restored to pre-project conditions.

  • NWP 44, Mining Activities – if reclamation is required by other statutes, then a copy of the final reclamation plan must be submitted with the pre-construction notification.

  • NWP 45, Repair of Uplands Damaged by Discrete Events – documentation, such as a recent topographic survey or photographs, to justify the extent of the proposed restoration.

  • NWP 48, Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Activities – (1) a map showing the boundaries of the project area, with latitude and longitude coordinates for each corner of the project area; (2) the name(s) of the species that will be cultivated during the period this NWP is in effect; (3) whether canopy predator nets will be used; (4) whether suspended cultivation techniques will be used; and (5) general water depths in the project area (a detailed survey is not required).

  • NWP 49, Coal Remining Activities – a document describing how the overall mining plan will result in a net increase in aquatic resource functions to the district engineer and receive written authorization prior to commencing the activity.

  • NWP 50, Underground Coal Mining Activities – if reclamation is required by other statutes, then a copy of the reclamation plan must be submitted with the pre-construction notification.

If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet of paper marked Block 29.

Blocks 31 and 32. For bank stabilization activities, we are collecting information on the use of living shorelines in coastal waters and lakes to inform future NWP rulemaking efforts. If the PCN is for a proposed NWP 13 activity, and it is located in coastal waters or a lake, please check the appropriate box in block 31 to indicate whether you considered the use of a living shoreline to protect your property from erosion. If the PCN is for a proposed NWP 13 activity, and it is located in coastal waters or a lake, please check the appropriate box in block 32 to indicate whether there are contractors in your area that construct living shorelines.

Block 33. Signature of Applicant or Agent. The PCN must be signed by the person proposing to undertake the NWP activity, and if applicable, the authorized party (agent) that prepared the PCN. The signature of the person proposing to undertake the NWP activity shall be an affirmation that the party submitting the PCN possesses the requisite property rights to undertake the NWP activity (including compliance with special conditions, mitigation, etc.).


Each PCN must include a delineation of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters, such as lakes and ponds, and perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams, on the project site. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current wetland delineation manual and regional supplement published by the Corps. The permittee may ask the Corps to delineate the special aquatic sites and other waters on the project site, but there may be a delay if the Corps does the delineation, especially if the project site is large or contains many wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters. The 45 day PCN review period will not start until the delineation is submitted or has been completed by the Corps.


General Information.

Three types of illustrations are needed to properly depict the work to be undertaken. These illustrations or drawings are identified as a Vicinity Map, a Plan View or a Typical Cross-Section Map. Identify each illustration with a figure or attachment number. For linear projects (e.g. roads, subsurface utility lines, etc.) gradient drawings should also be included.

Please submit one original, or good quality copy, of all drawings on 8½ x11 inch plain white paper (electronic media may be substituted). Use the fewest number of sheets necessary for your drawings or illustrations.

Each illustration should identify the project, the applicant, and the type of illustration (vicinity map, plan view, or cross-section).

While illustrations need not be professional (many small, private project illustrations are prepared by hand), they should be clear, accurate, and contain all necessary information.


For proposed NWP activities that involve discharges into waters of the United States, water quality certification from the State, Tribe, or EPA must be obtained or waived (see NWP general condition 25). Some States, Tribes, or EPA have issued water quality certification for one or more NWPs. Please check the appropriate Corps district web site to see if water quality certification has already been issued for the NWP(s) you wish to use.

For proposed NWP activities in coastal states, state Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrence must be obtained, or a presumption of concurrence must occur (see NWP general condition 26). Some States have issued Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrences for one or more NWPs. Please check the appropriate Corps district web site to see if Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrence has already been issued for the NWP(s) you wish to use.

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