30628 Q_CGSDMEC_Web_Browse_20180907_DOT

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys


Mapping and Questionnaire Documents IA 30628 A4 (CMS)

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Welcome and Thank You Text
Updated Model
Current CQs
CQs (9-7-18)
CQs (1-4-17)

Sheet 1: Welcome and Thank You Text

Model Instance Name:



Date: 12.1.16

Welcome and Thank You Text


This welcome text is shown at the top of the questionnaire window and the thank you text at the bottom. This is a good place to mention the site/company/agency name so the visitor knows whom they are taking the survey for. Feel free to modify the standard Welcome text shown in the box below.


Welcome Text Example

Welcome Text

Customer Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for visiting CGS. You have been randomly selected to take part in this survey that is being conducted by ForeSee Results on behalf of CGS. Please take a minute or two to give us your opinions. The feedback you provide will help CGS enhance its site and serve you better in the future. All results are strictly confidential.

Thank You Text Example

Thank You Text

Thank you for your time in completing this survey. Your input is very valuable and will be taken into consideration.

Sheet 2: Updated Model

Model Instance Name: CMS - CGS DME MAC B V2

Model Name

Model ID

Partitioned? Yes


Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Primary Resource
(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this site. 21 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
24 Primary Resource How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for getting information on Medicare?
2 Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. 22 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Look and Feel - Legibility Please rate the legibility of the pages on this site. 23 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal site?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
25 Recommend How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Likelihood to Return
(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

26 Return How likely are you to return to this site?
5 Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

6 Site Performance - Completeness Please rate how completely the page content loads on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Navigation - Organized Please rate how well this site is organized.

8 Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

9 Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you need.

Information Browsing (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Information Browsing - Sort Please rate the ability to sort information by criteria that are important to you on this site.

11 Information Browsing - Narrow Please rate the ability to narrow choices to find the information you are looking for on this site.

12 Information Browsing - Features Please rate how well the features on the site help you find the information you need.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of information provided on this site.

14 Site Information - Relevant Please rate how relevant this site’s information is.

15 Site Information - Answers Please rate how well the site’s information provides answers to your questions.

Sheet 3: Current CQs

Model Name
CMS - CGS DME MAC B V2 red & strike-through: DELETE

Model ID
140lwY4cIZNwMRBBopI1tw4C underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Which best describes you? Supplier of medical equipment or supplies
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Best describes you

Staff of provider/supplier working primarily with billing/insurance

Administrative staff of a provider/supplier

Provider of medical services

Billing service

Other staff of a provider/supplier

Consultant or attorney

Other (please specify) A

JIB0145997 A What best describes you?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Role
In the last 30 days, how many times have you visited this website? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit frequency

Once or twice

Three or four times

More than once per week but not every day

Every day

Did you log in to the myCGS Web Portal today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group Log In


HDU7123Q004 A What is your primary reason for logging in to the myCGS Web Portal today? Eligibility
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason for portal

Claim status

CMN information

Referring physician

Other (please specify) B
HDU7123Q005 B Explain why you logged in to MyCGS today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Reason for portal
HDU7123Q006 A What enhancements would you like to see added to the myCGS Web Portal?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Portal enhancements
HDU7123Q007 A How easy is accessing the information on the myCGS Web Portal? Very Easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Easy to access


Moderately Difficult

Very Difficult
HDU7123Q008 A How often do you use the myCGS Web Portal? Daily
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Portal use frequency

A few times a week

Once a week


Rarely (less than monthly)
What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? Research a specific question on Medicare policy or billing
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason for visiting

Find out about a Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

Read Medicare publications such as newsletters, articles, etc.

Download forms

Access claim status and/or beneficiary eligibility

Find general Medicare program information

Learn of, or register for, workshops, seminars or other training events

Find information on fees or fee schedules

Take an on-line training course

Find contact information

Find enrollment information

Other (please specify) A

HDU7123Q010 A Please explain why you visited our website today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other_Primary reason
How did you primarily look for information on the website today? Left navigation bar N Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Look for Info

Quick links on the right side of the page N

Searched using the site search feature

Other (please specify) O

HDU7123Q012 O Please explain how you primarily looked for information on the website today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Look for Info
HDU7123Q013 N How would you describe your navigation experience on the website today? (Please select all that apply.) Some links did not take me where I expected or were broken E Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

There were too many navigation options to choose from

I had no difficulty browsing on this site

Mutually Exclusive

Other G

HDU7123Q014 E What specific links did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Nav links wrong path
HDU7123Q015 G Please explain your navigation experience on the website today.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Other_Nav Experience
Did you accomplish your goal in coming to the site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Accomplish Goal

No C, D

HDU7123Q017 C Why didn't you accomplish your goal?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Why Not Accomplish
HDU7123Q018 D Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Trying to Find
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit
Web Improvement
If you could identify one improvement to the myCGS secure web portal what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit
Secure Improvement
Please provide your work email address if you would like CGS to contact you regarding your feedback (must be 18+).

Text field, <100 char

Sheet 4: CQs (9-7-18)

Model Name
CMS - CGS DME MAC B V2 red & strike-through: DELETE

Model ID
140lwY4cIZNwMRBBopI1tw4C underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Which best describes you? Supplier of medical equipment or supplies
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Best describes you

Staff of provider/supplier working primarily with billing/insurance

Administrative staff of a provider/supplier

Provider of medical services

Billing service

Other staff of a provider/supplier

Consultant or attorney

Other (please specify) A

JIB0145997 A What best describes you?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Role
In the last 30 days, how many times have you visited this website? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit frequency

Once or twice

Three or four times

More than once per week but not every day

Every day

Did you log in to the myCGS Web Portal today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group Log In


HDU7123Q004 A What is your primary reason for logging in to the myCGS Web Portal today? Eligibility
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason for portal

Claim status

CMN information

Referring physician

Other (please specify) B
HDU7123Q005 B Explain why you logged in to MyCGS today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Reason for portal
HDU7123Q006 A What enhancements would you like to see added to the myCGS Web Portal?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Portal enhancements
HDU7123Q007 A How easy is accessing the information on the myCGS Web Portal? Very Easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Easy to access


Moderately Difficult

Very Difficult
HDU7123Q008 A How often do you use the myCGS Web Portal? Daily
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Portal use frequency

A few times a week

Once a week


Rarely (less than monthly)
What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? Research a specific question on Medicare policy or billing
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason for visiting

Find out about a Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

Read Medicare publications such as newsletters, articles, etc.

Download forms

Access claim status and/or beneficiary eligibility

Find general Medicare program information

Learn of, or register for, workshops, seminars or other training events

Find information on fees or fee schedules

Take an on-line training course

Find contact information

Find enrollment information

Other (please specify) A

HDU7123Q010 A Please explain why you visited our website today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other_Primary reason
How did you primarily look for information on the website today? Left navigation bar N Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Look for Info

Quick links on the right side of the page N

Searched using the site search feature

Other (please specify) O

HDU7123Q012 O Please explain how you primarily looked for information on the website today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Look for Info
HDU7123Q013 N How would you describe your navigation experience on the website today? (Please select all that apply.) Some links did not take me where I expected or were broken E Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

There were too many navigation options to choose from

I had no difficulty browsing on this site

Mutually Exclusive

Other G

HDU7123Q014 E What specific links did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Nav links wrong path
HDU7123Q015 G Please explain your navigation experience on the website today.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Other_Nav Experience
Did you accomplish your goal in coming to the site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Accomplish Goal

No C, D

HDU7123Q017 C Why didn't you accomplish your goal?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Why Not Accomplish
HDU7123Q018 D Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Trying to Find
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit
Web Improvement
If you could identify one improvement to the myCGS secure web portal what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit
Secure Improvement
Please provide your work email address if you would like CGS to contact you regarding your feedback (must be 18+).

Text field, <100 char

Sheet 5: CQs (1-4-17)

Model Name
CMS - CGS DME MAC B V2 red & strike-through: DELETE

Model ID
140lwY4cIZNwMRBBopI1tw4C underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



blue + -->: REWORDING

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Which best describes you? Supplier of medical equipment or supplies
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Best describes you

Staff of provider/supplier working primarily with billing/insurance

Administrative staff of a provider/supplier

Provider of medical services

Billing service/Clearinghouse

Other staff of a provider/supplier

Consultant or attorney

Other (please specify) A

A What best describes you?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Role
In the last 30 days, how many times have you visited this website? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit frequency

1-5 times

6-10 times

more than 10 times

Once or twice

Three or four times

More than once per week but not every day

Every day

Did you log in to the myCGS Web Portal today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group Log In


HDU7123Q004 A What is your primary reason for logging in to the myCGS Web Portal today? Eligibility
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason for portal

Claim status

CMN information

Referring physician

Other (please specify) B
HDU7123Q005 B Explain why you logged in to MyCGS today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Reason for portal
HDU7123Q006 A What enhancements would you like to see added to the myCGS Web Portal?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Portal enhancements
HDU7123Q007 A How easy is accessing the information on the myCGS Web Portal? Very Easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Easy to access


Moderately Difficult

Very Difficult
HDU7123Q008 A How often do you use the myCGS Web Portal? Daily
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Portal use frequency

A few times a week

Once a week


Rarely (less than monthly)
What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? Log in to myCGS secure web portal
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason for visiting

View Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

Research a specific question on Medicare policy or billing

Find out about a Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

Read Medicare publications such as newsletters, articles, etc.

Download forms

Access claim status and/or beneficiary eligibility

Find general Medicare program information

Learn of, or register for, workshops, seminars or other training events

Find information on fees or fee schedules

Take an on-line training course

Find contact information

Find enrollment information

Other (please specify) A

HDU7123Q010 A Please explain why you visited our website today.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other_Primary reason
How did you primarily look for information on the website today? Left navigation bar N Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Look for Info

Quick links on the right side of the page N

Searched using the site search feature

Other (please specify) O

HDU7123Q012 O Please explain how you primarily looked for information on the website today.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Look for Info
HDU7123Q013 N How would you describe your navigation experience on the website today? (Please select all that apply.) Some links did not take me where I expected or were broken E Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

There were too many navigation options to choose from E

I had no difficulty browsing on this site

Mutually Exclusive

Other G

HDU7123Q014 E What specific links did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Nav links wrong path
HDU7123Q015 G Please explain your navigation experience on the website today.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Other_Nav Experience
Did you accomplish your goal in coming to the site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Accomplish Goal

No C, D

HDU7123Q017 C Why didn't you accomplish your goal?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Why Not Accomplish
HDU7123Q018 D Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Trying to Find
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit
Web Improvement
If you could identify one improvement to the myCGS secure web portal what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit
Secure Improvement
Please provide your email address if you would like CGS to contact you regarding your feedback (must be 18+).

Text field, <100 char

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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