Planetary Data System
2019 User Experience Questionnaire
Category headers will not appear
The NASA Science Mission Directorate wants to hear from you about the services that we provide through NASA’s Planetary Data System (PDS). Your answers are voluntary and your opinions are very important. Your feedback is critical for improving the PDS. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
At any time you may skip a question and proceed with the rest of the survey. Any answers you are able to provide will be recorded and will be of value.
Your responses will remain confidential and will only be reported in aggregate. This survey is authorized by the Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1090-0007, which expires on September 30, 2021.
All submitted information is collected and processed by the CFI Group, an independent research and consulting firm contracted by NASA to support the American Customer Satisfaction Survey (ACSI). When you finish the survey, your responses will be sent directly to a database located on CFI Group's server, which cannot be accessed by NASA personnel.
Questions or problems with the survey? Email
This Planetary Data System Satisfaction Survey is divided into two parts. Section 1) Focuses on general background information and your overall experience with the PDS as a whole. Section 2) focuses on your experiences with a specific PDS Node of your choice. This section can be repeated for as many different PDS Nodes as desired. You may skip any questions throughout the survey. Any questions you have already answered will be recorded. You are strongly encouraged to complete both sections; your feedback, especially any specific feedback you can provide, is critical for improving the PDS.
General Public
Elementary, Middle, High School Teacher
University Professor
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Education & Outreach or Communication Professional
Planetary Science Researcher
NASA-affiliated Scientist
Non-NASA-affiliated Scientist
Citizen Scientist
NASA Mission Science Team Member
Non-NASA Mission Science Team Member
Software Developer
Visualization/Graphic Design Artist
I self-identify as early career
I self-identify as mid to late career
Other (Please specify)
Data Provider (someone who archives data in the PDS)
Data User (someone who retrieves data from the PDS)
Reviewer of PDS data
Other (Please specify)
BG4. How would you characterize your level of experience working with PDS data? (Select the category that best applies to you)
Little experience.
Moderate experience.
Moderate to extensive experience.
Planetary atmospheres and exospheres
Satellite atmospheres and exospheres
Planetary surfaces including geology and geophysics
Planetary interiors
Planetary magnetospheres, ionospheres, and plasmas
Asteroids including NEOs
Space geodesy
The Earth’s Moon
Planetary rings
Planetary system dynamics and formation
Orbits and Astrometry
Other (please specify)
BG6. The PDS is composed of six Science Discipline Nodes and two Support Nodes (collectively referred to hereafter as “Node(s)”). As a PDS data user, have you found it necessary to know which node has archived your data in order to access your data?
Not Applicable
Other, please comment.
Analyst’s Notebook (AN)
Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node Annex
Orbital Data Explorer (ODE)
Outer Planets Unified Search (OPUS)
Planetary Image Atlas
Planetary Image Locator Tool (PILOT)
Search services on
Small Bodies Data Ferret
Small Body Mapping Tool
I used a PDS search service/tool but I do not know the name (optional: please describe)
Search/queries using personal/institutional scripts
Search by manually browsing the archives
Other (please specify)
0% to 25% of the time
25% to 50% of the time
50% to 75% of the time
75% to 100% of the time
I’m not sure
SRCH5b (Optional) What can PDS do to improve your satisfaction with its Search services? Note that you will have the opportunity to address this question for specific nodes later in the survey.
F1. Using a 10-point scale, where “1” means “poor” and “10” means “excellent”, please rate the usability of PDS data product(s) in their delivered format(s).
F2. Did you use any software tool(s) to work with the data?
Yes [skip to F2b]
No [skip to F3]
F2b. What software tools have you used with PDS data?
Tool was provided by PDS
Analyst’s Notebook
Convert to Vector
CAT (CRISM Analysis Tool)
Global Mapper
Google Earth
Mars/Moon Trek
NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline
OAT (OMEGA Analysis Tool)
Python tools and notebooks
Quantum GIS (QGIS)
Solar System Treks
I made my own tools
F3. What can PDS do to improve your satisfaction with the usability of PDS data products? (OPTIONAL)
CL2. Using a 10-point scale, on which “1” means “Not at all likely” and “10” means “Very likely,” how likely are you to use the services provided by PDS in the future?
SN2. The PDS is composed of six Science Discipline Nodes and two Support Nodes. Which PDS Node(s) have you used? (please check all that apply).
Atmospheres (ATM)
Geosciences (GEO)
Cartography and Imaging Sciences (CIS or IMG)
Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI)
Ring-Moon Systems (RMS)
Small Bodies (SBN)
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF)
Engineering Node (EN)
Other (please specify (i.e. PDS Data Node (LROC, LOLA, etc) or describe)
I am not sure what Nodes I have used [skip to Opt19]
Click here for more detail on the specifics of each Discipline and Support Node.
Pipe in Node Choices for SN2
(This section for users of Nodes: PPI, NAIF, RMS, GEO, SBN, ATM, CIS
SRCH 6. Did you use the <node> search service?
Yes [skip to SRCH7]
No [skip to A1]
Please rate the <node> search service(s) you have used with a 10-point scale, on which “1” means “Poor” and “10” means “Excellent”:
SRCH 9. What can PDS do to improve your satisfaction with the <node> Search service (OPTIONAL)
A1. Have you downloaded <node> data?
Yes [skip to A2]
No [skip to FN4]
Download using PDS tools.
Download using personal or institutional scripts/tools.
Electronic or physical retrieval through written requests to the PDS.
Other (please specify)
A3. How well do the <Node> web services meet your data requirements?
A4. Convenience of data access/download method
A5. Speed of data access/download method
A6. Web interface(s) for accessing/downloading data
A7. What can PDS do to improve your satisfaction with the <node> download function?(OPTIONAL)
FN1. Ease of using the data product(s) in the delivered format(s)
FN2. The degree the data product(s) matched what you originally intended to download
FN3. The degree to which the data product(s) helped you accomplish your intended goals
Don’t know / Not applicable |
Educational Labeling System for Atmospheres (ELSA)
Generate Tool
Online Archive Facility (OLAF)
PDS Label Assistant for Interactive Design (PLAID)
PDS3 Product Tools
PDS3 Table Slicer
PDS3 Volume Validator
PDS4 JParser (formerly PDS4 Tools)
PDS4 Mapper
PDS4 Viewer
PDSView (formerly Inspect Tool)
ReadPDS3 for IDL
ReadPDS4 for IDL
SPICE Toolkit
Transform Tool
Validate Tool
Validation Tool (VTool)
Other/open source (please specify)
Don’t know / Not applicable
DOC1 Did you need documentation related to your data?
No [skip to CS1]
DOC 1b. What was the result of your search for documentation?
I did not find what I needed. (SKIP TO CS1)
I easily found what I needed.
I found what I needed, but with difficulty.
DOC2. Technical level
DOC3. Organization
DOC4. Clarity and usefulness
CS1 Have you ever required PDS user support?
No [skip to R2 if answer to previous question R1 was yes. If answer to previous questions R1 was no, then skip to OPT19]
CS1b: How did you request user support? (check all that apply)
Feedback Link
I was unable to request user support [go to R2]
CS2. Professionalism
CS3. Technical knowledge
CS4. Helpfulness of the support
CS5. Speed of response
Use R1 in front as screener for this section [if yes to R1]
Node specific section will just continue for those who have selected a node.
PPI1. What PPI services are you currently using?
SPLASH (Time series data analysis tool)
Autoplot (Display tool)
VISTA (Time series display tool)
Table data viewer
None of the above
PPI2. If the data at PPI are not currently in a useful format, what format would be the most useful to you?
CDF (Common Data Format)
ASCII tables or CSV
HDF5 (Heirarchical Data Format 5)
PPI3. Please indicate below all ways that you look for PPI data (Check all that apply)
Google or similar search tool.
PPI hierarchical web search (spacecraft, instrument, or target).
PPI key word search.
PPI Mission or Target pages.
PDS main web page.
Other (please specify (optional))
NAIF1. Please select the tool or tools you have used to work with the SPICE data from the NAIF node. (Check all that apply)
FORTRAN SPICE toolkit (APIs and/or application programs)
C SPICE toolkit (CSPICE)
IDL SPICE toolkit (ICY)
Matlab SPICE toolkit (MICE)
JNI SPICE toolkit (JNISpice)
WebGeocalc, GUI version
WebGeocalc, API version
SpiceyPy toolkit (by Andrew Annex)
Python CSPICE package (by PDS Ring-Moon Systems node)
Ruby CSPICE wrapper (by Arizona State University)
Julia SPICE Wrapper (SPICE.jl)
Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS, by the U.S.G.S.)
JMARS (by Arizona State University)
Others (please specify (optional)
NAIF2. Should SPICE support be extended to the following areas?
CubeSats and SmallSats
The NASA lunar initiative (e.g. Gateway)
More support for heliophysics missions
Other, (please specify)
NAIF3. What is (are) the most significant problem(s) you’ve experienced with operations of the NAIF Node? (OPTIONAL)
RMS1. Which RMS Node data sets have you used? Check all that apply...
– Saturn small satellites
Cassini CIRS – Vanilla
Cassini CIRS – Fixed width format
Cassini ISS
– raw images
Cassini ISS – calibrated images
UVIS – raw data
Cassini VIMS – raw data
RSS – Saturn Rings Radio Occultations (derived)
UVIS – Saturn Rings Stellar Occultations (derived)
VIMS – Saturn Rings Stellar Occultations (derived)
– Earth-based observations of the 1989 Saturn ring
occultation of the star 28 Sgr
SSI – Jupiter system images
HST – Placeholder
volumes of outer planet observations
New Horizons LORRI –
raw images
New Horizons LORRI – calibrated images
Horizons MVIC – raw images
New Horizons MVIC –
calibrated images
RES xxx-
Saturn Rings resonance table
PPX xxxx- Earth-based observations
of the 1995 Saturn Ring Plane Crossing
Voyager IRIS –
thermal infrared data, extended collection from original
Voyager IRIS – selected thermal infrared data,
original release
Voyager ISS – uncompressed, geometrically
corrected, calibrated images
Voyager ISS – compressed raw
images, original release
Voyager PPS – Rings Stellar
Occultations (derived)
Voyager RSS – Rings Radio
Occultations (derived)
Voyager UVS – Rings Stellar
Occultations (derived)
RMS2. Which RMS Node facilities do you find use most frequently. Check all that apply.
our search service
ViewMaster – used to browse our data
Mission information pages – Cassini, New
Horizons, Voyager, Galileo, HST, Occultations, RPX,
‘Planet’ information pages –
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
ROSES support
Ephemeris Tools – Planet Viewers, Moon Trackers,
Ephemeris Generators
Our open source python libraries on
Our NASA Press Release Image Galleries
RMS3 How would you like to see the RMS node expanded? (OPTIONAL)
GEO1. Have you searched for GEO data from any of the following bodies: Mars, the Moon, Venus, and Mercury?
Yes (go to GEO1a)
No (go to GEO 2)
GEO1a Which GEO web service did you use?
PDS Geosciences Node's web services,
Orbital Data Explorer (
Analyst Notebooks
GEO1b. Using the 10-point scale on which “1” means “Poor” and “10” means “Excellent,”. How was your experience using:
Pipe selections made in GEO1a
PDS Geosciences Node's web services,
Orbital Data Explorer (
Analyst's Notebooks
GEO2. Please indicate which of the following ways, if any, you have interacted with the GEO Node personnel:
I interacted via email (go to GEO2b)
I interacted via phone (go to GEO2b)
I interacted in person (go to GEO2b)
I have not interacted with Geosciences Node personnel (skip to GEO3)
GEO2b: On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means “Poor” and 10 means “Excellent,”. How would you rate your interaction with Geosciences personnel?
GEO3 Have you attended the Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences during the past several years
Yes I have attended (go to GEO3b)
No, I did not attend (go to GEO4)
I can’t recall if I attended or not (go to GEO4)
GEO3b. Did you stop by the Planetary Data System booth and interact with Geosciences personnel?
Yes(go to GEO3c)
No (go to GEO4)
Can’t recall(go to GEO4)
GEO3c. Using the 10-point scale on which “1” means “Not valuable at all” and “10” means “Extremely valuable,”. How valuable was your interaction with the Geosciences personnel at the PDS booth for your research?
GEO4. What improvements would you suggest for the Geosciences Node? (OPTIONAL)
SBN1. Please provide, including Minor Planet Center (MPC) products, the SBN tools you use: Check all that apply.
SB Data Ferret
Cross ID tool
FITS Normalizer
MPC Checker
MPC Confirmation pages/Observing Planning tools
Small Bodies Image Browser
CATCH/NEO Survey Search Tool
PDS4 Wiki
Other (please Specify)
SBN2. How often do you have a need to visit the SBN websites (including the MPC)?
Once per month
A few times a year
Never (go to SBN 3)
SBN2b. What percent of your total SBN website visits are to the MPC?
Less than 25%
25% for less than 50%
50% but less than 75%
More than 75% but not all
All of my website visits are to the MPC
SBN3. Using the 10-point scale on which “1” means “Not responsive at all” and “10” means “Extremely responsive,” how responsive has the SBN been to your questions/comments (including the MPC)?
SBN4. Which of the following areas would you like to see the SBN improve the most?
Search tools
Other (please explain)
CIS1. Have you used any of the following geographic search services (check all that apply):
MAP2 (
Photojournal (
Planetary Image Atlas ( sites.
I have not used any of the above search services [skip to CIS3]
Using a 10-point scale on which 1 means “Very Dissatisfied” and 10 means “Very Satisfied,”. How satisfied are you with these sites?
[choices piped from CIS 1]
CIS1d Photojournal
CIS1e Planetary Image Atlas
CIS2. Did you use the tutorials available at these sites?
Yes (go to CIS2b)
No [go to CIS3]
CIS2b. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 means “Very Dissatisfied” and 10 means “Very Satisfied, how would you rank the usefulness of the tutorials?
CIS3. Have you ever used any higher-level image and map data products through the Imaging Node Annex
Yes (go to CIS4)
No (go to CIS7)
CIS4. How did you search for and find the Annex data products?
Annex search
Google search
Other (please specify)_____________
CIS5. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 means “Easy” and 10 means “Difficult”, How would you rank the ease of use of the Annex websites for finding the data you were looking for?
CIS6. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 means “Not Useful” and 10 means “Highly Useful”, How useful was the metadata for the CIS product(s) you used?
CIS7. What changes could the CIS Node make to improve your experience? (OPTIONAL)
ATM 1. Which of the following integrated target pages have you used? Select no more than the three you use most often.
MARS Orbiter
MARS Lander
I have not used any of the integrated target pages (go to OPT19)
ATM 2 Please rate the usefulness of the of the integrated target pages offered at the ATM node on a 10-point scale, on which “1” means “Not Useful” and “10” means “Very Useful”.
(pipe selected resources from ATM1)
You have reached the end of the survey. Please click on the "Finish" button below to complete the survey.
You will also receive a prompt to respond for another Node. (DISPLAY “FINISH” BUTTON –go to END)
Your survey responses have been received by CFI.
Many thanks for your time and participation!
NASA appreciates your input and will use this feedback to better serve you and the PDS user community.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Hollibaugh Baker, David M. (GSFC-6901) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-14 |