2018 Burden spreadsheet for Part 50 information collection renewal

Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 FINAL.xlsx

10 CFR Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities

2018 Burden spreadsheet for Part 50 information collection renewal

OMB: 3150-0011

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Third-Party Disclosure

Sheet 1: Reporting

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)
Supporting Statement Section Rule Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Number of Responses Burden per Response Total Annual Burden Hours Total Cost @ $263/Hour
2 50.33 Early Site Permit applications 0 0 0 360 0 $0
50.33 Non-Power Operating License application 0 0 0 2,700 0 $0
50.33 Standard Design Certification application 0 0 0 450 0 $0
50.33 Combined OL application 0.7 1 1 2,700 1,800 $473,400
50.33(f) Financial qualification information (at the time of initial application or additional information as requested by the Commission) 1.7 1 1.7 3,580 5,967 $1,569,233
50.54(bb) Decommissioned plants submit program for managing and funding irradiated fuel following permanent cessation of operation of the reactor 0 0 0 250 0 $0
50.59(c), 50.90, 50.91(a), (b) License Amendments 153 6 918 313 287,334 $75,568,842
50.74 Notification within 30 days of a change in status of a licensed reactor operator or senior operator. 205 1 205 1 205 $53,915
50.80(b) License Transfers 8 1 8 540 4,320 $1,136,160
50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications 165 5 825 168 138,600 $36,451,800
50.34(c) & (d) & 50.54(p) Physical security and safeguards contingency plans (operating power reactors) 57 1 57 29 1,653 $434,739
50.34(c) & (d) & 50.54(p) Physical security and safeguards contingency plans (decommissioned/shutdown power reactors) 14 0 5 29 145 $38,135
50.34(c) & (d) & 50.54(p) Physical security and safeguards contingency plans (nonpower reactors) 5 1 14 29 406 $106,778
50.35(b) Periodic reports of the progress and results of research and development programs designed to resolve safety questions 0 0 0 100 0 $0
50.54(w)(3) Annual report on the source of property and damage insurance 118 1 118 4 472 $124,136
10 CFR 50.54(w)(4) Cleanup plan outlining the steps and costs needed to complete decontamination and cleanup following an accident 0 0 0 2,000 0 $0

3 50.33(k) Contents of applications 1 1 1 200 200 $52,600
50.75 Decommissioning planning 99 1 99 5 495 $130,185
50.82 Termination of license 5 1 5 680 3,400 $894,200

4 50.71(b)& Appendix C Annual financial reporting 125 1 125 1 113 $29,588
50.76 Submission of financial qualifications information within 75 days prior to ceasing to be an electric utility 0 0 0 33 0 $0
50.71(e) Updated FSAR (operating reactors) 62 1 62 900 55,800 $14,675,400
50.71(e) Updated FSAR (power reactors that have ceased operating) 12 1 12 225 2,700 $710,100
50.72 & 50.54(z) Notification of Events 94 5 500 1 675 $177,525
10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Paragraph E.9.d Daily testing of the ENS system by the HOO, submission of voluntary reactor status and grid information 94 365 34,310 0 2,848 $748,953
Appendix E, VI.1 Periodic Testing Quarterly testing of Emergency Response Data System 94 4 376 2 677 $177,998
50.72(a) & 50.73 Emergency Response Data System reports 7 2 16 12 192 $50,496
50.70 Team Inspections 68 1 68 133 9,044 $2,378,572
50.69(g) Submission of event report to submit a licensee event report for any event or condition that would have prevented RISC-1 and RISC-2 structures, systems, and components from performing a safety-significant function 10 1 10 600 6,000 $1,578,000

5 50.54(cc) Bankruptcy Notifications 0 0 0 1 0 $0
50.55(e) 48 hour notification (Design and Construction Deficiencies) 5 1 5 10 50 $13,150
50.55(e) 30-day reports (Design and Construction Deficiencies) 5 1 5 70 350 $92,050
50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance reports (operating reactors) 94 1 94 160 15,040 $3,955,520
50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance reports (reactors under construction) 4 1 4 160 640 $168,320
50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance reports (Part 52 applicants) 2 1 2 667 1,333 $350,667
50.55a(z) Alternatives submitted by power reactors 94 3 282 380 107,160 $28,183,080
50.55a(z) Alternatives submitted by COLs 4 2 8 380 3,040 $799,520
50.55a(z) Alternatives submitted for I&C 1 1 1 380 380 $99,940
50.55a(f)(5) and (g)(5) Relief requests 94 4 376 380 142,880 $37,577,440
50.55a Codes and Standards 94 2 188 58 10,942 $2,877,641
50.59(c) and d Power reactors - Reports changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each (Final Safety Analysis Report [FSAR] update) 118 1 118 380 44,840 $11,792,920
50.59(c) and d Non-power reactors - Reports changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each (Final Safety Analysis Report [FSAR] update) 35 1 35 120 4,200 $1,104,600
Appendices G & H, 50.60 Fracture Toughness 33 1 33 102 3,366 $885,258
50.61 Pressurized Thermal Shock 4 1 4 24 96 $25,248
50.64(c)(1) Unique purpose application for highly enriched uranium 2 1 2 10 20 $5,260
50.64(c)(2)(i) Highly enriched uranium - updated documentation 4 1 4 10 40 $10,520
50.64(c)(2)(ii) Highly enriched uranium - updated documentation 4 1 4 10 40 $10,520
50.64(c)(2)(iii) Highly enriched uranium, safety analyses 3 1 3 333 1,000 $263,000
50.66 Thermal Annealing 0 0 0 6,400 0

6 50.12 Exemptions 30 1 30 360 10,800 $2,840,400

7 50.44(c) Hydrogen Control Requirements 0 0 0 203 0 $0
50.46(a)(3)(ii) Annual report of changes to change evaluation model 94 1 94 20 1,880 $494,440
50.46(a)(3)(ii) 30-day report of significant change or error to evaluation model 47 1 47 20 940 $247,220
50.46, Appendix K Realistic evaluation model submittal 1 1 1 2,500 2,500 $657,500
50.46, Appendix K Modified evaluation model submittal 1 1 1 1,750 1,050 $276,150
50.46, Appendix K Schedule for completing actions associated with 10 CFR 50 Appendix K and 10 CFR 50.46(b) 2 1 2 16 25 $6,575
Appendix K, 50.46 ECCS 94 2 141 40 5,640 $1,483,320
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (operating power reactors) 57 25 1,425 81 115,425 $30,356,775
50.54(q)(4) Submission of proposed changes that would reduce the effective of approved emergency plans (operating power reactors) 12 1 12 40 480 $126,240
App. E.IV.F.2.a,b Participation Exercise – exercise scenario submission 29 1 29 40 1,140 $299,820
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (operating non-power reactors) 31 10 310 2 620 $163,060
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (power reactor sites being decommissioned) 24 15 360 34 12,240 $3,219,120
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (non-power reactors being decommissioned and possession only) 4 5 20 1 20 $5,260
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning 116 18 2,088 60 125,280 $32,948,640
Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria, applicants 0 1 0 155,000 0 $0
Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria, Operating Reactors 10 1 10 900 9,000 $2,367,000

1,145,502 $301,266,929

Sheet 2: Recordkeeping

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)
Supporting Statement Section Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden Hours Annual Cost @ $263/hr
2 50.33 Early Site Permits (records) - 40.0 - $-
50.33 Non-Power Operating License (records) - 300.0 - $-
50.33 Standard Design Certification (records) - 50.0 - $-
50.33 Combined OL (records) - 300.0 - $-
50.59(c), 50.90, 50.91(a), (b) Records License Amendments 153.0 192.0 29,376.0 $7,725,888
50.74 Records of change in status of a licensed reactor operator or senior operator 205.0 0.1 20.5 $5,392
50.80(b) License Transfers 8.0 60.0 480.0 $126,240
50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (Operating power reactor) 94.0 2,080.0 195,520.0 $51,421,760
50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (operating RTR) 31.0 80.0 2,480.0 $652,240
50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (shutdown power reactor) 14.0 208.0 2,912.0 $765,856
50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (shutdown RTR) 4.0 8.0 32.0 $8,416

3 50.75 Decommissioning planning 130.0 73.0 9,490.0 $2,495,870

4 50.71(b)& Appendix C Financial records 125.0 0.1 12.5 $3,288
50.71(e) Records for updated FSAR (operating reactors) 62.0 100.0 6,200.0 $1,630,600
50.71(e) Records for updated FSAR (power reactors that have ceased operating) 12.0 25.0 300.0 $78,900
50.72 & 50.54(z) Notification of Events 94.0 0.8 75.2 $19,778
Appendix E, VI.1 Periodic Testing Quarterly testing of Emergency Response Data System 94.0 0.2 18.8 $4,944
50.72(a) & 50.73 Emergency Data Response System 94.0 0.8 75.2 $19,778
50.69 Maintain processes to control the inspection, testing, and corrective actions for structures, systems, and components, other SSC records 10.0 1,150.0 11,500.0 $3,024,500
50.69 (one-time implementation requirements) After approval of application, perform evaluations of the significance of SSC functions (implementation for the alternative requirements of 10 CFR 50.69 - voluntary) 10.0 920.0 9,200.0 $2,419,600

5 50.54(hh)(1) Procedures for aircraft threat 57.0 40.0 2,280.0 $599,640
50.55(e) Retention of evaluations, 50.55(e)(9)(ii) (Design and Construction Deficiencies) 25.0 2.0 50.0 $13,150
50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance records (operating reactors, 4 reactors under construction, 1 ESP, 1 COL) 100.0 10,000.0 1,000,000.0 $263,000,000
50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance records (shutdown reactors) 20.0 2,500.0 50,000.0 $13,150,000
50.55a Records related to Codes and Standards 98.0 2,310.0 226,380.0 $59,537,940
50.59(c) and d Power reactors - Records of changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each (Final Safety Analysis Report [FSAR] update) 118.0 1,520.0 179,360.0 $47,171,680
50.59(c) and d Non-power reactors - Records of changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each (Final Safety Analysis Report [FSAR] update) 35.0 480.0 16,800.0 $4,418,400
Appendices G & H, 50.60 Fracture Toughness 33.0 11.3 374.0 $98,362
50.61 Pressurized Thermal Shock 4.0 216.0 864.0 $227,232
50.65 Maintenance program records for operating plants 94.0 4,315.0 405,610.0 $106,675,430
50.65 Maintenance program records for shutdown plans 20.0 128.0 2,560.0 $673,280

6 50.12 Exemptions 30.0 40.0 1,200.0 $315,600

7 50.44(c) Hydrogen Control Requirements 94.0 1.0 94.0 $24,722
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Operating Power Reactors 114.0 1,090.0 124,260.0 $32,680,380
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Operating Non-Power Reactors 31.0 589.0 18,259.0 $4,802,117
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Power Reactor Sites Being Decommissioned 24.0 256.0 6,144.0 $1,615,872
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Non-Power Reactors Being Decommissioned and Possession Only 4.0 4.0 16.0 $4,208
50.48(c) One-time transition of records for fire protection to NFPA 805 2.0 640.0 1,280.0 $336,640
50.48, Appendix R Fire Protection plan records 118.0 84.0 9,912.0 $2,606,856
One-time environmental qualification (program establishment, qualification of equipment), annualized 4.0 793.3 3,173.2 $834,552
Environmental Qualification 94.0 2,080.0 195,520.0 $51,421,760
50.120(b) Training & Qualification Records for Operating Reactors 57.0 780.0 44,460.0 $11,692,980
50.120(b) Training & Qualification Records for Applicants - 1,440.0 - $-
Appendix J Development and Ongoing Analyses & Maintenance of Performance Based Leakage Testing Program 94.0 60.0 5,640.0 $1,483,320
Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria 10.0 100.0 1,000.0 $263,000
Appendix S IV(a)(3) Plant inspection and documentation of inspection following seismic event - 320.0 - $-

2,562,928 $674,050,169

Sheet 3: Third-Party Disclosure

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)
Supporting Statement Section Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Number of Responses Burden per Response Total Annual Burden Hours Cost @ $263/Hour (Notes)
5 50.55a Submission to ASME of Owner's certificate, AIA agreement (III/NCA-3230) 1.0 1.0 1.0 100.0 100.0 $26,300

100.0 $26,300

Sheet 4: Totals

Total Burden and Responses Section 2

Total Burden and Responses Section 3

Item #13, Other Costs Section

Hours Responses

Hours Responses
Section Costs

Reporting 440,902 2,152

Reporting 4,095 105
2 $24,279

Recordkeeping 230820.5 153

Recordkeeping 9,490 130
3 $998

Third Party Disclosure 0 0

TOTAL 13,585 235
4 $2,881

TOTAL 671722.2 2305.3

5 $198,226

6 $126

Item #13, Other Costs Section 3

7 $43,107

Item #13, Other Costs Section 2

Recordkeeping $998

Total $269,617

Recordkeeping $24,282

TOTAL $998

TOTAL $24,282

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government,

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 3
Section Staff Time Hours Cost @ $263/hr

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 2

Hours Cost @ $263/hr

Hours Cost @ $263/hr

Staff time 1526 $401,338
2 100,953 $26,550,639

Staff time 100953 $26,550,639

3 1,526 $401,338

4 41,295 $10,860,585

5 82,255 $21,633,065

Total Burden and Responses Section 4

Total Burden and Responses Section 5

6 2,250 $591,750

Hours Responses

Hours Responses
7 20,275 $5,332,325

Reporting 78,048 35,479

Reporting 335,417 1,168
Total 248,554 $65,369,702

Recordkeeping 27,382 125

Recordkeeping 1,884,278 153

TOTAL 105,430 35,604

Third Party Disclosure 100 1
Burden Hours

TOTAL 2,219,795 1,322
Section Reporting Recordkeeping 3rd Party Total Cost

Item #13, Other Costs Section 4

2 440,902 230,821
671,722 $176,662,930
Recordkeeping $2,881

Item #13, Other Costs Section 5

3 4,095 9,490
13,585 $3,572,855
TOTAL $2,881

Recordkeeping $198,226

4 78,048 27,382
105,430 $27,728,019

TOTAL $198,226

5 335,417 1,884,278 100 2,219,795 $583,806,067

6 10,800 1,200
12,000 $3,156,000
Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 4

7 276,240 409,758
685,998 $180,417,527

Hours Cost @ $263/hr

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 5
Total 1,145,502 2,562,928 100 3,708,530 $975,343,398
Staff time 41295 $10,860,585

Hours Cost @ $263/hr
Previous total 1,622,930 2,732,625
4,355,554.2 $1,145,510,755

Staff time 82,255 $21,633,065
Deltas -477,428 -169,696 100 -647,024 -$170,167,357

Total Burden and Responses Section 6

Total Burden and Responses Section 7

Hours Responses

Hours Responses

Reporting 10,800 30

Reporting 276,240 4,539
Section Reporting Recordkeeping 3rd Party TOTAL
Recordkeeping 1,200 30

Recordkeeping 409,758 173

TOTAL 12,000 60

TOTAL 685,998 4,712
2 2,152

3 105

4 35,479

Item #13, Other Costs Section 6

Item #13, Other Costs Section 7

5 1,168

Recordkeeping $126

Recordkeeping $43,107

6 30

TOTAL $126

TOTAL $43,107

7 4,539

2018 TOTAL 43,473 149 1 43,623

Previous total 44,865 151
Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 6

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 7

Deltas -1,392 -2 1 -1,393

Hours Cost @ $263/hr

Hours Cost @ $263/hr

Staff time 2,250 $591,750

Staff time 20,275 $5,332,325


2018 3,708,530 43,623

Previous 4,355,554 45,016

Delta -647,024 -1,393

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