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National Park Service Centennial National Household Survey

30 day FRN

OMB: 1024-0254

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 210 / Monday, October 31, 2016 / Notices

compacts that are for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. See Public Law 100–
497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq. All TribalState Class III compacts, including
amendments, are subject to review and
approval by the Secretary under 25 CFR
293.4. The Secretary took no action on
the compact within 45 days of its
submission. Therefore, the compact is
considered to have been approved, but
only to the extent the compact is
consistent with IGRA. See 25 U.S.C.
Dated: October 21, 2016.
Lawrence S. Roberts,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
[FR Doc. 2016–26254 Filed 10–28–16; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Dated: October 21, 2016.
Lawrence S. Roberts,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian

Bureau of Indian Affairs
A0A501010.999900 253G]

Indian Gaming; Approval of Amended
Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact
in the State of California

The Jackson Band of Miwuk
Indians (Tribe) and State of California
entered into an amendment to the
existing Tribal-State Compact governing
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Class III gaming. This notice announces
approval of the amendment.
ACTION: Notice.
DATES: Effective October 31, 2016.
Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
State of Oregon entered into an
Gaming, Office of the Assistant
amendment to an existing Tribal-State
Secretary—Indian Affairs, Washington,
compact governing Class III gaming.
DC 20240, (202) 219–4066.
This notice announces approval of the
of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
DATES: Effective October 31, 2016.
(IGRA) requires the Secretary of the
Interior to publish in the Federal
Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
Register notice of approved Tribal-State
Gaming, Office of the Assistant
compacts that are for the purpose of
Secretary—Indian Affairs, Washington,
engaging in Class III gaming activities
DC 20240, (202) 219–4066.
on Indian lands. See Public Law 100–
497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq. All Tribalof the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
State Class III compacts, including
(IGRA) requires the Secretary of the
amendments, are subject to review and
Interior to publish in the Federal
approval by the Secretary under 25 CFR
Register notice of approved Tribal-State 293.4. The amendment reduces and
compacts that are for the purpose of
otherwise adjusts the existing compact’s
engaging in Class III gaming activities
revenue sharing requirements and
on Indian lands. See Public Law 100–
increases the available credits that may
497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq. All Tribalbe claimed for certain infrastructure and
State Class III compacts, including
other projects or programs underwritten
amendments, are subject to review and
by the Tribe. The amendment is
approval by the Secretary under 25 CFR approved. See 25 U.S.C. 2710(d)(8)(A).
293.4. The amendment expands on the
Dated: October 21, 2016.
Coquille Tribal Gaming Commission’s
Lawrence S. Roberts,
criteria for denial or termination of
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian
contracts for vendors based on the
nature and severity of the conduct that
[FR Doc. 2016–26250 Filed 10–28–16; 8:45 am]
constituted the offense or crime, the
time that has passed since satisfactory

VerDate Sep<11>2014

17:53 Oct 28, 2016

Jkt 241001

National Park Service

Information Collection Request:
National Park Service Centennial
National Household Survey


PO 00000

Frm 00059

Fmt 4703

National Park Service, Interior.
Notice; request for comments.


We (National Park Service,
NPS) have sent an Information
Collection Request (ICR) to OMB for
review and approval. We summarize the
ICR below and describe the nature of the
collection and the estimated annual
burden. We may not conduct or sponsor
and a person is not required to respond
to a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB Control
DATES: To ensure that we are able to
consider your comments on this ICR, we
must receive them by November 30,


Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice.

Indian Gaming; Approval of
Amendment to Tribal-State Class III
Gaming Compact in the State of


[FR Doc. 2016–26252 Filed 10–28–16; 8:45 am]


A0A501010.999900 253G]

sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

completion of sentence, probation, or
payment of fine imposed, the number of
offenses or crimes, and any extenuating
circumstances that enhance or reduce
the impact of the crime. The
amendment is approved. See 25 U.S.C.

Sfmt 4703

Please direct all written
comments on this ICR directly to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk
Officer for the Department of the
Interior, to OIRA_Submission@
omb.eop.gov (email) or 202–395–5806
(fax); and identify your submission as
1024–0254. Please also send a copy of
your comments to Phadrea Ponds,
Information Collection Coordinator,
National Park Service, 1201 Oakridge
Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (mail); or
phadrea_ponds@nps.gov (email). Please
reference Information Collection 1024–
0254 in the subject line. You may also
access this ICR at www.reginfo.gov.
Meldrum, Chief Social Science Program,
National Park Service, 1201 Oakridge
Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (mail); or
bret_meldrum@nps.gov (email). Please
reference Information Collection 1024–
0254 in the subject line.

I. Abstract
2016 marks the 100th anniversary of
the National Park Service (NPS)—a
defining moment that offers an
opportunity to reflect on and celebrate
our accomplishments as we move
forward into a new century of
stewardship and engagement. As we
prepare for our centennial anniversary,
discussions concerning the relevancy of
the National Parks have ignited the need
for a third iteration of the NPS
Comprehensive Survey of the American



Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 210 / Monday, October 31, 2016 / Notices
Public. This survey will include
questions from the original surveys as
well as updated questions that can be
used to provide views from a national
audience concerning the current
relevancy of the NPS that would
otherwise be unavailable.
This request is to reinstate OMB
Control Number 1024–0254 in order to
pretest the survey and collection
methods before we ask OMB to review
for the consideration of approval the
final version of the survey instrument.
The new content is sufficiently different
enough to necessitate this request to
pretest question, response choice
wording, and survey length before
requesting approval of the final survey.
The purpose and intent of the final
survey will be measure the awareness,
engagement, values, and preferences of
both visitors and non-visitors. This
information will be used to assess the
relevancy of NPS as well as to assess
change over time, which in turn will be
used to evaluate the effectiveness of
NPS efforts to increase its relevancy.
II. Data
OMB Control Number: 1024–0254.
Title: National Park Service
Centennial National Household Survey.
Type of Request: Reinstatement with
change to a previously approved
Affected Public: Individuals and
Respondent Obligation: Voluntary.
Frequency of Collection: One time.
Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 120.
Annual Burden Hours: 54 hours.
Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’: None.

sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

III. Comments

17:53 Oct 28, 2016

Dated: October 26, 2016.
Madonna L. Baucum,
Information Collection Clearance Officer,
National Park Service.
[FR Doc. 2016–26151 Filed 10–28–16; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[Docket No. BOEM–2016–0071]

Atlantic Wind Lease Sale 6 (ATLW–6)
for Commercial Leasing for Wind
Power on the Outer Continental Shelf
Offshore New York—Final Sale Notice
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Interior.
ACTION: Final sale notice for commercial
leasing for Wind Power on the Outer
Continental Shelf Offshore New York.

This document is the Final
Sale Notice (FSN) for the sale of one
commercial wind energy lease on the
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) offshore
New York, pursuant to 30 CFR 585.216.
The Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM or ‘‘the Bureau’’)
will offer Lease OCS–A 0512 for sale
using a multiple-factor auction format.
This FSN contains information
pertaining to the area available for
leasing, lease provisions and conditions,
auction details, the lease form, criteria
for evaluating competing bids, award
procedures, appeal procedures, and
lease execution. The issuance of the
lease resulting from this sale would not
constitute an approval of projectspecific plans to develop offshore wind
energy. Such plans, if submitted by the
lease sale winner, would be subject to
subsequent environmental and public
review prior to a decision to proceed
with development.


A notice was published in the Federal
Register (80 FR 80384) on December 24,
2015, stating that we intended to submit
an information collection OMB approval
of the NPS Comprehensive Survey of
the American Public. In this notice, we
solicited public comment for 60 days
ending February 22, 2016. We did not
receive any comments in response to
that notice that required changes to the
collection instruments.
We again invite comments concerning
this information collection on:
• Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary, including
whether or not the information will
have practical utility;
• The accuracy of our estimate of the
burden for this collection of
• Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and

VerDate Sep<11>2014

• Ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. We will include or
summarize each comment in our request
to OMB to approve this IC. Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment, including your
personal identifying information, may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.

Jkt 241001

PO 00000

Frm 00060

Fmt 4703

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BOEM will hold a mock auction
for the bidders starting at 8:30 a.m.
Eastern Standard (EST) on December 13,
2016. The monetary auction will be held
online and will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Eastern Standard Time (EST) on
December 15, 2016. Additional details
are provided in the section entitled,
‘‘Deadlines and Milestones for Bidders.’’
Wright Frank, New York Project
Coordinator and Auction Manager,
BOEM Office of Renewable Energy
Programs, 45600 Woodland Road,
VAM–OREP, Sterling, Virginia, 20166,
(703) 787–1325 or Wright.Frank@
Background: BOEM proposed this
lease sale on June 6, 2016, in Proposed
Sale Notice (PSN) for Commercial
Leasing for Wind Power on the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) Offshore New
York, which was published in the
Federal Register with a 60-day public
comment period (81 FR 36336). BOEM
received 401 comment submissions in
response to the PSN, which are
available in the Federal Register docket
(Docket ID: BOEM–2016–0027) through
BOEM’s Web site at: http://
www.boem.gov/New-York/. BOEM has
posted a document containing responses
to comments submitted during the PSN
comment period. The document,
entitled Response to Comments, can be
found at the following URL: http://
BOEM made several changes from the
description of the New York lease sale
that was published in the PSN. Three
changes worth highlighting are: A 10%
bidding credit for entities that establish
that they are a ‘‘government authority’’
meeting the definition included in this
notice, an adaptation to the auction
format, and the removal of a small
portion of the lease area. The auction
format described here differs slightly
from past lease sales in that bidders may
have a ‘‘limited opportunity to revoke’’
a provisionally winning bid without
penalty if the next-highest bid was
submitted by a governmental entity. An
explanation regarding the reduction in
the area of the LA relative to the area
described in the PSN is provided in the
section entitled ‘‘Area Offered for

Environmental Reviews
On May 28, 2014, BOEM published a
Notice of Intent (NOI) to Prepare an
Environmental Assessment (EA) for
commercial wind lease issuance and
approval of site assessment activities on
the Atlantic OCS offshore New York
with a 45-day public comment period
(79 FR 30643). In response to the NOI,
BOEM received 32 comment



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File Modified2016-10-29
File Created2016-10-29

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