Family Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V) - Formative Data Collection

Formative Data Collections for Policy Research and Evaluation

2 - Outreach to LIAs and CIs, Assessing Eligibility, and Scheduling Interviews

Family Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V) - Formative Data Collection

OMB: 0970-0356

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2 - Outreach to LIAs and CIs, Assessing Eligibility, and Scheduling Interviews

Email Templates – Outreach to LIA and Centralized Intake Agencies

LIA Template – Initial outreach

Dear [LIA contact],

I’m writing to introduce you to the Family Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V) project. The FLASH-V project team is contracted by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning Research and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with HRSA, to study the processes used by MIECHV funded home visiting programs to recruit and enroll families. As you know, many LIAs are not able to serve all eligible families referred to them. Through the FLASH-V project, we hope to inform strategies to ensure efficient and effective use of MIECHV resources when recruiting and enrolling families. A brief description of the project is attached to this email for more information.   

[Name of State Lead], the State Lead of [State] provided us with some information that suggests you may be a good candidate for this project because your program typically has a higher number of families interested in services than it has the capacity to serve. The FLASH-V project team would like to set up a brief phone call with you to discuss this project in more detail and to determine if your agency would be a good fit for this project. We would like to find out:

  • How many families can your home visiting program serve at one time? How many families does your home visiting program serve annually?

  • Does your home visiting program typically have a higher number of families interested in services than it has the capacity to serve?

  • What types of Management Information System (MIS) or other data systems does your home visiting program use?

  • What model(s) does your home visiting program implement?

We are wondering if you would be available for a brief 15 minute call during any of the times listed below. Also, please let us know if there are any additional people you would like us to invite to the call, or if there is someone else that we should talk to about this information. 

[Insert times]

Please let us know when you are available by [insert date one week from email date].

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance with this project,


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0356 and the expiration date is 03/31/2018.

[Team member name and contact information]

Central Intake Agency Template – Initial outreach

Dear [CI contact],

I’m writing to introduce you to the Family Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V) project. [Name of State Lead], the State Lead of [State] thought you may be a good candidate for this project because you’re implementing a home visiting centralized intake system. The FLASH-V project team is contracted by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning Research and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with HRSA, to study the processes used by MIECHV funded home visiting programs to recruit and enroll families. As you know, many LIAs are not able to serve all eligible families referred to them. Through the FLASH-V project, we hope to inform strategies to ensure efficient and effective use of MIECHV resources when recruiting and enrolling families. A brief description of the FLASH-V project is attached to this email for more information.   

The project team would like to reach out to you to better determine if your centralized intake agency would be a good fit for this project. Some of the questions we may ask include:

  • How many families enter your centralized intake system each month?

  • Does your agency refer families to a broad array of services or to home visiting programs only?

  • What types of Management Information System (MIS) or other data systems does your agency use?

  • What home visiting models are part of your system?

We are wondering if you would be available for a brief 15 minute call during any of the times listed below. Also, please let us know if there are any additional people you would like us to invite to the call, or if there is someone else that we should talk to about this information. 

 [Insert times]

Please let us know when you are available by [insert date one week from email date].

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance with this project,


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0356 and the expiration date is 03/31/2018.

[Team member name and contact information]

Eligibility Assessment Protocols

Eligibility Assessment Call Candidate LIAs


Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today about the Family Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V) project. My name is [interviewer name], and I’m with James Bell Associates, who is leading this project. First, I wanted to provide you with a little bit of background information on the FLASH-V project, and then go over the purpose of our phone call today.


The FLASH-V project team is contracted by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning Research and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with HRSA, to study the processes used by MIECHV funded home visiting programs to recruit and enroll families. The MIECHV program supports the well-being of each state’s most vulnerable parents and children, yet cannot serve all disadvantaged families due to limited resources. The goal of the FLASH-V project is to understand how families are selected for these services.

Purpose of Call

An important component of the FLASH-V project is talking to MIECHV funded home visiting programs to understand how they are recruiting and enrolling families into their programs. We are hoping to include a wide variety of home visiting programs in the study to capture a broad picture of recruitment and enrollment practices across the country. The purpose of our phone call today is to learn more about your home visiting program to determine if your program would be a good fit for this project and to assess your interest in participating. The call will take about 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary and the information your share will be kept private. Are you interested in participating in the phone call today?

Do you have any questions before we begin?

  1. Program Characteristics. I would like to start off by gathering some background information about your MIECHV funded home visiting program.

    1. Can you describe your role at your home visiting program?

    2. Can you provide a brief description of your home visiting program?

      1. [Confirm the home visiting model(s) implemented by the home visiting program.]

        1. [If LIA implements more than one model] Are you involved with the implementation of each model, or just one of them? [If respondent indicates that s/he is involved with the implementation of more than one model, direct all remaining questions at each model]]

      2. [Confirm the counties served by [MODEL] program]

  1. Program Capacity. Next, I would like to learn more about your [MODEL] program’s capacity.

    1. Can you tell me how many families or slots your [MODEL] program is funded to serve? This includes MIECHV and non-MIECHV funded families or slots.

    2. Can you tell me how many openings you typically have at one time in your [MODEL] program?

      1. Is this number consistent throughout the year, or does it vary?

        1. [If it varies] Can you explain why it varies throughout the year? (E.g. staff turnover, staff vacation or extended leave, changes in funding, seasonal schedules)

    3. Does your [MODEL] program typically have a higher number of families interested in services than you have the capacity to serve?

      1. If no:

        1. Has your [MODEL] program always had enough openings to serve all eligible and interested families that are referred to your program? Or, have there been recent changes to your [MODEL] program that have now enabled you to serve all eligible families that are referred to your program?]

        2. Are there certain times throughout the year when your [MODEL] program has increased demand for services that you are not able to accommodate?]

      2. If yes:

        1. What does your [MODEL] program typically do when it is not able to immediately serve a referred family? (E.g. assign the family to a waitlist, refer the family to other services in the community]

  1. Data Systems. Lastly, I would like to gather some information about any data systems that your [MODEL] program may use.

    1. Does your [MODEL] program use a Management Information System (MIS) or any other types of data systems?

      1. If yes

        1. Can you describe how your [MODEL] program uses the data system and what information is captured in the data system?

          1. [PROBE: Does your [MODEL] program document incoming referrals in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?]

          2. [PROBE: Does your [MODEL] program document the eligibility assessment of referred families in the data system? (E.g. eligibility screening, eligibility paperwork, interest in home visiting program) If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?

          3. [PROBE: Does your [MODEL] program document participant characteristics in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?

          4. [PROBE: Does your [MODEL] program document whether a referred family is or is not offered services in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?

          5. [PROBE: Does your [MODEL] program document whether a referred family enrolls or declines to enroll in services in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?]


Thank you for providing all this information about your [MODEL] program. I will take this information back to my team to determine whether your [MODEL] program is eligible for the project. If your [MODEL] program is selected for this project, the next step will entail completing a 1-hour phone interview with us. During that interview, we will discuss your [MODEL] program’s processes for receiving incoming referrals, determining program eligibility, and offering enrollment to families. Does this sound like something you would be willing to do?

[If the respondent is interested] Based on our discussion today, and the topics we will discuss in the interview, do you think you will be the best person to participate in the interview, or is there someone else that we should talk to from your [MODEL] program?

Eligibility Assessment Call -- Candidate Centralized Intake Agencies


Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today about the Family Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V) project. My name is [interviewer name], and I’m with James Bell Associates, who is leading this project. First, I wanted to provide you with a little bit of background information on the FLASH-V project, and then go over the purpose of our phone call today.


The FLASH-V project team is contracted by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning Research and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with HRSA, to study the processes used by MIECHV funded home visiting programs to recruit and enroll families. The MIECHV program supports the well-being of each state’s most vulnerable parents and children, yet cannot serve all disadvantaged families due to limited resources. The goal of the FLASH-V project is to understand how families are selected for these services.

Purpose of Call

An important component of the FLASH-V project is to better understand centralized intake systems that refer families to MIECHV funded home visiting programs. We are hoping to include a variety of centralized intake systems in the project to capture a broad picture of recruitment and referral practices across the country. The purpose of our phone call today is to learn more about your centralized intake system to determine if your system would be a good fit for this project and to assess your interest in participating. The call will take about 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary and the information your share will be kept private. Are you interested in participating in the phone call today?

Do you have any questions before we begin?

  1. Centralized Intake System Characteristics. I would like to start off by gathering some background information on your centralized intake system.

    1. Can you describe your role at your centralized intake system?

    2. Can you provide a brief description of your centralized intake system?

      1. [PROBE: Is your centralized intake system a statewide, regional, or local system?]

      2. [PROBE: What type of entity runs your centralized intake system? (E.g. government agency, non-government agency, non-profit)

      3. [PROBE: What types of services does your centralized intake system refer families to? (E.g. basic needs, health care, early learning, child care, mental health, substance use/abuse, domestic violence, or public assistance)]

      4. [PROBE: What home visiting programs does your centralized intake system refer families to? Are any of these home visiting programs funded by MIECHV? Which home visiting models do these programs implement? Do the service areas of these home visiting models overlap?]

  1. Incoming Referrals. Next, I would like to learn more about the incoming referrals that your centralized intake system receives.

    1. Do you know how many families come into your centralized intake system in a month? [If respondent does not know this per month, it is ok for them to provide whatever number they have access to]

      1. Is this number consistent throughout the year, or does it vary?

        1. [If it varies] Can you explain why it varies throughout the year? (E.g. seasonal changes, school calendar, changes in referral partners)

    2. Do you know how many families your centralized intake system typically refers to home visiting programs in a month? [If respondent does not know this per month, it is ok for them to provide whatever number they have access to (e.g. percentage of all referrals made)]

      1. Is this [number/percentage] consistent throughout the year, or does it vary?

        1. [If it varies] Can you explain why it varies throughout the year? (E.g. seasonal changes, school calendar, changes in referral partners)

  1. Data Systems. Lastly, I would like to gather some information about any data systems that your centralized intake system may use.

    1. Does your centralized intake system use a Management Information System (MIS) or any other types of data systems?

      1. If yes:

        1. Can you describe how your centralized intake system uses the data system and what information is captured in the data system?

          1. [PROBE: Does your centralized intake agency document incoming referrals in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?]

          2. [PROBE: Does your centralized intake agency document the eligibility assessment of incoming families in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?

          3. [PROBE: Does your centralized intake agency document which resources a family is referred to in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?

          4. [PROBE: Does your home visiting program document whether a family completes a referral in the data system? If so, can you describe what information is collected and entered into the data system?


Thank you for providing all this information about your centralized intake system. I will take this information back to my team to determine whether your centralized intake system is eligible for the project. If your centralized intake system is selected for this project, the next step will entail completing a 1-hour phone interview with us. During that interview, we will discuss your centralized intake agency’s processes for receiving incoming referrals, assessing referred families’ needs, and determining where to refer families. Does this sound like something you would be interested in?

[If the respondent is interested] Based on our discussion today, and the topics we will discuss in the interview, do you think you will be the best person to participate in the interview, or is there someone else that we should talk to from your centralized intake system?

Email Template – Interview Scheduling with LIA or Centralized Intake contacts

Dear [LIA and centralized intake agency contact(s)],

As [project team member who conducted assessment call] mentioned in her previous email, I am reaching out to you [both/all] to schedule and prepare for a phone interview to hear more about your recruitment and enrollment decision-making processes. Please see below for 4 next steps:

  1. First, I would like to schedule a 90-minute call during any of the times listed below. I do not anticipate the interview going beyond 60 minutes, but I would like to reserve extra time just in case.

Please let me know by [insert date one week from email date] if any of the following days/times work for you for the interview. If not, please send a few 90-minute slots over the next two weeks or so that work better for you [both/all].

[insert windows of time over a two-week period]

  1. Second, I’ve attached a copy of the interview topics for your review. If based on the interview topics you’d like to invite a colleague to participate in the interview, please send me their contact information by [insert date one week from email date. Date should be before any proposed interview slots].

  1. Third, we would like to review any materials your [program/agency] has related to [recruitment and enrollment/ recruitment and referral] prior to our conversation. These may include referral forms, screening tools, enrollment or eligibility criteria, and/or outreach materials. These materials will help us tailor our interview questions and focus on clarifying your processes during our interview.

We hope you will be able to send us any materials related to your [program’s recruitment and enrollment processes/centralized intake agency’s recruitment and referral processes]? If so, please send these materials at least two days before our scheduled call. If you would like us to reach out to someone else for this request, please let us know by [Insert date a few days after email date but a few days before any proposed interview slots].

  1. Finally, I am hoping to be able to record the interview, so that I can be more attentive to your responses to the questions and accurately capture your responses. Once we transcribe the recording, it will be destroyed. If you are okay with this process, there is no need for follow-up on this item. However, please let me know at least two days before our scheduled call if you prefer that I not record the interview. In that case, I can invite a colleague to take notes.

Thanks in advance for your time and participation, it is much appreciated!


[Interviewer name and contact information]


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0356 and the expiration date is 03/31/2018.

The following outline of interview topics [either LIA or Centralized Intake] included as an email attachment:

Outline of Interview Topics – LIA Interview

  1. Program Characteristics

    1. Program model

    2. Service area

    3. Recruitment and enrollment policies and procedures

    4. Program capacity

    5. Eligibility requirements

  2. Community Characteristics

    1. Other home visiting programs in the community

      1. Home visiting models

    2. Populations not reached by the home visiting program

  3. Incoming Referral Sources

    1. Main incoming referral sources

    2. Processes used by incoming referral sources to determine which families will be referred to the home visiting program (e.g. screening, determining interest in services)

    3. Formal agreements or MOUs with referral sources

    4. Communication with referral sources regarding home visiting program capacity

    5. Communication with referral sources regarding whether a referred family enrolls in services

  4. Eligibility Assessment of Referred Families

    1. Processes used to assess a referred family’s eligibility (e.g. eligibility screening, eligibility paperwork)

      1. Development of eligibility assessment processes

      2. Length of time of eligibility assessment processes

    2. Deviations in the typical process after receiving a referral

    3. Processes used when the home visiting program is full

  5. Prioritization of Eligible Families

    1. Processes used to determine which eligible families will be offered services/enrollment

Outline of Interview Topics – Centralized Intake Agency Interview

  1. Centralized Intake System Characteristics

    1. Type of centralized intake system (e.g. statewide, regional, local)

    2. Recruitment and enrollment policies and procedures

    3. Differences between the centralized intake system and other known centralized intake systems

    4. Evolution of the centralized intake system over time

    5. Types of outgoing referral partners

      1. Home visiting programs

      2. Other service providers

    6. Home visiting programs not participating in the centralized intake system

    7. Process used to become a referral partner

  2. Incoming Referral Sources

    1. Main incoming referral sources

    2. Processes used by incoming referral sources to determine which families will be referred to the centralized intake system (e.g. screening)

      1. Formal agreements or MOUs with referral sources

    3. Potential duplication of incoming referrals

    4. Populations not reached by the centralized intake system

  3. Eligibility Assessment of Referred Families

    1. Processes used once the centralized intake system receives a referral (e.g. needs assessment, eligibility assessment for home visiting programs)

      1. Development of this process

    2. Re-entry of families into the centralized intake system after being referred to services

    3. Deviations in the typical process after receiving a referral

  4. Outgoing Referral Allocation

    1. Processes used to determine which families are referred to home visiting programs

    2. Length of time it typically takes the centralized intake system to go through the process of receiving a referral and referring a family to a home visiting program

    3. Process used to send referrals to home visiting programs

    4. Information provided to home visiting programs regarding referred families

    5. Tracking of families once they are referred to home visiting programs

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAlexandra Joraanstad
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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