Form Approved OMB
No. 0920-1036 Exp.
Date: 12/31/2017
Date: Cluster # Survey # Interviewer initials:
Demographic questions & displacement
D1a. Type of structure:
Single family home
Multiple unit (e.g. duplex, apartment)
Mobile home
Other: _________________
D1b. Is this your primary residence? Yes No Refused
D1c. Do you rent or own this structure?
Not paying to stay here
D1d. Is there more than one household living in this structure? Yes No Refused
D2. Are you or any of your regular household members in temporary housing because of the flood?
Yes No Refused
D3. How many people currently staying in your household are
Less than 2 years old? __________
3-5 years old? __________
6-11 years old? __________
11-17 years old? __________
18-64 years old? __________
More than 64 years old? __________
Pregnant? __________
Don’t know
D4a. Did this dwelling host persons displaced from the flood for any amount of time?
Yes (go to 4b) No (skip to 5) Don’t know Refused
D4b. How many total persons displaced from the flood stayed in your home?
1 2 3 4 5 6 >6 Refused
D4c. Are there persons displaced from the flood still living in your home?
Yes (go to 4d) No (skip to 5) Don’t know Refused
D4d. How many persons displaced from the flood are still living in your home?
1 2 3 4 5 6 >6 Refused
CDC estimates the average
public reporting burden for this collection of information as
approximately 30 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden statement or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to CDC/ ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road,
MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-1036).
D5a. Do you have pets?
Yes (go to 5b)
No (skip to 6)
Refused (skip to 6)
Lost pet due to the flood (skip to 6)
D5b. Were you able to care for your pet during and after the flood? Yes No Refused
D6. Was your home damaged or destroyed during the flooding?
Yes, damaged (go to 7)
Yes, destroyed (go to 7)
No (skip to 8)
Refused (skip to 8)
D7a. How would you describe the closeness to a town where your damaged or destroyed home was located?
In town
Outside of town
Don’t know
D7b. In what county and town (if applicable) was your home? __________________Co, ____________________
D7c. Are you planning to repair or rebuild? Yes No Don’t know Refused
P8a. Did you have advance warning of rising water? Yes (go to 9b) No (skip to 10) Refused
P8b. If you had advance warning, by what method were you notified (check all that apply)?
Social media
Phone call/text message
Emergency siren/public announcement system
Mobile automated alert
Word of mouth
Other ____________________
P9a. Did you evacuate your home any time during or before the flood?
Yes (go to 9b) No (skip to 9e) Refused
P9b. By what method were you evacuate (check all that apply)?
Traveled with or helped by family/friend/neighbor
Traveled with or helped by a stranger
Rescued by law enforcement
Rescued by emergency personnel
Other ____________________
P9c. To where did you evacuate (check all that apply)?
Family/friend dwelling
Higher terrain (unsheltered)
Other ____________________
P9d. What date did you return home to sleep? ____________
Have not slept in my home since (skip to 10)
P9e. Did any of the following reasons prevent you from evacuating?
Not enough warning
No place to go
Lack of transportation
Caring for person who could not evacuate
Stayed with pet
Stayed for fear of looting/vandalism
Other ____________________
None of these (I evacuated)
Don’t know
P10a. Did your household have an evacuation plan before the flooding?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
P10b. Did anyone in your house need help evacuating (transportation, medical needs, etc.)?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
P10c. Rank the following from 1 to 5 (1 being your first choice) where you would prefer to evacuate?
__Pet-friendly shelter
__Other ____________________
P11a. Did your household have access to enough food and water for at least 3 days after the flood?
Yes (skip to 12) No (go to 11b) Refused
P11b. Did your household have enough food and water for three days in your primary residence, but could not access it due to flood damage or evacuation?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
P12a. Before the flood, were you aware of the tetanus shot status of most members of your household?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
P12b. Since the flood, are you more aware of the tetanus shot status of most members of your household?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
Healthcare Impact
H13a. During the flood or during cleanup, have you or anyone in your household been injured?
Yes (go to 13b) No (skip to 14) Don’t know Refused
H13b. What part of the body was injured (check all that apply)?
Broken bones
Broken skin (burns, cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds, etc.)*
Other ____________________
Don’t know
H13c. Did you seek care for these injuries?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
H13d. *(Only ask if skin injuries were selected) Did broken skin come in contact with flood waters at any time?
Yes (go to 13e) No (skip to 16) Don’t know Refused
H13e. *(Only ask if skin injuries were selected) Since the flood, did each injured person receive a tetanus shot?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
H14a. Since the flood, has anyone in your household experienced worsening chronic illness (asthma/COPD, diabetes, hypertension, disability, etc.)? Yes (go to 14b) No (skip to 15) Don’t know Refused
H14b. What type of chronic illness(es) worsened? ____________________
H15c. How many persons in your household have had worsening chronic illness(es)? ___________________
H15d. In what repair activities did persons with worsened chronic illness participate? ____________________
H16a. Since the flood, has it been more difficult to get needed medical care for everyone in your household?
Yes (go to 16b) No (skip to 17) Don’t know Refused
H16b. If yes, why (check all that apply)?
Clinic/physician closed
No transportation
Money/cost or insurance problems
Road blocked or bridge out
Other ___________________
Don’t know Refused
H17a. Since the flood, has it been more difficult to get needed prescription medications for everyone in your household?
Yes (go to 17b) No (skip to 18) Don’t know Refused
H17b. If yes, why (check all that apply)?
Clinic/physician closed
Pharmacy closed
No transportation
Money/cost or insurance problems
Road blocked or bridge out
Other ___________________
Don’t know Refused
H18a. Compared to this time last year, have you or anyone in your household noticed an increase in mosquitos around you dwelling?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
H18b. Are you or members of you household doing anything to protect yourselves from mosquitos?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
H19a. Have you or anyone in your household experienced any other new health effects from the flood?
Yes (go to 19b) No (skip to 20) Don’t know Refused
H19b. What are other new health effects experienced since the flood? ____________________________________
Communication/Information Sources
C20. Since the flood, has your household received any “boil water” notices about water sources?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
C21. Since the flood, has your household received any of the following health-related or safety notices?
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Chain saw safety
Heat injury
Mold exposure
Recreational water
Tetanus exposure and prevention
Other ___________________
Don’t know
C22. Since the flood, has your household received any cleanup tips or information about recovery efforts?
Yes No Don’t know Refused
C23. Since the flood, by what method is your household getting information about health notices, safety, cleanup tips, and recovery efforts (check all that apply)?
Internet sites
Social media
Text messages
Text messages/phone app
Word of mouth
Other ___________________
Don’t know
I have not received any information
C24. Which is your top preferred method for getting information about health notices, safety, cleanup tips, and recovery efforts?
Internet sites
Social media
Text messages/phone app
Word of mouth
Other ___________________
Don’t know
C25. Since the flood, from which of these sources did you get information about health notices, safety, cleanup tips, and recovery efforts (check all that apply)?
American Red Cross
Government agency (such as FEMA or the National Guard)
Local health clinic or hospital
Public health department
Disaster resource center
Other ___________________
Don’t know
Recovery Assessment
R26. Before the flood, which of the following services did you have access to in your home?
Running water (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Electricity (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Garbage pick-up (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Sewer service (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Any telephone service (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Any internet service (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Other ___________________ (if checked) How many weeks did you go without? ____________
Don’t know
R27a. Before the flood, what was your household’s primary source of drinking water?
Don’t know
R27b. Right now, what is your household’s primary source of drinking water?
Don’t know
R27c. *(Only ask if using well water for drinking) Did your well flood?
Yes (go to 27d) No (skip to 28) Don’t know Refused
R27d. *(Only ask if using well water for drinking) Did you treat your well to make the water fit for drinking?
Yes, now drinking the well water
Yes, but not yet drinking the well water
No, now drinking the well water
No, not yet drinking the well water
Don’t know
R28a. Since the flood, has your household used a generator?
Yes (go to 28b) No (skip to 29) Don’t know Refused
R28b. Where is the generator located?
Inside the home
Outside home and garage <25 feet
Outside home and garage >25 feet
Don’t know
R29. Since the flood, has your household used a charcoal grill indoors?
Yes, with closed windows
Yes, with open windows
Don’t know
R30. Since the flood, has your household used a gasoline-powered pressure washer indoors?
Yes, with closed windows
Yes, with open windows
Don’t know
R31. Is there currently a functional carbon monoxide detector in your home? Yes No Don’t know Refused
R32. Do you see mold or smell a musty odor in your home? Yes No Don’t know Refused
R33. What stage of flood recovery process is your household in now?
Home uninhabitable—not living at home
Cleaning up—not living at home
Living in the home (still cleaning up)
Living in the home (clean-up finished)
Living in the home (not affected by the flood)
Other ___________________
Don’t know
Individual questions
N34. What is your age? ______ Refused
N35. What is your sex? M F Refused
N36. Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes No Don’t know Refused
N37. What is your race?
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
N38. What is your education level?
No high school
Some high school
High school degree
Some college or trade school
Associate degree
College degree
Some graduate school
Graduate degree
N39. What is your household annual income range?
Less than $5,000
$200,000 and over
Don’t know
Behavioral health questions
(Read aloud the following before beginning this section)
After disasters, there are many stressors; the following questions ask about your current status.
BN1. Since the flood, do you feel your health has been
About the same?
Don’t know
BN2. Now thinking about your physical health, which includes physical and injury, for how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good?
Number _ _
Don’t know
BN3. Now thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days (since the flood) was your mental health not good?
Number _ _
Don’t know
BN4. During the past 30 days, for about how many days did poor physical or mental health keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?
Number _ _
Don’t know
BH5. Since the flood, have you or a member of your household increased the use of
Cigarettes, e-cigs, chewing tobacco Yes No N/A Refused
Alcohol Yes No N/A Refused
Marijuana Yes No N/A Refused
Other illicit drugs Yes No N/A Refused
Prescription/OTC drugs not as directed or not their own Yes No N/A Refused
BH6. Since the flood, has anyone in your household experienced any of the following more than usual (check all that apply)?
Trouble concentrating
Problems sleeping
Decreased appetite
Depressed mood
Emotional outbursts
None N/A
Don’t know
BH7. Since the flood, has anyone in your household received help from a counselor, pastor/clergy member, therapist, or case/social worker for mental health concerns?
No, but need help
No, did not need help
Don’t know
BH8. Since the flood, if you or anyone in your household has had difficulty in seeking services for mental health concerns, what are those reasons (check all that apply)?
Need someone who speaks my language
Hard time trusting in healthcare system or providers
Goes against beliefs
Not aware of resources
Too expensive
No health insurance
No transportation
No child care
No need for services
Worried what others will think
Other ___________________
No difficulties
Don’t know
Community-specific question section (will be provided from focus groups)
E1. Which of the following services did you receive?
Health services
Pet lodging
National Guard
Other ___________________
E2. Do you still have a problem with flood debris pick-up? Yes No Don’t know Refused
E3. Is there anyone in your household who currently needs the following (check all that apply)?
Home health care
Functional adaptive equipment (wheel chair, ramp, service animal, etc.)
Other ___________________
Don’t know
E4. What is your greatest need now?
E5. What should your community be doing now to help it recover from the flood?
Form Approved OMB No.
0920-1036 Exp. Date:
Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response after West Virginia Flood, June 22 – 29, 2016
Confidential Referral Form
Cluster No.: ____
Survey No.: _____
Interviewer’s Initials: _____
Address: _______________________________________________
Home telephone: ______ - _____ - _______
Cell phone: _____ - ____ - _______
Summary of Need:
Made: Yes No
Referred to: _______________________________________
CDC estimates the average
public reporting burden for this collection of information as
approximately 5 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden statement or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to CDC/ ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road,
MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-1036).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Steinberg, Shari (CDC/OD/OADS) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |